squidgnz · 6 years
‘17 Gyro Gearloose has Vriska Syndrome.
What is Vriska Syndrome? well, here’s a rundown:
-At first, portrayed as a very cold, or mean person [The great dime chase]
-Seems to be very manipulative at first, and may seem like as either a bad or poorly written character [Beware the BUDDY system]
-after some time, the character is given some depth due to some off-handed dialogue and is noted to maybe not be what they seem [Who is Gizmoduck?!]
-this gives the character the push it needs to develop over the course of the story, leaving both the character and the surrounding characters in a better spot, but they still have their flaws, which they work out with someone they can view as an SO or close friend [Who is Gizmoduck?!]
-eventually truly redeems themselves by not only helping the story as a whole, but without them, the story for certain characters would be incredibly different [TBA, due to the series not being finished]
feel free to add on anything to this as you see fit
also tagging @reas-of-sunshine, @ladyariaa for the fanfic group that could use this, and @lechepop because they love Gyro unconditionally
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thebirdyboiler · 6 years
@ladyariaa Sorry for responding like...two days after the fact! I figured instead of copy-pasting all of your comments I’d just respond in one post like this. Thank you for your kind words on my drabbles! I’ve really enjoyed taking part in this and once my family vacation is over I plan to write more Gravesbeaks. I’ve enjoyed your art and your fics too! I’m honestly just enjoying everything this fandom’s been putting out <3 the kind words from you and justbirdfurrythings are honestly humbling since the work you both have done is what made me get into this pairing in the first place!
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ben-the-hyena · 6 years
Tagged by @ladyariaa
I’m sorry I forgot about this !
Name: Natacha
Nickname: Nat, Natty, Natou, Ben, Benny
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: About 166 cm I never am sure because it always changes depending of the measuring tape
Languages spoken: French, almost English, and basic Spanish. And some words of Corsican and Italian.
Nationality: French (with a little bit of everywhere in my genetics)
Average hours of sleep: 7-8-9
Favourite fruit: Raspberry
Favourite season: Spring and Winter, the 2 contrasts
Favourite scent: Earth/grass after it rained, and fresh bread out of the oven coming from bakeries
Favourite color: too many... fluorescent green,  grass green, emerald green, candy pink, turquoise green, turquoise blue, sky blue, royal blue, night blue, night purple, royal purple (that is more red than violet), black, blood red, fuschia, gold... too many
Favourite animal: I love all kinds of animals but frankly those I love the most will always be cats and dogs
Favourite candy: I have to choose !?
Favourite holiday: CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAS oh and Halloween for the only few times I got to celebrate it (sadly not in our culture where I live...)
Favourite fictional character: I REPEAT I HAVE TO CHOOSE ?!
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate, even if tea with 2 sugarcubes and one drop of milk is not bad either
Number of blankets: In summer, just one sheet, sometimes nothing. In winter, at home one sheet, 2 blankets, one duvet and one (sometimes 2 in the coldest nights) bedspreads ; at my college town, one sheet, 2 blankets, one duvet, one bedspread and another (or 2 depending again) duvet. Heh the cliché it’s Summer all year in Corsica is HELLA WRONG
Dream trip: a comic-con, Disneyland and a lot of places in the world like Scotland, US, Canada, Italy, Japan, etc...
Last book I read cover to cover: that means one I finished right ? Moby Dick
When was your blog created: end of July 2013
I’m tagging anyone lol
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nega-aria · 5 years
Wooooo it’s finally done! I feel so accomplished, y’all have no idea.
There’s been lots of talk about Mark’s family lately, so I’m finally here to finally subject you all (and Falcon) to MY version of his family. There is actually two versions of this story so if you’re not into nsfw stuff then no worries! This link will lead you to the sex free adaptation. If you prefer your feels with a little naughtiness please check out the alternate version.
Enjoy kids!
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ducktitswoo-oo · 6 years
How about a C4 Negaduck? I need pouty jerk in my life.
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mechxel · 5 years
First of all: ur an amazing person and i like the hell outta you. Ok my question (not structured as a question but ok) is: recommend us some good artists/artists that u rly like/admire ☆
First of all, thanks so much for the compliment ^^. Second of all there are some great artists that I do recommend for people to check out. Here’s some of them @ai-higurashi, @artisticfur 
@ladyariaa, @amaezingfan, @squidgypidgeon, @loulullaby246, @lominicinfinity, @webby-dings
@micaxiii, @mitty3c, @irestuff-art, @adrigummi, @tricia-morvill, @superwolfiestar, @drakepadz
@the-three-caballerbros, @thatsweetnessdream, @darkwingownsthenight, @koizumi-marichan,
@ky-jane, @koraru-san, @carmiduck, @emirrart @khionyohannmendoza and that’s about it, now I do have a lot more artists I admire, but I’d be here all day trying to name them all. So I hope you enjoyed this answer (also the reason this answer wasn’t in a video is because my tablet has too much space on it, so I’m going to get another SD card to help with that)
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tartlemelodica · 6 years
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Los diálogos los hice yo sola en inglés y francés, así que si hay errores, una disculpa, hice mi mejor esfuerzo.
Inspirado mayormente en esta escena, pero también siento que debo poner esta otra
Quería subir algo como esto para la semana GravesBeaks que organizaron el julio pasado estas dos maravillosas personas @justbirdfurrythings y @ladyariaa. La verdad es que su contenido aumento de manera considerable el amor que ahora le tengo al GravesBeaks, gracias, ustedes son geniales.
Hoy en día entre a un concurso y esta fue mi entrada, y la verdad quería compartirla en esta página.
También incluyo un Drabble que sirve como antecedente de lo que esta pasando en el comic.
La investigación
Aquel día Mark había llegado al trabajo más temprano que de costumbre. Quería hacer algo especial por Falcon después de lo ocurrido en la Convención de Anime el día anterior. Al fundador de Waddle no se le ocurrió mejor idea que investigar a fondo en las redes sociales de su empleado. Tenía prohibido hackear las cosas de Falcon, así que tendría que hacerlo como una persona “normal” y espiarlo desde su propia cuenta. Sabía que el halcón era bastante reservado, así que tendría que picar bastante antes de encontrar algo de oro. Mark observó con curiosidad las publicaciones que Graves había compartido en su cuenta en línea. En su mayoría eran esporádicas y bastante escuetas. Pasó de lo más nuevo a lo más antiguo, por un momento se puso inseguro ¿y si al revisar las publicaciones descubría que Falcon hablaba con alguien más? ¿ese alguien sería más atractivo que él? Sus dudas se disolvieron tras un tiempo de considerable revisión, todas resultaron conjeturas suyas.
—Gravesy jamás me haría eso, ¿en qué estaba pensando? —dijo Mark, tras lanzar un largo y profundo suspiro.
Continuó navegando. No había nada malo, pero tampoco había encontrado algo lo suficiente bueno para un buen regalo. Tendría que buscar otras opciones. Cuando estaba a punto de cerrar la página se topó con algo que lo hizo cambiar de rumbo, un álbum de fotografías, en la imagen de portada se apreciaba a una hermosa cuervo con un vestido negro entallado que recibía un beso en la mano de un elegante caballero. Las siguientes imágenes contenían una pequeña serie de frases en francés y en inglés. En la última había un enlace con la leyenda “Aprenda el francés y sorprenda a su pareja”.
—¡Oh, vaya! —expresó Beaks con una sonrisa, abriendo la página en línea—. Él estará encantado conmigo mañana temprano.
Mi headcanon
Se me ocurrió que Mark en el afán de hacer que Falcón se enamore más de él o compensar algo que hizo sin intención, se pondría a investigar un poco acerca de los gustos de su novio, sin embargo, cuando encuentra algo interesante se emociona tanto que en lugar de indagar a fondo se queda con la idea que a Graves le gusta el romanticismo del idioma francés, cuando realidad va más alla de lo que piensa, Falcón sabe francés, de hecho le encanta el idioma, pero lo que Beaks no sabe es que solo aprendió porque desde joven conoció la serie de Los Locos Addams y se quedó fascinado con la pasión entre los protagonistas. Por eso cuando Beaks llega y le habla con las frases que leyó en su álbum de fotografías, se confunde y piensa que Mark está jugando rol con él.
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mars-wants-candy · 5 years
LadyAriaa liked my Crackbeaks fanfic!!! Omg I’m so happy!! ^^
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candycoloredwolf · 6 years
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Inspired by an ask sent to @ladyariaa, I decided to draw the horse au of Mark and Falcon in my style. Mark is a thoroughbred and Falcon is a clydesdale. I'm really happy with how they turned out, expecally since it gave me a chance to practice horses in a more cartoony style. No shading cause I'm lazy and its 1 am.
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Requests Filled
Please see my last post for details!(https://darkwingownsthenight.tumblr.com/post/174681332606/in-celebration-of-having-150-followers-i-would ) Please don’t be shy! I will probably not draw the same pairing twice so refer to this list to see if your character or pairing is already being done. If they are already on here I can still tag you too when I post it though, so let me know if you want to be added.
 Here is the list:
1.  Gyro x Launchpad in “sylveon” for  president-frankenstein (completed)
2.  Beakley x Scrooge in  “ I (kinda) like you back” for  helloplaystationallstarslove (completed)
3. Negs x Magica in “Cherry Soda” for bl3randomfandoms
4.  Gosalyn & Webby in “High Fashion” for amaezingfan
5. Gyro x Fenton (in lab coats) in “What I gain I lose” for supergizmozilla
6. Darkwing with his trademark blue smoke in “The Sweetest Chill” for rebellingstagnationblog
7. Fenton x Gyro with “sodas and skateboards” for saycheesecabrera
8. Magica x Gladstone in “anxiety” for pinkpearlapple
9. Panchito x Jose in “Castle in the Sky” for felicianocariocapistoles (completed)
10. Della x Launchpad in “Castle in the Sky” for queenbean03
11. Launchpad X Drake in “Cherry soda” for Dream-about-dancing
12. Graves x Beaks in “cool sunsets” for ladyariaa
13. Scrooge x Gyro in "Without a Heart" for orcfxcker
14. Gizmoduck vs. Dracula duck in "Cherry soda" for Draculaduckula
15. Webby ('87) and Minima in "Sodas and Skateboards" for Scrc-tho
 And as an added bonus, because I now have 160 I'm adding one more:
16. Fenton x Mark in "Cyberbullies" for giscat15
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squidgnz · 6 years
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guess who just got caught vagueposting @ladyariaa
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ben-the-hyena · 6 years
Tagged by @ladyariaa
1. Coke or Pepsi: To be fair I never got what’s the difference. I buy Coke because I’m more use to the brand but if someone swapped the content with Pepsi I wouldn’t even notice
2. Disney or DreamWorks: Sorry Dreamworks, I love you a lot but Disney despite its flaws enchanted me more as a kid with its classics of the past century
3. Coffee or tea: Tea
4. Books or movies: Movies
5. Windows or Mac: Windows
6. DC or Marvel: Comics wise, both. Tv shows wise, DC. Movies wise, Marvel.
7. Xbox or Playstation: Uuuuuh I played both only once in my life each, PS2 once at 6 and Xbox 360 once at 14 or 15, and never played ever again. I still feel guilty to have asked for them as they cost money all of that resulting me me unsatisfied
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Never played those
9. Night owl or early riser: I hate waking up late, and anyway I get pretty sleepy around 11.00 PM sometimes even 10.30 PM, so even if it’s not truely “early” (I do wake up sometimes at 7.00 AM, but also 8.00 or 9.00 and it’s not exactly early) I would say early riser ; ironic as I prefer the beauty and the atmosphere of night. But outside at 10.00 I get kitty-like and fall asleep while standing.
10. Cards or chess: Both
11. Chocolate or vanilla: As a kid it was chocolate, but now it’s rather vanilla as chocolate tend to be cloying in lots of ways it is used
12. Vans or converse: Meh
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: Me no speak Vulcan
14. Fluff or angst: Fluff
15. Beach or forest: Forest
16. Dogs or cats: Both
17. Clear skies or rain: Depends of my mood
18. Cooking or eating out: Both
19. Spicy or mild food: I love mild food but I love even more spicy
20. Halloween/Samhain or solstice/yule/Christmas: So even if I love both, I’m from a place where Halloween is not celebrated (I celebrated it just 3 times in 20 years of existence) but Christmas is, so I would say Christmas as I have great nostalgic innocent memories
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: IS... IS THIS A TRICK QUESTION TO TORTURE ME ?!?...
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: Ooooh so much choice... Well maybe luck (Yes Deadpool luck is one) as it would always be useful lol, but also super strenght and flying, maybe extra agility, maybe turning into animals or people or objects, maybe being an animal master, maybe climbing on walls with the tips of my feet and fingers, maybe telekinesis, maybe healing, maybe having claws or fangs, maybe... maybe... TOO MANY DAMMIT
23. Animation or live action: Animation
24. Paragon or renegade: I wouldn’t say I am an exact Paragon as I am not a model for anything, but I don’t think I am a Renegade so Paragon
25. Bath or shower: Depends of the time and mood
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Fuck
27. Fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy
28. Do you have 3 or 4 favorite quotes if so what are they?
“Who swallows a coconut must trust their anus.” -African proverb Corsica loved and adopted
And others I forgot
29. YouTube or Netflix: YouTube
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter
31. When you feel accomplished: When I see people being fans of my work or telling me I could go places with it
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars
33. Paperback books or hardcover books: There are people minding about that ?!
34. Fantastic Beasts or Cursed Child: Fantastic Beasts
35. Rock or pop music: I don’t have any favorite genre, singer, time or group. As long as it sounds good to my standards I can hear any genre from anyone from anytime
36. What is the most important thing in your life: Happiness
37. Mountains or sea/ocean: Both are beautiful (I just dislike beach as I said earlier)
38) Name a couple of songs you’ve been really into recently.
Too many. That’s the problem when you listen to a lot of genre, singers and group
I now tag... Oh there is no indicated number ? Ah then anyone wanting to do it do it
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conceptofzero · 6 years
ladyariaa replied to your link: The Two Most Important Letters In The Acronym Are...
I LOVED this! This was seriously well written and so in character which is perfect because I love laughing at Mark’s selective stupidity. He’s such a hot mess and I love when he drags Graves along for the ride. Thank you for sharing this because it was a super fun read.
My most important takeaway from this is that Falcon reads gay romance. It is my new headcanon and I am keeping it!
Thank you so much! :3 also hell yeah, y’know he loves it all man
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nega-aria · 5 years
Just a heads up your links, to your other blog and AO3 dont seem to be working
Huh, they seem to work for me, but, ya know... Tumblr sucks ass. Thanks for the heads up friendo!
dangerous-ducks is my NSFW blog for anyone who is wondering, and I’m LadyAriaa on AO3.
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raidenraccoon · 7 years
You called, I obliged
@leviprime @mistress-negs @ladyariaa
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Rules: Tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by the incomparable @rubbersoles19
Nicknames: Rebel, Reese’s
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′11″
Sexuality: Straight
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw
Favorite animal: Tiger
Average hours spent sleeping: Never enough. But usually 5-6
Dogs or cats: Dogs. I’m not opposed to cats, I just tend to enjoy the company of dogs more
Number of blankets I sleep with: 2 in the winter, 1 in the summer
Dream Trip: London to see all the places Sherlock Holmes’s cases took place
Dream job: Still trying to figure that one out. But I want to tell stories.
When I made this account: ... I think 2014? So 4 years ago?
Why I made this account: I had just started reposting stuff online with a new penname and I wanted a platform where I could promote my work, meet fellow artists/fans, and find other related posts about the fandoms I loved.
Followers: 273 (since WHEN?)
I tag: @pharaoh-ink @bl3randomfandoms @viridianvenus @historian-in-pearls @crazy-fangirl-10 @atomic-robo-pirates @owlwynn5 @tempest-loupnoir @goku-san @splatterphoenixart @hard-headed-woman @mistyrainbow101 @that-shadowy-disguise @solbabydraws @flappingterror @ladyariaa @raeloganthesonic06fangirl @starathsbunker @hag999 @puyohero
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