#disney event
7aerin · 8 months
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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ (𖧹ᵔ⤙ᵔ𖧹)   🦀゚  ┈   ⁘   ⠀❏
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         ◝   ⿻   ↷   @c-hance
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lyranova · 11 months
Listen to Your Heart
Hi everyone! This is a oneshot for @vs-redemption ‘s Disney Event, and I decided to go with “Hercules” couple Meg and Hercules for a William x Reader/Zera fic 😁! Now I wrote this with my OC Zera in mind but I didn’t use her name so it can be read as an Xreader as well. I hope you all enjoy~!
Word Count: 1,789
Warnings: None
The young woman watched intently as the young white haired man named William Vangeance posed for another portrait. It was probably his fifth or sixth one this week, and the woman could tell that he was exhausted. His normally charming and dashing smile was pulled down at the edges just slightly, and the bags under his eyes were only just barely covered by his mask.
William Vangeance had superior strength, speed, and agility. But most people ignored him and dismissed him since he was only a farmer’s son. But after he defeated a Hydra single handedly and saved two young children in the process did the people of Thebes believe that he was the son of the god Julius Novachrono, and he became an overnight superstar!
But the woman watching him already knew all of this.
After he rescued her from a centaur he quickly introduced himself to her, and she could tell he wasn’t a normal human, but couldn’t quite place exactly what he was until Zagred appeared and told her.
After seeing how smitten William was with her, Zagred tasked the woman with trying to derail the young gods plans of becoming a “true hero”. At first she refused, saying she didn’t want any part of his plan, but firmly reminded that she didn’t have a choice in the matter since Zagred owned her soul.
The woman was pulled out of her memories as William nodded graciously at the painter as they wrapped up for the day, and his new assistant Langris Vaude escorted the painter out of the room. And that’s when she saw the real William Vangeance finally reveal himself.
He walked off the pillar, took his mask off, and flopped himself down onto the chaise lounge that sat in the center of the room. He threw his arm over his face and sighed loudly, all this sudden fame and fortune was beginning to weigh on him.
The blonde haired woman walked over to him quietly and sat down at his feet, she watched William move his arm slightly as the weight of the chaise lounge shifted and a tired smile appeared on his face.
“ You’re here.” He said softly as he moved his arm back over his eyes, and the woman nodded.
“ I am.” She then tilted her head. “ Why the long face hero? Things not working out with your group of fangirls?” She asked with an amused tone, and William chuckled.
“ It’s not that, although I am a little stressed out about them.” He admitted as he moved his arm and sat up. “ It’s just…I’ve defeated all these monsters for weeks and have made Thebes a safer place but…I’m still not a true hero yet, at least, according to my father.” He continued softly as he looked at the blonde haired woman, and she turned to look at him.
“ Maybe there’s more to it than just being strong and making Thebes safer. Maybe your father’s keeping something from you?” She suggested thoughtfully, and William tilted his head.
“ That does sound like something my father would do.” William admitted after a moment, and the woman laughed softly.
“ Of course it does. Do you really think Julius Novachrono, the god of all gods, would just simply hand everything to you on a silver platter because you’re his son? That’d look pretty bad on him, Wonder Boy.” The woman smirked, and she watched as William laughed while shaking his head. She had a point.
Suddenly the door burst open and the two quickly turned their heads towards it.
“ OMG THERE HE IS!” A young woman shouted loudly and pointed in William’s direction, behind her was a group composed of men and women wearing shirts with his face on them as well as other pairs of his merchandise.
William jumped up and grabbed her hand, but before his fans could come running towards them, William’s trainer jumped in front of the crowd.
“ Hey get back! This is a private area, you can’t be in here brats!” Yami Sukehiro, William’s trainer, shouted as he tried to keep the crowd back on his own. “ Go on and get outta here Goldie Guts, I can handle these kids!” He shouted over his shoulder.
William nodded and silently thanked his friend before running out of the room with the blonde haired woman in tow behind him.
They ran and ran until they were good and far away from the building. William and the woman stopped to catch their breath next to a large tree with white blooms, William rested his hand against its trunk and bent over a bit. It had been a while since he had to run that fast.
“ Ahem,” he turned as the woman cleared her throat. “ You can let go of my hand now.” She added as she held up their encased hands, and William felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment.
“ S-Sorry about that…” he apologized before reluctantly letting go of her hand. The blonde haired woman shook her head.
“ It’s fine, you only did it to help me escape.” She said softly, she tried to hide the hurt and dismissal in her voice, but failed.
Again, she knew he had feelings for her, and had tried to firmly keep her distance from him. But between Zagred making her spend time with him, and her own curiosity, she just…couldn’t stay away from him.
“ Actually…that’s not the only reason I grabbed your hand,” William said softly. “ I just wanted to hold your hand, is that…okay?”
The woman looked at him with eyes wide in surprise, he held her hand just because he wanted to? Not because they were running away? She felt her cheeks burn slightly and shook her head, no, this was bad. She shouldn’t be flattered and happy about this, she should be trying to put more distance between them.
“ And if I say it’s not okay? Then what?” She asked curiously, and William smirked a bit.
“ Then I would say you’re lying if that tinge of pink on your face is of any indication.” William smirked back at her, and she couldn’t help but scoff. So, the hero knew how to tease and be playful too huh?
The woman’s smirk disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared.
“ Don’t fall in love with me, because if you do, it’ll only end badly for both of us.” The woman said softly as she stared into his purple eyes, she watched confusion pass over his face before it was replaced by something else, something she hadn’t seen before.
“ And if I still decide to fall in love with you, knowing it’ll end badly for us, what would you say?” He asked curiously as he pulled down one of the tree’s upper limbs to inspect a flower, the woman just scoffed.
“ Then I would say you’re an idiot.”
“ Well then,” he began as he plucked a flower off the tree, let go of the limb, and watched as the tree snapped back into place with such force that leaves and petals fell down around them. “ I guess I’ll just be an idiot in love.”
He handed the woman the white flower and quickly kissed her on the cheek as she stared down at it. The woman looked at him in surprise and her cheeks turned a bright red, William chuckled a bit.
“ You look really cute when you blush.” He muttered softly as he looked at her, his eyes widened and he quickly placed a hand over his mouth. That…wasn’t supposed to come out of his mouth.
“ And you don’t look too bad yourself when you blush, Hero.” She said back to him, and it only made his blush deepen, he really was too adorable sometimes.
Suddenly the two heard a noise coming from the woods behind them, William reached out towards the woman and put her behind him. After the noise continued for a few more seconds a white horse with a blue mane and tail suddenly appeared.
It was Pegasus, and Yami was sitting on his back with a stern look on his face and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
“ Sorry to interrupt the romantic moment, but we gotta go Goldie Guts. There’s a large Siren causing trouble in the Eastern sea, the fishermen want ya to take a look at it.” Yami said as he leaned over, grabbed the back of William’s shirt collar and pulled him onto the pegasus.
“ O-Oh alright…I guess I gotta go.” William said softly as he looked at the blonde haired woman, and she couldn’t help but grin at him.
“ See ya around Wonder Boy.” She told him as Pegasus took off quickly, she waved goodbye and as soon as he was out of sight her smile slipped off her face and was replaced by a sad look.
“ Y’know, you make it really hard not to fall in love with you, Hero.” She muttered to herself as she stared down at the white flower in her hand.
All this time, she had been telling herself that she didn’t like him, that she was only doing her job to try and get her soul back from Zagred, and that once she completed her mission she could go back to how she was. But…now? Now she wasn’t so sure.
He was kind, gentle, and maybe a little naïve. But his heart was always in the right place and he tried his best to keep everyone safe and worked hard to try and achieve his dreams. It was inspiring.
She also loved the way he didn’t belittle her or treat her as a regular ‘damsel in distress’ like the other guys or treat her like nothing but an object. He treated her as a normal person, he took her thoughts and feelings into consideration whenever they were together, he did a lot more for her than her last boyfriend did and William wasn’t even dating her!
As her ex popped into her head she felt her heart sink into her stomach, was she really willing to risk having her heart broken again? Every fiber of her being told her to take the risk, to fall in love with William, they were telling her that he was different. But her mind…her mind didn’t want to listen.
Which did she listen to? Her heart, or her mind?
“ Maybe…maybe it’ll be okay to fall in love with that idiot.” She mused as she sat down on the marble bench underneath the tree and smiled softly at the flower.
At that moment she decided to listen to her heart. All this time she had been listening to her mind and clearly it wasn’t working out, so maybe it was time to give her heart a chance?
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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vs-redemption · 1 year
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Due Date: July 8th 22nd
The Masterlist for this event will be posted on July 9th. Any late submissions will also be accepted and added afterwards.
Send me a message in my inbox or in my DM's to let me know you are going to participate. Please include a basic description of the Disney movie/couple you plan to write about and the characters/ships/self-ships you are writing for.
All pieces must be SFW!
Any characters and fandoms are welcome
There is no wordcount requirement. It can be as long or short as you want.
Headcanons will also be accepted
Reblog the masterlist once it is posted so we can promote everyone who participated!
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the tag for this event will be #DisneyCindy
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a-crimson-dawn · 11 months
Pirates of the Carte Seas Chp 3 - Captain Yami Sukehiro
Little ways from the harbour, a warning hangs in the form of four skeletons - the remnants of the navy's efforts to clean out the place from people of the criminal sort. In tattered clothing, they hung from gallows, off the headland looking over the Carte seas, one corpse clutching a wooden sign on which is printed "Pirates be warned" in black paint.
It is not that the newest visitor does not see this warning, nor that he ignores it.
The brawn-for-brains, of rugged looks, simply doesn't - can't - give a shit.
As the sails of his truly magnificent sea vessel pass by, he looks on, unfazed, headed landward, in spite of his rather obviously damning looks. At most, he salutes them, before chucking the cigarette he'd been smoking into the sea. Leaping from the rigging…
… he finds himself hopping onto to the wooden tiller, parting ways with his sinking fishing boat that had the great misfortune of leaking. He didn't know how, he didn't know why, and cared even less than he had about those skeleton men. Best not to cling to things – including the "Stubborn Bull", that went near completely under just a few moments as he stepped ashore.
Port Raquey welcomes him with less fanfare than he'd hoped, but at least, with some luck, he'd be able to slip past the towering ships of the navy - the large form of "Integrity" catching his eye briefly -, fixing his focus onto his next vessel. Sure, the large dreadnought is a powerful ship, fit for a large crew, but with the man's somewhat less… numerous… team, he found it more tempting to "borrow" the smaller armed vessel that floated near Fort Kira and went by the name of "Faith".
He walks past the harbourmaster - who glances at his small sunken boat with confusion, before regarding the visitor cautiously. "This man is either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid," the greying harbour master remarks to himself, in what he thinks is too quiet a voice to overhear. Clearly, he doesn't fancy the idea of pissing the visitor off.
And in fairness, neither does the visitor.
"Tch. You'd be surprised at how often those two traits coincide," the visitor takes subtle glee in watching the man flinch when he is heard, before the harbour master gets to tying the ship down.
The visitor goes off ahead - or plans to, anyway - fixing up his sword-belt, attached to which is a sheathed katana, a compass, a pistol and a small powder horn. Instead, the harbourmaster seems to pluck up the confidence to step before him.
"It's a shilling for the dock space, and I'll be needing your name," the older man remarks, tapping at his ledger.
"How about three shillings – and you forget the name?" three shillings are tossed at the ledger, which the man looks down on with apparent eagerness, giving the visitor a welcoming smile now, as he steps aside.
"Welcome to Port Raquey, Mr Smith."
For three shillings - not his own, either - the visitor figured, the welcome was warm enough… and Captain Yami Sukehiro could do with the boring alias for now.
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vixxenfox · 2 years
Look at the amazing luck the good witch gave to me on this draw :O
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blueberrysleepy · 2 years
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What I got so far - Pocahontas, Stitch, Goofy and Cream Unicorn cookie (And I still want to get Alice cookie T_T
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random-cookieninja · 2 years
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I was a bit surprised to find that Ariel Cookie can go in the water. Then tried to put the other water/ocean cookies in the water because "special event happening time to add hidden mechanics" sadly didn't work on any of them. Would have been cool Sorbet Shark Cookie could transform into their shark form when placed in the water.
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beardeddetectivepaper · 4 months
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lovetojppiratequeen · 1 month
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James Marsden. Photos by Steven Bergman. Source: Alamy.com
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lasttarrasque · 3 months
I can not say this enough,
If you are not boycotting, you are complicit!
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veilofthorns · 23 days
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politijohn · 1 year
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Let’s go!
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rayroseu · 2 months
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i cant wait for malleus, king of silly, to be back ON (with his equally silly tsum nonetheless!!)
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whetstonefires · 6 months
The thing is that the most interesting and novel invention of the MCU is a universe where billions of people turned into dust and then were physically reconstituted on the spot five years later, in a world that had just barely adapted to their absence.
That is wild. That is intense! That is a series of pathos-ridden emotionally complex doorstoppers waiting to happen. Half the entire world! All dead! And somehow we coped with that! And now we have to cope with them all being back?
A whole street of empty houses--surely not everyone there became ash. Some of them moved to better places, now opened by the mass mortality. Some of them died afterward. Who will live there now? Even if inheritances are reversed by resurrection, surely leases aren't renewed. What the fuck happens to everyone who remarried?
What happens to the children snapped back to a world where their parents didn't survive, or the reverse?
But they had to then hastily smooth over this utterly batshit sci-fi premise and get the world mostly back to normal working order as rapidly as possible, without too much emphasis on how literally every person in existence has been placed in a mason jar by a narcissist and shaken twice in five years.
So they could get on with more superhero whack-blam business, which is customarily done against a background of Normality.
This is, tragically, the most Comics thing these movies have ever done.
It is beyond satire that they did this immediately before and during a worldwide pandemic that everyone was pressured to smooth over and 'return to normal' about within 2 years if not sooner.
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a-crimson-dawn · 11 months
Pirates of the Carte Seas - Chapter 1 | A Decade Later
Mereoleona's eyes snap open, her breathing shallow, her chest tight. It has been a decade and the nightmares have continued - that ominous feeling haunting her every other night as she closed her eyes.
From the corner of her eye, she can see a silhouette and leaps from her bed, this time ready to fight. But the looming shadow turns out to be a trick of her restless mind and so she settles down, reaching out for the oil lamp beside her bed. Lighting it up, she carries it over and sat it atop one of the dressers.
Pulling out the top drawer, her hand digs into the drawer, pushing out the false bottom - a precaution against a nosey servant, father, or worse still, Augustus -, and exposes a golden medallion, its skull grinning up at her.
Not so easily intimidated, she's free to move this time, sliding the false bottom atop the real one.
It is the knocking at the door that startles her, if only because she knows she's sneaking behind people's backs - not something she does with anything else in her life -, and that there could be dire consequences - a short stop and a sudden drop - perhaps, if she were found to be harbouring and protecting a pirate.
She knocks over her chair as she spooks, and it falls with a faint thud. Ignoring it, she is quick to first close the drawer, then raise the chair once more.
"Mereoleona, is everything alright?" her father exclaims from behind the door. "Are you decent?"
"Yes," she responds, putting on the medallion, hiding it beneath her dressing gown, moments before her father enters alongside a maid.
In his hands is a box that draws in the eyes.
The maid - Grey - is quick to open the curtains, and sunlight floods the room. Clear blue skies hang over Port Raque, and the faint call of sea birds, the chittering of land birds, can be heard through the glass. Mereoleona's grimace at the blinding sunlight turns into a briefly softer expression, something almost akin to a sentimental smile, before it turns neutral again.
The window reveals that beneath and beyond the expansive building she lives in stands a large stone wall lined with canons - a precaution against attackers, a reminder that she, that they are safe. Safe, she sighs to herself, and bored.
And beyond that, the natural harbour lies, a slightly sheltered area, with a stunning view out towards the ocean.
"Still abed, at this hour?" Governor Vermillion comments, seeming almost amused. "Pity to waste away such a good day inside, no?"
He was in a surprisingly good mood, all things considered. In fairness, that was a good thing.
'No point hanging onto ghosts.'
"I have a gift for you," he breaks her out of her thoughts, extending the box to her as he opens it. It reveals a dress - of expensive material, rich with regal colours. She can't help but admire it for a moment, before stepping back, a little confused and maybe a tad bit suspicious.
"May I ask of the occasion?" A dress like that surely couldn't be worn lightly, she decides, pulling the dress out to feel its soft fabric.
It wasn't of a material or length one would do chores in or spar in - if she could get away with such a thing today.
"Does there have to be a reason for a father to spoil his daughter a little?" he response evasively, with a question of his own. Despite this, she accepts the gift, disappearing behind a flame pattered screen, with Grey following her, holding the box. "Though I admit I did hope you would wear it to the ceremony today."
'And now he reveals his true intentions.'
She halts mid-dress. "Ceremony?"
"Well, yes. Augustus is getting promoted today, and he would likely wish for you to be there," he explains away. She is sure that she has heard this somewhere before and filed it under "marginally important, but personally, not really", and then proceeded to forget about said file's existence.
Nevertheless, she finishes pulling her slip over her and peaks from behind the screen. "Of course, of course." She can't quite hide the annoyance - she'd just been tricked into dressing pretty for someone's stuffy ceremony.
Specifically, Augustus Kira's stuffy ceremony.
A waste of a dress.
And for what, some man's unearned promotion? Almost certainly it would have come from a place of being connected to the right people. Last she checked, Augustus couldn't even hold a sword properly. Last she'd met Augustus, she managed to make him jump without even trying.
(In fairness, her making people jump out of their skin seemed a curiously common occurrence.)
Her father appears sheepish.
"Commodore Kira appears to have grown fond of you," he appears oddly tense about this, having harped on about the fact that she was twenty-six and could stand to get married soon. If he was trying to advertise a union with her distant relative, he wasn't doing a particularly good job of it; even by his usual standards.
She pulls her hair away, along with the medallion, careful to hide the skull symbol from her maid's eyes.
Still, it does its job, curling her lip downwards in distaste, even as the maid helps her put her corset on. "No tight-lacing, Grey," she says in a low voice, having enough bull-shit for the day to be more than happy to go without suffocating herself for a couple less inches at the waist.
The maid "eeped" and assured her there wouldn't be tight lacing, not that it spared her ability to breathe.
"How's it coming?"
'Oh, it was coming fine, until you told me my distant relative had a crush on me.'
"Difficult to say."
The maid laces up the corset, firmly enough for it to stay in one place, but not so firmly as to cut off circulation. She resigns herself to forcing her posture straight, reminded of the limited mobility at her torso. Well, if Augustus tried anything, she could still kick and punch.
"I'm told that dress is the very latest fashion in the Royal Capital."
"And I suppose marrying one's relative is too?" she mutters under her breath, too quiet for her father to hear. Grey stifles a giggle, much to her surprise. She was normally too shy to express much of anything.
The maid helps her into the dress, looking at her with awe as Mereoleona turns around in it, glad to note there was still room to move her legs and feet.
As she steps out from behind the screen, she notices the butler - Gauche (who seems to draw out a very shy "hi, Gauche!" from Grey) - appear in the doorway.
"A caller is here for you, Governor," he announces curtly.
Always a sullen one, but even his gaze seems to light up a little after Grey's greeting, however subtly.
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forgwater · 8 months
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