#Daikokuten mouse
edswordsman · 5 months
Summoned a new Caster-class Servant:
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🐭 Daikokuten! 🐭
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valeriefauxnom · 1 year
One thing I always loved about taking things at face value instead of thinking of the more logical, meta reason why this is the case is that it leads to situations like this:
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How do we get here?
The answer is art. Well, that, and trying to fit in multiple characters into a single frame coupled with Ranzal being too short to allow the rest of them normal-er heights.
It all starts at this early dragalia life comic, and this panel specifically:
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So, apparently somebody (whether the artist actually asked anyone else or just winged it, I don't know!) decided Ranzal was 6'1. Fair, a pretty tall height for such a big dude, right? Well, it's not tall enough when we then put this in mind with pretty much every art with him in the picture and can't be explained by perspective (ie, everyone is likely on a relatively flat surface)
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(Yes I know Euden's kneeling in that one but still, don't think standing is going to help him much in this case! He's still got more in common with Daikokuten the Mouse Dragon in that picture than any human or sylvan...)
And yes, these are some of the more egregious examples, but just the fact there's more than one makes this so funny trying to re-contextualize everyone else's height around Ranzal when we look at art like this. Because, as the very first image suggests, Euden is at best 5'1 in some of these arts if Ranzal is 6'1. And since Dragalia seemed to go with a vague 'comparison heights' to keep in line that Euden is taller than Zethia, but not Luca, etc, means quite a few people are absolutely tiny with the only fact that they're shorter than Euden as evidence needed.
Now, of course you can easily ruin this by logical, unfun recognition that Euden is also one of the most egregious size-shifters in Dragalia over the years (which by itself might make for some funny headcanons that he doesn't know/can't remember his own height and just guesstimates if there's some sort of conscious mental influence in trying to return to human form after shifting...Like if he's feeling on top the world, powerful when he's shifting back everyone is suddenly wondering why he looks so much taller, etc), as evidenced by even just these dragalia life panels:
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(This would put him at about 5'9/152 cm)
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...Whereas this likely only cracks 4' something or another. You get the picture: heights aren't exactly stable in comics or art. And I get it, it'd be a pain to try and keep everything consistent 24/7 over so many comics and artworks.
But oh, is it funny to imagine that everyone in Grastea is falling into one of two camps: huge-normal and very small. There is almost no in-between. You are either 6'+ or you are 4'8. Like...
A party approaches, two taller figures and three small ones. One of them looks like a the leader of this group, a bulky frame and commanding, harsh presence that signals not to play games with him. Surely that's the most dangerous member of the party, right? He looks like he eats whole horses for breakfast and it all turns straight into muscle.
...And then the one 5'1 kid randomly multiplies in size several times over and is now a huge freakin' dragon and setting you on fire/sending a tidal wave at you/kicking up a tornado/electrifying you/breathing poison/etc...
Appearances....can be deceiving?
So yeah, there we have the hilarious and unintentional effects by that one damning comic so long ago provides, if you so choose to take it at face value instead of introducing silly things like facts and logic and an understanding of the difficulties of being an artist!
Bonus round (ie, edit)
Also, judging by this exact one (1) piece of art, Emile very well is taller than Phares. Emile looks like he's hunching over somewhat and is still about even with Phares:
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So yeah. Figured I should share that Emile might be way taller than I thought, at least.
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Oddly, I actually want the Riyo Mouse servant when they come out (Daikokuten I think?)
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coolmika745 · 2 years
Shinshi (Divine Servant)
The link did not include the chart, but I found one on the Japanese Wikipedia and machine translated it. The translation is below.
animal God mouse Daikokuten cow Tenmangu Shrine * See Tenjin Faith tiger Chogosonshiji Temple bee Futarasan Shrine rabbit Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine / Okazaki Shrine / Toshi Shrine turtle Matsuo Taisha Shrine  crab Kotohira Shrine  eel Mishima Taisha Shrine snake Benzaiten・ sea ​​serpent Izumo Taisha Shrine white snake Suwa Shrine Omiwa Shrine fox Inari Shrine * See Inari God . deer Kasuga Taisha Shrine / Kashima Shrine monkey Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine / Asama Shrine crow Kumano Sanzan , Itsukushima Shrine crane Suwa Taisha Shrine pigeon Hachiman Shrine heron Kehi Shrine chicken Ise Shrine , Atsuta Shrine , Isonokami Shrine wolf Shrines in the Okutama / Chichibu region such as Musashi Mitake Shrine and Mitsumine Shrine carp Omae Shrine boar Go'o Shrine / Wake Shrine centipede Bishamonten
Here is a link to the original text.
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thelreads · 2 years
In response to the other ask female Da Vinci isn't the most outrageous thing that Fate Grand Order has done. Like a good portion of the cast are genderbent into women. Some more crazy things it has done are
- Legendary pirate Balckbeard is a massive weeb.
- Julius Caesar is a furry
- Notorious Serial killer Elizabeth Bathory is a teenage pop idol
- Attila the Hun is a dark skinned waifu who is also a space alien.
- Atilla the Hun also became Santa Claus at one point. She weaponized sheep.
- Jack the Ripper is the amalgamation of the souls of dead babies thrown into the river Thames and is a loli
- James Moriarty [enemy of Sherlock Holmes] and Charles Babbage [robot, inventor of the computer] are basically in a gay relationship and are raising Frankenstein's Monster [female] together
- Thomas Edison is not only the president of the United States but also the fusion of every American president past, present and future. He also has a lion head.
- Evil Child Santa Joan of Arc is a thing...
- Hans Christain Andersen is a grown man in the body of a 12 year old with raging alcholoism
- Irish Queen Medb was assassinated with a piece of cheese and now is terrified of it.
- The same could be said for famous samurai Nagao Kagetora, but with toilets.
- Beni-enma, a literal bird who became a judge of hell runs a hot springs inn and is basically small bird Gordon Ramsey.
-Daikokuten, one of the seven gods of fortune, is an army of maid mouse girls.
There's even more buckwild stuff out there
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w h a t
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Implying that my little baby Voyager isn't a already a cinnamon roll, can't believe it smdh
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kingjackalope · 4 years
@todayintokyo​ re-blogged a post about 流鏑馬 (yabusame), or Japanese mounted archery. As I was tagging it I realized I didn’t know what 鏑 meant. When it’s read as yajiri it means arrowhead, but when it’s read as kabura (also meaning turnip) it means a turnip shaped whistle that is attached to arrows called Kabura-ya. 
So that’s really cool, I didn’t know about those! As I was learning more about them, I noticed that there were quite a few pictures of kabura-ya and mice:
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Turns out, comes from a legend in the Kojiki, a book of stories about ancient Shinto Gods. The God Ookuninushi is trying to win the hand of Suserihime, Susanoo’s daughter:
Susanoo gave him his final test.
He brought Ookuninushi out into a vast field, faced the center of the field, and let fly a narikabura (a narikabura is a type of arrow used in ceremonies. In the arrow head, several air holes are carved so that when fired it makes a whooshing sound as the wind rushes through it).
“Now then, Ookuninushi! Look for my arrow and bring it back to me!“
As instructed, Ookuninushi immediately parted the grass and entered the field. After a little while, fires began springing up in all directions. 
Seeing this, Susanoo’s daughter Suserihime screamed, “Please stop this, father! If you do such a thing he will die!” 
Ookuninushi didn’t know this was happening, and continued to search for the arrow. By the time he realized it, fire was closing in all around him. There was no longer any place to run.  
Just then, a mouse god appeared at his feet and whispered “The outside is little, but the inside is big.” 
Hearing this, Ookuninushi tried stamping the ground beneath him. When he did, the ground crumbled and he fell into an underground cave. There he waited for the fire overhead to pass.
Once the fire had subsided and he left the little cave, the mouse god came up to him, carrying Susanoo’s arrow in his mouth. The mouse god’s children carried it’s feathers.
Since the field had burnt to the ground, Susanoo thought that Ookuninushi had died. Suserihime wept, and started preparing for Ookuninushi’s funeral. Just then, Ookuninushi emerged from the smoke of the burning field, carrying the arrow. Susanoo and Suserihime were shocked.
Suserihime cast aside the burial tools in her great joy, and rushed to Ookunisushi. 
Susanoo was forced to accept their marriage, and invited Ookuninushi to his great palace.
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Due to his association with mice, Ookuninushi is also linked to, and sometimes merged with, Daikokuten, one of the Seven Lucky Gods. (I recommend this website for enjoying some of the symbolism associated with Daikokuten, such as two-legged daikon).
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mia-japanese-korean · 4 years
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White Mice, Shibata Zeshin, c. 1880s, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
cluster of five white mice in ULQ, one mouse URC Capitalizing on the delicate ink tonalities of traditional ink painting, Zeshin created this woodblock print composition of white mice. Mice have long been emblematic of fertility in Japan, and white mice were considered especially auspicious. In Japanese folklore, Daikokuten, the god of agriculture, employs white mice as his messengers. In commemoration of the Year of the Rat in the Asian astrological calendar, artists created the images featuring white mice. It is likely that Zeshin was commissioned to produce this image for such an occasion. Size: 10 1/8 x 13 11/16 in. (25.7 x 34.8 cm) (image, sheet) Medium: Woodblock print (surimono); ink on paper
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guardiantempest · 5 years
Learning With Manga: Riyo’s Udon Servants
Y’know, for a gag manga, Riyo has put in a lot of thought obscuring his Servant’s identities and giving out only hints throughout the comic’s run. The first three Servants (Rider, Assassin and Berserker) had their biographies spelled out in the print bookbut not their actual names (not that it’s needed, the hints were big enough).
I’m saying Udon Servants because they were apparently made by mixing Udon dough with Grail mud.
Due to the ridiculous amount of images, I’ve added a cut.
EDIT: I posted this without the cut. Oops. EDIT 2: Changed some wordings
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Okay, pastel-colored bunnygirl. No specific identity tied to a rabbit (that I know of) so her appearance is a red herring. Could be anyone at this point.
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Passion for filmmaking. There are a lot of influential movie people throughout history from old to new. At least the set equipment implies a director.
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Severe hatred of Thomas Edison? Well, I guess that narrows it down to more old-timey directors. Back in his time he screwed over a lot of people, including many foreign filmmakers by plagiarizing their works.
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A Trip to the Moon? There’s only one director who has that in his repertoire and that is Georges Méliès. That probably explains her outfit as a the rather-tangential nod to moon rabbits. Her Noble Phantasm is apparently a loooot of her film reels...made out of very volatile nitrate (which destroys Chaldea in the process). She also references older films like Purple Noon when chatting with Olga.
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Okay, woman with a gun, presumably with lingerie? Perhaps she’s a secret agent, or a modernized take on those assassin seductresses. Throughout the comic she’s shown to be adept with information gathering.
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Definitely affiliated with spycraft. I don’t know any woman involved in such line of work (the one female secret agent I know is Nancy Wake, who isn’t). However this is Fate and genderswaps can be a thing. That O&C provides a pretty big hint to her identity. According to Google, it can stand for “Official and Confidential” affiliated with the one and only J. Edgar Hoover. Y’know, now that her identity is revealed in that tweet above, the comic’s art style makes it vague whether she’s really a genderswap or just crossdressing. Yes, the FBI did have a brief history of crossdressing to catch perps. Too bad her Noble Phantasm is practically useless to those who don’t care about keeping secrets.
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It’s kinda funny how Riyo gives all his Servants personality quirks, like Melies’ seething hatred to Edison and occasional lapses to violent solutions. I guess this quirk is meant to be more “gap moe”, kinda like that Yakuza househusband? It’s really endearing. Still, I think Olga scored a keeper. In a standard Grail War she can be pretty useful if deployed correctly (and maybe easier to work with than Mata Hari).
I like her suit, I hope it’s one of her ascensions.
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Woah, she big. There are a lot of significant giants in mythology, and her modernized appearance provides less hints than expected. She ate Nursery Rhyme several pages later and becomes a mainstay in the Children’s Kingdom.
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Keep in mind this is before All the Statesmen event on JP, but that blue ox(?) is a clear indicator to who she is: Paul Bunyan, North American folklore figure. This doesn’t come off as a surprise to us since we already had said event spelling it out for us. Unlike her murderous portrayal in the comic though, in-game she’s a total sweetheart who just wants to help...by terraforming any wild terrain in the name of civilization.
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We first see Lancer impaling Gudako in a comic. The folks in the livestream joked that she’s genderswapped Van Helsing. It seems to make sense, showing that spike. But they clarified that it was a joke so that’s out of the window.
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Something of value? She’s referring to fossils. What about the lightning? It’s a reference to her real life counterpart who survived a lightning strike. That’s right, this woman is Mary Anning! A servant who’s not a genderbend this time!
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Totally a raging lesbian. I’m not sure if that’s historical, a reference to a recent biopic, or merely a personality quirk. Maybe it’s an extrapolation to her network of women. One of her skills (Sea Lily Charisma) does let her attract women to help her out. Her canine companion is very cute, at least.
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She does have a point. As a Lancer she wields giant prehistoric fish. From the speculation I saw on Reddit, I think it might be a reference to a manga/doujin of her being a mage and can summon living counterparts of her fossil. Her Noble Phantasm wasn’t showed because she got tag-teamed by two Sabers before she got to use it.
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A cowgirl! There are quite a few notable wild west legends like Billy the Kid. This one looks like she has animal ears, or just really weird hair. Using a rope and lasso is indicative of “generic cowgirl”, for a Heroic Spirit to wield it means she must be known for using it.
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Coyotes, huh? That pretty confirms it: this cowgirl Archer is Pecos Bill, raised by coyotes and most famous for lassoing a tornado (then riding it). According to the print book, one of her personal skills is Rodeo, which allows her to ride something and not fall off (but it’s in no way similar to the Riding skill). Yeah, being raised by coyotes pretty much translates to coyote animal ears...and feral instincts.
I remember reading on Reddit that one of Bill’s feats is shooting down stars, so that might be why she’s an Archer. Riyo sure is drawing from a lot of western influences.
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Well this is a curveball. The very distinct attire should narrow it down though I don’t know which culture seems most appropriate. While there are more than a few pregnant women in mythologies, the comic clarifies that the real Servant is the unborn baby and the mother is just tagging along.
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Well, that’s certainly something. I remember reading somewhere that back in the old ages, saunas are used instead of hospitals for childbirth in snowy regions of Europe. The unborn Servant has a Courtship skill that causes him to hit on almost every female he comes across.
There are a lot of guesses for his identity, one of which is Väinämöinen. A demigod who spent a very long time in the womb, can speak while in there, and was born an old man. The evidence feels shaky and debate rages on.
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Jesus Christ, Jeanne, what are you doing?! I just added this page because it’s hilarious.
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Mouse maids! A miracle that they survived getting chopped up into bits! It’s rather vague on who they are, guesses include the Rolling Riceball (which is just Benienma’s story) and Ratatouille, funnily enough. Most of their appearances so far is just pandering for Gudako (giving Onigiri, enabling the WiFi, providing Dakimakuras) as an effect of one of their Personal Skills (Servitude).
Their profile says that this isn’t their true form (maybe as a consequence of getting turned to noodles). Their Territory Creation should allow them to make a dreamland and provide anything, but for now all they can make is a good-enough kitchen and onigiri.
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Another Personal Skill is Reproduction, which allows them to rapidly increase their numbers when left alone. Nonstop. This can get out of hand fast. People in the comment section were speculating various rat-related myths, primarily ones with a swarm theme.
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Although it seems the rats are up to something.
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Well that’s terrifying. A guy on Reddit assumed that the mice is connected to Raigo, the accursed monk. I thought it was a very dark take on a folklore/fairy tale, something about mice fattening up someone to eat them.
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Okay, the mallet and the sack is definitely a clue. Apparently that represents Daikokuten, who is frequently portrayed with mice near him. I understand what they were trying to do. All this time they were trying to build up for their true power. A god of good fortune and/or prosperity is not to be messed with, especially if he’s currently incarnating RIyo Gudako as a pseudo-servant.
I think their Modus Operandi is pretty horrifying, yet also makes sense. A Master cannot simply summon a god under normal circumstances but summoning its herald(s) who, in turn, will make way for their patron deity seems totally fair.
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alice-in-idol-land · 5 years
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♡ Daikokuten ♡ Exalted Mouse ♡ for anon ♡
~Free for use, no credit necessary~
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feralnoble · 5 years
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along with enough Daikokuten to have a mub mouse (and one extra), 2 Mitsuhide dupes, and four frickin Ieyasu before Nobunaga, I'd say my luck for the new year is going pretty good !!!
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princeshroob · 5 years
Thank Ilia I said I was going to summon, else this would yet again be another post in which I admit to lying. Still feel like crap though...
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First off, I got Astol-er, sorry, I mean Chitose. idk why, but I was really hoping I’d get him, probably cuz he’s a limited 4* unit, but still, I’m happy I got him at least!
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Secondly, I got both of the zodiac dragons! I’m...unsure how good Daikokuten is, but Marishiten I’m more than happy with getting, since she eluded me in her original banner (I skipped the rerun cuz I didn’t want to risk getting nothing but Ieyasu dupes, or whoever else was on rate-up then). Also, I got two of the mouse dragon, so...great? Not so great? idk
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Thirdly, I got...Naveed. You know, it’s becoming a recurring trend for me to summon characters right after their rate-up banners (Heck, Sarisse technically counts since I summoned her on the Gala banner after hers) but I’m still happy that the sword wasn’t another B!Elly for once...
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Finally, I got the wyrmclain leader I actually wanted! Like I said before, I was born in the year of the horse, and they inexplicably added the horse leader ahead of time, but regardless I considered it my duty to go for Horse for that reason alone. Now, granted what I just did was not exactly the best move on my part since we still have free tenfolds, but you know me. I have the self-control of a cat in a room with a mouse. HA!
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gamenu · 5 years
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After many hours....40 single vouchers....3 Tenfold vouchers....10K+ Wyrmite....
I did it....
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I managed to get:
The Leader of the Mouse Clan: Mitsuhide
The Pactwyrm of the Mouse Clan Leader: Daikokuten
Mitsuhide’s retainer who claims to be the cutest boy: Chitose
The Leader of the Horse Clan/Mitsuhide’s best friend: Nobunaga
God is real ya’ll...and he was lookin’ out for me today. I was stressing trying to get Daikokuten and Nobunaga...
I literally got all of the new Hinomoto units.
I still ain’t get the leader of the Boar clan from last year, Ieyasu tho. I got his dragon like 7 times tho. I love you Marishiten please step on me--
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gefdreamsofthesea · 7 years
(2/2) They're sometimes portrayed as sapient, but *never* as anthropomorphic licensed characters (e.g. M*ck*y.) I've no idea who or what this might be coming from--there seems to be no associated solar, rationalistic, or musical imagery that might indicate Apollo, and Daikokuten, Ganesh, and Karni Mata (and their respective murine pals) are Not In My Lane. (Neither do I want to be the sort of white person who postulates some fluffbunny shamanic! totemic! spirit animal! generic Mouse or Rat.)
It doesn’t necessarily mean that a specific deity is trying to contact you, it might even be a coincidence, or it could be a message or an omen. It depends on what they mean to you? Is there something you’re not doing and these critters are popping up as a reminder?
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