#Lazard Avenue
myhouseidea · 5 years
Lazard Avenue is a project designed by Newsam Construction + Catlin Stothers Design and is located in Mont-Royal, Québec, Canada. Photography by Drew Hadley.
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The option to downsize was not an option for the empty nesters who have resided in this home for over twenty-five years. Situated in a prestigious neighbourhood in Montreal, the sprawling residence has been the venue for many social events, dinner parties and family gatherings. With grandchildren on the way, the homeowners elected to embark on a renovation that included several rooms in the home. The objective was to inject a modern aesthetic into a new kitchen, library, master bedroom and en suite, while respecting the classic architectural details throughout the rest of the home.
The kitchen had been relocated to the garage in a previous renovation, which presented several design challenges. Low concrete ceilings, ventilation ducts and cinderblock walls required diligence in achieving a plan that would create the illusion of height and light. Sombre cabinetry from the previous kitchen gave way to a brighter palette of white and bleached butternut. White surface-mounted monopoints add architectural interest and juxtapose a sculptural suspension with an industrial influence, over the dining table. Concealed LED strips add ambient lighting for evenings.
Creating a highly efficient space for cooking and an atmosphere conducive to entertaining both large and intimate gatherings were the primary design criteria for the kitchen. The floor to ceiling matte white cabinetry conceal appliances and an abundance of storage, while providing contrast to the warm hues of the blonde wood. Handle free cabinetry maintains a minimal design while an integrated ash butcher block in the island allows two people to simultaneously prep meals.
Floating wood picture rails create a mini-gallery that enable the homeowners, avid art collectors, to easily display and interchange different pieces of art at various times.
Walls were relocated on the second-floor plan and reconfigured to include a library, spacious closets, and a luxurious en suite of dramatic proportions. The custom teak library leading into the master bedroom, stores a prolific collection of drawings and art books. To eliminate the feeling of separate rooms, all door openings were raised to full height and maximum widths.
The minimal design of the master bedroom marries old and new, and is anchored by white oak engineered floors. A shortage of closet space had previously forced the homeowners to use other bedroom closets for storage. Reclaiming a third of the library, created a spacious walk-in closet for her, and a generous wall of closets for him in the master bedroom.
Large white oak panels dominate the bedroom and wrap around the partition wall into the master en suite. Consistent materials create a visual flow and unify the two rooms as a single volume. The en suite is easily accessed from two entries, with full-height pocket doors providing privacy as needed.
Spacious yet intimate, the master en suite features materials selected for their respective organic compositions, which enhance an inviting atmosphere. Oversized porcelain tiles maintain classic characteristics in a modern format. The veining of each tile was scrutinized in advance of the installation to ensure both a sense of movement and a seamless flow between the walls and floors. Radiant floors transition seamlessly into the European shower and towards a concealed linear drain.
Data Sheet: Official name of the project: L A Z A R D Location: Mont-Royal, Québec, Canada Budget: $250,000+ Project end date: May 1, 2016 Principal Designer: Catlin Stothers, Catlin Stothers Design Designer: Talia Kirschner, Catlin Stothers Design Contractor: Newsam Construction Project Managers: Paul Schapira & Fida Khouri
Collaborators: Photo credits/Photographer: Drew Hadley Millwork: KB Signature Electrician: Joe Mucci, Falcon Electric Plumber: Robert Saracino, Saracino plumbing Quartz/Bathroom Ceramic: Ceragres Kitchen ceramic: Stone Tile Bathroom and Kitchen Fixtures: Batimat Appliances: Signature Bachand Lighting: Homier Luminaire, Bocci, Lambert & Fils
Lazard Avenue by Newsam Construction + Catlin Stothers Design Lazard Avenue is a project designed by Newsam Construction + Catlin Stothers Design and is located in Mont-Royal, Québec, Canada.
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antoine-roquentin · 3 years
When advising on how much to pay for an acquisition, whether and how to begin a hostile takeover or when to bluff during a sale process, what often matter most are things that are impossible to convey via a tiny video-chat rectangle: emotional nuances, body language and subtle social cues. That’s why Wall Street bankers and traders need to get vaccinated if they aren’t already and return to their offices as soon as possible, even as the Delta variant of the coronavirus surges.
In the early 1990s, I watched Harvey Miller, a bankruptcy guru at Weil, Gotshal & Manges, go toe-to-toe in a conference room overlooking Central Park with my boss at Lazard, David Supino, as they divvied up the carcass of the disastrous leveraged buyouts of Federated Department Stores and Allied Stores. The yelling! The robust intellectual debate! The alpha male mind games! The subtle power dynamics of who pounded the table when and who ate off whose plate. Yet their jousting enabled the business — and many others — to get back on its feet.
I learned by studying Mr. Rohatyn, the mergers and acquisitions legend, as he roamed the narrow, threadbare halls of the 32nd floor of 1 Rockefeller Plaza. He wielded his absolute power through a wink or a nod to lesser Lazard partners or ignoring some of them with a stony stare. I learned to watch for those signals closely, as he advised Martin Davis, the head of Paramount Communications, in the sale of Paramount to Viacom’s Sumner Redstone in the early 1990s, a deal that transformed the Hollywood landscape.
By watching my mentors press an advantage or bluff an opponent, I absorbed their deal-making wisdom. There is simply no way that an endless series of video chats could have replaced the lessons I learned darting in and out of the offices of these men and women in Rockefeller Center or at 270 Park Avenue as I was making my way up the investment-banking ladder. (Let’s face it: You can’t suck up on a Zoom call.)
remember, our society is structured around this fucked up game of charades being compensated at a greater rate than the work everybody else does and ensuring the ego stroking, the bullshit artistry, the con man tricks, and the bluster are the most essential part of our economy’s continued functioning
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talesfantastic · 4 years
Blind Date || Lazard x Reeve
@animus-inspire​ from here
Reeve unfortunately does remember the last time he had been a date. What was supposed to have been an anniversary dinner with another blonde had turned disastrously wrong. Things had already been deteriorating rapidly with Scarlet, and Reeve had thrown himself so much into his latest tinkering as a knee-jerk soothing mechanism that he had not even realised the time. By the time he had, well, there had been really no hope of clawing his way back from that. Though that had perhaps been for the best, he can barely stand to see what she has become these days.
He does not do dating-dating himself either, and would never typically even consider a blind date. Yet he had been persuaded into dropping off his name with preferences (even though that in itself had been a hugely difficult task, he was not wired that way) by his Mother. As Ruvie had told him over the phone - even if nothing romantic were to happen, you might very well make a friend, and it is all for a good cause at the end of the day. Namely a fundraiser for one of the ground side projects. Reeve has his doubts, but perhaps the algorithm would be vaguely sophisticated enough to match him with someone that does not have him immediately high-tailing it back to his office.
So far out of his comfort zone, Reeve had in fact nearly made the same mistake in delving too far into his latest creation. Thankfully he had had enough sense to set a few different timers before hand. So now he was showered, fully groomed and wearing a neat dove grey suit, black shirt and emerald green tie, clenching his teeth together at his reflection and realising he should perhaps hurry himself up a wee bit. There was no need to take his car, for he had selected the venue, a café near to his apartment on Sector 8 on one of the corners of little streets that lined out from main Loveless Avenue. A somewhat hasty hop, skip and jump has him approaching the outside. There were a small number of tables in front of the café. Reeve presumes his date would already be inside and is straightening himself up when he realises that he is not alone…
There was an intelligent (check), blond (no preference) man (no preference, that form really had been difficult for him), of a similar age (check) and most certainly a professional (check). One that would understand the requirements of his work (not expected in the slightest but certainly a huge bonus) being as they were both Executive Directors for the same bloody company.
“Mr Deusericus.” He greets Lazard with a head tilt, “This is somewhat unexpected.” His voice tilts in amusement before he starts to chuckle, “I can blame my Mother on my end, but who in Leviathan’s name convinced you to go along with all this?” This was distinctly not a Shinra corporation event, so Reeve is curious as ever. He smiles and gestures his arm out towards the door, “If you have no objections with this arrangement, shall we go inside, or do you prefer to be outdoors? I hear the music on average is supposed to be very good here.”
At first, Lazard had been oblivious to the identity of his approaching date. In fact, it didn’t even immediately click when he noticed his fellow board member approaching. It was only as Reeve started talking to him that it clicked, a mental list of checkboxes gone through and quickly marked up, the tally adding up to... well, apparently Reeve. He found himself laughing as well, because wouldn’t it just be?
He pushed off the wall with a roll of his shoulders, and flashed Reeve a playful smile, far more relaxed off the clock than most had the pleasure of seeing him. Well, this... might be fun? If nothing else, Reeve was good company and they’d have a nice enough evening and part amicably after, which was a nicer guarantee than a lot would. “I may have a few terrible friends that were pressuring me to get out. It seemed fairly harmless.”
At the suggestion they go in, he turned towards the door, nodding. “Of course, I don’t mind at all. I have to admit, I haven’t been here so I’m going to have to trust your judgment.”
Surprisingly, not the most intimidating prospect. Though... “I do have one stipulation, though. You have to call me Lazard; we’re not here to talk business.”
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haitilegends · 4 years
Par Louis Carl Saint Jean
Mon ami Loubert " Michou " François, fils du légendaire musicien gros-mornais Dieujuste François m’a envoyé un joli vidéoclip dans lequel on peut admirer le talent de danseur du peuple haïtien et la richesse et la diversité de notre culture. Je prends un immense plaisir à le partager avec vous autres qui appréciez encore la belle culture haïtienne. Ce délice a été filmé à Gris Gris, section communale des Côtes-de-Fer.
Ce vidéoclip confirme deux déclarations que je n’ai jamais cessé de répéter depuis ces vingt dernières années. D’abord, tous les genres musicaux haïtiens sont dansants et dansables. Ensuite, on n’a pas besoin de se rendre à une boîte de nuit huppée à Port-au-Prince, à Pétionville, au Cap-Haïtien, à Jacmel, aux Cayes ou dans n’importe quelle autre ville du pays pour danser et se divertir. On peut se récréer n’importe où, dans un luxueux salon d’une grande ville comme sous une humble tonnelle " andeyò ".
Pour parler dans le contexte des dénennies 1940 à 1960, à la Capitale et ses environs, il n’y avait pas que les " happy few " à se la couler douce les samedis soir. Ceux-ci allaient faire bombance à Cabane Choucoune, au Club Camaraderie, à Djoumbala et ailleurs au son de grands orchestres, tels que le Jazz Chancy, le Jazz Rouzier, l’Orchestre Issa El Saieh, l’Orchestre Ernest Lamy, etc.
Le peuple se réjouissait également, tant mieux que mal, avec les moyens du bord. Il le faisait au son de nos danses traditionnelles exécutées par de simples groupes " grenn siwèl " ne disposant que des instruments de fortune. On en trouvait, par exemple, chez Hermann Petit-Homme, à Lakou Bréa, chez Ti Boutt à la rue Saint Martin, au Bel Air, chez Miracule au Portail Léogâne, chez " Bèl Gouyad " au Corridor Bois-de-Chêne, etc. Les habitués de Bann Hermann ont toujours dit du plus grand bien de nos danses folkloriques, spécialement de notre dyouba. C’est un classique que notre " Wa ya… wa ya… Lamiral O, Lamiral O, fè dyouba mache, fè dyouba mache pou larènn danse".
J’ai été on ne peut plus émerveillé par la danse de modestes et jeunes paysans haïtiens au son d’une musique haïtienne jouée par des musiciens qui ne sont ni Antalcidas Murat, ni Guy Durosier, ni Michel Desgrottes, ni Murat Pierre, ni Raoul Guillaume, ni Félix Guignard, ni Edner Guignard, ni Gérard Dupervil ni aucune autre sommité de la musique haïtienne. Toutefois, ils ont joué de façon admirable. Les fêtards, eux, ont dansé avec quelle grâce, quelle classe, quelle décence, quelle élégance, quel charme! Selon moi, dans une certaine mesure, cela fait partie du génie haïtien. Le peuple haïtien est capable d’accomplir des merveilles. Il ne le fait par parce que tout simplement il lui manque l’encadrement et l’encouragement de ceux qui le gouvernent.
Oui, ce vidéoclip a prouvé effectivement que tous les rythmes haïtiens sont dansants et dansables. En plus, ils sont tous commerciaux. Cela est dit pour rassurer les businessmen qui, peut-être sans le savaoir et sans le vouloir, sapent les véritables fondements de la culture haïtienne. On ne les danse pas et on ne les commercialise pas pour une seule raison: nous avons toujours mis de côté tout ce qui nous vient de la paysannerie haïtienne, à part, bien sûr, ses denrées alimentaires. Et là encore, on n’en trouve presque plus puisque nous importons tout, même les œufs!
Donc, sans le vouloir et sans le savoir, sur le plan culturel et sur le plan artistique, nous avons réduit le pays à sa plus simple expression. Certainement, des efforts sont faits ça et là pour limiter les dégâts. Mais au point de vue national, comme c’était le cas en 1946 grâce à la vision et au patriotisme de l’Honorable président Dumarsais Estimé, depuis le 10 mai 1950 (la chute d’Estimé) rien n’a jamais été fait de manière concrète pour permettre un essor de l’art et la culture de notre pays.
Qui pis est, sans nous en rendre compte, nous pratiquons le " rejete ", un " rejete " fait sans Elie Lescot. Et c’est ce qui rend les choses encore plus dangereuses. Nous perdons la culture du pays. Oui, nous faisons un " rejete " sans Lescot et sans la bénédiction du clegé breton! Et c’est grave!
Et cette exclusion de la paysannerie haïtienne est pratiquée dans tous les aspects de la vie nationale. On ne le fait pas seulement dans le cadre de la musique haïtienne. On le fait (ou l’a fait dans le passé) dans le domaine sportif également. Par exemple, dans le football, autrefois chez nous (je me limite aux années 1940 à la décennie 1970), il n’y a pas eu une " sélection nationale " à proprement parler. Nos entraineurs avaient toujours aligné au sein de la sélection dite nationale des joueurs évoluant à la Coupe Pradel, à la Capitale.
Que je sache, le seul Port-au-Prince, ma ville natale, n’est pas Haïti. Mais, pour notre malheur, nous l’avons toujours traité en Haïti, traitant en parent pauvre toutes les autres villes du pays, spécialement les sections communales, celles qui constituent le vrai moteur de la nation. Surtout au point de vue culturel et artistique!
J’adorais la majorité des joueurs des sélections de 1970 et encore plus ceux de 1974. Je ne peux et ne dois rien enlever à leur mérite. Nous n’allons jamais oublier l’équipe " Tout pou yo ", l’exploit des Henri Francillon, Pierre Bayonne, Wilner Nazaire, Ernst Jean-Joseph, Arsène Auguste, Jean-Claude Désir, Philippe Vorbe, Guy Saint Vil, Emmanuel Sanon, Claude Bathelemy, Guy François, etc. Je les considère comme des gloires sportives haïtiennes.
Cependant, rendez-moi fol ou sage, à l’époque, certaines autres villes du pays regorgeaient de footballeurs qui auraient dû faire partie de notre " onze national ". Je crois que, renforcée de joueurs tels que Joseph Gemedy ou Pierre Donatien du Cap-Haïtien ou Elias Bendell des Gonaïves (sans compter d’autres), notre " sélection nationale ", aurait pu obtenir un bien meilleur résultat tant en 1969 face au Salvador qu’en 1974 face à l’Italie, la Pologne et l’Argentine, lors du tournoi de la Coupe du Monde de Football disputé en Allemagne Fédérale.
Mais comme on le fait depuis 1804, on a toujours donné la priorité et l’exclusivité à la " République de Port-au-Prince ". Et le résultat, dans presque tous les domaines, n’a pas toujours été trop convaincant.
Retournons à nos danses folkloriques et à notre musique. Tous nos rythmes sont dansants, dansables et commerciaux. Tout produit est commercial. D’ailleurs, dans le dernier cas, pour qu’il y ait commerce, il faut l’offre et la demande, loi qui détermine les prix dans un marché. Dans les années 1970, n’avait-on pas commercialisé chez nous le parfum " My Dream"? Des publicités très bien conçues l’avaient rendu très populaire. Par exemple, au Cap-Haïtien, Raymond Piquion, dans son émission " Pitit Kay ", sur les ondes de Radio Citadelle, et d’autres animateurs de la Capitale, sur celles de Radio Caraïbes, Radio Cacique, la MBC et d’autres stations de radio avaient vanté et rendu populaire ce produit, qui, admettons-le, était loin d’être d’agréable qualité.
Tout ce que nous devons faire est une publicité pour nos danses folkloriques qui se perdent lentement et sûrement, immolées sur l’autel de l’indifférence, de la démission collective, de l’ignorance, de la paresse et de la médiocrité. Nous devons nous rendre compte que nous avons une belle culture, un merveilleux patriomoine culturel et artistique à sauvegarder. Mais le tout s’évanouit malheureusement devant nos yeux.
Nous perdons nos édifices historiques, nos chants, nos danses, nos contes. Et cela se passe comme si de rien n’était. La dégradation de la société semble ne plus alarmer la majorité. Nos étudiants ne sont presque plus intéressés à notre littérature. Plus d’un est resté indifférent. Nos héros de Vertières ne sont plus glorifiés. Et presque personne semble s’en inquiéter. Les 17 octobre, 7 avril, 18 novembre sont devenus des jours réguliers. On aurait pris le 1er janvier pour un jour comme tous les autres, si on n’avait pas la fameuse " soupe joumou " à manger. C’est dommage, dommage et dommage! Pour reprendre le cri de Piram dans " Pèlen Tèt ": " Se domaj ki fè domaje! "
Nous avons au moins 160 rythmes, qui sont tous de très bonne qualité, tant mélodique que rythmique. Nous les avons souverainement méprisés, galvaudés. Nous avons oublié que nos paysans, eux aussi, peuvent nous offrir ce qu’il y a de plus beau et de plus noble dans notre art, dans notre culture. Mais nous n’avons fait aucune demande de leur art, de leur génie. Mao Tse Toung s’était écrié une fois: " Seul le peuple est artiste! " En 1976 ou 1977, chez le peintre Luckner Lazard, au 1068 New York Avenue, à Brooklyn, l’ancien président, le professeur Leslie François Manigat avait dit: " Le peuple est le vrai détenteur de la culture haïtienne. " (Référence: William Pierre, témoin oculaire et auriculaire.)
Chers amis, je vous encourage vivement à regarder ce vidéoclip. Vous n’allez pas le regretter. Vous allez jouir de sept bonnes minutes de de danse haïtienne, de musique haïtienne. Vous allez admirer des frères et sœurs en train de danser, de s’amuser sainement et décemment. L’Haïtien de 2020 comme celui de 1920 doit exhiber la même décence, le même décorum quand il diffuse notre art. Il doit le faire où il puisse se trouver, dans un beau et grand salon comme sous une tonnelle. Compliments à ces humbles musiciens de Gris Gris! Bravo aux excellents danseurs et aux danseuses. Ils sont tous des artistes merveilleux. Ils ont droit à mon respect.
Oui, tous les 160 rythmes haïtiens sont dansables. Même si je serai le seul et le dernier à le faire, je ne cesserai jamais de parler haut et fort et de faire l’éloge de nos danses folkloriques, parmi elles des danses biséculaires, voire multiséculaires: lancier, polka créole, menuet, martinique ou dyouba, ibo, contredanse, pétro, yanvalou, congo, méringue et de nos autres danses nationales.
Oui, tous les rythmes haïtiens sont dansables. On ne doit ni les rejeter ni les immoler sur l’autel immonde du commerce. Ce sont des dons de nos ancêtres. Ils récréent le corps, l’âme et l’esprit.
Louis Carl Saint Jean
3 mai 2020
#auteur #ecrivain #vidéoclip #danses #folkloriques #Dance
#biséculaires, #multiséculaires: #lancier, #polkacréole, #menuet, #martinique #dyouba, #ibo, #mayi #contredanse, #pétro, #yanvalou, #congo, #méringue #dansesnationales
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pulsdmedia · 3 years
The Week Ahead 2/6-2/12
This might seem like your average week, but before you forget, it’s Valentine’s season, and we’re here to save you from last minute panic before the big day. Make an impression for your date, or treat yourself to some TLC with great eats, fun parties, and some new threads...
$19 Ticket To Whitman's Flight Club: Beers, Burgers & More At Hudson Yards
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New York burger haven, Whitman's, and renowned craft brewery, Sixpoint Brewery, join forces to put on a decadent gourmet fête of epic proportions: Whitman's Flight Club. Praised by the likes of Eater, Time Out, Thrillist, and Food Network, Whitman's is a true gem. This neighborhood joint is all about delicious comfort food, cozy feels, and beers you'll adore. After cheers-ing with your pals and taste testing Sixpoint's delectable brews, you'll be treated to a full pint of your favorite blend served in a souvenir pint glass that you can take home! Your bubbly beverage is the perfect compliment to the mouthwatering Whitman's Classic Burger. The house specialty will not disappoint - expect a flavor-packed patty and all the fixins on top to make this burger one you won't soon forget...
Rare Two Day Only Desigual Sample Sale
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The funky, fabulous clothing and accessories brand Desigual is partnering with Clothingline to bring you a special two day only sample sale! Expect clothing for men, women, and children as well as accessories that will punch up any drab outfit and have you turning heads in no time!
$15 To The Swipe Right Valentine's Party: NYC Singles, $5 Margs, & More
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Sip on liquid courage, tap into your confidence, and meet your match at the Swipe Right Valentine's Party! This alluring fête gathers singles throughout the city for a night of connection, great vibes, and the chance to find the one before the annual day of love. Grab your $15 Ticket that gets you admission to this seductive soirée, where you'll mix & mingle with 100+ singles, and get access to $5 Margaritas all night long. At the iconic Hudson Station on 9th Avenue just steps from Penn Station, you'll have 9,000 square-feet of space and 3 levels to peruse The Big Apple's finest picks, plus access to 3 bars to order some tasty margs for a steal, and any other sips you need to fuel the flirtation. When you arrive, you'll receive a Swipe Right card to write your name, number and a little known fact about yourself, handing it to the lucky gent that fits your fancy. Plus, you'll get over the nerves with an icebreaker - and the chance to win a free shot! Consider yourself in charge of your perfect Valentine's Day...
A Pre-Valentine's Day Musical Soirée Live At The Cutting Room
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Love is all we need..so it's about time we celebrate love. Sasha Lazard & Friends is a Pre-Valentine's Day Musical Soirée featuring special guests David Shenton, Philip Hamilton, Gilberto, Peter Sachon, Jerry De Vore, Dina Fanai, Bob Kinkel, Robert Dale Klein, and others, produced by Beth Amorosi at The Cutting Room.
$15 Ticket To The Filthy Gorgeous Burlesque Valentine's Day Spectacular
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Give in to temptation and leave your inhibitions at the door, entering into a world of seduction & romance at the Filthy Gorgeous Burlesque Valentine's Day Spectacular, held at the eternally cool Le Poisson Rouge in Greenwich Village, complete with exceptional performances and sexy vibes galore. We're talking live music with Broadway Brassy & The Brass Knuckles, as well as steamy sensations from the likes of The Chocolate Charmer of Burlesque, The Princess of Pandemonium, Puss N Boots, the dangerously dirty duo of burlesque Midnight Mayhem, Agent Wednesday, Jack Barrow, and Hula Hoop Superstar Pinkie Special - just to name a few! So while DJ Momotaro, Rosie Tulips, Lily Lavalocks and more provide even more entertainment, order some drinks from the bar, and let your imagination go wild on this historically sensual time of year!
Classic Movies – Shaken, Not Stirred, & With a Twist
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Take your favorite '80s or '90s flick, mix in a live staged reading, add a dash of your favorite beverage, and you've got one hell of a cocktail! At "A Drinking Game NYC," talented actors perform cult classics for a live audience - for one night only. Each movie comes with a list of buzzwords and phrases, and when you hear one, a bell rings and everybody drinks! Plus, when someone says a name, the actor playing that character has to drink. So as the evening progresses, the show's bound to get a little wacky!
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digitalembodiment · 6 years
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[Image Description: In the first image, Care, a rehearsal for a performance, Curated by Risa Puleo is placed in vinyl on a white wall with two plants emerging from the edges of image. In the second image, a dinning chair balances on four canes in a white room.]
Care, a rehearsal for a performance, curated by Risa Puleo at Roots & Culture Contemporary Art Center
Image documentation of exhibition and Harriet Sanderson’s Tilt
Exhibition Description: Care, a rehearsal for a performance “...suggests a choreography of disability as a remedy for maneuvering through institutions that are disabling. The exhibition was inspired by Yvonne Rainer’s Convalescent Dance, a modification of Trio A performed in 1967 while Rainer was “convalescing” from surgery as a protest against the Vietnam War, and Steve Paxton’s Intravenous Lecture, made in 1970 in response to being censored by NYU. In this performative lecture, Paxton (and in 2012, Stephen Petronio) walked around a courtyard in front of NYU attached to an IV line, speaking institutional censorship. These two moments in Judson Dance Theatre’s history are relatively unconsidered and set the stage for a group of artists who are currently making work about mobility and institutional access.The exhibition expands definitions of mobility from physically navigating the world with a disability to include maneuvering through the bureaucracy of health care institutions and moving through social space. Curated by Risa Puleo, Roots & Culture’s first CONNECT curatorial resident, Puleo will live with the work over the course of its exhibition while she writes about an essay unpacking theses ideas.” - Roots & Culture
Debut appearance on July 30, 2016 at Roots & Culture Contemporary Art Center
Participating Artists: Valentina Desideri, Stuart Hordener, Carolyn Lieba Francois-Lazard, Jaimes Mayhew (with Macon Reed and Risa Puleo), Park McArthur, Lynne McCabe, Carmen Papalia, Harriet Sanderson, Sarah Sudhoff, and Constantina Zavitsanos, with documentation of performances by Yvonne Rainer and Steve Paxton/Stephen Petronio, and Lauren Beck in the Milwaukee Avenue Window Gallery
Reviewed in “Mobility’s Body Politic” by Brit Barton, New City Art
Images courtesy of Roots & Culture Contemporary Art Center
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leonawriter · 7 years
Shinra Family Strife
Read it on AO3
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII 
Characters: Lazard Deusericus. Mentioned/referred to: Cloud Strife, President Shinra, Rufus Shinra, others.
Summary: If it hadn't been for Cloud's induction photo, if it hadn't been for the fact that his file had been reviewed by the Director of SOLDIER, Lazard Deusericus himself, Cloud would have had a much higher chance of getting in to SOLDIER. 
But those two things had ensured that he never would.
Lazard looked at the applicant's profile on his computer screen, the name, face, and date of birth looking back at him in an almost accusing way, and sighed, his hand going up to his forehead in order to - ineffectually, given what he was seeing, what he would doubtless have to deal with from here on - hold back a headache.
Cloud Strife, the file read. Born, Nibelheim. 19. 08. 1986. 
Cloud's picture, taken during the induction that everyone had to the army and SOLDIER, showed him to be a scrawny boy with wide blue eyes, likely already affected by having lived so close to a mako reactor, but dull enough compared to anyone actually enhanced that it was clear that the colour was naturally blue, rather than those who may have used to have brown eyes, or green, and it had changed during the process.
Sephiroth was the odd one out, in that, but Lazard just like everyone else had learned not to question the reasoning behind the existence of their strongest, or at least leave the curiosity to safer avenues.
The reason Lazard had sighed, however, was that he was getting a bad feeling of familiarity with the situation here that he did not like.
The boy had blond hair, that spiked up in ways that didn't seem forced yet also suggested that if they were forced down then they would take on a form he was altogether too used to seeing in the mirror. The way the kid looked into the camera, the way the notes spoke of his drive and promise, were things that he had seen in himself, which had enabled him to reach the position of Director of SOLDIER, but... also of Rufus, given that, dislike it though he might, they shared that sense of ambition.
Ambition that he could all too easily see in this kid, who said that he came from a backwater village (Nibelheim, Lazard's treacherous mind informed him, is where the President spent some time, just long enough ago that it would fit) and who had pushed himself to get all the way to Midgar, who aimed to be a SOLDIER of the same calibre as Sephiroth, if he was to be believed.
Lazard leaned back in his chair, listening to the ticking of the clock. 
I could be wrong, he told himself. No father is listed, but it could be a purely coincidental similarity.
The awful thing was, he would believe that as soon as someone told him that Sephiroth was not Professor Hojo's own son - he had spent too long studying the faces of the President and his son in order to see the family resemblance, too long, long enough to find it easy to see it in another when he'd seen that boy glare at him when he passed through the slums just long enough to notice - to escape such clear markings.
Family was something he knew. In a sense, it was something he specialised in. Even SOLDIER itself could be considered a form of family in and of itself, with the way that the SOLDIERs were set apart from the rest of humanity.
It doesn't have to be my call, he reasoned, which was true. Usually the Director didn't make decisions for which cadets were brought into the SOLDIER program, no matter how promising. But sometimes, every so often, he would find himself glancing over their names and faces-
Gods, he sighed, not for the first or last time as he raised his eyes again, I can't do it.
To let Strife into SOLDIER would mean that he would inevitably rise up the ranks, and to rise even to the position of Second would bring attention down on him that might not be at all avoidable. 
Not everyone was as accepting of the fact that President Shinra had a bad habit of fathering bastards. He had kept his own heritage a closely guarded secret, with how the ones who did think that they had discovered something almost invariably would send him looks of scorn, pity, and distaste as soon as they thought he wouldn't be aware.
Strife... did not have the armour against such correct assumptions that Lazard had ever had. 
The boy would probably do well enough in SOLDIER. His file noted that he had shown some small proficiency with firearms, and a greater ability with bladed weapons, even the heavier swords that some SOLDIERs such as Hewley favoured, even if Hewley himself hardly even used his. If he had come from Nibelheim, then he would probably adapt well enough to the mako treatments, as well, so there was little fear of poisoning or addiction as long as they took the same care as with all of the other candidates.
As his fingers hovered over his keyboard, however, he typed out a simple declined. Closed down the rest of the files he'd been looking over. Opened up his mail, and sent off a quick message to Veld to keep an eye on the situation without informing the man of all of the details. Lazard was sure the Turk had already figured him and Rufus out already, if not the other, so this... would not come as too much of a surprise, and the man would be able to fill in the implications easily enough.
Life under Heidegger was not a fate he would willingly give to anyone, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and the army in this instance could be seen as the lesser of two evils - as long as Cloud survived wherever Heidegger sent him, a thing that Lazard would have no control over the moment the boy was admitted to the other department full time.
Still, he told himself, better that, than the alternative. The last thing we need is an unwitting Shinra stirring things up among the ranks. 
Or, he admitted, for the poor boy to gain that sense of anger and bitterness against the President and the company, that all of us with his blood seem to share. The least I can do is let him hold onto those dreams of his for just a little longer. 
Innocence was, after all, a precious commodity around Shinra, in precious little supply. As Lazard knew all too well. It wouldn't last - it never did - but he did what little he could for his SOLDIERs. This wasn't really too much different.
What was it he'd told Zack about dreams, and not too long ago, even - unattainable ones are the best kind. That was it.
AN: I'd seen this theory a few times now, and the more I thought on it, the more fascinated by it I became. And then just earlier, this little glimpse came into my head, and wouldn't leave me alone.
I can imagine canon going exactly as it did, but when Lazard finds Zack in Banora and sees the comatose Cloud, it's easy to see him asking Zack to look after the kid before he fades away for good, still not admitting why, but with his own present-but-weak family ties and Angeal's sense of honour, he can't not.
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leibal · 7 years
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Lazard Avenue is a minimalist interior located in Montréal, Canada, designed by Newsam + Catlin Stothers Design. The objective was to inject a modern aesthetic into a new kitchen, library, master bedroom and en suite, while respecting the classic architectural details throughout the rest of the home. The kitchen had been relocated to the garage in a previous renovation, which presented several design challenges. Low concrete ceilings, ventilation ducts and cinderblock walls required diligence in achieving a plan that would create the illusion of height and light. Sombre cabinetry from the previous kitchen gave way to a brighter palette of white and bleached butternut. White surface-mounted monopoints add architectural interest and juxtapose a sculptural suspension with an industrial influence, over the dining table. Concealed LED strips add ambient lighting for evenings.
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reseau-actu · 6 years
Là encore, l’image d’un homme devant se planquer dans les escaliers face à un journaliste, en dit long sur notre Président actuel…
Source : Street Vox, Adrien de Tricornot, Johan Weisz, 10-02-2017
par Adrien de Tricornot, journaliste au « Monde », spécialiste des questions économiques et financières. En 2010, lors de la recapitalisation du « Monde », Adrien de Tricornot est vice-président de la Société des rédacteurs du Monde. Il en deviendra le président de 2011 à 2012.
Je suis Adrien de Tricornot, je suis journaliste au Monde. En 2010, le groupe Le Monde avait de grosses difficultés financières et j’étais vice-président de la Société des Rédacteurs du Monde.
Nous les journalistes, au travers de la Société des Rédacteurs du Monde, étions les principaux actionnaires du groupe*. Nous savions que nous allions devoir faire appel à de nouveaux investisseurs, et voir nos parts diminuer. Nous allions perdre le contrôle actionnarial du journal. Il fallait nous entourer de spécialistes : avocats, banquiers d’affaires.
Macron, jeune banquier d’affaires, propose de nous aider
C’est à ce moment là qu’Emmanuel Macron, jeune banquier chez Rothschild, fait savoir à une journaliste, qu’il est prêt à nous aider « pro bono ».
Emmanuel Macron se présente à nous comme un banquier d’affaires qui fait de l’argent, mais n’y trouve pas du sens, membre de la Fondation Jean Jaurès, voulant défendre la liberté de la presse, ancien assistant de Paul Ricoeur… Et donc prêt à nous aider bénévolement.
Et Emmanuel, puisque c’est comme ça qu’on l’appelait à l’époque, devient vite un conseiller important pour nous. On allait le voir le soir chez Rothschild, quand tous ses collègues étaient sortis ou dans des cafés pour se tenir au courant discrètement. On le trouvait formidable, super brillant…
J’aperçois Macron avec Alain Minc…
Le 2 septembre 2010 après-midi, on se retrouve une nouvelle fois dans le bureau d’Emmanuel Macron. On lui rend compte de l’état de nos négociations. On s’apprête à conclure avec l’offre Bergé-Niel-Pigasse, qui n’était pas la direction vers laquelle il nous avait conseillé d’aller. Mais l’entretien reste très cordial.
Le 3 septembre au matin, nous avions une réunion avec les conseillers de Pierre Bergé [un des futurs repreneurs du Monde], 10 avenue George V. La coïncidence, c’est qu’à la même adresse, il y a les bureaux… d’Alain Minc. Or Minc, ancien président du Conseil de Surveillance du Monde, conseille à l’époque le groupe Prisa qui est un des autres candidats au rachat de notre journal.
… Macron disparaît et part se cacher
Après notre rendez-vous, nous discutons quelques minutes entre nous avec Gilles Van Kote, président de la Société des rédacteurs du Monde, notre avocat et sa collaboratrice, en bas de l’immeuble. Je vois la porte de l’immeuble s’ouvrir. Un petit groupe sort autour d’Alain Minc, pour aller déjeuner ; le dernier à sortir est Emmanuel Macron. Je croise son regard, il me semble qu’il me voit également ; il échange quelques mots avec Minc tout en restant sur le pas de la porte, puis Macron disparaît derrière la porte cochère et ne sort pas.
Là je dis à mes collègues : « vous n’allez pas me croire, mais avec Minc, il y avait Macron ». Mes amis me disent que je suis peut-être un peu fatigué, mais que ça n’est pas possible.
La partie de cache-cache commence
Je décide d’aller voir si Macron est toujours derrière la porte. Je ne vois personne dans l’entrée, personne derrière la porte, personne dans la cour.
Je reviens sans l’avoir trouvé. Mais avant que nous séparions, je décide de faire une autre tentative, et je demande aux autres de m’attendre.
Je monte à l’étage et je sonne au bureau de Minc, mais tout le monde est parti manger. Et je me dis, tiens, si j’allais monter voir aux autres étages.
J’avais une sorte de pressentiment. J’avais vu que Macron se cachait, or quelqu’un qui se cache doit continuer à se cacher. Je monte les marches. Mon téléphone sonne en appel masqué. Je n’ai pas su qui c’était, j’ai raccroché.
Je retrouve Emmanuel au dernier étage
Et puis j’arrive au dernier étage de l’immeuble. Je vois que la porte de l’ascenseur est bloquée – et effectivement quand j’avais essayé de prendre l’ascenseur, il n’était pas dispo. Et tout au bout de l’étage, sur le palier, il y avait Emmanuel Macron qui s’était bien « replié » au moment où il m’avait vu !
Il avait bloqué la porte de l’ascenseur, et je ne sais pas si c’est lui qui m’avait appelé en masqué pour savoir si c’était moi qui montait les marches. On s’appelait beaucoup à l’époque, mais pas en appel caché ! Ceci dit, c’est peut-être juste un hasard.
Surtout, étrangement, quand j’arrive sur le palier du dernier étage, Macron regarde ses pieds et a son portable à l’oreille et fait comme s’il ne me voyait pas. Et précisément au moment où j’arrive sur le seuil du dernier étage, j’entends « Oui allô c’est Emmanuel… » : Il se met à démarrer une conversation au téléphone. Pile au moment où j’arrive. Je ne sais pas s’il y avait vraiment quelqu’un à l’autre bout du téléphone…
Et moi je vois ce type juste devant moi, qui fait comme si je n’étais pas là. Je suis totalement sidéré. Je pourrais être en colère de la trahison, car on voit bien qu’il a essayé de nous cacher quelque chose, mais je suis assez content de l’avoir trouvé !
Je me rapproche à quelques centimètres de lui, mais toujours rien… il continue à « parler » au téléphone. Je lui tends la main et lui dis : « Bonjour Emmanuel. Tu ne nous dis plus bonjour ? Mes autres collègues t’attendent en bas ». J’ai senti à ce moment l’angoisse en lui. Il avait du mal à respirer. Son cœur battait à 200 à l’heure.
Je lui demande ce qu’il fait là. Il me répond :
« – J’attends des clients »
« – Tu attends des clients, comme ça, sur le pas de la porte ? Pourquoi tu ne rentres pas ? »
« – Bah, parce qu’en fait on nous prête des locaux ici, mais j’ai pas encore la clé… »
« – En tout cas mes collègues t’attendent en bas, ça serait bien que tu descendes leur dire bonjour »
« – Non je ne peux pas, j’attends des clients… »
Finalement, je lui force la main pour qu’il descende dire bonjour à mes collègues. Macron retrouve petit à petit son aplomb, pendant qu’on redescend au rez-de-chaussée.
« Tant pis pour l’humanité »
Je repasse la porte d’entrée de l’immeuble, cette fois avec Macron. Là, mes amis, goguenards, s’attendaient à me voir revenir bredouille. Ils passent de l’état goguenard à celui de la sidération. Parce qu’effectivement Macron était bien là !
Macron discute quelques instants avec notre petit groupe. Parmi mes collègues, notre avocat d’affaires, qui est assez rompu aux négociations d’affaires, sait que dans ce domaine tout est permis, mais était sidéré. Et Gilles Van Kote [à l’époque président de la société des rédacteurs du Monde, puis directeur du journal de 2014 à 2015], qui était aussi présent ce jour-là, m’avait dit un jour :
« On a été trahis par tellement de gens que si même Emmanuel nous trahit, c’est à désespérer de l’humanité. »
Quelques minutes plus tard après être parti, Gilles Van Kote m’envoie ce texto :
« Tant pis pour l’humanité. »
Je pense que Macron a été se cacher parce qu’il a été surpris. Le fait qu’il soit surpris avec Alain Minc est une sorte d’aveux qu’il a des relations qui ne sont pas connues de nous avec lui. Or Macron est notre conseiller. Il a le droit de rencontrer Minc, soit pour des dossiers qui ne nous concernent pas et où il ne parle pas de nous. Mais s’il parle de notre dossier, il doit nous en rendre compte.
Cela signifie que, pendant la négociation, Macron avait déjà eu des relations avec Minc, sans nous le dire. Or Minc était le soutien d’une offre qui nous paraissait particulièrement dangereuse, celle de Prisa !
Plus tard, d’autres éléments ont conforté ces très forts soupçons. Dans le livre de Marc Endeweld, L’Ambigu Monsieur Macron, j’ai appris qu’un courrier que nous avions nous-mêmes [la Société des rédacteurs du Monde] adressé à Xavier Niel, Pierre Bergé et Mathieu Pigasse pour demander un délai de 15 jours supplémentaires de négociations avec les différents repreneurs potentiels, avait en fait été rédigé à l’origine par Alain Minc Conseil, la société de Minc. Or, c’est Emmanuel Macron qui nous avait transmis la trame de ce courrier !
Et d’ailleurs, quand Macron propose de repousser le délai de remise des offres de 15 jours supplémentaires, cela permettait à Prisa de rester encore dans le jeu ! Et ensuite, Macron nous a même poussés à ne pas rentrer en négociations exclusives avec Niel-Bergé-Pigasse lors d’une réunion d’information avec les journalistes du Monde où nous l’avions invité, et où sa position a été très mal reçue, compte-tenu du risque qu’il nous conseillait curieusement de courir dans notre situation délicate, puisque nous risquions alors d’être placés sous mandataire de justice par le Tribunal de commerce…
Encore une autre preuve du double jeu de Macron…
En fait Macron roulait pour lui-même
Je pense qu’en cours de route, Macron, en se présentant comme conseil de l’actionnaire majoritaire, a obtenu une certaine visibilité dans Paris, la possibilité de discuter avec des gens… Et puis, il a vu arriver dans la négociation des gens avec qui il était rival, comme le banquier d’affaires Mathieu Pigasse de la banque Lazard.
Et au final, j’ai l’impression que Macron roulait pour lui-même.
C’est d’autant plus choquant qu’il prétendait rouler pour une cause d’intérêt général. Nous étions pour notre part, élus, bénévoles, et on n’a rien retiré de cette opération qui visait à sauvegarder un groupe de médias indépendants !
Je n’ai plus eu de contacts avec Emmanuel Macron depuis ce jour, sauf à un prix du livre d’économie, quelques années plus tard.
Je crois être la seule personne à avoir joué à cache-cache avec un candidat à l’élection présidentielle… et à l’avoir trouvé !
* Au sein du « Pôle d’indépendance », qui était l’actionnaire majoritaire, il y avait la Société des Rédacteurs du Monde, mais également les lecteurs et les autres salariés.
Propos recueillis par Johan Weisz
Source : Street Vox, Adrien de Tricornot, Johan Weisz, 10-02-2017
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fatcityftl-blog · 7 years
PRESS RELEASE: Fort Lauderdale Commission Approval
Ft. Lauderdale Commissioners Unanimously Approve 1.3m SF Mixed-Use Project in the heart of the Transit Oriented Development & Regional Activity Center Districts 300 N. Andrews Avenue, currently dubbed FATcity, kicks off the planning stage of an amenity rich community centerpiece that will be a job creation engine within Ft. Lauderdale’s Downtown Urban Core
July 12, 2017 – Ft. Lauderdale, FL – The Traina Companies, a privately held New York and Delray Beach-based dynamic group of holdings in the real estate development, construction and hospitality industries, unanimously received the final zoning approval necessary from Ft. Lauderdale’s City Commissioners for its 1,351,160 square feet of mixed-use new construction, dubbed FATcity (Florida Arts and Technology), located at 300 N. Andrews Avenue in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 
This announcement moves FATcity from a proposed to a planned development pivotal to the city. A true Transit Oriented Development (TOD) mixed-use project, FATcity is situated in the City Center (RAC-CC) Special Zoning District and connects the Central Business and Arts Districts through pedestrian-oriented walkable streets, access to Brightline’s High-Speed Rail station within two blocks of the property, and a Wave Streetcar stop on-site.   Fronting an entire city block along the east side of Andrews Avenue between NE 3rd and 4th Streets, FATcity is an assemblage of five contiguous parcels of land totaling 2.69-acres and will be comprised of two, 30-story towers featuring 270,000 square feet of office, retail and a potential for hospitality; 612 residential units; and 1,327 covered parking spaces. “Today’s announcement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of state and local leaders, along with the Greater Ft. Lauderdale Alliance, who together have to positioned Ft. Lauderdale to emerge as the next tech hub to rival Austin and The Triangle in North Carolina – while also attracting other great companies in various industries," said Joseph Traina, Jr., Principal, The Traina Companies. “The quality of life, cost of living, no personal state income taxes, transportation modules, skilled workforce, and access to hundreds of thousands of students from local universities can rival, if not surpass, those of large-scale tech hubs like San Francisco and Silicon Valley.��   This development marks the first new Class A office space developed in Broward’s Ft. Lauderdale submarket in more than a decade. As such, FATcity’s office component is designed to exceed today’s workplace needs, boasting large, open floorplates ideal for co-working, collaboration and networking, open-air retail spaces, and advanced high-speed technology. Additionally, to complement its proximity to local universities, The Traina Companies seeks to create a platform where employers can meet, train, and hire the next generation of the skilled workforce – this will be accomplished by providing internships, continuing education, and fulfilling the need for an incubator for the area to connect and collaborate under one roof. As an amenity rich, job creation engine that will spotlight and enhance the cultural, educational, and lifestyle aspects of the region, FATcity will become the Gateway to Ft. Lauderdale. Employers and employees, residents, lifestyle retailers and consumers, as well as leisure and business travelers, will complement each other and the overall essence of the project.   “With our business roots deep in New York and Delray, we have seen first-hand how Ft. Lauderdale has become to Miami what Brooklyn is to Manhattan,” continued Traina. “The urban planners and commissioners of Ft. Lauderdale were wise beyond measure to create the RAC-CC zoning for the downtown area which has spurred development on a scale never before seen in Ft. Lauderdale.”  
### About The Traina Companies The Traina Companies is a privately held dynamic group of holdings in the real estate development, construction, hospitality and technology industries. With their main offices in New York City, NY and Delray Beach, FL, The Traina Companies core business is in real estate investment, development and property management. Other owned/controlled businesses include a construction management firm that specializes in healthcare and high-security buildings; technology companies in both the leisure travel and business travel sectors; and hotel/hospitality assets among other holdings. The firm was founded and is directed by Joseph R. Traina, a real estate investor and developer with more than 30 years experience in the Greater New York market, and the former President of Lazard Development Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the investment bank, Lazard Freres & Co. For more information, please visit www.trainaco.com.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/solar-power-is-cheaper-but-the-world-is-still-running-on-fossil-fuels/
Solar Power Is Cheaper, but the World Is Still Running on Fossil Fuels
Even without subsidies, new wind and sun electricity plants are normally cheaper than new coal, nuclear, or natural gas energy flora. In fact, they’re frequently not simplest inexpensive, however substantially so. In step with Lazard, leveled value of power (LCOE) estimates primarily based on averages for the U.S. As a whole display that software-scale renewables are ways much less pricey than conventional electricity resources — even when ancient subsidies for conventional power resources, or social fees inclusive of healthcare for coal-related fitness problems, aren’t taken into consideration.
the sun is even less expensive outdoor the U.S.; its costs are losing quicker in India, China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and some place else. The lowest prices said via Lazar are some distance better than those recorded around the arena. But, even Lazard — with its frequently conservative measures — is of the same opinion that in many areas of the U.S., charges of coal and sun energy have reached parity. sun fees — which can be related to era — are simplest going to drop, not like coal expenses.
Data on mounted costs of sun verify
It’s at least on par with fossil fuels in the intervening time, and can nicely soon be less expensive. by way of the cease of 2015, hooked up expenses of solar energy were, on average, much less than $50 consistent with megawatt-hour in 4 out of five areas. They were much less than $60 in keeping with megawatt-hour in the 5th, which become the Midwest, wherein expenses are anticipated to be higher due to bloodless temperatures. inside the strength industry at that time, the common market fee of energy was $30 to $40 according to megawatt-hour. the sun has been losing regularly ever on the grounds that and is therefore poised to in shape, and in the end beat, the price of traditional energy.
Renovating a Home in Mississauga Is Cheaper Than Buying a New One
Are you tired of the dull look of your private home? Do you want a new domestic that suits your fashion and character? In case you are contemplating selling your home and inquisitive about buying new assets in Mississauga, it’s time to reconsider your selection.
Current Actual-Property State of affairs in Mississauga
In line with Point2Homes, a top-rated Canadian Actual Property internet site, domestic fees have extended through 10.four percent in evaluation to last year. It approaches you will be able to sell your private home at a splendid rate. However, do now not make a short choice of promoting your vintage home. It’s miles because the constant rise in the home charges has caused trouble in shopping for new homes.
Why are home expenses increasing in Mississauga?
In line with the Globe and Mail, Canadian domestic costs will lower in 2017. It’s far due to the fact there is an upward thrust in the range of first-time home customers who find homes out in their price range. But, the Scenario is exceptional for Extra Toronto Place. A better degree of demand and developing financial system will retain to boom home costs within the Vicinity. And, due to the fact Mississauga is considered one of Toronto’s closest associates, home prices will continue to upward push in the future.
Additionally, the brand new mortgage rule has no longer cooled off charges within the Peel place. With the creation of the high down payment rule, home listings in Toronto city have decreased. And, it has elevated the house expenses in Mississauga.
What’s the answer for domestic customers of Mississauga?
In case you are bored with your property, do not promote it. there may be a lower priced option of constructing a domestic of your desires. You may renovate your Contemporary home and make it beautiful to suit your wishes. There are numerous domestic maintenance contractors in Mississauga Region who adopt simple renovation work as well as complex remodeling tasks.
Renovating a home in Mississauga
Whenever you watched of renovating your own home, you ought to lease a home maintenance contractor. It is exceptional to permit specialists to handle maintenance work due to the fact small mistakes can break your possibilities of constructing a lovely domestic.
Decide what sort of protection work you need the contractor to do in your property. When you are certain of the work, lease a skilled contractor. Also, make certain that the house upkeep contractor has the ok know-how of the permit rules in Mississauga town. Earlier than task upkeep work in the town, you need to realize the following things:
    Live La Vida By Participating In Brazil’s World Famous Carnival
Positioned in South The united states, Brazil is massive when it comes to countries. In the north, it comes to the excellent Amazon Basin and stretches all the way to the south in which we can locate the well-known Iguacu Falls Within the south. Brazil is likewise domestic to one of the world’s maximum beautiful wonders – The Christ the Redeemer statue. Amazingly, this extensive spread South American u. S . A . has a few thoroughly fashioned beaches crowded with people playing the solar’s wonderful goodness all yr round.
Another function that makes this us of a favorite region to go to for celebration goers from all around the world is the information that it hosts the most well formulated and astonishingly cultured gala’s Within the international. And if you are a party animal who is aware of how to have an excellent time, we suggest which you buy airline tickets and start partying in these well-known festivals.
1. The Carnival, Rio de Janeiro
Believed to be one of the world’s biggest outside events with an attendee rely upon more than 2 million humans, this pageant is colorful, loud, boisterous and refreshing. if you’re worn-out from the stupid goings of ordinary existence then we propose which you attend this pageant on every occasion you get the time. This pageant is held over a duration of five days every year all through the Easter vacations. However, the humans of Rio start making ready for this a while earlier than it starts of evolved. They make big floats which might be carried into the fairs with a parade containing many drummers and glittering spinning dancers.
2. Sao Luis, Marshal
Some other Brazilian center for partying, St. Luis holds a folklore themed pageant that’s inspired with the aid of an aggregate of African, Portuguese and Indian cultures. Going right here makes you sense like you have entered a cutting-edge edged medieval era. That is a competition approximately death and resurrection and going here will come up with all of the motivation you want to grow to be someone new. You get to see hundreds of dancers and avenue performers dressed up in awesome clothes appearing excellent hints.
3. Recife, Pernambuco
Recife is the capital of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. It’s far a developed metropolitan city with rivers and bridges and islands as nicely. But, the issue that we just like the most about this location is the surreal festivals that it holds. Attending the pageant here you’ll get to experience the elation that incorporates the heavy and loud beats of the Afro-Brazilian drum beats. You may spend the nights on the road dancing with the human beings and rejoice In the vibrant naturalness of this competition. This pageant is prepared for months earlier and in case you move early enough you get to see human beings on the streets, training their dance workouts and suddenly you sense like
Running Your Pit Bike Engine For the Very First Time!
This text issues anybody who just sold a pit bike on-line and is thinking what to do after assembling it!
Most producer manuals and different sources will let you know the identical component approximately jogging the engine for the very first time:
Do now not run your bike at greater than thirds of its complete throttle and avoid high rpm’s for the duration of the primary two hours of jogging. Frequently you’re recommended to empty the oil AFTER those two hours and use quality semi-synthetic 10W40 4-stroke engine oil.
Because I simply were given myself a two new SSR pit motorcycles , I was browsing a completely authentic pit motorcycle forum (pitbikeclub.Co.uk) looking for a few data on assembly and breaking in and i stumbled upon some VERY valuable data. This text is a quick precis of a e-newsletter article I discovered written by means of Motoman. Motoman is a completely skilled superbike tuner who has his personal publication (Electricity Information Magazine).
This article “Wreck-In Secrets” is very debatable.
“Links to This text now appear on loads of motorsports discussion boards from all around the international. The cause is that over time, huge numbers of humans have accomplished an instantaneous comparison among my technique and the owner’s guide approach, and the News in their success is spreading swiftly.”
“The outcomes are usually the same
A dramatic growth in Energy in any respect RPMs. In addition, many professional mechanics have disassembled engines that have used this approach, to find that the condition of the engine is tons higher than while the proprietor’s manual Ruin-in technique has been used.The element that makes his page so arguable is that there had been many other Damage-in articles written in the past in order to contradict what has been written right here.”
Motoman wrote “Ruin-In Secrets” after efficiently making use of this technique to approximately 300 new engines, all with extraordinary consequences and no troubles whatsoever. So I endorse you to take into account his advice!
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events:
Michael Williams’ digital paintings open at Gladstone Thursday night.
There’s plenty of good stuff to do this week, starting with a Felix Gonzalez-Torres book launch reception at the Whitney Monday night. Carla Gannis has a book launch of her own Tuesday night at the Pratt library, including augmented-reality elements. The rest of the week is dominated by painting and digital art—exemplified by Michael William’s solo show of digitally-produced paintings at Gladstone and Jason Lahr’s digitally-informed paintings at the Painting Center, both of which open Thursday night. For digital purists, check out Low Res: Spatial Politics in the Cloud at NARS Foundation’s Sunset Park digs Friday night. For painting purists, catch Rebecca Leveille’s brushy portraits at Site:Brooklyn. Fans of both media will be relieved to note they’re but a few subway stops away. End the week with FIN’s ICE PIX album release party on Sunday in Bushwick, which features performances from rising stars such as FlucT and Raul de Nieves. Your Monday hangover will be so worth it.
Whitney Museum of American Art
99 Gansevort Street New York, NY 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Website
Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Specific Objects Without Specific Form Book Launch
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how prescient FGT’s work feels to our current political discourse. Maybe that’s because it’s always been about change? Curator Elena Filipovic will be discussing her own groundbreaking work on the late artist’s posthumous exhibitions, which each adapted to new contexts and the work of other artists and curators. The book features loads of installation shots, and is likely beautiful.
Pratt Institute Library |
200 Willoughby Avenue Brooklyn, NY 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Website
Carla Gannis: Selfie Drawings Artist Book Project
Carla Gannis’s new publication represents a year’s worth of digital selfies. Each has been enhanced with an augmented reality experience, so come prepared with Blippar on your phone. Hovering over one or another illustration, the viewer will be treated to a multimedia surprise…my curiosity is piqued.
Swiss Institute
102 Franklin Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Christina Forrer: Grappling Hold
Zurich-born artist Christina Forrer’s politically-charged tapestries are chock full of references to 20th Century European textile art history, and the artists and craftspeople who responded to fascism. The chaotic, sometimes violent, acid-hued works also bring to mind punk illustrations. They’re weird and wonderful.
International Center for Photography
250 Bowery New York, NY 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Nationalism, Networks, Borders: Refugees in Visual Culture and Social Media
One of the most urgent and timely sections of the ICP’s epic exhibition Perpetual Revolution: The Image and Social Change is The Flood: Refugees and Representation, which looks at how social media and the ease of sharing images affects the global conversation about the European refugee crises. Curator Joanna Lehan will discuss the tricky topic with Carne Ross (founder and executive director of the Independent Diplomat), and featured artist Tomas van Houtryve.
Gladstone Gallery
515 West 24th Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Michael Williams
Michael Williams is one of the few artists who has managed to make digital paintings that one can appreciate like paintings. Somewhat ironically, they feel more like good David Hockney paintings than Hockney’s own forays into digital art. They have a lovely balance of impulsivity and a sense of design—a quality that’s hard to achieve with physical paint, but oddly elusive in digital processes as well. This is William’s first East Coast show with Gladstone, and here the prints will be bigger than ever. I’ve never seen these works in person, so it should be interesting to see how they translate to a larger, physical scale.
The Painting Center
547 West 27th Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Jason Lahr: Electric Funeral
Jason Lahr’s technicolor paintings feel a bit like guilty pleasures. That might be because their content is sourced from some of pop culture’s most base vices—video games, action films, and just a bit of the internet’s endless churn of pulp critical theory. His graphic, shaped canvasses are inspired by the intersection of class and toxic masculinity. A timely topic indeed.
New Museum
235 Bowery New York, NY 7:00 p.m. Website
Raymond Pettibon in Conversation with Massimiliano Gioni
Why this is a “Must-See” needs little explanation.
The legend himself, Raymond Pettibon will join Massimiliano Gioni, Artistic Director of the New Museum, to discuss Pettibon’s epic retrospective “A Pen of All Work.”
The event is $10 for members, or $15 for the general public. I’d highly recommend booking your tickets now!
EFA Project Space
323 West 39th Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Sick Time, Sleepy Time, Crip Time: Against Capitalism’s Temporal Bullying
“Exhausted” has become on the most common responses to “how are you?”, especially since the election. There’s been a lot (but probably not enough) discussion about the effect of recent stress on productivity and mental health. But beyond the news cycle, that perpetual state of fatigue probably lies in the failures of our societal structures.
Curator Taraneh Fazeli posits that “rest” is an act of resistance to late capitalism. What’s one sick day when you’re sick of it all? The event description claims “we are all united by the fact that we will experience fluctuating states of debility throughout the course of our lives. Furthermore, so many of us are exhausted from living and working in a capitalist system while insufficient infrastructures for care have further deteriorated. ”
The artists here, including AFC fav Sondra Perry, comment on this shortcoming, or propose alternate models for recuperation. These include satellite programs in Texas, where the social net is even more frayed than in neoliberal states. This looks to be one of the week’s most promising shows for discourse-sparking.
Artists: Fia Backström, Jesse Cohen and Carolyn Lazard with Canaries, Danilo Correale, Jen Liu, Zavé Martohardjono, Sondra Perry, Carrie Schneider, Cassie Thornton, and Constantina Zavitsanos
NARS Foundation
201 46th Street Brooklyn, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Low Res: Spatial Politics in the Cloud
Curators Nicole Siegenthaler and Alvaro Luis Lima (winners of the 2016 NARS Emerging Curator Program Open Call) have turned their attention to the spatial politics of the web. Namely, what do artist-made online spaces look like in the age of corporate sanitization and intersectional identity politics?
The show includes work from  Dan Halter, Faith Holland, Devin Kenny, Paula Nacif, Tabita Rezaire and Nicolas Sasson. We’re expecting a little conceptual overlap with our own online exhibition Geographically Indeterminate Fantasies: The Animated GIF as Place. Here, though, Siegenthaler and Lima are focusing on works with a nostalgia for web 2.0 aesthetics.
165 7th Street Brooklyn, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Website
Rebecca Leveille: Crush
Rebecca Leveille’s handling of paint is gorgeous. In this series, she applies those skills to the topic of a “crush”. According to the show’s description, that can manifest as both attraction and a feeling of being overwhelmed.
Equity Gallery
245 Broome Street New York, NY 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Website
Artist Workshop: Writing and Editing Artist Statements 101
I write this recommendation in the middle of a day spent scanning untold events listings: every artist (and curator, gallerist, etc…) should attend this writing and editing workshop. Mastering the ability to write about art in a clear and accessible manner is just as important as the ideas themselves. It’s impossible to get people to come to an exhibition without this skill.
The event is free, and led by Shama Rahman, Senior Marketing Coordinator at the Whitney. Professional advice doesn’t get much more “pro” than that.
Gitler & _____
3629 Broadway New York, NY 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Susan Carr: Headspace
Susan Carr’s clunky impasto paintings undeniably charm viewers. They give an impression of speed that’s counterintuitive to their obviously built-up surfaces, and that tension satisfies. Here, it looks like this new body of work incorporates more 3-D sculptural forms inserted in the paint. One gets the impression these should definitely be seen IRL. They’re worth a trip far uptown.
929 Broadway Brooklyn, NY 8:00 p.m. Website
One of our favorite things about all of our weirdo friends is the breadth of stuff they do. At this event, for example, we’re looking forward to listening to music by visual artists and watching performance art by musicians. We assume there will be more stretching of the disciplines over the evening.
This event is the release party for artist FIN’s new album ICE PIX, and undoubtedly the most fun thing happening Sunday night.
Artists: Diamond Stingily with Adele Thibodeaux, Negashi Armada, Eartheater (Alexandra Drewchin), Sable Elyse Smith, Rebecca Fin Simonetti, FlucT (Monica Mirabile and Sigrid Lauren), HARIBO (Raul de Nieves, Jessie Stead, Nathan Whipple)
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