aditisposts · 9 months
Picking the Right School for You Abroad
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Selecting which university is the best fit for your study abroad experience is an important decision. While big-name, top-ranked schools might first catch your eye, several other factors should drive your choice to ensure you pick the right academic match.
Evaluate Overall Academics
Research overall university rankings and drill down into ratings for your intended major specifically at schools abroad you’re considering. If your major is unmatched anywhere you’re applying, ensure complementary strengths exist there to support aligned interests or minors. Canvas current students about academics via social media to augment published quality indicators.
Assess Faculty Credibility and Resources
Do professors have remarkable knowledge and real-world experience that could profoundly mentor you? Are student-faculty ratios low for deeper mentoring opportunities? Impressive faculty profiles and plentiful research facilities indicate rich learning environments conducive to undergraduate growth.
Weigh Location Pros and Cons
Study abroad location plays a huge role in program quality, cost variation and immersion depth. If select countries or cities inspire you, see what campuses exist there then cross-reference value indicators. Investigate language prevalence if bilingual skills matter, plus geographical access to alluring internships or global companies to build your resume.
Evaluate Extracurricular Opportunities
Will you continue collegiate sports, music, organizations or causes abroad? Scan what student clubs and events prospective universities offer that supplement your major focus with enjoyable community building. Note if vibrant international student groups exist to aid transitional connections.
Consider Class Sizes and Learning Culture
Some students excel with small liberal arts colleges overseas emphasizing interactive learning, while others prefer large renowned research universities with big lecture formats. Gauge what classroom scale and teaching methods boost your individual performance then assess study abroad options accordingly.
Project Housing Variables
Will you live on campus or off? Research dorm culture, average commutes if living independently and what other international students say about residential experiences at universities abroad on review sites like Student.com.
Posted By: Om Rai, MBBS. DY Patil University Disclaimer: The perspectives shared in this blog are not intended to be prescriptive. They should act merely as viewpoints to aid overseas aspirants with helpful guidance. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research before availing the services of a consultant.
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gpstudios · 2 months
Continuously Hone Your Skills: Staying Adaptable in a Changing World
In a constantly changing world, continuous skill development is essential for staying adaptable and ready for new challenges. Embrace lifelong learning to enhance your abilities and remain competitive and resilient.
In an ever-evolving world, the ability to adapt and grow is crucial for success. The rapid pace of technological advancements, economic shifts, and global changes means that staying stagnant is not an option. Continuously honing your skills ensures that you remain capable and ready to face new challenges. Here’s how continuous skill development can keep you adaptable and prepared for whatever the…
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Capturing lessons learned from projects is a critical practice for continuous improvement in any organization. It ensures that valuable insights are not lost and that future projects can benefit from the experiences of the past. This blog will guide you through the process of effectively capturing lessons learned, turning them into actionable knowledge for your team.
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akshayabk-blog · 8 months
Day 12: Learning Styles in Adults
Day 12: Learning Styles in Adults Identify Learning Styles: Exploration of Learning Style Models: VARK Model: Understand the VARK model, which categorizes learners into Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic styles. Recognize that individuals may have preferences for one or more of these styles. Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles: Explore Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles,…
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bizessenceaustralia · 8 months
7 Functions of HR Department
Explore our latest infographic highlighting the 7 key functions of our HR department. From talent acquisition to employee development, discover how we drive success together.
For more info, visit - https://www.bizessence.com.au
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deputyapogee · 9 months
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jjbizconsult · 9 months
Cultivate Curiosity, Ignite Innovation: Build a Learning Culture that Thrives
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Employee loyalty is earned through commitment to learning. Surprisingly, 39% are more likely to stay if companies invest in their development.
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riga-training · 10 months
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Riga Training's First Aid Course is a transformative experience, designed to impart life-saving skills and instill confidence in participants across various contexts. Delving into the essentials of immediate medical response, our course covers CPR, wound care, and emergency protocols. What sets us apart is the hands-on approach—led by expert instructors, participants engage in realistic scenarios, ensuring the practical application of theoretical knowledge. Whether for workplaces, community groups, or individuals, our First Aid Course is tailored to diverse needs, emphasizing adaptability in real-life situations. We go beyond the basics, incorporating the latest advancements in first aid practices and aligning with industry standards. The course not only equips participants with the skills to address injuries and illnesses but also nurtures a proactive mindset, fostering a culture of preparedness and responsibility. Riga Training's First Aid Course is more than education; it's a commitment to building resilient, empowered communities prepared to handle unexpected medical challenges with competence and compassion.
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voiceofnickg · 1 year
Workforce Training: Navigating Workforce Training Amidst Budget Constraints
Introduction: Hello to all the savvy forklift owners in Malaysia! 🇲🇾 We know that training your workforce while balancing the budget can be a tough nut to crack. But guess what? You can turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth. Today, we’re diving into the world of workforce training – let’s explore cost-effective ways to upskill your team, enhance productivity, and keep those forklifts…
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normally0 · 3 months
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Banco: Investing in Knowledge at Charterhouse
At Charterhouse School, the term "Banco" refers to the homework done after supper in the evening. This unique term encapsulates more than just a time for study; it symbolizes a structured and dedicated period of intellectual pursuit and discipline, reflecting the school's emphasis on rigorous academic preparation and time management.
Metaphorically, "Banco" represents the notion of a bank or reserve of knowledge. Just as a bank safeguards and manages financial resources, "Banco" time at Charterhouse is a period where students invest in their intellectual capital. It is a deliberate effort to build up their reserves of understanding, skills, and knowledge, which they can draw upon in future academic and life endeavors.
Furthermore, the evening timing of "Banco" suggests a period of reflection and consolidation. After the day's activities and classes, students have the opportunity to review and integrate what they have learned, reinforcing their comprehension and mastery of subjects. This aligns with the idea of a bank’s end-of-day reconciliation, where all transactions are balanced and accounted for, ensuring accuracy and stability.
"Banco" also highlights the value of consistency and routine in academic success. Just as regular deposits into a bank account accumulate over time to create wealth, regular and disciplined study sessions build a strong foundation of knowledge. This routine instills a sense of responsibility and self-discipline in students, teaching them the importance of regular effort and perseverance.
The communal aspect of "Banco" time, with students working alongside their peers, fosters a sense of solidarity and mutual support. It mirrors the social function of banks as community institutions that support collective growth and development. This shared experience can enhance motivation and create a supportive learning environment.
In essence, "Banco" at Charterhouse is a metaphorical investment in education, reflecting the importance of routine, discipline, and reflection in the learning process. It symbolizes the accumulation and safeguarding of knowledge, much like financial assets, preparing students for future academic and personal success.
#Charterhouse #Banco #HomeworkTime #StudyRoutine #AcademicDiscipline #InvestInKnowledge #EducationTraditions #LearningCulture #StudentLife #BritishEducation
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pejalantangguh · 5 years
Urang Kanekes
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Orang-orang lebih mengenal mereka dengan sebutan Baduy, yang berarti pejalan kaki. Terletak di daerah Lebak-Banten, suku ini terbagi menjadi dua golongan, yaitu Baduy luar dan Baduy dalam. Suku Baduy luar terdiri lebih dari 50 desa, sedangkan suku Baduy dalam hanya terdiri dari 3 desa saja, yaitu Cikeusik, Cikertawana dan Cibeo. Setiap desa di suku Baduy dipimpin oleh seorang ketua adat yang disebut jaro atau puun.
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Untuk mencapai ke Baduy khususnya Baduy dalam bukanlah hal yang mudah. Jika dari Jakarta, kita harus naik kereta ke stasiun Tanah Abang, dilanjutkan naik kereta arah ke Rangkasbitung di peron 6 st. Tanah Abang. Di stasiun Rangkasbitung perjalanan masih cukup jauh, namun bisa ditempuh dengan angkot ke terminal awe kemudian naik elf ke desa Ciboleger. Sesampainya di desa Ciboleger, barulah perjalanan yang sesungguhnya dimulai yaitu trekking atau berjalan kaki selama kurang lebih 3 sampai 4 jam barulah kita sampai ke Desa yang pertama di Baduy dalam, yaitu Cibeo.
Suku Baduy dalam memiliki ciri khas tersendiri jika dibandingkan dengan Baduy luar. Hal yang paling terlihat adalah mereka masih sangat memegang teguh adat istiadat atau kebudayaan dari leluhur. Salah satunya adalah alas kaki, suku Baduy dalam tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan alas kaki dan mereka harus berjalan kaki, tidak diperbolehkan naik kendaraan apapun, baik itu ojek, angkot, bus, kereta, pesawat, sepeda, MRT, bahkan odong-odong.
Hal yang terlihat dari penampilan luar suku Baduy dalam adalah cara berpakaian. Ciri khas dari warna pakaian mereka adalah hanya putih, hitam dan sarung garis berwarna biru dongker dengan ikat kepala putih, dan tas yang mereka bawa berwarna putih, hampir semua bahan putih menggunakan kain belacu. Tidak ada warna lain di bagi mereka.
Sesampainya di Baduy dalam kami disuguhkan dengan pemandangan yang amat sederhana dari kehiduan sehari-hari suku Baduy. Ada banyak peraturan adat yang masih mereka pegang teguh sampai saat ini, untuk menjalankan kebiasaan turun temurun dari nenek moyang mereka.
Pertama adalah MCK atau WC, jangan harap anda dapat menemukan MCK, WC, toilet, kakus, helikopter atau apapun sebutannya, karena di Baduy dalam tidak ada, jadi orang-orang yang akan melangsungkan hajat BAB, BAK, mandi dapat dilakukan di sungai dengan ditutupi oleh bilik bambu sederhana.
Bisa dibayangkan bersih diri tanpa sabun? Hal ini sudah biasa di Baduy Dalam. Kedua, tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan sabun apapun itu baik sabun muka, sabun mandi, sabun cuci baju, sabun cuci piring, sabun cuci gigi atau apapun. Dan alasan mereka sederhana, karena itu dapat mencemari air dan mengurangi kadar kebersihannya.
Ketiga, di Baduy dalam tidak diperkenankan menyalakan musik dan menggunakan gadget, sebut saja HP atau apapun bentuk gadget yang lain.
Keempat, wisatawan luar negeri tidak diperbolehkan masuk ke Baduy dalam. Terkait hal ini ada beberapa pendapat, kenapa hal ini tidak diperbolehkan. Alasan mendasarnya karena menjalankan kebiasaan leluhur, selain itu mereka menilai bahwa bangsa asing diluar Baduy dulunya adalah penjajah.
Kelima, tidak diperkenankan untuk mengambil poto atau merekam ketika sudah memasuki kawasan Baduy dalam. Jadi segala macam bentuk keindahan, kesederhanaan dan harmoni yang ada di sana hanya boleh kita lihat tanpa bentuk pengabadian dalam bentuk gambar.
Keenam, suku Baduy dalam hanya diperbolehkan menikah dengan sesama suku Baduy dalam, untuk menjaga silsilah leluhur. Namun orang Baduy dalam boleh menikah dengan orang Baduy luar ataupun diluar Baduy, dengan syarat setelah itu mereka sudah tidak menjadi Baduy dalam lagi dan terlepas dari menjalankan kewajiban mereka sebagai suku Baduy dalam.
Ketujuh, suku Baduy dalam tidak diperkenankan untuk bersekolah, kalau Baduy luar boleh bersekolah. Lalu dari mana mereka memperoleh pendidikan? Apakah mereka mengenal huruf? bisa menghitung? Tentu mereka belajar, karena belajar bukan hanya ritual yang terjadi di sekolah, mereka mempelajari itu semua dengan cara melihat kebiasaan yang dijalankan oleh Bapak dan Ibu mereka. Membaca, menulis, menghitung, bahkan kodrat mereka sebagai lelaki dan perempuan harus melakukan apa, hal itu mereka pelajari dari melihat kebiasaan yang dijalankan orang tua mereka. Proses internalisasi disini berjalan dengan sangat baik. Dan banyak hal-hal lain peraturan adat yg dimiliki oleh suku Baduy dalam.
Hal yang membuat saya kagum dengan mereka adalah walaupun kondisi mereka yang terbilang jauh dari peradaban, dan terbelakang, namun dari kesederhanaan yang mereka miliki, itu menjadi keunikan tersendiri yang dimiliki oleh suku Baduy dalam. Tetap menjalankan adat istiadat nenek moyang dan tidak tergoda untuk membuat peradaban mereka lebih "maju". Jangan disangka suku Baduy tidak tahu tentang kemajuan teknologi di dunia luar Baduy dalam, mereka tahu bahkan ada beberapa diantara mereka yang memiliki akun IG (keren kan), namun mereka menggunakan gadget tersebut hanya di luar Baduy dalam, dan menggunakan seperlunya saja.
Dari perjalanan saya ke suku Baduy dalam ini, saya banyak belajar mengenai kesederhanaan, hidup mereka yang menyatu dengan harmoni alam dan tetap memegang teguh kearifan lokal yang mereka miliki. Tentu kita sebagai pendatang harus mampu bijak dalam menyikapi semua adat istiadat yang mereka miliki. Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung, demi tercipta harmoni Unity in diversity.
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defazila-blog · 3 years
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Hal favorit saya selama sholat di istanbul adalah, di masjid manapun tempat wudhu ada tempat duduknya. Kalau di Indonesia cuma di masjid-masjid tertentu aja. Kata teman saya disana, mungkin karena muslimah di Turki pada pakai kaus kaki. Kubilang, sama kok, di Indonesia juga banyak muslimah yg pakai kaus kaki. Bedanya, muslimah Indonesia lebih strong untuk lepas dan pakai kaus kaki sambil berdiri sebelum dan sesuai wudhu. === Türkiye'de abdest alan sandalye en sevdiğim şey. #turkishculture #solotravel #learningculture #solotraveling #solotraveler #languagelearning #learningturkish #muslimtravelers (at Taksim Camii) https://www.instagram.com/dhinnyelfazila/p/CYyScSirxJ8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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akshayabk-blog · 8 months
Day 11: Characteristics of Adult Learners
Day 11: Characteristics of Adult Learners Identify Adult Learning Characteristics: Exploration of Unique Characteristics: Self-Directedness: Recognize that adult learners are generally more self-directed in their learning. Understand that they prefer taking control of their learning experience, setting their own goals, and managing their progress. Practicality: Explore the characteristic…
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deputyapogee · 2 years
"To change your horse, change yourself." - Warwick Schiller
Someone asked how we do this. The change begins with changing ourselves.
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