#Lashes services
lashesservice1 · 1 year
Lashes Service
Enhance Your Beauty with Professional Lashes Services In the world of beauty and cosmetics, the allure of long, voluminous lashes is undeniable. Lashes have the power to transform one's appearance, framing the eyes and adding a touch of glamour to any look. This is where professional lashes services come into play, offering a range of options to achieve the lashes of your dreams. Professional lashes services have evolved significantly in recent years, offering various techniques to cater to individual preferences and needs. One of the most popular options is eyelash extensions. These are meticulously applied synthetic lashes that are bonded to your natural lashes, creating a fuller and more dramatic effect. The process requires precision and skill, as each extension is applied with care to ensure a natural and comfortable result. For those seeking a more temporary solution, Lashes services and tints are a fantastic choice. Lash lifts involve curling your natural lashes for an open-eyed look that lasts for weeks. Tints, on the other hand, darken the lashes, eliminating the need for mascara. This combination can make your lashes look effortlessly polished, even on makeup-free days. The key to successful lashes services lies in choosing a reputable and experienced professional. Trained lash technicians understand the importance of proper application techniques, hygiene, and safety. They work with you to determine the desired outcome and recommend the most suitable style and length to enhance your unique features. Quality lashes services not only provide a cosmetic enhancement but also promote self-confidence. The confidence that comes from feeling great about your appearance can have a positive impact on various aspects of your life. Whether you're preparing for a special occasion or simply want to treat yourself, lashes services offer a luxurious and pampering experience. It's worth noting that proper aftercare is essential to prolong the life of your lash enhancements. This includes avoiding oil-based products, excessive moisture, and rough rubbing of the eyes. Following the technician's instructions ensures that you enjoy your stunning lashes for as long as possible. Lashes services have revolutionized the beauty industry by offering a range of options to achieve the lashes you desire. Whether you opt for extensions, lifts, tints, or a combination, the results are sure to enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence. Invest in a reputable professional for the best outcome, and get ready to bat those gorgeous lashes with pride.
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quaranmine · 6 months
The Backcountry Permit Situation
Rereading Firewatch AU again and I want to make a clarifying comment about the backcountry permit thing, since it's a such an important part of the plot from Chapter 5 - 10. I haven't seen anyone be confused about this yet fortunately, but in my opinion the distinctions in the plot get pretty in the weeds here. So this is just me walking through it.
The Forest Service IS supposed to be in the wrong about the permit. That was an actual mistake that probably cost Mumbo dearly in a roundabout way. They are also wrong to have not disclosed this to Grian or Mumbo's family.
But here's where I say that it's not a conspiracy. Grian's thoughts about the mistaken permit is that it impacted Mumbo's search process. He thinks that the Forest Service wanted to cover up their mistake, and as a result botched the search to hide it. Admitting that they made a mistake with the permit would indicate they were at fault, and they don't want to be at fault because they're the government, so they continue to search the Cloud Lake Trail like nothing happened. Grian thinks that they knew Mumbo wasn't there and kept searching it anway to make themselves look good. He thinks they purposefully searched an area Mumbo wasn't in to hide their mistake. He thinks that they should have pursued other areas, but didn't want the liability of admitting Mumbo wasn't on the trail. He and Scar both think it was unprofessional to not, somehow, explore areas that weren't even connected to the original trail because SAR should have been "able to predict that."
The non-conspiratorial reality is much simpler. The Forest Service mistakenly issued Mumbo a permit for a trail that hadn't been reopened yet because the person who issued it simply didn't know. It's pre-computer, so it's not like they had an electronic system to flag this. So when Mumbo is reported missing, they have 1) Mumbo's permit for that trail, 2) Mumbo's car at that trailhead, and 3) a witness who said they saw Mumbo on/near the trail. There is NO reason to assume Mumbo didn't go there anyway. All evidence actually points to him being there. In fact, as stated in the files Grian later stole, the SAR incident commander had determined that the damage to the trail made it more likely for Mumbo to get lost. He would have entered altered terrain where the trail was obscured, and might have taken a wrong turn since everything was no longer marked or clear. I have seen real life cases where this happened to hikers who got lost!
It's stated that the SAR did do aerial searches of some other locations around Cloud Lake, but only of official trails off the same road as Cloud Lake. Since, you know, those are the ones that officially connect and are close to where his vehicle was found. Grian himself says he never made it to Cloud Lake because he was "asked to help in other areas." So we can already see that there was search acitivity that wasn't concetrated on the the rockslide area.
When Scar asks what the Forest Service thought about Mumbo's things being found on a completely different trail, and why he was permitted for a closed trail, he's told they were "operating on information inconsistent with reality and conducting an investigation of it." They both treat this as sinister-sounding but it's pretty much just a roundabout polished governmenty way of saying "we have no clue why he was at Pinnacles either and are looking into it" lol.
When Grian confronts the District Ranger, he's mad. The District Ranger admits fault to him about the permit, but explains again that they didn't see a reason why Mumbo wouldn't be in the Cloud Lake area. Grian accuses them of purposefully blocking off the spur trail Mumbo took—essentially saying that the Forest Service knew Mumbo took that path, and quietly blocked it off without mentioning it. The District Ranger replies that the trail crews were just doing their jobs. That's the truth. Since the Cloud Lake Trail needed repairs to reopen, a trail crew worked heavily on it. Part of their job is streamlining the trail.
Unfortunately, most of the critical errors in Mumbo's case were always his own. He shouldn't have taken the unmarked trail, he should've turned around once he realized the Cloud Lake Trail was messed up. I don't mean it in a victim-blamey "he deserved his outcome due to stupidity" way. I simply mean it in the sense that we're all human and unfortunately some silly mistakes or moments of poor decision-making are final.
So basically:
Forest Service issuing the mistaken permit and not admitting it: actual mistake, they were wrong
Forest Service purposefully botching the search and focusing on an area they knew Mumbo wasn't in, to decrease their own liability: this didn't happen, Grian is wrong
Mumbo's family could probably sue them for wrongful death based on the permit thing, though. I don't know how successful it would be but in my purely amateur opinion I think there's a reasonable case to be made that Mumbo never would've been in the position to make his mistakes if he'd never stepped foot on the trail. He might've gone elsewhere and had an entirely normal trip. If only :(
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 months
truly something that, amidst facing / going through a dramatic Life Change ft. unavoidable emotional effects of that, there are instances where i can't conceal any & all degrees of being distressed / upset, & repeatedly getting "it's hard for me too" as a Direct Response to that: really something & a half how the asserted theoretical Sympathy of [i feel similarly!] is invoked so as to, oh you know, preclude sympathetic Treatment. such as that what would be More sympathetic in these instances would be to say Nothing, "if there's nothing but dismissal / making it first & foremost about someone else's feelings to say, don't say it at all" style
#reading also that original Lovelessness essay ''love is meant to make me human / love is also the mechanism by which my humanity#has been denied'' always preferring to have [sorry! couldn't fully bottle up this Emotiona externally manifesting at all!] Ignored rather#than ''nicely'' interacted with so as to Invalidate; Dismiss; someone's annoyed at you for having it; etc#for bonus context like we are not in the same boat with it.#not a case of ''the same situation; mine is worse though'' like no; fundamentally different situations here lmao. mine is worse#If You Feel So Bad. Or At All. then at least now do me the favor of Not Saying That; Repeatedly#their feelings put on me too in other ways. stewing resentment into lashing out; tossing out ''but i'm justified'' like ok! Your business!!#the ol like. If You're Going To Do Something Anyways then how you justify it to yourself is Your business / b/w you & your god as they say#& the last thing to do is be making it the problem of ppl Most Affected by what you're gonna do anyways & Also ask their Absolution.....#like if you need more moral support abt What You're Doing Anyways: turn to Anyone Else. even No One if you have to.#bit going tf through it when it's spilling over into Posting but such is life!! we all have that [the horrors. girl help] blogger on dash#again the tl;dr like oh you don't say. the [umm but have you considered? My Feelings! (they're so sympathetic at all. yor welcome)] is#the mechanism through which Really basic sympathy is being denied & replaced with [Saying Nothing would've been less hurtful]#misgendering me the other night too while Also all 'hey I'm trying to talk to the customer service. why are You going up & talking first'#(that was me experiencing the latter. i didn't say it but i was like cmon. my glasses are fogging up w/surgical mask (don't have access to#more effective masks so doing what Nonzero i can there) i'm a bit carsick i'm weathering a crisis. can i have anything here lol)#just Oh You Know. The Horrors....#balancing ofc trying to endure trying to self soothe etc etc. with ''it's the horrors. it's gonna be horrific & you're gonna be affected''#ah the [being kind to oneself] like also means knowing how reasonable it is to Not solo contain & endure & Cope Through everything....#crushing a paper cup in my hands genuinely i would like to generously thank my virtual allies out here today. mic feedback#irl In Real Life? life is Real asf here & nobody Realer than them
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tadpal · 6 months
like idk maybe makeup is truly a form of self expression to you but it really sucks that customers are noticeably kinder and more understanding towards me when im in makeup vs when im out
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
I dont get how loud noises don't bother people
Like the forklifts beeping make me so full of RAGE that I get so crabby by 7:30 bc they're hurrying to finish their shit while they're allowed to have the lifts out without needing a spotter/all that and it's a cacophony and it makes me just so angry that I'll be cranky for another HOUR at least
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glowupbody · 1 year
Glow Up Body & Beauty | Medical Spa | Weight Loss Centers in Miami FL
Ours is a well-reputed Medical Spa in Miami FL, where we offer a range of medical-grade skincare treatments, including facials, permanent makeup, IV hydration, as well as body contouring, and PRP hair restoration. Our licensed professionals ensure safe and effective treatments, and our personalized approach to skincare will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed. Moreover, when it comes to losing weight and giving your body a perfect shape, ours is among the renowned Weight Loss Centers in Miami FL. From devising customized weight loss programs to offering nutritional counseling, we have you covered. With us, you can surely achieve your health and wellness goals. To book an appointment, visit or call us today.
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everyyoojoonghyuk · 2 years
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braintapes · 1 year
I wonder what would happen to the New Crew if they got put through the S2 monster-maker blender...
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“Rule out the lash,” The Globe and Mail. January 12, 1970. Page 6.  ---- On two separate occasions Joseph Ziemba, 42, of Hamilton, is going to be led from his cell in a penitentiary, his shirt is going to be stripped off and he is going to be lashed five times with the cat-o'-nine-tails. His crime was robbing an elderly man of $85 and severely beating him in the process. County Court Judge Wilfred Leach sentenced Mr. Ziemba to eight years' imprisonment and 10 strokes of the lash. 
The lashing would be a deterrent to others "of a like mind", Judge Leach said. However, there is every indication. that Judge Leach is absolutely wrong and that the lashings will not only fail. to deter others but will fail to deter Mr. Ziemba from his evil ways. 
The report of the Canadian Committee on Corrections under Judge Roger Quimet which was published last September again made the point. "The written and oral evidence received by the committee has confirmed that judicial corporal punishment offers no definite assurance that offenders who suffer it are deterred by it or that it deters others," the report said. "We are satisfied that it has no long-term reformative value and, on the whole, believe that it has the contrary effect." The committee recommended that "corporal punishment, as a sentence of the court, be abolished". It added that "... the imposition of such punishment is brutal and degrading both to the recipient and the person imposing it". 
Also last fall, but before publication of the Ouimet Report, the Canadian Bar Association urged abolition of all forms of corporal punishment. Harry Walsh, a Winnipeg lawyer and chairman of the 'criminal justice section of the association, denounced the flogging and paddling of prisoners as a brutalizing act that had no place in an enlightened modern society. He said prison guards were extremely reluctant to lash a prisoner. "They realize that corporal punishment adversely affects the possibility of rehabilitation of the prisoner." 
After two years of study, a joint committee of the Senate and House of Commons in 1956 recommended abolition of whipping as part of a court sentence, although it said whipping should be retained for serious breaches of prison regulations. Corporal punishment had no unique value as a deterrent, the committee found. 
One of the main witnesses before the committee was Maj.- Gen. R. B, Gibson, Commissioner of Penitentiaries since 1946. He said that flogging as part of a court sentence was simply not effective. 
Courts of their own accord have almost eliminated sentences of corporal punishment. But the Criminal Code still sanctions it. And the occasional judge still orders it. The option should be ruled out. It should be abolished once and for all.
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xninetiestrendx · 2 years
I can’t wait to see what kind of review or complaint this lady makes listing me by name because I told her the wrong day my manager is in (I didn’t) or wouldn’t help her (because we’re fully booked in the evenings and don’t know corporate information)
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asofttouchbymaria · 13 days
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Sweet Bridesmaid getting ready for her sisters wedding, she wanted to go a little more dramatic!💋
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Sweet Nancy and Andrea, beautiful moment with mother and daughter💋
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browsandlashes · 23 days
Elevate Your Natural Beauty with a Lash Lift
A lash lift is the ultimate beauty treatment to enhance your natural lashes without the need for extensions. This innovative technique curls and lifts your lashes from the root, giving you the appearance of longer, more defined lashes that open up your eyes beautifully. Ideal for those who want a low-maintenance, yet stunning look, a lash lift lasts for several weeks and pairs perfectly with a tint for an even bolder effect. Say goodbye to daily curling and mascara clumping. With a lash lift, enjoy effortlessly gorgeous lashes every day. Discover the transformative power of this treatment and elevate your beauty routine to new heights!
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Professional Acne Treatment Services- Vivid Skin, Hair & Laser Center
At Vivid Skin, Hair & Laser Center, our Acne Skin Care Service in Chandler AZ is designed to address the unique needs of acne-prone skin. Whether you're dealing with persistent breakouts, blackheads, whiteheads, or acne scars, our personalized approach will help you achieve clearer, healthier skin. Our experienced professionals use advanced techniques and medical-grade products to reduce inflammation, unclog pores, and prevent future breakouts.
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ninskilondon · 25 days
Revitalise Your Look and Health with IV Drips and Lash Lifting in London
In the fast-paced world of London, where stress, pollution, and a hectic lifestyle can affect your appearance and well-being, finding effective ways to rejuvenate your body and enhance your beauty is essential. Two popular treatments gaining traction in the city are IV drips and lash lifting.
Whether in the bustling heart of London or the tranquil areas of South East London, these treatments offer a blend of health and beauty benefits that are hard to ignore.
Read Our Blog :: https://ninskilondon.blogspot.com/2024/08/revitalise-your-look-and-health-with-iv.html
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blushbeautyempire · 30 days
Enhance Your Natural Beauty with Lash and Brow Services at Blush Beauty Empire
When it comes to enhancing your natural beauty, nothing makes a statement quite like perfectly styled lashes and brows. At Blush Beauty Empire, located near Lake Macquarie and Warners Bay, we offer a range of expert lash and brow services designed to elevate your look and boost your confidence. Whether you’re looking for luscious lash extensions, a transformative lash lift, or meticulous brow services, our skilled technicians are here to provide you with stunning results.
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Lash Extensions in Lake Macquarie: Wake Up with Beautiful Lashes Every Day
Imagine waking up every morning with long, full, and perfectly curled lashes—no mascara needed. That’s the magic of lash extensions, and at Blush Beauty Empire, we specialize in creating a look that’s uniquely you. Our lash extensions Lake Macquarie are applied with precision and care, ensuring that each lash is perfectly placed for a natural, yet glamorous effect.
We offer a variety of lash extension styles, from classic to volume, allowing you to choose the level of drama that suits your lifestyle. Whether you prefer a subtle enhancement or a bold, eye-catching look, our lash experts will customize your extensions to complement your eyes and face shape. The result? Effortlessly beautiful lashes that make your eyes pop.
Lash Lift Services in Warners Bay: A Natural Boost for Your Lashes
If you love the look of curled, lifted lashes but want to keep things natural, a lash lift might be the perfect solution. At Blush Beauty Empire in Warners Bay, our lash lift services are designed to give your natural lashes a beautiful curl that lasts for weeks. This treatment is perfect for those who want to enhance their natural lashes without the need for extensions.
During the lash lift process, your lashes are carefully curled and lifted using a gentle, safe formula that holds the shape for an extended period. The result is a wide-eyed, youthful appearance that highlights your natural beauty. Combine your lash lift with a tint for even more definition, and enjoy the convenience of waking up to perfect lashes every day.
Lash and Brow Services in Warners Bay: Frame Your Face with Perfect Brows
Well-groomed brows are the key to framing your face and enhancing your overall look. At Blush Beauty Empire, we offer a range of brow services in Warners Bay, including shaping, tinting, and more. Our brow experts will work with you to create the perfect shape that complements your facial features and enhances your natural beauty.
Whether you’re looking to maintain your brows or need a complete transformation, our team is here to help. We use high-quality products and the latest techniques to ensure that your brows are beautifully shaped and long-lasting.
Why Choose Blush Beauty Empire?
At Blush Beauty Empire, we believe that beauty is personal, and we are dedicated to providing our clients with services that are tailored to their unique needs and preferences. Our team of experienced technicians is passionate about helping you achieve the look you desire, using only the best products and techniques in the industry.
We pride ourselves on creating a relaxing and welcoming environment where you can unwind and enjoy your beauty treatments. Whether you’re visiting us for lash extensions, a lash lift, or brow services, you can trust that you’re in good hands at Blush Beauty Empire.
Book Your Appointment Today
Ready to enhance your lashes and brows? Book your appointment at Blush Beauty Empire today and discover the difference that expert lash and brow services can make. Located conveniently near Lake Macquarie and Warners Bay, we are your go-to destination for all your beauty needs.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit https://www.blushbeautyempire.com.au/ or contact us at 0448 137 862.
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quickspeedmover · 1 month
Expert movers and packers in dubai
Quick Speed Mover one of the largest packers and movers in Dubai, which is efficient to fulfill your packing and moving requirements to or from UAE Region.The goal of Quick Speed Mover Expert movers and packers in dubai is to offer expert quality service at a reasonable price. In order to make moving from or to Dubai and more convenient for you, we provide the top packers and movers services in the area. We have exceeded our clients' expectations by providing our services.
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