#Lake Ashi
emaadsidiki · 4 months
Pirate Cruise, Hakone, Japan.
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davetada · 5 months
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Sight seeing boat on Lake Ashi
Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan
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webdiggerxxx · 9 months
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gokired · 4 months
Japan: September 2023
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In September last year, I went for the first time ever in my life to enter and experience, one of the most beautiful and cultural places in the world. Japan. My one life adventure for fourteen days throughout the beautiful countryside from the busy streets of Tokyo to the emotional memorial of Hiroshima. The people even the Sika Deer welcomed me with open arms as the Japanese culture touched me dearly.
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iamfanfan · 11 months
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light-snatcher · 1 year
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Lake Ashi, Hakone Shrine, 2023
(📸 by me)
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nobu11051991 · 2 years
One Day Tour, fully enjoy Hakone and Mt. Fuji! 
One Day Tour, fully enjoy Hakone and Mt. Fuji! Hi I’m Nobu, I like traveling overseas and in Japan, visited 25 countries! I’m a National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter of English for 8 years. For the people who are interested in and planning trip to Japan ,I show you hidden local information which you have never seen and heard of through books and ordinary site! You will find…
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estefa2190 · 3 months
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After the boat ride where we didn't see Mt. Fuji, we saw its peak for like half a second.
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rentlifeagency · 2 years
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Hakone and Lake Ashinoko (Kanagawa Prefecture)
Located within a short train ride of Tokyo and Yokohama, Hakone has many offerings that can be enjoyed over several visits. When visiting, you will want to focus on one or two of the various attractions as visiting everything Hakone has to offer would not be possible in just one day!
Check out our blog for more details:
Photo credit: © 2023 Pix4Japan. All rights reserved. Used with Permission.
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nerice · 11 months
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four views of fuji 🫡
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year
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Maeda Masao
Fuji From Lake Ashi (Morning View)
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emaadsidiki · 3 months
Lake Ashi, Hakone, Japan.
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davetada · 5 months
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Boats on Lake Ashi
Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan
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lux-vitae · 2 years
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Lake Ashi in the Hakon Hills in Early Autumn by Tsuchiya Koitsu (1938)
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I designed my own Monster High ghoul doll! She is the daughter of Näkki, a water spirit that can camouflage itself as rock or driftwood and drowns people who are careless in water. She is Finnish, loves metal music and coffee, and cares deeply about sustainable fishing practices and protecting lakes and ponds and rivers. Her pet is a skeletal seal pup, who once died in fishermen's nets, but was brought to a new life by Lumme's sadness and anger. She's a part of the metal club at MH, but doesn't play or sing, more just enjoys listening to it and bonding with her fellow students. She my seem quiet and reserved, but won't stop talking if you get to know her properly!
Some design notes under cut:
Also I'd like to add design notes to this:
- fishing nets and hooks & related things are a big design note in her doll because she did almost die by drowning stuck in a fishing net, and she has Feelings about questionable fishing practices.
- there's a permanent tangle of netting around her neck to represent the way she technically died
- her purse is a glass float
- her hair is a light ashy blonde-brown - dirt road brown as we call it in Finland, which is a common hair color in Finland, with accents of darker brown, green, and blue.
- blue eyes, cloudy iris, dark eye whites. Netting eye-shine
- her base skin tone is a light grey, but she has rocky camouflage and birch-tree camouflage on her limbs, ears, and forehead to represent her camouflage/shapechanging abilities
- Luunappi is a skeletal "kuutti", baby northern ringed seal, who died of getting stuck in nets, and Lumme's anger and sadness at the injustice magically revived it
- frappe bc Finns drink ridiculous amounts if coffee per capita but I didn't want to give her straight up black coffee
- Karelian boo-strie is a Karelian pastry but made to look like a fish with big teeth
- her object heel is a fishing loom stone, a type of a fishing weight
- her phone is not an iCasket bc she's _Finnish_ and obvs reps Nokia instead. Hence Noakiasket
- sea glass bottle bottom sunglasses. Seaglass is frosty so that's a little funny for sunglasses but listen.
- the CD is "Nemo" by _Nightfish_ which is obviously a silly riff on Nightwish, which is a Finnish metal band, and she loves metal (Finland has so many metal bands. We just really love metal.). I decided on a CD-player purely for nostalgic reasons.
- "Land of a thousand lake monsters" refers to Finlnd, and you can see the shape of Finland on the cover. Finland is called the land of a thousand lakes, so we probably have a lot of lake monsters too.
- yellow comes a little out of nowhere for this, but I like raincoat yellow and it reminds me of fishers, so I can have it.
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And all the pieces fall, right into place // Part One
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So Feyd Rautha is still on my mind and that’s my second try of writing about him and an Artreides!Reader.
This will get smutty later on, but not in this chapter.
Summary: As the Princess of House Atreides, you don’t shy away from what ever must be done for your family. Your impending union with a Harkonnen, though anticipated, doesn't unsettle you. However, the events take an unforeseen twist, placing your fate on a precarious edge. This sudden shift brings about consequences far beyond what you could have ever envisioned.
English is not my first language.
All feedback is welcome <3
Part two // Part Three
There are so many songs that make me think of our favorite psychotic Harkonnen, but I stick with „Found“ by ††† (Crosses) for now.
Na Baron Feyd Rautha x Atreides!Reader
1.349 words
The dim light wandered through the corridor, veiling most of the space into a velvety dark. The earthy brown and green tapestry on the wall illumined ever so slightly by the flowing arms along the wall. But even if there would be no light, you know the way by heart, having followed it more times than you can remember. Your feet shuffled along the floor, finally stopping at a closed door almost hidden at the end of the passage. Before your knuckles can touch the polished wood, a slight gap appears.
„You are late“ Paul says, and pulls you in, closing the door behind you at once.
„Well, you can take it up with our Father. I love him with all my heart, but with him being in the library for so long there was no chance of getting past him earlier“ 
„He seems to spend an awful amount of time there nowadays“ Paul muses and lets himself fall on a cushion on the floor. 
„That’s true. I believe he hides from Mother.“
Both of you cannot suppress a laugh. Since Lady Jessica is with child she seems quite easily irritated with everyone, especially with the Duke. 
„Well, at least she will have a new baby to take care of when we are gone“ 
„Let's drink to that“ Paul says, and produces a bottle of wine and two glasses from a cupboard. 
The liquid is the perfect ruby color, reflecting the light on the walls. It feels like all of your home planet has been distilled into the glass in your hand: the sweetness of the sunshine rays, the vibrancy of the hills covered in forests, the deepness of mountain lakes you wandered with Paul & Duncan, the acidity of the soreness after training with Gurney and the light twinge of bitterness of the goodbyes Paul and you were to say so soon. 
„We have about a fortnight still“ he says, as if reading your mind. 
„How about you stay out of my thoughts, “ you reply, but there is no sharpness to it. He is right, your future is about to unfold, but now you are here still, far away from the harsh and unforgiving Giedi Prime where the man you were promised to awaits.
„I really should go there and tell them off“ Your father sighs, his eyes still resting on the book he has had for half an hour without reading a single word. 
„And what good would it do? Let them, they will need the memories to sustain them through what’s to come“ Lady Jessica says with a benevolent smile. 
Her hand rests on her belly, instantly protective of the new life. But she feels the same unease as the Duke, with hints of trouble in the air being almost tangible to her. 
You regret the last cup when you wake up the next morning. Your mouth feels dry and ashy, your head throbbing. Your handmaidens say nothing, but a vial with medicine is placed wordlessly on your nightstand. You gulp it down and rush to the private dining room, where your mother and Paul are already there. 
A servant plates some bread on your plate but is dismissed by Lady Jessica with a stern look. 
„No, please. Not now“ you whine „ We practised for so much already“ 
Lady Jessicas looks at you sternly „And yet there is a need for more“.
Your eyes wander to your brother 
„Don’t look at me for help. I had earned my breakfast already“
With a sigh, you sit upright and focus on your mother
„Give me the plate“
Like in a trance, her hands move as she grabs the plate from the servants' hands and puts it next to you. 
„Good, now what else do you want?“ 
Days pass by in training, between the library and the combat space, with afternoons free for you and Paul to do as you please. To sit at the cliff just outside your ancestral fortress, with seagulls rushing over your head, while you look at the waves crashing at the shore is something you cannot believe to be able to leave without. The hours spent in comfortable silence are so precious to you that you almost can’t find back the tears prickling in your eyes. A servant comes running to you one of those afternoons, visibly distressed. 
„My Lord, my Lady“ he finally gets out between snapping for air „You are requested at the guest hall at once. Please come“ Paul and you get up, exchanging a glance. In the hall, the fireplace is lit and everything is a buzz with servants carrying silver plates, candles and chairs. Your father stands next to the fire, his hands clasped behind his back with the message scroll he holds so tightly his knuckles are almost white. He turns around, and his expression is carefully neutral.
„There has been news for you today, my children. Paul, you are to leave for Arraki with me in a week. We will meet the Fremen delegation there and your wedding is to take place in Arrakeen. You, my daughter, however, will be gathered by Baron Vladimir Harkonnen and Na Baron Feyd Rautha here. Baron Vladimir and his nephews will arrive the day after tomorrow. They will take you to Giedi Prime after the wedding“ 
Paul seems as confused as you are. You were to travel as a family to Giedi Prime so that your wedding could commence after Na Baron's Birthday celebrations. But now he and his family make the effort and spice to travel to your home. This news leaves you puzzled and unsettled. „Now go to Lady Jessica at once“ he says and with a bow of your head, you rush to her chambers. 
Lady Jessica seems calm, compared to you. But she has years of Bene Desserts training that you are yet to acquire. She holds out her hands to both of you. „Something is not right“ she admits, „but there is nothing to gain in worrying now. We have too much to do“ 
And with this, your packing begins.
Metal plate touches the ground with a soft thud, revealing a row of Harkonnens soldiers, all in their full combat gear, looking out of place in the middle of the green field their vessel landed on. „Quite a show“ Paul signs to you and gets a „Behave now“ as a reaction from your mother. 
They march in unison and behind them a grotesque floating figure is revealed, followed by multiple tubes, connected to dark glass orbs. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen floats, with his drape touching the ground and collecting the morning dew on the edges of it. His face is soft and plump but also full of hardness, small eyes beading at you with a hostility you cannot understand. Glossu Rabban, a mountain of muscle, follows slightly behind him, glancing between your family and the surroundings. Light breeze reaches you, carrying the smell of the sea foam and shells and raising the banners of your House behind you even higher. You lift your chin a bit, trying to mirror it and your gaze falls on the man next to Glossu. His skin is so fair that it looks like snow on a mountaintop, unblemished and almost sparkling. His uniform is tight, with black leather at his shoulders, knees and boots, which only makes his skin more striking. You are aware of his reputation, so his calm pace doesn’t fool you. Behind this facade of tranquillity is a person who is rumored to be the most ruthless soldier in the known universe. His eyes seem to look straight at your parents when suddenly his head turns to you and his dark blue eyes meet yours. For a split second, the corner of your mouth twitches nervously and he catches that, causing a hint of a smile on his face. He doesn’t look away as if to test you, so you try to withhold his gaze with the same amount of pride. His lips form a proper smile now, with the promise of a story yet to begin.
to be continued ...
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