#Lapua .338 Lapua Mag
5strazha · 1 year
Патрон нарезной Lapua .338 Lapua Mag. OTM Scenar 16.2 g/250 gr
Описание Патрон нарезной Lapua .338 Lapua Mag. OTM Scenar 16.2 g/250 gr
Один и только - .338 Lapua Mag. Scenar OTM 16.2 g/250gr был специально создан для стрельбы на ультрадлинных дистанциях. Этот в боевых условиях проверенный патрон обеспечивает невероятную производительность и точность в решающей роли стрельбы на большие расстояния. За годы с момента введения патрона, .338 Lapua Mag. заработал твердую репутацию в качестве наиболее популярных и наиболее часто используемых на дальние расстояния для спортсменов и охотничьих целей.
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turtlemagnum · 6 months
low profile back up iron sights on my super custom .338 lapua mag ELR precision bolt action with a 45 inch barrel and a big fuckin suppressor on the end
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lycanspirited · 2 years
Training the Lycan [Drabble]
“Here.” Cobalt spawned an old bolt action rifle to his pawhand and tossed it to Jasper who caught it, but glared.
“I am not using some old fucking Russian mosin.”
“You got a better idea, you can’t do what I am going to show you with simis.” Cobalt huffed. Jasper crossed his arms. “Something modern, but bolt action...really. You run a fucking gun shop!” Cobalt groans and spawned a T-5000.
“How the fuck-”
“They are used in Egypt, so I’ve seen a few. This one is chambered in .338 lapua mag. Now,” He spawned the mosin back to his pawhand. “Considering the circumstances Anubis has granted me the ability to teach you something only 3 other Werewolves have been able to do, properly.”
He cycled his weapon and shouldered it. Taking a breath he closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. Firing the round into the endless lands, but there was more. The bullet was literally howling, covered in fire, like it was screaming in pain.
“Channeling?” Jasper shook his head. “Not going-”
“You are dead, if we REALLY wanted to we could force you to serve in our army and you’d be back basically at the start, so shut up and listen.” Cobalt waved his pawhand and the rifle in Jasper’s broke apart.
“Now put it back together.”
“What is this Star Wars?” He looked at the parts on the ground, having a few screws in his pawhand. “You both have lost your minds!”
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“Can you shut the fuck up.” He stamped his staff on the ground. Calling on those godly powers he had. “We are trying to fucking save you and help you, open your damn eyes. you ARE magic, your family OWN magic, fucking use it.” The sand around both of them swirled. “You’ve got 2 hours, put that damn rifle together.”
Anubis watched as Cobalt approached him. “Well?” He leaned forward. “Is he actually going to take our advice?”
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“Yea, yea.” Cobalt waved his hand. “Been years-”
“Long time, he will be the first modern one.” The two watched from afar as Jasper worked on putting the rifle back together. Fire in his eyes. An hour later Cobalt’s ears perked up from the bolt cycling it and a trigger pull. “He’s done. He’s ready, him and that weapon.”
“Are now one.” Anubis grinned.
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wimpydave · 9 months
🥇[.338 Lapua Mag] Desert Tech SRS M2 to 1,000yds: Practical Accuracy
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marcusrobertobaq · 10 months
As i told before...
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Def not .50 BMG. 12.7mm (probably 12.7x99) from the concept art ain't totally true. This one is a short mag carrying probably 8~14 rounds (my bet is 10).
Here's the discription:
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Maybe it's a fictional caliber or this rifle can indeed shoot .50 BMG but ain't being used in the moment. These bullets are long but too thin to be .50 cal. Common calibers for snipers are 308 win or 338 Lapua..?
Again, dbh ain't a game about guns. They probably just got some random stuff.
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kaoru-masaki · 11 months
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jdeko · 2 years
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it’d be pretty damn awesome to have a .338 Lapua Mag AR [and if I can swap out the stock and grip it could be FDE as well.] to aid in acquiring and excessively silly rifle please follow the hyperlink https://wn.nr/kfg7EX to avoid my e-begging completely please blacklist “daily post”
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gunzlotzofgunz · 5 years
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Oooh zombies, may I ask what’s ROs favorite weapons?
Some of these things the ROs already had… no questions.
Christian: Kukri
Alcina: Damascus Steel Sword
Stephen: Barbed Wire Baseball Bat
Quinn: Mace
Christian: Kel-Tec KSG-25 Shotgun
Alcina: TAC-II .338 Lapua Mag
Stephen: Kimber Custom TLE II (EM)
Quinn: RMCS-3 AR-15
These are their preferred weapons… not necessarily that they’ll be able to have them.
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jace-the-writer-guy · 4 years
M.I.A. Part One
The sounds of gunfire filled the night as a lone woman fought against a squad of Sentinel operatives that guarded a special facility. The facility in question experimented with portal technology, which would make transporting supplies all across the Auroa Archipelago simple and quick for Sentinel. The company had taken Skell Tech hostage, which was the company that they were forcing to make their drones, weapons, and now these portals. And numerous private operatives were hired to stop it.
One such operative was a lavender-eyed woman codenamed "Viper", and she was currently fighting her way into the main facility where the portal experimentation was taking place. She was a very fit woman that stood at five feet and eight inches tall. Her hair was semi-bright red, drawn up in a tight ponytail with a bit of her bangs hanging down over the right side of her face and eye. She wore a black half face mask covering her mouth and nose, with some black face paint over her eyes and forehead but not completely covering her skin. She wore gear that was all black, with a black magazine harness that held a few spare dual-magazines for the gun she was using which was a mainly matte black, classic MP5A4 chambered in 9mm. The gun was complete with a red dot sight, a flashlight integrated in the front of the handguard under the barrel, and a folding stock that could fold to the left side of the gun. The barrel, flashlight, magazines and sight were all a dark purple color. On the right side of her harness were three spare magazines for her DMR on her back. Under the harness she wore a simple black combat jacket, and along with that she wore black military cargo pants with armored thighs and knees that led into black combat boots. Over her hands she wore a pair of armored gloves, with black metal over the tops of them and along the knuckles.
Lastly on her back, she wore a black military backpack with clips on both sides of it for her two longer-range guns. One was a designated marksman rifle for medium to long range firing, which was an MK14 EBR that was fully matte black with a dual-range sight, and a foldable grip on the bottom rail. It was custom chambered in .458 Socom rounds to deliver a massive punch when needed. On the opposite side was her sniper rifle, a Barrett MRAD bolt-action sniper rifle chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum. On the bottom rail of her sniper rifle was a bipod, and on the right rail was a range finder that was linked to her rifle's large scope which told her the exact range of her targets in her crosshairs The stocks of both her rifles were folded against the bases of them to make them a bit more compact for carrying. Lastly on her right hip was the holster that held her custom .50 AE Desert Eagle, which had a black frame and slide with black grips and silver barrel. Being trained as she was, she can carry all of these weapons easily with little restrictions, but her ammunition stores for each weapon on her person was limited.
Viper brought down two of her target in the facility before she ran inside, taking a few grazes from bullets fired after her along her arms and her sides. She ran into a door that led to lower levels and closed it behind her, locking it with a hacking device she held up to the digital lock of the door. She quickly began to walk down the stairs and descended deeper into the facility, and she eventually found her target.
She quickly attached her silencer back onto her MP5, and she began to go to work in the shadows of the large room. Thanks to her taking out the alarm system before her move on the facility, no one was alerted to her presence this deep underground. Viper worked through the room she was in and put down all the guards she saw, each being taken down with a bullet right to their heads. One by one their bodies slumped to the metal floor, and Viper was soon left as the only one in the room with the experimental technology.
"I'm in," She spoke quietly into her earpiece to her commanding officer, "Time to take this thing out."
"Good work, Viper. Report back to me once you're clear." Came her commander's reply, and she took her finger from her earpiece.
Viper then plugged her hacking device up to the console in the middle of the room, and she began to upload the program that she was given that would make the experimental portal self destruct, along with the entire facility. But, things had not gone exactly to plan. When Viper began to run that program, the portal activated and lit up the room in a bright light. Viper shielded her eyes from it with one hand, and she went to contact her commander once more.
"Commander, something with the program activated the portal!" She was met with static, which turned into a high-pitched sound that began to turn painful before she pulled the earpiece out.
"Attention Personnel. Facility will self destruct in one minute. Please vacate the premises."
The automated voice came through the speakers of the facility, and then the portal's light began to pulsate and the entire thing started to shake wildly. The entire facility began to shake with tremors as well, and many of the shelves and walkways hanging above the edges of the room began to fall down to the ground. Viper began to feel herself being pulled toward the portal soon after, and she began to try to run and escape the area. But, the pull only got stronger and stronger and she found herself unable to resist being sucked toward the portal. Soon, she was pulled off her feet, and with a final scream she disappeared into the portal, just before the self destruct sequence completed and the facility, and the portal, were destroyed.
Officially, Viper had been declared M.I.A. by her commanding officer. Eventually after that, after search parties had been sent out for days, weeks, and months and even up to five years later after Sentinel's downfall, she had been declared K.I.A..
But she wasn't killed.
Almost as soon as Viper had been pulled into the portal, she had ended up in a forest she didn't recognize. She fell to her knees, feeling her stomach lurching within her, and she pulled her mask down just before she began to vomit profusely after she had been pulled through God-knows-what, all the way to what she assumed was some remote part of Auroa. She soon stopped vomiting, and she folded her MP5's stock to put on her left hip, and she took her backpack and rifles off her body so she could lean her back against a tree, breathing deeply as she stared up into the... bright blue sky.
It was nighttime when she last checked. She checked her watch and saw that it said it should have been just past midnight, and she began to grow extremely confused. She put her earpiece back into the ear and pressed her finger against the button. "Commander Black, respond. This is Viper. The portal sucked me into it, and it transported me to some... unknown location during the daytime."
After several moments of radio silence, Viper tried again. "Commander Black, respond. I'm stranded in a forest and I have no idea where I am. I-"
Viper began to hear a growl behind the tree she was leaned up against, and she stopped talking immediately. She slowly glanced around the tree to where the growl came from, and her eyes went wide as she saw some... black-furred werewolf covered in bone plating, and it had glowing red eyes. She jumped to her feet and rolled away from the tree just before it struck, and she pulled her MP5 from her waist and opened fire on the creature's head. In a few shots, the strange beast went down and began to evaporate into the air, and that just confused her even more.
Before she knew it, she noticed more of the creatures surrounding her from all sides. She had no idea what they were at all, but she did her best to fight them off as they came. The 9mm rounds tore into the hide of the beasts but with their attacks, reloading was hard even with dual mags like she had. She ducked out of the way of a strike from one and fired into its face with the last rounds of one magazine before she was struck in the side, knocking her MP5 out of her hands and sending her to the ground with a gash in her arm.
She rolled to her back and quickly pulled out her Desert Eagle, and she blasted one of the beasts in the head. One powerful shot put it down, and then another came at her and she shot and killed it as well. As its evaporating body came down on her, she began to hear gunfire from another source, and she could tell it was a very big gun that was being used. When the beast evaporated fully, she could see each of the others that surrounded her were going down with their heads being blown to bits or their chests were blown out. She glanced around to see who had come to her rescue, and her eyes widened even further when she saw a huge man dressed like someone from a western movie.
She aimed her pistol at him at him trying to determine whether he was friend or foe, and he just looked at her in shock. She soon lowered her gun and nodded to him, and then she saw another of the beasts appear from the bushes behind the man. Before she could give him a warning, the man's weapon transformed into a claymore right before her eyes and with one hard swing and a pull of the trigger, the recoil of the gunshot send the blade straight through the beast's body.
He then put the blade on his back and turned back toward her. "Hey there. You don't look like you're from around here." His deep voice came to her a moment later.
"Where am I? Who are you?" Viper replied, her hands still gripping her pistol.
"Well first off, I should be askin' you that since you brought some Grimm near my property," The man replied to her, crossing his arms over his chest, "My name's Auron. Auron Karmine. What about you?"
"My... codename is Viper. Thank you for helping me."
Auron stepped forward and reached his hand down to her. "I get the feelin' you got a story to tell about why you're here on Remnant. You seem like you're like my daughter's fiance."
"...Rem...nant?" Viper replied in confusion before slowly taking his hand.
Auron chuckled a bit and pulled her to her feet. "That tells me all I need to know. Get your gear, an' I'll take you to my home an' you can explain everything."
"Oh god, this has to be a weird dream..." Viper remarked and went to gather her backpack and her Vector, "What you're suggesting is fucking crazy."
"I wish I could tell ya it was an' you could wake up in your own world, but..." Auron shook his head, "It's as real as that cut on your arm. I know a few more people that came from another universe or world or whatever, an' one of 'em is set to marry my oldest daughter. You got a lot to learn about Remnant here, an' the Grimm. We need to see if we can get your aura unlocked."
"My fucking what?"
Auron took in a deep breath and let it out evenly. "This is gonna be a long day."
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5strazha · 1 year
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Патрон нарезной Lapua .338 Lapua Mag. OTM Scenar 16.2 g/250 gr
Один и только - .338 Lapua Mag. Scenar OTM 16.2 g/250gr был специально создан для стрельбы на ультрадлинных дистанциях. Этот в боевых условиях проверенный патрон обеспечивает невероятную производительность и точность в решающей роли стрельбы на большие расстояния. За годы с момента введения патрона, .338 Lapua Mag. заработал твердую репутацию в качестве наиболее популярных и наиболее часто используемых на дальние расстояния для спортсменов и охотничьих целей.
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scopesreview · 6 years
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gunslingersix · 4 years
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Savage 110 .338 Lapua Mag 1 in 12 twist 35” heavy flutter barrel , 5-25x50 Vortex scope, accuracy solutions bipod extender.
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tactical-weapons · 5 years
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Modern, modular, and multi-caliber, the Ballista® represents the future of precision rifle systems. Designed to deliver surgically precise fire, the rifle can be configured in less than two minutes to any of three available chamberings (.338 Lapua Mag., .300 Win. Mag., and .308 Win.). Featuring repeatable accuracy with all chamberings, the Ballista® employs a high strength, vibration-isolated aluminum alloy receiver with a top-mounted MIL-STD-1913 rail. In addition, the rifle features multiple rail segments for the addition of accessories. Fluted barrels measure 26 inches, and the bores have polygonal rifling with a right-hand, constant twist rate. A fully adjustable trigger (for single or two-stage release between 3 and 5 pounds) and adaptable, ambidextrous folding stock allows the shooter to configure the rifle for enhanced performance. For those who want the future of precision rifle performance today, look no further than the Ballista® multi-caliber system.
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mikes-place · 2 years
What the fuck is CZ doing with their bolt actions? They kill the 550 series which were world renowned hunting rifles with 4 action sizes handling everything from .223 to .338 Lapua, most with 5+1 mags. Then they switch to the 557 bastardized model, and now that's gone for this 600 series that's ugly as sin and hold 3+1? Why?
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master0ld · 4 years
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В России представили уникальную винтовку «Фантом»
Новую высокоточную винтовку в сентябре 2019-го представили специалисты отечественного холдинга Bespoke Gun (рус.пер. - "Оружие сделанное на заказ"). «Фантом» — продукт для российского рынка уникальный: впервые такое оружие было создано на базе собственной затворной группы. Отличительной особенностью нового высокоточного карабина стала затворная группа, которая была полностью спроектирована отечественными специалистами. С гордостью говорят в компании и об инновационном ложе собственной разработки. На предыдущих моделях мы использовали готовые элементы иностранного производства, а сейчас построили главный узел самостоятельно. Такое оружие на современном российском рынке представлено впервые. Еще несколько лет назад в России производились штучные экземпляры высокоточного стрелкового оружия такого класса, однако тогда речь шла о заимствовании лучших решений мировых производителей для того, чтобы затем объединить их в один стрелковый комплекс. После введения санкций даже такая практика стала невозможной. Поэтому создание «Фантома» — прорыв не только для самого холдинга, но и для отечественных оружейников в принципе. Отличается «Фантом» не только уникальными разработками, но и эффектным внешним видом. Охотничий карабин вышел компактным, при этом яркой доминантой в его облике остается граненая ложа, изготовленная из высококачественного карбона: материала од��овременно прочного и легкого. Она спроектирована таким образом, что позволяет свести к минимуму риск неточных выстрелов. Дело в том, что чаще всего к таким ошибкам приводит неправильное удержание карабина. Однако в работе над созданием ложи для «Фантома» принимали участие специалисты по механике и эргономике, поэтому сконструирована она таким образом, что держать неправильно ее будет просто неудобно: оружие само подскажет стрелку правильный захват. Карабин, общая длина которого составляет 985 мм, а вес — менее 4 кг, оснащен затворной группой с тремя боевыми упорами, 16-дюймовым стволом варминт, обеспечивающим начальную скорость пули в 930 м/с, и обладает эффективной дальностью в 1 тыс. м. Всё это, заявляют производители, при использовании индивидуально изготовленных патронов позволяет обеспечить точность, близкую к 0,1 МОА, если оружие находится в руках профессионала.
Оружие производимое этой компанией ВИНТОВКА BASTARD Калибр: .300 WSM Длина ствола: 16" Вес: 4.0 кг Патронов в магазине: 3+1 Эффективная дальность: до 1000 м
ВИНТОВКА TACTICA Калибр: .338 LM, .300 Win Mag, .300 NM, .300 WSM, .308 Win, .260 Rem, 6.5x45 Lapua, 6XC и другие Длина ствола: 24-26" Вес: 6.05 кг Патронов в магазине: 3-5 Эффективная дальность: до 1500 м
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