#Larry Lamb
forensicated · 7 months
Thoughts from re-bingewatching (mostly series 18 onwards recently) The Bill
Smithy is a bloody idiot if he thinks he's in love and puts himself in serious danger. He's literally seconds away from being killed for both Louise and Kerry and if his colleagues hadn't burst in each time he'd not be there no more. He is loyal to an absolute fault as long as he likes you! 💗 His bravery is second to none - as well as being bloody stupid! Literal Super!Sarge.
I don't hate Kerry as much as I did watching as an adult rather than when I was late teens/early 20's. As discussed with @everythingisdragons, a lot of what she does is understandable when you look from her position. Her station-best friend is murdered just before she's due to get married. Gina has to spend her and Luke's wedding day stopping Craig from telling her that he spent the night with Luke. She's strung along whilst Luke and Craig do lots of angst and staring across the room at each other and then is gaslit by Gina, Craig and Luke when she asks him if he's gay. She finds out she's pregnant and they split. She has a miscarriage just as they 'get back together'. She's dumped by the love of her life because he's gay, she finds out he spent the night before they got married with a man who she thinks is her friend and then he walks out on her again when she literally begs him to stay and says it doesn't matter that he's gay they can deal with it. After a few one night stands with Smithy she then falls for Cameron who starts being calm and kind and understanding and then slut shames her (along with Smithy for that!) and dumps her. She has a drunken one night stand with Smithy and hides it from Cameron when he wants to get back together. She then ends up being manipulated by a psychopath, told everything she thinks she knows about a man she's known and trusted for a while is wrong and that he raped her. Said psycho uses her further vulnerability to keep the pressure up and everyone at work is pressuring her to either make the complaint official or stfu with others telling her how wrong she is because Smithy wouldn't do that. Cameron is a tit who can't keep his mouth shut when they get back together (Who the fuck brings up a rape allegation in the middle of an ARMED ROBBERY? and then demands his girlfriend tell him if it's the truth or not as she's trying to keep a man with a FUCKING BOMB strapped to him calm and secure whilst the disposal team arrive?) and makes the situation worse by lying on official documents and to the investigators and tries to cover it up and make her lie. Gabriel keeps put the pressure by telling her he's got the CCTV and will protect her because he's her 'guardian angel' and the only one looking out for her. Gabriel then goes on and rape her (unknowingly impregnating her which adds to further hormones) knowing people wouldn't believe her after she accused Smithy and then withdrew it when she finally talked to him. Cameron cheats on her with Honey (her good friend!) and they have an illfated 'thing' when he and Kerry split up. She's in complete freefall and desperate for someone to love her and look after her. She's almost killed by the Radfords yet returns to David the same night that he was going to shoot her (and Smithy!) and almost gives up her job for him until she sees he ALSO cheats on her. Gabriel's still hanging around, Gina's got it in for her cos of the rape allegation against Smithy even though they sorted it out between themselves and she realised her didn't rape her. Cameron leaves her and returns to Australia despite her literally running after him and begging him to stay like she did Luke, David and Irene are promising her a new life, Gina's threatening to get her out of the station. She comes to her senses and uses David's trust in her to set him up - and then is about to be arrested for conspiracy to commit armed robbery (Irene taped it all). On top of all THAT, her dad goes on to have a heart attack. Despite it all there's only one person she can trust who is still there when the chips are down... Smithy! He tells her he loves her but there's too much going on to process it until she knows her dad will be ok. When he is - she returns to the station to tell Smithy she loves him too... only to get shot and essentially die in his arms. Phew.
I actually hated Andrea more this time around. I never liked her and hated her character first time but I think this time the deceit and lies really really fucked me off on top of the whole 'I'm such an innocent little flower who is really fucking stupid despite noone realising how obvious she's being.' She shit on every single one of them and betrayed them yet wouldn't have it at the end that she was the one in the wrong.
I found Phil Hunter and Rod Skase more odious than I did first time round too. Teenage me had a crush on Rod yet watching again I really don't know why (other than hormones!). He was still watchable though and enjoyable for the dick that he is at least. Phil was always slimy and smug but this time watching again - ugh. He should have had his downfall - not be allowed to walk off into the sunset 'redeemed'. The stuff he did to Nick... ugh.And the underage daughter of his lover too! I also enjoyed Danny Pearce less too, much for the same reasons as Rod I think.
Geoff Daly was more of a dick than I remembered. I didn't mind him first time around but this time he did nothing but moan, cause problems for others, use his rank be a dick.
I love the 90's way of the - mostly CID - boys calling each other by their full names when being snarky with each other. "Geoffrey." "Donald!"
The 80's/90's girls were a thousand times better than the 00's girls. On the whole they got stuck in and did the job and told the men where to stick it which was even more impressive given the time and not all this batting their eyes at them. Viv, Suzi (Croft), June, Kerry (Holmes), Cass, Liz, Vicky, Jamila, Norika, Sally (Johnson), Christine etc. The only exception being Gina, obv. (There's some 00's girls I don't mind, Mel, Millie, Kirsty, Stevie, Amber (for the wrong reasons), but most of them were problematic for various reasons or just plain poorly written.
I miss Derek! :( Even now! Him and Gina bitching together with Jack - probably about Heaton would have been hilarious.
Mickey's rape still remains IMO one of the strongest storylines on the show in its history and uses a backing of its strongest cast at the time to play it out so well and sympathetically. Even Delaney's actor is one you can believe in and want to kill through the screen. It's one of few that continued down into other storylines too and was remembered when necessary.
The Target trilogy is another that is an incredible story telling trip from start to end and so well done.
Will Fletcher is a horrible character who showed no loyalty to anyone. He knew Emma had a boyfriend/fiancé/husband and didn't back off. Even when he knew or at least suspected Matt was an abuser he still kept digging and digging away and antagonising him purposely despite that putting Emma in further danger of harm. He played with Honey's feelings, messed her around and even when she literally TOLD him she didn't want anything serious but was inviting him on a holiday of essentially sun, sea, sand and sex he still turned her down (after saying he was going until the night before) and as we know she went off to meet Eva and ended up being killed rather than getting on that plane. It was a good week before anyone realised she was missing. He treated Dan like crap too despite him supposedly being his best friend. When both men liked Emma when she first arrived, Dan stepped aside and let Will try his look. However when the petrol station woman decided she liked Dan rather than Will, Will swapped the petrol pump from a Diesel to unleaded (despite Dan having put the right one to the car) so that Dan would get bollocked and be the cause of the car having to be towed back to the police garage, emptied, flushed and then refueled and he'd get points on his licence - points that ended up stopping him going on the advanced driving course he'd applied for (that Will knew nothing about till Dan applied for it!) so that Will got his place - and then when Dan asked if he was going to turn it down given the situation when Will admitted what he'd done, Will essentially laughed at him and called him stupid in a roundabout way. He also indirectly is the reason that Dan hurt his shoulder and began the steroid journey because instead of following him to arrest the man who stole it as he should have done, he stayed with the motorbike he'd been about to buy before it was stolen, which meant that Dan had to arrest him solo and got hurt. He also took the credit for finding the missing baby in Deadly Secrets when it was Dan. He's also incredibly petulant, sulky and thinks he's the best copper at the station. I couldn't help by being amused when Callum called him out on it within 12 hours of knowing him. Speaking of Callum, Will was also stuck straight up his arse and sucking up when he knew that he was low level bullying Dan, telling him to stick where he was and that he'd never be anything more than a PC when he was asking to progress onto a course.
There's several points where multi-episode mini-stories really struggled, assuming it was because of each part having a different writer and them not seeming to collaborate or at least read other peoples episodes before writing their own. For example Conviction 6 makes out like Smithy and Stevie continued things after the last episode of Gun Runner when they really really didn't. It's quite a confusing episode in some respects because of that.
Towards the end there's a lot of 'because of the reboot' decisions in stories rather than it feeling true to the character. Without going into too much detail because the recap will be up soon, the last episode of the Conviction six parter is a great example of this and also the point above.
Why did Des fire bomb the station to retrieve the counterfeit fifty? I know why but like... what part of that action makes sense? Surely you play dumb until it's mentioned - if it is mentioned - and then say you must have been scammed somehow and put in another amount?
Dan Casper is a special precious cinnamon roll and I will fight to the death anyone who says otherwise! He's sweet, kind, generous, does not like injustice or people picking on others (ie: telling Emma she doesn't have to be mean to Beth and act all hard because of what happened to her, they still love her either way). He's super sensitive too. If he loves you he pretty much forgives you anything and everything. He's adoooooooorable! (Same for Leon pretty much!)
TPTB missed a trick not having Dan, Will, Leon, Nate and Ben all onscreen at the same time and living together in a big house share.
Speaking of Ben, I enjoyed him a lot more this time too. The first time round he was too involved in the possé stuff of Callum, Sally and Will and I used to not pay as much attention as I could during those parts but he also proved himself to be very sweet and a proper gentleman who went above and beyond with the tropey-hidden!anger stuff for a little bit.
There's a good few characters who have decent arcs through the series looking back. Gina's move from all seeing, all knowing fearless ball breaker to human and terrified of losing more officers after her thousandth one died (I jest but it started to feel that way sometimes!) was very human and believable. Neil's transformation was understandable given everything he experienced over the years, even if it was the hideous Andrea stuff in the middle. Smithy from cocky PC, Sgt who wasn't to dissimilar but had obvious hints of Uncle!Bob's moulding and influence through to mature and responsible grown up Sgt and then Inspector was wonderful.
Gina and Smithy's friendship was a thing of beauty. Other than Louise, Gina was the only other person he cried in front of - the other times he'd run off to be by himself. I still laugh at Jonathan's reaction to Smithy having a key to Gina's.
Jack and Mickey's wasn't too far behind either, though Jack had an awful tendency to be lead by another brain that wasn't in his head - ala Rachel Heath time and abandon Mickey when he needed him the most.
If there needed to be another Sgt in uniform, why couldn't Kirsty have been promoted (as a newcomer not with much background they wouldn't have to know how long she'd been a PC etc) or one of the others if not keeping Diane? Why move Jo across? She could have become a DS alongside Max and fill the gap there.
Gina's ex, Harry, does not come across like any sort of man that Gina would ever allow near her! Infact he seems the absolute opposite that she'd go for! (Episode 181)
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Speaking of Gina's exes, we all know I'm bias for Gina and Jonathan, but the little reveals here and there of Adam and Gina's relationship were lovely, especially her obvious heartbreak when she spots his kids for the first time (The open day where Eva's daughter Joanna goes missing). The only reason they broke up is because she couldn't give him the kids she knew he wanted so she ended it and he didn't know why until they reunited at Sun Hill. It was beautifully done and you could get them being together.
Ugh, i wish she'd told Jonathan at the wedding (Jim/June) that she was ready to commit like she was going to! Or at the station the day after when she found him about to leave!
Although I love the end of the show as in the episodes themselves (Respect 1 and 2) I really dislike the way a lot of the storylines were rounded off. Callum post his dad's funeral and his assault and his jostling with Jo and his suspension were forgotten about for Respect 1 and 2. Max's drugs stuff was left ambiguous after his return as it wasn't mentioned and he had calmed down a bit and was less argy bargy and more wind up merchant. (And why didn't Mickey tell Jack rather than make a big song and dance about telling Neil instead!) It was a shame because it makes people totally forget how decent a person Max was from Assault On Sun Hill to In The Know a lot of the time as well as being an occasional dick. He was absolutely gutted he had to arrest Noah (Backlash) and had really bonded with him and took the time to help him and see things from his level despite his initial thoughts. He threatens a dangerous dealer to keep Fran safe. He also gave Noah his PSP to keep! (Brings back memories of Smithy giving TIm his gameboy in Lullaby). He went looking for Pavel in Righteous Kill despite it meaning he got held at gunpoint and looked out for Julie and her uncle as much as he could. He was impressed by Smithy in Gun Runner and told him and offered to help him through the DPS and other PCC interviews and sit with him if he needed someone. He was impressed by Beth in Beth Undercover and told her so. He had a really fun friendship with Eddie - or "Edmundo!". Cowboy Country - he was adorable as well as a little bugger for telling everyone about Terry's love of country music.
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Speaking of Max - his and Millie's 'relationship' (not in the actual terms as in a couple) always intrigued me. Purely for the fact that she was so obviously swoony over him and all heart eyes and he never let on that he was aware (though obviously was!), however in Righteous Kill he says to her at the vending machine - after he's nobbled some money off her to take Pavel some food and drink where he's hiding out) that "it doesn't have to be a big thing." and it sort of... seems out of place as nothing linked was mentioned before it and nothing was said after (and then there's Smash and Grab a few episodes after and Millie loses the crush for a few episodes) Is this 'big thing' her crush? Is he telling her to back off? Or telling her it could be something casual... it goes unanswered and it's always bugged me why it was said because nothing came of it or was building up to it and she doesn't say anything in response other than "Sure."! Unless he's meaning not wanting to talk like she offers? Or the thing he's checking up on? (that he's going off to find Pavel without telling anyone?)
There'll likely be more as I remember it haha!
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theoscarsproject · 4 months
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Buster (1988). Based on the story of Ronald Christopher "Buster" Edwards (Phil Collins), one of the thieves involved in "The Great Train Robbery" of 1963.
This sure is! A movie! A really odd take on a true life violent crime, it never seems to know how seriously it wants to take itself which isn't great when it veers into such naked racism and misogyny in it's second half. Just a pretty unpleasant story, and one told in a way that looks made-for-tv (derogatory). 2/10.
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girlonfilms · 13 days
Gavin and Stacey to get 'making of' documentary
As fans eagerly await what’s been promised to be the last ever episode of Gavin & Stacey, it’s been reported a special behind-the-scenes documentary will also be released. Continue reading Gavin and Stacey to get ‘making of’ documentary
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gengarsstuff · 6 months
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The patriarch and matriarch of the Watts family, Charlie and Delilah, 72 and 70 respectively.
Charlie skyrocketed his family into financial success in the 1790s. He was an incredibly hard worker in order to provide for them, but sadly, that meant their boys didn't see their dad, barely knew the man.
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Their three sons: Arthur, Marshall and Joshua. They had all 3 children in a range of 4 years from the middle to late 1790s.
Arthur (51) respected his father deeply despite not knowing him. He joined the British Army and fought in the Nepoleonic Wars before owning his own factories later in life. His mother detected something sinister in her oldest child, but her concerns were not taken seriously.
Marshall (49) decided he wanted to do good for his community and became a tutor, focused on educating upper-class children, boys, and girls alike. He grew extremely tired of his elder brother. He appeared to take everything he wanted from him. Including the woman he was courting.
Joshua (47) studied to become a doctor at a young age and got derailed ever so slightly when he met the absolute love of his life, marrying extremely young and beginning a family. He was an incredible doctor well known for his remedies. That was until his wife passed away after childbirth..
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federer7 · 1 year
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Young Nomad with Lamb. 2010
Photo by Larry Snider
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thecultoflove · 3 months
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happy days
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takkton · 4 months
Do y’all like ever think about how, Lawrence, you know, this guy on the left,
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Promises to come back for Adam after leaving to get help? I feel a lot of people come to the conclusion he forgot or lied or even a secret third thing were he came back and saved Adam and left a fake Adam there dead, but we gotta unpack the main kinda titular and climactic piece of the movie here.
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He cut off his foot with, well, a saw and just used a shirt to try to work as a tourniquet. He did get to cauterize the amputation site on a rusty pipe to stop the bleeding, but he lost a lot of blood before that, and he wasn’t exactly in a sterile environment. There’s a reason everyone assumed he died almost immediately off screen, and he was almost certainly in the hospital for weeks, if not months, and probably took several days to even regain consciousness after all that adrenaline wore off.
I don’t think it’s that he forgot, I think he came to in the hospital, thinking he’d been out for a few hours at most. I think being told how long he was out almost killed him. Immediate, gut-wrenching horror and guilt. He promised he would come back for Adam and help him. He promised. He saw how terrified Adam was to be left alone there. I think even though he got ahold of himself enough to become functional after group therapy, Adam still haunts him for the rest of his life.
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When he trapped Hoffman, leaving him in an unwinnable game, it’s hard to say if that was closure or re-traumatizing to him or perhaps both, but it closed a chapter of his life I think. Not to reference a completely different horror legend, but I do have to wonder if you still hear the photographer screaming, Larry?
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thebestestwinner · 1 year
See pinned post for the full bracket!
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I drew these 12 charters. Lets roll call theses bitches.
Alex Churchland, as a Rook for the EPS (Lisa: The Pointless chapter 2, not coming out anytime soon.)
Wednesday Addams (Curse you Tim Burton, you can interpret that as you will.)
Wendy and Abigail (Don't starve, the most goth blonde you'll meet and her ghost twin sister, 2 spooky 4 u.)
Snake Vargas, Pizepi Joren and Jodie Bell (Wasteland 1, 2 and 3. This is probably the most unknown)
Larry Laffer and Faith Less (Leisure Suit Larry, Specifically the wet dreams saga, good game.)
Eleanor Lamb (Bioshock 2, ons of my favourites of the bunch.)
Something called Fidget (Elysian Tail, I don't know, this was a suggestion from a friend so blame her.)
Engineer (or Dell Conagher) (TF2 this was suggested by a different friend, look at him go.)
So I hope you quickly got who's who before reading this. Have a good morning/evening/night. 
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lemememeringue · 2 years
I haven't been in the christmas spirit (hence not using my new snowglobe icon) but I'm rly glad everyone else had enough high energy to get us thru the holiday
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forensicated · 8 months
Admittedly it's taken binge watching to bring it to the fore but it never fails to amuse me just how ship!driven Gina is and how she enjoys participating in the gossip of people falling in love/flirting/getting together.
She is a complete cliché of a trope, God love her! The woman who can't deal with her own feelings/relationships/let most people close to her and who broke up with Adam ONLY because she knew he wanted to have children and she was infertile is also the same woman who loves other people falling in love and can - depending who it is - be the adult version of the kid shoving two dolls at each other shouting "NOW KISS!" She's also the mother of her entire relief of overgrown children police officers.
Early PM Gina is currently shipping Tiny Ears Luke and Kerry whilst simultaneously shipping Craig and Luke. She just doesn't know that her Pet Sgt's mystery man is Luke yet. She only knows that he has BIIIIG FEEEEELLLLIIINNNNGZ for someone (and he's driving her mad that he won't tell her who it is!) and she lights up like this....
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... each time she gets some more information out of Craig, especially when she finds out they've kissed. She makes sure to ask him how his love life is and if there's any updates on his Mystery Man almost every single time they chat and tells him to essentially just grab him and go for it! (Later she'll also be the one who finds Craig and Luke in bed together on the morning of Luke and Kerry's wedding and has to run around trying to keep a lid on it as well as deal with the situation and bash Craig about the head for it).
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(though how the woman who sees all and knows all has not realised what's going on right under her nose I really don't know!)
She's often teasing - or admonishing Smithy for his bad choices* around women over the years, especially when it's Kerry who to Gina at least has treated Smithy very badly over the last few weeks of her life - including unofficially accusing him of rape and then refusing to decide whether or not she's making it official and almost getting him murdered by Irene and her sons (though she doesn't know that bit which always wrangled with me! Especially as Irene went on to kidnap Gina herself!)
*Let's face it, the only women he's kissed on-screen who haven't gone on to die in a v horrible way (that we know of!) are Cherry from Bad Habits, the irritating shop assistant in A Night To Forget/A Day To Remember and Stevie! (Potentially the nurse in Zero Tolerance but I don't think that went anywhere - at least not onscreen). Ah and not forgetting (sadly!) Kezia.
In the 400's, Rod has just asked June out for a date and Gina is behind the front desk, veeeeeeerrrrry slowly but obviously stepping forward to listen in whilst pretending she isn't and then teases June about it.
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She's still teasing her about it like 10 eps on:
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And again the episode after that one!
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"From Rod is it? Just a friend is it?" "Yeah!" "Yeah yeah!"
If only she'd actually opened up to Jonathan when she'd gone to do so to tell him that she was ready to commit - but then didn't because he was leaving Sun Hill (and only leaving because she wouldn't commit!)😢
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girlonfilms · 5 months
EastEnders' stars join new Paramount drama
Lucy Benjamin, Larry Lamb, Bobby Brazier and Anita Dobson have all joined the cast of new Paramount+ drama, Curfew. Continue reading EastEnders’ stars join new Paramount drama
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gengarsstuff · 6 months
Introducing Arthur Watts, and his wife, Tanya Watts.
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To be trapped into marriage with one of the most despicable men in London must be a hard hand to be dealt. Worsened by the knowledge of raising a family under his roof.
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(Assumably) their five children, from oldest to youngest are:
Damien Watts, 26. The perfect heir to his fortune, if only he were legitimate.
Mia Watts, 23. A tragic start to adulthood left her broken and alone.
Nathaniel (Nathan) Watts, 21. Ready to inherit the Watts fortune, it's such a shame he's as lazy as upper class men come.
Bianca Watts, 21. Dreams of the perfect love match, destined to follow her mother's footsteps, or be disowned by her father.
Tyler Watts, 20. Would his life be different if he knew who his real father was?
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techaddictsuk · 5 months
Rozkvet - World War Two Feature Film
Hitting Kickstarter this morning is an oppotunity to back an upcoming indie film the be shot in Northern Ireland this summer. . Rozkvet is a war-drama feature film exploring the Romani people's fight for survival during the Second World War.
Hitting Kickstarter this morning is an oppotunity to back an upcoming indie film to be shot in Northern Ireland this summer. Rozkvet is a war-drama feature film exploring the Romani people’s fight for survival during the Second World War. There aren’t too many movies that centre on the Romani Holocaust and in the hands of Lamb Films, I dare say this is one to watch out…
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wideouts4life · 1 year
NFL Week 2
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I’d have to check this next statement for actually facts. But, I believe Mike Evans either has tied Larry Fitzgerald for 9 consecutive seasons with 1000 yards. Or he set the record for most 1000 yard seasons to open a career. Either way, this is really impressive considering all the variables that go into maintaining such consistency. Staying healthy is the real key and Mike Evans has built a resume that could withstand any argument as a top wideout in his era.
This past Sunday Evans talent was on full display. Mike caught 6 balls for 171 yards and 1 touchdown. Evans most exciting play came on a pass that he out jumped a defender and raced for a 75-yard gain while being pushed out at the 5-yard line. His touchdown came on a simple go route that Evans made look too easy. 
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Mama there goes that man! Damn! Justin Jefferson is really good. Against one of the better cover corner’s in the NFL (Darius Slay), Jefferson had his way all afternoon. Catch after catch Jefferson made Slay earn his paycheck. Jefferson ended the night with 11 catches for 159 yards with zero scores. Jefferson ran the route tree and is only improving. I love how his run after catch has improved and he’s playing with more tenacity. If he continues to play at this pace, I believe he can be the first wideout to eclipse 2000 yards.
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Puka Nacua is making sure the NFL knows his name loud and clear. Setting an NFL rookie record with most catches in the first two games of the season (25). Nacua is picking up what the team is missing from injured All-Pro Cooper Kupp. I won’t rain on Nacua’s parade but what he’s doing is leading me to look at Kupp’s record setting season as a by product of Matthew Stafford. 
Think about it. Stafford was the QB of the Detroit Lions when Calvin Johnson set the record for most yards in a season with 1964.  Stafford won the Super Bowl the year Kupp became the #2 yards leader in NFL history with 1947. I would not be surprised if similar numbers are achieved by Nacua especially if Kupp lingers on IR for about half the season. 
Nacua caught 15 passes for 147 yards with zero scores. His play matched the intensity and toughness of the San Francisco 49ers defense. I love how physical the rookie is playing. Catching slants over the middle is no easy task at any level, especially the hard hitting NFL. I regard the 49ers defense as the best in football and watching the kid carve a hole in the defense lets me know he’s going to have a very productive season. 
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Nico Collins is making his first appearance on this blog with a healthy performance against the Indianapolis Colts. Collins caught 7 balls for 146 yards and 1 touchdown. Nico caught a slant on his first pass and raced 45 yards before eventually being tackled. Collins lone touchdown came on what looked like a busted coverage. I think rookie CJ Stroud has found his go to wideout and I look forward to the kid having more 100 yard games this season. 
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Ceedee Lamb is making his first appearance of the 2023 season. Against one of the better corners (Sauce Gardner) and a pretty good New York Jets defense, Lamb licked his chops all over the field this past Sunday. Ceedee caught 11 passes for 143 yards. I like that he’s playing aggressive and being physical at the point of attack. He’s now in his 3rd season and looking like the #1 wideout team owner Jerry Jones thought he could be. 
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Speed kills! Devonta Smith is a speedster like the road runner. The majority of his yardage came on two deep shots from Jalen Hurts with one being slightly under thrown. That didn’t matter as Smith jumped over the defender, Moss’n him in the process to complete the catch. Devonta’s touchdown came on a go-route that the defender was sitting on. Smith ran right by him on his way to the end zone for a 63-yard touchdown. 
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George Pickens is a name I have never heard of either. But after the game he had against divisional rival Cleveland Browns, I’m sure I won’t forget his name nor his game moving forward. Pickens only caught 4 of the 10 balls targeted in his direction. On a long 3 and forever, Pickens inside released on a speed dig and galloped his way 71-yards for a touchdown. Pickens finished the night with 127 yards to give his team the much needed victory. 
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It’s good to see Keenan Allen back carving up defenses across the NFL. The Allen of old would have a great game to then be sidelined the next week. But the 2023 Allen is a different animal. The thing I pick up in his body language is that’s he’s fully healthy and happy. Against the Tennessee Titans, Allen had 8 catches for 111 yards and 2 touchdowns. His team took home the Loss but personally the day was a win for Allen. 
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Christian Kirk has lived up to the big contract he signed last summer worth $72 million dollars . Against the Kansas City Chiefs, Kirk made his presence felt early and quite often. Christian caught 11 passes for 110 yards. Kirk didn’t score but I look forward to him continuing to dominate from the slot. 
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DJ Moore was traded this off-season to the Carolina Panthers. I feel this was an upgrade for the Panthers but a mistake by the New Orleans Saints. Moore caught 6 passes for 104 yards. He didn’t go deep but ran a couple dig routes that turned defenders around. As he and quarterback Bryce Young chemistry grows I expect Moore to have more than a few 100-yard games this season. 
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This last wideout had his first 100-yard game of the season. I’ll always root for the kid to do good because I coached him in high school. Amon-Ra St. Brown will get paid this off-season especially if he has his 3rd straight 1000 yard season. Against the falcons he was used all over the field. St. Brown caught balls from out wide, in the slot, and from the backfield. Amon-Ra caught 6 passes for 102 yards with zero scores. 
Sorry this blog is a late but as long as it gets done that’s all that matters. After watching the tape I’m going to give Keenan Allen the WOW award (wideoutoftheweek) because he scored twice and at the end of the day the wideouts get paid to score.
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edgarmoser · 1 month
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jim lassiter aka larry lamb
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