#Le Fantôme de l'Opéra
melit0n · 5 months
Anytime I see people who say 'Erik should have gotten Chirstine!' I always let out such a loud sigh because they are completely missing the point of the book.
The tradgedy is not, and never has been, the fact that The Phantom didn't get Christine, it's the fact that he never got to be human.
Erik, as a character, is so insanely full of love and yearning and that is exactly what leads people to sympathise with him; to lead them to the point of 'if he got the girl everything would be fine'. He's poetic with his suffering and expresses his truama in a obsessive and borderline psychopathic way in order to deal with it and get what he wants. To have what he never had; real affection. To be kissed without his masked chucked at his face.
To be looked at with fondness instead of fear.
Leroux's whole point with the character of The Phantom isn't that he's another man who deserved the girl, his point was how real life literature Others are treated. Erik is both The Hunchback of Notre Dame's Quasimodo and Jane Eyre's Bertha Mason. Both, of which, despite the fact they don't conform to societal standards, still deserve to be treated as humans.
Erik deserves to be treated like a human despite his deformity, despite his otherness that has literally forced him into the basement of an Opera House he helped build; to be loved like any human wants love. Everybody in that book demonises him for such a human feeling and that is the point. That is the metaphorical kick to the chest.
Further, rounding back around to the 'if he got the girl everything would be fine'. If Erik got Christine, he wouldn't learn that the fact he murdered multiple people to get there, that he threatened to blow up half of Paris, that he tricked a young girl into believing he was her dead father, was wrong. If he got what he wanted, with no consequences, then it wouldn't teach Erik anything, because he would never learn what real affection would be like.
That's why, at the end of the book, where Christine shows him genuine love, willingly, he absolutely crumbles because he realises that is what it means to be human. To feel human; pure love given of someone's own accord.
To love is to be changed, as the poets' say, and that's exactly what it does to him.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 9 months
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The Phantom of the Opera - art by Annie Stegg Gerard
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shinyfire-0 · 5 months
Places from The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
I ended up visiting several places mentioned in The Phantom of the Opera last summer. I found myself on a strange little pilgrimage...
The Paris opera house - the Palais Garnier
La Madeleine - the church in Paris where Erik fantasised about getting married to Christine and playing his nuptial mass on the really big organ
The beach at Trestraou - where Christine's red scarf flew into the sea and
The church at Perros Guirec - where Raoul had his crazy night seeing Christine worshipping the mysterious violinist playing 'The Resurrection of Lazarus'
All links to other posts on tumblr with my photos of these places
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elysianmuses · 9 months
“If I am the Phantom, it is because man’s hatred has made me so.”
- Phantom of the Opera, Gaston Leroux
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shernoel · 4 months
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dil-hai-kafkaesque · 2 months
When your card declines at therapy so they bring out "The end of phantom's love story" chapter.
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darklinaforever · 1 year
I'm tired of seeing the word grooming taken out and used all the time by people who probably don't understand its definition.
For the record, Christine was in her twenties, when she met the Phantom / Erik. She was a fucking adult, in a society that for the time considered her a spinster. She never turned 15 or 16 in the original story, as people are so fond of claiming.
Also, Erik is not a villain but an anti-hero character. I'm tired of seeing him constantly demonize, like he's just a bad guy, when he doesn't.
Erik and Christine are basically twisted versions of Beauty and the Beast, Hades and Persephone, and Romeo and Juliet. Without forgetting that they are also, among other things, the incarnation of death and the maiden.
Erik also symbolizes Christine's sexual awakening and coming of age.
Whether you like it or not, they have a romantic and sexual connection in the original text.
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A Visit to Box Five
Thanks to my lovely friend, I finally had the chance to experience a performance from Box Five! It was a fantastic experience to share with another phan - and we were lucky that there were no other people in the box with us, because we went crazy during every intermission :)... Even though we did not bring the cane recommended by Leroux, we still tried our best to knock on the marble pillar. And if you knock on the metal base, it does indeed sound hollow!
Next to the marble pillar, you can also clearly see the ledge where Erik left items for Madame Giry. The wallpaper in this box has been restored to its original look, which you can also see in detail below.
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paperandsong · 21 days
Phantom of the Opera and the Paris Commune in Fic
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For those who love Leroux canon and French history, a list of recommended Paris Commune-related Phantom of the Opera fic on AO3:
Pétroleuse by @paperandsong: Pre-Leroux Madame Giry burns it all down.
The Red Scarf by @maze-zen: A look at how the Commune affected the de Chagny and Daaé Families.
The Communist Road is Mine by @paperandsong: A relationship with an anarchist couple during the 1871 Paris Commune draws Erik into events he would typically want no part in. 
The Kiss by @battydings: A horror story with roots in the semaine sanglante.
Notre Dame des Lorettes by @catcorsair:  Erik loves and loses a city, heartbreaking and beautifully written.
Poetically Appropriate Versaillese by Anonymous: Erik doesn't know how to make friends. Sad.
1871 by @flora-gray: 2004 really was set in the most terrible year. The funniest fic on this list.
Phantoms of the Past by @stephanie_bean: Erik is dead, and Christine returns to bury him, but past secrets don't stay that way.
The Academes, Chapter 5: The Contractor, The Communarde, and The Catacombs by @antiquarianne
The Bloody Week by @shinyfire-0: Erik and Nandor/Nadir fondly remember the post-Commune pillaging in this What We Do in the Shadows crossover.
La beauté est dans la rue by @paperandsong: Christine and Raoul occupy the Odéon Theatre during the May 1968 student protests in Paris.
I Am My Own Revolution by @shinyfire-0: Erik is commissioned by Tommy Shelby to do a job in 1920s Birmingham, on the 50th anniversary of the Paris Commune.
If you've never heard of the connection between the Phantom of the Opera and the 1871 Paris Commune, start here.
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an-angels-fury · 2 years
A stupid article I've read once: The Phantom of the Opera is an outdated and misogynistic story.
Me, a intellectual: Huh, EXCUSE ME! My girl Christine Daae is literally the heroine in this whole fucking mess. She has a sweet and kind personality, she's brave enough to stand up for what she believes and risk her own safety for the sake of the people she loves. Even with her grief, her pain and her loneliness, she didn't let her heart be consumed and hardened by those feelings. She was so scared and has been through so much in the story and still was able to show empathy and compassion to a man who never knew love in his life. She is the one who made the hard choice that, in the end, not only saved that same man and opened a path for his redemption, but also the man she loved and, most importantly, herself. The Phantom of the Opera is a tale who teach us about the transforming power of LOVE and how we can learn to forgive and heal ourselves and become better people, even living in a world surrounded by so much cruelty and horror. The Phantom of the Opera is a tale about HOPE. Thanks to Christine Daae, I learned there are many other admirible ways of showing courage and strength. Thanks to Christine Daae, I learned I can be the heroine of my own story. If you can't understand the meaning of the story beyond your shallow and limit vision, PLEASE do us a favor and keep it to yourself! 🙄😠
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shinyfire-0 · 5 months
Chapter 5 of The Phantom of the Opera - The Enchanted Violin - is one of my favourite chapters in Leroux. 
It’s where we hear about Daddy Daae telling Christine and Raoul ‘legends of the lands of the North’ and the line ‘"Little Lotte thought of everything and nothing. Her hair was golden as the sun's rays and her soul as clear and blue as her eyes. She wheedled her mother, was kind to her doll, took great care of her frock and her little red shoes and her fiddle, but most of all loved, when she went to sleep, to hear the Angel of Music." 
It’s also where we meet Raoul running into the sea after Christine’s red scarf:
‘One day, a little boy, who was out with his governess, made her take a longer walk than he intended, for he could not tear himself from the little girl whose pure, sweet voice seemed to bind him to her. They came to the shore of an inlet which is still called Trestraou, but which now, I believe, harbours a casino or something of the sort. At that time, there was nothing but sky and sea and a stretch of golden beach. Only, there was also a high wind, which blew Christine's scarf out to sea. Christine gave a cry and put out her arms, but the scarf was already far on the waves. Then she heard a voice say:
"It's all right, I'll go and fetch your scarf out of the sea."’
(text from the de Mattos translation which is freely available online)
Trestraou is very near to Perros-Guirec, which now a busy seaside holiday town. And it really is a ‘stretch of golden beach’ in a natural harbour.
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i took these photos on the beach at Trestraou in the summer of 2023. It was very windy on the beach which meant that the light changed quickly!
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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The Phantom of the Opera - art by André Castaigne (1911)
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haredjarris · 1 year
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BREAKING: Red Death has fallen down the stairs at the Met Gala 2023!
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grasshopperslament · 11 months
The 1916 Lost Phantom of the Opera Film Adaptation
 Recently I have been doing some research into the lost film ‘Das Phantom Der Oper’ for a fun passion project I am working on, and I encountered some things along the way that I thought would be interesting to share. 
To contextualize, ‘Das Phantom Der Oper’ is a 1916 film that is said to have been filmed in Germany of 1915 and directed by Ernst Matray. However, no known stills or even a poster for said film have surfaced. Although the information surrounding the film is sparse, lost films are a guilty pleasure of mine so I had to see if there was discussion in other spaces. 
I would up combing through several forums before finding someone who, throughout the curation of a video essay regarding the topic of ‘Das Phantom Der Oper’. 
There, I was pretty astounded to find a pretty good number of advertisements found in the german film journal dating from 1913-1917. I’d like to restate that I hold no credit to finding these advertisements and you can find the video the curator of this information made here. I just thought it would be helpful to curate the images in a way that may be easier to comb through, I will be including links to the archive below if you’re interested in looking through them yourself. 
I would furthermore like to preface that I know about eight words in German so although I like to put on the faux appearance of knowing what I’m talking about, if anybody would like to lend further clarification regarding the text on the posters that would be welcomed. 
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The first mention of ‘Das Phantom der Oper’, from what I could make of it, it appears to just be announcing the production and Ernst Matray’s involvement as a director. (Febuary 1916 Issue of the Lichtbild-Bühne)
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Promotional Poster (Lichtbild-Bühne, Febuary 1916)
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Promotional Poster (Lichtbild-Bühne, March 1916)
If you would like to learn more, I highly suggest Phantom Retrospective’s if you want something far more concise or eloquent than what I could provide. 
Archive (If you would like to do your own research, select 1913-1917 in your search prefrences!)
2006 discussion thread 
Original curator of sources
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Erik (Phantom of the Opera)
Actually an Artist*
Mentally Ill (" The poor thing has trouble interacting with people" - submission)
Has a kill count*
*This is based on information I[mod] have gotten from osmosis.
The Silent Orchestra (Lobotomy Corporation)
Actually an Artist
My Medium is Blood (drives people insane)
Has a kill count (by dealing mental damage, or making employees kill each other)
(Can) Create the End of the World
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