#Ladynoir masks
adrienschat · 8 months
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Feeling Protective
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The real love language of the Love Square is clownery.
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memesandtvshowthings · 4 months
Alya-“That means they’re desperate.” Mari-😕
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madlyclumsy · 2 years
currently dwelling on the fact that (before watching the episode) i couldn’t have identified this person
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and that means that i’m JUST AS BLIND AS THE ENTIRETY OF PARIS????
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melbemol-art · 2 years
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Debated long and hard if Chat Noir should be the one wearing the Sailor Moon costume but I thought that would be too predictable 😌
Have a spooky Halloween everyone ! 🎃
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wormzandgutz · 11 months
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Color practice
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purplezombietumbler · 8 months
~Board on Patrol~
Cat Noir: *thinking*
Ladybug: ...
Cat Noir: hmmmmmm
Ladybug: Any day now...
Cat Noir: Don't rush me, I'm thinking!
Ladybug: *sighs*
Cat Noir: Do you have any 4s?
Ladybug: Cat, we're play chess.
Cat Noir: Ah.
Ladybug: ...
Cat Noir: Was It Cornel Snow, in the pantry, with the candel stick?
Ladybug: Do you even know how to play chess?
Cat Noir: Of course I do! *moves King*
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
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the little comforting pet she gives him.............................ive died
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mysticraven20 · 1 year
After reading a fair few Married LadyNoir fics, especially the AU from @art-the-f-up, I thought to myself how could the two have a funny reveal and this happened.
Caught Red Faced
Marinette was sure she was going to be late or die from a cardiac arrest trying to get there on time.
As she moved down the street, her whole body suddenly became unbearably frazzled as she checked her watch for what felt like the millionth time that minute. After a wonderful two weeks in paradise with her new husband; the peace and relaxation was terminated and she was thrust straight back into her ‘normal life’ — which, unfortunately, included the rat race which was Paris.
With a hop, skip and a jump, she manoeuvred herself through tiny gaps within crowds in a haste. She wasn’t too late, but that didn’t make it any more reasonable. She’d agreed to meet Adrien at 10am sharp for his suit fitting and right now it was 9:45am. 15 mins and two streets… she had this.
:read more:
When she’d woken up that morning she’d gotten a little… distracted. She had opted for a little more hubby time before having to get ready. Probably not her smartest move as it ended with a timed dash to get ready and out the door. Putting makeup on as she threw on her dress, it seemed equivalent to riding a mechanical bull and eating spaghetti — not that she’d tried; her husband on the other hand…
Leapfrogging over a tourist tying their shoe lace, she made a mental note to tell her Chat Noir as soon as she got home about her Olympic standard Paris tourist parkouring. He would eat it up!
‘Ladybug leapfrogging’ he’d say, ‘you’re an insect not an amphibian.’
The thought of her husband had her lost in thought as she accidentally stepped out into the road, sending an unlucky cyclist swerving around her and landing head first in a trash can.
“Sorry!” she apologetically yelled as she continued across the busy street and into the direction of the mansion.
One more street.
Her thoughts moved from Chat Noir to Adrien and Marinette couldn’t help but wonder why he still lived with his father? The blond ex-model was an influential, sophisticated, professional with a very well paid job. He could move out whenever he wanted. It just made zero sense.
Finally, reaching the gates, Marinette bent over and tried to gather her breath; hand on her knees and head down between her legs. Dear Lord! She knew going to an all inclusive 5* resort was asking for trouble. She’d have to run extra laps later to try and get her stamina back and burn off some of the margaritas and cheesecake. Maybe she could entice her better half with a game of kiss chase — hubba, hubba!
Pressing the buzzer, Nathalie welcomed Marinette and opened the gates. For once she didn’t have to break in; the whole experience of having the red carpet rolled out was kind of unnerving.
Standing tall, brushing her hands over her forehead and her skirt down, she strutted down the cobblestone pavement like a top class business woman, pouting her natural lips and puffing out her chest. But as she came to the front door, the friendship she’d gained with the Agrestes PA seemed to… disappear. Nathalie’s welcoming face seemed to be questioning her in the most unnerving way.
“H-H-Hi,” Marinette said with an awkward wave. Her bravado disappeared quicker than their most recent — easy — defeats of Monarch.
“Hello,” Nathalie waved back. Her eyes were wide and her mouth slightly open as her hand hung lifeless in the air.
“Adrien should be expecting me.” Marinette looked around the older woman and into the foyer of the house, hoping and praying she could spot her friend. If Adrien ever wanted to do his usual macho action of saving her, now would be an ideal time.
Nathalie nodded her head, her jaw still slack and glaring at Marinette’s face. Damn it! Had she messed up her makeup that badly? She blamed Chat for blowing air on her neck as she placed on her mascara.
“Shall I just?” Marinette mimed herself entering the mansion by pretending to walk her fingers in the direction of the hallway.
Nathalie nodded once again, and stepped to the side. The usually elegant lady tripped in her swift action, ending up clattering against the doorframe and not blinking. Maybe Marinette should go to the bathroom first? There was obviously something on her face which she needed to get off.
Staring at Nathalie as she walked past, Marinette took slow and steady steps, afraid she was going to scare the woman into cardiac arrest if she moved anything faster than a sloth.
“Marinette?” She heard her name being called from the top of the staircase and looked for the occupier of the voice; her feet halting on the first step.
“Hello?” she questioned back. That didn’t quite sound like Adrien. It sounded slightly altered, almost like her husbands. Oh God, two weeks on an island with the love of her life and now she was projecting his voice onto everyone else.
“Marinette?” It said again and she was starting to think maybe there was a ghost roaming the hallways. She wouldn’t be surprised. Perhaps it was Gabriel Agreste’s soul? Everyone knew the guy had lost it years ago. She snorted to herself before beginning to venture up the staircase.
A crashing sound echoed through the foyer and now she was certain the place was haunted.
“W-Who’s there?” Her voice stuttered, causing her to hold her bag closer to her chest.
“Marinette, it’s me!” A hand touched her shoulder and she almost turned around and kicked the guy hard in the cahoonas.
“Adrien? What the hell?” His hand placed gently against her lower back and began to push her towards his room. A slight tilt of her head had her eyes catching his thick, masculine neck… his very tanned neck .
The deep colour made his blond hair shine brighter than the sun, and a small flutter in her stomach directed her attention to how his green eyes would probably be popping with the added colour around his eyes and face. Oh dear! Where was her hand fan when she needed it?
Yes she was married, but there was nothing wrong with looking once in a while, right? He was just her best friend and an ex model, she couldn’t help it that he knew how to wear clothing correctly and pleasing to the eye. She was a designer at the end of the day, she loved perfect fitting clothes especially when the trousers cupped correctly around the…
“I thought your house was possessed!” she said, taking her mind out of the Adrien butt gutter.
He made a ghostly noise in her ear, grabbing hold of her hips and tickling her. She shrieked, running up the staircase and into his room. Adrien’s spooky ghost sounds following her up the staircase.
“I am the ghost of the floating sock!!” he announced, closing the door behind them.
Marinette looked to the right and then the left, finding nowhere to go. Eventually, she decided she was going to face him head on… and maybe punch him in the gut.
Turning swiftly, fists at the ready, her plan was foiled when she saw his face. Instead of hitting him with enough power to drop him to his knees, she let out an ear piercing scream!
Adrien’s eyes widened and, in turn, he screamed too! Adrien’s mortification upped Marinette’s own, her pitch intensifying as she let out another wail.
“What’s wrong with your face?” They pointed at each other as they spoke, a split second hovering between them before they pushed each other out the way in chase for the bathroom.
As they homed in on his door, Marinette felt herself flying to the side as Adrien elbowed her out the way in a triumphant move. Her butt landed hard on the floor, her hand going to her head as she was embraced in Adrien’s many, many curses.
“Oh fuck!”
From her seat on the floor, she heard him shriek again.
“No, no, no, no!”
Pushing herself to stand, she headed into the bathroom and stood beside him. Both mirrored the other's actions, which mirrored those reflecting back from the planet of glass, hands gripping the vanity to within an inch of its poor life.
“You don’t live here anymore. Do you?” she stated more than asked.
She studied his face as he studied hers. She was right, the green eyes definitely would have popped behind the tan — if the tan was there..
Like a guppy, Adrien’s mouth moved up and down in order to speak. Yet, nothing left his mouth. The action made the whole ordeal a lot more comical, and Marinette couldn’t help but burst out into fits of uncontrollable laughter.
She wrapped one hand around her stomach, the laughter shaking her to the core and sending tears to her eyes. Oh God, had this really just happened. The ‘reveal’ fanfics she’d read on the internet had been a lot more creative than this.
“How was the Maldives?” Marinette asked through her onslaught of laughter, her hand moving to her eyes and wiping the tears from underneath them. She didn’t even care that she looked like a yeti or, even worse, the woman from The Ring; this man loved her for better or for worse, a thought that started the laughter again.
Better – Ladybug.
Worse – Marinette.
“You know, I had to physically force myself out of the apartment today. I wanted to just stay in bed with my wife.” Adrien’s words sent them both into another spiral and Plagg and Tikki finally made an appearance. Their holders had officially gone insane.
“Marinette? Why are you –”
Tikki stopped as she eyed the mirror. Her small hand reaching out to Plagg and smacking him time and time again before pointing to the mirror. The kwamis came and settled on their holders shoulders, all four of them taking in the reflection in the mirror.
It seemed wearing a mask whilst in blazing sunshine wasn’t the greatest idea, as both heroes stood sporting a replica of their mask on their skin as the remaining flesh around it had a wonderful sun kissed glow.
“This is weird isn’t it?” Adrien said, placing an arm around his wife’s waist and pulling her into the side of his body. She watched his lips pull at the corner and she couldn’t help but wonder how she hadn’t noticed it before. It was right in front of her.
“Oh, yes. Totally.”
They continued to smile at each other through their reflections.
“I need to get a picture of this moment.” Adrien pulled his camera from his pocket and flipped the scene to take a selfie. “Hashtag: caught red faced.”
“Actually, that’s just your nose Kitty, which, by the way, looks so sore.”
Adrien stretched a hand and ran a finger over the bridge of his red tinged nose. “It’s okay, nowhere near what it was a week ago.”
Turning her head, Marinette looked up at Adrien and smiled. So this was her Kitty
“So, you’re the love of my life?” Marinette asked, pushing her hands up his biceps before gently stroking his neck and finishing by outlining the tan mark mask on his face.
“And what’s the verdict?” His hands cupped her waist and pulled her in closer, her heart rate kicking up even though they’d been this close numerous times in the past.
Pouting her lips, Marinette moved her mask stained face side to side. “I could have done worse.”
His fingers dug into her waist, tickling her and making her squeal. His own face lit up the entire room as he pulled her closer and continued, eventually taking her lips with his and sending her into the deep, deep depths of love. Something that had been so natural and comforting suddenly switched up a gear, bringing her memories back to the first time she’d kissed her partner in a moment of weakness and passion. It was all so perfect.
“So what do we do now?” Adrien asked, tenderly kissing her forehead before replacing his lips with his head.
“We go home and hide until our faces begin to match again.”
“That could be a long time, M’Lady,” Adrien smirked.
“I hope so,” she laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and lifting onto her toes pressing a gentle kiss to his nose.
Heading back to the front door, Adrien led Marinette down the street and back to their apartment, loved up and blissfully ready to hide away with his wife.
That was until they turned the corner and bumped into a rather startled Alya.
“Oh, shit!”
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xhanisai · 2 years
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Don't you love that regardless of what they think about their feelings for each other, they will always look and regard their partner with so much love and adoration?
Like it doesn't matter what kind of love they believe it is, they're just so smitten and so enamoured with one another???
They go beyond platonic and romantic love.
This is a kind of love for me personally that has no label. It's creation and destruction. They're simply made for each other and I am just a fucking simp for them ♡
Ugh I can't wait for them to finally reveal themselves to each other ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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miraculousmxrichat · 2 years
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They invented love
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
So I'm thinking... Lukanette started before Adrienette and it ended so quickly. Adrigami started started before Adrienette and it ended quickly. Marichat started before Adrienette and it ended quickly. They had both Ladybug and Chat Noir being in love with each other in the same time and decided to get them to move on by focusing on Adrinette after they had Adrien and Marinette fall in love with each other in the same time and they are a couple without the reveal. It's not the full Love Square the writers are trying to achieve here, it's Adrienette only. That's why they make every other shippers suffer by giving them what they wanted for an episode and ending it in the same episode, while Adrienette is getting a long long slow burn development that actually pays off. They want Adrienette and nothing else.
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nirby-wirby · 1 year
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They’re just so cute!
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blur0se · 5 months
Imagining ladynoir both insisting that theyd know the other if they saw each other outside of the masks but they both have proof to the contrary
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Yandere Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Adrien Agreste Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
❝🐞 — lady l: hi!! I finally wrote this and it's set in an au where they eventually discover each other's identities to make more sense. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, polyamorous and unhealthy relationships.
❝🐞pairing: yandere!adrinette/ladynoir x gender neutral!reader.
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Everything was always very complicated between them. Marinette in love with Adrien and Adrien in love with Ladybug, both unaware of each other's identities and feelings.
Marinette always remained hiding her feelings for Adrien, too embarrassed to say anything and Adrien continued to yearn for Ladybug. This continued for a long time, until your arrival in their lives.
You were a new student and felt out of place after leaving your old school and your friends. You hoped to make friends at this new school, but you were afraid you wouldn't be able to do so. But luckily, or unluckily, you met Marinette first and she introduced you to her friends, who immediately liked you.
Marinette liked you, at first sight, you were so kind and sweet. She almost fell right there and it confused her, but she couldn't help but admire you.
Adrien became interested in you after a few conversations, and you caught his interest and attraction. He had something about you that made him attracted, and curious, an unknown feeling that he wanted to feel more of.
It wasn't difficult to notice their interest in you, Marinette constantly stuttering and blushing when you were around and Adrien, although shy, loved flirting with you and seeing you blush.
It wasn't easy to admit their interest in you, Marinette was still in love with Adrien but she really was in love with you, therefore, she didn't know what to do. Adrien was more resolute and acted in the way he knew how wanting to declare himself because he could no longer keep his feelings to himself.
Adrien was the one who first noticed Marinette's interest in you and he was surprised to notice that he didn't have a problem with it. If it were anyone else, he would have, but not with her. Because Marinette had a habit of stalking you incessantly, it didn't take long for her to realize that Adrien liked you. She was curious and excited, not jealous like she thought she would be.
They talked and decided to act quickly, both confessing to you. You were surprised and flattered and accepted, and finally, a romance happening.
Marinette is very jealous and overprotective, always wanting to know where you are and she will be very worried if she doesn't know. She will go so far as to use her Miraculous to look for you, even knowing the consequences.
Adrien is possessive, getting jealous very easily, and doesn't react well to it. He doesn't like it when you're with someone other than him and Marinette and will use intimidation to make someone stay away from you, whether with money or even his Miraculous.
They have always been very protective of you and at any sign of danger you will be quickly hidden and protected. They already talked about giving you a Miraculous, but Adrien considered it too dangerous. There was always a chance you could get hurt and he wasn't going to allow it.
You are spoiled intensely, clothes made by Marinette and bought by Adrien, jewelry, food, expensive and extravagant gifts to the simplest ones, like roses. You will never lack for anything as long as they are by your side.
They want to see you happy more than anything and will do everything to make that happen. They can't even think about the idea of ​​you being akumatized, the idea alone sends them into a frenzy at the thought of it happening to you. No, they have to be sure that this will never happen.
Marinette is very kind and soft, a mask of her true stalker and extremely jealous side. Adrien is kind and calm, always with a smile on his face and ready to make you smile, but he acts very strangely when you don't do what he asks.
They know they shouldn't use Miraculous for selfish reasons but when it comes to you, they won't care. Marinette doesn't care about ruining herself for you and Adrien has been ruined for a long time.
You are theirs and anyone who tries to get in the way will suffer the consequences. After all, you didn't just belong to Marinette and Adrien, but also to Ladybug and Cat Noir.
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Little details I really liked in the Miraculous Awakening Movie and that I feel added to the characters:
—Marinette wistfully looking at the dresses on the stores and imagining how she could dress the people around her, showing what she could CREATE if she was more confident on herself.
—Gabriel going to work and see him actually being a designer.
—Adrien and his headphones. It made the isolation he has put himself in and his depression feel so real.
—Nino and Alya having a simple enough and cute dynamic of Nino having a crush on her but not being able to express it and the promise that they could become something else.
—Natalie showing from the start that she may be distant but really cares about Adrien. And is worried about how all this is affecting him.
—Sabrina letting Marinette go.
—The little dynamic Marinette had with her dad.
— All the ladynoir interactions being more intense and the way their playing slowly becomes more flirty.
—The whole "You are my sidekick" to "I'm her sidekick" pipeline. Adorable.
—Adrien being the most dramatic teenager ever hearing the most cliché music on his mind when the falls for Ladybug and then lisening to that same song and crying when he gets rejected.
—The underlying anger on Adrien's depression. I could feel him at every scene hidding how angry he was to his father.
—Being Hawkmoth physically taking a hold on Gabriel. Show him distancing himself from the rest of his life because of his obssesion, how much paranoid and miserable it makes him to not let go.
—Ladybug and Chat Noir being literally stronger when they are together.
—Chat Noir having a secret hideout inside the old theather where his mom used to preform, and him being surrounded by stray cats 😭
—Adrien saying "You have to let it go" to his father and it signifying he has begun to do that as well.
—Coming back to the begining, Marinette literally unlocking the power of creating things because now she belives on herself.
—The way Ladybug and Chat Noir looked so much happier and relaxed when they are together, showing how thay have found an scape with each other. All tied to why they feel so hopeless when they think they may not have those personas anymore.
—How in the end they both come to terms with not needing the mask to be happy, literally tosing it away.
All signified by their clothes that resemble their superhero suits, but wearing them on civilian form. Because the freedom they found being Ladybug and Chat Noir is fully a part of them now
And them ending so content with the thought of not being superheroes anymore because what matters is that they found each other 😭
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