#Learning With Manga! Fate/Grand Order
edswordsman · 5 months
Summoned a new Caster-class Servant:
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🐭 Daikokuten! 🐭
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dingostrash · 5 months
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Will probably grail the funny paleontologist lady
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grailfinders · 5 months
Grailfinders #339: Super Bunyan
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Félicitations! today on Grailfinders we’re building the one true president of the US of A, Super Bunyan! they’re mostly a Rune Knight Fighter to get big and punch people, but you’re focusing on teamwork now, which is why you’re a splash of a Peace Cleric. friendship!
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: a powerful rat not named Charles Entertainment Cheese
Ancestry & Background
good news, those pills from Dream worked and Bunyan’s normal now. so she’s a Human. yeah just a normal one. she gets +1 Constitution and Wisdom, as well as proficiency with Deception (no judging, the proles don’t need to know everything you’re up to), and the Magic Initiate feat. now you can Create Bonfires for some homestyle bbq, Mold Earth to make gold statues with no budget, and Find Familiar to get yourself a mike. the alligator, not the sound equipment. though tbf you’ll need both.
stop me if you heard this one before- you need to constantly make money or people get angry with you, and you make things that could generously be described as art. that’s a Bunyan all right, and that’s also a Guild Artisan! with this background, you gain proficiency with Insight and Persuasion to scout for actors and convince them to work for no money. you literally have a director in your pocket at all times, I’m sure she’ll help out.
Ability Scores
first up is Constitution. there’s a lot of bunyan, and that means a lot of HP. second highest is Strength, because you still punch people good, and you have the lifting capacity of three people. because you are three people. we’re still only building bunyan though. third is Wisdom, bc again you have three pairs of eyes to watch out with. this does mean your Charisma is a bit low, but it makes sense. you’re good enough at it to keep people happy while you’re there, but the second you leave it all goes to shit. that also means your Dexterity is low bc you’re a big target, but we’re dumping Intelligence. you’ve got people to think for you.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: starting off as a fighter, you get the Unarmed Fighting Style, turning your fists into d8 weapons (or d6s if you have one hand busy). you can also automatically deal damage to anything you’ve grappled- not a lot, but it’s a nice bonus. you also get a Second Wind once a short rest, letting you heal up as a bonus action. you wouldn’t think you could chug maple syrup that fast, but I guess anything’s possible when you’re president.
you also get proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Animal Handling to keep Mike on your shoulders and Athletics.
2. Fighter 2: second level fighters can make an Action Surge once a short rest, adding an extra action to your turn. now you can use up all your spell slots in like, one turn! or you can punch more, your choice.
3. Cleric 1: at first level you get Spells you can cast and prepare like all clerics by using your Wisdom, but you also become an Implement of Myths, giving you proficiency in Performance so you can star in your own movie! a leader has to look good in front of a camera these days.
you can also forge an Emboldening Bond, bonding a couple allies as an action for up to a minute. while bonded, any two creatures within 30’ of each other can add a d4 to their attacks, checks, or saves once a minute. you can use this proficiency times a day. admittedly the attack bonus kind of falls off once you’re making multiple attacks per turn, but having a near permanent resistance bonus is great for defense.
speaking of, your spells! for cantrips, Guidance lets you backseat game everyone around you, but in a good way, giving them a d4 bonus to their next skill check. you also get Thaumaturgy so everyone can hear you no matter what they do to escape, and the Light cantrip to keep your films watchable. don’t make the same mistakes as game of thrones.
you also get two free first level spells, Heroism and Sanctuary. the former lets you turn any random schmo into a hero worthy of the big screen, with more HP and immunity to being frightened, while the latter will keep the angry mob off you and onto Guda. hey, we all have to make sacrifices here for movie magic! outside of the freebies, I guess Command is a good pick to be bossy with, though it’s limited to one-word demands.
4. Fighter 3: oh thank god we’re out of the spellcaster levels. back in good ol’ martial territory it’s time to become a Rune Knight, letting you carve runes into items you keep on hands to… basically cast spells with. dammit.
as a Rune Carver, you can pick two runes from a list, all of which give passive buffs as long as you’re holding onto them, but you can also activate them for a short-term super buff once per short rest per rune. our runes of choice starting out are the Fire Rune for doubled proficiency with tool checks, as well as the option to douse an enemy with red-hot maple syrup upon hitting them, dealing fire damage and restraining them until they make a strength save, or until a minute passes. you also get the Stone Rune, giving you advantage on insight checks and Darkvision, and you can activate it to force a wisdom save on a nearby creature. if they fail, they’re charmed and spend their turn posing for the camera until they succeed. (btw, all your DCs for this class use your constitution.)
your simp-based powers also let you grow with Giant Minute for a minute at a time, making you Large and giving you advantage on strength checks and saves. you also deal an extra d6 of damage once a turn! you can check your twitter proficiency times a day, which is frankly healthier than how often most people use it.
5. Fighter 4: at level four you get your first Ability Score Improvement, and tbh you need that Strength boosted just a lil bit. it’s not as convoluted as the last two levels, but hitting’s good.
6. Fighter 5: in fact, hitting’s so good you can do it more times now! fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack, letting you attack two times per action. it’s like attacking, but extra!
7. Fighter 6: sixth level fighters keep those ASIs coming, and we’re going to use this one to learn the Strike of the Giants, putting a lil stank on your fists when you punch people. and by stank I mean Fire. you can add 1d10 fire damage once per turn, proficiency times a day. you could pick other options if you like, but your NP isn’t complicated, and neither is the fire option.
8. Fighter 7: at level seven you gain a Runic Shield to protect your precious employés. when one of them gets hit while you can see them, you can react to force a re-roll on the attack against them, up to proficiency times a day. you need those likes, and you can’t get them if your supporters are dead!
9. Fighter 8: another ASI already! grab the Ember of the Fire Giant for +1 Strength and another source of mapley debuffing goodness. you resist fire damage, and you can deal it with a Searing Ignition, making a lil aoe of fire damage that also forces everyone inside to make a wisdom save or become blinded for a round. you can also use this once per turn, proficiency times a day. I honestly think it’s really weird your NP isn’t an aoe this time around, but we can skirt that rule thanks to this being a debuff.
10. Fighter 9: ninth level fighters are Indomitable, letting you re-roll a failed save once a day. it feels a bit weird that they’re more strict about this than the extra action, but I also wouldn’t send pinkertons to someone’s house so maybe WotC just knows something I don’t.
11. Fighter 10: tenth level rune knights have a Great Stature, giving you a couple extra inches even when you’re not in your super mode. still have a ways to go to catch up to the old you though. also you deal more damage while big.
even better, you have the Cloud Rune now, so delightful assassin’s giving you advantage on Sleight of Hand checks all the time, and you can use your reaction to redirect attacks targeting you onto another creature! I’m sure your employés won’t mind, it’s in their contract.
12. Fighter 11: another level, another Extra Attack! now you can attack three times a turn! fight on, bunyan!
13. Fighter 12: use this ASI to round out your Strength score with the Crusher feat! once a turn you can push a creature when you bludgeon it, and if you crit with a bludgeoning attack all attacks against that creature are made with advantage until your next turn! if I got hit by a fist larger than I am, I think I’d be pushed back too.
14. Fighter 13: congrats, it’s another Indomitable. they uh… they kind of ran out of new stuff to give fighter at this point.
15. Fighter 14: another ASI nets you the Eldritch Adept feat, giving you a free requirementless Eldritch Invocation from warlock! the only one I want is Armor of Shadows for the free mage armor casts. you don’t wear armor, and your dexterity is +0, you need this.
16. Fighter 15: at fifteenth level you are now a Master of Runes, doubling your activated rune usage and recharging them on short rests rather than long ones. congrats, you’ve unlocked the Koyanskaya system. NP spam away.
also you get the Frost Rune now, mostly because there wasn’t any other one I wanted. you always have advantage on Animal Handling and Intimidation checks, but you can also invoke it for a +2 bonus on all Strength and Constitution saves.
17. Fighter 16: yet another ASI, but for once we’re putting this one in Constitution. more health equals less dead!
18. Fighter 17: another level of “nothing new, but more old”. you can now Action Surge twice a short rest, and you’re Indomitable three times a day. it’s not a huge change, but it is change we can believe in. bunyan 2024, there’s still time.
19. Fighter 18: 18th level rune knights are Runic Juggernauts, increasing the damage you deal while big to a d10, increasing the max size possible in this mode to Huge, and increasing your melee reach by 5’, the only fucking way I’ve seen to increase your reach while growing which is weird, right? with this last feature, you’re finally able to measure up to your past self. congrats.
20. Fighter 19: one last level, grab the Tough feat for an extra 40 HP. if we go by the OG version of how HP works, I’m pretty sure you’re the only servant we’ve built so far that would have more than 1, and that should reflect in your actual HP total.
Pros & Cons
like the other one, super bunyan brings a lot of Utility with boosted skills and a bunch of little trinkets that can help out in random situations. also, while you don’t have a lot of cleric magic, it’s still one of the better spell lists in the game to pull from, so you’ll be fine.
speaking of spells, you pack a pretty solid Magical Defense thanks to all your indomitability, protections from good and evil, and your bonds of friendship make all your saves a bit better. add in your big HP bar, and attacking you with fireballs and the like doesn’t seem like such a good idea.
thanks to your overlapping punch addons, you can choose how hard you hit pretty easily, either spacing out your searing ignitions and giant strikes and runes for consistently high damage, or shoving them all in on a critical hit for burst damage instead. it’s not a ton of variety, but it’s the big-picture strategic thinking that made you the boss in the first place.
while when you deal your damage is flexible, your damage types aren’t. you have fire, and bludgeoning. and the bludgeoning isn’t even magical, so good luck fighting anything tougher than Mary Anning.
you have a good amount of HP, but that really only matters if your AC is able to keep the worst of the attacks off you. and it can’t. your AC is terrible, this is why most people fight in something more than flannel.
unlike the OG, your Mobility isn’t improved in any way from just walking around, so being huge and walking through a fight can be a huge issue, making you the target of plenty of attacks of opportunity. no wonder this bunyan only gets big for her NP.
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haropladraws · 2 years
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I just think she’s neat. ヽ( ´▽`)ノ
refs under the cut.
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dailyfatefigures · 2 years
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Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order Collectible Figures Episode 2 - Astolfo by Good Smile Company
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zmeyel · 5 months
Are you ready to sell seashells by the seashore?
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fateroulette · 8 months
Super Bunyan
and friends
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miramisaki · 5 months
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35(???) days until Charlie...
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kcciny · 2 years
your romani has these little curls on the tips of his hair IM CRYING I LOVE IT SO!!!! MUCH!!!!!!!!! T T
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I love drawing Romani with slight curly hair…it just fits him…😔💕
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typemoonsmashorpass · 8 months
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menacingheatashi · 2 years
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Servanttober Day 6 - Riyo Style with Master(s)
A little late with this one, I still really enjoy drawing in Riyo’s style since its both simplistic and detailed at the same time
Also I have to admit its just fun to draw in lol
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dingostrash · 6 months
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Actually really hope I get Super Bunyan, augh,,
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shantiyen · 1 year
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Drew Jin in the art style of the fGO Learning with Manga x)
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“Man, it’s taking five-ever to wrap this game up! Who’s the last Servant? Just show up already!”
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“…oh. ☹️”
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dailyfatefigures · 2 years
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Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order Collectible Figures Episode 2 - Kiyohime by Good Smile Company
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listieshadows · 1 year
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Listie's OC Halloween Costumes 2023 (2 of 9)
Hayley Morgan as Paul Bunyan from Learning With Manga! FGO.
I wanted to do this gag in the teaser where Hayley was significantly bigger than everyone else, but for some reason I didn't do that. I'unno why.
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