#Marcus Flint
pooks · 6 months
Percy Weasley headcanon time, part 2!
all the Quidditch captains at Hogwarts crushed HARD on him
Oliver Wood: obvious reasons, they are roommates (oh my god, they are roommates), they're in every class together, Percy has canonically been at Gryffindor's Quidditch matches, etc. i could go on.
Roger Davies: captain of the Ravenclaw in case you don't remember( can't blame ya). but Percy is smart and clever, he would charm the pants of any Ravenclaw without even trying. a fellow scholar who plays Quidditch too. everytime Ravenclaw meets Gryffindor, he tries to impress but fails cause Oliver Wood.
Cedric Diggory: he got the biggest boy crush on Percy and it was literally his bi awakening. not only is Percy smart, but he's also incredibly kind and responsible. he takes a page of Percy's book and values good sportmanship (this is the reason why the twins can't stand him, they've seen him yearning after their brother)
Marcus Flint: he doesn't like any Gryffindor at all, not even when pigs fly and it rains lava. but Percy is different, he's the Golden Student of not only Gryffindor, but of the whole school (no he doesn't count Hermione). Percy is smart, clever, determined, kind, righteous and so incredibly pretty. if it wasn't for his blood status, then Percy would've been poster child of "the ideal spouse" the pureblood families always nags about.
Conclusion: Oliver and Marcus gets into fistfights every week because of this and no one relents until someone is nearly dead (the only reason Snape gives detention to a Slytherin, of all things, cause he didn't sign up for his own student's blood feud)
Poor Roger Davies gets friendzoned the whole time cause Percy genuinely believes they're friends and he can't ruin that cause Penelope Clearwater will literally murder him in his sleep
Cedric decides to play it safe, earn Percy's affection slowly and maybe the Perfect Prefect will fall for him...eventually.
Too bad Fred and George is deadset on NO ONE dates their brother...except maybe Oliver Wood, but he has to prove himself with twelve quests (that was a total lie)
Outcome: Percy eventually dates Oliver Wood and he's incredibly happy with him. He doesn't even know that his five brothers and baby sister threatens Oliver if he ever hurt him. He's mildly annoyed when he finds out, though.
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gods-graveyard · 6 months
Incorrect Hp quotes based on my fic (pt2)
Percy- I have high standards in any partner
Oliver and Marcus-
*arguing over if they can catch a Bludger mid air to throw it at someone without breaking a hand*
Percy- ...I am a weak man.
Fanart https://www.tumblr.com/gods-graveyard/745520432147578881/i-made-fanart-of-my-own-post-i-give-you-my?source=share
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maxyaps · 4 months
Oliver: Hey Marcus, how long do you think it would take until I start hallucinating from sleep deprivation?
Marcus: I think-
Percy: Seventy two hours.
Oliver: How did you-
Percy: There's a clown right behind you.
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depressedcitron · 6 months
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It's been a while since I've posted something, anything really.
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bruhduck · 1 month
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I think about this fact more than I should 🤔
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every once in a while i remember flintwood exists and honestly what a good ship. just two men obsessed with quidditch and each other. no notes.
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elisedonut · 1 year
Marcus: I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Percy’* Oliver: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I love you but for the love of merlin, Please behave.’*
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winn-wynn · 3 months
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Percy is the blue eyes and I feel like anyone he’s dating is the brown eyes
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Perciverus(Percy x Oliver x Marcus) will never not be funny because it's just three guys who are all individually unnecessarily hyper-intense about literally everything, while also being 100% convinced that they are the one(1) normal person in the polycule
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ulouism · 3 months
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has someone done this before
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pooks · 1 year
(Percy, Oliver, Penny and Marcus sneaking around at night in their fourth year) Percy: Alright, I go first. Oliver, you stay behind me. And stay tight. Marcus: ...Bow chicka bow wow. Oliver: Penny: Percy: Never mind. Marcus goes in front. Marcus: Eh, it was worth it.
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gods-graveyard · 6 months
I made fanart of my own post- I give you my favorite insane poly trio
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(Original link https://www.tumblr.com/gods-graveyard/744576621749633024/incorrect-hp-quotes-based-on-my-fic-pt2?source=share)
Also once again shameless self promo of my fic where I aggressivly ship these three (https://archiveofourown.org/works/51105907)
Text below-
Percy: I have high standards in ANY partner
Oliver: 'm just sayin how hard cann-it be?
Marcus: Its never been done before..
Oliver: Then we can try at bein the first!
Marcus: Question is- can you reach 30 mph and catch it mid air
Oliver: Well sure- but the Dulgari brand only goes 27
Marcus: Im pretty sure Diggory has one- we can nab it pretty easily
Oliver: Or we can ju'st ask
Marcus: That works too- I swear that Hufflepuff needs to grow a backbone before people take advantage of him
Oliver: As if ya any better- now wanna hit the feild?
Marcus- Shut it- and do you even have to ask Wood?
Percy: ...i am a weak man
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maxyaps · 8 months
Percy: I'm going to tear you apart limb by limb until you're just a torso with a head. You will scream so much in pain that I will get tired and take your vocal cords tie them into a bow and put you under a Christmas tree for your family. I'm going to mash your organs up, take your bones out one by one then flatten you into a rug that I will give to your family.
Oliver: He's so nice and kind I love him so much!!
The Weasleys:
The students:
The professors:
Merlin himself:
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depressedcitron · 10 months
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How they are towards each other in front of people vs when they're alone together
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tooth317 · 3 months
There aren't enough posts for Percy/Marcus/Oliver :(
So here are some incorrect quotes
As a treat for me :3
Marcus: Is the pink panther a lion?
Percy: Say that again but slower.
Marcus: I don’t get it.
Percy: He’s a PANTHER.
Marcus: Is that a type of lion?
Percy: No, it’s a fucking panther.
Marcus: *googles panther* They aren’t pink?
Marcus: Did you know spiders can hold 8 guns at once?
Oliver: How does it WALK??
Marcus: Did you know spiders can hold 7 guns at once?
Oliver: Like they say, "If you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs."
Marcus: Oliver, my old friend!
Oliver: I think you tried to kill me at some point.
Marcus: That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
Oliver: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?
Percy: Why? It was important.
Oliver: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".
Marcus, shrugging: The people need to know.
Percy: Don’t be sad!
Oliver: Why not?
Percy: I don’t have a good answer.
Marcus: Get in the Halloween spirit and make a ghost!
Oliver: That’s called murder and I heard somewhere that it was illegal.
Marcus: Though I admit I don’t know much about you, I am feeling pretty confident in my assessment that you are probably some sort of sick deadly fuck.
Percy: Who told you my secret?
Percy: Oliver has no idea I’m high.
Oliver: You’re high?
Percy: Oh, I’m sorry.
Percy, leaning over to Marcus: Oliver has no idea I’m high.
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cheezface · 5 months
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