#Leaning wayyyyyyy out the door
caterpillarinacave · 5 months
"Ugh...the city," you think, no need to debate this decision, you write out a message to toss through the door, it tells whomever reads it that you are from a place called Earth, you walked through a door and ended up in a new world that is strange to you, this door leads from the strange world to wherever this is, you're looking for more insight into this world and/or your situation, and if they could leave their response near the door that would be great, please and thank you.
You tie the note with a string and toss it through the door then close it. Figuring it will take some time to get a response you leave the door be for today and head back, in the evening you mess with your trinkets and find nothing new about them, you add relevant info to your notebooks, and enjoy life while waiting, after a few days you return and open the door, the note looks untouched and when you pull it in you see no sign of anyone having noticed it, you toss it back through and leave it another day, this time when you open the door you see a letter across the alley, your note and the string are gone. The letter is too far to reach, you'll probably need to step through to pick it up. Do you walk over to get it?
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tooxmanyxships · 4 months
Prompt: why should I have hope when everything around me is falling apart?
Make it Maxiel please!
Been wayyyyyyy too long since I've written something solely based on Maxiel Let's go!
Had he suddenly lost all of his luck?
It was so frustrating.
Another race, another disappointment. That's just the way it went now.
And the last one in China was just ---
He didn't want to talk about it at all.
The most ridiculous part of it all was that Lance, and apparently a lot of viewers did too, blamed him for the accident.
It put all of his nerves on end and he was so pissed off.
He just wants to leave.
Leave the track? Leave the country? Leave F1 in general?
He wasn't even sure anymore.
It was all just falling apart. And beneath all that bravado, Daniel really was worried that he might have just lost it all.
Maybe he should just - - - retire.
He went back to the hotel and immediately started packing his already half made bag. He never fully emptied it. He never does.
He's searching for something comfy to wear first, which he can put on after his shower, when there's a knock on his door.
He doesn't want to open it. He just wants to be left alone. But the knocking on the door stays insistent.
Heaving out a tired sigh, Daniel drops the comfy clothes on the bed and goes to open the door.
He's ready to tell the person to just go away, but when he sees who it is, he can't quite make himself say the words.
He doesn't even get the chance to say anything, because the person has already slipped past him, pushing his way between the door and Daniel's body, to get inside.
Daniel sighs and closes the door. He turns around but doesn't look at Max, just focuses on some spot on the wall.
"Daniel...." He doesn't acknowledge him so he tries again. "Daniel, come on."
"What do you want me to say, Max?"
"That you've not given up. That you still have hope."
A sharp intake of breath. Eyes finally meeting.
Dull, worn out brown; meeting firy, full of fight turquoise.
"Why should I have hope when everything around me is falling apart?"
Max walks closer. takes the jump.
"Because you're Danny Ric. Danny Ric doesn't quit." It's short. But it's effective. "You never gave up. Why give up now?"
There's a small twitch on Daniel's face. "You always know what to say, don't you?"
Another step closer. A grin.
"You want to come back to be my teammate again, don't you?"
Fuck this.
"You know that's all I ever wanted, Max."
A lean forward. Lips agains the older man's ear.
"Then make sure you achieve that."
A shiver. Lips disappearing. Body in front of him disappearing.
He's alone in his room.
The only indication that this was real the slow closing of the door that he isn't even close to.
He can't give up.
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Are request open?
If they are, I request a prefect really curious about marine biology and Floyd kinda takes this as an advantage. And well, he got hungry and now he won’t let the prefect go. Cue Azul and Jade trying to make him let shrimpy out.
Includes: soft/safe vore, very unwilling prey, a bit of fearplay, a little digestion scare, Floyd can be scary sometimes... I wanted to showcase that tonight.
★✦Shrimp Cocktail✦★
You've been talking with Floyd about marine biology recently. He's been very helpful, but...
He seems to have an ulterior motives sometimes... like he wants something from you.
Oh, but that can't be right... right...?
It's no use thinking about that right now. You should focus on class.
"Shrimpy, hey!" Floyd whispered to you, causing you to very nearly jump out of your seat. "You're still really curious about marine biology, yeah? Come over later! I wanna show you something really cool~"
"I mean, I don't see why not..."
Turns out, you really shouldn't have agreed to that.
You headed over to his dorm after school.
He led you into his bedroom.
"Have ya ever heard of certain animals havin' two sets of teeth?" He asked you, closing the door behind him. "Morays have that."
"...does that mean you have that?" You cautiously asked.
"Uh huh!! You wanna see 'em~?"
"That, uh... y-yeah, that sounds interesting...!" You nervously said.
Floyd pinned you against the wall, and opened his mouth wide for you.
...he can open his mouth really wide, huh...? You could probably fit your head in there- not that you want to.
"I... can't really see them..."
"Oh, yeah, they're wayyyyyyy at the back of my throat..." Floyd closed his mouth for a moment. "You just have to look a bit closer~" He said, before opening his mouth super wide for you again.
You placed your hand on his lower jaw and leaned in a little bit closer.
You knew what was about to happen the moment you felt Floyd put his hand on the back of your head.
"W-wait, Floyd, please don't-!"
But your protesting came too late, and he happily shoved you into his mouth. He made a contented noise as he tasted you... oh, he enjoyed this...
You, however, were not enjoying this.
You were panicking, screaming for help, flailing, trying to pull yourself out, but... ah, that was just making Floyd enjoy this even more.
The second jaws lunged forwards and grabbed tight onto your head.
"NO, WAIT-!"
He did not wait.
And with one or two strained gulps, down you went.
You didn't like how tight it was. It was so tight... and wet, and hot, and squishy but not in a comforting way...
You were terrified. Are you going to die in a world where you don't actually exist?! No, you can't! You can't, you can't, you can't!!
Another gulp, and you could barely move your arms. You can still move your legs though! You can still struggle! You can get out of this, right?!
Your head was now in his stomach. You could tell something was in it, but... whatever it was, it was unrecognizable at this point- that's... going to be what happens to you if you don't convince him to get you out, isn't it?! Oh no, oh no no no...
You kicked your legs back and forth, trying your best to hurt him in some way to make him get you out, but... no, it didn't work.
You felt him swallow one last time. And then you couldn't move your legs anymore.
Floyd happily walked over to his bed, and fell down onto it.
"Mmm, you wanna learn about marine biology, yeah~? I can still teach ya if you want!"
"I... I-I don't-"
"Ooh! Here's a cool one~! Didja know that lotsa different species of merfolk can control digestion~? That's pretty neat, right??" He contently asked.
"Wait, so... d-does that mean I'll be... s-safe...?"
"Eh? I never said I was one of those species." Floyd said, poking at you. "Mmmff... aha... this was so fun, Shrimpy~ Oh, and feeling you squirm, hearing you panic, Sevens that was amazing...!"
You didn't like how you could feel him playing with you.
"Oh. Sorry if there's stuff in there... I was eating shrimp earlier, are any of 'em still in tact? You recognize them?" Floyd asked tauntingly. "Ehe... speaking of that... you don't mind if that happens to you, right? Ahaha!! I'd just love to feel that~ Everything gets more intense and painful... and you panic more and more as it goes on, until... well, until your body can't handle it anymore."
"F-Floyd, no.... please...! I don't want to-"
"Hmm... but if I did that, then I'd never get to play with Shrimpy again!" He said, kneading at his belly playfully. "Ahh... this is a big problem... what do you think I should do~?"
"Let me out, p-please!"
"Let you out? But... I don't want to! I feel so good with you in there, I can't just let you out.... I wanna keep you in there! Well... knowing that you'll just tell me to let you live or whatever.... haaah, that's so boring. I think I'll decide what to do with you on my own!!"
Then, there was a sudden knock at his door. The door opened, and two people entered. Jade and Azul.
"Floyd, what is with you recently?! We need you at-"
"...oh dear." Jade said, his eyes drifting towards his brother's stomach.
"Damn it." Azul sighed "Not AGAIN, Floyd!"
"Who was it this time?"
"Shrimpy! They wanted-"
The moment you realized they were asking about you, you started screaming for help in every way you possibly could.
"...wanted, huh?" Azul raised an eyebrow. "Get them out, ok?"
"What?! No!!"
"Floyd, please let them out. I'm sure Azul will let you eat some unfortunate anemone later, isn't that a fair trade-off?" Jade asked.
"NO, I am not doing that again, not after last time."
"Um... s-so what happened last time...?" You asked, cautiously.
"Oh yes, you can hear us, can't you?" Jade asked. "Well, last time Floyd ate someone..."
"I got bored. He wasn't scared enough. So I gave him a reason to be scared!"
"You're lucky I was able to get him to keep quiet about that." Azul angrily mentioned. "He could have died, Floyd!"
"And? Don't see how that's an issue." Floyd shrugged. "Either way we got rid of him."
You heard Azul loudly sigh.
"Just get (Y/N) out of there, ok?"
"You never let me do anything fun!!" Floyd pouted.
Thank goodness for that eight-legged businessman...
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Not to Me
Darth Maul x Reader   
A/N: Heyyyyyy, so, here’s yet another story! It’s a short little thing, but that’s because I have a really long fic that I’m working on right now that’s slowly but surely getting written! It’s taking up most of my writing time, but I wanted to take a break and work on some shorter fics! (Plus this has been in my drafts for wayyyyyyy too long!) I hope y’all like it!
Original Imagine/Summary Thingy: A prompt: Just a small dialogue prompt: “Take Me Instead.” 
Warnings: None, just a mild, miiiillllld bit of angst, but then there’s fluff, so it’s okay! Also, edited, but not really? Like, I did some mild editing but...eh? I think it’s pretty good as is!
Word Count: 1.4k
(Okay, this gif has nothing to do with the story, but I just think he’s really pretty in this one!)
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You saw the sunlight glinting off the sword outstretched from the grunt’s arm. And from another angle, a second agent, holding Savage in a hard headlock.
“You will come with us Lord Maul! The Black Sun will not stand for this treachery any longer!” He yelled across the throne room. “You come with us, or we kill your brother!”  
The ultimatum was set. And a decision needed to be made.
You remained hidden, but you can see Maul considering his situation from his place upon the throne. He thought for a long while, and you could tell that the grunt was getting antsy. He didn’t have much time left.
Something came over you then, and despite your shaking, fisted hands, you made a bold decision. One you knew Maul would disapprove of. Nevertheless, you did it anyway.
“Take me instead.” 
You stepped out from your hiding place, and stood before the Black Sun representatives.
Maul’s heart plummeted through the palace floor. 
“Hmm? Whose this? What’s your name little thing?” The Black Sun operative seemed amused by your bravery. He lowered his sword, and walked closer to you. 
Thing? The zabrak raged.
You answered as confidently as you could. 
“My name matters not. However, my title might be of some value to you. I am the royal advisor to the Throne of Mandalore. If you took me you would have influence over the throne and access to priceless information about the inner workings of Mandalore. You could run the planet with the information I have.” 
The operatives didn’t get a chance to respond. They were thrown back into the walls, and you were spun around to face Maul. His grip on your arm was steel. It almost hurt.  
“What, do you think you’re doing?” He seethed above you with crinkled brows.
Your eyes were wide, shocked by his ferocity and the strength of his grip on your arm. 
“I’m doing the smart thing,” You began after the shock faded, “Listen, Maul, in the grand scheme of things, you’re vastly more important than me. If I came home without you, Mandalore would crumble. But if you came home without me, big whoop. Mandalore would be vastly better off. Let me go with them.” 
His tone was stone. There would be no swaying him, but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to try.
“Why? It’s the smarter decision Maul, it would be better-“
“It would not be better.” He declared through clenched teeth. There was more behind it than the worry of leaked information.
“Why not? You know that this is the smarter option. Why won’t you-“
“It’s because I love you!” He finally shouted.  
And the room stilled. It was silent save for his heaving breaths. Nothing moved for minutes.
“You...You love me?” You whispered out of the silence with wide eyes. 
Maul looked into your eyes, and brushed his hand against your upper arm, and watched the surprise on your face. Though he couldn’t really tell if it was surprise or horror. Neither would surprise him honestly.
He glanced over your shoulder to check on the Black Sun grunts. Thankfully they were still out cold which gave him some time.  
He sighed, long and deep, looking back to you and your wide eyes.
“I.....Yes.” Maul whispered in a repressed sort of way, as if he was holding something back, “We’ll speak of this in a moment. Let me deal with these these two traitors.”
You nodded and left for your office in the palace, not missing the vibrating buzz from Maul’s saber and the chilling swooping sound it made as it moved. 
You dread to think what those operatives were going to go through.  
It was quiet in your office save for the crackling fire in the large fireplace. You waited patiently on the beautiful, deep red leather couch that sat on the long wall of the room opposite a large window. You tried to read through some agreements and propositions that were piled all around you, but you couldn’t stop thinking of what he said. 
He loved you. 
You couldn’t help the giddy smile on your lips and the warmth in your cheeks. You even giggled a little and scrunched up your nose. 
He loved you!  
He really loved you!  
You abandoned the propositions and agreements to the floor and thought about the way he looked at you. He seemed so angry. His eyes were alight with fire when you told him you wanted to take his place. But then they were so soft. Softer than you’d ever seen them before. And then he brushed your arm and...
Damn. You almost took his place. If it weren’t for Maul, you’d be in a ship on the way to Maker knows where, and you’d be absolutely screwed. I mean, what you said wasn’t wrong. You could run the planet with what you know. But still. Just the thought scared you. 
You shivered at the idea, and put it out of your mind. The Black Sun was something you could worry about later.  
Maul loved you. 
There was a soft rapping on your door that brought you back to the couch and the crackling fire.  
“Maul?” You question, inviting him into your office.
He steps in, his shoulders were slightly hunkered in a way that was hard to see, but he looked like he was trying to hold himself high as always.  
“Hello dear.” His voice was hesitant.  
“Hello.” You gave him a bright, knowing smile.  
Looking at him. you could see that he seemed lost. He wasn’t looking at you, and his shoulders hunkered more as he leaned against your desk.
He sighed before he spoke.
“I don’t really know what to say. I’ve never done anything of this sort before. I’ve never felt this way before.” 
“You don’t have to say anything Maul,” You offered kindly, “You said that you loved me. That’s all the explanation that I need.”  
“Yes, but, I feel the need to apologize for how I told you. It wasn’t anything sweet or romantic, not that I’d know how to go about anything of the sort in the first place, but that’s beside the point. I yelled it at you. Dear, I would never dream of yelling at you, and yet I did. I was angry and....” He had to collect himself again, letting out a breath before he spoke, “I was....scared...to lose you. I was afraid that they’d take you, and I couldn’t have that. I can’t run Mandalore without you, and more so I can’t imagine a day without you. Let alone multiple. It’d be unbearable.” 
He trailed off with his last thought, looking down to his hands which were nervously worrying at each other. 
“Maul...I--I don’t know what to say...” You whispered through your hand as happy tears started building in your eyes. The smile on your face was the widest you’d ever smiled. 
He looked up to you when he heard the waver in your voice, and his eyes softened once again at the sight of you. Even if he knew you were smiling, the tears in your eyes shot a pang of worry through him.
“Oh dear, don’t say anything.” He rushed over to you and held you in his arms. A tight hand around your waist and the other crading the back of your head. 
And a few moments later, despite the joy of finally holding you close to him in his arms, he pulled you back so he could look into your eyes, “Just kiss me love. Please.”  
And you did. With the happiest of tears falling down your cheeks, you surged up and kissed his lips. Maul’s arms tightened around you and he pressed back into your kiss with every drop of love and affection he had. Hi kiss was hard and needy and his grip was unyielding. You could feel the warmth of his body pressed against yours, and taste the sweet tang of his lips. There was something so comfortable, so right about this moment. 
Maker you never wanted it to end. 
But moment’s later, Maul pulled away, breathless, and held your head to his chest. 
“My love, you have not idea how long I’ve dreamed of doing that.”  
You hummed in response before looking up to him with something mischievous in your eyes. 
“Well then dear, why don’t you do it again?” 
He smirked at your forwardness, giving an amused chuckle before leaning down to kiss you once more.
@justalittlecloud @fanficsforheartandsoul
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Two Sheep Staring at Stars | Mark Tuan [M]
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Years ago, you couldn’t believe a man like Mark could really be your Soulmate. This morning, it’s his turn to find out, and he can’t believe you wasted all this time.
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Protagonists: Mark Tuan & You
Word Count: 3.7k
Genre: NSFW - University - Friends - Soulmates - [Drabble 2k]
Prompts: “You heard me. Take it off.” + “Don’t you know how to knock?” 
Requested by: Anon
GOT7 | M.list
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“What about you, Cece?” Your best friend rolled back her eyes at the boy’s intrusive question. His back was turned on you, but even from the entrance of the empty pub, you could hear him loud and clear. You walked over to their table, eager to meet her new classmates. Cece was nervous about starting her Engineering major, knowing she’d have to deal with a majority of male classmates. That’s why she had invited you to their first outing, but now that you were here, she looked quite at ease. It might’ve been the first week of University, but Cece always was the best at making friends after all.
“Of course not.” The entire table chuckled at her obvious reply. “You think I’d be out drinking with you in the afternoon if I’d found Her?” She smiled as soon as she spotted you and waved, scooting closer to another stranger so you could sit next to her.
“Her?” The man repeated in surprise, and you almost ran to the bench.
Hopefully, none of her new classmates were bigots.
“Cece likes women.” You enlightened, sitting and shrugging away your Fall coat and light scarf. Everyone turned like one at your unexpected entrance. You didn’t raise your head to meet their curious gazes.
“I’m gay.” She confirmed, immediately wrapping her hand around your shoulder. “Super super gay.”
“Is this your… Girlfriend?” The following question forced you to assess the man across you. The curious guy blinked, unbothered by whatever he read in your eyes. He was also the one who had asked her if she had met her Soulmate. Charming, you decide, enough for you to forgive his rudeness. He had dark wavy hair and soft brown eyes, quite built too. The other young man to his left unsubtly elbowed him, probably ashamed by his lack of manners.
Cece laughed, “Me and her?!” You joined in. As if. The single most stupid thing one could assume about you two, although men always thought this. Or rather they hoped, in many sick cases. “We’re just friends.” She enlightened, hugging you tighter. You had known each other whole life; your moms were best friends, and that basically made you spiritual sisters. “Y/n plays for the other team.”
“Oh,” the built man grinned, leaning above the table. The beer in his glass tilted dangerously, and it occurred to you they might already be drunk. You came as soon as you could after your Introduction to Greek Architecture class, but still, they had been there for a while. “Ever seen something like this?” He turned his head to the side, pulling his hair aside to expose a weirdly shaped pink birthmark behind his ear. After a heartbeat, you shook your head, offering a contrite smile. You had never seen a Soulmark like that.
Cece was pouring you a welcoming beer, purposefully ignoring this whole thing. Living in a world where everyone is bearing a mark that irrevocably ties them with their Soulmate can disinterest you real quick of the urgency of the Search.
You had heard of people like this guy, using the beginning of University to find their significant other amongst their new acquaintances. It made a lot of sense, an opportunity. Every pair that isn’t an abnormality usually has a link, a common interest that unifies them. Immediately after your reply, the man pouted, disappointed, and turned to his friend. You hadn’t even had time to properly greet anyone at the table yet. 
“Jackson!” The other guy protested, but he was already pulling down his shirt. A mark right under the man’s collarbone got exposed.
It was small as a dollar, and it contrasted with his immaculate skin by its bluish colour. A peculiar Soulmark, completed with three tiny dots on top. You blinked; it only was visible for half a second before the man freed himself, highly embarrassed. It was enough. You felt warm, stuffy. Glancing at Cece in shock, you realized she missed it, busy posting a story on her Instagram instead. The guys were distracted too, drunkenly bickering over ‘boundaries’, a concept the one named Jackson apparently often didn’t get.
Meanwhile, you were as breathless as someone who’d just received an uppercut in the stomach. Surely you were overreacting. You only saw that man’s mark for a fleeting moment. “Yours is so pretty, y/n.” Cece had once said when you were only six or seven years old, getting ready to take a bath. “No,” you had protested, staring at your bare skin in the mirror, “it’s like a dirty ink stain!” You always hated your Soulmark. Most people’s marks were colourful and gorgeous, often smaller. Cece’s was on her left boob, a peachy complex heart shape one. Some unlucky people had to bear them publicly, on arms, neck or even faces. Yours was dark and ugly, but at least it was easy to conceal. 
“So?” Jackson turned back to you, hopeful. He wasn’t ready to give up yet apparently. “What about Mark’s?”
Mark. Was that really it, the way you’d meet Him? You hadn’t even got to have a proper look at his Soulmark. You weren’t sure. You weren’t ready.
“I…” Gaping, you turned to that guy, Mark, who didn’t even meet your eyes, clearly sulking. He was unarguably beautiful, even with his messy hair and face flushed by alcohol. His traits were striking, eyes a perfect stretched moon crescent, nose long and narrow, heart-shaped lips… No way, that man was way out of your league. The Soulmate bound wouldn’t be that mismatched. You were as dull and common as it gets. “… Sorry.” You managed, and Jackson’s face fell, disappointed.
“Sorry.” Mark echoed, meaning for his friend’s behaviour. “Mark Tuan, East Asian Studies. I’ve been stuck with Jackson since kindergarten, please don’t mind him.” He met your gaze for a fleeting second, only long enough to nod and for your heart to skip a beat. You couldn’t tell if he was ever slightly rude or just shy.
“Y/n,” Cece interjected, in your stance, unaware of what that guy almost was for a second. “Classical studies, been stuck with me since the womb.”
Forcing a laugh, you rolled your eyes. “You aren’t that bad, Ce!”
And just like that. The moment passed.
Gathering all your hair with your free hand, you bend to spit your mouthful of toothpaste in the sink. Your Hair. Your second mission this morning, doing something with it is getting harder and harder. You’re growing it, and it’s been a pain in the ass. Your phone chimes in repetition, and you barely glance at it before rolling your eyes. Mark is supposed to pick you up in ten, but as usual, he’s early.
Mark: I’m here. [6:48]
Jackson: RISE AND SHINE TUAN! Where are you? I’m glad you are coming but you are wayyyyyyy too early. Doors open at 7:30. [6:48]
Jackson: I can’t see you? I’m outside the building! Where are you??? [6:48]
Mark: I’m at y/n’s place. We’re going together. [6:48]
Why would he write in the group chat when he knows Jackson has to be up already. The man won’t stop texting once he’s started. You’re sure Jinyoung is still in bed, at whoever’s he ended up with last night, cursing because his phone won’t stop vibrating.
Today is Sunday and it’s not even 7am; basically the weekend’ dawn.
Ignoring the texts that keep coming in, you finish your hair and hurry to put on base makeup. You might have agreed to attend Cece and Jackson’s robot presentation, but you don’t intend to look like a zombie there. That’s another downer about living in a world and knowing your Soulmate is somewhere out there. You might end up running into Him at an inconvenient moment, and even though it shouldn’t matter, you don’t want to look like shit. Your mom met your dad at the beach, and even after 35 years, she never shuts up about the ridiculous sunburn she had that day. Like he would’ve noticed, (he did, but obviously didn’t give a shit).
You’re busy blending a little bit of concealer under your eyes when the door to your studio opens. There’s no warning at all, just the sound of the knob turning. You probably forgot to lock it after you got your mail earlier. Jerking to face the intruder, you squeal in terror, ready to stab him with your concealer’ brush. It’s not a stranger though. In the doorframe, Mark seems as startled as you, staring you up and down with eyes wide in shock.
“Shit, Mark, you scared me!” Fuming, you walk over to hit him, but he barely flinches. “Don’t you know how to knock?!”
“I-I texted you I was coming up…” He looks away guiltily. “Lock your door if you don’t want people to walk in on you half-naked…” Shit. You’re only wearing your very see-through white cami dress. Highly embarrassed, you turn your back on him to rummage in the first drawer you find for something decent. The mortification of your exposure makes you forget to be mad. “Your neighbour, the cat enthusiast, let me in… The one who dresses like a hobo.” Your friend steps in and shuts the door as you put jeans on, probably wanting to preserve your intimacy from the rest of the corridor. 
“Jaebeom.” You reply mechanically, he is convinced you and Mark are hooking up despite you denying it many times. Still, he shouldn’t have let him in like that. It’s against the apartment complex’s policy, and he could get in trouble. Shaking your head, you throw a gray shirt over your inappropriate attire. “I think he has like… Five freaking cats now. Jaebeom’s more than an enthusiast if he were a woman everyone would call him crazy. Don’t you think it’s sexist in a way?” Carefully, you slide off your nightdress from under your clothes, staying covered. Behind you, Mark is oddly silent for someone that is usually very opinionated. You glance over your shoulder. He’s still standing in the doorway, looking like he has seen a ghost. “What? It’s never too early in the morning. Patriarchy isn’t gonna fuck itself, Tuan.”
This seems to shake him, and he steps forward with a strange urgency. “Take it off.” His jaw, that was dangling open, clenches.
You did not expect that reaction. “W-What?” It is now you that is completely shaken. Is Mark making a move? What should you do, reject him? He’s come a long way from that shy guy you met at the pub if because he’s seen a little skin he… Holy shit… You hadn’t thought about the mark on your back in years. You are not one of those who freak out at the idea of the Soulmate Bound.
“You heard me, take it off.” Mark stares at you, expression unreadable.
You force out a chuckle to ease the tension in the tiny one-bedroom apartment. Rolling up your shirt, you obey, exposing the darker spot in the middle of your back, it’s on your ribs to the right; your embarassing Soulmark. A sheep staring at stars, that’s how Cece always described it when you were kids.
He breathes out in disbelief, “Is… Is that yours?” His fingertips graze your mark, and it’s like an electric shock.
Tensing, you stare intently at the wall in front of you. “Obviously.” Releasing your shirt, eager to hide it, you snort. “Ugly, right?” Somehow you feel bad when you meet his accusatory glare like you’ve committed some sort of unforgivable sin. Oh.
“It’s mine.” He announces, clearly out of it.
“Mark.” You shake your head from side to side. He needs to get it. You need to clarify that giant misunderstanding. “There is absolutely no way. Our Soulmarks are just similar.” 
His face twists, “Are you shitting me? I can’t tell if you are serious right now.” In a heartbeat, Mark shrugs off his sweater, exposing his chest and toned abs. You focus your attention on the spot right under his collarbone; a bluish cloud shape with three dots… Despite the fact you all went together to the beach last spring break, you haven’t seen his birthmark since the first night you met. Your eyes narrow on it, trying to remember every detail. It’s true, it looks an awful lot like yours. It’s like… There’s something caught in your throat, and you can barely breathe. “You saw mine. That night.” When Mark goes on, you fawn your face, unable to stop your mind from running crazy scenarios. This can’t be. “Why didn’t you say anything? Is it because you hate the idea of being with me that much? I can’t believe I’ve been fee…” He catches himself just in time, throwing both hands to the ceiling.
“Mark, we’re gonna be late to the convention…”  Running a hand in your already messed up hair, you state this like a formality. Over with it! He’s acting insane. That’s not right. It cannot be. You’re someone that always avoids everything, confronting you on that can’t do any good. He should’ve known this. “Jackson and Cece’s presentation is–” When you attempt to walk away, Mark in on you in no time. He catches and spins you in his arms before you can protest.
“I don’t give a shit about their fucking robot.” His whisper makes you shiver treacherously. In your back, your Soulmark is throbbing, like it has a life of its own. Mark’s hand slides inside your shirt, creeping up your skin until it finds it. Maybe he’s right; maybe you really are a match. None of you needs to see to know he’s touching the right spot. In a daze, you press your fingertips on his. Mark’s skin is burning, and you can feel his heart beating almost like it’s your own.
“Shit.” You curse lowly, overwhelmed.
It’s clear he isn’t doing much better, and he presses you into him as though his life depends on it. Is that It? Mark leans in, nose brushing yours and breath fawning your lips. You seem unable to stay anchored in reality, and your response is impulsive, automatic. Cupping his face with your palms, you pull Mark into you. He finds your mouth even with both eyes closed, but stops there; hovering millimetres over a fine line that you are bound to cross.
“Is that It?” You dare aloud against his lips and feel them curl into a smile.
“If that’s not it… I think I’ll die when I meet Her…”
You both know the answer when you finally kiss though. You should’ve done it years ago. Should’ve jumped him on that very first night. 
“Fuck,” you are seeing stars, “you’re my Soulmate.”
Mark groans in reply, it’s instinctive, it’s animalistic, it’s carnal, and it ends you. Whatever string of sanity holding you back breaks. It has been mere seconds and you know you’ll be his forever. Mark halts the kiss to press his mouth on your throat as you throw your head back. He reaches to lift your shirt, unable to refrain from it. He wants to feel you all over his chest, skin to skin. It joins his sweater on the ground. You are far from protesting, already you are backing up to your bed, in the middle of the room. You aren’t sure who pushed or pull when you fall on it, chest to chest. You’re a messy mass of skin and bones, but it works, it fits.
You were made for this.
Heat courses through your veins, setting everything afire every time Mark’s tongue grazes a new spot. It’s obscene how much you crave each other, both feeling like breaking with every kiss. One. Your heart explodes. Two. More. Three. You lose your mind. Four. Never stop. Five…
Obviously, there’s no slowing this down, you’ve passed the point of no return. Your jeans are taken care of in under two minutes. Mark’s pants? You blink and they are gone. It’s a miracle, every hindrance to you touching each other disappears, it’s magical. You only realize you’re fully naked when he naturally falls between your legs. Mark rolls forward and you curl in delight. He pants kisses more and more inconsistent. He rubs himself between your legs again, burying his face in your neck. In all the years you’ve known each other, you never imagined you’d end up like this. You spread your thighs wider, allowing Mark to run his cock on your slit. When he brushes your clit, you curse, throwing your head back on the mattress. 
“M-Mark,” your voice is husky, and he raises his head to observe you, “now.” 
“Now?” He repeats, astounded, completely lost. You nod, fighting back many shivers. “But–”
“Now, or…” Your words turn to a gasp when he rolls his hips again, making you see all the stars of the milky way behind your shut eyelids. Now. You reach between your legs, aligning him to your entrance. In your palm, his cock is already wet from your juices. You’ve never been this turned on, your skin is tingling everywhere. “I-I can’t.”
Mark smiles, dropping to peck your lips. “Take our time another time?” You nod in a hurry and he chuckles, pressing you into the mattress. His tip enters your core languidly. “Okay, but only because you want me too much…” Mark finally agrees a little bit too smug for your usual taste.
Right now, you don’t find it in yourself to care. All your attention is on your bodies merging slowly. You stretch deliciously around his length as he sinks in. Despite what you requested, Mark is still taking his time. You give in to your impatience, reaching for his hips. Guiding him to you, you pull until he’s completely inside, pressed against your body. It’s amazing.
Mark is inside you, throbbing. You both lay there for a few heartbeats, revelling in this overwhelming sensation of proximity. Never has intimacy felt that great in the history of the world. You’re sure of it. You want to express this to him, and you lack the words, but one silent exchange seems enough for him to get everything. After a moment, Mark pulls away slightly to better slam back in, and you squeal in glee. Oh, shit. He’s done taking his time. He finds a rhythm quickly, hips meeting yours roughly. You raise your pelvis to help, body bouncing on the mattress with every thrust. It is loud, your apartment fills with filthy moans, sounds, and the creaking of your bed.
“I…” Mark grunts, brows sweaty from the strain. You reach for the headboard to push against him, you want more. “I w-won’t…”
Knowing what he means, you slide your calves up against his ribs, letting him hit a better angle. It’s deeper and rougher. If he won’t last long that’s fine. You couldn’t bear this tempo much longer either. He raises on his hands to allow you to raise your knees even higher on your chest. Your pelvis is now perfectly curved. When he slams in this time, he reaches that spot you wanted him too. 
“Oh f-fuck,” you gasp and your legs begin to shake, “M-Mark…” You cry when he hits it again, fervour renewed by your vocal reaction. “Shit shit shit.” 
Curses fall of your mouth, mixed with an incessant flow of praises. It’s so incredible you’re not there anymore, lost for good, away with the fairies. Mark doesn’t falter once he’s found what goes for you. He manages to stay in control long enough for you to break. You come so hard you stop making sounds altogether, almost going blind at the high of it. When you slowly return to your body, Mark is also done. His hips lag, and he empties himself inside you with triumphant last thrusts. 
Both of you are completely spent. Shattered, Mark falls next to you, sweaty and breath unstable. It takes a few minutes for you to muster enough will to move, but when you do, he’s pleased to welcome you on his chest. A sheep stargazing, you see it now. On him, your mark is way cuter somehow.
“Was it…” Mark trails off, after a while, hesitating. “Did you…” 
Your index tracing his Soulmark stills. Is he serious? You don’t get much more vocal than that. Besides, you can still feel the remnants of your orgasm down in the soles of your damned feet. It was crazy strong. 
You hesitate too before remembering Mark is also your friend. You can be honest with him. “Like a Tsunami,” you confess, “I’m deceased.”
Mark laughs proudly, pulling you closer. “Ha, me too…” He seems to ponder on something for a minute, letting a comfortable silence fall behind you. “I guess Jackson can shut up about us now. He wanted me to date you, even without our marks matching. He couldn’t–” 
“Oh. Shit.”
“What?” Mark frowns, confused by your interruption. “He’s just like that, you know? He cares, and he wanted me to be happy, even if it wasn’t with my Soulmate. But clearly, you’re It.”
“Jackson.” You repeat like a fatality, but still, he doesn’t seem to get it. “Cece. Their presentation.” 
“Holy shit!” Mark suddenly stands, probing around the room to gather his clothes. “We’re so late! They’ve been working on this for a year!” You can’t help but laugh, unable to be stressed when you’re in post-coital delight. As soon as you’re next to him, Mark pulls you into him for a back hug. He wraps his arms around you, kissing your elbow before whispering in your ear: “I bet you won’t laugh when they send Terminator to exterminate us.” This doesn’t tone down your amusement at all. “Ok, now… More clothes, less fun!”
“Take our time another time?” You ask, quoting him back as you pick up your underwear.
Mark snorts, “I have all the time in the world now that I have found you…”
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GOT7 | M.list
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I Need You to Fake Date Me
Description: Prompt List #81 “I need you to fake date me’ with Kuroo.
Requested: this was totally requested. And I am so freaking excited about it being requested ahahaha this got wayyyyyyy out of hand ~Admin Crow💚
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“I don’t know what I’m gonna do about it . I didn’t think I would get this far.” 
“Well you better figure something out soon. You only have 3 days left.”
“I know that Kenma! Why do you think I’m freaking out!?”
Snap! The lead in your pencil breaking was the last straw. If the boys sitting  behind you were trying to be quiet they were failing miserably. Well, one of them was. But regardless it had pushed you out of your concentration completely. 
You turned around to glare at the lanky raven haired boy, and his tiny pudding hair friend. “I’m sorry, but do you guys mind not talking so loudly? Some of us are trying to do work and the not so quiet chatter going on behind me is a huge distraction.”
Kuroo Tetsurou looked behind him and back at you with a frown “Oh those guys? I can tell them to keep it down if you want. Oi! Yaku! Shaddup back there people are trying to study!” he called to his sandy haired libero, turning to wink at you before picking up his pencil, chuckling at the comments Yaku threw back at him from across the room. 
You sighed and rolled your eyes, turning back around. How you had been blessed to sit in front of Kuroo Tetsurou in class Every. Single. Year. was beyond you. You wondered if someone thought it was funny to see you being tortured. He was loud, he was cocky, and he was so good looking that he just drew you in- well, that’s what everyone else thought. You would never admit that you agreed with them though. 
The warning bell went off, signaling 5 minutes until the start of classes. It was also a signal to the quiet second year to make his way to his own homeroom class, leaving his distressed best friend to his own survival. Kuroo had a dilemma. One that he did not know how to deal with. After getting into a debate with family members, he blurted to them that he had an ‘amazing girlfriend who would blow them all out of the water.’ His first mistake was saying he had a girlfriend. The second was saying it so confidently that it got back to his more elderly relatives, who insisted he ‘bring her to the next family weekend trip so they could meet her.’ That trip was this weekend. And he was yet to come up with a way out of it.
 Kuroo looked up, L/N F/N was still giving him a glare that could kill, mixed with slight curiosity. As soon as he made eye contact with her again, she instantly went wide eyed and turned around muttering about ‘not failing this test this time or she would be dead.’ Kuroo smirked to himself, he had known F/N for a long time. Well, he knew the back of her head and the sly comments she thought no one could hear more than anything. He thought she was cute. Kuroo raised a brow, thoughts twirling through is head...maybe he could convince you to help him out? 
Lunch time brought a peace that you reveled in every day. It was warm, and the sun was shining as you sat beneath the trees enjoying your brain break; eyes closed enjoying the sunshine. That is, until a shadow blocked the sun from your face. Peeking an eye open, you saw Kuroo was the shadow in front of you, blocking the warm sunshine. “Hello Kuroo, what can I do for you today? Don’t even ask me for any studying tips because you should know not to ask me about that kind of thing-”
“F/N I need you to fake date me. It’s only for three-four days tops! Promise!” he blurted, causing you to spit out your drink. 
“I’m sorry, you...what?” You coughed, wiping juice from your mouth. You were confused. Had Kuroo lost his mind?
Kuroo sighed and dropped down in the grass next to you and explained everything. “I just need you to do this for me for a few days. I know we aren’t exactly super close friends, and I am asking you to just go on a family weekend trip with me and pretend to be my girlfriend, but I have no other way out of this.”
You laughed at the predicament Kuroo had found himself in. “Wait wait wait, this is all because you can’t admit you made up a little fib to family?” you asked, wiping a tear from your eye from laughing so much. 
“Please F/N I am to the point of begging. I’ll do anything you want after this. I promise! Whatever it is I will do it!” he said, grabbing your hand in his two larger hands. 
His hands felt warm surrounding yours. It sent a funny shock through you, but you shook it off, raising a brow “Anything? You will do anything I want?” 
“Yes! I swear on my role as captain of the volleyball team!” 
You snorted “You’re such a dork Tetsu-Chan. Alright Fine. I’ll help you. I’m usually home alone on the weekends anyway so I don’t have anything better to do. Besides, this could be fun.” you smiled winking at Kuroo, who visibly relaxed and grinned as you agreed to help him.
“I swear you won’t regret this F/N.”
It was Friday. And you were pretty sure you had regretted saying yes to this decision at least 384 times since then. It wasn’t that you didn’t think you would enjoy your weekend and be able to pull this off. Everything was fine until you really got the details from Kuroo and reality set in. You were pretending to be his girlfriend. On a family trip. For three days. Three days included two nights. Two nights that you presumably would be sharing a room with Kuroo. For some reason, your brain had not thought of this until Friday morning, when you were packing your bags for the weekend and realized you needed pajamas. The only time you had hung out with Kuroo outside of school was the occasional school project, and the even more rare occurrences of being at a coffee shop at the same time and deciding to hang out while there. And now you had pajamas in your hands to go into a bag for a trip with him!?
None of that could prepare you for spending the night in the same house, nonetheless the same bedroom as Kuroo. You would never admit it to another soul that you were attracted to him; you wouldn’t call it a crush, but more often than not, crushes start with some sort of attraction. And boy were you in trouble there. 
There was a knock on your front door, pulling you from your frenzied panic. Kuroo had to be here now. He said he would come pick you up around 11 and looking at your clock it was 10:59 on the dot. He was right on time. You threw your final things into your duffel bag and zipped it shut, throwing it over your shoulder and running out to greet him, locking up the house behind you. You turned and saw Kuroo leaning up against a cool looking motor bike; you didn’t know he had one of those. (just indulge in my random headcanon with me) He looked up as he heard you coming down the drive and grinned lazily at you “Hey beautiful, you ready to go?”
You stopped and stared at him wide eyed. What had he called you? Kuroo kicked out of his leaning position and came over to you, waving a hand in front of your face “hello? Earth to F/N. Is anyone in there?” 
You shook your head remembering what you were supposed to be doing. “yes I’m here i’m fine. I’ll perfect this fake relationship before we even leave town” you teased, sauntering over to his bike running your hand along the red, shiny paint, “I didn’t know you had a bike like this Tetsu, does it go fast?” you added raising a coy brow at him.
It was Kuroo’s turn to stare at you in awe. Boy was he in trouble now. If he expected to come out of this weekend the same as he was going in, he would be wrong. Extremely wrong. Maybe he should have thought this out more. 
The ride out to Kuroo’s family cabin didn’t take too long. At first, the two of you were slightly awkward as neither of you had been this close to each other. But the strong muscles of years of volleyball, the scent that was ‘Kuroo,’ and the ease of trust settled enough that you ended up laying your head against his back; enjoying the wind, the sounds, and the feel of everything around you. For Kuroo, it was a good thing you were behind him, and you both had helmets on. Because his face was as red as his bike the first time your arms circled around his waist, and your torso came into contact with his back. But the minute you relaxed and rested your head on his back, also made Kuroo relax. He enjoyed this feeling. It was one he wasn’t expecting, and it was one he would like to feel more often. 
When you arrived, a few of Kuroo’s family members were outside and came over to greet the two of you. Kuroo groaned quietly as they came over “Of course they would be the ones to greet us first. They are the ones who started this whole mess.” 
“Technically, if you hadn’t lied, you wouldn’t be in this mess now would you?” you teased, patting his back and hopping off the bike. Taking off the helmet and shaking your hair, hoping your hair wasn’t extremely wind blown. You may have agreed to do this as a joke, but you wanted to give a good impression for Kuroo. You didn’t know why, or have any explanation for the thought, but you figured if you were in this for the long haul, might as well do a stellar job. 
Kuroo’s cousins, as you came to find out, were incredibly suspicious. The first word out of one of them was ‘No way this is your girlfriend. She’s too pretty to date a dork like you.’ But the two of you were determined to sell it, and you seemed to do a good job of convincing them for the moment. 
“Well why don’t you guys go get your stuff settled in your rooms? Dinner isn’t for a few more hours. We have so many things planned for the weekend that everyone decided tonight would be more relaxing from traveling.” a family member had said, pushing the two of you up the steps together. You had understood that this was a big family weekend, but you were already struggling to keep up the facade as you tried to keep who was what family member together. 
Kuroo took your hand and led you through the large cabin like it was second nature “Once we get to the room we can relax some. I know you probably are already overwhelmed...sorry about that.” he muttered to you as you walked. 
You nodded, ready to let down a few walls, it had been maybe 30 minutes since you had arrived and you had already almost blown the whole ordeal twice. Once in the room, Kuroo dropped the bags and flopped down onto the bed. You let yourself fall into a comfy looking recliner next to the bed and let out a sigh. “Kuroo you forgot to mention just how big of a family event this was. How am I supposed to be your ‘girlfriend’ while trying to keep all of your family members straight?” 
Kuroo let out a laugh “yeah...sorry about that. It will be a lot to take in, especially at dinner. This family thing is more like close and extended family on both sides. There are family members here that I don’t even know very well. So don’t freak out too much.”
You were surprised at the ease with which he was able to calm you down. This was a side of Kuroo you didn’t expect to see. But what else would you expect getting to see his entire family? You skipped a bajillion steps agreeing to fake dating him, the more you thought about it, the more you thought maybe he deserved to get to know you a little bit more too. 
Kuroo spent the rest of the time trying to fill you in on a few things to know to help make dinner a little less stressful, when there was a knock on the door “Tetsurou! Dinner is ready, better be ready and meeting everyone downstairs in 3!” a voice called before running down the hall.
Kuroo stood up and stretched, before looking over at you “Ready to put this to the test beautiful girlfriend of mine?” he teased. 
You felt your heart stutter. That was the second time he had called you that. This time though, you were able to play along “Oh of course handsome. Let’s go meet your family!” you let out, lacing your hand with his. This was supposed to be a fake date, so why did you both like the way your hands felt together?
Kuroo once again led you throughout the cabin, down to an area that had many different long tables set up, with food and people already sitting around them eating and laughing, enjoying each others’ company. “Oi Tetsurou! Over here!” the same cousin from earlier drew your attention. Sitting next to him, and two empty spaces on the other side, was a middle aged, older woman. That was Kuroo’s Aunt Lin, you remembered; she runs a flower shop just on the outskirts of town by the mountain pass. 
“My Aunt Lin is one of the family members who insisted I invited you along this weekend.” Kuroo mumbled into your hair. You weren’t sure if that was supposed to help you, or make you even more nervous, but for some reason that information didn’t really do much of anything. 
After you had both sat down and gotten food, Aunt Lin turned to you, placing her hand over yours “So tell me about yourself dear, Tetsurou here has kept you all mysterious from us. Tell us how you two met?” she eagerly asked, a warm smile matching her gentle touch.
“Uh volleyball!”
“Class!” the two of you blurted out. 
You cleared your throat quickly and let out a laugh as the few people around you blinked questioningly at the outburst. “Tetsu and I are in the same class at school, but I occasionally come and help out during practice. We knew each other because of school, but really met during volleyball practices.” you blurted out, barely able to lie smoothly enough to convince a child. But it seemed like everyone accepted that as an answer. You and Kuroo were able to play off of each other, coming up with the perfect stories of your ‘relationship’ as more questions were asked. 
As dinner had ended, and people began leaving the area to retire for the night, you let out a sigh as Aunt Lin had bid goodnight, and the conversations had turned away from you and Kuroo. You began to think that if every interaction was like this one, that maybe you would be able to survive this weekend after all. 
You and Kuroo had said good night to those remaining and slowly made your way across the cabin. You were just about to make a comment to share your thoughts on the weekend when Kuroo’s cousin came up to you both, with a sly grin on his face. “You two better rest up tonight.”
Kuroo raised a brow “Oh? And why is that?”
His cousin grinned even wider “Because. The first competition event starts tomorrow morning at 8am. And every couple has to participate.” he explained. 
You whipped your head up at Kuroo. He had not mentioned anything about ‘couple and family events.’ 
“Oya? And what is the first event?” Kuroo asked.
“Couples kayaking races through the river and rapids.” his cousin laughed at the look of sheer terror on both of your faces before running off down the hall for the night. 
Swallowing you managed to stutter out “Hey Kuroo? Have you ever been couples kayaking before?”
“Yeah me neither.” 
And once again the two of you thought that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. But for completely different reasons. 
A/N: OH MY GOD. This was soooooooo much longer than I expected! The idea just came to me and I couldn’t stop writing. lolol. I was thinking of maybe adding a part two or three and extending on this weekend trip if anyone would be interested....if so, either leave a comment on this post or send a message to the blog! Either way, hope you guys enjoy! We would love any feedback or comments as well <3
A/N: there is a part two to this scenario called “I need you to really date me’ if anyone hasn’t read that one yet! 🥰
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unfolded73 · 7 years
CS and being wayyyyyyy over competitive while playing a board game with Killian winning, Emma being a poor loser, and Killian unapologetic but still willing to ‘make it up to her.’ ;) Smutty!
So this settled into my brain as a Lieutenant Duckling AU for some reason? Hope that’s okay, anon! It is, as requested, smutty. Rated E, 3766 words.
Princess Emma hated Parcheesi.
She hated that it relied so much on luck because she didn’t consider herself a particularly lucky person. She hated how angry she got when she rolled poorly. She hated the white-hot rage that coursed through her when her opponent landed on the same space as her piece and sent her piece back home.
She hated that her opponent, giving her a smug grin right now over the board as he prepared to throw the dice, was Lieutenant Killian Jones.
The dice rolled to a stop.
“Double fours!” he crowed. Granny, sitting on the opposite side of the parlor and sound asleep, snored audibly.
“I hate you,” Emma whispered with a quick glance over at their supposed chaperone.
“You don’t hate me, Princess,” Killian said as he moved two of his pieces. “You’ve adored me since that day I saved you from drowning in the harbor.”
“I was hardly drowning. My gown was heavy, but I could’ve pulled myself out before I drowned.” He rolled the dice again and Emma crossed her arms. They’d had this argument a hundred times if they’d had it once. She’d been eight years old, accompanying her father, King David, to watch the commissioning ceremony for a new ship in the royal fleet. Antsy with the pomp and circumstance, the princess had pulled away from her governess and ran, but her foot slipped on the wet boards and she fell into the harbor. She could swim, but the sudden shock of icy water and the heaviness of her sodden gown made her panicked and confused about which way was up. Then just as suddenly, she felt an arm around her waist and a few seconds later, her head broke the surface.
Her savior had been eleven-year-old Killian Jones, an indentured servant on a merchant ship that happened to be docked next to the new naval vessel. Her father was so grateful for his quick reaction and bravery that the crown had paid for both Killian and his brother Liam to be freed from their servitude. Liam had joined the Navy not long after that, Killian following in his brother’s footsteps when he was old enough.
Killian and Emma had been friends ever since, even if they did dispute whether the incident that brought them together had been life-threatening.
“Anyway, I do hate you.” Finally, it was her turn, and she snatched the dice out of Killian’s upturned palm and rattled them in her hand. “I should have the guards throw you out of the palace.”
He gave her a pouty frown. “But I’m here at the invitation of your mother, the Queen.”
Emma rolled the dice. A one and a three. Sighing, she moved her pieces. “I hate this game.”
“Well, that’s certainly true, but the weather is too unpleasant for a walk in the garden.”
Flushing, Emma looked away from Killian’s too-blue eyes and stared down, the pieces doubling in her vision as she gazed unfocusing at the board.  
It had been two weeks ago that it happened.
He’d called on her as he did occasionally, her oldest, dearest friend Killian, almost her only friend when she was a coltish teenager who didn’t fit in with the other noble girls her age because she was too rowdy, too likely to say out loud what she was thinking, too interested in swords and not interested enough in dancing. So there was nothing unusual about Killian visiting the palace; he did so often when he was in port. On that particular Sunday, they had chosen to go for a walk in the garden. Granny was supposed to be chaperoning them, but as she usually did, she’d parked herself on a bench with her knitting, leaving them to wander the well-tended paths unsupervised.
“I need the dice back, Princess,” Killian said. He held his hand out, the dark hair from the back of his hand just visible near the edge of his palm. Something about that dark hair made Emma’s heartbeat pick up speed.
Emma felt the sudden urge to throw the dice at him. Instead, she carefully placed them in his hand, flashing him a sickeningly sweet smile.
“I’m sorry I missed your birthday,” he said as they meandered slowly between two rows of willow trees.
Emma shrugged. She’d been sorry too; it was her nineteenth, but she understood that he couldn’t control when his ship was out at sea. “You didn’t miss much. Cake, presents, a boring ball.”
Killian stopped walking, taking her hand. Which in and of itself wasn’t unusual, but it seemed like something shifted in her chest this time when she felt the skin of his palm against hers. “Still. I would have liked to have danced with you.”
“I hate dancing,” she answered automatically because it’s what she always said. It’s what she’d always thought, right?
“You’d like dancing with me,” he said with just enough false bravado to make her laugh and smack his arm.
Emma felt a pull toward Killian like he was exerting some kind of gravitational force on her. He wore his uniform, perfectly starched and pressed, and it made her a little bit dizzy to look at him in it. It kind of always had, since she’d been fifteen, standing in the front row at his commissioning and wondering why she felt so much like crying.
“I have no interest in dancing with you,” she said, even as she felt herself smiling almost against her will, felt herself stepping closer to him, the front of her dress brushing against his uniform. 
Killian lifted the hand he was holding into the air, putting his other hand on her waist. It seemed like it was searing her through the bodice of her gown. “Then why are you dancing with me now?” he asked, his eyes twinkling.
“I’m not,” she said, but when he began to move in a slow circle, she put her hand on his shoulder (it was hard to feel his shoulder muscles under his thick coat the way she wanted to, not that she’d imagined anything like this before, no of course she hadn’t) and followed his lead.
“You are.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
Thinking only of wiping the knowing smirk off his face, Emma leaned in and pressed her lips to Killian’s.
Princess Emma had only kissed one other person in her life. The previous year, Baelfire, the son of the Dark One, had courted her. Her parents had obviously mixed feelings about such a match, but they had told her it was her decision, and that if she truly loved him, they would support her choice. Emma had thought Baelfire was everything she wanted, but in the end, he had broken her heart.
At first, she felt Killian freeze, and then he seemed to melt into her, pulling her closer with the hand on her waist and moving his lips against hers, soft and coaxing. It was everything she’d hoped kissing would feel like. Everything it hadn’t felt like with Baelfire.
Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. She was kissing Killian Jones. Emma jerked back, her hand going unconsciously to her lips.
She watched Killian’s face crumple.
“My princess, I do apologize. That was… I should not have done that, it was bad form. I had no right–”
“I kissed you,” she corrected him and then winced. Couldn’t she for once have a thought without saying it out loud?
Killian cleared his throat. “Nonetheless, we cannot… It isn’t my place to be so forward with you. I’m not… I’m no one. You’re the bloody princess of Misthaven.”
Killian rolled the dice and moved one of his pieces until it landed on the spot where her leading piece sat, only a spare few spaces from the safety of her home row.
A younger Emma might have flipped the board. She considered it the height of maturity that instead, she stood up, rather calmly if she did say so herself, and stepped back from the table. “I quit. You win.”
“I’m feeling rather tired,” she said, and she’d meant it as an excuse but she realized she did feel tired. Tired of being a princess, tired of holding herself still when she really wanted to run, tired of entertaining people by playing stupid board games when she’d really rather just… “If you’ll excuse me.” She turned on her heel and left the parlor, intent on making her way the few doors down the hall to her bedchamber, where she could fall apart in peace.
The heavy door to her bedroom was almost closed when Killian’s hand shot out and stopped it, his fingers pinched between the door and the doorjamb. She jerked the door back open and watched as he grimaced, holding his fingers with his other hand and shifting back and forth on his feet.
“That looked like it hurt,” she said impassively.
“It bloody well did.”
“That was a stupid thing to do,” she said, pulling him into her room and closing the door.
“I wasn’t thinking.” He looked around like a skittish colt, the whites of his eyes visible. “And I definitely should not be in here. Granny will kill me, and then have me locked in the dungeon, and then kill me again for good measure.”
“Granny’s going to be napping for a while yet.”
“And then your father will kill me too.”
“My father’s in council meetings all afternoon. Let me see your hand.” She held her own hand out.
Killian shook his injured hand like he was trying to bring feeling back into his fingers. “It’s fine.”
“Killian, let me–”
“I said it’s fine.”
“Why are you pretending like nothing happened?” Oh, well done, Emma, she thought, wishing for a trap door she could fall through. Maybe she could hide in the dungeon Killian was so convinced he was bound for.
“Why are you pretending that everything’s normal, and that last time we didn’t…”
Killian reached up and scratched behind his ear, shifting from foot to foot. “Because I shouldn’t have allowed it to happen.”
“Wow, could you be a little more patronizing? Allowed?”
He huffed in frustration. “I just mean… you’re the princess. As much as I would want it to be so, you and I can never be.”
As much as I would want it to be so, that was all she heard. “My father was a shepherd.”
“They don’t know that. They think he was King George’s son.” Killian gestured at the window, indicating the wider world and the ‘they’ who would care who she was paired with. Who would care that she’s a princess and he used to be a deckhand.
“But my parents know.” She took a step toward him. “They know that love isn’t always politically expedient.” And then she slapped her hands over her mouth and groaned. “Why do words just spill out of my mouth like that?”
The smile that bloomed on Killian’s face was a remarkably lovely thing to see. “I adore that words just spill out of your mouth like that. And Emma…” Now it was his turn to step toward her. “Surely you know how hopelessly in love with you I am, don’t you?”
Her head felt fizzy, like the top of it was just going to pop off. “How would I know that? You never said.”
“It never occurred to me that you would return my affection. And after last time, I was certain that even if you did return my feelings, we could never–”
“Killian, shut up,” she said, pouncing on him.
She’d thought after the last time that she’d been awakened to what kissing was supposed to feel like.
Killian very quickly proved her wrong.
Emma did her best to follow his lead, opening her mouth when he did, licking his tongue with hers when she felt his tongue in her mouth. Ruby had explained all this to her in lurid detail, of course, the two of them hiding out down in the kitchen and sneaking cookies, but it was one thing to be told about kissing and it was another to experience it. Emma felt like her knees might give out and that she might just collapse to the floor if Killian wasn’t holding her up.
“Wow,” she said against his lips when they finally came up for air.
“Aye. My thoughts exactly.”
He wanted to wait before telling her parents.
Killian was expecting a promotion in a few months, and for some frustrating reason, he felt he’d be in slightly better standing with the king and queen with one more gold bar on his shoulder. Emma thought that was stupid, and she told him so on multiple occasions, mostly while they avoided Granny and snuck stolen kisses and touches in every empty palace room Emma could manage to push him into when no one was watching them.
“I just want to get on with our lives,” she whispered as they stood together in an unused music room dominated by a piano covered with a white sheet. Emma had never taken much to music lessons. She was probably the least accomplished princess she knew, at least when it came to traditionally princessy activities. When it came to wielding a sword or shooting a bow, she was second to none.
She bit at Killian’s lip, her hand snaking down to the front of his very white trousers. As it turned out, there was one other thing she was good at.
He let his head fall back against the wall, groaning softly. “There’s nothing I’d like more,” he said, his hips pressing against her hand. She felt the outline of his cock, stiff and straining inside his trousers, and she blushed, thinking for the millionth time of what it would be like when they could finally be together in bed as husband and wife. Emma was both terrified of the prospect (because he felt so big in her hand, and was he really going to fit inside her the way she’d been told?), and impatient for that day to finally come.
“Just a few more weeks,” he continued, his hand cupping her breast through the bodice of her gown. “I will… gods, Emma,” he gasped. “I will ask your father for your hand in marriage. And if he agrees, I’ll be down on one knee before you know what’s hit you.”
“I’m going to say yes,” she gasped as his fingers rolled against her nipple through her dress.
“That’s good.”
Her hips pressed against his leg, seeking pressure to relieve the burning want between her thighs but thwarted by the thick layers of fabric of her dress. Killian continued the torturous fondling of her breast, and Emma groaned in frustration.
(After an afternoon like this, she would often turn in early, eager to relieve the need that made her feel like her skin was going to peel off as she sat at the dinner table with her family, mildly sipping her soup course. She would find her shift wet with her own arousal, and would rub desperately at herself until her pleasure peaked, her thoughts always on Killian. His eyes and his profile and the way his legs looked in his polished black boots. The way the dark hair on the backs of his hands hinted at dark hair other places that she desperately wanted to see.)
“You all right, love?” he asked, taking her hand off of his groin and kissing her palm. He never allowed her to get very far with her explorations down there, another source of her frustration.
No, she wasn’t all right. She was out of her mind with wanting him. She panted into the narrow space between them, her hips moving fruitlessly. “I just need… I need…” She didn’t know how to articulate it. She needed to climax, but she had no idea what to ask him for. They couldn’t have sex before they were even engaged, that would be the height of foolishness. There could be no greater scandal than an unwed princess, heavy with child.
“Come here, darling,” he said, taking her hand and leading her over to the piano bench. He gently pressed on her shoulder, and Emma sat down. Killian knelt down in front of her.
“You can’t propose yet, not without my father’s blessing,” she said, her heart hammering in her chest.
“I know,” he said with a small smile. “Would you allow me to…” He stopped, running his hand through his hair. Spots of color stood out on his cheeks. “This is the height of improper, but… would you allow me to touch you?” His eyes flicked down to her lap. “To bring you pleasure?”
“Yes,” Emma said too quickly, and then giggled hysterically. “Please.”
He stood up on his knees, kissing her passionately. “Are you sure?”
“Killian, for the love of–”
“Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled against her lips, and then sat back on his heels again. He slowly brought his hand under the hem of her dress, trailing his fingertips up her stocking-clad leg. First her calf, then her knee, then her thigh, and Emma spread her legs for him, her eyes closing. She was breathing so fast, her heart close to hammering its way out of her chest, she was certain of it. With every inch higher his fingers crept, she felt closer and closer to spontaneously combusting right there in front of that stupid piano.
When Killian reached the top of her stocking, she felt him trace the edge of it, where the hem met her bare skin, and all she could hear was his harsh breathing. “I can’t wait to look at you in naught but these stockings,” he said, his voice raspy with desire. Emma just nodded in agreement. She couldn’t wait either.
“Scoot forward a bit, my love,” he said, and she did, balancing somewhat precariously on the edge of the seat and using her arms to brace herself. Then the tips of his fingers touched her most intimate of places, and Emma gasped, stifling a moan that threatened to burst out of her throat.
This was nothing like when she touched herself. This was a revelation.
“Gods, darling, you’re so wet,” Killian said.
“Sorry,” she said, suddenly terrified that he would find her body off-putting. She had no idea what it was supposed to be like. Perhaps hers was wrong somehow, and he would have to very kindly let her know it.
Killian rose up on his knees again, cupping her face even has his fingers continued to stroke her underneath her shift. “Love, no, it’s nothing to apologize for. It’s wonderful.” He kissed her. “You’re perfect, and so bloody sexy, and all I can think about is how badly I want to…” He bit off his words, even as his fingers kept up their rhythmic stroking, circling that little nub of flesh that Emma herself had found gave her the most intense pleasure.
“What?” she asked. “Tell me.”
His jaw clenched. “I want to bury my cock inside you,” he said, the words tumbling out seemingly against his will. “Right here.” He probed carefully with his index finger, and then she felt it slide slowly into her body. Emma gasped again, her throat parched with the way she’d been breathing harshly through her mouth.
“Am I hurting you?” he asked. She shook her head, and tentatively swiveled her hips, riding his finger. It was so intimate, being with a man like this, letting him explore her body where no one ever had.
“It feels good,” she told him. Letting go of the piano bench, she wrapped her arms around his neck, needing to be closer to the man she loved so that she didn’t feel so very exposed. He kissed her and then readjusted his hand so that his thumb could continue to work at that nub of flesh while his finger pressed deep inside. He crooked his finger, and she felt a deep almost-painful pleasure that made her legs start to tremble. Killian didn’t let up, rubbing and pushing in that perfect rhythm until she shattered, biting her lip hard to keep from moaning audibly and alerting any guards to their presence.
“Holy mother of…” she said finally as he carefully withdrew his hand from between her legs.
He chuckled faintly, looking shocked, either because of what he’d done or because of the way she reacted. She felt self-conscious again, hoping she hadn’t done anything weird.
“Was that… okay?” she asked.
“I should be asking you that,” he said, his cheeks still adorably pink.
“Yeah, I…” she laughed. “That was what I needed.”
Killian cupped her cheeks, kissing her gently. Emma could smell herself on the fingers that had touched her, which maybe she should have found unpleasant, but she definitely did not. It made another swell of desire roll over in her abdomen, the thought that what he had done had left traces of her on his skin. “You’re beautiful when you climax, darling.”
She blushed. “Really? You could tell when I…?”
He nodded, still planting little kisses on her lips, her cheek, the tip of her nose. “I could feel it,” he said. “I want to spend the rest of my life making your body do that.”
“I told you not to propose to me yet,” she said, grinning, and then looked down at the front of his trousers. “Do you need me to–”
Killian stood, adjusting himself and grimacing. “No, I’ll be fine, love, just give me a moment.”
“We probably shouldn’t stay in here any longer or Granny might actually realize we’re not where we’re supposed to be.” Standing and smoothing out her dress, Emma hoped she didn’t look as shaken as she felt. Her knees wobbled a little, and she was overly aware of the sticky sensation between her thighs. She’d be able to think of nothing else but this all day, she was sure of it.
Brushing his lips against hers briefly, Killian led her toward the door. “Shall we go do something wholesome, then? Perhaps a rematch in Parcheesi?”
Emma groaned. “I hate you.”
“You love me.”
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nocturna131 · 7 years
Glow Shots and Glitter
Pairing: Gajevy
Rated M 
This fic is for the awesome @theolddarkmachine who had an prompt that I had wayyyyyyy to much fun writing so enjoy!
Summery: When Levy's plans with Lucy fall apart, a certain dragon slayer goes with her instead to the rave club in Magnolia. A night full of glow shots and dancing may lead an interesting night between her and Gajeel. 
Support My Writing on my Koi-fi account!
“Come on Lucy you promised me that you would go.” Pouting at her friend while leaning forward on the table. “We planned this week's ago.” She and Lucy were sitting at their usual table in the middle of the bustling guild with everyone chatting with one another about a job or what was going on with their own lives.
The spirit mage sighed slightly, propping her elbow on the table and placing her chin to rest on her hand. Lucy looked slightly away from Levy to look at Natsu running back over from the bar with a stamped job request in his hand. “Sorry Levy.” Lucy shaking her head slightly. “But you know Natsu, picks a job before finding out if I want to go.” A blue exceed suddenly landing on the table caught both mages attention.
“Ready Lucy?” Happy cheerily asked Lucy.
“No but it doesn’t look like it matters.” Letting out a huff before standing up from the table, Lucy gave Levy an apologetic look. “Maybe next time I will be able to go.”
Watching Lucy disappear past the guild doors along with Natsu and Happy in tow, Levy looked down to stare at the open book in front of her. “Great now it looks like I won’t be able to go.” A large shadow loomed over the table followed by low grunt behind her caught her attention. Not even having to turn around Levy already knew who it was. “Hey Gajeel.” The gruff man took a seat next to her, wood creaking slightly under his weight when he leaned back against the table, feet planted widely on the floor.
“What's eating you?” Gajeel asked before munching down on the bolt he tossed into his mouth. From what he heard across the room wasn’t much for him to go off of, just that Natsu and Happy dragged Lucy away from whatever plans they had that night.
“Lucy and I were going to a rave club later…” Stacking the books that were scattered across the table into a neat pile before her and picking up the red bag that was on the floor before looking at him. “I really don't want to go by myself.” Sliding the books into her bag before slouching over in disappointment.
Studded brow furrowing together at the sight, while Gajeel didn’t like the idea of going to a rave, just seeing Levy in that state over ruled that thought. With a final snap of his teeth to finish the last bit of the bolt, Gajeel could see the dejected look on her face. “I’ll go.” Popping another handful of bolts from his pocket into his mouth, chewing them loudly while ignoring the skeptic look she shot at him.
“Really? You know you don’t have to…..” Levy stood up from her seat and slipping the strap of her bag over her shoulder. “But since you offered, meet me at Fairy Hills in a couple hours.”
Gajeel sat on the steps of Fairy Hills waiting for Levy to come out of the building. He could hear the click of her heels against the wooden floor long before the door creaked open. Turning his torso slightly, the first thing he saw was those neon orange and white furry leg warmers. Red eyes skimming up them to look at the rest of her attire or well lack of attire. Short white tulle skirt barely covering her hips, the neon orange crop top with a hoodie completed the look.
“Ready?” Levy asked the slayer while pulling the hoodie up over her head, she noted that he changed into a tight sleeveless green shirt since she saw him earlier at the guild. Blushing slightly seeing how the fabric clung to him like a second skin. She couldn’t deny the fact she had a crush on Gajeel. Some days she swore the feeling was reciprocated when he seemed to seek her out the moment she walked into the guild. She was nervous about stepping out and having him see the outfit she and Lucy picked out, while cute it was definitely less clothing she would normally wear.
Gajeel had to force himself to blink. “Yeah.” He wasn’t used to seeing his Levy in such an outfit. It was so different but yet it suited her just the same with the colors, even her lipstick matched. “Wait, my Levy?” He was taken back a bit from that thought, Gajeel knew he had feelings for the script mage but he didn’t realize how possessive it had gotten. Quickly he stood up from the steps and started to walk towards town before his thoughts got any worse. Behind him he could hear Levy following close him and talking about how to get there.
“Thanks for going with me.” Levy commented when she caught up to walk next to him, even with the heels she barely made it to his shoulders.
All he could get out was a grumbled out answer knowing that she would understand, Gajeel was slightly regretting his spontaneous decision to go, not really wanting to deal with his feelings for the script mage. It was simply so much easier to push back any feelings and continue on with his life. Seeing how happy she was while humming next to him almost made him want to change that.
He had a feeling it was going to one long night for him. 
Once they had arrived at their destination, all his senses were overwhelmed the second they entered, just the music alone almost deafened his ears but the smell of sweat and alcohol from all the bodies dancing didn’t help him. Lining the ceiling were black light lacrimas causing various parts of the outfits in the crowded dark room to glow while strobe lights flashed. Clenching his fists together and closing his eyes, Gajeel had to pause a moment in an attempt to regain his bearings from the over stimulation.
A soft pressure on his wrist appeared when Levy squeezed gently with her hands, taking a deep breath Gajeel could feel his bearings returning when he focused just on her. “I’m fine.” He muttered out after unclenching his teeth. “Just a lot of stuff to take in.” Eyes snapping open at hearing the laugh coming from Levy. In the black light he could see majority of her outfit was glowing along with her lips.
“Sorry forgot your senses are a lot better then mine for a moment.” Levy gave him a sheepish smile from under the glow of the hoodie, scratching her cheek slightly with a finger. “Oh I know what might help.”
Just as quickly as her hold on his wrist appeared, it was gone when she walked over to the bar which left him feeling confused. One second he was overwhelmed with the noise, lights and smell but the second she placed a hand on him everything was brought back to focus. Walking up to the bar he could see that Levy had already ordered a set of shots from the bartender. “Glow shots? Didn’t strike yeah as a drinker.” Grasping the glowing drink with his hand and raising it up to his eye level to examine it skeptically.
Levy just shrugged and lifted up her own glass. “Yes, however….” She tipped the drink so the glowing liquid flowed past her lips, face cringing slightly as the sting of the alcohol hit the back of her throat. Placing the now empty glass back on the bar top to grasp the next shot glass and looking up at the slayer who pulled his attention away from the drink to look at her. “..it's fun to get out of your comfort zone every now and then.” Levy picked up the next shot and downed it like the first one.   
Following her lead, Gajeel downed the drink in his hand, while it wasn’t his choice of drink it still helped ease the overwhelming stimulations around him by dulling his sharp senses slightly.
Gajeel nodded his head. “Yes.” Levy’s face broke out into a smile, swore he felt his heart skip a beat for just a moment. “Why does her smile affect me?” The confusion continued as she grabbed his hand and dragged him out to the dance floor, her body easily weaving through the dancing crowd while it took him some effort to dodge people. Once reaching the middle of the dance floor she let go of his hand and turned to face him.
“Come on have some fun.” Levy started to swing her hips side to side to the rhythm of the music. Heart beating wildly with each movement get more fluid, she could feel Gajeel’s eyes were glued to every twist and turn that she did. Normally she wouldn’t dance like this but the liquid encouragement helped push back hesitation she had. Levy could see the Gajeel didn’t look comfortable dancing like she was, but she could see he was trying.
Few songs later and several drinks later Levy was completely lost into the music, running her hands along her body she knew she was playing with fire by dancing next to Gajeel. A popping noise above their heads catching their attention. She could only guess that someone tossed a glitter lacrima in the air at seeing the shimmery pieces falling down on them and covering their upper bodies. She was so caught up in admiring the glitter that she didn’t catch a pair of red eyes staring right at her.
Gajeel wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol running through his system lowering his guard but Levy looked beautiful being covered in the glitter. Almost as if it reflected the shimmery warm soul she had inside. With that thought, the last of his self control snapping, reaching out and grasping her hand so she was flush with his body. Gajeel froze at feeling her body stiffening against him, she stopped him pulling away by gripping the fabric of his green shirt. Looking down he could see that her hoodie had fallen back so he could see her eyes staring back at him despite the limited lighting of the club.
Just that like her solid script magic, that one word had such a powerful hold on him when she whispered it out. Nodding slightly, he didn’t resist when she turned in his arms and gently placing his hands on her hips causing his rough thumbs to brush against the exposed skin above the tulle skirt. Her body moving again the beat of the music, slowly he moved his body match her dancing. It was nothing like the uncomfortable dancing he was doing earlier, almost as if it came to him when she was with him like everything else in his life. Skimming his hands across the smooth belly to wrap around her waist, Gajeel could hear her breath hitch when the tips of his fingers lingered for a moment. Dropping his head to her neck he slowly inhaled her nearly intoxicating scent, while Levy leaned back into him.
Reaching up with her hands, fingers gliding through the surprisingly smooth hair before gripping slightly as he nibbled at her skin. Her heartbeat beat thrashing against her chest almost matching the fast beat of the song. Gasping loudly when Gajeel bit he neck roughly, she couldn’t help but enjoy the pleasurable feeling that followed the initial pain. Lifting his lips from her neck, Levy turned her head slightly with her nose trailing his cheek until she met his lips. As cliche as it sounded to her the kiss did steal her breath away, especially when Gajeel turned her around to pull her tightly against his hard body.
However the moment was cut short when a body next dancing next to them collided into the pair, Gajeel snapping his head up to glare at the drunken person who dared to interrupt them. Before he could move to pummel the source of the interruption, a small pair of hands crept up under his shirt, skilled fingers tracing the outline of his muscles causing a shiver to go through him. Looking down, red eyes dilating into narrow slits seeing Levy’s lips swollen from the kiss, ears picking up an almost cooing sound coming from her.
He needed her now and his buzzed state of mind didn’t argue with that idea. Grasping her hand he lead them away from the dance floor and towards the back of the club. The music fading away the farther they got, Gajeel busted past the first door he saw and didn’t stop to look at the sign. After barricading the door shut with his iron, Gajeel scooped Levy up into his arms causing her legs to wrap tightly around his waist. Not wasting any time he sealed her lips with his before pressing her up against the wall. Deepening the kiss when she gasped, her supple body arching against him, when her back met the cold of the tile. The slayer couldn’t help but curse when Levy grounded her hips against the growing problem he was having at the moment. “I need you now.” Gajeel groaning while grinding his pelvis against her core.  
“Same.” Levy hastily responded back. Her hands couldn’t help but wander back under the tight shirt he wore, muscles twitching slightly when her fingertips brushed over them. Moaning softly feeling his hands moved from her hips to grope her rear. Pulling her hands out from under his shirt to thread through the black hair. Pleasure shooting throughout her body when one of his hands had slipped down further to tease the wetness that formed between her legs. “Please Gajeel.” Levy pleaded out to him and giving into her need, she could feel Gajeel hastily undoing the buckle of his belt before slipping down his pants and boxers slightly. Heart almost jumping out of her chest when he pushed the scant fabric to the side and lining himself with her core.
Pushing into the warmth, Gajeel let his head fall forward so his nose was buried against her neck. He could hear her whimpering at the agonizing slow movement of his hips, if he went any faster his knees might give out from pleasure at feeling the sudden tightness. Fully seated in her, Gajeel pulled back and picked up the pace with his hips. Sound of flesh slapping together filling the room along with the moans both of them released. Nibbling the tender skin against his lips, he almost swore he let out a feral growl as he hit a particularly sensitive spot causing Levy to cry out his name. It just added fuel to the burning fire within him, focusing on that spot Gajeel kept up the pace till she was nearly sobbing in pleasure. “Good.” He hissed out, lifting his head he kissed her hard, it was messy and sloppy but neither one cared. Her body stiffening before crying out his name, the sudden tightness around him was enough to follow her over the edge while groaning out her name.
For a moment everything went still for them, only the muffled sound of the music could be heard while both of them caught their breath. Levy grimaced slightly when Gajeel pulled out of her and setting her down on her feet. Staggering forward slightly only to have one of his arms wrapping around her waist for support, every muscle in her legs was deliciously sore. The events of the night suddenly crashing down on her, this left her feeling very drained. Head colliding against Gajeel’s chest, the last thing she could remember was her body being lifted up so she was cradled against the slayer before blacking out.
Face cringing when the sun hit her face having finally regain conciness, head pounding from the hangover she was now experiencing. “Ow.” Beside the pain her head was in, every muscle in her body was sore but yet she felt quite satisfied at the same time. The soft pillow her head was resting on could only help soothe the headache so much. “Pillow? Wait this isn’t the club…” Last thing she could remember getting to the club with Gajeel but after the third or fourth set of glow shots her memory was quite fuzzy. Remembering that, Levy went to sit up but was met with resistance. Eyes looking down only to find a change of wardrobe and a studded arm wrapped around her waist. Letting out a squeak, accidentally waking up the slumbering man.   
A string of curses fell from Gajeel’s lips, it had been a long time since he had been in this state. Clearly he underestimated the strength of the shots at that club and now he was paying for it. Opening his eyes, he saw her brown eyes looking back at him, along with the blob of blue hair. “Levy?!” Jerking back his arm in a panic, he tried to place them some distance only to fall off the bed and landing hard on his back. Groaning in pain Gajeel could see her scramble to the edge of the bed, clearly he didn’t think though his retreat properly. However he wasn’t expecting to wake up from a hangover to find her into his bed.
“Gajeel are you ok?” Eyes filled with worry, Levy wanted to make sure that he was ok before bombarding him with questions.
“Yeah I’m ok.” Slowly he rolled off his back and stood up from the floor, looking over Levy he could see she was wearing one of his oversized shirts. A dark mark on her neck caught his eyes, it didn’t take long to deduce what happened last night and why she was here. “Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take advantage of you.” Sitting down on the sunny edge of the bed and looking down at the floor at the guilt he was feeling. Behind him he could feel her body shaking the bed slightly, lifting his head up and turning to look he saw that Levy had both hands covering her mouth, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “Levy...I’m really mean it.” Then she doubled over laughing which left him feeling very confused. “What?”
“Your.. hair..” Levy wheezing out in between laughs and pointing at Gajeel’s shimmery black hair. “It looks like a disco ball.” Her sides were hurting from laughing so hard but she couldn’t help it, every move of his head made caused the glitter in his hair to reflect the light. Dozens upon dozens of little spots of light covering the walls of his bedroom. She was caught up laughing so hard that Levy squealed when the slayer turned and quickly pounced, pinning her against the large bed with his arms on either side of her head.
“Oh? My hair is a disco ball?” Grinning wildly at her before shaking his head trying to make some of the glitter fall onto her. “Here have some then.” Gajeel kept her from escaping from under him while he kept up the shaking, both of them couldn’t stop laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. When he took a moment to catch his breath he looked down at her now shimmery face causing him to smile gently at her. “So you're not mad at me?” He tentatively questioned her.
Reaching up Levy cupped Gajeel's face with her hand, thumb running over the sharp cheekbone. “No, we both were quite drunk.” Lips meeting when she lifted her head, the kiss was slow unlike the kissing the night before as both of them wanting to savor the moment. Large hands slipping underneath her as Gajeel lowered his body to rest between her legs. Slowly pulling back Levy felt him rest his forehead against hers, such warmth could be seen in his eyes. “Through I wished I could remember more of the fun we had last night.” Levy laughed out softly.  
“We can try relive it now if you want.” Gajeel leaning down to nibble the sensitive skin behind her ear teasingly, enjoying as she squirmed and giggled against him. Small hands threading through his hair when he bit down slightly earning a gasp from her. “Sounds good.” Levy agreeing with him before Gajeel sat back while pulling her into his lap. Before they could continue their fun, a coughing sound came from the doorway causing both mages to jump in surprise and pull away from each other. “Lily what happened to you?” Levy questioned the small exceed.
Lily stood awkwardly from his spot, clearly having interrupted something between his two friends. However he had a bone to pick with Gajeel that need to be dealt with right now. Glitter clinging to his fur when he walked into the room. “Well to answer your question Levy, you see after Gajeel stumbled through the door last night at an ungodly hour.” He shot the slayer a look. “He decided in his drunken state after changing your outfit and putting you bed that it would be funny to hug me while rubbing glitter all over me saying how much he loved me.” Both he and Levy looked Gajeel who was scratching the back of his head at the embarrassment.
“Don’t remember that....”
Shaking his head, Lily turned to leave the room. “Well your breath smelled of liquor so I wasn't socked, now then I’m going to see if Wendy can get this ridiculous material out of my fur.” At the exceed exit Levy turned to Gajeel.”
“Speaking of cleaning up…” Feet meeting the wooden as Levy slid gracefully off the bed and grasping his hands. “How bout we try taking care of that glitter we both have?” It didn’t take much to convince him to follow her. Levy felt her body being lifted up into arms as they readied to continue their lovemaking without interruption.
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Things Past Chapter 7
Title: Things Past Chapter 7  Author: delusionsofnostalgia Rating: Chapter rating: T+             Story Rating:M
Prompt: based on this imagine/drabble request: Could you possibly do a one shot of Reid/reader where they used to date (the team never knew about the two of you) and you had a bad breakup.   Then a couple of years later the reader is called in to consult on a case the BAU has and it’s clear Reid still has feelings for her.   Main Character(s): Spencer Reid, Reader Chapter Trigger Warning: Brief mention of violence, reader is in hospital due to injury. Multishot: Chapter 7 [All chapters in this story will have the tag “things past.”] Author’s Notes: So it’s been over a year since I’ve updated this story and I SINCERELY apologize! Things got really hectic but I’ve always wanted to finish this. Thank you guys for the messages telling me that you liked it. I hope this chapter lives up to it and you still want to know the end of this one! Again, I am so sorry it took so long. This is the last chapter before the Epilogue, please enjoy and feel free to message me.   [No Morgan arc spoilers]
Chapter 7
A tall, young doctor quickly follows behind the nurse who had pulled Spencer away and despite your still hazy eyesight you can see a panicked Spencer standing outside the glass door that had just been slid shut on him. 
His hands are buried in the pockets of his dark slacks and his tongue darts out to wet his lips as his head whips quickly between the monitor displaying your vitals and the doctor standing on your left side taking your pulse. 
You want to smile, but feel like that might be slightly inappropriate given the situation. Spencer. He was here. He was still here. After weeks of working with the team and him avoiding you, you were sure you’d wake up alone, if you had ever woken up again. 
The doctor is explaining patiently that you had suffered blunt force trauma to the back of your skull which resulted in a pretty severe concussion added to which, you had taken a bullet to the stomach. 
It had been a clean shot, through and through, more on your left side, thankfully missing internal organs. 
However, shaking his head, he admitted that you had been delayed in getting here and had lost a large amount of blood. Now that you were awake they wanted to keep you under observation but he was sure you’d make a full, if not speedy, recovery. 
“Ok, I’m going back outside and I’m going to let Dr. Reid in,” at the look on your face the doctor chuckles lightly, “oh yes, I know his name, he’s been accosting my floor staff for the past 36 hours for minute by minute updates on you, when he wasn’t busy lecturing my nurses on how to properly attend to you of course.”
You laugh, your eyes traveling over to the messy brown hair and lanky form pacing outside the glass door. 
You clutch your stomach at the sudden, sharp pain but nod gently, “Sorry about that Doc. He’s just a little overzealous sometimes.”
Your doctor shrugs patiently. “It’s okay. I’ve seen a lot of people go crazy when the people they truly love are injured or sick.”
He walked out of the room as you were left to process what he had said; truly love? You and Spencer had shared that kiss before the raid but love? He hadn’t even wanted to speak to you a few days ago, couldn’t even stand to be in the same room. 
Just as you begin to give the notion serious thought, there’s an explosion of noise from outside your room and you clock an excited Penelope Garcia tottering towards you. You glance around her; Spencer has cornered your doctor and was assaulting him with barrage of questions. 
“Y/N!!!! Oh my god! Thank goodness you’re alright!” Penelope envelops you in a vanilla scented hug.
“Hi Penny.” You say softly, trying to return her hug but wincing as you move your arms.
“No no! You rest up! Don’t you dare move your arms! The rest of the team are still here, I just called Morgan to let them know that you’re awake. We were so worried, and Boy Wonder hasn’t slept in days,” she leans closer to you, the fake diamonds on the rims of her glasses winking at you in the fluorescent light, “we didn’t want to leave him alone, we weren’t sure what he’d do, he was losing his mind, pacing, drinking wayyyyyyy too much coffee, even more than usual, he even called his Mom.”
You open and closed your mouth quickly. So it hadn’t been a hallucination. Diana Reid had been at your bedside at some point. 
Penelope is droning on in the background about the unsub being in custody; your deductions along with Spencer’s are what led them right. JJ was apparently feeling pretty guilty over a recently inconsolable Spencer at your bedside, she had felt it was her fault that you had gotten hurt, she was on your six after all.  
You shake your head vehemently at this statement, “JJ has nothing to be sorry for, Spencer loves her, there’s nothing he wouldn’t forgive her, especially me, he couldn’t even stand me when we were working together on the case.” 
Before Penelope can answer, the sound of the vacuum seal on the room door opening interrupts your conversation. 
You look to the man in question as he enters silently. There’s stubble on that perfect jawline and his usually hazel eyes are dark, almost black, matching the circles surrounding them. You hold out a hand to him, regarding him with a soft smile. This man, the man you loved and still love.
His lean form crosses to the other side of your bed. Spencer gently intertwines his graceful fingers with yours on the crisp white hospital sheet, his other hand moving to cup your cheek. You instantly leaned into his touch and closed your eyes, relishing his presence. 
“Uh…..um,” Penelope coughed lightly, “why don’t I go let the others know that Y/N is stable and that we should be ready to travel soon.” 
“y/n….” Spencer sat on the chair where he had been sleeping for the past few days, at your side. 
“Spence.” His name came out as a croak and he quickly reached for the plastic cup of water and held the straw to your lips. His eyes searched your face, as if he was drinking in and memorizing every second, ever micro-expression, every glance in his direction. You want to reach out to touch him, have him near you. 
As he removed the cup you took your chance, “Spence, would you do me a favour?”
“Anything.” came the quiet but definite response. His lips pursed slightly at the side as you had seen them do so many times before, his eyebrows creasing slightly. You reached out with a light laugh and ran your index softly in between his eyes down his nose. “Don’t frown so much Dr. Reid, no one died.”
You were just making a joke, trying to alleviate his seriousness but you realized his brown eyes were filling with tears. 
“Oh Spence, come here.” You begged him, your voice quivering a little as you slowly lifted your arms and held them open.
He shook his head, his brown hair fluttering slightly, making it even messier, his soft hands never leaving your own. 
“I shouldn’t, the doctors said that you shouldn’t be moved or have any physical exertion.”
“Spencer. Please.” You stared at him beseechingly, already trying desperately to shift and finding you didn’t have enough strength. A small smile perks up his lips as he slips a well toned arm under you, easily moving your body slightly to the right side of the bed. 
“I am so glad you’re alright Y/N,” he whispers as he settles next to you, his long legs almost falling off the bed, his sweater clad arms wrapping hesitantly around your upper body. 
You lean into him enjoying the softness of his sweater and the solid support that is his slowly rising and falling chest and he drops a light kiss on your hair.
You take a few deep breaths as you look up at him, seeing him like this reminds you of all the mornings you had woken up to a younger Spencer. He was older now, more filled out, more sure of himself but still just as kind and calming to you.
“Look Spence,” you begin, his worried brown eyes coming to rest on your face, “ you don’t have to stay. You and the team have done enough. I know you don’t even want to be around me. Please don’t stay out of guilt and don’t be so hard on Jennifer, she covered me as much as she could have, I was the liability….. I shouldn’t have been at the raid, you were right.” 
Spencer pulls back from you so quickly that you wince again and let out a gasp, “Ouch.” 
“Y/N.” his eyes are serious, his large hands cupping your face, his thumb brushes your jawline in a soothing motion and you lean into him, willing yourself not to cry, you weren’t going to guilt him into staying even if that was what you wanted most; for Spencer Reid to stay by your side forever. 
“Y/N, I don’t want to leave,” warm brown eyes search your face for a reaction, “I stayed with you because I wanted to be here, I should have been the one watching out for you during the raid, not JJ, I should have been the one to protect you from the start of this.” His words are soft and spoken with a tempered, comforting intonation that belongs solely to Spencer. 
Tears run down to your chin as you stare at the white sheet covering your lower body, “Spencer, you don’t have to be nice to me because I got hurt, I was doing my job, I got sent to help you and your team, I could have asked Hotch to stay behind, I wanted to go in with you guys, I put myself in harm’s way, but you,” you raise a hand to brush hair out of his eyes, “ I know how kind you are Spence, I’ve always loved your kindness, but you didn’t even want to be around me when I was at Quantico, you want to talk to me, or be near me and I understand that. I know what happened between us in the hotel was just late night madness on your part.” you hiccuped, “ I mean I wanted you, wanted you to come to my room, to be with me, to love me, but I know you don’t want me anymore, I know you haven’t in a long time.” 
You stop rambling but don’t dare look up, sniffing harshly to draw in breath. 
Spencer’s brows are drawn down over his eyes, “Y/N…” he looks confused and hurt and you don’t know what you had said to elicit that reaction. 
Without warning his hands move to the back of your neck and he pulls you towards him. You allow him to, ignoring the pain in your side as his lips find yours. 
The kiss is hard, hungry, so different from the usual gentle, seeking kisses he used to give you. He’s pulling at you as though he’s trying to drown in you, drown in your presence, your smell, your own much smaller body providing him some sort of solace. 
His lips move feverishly to the corner of your mouth and then along your jaw, grazing against your neck and finding the soft spot under your ear, his hands delving into your hair at the nape of your neck. You let out a soft groan, somewhere between pleasure and pain as his other hand accidentally skims the bandages over your ribcage. 
“Shit. Sorry.” He pulls back. 
“No Y/N, let me explain. I…..” he heaves in a breath, leaning away from you to pull your hands into his lap, his long fingers running up and down your arm in light touches, as though he were stroking the keys of a piano. 
“I……I wasn’t avoiding you at Quantico,” you raise your eyebrows and he laughs, a light melodious sound you had missed, “ Ok, ok, maybe I was avoiding you, but not for the reason you think. I couldn’t be around you because it hurt too much. I didn’t know how to deal with it. It felt like there was something ripping inside of me, every time you walked past, every time I smelled your perfume, or heard you laugh or saw you joking around with Penelope or Derek,” his brown eyes are glistening with tears and his mouth was doing that downward curve thing that you hated seeing on him because it meant that he was resisting some strong emotion.
Spencer swallows hard, “Don’t you understand? I left you all those years ago to protect you. I have seen everyone on my team be put in some kind of danger and we have all had someone we care about affected by our jobs. I couldn’t do that to you. Besides dealing with me and my mom, I couldn’t know that you weren’t safe because of me. I couldn’t do that to the person I love, I couldn’t be selfish enough to put your life in jeopardy just so I could wake up next to you, hold you to comfort myself when I came home from a case, eat pancakes with you for dinner…..I loved you too much. You deserved a full and happy life with someone who wouldn’t be gone for weeks at a time and wouldn’t wake up in the night screaming from vicarious trauma. You deserved someone normal. Someone better than me.” 
“Spencer…why didn’t you ever just talk to me?” You ask bewildered by his explanation. 
“Y/N, you were so young, you had your whole life ahead of you. I didn’t want you to be held back, I know how much you worry, I could hear it in your voice every single time that I called you while we were away on a case. I didn’t want you to go through that anymore. You are brilliant and beautiful and kind and funny and so empathetic, I knew you would find someone else, I was sure you would be happier with someone else. I couldn’t talk to you because I couldn’t bear it, I couldn’t bear leaving, I just knew it had to be done.” Spencer’s hot tears mingle with your own as they drop onto your interwoven hands. 
That was why he had left? He had left because he was afraid you’d get hurt? Of him being the reason that you would be hurt?
“Spencer Reid! How dare you?!” you admonished at him. He looks up at you in shock, brown eyes clouding over with confusion. “How could you make that decision for me?! I love you you idiot. be happier with someone else??!?! Spencer,” you lower your tone noticing the hurt in those perfect features, “no one has ever measured up to you. No one could be as brave or kind or funny or eccentric as you. No one’s voice ever calmed me as yours did, no one knew exactly when I needed a hug or a encouraging word, no one was ever like you Spence, I haven’t been able to ever even date anyone else. Who could measure up to you? Who could talk to me about geography and literature and french classic cinema and take me to Dr. Who conventions and teach me how to read German.” He gives you a dopey smile, one that was bashful but lit up the entire room. 
“Spence, I never stopped loving you. It was always only you.”
He sighs, his large body moving closer to yours. Spencer gently leans his forehead down onto your own, “And it’s only ever been you for me too Y/N.”
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