#Learning experience
marivanilla05 · 2 years
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If you thought heiji giving minors alcohol was bad enough, wait til you see this
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gravityglitch-blog · 7 months
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Drawing these two sweeties for comfort.
Still not feeling my best, but I had a thought about N wearing Uzi's beanie and I had to draw this. Decided to play around with some brushes and textures, too.
I noticed too late that I had drawn Uzi's hand completely wrong. I thought about leaving it alone, but it was genuinely upsetting me every time I looked at it. I had to try to fix it. Also deepened the colors, because that's another thing I wanted to do and forgot.
(This was supposed to be a simple drawing😥)
Thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged the original. If you choose not to delete it, I guess it's now a piece of lost media?
Moral of the story: Check your drawing references. A lot.
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cleverreports · 2 months
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We report at twilight: we have moved through the day with sleep in our eyes. We slept last night, but we carry the insomnia of another night. Now, as the day slows down, we feel even heavier. Even so, we notice the summer wind that pushes blue clouds, and the smell of wild lilac.
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lesbokyoko · 4 months
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tsukihime style study with akiha bc she's literally me
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haxyr3 · 25 days
Dear Russian learners, please help me better understand your challenges and needs! Take this survey - there are only 9 questions there - and share your Russian learning experience with me! It is 100% anonymous and it's for my eyes only, it will never be shared with anyone.
Thank you! ❤️
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floweringglass · 5 months
Learn from my mistake- don't try and use aluminum in stained glass projects X'D
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karaokebearwithal · 7 months
HEARTS DAY 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
(or whatever they say in Faerûn for Valentine's)
Pictured here doing a lil' dance to celebrate (despite being dressed for a completely different holiday depicted here) Are the local faves Asheera (@optiwashere's Tav) and Shadowheart!
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The addition of clothes when it comes to animating brings up something I have never considered before. - Did you draw them the same in each frame - Fabric moves slower than the body, are they moving like that?
Hey Bear, you forgot a boot in a previous frame and now the past two frames you drew had no boot guess you gotta go back
If the hair moves in this frame but not in that frame, why do my eyes hurt?
The belt is heavy so it moves slowly
Needless to say, I ate this up. 😌 Doing this also realised I can just animate anything! So I'm gonna jump into the deep end and try doing Aylin's wings! It can't be that hard.
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b0bthebuilder35 · 3 months
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pirunika · 22 days
fine.i guess your text being ignored is bad and annoying
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aelswiths · 1 year
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Come apart in my mouth Based on this post
For @jeynepoole and @kingslionheart
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kkoct-ik · 7 months
head in paws because im being a nightmare for this employer for having my documents and references in my legal name but applying in my chosen name
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gardenfungus · 8 months
I’m so excited to show off my next project! I’ve been working on it for quite a while and it’s taught me so many new things. It isn’t perfect by any definition but I made it with my own hands and it’s definitely adorable 😊
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the-football-chick · 2 years
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stormswrath · 1 year
I am not ashamed to admit that the whole pronoun thing still throws me a bit. Don't get me wrong, I will happily utilize one's preferred pronouns. Got no problem with that at all. I think I am still getting used to the singular "they/them". It doesn't feel natural to just say it. As my late wife might've said, "It feels weird to my mouthspace". But I am trying. And I hope that people understand that it is an adjustment for many of us, and have patience with us.
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alteredsilicone · 11 months
im so used to having darkvision because i play elves that i forget that some races dont have it...
Nila and Gale have a baby and she gets up in the middle of the night to feed her no problem
would Gale: a) use a darkvision spell/scroll so he can also get up in the night to feed his daughter with little hassle b) just try to use his knowledge of the environment to get thru the dark without disturbing anyone
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cerebraldischarge · 1 year
“Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” - Terry Pratchett
My right ear is still a little wonky from the loop-de-loop I did around the Catholic bits of the Second World - the doubly traumatized bits, if you will. But I don’t wanna talk about trauma again, lest I risk sounding thoroughly bromidic. But how about blue milk?
I know, it’s a Star Wars gimmick. But in the center of Warsaw, behind a towering hotel that’s so expensive it made me turn my tail and run, there’s a little place that’s simply called “the place to drink beer and vodka”, according to what Google told me about the blue neon sign above the door. (Straight and to the point, I guess.) It gave refuge to me when I was forlorn, my phone was dying and I was thirstier than a 50-year-old virgin looking at OnlyFans pages. Here, blue milk consists of: milk (obviously), white rum, and curacao liqueur, and it’s absolutely ambrosial.
Oh, that bit about being desperate. Yeah… I wandered out of my comfort zone a little too much this weekend. I’ve been to foreign places before, but written Dutch is easily decipherable if you have some idea of English, German, and how they are related to one another, so at least I could read the signs there; and even in the beach town in Croatia I could rely on finding someone who spoke at least rudimentary English when I got confused. I even liked to strike up some conversation with the Bolt drivers I hailed for succor. One of them - a handsome bald lad - told me that his best friend hung himself due to financial difficulties and that’s why he’s studying finance at university now. Another - an older gentleman - urged me to start going to church again and confess my sins. He just assumed I was raised Catholic by default - which I sort of was, but it’s not as much of a given for me as it would be down there. It was a charming interaction, albeit a little awkward - as it always is when religion comes up. My tattooist was also an older gentleman there, in Zadar’s medieval old town center, and we chatted throughout the 20-minute procedure, mostly about his interesting and very ocean-connected life. I also talked a bit with the cashier at a sex shop. (For some reason, I always end up going to these to ask for directions. Not even kidding, it happened in Munich and Berlin.)
All of that, and I mean all of it, went out of the window in Poland. Two people - the guy who made me blue milk and the hostel receptionist - understood me. The rest of them inexplicably assumed that if they talk louder in Polish, I’ll get it eventually. In the Vietnamese restaurant, I could rely on the good old “point at your order” method; in the grocery store I did not say a word, just like at home - by the way, some of their dried meat products are freaking phenomenal. As far as getting around goes, I glued my eyes to the little blue dot that was representing me, and relied on automatic functions as much as possible. Truth be told, I couldn’t read a damn thing on the streets, nor could I make heads or tails out of what was said to me, and this was utterly disorienting. It’s not like I let it stop me, but holy mackerel, it did put some things into perspective. So this is what my father experienced when he overheard me on a Zoom call (with the additional weirdness of his own offspring slowly becoming a foreigner to him, no doubt). So this is what all monolingual people go through when they get out of their little cultural bubble - or nonverbal autistic people every day, for that matter. This is the scary part I’ve been hearing about!
This gets us back to where we started - or rather, why I started: why I opened Skyscanner, completely sober this time, and clicked some buttons in the first place. Because I was bored. Because I had enough of my room and my antisemitic ancient aliens conspiracy theorist landlord and my corrupt leaders and my own little environment, and wanted something new. Well, I got it. This morning, I couldn’t wait to get back to the bitch cave. I had enough of being confused, hearing unrecognizable words, feeling alone, and all that. I did get some seriously cool cemetery photos out of it, and I met some cats, and I got closer to a bunch of squirrels than I ever dared to surmise, and I shot some guns again (http://pmshooter.pl if any of you happens to show up the area; being Easterners, don’t expect the staff to be overly friendly, but they are definitely professional and you can actually get some limited full-auto time in, unlike in my corner of the woods) - I even got a fancy bracelet made of the bottoms of .357 Magnum rounds, so I wouldn’t say I didn’t enjoy it or it wasn’t worth it, but by the gods, I was bone-weary by the time it was over.
Oh, and the beach part? I wish I could have stayed longer (I tried to ask for 3 nights but they only had vacancy for 2), but perhaps I got precisely what I went for. Namely, a moment of what felt like absolute clarity - something my skeptical, prying, curious, contrarian mind rarely allows to happen. Swimming in the ocean at sunset, I felt something enigmatic and numinous. First of all, I was no longer uncomfortable in my body. The ever-present itches, aches, stickiness, clumsiness dissolved in the water, and I was just frolicking around like a child. (Perhaps this is why I loved swimming so much as an actual child: it freed me from being a sensitive-skinned, gravity-bound klutz.) Then the waves started throwing me around like a wine cork. A thought occurred to me: This is the real world, the stuff that exists independently of humanity - and by dying, I’m not leaving it behind, I’m becoming a part of it. With this came a neoteric lightness, a beatific state devoid of wonted anxieties. I was having the time of my life bobbing up and down, half willingly, half out of control - and I accidentally drank a sip of the salty water. Another thought occurred to me: Sodium nitrite is going to taste something like this, I’ve been told. So I shouldn’t be scared of it. Yeah, it’s not my original favorite, but… At that moment, I felt like I could completely trust it and shouldn’t be afraid of failure. What’s more, this happened on Thursday evening - that is, the 17th, which is my lucky number and the start of the last month countdown to the first anniversary of my father’s death (and likely my final day, unless something else happens - I dare not to make promises anymore, for as my dear father used to say: “Man plans, and god…dammit, there’s always something in the way”). I’m not one for magical thinking, but this coincidence pleases me greatly. If I was into the pervasive mysticism of our age, I’d take it as a sign - as the universe trying to reassure me that I’m on the right track. As it is, I take everything with a grain of salt. But this experience definitely put me more at ease with my circumstances, including the one that has been a thorn in my side for as long as I can recall: the conspiracy between my ineptitude regarding illicit activities and the bureaucratic paranoia of all the governments I’ve seen so far, which results in the vexatious fact that I still don’t possess a firearm and in all likelihood never will. Before you ask - yes, I did ask around for leftovers from the 1990s while I was in Croatia, but all I got was apologetic smiles and something along the lines of “I don’t know about that” every single time. Whether that answer was honest or not, I couldn’t discern. Perhaps someone with more time, better people skills, and more knowledge of the local language could conduct a more fruitful expedition.
My budget suffered greatly, but I grew as a person. The end becomes clearer and clearer, and I’m present for the grand finale.
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