celluloidrainbow · 1 year
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LACENAIRE (1990) dir. Francis Girod On 9 January 1836, Pierre Lacenaire goes to the guillotine, a murderer and a thief. He gives Allard, a police inspector, his life story, written while awaiting execution. He also asks Allard to care for Hermine, a lass to whom he has been guardian for more than ten years. In flashbacks, from the prison as Lacenaire writes, from Allard's study as he and Hermine read, and from other readers' memory after the book is published, we see Lacenaire's childhood as he stands up to bullies, including priests, his youthful thieving, his first murder, his brief army career, his seduction of a princess, and his affair with Avril, a young man who dies beside him. (link in title)
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granhairdo · 7 months
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reblog if you derive pleasure from the bottle, from sex, from literature, and from the twist of the knife
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saisons-en-enfer · 5 months
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Composition of the Troupe, LM 3.7.4 (Les Miserables 1925)
Patron-Minette,—such was the name which was bestowed in the subterranean circulation on the association of these four men. In the fantastic, ancient, popular parlance, which is vanishing day by day, Patron-Minette signifies the morning, the same as entre chien et loup—between dog and wolf—signifies the evening. This appellation, Patron-Minette, was probably derived from the hour at which their work ended, the dawn being the vanishing moment for phantoms and for the separation of ruffians. These four men were known under this title. When the President of the Assizes visited Lacenaire in his prison, and questioned him concerning a misdeed which Lacenaire denied, “Who did it?” demanded the President. Lacenaire made this response, enigmatical so far as the magistrate was concerned, but clear to the police: “Perhaps it was Patron-Minette.”
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
"Individualism, alcoholism, collectivism, activism... the variety of ideologies shows that there are a hundred ways of being on the side of Power. There is only one way to be radical. The wall that must be knocked down is immense, but it has been cracked so many times that soon a single cry will be enough to bring it crashing to the ground. Let the formidable reality of the third force emerge at last from the mists of history, with all the individual passions that have fueled the insurrections of the past! Soon we shall find that an energy is locked up in everyday life which can move mountains and abolish distances. The long revolution is preparing to write words in the ink of action, works whose unknown or nameless authors will flock to join Sade, Fourier, Babeuf, Marx, Lacenaire, Stirner, Lautréamont, Léhautier, Valliant, Henry, Villa, Zapata, Makhno, the Communards, the insurrectionaries of Hamburg, Kiel, Konstradt, Asturias- all those who have not yet played their last card in a game which we have only just joined: the great gamble whose stake is freedom."
-The Revolution of Everyday Life, Raoul Vaneigem
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lafcadiosadventures · 2 years
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hergan416 · 2 years
French in Dorian Gray
Look I'm about to make an ass of myself because it's been like 10 years since I did anything with the French language
But I do have this nifty.. French dictionary (not French-English, French, which means I'm still relying on the French Minor I Absolutely Should Not Have Been Given for this) that I found online.
Spoilers below!
Backing up a step. It's the morning after Dorian Gray murdered Basil Hallward and he has found a poem about the hand of Lacenaire, who was a poet and a criminal, whose hand was preserved. The hand was then described in a poem by Gautier. Also this hand was I guess like THE symbol for artistic crime, even though he wasn't good at being a criminal.
The annotations translate "du supplice encore mal lavée," to "not yet washed clean of deadly sins" (which would have been an English translation of the poem during Wilde's day) and I'm just sort of fascinated by that. So, "supplice" could mean a lot of things. https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/supplice/75524. Many of them mention death (mort), which is probably where "deadly" sins came in? But also it has a literary connotation of "serious bodily harm." And at least one of those definitions I think means corporal punishment, or physical punishment that doesn't lead to death. Like simply the use of the word supplice seems to give the whole stanza a double meaning that isn't really being translated. (The rest is more straightforward: Mal is basically bad, lavée is a literary conjugation of laver, to wash, encore is before. So that's where the concept of "not yet washed of bad stuff" is coming in.)
Just... interesting.
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ulkunun · 2 years
"O andan itibaren, hayatım uzun bir intihar hâline geldi."
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theparanoid · 5 months
Tollund Men - Dedicated To P. F. Lacenaire
(2013, full EP)
[Darkwave, Industrial, Noise]
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granhairdo · 5 months
my international friends cannot keep sending me stuff to try from their countries. it is midnight and i am up ordering ukrainian halva
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Dès lors, ma vie devint un long suicide.
- Pierre François Lacenaire
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argyrocratie · 3 years
now that i tink about it the movie “man bites dog” feel a bit like a riff on the figure of lacenaire
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schizografia · 5 years
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pilferingapples · 5 years
TIL : There is a “high end menswear” brand called frigging Lacenaire 
like, the murderer 
the murderer Montparnasse is largely inspired by
..Behold, the Fashions for the Modern Devil’s Dandy: 
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@adrenaline-revolver I am losing all  my chill , you were a prophet
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prgalibi · 4 years
Misérables cornards
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Felix Valloton, portrait d’Isidore Ducasse, Comte de Lautréamont (1846-1870), dans Le Livre des masques (vol. II, 1898), de Remy de Gourmont.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais je me sens de plus en plus proche de Maldoror ou de Lacenaire en ce moment…
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r-ludovic-r · 2 years
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guillotinés masques mortuaire de guillotinés dans le lots s trouve  Pierre François Lacenaire .almanach  Hachette 1898 . 
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