#Latitude Apartments LA
latitudeapartments · 5 months
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OKAY I'm awake. Is it specifically the commieghosts’ influence that causes steban and ulixes to mutate under plasm? Or does the whole plasm thing only work if you are Communist Enough...?
if we’re just going for Two Of Them parallels, maybe Harry and (eventually) Kim would mutate as well. I have ideas. part two to my 'what plasm does to a mf' series.
Harry, as usual, would hear the voice of Revachol more often; in greater clarity, and regarding more precise things happening in relation to Harry and what he can influence. Since La Revacholiere relays information about a potential apocalyptic future that threatens her, it could be possible that the world spirit reaches into the Pale - therefore, into the past, and the many, many futures. Becoming in tune with the Revachol fragment would definitely allow Harry to Know, intuit, and preconceive of things that'd be impossible for him otherwise. Stuff like knowing how to reach into the hanged man's head for a bullet, even though nobody told him that Lely was shot in the first place. Since this would function off both plasm AND pale (two antithesis...), maybe he would be able to parse things out of, say, pale latitude repeater static - intercepting 'meaningless' radio static with his brain and subconsciously decoding it. This ability is made much more manageable + accurate when he's around other people (especially Kim). It would also be funny if this meant he made radio-electronics in his general vicinity explode sometimes. Apart from that psychic stuff, Revachol might carry faint disco music downwind from where he walks and stands, or create strange psychedelic afterimages as Harry moves around places with a large concentration of plasm; a thin white shimmering crawling in his skin under darkness. As for the physical side, perhaps his endurance would be improved (eternal gym teacher) and his bullet wounds become thick with keratin/callouses. He no longer bleeds as much as he should.
For Kim, he would definitely choose to Not Perceive some, if not most of his plasm-related mutations, or chalk them up to coincidence. He's working off denial and apathy like 90% of the time in order to function so rolling with the punches is what I assume here. As with Harry, he is able to 'feel' Revachol's genius loci, but usually unable to hear it (as in, converse with/ listen to her full sentences), especially when he's alone. Broken or powered-down machinery spontaneously starts working around him - engines and motorcarriages ignite and work/ rev as he walks by. As a plasm-induced consequence to his loved ones just fucking dying or getting injured all the time, Kim's medical abilities are enhanced to a supernatural degree. He isn't able to bring people back from death itself, but staunching and stitching a wound that someone is irrevocably bleeding out from and saving their life in the process is just something he can do now... Bearing in mind that Kim probably needs a fuckload of plasm/ support to be able to perform that. I doubt that Kim would mutate much on the physical side, but I somehow enjoy the idea of him being able to psychically split his range of vision and look behind his head, almost like an owl's field of view when they twist their necks all the way back but entirely mental. It gives him a little vertigo but it's probably saved his life a couple of times. (also an experimental one - being able to visit the porch collapse in his dreams and talk to people who have been partially or totally subsumed into the Pale. just so, so, so many different people who steadily broaden Kim's worldview and shape his understanding of Elysium. he'd remember them, saving them from total pale annihilation, and they'd kind of... rotate inside his brain and inform his decisions. during the return he'd probably be doing this in waking life but this is just the nail in the coffin to his moralism if you know what I mean. i'm just fucking around 👍)
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gameonoverdogcom · 11 months
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We talk about “Should I tell you than when we’re apart…” a lot,and honestly,fair. It’s amazing.
But what about:
“but i’ve kissed your mouth, that corner, that place it goes, so many times now. i’ve memorized it. topography on the map of you, a world i’m still charting. i know it. i added it to the key. here: inches to miles. i can multiply it out, read your latitude and longitude. recite your coordinates like la rosaria.
this thing, your mouth, its place. it’s what you do when you’re trying not to give yourself away. not in the way that you do all the time, those empty, greedy grabs for you. i mean the truth of you. the weird, perfect shape of your heart. the one on the outside of your chest.
on the map of you, my fingers can always find the green hills, wales. cool waters and a shore of white chalk. the ancient part of you carved out of stone in a prayerful circle, sacrosanct. your spine’s a ridge i’d die climbing.
if i could spread it out on my desk, i’d find the corner of your mouth where it pinches with my fingers, and i’d smooth it away and you’d be marked with the names of saints like all the old maps. i get the nomenclature now—saints’ names belong to miracles.
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there’s so much of you.”
I ADDED IT TO THE KEY?? (So much symbolism in that phrase oh my god)
I’m so mad we don’t appreciate this e-mail enough.
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pompadourpink · 2 years
hi! is albert camus' la peste hard to read for a beginner?
Compared to his non-fiction (le Mythe de Sisyphe might be the hardest) I don't find it offensive so you will be okay if you can tell the main tenses apart and are armed with patience and Word reference. Here is the beginning:
Les curieux événements qui font le sujet de cette chronique se sont produits en 194., à Oran. De l'avis général, ils n'y étaient pas à leur place, sortant un peu de l'ordinaire. A première vue, Oran est, en effet, une ville ordinaire et rien de plus qu'une préfecture française de la côte algérienne.
La cité elle-même, on doit l'avouer, est laide. D'aspect tranquille, il faut quelque temps pour apercevoir ce qui la rend différente de tant d'autres villes commerçantes, sous toutes les latitudes. Comment faire imaginer, par exemple, une ville sans pigeons, sans arbres et sans jardins, où l'on ne rencontre ni battements d'ailes ni froissements de feuilles, un lieu neutre pour tout dire ? Le changement des saisons ne s'y lit que dans le ciel. Le printemps s'annonce seulement par la qualité de l'air ou par les corbeilles de fleurs que des petits vendeurs ramènent des banlieues; c'est un printemps qu'on vend sur les marchés. Pendant l'été, le soleil incendie les maisons trop sèches et couvre les murs d'une cendre grise ; on ne peut plus vivre alors que dans l'ombre des volets clos. En automne, c'est, au contraire, un déluge de boue. Les beaux jours viennent seulement en hiver.
I'd call it a soft B1 since you do need a lot of vocabulary but the syntax is easy. It is in my 'French novels' section if you want to get the PDF.
Hope this helps! x
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max4pubg0 · 3 years
Choosing Your Wedges Properly Can Lower Your Score
Choosing your wedges
It is estimated that 75% of shots during a round are played within 100 feet of the pin. As a consequence, over the past decade, wedges have become increasingly sophisticated, and dexterity with these instruments will certainly both lower your score and add to your enjoyment of the game.
Many golfers, including pros, now carry 2 to 4 wedges in their bag, yet what sets them apart is their mastery, through practice. The pros spend hours every day honing their skills with their wedges.
Grooves in irons channel moisture and grass away from the club surface, thereby allowing for better, cleaner contact with the golf ball much like treads on a tire.
Effective this year there have been rules to limit groove volume. This basically means the limits on grooves on all clubs, excluding drivers and putters, are going to be reduced and they will become shallower and narrower, but these arguably will have a minimal effect for the average golfer. Grooves are either of the U-groove, Square -groove or V- groove nature. Larger grooves allow for more spin.
The sharpness of the edges of the grooves will also be more stringently regulated on all clubs will a loft of 25 degrees or more (roughly your 5 iron through to your wedges) which will also help to preserve your golf balls for slightly longer.
My personal belief is that limiting the size of grooves will bring more skill back into the game and force ball manufacturers to produce a different ball. All of which will dilute the 'Bomb and Gauge' mentality prevalent in today's game, AND it will also bring back a lot of golf courses, which technology today has necessitated increasing their lengths, to normality.
Non-professionals will have until 2024 to change their clubs which at this point in time, should not present a problem as the existing clubs will be outdated and old models.
Particular grinds, like a C grind, are becoming increasingly popular with short-game artistes. This is where the heel and toe are ground down on the trailing side of the sole. This allows the sole and leading edge to lay flat on shots where the face needs opening, while still providing bounce relief on full shots. In actuality, these wedges can give the best of both worlds to golfers of all levels.
Gap Wedges
Gap wedges were designed to fill the gap that exists between your pitching and sand wedge. A gap wedge allows you more opportunity to play full shots when you are faced with those difficult in-between distances.
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Today's pitching wedges have lofts from 44° to 48° and sand wedges from 54° to 58°. That's a difference of around 10. The loft differential between a standard nine iron and pitching wedge is 4, so the gap between a pitching wedge and a sand wedge is almost 2.5 club lengths.
One is therefore forced to choke down on the wedge shots much of the time, and we all know that 3/4 shots are much tougher to play than full shots.
Gap wedges generally have 51° or 52° degrees of loft, which places them nicely in the middle. Most of the premium manufacturers produce gap wedges that match their sets. There are also specific companies that specialize in wedges, in all lofts, such as Feel Golf, Vokey wedges, Bettinardi Golf and Eidolon Golf.
Unfortunately, one of the best wedge manufacturers, Sonartec, closed up shop, due to a company raider, rather than the quality of the wedges.
Gap wedges have "bounce", but the measurement or degree of bounce isn't that relevant because gap wedges are mainly used for full shots. Bounce is where the trailing edge of the wedge sits below the leading edge at the address position.
If possible, look for a gap wedge with a similar face profile and shaft weight o your existing wedges.
Sand Wedges
Sand wedges are designed to slice through bunker sand and can also be used for approach shots and chipping around the greens.
They too have "bounce" which allows the club head to slide smoothly through the sand without digging.
Sand wedges are available in different "degrees' of bounce:
Low handicaps - may prefer a little less bounce (around 8). This enables a low handicapper to judge shots more accurately from all sand conditions. However, it requires more skill to benefit from the low bounce - you must be able to hit the selected spot behind the ball with good precision, especially in softer sand where the sole will not slide that easily.
High handicaps - are most secure with high bounce (around 16) sand wedges. These provide maximum margin for error out of sand (especially soft sand) because of the high "bounce' angle - you can hit with a generous degree of latitude behind the ball without much resulting difference. However, while high bounce wedges are great from soft sand, they are a disadvantage from firmer sand bunkers as they may be inclined to "bounce".
When chipping with a sand wedge, the same rules apply as in lob wedges.
Lob Wedges
Lob wedges perform those delicate up and downs around the greens better than any other club.
They generally have 60° to 64° degrees of loft and are therefore one club more lofted than a sand wedge. Lob wedges are primarily used for chipping around the greens. The extra loft gets the ball up quickly, and the additional spin that the loft applies, stops the ball more effectively.
Lob wedges are great for popping the ball up quickly, over bunkers or for attacking the pin in tight positions 'a la Phil Mickelson'. Lob wedges are most effective from 60 yards in.
Caveat: Do not purchase a lob wedge if you're battling to chip with your sand wedge. Because it has greater loft, you're required to execute a fuller swing to cover the same distance, which greatly increases your risk.
Practicing on a consistent basis is a necessity, not just with the lob wedge, but also with all aspects of your short game.
When it comes to bounce, the same rules apply:
* Low bounce lob wedges (around 4 degrees) tend to be best for lower handicaps and are perfect for players who like to be creative around the greens. They are also the most effective option from tight lies and firm turf conditions. The combination of less bounce and a narrower sole lowers the leading edge of the blade to promote clean contact. However, mistakes are heavily punished because the leading edge digs in on mis-hits.
* There isn't enough bounce to help it slide through. In bunkers, low bounce lob wedges are only effective in firm or hardpan conditions - they don't have enough bounce to slide through medium or fluffy sand.
Mid bounce lob wedges (around 8 degrees) are great for mid handicaps. They are versatile and offer a good blend of finesse and forgiveness. Mid bounce lob wedges can be used in a wide variety of sand and turf conditions. The bounce is sufficient to prevent over digging and helps create a smoother gliding action under the ball for more consistent shot making. They are effective from bunkers as well as around the greens.
Recommended mid bounce lob wedges:
High bounce lob wedges (around 12 degrees) are generally preferred by higher handicaps and work best in lush and soft turf conditions and from soft, fluffy bunkers. They react well on mis-hits behind the ball and are generally more forgiving.
During winter, or on courses that don't have much grass cover, high bounce wedges may "bounce" excessively through impact resulting in skinned/thin shots.
Caveat: For lower handicaps, high bounce wedges are clumsy and difficult to "finesse".
Lastly, remember that less expensive wedges are only made from traditional stainless steel, which may feel a little harder and offer less spin.
Premium wedges are either forged or cast from soft carbon steel which gives/imparts a softer feel and a little more spin. Similarly, copper and brass options are also a little softer and offer the same benefits.
Black oxide and other non-standard finishes reduce glare (reflection), but do not offer any appreciable playability advantage. A chrome finish is the most popular finish found on today's wedges.
As with all types of tools, to develop proficient skills, practice makes perfect and the more time you spend with your شحن شدات ببجي, the faster you will accomplish reducing your score. The answer is in the dirt!
Barry Lotz, J.D., Ph.D. is the director of the Professional Golf Teachers Association of America. He is a member of the Golf Writers Association of America, the California Golf Writers Association, and serves both as a Consultant and Mediator to the golf industry. He is also the author of numerous books, including "333 Best Web Sites for Golfers" and his current book, "How to Build Business Relationships Through Golf" is in the Top Ten Golf Business Book's best seller list.
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mangolimag · 3 years
The desire to escape and explore new latitudes is innate in the human being. And what happens if you are stuck for more than a year, with a very limited liberty to move, affecting your right to consciously choose when and where to travel?
In most of our countries we are used to take weekend breaks, to go on holiday in winter and in the summer, to visit a friend in a different city or country, to meet our relatives living far away. 
Pandemic has taught us to make the most of each and every moment and has undoubtedly left us even a strong need and wish to travel the world, forgetting about our consuming and compulsory new daily routine. 
We travel to discover a new culture, to meet new people, to learn about the past and treasure diverse heritage, often returning with a new inner identity, enriched by the recent experiences our trip has brought.
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In the current situation, with very limited opportunities to plan far in advance and even less security to be able to move due to the ever-changing Covid-19 scenarios all over, we may feel very happy to travel only in spirit or through a movie, a book, bringing us to imagine how we could fit in the featured geographical area.
Embodying a very curious soul, I cannot stop discovering, so I decided I would travel and welcome different cultures through tasting other countries food, exposed to fully absorb the new flavours and habits while enjoying a meal and enriching the experience with a previous overview of the country or geographical area. Nowadays it is not very often you find enough information on the destination once at the restaurant. I would suggest to all restaurants featuring diverse cuisines to present patrons to their area with an introductory briefing of the country or region they represent, therefore becoming a destination ambassador not only for the food but also for the culture, habits, traditions, geography and history.
On my Delhi’s raids, some places have left a deeper root in myself. And the Hyatt Regency in New Delhi is among those ones, thanks to the people and its many restaurant options available. After few dinners at The China Kitchen, I decided that this restaurant brought me to truly discover the huge China, through its colourful vegetables on offer, many kinds of dim sums, a wide selection of rice and, as a signature dish, the Peking duck – shao yazi. This is the reason why I decided this place deserves to become the best ambassador of its country in Delhi: the duck is slowly cooked to perfection in front of you, by a real Chinese Chef who elegantly moves behind the glass and in front of the brick oven where the honey coated whole duck is baked to become crunchy in the skin – the best part of this preparation – and remain tender inside.
What a surprise when this plate is brought to the table and served. All the steps respected, stuck to the glass wall, are sure to prepare your palate adventure and promise forgotten scents and new immersive flavours. The duck slices are brought to the table with some thin pancakes, green onion, plum sauce and fresh cucumber.
I was taken with imagination in Beijing, during the Imperial era, when this legendary recipe was served to emperors, rooting its secrets from the 5th century. I fully understand why, nowadays, the shao yazi has become the symbol of China and a favorite among dignitaries in the whole world. Not satisfied to have discovered a real Chinese address in town, I thought the team there must be really capable and well trained to propose other cuisines without mistakes.
With my family we decided for a staycation – in absence of other trips – and chose to stay at the hotel for one night to have the privilege of samplinganother address, a Middle Eastern restaurant featuring Levantine cuisine in India, the Syrah. Apart from all other hotel services and attractions, like the fitness, the spa, the swimming-pool, the salon and a most inviting garden, it truly seemed we travelled to another destination and decided this time we went back to Syria, one of the countries we loved the most on our roaring the world.
Syrah was indeed another fantastic experience, with comfortable tables outside and a mouth-watering menu, with ingredients and names reminding us of our time in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel.  No surprise to discover this place has recently won The Times of India Food and Nightlife award! It was so delicious and delicate, with very good service and gentle hands preparing the food, attached to the traditional flavours and evidently sourcing quality ingredients to confirm a real Levantine experience, as if in any of the previously mentioned countries.
Grateful for this new discovery, we felt a new gem had revealed in Delhi and we have started to spread the word among friends, keeping in mind as well another available option at the Hyatt Regency New Delhi, La Piazza restaurant featuring traditional Italian cuisine and one of the best tables for pastas and pizzas available in town. Here, a long rising of the dough grants the pizza a high digestibility. And we love and are frequent customers here too: this is the place to go if you are Italian in Delhi and feel melancholic about your country!
Original Source:- https://mangolimag.com/living/staycation-in-delhi-hyatt-regency/
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innuendostudios · 5 years
A short video about story structure, capitalism, and Blade Runner 2049.
Support this work by backing me on Patreon.
Transcript below the cut.
Can I ask you something tricky?
In this scene… does consent exist?
Here we have Joi, a holographic girlfriend, programmed to love you but who cannot touch you, and Mariette, a replicant sex worker, programmed to fuck you but who has no strong feelings about it. Put them together and you have almost an entire lover.
Now, I imagine the value of a replicant sex worker is the same as with any automation: a mechanized warehouse never takes a bathroom break, a self-driving rideshare won’t refuse you service for acting inappropriately, and an automated sex worker never turns down a john. Or maybe she can; it’s unclear. Part fo the premise of Blade Runner 2049 is that modern replicants don’t break the rules. [“My kind don’t run.”] Yet the movie is full of replicants breaking the rules. They have some latitude. But the whole reason synthetic laborers exist is because, though the rules may be bent or broken, they constrain replicants in ways they do not constrain humans.
Mariette is told by her madame to go home with Joe and plant a tracker on him that will become important later in the movie. So maybe she can say no to Joe. But can she say no to madame? Both are open questions.
And then there’s Joi. Joi loves her man with all her heart, because that’s what she’s built to do. She is an operating system whose primary function is to love the user. She has no choice in the matter. But, then: who does? None of us decide whom we fall in love with. That is something everyone who’s ever lived has shared with Joi. The difference between us and her is, in Joi’s case, someone else decided for her.
So I ask again: can either of these women consent? Or was consent granted on their behalf the moment they came into existence?
Now, say Mariette can’t say no; how different is she, really, from a human sex worker who goes home with a john she’d rather turn down, or, for that matter, an office worker who goes to work when she should take a sick day, because it’s a lean month and she needs the money? That ain’t trafficking, it’s just capitalism. The Amazon worker who pees in a bottle, the Lyft driver who doesn’t kick you out for being a creep, they live by the same law: give your employers as good as an automaton would or maybe don’t get paid.
And “do what we say or don’t eat” is, technically, a choice, but I wouldn’t call it agency. And did any of us consent to this system? Or was consent granted on our behalf when we were born into it?
I think about agency a lot at the movies, because all the screenwriting and story structure books stressed that agency is the line that divides subject from object.
There are a few ways a story communicates who the point-of-view characters are. Whose eyes does the camera most often see through? Whose perspective are the flashbacks from? A big one is: who has plot agency?
A plot is a sequence of events, where Event 1 causes Event 2 causes Event 3, a chain from beginning to end connected by therefore and but. Searching for the missing child of a replicant woman, Joe finds a date carved on the tree where she was buried after dying in childbirth. THEREFORE he searches the birth records for that date and finds anomalous entries. THEREFORE he goes to the orphanage where the anomalous child was sent. BUT the orphanage’s data for that year is missing. THEREFORE he investigates the premises and finds a hidden toy with the date carved on it, which he has a memory of having hidden himself. BUT replicant memories are usually artificial, so it might be an implant. THEREFORE he meets with the woman who designs artificial memories. BUT she says the memory is real. THEREFORE he concludes he is the missing child. And so on.
The things Joe does in one event are causal to the events that follow; had he done something different, the story would’ve gone someplace else. The plot bends around the actions he takes, which means this is, in part, his story. That makes him a subject.
Joi has her own sequence of events that has to do with her arc as a character, but, by and large, they do not affect the overall plot. She is there as a barometer of Joe’s feelings, and to say out loud what he is thinking. The one pairing of therefore and but she can lay claim to is, she invites Mariette into the apartment. THEREFORE Mariette plants the tracker on Joe. Later, Joe is left to die in Las Vegas, BUT the replicant freedom force saves him by following the signal. It is the only time where, had Joi done something different, it would change the shape of the narrative, and it’s an accident; she dies not knowing she’s done it. The plot acts on her without her acting on it. She is part of the story, but it belongs to someone else. That makes her an object.
All stories have - and need - subjects and objects. But the tendency for subjects to be men, with women serving in largely reactive or thematic roles, is a thing to be questioned. And the tendency for these women to be young, sexy, and sometimes naked often bridges the gap from object to objectified. In truth, of all the central characters, you could most easily write Joi out of the script without seriously changing the story.
But that would be a far inferior movie, because Blade Runner 2049 is less plot-driven than driven by ideas, and Joi is everything the film is about.
Beyond being a narrative or sexual object, Joi is a literal object. The biggest decision she makes is to accompany Joe on his journey, staying by her man’s side and keeping him safe despite the risk because she loves him. And, yes, her love exists solely because it makes a few dollars for someone neither will ever meet, and they both know this, but that makes it no less real. She dies for that love, stamped out in an act of petty cruelty, and, in dying, encapsulates the replicant uprising’s philosophy before it’s even uttered: “Dying for the right cause. It’s the most human thing we can do.”
This is everything the film has to say about living in a world that gives you few options. The only real agency she ever had is when and how she would die, and on whose terms.
That may seem like a lot of symbolic heft to put on a character who is, no matter how to slice it, yet another powerless woman whose tragic death makes a man’s story more interesting. And I’m with you in that. Given the preponderance of women in this movie with nothing to do except die dramatically to underline a sentence, and the Blade Runner franchise’s already dubious notions of consent and female agency, I can’t argue that Joi is a brilliant subversion who escapes the baggage of her tropes.
But I still feel this… ambivalence. Conventional wisdom is that objects can be likable, admirable, but not relatable. They are viewed from without. Real empathy is reserved for characters with agency. And, since agency has, historically, been so unevenly distributed between genders, there is this reflex to treat it as an absolute good, to see a female character who lacks agency as prima facie bad writing.
But… as an elder millennial with no money in a broken democracy with a pitiless economy on a dying rock in space, I feel agency is in short supply. And I know there are lots of people in this world with far less than I have, and I hate to think that makes us all unfit to be protagonists. I am so rarely the thing that acts rather than the thing that is acted on. Joi speaks to me more than anyone else in the movie.
Characters who direct the stories of their lives make for great wish fulfillment, but sometimes I think it makes them less relatable.
I don’t know if that makes the screenwriters’ treatment of Joi defensible. But it is, perhaps, revealing? Maybe it’s worth questioning why agency should be the gold standard for relatability. Because, if we can’t relate to characters with little control over their lives, how could we ever tell stories about capitalism?
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mondonews · 3 years
China rocket debris tracker: How to see location where it will land
China rocket debris tracker: How to see location where it will land
FOX News’ William La Jeunesse reports it’s possible the vessel could land in an inhabited area on ‘The Story’ The core is expected to break apart and much of it will burn up in the upper atmosphere. The corporation’s latest re-entry prediction posted to Twitter is “09 May 2021 03:30 UTC ± 4 hours.”  Their latest “TIP” shows projected re-entry at ” 2021-05-09 0227(UTC) +/- 180 minutes at latitude…
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sciencespies · 5 years
Why do whales migrate? They return to the tropics to shed their skin, scientists say
Why do whales migrate? They return to the tropics to shed their skin, scientists say
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Killer whales in Antarctica, as shown here, often display a yellow coloration due to diatom accumulation on their skin, evidence that they are not sloughing skin in frigid waters. Image collected by John Durban (NOAA Fisheries) and Holly Fearnbach (SR3) using a remotely controlled hexacopter drone at 100-foot altitude, authorized by NMFS research permit 19091 and Antarctic Conservation Act Permit 2017-029. Credit: John Durban/NOAA Fisheries and Holly Fearnbach/SR3
Whales undertake some of the longest migrations on earth, often swimming many thousands of miles, over many months, to breed in the tropics. The question is why—is it to find food, or to give birth?
In a research paper in Marine Mammal Science, scientists propose that whales that forage in polar waters migrate to low latitudes to maintain healthy skin.
“I think people have not given skin molt due consideration when it comes to whales, but it is an important physiological need that could be met by migrating to warmer waters,” said Robert Pitman, lead author of the new paper and marine ecologist with Oregon State University’s Marine Mammal Institute. He was formerly with NOAA Fisheries’ Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, California.
More than a century ago, whalers recognized that most whales that forage in high latitudes migrate to the tropics for calving. Scientists have never agreed on why. Because of their size, large whales should be able to successfully give birth in frigid polar waters. Due to reduced feeding opportunities in the tropics, most whales fast during their months-long migrations.
So why go to the trouble?
Warm Water Speeds Molting
All birds and mammals regularly shed their skin, fur, or feathers in a process known as molting. Pitman and his coauthors propose that whales foraging in the freezing waters of Antarctica conserve body heat by diverting blood flow away from their skin. That would reduce regeneration of skin cells and halt the normal sloughing of skin.
Migrating to warmer water would allow whales to revive their skin metabolism and molt in an environment that does not sap their body heat. The authors suggest that this drives their migrations.
The two lead authors on the study first proposed in 2011 that skin molt could drive the migration for certain Antarctic killer whales. With new data, they now propose the same for all Antarctic killer whales and possibly all whales that migrate to the tropics.
Coauthors on the paper include scientists from NOAA Fisheries; SeaLife Response, Rehabilitation, and Research; and the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research.
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A killer whale tagged near the Antarctic Peninsula migrated north into warmer waters and then returned to the same area, all within 39 days. Colors reflect sea surface temperatures, with orange and red the warmest. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Marine Mammal Science
Over eight years, scientists deployed 62 satellite tags on killer whales. They found that all four types that feed in frigid Antarctic waters migrated as far as 11,000 kilometers (almost 7,000 miles) round trip. Most migrations were fast, non-stop, and largely straight north and back. One whale completed two such migrations in 5.5 months. Researchers also photographed newborn killer whale calves in Antarctica, indicating the whales don’t need to migrate to warmer waters to give birth.
They suggest that larger whales that migrate to the tropics to molt may have begun giving birth in those same warmer waters. “Instead of whales migrating to the tropics or subtropics for calving, whales could be traveling to warm waters for skin maintenance and perhaps find it adaptive to bear their calves while they are there,” the scientists wrote. The warm water could speed the growth of calves in an environment with far fewer killer whales, their main predator.
Much like humans, whales and dolphins normally shed outer skin cells continuously. Scientists observed that whales in frigid Antarctic waters are often discolored by a thick yellow film of microscopic diatoms. This indicated that they were not experiencing their normal, “self-cleaning” skin molt.
Early whalers referred to blue whales with a heavy coating of diatoms on their white bellies as “sulfur-bottoms.” They also assumed that whales without a diatom coating were likely recent arrivals from the tropics. When whales shed their skin, they also shed the diatoms.
Molting Jettisons Harmful Bacteria
Recent studies have found that high concentrations of diatoms on the skin of Antarctic killer whales may also accumulate potentially harmful bacteria.
“Basically, the feeding is so good in productive Antarctic waters that the relatively small, warm-blooded killer whale has evolved a remarkable migration behavior. This enables it to exploit these resources and still maintain healthy skin function,” said John Durban, coauthor of the research, formerly with the science center and now a senior scientist at SEA Inc.
In another example, beluga whales in the Arctic are known for gathering in summer in river estuaries. The water there is warmer, fresher, and shallower than their typical habitat. At first, scientists assumed that they gathered there to give birth and that the warmer temperatures boosted calf survival.
It turned out that belugas do not calve or feed in the estuaries but go there to molt. In an earlier study, an Inuit hunter pointed out that “Belugas go to the rivers for warmth. And like seals they moult their skins. They moult in the warm water.”
The annual (versus continuous) molt cycle of the beluga was long thought to be unique among cetaceans. But, if whales are migrating to the tropics to molt, annual molt “may prove to be the rule among all high-latitude cetaceans,” the authors wrote.
In terms of biomass, whales complete the largest annual migrations on earth. They transport millions of tons of animals thousands of miles, with significant impact on local ecosystems, the scientists say. They also call for further testing of their hypothesis by assessing skin growth of migratory and non-migratory whales, at high and low latitudes, throughout the year.
Explore further
Bowhead whales come to Cumberland Sound in Nunavut to exfoliate
More information: Robert L. Pitman et al, Skin in the game: Epidermal molt as a driver of long‐distance migration in whales, Marine Mammal Science (2019). DOI: 10.1111/mms.12661
Provided by NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region
Citation: Why do whales migrate? They return to the tropics to shed their skin, scientists say (2020, February 21) retrieved 22 February 2020 from https://phys.org/news/2020-02-whales-migrate-tropics-skin-scientists.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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sapphicambitions · 5 years
My Favorite / Underrated Lines of Red, White, and Royal Blue:
Just did a second read through and marked all of them. We all know and love lines like “Should I tell you that when we’re apart, your body comes back to me in dreams?” and “History, huh? Bet we could make some,” and “America: he is my choice,” but this books is a goldmine for fucking fantastic and romantic lines, so I made a list of them. Long post so under the cut!!
-Alex’s kind of love story is much more Shakespearean.
-”I’m trying to understand why you’re so committed to acting like someone you’re not, considering you just told the little girl in there that greatness means being true to yourself.”
-...and when he turns and catches his reflection in the mirror by the closet, he’s right back in his teens, caring too much about his parents and helpless to change his situation. Except now he doesn’t have any AP classes to enroll in as a distraction.
-Alex tries to imagine what they look like: the prince and the First Son, the two leading heartthrobs of their respective countries, shoulder to shoulder on their way to the bar. It’s intimidating and thrilling, living up to that kind of rich, untouchable fantasy.
-Maybe he can absorb some of the “much” from the place where their shoulders are pressed together.
-He thinks about Henry, and something twists in his chest, like a stretch he’s been avoiding for too long.
-”I don’t know, man. I was in my junior year of high school, and I touched a boob. It wasn’t very profound. Nobody’s gonna write an off broadway play about it.”
-How dare Henry come into Alex’s house looking like the goddamned James Bond offspring that he is, drink red wine with the Prime Minister, and act like he didn’t slip Alex the tongue and ghost him for a month.
-He feels himself standing at a very tall, very dangerous precipice, with no intention of backing away.
-He laughs into Henry’s mouth, instantly caught up in his own dramatic mental portrait of the two of them painted in oils, young icons of their nations, naked and shining wet in the lamplight.
-He rolls onto his side and listens, trails the back of his hand across the pillow next to him and imagines Henry lying opposite in his own bed, two parentheses enclosing 3,700 miles.
-”You have so much in you, it’s almost impossible to match it. But he’s your match, dumbass.”
-...because Alex has never met a challenge he didn’t love, and he--well, Henry is a challenge, head to toe, beginning to end.
-All those nights Henry can’t sleep, just knocking around these endless, impersonal rooms, like a bird trapped in a museum.
-Henry lets Alex take him apart with painstaking patience and precision, moans the name of God so many times that the room feels consecrated.
-He wants to call Henry. He guesses it makes sense--they’ve always been fixed points in each other’s world, little magnetic poles. Some laws of physics would be reassuring right now.
-He looks like something soft and downy Alex wants to sink into, and he realizes the knot of anxiety in his chest has finally slacked.
-If Alex’s head is a storm, Henry is the place lighting hits the ground.
-He truly is a picture, wearing an expression of bewildered panic and absolutely nothing else.
-”The phrase “see attached bibliography” is the single sexiest thing you have ever written to me.”
-”I do think I got a gut feeling about you, I just didn’t have what I needed in my head to understand it. But I kind of kept chasing it anyway, like I was just going blindly in a certain direction and hoping for the best. I guess that makes you the North Star?”
-”If I’m north, I shudder to think where in God’s name we’re going.”
-That long. That much.
-He wears the key to his childhood home around his neck, but he doesn’t know the last time he actually thought about the boy who used to push it into the lock.
-The lines of him are long and languid in the moonlight, just skin and skin lit soft and blue, and he’s so beautiful that Alex thinks this is the moment, the soft shadows and pale thighs and crooked smile, should be the portrait of Henry that goes down in History. There are fireflies winking around his head, landing in his hair. A crown.
-He wants to match the new freckles across Henry’s nose to the stars above them and make him name the constellations.
-That, he realizes suddenly, is the danger of allowing love into this--the acknowledgment that if something goes wrong, he doesn’t know how he will stand it.
-What if it was never his decision to make?
-He’s spent too much of his life talking, talking, talking not to know the signs when someone doesn’t want to hear him anymore.
-He thought he was reckless before, but he understands now--holding love off was the only thing keeping him from losing himself in this completely, and he’s gone, stupid, lovesick, a fucking disaster.
-And that is, officially, too fucking much.
-”When have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you? Are you so fucking self-absorbed as to think this about you and whether or not I love you rather than the fact that I’m an heir to the fucking throne? You at least have the option to not chose a public life eventually, but I will live and die in these palaces and in this family so don’t you dare come to me and question if I love you when it’s the thing that could bloody well ruin everything.”
-Don’t miss it this time. He’s too important.
-”If there’s any legacy for me on this bloody earth, I want it to be true. So I can offer you all of me, in whatever way you’ll have me.”
-...and looks at his fingers and thinks about holding the Bible at his mother’s inauguration with the same hand. 
-He wonders what Santa Chiara would think of them, a lost David and Jonathan, turning slowly on the spot. 
-”Let me know if I need to start practicing gazing wistfully out the window, waiting for my love to return from the war.”
-”I thought, if someone like that ever loved me, it would set me on fire.”
-Alex wants to go to war for this man, wants to get his hands on everything and everyone that ever hurt him, but for once, he’s trying to be the stead one.
-”You and me and history, remember? We’re gonna fucking fight. Because you’re it, okay? I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you. So, I promise you, one day we’ll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else.”
-It would be a lie because it wouldn’t be him.
-”but i’ve kissed your mouth, that corner, the place it goes, so many times now, i’ve memorized it, topography on the map of you, a world i’m still charting. i know it. i added it to the key. here: inches to miles. i can multiply it out, read your latitude and longitude. recite your coordinates like la rosaria.
-The president stands on the edge of a career-ending scandal, measures her breaths evenly, and waits for her son to answer.
-And there’s no room left to agonize over it, nothing left to do but say the thing he’s know all along.
-One. One. One.
-Alex hasn’t been a good Catholic in a long time, but he knows confession is a sacrament. They were supposed to stay safe. Fuck.
-If Henry’s voice on the phone was a tether, his body is the gravity that makes it possible, his hand gripping the back of Alex’s neck like a magnetic force, a permanent compass north.
-”And he is prepared to give it all to you, which is far more than I ever, in a thousand years thought I would see him do.”
-”Are you so determined to believe nothing could change? That nothing should change? We can have a real legacy here, of hope, and love, and change.”
-Never tell me the odds.
-This is it. October 2, 2020, and the whole world watched, and history remembered.
-It’s been one long, long year of learning Henry inside and out, learning himself, learning how much he still has to learn, and just like that, it’s time to walk out there and stand at a podium and confidently declare it all as fact.
-The way Henry’s looking at him in the pitcher is so affectionate, so openly loving, that seeing it from a third person’s perspective almost makes Alex want to look away, like he’s staring into the sun. He called Henry the North Star once. That wasn’t bright enough.
-All at once, Alex is in love all over again.
-From his side, Henry, whose eyes are wet, seizes Alex’s face roughly with both hands and kisses him like the end of the movie.
-...Alex thinks his heart’s going to break trying to hold the size of this entire moment, the completeness of it, a thousand years of history swelling inside his ribcage.
-Goddamned forever.
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latitudeapartments · 5 months
Luxury Apartments at Latitude | Rent Apartments New Orleans
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Welcome to Latitude
Latitude is an upcoming residential tower designed to deliver an aspiring lifestyle to the urban nomad. This 196-unit complex, being built in Metairie, Louisiana, is conveniently located on Lake Pontchartrain's south shore near New Orleans. Often touted to be one of the best places to live in Louisiana, Metairie's spirit of a mixed urban-suburban feel is captured beautifully in Latitude's architectural design.
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The city exudes a unique cross-cultural charm making it a favorite tourist spot and a proud home to many enjoying its arts, unique entertainment profile, and French-accented Southern grace. Surrounded by water—the lake to the north and the Mississippi River to the south—and papered with parks, entertainment venues, and historic businesses and eateries. There are a lot of bars, restaurants, and coffee shops frequented by locals and tourists alike.
Latitude is located at 3100 Lake Villa Drive at the intersection of Rye Street and is easily accessible by Interstate-10. And is minutes away from many major employers as well as shopping, dining, and entertainment.
Visit Us: 3100 Lake Villa Dr, Metairie, Louisiana. Call: +1 985 618 1600 Email: [email protected]
Follow Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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thewordcollector2 · 4 years
71+ Unforgettably Priceless Friendship Quotes, Proverbs, and Messages in Different Languages
Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم… In the name of Allah (God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Assalaamu 'alaikum السّلام عليكم… Peace be with you
Hi, Readers :). When you think about the word "friend", what comes to mind? I bet you think of someone who is near to your heart. But how does someone achieve that status of being dear to you? This is usually accomplished with an acquaintance who remains unswervingly* devoted, sincere, loyal, and trustworthy with you over a period of time. The kind of person I'm referring to is an individual who is there for you under all circumstances, no matter how difficult. A gem like that is rare nowadays, so be grateful if you've found someone who TRULY knows what it means to be a friend! Having given my definition of "friend", I'll give you some dictionary definitions of this word in the next paragraph, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله (God willing).
*unswervingly adverb = in a constant and steadfast manner; "an unswervingly loyal man" (The Free Dictionary)
The following are some of the meanings of the noun "friend" from four online dictionaries:
"A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts." (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)
"A person whom one knows; an acquaintance." (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)
"One attached to another by affection or esteem." (Merriam-Webster)
"A person you know well and regard with affection and trust." (RhymeZone)
"A person with whom you are acquainted." (RhymeZone)
"One closely attached to another by affection and esteem." (Wordsmyth)
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Here are some synonyms of the noun, "friend": "alter ego", "amigo", "buddy", "chum", "crony", "familiar", "intimate", "pal", "sidekick", etc. Two of its antonyms are "enemy", and "foe". (Wordsmyth)
Seeing that we've established the meaning of "friend", let's examine some meanings of its derivative "friendship":
"A friendship is a relationship between two or more friends." (Collins COBUILD Dictionary)
"You use friendship to refer in a general way to the state of being friends, or the feelings that friends have for each other." (Collins COBUILD Dictionary)
"If you have someone's friendship, they are your friend." (Collins COBUILD Dictionary)
"The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends." (Oxford Dictionaries)
friendship (n.)
Old English freondscipe "friendship, mutual liking and regard," also "conjugal love;" see friend (n.) + -ship. Similar formation in Dutch vriendschap, German Freundschaft, Swedish frändskap. (Etymonline)
Okey doke. Let's dive into some memorably precious friendship quotes, proverbs and messages in different languages, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله. Happy reading! :) ;)
Side note:
Please feel free to share, and reblog this post if you appreciate it, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله. Thanks heaps (a lot)! :)
Abbreviation key:
masc. sing. = masculine singular
fem. sing. = feminine singular
(ms.) = masculine singular
(fs.) = feminine singular
(m) = masculine
(f) = feminine
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Arabic Quotes and Proverbs about Friendship
Sadeeq al-jamee' laisa sadeeqan li-ahad صديقُ الجميعِ ليس صديقاً لأحدٍ.* ~‎Aristu أرسطو
aw أَو / or...
"Sadeeq al-kull laisa sadeeqan li-ahad صديقُ الكلِّ ليس صديقًا لأحدٍ." ~‎Aristu أرسطو
"A friend to all is a friend to none." ~Aristotle
*Literal meaning: "The friend of all isn't a friend to anyone."
"As-sadeeq al-mukhlis kanz kabeer الصّديقُ المخلصُ كنزٌ كبيرٌ." / "The faithful friend is a great treasure."
"As-sadiiq al-haqiiqiyy ni'mat min-Allah الصّديقُ الحقيقيُّ نعمةٌ من اللهِ." / "A true friend is a blessing from Allah الله [God]."
"As-sadaaqah bilaa thiqah hiya zahrah bilaa raa'ihah tayyibah الصّداقةُ بلا ثقةٍ هي زهرةٌ بلا رائحةٍ طيّبةٍ." ~Laure Conan لور كونان
Friendship without trust is a flower without perfume.* ~Laure Conan
*perfume noun = a pleasant smell (Oxford Dictionaries)
"As-sadeeq huwa ash-shakhs al-ladhee yamnahu-ka kaamil al-hurriyyah li-takoon 'alaa tabee'ati-ka الصّديقُ هو الشّخصُ الّذي يمنحكَ كاملَ الحرّيّةِ لِتكونَ على طبيعتِكَ." ~Jim Morrison جيم موريسون
"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself." ~Jim Morrison
"As-sadaaqah tabda'u 'inda-maa tash'uru anna-ka saadiq ma'a al-aakhar wa bidoon aqni'ah الصّداقةُ تبدأ عندما تشعر أنّك صادِق مع الآخرِ وبدونِ أقنعةٍ." ~Zakaria Yassine زكرياء ياسين
"Friendship begins when you feel that you are genuine with someone else [another] and without masks." ~Zakaria Yassine
Google Translate was used for translating some French, German and Spanish friendship quotes and messages into English.
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French Quotes and Proverbs about Friendship
"L'amitié sans confiance, c'est une fleur sans parfum." ~Laure Conan
"Friendship without trust is a flower without perfume." ~Laure Conan
"Au besoin on connaît l'ami." / "When need comes one knows one's friend." ~Proverbe français (French proverb)
"Ami de tous; ami de personne." / "Everybody's friend is nobody's friend." ~Proverbe français (French proverb)
"Mes amis sont ma richesse." ~Emily Dickinson
"My friends are my estate [wealth]." ~Emily Dickinson
"Même les meilleurs amis doivent se séparer." / "Even the best of friends must part." ~Proverbe (Proverb)
"C'est dans le besoin qu'on reconnaît ses vrais amis." / "It is when in need that one recognizes his real friends." / "A friend in need is a friend indeed." ~Proverbe français (French proverb)
"Qui se ressemble s'assemble." / "Those who resemble each other will get together." / "Birds of a feather [flock together]." ~Proverbe français (French proverb)
"Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné." / "Better to be alone than accompanied badly." / "Better be alone than in bad company." ~Proverbe français (French proverb) / Pierre Gringoire
"La vie est plus douce quand on est entouré de vrais amis." / "La vie est plus douce quand on est entouré par de vrais amis." / "Life is sweeter when you are surrounded by true [real] friends."
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German Quotes and Proverbs about Friendship
"Gehe nicht hinter mir; ich werde vielleicht nicht führen. Gehe nicht vor mir; ich werde vielleicht nicht folgen. Gehe einfach neben mir und sei ein Freund." ~Albert Camus
"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." ~Albert Camus
"Mein bester Freund ist der, der das Beste in mir herausbringt." ~Henry Ford
"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." ~Henry Ford
"Es gibt nichts Wertvolleres auf der Welt als wahre Freundschaft." ~Thomas Aquinas
"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship." ~Thomas Aquinas
"Ein Freund ist jemand, der dir die totale Freiheit lässt, du selbst zu sein." ~Jim Morrison
"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself." ~Jim Morrison
"Guter Freund kommt ungeladen." / "A good friend comes uninvited." ~deutsches Sprichwort (German proverb)
"In der Not erkennt man die Freunde." / "Freunde erkennt man in der Not." / "Friends are recognized in need." / "A friend in need is a friend indeed." ~deutsches Sprichwort (German proverb)
"Wenn ein Freund bittet, so gilt nicht morgen." / "When a friend asks, tomorrow does not count." ~deutsches Sprichwort (German proverb)
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Miscellaneous Friendship Quotes and Proverbs in English
Hadith* on friendship: The parable (lesson) of a good friend and bad friend
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Verily, the parable of a good friend and a bad friend is only that of a seller of musk and a blacksmith. The seller of musk will give you some perfume, you will buy some, or you will notice a good smell. As for the blacksmith, he will burn your clothes or you will notice a bad smell."
*Hadith حديث = saying of the Prophet Muhammad مُحمّد (PBUH)
Saheeh al-Bukhaaree 1995, Saheeh Muslim 2628
"Being alone is better than having an evil companion; and having a sincere companion is better than being alone." ~Unknown
"Having just one good friend is better than having a million fake friends who pretend to like you." ~Unknown
"A friendship is like a ship on the sea; it needs to stay afloat. If a friendship is one-sided, it will most likely sink in the sea of friendships." ~Unknown
"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood." ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca
"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." ~Bernard Meltzer
"Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear old friends." ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
"It seems they had always been, and would always be, friends. Time could change much, but not that." ~Winnie the Pooh
"Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" ~C.S. Lewis
"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." ~Oprah Winfrey
"Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I'm glad for that." ~Ally Condie
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"Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes." ~Henry David Thoreau
"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything." ~Muhammad Ali
"In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends." ~John Churton Collins
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." ~Walter Winchell
"True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable." ~David Tyson
"Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart." ~Washington Irving
"Anybody can sympathise* with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend's success." ~Oscar Wilde
*sympathize (also sympathise)
To understand and care about someone's problems.
To support and agree with someone or something.
(Cambridge English Dictionary)
"Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit." ~Aristotle
"A good friend is a connection to life — a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world." ~Lois Wyse
"A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down." ~Arnold H. Glasgow
"The real test of friendship is can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are utterly simple?" ~Eugene Kennedy
"A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad." ~Arnold H. Glasgow
"One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention." ~Clifton Fadiman
"You can always tell a real friend: when you've made a fool of yourself he doesn't feel you've done a permanent job." ~Laurence J. Peter
"No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow." ~Alice Walker
"Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together." ~Woodrow T. Wilson
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"There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will." ~Unknown
"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be." ~Douglas Pagels
"A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same." ~Elbert Hubbard
"A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out." ~Grace Pulpit
"One true friend adds more to our happiness than a thousand enemies add to our unhappiness." ~Marie Dubsky
"Most of us don't need a psychiatric therapist as much as a friend to be silly with." ~Robert Brault
"Friendship isn't a big thing — it's a million little things." ~Author Unknown
"Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty." ~Sicilian Proverb
"A good friend is cheaper than therapy." ~Author Unknown
"If a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it." ~Edgar Watson Howe
"The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend." ~Henry David Thoreau
"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart." ~Elisabeth Foley
"There are big ships and small ships. But the best ship of all is friendship." ~Author Unknown
"The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had." ~Author Unknown
"I like friends who, when you tell them you need a moment alone, know enough not to stray too far." ~Robert Brault
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"The language of friendship is not words but meanings." ~Henry David Thoreau
"Cherish the friend who tells you a harsh truth, wanting ten times more to tell you a loving lie." ~Robert Brault
"Our most difficult task as a friend is to offer understanding when we don't understand." ~Robert Brault
"As a friend, you first give your understanding, then you try to understand." ~Robert Brault
"A true friend is forever a friend." ~George MacDonald
"Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which you need most." ~American Proverb
"The tender friendships one gives up, on parting, leave their bite on the heart, but also a curious feeling of a treasure somewhere buried." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"A bosom friend — an intimate friend, you know — a really kindred spirit* to whom I can confide my inmost soul." ~L.M. Montgomery
*kindred spirit noun = A person whose interests or attitudes are similar to one's own. (Oxford Dictionaries)
a kindred spirit/soul phrase = someone who likes or cares about the same things as you do (Macmillan Dictionary)
"Hold a true friend with both your hands." ~Nigerian Proverb
"Yes'm, old friends is always best, 'less you can catch a new one that's fit to make an old one out of." ~Sarah Orne Jewett
"Between true friends even water drunk together is sweet enough." ~African proverb
"The recipe of friendship: 1 cup of sharing. 2 cups of caring. 3 cups of forgiveness and hugs. Mix all of these together to make friends forever." ~Unknown
"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow."
"Tell people how it is, be real and be honest. If you see something wrong make sure you speak up. Being this way will naturally eliminate the snakes and fakes." ~John Maiorana (Giovanni)
"A friend will fight for the truth, not distort it for their personal gain." ~Shannon L. Alder
"A man who has friends must himself be friendly." ~Proverb
"Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends." ~Aesop
"The rich knows not who is his friend." ~Proverb
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Spanish Quotes and Proverbs about Friendship
"Tener buenos amigos es una bendición de Dios." / "To have good friends is a blessing from God." / "Having good friends is a blessing from God."
"Una amistad sin confianza es una flor sin perfume." ~Laure Conan
"A friendship without trust is a flower without perfume." ~Laure Conan
"Amigo en la adversidad, es amigo de verdad." / "A friend in adversity is a true friend." ~Proverbio español (Spanish proverb)
"Cada quien con su cada cual." / "Everyone with his own." / "Birds of a feather flock together." ~Proverbio español (Spanish proverb)
"Amistad fuerte, llega más allá de la muerte." / "Strong friendship transcends death." ~Refrán (Proverb)
"Amigo sin dinero, eso quiero; que dinero sin amigo no vale un higo." / "A friend without money, that I love; money without a friend is not worth a fig." / "Friendship is worth more than money." ~Proverbio español (Spanish proverb)
"Amigo de muchos, amigo de ninguno." ~Aristotle
"A friend to all is a friend to none." ~Aristotle
"La verdadera amistad es inmortal." / "True friendship is immortal." ~Proverbio (Proverb)
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"Al amigo su vicio." / "Love your friend with his fault." / "Your friend with his vice* [bad habit]." ~Proverbio español (Spanish proverb)
*Synonyms of "vice": "shortcoming", "failing", "flaw", "fault", "defect", "weakness", "weak point", "deficiency", "limitation", "imperfection", "blemish", "foible", "fallibility", "frailty", "infirmity", etc. (Oxford Dictionaries)
"Cultivar una amistad verdadera requiere mucha paciencia, mucho tiempo, mucha dedicación y mucho esfuerzo." / "Cultivar una verdadera amistad requiere mucha paciencia, mucho tiempo, mucha dedicación y mucho esfuerzo." / "Cultivating a true friendship requires a great deal of patience, time, dedication and effort."
o / or...
"Cultivar una amistad verdadera requiere mucho tiempo, paciencia, dedicación y esfuerzo." / "Cultivar una verdadera amistad requiere mucho tiempo, paciencia, dedicación y esfuerzo." / "Cultivating a true friendship requires a great deal of time, patience, dedication and effort."
"Ten muchos conocidos y pocos amigos." ~Anónimo
"Have but few friends, though many acquaintances." ~Anonymous
"La alegría se multiplica cuando se comparte entre amigos pero el dolor disminuye con cada división. Eso es vida." ~R.A. Salvatore
"Joy multiplies when it is shared among friends, but grief diminishes with every division. That is life." ~R.A. Salvatore
"Sal de la vida es la amistad." ~Juan Luis Vives
"The salt of life is friendship." ~Juan Luis Vives
"Los amigos de verdad son familia sin certificado de nacimiento." / "Real friends are family without a birth certificate."
"Un amigo en la vida es mucho. Dos son demasiado. Tres son imposibles." ~Henry Brooks Adams
"One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible." ~Henry Brooks Adams
"La vida es mejor con amigos de verdad." / "La vida es mejor con amigos verdaderos." / "Life is better with true friends."
"La verdadera amistad resiste el tiempo, la distancia y el silencio." ~Isabel Allende
"True friendship resists time, distance, and silence." ~Isabel Allende
"La amistad verdadera perdura para siempre." / "True friendship lasts forever."
"La verdadera amistad es como tinta imborrable." / "True friendship is like indelible ink."
indelible ink noun - ink that cannot be erased or washed away (TheFreeDictionary)
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Arabic Friendship Messages
"Shukran 'alaa sadaaqati-k[a] شكراً على صداقتكَ. Anta raa'i' أنتَ رائع!" / "Thank you for your friendship. You rock!"
"If you're talking to a female, the pronunciation differs a little. It'd be 'Shukran 'alaa sadaaqati-k[i] شكراً على صداقتكِ. Anti raa'i'ah أنتِ رائعة'." (Quora)
"Sadeeqee shukran li-wujoodi-k[a] fii hayaatee صديقي شكراً لوجودِكَ في حياتي." / "My friend [masc. sing.], thanks for your existence in my life." / "My friend, thanks for being in my life."
aw أَو / or...
"Sadeeqatee shukran li-wujoodi-k[i] fii hayaatee صديقتي شكراً لوجودِكِ في حياتي." / "My friend [fem. sing.], thanks for your existence in my life." / "My friend, thanks for being in my life."
"Sadaaqatu-k[a] min naw' fareed ‎صداقتُكَ من نوعٍ فريدٍ." / "Your [ms.] friendship is of a unique kind [type]."
aw أَو / or...
"Sadaaqatu-k[i] min naw' fareed ‎صداقتُكِ من نوعٍ فريدٍ." / "Your [fs.] friendship is of a unique kind [type]."
aw أَو / or...
"Sadaaqatu-k[a] hiya shai' fareed صداقتُكَ هي شيءٌ فريدٌ." / "Your [ms.] friendship is something unique* [extraordinary, one of a kind]."
*something unique = a unique thing
aw أَو / or...
"Sadaaqatu-k[i] hiya shai' fareed صداقتُكِ هي شيءٌ فريدٌ." / "Your [fs.] friendship is something unique [extraordinary, one of a kind]."
"Yaa sadeeqee, anta sham'ah tuneeru hayaatee يا صديقي، أنتَ شمعةٌ تنيرُ حياتي." / "O my friend, you [ms.] are a candle illuminating [lighting up] my life."
aw أَو / or...
"Yaa sadeeqee, anta sham'ah tudhee'u hayaatee يا صديقي، أنتَ شمعةٌ تضيءُ حياتي." / "O my friend, you [ms.] are a candle illuminating [lighting up] my life."
aw أَو / or...
"Yaa sadeeqatee, anti sham'ah tuneeru hayaatee يا صديقتي، أنتِ شمعةٌ تنيرُ حياتي." / "O my friend, you [fs.] are a candle illuminating [lighting up] my life."
aw أَو / or...
"Yaa sadeeqatee, anti sham'ah tudhee'u hayaatee يا صديقتي، أنتِ شمعةٌ تضيءُ حياتي." / "O my friend, you [fs.] are a candle illuminating [lighting up] my life."
aw أَو / or...
"Yaa sadeeqee, anta ash-sham'ah allatee tuneeru hayaatee ‎يا صديقي، أنتَ الشّمعةُ الّتي تنيرُ حياتي." / "O my friend, you [ms.] are the candle that illuminates [lights up] my life."
aw أَو / or...
"Yaa sadeeqee, anta ash-sham'ah allatee tudhee'u hayaatee ‎يا صديقي، أنتَ الشّمعةُ الّتي تضيءُ حياتي." / "O my friend, you [ms.] are the candle that illuminates [lights up] my life."
aw أَو / or...
"Yaa sadeeqatee, anti ash-sham'ah allatee tuneeru hayaatee يا صديقتي، أنتِ الشّمعةُ الّتي تنيرُ حياتي." / "O my friend, you [fs.] are the candle that illuminates [lights up] my life."
aw أَو / or...
"Yaa sadeeqatee, anti ash-sham'ah allatee tudhee'u hayaatee يا صديقتي، أنتِ الشّمعةُ الّتي تضيءُ حياتي." / "O my friend, you [fs.] are the candle that illuminates [lights up] my life."
"Uhibbu-k[a] fillaah[i], yaa sadeeqee أحبّكَ في اللهِ، يا صديقي." / "I love you for the sake of Allah الله [God], O my friend [ms.]."
aw أَو / or...
"Uhibbu-k[i] fillaah[i], yaa sadeeqatee أحبّكِ في اللهِ، يا صديقتي." / "I love you for the sake of Allah الله [God], O my friend [fs.]."
Asdiqaa' hattaa an-nihaayah أصدقاءُ حتّى النّهايةِ / Friends until the end (m) / Friends to the end (m)
aw أَو / or...
Sadeeqaat hattaa an-nihaayah صديقاتٌ حتّى النّهايةِ / Friends until the end (f) / Friends to the end (f)
Asdiqaa' ilaa al-abad(i) أصدقاءُ إلى الأبدِ / Friends forever (m) / Friends always (m)
aw أَو / or...
‎Sadeeqaat ilaa al-abad(i) صديقاتٌ إلى الأبدِ / Friends forever (f) / Friends always (f)
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English Friendship Messages
"True F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
Fight for you.
Respect you.
Include you.
Encourage you.
Need you.
Deserve you.
Stand by you."
Prayer for a Friend
Stores don't sell,
I must confess,
the joys of life
that cheer and bless,
but friends and prayers
are priceless treasures
beyond all monetary measures –
and so, my friend,
I say a prayer
that God will keep you
in His care.
Helen Steiner Rice
"In life there are friends. Good friends, great friends, best friends. But you are my forever friend, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله. Thank you for being you."
"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart. I'll stay there forever." ~A.A. Milne
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"Forever friends"
"My friend, thanks for tolerating my idiosyncrasies* and crazy habits. You might not know this, but you helped me find happiness in being the person who I really am."
*idiosyncrasy / idiosyncrasies noun = A mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual.
'one of his little idiosyncrasies was always preferring to be in the car first'
Synonyms: "peculiarity", "quirk", "eccentricity", "oddity", "foible", "whim", "whimsy", "caprice", "vagary", "twist", "crotchet", "mannerism", "fad", etc.
(Oxford Dictionaries)
"You, my friend, are one of a kind."
"Thank you for your friendship. You brighten up my life!"
"With you, I can be honest and lay bare my heart.* Nothing else can come close to the beautiful friendship we share."
*lay bare idiom = to reveal or uncover private information or feelings (Merriam-Webster)
"You blur the lines between family and friends because you are both for me."
"I would rather thank you regularly for being a wonderful friend in every way, than belittle our friendship by saying thanks only once a year on Friendship Day. Thank you."
"Thank you for being a FRIEND."
"Thank you for making me laugh when I'd almost forgotten how to." ~Pam Brown
"Thank you so much for being a part of my life. Without you, life wouldn't be so wonderful."
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French Friendship Messages
"Merci pour ce cadeau que tu m'offres chaque jour : ton amitié." / "Thank you for this gift that you offer me every day: your friendship."
"Generally, colons, semicolons, exclamation points, and question marks are all preceded by a space." (Yabla French)
"Être ami avec toi est l'une des choses qui me rend les plus heureux dans la vie." / "Being friends with you is one of the things that makes me happiest in life."
"Une véritable amitié est rare. Je suis tellement chanceux de t'avoir comme ami !" / "True friendship is rare. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend!"
"Les fleurs de l'amitié ne se fanent jamais. Merci d'être mon ami." / "The flowers of friendship never fade. Thank you for being my friend."
"Je n'arrive plus à définir ce qu'est l'amitié et la famille parce que pour moi tu es à la fois ma sœur et ma meilleure amie." / "I can not define friendship and family anymore because for me you are both my sister and my best friend."
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German Friendship Messages
"Danke für deine Freundschaft. Du bist klasse!" / "Thank you for your friendship. You rock!"
"Vertrauen ist Mut, und Treue ist Kraft." / "Trust is courage, and faith is strength." ~Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
"Die Erde kann vergehen, die Sonne kann verblassen, doch wahre Freundschaft, soll uns nie verlassen." / "The earth can pass away, the sun can fade, but true friendship, should never leave us."
"Manche Menschen sind wie ein Spiegel, der uns hilft, in die verborgenen Winkel unserer Seele zu schauen. Schön, dass es dich gibt!" / "Some people are like a mirror that helps us to look into the hidden corners of our soul. It's great that you're there!"
"Manche Menschen machen die Welt besonders, indem sie einfach da sind. Du bist so einer." / "Some people make the world special by simply being there. You are one of those."
"Freundschaft, das ist eine Seele in zwei Körpern." / "Friendship is one soul in two bodies." ~Aristoteles (Aristotle)
"Freunde sind wie Sterne in der Nacht! Auch wenn man sie nicht sieht, weiß man doch, dass sie da sind!" / "Friends are like stars in the night! Even if you do not see them, you know that they are there!"
"Schön, dass es dich gibt." / "It's great that you're there." / "It's nice that you are there." / "I am glad that you are there."
"Schön, dass es dich gibt. Danke für deine Freundschaft." / "It's great that you're there. Thank you for your friendship."
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Spanish Friendship Messages
"Gracias por tu amistad. ¡Eres genial!" / "Thank you for your friendship. You rock!"
"¡Gracias a Dios, soy bendecido/a y afortunado/a por tener un amigo como tú!" / "Thank God, I'm blessed and fortunate [lucky] to have a friend [m] like you!"
o / or...
"¡Gracias a Dios, soy bendecido/a y afortunado/a por tener una amiga como tú!" / "Thank God, I'm blessed and fortunate [lucky] to have a friend [f] like you!"
"Tener amigos como tú es una bendición. Gracias por tu amistad." / "Having friends like you is a blessing. Thanks for your friendship."
"Como las estrellas, tu amistad nunca deja de brillar." / "Like the stars, your friendship never stops shining."
"Cree siempre en ti. Cree siempre en mí. Cree siempre en nuestra amistad." / "Always believe in yourself. Always believe in me. Always believe in our friendship."
"Tu amistad es algo único." / "Your friendship is something unique [extraordinary, one of a kind]."
"Te quiero* mucho. Eres mi mejor amigo/a." / "I love you very much. You are my best friend."
*"Literally translated to, 'I want you', 'te quiero' is most appropriate for expressing love to family, close friends, or significant others."
(English to Spanish Raleigh)
"Te quiero así de mucho." / "I love you this much."
Amigos hasta la muerte y más allá (m) / Amigas hasta la muerte y más allá (f) / Friends until (till, 'til) death and beyond
"¡Qué alegría saber que existes!" / "What a joy to know that you exist!"
Amigos por siempre (m) / Amigas por siempre (f) / Friends forever / Friends for ever
o / or...
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Amigos x* siempre (m) / Amigas x siempre (f) / Friends forever / Friends for ever
*x = por
o / or...
Amigos para siempre (m) / Amigas para siempre (f) / Friends forever / Friends for ever
Spanish Pronunciation Notes:
a = ah e.g. amigo/a
e = eh e.g. caliente
i = ee e.g. pimienta
o = oh e.g. frío/a
u = pronounced like the "oo" as in "soon" e.g. universidad
"G" is pronounced as an English "h" when followed by "e" or "i". Examples: gente = hehn-teh, gato = gaht-oh
"H" is always silent and never pronounced when it appears alone. Examples: hecho = echo, hora = oh-ra
In Spanish, the letter "h" has no sound. The digraph "ch" is pronounced like the "ch" in the word "chair".
"J" is always pronounced as an English "h". Example: jugar = hoo-gahr
"Qu" is pronounced as an English "k" when followed by "e" or "i" (pronounce the 'u' otherwise). Examples: que = keh, quotar = quoh-tahr
"Ñ" or "ñ" is pronounced as "enye". Example: baño = bahn-yoh
"Ll" or "ll" is pronounced as the letter "y". Examples: llenar = yeh-nahr, olla = oh-yah
The Spanish "z" is pronounced differently in Spain than in Latin America. In Spain, it is pronounced like the "th" in the English word "think". In Latin America, it is pronounced like the letter "s". Example: zanahoria = sa-na-oh-ree-ah
Sources of Pronunciation Notes:
2 Simple Rules to Help You Pronounce Spanish Words | TakeLessons
Spanish pronunciation of "h" and "ch" | 123TeachMe
Consonant: z - Study Spanish
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7 Ways to Be a Genuine Friend
"You have to be a friend to have them."
― J.M. Richards
"The only way to have a friend is to be one."
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let's get the facts straight, in order to be someone's friend you need to know how to be a true amigo/a. Here are seven ways to be a genuine* friend, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله:
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
― Oscar Wilde
1. Always try to be yourself. Let your friends see you for who you really are. Don't be a phony (fake). Show them your true personality. Don't act one way in front of them, and another way behind their backs. If they can accept the real you, then you'll be able to have more meaningful and lasting friendships.
"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say."
― Bryant H. McGill
"There is as much wisdom in listening as there is in speaking--and that goes for all relationships, not just romantic ones."
― Daniel Dae Kim
2. Be an active, caring and responsive listener. Try to listen to your friends carefully, interestedly and understandingly. And, always make an effort to give them constructive feedback and sound advice.
"Perfection is a goal that will forever remain impossible for any human being to achieve. Therefore, the only achievable goal is to only strive to become the best that you can possibly be."
― Edmond Mbiaka
"I think people who have faults are a lot more interesting than people who are perfect."
― Spike Lee
3. No one is perfect. This is earth! We all have faults. Know that you have faults, and that your friends have faults too. And, learn to live with them. Some of them can be fixed and some of them can't be fixed. C'est la vie! ('That's life'; 'Such is life' in French) If you do something wrong, take the blame. Say your sorries, and try your best to learn from your mistakes.
"Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it all into words is all that is necessary."
― Margaret Cousins
"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
― Marcel Proust
4. Appreciate your friends. Show them your appreciation. Let them know that you value them. Here are some simple ways of doing this:
Write them a kind note, letter, or email.
Give them a surprise call to let them know you haven't forgotten them.
Make something special for them.
Compliment them about their successes. But please don't flatter them, as flattery is insincere.
Show them signs of care and affection.
Do something sweet and thoughtful for them.
Give them a small gift to let them know that they mean something to you. You can be creative in this area, as it's the thought that counts most!
Verbalize it! Let your friends know how grateful you are for them. Tell them how much you prize (appreciate) their friendship.
"Tell people how it is, be real and be honest. If you see something wrong make sure you speak up. Being this way will naturally eliminate the snakes and fakes."
― John Maiorana
"Honesty is the best policy."
― Benjamin Franklin
5. Be honest and frank (direct) with your friends, but please remember to be polite too. If your friends ask for your opinion on a matter, give them a sincere one. Don't lie to them. Tell them the truth that they need to hear, but say it tactfully (politely).
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up."
― John Holmes
6. Be caring and helpful to others. Use your God-given abilities to do something good for your friends. Be genuinely thoughtful towards them, and look for ways that you can help them. When you help others it makes you healthier and happier.
"To keep the Golden Rule we must put ourselves in other people's places, but to do that consists in and depends upon picturing ourselves in their places."
― Harry Emerson Fosdick
"Treat others how you want to be treated."
7. Treat your friends as you'd like to be treated. That's the Golden Rule! If you follow this principle religiously (regularly, constantly), you're bound to have successful long-term friendships.
*genuine adjective = (of a person, emotion, or action) sincere.
Synonyms: "sincere", "honest", "truthful", "unhypocritical", "meaning what one says", "straightforward", "direct", "frank", "candid", "open"; "artless", "natural", "unaffected", "guileless", "ingenuous"; informal "straight", "upfront", "on the level"; informal "on the up and up"; informal "dinkum"
(Oxford Dictionaries)
Did this post enthral (captivate, intrigue) you? If so, you may also want to read, "Arabic Word: Saadaqa", InshaaAllah إن شاء الله. Here you go, buddies:
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Sources and Further Reading:
Guys, this is where I leave you for today. I hope that you relished reading this entry, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله! Many thanks for reading it. I appreciate it. Take care, so long. Wassalaam 'alaikum والسّلام عليكم (and peace be with you)! :) :-h
Cherish your time with your family and friends,
Sam سام.
Post Script:
Thank you to all the people who genuinely help and support me! :) You matter and you make a difference. Please make sure you remember that, InshaaAllah إن شاء الله.
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gameonoverdogcom · 1 year
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markdanalundy · 5 years
Exploring Latitude 00 00 00
January 25, 2020
Click here to view photos from some of our adventures in this post.
We've had so many adventures and experiences since arriving in Quito, Ecuador just over a week ago. Technically Quito is not at Latitude 00 00 00, but it's close! Quito is the capital of Ecuador, and the 2nd highest capital in the world having an elevation of 9,350 feet. We must admit that there are times that we feel the impact of being at such a height, but we haven't let it stop us from getting out on foot and exploring this brand new-to-us world.
Our first days in Quito were spent in the Historic Center/Old Town. This is the heart of the city where most of the important monuments, churches, squares, museums and colonial buildings are found.
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Upon checking in to the Masaya Hostel and during the next few days we started to explore. Street vendors and performers were everywhere and we were able to begin to learn some of the rich history of the city. We visited places such as Plaza de la Independicia (aka Plaza Grande -picture above), Basilica del Voto Nacional, Calle La Ronda, and the Mercado Centrale. We also had the opportunity to finally meet Sally (a woman from Cuenca with whom Mark has been corresponding) and to have dinner with her and three of her friends.
And speaking of meeting people and being graced with good fortune, our past neighbor, Ali, connected us with her friend Albert who is now our friend too! Albert has taken us under his wing, has introduced us to new places, and taught us many basic necessities for being in Quito/Ecuador (like how to ride the buses). Last weekend we joined Albert as he visited with his parents and one of his brothers and family in the nearby city of Latacunga, the capital of the province of Cotopaxi. Not only were we provided a tour of that city, but we also explored a bit of the City of Salcedo, including a peaceful and magical visit to the Monasterio Santa María Del Paraiso and the Monasterio Santa Marianita.
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Upon returning to Quito, we relocated from our stay in the Historic Center and settled in to stay with Albert in his apartment in the La Mariscal area – considered by some to be the ‘fun and nightlife’ area of Quito. From here we walked to and explored other areas including La Floresta (an artistic and bohemian neighborhood), Guapulo (a colonial neighborhood nestled between the mountains), and La Carolina (one of the most modern areas in Quito with a large park and many areas to shop). While in La Floresta we spent a lovely hour visiting and speaking (in Spanish!) with the owner of a orchid store. And one of our most favorite experiences was when we saw several roses lining the path at Parque de Guapulo. As we followed these, we ran into Julio who told us that he had placed the roses along the path as he was going to propose to his girlfriend. Muy romantio!!!
Each day we are thankful for the good fortune that falls upon us, and for the experiences that we are able to have. We are certainly “Living the Life” at latitude 00 00 00 (or thereabouts).
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redglobalpress · 4 years
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Apacionanantes Finales Liga Stage Indervalle 2020 Durante más de un mes, la Gobernación del Valle del Cauca en cabeza de Clara Luz Roldán y a través de Indervalle, han impulsado la primera edición de la Liga Stage de Juegos Electrónicos, certamen que ha contado con una gran aceptación por parte de miles de participantes, quienes de lunes a sábado se han divertido con las competencias que se plantean desde las 6:00 p.m. en las modalidades de consolas, pc y dispositivos móviles. Este espacio durante época de cuarentena, ha permitido a miles de jóvenes demostrar las habilidades en juegos como: Fortnite, League of Legends, Super Smash Bros, Clash Royale y Free Fire, los cuales se efectúan de forma simultánea y son transmitidos en vivo, a través de las redes sociales de Indervalle y de la liga como tal. Justamente, la receptividad de esta iniciativa local ha sido tal, que durante 4 semanas de competencia un total de 39.678 jugadores, tanto del Valle del Cauca como de otras latitudes de Colombia y el mundo, se han enfrentado en un ambiente de sana convivencia y amistad, resaltando que aparte de los competidores, la transmisión ha llegado a un pleno de 1’236.660 personas, que han podido disfrutar de las emociones de la Liga Stage, convirtiéndose en un evento de juegos electrónicos si precedentes en la región y con una  convocatoria extraordinaria. La Liga Stage, que llegará a su final de temporada este sábado 2 de mayo, tiene preparada para estos días cruciales de la competencia la siguiente programación: Jueves 30 de abril: Finales de Fortnite. Viernes 1 de mayo: Finales de League Of Leguends Sábado 2 de mayo: Finales de Super Smash, Free Fire y Clash Royal. Carlos Felipe López Gerente Indervalle (en En Cali Ve!!) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nie1ojx18/?igshid=nswg7jwy80lw
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