#Apartments on the Westbank
latitudeapartments · 5 months
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windforestsso · 2 months
OC map 2024!
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It was not long ago since Valedale been updated and it shows. Many OCs have moved there.
I have not included OCs from the old map as I didnt have access to the old file and I dont want to jump between multiple posts to get names and photos because that was just too confusing. I have done a google doc list with the Ocs so next update will be easier. But even if I didnt include OCs from the old post, we went from 73 to 95 Ocs, the population is growing.
I will not update this untill a new area been updated or added. But if anyone sees spell mistakes or wrong infomation given for ocs I can edit that. But I will not fix the map pic.
Address book is under line:
Central Jorvik:
Jorvik city:
Breasha Keane - Somewhere by Leonardos Lottie Emberwoods - Lives in Governors fall, she have no horses. Have a twin in South Hoof, Charlie Mary-Ann - lives close to Leonardos
Crater of Jor:
Alexei Sparrowhawk - lives in the mountain between Wildwoods and Dino Valley Sora Sparrowhawk - Kallter witch in dino valley searching
Moa Windforest - Hidden shack in the forest  Ryland - lives at the ranger station
Firgrove Village:
Adelaide “Swift” Swiftheart - A kalter from Icengate lives near Firgrove Alexis Carolina Nightjar Elaina Hawkwatcher - Lives with her grandmother Luca Goldstone - Wilderness enthusiast. Big brother to Max in Tailtop village
Starshine Ranch:
Athena Rockstorm - Calamity Claymore - Charlie Emberwoods protoge, soul rider and chaos child. Have a big brother, Kit, in Cape West Fishing Village Daine Dusty Claymore - A retired cowboy. Uncle to Calamity and Kit Claymore Rora Dolphinheart -
Goldenhills Valley:
William Ravenyour - haunts the hayloft on Goldenleaf Stables (belongs to Dakota Ravenyour) Willow Crazytree - (no photo)
Cape West Fishing Village:
Adriana Braveheart Bella Highgirl - Officially owns a house here but has a second home in Avalon’s Meader where she stays under busy soul rider/druid times. Used to hop from hotel to hotel. Cody Hunter Doveshovel - Rents a bed with the Jorvik Fishing Club, but travels frequently for work and soul rider shenanigans. Kit Claymore - A fisherman and Amnesiac. big brother to Calamity in Starshine Ranch
Harvest Counties:
Crescent Moon:
Feya Elfchild - Lives alone
Alyssa Evelyn - Lives close to the rocker hairstyles shop Everlee Songbird - lives with a roommate thats also a member of the keepers Iris- Neightbour to Linda. Frequently visits the family in Cape West Fishing Village Johann - Lives in the northern part of Jarlaheim. Joins Ruth on adventures often Lucy Flowerhill - Lives with Linda Niko Northlight- lives in an apartment Riley Wolfstorm Selena - Lives by the vet Yasmine Westbank -
Jorvik Stables:
Amira Monsave - 19 year old, rents a room. In jorvik to look for Anne Arya Mistwood - 24 year old, works and lives at Baroness’ racetrack but because of renovations she currently lives with their half sister, Shilo, in Jovik Stables Brook - Lives behind the white double doors Monty Lionheart - A fancy lad just vibing Shilo Stormfire - 18 Year old, dorming at the stables during the summer to train and compete with her Lipizzaner, Glory. Currently have her half-sister Arya Mistwood as a roommate
New Hillcrest:
Blake Silvercrest - lives in the stables Lucas Roni - Lives with her two dogs Opal and Potato. She works as a waitress in the local café during the day
Azalea “Az” - lives around Dundull and work as a ranger Bodhi Applewright - Charlie Emberwoods protoge, soul rider and wanderer. Big brother to Toby in Redwoods Vendela Zoe Silverborn - lives alone
Astrid - precise location of home is unknown Heather - Sleeps in the hayloft of the stables in Redwood Point Max Goldstone -Charlies protoge, soul rider & adventurer. Have a big brother, Luca in Firgrove Rachel - Redwood Point Ranger Station Toby Applewrights - A junior ranger. Little brother to Bodhi in Dundull
North of Northern Mountains:
Donna Buttergood
Alina - lives in the field between Silverglade Manor and Nilmer’s highland
Fort Pinta:
Esther Darkdragon - 26 year old, lives with Svea Darkdragon in an apartment Morgan Saltcrest - Pirate in the sea outside of the Fort Pinta Rose - Svea Darkdragon - 24 year old, lives together with Esther Darkdragon in an apartment
Moorland Stables:
Esther Northberg - lives in the hay loft above the stables Jamie Nightlock - A baby doing his best Kit Applewood -21 year old, lives with Mrs. Holdsworth, thinking of getting a small place in Valedale Montana
Silverglade Manor:
Nahla Wolfwalker - Half kalter on a quest
Silverglade Village:
Adelaide Odenburg - Lives in the pink house in the circle with two others Amelie Emberwoods - Lives at Steves farm as a riding camp instructor. Is cousin to Charlie and Lottie Emberwoods Athena Peacecry - Lives with her parents Aurora Bellavance - rents a room, wants to move to Firgrove or Goldenhills one day Ava - Recently moved to the north side of town, close to the championship Lady - Lives with Big Bonney
South Hoof Peninsula:
Ines - Lives in the cottage south of the Rescue Ranch
South Hoof Rescue Ranch:
Charlie Emberwoods - Work as a rehabilitator, have a twin in Governors fall, Lottie. Juni - travels a lot Vilda Ravenhill - Accidently roommate with Hugh Wynonna - Rents a room
Damian - Lives with his family
Silversong River:
Rowan Riverborn - she a näck chills as a horse and is a danger to children Zelda Krüger - 22 year old, rents a room in Avalon’s Meander
Valedale Village:
Corinne Eaglebridge - Lives alone Evangeline Bitterhouse - A druid in-training. little sister to Genevieve Genevieve Bitterhouse - Charlie Emberwoods Protege, soul rider and a nature witch. Big sister to Evangeline Halo Starborn Joseph - had an apartment in Fort Pinta but let the lease run out Kelly Nightborn Lexa - Moved to Valedale Village after she used to live with her family in Moorland Marie - Lives in a house next door to Avalons Renata Rose Riverlee - Is a Pandorian hunting for someone, lives in valedale when not in Pandoria Sadie Algren - Take cares of horses at the village stables while their owner is away, travels to pandora to study flora and fauna Sora
Alou - contantly traveling with other shopkeepers on the Southern Jorvik event circuit Juli - Either in Pandoria or traveling, he supposed to live in south hoof but wont stay there. Ruth - drifter, can be seen more frequently around Jarlaheim and Greendale
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bodhranwriting · 10 months
The Chosen Many
Destiny is a woman.
There’s nothing much important about that particular aspect of Her. It wouldn’t make much difference to the world if the sparks that make up the goddess of human fate had decided that Her avatar should be male or genderless. After all, personality is more important than genitalia when you can shape them yourself and She would have been just as a much as an arsehole if She’d been a He.
The important part is that She made Herself a humanoid body and, with humanoid bodies, come humanoid thoughts.
Thoughts like, ‘I’m bored’ and ‘You know what might be fun?’
Gods aren’t worshipped here. They turn up too often and overstay their welcome: rather like that one friend at a party who didn’t bring any alcohol and is suddenly very insistent on trying out a watery interpretation of socialism. At best, the more conscientious ones get thank-you gifts. At worst, it’s a toxic relationship for whomever has caught their attention.
Priests tend to get friendly with the bottom of a glass by their third year in service.
Destiny doesn’t have priests. Contrary to popular belief, She doesn’t have much interest in everyday people either. If you were to be honest – preferably in the temple of another god She’d recently annoyed – Destiny’s plans are faint pencil sketches for most. Often, She gets bored and, apart from one or two big events, most people have blameless, simple lives.
But sometimes, She likes to leave a massive metaphorical rake across the lifespans of a significant number of people.
This is one of these times.
And here we meet Sandford Candles – Sand – riding towards the village of Westbank, blissfully unaware that it is going to be obliterated by the hand of fate before he has time to finish his residency.
He was a skinny, suntanned youth, old enough to grow a beard but so far completely unable to. His hair was the colour of wet straw and cut in the style of Not Able to Afford a Proper Barber. Stray tufts stuck up at irregular intervals and occasionally he attempted to flatten them with his hand, but since he had three out of five fingers, it was less successful than he obviously intended. He was clad in the junior uniform of the Royal College of Medicine – maroon breeches, cream tunic, sky-blue jerkin – which had never looked good on anyone who wasn’t colourblind and therefore did not look good on him.
It certainly didn’t look good after a few hours of being rained on, but it was telling that that hadn’t upset him. Sand moved through the world with the good humour of someone who has never yet had anything bad happen to him.
Besides, the last rays of the setting sun were shining down on him through the autumnal leaves, the birds were singing, and he could see signs of civilisation that suggested his destination wasn’t too much further. He was taking his first steps – or rather, Arta, his horse was carrying him – into the next chapter of his life and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to make the best of it.
His enthusiasm wasn’t even dampened as he rode into what certain, snootier classmates would term a ‘bend in the road’. A cluster of cottages huddled around a square of green, gradually fanning out into lonely farmhouses and huts ranged along the lakeside. Shepherds were herding their sheep and chickens back into their barns, fishers tying up their boats at the slick-wood docks, and small shopkeepers shutting up. Flies buzzed over the water, black swarms coiling unpleasantly.
Most of them stopped as Sand rode in, watching him in polite silence, their stares raking him from head-to-toe.
He coughed nervously. “Um, hello?”
One of the fishers – a tall, dark woman– sighed heavily and jerked her thumb back the way he came. “If you’re looking for Mother Nylund, back to the red oak, take a left, and don’t get eaten.”
Sand blinked, wetting his suddenly dry lips. “I – “
“She’s a scary one, our Nylund. Last apprentice ran away crying.” The fisher grinned unpleasantly. “You look like one for crying.”
“Uh…” Sand scanned the faces of the crowd. To his slight relief, several of them were shaking their heads at the speaker, a few turning back to work. One of them – a stout, ragged old man in a multicoloured shirt – caught his eye and gave him a wink and a sly thumbs-up. The effect was slightly spoiled by him immediately taking a long drag from a bottle in his hand and spilling it on his collar.
“Are you deaf?”
Dragging his attention away from the ensuing scuffle as a shopkeeper stepped in to disarm the man of his alcohol, Sand said, “No. Thank you for the directions.”
As he urged Arta to turn, he heard the woman called, “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to the flies!”
The laughter, hopefully, wasn’t all aimed at him.
A few minutes and a stomach-churning second of believing he was lost later, Sand urged Arta towards a squat stone cottage overrun with ivy. A half-circle of a fence enclosed it in a front plot of tamped-down dirt with a chicken run and pen lurking by the edge, but by the smell wafting in the breeze, there had to be a massive herb garden around the back.
Dust boiled up over his feet as he slid lightly off her back and he steeled himself as he strode towards the front door. He raised his fist to knock –
And nearly fell into the hallway as someone yanked it open with considerable force. That same someone grabbed him by the collar and snapped, “Have you ever had a baby?”
“I – no – I’ve been sent from the College –“
“I know you’re from the College, man! Have you delivered a baby?”
Sand gaped. “Not yet, I’m –“
“Well, there’s a first time for everything and lucky you, it’s breech. Take this and get on your horse!”
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
A Fantasy Story About Midwives Saying "Screw You" to Destiny by Bodhrán M.
Destiny is a woman.
There’s nothing much important about that particular aspect of Her. It wouldn’t make much difference to the world if the sparks that make up the goddess of human fate had decided that Her avatar should be male or genderless. After all, personality is more important than genitalia when you can shape them yourself and She would have been just as a much as an arsehole if She’d been a He.
The important part is that She made Herself a humanoid body and, with humanoid bodies, come humanoid thoughts.
Thoughts like, ‘I’m bored’ and ‘You know what might be fun?’
Gods aren’t worshipped here. They turn up too often and overstay their welcome: rather like that one friend at a party who didn’t bring any alcohol and is suddenly very insistent on trying out a watery interpretation of socialism. At best, the more conscientious ones get thank-you gifts. At worst, it’s a toxic relationship for whomever has caught their attention.
Priests tend to get friendly with the bottom of a glass by their third year in service.
Destiny doesn’t have priests. Contrary to popular belief, She doesn’t have much interest in everyday people either. If you were to be honest – preferably in the temple of another god She’d recently annoyed – Destiny’s plans are faint pencil sketches for most. Often, She gets bored and, apart from one or two big events, most people have blameless, simple lives.
But sometimes, She likes to leave a massive metaphorical rake across the lifespans of a significant number of people.
This is one of these times.
And here we meet Sandford Candles – Sand – riding towards the village of Westbank, blissfully unaware that it is going to be obliterated by the hand of fate before he has time to finish his residency.
He was a skinny, suntanned youth, old enough to grow a beard but so far completely unable to. His hair was the colour of wet straw and cut in the style of Not Able to Afford a Proper Barber. Stray tufts stuck up at irregular intervals and occasionally he attempted to flatten them with his hand, but since he had three out of five fingers, it was less successful than he obviously intended. He was clad in the junior uniform of the Royal College of Medicine – maroon breeches, cream tunic, sky-blue jerkin – which had never looked good on anyone who wasn’t colourblind and therefore did not look good on him.
It certainly didn’t look good after a few hours of being rained on, but it was telling that that hadn’t upset him. Sand moved through the world with the good humour of someone who has never yet had anything bad happen to him.
Besides, the last rays of the setting sun were shining down on him through the autumnal leaves, the birds were singing, and he could see signs of civilisation that suggested his destination wasn’t too much further. He was taking his first steps – or rather, Arta, his horse was carrying him – into the next chapter of his life and he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to make the best of it.
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rhk111sblog · 9 months
The Importance of the Economic Ties and Cooperation between China and the Philippines
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Here is an interesting Article from the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) showcasing the importance of the Economic Ties and Cooperation between China and the Philippines. Here are some of the most important Quotes from the Article:
“… Some so-called “Experts” and Academics in the Country are urging the Philippine Government to consider stopping and annulling existing Chinese Business operations in the Country if alleged China’s illegal and aggressive actions in the disputed SCS or popularly known in the Philippines as the “West Philippine Sea (WPS)” continue. As far as I am concerned, such a Suggestion from these “Experts” is akin to telling the Philippines to commit Economic Suicide.”
“China has been the Philippines’ Top Trading Partner for seven consecutive Years, with Bilateral Trade reaching $87.73 billion in 2022. In the first seven Months of 2023, China jumped to become the largest Export Market for the Philippines. Thus, China remains the Country’s vital Economic and Trade Partner and is still one of the Country’s top Sources of Investment. In terms of Government-to-Government (G2G) Cooperation Projects between the Philippines and China, they have yielded fruitful Outcomes, with nearly 40 Projects carried out in recent Years, 18 of which have been completed. Apart from Cash, Rice, Fertilizers and Covid-19 Vaccine Donations, an important Highlight is Infrastructure cooperation such as the construction of China-aid Estrella-Pantaleon Bridge, the Binondo-Intramuros Bridge, the Bucana Bridge Project in Davao City, the Dangerous Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers, the Chico River Pump Irrigation Project, the three priority Bridges Project (North and South Harbor Bridge, Palanca-Villegas Bridge and the Eastbank-Westbank Bridge) and the Samal Island-Davao City Connector Project, among others, are key G2G cooperation Projects between the Philippines and China, which offer and extend real Benefits to the Filipino People.”
Here is the Link to the Article at the ACJ Website: https://asiancenturyph.substack.com/p/what-is-the-importance-of-china-philippines
SOURCE: What is the Importance of China-Philippines Economic Ties and Cooperation? {Archived Link}
Check out the Links to my other Social Media Accounts at https://linktr.ee/rhk111
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you-moveme-kurt · 2 years
Glee «The Super bowl LXXV»
Febrero de 2041
-¡«Papáblen»!… ¿eres tú? —pregunto Lizzie como primera cosa al iniciar la llamada telefónica. -«Princesa»… ¿ya llegaron?, ¿dónde estas?.. -Aun no, aun estoy  conduciendo por la calles de este pueblo… -No creo que Minneapolis sea precisamente un pueblo… —hizo notar Blaine de manera divertida, el estadio de los Vikings de Minnesota era la sede de la versión 71 del  superbowl y Blaine era el encargado del show de medio tiempo y como era costumbre, toda su familia estaría allí para verlo actuar. -Para  mi lo es… todas estas rutas,  ¡son un enredo!, ¿no pudiste tener un concierto en un lugar más civilizado?  ¡hola! -No soy yo el que dictamina donde es el Super Bowl Princesa… -Igual… pudiste mandar un video o algo… ¡¿dónde estoy?!... -Ok Princesa, estas en Mineápolis, Minnesota… hogar de los Vikings… ahora,  ¿qué tal si te detienes y me hablas?, creo que es un poco imprudente y peligroso que estés conduciendo y hablando conmigo... -Ya estoy detenida hace como una hora… ¡hola!, —respondió la chica haciendo muecas y ademanes exagerados como si su Papá pudiera verla— ¿dónde estabas?, te llame como 5326 veces… ¡doble hola!… -¡No fueron tantas horas, ni tantas veces «Papáblen»!, ¡«Rizzie» esta exagerando!… —grito Henry metiéndose en la conversación, Blaine pudo escuchar a sus hijos intercambiar palabras en una discusión divertida. -¿Princesa? -Si, estoy aquí… pero si quieres hablar con Henry que parece que sabe todo lo de las carreteras del mundo…, -No es necesario, además lo que le digas lo escuchare igual… —volvió a decir Henry  por encima de todos. -¡Uy!... ¿ves a lo que me expones por hacerme venir a este juego de los no se cuánto, contra los no se que?... ¡uy!... ¡dime que  hacer!, ¡no se que hacer!..
-¿Seguiste las instrucciones del navegador? -¡Ay «Papáblen»!,  ¡obvio!…—respondió Lizzie blanqueando los ojos, Henry gritó un  «mentira»  que fue callado por lo que Blaine esperaba y fueran las manos de su hija y no otra cosa más violenta. -Muy bien, si seguiste las instrucciones y te viniste por la 35W, lo más probable es que ese enredo que describiste sean los tréboles que bifurcan el camino, ¿pasaste una calle llamada Washington Av.? -No se… ¿Henry?…  —dijo Lizzie mirando a  su hermano, Blaine escuchó esta vez decir a su hijo «¿ahora quiere mi ayuda?», seguido de como tres «hola» de su hija. -¿Princesa? -Si… Henry dice que no… -Ah, muy bien entonces… dime lo que ves… -¿Lo que veo? -Si, a tu alrededor, ¿ves un campo de béisbol por ejemplo?... —pregunto Blaine  quedándose en silencio en espera de la respuesta, Lizzie murmuró «béisbol» a la par con su hermano. -¡Si!.. «Westbank softball field»!... —exclamo Lizzie como leyendo un letrero. -Perfecto… toma la salida que dice «Seven corners apartment» -Ok… -Luego continúa por la misma ruta y te juro que en menos de 5 minutos encontrarás la entrada al hotel donde estamos… -¡Uy!,  ¡genial!… ¡allá voy!… mantente atento al teléfono por si me pierdo de nuevo… no quiero volver a esperar tantos «tus»  en el teléfono… -Lo siento Princesa, estaba distraído con la vista que hay aquí… cuando llegues lo comprobaras… -¿Seguro que era con la vista?, o tu y el Papá estaban… ya sabes… —dijo la chica mientras encendía el auto nuevamente, Blaine rió mientras escuchaba  a Henry decirle «Rizzie» en tono reprobatorio. -Nada de eso Princesa, Noah quiso salir a recorrer con el Papá y aun no no regresan, así que yo estaba distraído solo con la vista… -Ah, esta bien… no vemos entonces… ¡te super amo «Papáblen»! -Y yo a ti Princesa, que lleguen bien… —respondió terminando la llamada, miro un instante sus redes sociales y volvió a lo que estaba, tomando café y mirando por la ventana la ciudad de Mineápolis.
-Odio esta ciudad… —dijo Kurt llegando apenas a  la habitación del hotel, casi como si se le hubiesen acabado todas las baterías. -¿Que?... -Lo que oyes… —agregó dejándose caer boca abajo en la cama. -Ok… —dijo Blaine dejando la taza de café de lado, rodeo la cama y se sentó en el espacio desocupado— ¿Noah esta bien?... —preguntó mientras comenzaba a acariciarle la cabeza. -Esta bien… demasiado bien y con demasiadas energías… caminamos como no se cuantas cuadras hasta llegar al rio famoso ese y juro que quería traerse todo lo que veía… y creo que yo ya no estoy en edad de ese tipo de caminatas… mis pies me están matando… -Lo siento… —dijo Blaine dándole esta vez un beso en el cabello.— tal vez las botas Saint Laurent que escogiste no son buenas para caminatas largas… -Por supuesto que no lo son… ¿en que cabeza cabe que caminar y caminar es una buena idea? -¿En la de nuestro hijo de 6 años por ejemplo? -Toda la razón…—dijo Kurt hundiéndose un instante en las almohadas para luego recostarse de medio lado y mirando a  su esposo— ¿nuestros otros hijos? -Lizzie acaba de llamar, estaba un poco complicada y… -¿Complicada?... —repitió Kurt irguiéndose como si estuviera en una rutina de ejercicios en la parte  de flexiones. -Si pero nada grave… se confundió en el trébol que hay para bajar al estadio, pero le di las instrucciones y… -Papás, ¿puedo entrar? —preguntó Noah desde la puerta -Este niño no se cansa… —murmuró Kurt  poniéndose de espaldas y tapándose la cabeza con una de las almohadas. -Yo lo atiendo… .—dijo Blaine dirigiéndose a la puerta, habían rentado una suite tipo apartamento con tres habitaciones, más una pequeña sala y terraza— hola hijo… — saludo abriendo la ́ puerta que daba al espacio común. -«Papáblen», ¡encontré muchas cosas sensacionales!… —exclamó Noah enseñando dos bolsas, una en cada mano. -¡Vaya!… ¿es verdad eso?... -Si… ¿las quieres ver? -Obvio que sí… pero, ¿qué tal si  las vemos en la sala, el Papá está un poco cansado… -¿Cansado?... —preguntó Noah mirando hacia donde estaba Kurt. -Si… así es que… ¿qué tal si lo dejamos descansar un instante? -¿Esta cansado por mi culpa y por la «epsploracion»  que le dije que hiciéramos al río «Misisipipi»?… -No hijo… —contestó  cerrando la puerta y bajando a su altura— esta cansado porque cuando te pones mayor las cosas cuestan más… -¡Estoy cansado no sordo Blaine Anderson-Hummel!…— grito Kurt desde el interior de la habitación, Blaine rio y se fue con su hijo a la pequeña sala para ver todo lo que tenía que mostrar.
-¿Mejor?...—preguntó Blaine al ver que su esposo aun estaba recostado pero  se había quitado los zapatos y movía los dedo de los pies como si los hubiese tenido inmóviles por años. -Un poco… ¿Noah? -Se quedó organizando las cosas para enseñárselas a sus hermanos… que por cierto ya encontraron el camino y están aparcando el auto en este instante. -Genial… ¡maldito seas Saint Laurent!  —exclamó empuñando su manos— juro y cuando llegue a New York escribiré un par de cartas bien indignadas para reclamar por esto. -Vamos, bien sabes que sus zapatos son espectaculares… el problema fue que caminaste demasiado… pero… yo puedo quitarte esa molestia en un instante… —dijo Blaine arremangándose para luego buscar algo en uno de los bolsos del equipaje. -¿Como? -Lo que oyes… ¿dónde esta…?... ¡aquí esta!… —exclamo sacando un envase de lujo de crema para pies. -¿Que pretende señor Anderson-Hummel… —preguntó Kurt haciendo un gesto sexy. -Pretendo… hacer mi trabajo… que básicamente es… hacerte sentir bien a ti… —respondió subiéndose a la cama— y cuéntame… ¿qué te ha parecido Minneapolis hasta ahora?— añadió mientras se instalaba a los pies sentado sobre sus talones. -Bien… la ciudad es bonita y tranquila y el hotel es fantástico para ser del año que es... -Lo se… pensaba que podríamos quedarnos hasta San Valentín… ¿qué opinas? —pregunto destapando el frasco de crema. -Creo que podría aceptar un San Valentín cerca de las Dakotas… ¿sabes que nuestro hijo pequeño esta allá afuera… y que otros dos vienen  subiendo hasta aquí… verdad? —dijo Kurt al ver que su esposo se embetunaba ambas manos. -Lo sé… pero no pretendo hacer nada censurable… —dijo encogiendo sus hombros mientras le tomaba el pie derecho. -Eso es lo que tu pretendes, pero yo no puedo prometer lo mismo… -¿Por qué?... ¿son tus pies una nueva zona erógena de la que no estoy al tanto?… -No, pero debe saber que  sus manos Señor Anderson-Hummel,  hacen que cualquiera de mis partes se vuelvan  erógenas… —dijo Kurt alzando una ceja, -OK, no puedes decir algo así sin pretender que no exista una reacción de mi parte… — agregó Blaine acercándose a él  sonriendo coqueto y con el ego por las nubes. -¡Este hotel es super retro!... —exclamó Lizzie entrando en la habitación sin golpear ni anunciarse, Blaine se bajó de la cama de un salto y Kurt disimuló fingiendo leer  el instructivo de evacuación en caso de emergencia  que había sobre la mesa de noche. -Princesa… ¡llegaron por fin!… —exclamó Blaine de manera más exagerada de la que hubiera querido. -Si, hace como unos minutos… ¿y ustedes?... —preguntó la chica dejándose caer en la cama. -Aquí… descansando y leyendo esto que parece que es importante pero que nadie le da la importancia que debería… —contestó Kurt dejando el pasquín donde estaba y pensando acto seguido cuantas veces había dicho la palabra importante— ¿tu hermano cariño? -Esta con el «Goblin» viendo unas cuantas piedras y hojas y no se que mas…—respondió Lizzie poniendo un poco de cara de asco. -Es lo que recogió mientras iba con el Papá a recorrer Minneapolis…—dijo Blaine mientras se limpiaba disimuladamente las manos con la cortina del dormitorio. -¿Puede mi hermano  ser más dulce?... ¡te amo «Goblin»!... —exclamó acomodándose más en la cama de sus padres. -Cariño, por si no lo sabes hay una habitación perfecta para ti… -¡Ay Papá!, ¡eres super poco acogedor!… ¡hola!… no me ve desde…—Lizzie empequeñeció lo ojos como si contara algo en su mente— bueno, ya no me ves a diario… ¿no me extrañas acaso?… -Por supuesto que te extraño cariño… pero no verte me hace apreciarte mas…—dijo Kurt haciéndole una especie de cariño en la cabeza con sus pies, Lizzie grito una onomatopeya de asco y se levantó de la cama. -¿Iremos a cenar? ¿o que?...  —preguntó la chica arreglando su interminable cabello, lo junto todo he hizo una torzada grande que anudo en un tomate bien abundante— porque sepan que tengo un hambre de aquí a allá… -Por supuesto Princesa… bajemos…  podríamos aprovechar de extender la reserva.. —dijo Blaine mirando a  su esposo. -Me parece muy bien… —contesto Kurt mientras se ponía de vuelta las botas Saint Laurent -¿Extender la reserva?, ¿por qué?, ¿de qué hablan? -Con el Papá pensamos que podríamos celebrar aquí San Valentín, porque… -¡NO!... —interrumpió Lizzie alzando su brazos, sus padres dieron un respingo al unísono— es decir… no… es decir.. no quiero… -¿Como? -No… es decir… ¡Henry!... -Lizzie,  ¿qué sucede cariño?, te estás comportando un tanto…—dijo Kurt haciendo gestos que evidenciaban locura. -¡HENRY!... -¿Qué?... —dijo el chico apareciendo en la puerta, saludo a sus padres y luego quedo viendo a su hermana que parecía y quería decirle algo usando un poder mental que no tenía. -Henry… los Papás quieren quedarse aquí hasta el 14… —dijo abriendo sus ojos al máximo cuando mencionaba lo de la fecha. -¿Que?... ¡NO!… -Porque no, ¿qué esta pasando?... —demando saber Kurt cruzándose de brazos. -Nada Papá… es decir…¿celebrar aquí San Valentín?.. —quiso saber Henry tratando de parecer lo más casual y despreocupado posible. -Es lo que me propuso el «Papáblen» cariño… ¿por que?.. -No se… es decir… ¿este no es el año de los  25 años de casados?… -¿Como? -Eso… pensé que como en noviembre sería su aniversario número 25… bodas de plata y todo… harían algo más especial que estar en el Marriott de Minneapolis…¿cierto «Rizzie»?…—dijo Henry mirando de reojo a su hermana, Lizzie se quedó boquiabierta pensando que nunca hubiera creído que Henry tenía la capacidad de inventar algo tan efectivo bajo presión y en tan poco tiempo— ¿«Rizzie»? -Si… ¡SI!... esa cantidad de años amerita el Plaza… mínimo.. ¡MÍNIMO!… ¡hola!… -Creo que nuestros hijos tienen un punto aquí Señor Anderson… —dijo Kurt como pensando en aquello. -¿Cambiaste de parecer sobre celebrar cerca las Dakotas entonces?… -Por supuesto, y mira Blaine Anderson-Hummel que te sirva de lección, algo que debiste pensar tú, lo pensaron nuestros hijos… me parece preocupante por decir lo menos… —dijo Kurt haciendo el ofendido. -Ok, lo siento… pensaré en algo mejor para sorprenderte entonces… —agregó Blaine acercándose  a él para darle un pequeño beso— ¿cenar aquí si es aceptable? -Más que aceptable… —respondió Kurt dándole él otro beso— iré e alistar a Noah… -Voy contigo… —dijo Blaine saliendo junto a él, Lizzie y Henry se miraron un instante soltando al mismo tiempo un suspiro de alivio para luego darse mutuamente un «hi five», después de todo, que no se arruinara el plan que ya tenían preparado para sorprender a sus padres con una celebración en una ciudad  más lejos y mucho más lujosa que Minneapolis, Minnesota, era algo para alegrarse.
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thenoticeblog · 9 months
12.16.23 March for the Martyrs | Palestinian Youth Movement
More than 19,400 Palestinians have been killed by the IDF since Oct 7th, according to the Health Ministry in Gaza. 
That includes more than 7,700 children directly killed by the IDF's assault on the Gaza Strip. Nearly 85% of Gaza’s population has been forced to leave their homes. 
The majority of these killings and destruction of Palestinian lives and homes stem directly from IDF missile strikes on civilian targets including hospitals, libraries, apartment buildings, and schools. 
Nearly 150 UN observers have been killed, and at least 90 journalists have been killed. 
On December 16th, 2023 - the Palestinian Youth Movement organized a public demonstration demanding a ceasefire, liberation for Palestine, and honor the thousands of lives lost in the U.S.-backed genocide against Palestinians. It was called the "March for the Martyrs." 
These are the images of that march. Always Question. Always Explore.
Paul A. Notice II
photography by Paul A. Notice II #freepalestine #ceasefire #gaza #marchforthemartyrs #photojournalism #photography #palestine #westbank #newyork #palestineprotest
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Apartments for the whole family in Gretna, LA | Townbridge Apartments
Looking for quality apartments in Gretna, LA? Look no further than Townebridge Apartments! Our beautiful community offers spacious apartments for the whole family, complete with luxurious amenities and a prime location on the Westbank.
Our pet-friendly community is perfect for those looking for a comfortable home with their furry friends. We offer a variety of floor plans to choose from, including one and two bedroom apartments. Each unit is thoughtfully designed with your needs in mind, featuring modern appliances and finishes.
At Townebridge Apartments, we believe that community is everything. That's why we offer a variety of amenities that are perfect for socializing and relaxation. Take a dip in our resort-style pool, work up a sweat in our fitness center, or enjoy a game of tennis on our courts. We also have a clubhouse that is perfect for hosting events and gatherings with friends and neighbors.
Looking for things to do near Townebridge Apartments? There is no shortage of fun activities and entertainment options in the area. You can explore the vibrant culture of New Orleans, just a short drive away, or enjoy shopping and dining at nearby Oakwood Center.
We understand that finding affordable apartments in Gretna, LA can be a challenge. That's why we offer competitive rental rates and special promotions to help you find the perfect home for your budget. Our apartments are also conveniently located near major highways, making commuting a breeze.
Don't just take our word for it – see what our residents have to say! Our community has received numerous positive reviews, with many praising our friendly staff, excellent maintenance service, and beautiful surroundings.
Whether you're looking for a studio apartment, one bedroom apartment, or two bedroom apartment in Gretna, LA, Townebridge Apartments has you covered. Contact us today to schedule a tour and see for yourself why we are one of the best apartments for rent in Gretna, LA. We look forward to welcoming you home!
Name - Townbridge Apartments
Website- https://townebridge.apartments/
Address - 1615 Carol Sue Ave, Gretna, LA 70056  (Louisiana)
Phone Number- (504) 394-4095
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warrenwoodhouse · 6 months
Locations - Mafia II Guide (Game Guides) (Guides)
Guide by @warrenwoodhouse
Sand Island
Southport Tunnel
Culver River
Maxwell's Supermarket
Misery Lane Distillery
Empire Bay
Empire Diner in Sand Island
Southport Tunnel
Culver River
Empire Bay Harbor
Derek's Office at Empire Bay Harbor
Empire Bay
Midtown Church
The Maltese Falcon
West Side
West Side Arcade Mall
Culver River
M Hotel
The Mona Lisa Café
Hunters Point
Evergreen Street Warehouse
Grand Upper Bridge
Culver River
The Lone Star
Grand Upper Bridge
Culver River
Roadking Bus Depot
Empire Bay Police Department
Empire General Hospital
Vito's Apartment
Culver River
Vito's Apartment in Greenfield
Kingston Stadium
Culver River
Hill of Tara
Kingston Subway Station
Kingston Station
Harry's Gun Shop
Clement's Compound
Culver River
Highbrook Bridge
Empire Diner in Highbrook
Hillwood Villa
Zaversky Observatory
Culver River
Culver River
Highbrook Bridge
Union Station
Culver River
Riverside Slaughterhouse
Bruski's Scrapyard
Culver River
Culver Dam
East Side
Lincoln Park
Oyster Bay
Oyster Bay
Garden of Eden Courthouse
Marty's Apartment
Empire Diner in Oyster Bay
Dipton Apparel in Oyster Bay
South Millville
Printing Works
Oyster Bay
North Millville
Westbank Street
Millville Diner
The Dragstrip
Little Italy
Car Rental
Joe's Apartment
Giuseppe's Gun Shop
Freddy's Bar
Mamma's Place
Stella's Diner
Dipton Apparel in Little Italy
Antonio's Delicatessen
Sea Gift Fishing Company Warehouse
Red Dragon Restaurant
Prison: Add
Clemente & Co. Fresh Meat
Webb's Shoes
Rocco’s Barbershop
Unknown Town: Sicilia, Isla di Sicilia, Italia.
13th March 2024 at 3:09 pm: Added the section titled Other.
13th April 2021 at 3:39 pm: Created post
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brandondonnelly · 6 years
Plus atelier
This morning I went through some of the floor plans for King Toronto, which are now up on BuzzBuzzHome. In case you’re wondering, they are currently showing an average price of $1604 per square foot.
Here is a 1 bedroom + atelier:
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And here is a 2 bedroom + atelier:
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Right away you’ll probably notice a few things. 
There are no dens in these plans. They have been replaced with ateliers, which sounds cool. I want my own atelier where I make things. But it may also be a clever way to get around calling them studies or nooks.
A lot of people in the industry have been commenting on how they’ve included the exterior living space in the calculation of total area. That seems logical to me, especially for a project like this where the terraces form such an integral part of the architecture.
The other thing I noticed is that the buildings are, actually, being referred to as mountains. This has been part of the project’s design narrative since the beginning. So I like the consistency. The above plans are for suites within the “east mountain.” 
But what I wanted to ask all of you today is whether you find the addition of a 3D plan helpful. It’s obviously not new, but it is still fairly uncommon, at least in this market. Do you think it’s worth it?
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7EVEN (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/304892980-7even?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=HammerHandedHeart&wp_originator=80J53mAwwckrEJXanrhlSS2q4ZpAgWyW5obDSaQdafxZJL3HHXxRIylB4miMieaIeCNGaArKFcSFKM2XxvFZyAdmvYPT0mlO22kFtYLbrJhrjyisK3ijxVloG%2BUc23k%2F
He loves hard, maybe too hard for his adopted sister, who can't seem to keep him from starring in her kinky dreams at night. Handsome, protective, brave, and tall, Bebiana's young heart swooned for him until it was sore. She once thought the only possible way to save herself from this tournament was to burn everything to the ground and run away. Nine years have passed since they've last seen each other. The wounds from their teenage years are still so tender, and their bottled-up feelings are painfully raw. Bebiana Westbank has come back to the small town of Fall-Creek Hills to put the past behind her for good. She wants a simple life, far away from the chaotic Westbank family, their criminal dealings, and the only man she's ever loved. Electrifying Sex, provocative love, and heart-wrenching betrayal followed the pair on their action-packed journey. Will they come to terms with their feelings for one another, or will their mistakes tear them apart?
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latitudeapartments · 5 months
Luxury Apartments at Latitude | Rent Apartments New Orleans
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Welcome to Latitude
Latitude is an upcoming residential tower designed to deliver an aspiring lifestyle to the urban nomad. This 196-unit complex, being built in Metairie, Louisiana, is conveniently located on Lake Pontchartrain's south shore near New Orleans. Often touted to be one of the best places to live in Louisiana, Metairie's spirit of a mixed urban-suburban feel is captured beautifully in Latitude's architectural design.
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The city exudes a unique cross-cultural charm making it a favorite tourist spot and a proud home to many enjoying its arts, unique entertainment profile, and French-accented Southern grace. Surrounded by water—the lake to the north and the Mississippi River to the south—and papered with parks, entertainment venues, and historic businesses and eateries. There are a lot of bars, restaurants, and coffee shops frequented by locals and tourists alike.
Latitude is located at 3100 Lake Villa Drive at the intersection of Rye Street and is easily accessible by Interstate-10. And is minutes away from many major employers as well as shopping, dining, and entertainment.
Visit Us: 3100 Lake Villa Dr, Metairie, Louisiana. Call: +1 985 618 1600 Email: [email protected]
Follow Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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Has most monetary aid given to palestine been used just on weapons rather than infrastructure for its citizens?
A funny question because apart from maybe 30% of the Westbank which is self governing, Israel has nearly total control or authority over Palestinian land.
I assume you mean Hamas and the Gaza strip (separate, more radical, and at odds with the Palestinian authority in the west bank), which is only defacto independent, meaning it's functionally part of Israel, and completely hamstrung by US and Israeli sanctions and naval+air blockades. They can't import or export goods freely, of their own accord.
Israel controls Gaza's air and maritime space, and six of Gaza's seven land crossings. Israel tightly controls this because of the anxiety of arms going in, almost nothing gets through without their approval. It reserves the right to enter Gaza at will with its military and maintains a no-go buffer zone within the Gaza territory. Gaza is dependent on Israel for its water, electricity, telecommunications, and other utilities.
So, in other words, Palestinians can't totally invest into infrastructure. This is also how Israel managed to shut down Gaza's internet and power during this recent conflict, because it ultimately controls these things and provide it to the PA. This relates to how the two-state solution has been on hold. If you want Palestinians to invest in Infrastructure, you need to support their independence first.
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glimpseofadaydream · 4 years
A little throwback and tribute to the city of Beirut.
I spent a couple of days there in May 2018. It wasn't the best time as a tourist, because I randomly ended up there during the time of the first parliament election after 18 years and the city was mostly closed down. Restaurants and a couple of big museums were opened but according to locals, it wasn't the same as it usually is. The shops and clubs were closed (Beirut is famous for its' techno & party scene), and as far as I remember, even the famous B018 was closed.
Even though I remember the city wasn't in the best shape already then (depending on which neighbourhood you were in, there was no garbage collection and electricity fallouts were quite common) I still always wanted to come back to get a glimpse of the beiruti nightlife. I've seen the nightlife of quite a couple middle eastern cities and Beirut is alongside with Tel Aviv a city, that is supposed to have on hell of a techno scene. I remember meeting palestenians and Israelis as well in Jordan as in Israel & the Westbank and a lot of them really admired the Lebanese for their attitude to keep partying even if hell breaks loose around them (which is ironically something that they have in common with Isrealis, who are famous for their trance scene, that they kept nurturing through all the wars, but I suppose this is not something people of both nationalities like to hear too much? It is kinda sad, because both nationalities' love for techno&trance, food, wine and a good smoke is unmatched in the middle east. Even though Israelis are somewhat stiff on the dancefloor. If you want to get your blood pumping on the dancefloor, you gotta dance with the Palestenians. But yeah, I'm drifting off. There's history between Lebanon and Israel and it isn't too good. ://).
That being said, I'm really sorry for the loss of lifes and the loss in infrastructure and I hope the damage that was done by the explosion is being able to repaired and the lebanese government GETS THEIR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER. NO ONE LIKES AN INCOMPETENT GOVERNMENT, YOU HEAR THAT?? AND YOUR GOVERNMENTAL POST-ELECTION AFTER-PARTY WAS LAME! (no one showed up, people deadass just partied by themselves in other parts of the city. The musicians practically played to themselves. It was like Corona-MMA...without crowd. Except.... there was no Corona.)
I dropped my camera back then and the screen broke, so I didn't really get to see what I was photographing and I didn't really see what filter and mode I chose, so the pictures of the city are somewhat shaky and in bad angles & different filters (and I lost a couple of pictures :/), but I still hope they do the city some justice and you guys get a bit of a picture of how nice it is.
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doggo was excited to see me and I was excited to see him/her :)
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this was the treasure room of the mineral museum (MiM). It’s practically a huge collection of minerals by some guy who has shitloads of money and it’s located underneath the campus of the university.
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beach promenade and the Rouche Sea Rock. 
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somewhere in the city center close to the place d’ecolé.
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place d’ecolé (is this how it’s written?).
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the entrance of Beirut’s McLaren store. It was POSH.
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somewhere on the Corniche.
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Mohammed-al-amin Mosque
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I don’t remember where this was but I liked the building. I really loved how in Beirut there is such a distinctive combination between old and new/modern architecture. 
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a cut off picture of the Sursock-Museum of modern/contemporary art.
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some contrary modern architecture. I don’t remember if it’s a building with appartments or some kind of company though.
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street corners in Mar Mikhael, a little part of town that is supposed to be some nightlife/hipster-neighbourhood or something like that. Has lots of cute little bars & restaurants. 
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I almost couldn’t tell there were elections going on. Almost.
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and here’s a shaky picture of the government party that barely anyone visited. I don’t know. Maybe I was too late or too early, but there were like...4 people, maximum.
So, I hope I was able to catch quite a bit of the nice vibe of the city, even though when I was there, the circumstances weren’t exactly “daily life”.
edit: I enjoyed being there on my own as a young woman, because I didn’t get harassed ONCE. I only got yelled at by a taxi driver once because he tried to rip me off but I just yelled back & he shut up. But apart from that, I was really, really safe and I definitely loved that.
edit2: Beirut has an autistic-friendly airport,  which I really enjoyed. It’s not as “stylish” as other airports, but there is no chance that you can get lost there and it really took a lot of weight of my shoulders, because I tend to get lost in airports. Thumbs up for that <3
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wethenorth-archive · 5 years
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CELEBRATING FIVE YEARS OF TBE ↳ preview 003 → new orleans neighbourhoods
Fourms on our year five board will be shifting to six main forums and no subforums. We have picked and combined six neighbourhoods in New Orleans to focus on which you can find a rough outline of under the cut. Paid forums will be the only subforums and you will have your choice of which neighbourhood they exist in - it also means you can think about what area of New Orleans your character might live in! There will be a general around new orleans forum to fit anything that might not settle quite right into one of these forums!
french quarter: european architecture, bourbon st. nightlife, royal st. antique shopping, street performers 
arts/warehouse district: art galleries and museums, industrial renovated warehouses, trendy restaurants, contemporary, and walkable, apartments (more affordable fare) 
central business district/downtown:  sports events and tailgating, skyscrapers and business epicenter, rooftop bars, upscale hotels and cocktail lounges, arcades and gaming, apartments (condos) 
westbank: residential, river view, family oriented, royals training facility, lakeside shopping center, airport 
the marigny and bywater: residential, colorful creole cottages, washington square park, hipsterrific, college kids, but also trailer park-ish (on the outskirts) 
esplanadae ridge: residential, outdoor cafes, cozy neighborhood restaurants, oak-lined sidewalks, and 19th century creole upper class (aka creole "millionaire's row")
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boogiewrites · 6 years
Mae Flowers Ch. 2
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Mae LeBlanc (OFC)
Word Count:  6600+
Summary: A modern, magical Alfie Solomons AU. After a soul awakening of her own, Mae LeBlanc, a natural born witch, as well as a sensitive and kind woman from New Orleans soul finally starts to bloom and calls out to Alfie’s, unbeknownst to her. Not believing in supernatural powers, she finds herself thrown into a new existence that is full of things she never thought possible, including magical powers of her own. Alfie takes her under his wing to teach her about her powers. As she grows and learns, so does he. They navigate her lessons together, come to terms with how lonely their lives have been without the other and face these very human emotions together. With a newfound friendship formed out of necessity, will the idea of a soul mate translate from a mere magical meaning to a romantic one?
Warnings/Tags: Language. Spooky Imagery. Mentions of violence, poor self image. Magic/Supernatural. Soul mates. Lots of environmental descriptors but bare with me. 
Positive feedback is MUCH appreciated! Reblogs, likes, asks and comments feed me to write more! Let me know if you’d like tagged in my work.
Click on my screenname then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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Alfie drives over to the Westbank into the residential parts of town. Old and new houses, apartment complexes and shotgun homes. He follows the GPS to Mae's house and it looks how he thought it might.
 A small colorful front, with a tall wooden fence around the sides and backyard. The door was a deep teal set against a faded yellow exterior. An awning over the front door, with a small porch, a stoop that was painted and worn. Flower pots of all sizes and in the color of gemstones and varied conditions sat on the stairs and around it. Wildflower boxes sat underneath windows with shutters of the same teal color as the door and fencing. It was quaint, comfortable and colorful just like she was, he thought it suited her well. He pulls into the small driveway, in the residential area with houses that look much the same as hers. It homed older houses with older owners that had fallen into a less than pristine condition, newer family homes with landscaped front lawns. But Mae's had a small patch of grass, closer to the road as he suspected the backyard would be where most of the bulk of the grass would be for a garden.
He carries Mae into her house, unlocking her door with a nod of his head. Finding the interior to be as warm and comfortable as she felt in his arms. He walks directly into the far corner of the living room. The large bay window seen from the front of the house is bleeding bright light into the room from behind a large and plush couch. The room is decorated in deep jewel tones, a teal sectional sits against navy walls, with a collection of warmer color throw pillows in bohemian and southwestern styles. A shaggy faux fur blanket was thrown haphazardly over the extended lounge end of the couch. Large potted palms sit in the corners, succulents in tiny decorative pots on the window sills. They carried onto the mantle of the brick painted black fireplace that sat like a huge room divider, sitting in a huge square column in the center of the large space of the living room and kitchen. A flat-screen tv rests on the opposite wall of the couch above the fireplace. A driftwood coffee table containing a large fern in a bright yellow pot, books on plants and herbs stacked with various remotes and cat toys.
He places her gently on the extended section of the couch, careful to place her head on a pillow and make sure none of her limbs are twisted.
He hears and feels his darkness rev and purr and push around inside him. "Yeah I know, me too." he sighs.
-"Been waiting so long."- it moans. "So soft. So much life. She glows like the sun. The companion to our moon."- It starts reciting its own strange poetry for its mate it's waited millennia for. It hadn't been with its light since the dawn of time he assumes, as he knows his darkness is so old that time isn't even relevant to it for the most part.
He recalls the dark horrors of primordial ooze and black endless voids and abyss when it had come upon him. He was impressed it was behaving itself. For so long he'd had to fight so hard to control it, making him do evil, terrible things. Deeds so bad he'd exiled himself for years away from civilization. But in her presence it was calmed, it rippled like water, it was happy and he'd never known his darkness to feel happy about anything. Except when he was digging through the insides of innocents. He shakes the old thoughts from his head, still feeling guilty even almost a century later and trying to make amends ever since.
He traces his fingers over her face and whispers calming words to help ease her anxious nature he sensed. He stands and takes in the room. Her house is very quiet. He moves soundlessly around the fireplace and sees a quaint little kitchen. Driftwood light fixtures, colorfully painted window and door frames in the same jewel tones that carry throughout the house. The kitchen is white-walled, sunlight from a window over the sink pouring in against the far wall. But the majority of light came from the two patio doors that led to her garden. A closed-door sits off to the left next to an open archway that goes down into a sunroom. He looks over the open shelves on the kitchen walls and is very excited to find tins of various teas lining them.  Old jars of pantry staples sit across the wooden countertops, some he'd say were from his time possibly, he wonders if she inherited them or if she simply had classic taste. He finds a small, dinky metal kettle and starts on making her some tea. He figured he needed something to calm her, finding her windowsill full of herbs he could easily use to make something to soothe her.
He senses something alive in the house, something besides the plants. He turns, seeing a large white long haired cat staring at him from a short hallway between two doorways to his right.  It swishes its tail and they both narrow their eyes at each other.
"Who are you, lad?" Alfie asks as the cat continues to sit and stare at him. "You must be with Mae." he says with a nod, going back to searching through the cabinets. "Not much for talkin' to strangers, eh?" he chuckles. "Must mean there's a little more to ya than being a common house cat."
Percival lets out a noisy huff of air, taking offense to the term common house cat. He lets out a low growl at Alfie. He could sense his dark energy and he didn't trust him. Although why he had brought Mae home and was now making her tea was a bit confusing if he wished her ill.
"I'm not here to hurt your girl." Alfie says, still not looking back to him. "I'm here to help her. You know she has powers, yeah? I'm here to teach her how to use them. I have similar powers, although I'm not a witch like her." he shakes his head, his fingers digging into a small tea tin.  
Percy knew he wasn't a witch, he didn't feel like a witch, didn't have the aura. He lets out a typical meow.
"You can say somefin' better 'an at mate." Alfie grins.
He lets out another meow of the same tone.
"Fine, fine. You're protective, I understand. She seems like a sweet, soft girl I can understand your concern." he remarks as he looks at him with a sympathetic expression.
Percy moves to jump up on the kitchen island to get a better look at this new person that'd come into their lives.
"'Ello." he says, leaning back against the counter while the kettle fills.
Percy says nothing and continues to sit and stare as he had been.
"I'm Alfie Solomons. You're probably sensing my darkness. But I've had it for a very, very long time, yeah? We're in control, we're not gonna hurt Mae." he states again. "We're here because of her lightness. She's our mate, right? We've been lookin' for her since me 'n this darkness got together. So the last fing I wanna do is cause her harm, 'right?"
Percy tilts his head, content for now with his explanation. But he wasn't so sure what Mae, who had no knowledge of anything of their world was going to think about this.
Mae's eyes blink open and then widen as she finds herself at her home, which is not where she remembered last being. She sits up slowly, her head feeling a bit swimmy but she's quickly aware of that strange feeling in her stomach acting up again. This time it felt different, it was what she imagined a jolt of electricity might feel like. A humming in her ears she hadn't heard before, a warm tingling in her limbs. She wonders if she has a concussion. Her attention is drawn towards the kitchen. She hears the clang of something metal and the sounds of someone clearing their throat. Her eyes are the size of saucers again.
"Oh, shit." she whispers, eyes darting around the room, hearing movement and now humming and in a distinctly male tone coming from the kitchen. She moves slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible, feeling that vibration inside her intensifying and she reads it as anxiety. She sees her shoes have been taken off as they rest by the couch, which makes her brow furrowed in question. She peeks around the corner of the fireplace, see's the same man from her dreams in the kitchen, now recalling the man walking into her shop. Then she recalls fainting and rubs her head where she's guessing she hit the ground as if it might give her some answers. Why was he in her dreams? Was she having prophetic dreams now? Great, that's just what a weirdo like her needed, more weirdness stacked on top of everything else strange about her. Was she being kidnapped? Why was she at home is she was being kidnapped? Is this a hostage situation perhaps? Holding her for ransom in her own home. She recalls reading about Stockholm syndrome and makes a quick pact with herself not to fall into that sort of mess in her manic rush of thoughts.
She eyes the large cast iron skillet on the counter in front of her, and if Saturday morning cartoons had taught her anything, is that when you needed to knock someone out, that's the way to go. So she grasps the grainy handle in both hands, holding it to her chest because of its heavy weight as she tries to sneak up on him. Little does she know he knew she was awake the moment her eyes popped open. But as is in his nature, he wants to learn about how she reacts to the unknown, taking this as a learning experience about her. He can sense she's scared and he understands that much. But her reaction with violence surprises him. Perhaps it was his darkness being near that made her so bold and go for that method first. Maybe it was trying to mingle with her to even her out, make her less passive and more reactive.
So as he hears her deep inhale as she's about the bring the pan across the back of his head, he turns and stops it, putting his hand over hers as she's about to swing on him.
"Fuckin' 'ell girl." he frowns down at her short frame.
Her bottom lip juts up, her brow going low in surprise for his hearing her and being so calm about her attempt at murdering him.
"I ain't here to hurt ya." he says with that thick accent she heard in her dreams. "If I was would I be makin' bloody tea and layin' ya down all nice and comfy while you'd passed out?" he asks, his gingery beard jutting towards her as he spoke to drive his point forward.
Her large hazel eyes blink rapidly, taking in the new information, still wild and large and full of questions he could sense. Her mouth opens and her lips twitch but no words come out. He had a point.
"Now let's put this down, eh?" he says, taking the large black pan and setting it on the counter behind her. "I know you got a lot of questions, yeah?" he nods, his lips pouted out as he moves closer to her. "I know you've been dreamin' 'bout me 'cause I've been dreamin' 'bout you." his voice dips lower, but not in a threatening way. "Do you think there might be a reason for that?" he tilts his head and their eyes connect fully for a few seconds, that flame inside her makes her take a sharp inhale. What was this feeling?  He reached out with tentative hands, putting them on her shoulders to ground her, depart a bit of calm energy into her. She feels it immediately, not understanding the source. Her muscles loosen, her heart rate slows and it's like the best anxiety medication she's ever taken. "Let's just breathe... calm down..." he says nodding slowly and she mirrors the gesture without thinking much about it, their eyes still fixated together.
She gives a quick but still unsure nod.
"We don't want ya gettin' all excited and burnin' down the place now do we?" he says with a smile that tugs back the corner of his mouth. Her eyes go wide again and he feels that spark of fear come back. She recalls being angry a few weeks ago. The flames in the fireplace lapping out wildly for a moment, catching one of the plants on the rug on fire, the singed piece of rug still black despite her scrubbing it. "Yeah, I know all about that sweetie, come now." he says, putting a hand on her back, moving her towards the round kitchen table that sat in the space between the bar top and the sunroom. "Try some proper tea made by a real Englishmen and have a sit down with me, hmmm?" he suggests with a kind smile and a nod of his shaggy head.
She still doesn't speak but another series of quick nods as she places her hands flat on the table top and stares with those big enticing eyes as he moves about her kitchen. He pours the tea from the kettle in such a delicate way it takes her by surprise. He'd chosen her favorite mug somehow, an old one of Bessie's, textured like tree bark and cream, a funky green and orange mushroom on the side that she liked to run her fingers over as she drank. He sits next to her, pulling the chair closer to her, taking a sip and motioning with the steaming mug for her to do the same. She was taught not to take drinks from strangers but what is proper etiquette for a stranger, but not really a stranger, who brings you home after passing out then tells you secrets you've not told anyone else? Where was the after-school special on that when she was a kid?
"It ain't poison." he says with a chuckle into his mug. "See? I'm drinkin' it too. No worries, love." he says in a soothing even tone.
Once again she responds in a nod, taking the mug into her hands and taking a sip. It was nice, she had to give him that.
"Best start with the basics, yeah?" he says with a quirked brow, taking a deep breath and setting the mug back own. "My name is Alfie Solomons," he says with an authoritative tone. "I've been tryin' to find ya for weeks but I think you know that." his eyes narrow almost playfully at her. "I know Cordelia and Fiona-"
"I'm not going to that stupid academy." Are the first words out of her mouth to him and he smirks at her stubbornness. She was going to need that.
"Now sit on back, darlin' I ain't here to try to get ya to go." he dismisses the thought with a sweep of his hand. "I just know 'em and they know you eh? I'm tryin' to create some familiarity here understand?" She nods and keeps her face harder than it had been. "I'm not a Salem witch, I'm not a voodoo priest or nuffin' of the sort like Maria who does your hair."
"What are ya then?" she blurts out, her brow lower and her eyes more curious than frightened now.
"Someone that has been lookin' for you for a very long time, love." he says with a softer expression, his hand resting out of the table. "There are some things I'm gonna tell you about yourself, yeah? And I need you to believe I ain't here to lie to you because you're not gonna believe it. I know enough about you just by how you've reacted to me bein' here to know you aren't naive."
Her lips purse at the compliment, her eyes finally leaving him and watching Percy jump up onto the table and join them. He seemed calmed as their eyes met, a slow lazy blink as he laid down. She took this a sign to proceed. "I'll listen." she says softly.
"You are a very powerful woman Mae." he begins, a finger tapping the space on the table between them.
Her face scrunches and he can tell she's already not believing him.
"I'm not on about no modern feminist rant here, love, just hear me out, please," he adds. "You're very powerful and you need to be guided by someone who knows what it's like. You and I are very similar, contrary to what our appearances might indicate. I'm here to help you understand that power." he pauses, watching her face and she's still listening, even if shes' taking everything with a grain of salt. "You are a natural born witch. But beyond that, you were born with a very special soul. A very rare and powerful thing, yeah? I happen to have the same sort of soul. You might understand it best as a...yin and yang situation. Your soul balances out mine you see. Your powers are complementary to mine."
His face is very serious, she can tell at least he doesn't think he's lying. But crazy people believed their own lies so of course, he would.
"I ain't crazy, sweetheart." he gruffs out, furrowing his brow and taking a sip of tea.
Her eyes shoot over to him and she stiffens. Can you read my mind? She thinks with a tilted head.
"Yes." he nods. "But only to prove a point." he shakes his head and looks up at her from under a heavy brow. She gulps noisily. "You can do it too. But you've not had any discipline, no one to explain the strange things that happen to...and that's why I'm here." he says with a sweet soft voice as his hand touches her knee for just a moment, trying to show her he meant her no harm. He wishes she could read his mind so she would understand how entirely the opposite was his intention.
"To help me with my..." her face frowns. "Powers?" she says with a solid nod of her head.
"Precisely," he says with a large nod. "You see, every so often there is a soul created that takes a bit of ancient power with them into creation, into this world, this...plane of existence if you will." he begins speaking with his hands. "You are one of these souls. I think the term white witch might be easiest for you to relate it to. You've been denying these power and they keep manifesting in inconvenient ways, yeah?"
He sees the realization come over her face as she hides her uncertainty with a long sip of tea.
"Things explodin' when you're angry, your wonderful gift with plants. How you speak to them and they flourish. How every full moon you find yourself almost uncontrollably amourous." he says with a cheeky tone and looking away with a quirk of his brow.
She lowers the mug and frowns at him, giving him a warning glance. There's no way he could've known that.
"I'm not tryin' to start trouble, love, I'm simply trying to ease your mind that I'm insane." he explains with another low swing of his voice, back to seriousness. "I'm here to mentor you. It's how this system works. Our souls need each other to balance the other out. And that normal, part of how the universe keeps it's balance, yeah?" he nods and looks to see her processing the information.
Something fluttering inside her tells her to trust him, even though anything she'd ever been taught should be telling her otherwise. She studies him, thinking he looks perfectly human, but so did she, and if she, in fact, did have these powers then he wouldn't look any abnormal than she did. "I...I don't know why but... against my better judgment I'm inclined to believe ya." she says with a sigh that slumps her shoulders. As her nerves ease, her southern accent comes out a bit more, her throat not feeling so tight and it causes a little smirk to come across his face. "But I ain't really sold on it." she adds with a furrowed brow.
"Right." he drags out the word, looking around the room for a moment, trying to think of how to prove it to her. "Ah." he says, grabbing a tiny succulent that sat in a homemade planter that resembled Percy, he waves his hand over and it withers and died immediately.
"NO!" she cries out, taking it in her hands as her breathing picks up and she stares at the plant. "Poor little thing..." she whines, her face entirely distraught, her mouth hanging open.  She glares at him while stroking the plant and without her noticing, it starts to plump back up again. As she looks back down she drops it against the table, but only by a few inches and it thuds as a tiny flower that hadn't existed before starts to bud on it as it goes back to how it had been.  "Oh," she says with a straight face, only her eyes moving over to him. "I...I've never done that before." she states quietly, her face still in shock.
"You need to start believin' in yourself before you believe in me, love, see? Ya powers work. They're charged with your emotions right now because they're not trained. I can help you with that. You might be hesitant to my being here, but clearly, your powers aren't, eh? We can feed off each other in that way." he explains, taking the plant and studying her handiwork before placing it back where it had been.
He sees her eyes going cross before they squeeze shut and she lets out a little moan, reaching up to touch her head.
"Right," he says with a wrinkling of his face in concern. "That'll happen at first." he says in an unintentionally condescending way. It'd been so long since he'd thought about what it was like to only be learning of powers that he'd forgotten how draining it could be.
She moans and he holds her shoulders as she slumps forward. "So tired." she rasps out, her eyes looking a bit sunken, as they look up at him like a little, injured kitten.
"You're learnin' but you're weak, love." he nods, rubbing her shoulder. "We can make ya stronger, but now let's get some food in ya and get ya to bed, eh?" he says with a caring tone again, patting her head before pushing her back in the chair as she rests her weight on the table.
He rises and moves to the fridge, angling himself so she isn't out of his sight. His darkness is already impatient to get back to touching her, letting Alfie know of its greed to connect with her. But Alfie feels the sadness that's coming from her that it's choosing to ignore in its selfishness.
As her head spins, the frown on her face is not only from the uncomfortable feeling she has. She'd never thought she could be special. Only Bessie and Charles had even told her she could be but she'd never believed it. So it turns out she actually was special and that felt like it should feel better than it did. If she was different, then that explained a lot but it also meant she could never fully blend in and disappear like she'd always tried to. So she had to form a new approach to how she lived, which felt incredibly daunting and made her head throb. Percy senses her pain and walks over and purrs, rubbing against her face.
Alfie leans against the counter with his hips as he mindlessly put together a sandwich for her. He sees the deep blues around her, can feel the confusion and sadness and he wishes he could take it away but it's all part of the process. It physically hurts him to feel her pain, he hopes he can show her what a gift these powers can be. How it can make her life easier and all the perks that come along with it. She had so much love to give inside her and no suitable outlets for all that life to escape and flourish. She must be so unhappy with all that confusion and pain from a source of love and life only needing to be properly expelled, used and focused. He takes solace in knowing he can help her. They've found each other now and the wait was over. His darkness does it's equivalent of wiggling in excitement at the thought. She seemed so very sweet and kind, a real ray of sunshine in human form and he supposes she very well could be. He swears to himself no matter how this goes he'll do everything within his own enormous powers to help her figure herself out, learn how to flourish on her own. Only that would lead to a better life for them both.
Her favorite comfort sandwich, bologna and cheese with lots of mustard and pickles appears before her. He refills her tea and sits next to her wordlessly.
"So..." she begins, forcing her eyes open and taking a bite. "Ya gonna be teachin' he, huh?" her face winces as she turns it towards his.
"That is the plan, yes." he nods.
"You said you were lookin' for me. That means you're not from here, right?"
"Right. I'm not from anywhere really, just got into town last week."
"Where are you stayin'"? she asks
"I've been at the Academy while I've been lookin' for you."
"Ah." she nods, taking a bigger bite, her strength starting to come back. She weighs the next thought that pops into her head before she expresses it out loud. "I can..." she tilts her head back and forth in uncertainty, "I can trust you right?" she asks with a weaker voice than she intends to.
"Of course, love. I said I'd never hurt you and I mean that. Hurting you is hurting myself and that'd be rather daft of me seein' as I've waited so long for ya and my soul has waited even longer than either of us could fathom." he says with an expressive face.
She nods and looks at the table as she chews another bite. "So you would like.. protect me basically? Teach me how to use this and keep me from hurting myself?"
"Yes, of course," he says earnestly again. "I know you can be a little clumsy." he chuckles and she smirks because he's right. "Not gonna let ya hurt yourself." he gives her a smile that feels genuine, the hesitation and instructional tone in his voice now gone and only that charm of his handsome face and accent remain as she feels an unfamiliar warmness spread through her body. She wondered if it was the light she was told about. Should I ask him to stay here? She asks herself, her eyes studying his. And as if she was hearing a voice that was carried downwind by a breeze, the faintest lightest 'yes' she hears.
"I have a spare room," she says, her head motioning to the closed door by the sunroom. "If ya... wanted to stay." she says blinking and looking away from him. "I mean... would that help? Make things easier for..." she motions her hand back and forth between them. "Whatever this is." she lets out a huff of a laugh with raised brows, her face no longer looking sad and he's thankful.
"It would make it immeasurably easier." he says with a grateful nod and another dashing smile that she's not used to receiving from men that look like him.
"I don't want you to have to stay with those witches anyway." she shakes her head and looks away again, taking another bite. "And it's not like I live that close to them," she adds. "Would hate for you to have to do that every day." she shrugs. "Plus this way when I blow up a cauldron or whatever you'll be here to help." she smiles and takes another bite.
He knows she's making excuses now but he doesn't mind. Her capacity for kindness is showing already, inviting to share her home with him. He wasn't going to ask to stay with her but this was the ideal situation. "I can help with that, yeah." he nods and lets out a little chuckle, much like the one she'd heard in her dream, she feels that warm feeling again, like walking into the sunlight after being inside in the air conditioning. It felt good and something was telling her this was right and it certainly wasn't her common sense.
She finishes her sandwich, still feeling extremely drained but no longer dizzy or in pain. She shows him to the room, switching the light on and revealing yet another cozy space. The walls were white, it was filled with plants. A shelf full of ivy rests the length of the wall over a soft looking bed with dark colored and mismatched pillowcases, blankets and sheets. A southwestern style rug in pinks, yellows and burnt orange rests across the floor at an angle, a blanket of the same color scheme but different pattern rest across the lower half of the bed. A worn wooden dresser rests under the window, plants in pots, an old metal fan, and an incense holder sit atop it.  A nightstand with a lamp sits against the wall next to the bed. He sees a fireplace on the wall opposite the bed, giving a thankful nod as it would make his spellwork much easier to have it so close and with such privacy. Boxes with the names of her foster parents sit stacked in the corner.  
"I can move some of the plants if you need me to." she offers. "This room gets really good light during the day so I put a bunch in here." she moves towards the window. "I'm sure I've got some darker curtains if you need them. This doesn't shield you at all from the sun." she shakes her head as her fingers tug on the sheer fabric. "I'll get the boxes out of your way tomorrow." she says with a kind but tired smile as she turns back around to look at him surveying the room.
"You can leave them, love, no problem at all. I get some curtains if it turns out I need them," he says with a dismissive wave of his hand. "No rush on the boxes either." he adds with a smile that reads as thankful. "It's a very cozy room." he nods with pouted lips.
"The bathroom is on the other side of house." she says walking out of the room and he follows. He sees the rectangular space. His eyes are first drawn to the old and large claw foot tub that had been painted yellow and hooked up to also function as a shower. The same navy paint on the walls as the living room, with white tile on the floor. A sink with a cabinet underneath, various toiletries rest on top of the small counter space. A large worn mirror hung above it with a golden frame that showed it's age. As was with the rest of the house, the plants had made their way in here as well. Leaves of eucalyptus hung from the silver hardware shower head, plants rest atop the makeshift wooden stands the fit snug around the tub, some of the leaves and branches falling down into it slightly. The shower curtain was shoved back and out of the tub, he took this to mean she took baths more often. A window with a bright paisley fabric cover keeps the view of the outside blocked. And old work of embroidery of a bouquet of flowers is framed and rests above the toilet. "I'll bring in a basket from my room for you to put your stuff in, there's not much room left under here." she says with her foot tapping the door to the cabinet under the sink.
"Much appreciated, love." he says, eyes still scanning the busy space. There was so much to look at in her home. She turns to open the other door, different from the rest as it was painted lavender.
"And this is my room." she says almost timidly. He feels the magic wafting out of the room as soon as she opens the door. The walls were a deep teal, a paisley purple rug covered the worn hardwood floor. A thick and plush mustard yellow comforter cover the bed, another faux fur, shaggy throw in strewn over the bed like the one on the couch. Her pillows are all mismatched, some with floral prints, some shades of purple. A fireplace rests in this room as well and he can feel the age in the house as he enters the room. The mantle is painted the same shiny black as the other fireplaces and pillar candles of all colors, widths, and sizes rest atop the mantle. Some in tiny silver platters, some melting down onto the wooden surface.
The room smelled deeply of lavender and seeing an incense burner next to a flat screen tv on her purple dresser he knew the source. A closet door of the same lavender color rests in the corner. A large chair next to a bookshelf sat next to it in front of a window with flowing jewel-toned fabrics and sheer panels create a blanket around the chair. A wicker clothes hamper and a stained glass lamp on the nightstand all fall within the same color scheme, the room full of all sorts of energy. A small table pushed into the corner with a runner across it, a worn little pink stool pushed under it with a laptop on top. Framed pictures of all sorts, from all time periods and mediums, cover the far wall, some she'd inherited, some from her weekend trips to the flea market. Of course, the room was not complete without a large palm overgrowing in the corner next to a standing mirror.
He felt his insides quiver. This was her nest, he thought. This was her safe space and her sanctuary and his darkness knew it too. The space wasn't as well lit as he imagined but it was night and he hoped he'd get to see it in the morning light, anxious to know what else it would reveal about her. She felt a bit exposed and vulnerable suddenly, there'd never been a man in this room before with her.  But he took in everything with a look of awe on his face, she watched his thoughts pass over his face, eyes tensing, lips twitching.
She tried to read his thoughts, but of course, she had no real clue as to how to do it, but she still felt no maliciousness in him towards her. There was something under the surface, she could tell. Something about him was timeless in a way. He had said their souls were ancient, perhaps that's where the term old soul came from? Without the new explanation of there actually being souls at all, and now knowing they could, in fact, be old, she thought the descriptor on a more lamen's terms still made sense about him. He had an ease about him, the bohemian sort of casual and comfortable style to him. The messy hair, the beard, and jewelry. It would seem their aesthetics matched well, which she hoped was a good sign.  for
"If you need anything, feel free to knock." she says turning to leave the room before looking back at him. "But knock first." she says with a stern nod of her head and he flashes another smile, happy to see her giving him boundaries. The lightness in her could make her too giving, too compassionate to the point of harm to herself and he was hopeful that this wasn't the case with her as she gave him a look that told him not to push it with her. "I guess we'll get ya a key tomorrow..." she says rubbing the back of her neck. "You have stuff with you or...?" her face contorts in question.
"I got stuff in me car, yeah." he nods looking towards the door. "I'll try to be quiet bringin' it in. You need to get some rest now though," he says with a wag of his finger at her. "Very important you take very good care of yourself while you're learnin', love. You can drain yourself and your health will suffer and we can't have that." he says with a clap of his hands. "So I will get my things, settle in, and we can convene in the mornin', eh?"
"That sounds good. I get up between seven and eight usually." she says, moving back towards her room. "So uh...goodnight?" she asks with a soft laugh for the unique nature of the very unusual situation.
"Goodnight Mae." he says with a nod and smile. "If you need anyfing, you come knock as well, yeah?"
"Yeah, no problem... uh...." he looks at the floor realizing she doesn't even remember his name. She lets out a laugh and rubs her head. "I'm sorry but I don't remember your name." she admits with a bitten lip and an apologetic glance.
"It's Alfie, love." he grins. "Alfie Solomons." he nods again. "You've 'ad a lot coming at you today Mae, I take no offense." he says with a hand to his chest.
"Thanks for that." she nods. "Movin' in and I don't even know your name. What a weird ass day." she shakes her head but she's smiling as her eyes shift around, trying to process everything.
"Things'll start to feel more normal again once we establish a routine, you'll see. It'll be fuckin' weird at first, I won't lie." he laughs and she's hit that warm feeling again, recalling her dream and the same sound she'd heard then as he moves towards her. "But we'll get through it together, yeah?" he responds supportively with a hand on her shoulder.
"I appreciate the honesty." she says sheepishly with a smile that reflects the tone.
"Ain't got no reason to lie to ya, sweetheart. Now you get on in bed. I can tell you're fadin' on me." his eyes almost twinkle at her as he motions to her door.
"Lock the door before you go to bed, please."
"I will. But if anyfing came in here, believe me, it'd regret it as soon as it met me." he chuckles again.
"Also good to know." she nods."Night Alfie." she says with a wave from her doorway.
"Night, Mae. Don't worry 'bout a fing!" he says loudly as he walks towards the door.
She lies in bed wondering what the fuck she was doing. There was a man in her house. Not just that but an attractive magical one that was apparently lethal and her... soul mate? She groans and rolls over to her stomach. Yeah, the term fit didn't it? She had too many questions but she knew she'd get answers as he'd already been very helpful so far. Well, helpful in the sense of turning her life upside down. But at least he was sticking around to help clean up the mess and make sense of it. She couldn't say she'd ever known any man to do that before for her. She decides to go to sleep on that hopeful note, wondering what she would dream about now that he had found her.
@jaegeeeeer @negansdirtygirl22 @brianaisasongbird @hardygal69 @emerald-bijou @captstefanbrandt @coolgh0st @tinastarkandco @stylishmileage 
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