elisedonut · 4 months
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Not me using anime face claims because I'm lazy and didn't feel like editing irl images because editing with real people is so much more annoying to me
Lavender FC: Kiryu Tsukasa(im@s) Percy FC: Keito Hasumi(Enstars)
Full Collection
At nearly 14k words I have completed Microfic May 2024!
While completely ignoring the whole microfic part um- anyway~
I had a lot of fun doing this challenge and feel like I've improved a lot because of it! even though it's a bit hard to tell since the order the fics went up and the order they were written in is pretty mixed up.
Thank you very much to the hosts of the challenge!! @microficmay I know its the last year you're hosting this so I'm happy i got the chance to participate!
Individual Links and Fic Summaries and Such Below The Cut!
Also keep an eye out for the five marked with a "🪻" Because that means I consider them my favorites c:
🍎 Day 1: Create
Characters/Ship: Molly Weasley & Percy Weasley
WC: 312
Percy accidentally staying up far too late to make a shirt for his teddy bear Tallyton.
🍐 Day 2: Warmth
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood (Perciver)
WC: 290
Percy brings Oliver home with him and Oliver is confused that something that was always there is suddenly not.
🍎 Day 3: Horizon 
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown
WC: 97
Lavender is dying and she knows it.
🪻Day 4: Decision - Wand for a Kiss?🪻
Characters/Ship: Stan Shunpike/Percy Weasley (Stercy)
WC: 820
Percy was going to miss his soulmate when he had to go back to Hogwarts. So, he chose to stay home while his family went to Egypt. To be able to spend time with him.
🍐 Day 5: Dreams & Reality - Once you decipher it, what will you see?
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Luna Lovegood
WC: 240 
A few weeks before you find your soulmate they'll start haunting your dreams.
🍐 Day 6: Flare
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley
WC: 71
Bill is distracted.
🍎 Day 7: Innocuous - Are you sure he would like that?
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour & Molly Weasley
WC: 248
Fleur and Molly are present shopping for Percy.
🍎 Day 8: Will - I'll bid my farewell to you without saying a word
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 538
Percy had only a single hour to change things, to bring Fred back to his family. Another Percy decides to do something to get Fred back for his family at his own detriment fic.
🍎 Day 9: Agony
Characters/Ship: Colin Creevey & Dennis Creevey
WC: 122
Dennis will return to Hogwarts even if he has to grit his teeth to do it.
🍐Day 10: Rise & Fall
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Fleur Delacour (fleurvender)
WC: 206
Fleur can feel herself being pulled towards her.
🍎 Day 11: Curse
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown
WC: 298
'Her scars don't define her.' Is what they keep telling her but it's difficult to believe it.
🪻Day 12: Vivid - Our path, dyed in blue.🪻
Characters/Ship: Dennis Creevey/Percy Weasley (Denperce)
WC: 736
Until you first kiss your soulmate you will only see colour in the places that they have been, on things that they've touched. Dennis only sees colour for the first time when he enters Diagon Alley.
🍎 Day 13: Talisman - Talismans & Rabbits
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown
WC: 499
Lavender needs to find the right item to use for a new assignment.
🍎 Day 14: Humility
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 74
Percy thinking about something Penny said once.
🍎 Day 15: Nothing & Everything - Spacing Out
Characters/Ship: Dennis Creevey
WC: 216
Sometimes it's easier to just feel nothing.
🍐 Day 16: Squabble - None of Their Concern
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley (Bleur)
WC: 249
Bill and Fleur like inviting others into their bed, some of the Weasleys find that weird.
🍐 Day 17: Worthy - To Be Good Enough
Characters/Ship: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley (Flintley)
WC: 484
Marcus is a fuck up but he's working on it.
🍐 Day 18: Healing - Pamper Me
Characters/Ship: Dennis Creevey/Percy Weasley
WC: 715
Dennis wants to be pampered more. Percy wants to finish his work.
🍐 Day 19: Impatience - Listen To Me
Characters/Ship: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley (Flintley)
WC: 901
Tutoring Flint was typically an easy affair. When he's more interested in the clock and window then the words coming out of Percy's mouth though, not so much.
🪻Day 20: Push & Pull - Together with the waves, could we become happy?🪻
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley (Lavebleur)
WC: 632
Lavender feels like she barely even knows herself anymore. Acting out in ways that seem to make sense in the moment but feel so cruel later. Luckily, she has someone around who understands what she's going through.
🍎 Day 21: Idle - Everything Changes
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 157
Percy never liked moving.
🍐 Day 22: Precious - Every time we talk, "I like you" just loops in my mind
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil (Pavender)
WC: 268
Lavender loves days when the dorm is empty of everyone but the two of them.
🪻Day 23: Mistake - Gossip Club🪻
Characters/Ship: Angelina Johnson/George Weasley
WC: 970
A normal night in the Weasley-Johnson household. Gossip and cooking just go so well together.
🍐 Day 24: Elation - Doomed From The Start
Characters/Ship: Colin Creevey/Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood
WC: 737
Magic will always want you to meet your soulmate and sometimes to achieve that, rules that are known to be true have to be bent a bit. Oliver and Percy handle finding their third differently to say the least. The right answer isn't always so clear cut though.
🍎 Day 25: Day & Night - No Way of Defying The Waves of Time
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 522
Percy got a great deal on this house, now if only it wasn't haunted.
🍎 Day 26: Vex - Who Do You Think You Are?
Characters/Ship: Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Remus Lupin/Percy Weasley
WC: 804
Fred and George never thought of themselves as protective but learning that your brother's soulmate doesn't seem to want him would make anyone a little angry.
🍎 Day 27: Dandy - He's Not Blind
Characters/Ship: Roger Davies & Percy Weasley
WC: 355
Roger is more observant than people give him credit for.
🍐 Day 28: Fetching - Masked Savior
Characters/Ship: Roger Davies/Percy Weasley
WC: 1,103
Percy has to agree to social events to keep his family off his back, but he accidentally bites off a bit more than he can chew.
🪻Day 29: Thrall - Touching Those Petals And Asking For Their Name🪻
Characters/Ship: Sirius Black/Percy Weasley (percius)
WC: 599
Sirius hates being at Grimmauld Place. Drowning himself in alcohol and avoiding thinking about it too much by roaming around the house.
🍎 Day 30: First & Last - That Time Dudley Almost Let his Daughter Fly Away.
Characters/Ship: Dudley Dursley & Daisy Dursley
WC: 588
Daisy Dursley has had bouts of accidental magic in the past, but flying? Floating? He really thinks she's going to be the death of him one of these days.
🍐 Day 31: Fulfilment - Promise
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley (Bleur)
WC: 110
Bill is thinking too much again.
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elisedonut · 5 months
is this anything??
Lavender surviving the attack and not becoming a werewolf because that night was not a full moon but now not only is she scarred which she absolutely hates
but has to deal with all the extra emotional issues and weird changes to her body that she wasn't expecting
the random bouts of anger
the stronger sense of smell
whatever else that you think are fun side effects those are like the main two I've explored before
point is!
Everything sucks!
But while in the hospital Fleur ends up visiting her and getting attached because of the similar situation to Bill and ends up taking the poor girl under her wing and getting very very attached very fast
Like Bill looks at Fleur looking at Lavender once and is just knows what she's after and just gives in without question
like that very night is talking to Fleur like
"Alright what is the plan here?"
"We invite her to live with us at the cottage."
"And if she says no?"
"She won't"
And Bill doesn't believe that but also knows by know that he's not going to be able to talk her out of it.
And when Fleur does ask Lavender agrees with very little convincing and then it just escalates from there
the whole time Lavender is not even considering they Like her but falling for them regardless and suffering
While Fleur is already head over heels and acting it
And Bill's over here falling a lot more slowly through the similar situation
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elisedonut · 4 months
just realized with lavebleur that Bill would have a wife AND a girlfriend that would absolutely abandon him during family events to hang out with Percy
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elisedonut · 5 months
Bill: Whatcha got there?
Fleur walking into Shell Cottage with Lavender Brown on one arm and a coffee in the other: a coffee?
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elisedonut · 4 months
Microfic May Day 20!
ngl I think this is my favorite out of my Lavender microfics This is the exact vibe i have been imagining for the Bill/Lavender side of Lavender/Fleur/Bill I just love bonding over shared experiences
Now I have to figure out what to do with unhand tomorrow because it's one of the three that are still sadly currently empty djfkhdaskjfs
WC: 632
Prompt: Push & Pull
Lavender feels like she barely even knows herself anymore. Acting out in ways that seem to make sense in the moment but feel so cruel later. Luckily, she has someone around who understands what she's going through.
The push and pull of the waves we like a lullaby to her. Luring her into a calm that's hard for her to find on her own anymore. Shell Cottage in general is like a haven to her. She briefly hopes Bill and Fleur never make her leave but that’s unreasonable to be hoping for.
Ever since the battle– Ever since she got the scars. It's been difficult for her to control herself. Not impossible, but she has to be so much more careful, so much more in control, or she’ll find herself lashing out over the stupidest of things. It’s a difficult adjustment to say the least.
A slightly flickering light that makes her feel like she needs to hide under a thick blanket. A horrible noise that makes her want to cover her ears and hide away. A touch she’s not expecting, making her want to turn around and attack.
She still can’t believe she slapped Granger like that.
She felt horrible about it the moment she did it but the fact she did it at all is still eating at her. She had run out of the house immediately after but that didn't stop her from seeing the hurt look in her eyes. Didn’t stop her from seeing the pain she had caused blossoming red on cheek.
Hiding her face in her knees as the tears continue to fall. She knows when she does pull herself back together enough to go back in she’ll be gone. She’ll have to write a letter to apologise. Hope for the best. Hope she doesn’t hate her now. Hope she doesn’t abandon her.
After listening to the waves for a little longer she hears the door of the cottage open. Part of her hopes it’s Granger. She knows it isn't though, even before he sits next to her.
“You alright?” Bill asked.
When she looks back at him with tear stained eyes, he sighs.
“Yeah I didn’t think you would be. She’s not mad at you, you know? She knows you didn’t mean it.”
“I just–” Lavender tries to find a way to explain and ends up unsure of how to. Judging from how Bill’s looking at her she doesn’t really think she actually needs to. One positive about this horrible situation she’s found herself in is at least some else understands it too.
“One time, a few months after I got mine. I–” He falters for a moment. “I gave a close friend a bloody nose. For the same reason even. It was quick, instinctual, like my brain just shut off.”
“Do they still talk to you?” Lavender asks.
“She didn’t make it out of the war. I felt so horrible about it but Tonks never actually held it against me. Even if I really think she should have.” Bill spoke softly, still staring out at the water.
Lavender doesn't have anything to say to that. ‘I'm sorry for your loss’ always feels so fake nowadays. In the end she opts for holding out her hand to him in the way Fleur has done for her plenty in the past few months. She almost thinks he isn’t going to accept it. But after a breath he does, letting their fingers intertwine.
His hand is rougher and larger than Fleur’s is but Lavender can’t help but think it’s much more gentle. Fleur always feels like she’s keeping you tethered to her hand. As if to keep you from falling from a high cliff. Bill’s grip is soft in comparison. Like he needs to be the one tethered. They really are made for each other. Sitting and letting the waves pull them into a sense of security even if it may be false is enough for the moment.
She’ll send Granger a letter tomorrow.
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elisedonut · 5 months
this is why you can't trust my headcanons because ill say something like
Yeah I think Lavender Brown's a lesbian and then a few months later decide to ship her with Bill and Fleur
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elisedonut · 3 months
I saw your thing about Sirius/Percy and I just wanted you to know I have a multi-chapter Sirius/Percy/Remus slow burn omegaverse arranged marriage AU half completed in my notes app :3
It's such a rare pair tho idk if anyone would even read it lol
Ohh neat!
Omegaverse and arranged marriage is always a fun combo imo!
WolfStar itself isn't something i think about much tbh but I'm always interested in Polyam!Percy ships and omegaverse so i would read it regardless
but from my experience i feel more people would read it then you think! Especially since your going WolfStar+1
from what I've seen in fandom unless someone is very strict on only being a mono shipper when it comes to a popular ship or just don't like Polyam ships they will probably try a popular ship+1 fic
Polyam ships are fun like that since yeah the full combo is really rare but you still have a chance of gaining attention from people who are really into the more popular ship of the dynamic
its why I'm a firm believer in tagging all combos of the ship that are relevant to the fic in question vs only using the full Polyam tag
anyway I started rambling but yeah! I like both Sirius/Percy and Remus/Percy so that sounds really neat to me!
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