#Last night tho I had the worst stomach ache I've ever had in my life
shima-draws · 7 years
What happened with the train yesterday? :O
Oh right!! Yeah so apparently a truck exploded on the highway? Like, all of this fuel and oil n stuff came pouring out and that caught on fire so. It was a HUGE mess.
I don’t know if the driver is okay, last I heard is that he also. Caught on fire and had to be sent to the hospital ;m; I hope he’s doing alright tho;;
But yeah I think that fire might have spread to the light rail station, so they closed it down for the day. Even the highway was closed off…it took my mom and I an hour just to get to the light rail station by my house so I could get my car and drive home because there was so much traffic!
Just. Yesterday overall was not a good mental health day for me. That whole incident made my anxiety shoot through the roof. Yikes.
So yea that’s what went down and that’s why I was stranded for so long;; traffic was absolutely horrendous and I can’t imagine what it was like during rush hour. Coming from a big city like Denver must have been HELL.
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