#Laughter is the best alligator
thatsbelievable · 3 months
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121 notes · View notes
cardierreh15 · 2 months
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Post Human
hey y'all, this one has been sitting in my drafts/docs for a while now and ive edited and changed and had it beta'd read 85 fucking times lol so I hope it lives up to some of yalls standards and enjoy it.
***I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Sexual Situations , Gore , Blood , Clickers & Stalker .
Pairings: August Walker x Roslyn(Black!Female Oc)
Special Guests: Ellie (Sister/Best Friend) , Joel (Father Figure)
Description: It's quite the special day for our beloved Roslyn so August gots something planned for her.
Word Count: 5.8K
Song (in order): Alligator Tears by Beyonce , Snooze By SZA
October 21st
Roslyn was standing in line at the mess hall. For once, she was able to just stand there without a yawn or a stretch. It was then that someone came up behind her and tapped her on her shoulder. 
She whipped her head around to look at the individual. It was Ellie, with this goofy grin on her lips and a cupcake in her calloused hands. Then, it dawned on her. 
‘Happy Birthday loser!’ 
Roslyn chuckled and rolled her eyes as she reached out and gave her sister a hug. 
‘How many years have we known each other? You do this every year.’ 
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She looked around to see if anyone had spotted them. And sure as the sunset in the west, the attention was on her.
‘Awww shit and you fight me on this every year. Just take the damn cupcake.’ Ellie practically shoved it in her hands.
Ros gave her an unapproved glare before chuckling, ‘You’re hard headed. That doesn’t seem to improve with each year but instead declines!’ She rolled her eyes and turned around in line, ‘Is this what you were up to this morning? Or were you sniffing under Dina’s skirt again?’
Ellie rolled her eyes and gave her shoulder a gentle nudge. ‘Yes, actually! Dina is just a friend. You’re jealous that she's taking up all our bonding time?’ she teased.
‘No. I don’t care.’
‘Oh, I know you don’t,’ Ellie leaned in and whispered. ‘You’ve been too busy mumbling about your own friend in your sleep.’
Roslyn’s eyes grew and she snapped her head over at Ellie. 
‘What? Don't be so surprised Ron, I've told you before you talk in your sleep!'  
She gave her a snarky smirk with a raised brow.
‘You’re such an ass,’ Roslyn chuckled and shook her head as the girls finally made it up to the counter to collect their breakfast.
Afterwards, they began to make their journey to their designated spot in the corner of the cafeteria. As soon as they sat down, Ellie didn’t hold back on the questions. 
‘So! What happened after patrol?!’ she teased as she sprinkled some salt over her eggs.
‘Well, if you must know, nothing happened! We talked and went our separate ways.' She took a sip of her coffee and began to unwrap her breakfast burrito. 
‘Really? That’s it?!’
‘That’s it,’ Roslyn repeated.
‘Hmmm. Well what do you think about him?'
Roslyn pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes, 'Ellie, I barely know him. He and his brother just got here a few weeks ago!'
Ellie broke off a piece of her burrito and placed it on her tongue, 'Well you know enough to be dreamin' about 'em.'
'Jesus Christ would you stop?!' Roslyn gritted through her teeth as she balled up a napkin and threw it at her face.
Ellie laughed and held her hands up in defense and ducked her head.
She wasn't going to let that shit go. Ever
Suddenly, the girls could hear familiar laughter across the cafeteria. Roslyn looked over to see August and Tommy walking through the double doors. 
‘Aw shit. Speaking of the devil.’ 
Roslyn glanced over at Ellie who wore a smug look on her face. 
‘You’re so annoying.’
Meanwhile, her heart was palpitating in her chest.
‘I know.’ 
The men looked over at the girls. August's glare was a bit longer and more intense than Tommy’s as he jerked his head up in a greeting. 
You say move a mountain and i'll throw on my boots. You say stop the river from running, I'll build a dam or two. You say change religions now I spend Sundays with you. Something 'bout those tears of yours,
How does it feel to be adored?
Roslyn fought the grin that was threatening to curl on her lips. She had to hurry and look away before he caught it. She quickly looked down at her burrito to try to hide that smirk on her face.
‘Uh-oh! There it is!’ Ellie chuckled as she reached over and landed a few smacks on her arm. ‘You look so cute when you’re in love!’ she mocked.
Her head snapped up at her sister and threw the balled up napkin at her face. 
‘You talkin’ casanova?’
Ellie laughed and raised her hands in surrender, ‘Nope! Look Roslyn, it’s okay to have a crush on someone. Hell, you used to be infatuated with what’s his name!’ she snapped her fingers together as she thought.
‘You mean Chad?’ A snarl curled up on her lips before she took her first bite into her burrito.
‘Yeah! And now look at ya! Moved on to bigger… and better things! That bigger was just literal.’ 
Roslyn chuckled for a second before their names were called. 
‘Ros! Ellie!’ Tommy called out towards them.
‘Tommy!’ Ellie called out before Roslyn turned to look over her shoulder. 
Both of the men were walking towards them.
‘Sup Tommy!’ Roslyn smiled softly before she stood up to hug her uncle. 
‘Happy Birthday, kiddo!’ he said as he embraced her in a tight hug and kissed her head. 
‘Thanks,’ she grinned and looked over at August who stood next to Tommy. ‘Hey.’
‘Hey,’ he said with a small smile.
‘Aye, y’all mind if we joined y’all for breakfast this mornin’?’
A lump grew in Roslyn’s throat. ‘Hmm?’ was all she could hum out.
‘Of course!’ Ellie grinned cunningly. 
Roslyn snapped her head over at Ellie, ‘Th-they can?’ her eyes were pleading for her to give this shit up. 
‘Of course they can! It’s just breakfast, Roslyn,' she teased. 
Roslyn glared at Ellie with great loathe. 
A smile cracked up on her lips and she spoke through her teeth, ‘Sure… y’all can sit with us!’ 
Their morning consisted of hearty laughter and storytelling. 
Roslyn didn’t know why she was so adamant at first. But it felt good to share a good laugh with the people she loved. Even August. 
The four of them walked outside together, all in fits of giggles. Tommy then looked down at Roslyn. 
‘Come by the house later on! Me and Maria got sumn waitin’ on ya. Ellie, be safe on patrol today!’ he said, turning away.
‘I’ll be there!’ Roslyn smiled.
‘You got it, Tommy!’ Ellie added and then turned to look at Roslyn. ‘I gotta go. I’ll be back in a few hours.’
She balled up her fist for Roslyn to pound it.
‘Be safe. Love ya.’ She gave Ellie a pound on her fist and they leaned in to give one another a kiss on the cheek. 
‘See ya later, August!’ and with that, she headed off to the stables.
The pair stood there in silence for a moment before August decided to initiate the conversation, ‘I didn’t know your birthday was today. Sorry, I didn’t bring a gift for you.’
Roslyn looked ahead and smiled softly, ‘yeah. I really don’t like to celebrate it. It’s just another day for me.’
‘Well you should! There's like a one in a million chance of you being here so…’
‘Technically the statistic is one in 400 million…’
‘Yeah but as you can tell, humans are a limited edition nowadays,’ he chuckled. 
She giggled and nodded, ‘You’re right about that.’
‘Anyway though, you should celebrate it like it’s your last. Tomorrow is never promised y’know?’
Roslyn rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips, ‘I’m starting to believe you and Ellie knew each other in a past life or something.’ 
They both shared a small chuckle before she spoke up again, ‘I’ll try to take that advice. No promises though.’ 
She turned away to walk but he instantly followed. 
‘At least you’d try. So, um… you have any plans today?’
‘Oh. Do they throw parties?’
‘Mmmm,’ she looked up in thought. ‘Sometimes. They do that for you guys back in Washington?’
August pressed his lips together as he shoved his hands in his pockets, ‘sometimes. More like a small gathering kind of thing.’ He smirked as he looked over at her. 
‘Oh. Cool,’ she gave him a friendly yet small grin this time before she walked up the steps to the library. 
Suddenly, a beeping captured August’s attention. He looked down at his watch. 9:30am. 
‘Damn,’ he cursed and looked up at Roslyn. ‘Hey, I gotta—‘ he threw his thumb back, ‘head back. Gotta go give Mikey his medicine.’ 
Roslyn turned around and gave him an understanding nod, ‘of course! No worries, go take care of your brother!’
August licked his lips, ‘Will I see you later?’ 
‘Why wouldn’t you?’ she asked, her head fallin’ to the side as a smile quirked up on her lips. 
A chuckle rumbled in August’s chest. ‘That’s what I like to hear.’ 
He shot her a wink and took a few steps back before spinning swiftly on his toes and walking back in the same direction they’d just come from. 
With heated cheeks, Roslyn just watched him for a moment before letting out a deep, shaky breath and walked into the library. 
Her day was as mundane and regular as she let it be. She did her best to keep herself busy. A few people wished her a happy birthday and thanked her for always being the best version of herself. But nothing out of the ordinary. 
Except that was far-fetched of course. It was 7:43pm now and she was walking up the few steps of Maria’s cabin. She knocked on the door. They barely gave it a second before the door swung open. 
‘Hey! Come in!’ Maria said with a cheeky grin curled up on her face. 
She found that rather odd. Maria was a gorgeous woman but smiling was a rare thing for her simply because she had been through a lot. 
‘Okay,’ Roslyn uttered as she walked through the threshold. 
She began to unbutton her coat but Maria raised her hand, ‘aht! Don’t take that off, we’re going to the pub afterwards. I just wanna give you something.’ 
Then Maria disappeared upstairs.
Letting out a deep breath through her nose, she bit the inside of her cheek and zipped her coat right back up, shoveing her hands in the pockets as she stared at the pictures of Maria and Tommy on the wall.
Sometimes, it seems like Maria and Tommy just dealt with one another. It looked like it wasn’t really love but, in those photos… They looked head over heels. 
Roslyn snapped her head over at Maria who came trotting down the steps with a small box wrapped in old newspaper in her hand. 
‘What’s this?’ Roslyn asked with her eyes narrowed. 
‘It’s a gift from Tommy. I just happened to give you my gift way too early,’ Maria giggled. 
Roslyn rolled her eyes and shook the box next to her ear. She heard a small jingle on the inside. 
‘What is it?’ 
‘Check it out,' Maria reassured as she walked over to the coat rack and threw on her own jacket. 
‘Hmm,’ Roslyn hummed and tore the old newspaper off. Just a plain black box.
‘Alright,’ she sighed, before popping open the lid of the box. 
On the inside of the box was a solid gold rope necklace. 
‘What?!’ Roslyn laughed as she snatched the gold out of the box. ‘Holy shit!’ she continued to laugh hysterically. 
‘A gold necklace?!’
Maria cackled as she zipped up her coat, ‘Yeah. Tommy told me a while ago about you wanting one. So, he and Joel damn near flipped the mall in the east upside down until they found you one. Almost got them killed but, I’m sure they’d do it again.’ 
Well, she definitely couldn’t give it back; especially now that she knew the bullshit that came with them getting it in the first place.
‘It’s beautiful. Could you put it on for me?’ 
‘Of course.’ 
The smile plastered on Roslyn’s face hadn’t faltered. 
She scooped up her long braids and held them up as Maria wrapped the chain around her neck and clipped it together.
‘There,’ Maria said as Roslyn turned around to face her. ‘It compliments you so well, Ros.’ 
‘For real?!’ 
‘Would I lie to you?’ she grinned. 
‘Valid,' Roslyn laughed.
‘C’mon, let’s go have a drink.’ 
On their short journey to the pub, Roslyn noticed the lack of people walking around outside. She looked down at her watch. It was only 8:06. So why the hell were the streets damn near empty? Something was fishy. 
Once they made it to the pub, the lights were off there too. Roslyn raised a brow in thought, ‘The pub? Closed this early?’ 
‘Yeah, Seth probably closed up early tonight. But, she pulled out a large ring of keys and jingled them. ‘They don’t call me the key holder for no reason!’ 
‘Whoa— we aren’t breaking in the pub are we?’ 
Maria laughed as she stuck the key in the door and twisted it, ‘Is it really breaking in if I have the key?’ 
She then pushed the door open and jerked her head forward. 
Letting out a breath, she nodded in agreement, ‘Yeah. That’s true.’ And with that, she walked in the dark space. 
Maria walked in behind her and flickered on the lights and everyone jumped out shouting, 
Roslyn jumped as her mouth fell. It was safe to say that she was definitely surprised. Streamers hung from the ceiling with a Happy Birthday banner hanging against the back wall. 
She wanted to be so angry about this considering her thinking about birthdays only brought humans a year closer to death. But everyone she loved and adored was here with goofy triangular hats sitting on their heads. For once, everything felt alright with the world. 
She began to laugh hysterically and looked back at Maria, ‘Whose fucking idea was this?!’ 
Maria gave her a playful shrug as she strapped a pink party hat to her own head. 
‘It was mine!’ Roslyn looked back as August just emerged from the crowd and walked up to her. 
He would. 
‘Happy Birthday, Ros.’ 
I can’t lose. When I’m with you. How could I snooze and miss the moment, you’re just too important. Nobody do body like you do. 
She just looked up into his eyes, her heart raced inside her chest. She was so amazed with him, lost for words! 
‘Thank you,’ she grinned up at him. 
‘Alright, alright. Break this up!’ Joel called out, walking up and putting his arms between them and breaking them apart. 
The both of them laughed in slight embarrassment before Joel embraced his girl in his arms. 
‘Happy Birthday baby girl,’ he placed a kiss against her ear, ‘I’m proud of you.’ 
‘Thanks Joel,' she sniffed as she held on to him tightly, trying her best not to ugly cry. 
When the hug was broken, she carefully wiped the corner of her eyes as she laughed. 
‘Awww don’t cry, Roslyn,' Ellie smiled as she walked up to hug her.
‘Shut up! I’m not crying,’ Roslyn cackled. 
Ellie quickly embraced her in a tight hug. 
‘I love you, sis,’ Ellie said softly in her ear as they rocked in sync. ‘I’ve lost so much… so many. And I’m so glad… My journey has brought me to you, Ros. I love you forever.’ 
Roslyn squeezed Ellie tighter as she clamped her eyes shut, hiding her face in Ellie’s shoulder so no one would see the tear that finally fought its way out. 
This was all a very intimate and beautiful moment with Roslyn and her family. As a child she longed for something like this. And now, her biggest fear was losing them. They were her reason for existing. 
Once Roslyn pulled away, she dried her eyes and let out a deep shaky breath,
‘Okay! Enough of this shit! Let’s get this party started!’ 
The pub cheered happily and the music began to play. Roslyn turned to look up at August who had just put a party horn between his teeth. He paused before giving it a strong blow. Roslyn tried to keep her composure but she just laughed and playfully landed a soft punch on his chest. 
‘You’re. Such. An ass! You know I don’t do this kind of stuff!’ 
‘I don’t actually!’ he leaned in with his hands behind his back. 
‘You do! I told you I don’t like celebrating my birthday!’ 
‘You used to not like it. Since I’m gone be stickin’ around… you might get one of these every year. Now, here!’ He reached behind him and picked up a yellow party hat and carefully put it on her head. 
‘Enjoy your party, princess! It’s your day!’ 
I can’t lose. When I’m with you. How could I snooze and miss the moment, you’re just too important. Nobody do body like you do, you do. 
The party was now in full swing. It was almost like something out of a movie. People were dancing, drinking, laughing. It was almost like Mother Earth wasn’t choking them to death. 
Roslyn walked over to the bar where August was sitting and staring at her. 
‘You’ve spent the whole night staring at me.’
August chuckled, ‘Is that a bad thing?’ 
‘Nah. Just a little creepy,’ she said, reaching down to grab the elastic band beneath his chin, and snapped it.
‘Ow!’ he laughed as he covered his chin. ‘What was that for?!’ he stood up, towering over her.
‘No reason. So, you're gonna stop being a weirdo and come dance with me?’
‘Hmmm,’ August thought for a minute. ‘Actually, I got a better idea,’ he reached up and took off the party hat. ‘How about we ditch the party.’ 
Roslyn raised a brow, ‘Ditch the party? That you threw for me?’ She poked herself in her chest with her index finger. 
‘Yeah!’ He sounded so positive. 
‘And do what?’
‘That’s for me to know. C’mon! We’ll be back before it’s over.’ He then took her hat off of her head and stacked their hats together before he grabbed her hand. He grabbed their coats and they left the pub in a hurry.  
First they stopped by his house. She waited outside on his porch before he came back out. 
‘That was quick!’ 
‘Yeah. Mikey is up and moving around so he’s taking his own meds now.’
‘Oh well that’s good to hear! Wait, why didn’t he come to the party tonight?’ 
‘I tried to get him to come but he was complaining about the weather.’ 
Well, she could understand that. The only good thing about the cold was it stunted the movement in the herds. At least that’s what everyone thought. 
‘I get that. Anyway,’ she sighed out, ‘Where we goin’?’
August gave her a sinister smirk and leaned in, ‘just wait.’ 
He walked past her and towards the back of the compound. 
Her eyes grew in shock once she’d realized what he was doing. The cold air burned at her chest as she jogged up behind him. 
‘August! August!’ She ran in front of him and placed her hands on his wrists, ‘What the hell are you doing?!’ 
‘We… are sneaking out.’ 
‘And why the fuck would you wanna do that?! Do you not realize how deep in shit you’d— WE would be in if anyone found out?!’ 
August gave her a gentle smile and his head fell to the side. ‘Just come with me. I promise… if we do get in trouble… I’ll take all the blame,’ he lended out his hand. 
‘Good… because this is your idea!’ she stared up at him and then slapped her hand into his. ‘And don’t count on me to bail your ass out. I’ll just tell them you kidnapped me.’
August smiled as the pair walked over to the fence. He then peeled the fence back and let her crawl through, then he followed. 
‘This better be worth it,’ she said glaring at him. 
‘It will! Promise. C’mon,’ and he began to jog ahead. 
‘Ugh! August, wait!’ she called out in a whisper before she went after him. 
But just like her warm breath in the cool air, he disappeared in a flash. 
‘August?!’ she called out for him. 
But nothing! Just the sound of the wind rustling the dead twigs and branches on the trees. Roslyn shivered as she reached in her back pocket, pulled out her beanie and tugged it over her head. 
‘That’s better,’ she hummed softly. ‘Now to see where this fool has gone.’ 
Roslyn clicked on her mini flashlight that was velcro to her coat and searched for any clues to lead her where he was hiding. 
‘August!’ she walked forward until she came across a pair of fresh prints. 
‘Gotcha. Sneaky little shit. August I’m going to kick your ass for leaving me out here by myself! Actually, I think I may tell Joel! He won’t like that too much,’ Roslyn chuckled softly before the quietness around her began to settle in once more. 
It was eerie and the feeling of being left alone made her heart sink. She heard a twig snap nearby. She looked behind her to see where the noise had come from. 
‘August?’ She said softly. ‘August stop playin’! This shit isn’t funny!’ 
The silence rang in the air. Now she was scared. Suddenly, she was hit upside her head with a snowball. 
‘OW!’ She wiped her face, taking off her beanie to shake out the snow and her braids. 
August came from behind a tree cackling like a menacing child as he walked over to her.
‘That’s not funny! You’re such a dick!’ She gave him a playful shove as she did her best not to laugh too.
‘Awww, come on. It was a little funny. Plus, I noticed how scared you were… did you really think I’d leave you out here like this?’ 
Roslyn sighed, softly tugging back on her beanie. 
The answer was delayed and really, she knew that she was safe with August. But she didn’t just trust anybody. This life was all about surviving and throwing anybody in the way of the freight train just to keep yourself alive. 
‘I don’t know. Would you?’
August’s head fell to the side gently as a small smirk grew on his lips, ‘you never have to worry about me leavin’ you, Ros. I got you.’
Her face grew warm as a smile curled up on her full lips, ‘that’s good to know, August. So,” she let out a gentle breath, ‘Where we goin’?’ 
‘Oh yeah! Come on, it’s not far,’ he jerked his head over and swiftly turned around to walk away. 
‘Mmhmm,’ Roslyn hummed playfully as she squatted down and scooped some snow in her hands and patted it into a round ball. 
Then, she allowed him to walk ahead before she threw it and hit him in the middle of his back. August stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder. 
Roslyn stood there with a sinister grin curled on her lips.
August turned around to face her head on, ‘you really wanna do this with me right now? You’re not gonna win this.’ 
Roslyn laughed out and shook her head, ‘right now is as good as any. Look, it’s cold and I’m already ready to get back to the compound. So if I win… we’re going back home. If you win… we can keep going and we’ll both take the blame for our absence at the party tomorrow.’ 
He folded his arms across his chest and thought for a moment, ‘alright. Cool… first person to 10, wins.’ 
‘You’re on!’ she said as she walked up to him and they pounded fists. 
Once she made it back to her side, August launched a snowball and hit her in the shoulder. Roslyn swiftly turned around with a surprise and was hit in the face with another. 
‘Oh–!’ August called out as he covered his mouth and began to laugh.
‘YOU CHEATER!’ Roslyn growled out before snatching up some snow in her palms and running behind a tree. There, she began to form a ball that was stable enough to throw. 
August ran behind a tree and began to form a few balls of snow and stack them, ‘NOT A CHEATER! JUST AN OPPORTUNIST!’ 
‘A CHEATER!’ Roslyn laughed as she peeked around the tree to find him. Once she knew she wasn’t going to get him at this angle, she carefully moved forward to another tree. But not without him throwing another snowball. Thankfully, he missed. 
August laughed out as he scooped up his artillery and moved in position to flank her. Stepping from behind her cover, she started to throw the balls at the last place she’d seen him. But little did she know, he was standing right behind her. 
Roslyn began to craft up more balls in a hurry, a goofy and giddy grin burning at her cold cheeks. 
Taking gentle steps, August moved like a thief in the night! He peaked over gently to see the amount of balls she’d created. Too bad she won’t be able to use them. 
He pressed his lips together before letting out a sharp whistle. 
Roslyn stopped her project once she realized she was bested. Closing her eyes, she lifted her hands, ‘OK! You got me!’ 
She laughed.
‘Stand up.’ August commands. 
She stood up slowly and let out a shuddered breath. 
‘Turn around.’ 
Roslyn slowly turned around and kept her hands up with this smug expression on her face. Her eyes caught a glimpse at the 5 balls that sat in his arm.
‘Hmph.’ August smirked, proudly.
‘It’s like that?’
‘Just like that.’ 
She shook her head before she looked behind him and a sunken look cursed her face. 
‘August….’ she whispered as she pointed behind him. 
He didn’t even think, the look on her face frightened him and he immediately looked behind him and dropped his snowballs to the ground. But nothing was there. 
‘Wha— there’s nothing—‘ 
When he looked back ahead, she had already darted towards him. She wrapped her arms around his waist with her head resting on his abdomen. 
‘Ugh!’ He grunted as their bodies collided and he fell backwards.
Straddling his lap in a fast manner, she placed her hands on his chest as she breathed heavily. The both of them began to laugh playfully. 
‘Do you surrender?’ she asked.
‘I’m sorry but this wasn’t part of the rules.’
‘It doesn’t matter! You let your guard down.’ 
August laughed and shook his head before he lifted his knee up and rolled them over in a quick movement. Then, he snatched up her wrists and pinned them above her head. 
Roslyn squeaked in surprise at his sudden movement. 
August huffed heavily as he fought the brisk air that burned at his throat and chest, ‘I never let my guard down.’ 
She let out a shuddered breath as she looked up into his cobalt blue eyes. Taking in the icy-ness of them but finding warmth in that blotch of hazel in his eye. 
In the drop top riding round with you, I feel like Scarface. Like the white bitch with the bob, you’d be my main one. 
The air between them grew thick with tension. August’s tongue darted out to lick his lips. He forced his eyes away from hers to look down at her soft plump lips. Suddenly, his urges and thoughts clouded his brain. Causing him to rush in and place a tender kiss on lips; his grip loosening on her wrists.
Roslyn felt relieved that he crossed that line. Carefully pulling her hand away, she placed her gloved hand on his jaw as she savored the taste of his lips. 
August then gently broke the kiss, pulling back to look down at her. 
‘You’re so warm,’ his gaze never left her face, yet his eyes were hooded with such want and desire. 
‘So are you…’ she whispered as her brown eyes flickered to his lips. 
A devious smirk curled up on his lips, ‘I know of an interesting way of warming up… if you wanna.’ 
Roslyn raised a brow, instantly catching the idea. It had been awhile since she had some. And they were alone, this would’ve been the perfect opportunity but, good things don’t last forever… not in this life. 
‘I’m down if you’re down,’ she said in a sultry tone as she relaxed her thighs so he could lay comfortably there. 
‘Well now is as good as—‘
Then, a twig snapped behind them. August paused for a second, placing his index finger against his lips. Carefully and silently, August pulled himself up and helped her up to her feet. 
He then pulled out his gun and gave it to her, whispering, ‘take this. Just in case.’ 
‘Wha— what about you?’ She whispered back in worry. 
‘I have a spare. Just—‘
And an unsettling cracking and clicking filled the air followed by pained grunting and snarling.
‘Infected. What the hell are they doing this close to Jackson?’ Roslyn asked, perplexed.
‘I don’t know. But we have to get rid of them. You with me?’
‘Do you have to ask?’ she smirked. 
‘That’s my girl. Now… silence.’ 
She gave him a nod for him to lead the way, and she followed him in a stack. 
The walk was probably 15 minutes when they stumbled across an encampment. It was vacant. Sort of. It consisted of sleeping bags, a few trinkets and emptied cans of food. They’d even created a fire with stone and wood that was now frostbitten. The intruders were gone for sometime now.
August let out a gentle breath as he stepped over a dead log. Roslyn took a step forward but August threw up his fist for her to stop. She let out a shuddered breath as she kept her gun up just in case. Once he’d finished securing the area, he pressed his lips together as he walked back to the campsite. 
‘Come look at this,’ he sheaths his gun back in the holster and squat down before the sleeping bag.
Roslyn walked around the log and walked into the encampment. She’d taken note of the WLF gear that were engraved in their belongings. 
‘They were here…’ 
‘Yeah,’ he uttered and took a deep breath. This was really fucking bad.
Roslyn let out a deep breath and looked down at him. ‘They’re after you…’ 
August let out a shuddered breath, ‘yeah.’
She closed her eyes as reality began to set in. ‘I knew it. I fucking knew it,’ she said through gritted teeth. 
August quickly stood up and looked back at her, ‘is there something wrong?’ His tone was slightly annoyed. 
‘Yeah! As a matter of fact, there is!’ She placed her hands on her hips, ‘now the well-being of Jackson is at risk all because you decided to come here!’ 
‘Look, I didn’t know they’d follow us OK!? You think I’d purposely bring them here?! To hurt you?'
‘Listen, I don’t know what your motive is! But right now, you are the bad guy!’ 
That stung August in the chest. 
‘You think that lowly of me?! Roslyn, you know me!’
‘Ha!’ Roslyn cackled. ‘You think because you threw me a surprise birthday party you think I should know you better?!’ 
A loud screech filled the air, causing them to look ahead. They waited for a second before the grunting became guttural screaming. 
‘They’ve heard us.’
‘Fuck!’ Roslyn cursed as she pulled out her gun. 
Two runners emerged from the darkness of the trees and stumbling behind them were two clickers. 
‘CLICKER!!’ August shouted as he shot at the runners. 
Roslyn began to shoot at their heads. Pieces of cordycep growth ricochet off of them before she put them down. Letting out a breath in relief, she looked up to see August fighting with the last living infected. 
She aimed the gun at the runner’s head but then August shouted,‘ROS! BEHIND YOU!’ 
Looking back, Roslyn was instantly tackled by a stalker. 
‘Ugh!’ She whimpered out as she fought to keep the infected mouth away from her. She held her arm at its throat as her other hand reached out to search for the gun that flew out of her grasp.
‘ROSLYN!’ August shouted out in fear as he managed to grab his ka-bar and stab the runner in the head. 
The stalker began to chomp down as it stretched its neck to try to get a bite. It was getting harder to hold it back by the second. Suddenly, a gunshot rang in the air and the stalker fell into her chest, dead as a door knob. Her ears rang with an eerie vengeance.
‘Ros! ROSLYN’ August shouted as he rushed over to her. 
With blood and brain fragments on her face, she quickly pushed the dead infected off of her, rolled over and emptied the contents in her stomach. Her hands gripped the snow as she dry heaved. 
August quickly rushed over and grabbed her by her shoulders to look at her, ‘Roslyn! Look at me!’ He grabbed her face so she could look up at him. 
Her heaving had stopped but turned into deep breaths. Her eyes focused on his as they began to calm her down. 
‘Shhh… it’s ok. I've got you remember?!’ 
Roslyn gave him a hesitant nod before she felt a stinging pain in her shoulder, ‘ah!’ 
‘You’re hurt,’ August said as his eyes landed on the ripped piece of cloth. 
‘Let’s get this off of you yeah?’ He then unzipped her coat and dropped it to the ground. 
When he looked back up, he’d immediately saw the torn fabric of her sweater on her shoulder. His heart shattered at the grim sight. 
Roslyn looked down to find the searing pain. She’d been bitten. 
‘Ah! Oooh… ooh my god!’ She shuddered out, trembling in pain.
This would mean she'd have to tell her deepest darkest secret. The secret that could get everyone around her killed. 
‘Ros, Ros, Roslyn— it’s alright! Look!’ He said as his breathing began to hitch. 
‘It’s not that bad!’ He began to laugh hysterically, ‘it’s … it’s going to be alright… please. Tell me everything is going to be alright!’ his vision began to blur at the bloodied sight. 
‘August…’ she let out a shuddered breath as she caressed his jaw, ‘I have something to tell you. But you have to promise me not to tell anyone. Only Ellie, Joel and Tommy know of this.’
August’s face softened as he looked down at her. 
He carefully took her small hand in his and squeezed it, ‘I promise… what is it?’ 
Roslyn bit into her bottom lip before hissing at the throbbing pain. 
She placed her hand over her shoulder, ‘I’m immune.’
From The River To the Sea, Palestine will be free. I’d like to make it clear that in no shape or form does this page support Israel or Zionism. The creator of the game, Neil Druckmann is a Zionist and I would like to make it very clear that this page stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸. Boycott the game, boycott the show! CLICK HERE to find links to support and donate to Palestine & please continue to Boycott! Palestine will be free.
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sealofarchives · 5 months
Prompt: filipino!reader with the turtles (separate)
Note: I'm filipino so if I get some stuff wrong, let me know and I'll make edits to this post
The day after your other family members showed up as a surprise visit. You apologized to the red slider turtle for slightly panicking. Trying to get him to the nearest window frame of a fire escape exit.
He waved off the apology, more interested that you knew spanish and didn't tell him about it.
You instantly looked at him with a confused expression.
"It's tagalog, not spanish."
It didn't help that Donnie overheard the conversation. While Leo felt a bit embarrassed, jumping to the conclusion of, confusing the language with something else.
"A total of 8 different dialects. There's more but, tagalog just happens to be the common language in the Philippines."
Just as the softshell turtle dropped off your papers with purple pen marks before heading back to his lab.
You still reassured Leo that he didn't mean to offend you. He let out a sigh of relief but, still thinks that its pretty cool that you're aware of your family's culture.
If you can speak it fluently, Leo will sometimes ask on what phrases you usually use.
Or if you're like me, who only knows a few words. He might tease you to try speaking some common phrases only if you're up to it.
Raph accidentally ran into one of your relatives. An aunt and uncle who were almost swindled out of a deal from Repo Mantis.
The alligator snapping turtle still managed to get them out of there safely. Now at a safe distance close to the Run of the Mill pizzeria.
He was still nervous at the thought of trying to escort them home until the aunt asked if he was okay.
Raph tried his best to hide the panicked tone in his voice until she gasped.
"Oh! You're one of (Y/N)'s friends!" "They're always talk about you and your brothers before any of us ask them about school!"
Timeskip a week later, they ordered pizza to thank Raph for getting them out of that situation. They couldn't stay for too long but still left with big smiles waving goodbye at the turtles.
"Uh, (Y/N). What does it mean if I'm being called 'Kuya Raph'?"
You chuckled saying "You're still the oldest brother of the group." "But it has more of a respectful manner. Since my other family members still use it for some of their friend groups."
"You know checking up on each other even when things aren't so great."
Raph smiled while you confidently stood your ground when his brothers try to find a teasing remark. Mikey eventually stepping back followed by Donnie who slowly grew bored of the banter. And you continued to playfully ignore Leo's idea of a bet that he could go a day taking over Raph's oldest brother role.
You asked the box shell turtle for help trying to prepare pancit (a filipino noodle dish.) All of the ingredients laid out on the table and your mom's list with said instructions on cooking the food. You held onto the package containing rice noodles but hesitated opening it.
Mikey took notice of the frown on your face.
"Still nervous on trying to cook this dish on your own?" Mikey asked as you sighed
"Sort of... My mom has the 'oh you're doing this wrong...' whenever I try to cook something that isn't instant noodles." "So, sorry if I'm slow to this cooking thing..."
"Don't worry about what your mom thinks. I'm more happy that you asked for help! And I get to learn a new recipe from my best friend!"
The uneasy what if feeling slowly faded away as you and Mikey followed a few step by step videos with laughter filling the lively atmosphere.
After an hour passed, a knock from your apartment door signaled your mom and two of your relatives' arrival.
Before you told Mikey to hide, a light blue portal threw out a orange hoodie. With Mikey in a hurry putting it on.
"I might be on pizza duty for the next month but, I'm still not letting you face this alone!" Mikey said with a guaranteed grin on his face.
While the dish earned praise from your relatives, you felt more comfortable that Mikey vouched for you when your mom was still skeptical of the finished product. The relatives in agreement with him resulted in her giving up any further comments.
"(Y/N) could try making lumpia for their friends. And with how Mikey is helping them. They'll slowly get better at cooking!" Your grandma joked as you pretended not to sink below your chair.
A week later, at the lair, the three turtles often glancing back at the wrapped up uncooked spring rolls slowly beginning to stack a pile.
"I know you said food or drinks aren't allowed at the lab but, I went out and got you halo-halo! To thank you for helping me with studying for the test next week."
Donnie's eyes widen at the sight of the purple shaved ice dessert in a plastic cup. The spoon inside of the cup lid as he reached out now holding the drink in his hands.
"Is it actually purple or is it just the food dye that has purple in it?" Donnie said looking around the contents of the dessert while you laugh.
"I guess you never heard of ube aka purple yams. I had bread that used ube as filling. But, its been used in other pastries as well."
Donnie took a spoonful of the ube into his mouth and attempted to hide the smile on his face. But, savored the sweet treat with a light hum. He blinked noticing how he was the only one who got dessert.
"Wait, you didn't get one for yourself?" He asked as you lightly scratched your face.
"I only had enough money to buy one. And don't tell your brothers because I sort of waited when they went to the Run of the Mill pizzeria to get it. So..." You avoided eye contact finishing that sentence as Donnie got up from his seat.
"Well... Since you got me this refreshing dessert. I'm willing to let you take dibs for the first few slices of pizza. It will still apply to pineapple as well so no takebacks." Donnie immediately spotted at the grin slowly appearing on your face as you nodded.
Close to 45 minutes later, the turtles arrived back with the stack of pizza boxes. However...
"Hey, you two missed out on the limited time desserts they're giving out at the Run of the Mill pizzeria! We managed to get the last three while we waited in line. I forgot what it was called, something starting with two h's but, it has Donnie's favorite color-"
Donnie internally winced as you went to open the nearest pizza box. And took a slice without caring that it was one of your least favorite flavors. Mostly biting into the bread crust almost startling Mikey in the process.
[Note to self: repay back (Y/N) within this week with their favorite snack] (He does but both of you joke about that timing while taking a break from assignments)
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hon3yra1nbowz · 13 days
Ike Pennyroyal Ref
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(TW for ORGAN THEFT and i think BODY MODIFICATION? It will be colored red.)
Name: Ike Pennyroyal
Gender: Male (He/him)
Age: 22
Nationality: German
Sexuality: Homoromantic Asexual
Headcanon Voice: TBA
Affiliation(s): Toppats
Likes: Coconut (his pet vulture), birds (especially large birds), Galen, stuffed animals, mint chocolate, ice cream, caring for others
Dislikes: Bright lights, mangoes, losing his sunglasses
Etymology: The name "Ike" means "laughter and joy", and Pennyroyal is the name of a plant in the mint family that has been used to make medicine throughout history.
Bio: "He is considered to be one of the best and one of the worst doctors in the Toppat Clan simultaneously. Most of the bad reviews come from the people he gave giraffe hearts to."
Appearance: Ike is a stick figure with long, flat hair with bangs covering his right eye. Since he is albino, his hair is white and his eyes are silvery. His shoes are different colors, his left shoe is dark brown and his right shoe is mint green. He wears a white top hat with a red cross on the front and a pair of dark brown, round sunglasses on his forehead.
Personality: Ike Pennyroyal is… something.
He cares a great deal about the clan and is always enthusiastic to nurse his fellow clan members back to health, however, he's not the best at showing it, and his blunt comments and morbid impulses that usually involve stealing bad organs and replacing them with healthy, albeit usually not human ones, do not help.
He is often found with his best friend, Galen, a fellow Toppat doctor who often has to act as his impulse control, lest somebody be given alligator kidneys like Mr. Macbeth was that one time, and his pet vulture, Coconut, which he feeds the stolen organs to, after all, they're diseased and dead, so what good are they?
Extra: *Due to their lack of melanin, Ike's eyes are more sensitive to light, which is why he always keeps sunglasses on hand in case something is too bright for him.
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poarkchop · 4 months
No Mare's Land
MLP AU Part Two - Pinkie Pie (Laughter)
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Pre-Conflict. (Happy. Bubbly personality. Pet Alligator.) STATUS: Alive and Well.
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During War; Optimistic. (Trying her best to keep her chin up. Where's Gummy? And who's bag is that? Broke her leg somehow.) STATUS: Alive.
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During War; Pessimistic. (Aggressive. Cautious and Defensive. Significantly less pink.) STATUS: Alive.
Pinkie found herself in the middle of a forest. She realized her left hind leg was in some way twisted and broken. She couldn't put any weight on it. She learned to walk without it and explored her surroundings. The forest wasn't anything she was familar with, but she was hoping to find any sort of civilization. She called out to her friends, Gummy, anypony who came across her mind.. but no one ever came. She always could hear screams from afar, but she could never get to their origins in time to find anypony who was still alive.
At first, she tried keeping high spirits. Any moment now she'd stumble across some group of safe, unscathed, peaceful ponies and she'd be able to stay with them until her leg healed and was healthy enough to find her way back home.. at least, that what she would tell herself.
That day never came for Pinkie Pie. She slowly came to the realization that she was in the middle of nowhere, no one alive nor willing to help her. She was scared. So, so scared. She would walk for hours on end and would only scrounge up so much food. She survived off the sparse berries and fruit in the area. She had to learn the hard way what was edible and what was not.
Pinkie Pie had lost the volume in her mane as she trudged along. Her coat became dull and dirty. The only thing on her mind was surviving, no matter how difficult things got. Her friends needed her after all, otherwise who'd throw their parties? That is, if they were still alive.
The uncertainty of the situation made her heart shatter. Some days, she wished she was back home with her friends, and on other days, she bet they'd turn their backs on her anyway. She'd fall into bouts of paranoia or hysteria frequently in her travels. She missed her friends. She missed her family. She missed Gummy.
Along the way, she managed to collect a few items she thought were worth keeping; a bag, a weapon, and a few bits. From every deceased group of ponies she found, she'd get some sort of food and a warning not to follow their path.
Every now and then she'd come across another pony. Unfortunately for Pinkie, these ponies were always a foe, not a friend. Pinkie quickly learned that the best way to survive was not to give a pony the benefit of the doubt.
Pinkie Pie does what she has to in order to stay alive.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Thinking about life with my husband, the girls, and little Sammy..
Could I ask for just a little peaceful evening/night in the Miller household? Just pure domestic bliss with the family and then going to sleep with Joel by your side, pure love & fluff.
When you said girls I wasn't sure if you meant Violet and Sophia or Sarah and Ellie so I included Sarah and Ellie! Also I don't mean to brag but this may be the best family fluff I've ever written
Jackie and Wilson
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: A night in the Miller household [1.5k]
Warnings: just fluff :-)
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"Alright, one more time, and then it's bedtime, okay?" You tell the boys, both of them groaning in protest. You laugh at their identical reactions and watch as Sam giggles in anticipation. Daisy sits next to Joel, her tail wagging as if waiting for the same thing. Joel gives him a suspicious look before hitting the first note on his guitar, making Sam scream and Daisy howl along. You laugh as Joel launches into the song he created just for Sam. It has something to do with a silly alligator detective riding a skateboard. It always ends with Joel going "nom nom nom" on Sam's stomach, making the little boy screech with laughter and Daisy get the zoomies. Sam's full belly laughs could probably solve world peace. That's how full of joy they are.
Joel finishes pretending to eat Sam and collapses next to him, a heap of giggles and secret smiles exchanged. Every time Sam looks at Joel, he bursts into laughter again. When they lay like this, with damp hair and bright eyes, you see just how similar they look. Sam's hair has curled up as he's gotten older, mimicking the way Joel's hair falls, and they scrunch up their noses when they laugh. Sam has also hilariously picked up Joel's accent, dropping g's and talking like a cowboy, despite living in California. You smile as you look at them and push Sam's wet hair out of his face as Daisy finishes spinning in circles and lays down next to the boys.
"Ready for bed, buddy?" You ask, and he pouts. Joel sits up and gives Sam a gentle nudge.
"Listen to your mama. If she says it's time for bed, it's time for bed. It's not time for the tickle monster!" Joel yells as he suddenly launches at you and tickles your sides. You laugh and push at him as Daisy tries to rescue you, but Sam quickly joins in the tickling. He more so just waggles his fingers near you, but it's the thought that counts. Joel, however, is ruthless. You can't stop laughing, and he's half on top of you as he tickles you on the floor. Your laughter makes both of them laugh, and Daisy bark. You swear the house is shaking with the power of your joy.
"Okay, okay! That's enough!" You say, and Joel immediately stops. He puts his hands up and shows Sam.
"That means stop. Stop means you stop what you're doing, okay?" He says, and Sam nods. Joel winks and ruffles his hair as he glances at you, still on the floor, catching your breath. "D'you wanna give Mama a kiss goodnight before we read some bedtime stories?"
"Yes!" Sam says, and you smile. He lands on top of you and wraps his arms around your neck in the biggest hug his little arms can muster. He kisses you and Daisy goodnight before rushing to his room to pick out books for Joel to read, his dog following closely behind. Since Sam has been old enough to sleep in his big boy bed, Daisy sleeps with him too, either on the floor or in the bed with him. There have been many mornings when you've walked into Sam's room and found them snuggling in his race car bed. Joel smirks as he looks down at you and rests a hand on either side of your waist.
"You're a menace."
"It was pretty funny." He says, and you hum. He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, his hand lingering on your jaw, and you turn to kiss the inside of his wrist.
"You got bedtime?" You ask, and he nods.
"You did bath time. Seems pretty fair."
"You're so sexy and domestic." You tease, and he raises his eyebrows as he moves closer.
"Yeah?" He asks as he kisses your jaw. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and rub his back.
"Are you kidding? World famous rockstar by day and cool dad who teaches consent by night? That's enough to make a girl swoon." You say, and he laughs into your neck. He lifts his head to kiss your lips sweetly, and you smile against him as you rest your hands on his waist.
"Dada!" Sam yells from his room, effectively distracting you. Joel groans as he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours.
"You've got a very impatient little boy waiting on you." You whisper.
"Remember when we had all the time in the world to do whatever we wanted?"
"Yeah, me neither," Joel says, and you laugh. He kisses you one more time before helping you get up and disappearing down the hall to Sammy's room. You take a deep breath as you look at the mess left in the kitchen. It's not that bad. Just a couple of dirty pots and plates in the sink and a dirty stovetop. Joel cooked dinner, which means it's your turn to clean.
Early on in your relationship, you and Joel set up this routine to make sure the housework was split evenly. If he makes dinner, you do the dishes and clean the kitchen. If you take out the trash, he does the laundry. If you do bathtime, he does bedtime. Sometimes, if one of you is especially stressed with work, the other will take on a little extra work to take the load off, but it's an unspoken agreement that the favor will be returned. It doesn't work for everyone, but it works for you.
Once the dishwasher is running and the kitchen is clean, you pad down the hallway to Ellie's room and hear her telling someone about her day over the phone. You knock and wait for her to call you in to see her sitting at her desk, her phone open on FaceTime. You smile and walk over to her.
"Who're you talking to?"
"Hi, Mom!" Sarah's voice emerges from the other side of the phone. She rushes back into the frame with a makeup brush in hand. She's wearing an adorable pink top and some nice jeans, her hair pulled up and out of her face as she swipes glittery eye shadow over her lid.
"What's up, Sarah Bear?"
"Nothing much. I'm getting ready to go out with some friends."
"Oh, fun! Do you need money for drinks or anything?" You ask, and she smiles at the camera.
"Mom, look at me," she says, gesturing to her outfit. "I don't pay for my own drinks." She says, and you and Ellie laugh out loud.
"Well, be safe. If you need me to come get you, just call me, and I'll come to you. Don't try to drive or go anywhere." You say, and she nods.
"I know. I'll text you when I get home tonight, okay?"
"Are you gonna offer me a free ride when I turn twenty-one?" Ellie asks, and you laugh.
"When you turn twenty-one, your dad is gonna have to be the one to pick us up because we're all gonna be too drunk otherwise." You say, and the girls laugh. You talk with both of them for a few more minutes, listening to their days and whatever else they want to tell you, before kissing Ellie's forehead and asking her not to stay up too late. She rolls her eyes but smiles anyways. You leave the girls to their secret conversations and tiptoe past Sam's room to your and Joel's bedroom. The shower is running, and you don't hesitate to join him, stripping your clothes off quickly.
"Well, hi there," Joel says as you step into the shower. You smile and kiss him as the water hits your back.
"He go down okay?" You ask against his lips, and he nods.
"Barely made it through Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site."
"Not Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site."
"I know. What a tragedy." He says sarcastically. You settle into a comfortable silence as he tips your head back under the water and washes your hair for you. This is your favorite thing to do with him. It doesn't even matter if you have sex or not. Just the intimacy of being with him like this and letting him take care of you is enough. You take your time, knowing that all your kids are accounted for and safe. The long day of wrangling a toddler, reading scripts, and cleaning the house melts under the hot water and Joel's touch.
Once your fingers are pruney and you're both clean, you turn off the shower and get ready for bed side by side. The night seems to be the only time you guys are completely in sync like this. You put on one of his shirts and do a silly dance together as you brush your teeth. Then, once you're done with your skincare routine and the exhaustion from the day catches up with you, you and Joel crawl into bed. He pulls you to his chest and rubs patterns into your skin until you fall asleep, dreaming of belly laughs, Daisy zoomies, and more babies that look like Joel.
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Reunited in the Afterlife
Summary: Set in the Kraang Apocalypse timeline. Each of the turtles & April reunite with their family after dying in battle.
Part 2: Donnie
(Part 1: Raph, Part 3: April, Part 4: Mikey and Leo)
(Thanks to @kathaynesart for the inspiration. If you like this, pls reblog)
 Donnie knew he was dead. He knew infiltrating the technodrome to plant a probe had its risks. He knew that casualties would be a possibility. But as long as the casualties weren’t his brothers or April, he was happy. He had planned for this mission as carefully as possible to avoid any possible accidents, but things could still go wrong. Just as it did when the brother Kraang ambushed them inside the technodrome. But he had been prepared. He activated the Donnie pods to take Leo, Mikey, and April away from the technodrome while he stayed behind to plant the probe. His last words to Leo over the comms had been, “Take care of Michael for me, Nardo,” before he initiated the self-destruct.
 The turtle opened his eyes to see a vast plain painted ghostly green, filled with hundreds of people who emanated the same color. Souls of the dead. Donnie raised his (fake) eyebrows. He knew ghosts were real, his best friend had been possessed by one for crying out loud, but he didn’t expect the afterlife to be an actual, tangible place.
 “This is impossible,” Donnie muttered to himself as he took a few steps. Then a sudden thought stopped him in his tracks. Wait a second. If the afterlife was the place where all the spirits were… Donnie whipped his head around. “Hello?” he called out. “Members of the Hamato Clan? Anyone there?”
 “Donnie!” The inventor froze upon hearing the sound of his name. He knew that voice. He could recognize it instantly even though he hasn’t heard it in over a decade. He slowly turned around to see a certain alligator-snapping turtle mutant with a tattered ninja mask wrapped around his head. His mouth was slightly open, revealing his signature snaggletooth that refused to go away even after years of wearing his headgear every night.
 “Raph?” Donnie asked, his voice cracking as he said his brother’s name. His older brother nodded, tears forming at the edge of his eyes. He stretched his arms, inviting Donnie in for a hug. The softshell didn’t even need to think about it. He immediately charged into his brother’s embrace, laughing as he did so.
 Now, Donnie wasn’t the type to cry often. Strong emotions were more of Mikey’s department than his. But now, wrapped in the arms of his older brother who was murdered in front of him ten years ago, his brother who used to comfort him when he was overstimulated, his brother who supported his love for tech from the beginning, his brother who has sacrificed so much for their family, Donnie let the floodgates loose. The tears were a mix of joy from finally seeing his brother again and grief from the trauma built up from the past two decades of the apocalypse.
 Still hugging, Raph started to spin the two of them around. Even though he has grown quite a bit over the past 10 years, Donnie was still significantly smaller than Raph. His feet left the ground as his brother swung him around. Through his tears, Donnie started to chuckle and Raph’s giggling followed right after. Soon enough, the turtles were shaking with laughter, tears of joy streaming down their faces.
 Raph set the softshell down as Donnie pulled away to get a better look at his brother. “You absolute dum-dum,” Donnie said in the most loving voice he could muster. “You just had to go big brother mode and get yourself impaled. You have… no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
 He gave Donnie a soft grin. “I missed you too, little brother. But hey, you’re one to talk about getting impaled. You sacrificed yourself too, remember?”
 Donnie let out a nervous chuckle before he caught on something. “Wait a second, how did you know I sacri-” he caught himself before he said the word sacrificed. “Er, initiated the self-destruct?”
 “Because I was there watching you,” Raph said. “I can’t be with you guys on missions in person anymore but hey, who else is going to be your Red Angel of Preventing Harm, eh?”
 Donnie’s eyes widened. “You were with us,” he whispered. “All this time we thought you were gone but you were right there. Just like you always were”
 His brother smiled and then gave him a small nod. “Remember what Gram-gram used to say? You are not alone.”
 “Anatawa Hitorijanai,” Donnie recited, an old memory resurfacing from when he was a teen. “Wait, Gram-gram is here, isn’t she? Can I see her?”
 “Of course,” Raph said, his grin growing wider. “But first, someone wants to see you.” He gestured with his chin to something behind Donnie. Nervous, the inventor turned around to see the spirit of the one and only Cassandra Jones.
 “Casey?” Donnie exclaimed. Cassandra had died a few years earlier on a mission with Leo, entrusting him and the rest of their little family l with taking care of her son Casey Jr, whom she named after herself.
 The Senior Jones grinned before charging right at him. “Oh, god,” Donnie muttered, knowing exactly what was going to happen next.
 “Attack Hug,” Casey screamed, her signature shriek piercing the softshell’s ears. Unlike him and his brothers, Cassandra hasn’t changed much since they were teenagers. She scooped Donnie up into a hug, cracking his ghostly ribs. “Thank you for taking care of my little stinkbug for me,” Casey said, her voice softer now. “But you are officially banned from giving any more children The Talk. As if Junior didn’t have enough trauma already.”
 Donnie wrestled himself out of the hug. “Noooooooo. We do not talk about that day. I told Mikey he would have handled it better, but he insisted. Now I have the memory of Casey’s horrified expression permanently implanted in my brain.”
 “Wait, what?” Raph said. “I’ve never heard this story before. Donnie, what did you do?” His older (now younger?) brother glared at him. Donnie gave a nervous chuckle.
 “I may have been a bit too blunt when I was explaining,” he said.
 Cassandra cackled. “ A bit?” she said, giggling.
 Raph sighed and shaked his head, a slightly amused smile on his face. “By the way, there are two people right behind you who would love to speak with you again.” His eyes were glinting the same way they did when he would give Donnie and their brothers a surprise present.
 Donnie turned around to see who he was talking about and his eyes filled with tears when he recognized who they were. It was Gram-gram and right beside her was…his dad. The softshell smiled through his tears. “Papa! Gram-gram!” he cried. He ran at his parental figures and scooped them both up in a hug.
 As his face was buried in Spinter’s fur and Karai’s shoulder, Donnie felt Raph’s arms wrap around them, his size engulfing all three adults in the hug. He felt Cassandra’s arms join the hug soon after.
 While Donatello Hamato didn’t always enjoy hugs, this one filled his heart to the brim. He stayed there, wrapped in the embrace of his family. Maybe the afterlife wouldn’t be so bad
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st4ry0f4v · 24 days
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ʚꕤɞ SPLIT 🍌 X READER (Who Loves To Make Jokes!) ʚꕤɞ
☆When Split first learned about you having a liking to jokes, INSTANTLY BEST FRIENDS.
☆You both love to make jokes to Infected and Poob (just finding out Poob, Infected and Split are canonically best friends).
☆You two make the most corny jokes ever. “Hey Split.” “Hmm?” “Why do bananas have to wear sunscreen?” Before you could even finish the joke she was holding back her laughter. “I dont know.. *giggles* Why?” “So they dont PEEL!” You finish as you both burst out in laughter.
☆You had once tried to get Gnarpy to laugh, but..
“Hey Gnarpy! Wanna hear a joke?” “Ugh. What you Zeeboing?!” “Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure? Because he was a little SHELLFISH!” You laugh, but Gnarpy doesn’t. “Did you not get it?” “I got the ‘joke’, but it wazn’t funny you ZOINK!” You quickly stoped sharing jokes with xem after that.
☆But for some reason, Bive is very skeptical about you. Always saying your mind washing her with your jokes. But personally, you just think she doesn’t like you. So you decided to ask. “Hey Bive.” “AHH! WHAT?!” “Do you not like me?” “MIND WASHING!” “Huh?” “GET AWAY!” “Ooookkkkaaay..?” She definitely likes you.
☆But back to you and Split. You guys have sleepovers a lot. And I mean A LOT! So much so that you basically live in her house. Your like that one bsf that just walks in and they just don’t care.
☆You guys also both love coming up with new jokes to tell Infected and Poob. “Hey Poob! What do you call an alligator that wears a vest?” “Hai Y/N! Nuh wah do I cal it?” “An In-Vest-igator!” “Huh? Oh. OH!! I GET IT!! DATS FUNY!” You both laugh out loud as Infected just looks at you both confused with a ‘I dont get it?’ Type of look.
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sweet-villain · 2 years
It’s You~ Joseph Quinn
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Author’s Note : Hi! I just wanted to start something new and just write what comes to mind. This has been on my mind for quite a while and I really want to share it out there. I haven’t wrote something like this in ages. I am going to use Halsey as the girl I picture in my head as “ you” or Y/N. She is such a beauty and I just love her. 
Summary:  You have feelings for Joseph since you were casted a long side him for Stranger Things as Eddie’s love interest. You were hiding the fact that you had another career, you were a singer but no one knows this. You have not shown your face since you started to sing, not even in music videos or with whom you record with for your albums. You struggle along the lines with feeling acceptance in the world. A new feeling is given to you when you and Joseph became close. Certain friends notice and try to help. Will it though or will it fall through and create chaos? 
It’s been difficult juggling a singing career and an acting career together. The fact that you had to hide who you were from the world as your heart sank out around the world made it more difficult than you realized. When casted as part of Stranger Thing you let Matt and Ross Duffer know that you had another life, a career that took half the time as you were putting as being part of Stranger Things. 
They understood as long as you were here. On time. Ready for anything. 
You became close with Jaime Campbell Bower, he made you laugh and enjoy the world a little more. He became your best friend along with Joseph Quinn, who played your loved interest, Eddie Munson in Stranger Things. 
Millie adored you so much looking up at you like an older sister. 
But no one knows your secret, the other career. The singing. The late night recording sessions. The albums. Your voice. The beauty of it. 
“ Hey darling” Jaime greeted you as he just came back from the trailer, smiling ear to ear. He hasn’t seen you all day and you were just making your way to the set having a long night recording a new song.
“ Hey Jaime” you hugged him as he kissed you on top of your head smiling down at you. His smiled dropped seeing the tired look on your face.
“ Long night?” He asks tilting his head to the side, worry crossing his face. You yawned scrunching up your nose and nodding as you yawned. 
“ Is there something on your mind that’s bothering you?” Shaking your head no waving to Mille who has been yelling your name. Jaime chuckled at her. 
“ Eager little one, isn’t she?” He asks. 
 “ I’m her favorite” you answer. He chuckles again. “ You seem to become everyone’s favorite” Shrugging you bid Jaime with “ see you later alligator” and made your way over to her. 
Mille pulls you into a big hug rocking you both back and forth with a huge smile on her face. 
“ Y/N it’s so nice to see you today, you look beautiful as always” 
“ Why thank you, you do too” she pulls away gazing up at you, frowns a little with a pout seeing your taller than usual. “ hey! did you grow?” 
Your shoulder shook with laughter as you pointed down to your shoes which were heels and she chuckled, shrugging mumbling that she didn’t see them. Someone calls her name as she says she will see you later before you even had a chance to walk to your trailer, a voice stops you. 
It’s Joseph in his Eddie Munson outfit ready to shoot a scene. 
“ Hi Joe” you greet him with a small smile. He is biting on his bottom lip standing on one foot and bouncing on the other seeming nervous but you brushed it off thinking it had something to do with the scene. 
“ Good afternoon sleeping beauty” 
A hint of red appears on your cheeks as you remember after the recording session, Joseph has called you on FaceTime while you were on your way home and could not sleep himself. He wanted to hear your voice. 
“ heh..sorry I fell asleep on the phone. I had a long day..” your white heels became more interesting right now than his pretty face finding the words you wanted to say but they weren’t coming out how you thought they would.
You had developed feelings for him and didn’t know how to tell him or if he felt the same. You didn’t dare to tell him because it would cost your friendship with him. 
Jaime had found out about these feelings you have for Joseph, always teasing you and Joseph about one another. He was trying to work his magic but you weren’t having it. Jaime wasn’t about to play match maker if the other end didn’t feel the same. Meaning Joe.
“ Everything okay?” The sudden question makes you look up at him into his beautiful brown eyes that make you melt. 
You nod feeling your mouth go dry at the sight of him. 
He shrugs if off. 
“ You need to get ready, we’re going to shoot soon” you nod, not moving from your spot but looking at him and admiring his features. He was such a beautiful man from head to toe. It was unbelievable that he was real. Standing in front of you. 
“ Sweetheart, are you listening?” 
Breaking your gaze from his face, missing the red color appearing on his cheeks watching you look at him.
“ Yeah, I’m sorry. I am so tired and out of it today. I need coffee or something” 
Something. That something appeared in Joseph’s head as images played in his head. 
He hid it well that he had butterflies every single time you were around him. Whenever you touch his shoulder or arm to laugh or say something to him, a jolt goes through his body as he feels his heart speed up. 
He has feelings for you and he is scared. He doesn’t want to lose you or ruin the friendship. You became one of his best friends and he adores you beyond words. 
As you rush to the trailer to get ready, he mumbles to himself running a hand down his face. 
“ fuck..” he mumbles. Jaime is on the other side watching his best friend, watching the girl he has feelings for. He hums to himself and thinks of a plan. 
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After leaving the Stranger Things set and bidding a goodnight to everyone, you hurried into the studio to finish the song you were working on. Desperately trying to finish the album. The last song made you frustrated as you scribbled new lyrics over new lyrics. You were tired and the only thing on your mind was Joseph and his pretty smile. Damn him. 
Suddenly your phone rings, a face time call. You scramble to find it through piles of notebook paper and turning it around to see his name flash. Your heart speed up. Should you answer it? You were trying to work and he had no idea how stressed or what you were doing.
The secret has to stay a secret. 
The phone stopped ringing the light no longer flashing and you see your own reflection on the black screen. Well sorta, not fully but you can see the unknown look on your face. 
Why was this so hard? Why did you have to have feelings for your best friend? Why now? Why ever? 
You ran a hand through your hair to the back of your neck hanging your head closing your eyes as you sighed. 
Another ring. You lifted up your head to see he was calling again.
What did he need? Was it an emergency? You took the phone in your hand rushing to the black couch that had been on the corner of the room that a few times you slept on when staying late at the studio. 
You answered his call. The small screen went to the corner of the phone and his face appeared, his smiling face. His adorable, cute face
“ Finally!” he beamed with happiness. You playful rolled your eyes leaning back on the couch looking down at the phone waiting for him to tell you what he wanted. You didn’t want to be rude or anything but you had a long night and it wasn’t even close to closing the night. 
You still had work to do. 
“ You left in such a hurry that I didn’t get to hug you”he frowns, a small pout appears. Chuckling you ran a hand through your hair again ruffling it a bit before answering him.
“ I had other plans that needed attention, I’m sorry Jospeh” He tilts his head as he looks you over. You look exhausted and he notice your make up under your eyes has been smudged. You either were rubbing your eyes or crying or something. 
He tried to figure out where you were but was lost as he was looking at a grey wall and the black couch, well the back of it and you.
You dressed in a navy hoodie, hair ruffled, barley any make up on chewing on the hoodie string as a habit. 
“ What plans?” his curiosity got the best of him.
“ Stuff, important stuff” was all you answered before adding, “ Look, I love to chat and all but I have some things I need to get done before I catch on some sleep”
Jospeh nodded but it’s a sad nod.
“ Okay” was all he answered. You upset him. Closing your eyes, twitching your nose not knowing what to say to him. 
“ I’m sorry but I have to go” 
“ whatever” he replies hanging up the call. You sighed once more getting up off the couch going back on working on the song that needs to be finished.
One day he will understand. One day. 
Days go by, you haven’t talked to Joseph or anything but have been working on the song and going in to shoot your scenes that you needed. 
An award ceremony was coming up soon and you were nominated and due to perform.
This time you were going to show the world it was you. Your face was going make an appearance after years of feeling like an outcast and feeling of not belonging. You were going to shine.
A fear in the back of your head lingers because your costars were going to find out what is it you do on days you were “ working.”
You kept the secret hidden for years but you decided now was the time to shine.
Why? Because you weren’t going to hide anymore. You wanted your voice to mean something. You were scared of Josephs’ reaction because this meant so much to you and he did too. 
The days come quicker before you know it. Millie asked if you were coming with them to the award show, you told her you still needed to get ready and it was the truth but you needed time. Time to focus on you. 
Joseph hasn’t spoken to you in days feeling like weeks but this was your time. 
The award show has been going on and you sat in the back biting your nail, adjusting your outfit and the top of your high knee heels that shined in colorful colors. 
“ The time is coming, she is your favorite artist of the year. She stepped on stage for many years now. Her voice is like no other but tonight, things change as we put a face on her beautiful voice. Here she is...ladies and gentlemen put it up for Y/S/N ( your stage name)!!” 
Everyone cheered looking up to see who would show up. As you started to sing showing your back to the crowd pulling down the hood revealing your hair and then when the chorus kicked in, you turned around removing your face mask to everyone signing your heart out walking down with your head raised feeling proud. 
Shocked faces in the crowd and you catch the glimpse of his face. His mouth drops as he looks at you. He couldn’t believe it. It was you. 
You walked past him feeling your heart ready to rip out of your chest and feel as if you were going to throw up.
You felt so seen and heard. 
You heard Millie screaming on top of her lungs making you chuckle between the song and seeing Jaime shouting and recording at the same time. He was proud if you and looked over to Joseph next to him.
Joseph’s mouth was still opened but his eyes were glossy. He was so happy for you, he was. He missed you. It was his fault, he didn’t understand why you would hide yourself like this. 
You were a beautiful flower. 
As the song came to the end, hearing the crowd cheer making you smile and blow kisses to them. You bring the mic to your lips.
“ Surprised?”
Everyone shouted. You laughed. 
“ I was too, but thank you so much. This has been such a moment, I love you all and my album drops tomorrow afternoon. It’s finished and I can’t wait for you all to hear. Have a goodnight!” you walked off the stage hurried to leave.
You didn’t want to see anyone. You were overwhelmed and didn’t want to get bombard with questions and just people.
You rushed home turning your phone off.
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katsigian · 1 year
(A bit over a year ago, I was tagged in this tag game and when I tried to find the original, I couldn't. All I found were a copy of some of the aesthetics in a server, so I decided to fill it out some. I edited it slightly and added some new things. If anyone knows the original creator of the game or where it began, please let me know so I can put credit.)
𝘝𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘯 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘭𝘢𝘸‧͙⁺˚*☾
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I'm going to do this for him <3 my daywalker boy
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𝘙𝘜𝘓𝘌𝘚: 𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴; 𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺; 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺
rickety ferris wheels, carnival lights through fog, saltwater taffy and popcorn, tarot card readings, childhood best-friends, thunderstorms over the sea, tear-streaked face paint, chipping animatronics partially submerged in brackish water, ill-fated games of truth or dare, vintage circus posters boasting mermaids and wolf men, underwater caves marked with a skull and crossbones, darts that are a little too sharp, twinkling lights in the dark, distant and ghostly laughter, blue and pink cotton candy, sunburnt shoulders, cherry flavored sno-cones, switchblades tucked into costumes, a bloody trail into an old tent
the yellow eye shine of an unseen animal, circling turkey vultures, unnatural fluctuations in the passage of time, daddy long legs in rotting logs, distorted backwards speech through a walkie-talkie, unexplainable antler shrines, coniferous mountain horizons, star-like bonfire sparks whirling in an indigo night, nests of infant barn owls, claw marks in tent fabric, soft and distant howls, unexplained lights darting through trees, clawed footprints in the dirt, bomber jackets and hiking boots, an old and well-used shotgun, thunderstorms that darken the sky, a rusted and reliable truck, the smell of petrichor, a voice calling your name from the trees
magnolia blossoms, chipping white porch swings, spanish moss, suffocating humidity, faded photographs of lacy weddings, tire tracks in mud, mausoleum angels, family trees, the yellow-green eyes of alligators, repressed childhood memories bubbling to the surface, broken porcelain dolls, legs covered with mosquito bites, blood promises, crucifixes, barbed wire, dark family secrets, stained white button downs, sweat drops down your spine, marshy swamp lands, weeping willow trees, rusted iron gates, cicadas in the summer, moss covered gravestones with fresh dirt, cursed family jewelry, old patina rosaries, fireflies at dusk
bloodshot eyes, flickering neon motel signs, aviator sunglasses, magic 8 balls, recurrent dreams of grey aliens, beaded curtains, dusty denim and incense smoke, sepia desert vistas, playlists of 1960s rock songs, coded messages in television static, comets in the night sky, fake ids, gas station snacks, jesus bobble heads, split lips, patchouli, paranoia between friends, ice cold diet coke, ripped jeans and converse, cigarette smoke drifting out of a car window, a 1960's white ford mustang, evergreen air fresheners, thousand yard stares, a gas station attendant who knows too many secrets, something dark following alongside your car, abandoned rest stops, rickety road signs that lead nowhere
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I'm going to tag some pals, but there's zero pressure to share it publicly if you'd rather not <;3 @rindemption @noirapocalypto @uldwynsovs @nuclearstorms @aartyom @devilbrakers @reaperkiller @noonfaerie @halsin @spicyraeman @gelvaan @serenedy @nokstella @cybersmallz @trashkingnyx @strafethesesinners @thefrostyshepard @arcandoria @holofishes @pinkydude @jaymber @saintemarvel @fleetwoodmoth @saevus-brutalis @elvenbeard @baldurians @swanfey @cyberpunkaddict @serenedy
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𝘙𝘜𝘓𝘌𝘚: 𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴; 𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺; 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺
rickety ferris wheels, carnival lights through fog, saltwater taffy and popcorn, tarot card readings, childhood best-friends, thunderstorms over the sea, tear-streaked face paint, chipping animatronics partially submerged in brackish water, ill-fated games of truth or dare, vintage circus posters boasting mermaids and wolf men, underwater caves marked with a skull and crossbones, darts that are a little too sharp, twinkling lights in the dark, distant and ghostly laughter, blue and pink cotton candy, sunburnt shoulders, cherry flavored sno-cones, switchblades tucked into costumes, a bloody trail into an old tent
the yellow eye shine of an unseen animal, circling turkey vultures, unnatural fluctuations in the passage of time, daddy long legs in rotting logs, distorted backwards speech through a walkie-talkie, unexplainable antler shrines, coniferous mountain horizons, star-like bonfire sparks whirling in an indigo night, nests of infant barn owls, claw marks in tent fabric, soft and distant howls, unexplained lights darting through trees, clawed footprints in the dirt, bomber jackets and hiking boots, an old and well-used shotgun, thunderstorms that darken the sky, a rusted and reliable truck, the smell of petrichor, a voice calling your name from the trees
magnolia blossoms, chipping white porch swings, spanish moss, suffocating humidity, faded photographs of lacy weddings, tire tracks in mud, mausoleum angels, family trees, the yellow-green eyes of alligators, repressed childhood memories bubbling to the surface, broken porcelain dolls, legs covered with mosquito bites, blood promises, crucifixes, barbed wire, dark family secrets, stained white button downs, sweat drops down your spine, marshy swamp lands, weeping willow trees, rusted iron gates, cicadas in the summer, moss covered gravestones with fresh dirt, cursed family jewelry, old patina rosaries, fireflies at dusk
bloodshot eyes, flickering neon motel signs, aviator sunglasses, magic 8 balls, recurrent dreams of grey aliens, beaded curtains, dusty denim and incense smoke, sepia desert vistas, playlists of 1960s rock songs, coded messages in television static, comets in the night sky, fake ids, gas station snacks, jesus bobble heads, split lips, patchouli, paranoia between friends, ice cold diet coke, ripped jeans and converse, cigarette smoke drifting out of a car window, a 1960's white ford mustang, evergreen air fresheners, thousand yard stares, a gas station attendant who knows too many secrets, something dark following alongside your car, abandoned rest stops, rickety road signs that lead nowhere
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chantillyxlacey · 1 year
So I saw this art that Abby Howard posted on twitter: [https://twitter.com/AbbyHoward/status/1601958920255307783] of Reese and Truck, and I entered a fugue state and wrote these little ficlets at work instead of... uhhhh working lmao.
It takes every ounce of strength you possess not to burst out laughing at the tableau you find waiting for you upon entering your apartment.
“If you’re going for a whole ‘seduction’ angle, the cat kind of ruins the effect a little bit,” you say as you shuck off your jacket and drop your keys into the little dish by the door. You even manage to keep the threat of laughter out of your words– well, mostly. It’s an admirable effort, at least.
Reese deflates, but only a little. He makes a sound between a disgruntled grumble and a laugh of his own, quiet but so low that you swear you can feel it resonate through the floor into the soles of your feet.
“I was doing my best to work around it,” he says. “I couldn’t just push him off– I mean look at him.” He gestures at Truck, currently sprawled over his thighs, and scratches delicately behind his ear with the tip of one long claw. Truck blinks at you, looking distinctly smug. You cross the room, shaking your head.
“Yeah, well– I can.” You unceremoniously push Truck to the floor. He sneezes on your foot to protest the indignity, but you ignore him.
You insinuate yourself into the freshly vacated seat in Reese’s lap, draping your arms over his shoulders and leaning close, delighted by the rush of color into his inhuman but comfortably familiar face, and by just how easy it was to turn the tables.
“You know, neither of us will get to eat tonight if you keep letting him distract you like that.” The admonition is blunted by the poorly disguised amusement in your voice.
From his perch atop Reese’s shoulders, Truck lets out a jubilant and unapologetic caterwaul, which turns vibrato when his stage is jostled under him as Reese laughs. The sound this time is a low, rumbling hiss that makes you think of an alligator.
Your upstairs neighbor, apparently unappreciative of Truck’s aria, pounds on their floor in protest. Reese reaches up and thumps the ceiling once, with enough force to rattle both your kitchen and the one upstairs. Your neighbor doesn’t offer a return volley, and you like to imagine there’s a meek, intimidated quality to their silence.
“Sorry, buddy.” Reese scoops up Truck in one enormous hand and curls his long fingers into a loose cage around the cat. Truck looks a little put out at the loss of his glorious vantage point, but he doesn’t attempt to wriggle free. Apparently, he’s content enough with the fact that Reese is technically still paying attention to him.
Even with one hand occupied Reese deftly finishes dredging and breading the slices of calf’s liver that still need it, passing them to you and the hot pan you’re monitoring on the stove. He’d learned to do a lot of things one-handedly, he told you once, from days when he’d gotten so immersed in his art that it was almost literally impossible to pry the brush or pencil from his grip.
That talent was mostly utilized for Truck-wrangling these days. He’s also told you, his voice soft and sheepish and sweet, that he hasn’t felt that consuming compulsion to exorcize himself onto a page or canvas nearly as often since he’s been here with you.
You watch your companions surreptitiously over the top of your book, your grin hidden by it. Truck chatters at Reese so purposefully that you can almost imagine he’s saying real words. Reese humors him and murmurs back, too quiet to make out his words any better than the cat’s.
Truck rears up and plants his front paws on Reese’s chest, then lunges forward for an affectionate headbutt the likes of which has nearly given you a black eye in the past. Reese, however, seems wholly unperturbed at being besieged by a ballistic missile of feline friendship.
At the moment, he looks almost exactly the way he did when you first met him. The only clue to his true nature is the way his teeth press outward against his lips, straining against the skin like his jaw is just a little too large and a little too crowded to fit quite right. He almost never dulls his teeth anymore when he isn’t out in public. No– that’s not exactly right, actually. When you first met him he’d been– duller? More faded? He’s still pale as milk and thin as a leather cord, but there’s a lively color in his face now, and his cheeks are no longer hollowed and gaunt.
Truck blinks slowly and deliberately at Reese, and Reese blinks back in the same way. You wonder if he did it consciously or not.
Reese’s eyes are different these days as well. The bags under them are still there– that’s just how his face naturally sits– but they no longer look like bruises. There’s a light in them now too, other than the literal glow that lingers faintly even when he otherwise looks entirely ‘normal’. They have a spark in them–
They’re looking right at you, catching your own and holding fast.
Reese blinks at you, too, and those eyes of his are warm and soft and heavy with so much– so much, just in general, and it’s all aimed at you.
Heat floods your face and you duck back behind your book. You don’t hear his laughter so much as feel it, like infrasound. Lowering the book just enough to stick your tongue out at him, you prod at his bony hip with your big toe.
Truck apparently takes this as a declaration of war and launches himself at your foot, teeth-first.
Reese laughs again– aloud and full-throated this time– at your misfortune and the cartoonish yelp you let out, but he comes to your rescue anyway.
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therealnightcity · 1 year
Tag Game-Summer Goth Aesthetics
𝘙𝘜𝘓𝘌𝘚: 𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴; 𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺; 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺
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rickety ferris wheels, carnival lights through fog, saltwater taffy and popcorn, tarot card readings, childhood best-friends, thunderstorms over the sea, tear-streaked face paint, chipping animatronics partially submerged in brackish water, ill-fated games of truth or dare, vintage circus posters boasting mermaids and wolf men, underwater caves marked with a skull and crossbones, darts that are a little too sharp, twinkling lights in the dark, distant and ghostly laughter, blue and pink cotton candy, sunburnt shoulders, cherry flavored sno-cones, switchblades tucked into costumes, a bloody trail into an old tent
the yellow eye shine of an unseen animal, circling turkey vultures, unnatural fluctuations in the passage of time, daddy long legs in rotting logs, distorted backwards speech through a walkie-talkie, unexplainable antler shrines, coniferous mountain horizons, star-like bonfire sparks whirling in an indigo night, nests of infant barn owls, claw marks in tent fabric, soft and distant howls, unexplained lights darting through trees, clawed footprints in the dirt, bomber jackets and hiking boots, an old and well-used shotgun, thunderstorms that darken the sky, a rusted and reliable truck, the smell of petrichor, a voice calling your name from the trees 𝘚𝘖𝘜𝘛𝘏𝘌𝘙𝘕 𝘊𝘌𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘈𝘙𝘠
magnolia blossoms, chipping white porch swings, spanish moss, suffocating humidity, faded photographs of lacy weddings, tire tracks in mud, mausoleum angels, family trees, the yellow-green eyes of alligators, repressed childhood memories bubbling to the surface, broken porcelain dolls, legs covered with mosquito bites, blood promises, crucifixes, barbed wire, dark family secrets, stained white button downs, sweat drops down your spine, marshy swamp lands, weeping willow trees, rusted iron gates, cicadas in the summer, moss covered gravestones with fresh dirt, cursed family jewelry, old patina rosaries, fireflies at dusk
𝘙𝘖𝘈𝘋 𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘗 𝘉𝘜𝘙𝘕𝘖𝘜𝘛 bloodshot eyes, flickering neon motel signs, aviator sunglasses, magic 8 balls, recurrent dreams of grey aliens, beaded curtains, dusty denim and incense smoke, sepia desert vistas, playlists of 1960s rock songs, coded messages in television static, comets in the night sky, fake ids, gas station snacks, jesus bobble heads, split lips, patchouli, paranoia between friends, ice cold diet coke, ripped jeans and converse, cigarette smoke drifting out of a car window, a 1960's white ford mustang, evergreen air fresheners, thousand yard stares, a gas station attendant who knows too many secrets, something dark following alongside your car, abandoned rest stops, rickety road signs that lead nowhere
Tagging: @shinycorvidae @dreamskug @wraithsoutlaws @faepunkprince @onlymeandlife @a-pirate @ghostoffuturespast @morganlefaye79 @gloryride @dustymagpie @wanderingaldecaldo @jaymber @fereldanwench and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it--there's a lot of y'all~, zero pressure tho!
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fnafsbheadcanon · 10 months
Cassie: Roxy is the better one!
Sarah: No. Monty is the superior one.
(The 2 of them continue to fight until both decided to ask Roxy and Monty.)
Cassie and Sarah: So who’s better?
Roxy: Isn’t it obvious ? It’s me. I’m the best at anything.
Monty just tired of Roxy stupid ego doesn’t say anything… Until a idea comes to his head.
Monty does a little evil laughter to himself.
Monty: I have a idea. Let’s have a competition. Me vs Roxy. The winner is declared the best animatronic in the Pizzaplex… the loser is declared has the worst one. Do we have a competition wolfie?
Roxy: Hmmm… I like I sound of this prize… But what is the competition going to be about. (You stupid alligator Im not falling for any of your tricks today.)
Monty: Well Golf competition.
Roxy kinda nervous: … G-G-Golf?… W-W-Why would the competition be about that?
Monty: Wellll… You said you are the “BEST AT ANYTHING” so I just want to even the playing field, with something I’m good at.
Roxy still nervous: W-w-well I don’t fully convince-
Cassie: OH ITS ON!!! You will lose this competition lizard man!
Monty: So… Cassie you saying that this should be the competition?
Cassie: Of course it should!! I want you to have a little hope of winning before Roxy kicks your butt!!! ROXY ACCEPTS YOUR DUEL!!!!
Monty: So it settled. The competition will start in the golf course in 2 hours.
Cassie: Good. I’m going to get Freddy and Gregory so they can be the judges to make sure you don’t cheat. (Little evil laugh) Roxy is going to turn you into a alligator skin purse after you lose.
Cassie leaves the room.
Roxy: ._.
Sarah has the biggest “shit eating grin” ever.
Monty: You should’ve had keep your mouth shut. Little wolfie.
Dj music man end up being the golf commentator and make everything way too melodramatic than it is.
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drunkchasind · 1 year
∘₊✧ ─────────────────────── ✧₊∘
Tagged by @spicyraeman thank you 😚❤
𝘙𝘜𝘓𝘌𝘚: 𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘢𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴; 𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺; 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘺
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rickety ferris wheels, carnival lights through fog, saltwater taffy and popcorn, tarot card readings, childhood best-friends, thunderstorms over the sea, tear-streaked face paint, chipping animatronics partially submerged in brackish water, ill-fated games of truth or dare, vintage circus posters boasting mermaids and wolf men, underwater caves marked with a skull and crossbones, darts that are a little too sharp, twinkling lights in the dark, distant and ghostly laughter, blue and pink cotton candy, sunburnt shoulders, cherry flavored sno-cones, switchblades tucked into costumes, a bloodytrail into an old tent
the yellow eye shine of an unseen animal, circling turkey vultures, unnatural fluctuations in the passage of time, daddy long legs in rotting logs, distorted backwards speech through a walkie-talkie, unexplainable antler shrines, coniferous mountain horizons, star-like bonfire sparks whirling in an indigo night, nests of infant barn owls, claw marks in tent fabric, soft and distant howls, unexplained lights darting through trees, clawed footprints in the dirt, bomber jackets and hiking boots, an old and well-used shotgun, thunderstorms that darken the sky, a rusted and reliable truck, the smell of petrichor, a voice calling your name from the trees
magnolia blossoms, chipping white porch swings, spanish moss, suffocating humidity, faded photographs of lacy weddings, tire tracks in mud, mausoleum angels, family trees, the yellow-green eyes of alligators, repressed childhood memories bubbling to the surface, broken porcelain dolls, legs covered with mosquito bites, blood promises, crucifixes, barbed wire, dark family secrets, stained white button downs, sweat drops down your spine, marshy swamp lands, weeping willow trees, rusted iron gates, cicadas in the summer, moss covered gravestones with fresh dirt, cursed family jewelry, old patina rosaries, fireflies at dusk
bloodshot eyes, flickering neon motel signs, aviator sunglasses, magic 8 balls, recurrent dreams of grey aliens, beaded curtains, dusty denim and incense smoke, sepia desert vistas, playlists of 1960s rock songs, coded messages in television static, comets in the night sky, fake ids, gas station snacks, jesus bobble heads, split lips, patchouli, paranoia between friends, ice cold diet coke, ripped jeans and converse, cigarette smoke drifting out of a car window, a 1960's white ford mustang, evergreen air fresheners, thousand yard stares, a gas station attendant who knows too many secrets, something dark following alongside your car, abandoned rest stops, rickety road signs that lead nowhere
∘₊✧ ─────────────────────── ✧₊∘
tagging, with no pressure as always @shadesofchaoticenergy
@ugh-my-back @imaginarycyberpunk2023 🖤
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thefifthsister · 2 years
Rules of the Game
Season 7
“There’s rules?” He asked incredulously.
“Oh, the two of them get out of hand if I don’t intervene,” Alexis informed him and he chuckled. He strolled along side the young lady, enjoying this side of his daughters new family. 
“My father is a big kid but I had no idea Kate could get so competitive,” she laughed, watching the her father and step-mother teasing each other over the best way for Castle to sink the shot. 
Jim watched on with amusement. “I’m afraid she gets that from her mother,” Jim nodded. “Thanks for inviting me.”
“I’m glad you could join us,” Alexis confided.
“So I can intervene when they get out of hand?” He chuckled.
“Castle, you aren’t going to sink this in one,” Beckett pointed out. “The alligator is the wrong angle and if you try to ricochet it you’re just gonna hurt someone here and it’s my night off. I don’t want to have to arrest you for being a public menace.”
Alexis laughed. “And I’m short on cash for the bail.”
“Jim, do you see what I put up with?”
“Oh son, you asked for it when you married her,” Jim replied, laughing at the huff he got out of his daughter. “See what I put up with?” She murmured to Alexis. “Oh, you asked for it when you married him,” Alexis shot back and exchanged a cheeky grin with Jim. 
Castle ignored them, turning back to the obstacles in front of him. He’d try it. What was the worst that could happen? He’d be a mini-golf legend around these parts if the shot worked.
It didn’t. And he turned to find his wife looking smug at him. Holding out her hand for the scorecard.
“Not a hole in one,” he watched her write. 
“I swear I did it,” He assured her. “I’ve totally scored a hole in one on this hole before. Alexis was there.” 
“Dad, it wasn’t your ball. It was already in the hole from the group before us.”
Kate dissolved into laughter at the look of betrayal on her husband's face.
She linked arms with her father as she watched Castle move to the end and waited for Alexis to take her turn. 
“Having a good time?”
“He’s a bad influence,” Jim chuckled. “I’m having a great time. Thanks for inviting me on date night.”
Kate shrugged. “It was Castle’s idea. Father-daughter night. Sometimes his ideas aren’t all bad. Just ignore him when he makes a bet on the 15th. That hole I’m really good at and it bugs him.”
The two Beckett’s shared a smile and Kate leaned into her Dad a little while they caught sight of the Castle’s high fiving over the red heads shot along the course.
For @grabnetsrik1
Prompt: #3 the new Scrabble?  Mini Golf
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Tag Game-Summer Goth Aesthetics
Thanks @therealnightcity for the tag! <3 This is a lovely list! Warms my ghost goth heart...
Rules: bold what applies to your character and their aesthetics; italicise those that somewhat apply; and strikethrough whatever doesn't apply
(I altered the formatting into lists, rather than paragraphs. I think it's easier to read? It's no longer a giant wall of words with a mish-mash of different formatting... idk, I tried. My eyeballs are still not happy.)
Valerie Hye-jin Li
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rickety ferris wheels
carnival lights through fog
saltwater taffy and popcorn
tarot card readings
childhood best-friends
thunderstorms over the sea
tear-streaked face paint
chipping animatronics partially submerged in brackish water
ill-fated games of truth or dare
vintage circus posters boasting mermaids and wolf-men
underwater caves marked with a skull and crossbones
darts that are a little too sharp
twinkling lights in the dark
distant and ghostly laughter
blue and pink cotton candy
sunburnt shoulders
cherry flavored sno-cones
switchblades tucked into costumes
a bloody trail into an old tent
the yellow eye shine of an unseen animal
circling turkey vultures
unnatural fluctuations in the passage of time
daddy long legs in rotting logs
distorted backwards speech through a walkie-talkie
unexplainable antler shrines
coniferous mountain horizons
star-like bonfire sparks whirling in an indigo night
nests of infant barn owls
claw marks in tent fabric
soft and distant howls
unexplained lights darting through trees
clawed footprints in the dirt
bomber jackets and hiking boots
an old and well-used shotgun
thunderstorms that darken the sky
a rusted and reliable truck
the smell of petrichor
a voice calling your name from the trees 
magnolia blossoms
chipping white porch swings
spanish moss
suffocating humidity
faded photographs of lacy weddings
tire tracks in mud
mausoleum angels
family trees
the yellow-green eyes of alligators
repressed childhood memories bubbling to the surface
broken porcelain dolls
legs covered with mosquito bites
barbed wire
dark family secrets
stained white button downs
sweat drops down your spine
marshy swamp lands
weeping willow trees
rusted iron gates
cicadas in the summer
moss covered gravestones with fresh dirt
cursed family jewelry
old patina rosaries
fireflies at dusk
bloodshot eyes
flickering neon motel signs
aviator sunglasses
magic 8 balls
recurrent dreams of grey aliens
beaded curtains
dusty denim and incense smoke
sepia desert vistas
playlists of 1960s rock songs
coded messages in television static
comets in the night sky
fake ids
gas station snacks
jesus bobble heads
split lips
paranoia between friends
ice cold diet coke
ripped jeans and converse
cigarette smoke drifting out of a car window
a 1960's white ford mustang
evergreen air fresheners
thousand yard stares
a gas station attendant who knows too many secrets
something dark following alongside your car
abandoned rest stops
rickety road signs that lead nowhere
No pressure tags, I know it's a long one: @shimmer-like-agirl @vox-monstera @fly-amanitaa @ladykatie512 @maimaiapologist
And anyone else who'd like to do it!
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