#Lady Jaye
komicart · 7 days
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gijoe-forever · 12 days
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hasbr0mniverse · 1 month
Code Name: Lady Jaye By @NostalgicSUPERFANCode
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markliebrecht · 3 months
STATUS: 03.24.24 | 🌔 | -6°C | ☁️ | Vacation Mode
Because the eldest child is now on spring break, I decided this would be an ideal time to take some vacation time.
To start things off, I informed our realtor that we will be putting an offer on a house. We'll be putting the official offer down in a couple of days. I want to know how many people are serious about that house. I don't want to put too much down, but at the same time, we don't want to under bid either. We walked away from a house last week, because we figured we were going to be out bid. That house ended up selling for $8K less than we were willing to pay. So we're going to put a lot more time/thought/strategy into this one.
Aside from possibly buying a house, we're hoping to see the new Ghostbusters movie sometime this week. I'd also like to take my daughter to the biggest art store in the city. I have never taken her there before, but she has taken a liking to painting with acrylics, so we're hoping to nurture that creative outlet. If the weather gets above the freezing point, I'd like to take the kids to the zoo. Last time we went it was in the middle of a heatwave, and a lot of the animals were hiding in the shade. At least this way we might get to see more of the animals that thrive in cold weather (ie. Polar Bears.)
I'm hoping to put aside some time to get some comic work done this week. It's been ages since I last sent out a newsletter at: www.morningcoffeecomics.com
I was going to visit a comic convention this weekend, but decided against it at the last minute. My wife pointed out that these cons are like a giant Petri dish of viruses and bacteria. I just got over a cold AND strep throat. The last thing I want is to spend my entire week off out with COVID.
My main reason for wanting to visit conventions, is that I want to start collecting something again. I like reading and making comics, but I have lost interest in collecting comics. Instead, I buy TPBs and omnibus editions. Things that I can actually store on a bookshelf. When we were unpacking, I found some of my old G.I. Joe action figures. I got to thinking that I might want to see if I can start collecting those. It turns out, those old 3.3/4" figures are expensive or in very poor condition. Instead, I spent that money on some of the new 'Classified' figures. I have no interest in collecting them all, but I might just try to buy newer versions of the figures I had as a kid, or the characters that I enjoy the most from the show I've been watching with my kids. So far, I have picked up Bazooka, Shipwreck and Lady Jaye. Someday I might try to go to conventions with my kids to find more of the classic figures, but for now, these ones are fun reminder of the time I spend watching the show with my kids.
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We finally watched that new TMNT movie "Mutant Mayhem." It was a lot of fun, and my daughter is really into Ninja Turtles now. Six months ago, she absolutely hated the idea, now she can't wait for the sequel. It does my heart proud to know that she is as obsessed with TMNT now, as I was when I was eight years old.
I've been watching a lot of art vlogs on YouTube. I'm trying to find some inspiration to paint something this week. Instead, I find myself being bombarded by videos about 'selling stickers online!' It amazes me that all these people are (allegedly) making 4-5x my annual salary just by selling stickers online. I'm tempted to open my own art store just to see if it is a realistic venture, or if it's a bunch of fabricated BS to help them make a living off of YouTube's Partner Program.
I really should do some YouTube videos. All my equipment is in the corner of my apartment collecting dust as we've been looking for a house. I feel like I should draw a follow up comic to that one I did about moving the last time.
It really is that time of year I should be going through my YouTube subscriptions and unsubscribing to all the channels that have gone bankrupt, started posting shit/only shorts or haven't posted in 5 years. Again, I really should post more over there. I'm starting to feel hypocritical: https://www.youtube.com/@markliebrecht and https://www.youtube.com/@morningcoffeecomics.
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coolcomicbookcovers · 3 months
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disease · 5 months
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roninkairi · 7 months
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Yeah, I am pretty sure now that Tumblr is monitoring our interests...
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themetaphoricalcouch · 7 months
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gijoe-forever · 13 days
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the-gershomite · 13 days
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G.I. Joe: Action Force
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that-glitter-chick · 11 months
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New England girl!💚
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heinstress · 11 months
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disease · 5 months
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roninkairi · 8 months
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6. I have a thing for women with short brown hair or black haired women with sunglasses
7. If a Joe and a Dreadnok can find love, so can I!
8. The real money lies in music video production and promotion.
@hesjayrich @airebeam @quercuas @catnamedfroggie @bwood171 @davidakadwolf
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dragonflysstuff · 11 months
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Lady Jaye from 2020
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gijoe-forever · 14 days
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