#That was the cherry on the good ol cake
yuri-is-online · 2 months
Ngl, Aceyuu has me in a chokehold right now. Now imagine this:
Yuu's been learning how to improve their cooking and baking so they and Grim don't have to stick to eating the same ol' food everyday. After successfully making their first successful dish, which is chicken pasta bake, they decided to kick it up a notch. Salads, meat dishes, soups, pastries and desserts, the Ramshackle duo are eating good. So, why not make lunch for the both of them to bring to school?
The first years look in awe when they see the delicious lunches Grim and Yuu are eating. Ace, however, has his eyes set on Grim's dessert: a slice of cherry pie. But just before he can grab it, Grim's already chowing down on the pie before trying to take some of Ace's food. Yuu, of course, scolds Grim and gives him one if their cranberry white chocolate buns to tame him. Noticing Ace's expression, it didn't take long for them to put two and two together. So, they ask for the first years to come over to Ramshackle for dinner. While the first years are talking excitedly, Yuu throws Ace a wink, confusing him.
At Ramshackle, the dining table was full of dishes: grilled chicken, vegetable stir fry, shish kabobs, and more. When it was time for dessert, everyone was on the edge of their seats until Yuu came out with different desserts for each first year. Mini egg tarts for Deuce, pear compote with vanilla ice cream for Jack, spiced apple muffins for Epel, double chocolate cookies for Sebek, custard pudding for Grim, and Yuu has strawberry gelato. To their shock, Ace doesn't have any dessert which bums him a little. Though, to be fair, he is super full so he probably has no room for dessert at the moment. But Yuu, ever the friendly soul, let's Ace eat some of their gelato.
Before they leave, Yuu asks Ace to stay behind because they have something to gift him. They hand him a box tied with a red ribbon and tell him to open it when no one's looking. He's confused but he complies.
Back at Heartslabyul, Ace opens up the box to find what's inside: beautiful mini black forest cakes arranged into a heart shape. Ace, who's a little hungry, snacks on the cakes while feeling all giddy.
annon this is a whole meal (⊙_⊙) and I had to make sure I had a whole meal before I let myself look at this ask, people extensively describing food makes me hungry (--;
I would make one mini addition to your little scenario, cherry pie is listed as Ace's favorite food, so it makes a bit more sense for Yuu to give him something like that... especially since that's what he wanted from Grim in the first place! Maybe it could be something like these heart shaped cherry hand pies? And Yuu gives him one little black forest cake for desert so it doesn't seem like they are singling him out too much, I mean sure Ace is their favorite but they can't tell the other boys that!!! They need to make up some sort of excuse, maybe they stole found a pencil of his they need to give him so they ask him to stay behind so they can get it for him... and Ace "sighs" and agrees to, acting like he's soooo inconvenienced while the other first years exchange a look and book it so they don't have to deal with you two.
Ace would be so stupid embarrassed if you made him cherry pie. It's his favorite, you know him and see him. Making food for someone is a pure and heavenly form of love, and you had to think about what you wanted to make for each of them and thought long enough about him to make him something extra. It's so touching he can;t even bring himself to gloat about it, but he will thank you for the food.
How can he be expected to get more otherwise?
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heyyy-its-kayyy · 25 days
I would once again like to reiterate that I hate men. Because please tell me why we get a new suppressed patient on the floor and the nurse doesn’t know what the deal is with him, so I open up his chart to try and get a clue—and this man’s chart literally says he doesn’t want anyone to know where he is or have any information EXCEPT FOR his wife AND his girlfriend. Like. Sir?? Tf is going on? Do they know about each other? How long you think you’re gonna get away with that?
The kicker is that right now, the girlfriend is in the room and his wife has been calling asking for any updates.
I am just. Bamboozled, truly.
Update: This man had the audacity to come out of his room and look me dead in my face to let me know that “if my wife shows up, tell her I don’t wanna be bothered tonight.”
Bro. She’s your wife. Not mine. YOU tell her. That’s not my job or my business. Maybe get your girlfriend out of the room. Just a suggestion.
Update 2: wifey found out y’all. Wifey found out and she was HOT. Like mad mad. She demanded to be taken off of his chart and pretty much removed from everything. So I do that for her because..fair, babes. Good for you.
…only for her to call back 15 minutes later and be like “you know what? What room is he in, actually?”
Now, typically..if a person has the patient password, I can give them information. She thought she had the patient password because she set it up before he transferred to our floor. Well. Homeboy changed it on her without her knowledge. *Le gasp*.
Therefore, when I asked her the password and she didn’t have the right one, I, according to policy, could not give her any information. (I hated it so much because I’m a girls girl and I was entirely on her side). But she understood and was understandably pissed, so she hung up with no further questions.
Anywhoosen. Charge nurse informs ole boy that wifey knows about said infidelity and he panics and says if she shows up, to have her removed. Yada yada, blah. She didn’t show up because he does not deserve her presence.
To put the cherry on top of the metaphorical cake, douche rocket 3,000 and girlfriend were just going at it as careless as you please in the hospital bed later on, so. Clearly, he’s heartbroken.
Wifey deserves better man. I wish her all the future happiness with someone much more tolerable as a person.
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cupidsdescendant · 1 year
Mercs X Sweet Tooth G/N!
Hey yall! It’s been a while since I wrote a short head canon list for the mercs and so I decided to write this! I really have been getting into writing actual one shot stories instead of lists so that’s why my posts have been so slow  ^___^ I’m thinking about making a version of this one for the creepy pasta characters to go back to fanfic roots ;-; anyways, g’day! Mwah XOXOXO
-Very happy
-“Oh yeah? What’s your favorite one? Really! Mine too!” He takes out your favorite candy in response 
-You both like staying up at 3 am eating random sweets
-The sugar rush hits both of you SOOOOO hard. Running across the fort, double, fuck it, triple jumping all around and screaming violently.
- You both literally laugh at almost every thing the mercs say even if it’s not funny or relevant and both laugh at each other laughing so hard. Your laughs become even wheezier when you both cannot speak and it’s both of you mumbling and laughing and your mumbling.
-Just as much as the rush gets you the crash hits harder than the market crash of 2008. Both of you are literally so tired you guys can’t even get up. Eyes sore, legs weak, body tired, everything hurts after literally sonic speeding everywhere. You both wake up holding each other or spooning <3.
-Instead of a hot steamy cup of coffee in the morning you wake Scout up by sitting on top of him and feeding him lemon heads and sour gummy bears. 
-You like to throw gummies and candies into his mouth during fights just to play around and it helps with a speed boost 
-Although Scout loves candy his favorite is of course: B o n k 
-And you both drink it religiously! At this point you both have it in an IV put up into your veins. 
-Scout and you have so much fun with candy. You both go to candy stores together and have fun picking out candies and sodas. Once you both get home you guys would eat eat eat, lose your mind and sleep for the rest of the night ^___^
-He doesn’t eat a lot of sweets, but once you give him one he goes a little crazy 
-Once, you gave him a chocolate bar and he rocket jumped to space and didn’t come back for at least 3 days
-Soldier finds you alone eating a 12 pack of mini cupcakes to yourself and he gasps “Dear god!” 
-“mfwhaht-?” Y/N said mouth full of white cake and frosting. CANNIBALISM!!” He screams pointing at you in horror
-“HoW!?” Y/N yelled out, Soldier ran over and ran his hand on Y/N’s chin “My cupcake is eatin’ a cupcake!”
-He loves a good ol' fashion American Cherry pie
-Coke is his favorite drink
-He mostly enjoys milk chocolate and whoppers
-Always makes sure they're made in America
-you know em, Pyro is a maniac for that typa shit. Way even more than Scout
-Give them a jolly rancher and he'll spend half of the time rolling around in circles laughing and banging his head on the wall
-her brain is already filled with sunshine and rainbows but once you add candy- it's full blown candy land
-they like to make you dance a lot when he's hyper on candy! Always spinning you around and around <3
-He likes hoping around too. He acts kinda like a little bunny ;w;
-Pyro and you basically just run around setting everything on fire without a care in the world
-His favorite candy...? All of em! Lollipops and sour-sweet ones are his favorites.
-They propose to you with a ring pop
-he can handle some sweet things but he's not a big fan
-But when you mix a sugar rushed Y/N with a drunk Demo it's alllllllll chaos.
-You both love doing karaoke when you're out of yall's minds, screaming violently to songs or crying to sad ones
-Probably have a super duper upper crazye rap battle too
-When you both crash you find each other on the other sides of the rooms but when you both wake up you go and cuddle.
-You both try and get sober from your addictions but fail and the next weekend is the same lol
-Like I said, Demo doesn't really like candy. The only ones he'd eat is going to be mixed with alcohol or root beer ones
no comment. these are his favorite
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-being from the south, he loves moon pies and other pies in general
-Engi loves maple taffy and whenever it's winter time he makes them with the mercs or just enjoys them by himself
-He loooves taffy and Rocky Road!!
-Pie is also his favorite, Pumpkin pie specifically. He always likes to eat it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
-All of the sweet things he eats are always warm and relaxing and so you both like to cozy up together and eat together
-Engineer always has to hold you down when you get a little hyper and he has to tell you to relax
-Gets overwhelmed trying to calm you down and eventually gives up but you decided to sit next to him when you can't find him
-always warns you about cavities and tells you not to eat so much sweets
-He usually hides the fact that he eats soo much candy.
-Considering Medic is German he eats mostly German candy and chocolates but he's afraid to admit he likes American candies a lot
-He likes to eat sour candies but his taste in things is a lot more "luxury" and so he eats mostly dark chocolate
-Def the kind of guy to say he's not eating chocolate or candy and have stains all over his clothes and mouth
-Medic's manic-ness and your hyper-ness when you're on a sugar rush is. terrifying. Both of you don't stop and you both cannot.
-Both of you go on the most crazy adventures. Once you both woke up with your limbs detached and the other time you guy's switched bodies
-Sniper doesn't eat sweets. periodt.
-He usually just watches you go coo coo through his rifle and chuckles to himself
-even though he doesn't eat anything sweet he think it's so cute that you love sweets so much
-He goes out his way to always buy you candy when he has the time and his favorite part is holding it while you chomp into it
-Once he saw you eating oreos and he called you cookie monster and you didn't know how to feel
-He's very neutral with everything tbh..
-You always try to convince him to eat it but he just can't do it
-So he'll eat something savory while you eat something sweet so he can interact and hang out with you
-He loves chocolate croissants...okay sorry for the french joke lmao
-seriously though he's french! France has the most bomb fucking sweets and desserts ever
-He loves Macarons, Éclairs, Profiterole and crepes
-He also really loves to tell you the history of those desserts and loves sharing his culture with you!!! <3
-He tries to calm you down whenever you have a sugar rush and usually forces you to sit down and eat desserts while he reads to you
-Loves to wipe off the cream or frosting off your face and say some horny french bullshit
-You alwaysssss beg Spy to make French pastries and he reluctantly agrees
-You both spend hours in the kitchen making food together and flirting. It's a really cute moment.
-During breaks or lunch you both eat your pastries together <333
okay so it's been a while since I posted. Hey yall! Hope you like this one <3 stay cute! Mwah xoxoxo
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blazedrawsstuff · 2 years
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Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Ghouls! Monsters of all shapes and size, allow me to introduce your Master of Scaremonies, the darling of HorrorLand: Horrley Emcee! Hope you've got your tickets ready. 
Horrley Emcee
Daughter of the HorrorLand Horrors
The HorrorLand M.C
Killer Style
Mom says when it comes to my style, I like to bring the show with me! You see me in my "circus chic" look and you already know that I mean big fun and big thrills!
Freaky Flaw 
I may look all "fun and games" but you do NOT want to send me over the edge, cause I'll make sure you go down that edge with me!
The one and only, the humongous hamster himself: Cuddles! And I do mean humongous! Big as an English Mastiff! He wasn't always like that, until he got into the Mad Labs' science experiments that is...Boy did I get a mouthful from mom when she found out.
Favorite Activity
After a long day of school and helping out at the park, there's nothing I love more than kicking off my shoes and watching some good ol' game shows on The Monster Channel. Say, have you seen the Raw Deal? It's quite killer!
Pet Peeve
No pinching! Read the sign bub! Not only is it really rude, for us Horrors, it's worse than getting burnt by your fresh-from-the-fryer funnel cake! Heck, back in the day, pinching would make us go Poof! Woosh! Gone! Flattened just like a balloon.
Favorite Subject
Physics! Up, down, and all around, it's what makes things like roller coasters such chilling thrill-rides!
Least Favorite Subject
Journalism. Personal gripe, but I oughta smack the guy who said "any publicity is good publicity", when sensationalist headlines accuse of your theme park of "unsafe rides" and "unsanitary food", in what world does that fit the category of "good publicity"? Take it from our PR department: The world of journalism like a pit of lying, attention-seeking vipers
Favorite Colors
Green, black, red, and purple
Favorite Food
If you're visiting the park, I recommend getting the "Scaries Goo-bilee", it's three scoops of pistachio ice cream, drizzled with gooberry sauce, and topped with die-licous gooseberries. Mmm mm mm! Dare I say, it's to die for!
Jaclyn O' Lantern (OC, BFF)
Gooliope Jellington
Horrley's personality reflects that of the park itself. Fun-loving, bubbly, energetic, and oh so theatrical. She has a very showman-like demeanor, and is overall pretty hammy. She has a rather tomboyish and sassy side too, often using slang terms like "bub".
However she does a aggressive and beastly side to her, especially when pinched or otherwise irritated, and can occasionally get physical. She also does have a habit of holding grudges against others, such as journalists. There are also times when she is gets overdramatic over little things.
Trivia/Additional Information
Horrley's name is based on the name "Harley" combined with the word "Horror" Her last name, "Emcee" comes from the term MC, which means "Master of Ceremonies".
Her favorite food is based off the ice cream seen on the cover of the Goosebumps 2000 book: "Return to HorrorLand", with the gooseberry toppings also referencing the respective series, as well as resembling the green slime often associated with said series. It's name is a pun on the ice cream flavor "Cherries Jubilee"
Horrley's relationship with Gooliope isn't just because of similar aesthetics and themes. Freak du Chic occasionally does shows at HorrorLand!
Her hairstyle was based off of Pinkie Pie's from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, specifically how the curls were drawn.
Her birthday is October 25th, which is the day the first part of the "One Day at HorrorLand" two-parter episode of the Goosebumps TV series was aired on Fox Kids. This makes her a Scorpio.
Horrley's headcanon voice is Katie Crown who voiced Izzy from the Total Drama series. A series, which just like the Goosebumps TV series, was produced in Canada.
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prince-rosalium · 10 months
So, what is the Parf cast's favorite desserts?
this is gonna be long.
the age old question. i have never answered it here, but it is the question i get the most about my characters.
val- tiramisu. whenever i go to my favorite boba place, or to the bakery, they always have tiramisu, and my husband and i joke that val possesses my body at that moment. i, an entire adult, put on my best sopping wet dog face and let val's pitiful voice pass from my brain through my lips as i resist fingering up the bakery glass so the workers do not have to come clean up my pathetic fingerprints. "ough. tiramisu."
dash- lemon poundcake. it's the simple things. he's good at making it and good at eating it. he's good at many things. my daughter is very talented.
lupine- this guy is where we expect to get some like, super niche tea dessert from the wuyi mountains but we must remember. his new york italian boy swag makes him especially impartial to rainbow cookies, which i will include a picture of because i have heard people putside of ny don't know what these are???
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layers of almond-flavored dense little cakes in the colors of the italian flag sandwiched together with raspberry jam and covered in chocolate ganache before being cut into little squares. eat them. find an italian bakery near you and eat them. but make sure the ganache is soft and the cookies are moist. the dry ones will be underwhelming and you will want to cry.
saturday- she likes marshmallows and very light cakes. like angel food cakes.
luci- white rabbit candy and any white rabbit desserts like the little white rabbit ice cream tubs?? yeah. but hes, in general, a pre-packaged junk food guy. guy can appreciate a good chocolate bar from the drugstore. some nice reeses cups.
tiff- cake pops. the pinker the better. she is miss starbucks unicorn cake pop.
oberon- he talks about rock candy in act 1 but he's also a big fan of dark chocolate. like, highest cacao count (bonus if it has cacao nibs) bitter, waxy dark chocolate.
donna- she likes a good italian rum cake
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it was my grandmother's favorite and i am guilty of making my italian characters so italian. this whole sponge cake thing is soaked in rum syrup and topped with a little cherry. we would get these for my grandma from the italian bakery before she died and sometimes itd just be a plain sponge cake with whipped cream and a cherry and it would be SOPPING WET with rum.
toulouse- cream puffs. choux cream. give them to her give her one of those.... big ol tubs of frozen cream puffs. (do you guys get those or is that also just an italian thing...? the big plastic tubs of cream puffs?)
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it's got a handle and everything. you can take this shit out like a picnic basket.
kenny- i had to ask his voice actor this one because i was actually stumped. kenny and his voice have a spiritual connection. sometimes he knows kenny better than i do. this is what he said
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i think this is pretty accurate. i do think that he loves ice cream trucks, but he prefers chocolate to vanilla. still with cherry dip. eclairs are already kind of a household staple because of toulouse's love of frozen prepackaged cream filled desserts.
betty- fucking dirt cups
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you drag her to a toddler's birthday party she'll clean you the fuck out of these
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
"the person who runs the Pedro Pascal Subreddit is handing over the reigns to someone else to run it because the "Pedro is gay & SM is his boyfriend" crazies have been bullying and harassing her" / just like they did with a list of fanfic writters who lose the passion to write bc of the harassment of these mentally ill people who cant even bear to read a fictional piece of Pedro eating pussy and being dominant in bed 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I can only imagine how much they harass YOU, the owner of this blog, bc of the big balls you have to not only expose them but also to post readings that show a possibility of Pedro not being the "big-ole-bottom-disgusted-by-pussy" they wish he was but the good news is: over the last months the fandom grew on a way that got completly out of control of any group of trolls and the majority of the new fans dont give a single fuck neither abt comments saying "P is 100000% gay" nor comments abt the "boyfriend he's been dating has been a century". The fans are crazy for him, fantasize abt him and the fandom is THRIVING 😌 and knowing these cunts are going insane with anger abt it it's the cherry on top of the cake for me 😎
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Oh, they try to bully and harass me all the time too, but I don’t give a fuck. They send me long ass anons and I don’t even read them, I just delete. Because Mami can see right through them and the timing of their asks is very predictable. 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣
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missguomeiyun · 2 years
Homecooking [Nov ed]
Hi all, it has been a busy month. I watched short track competitions during 2 of my wknds off. I was training ppl at work & despite having a lot of student training experience in the past, this training was different & I . ..  nvm.
I made some big purchases. Namely clothes. For work hahaha so I see it as an investment as I don’t think 1. I will change sizes in the near future, & 2. I won’t be changing careers (in the near future lol) so.. . get them while they’re available & ON SALE :P am I right, or am I right?
Anyway, let’s get to the food~
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Haven’t had whelks in a while. ..
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Made whelk pasta - tossed some cut-up whelks with spinach in a light ‘sauce’ consisting of: butter, parmesan powder, lemon pepper & salt. It was pretty good! I’ve never had whelks in other ways than the Korean-style spicy whelk. I think I cooked/left the whelks in the pan for too long so they became ‘too done’. The canned whelks are ready to eat but you know when you overcooked certain seafoods, they get more chewy & tough?
PS: I didn’t overcook the spinach so that was good!
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Bcos of the success of the whelks with pasta, I used the remainder of the can for this lemon pepper butter whelk. Again.. . overcooked the whelk. Maybe I should just like. .. mix the whelk in next time & not actually ‘cook’ it. In any case, not bad. Still prefer the Korean spicy whelks hahaha
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Ate this snack during my days off watching FIFA :P Why they put the label on the front is a mystery to me.. .
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They look like this though. These are onion rings that’s slightly salty. It has like a BBQ taste to me.
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Mini seafood pancakes (separate post coming soon!) & Korean seaweed soup (with beef & egg)~ So hearty :D
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Japchae. Some for dinner, some for lunch the next day.
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Busan fish cake instant noodles YEAHHHHH!!
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Korean cold noodles. Notice the large chunk of ice lol never too cold for cold noodles!
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Good ol’ classic spaghetti with beef, celery, onion, & cherry tomatoes.
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Another pasta dish. This one was with the mushrooms pasta sauce - one of my favourites.
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*sigh. .. inflation. These, I’m sure, have increased by $2 since pre-pandemic. Considering the size, the ingredients, etc. .. that is a steep increase =/  It was so tasty though!
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Kimchi jeons & tofu =]  perfect with makgeolli. ..
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My version of a Vietnamese dish I had earlier this month. The spring rolls look pale, I know. It’s bcos it was air-fried instead of deep frying. Finally got an air fryer that we are keeping o_O I’ll share some air fryer cooking in the future.
ALSO. .. FIFA!!! Omggggg what a crazy finish for Group E today! Geez.. . so many upsets in Qatar, but I think Group E is the most dramatic one. Who would have thought Japan would not only advance but finish first in the group?! I have to say though. .. that 2nd Japanese goal against Spain today was VERY iffy. I know they VAR’d it but the ball looked very out from the TV angle, so that goal shouldn’t have been counted, since the ball was out of play. .. & Germany not through to round of 16 in 2 consecutive World Cups =/ !! Anyway, I’m just so surprised. Costa Rica, of course, was so confusing & inconsistent, which added to the drama of this group. Can’t wait for the R16 next week!!!
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shima-draws · 7 years
What happened with the train yesterday? :O
Oh right!! Yeah so apparently a truck exploded on the highway? Like, all of this fuel and oil n stuff came pouring out and that caught on fire so. It was a HUGE mess.
I don’t know if the driver is okay, last I heard is that he also. Caught on fire and had to be sent to the hospital ;m; I hope he’s doing alright tho;;
But yeah I think that fire might have spread to the light rail station, so they closed it down for the day. Even the highway was closed off…it took my mom and I an hour just to get to the light rail station by my house so I could get my car and drive home because there was so much traffic!
Just. Yesterday overall was not a good mental health day for me. That whole incident made my anxiety shoot through the roof. Yikes.
So yea that’s what went down and that’s why I was stranded for so long;; traffic was absolutely horrendous and I can’t imagine what it was like during rush hour. Coming from a big city like Denver must have been HELL.
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andiitom · 2 years
okay so really weird asks but i need this..! okay so a fem!mc like sharing her items with thhe first year.. uhm like her scrunchies, lotion and perfume🥰
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OMG yes bestie i lowkey was already writing something like this is the best motivation for it cuz I did this a lot with my male friends!!
also sorry for being gone I been popping in perodiclly I recently had prom and graduation is like in three weeks, and I've been picking away on some asks they should be all rolling out at some point this week lol
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He's literally shaking, shitting and crying mc why won't you give him the scrunchie!? 
He'll buy a 1000 more just give him the red one with hearts literally fits his aesthetic. 
"Goddamn 'ol begging ass.. here" "Yay!" 
Won't shut up about it like he doesn't post much on his magicam but it's all he posts about for weeks. 
does use lotion like that but after Mc called him ashy he started using it more but he uses some shit like aveeno. 
then during class saw Mc pull out some neon green monstrosity she claimed to be called Waikiki Beach Coconut.
Lowkey didn't know he could smell like baked goods cuz like all his lotions previous were all scentless. 
So you telling him he could've smelt like cherry pies?? Or Strawberry pound cake? 
In the same line if using Mc's lotion Ace would love using her perfume cuz sometimes he wanna smell like 'Hawaiian Ginger' than 'Evergreen Musk' after basketball practice.
He doesn't put much thought into getting one of Mc's scrunchies then Ace makes a big deal about it and it's all downhill from there.  Won't out right ask but he's staring Hella hard at Mc's wrists when he see her wearing one. 
"D-do you want it?" "Yes…"
He often used his mom's lotion but they were all old lady scents and Ace bullied him into changing lotions. 
 Loves Mc's Unicorn Fruit body butter sadly she had to tell him the body butter isn't edible.
nobody cannot change my mind this man uses axe body spray. Everyone knows a dude who axe bombed the hallway in between periods and that guy is Deuce.
he wont ask for it everyday but Mc's bold bloom spray collection reminds him of his mom.
Pretends he doesn't care when Mc comes to him to complain about how the others are taking her scrunchies. 
The day Mc gives him her scrunchie he is so happy but he'll never admit it out loud..
"If you don't want it Jackie I can tak-" "NO! N..no.."
He's lived in the mountains in the Land of Pyroxene and in the Savanaclaw dorm.. so he's used to being dried and chapped but he'd only ever used some shit likr o'keeffes.
then he saw Mc put some shea butter on her elbows during PE but she ended up putting to much on her hands and asked if he wanted some
holy shit the shea butter agave lotion Mc let him use.. Jack never felt so nice and soft.
again like Deuce but for special ocations he'll ask for anything with lavender or aromatherapy
Huffs and puffs about it. He stares longingly at Mc's wrists anytime he sees her wearing one. 
He's literally the only one who uses it as a hair tie, he totally shows it off to Jack when they in classes.  
It was a while before he used Mc's lotion but got over himself when she called him dusty in earshot of Vil.
Loves Mc's cocoa butter and Vaseline but hates cuz during fall-winter Vil got in the habit of slathering Vaseline all over his face(hated when my mama died that)
it'll be a cold day in hell before he uses Mc's perfume he'd hafta be desperate to ask to use some.
like if he forgor to shower after magicshift practice and has a meeting with vil he'd ask for that flowerbomb perfume.
Yeah he totally doesn't care Mc gave everyone else her scrunchie.. only the common whores do that. He so doesn't care… it's not like he's crying himself to sleep over some fabric and rubber. Yeah cuz he's not losing sleep because of that. 
"Mc please be a dear and give the poor boy a scrunchie he's in shambles." "Oh.. okay Lilia…" 
So Mc just grabs his hand and puts it on him. 404 Sebek just fuckin crashed. it's funny seeing someone like Sebek wear a green floral print scrunchie.
You crazy if you don't think Sebek lathers himself with lotion; he gotta be presentable to WAKA-SAMA.
But lowkey likes the shea butter it mixes well with the cologne he uses.
he's another it will be a cold day in hell before he asks for some perfume, but then again a sucker for anything aromatherapy
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unholytrinitytrio · 3 years
How would they react to being called big
Pairing: Dabi x Reader
Word count: 2,309
Warnings: Lost of virginity, Kinda Non con on some parts, Mentions of alcohol consumption, Squirting, Overstim, Unprotected sex/ Rawing (don’t be silly wrap that willy)
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Ever since you accidentally slipped to Dabi that you never had any sexual encounters before, he’d proudly claimed he’ll be the one to pop your cherry.
At first he just wanted to get under your skin, then it slowly changed to becoming a sort of challenge to him. He blames it’s because of your constant avoidance of topics related to sex and if you are somehow are caught up in a sex joke, your face contorts to that of disgust, after which prompts you to leave the room.
That or subjecting those people in a flurry of beat downs.
Not long after, you were now called the Queen of prudishness. But even Queens has their downfall, and Dabi swears he will be yours.
So when the time had come where he had you on his disheveled bed, awake, but greatly disoriented on your surroundings and barely able to form some coherent sentence from the alcohol you had consumed.
He almost threw a laughing fit when you weakly pushed him off of you while muttering about leaving you sleep in peace.
“Ya sure that’s your priority right now babe?”  Dabi said while sitting on top you, his slimy paws on your dress shirt ready to unbutton them off your figure.
After successfully unbuttoning and removing said dress shirt he stopped dead in his track upon seeing your plain white bra. Shrugging his shoulders, he figured plain underwear suits you a lot. Though, he won’t say it out loud that it does adds a certain charm.
He shifted in his position before grabbing a hold of your jeans to slide them off of you, taking note of another set of plain underwear.
“Aww, sets of underwear for little ol’ me? I’m flattered y/n” he sarcastically remarked.
Throwing said pants behind him, he resumed his position on top of you holding one breast in his right hand the other hand went straight to your mouth. With his thumb, he tried prying your mouth open.
Still out of your wits end, you felt something, rather than someone, groping your left breast roughly. Letting out a whimper of discomfort, you felt another object, prying your mouth open.
Groaning in annoyance you let said object pry your mouth open hoping it would quit it’s objective once it had your lips unfastened with no resistance.
That was not the case though because as soon as Dabi sensed the last of your resistance withering from prying your lips open, he proceeded to shove two of his fingers inside.
Gagging a bit and moaning out in irritation from having your mouth violated by two long objects you tried biting it, albeit weakly. After which you proceeded to push it him out of your mouth using your tongue.
Opening your eyes to be greeted by a blur of black spiky figure you held unto said foreign object to try pulling it out of you.
It proved successful alright.
Successful in turning him on more.
Dabi let out a low groan of satisfaction before he removed his fingers from your mouth replacing it with his own. Sliding his tongue in easily, in replace of his fingers. He was pleasantly surprised when he can still taste a tangy fruit taste reminiscent of the spiked drink that was offered to you by one of the lower grunts whom was hoping to snag you for themselves instead.
He only stopped making out with you after he felt your nails feebly clawing at his chest.
Retracting his face with a drool connecting the two of you, he continued fondling one of your breast, letting his eyes roam your body underneath him while the other palmed at the growing erection behind his pants.
Satisfied with his eye candy he removed himself off of you and off the bed to remove his coat and shirt.
Hearing the rustling of clothes you felt some of your consciousness coming back. Lifting your head, the black blur you saw first,started to make sense. Judging by the drop in your body’s temperature accompanied by slimy feeling both on your upper lips and lower area. You knew that you were about to be fucked by some random dude with preference for dark clothing.
“Please don’t...”
Successfully unbuckling his belt, he removed both his pants and underwear. His cock, erected, standing tall in attention, he started walking back towards you upon hearing your pitiful please.
Feeling the bed creak slightly in protest upon being introduced with additional weight, you started to tremble at the thought of loosing it to some random stranger. You’d rather have someone else take it.
Someone who’s egoistical, pyromaniac maybe. You swear it doesn’t even make sense due to following reasons: (1) emotional attraction be damned and (2) any physically attraction were questionable. Anyway you just chalked it up that it was because he was the only male attention you ever gotten ever since you joined the LOV.
“Don’t wanna...” you said after you felt rough male hands, warmth hotter than comfortable dragging your hips closer to them. Before you felt him roughly parting your legs apart to better situate himself in between them.
You felt one of his hands grip your hip while you felt a hot pulsating object being dragged up and down between your lower lips. Shuddering in a mix of both arousal and uneasiness you once again tried to bargain with the stranger.
“Just be gentle...” you moaned out followed by “First...."
Of course Dabi knew that, he waited for this moment, wanting to quench his sadistic side by ramming himself deep inside of you without a care in world, you’ll be waking up with limp in your step for a whole week.
Grinning wickedly he tried inserting his cock inside you and yet to no avail, his cock kept sliding out of you.
Clicking his tongue in annoyance he tried again, only to find his cock slipping upwards accidentally stimulating your clit earning himself your moan.
“Lucky you...” you heard his raspy voice growl in annoyance before you felt him fold your pliant body. Your sex closer to his face before you felt him spit directly on it.
Letting out a sniffle you tried wiggling yourself once again, before you felt him tightened his hold on you. The warmth you once felt grew two times hotter as a warning.
You felt one of his finger enter you, and contrary to your will, you clenched against him.
“Shit...” you heard him curse before you felt another one of his finger enter you again scissoring you in a hurried manner, making you groan in a feeling of being cramped up.
After what felt like an hour of being prep by him, he lowered your body again you felt his pulsating member rubbing against you slick while his head lowered itself beside your ear breathing heavily.
Dabi retracted his hips slightly to rub his cock in his hand successfully spreading some of your wetness.
Guiding the head of his penis at your entrance he tried entering it a few times, satisfied that he was able to enter some centimeters a lot more easliy.
Grinning sinfully against your neck you heard him whisper.
“Better put your mouth to use princess, I love screamers in bed...”
“I don’t - I don’t”
You felt his chest rumbled in laugh of amusement.
“Does Dabi ring a bell?” he dropped his name satisfied with seeing your eyes and mouth widened in shock.
Or maybe it was because he suddenly entered your roughly with no warning.
“Fuucckk...” he cursed out after feeling your walls widen in desperation, attempting to accommodate just the head of his cock.
Arching your body in retaliation at the sudden intrusion and stretching of your unused entrance by his pulsating cock. Your eyes watered in pain. Letting out a series of broken cry only fueled his sadistic side.
Dabi on his sadistic streak, had tried moving his hips in and out of you, finding it a bit difficult
“Ah-..” you let out after his first thrust
“Ah-..” you moaned out again in pain
Your uncomfortable tightness at his member be damned. Seeing your broken face like these really takes the icing on a cake.
“Bi-ig...please too Big!” you plead out in a broken sentence timing with his hip thrusts.
Letting out a sadistic grinned so wide he swore one of his stapled lips were bleeding.
“Aww too much for you?” he mocked you, finding it a lot more amusing when you responded by nodding your head quickly back to him.
“Too bad that was only the half...”
‘HALF!-’ you looked back down in alarm and low and behold you saw half of his cock eagerly trying to get inside of you.
One hand holding on the headboard behind you while the other hand holding tightly on your thigh Dabi tried inserting the rest of himself inside by slowly thrusting inside of you starting a steady rhythm.
“Ahh...” Dabi let out a sigh of relief while throwing his head back a bit, letting you view his adam’s apple bobbing up and down while gulping for air.
Several minutes of moving inside you he finally felt something tap the head of his cock before looking down at you. Beads of sweat covering your body, hands tightly grasping the bed sheet.
“Ha, ha...atta girl” Dabi praised you patting you lightly on your cheek for taking him in oh so dearly.
“Mmm...” you moaned out grasping his wrist patting you, body  still adjusting for taking him too soon.
Lowering his head Dabi caught your lips between his, before starting deep and long thrust letting you adjust to his size out of the goodness of his heart.
Chuckling deeply beside your ear, finding it amusing whenever you tried catching your breath with every thrust of his hips, successfully knocking at the entrance of your cervix.
A mixture of pain and pleasure was what you felt. The burning sensation of being stretched beyond of what you were used to, while feeling pleasure whenever his pubic bone successfully knocking and grinding at your clit.
He continued his slow deep thrust just until he heard you let out a poorly disguised moan.
Abruptly stopping he straightened his back, slicking his hair back, looking back down at your adorably confused face,  lifting both of your legs unto his shoulders.
Up until then he made sure you were taken care off, to an extent, so now you ought to hold the end of your bargain.
Dabi had the audacity to smile down at you before starting a brutal pace. One that had you arching your back off the bed, toes curling, while clutching at anywhere you could.
“Aha, Ah!” you let out a series of broken moan timing his harsh thrust.
“Mmhmm. just. like. that. cockwhore.” Dabi mocked you, words being punctuated by the thrust of his hips, lovingly staring at your fucked out face. Saliva dripping out at the corner of your mouth, eyes unfocused, and eyebrows knitted together from pain or pleasure he doesn’t care.
Licking his lips Dabi couldn’t stop staring at how your breasts bounce in time with his thrust and then lowering his gaze some more where his hips connects to yours. Watching in fascination where an obvious bulge shows itself every time he hits that one spot.
Sliding one his hand to cope the bulge you were sporting he groaned at the added pressure he felt.
“Look at you taking it like a good little cocksleeve you are”
‘Lo and behold amidst the feeling of embarrassment, you felt something inside of you tighten before cumming suddenly with his dick still inside of you.
Overwhelmed by the feeling you instinctively curled yourself drawing Dabi closer with you
A bit put off by the sudden tightness, Dabi stopped for a short second before removing your legs off his shoulders.
You were almost grateful for this if not for the fact that (1) he still hadn’t cum (2) the still pulsing dick inside of you and (3) he had intimately caged you inside his arms, successfully making his hips closer to yours.
”It’s rude to cum with no warning, you almost me made cum on the spot too bitch” his hands grasped your neck threateningly, before he restarted pistoning again inside of you trying to catch the same high he had before you rudely interrupted by cumming, making it almost impossible to thrust inside of you without the feeling of discomfort.
Whimpering pathetically at the overstimulation, while trying to keep your sanity by flailing your hands everywhere finding purchase before grasping the pillow beside your head, you tried hugging it close to your body.
“Ple-pwease break...just give me a break....it hurts Dwabi” your tongue lolled itself out. Mind hazed with pure bliss, pain bordering.
“Aww Dwabi? Really? That the best you got?” he scorned at you slamming his hips harder against you letting your body slid against the bed sheets before letting out a moan when he felt warm liquid squirting wetting his thighs and lower abdomen.
“Damn you really squirted?” he panted above you.
“Noo nooo more...pwe-pweaseee...” your eyes rolled back at your head, body rubbing against Dabi’s body.
You felt him pulled you closer, biting your shoulders hiding his moan, before stilling his hips. You felt hot liquid spurting inside of you before spilling below you, pooling at the mixed cum of his and yours, escaping his dick still plugged inside of you.
He groaned a bit grinding his hips lazily against you, he felt your thighs twitch, kissing your shoulders lovingly. He rested his head at your breast looking upwards at your face finding that you already lost consciousness.
Removing one of his ring finger to put at your thumb. He grinned in triumphant.
Congrats you earned yourself a title from being known as “Queen of prudishness” to “Dabi’s Bitch”
AN: Please I cannot  this took literal days to write. It was supposed to be all the three of them but it just went out of control.😭 😭
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
TW :  Ririe's scary
Shuu is the scariest brother out of all of them. Laito scare the shit out of me but the oldest is definitely giving the chills (never showing my back to him), I'm scared of Laito because his past twisted his mind so much that he's almost unable to feel any kind of empathy, just pity mixed with disgust and anger. But Shuu didn't really had a fucked up past, well, he did had some traumatizing events in his childhood (death of Edgar, solitude, Reiji, Beatrix just being Beatrix...) but out of all of them, he's the one who had it the least bad and don't feel any hatred towards his parents like the others do. Yet, he's still the most sadistic out of all the brothers. I literally cannot find something so awful that would turn him that way; the triplets were abused in all forms possible, Reiji was deeply neglected, Subaru was treated like a monster and Shuu had a more "normal" childhood. He just like seeing people in pain the same way you would like video games or pizza. Also, the fact that he had depression for so many years is not helping. He must be so detached of everything, every living and breathing being. Every brother feel something, anger, pain, anxiety, sadness but he has shut down his emotions so much that they just kind of vanished. He don't feel anything at all (maybe a little emotion here and there on his lower parts but that's all). He can go to therapy, cure his depression and PTSD, be in his right mind and still like to inflict pain on others. Plus, him being a manipulator is the cherry on the cake, he can brainwash you in a week while still sleeping twenty-two hours a day. AND you know he's fucked up in his head when he assaulted many girls and recorded them, you can probably hear them screaming, crying and begging for help and he's listening to those on repeat. And who's going to stop him ? Right, no one. So imagine being the one he's in love with... I know rejet didn't really expand all the aspects of the diaboys, (especially not the most horrible ones) but Shuu really is a monster, he'll never feel sorry for all the girls that he made suffer back in the good ol' days even if YOU happened to look like one of them and with him loving you come with the paranoia of you betraying him (and who knows, he would probably like to give you pain too but in a more...wholesome way..?? Like writing his name with his knife on your thigh but with little hearts around them and kiss it after 💀💀) So like...I love you but please, Six feet away
I come with a plus, though... ...
There is a 50% chance that I won't bother you; I may be too busy with my own music in case you're not interesting enough for me...
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But, again... If you are. 100% chance that I won't leave you alone.
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maadorii · 3 years
taste my disaster— i. matsukawa x gn! reader
max.note’s: i really thought about not posting this and just keeping this in my dungeon to never see the light of day but i really like this concept so here it is, mattsun romcom hehe 
synopsis: where a supposed “one time fling” during iwaizumi’s bachelor trip turns into something more. somehow.
warnings/tags: strangers to lovers, fluff, implied sexual content, suggestive themes, slow-burnish, mutual pining, recreational drug-use, food mention, pancakes
w.count— 3.8k
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if there was one thing matsukawa was expecting to do on this trip, it was to get drunk while speeding down the strip at 2am from a night of gambling from the most expensive casinos las vegas had to offer. right? it was iwaizumi’s 2-week bachelor trip that oikawa had so meticulously planned mostly because he didn’t want to throw some measly little party like everyone else. he was getting married, why wouldn’t they all go out for him this one time.
but, if there was one thing matsukawa was not expecting to do on this trip, was somehow end up black out drunk; the only thing he could remember was hanamaki losing a game of black jack at caesar’s palace–– and wake up in a unfamiliar bed, naked, with a unfamiliar warm body next to him still sound asleep. who was just as naked as he was. 
it took him a minute, but when everything clicked together in his brain, matsukawa let out the deepest sigh he could muster. sinking deeper into the plush bed below him, dragging his hands across his face, pulling at the skin. his head was pounding, unbearably so, the luminous rays of the sun that filter through the curtain drapes making it worse. he looked over to you, your back turned towards him as you slept away peacefully. matsukawa’s indolent eyes leisurely scanned the expanse of your back, how it bloomed with hickeys and teeth marks. your muffled snores were the only thing that filled the stark silence of the room. 
matsukawa didn’t know what to fear more, the fact that he had sex with a random stranger last night and is now laying in their bed or iwaizumi’s wrath when he eventually gets back to the hotel. 
iwaizumi’s wrath, he chooses. definitely. 
peering over the bedside to the floor, he sees the clothes he had on yesterday strew haphazardly along with your own clothes. in the mess he finds his phone just barley alive and about several hundred text messages and missed phone calls. most of them were from oikawa, unsurprisingly. a lot of “where are you’s” and “please call us” and even a “did you die on us bro?” but that’s when he noticed the time. 
[12:42 pm]
“aw fuck.” matsukawa cursed as he flopped back on the bed, his arm lifting up to cover his eyes in annoyance. as he contemplated his options on potentially surviving this fuck up of his, you shifted next to him which caught his attention. he watched as your body turned to face him and how your eyes slowly fluttered open, the way your pupils dilated to welcome the grating sunlight. 
and when your eyes met his, you stared for a moment before closing your eyes again and snuggled back into your pillow. “––mornin’ random person in my bed...” 
matsukawa looked back confusingly, opening his mouth to say something back, when your eyes shot back wide open and jolted out the bed, dragging the duvet with you. 
“random person in my bed?! how–– how did get into my room,” you paused as matsukawa’s naked and lean body was on full display for you to gaze upon, inevitably resulting in your face burning up like a sauna. 
“and why are you naked, why am i naked?!” you screeched, wrapping your duvet around yourself, completely drowning yourself in the material. and then it sunk in for you. 
“oh no, don’t tell me––”
“that we fucked? yes.” if any more possible, you could feel your face grew hotter at his... extremely blunt statement at your predicament. you watched as matsukawa reached over the bed and slipped his legs through his boxers. at least he had the decency to cover up you thought to yourself as he shifted his way towards you on the other side of the bed. 
“look... i- i’m just as surprised and quite frankly, embarrassed about this too. i’m really sorry about all this. i’ll... just grab my stuff and i’ll be out of your hair in no time.” you didn’t get the chance to say anything as he backed away to start pulling on the clothes he had on the night before, watching him silently as he did so. you couldn’t help but feel bad as he took his time to dress himself. your gaze lingered on his eyes, and how they droop in remorse. 
just as he was pulling on his right sock, you stepped closer into his field of vision. “can i... at least know your name?” you take note of how the dark umber in his eyes seemed to glow for a split second, his gaze shifting over to you. still draped in that damn duvet like a fucking burrito. 
“it’s issei, issei matsukawa.” 
you nodded your head, jutting your chin out confidently. 
“well then, issei matsukawa. i, (y/n) (l/n), kindly ask you to join me for breakfast–– wait time is it... brunch? lunch? ahhh, fuck it. just come get something to eat with me. please?”
matsukawa watched as you shoved half of your omelette in your mouth, your eyes gleaming as you chewed happily, savoring the flavor.
the table was loaded with an assortment of all kinds of food, mostly breakfast food. from sweet honeyed pastries to smoky, charred sausages. in front of him was a stack of warm and fluffy buttery pancakes, dripping in warm gooey syrup. matsukawa could feel his mouth water just simply staring at it, his fingers twitching to inch towards the fork next to the plate, dying to have a bite. 
you noticed his tentative actions towards the plate in front of him, the way his teeth pulled on his bottom lip in slight anticipation. swallowing the mouthful of food, you nudge him with foot, catching his attention. 
“eat, i know you’re hungry. you don’t need my permission to eat,” you chastised, returning to your omelette. 
matsukawa didn’t waste any time digging into his food, practically shoving the whole pancake in mouth. his nostrils flared out as he chewed, moaning at the flavor bursting on his tongue. you chuckled as he quickly shoveled another one in his mouth. 
“woah, slow down there tiger. good aren’t they?”
he nodded frantically and continued to shovel bite after bite. and you smiled at that. it still was kinda crazy how you’re out eating with someone that you... just had sex with last night. a one night stand? can you even call it that? was this even a normal thing? you weren’t entirely sure considering you couldn’t remember a single damn thing from last night.
when you both finished most of the food, tummies full and satisfied, a slightly uncomfortable silence fell between you two. 
“so...” you started, tapping your fingers against the mug as you looked anywhere but the man in front of you. 
“so...” matsukawa copied your actions. you sunk lower in your chair, blowing the hair that landed on your face. why was this so hard? oh wait...
“since we...we, well you know where i’m going with this––”
“since we had sex? fucked?” his eyebrow twitched upward.
“well shit, you didn’t have to put it so... bluntly, issei.” you remarked.
“shit, i was just simply stating what we’re both thinking, (y/n).” the corner of his lips tugged with mirth at your annoyed face, his eyes crinkling at the corner.
you couldn’t help your own lips tug the same as his, your body shaking as laughter struck between the two of you. as you both laughed, the waiter brought over the check, clearing some plates out the way while doing so. matsukawa was about to reached out to grab the bill before you snatched it out of his reach. he was about to argue but you pulled out your card, already handing it to the waiter as he returned. 
“oh, so you’re from new york?” you asked as you both weaved through the heavily dense sidewalks of the vegas strip, an assortment of performers and tourist, big and small accompanied you. nothing new you haven't seen before. all while dying in the blistering heat that did nothing but sit on your backs. 
“well technically, i was born in a small town in japan, but moved when my parents decided to immigrate here when i was about, ahhh i don’t know 4 or 5 years old.” matsukawa explained, wiping the sweat beaded at his brows. “what about you?”
“me? i was born and raised here in good ole' nevada. but i didn’t move here to vegas until high school.” you cheered unenthusiastically with just as unenthusiastic jazz hands. "it's nothing really special, vegas i mean."
“really? well, i guess that makes sense. you did take me a hole in the wall restaurant with damn near the best pancakes on the fucking earth. ” you chortled at his statement, hanging off matsukawa’s arm as you laughed loudly, catching the attention of a few bystanders.
“oh god, you’re still on about those damn pancakes?”
“yes i am! those beautiful, golden brown cakes of pure buttery fluffiness that just basically melt in your mouth at the first bite?” he rambled, basically foaming at the mouth. conversation was light between the two of you, it felt natural. not forced. matsukawa didn’t make things awkward. it felt so carefree talking to him, almost as if you’re floating. 
but it was when you came to, that you realized that you made it to the hotel that matsukawa was supposed to be staying at. a part of you grew glum at the thought of having to separate from the man next to you. within the last few hours that you spent with matsukawa, you came to the conclusion that you really, really liked him. what wasn’t there to like about him? he had a great sense of humor, he was charming and gentlemen like. and, that fact he was incredibly attractive was just the cherry on top of the sundae. 
you didn’t want to leave, in fact, you can bathe in the attention he showered you in. 
“welp, i guess it’s time to die.” he said dryly as he turned to you, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. 
“good luck with that. i hope your friend doesn't kill you, but based on the description of him you gave, it seems likely.”
“yes, highly.” 
a silence fell over the both of you again for the second time that day, avoiding each other's lingering gazes. why was this shit still hard?
“can- can i have your number?” he blurted out randomly, voicing your thoughts out loud for the both of you. staring into his umber eyes, you broke contact first to pull out your phone from your back pocket to hand it to him.
“i’ll be honored.”
surprisingly, matsukawa wasn’t murdered by iwaizumi when he walked into the hotel room ten minutes later. though, he did get a hard scolding from not only iwaizumi but oikawa as well while hanamaki snickered in the background.
“i feel like a five year old who's been caught with sticky fingers.” matsukawa slumped, crossing his arms over his broad chest. 
“as you should! what the hell were you thinking last night? getting drunk and having a one night stand with someone else, jesus mattsun, and i thought maki was bad.” oikawa grumbled frowning, but it didn’t last long when hanamaki threw a dirty sock at the back of his head. matsukawa rolled his eyes at the two childish adults began fighting with each other, wrapping each other up in headlocks of the sorts.
he sighed again, lifting himself up from the so called “interrogation” chair as hanamaki called it to head towards the shower. “hey, mattsun.” 
perking up at the nickname, he turned around to see iwaizumi standing behind him with an unreadable face. earlier when he walked in, his face definitely was the face of anger and rightfully so. but now...
“just be careful next time, okay?”
and matsukawa knew exactly what he meant.
“yea, okay.”
later that evening, after contemplating whether or not you should send a “hi!” or a simple “hey,” you finally texted matsukawa. and almost immediately you got a text back from him. you bounced up and down in your room, feeling like an excited teenager who just talked to their crush for the first time all over again. is this what it was? a crush? maybe, and you should be mad at yourself for feeling like this, but you didn’t have the heart to do so. 
and over the span of the next week, the messages never seemed to end. on some nights, he would call you instead of texting you to tell you about his day. what attractions he went to see that day, what places he went to eat at that day and how much money he lost playing poker at the casinos. and he would ask you about your day, about your day at work. did you eat today, are you taking care of yourself? 
your heart melted at the sweet messages he would send you throughout the day, reminding you to care of yourself and heck, maybe even be a little selfish if need be. some of your coworkers caught onto your starstruck gaze when you looked at your phone and few even tried to ask why but you’ll brush them off. oikawa, hanamaki and iwaizumi even noticed matsukawa’s sudden interest in his phone recently. and even when they're all laughing at oikawa losing again for the third time at russian roulette, matsukawa wasn’t entirely in the moment.
 because he’s waiting for a text from you. 
they noticed the way his eyes glowed when his phone ping, indicating that you texted him back finally. the way his ears perked like dog. although they were suspicious, they didn’t say anything, knowing he’ll come around eventually. 
it was the friday before they all had to fly back to new york, the cool desert night air filled his lungs as matsukawa perched himself on the balcony of the hotel room. the gleaming lights of the vegas strip below illuminated the curves of his face in a soft glow of blue, magenta and gold. 
suddenly, his phone started ringing in his back pocket. he smiled when he saw it was your contact lightening the screen of his phone. answering, he brought the phone towards his ear, “well hello my dear (y/n). nice of you to call me on this fine evening we’re having here.” 
he hears you snort on the other end over the slight static of the phone. there was muffle shuffling before you replied, “nothing much my dear issei, just sitting here bored as hell so i thought, why not give you a call.”
matsukawa felt his heart skip a beat at your statement, trying to contain the smile that was tugging on his lips. 
“haha, how thoughtful of you...” and then it was quiet again, save for the occasional horns of cars stuck in traffic.
“hey, uh… issei?” you interrupted.
“can i… can i see you tonight?” 
matsukawa stood outside the place you asked him to meet at 30 minutes ago on the phone, which just so happen to be a very crowded and loud nightclub not far from the hotel he was staying at. he could hear the bass of the music thump against inside of his bones, the rhythm sending chills up his spine. he watched as people filed into the building like a swarm of files. 
it was another 5 minutes until he heard your voice call out to him from behind. and when he turned around to say hi back, his jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of you. but he quickly contained himself as you approached him, trying to blow away the rouge that tinted his cheeks in the slightest. 
“hey, ready to go inside?” you questioned, reaching out to hold his hand, pulling him slightly towards the entrance of the club. and he nodded dumbly behind you, cursing himself inside his head for acting like a hormonal teenage boy in front of you. he couldn’t help it, especially when you’re holding his hand. you can blame it on being touch-starved.
when finally inside, bulbs of black light were hung overhead on the ceiling, making everything brighter, making the sea of club goers nothing more than blobs of fuchsia, tangerine, and aqua. you and matsukawa wormed your way through the swarm of adults, bodies sweaty, sticky and hot, shaking and bobbing their heads to the music that blasted in the overhead speakers. finding two available seats at the bar, you both situated yourselves onto the stools overlooking the crowd. 
“this is an interesting place you’ve brought me here, i honestly wasn’t expecting it.” you hear matsukawa say next to you, turning his attention to you. 
“yeah, this is one of the few clubs here in vegas that i actually go to from time to time. plus security is pretty tight here, so hopefully you won’t end up fucking someone else.” you gave him a thumbs up, a dorky smile making its way onto your lips. matsukawa’s shoulders shook as he laughed, turning towards the bartender, ordering two old fashioned’s. 
“an old fashioned? wow, i didn’t take you for a rye whiskey type of guy.” you teased, reaching out to grab your drinks when the bartender placed them in front of you. matsukawa shrugged nonchalantly, taking a sip of his own drink. 
“well, i’m always full of surprises, they say.” and when he looked at you from the corner of his eye, you could’ve sworn a you felt a chill borrow itself into your bones from the predatory gaze he sent your way. that, mixed with the half-buttoned up shirt with the gold chain he wore exposing so much skin–– much to your own liking; the way his inky curls were slicked back away from face. you swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling incredibly hot under the neon lights. 
this was simply a recipe for absolute disaster, but you didn’t mind at all. 
an hour later, after several drinks later, you found yourself being dragged onto the dance floor by a slightly tipsy matsukawa leading the way. reaching the center, the lights dimmed down even lower, the neon lights appear more luminescent in the room. The nerves you felt moments ago seemed to vanish as your body began moving to the beat of music along with matsukawa, feeling lighter than the air around you. matsukawa started doing these stupid dance moves to the song currently playing, getting a rise out of you. and at some point, the mini circle formed around the two of you as you danced the night away together, encouraged by the cheers and whistles of the crowd. 
matsukawa didn’t want this to end.
the way you’ll cling to him whether it was from laughing too hard or when you danced together to another song.
then this one song started crooning over the speakers, catching his attention. 
almost instantly, it was like time stopped around him, bleeding into a colorful flurry of fireworks. illuminating your face even more so with explosions of lavender and magenta, hints of quinacridone gold and phthalo blue.
his body relaxed seemingly watching you jump around without a care in the world. the beaming smile that radiated on your face that could argue the sun. your eyes glittering with such mirth. he hasn’t even known you for very long, but was really going to admit to himself that he… that he was possibly in love with you?
no, no, no, it’s too early to say something as... drastic as something like that. but was it?
he’s never felt like this with anyone before at all, but with you, he felt at ease. like he could be himself without having to worry about what’ll think. but there was no denying that he felt something for you.
“issei? hey, are you okay?” it was you who snapped out of his daze. 
“oh yea, i’m fine… say, how about we get out of here?”
you drove yourselves just outside the strip to the open desert, gazing up the phosphorescence of stars in the pitch black sky on the hood of your car. no words were shared between the two of you as you let the alcohol sink into your systems. And it was like that for a while, until you interrupted that silence. 
“you have to go back to new york on monday, right?”
matsukawa didn’t answer right away, letting your question digest in his mind, word by word. he wanted to say no, he really did, but y’all both knew that’ll be a lie. 
at his answer, you sat up from your lying position on the hood, matsukawa following right behind you. your eyebrows were scrunched in distress, and he was about to say something before you beat him to the punch line. 
“issei, i… i know this whole thing is really out of the ordinary for both of us, but i can’t get these feelings off my chest. i’ve only known you for what–– two weeks? but it feels like i’ve known you my entire life and i don’t know what to do— a-and you’re leaving and i don’t want you to leave and—” you rambled on before matsukawa leaned forward to press his lips against yours, ultimately shutting you up. you didn’t waste any time returning the kiss. the same fireworks from before were going off like crazy around you like it was new year’s or the fourth of july. the moment was too surreal for any of you to believe it was real. 
and when he pulled just enough where your lips barely met, he the corner his lips twitched upwards, his hand coming around to cup the supple roundness of your cheek, his thumb gently grazing the warm skin, “it’s okay, (y/n). i feel the same way.” 
“then, promise me you’ll come back.”
“for you and those pancakes? a thousand times over.”
smiling, your lips dove to meet his again, this time harder, steamier. matsukawa slowly pulled himself on top of you, trapping you as you lie back down on the hood of the car, intensifying the kiss. he moved his lips away from yours to latched them onto your cheek, leaving a trail of glowing kisses, trailing down to your jaw as a small mewl slipping past your teeth. you weaved your fingers through the ringlets of curls of his hair, gently tugging on the strands. 
matsukawa’s hands felt up and down your torso underneath your shirt, feeling the expanse of skin beneath the pad of his finger tips, leaving burning trails in its foot. 
“issei, p-please…”
“with pleasure.”
turns out he wasn’t wrong, he was certainly always full of surprises. 
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copyright © 2021 maadorii. all rights reserved. 
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whattolearntoday · 3 years
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October 23rd is...
Boston Cream Pie Day - In 1856, at Boston’s Parker House Hotel, French chef Monsieur Augustine Francois Anezin created this pudding and cake combination. The decadent cake comprises two layers of sponge cake filled with vanilla-flavored custard or creme patisserie. The cake is then topped with a chocolate glaze, such as a ganache or sometimes powdered sugar and a cherry
iPod Day -  Apple introduced the iPod on October 23, 2001. The iPod changed the way we listened to and purchased music. The first iPod was sold on November 10, 2001, for $399.  iPod Day pays recognition to this groundbreaking technology and the many people it impacted. The iPod introduced us to playlists and a way of managing our music collections like never before. It took portability to a whole new level. Soon, the iPod would introduce other media to us, too. It changed the way we listened to books, stories, and news.
Make A Difference Day -  All across the country, organizations pick up the tools required to help others during this weekend. Sometimes, they pick another weekend in October. However, they do it, they do so making a difference in the lives of others and their communities. The expression of love for each other through support and good ol’ elbow grease is sometimes all we need to make a difference.
Mole Day - A mole is a unit of measurement used in chemistry to express amounts of a chemical substance. The celebrations take place between 6:02 AM and 6:02 PM. In the U.S., the time and date are written 6:02 10/23. The time and date are derived from Avogadro’s number. Avagadro’s number is approximately 6.02×10^23. Hence, defining the number of particles (atoms or molecules) in one mole of a substance, one of the seven base SI units.
Snow Leopard Day -  The main purpose of this day is to show the importance of snow leopard conservation and raise awareness about this incredible animal. The day also emphasizes the importance of taking measures to stop poaching, as well as consolidating efforts in terms of an environmental organization in the countries of the snow leopard range.
SUDEP Action Day - Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) is when someone who has epilepsy suddenly and prematurely dies with no other cause of death being found. There are around 50 million people in the world who have this illness, which makes it one of the most common neurological diseases in the world. Roughly 1% of people who have epilepsy pass away each year from SUDEP, which is why this event was started.
Swallows Depart From San Juan Capistrano Day -  The famous cliff swallows of San Juan Capistrano leave town every year in a swirling mass near the Day of San Juan (October 23). They head for their winter vacation spot 6,000 miles south in Goya, Corrientes, Argentina. Each year, they return on or about March 19th – St. Joseph Day. Their migration has been marked for generations.
TV Talk Show Host Day -  Created to pay tribute to TV talk show hosts and appreciate their unique form of humor, entertaining stories, spontaneous wit, and timely political jokes.  
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yung-gunshot · 3 years
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I posted 18,522 times in 2021
17 posts created (0%)
18505 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1088.5 posts.
I added 19 tags in 2021
#fuck all life - 5 posts
#co signed - 3 posts
#great basin moment baby - 2 posts
#loud - 2 posts
#wig... - 2 posts
#thank you for always supplying me with more pics of fuyu - 1 posts
#every fucking year now i have to say this about the fires affecting the great basin and people look at me like im insane - 1 posts
#trinity seven was fucking garbage - 1 posts
#minus the absolute bollocks ending - 1 posts
#gantz was pretty good - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#fucking love wearing a mask when working and seeing some mf with those ring doorbell cameras like no your not gonna see my face today
My Top Posts in 2021
Tagged by @daturachan
teehee thank you sorry its late xD
Favorite color - gween
Last song -  https://youtu.be/da9YuE2N7rE black stacey dash by jpegmafia
Last movie - uhhhhh tbh its been a while but i think it was The Wailing
Last show - date a live season 3 baby
Currently reading - yofukashi no uta rn
Tea or coffee - became a coffee guy recently but i still like a good cup of chamomile tea
Currently working on - taking care of the new baby shrimp my older shrimps had!
Im gonna tag @euthymiclurker @bocchikurosawa amd @clovertheboymoder :)
2 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 05:52:42 GMT
cherry, amethyst, penny, prussian blue and onyx :D
soooooooo xD
cherry: YouTubers you enjoy watching? 
theres this cod youtuber named marley thirteen and i just came across his video randomly one day. this guy is so fucking hilarious to me its probably the scottish accent but ive been enjoying his stuff and he’s pretty chill
amethyst: do you collect anything? 
when i was little i was really into collecting quarters for some reason, then i realized quarters have their deisgn changed like ever other year and i couldn’t keep track at some point. rn i would say im just collecting patches and enamel pins but really causually bc my local hot topic doesn’t carry a big selection
penny: icecream or cake 
icecream baby im not a big cake fan tbh
prussian blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine
its gotta be a root beer (barq’s or mug i don’t discriminate) if not then ill settle for some sour cream chips
onyx: do you still play Minecraft?
i used to play a lot when i was a freshman way back but i haven’t touched it since
2 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 03:42:10 GMT
green, blue, turquoise, claret, cream, lilac, pecan!
sooooo x2 :)
green: do you have a favourite flower?
hibiscus because they make a tasty sour drink which i love
blue: preferred type of weather?
gloomy thunderstorm type of weather windy and light rain is the best, then its any type of snowstorm
turquoise: favorite sea animal?
octopus and jellyfish were always number one for me and its closely followed by isopods lol
claret: do you play an instrument? do you want to learn to play any?
i used to play the trumpet when i was in 6th grade but i stopped and never continued, i really wanted to learn drums but it just never happened
cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any?
i have neither of them, piercings are really cool but i dont think i would look good with them, tattoos are nice and ive thought about getting some like under my arm and thighs/legs i probably would let friends give me the good ol stick and poke for some random fun small tattoos
lilac: dogs, cats, or fish?
all creatures :)
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
Arcanum by Show me the Body
2 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 04:56:22 GMT
peony, mulberry, almond!
these are dangerously close i feel like lol recently i made a playlist of song i would kill to and sometimes i feel like i could never be as funny as you~! ily!
3 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 06:21:51 GMT
Tagged by @advancewars2
shuffle your music library and name the first 10 songs (im pulling from my huge playlist where i dump everything i like)
S.O.S In Bel Air - Phoenix
SISTER/NATION - Brockhampton
Pink Ocean - The Voidz
Vindaloo - Armand Hammer
The Message - Kamasi Washington
Fuck the System - System of a Down
Hunter - Portishead
Grimy Waifu - Jpegmafia
Whatever I Want(Fuck Who’s Watching) - Death Grips
Prescription/Oxymoron - ScHoolboy Q
let see @kururugi-kun @daturachan @fuyumayuzumi @shinjis @dementatree @stalemochi teehee
7 notes • Posted 2021-10-02 03:14:21 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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missguomeiyun · 2 years
Edm downtown dining week - Chop Steakhouse & Bar
Edmonton Downtown Dining Week took place from March 30 - April 10 & I got take-out from Chop Steakhouse & Bar~
I don’t usually “participate” in Dining Week bcos I find the deals (or so they say) is not great but I decided to comb thru each restaurant to see which ones are actually deals. I did an awful lot of research lol I went as far as comparing the Dining Week menu with their existing menu & seeing if the “discount” was significant. Some places were a rip-off, it was ridiculous!
However, upon researching .. . Chop turned out to be a VERY good deal! So I ordered from them :D
For $35 dinner, you got to choose one of 2 salads, one of 5 mains, & one of 2 desserts.
I phoned to make an order on April 1st & guess what they told me . .. their kitchen flooded so they’re not taking orders for the rest of the day, & likely will be ready tomorrow. But then I didn’t want to risk it .. so I waited another day & made the order on April 3rd haha it went thru & my pickup was ready shortly after I arrived.
* PS: The staff there said they don’t do take-out for dining week but since the staff who took my order already .. . took my order, they’re letting it slide. Good to know for next time!
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Here’s my meal - re-plated & everything haha I’ll show you what it looked like as take-out at the end of the post.
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The artisan greens with avocado lime vinaigrette.
The loved the vinaigrette so much! It was so lime-y & tart & delicious! Just very refreshing, overall. The greens were fresh; loved the cherry tomatoes. They also had some edamame, which I was never a big fan of anyway & also a tiny sprinkle of sunflower seeds.
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The 9oz prime rib with grilled veggies, served with horseradish. I got it as medium rare so it gave me room to heat up to like a medium - medium-well bcos I knew it would be cold by the time I got home. Gotta be smart & plan ahead haha I basically just lightly seared it before consuming; it was a really light sear that some parts were still red.
The prime rib was so soft & melt-y. I didn’t need the au jus but I added a little just for kicks. So tasty!
As for the fries, I still prefer the good ol’ Costco fries but these were not bad. I’d say they’re crispy-er than other restaurant fries I’ve eaten.
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Here’s my dessert - the flourless chocolate torte, which has Amaretto mousse & chocolate ganache, served with vanilla anglaise & a berry sauce. I really liked this dessert bcos the cake itself was not very sweet. The cake had a good balance of mousse smoothness & the slightly hardier base. Enjoyed it so much!
So yeah .. it came like this:
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The salad came in a very large container haha
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The prime rib, as you can see, was very rare at the time. It came in the same sized container as the salad.
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The dessert was in a smaller container, packed with the 2 sauces. I’m glad they packaged the 2 sauces that way (or maybe it was unintentional) so that contact was avoided. It was basically stuck there so the cake didn’t move, neither did the sauce containers.
I did the math & ummm yeah, normally if you order these 3 items from their menu, it’s cents away from being $60 (before tax) but during Dining Week, it was $35 (plus tax), so this was amazing!! It’s basically half price!
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omgbigfluffwriting · 3 years
Harry Potter and The Wrong Potion
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Chapter 2:
26 weeks
Hermione was shocked. Lately, Draco had been *almost* courteous to her, dropping ‘Mudblood’ for her given name. She wondered if Spencer had anything to do with that. “You okay, Hermione?” Draco asked.
“Not that I'm complaining, but what happened to ‘Mudblood’?” Hermione asked. Draco flushed.
“Dobby gave me a lecture a few weeks ago about being nicer to the mother of my children. I can't believe I was lectured by a house elf!” Draco groaned. Hermione laughed. She couldn't believe Dobby lectured Draco either. “Do you think Potter put him up to it?”
“I don't think so but I won't put it past Harry or my brother.” Hermione admitted.
Spencer stroked his girlfriend’s rounded belly. “I know Draco ‘spiked’ the Wiggenweld potion,” he said. His own was nestled against her back. “He seems to have an issue with Hermione and I.”
“He never had brains to the extent of yours and Mione’s.” Y/N mumbled. Spencer chuckled. “Second year, she managed to brew a polyjuice potion. I only found out because I went looking for her on McGonagall's request. She should have been in Ravenclaw.”
“Maybe,” he replied. “Next time, I'm not doing this again.” It was her turn to chuckle.
“We’ll see. We may not want any more kids beyond these two.” Spencer smirked as he caressed her swollen belly.
“I probably could convince you to have more.” He mumbled. She laughed as he tickled her.
“Hermione, I can't get rid of them...” Draco sobbed. “And the Dark Lord...” Hermione knew what Draco left unsaid. Voldemort would not allow Draco to carry her children to term. “You’re the most gifted witch in our year... there's got to be something you can do.” Hermione blinked. Was Draco Malfoy asking for her help?
“Malfoy, are you really asking me for help?” Draco fervently nodded. “What would you do to save our children?”
“Bloody anything, Granger!” he snapped. 
“Even marry filthy little ol’ me?” Hermione jokingly asked. Draco knelt.
“Even that.” he confirmed. Hermione gasped. “Father and Mother will be furious anyway but I don't care. I want all four of our children together...”
Hermione absentmindedly rubbed her abdomen, then took out her wand. “Graviditate evanescet.” she said. Draco gasped as his figure returned to normal and Hermione used her wand on her belly, adding, “infans graviditate augere.” Her belly swelled  to the natural size of one who was pregnant with quads. She almost lost her balance but Draco caught her.
“Thank you Granger!” he declared as he lifted her up, twirled her around and kissed her on the cheek, setting her down. “Keep them safe.” 
“I will... And Malfoy?” he looked down at her. “Keep yourself safe.” he nodded and took off.
Spencer came in, staring at Malfoy who was now back to normal. Then he looked at Hermione and stared. “Did Malfoy have an abortion?” He asked. Hermione glared at her brother.
“No, I'm now pregnant with his quads.” Hermione quietly snapped. She felt irritable with her increased girth. “I transferred the triplets to me, Spencer.”
“You did?" Hermione nodded.
“I think it’s safer if Voldemort thinks he had a miscarriage.” Hermione answered as she placed her hand on her belly.
Malfoy returned to Hermione reading. “Hey how are you feeling?” he asked solicitously.
“Sore.” she admitted as he sat down next to her “Do you...” Draco shook his head.
“They’re better off with you than me right now. Besides...” he took her hand. “I think I like you pregnant.” Hermione rolled her eyes. “Hermione, I meant it when I said you were the brightest witch in our year... I'm also aware that I'm starting to sound like Potter and Weasley in some aspects... not that I'm happy or proud of it.” Hermione snorted.
“Ron and Harry haven't called me mudblood.” Hermione offered. “I also haven't felt the need to punch either of their noses.” Draco gave a self-deprecating laugh.
“Good, we can keep things diplomatic and civilized,”  he said.
“What's your point, Malfoy?” Hermione asked.
“I didn't want to get mushy but...” Draco paused, thinking. Should he admit he was in love with Hermione? Some part of him had been trying to deny the fact that he’d been in love with her since the day she’d punched him in the nose.
“Hold that thought, one of our children is intent on using my bladder as a trampoline.” Hermione replied with a small smile as she got up.
Draco shot her belly an annoyed look. Here he was trying to confess to their mother that he was in love with her and his children decided to interrupt. Well, this gave him time to think. Would it be best to just blurt it out, like Potter and Weasley would do or to just...show her?
Before he had decided on how he was to do it, Lucius Malfoy appeared. “I heard that Granger is having my grandchildren?!” Draco's father barked.
“Don’t worry Father, that mudblood and her bastard whelps will be finished off within a day or two. I know how to honor the Malfoy name.” Draco replied, acting the dutiful son but secretly shaking with fear and anger inside. However, Hermione - his dear, darling Hermione - had heard everything.
“Good. Those brats will sully our name and standing with the Dark Lord. May I ask how she got that way?” Draco closed his eyes briefly as he hoped Hermione could forgive him. “You didn't have sex with her, did you?” his father asked as he slapped him
Draco scoffed. His eyes were pure rage while he stared at his blurred reflection on the floor. He closed his eyes again while swallowing all that wrath inside his chest. “Father... Do you really believe that I’m truly capable of feeling any desire for that filthy whore? Not even if I wished to do that only for the fun to ruin her, I'd never risk the exact chance of what is happening, to mingle our pure family blood with that mudblood and generate such abomination.”
Hermione felt her heart sinking inside her chest as if part of her soul was being ripped out. She felt the heavy air surrounding her while she was blinded by tears that couldn't stop welling from her eyes. There was not one inch of movement inside her from the babies which made her worry about their overhearing Draco's words.
“Thank Slytherin I was wrong, then.” Lucius shot back. He turned to leave, adding, “Take care of it, or I will and you will be next after them.” As soon as the portrait slammed shut, Draco heard footsteps running away.
"Shit... Hermione, wait!" He shouted as soon as he realized she overheard everything. 
“That’s it, I'm leaving Hogwarts tonight, taking them far away from your evil influence. I don't want them to know you, and I'll do all in my power to stop them from ever meeting you. ” Draco paled. "And!" she said in a way to not only punch him in the stomach but also stab him in the chest. "Guess what? Your and your father's worst nightmare is about to happen. I indeed will stain your cursed family's name with these children and I'll raise them as I was raised. Among muggles, like me and my family!" She emphasized with tears of rage sprinkling from her eyes, her face red as her blood was boiling inside her veins for how she felt betrayed and stupid about believing him, and worst, falling in love with him, although she won't admit that even to herself. "We will vanish, disappear and you will never ever find us."
Draco paled. He had fucked up royally. “Can’t you see that I did that for you and our children? You don’t know me at all, you still think I'm an awful person. I've changed Hermione. I want you and our children!” He tried to argue desperately, losing all his words with the growing panic of losing the love of his life and the fruits of it. 
"Do you really believe you can fool me again, at all?! How dare you?! It's insulting! Or haven't you learned what your bloody mouth had said earlier today that I'm the most smart and intelligent of our year, but to be sincere everyone knows it! How stupid are you to believe I'm the one who can be fooled? You're fooling yourself. If I ever seemed to believe you could change, it is because I was trying for the sake of the children, to find something good in you for them. It was an attempt to give you a chance. But I always knew the truth. Well that and of course, the hormones. Probably it was the good from me in my children that made them want me to find something worthy in you to justify the part of you in them."
“Her...” he tried.
"Sure, act as the coward you always were. Going out in the right way. You don't even have the balls to face your deeds! Easy to in the end, let your father take the blame for your death, because you can't do it yourself! That's so typical of you, right? How could I expect anything different?!" By that time she was yelling out of her lungs. 
The truth is, she was desperate, for many obvious reasons but the worst, she was furious because somehow, deep down, she indeed would care if he died and how dared he blackmail her like that?
“Hermi...” He tried again.
"Go ahead and do it! That will be just the cherry on the top of this cake! Then I can tell your children that you never really cared at all about them! Not even to fucking act as the least regular villain and chase them down till the end of the world, just to maybe turn them to your stupid dark side. You can't even do that?" She stopped. 
She was trying, she really was, after all the hits, he should react. Shouldn't he? But she was starting to feel totally hopeless while her voice was toning down. Suddenly she feels dizzy and her hand tries to find a tree in time so she can hold herself on it. She was about to faint. Draco stopped, stomped up to and kissed her.
Hermione was already feeling breathless and with the kiss she felt like all the air was drained from her.  She kissed back for a few seconds before she realized what was going on. She then opened her eyes wide and pushed him away a bit in a try to understand what was happening and catch some oxygen. "What are you doing?" She speaks almost voiceless.
“I was trying to tell you earlier that I love you when our children and my father so rudely interrupted me. What I told him was not the truth. The truth is that I am so madly, no, deeply in love with you, Hermione Granger.”
She felt her eyes burning. She was sure they were red. She opened her mouth a bit, stuttered, closed it. She didn't know what to say while staring at him. First because her mind was completely empty, not only for the dizziness she felt like fainting or all the recent overwhelming occurrences since the troublesome potion was altered and by who, but now it was all centered on the words he, Draco Malfoy - and how many times she repeated his name now in her head to make it at least tangible to her understanding - himself just pronounced, announced and confessed. “You…” She totally couldn't believe it, and even if she did, she shouldn't, right? But... she saw no lies in his eyes. “You cannot... Why?”
She started to lean back to the tree, trying to find a rational, logical explanation to justify the reason why he was saying that. But of course couldn't it be just the most simple answer, that in fact, he indeed just meant exactly what he said. “It's because of the children.” She suddenly realizes while saying it as a whisper and her eyes looked down on the grass. She smirks a bit. “Right.”
“No.” Draco shook his head. “I’ve been in love with you since the day you punched me in the face.” Hermione blinked and nearly screamed when she saw Lucius Malfoy standing behind Draco.
“You lied to me.” He lifted his wand but Hermione was faster.
“Expelliarmus!” she called out. Draco caught his father's wand. 
“That’s enough!” A new voice called out. It was Minerva McGonagall with Severus Snape behind her. “Malfoy, Granger, inside your common room now.” They both hurried back into the common room.
“I love you Hermione.” Draco repeated.
“I love you too Draco.” Hermione said in return. “My room or yours?”
“Why?” Draco asked.
“Call me a prude if you like, but there is no way I'm having four kids with a man I've never slept with.”
“Mine.” Draco decided.
Draco couldn't believe it. In exchange for half of his father's fortune, Draco was never to contact his parents again. ‘Having Hermione and our children will be worth my parents' silence...’ he thought fiercely as he held Hermione in his arms, feeling his children kick. He was lucky Hermione forgave him. Perhaps now he could enjoy being pregnant without Voldemort finding out...
“Don't even think about recreating that potion disaster.” Hermione said with a smirk.
“I was hoping if I recreated it, it would be drinkable.” Draco said simply. 
“Why?” Hermione  asked. Draco shrugged. 
There was plenty of time to tell Hermione about it. What he wanted to make was a cross between the fertility and polyjuice potions to create an insta - preggo potion.
But first, he needed to apologize to the one person besides Hermione that could help him accomplish his goal plus give him his blessing to marry Hermione.
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