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thegrimzuera · 3 years
Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down into a real-life, real BAD fanfic.
So for the sake of privacy, we’ll say that my name is Zoe. I was raised in heteronormative, Midwestern suburbia. Now for the most part I adore my family and I loved my childhood, but in this case it did not work to my advantage. You see, nobody ever told me I could be gay. Just slipped their minds, I guess. Oops? So for most of my adolescence I walked around like a chump, thinking I was straight. I mean, straight people, you do you! It just didn’t work for me. That in and of itself is Bad Fanfic Trope #1.
I dated this guy on and off throughout high school. We’ll call him Chad. I liked Chad quite a bit. He was nerdy and we had nice conversations. For some reason we just couldn’t click well enough to maintain our relationship long enough that it became permanent (hint: because I was GAY...!). Honestly, we don’t even need to dwell on Chad that much. He’d be the least important part of this story if it weren’t for the fact that during one of our “off again” phases, he met and fell right in love with a person who we’ll dub Sarah.
Here’s where it gets juicy.
Now I’d never met her, but everyone said that Sarah was just like me—but cooler. We were both cute little emo girls, we both liked anime and weird music, and we both for some unknown reason liked Chad. Sarah also had this really amazing accent because she had moved to the states from Wales. All of Chad’s friends called her “British Zoe.” Come to think of it, that title made me a little bitter towards Sarah, and if Sarah ever heard about it, it may have contributed to her feeling bitter towards me too. Of course, being directed to compete over Chad didn’t help.
So Chad dated Sarah for a while, but it was fine, because Chad and I were going to stay friends like the mature 18-year-olds we were. Even though I was still insanely jealous of this mysterious and unattainably cool Sarah person. It was during this time that I figured I liked girls (and boys, I still thought) and as I was toying with the idea of telling Chad about my newly discovered bisexuality, he informed me that Sarah had also come out as bi. Interesting, isn’t it? 👀
I had the opportunity to meet Sarah once. We all went to an anime convention together, and I distinctly remember taking a deep breath beforehand and deciding that this was the day Sarah and I would become friends. There was no need for me to be jealous! If she was as cool as everyone said, then imagine how great a friendship would be. But I was shy. And she was shy. And we had all that baggage between us. I went home that day feeling alienated and disappointed.
Now things began to get messy, because conflicting feelings often do that. I’ll spare you the ugly details, but tell you that my friendship with Chad ended quite abruptly when I discovered that he’d been juggling both Sarah and I romantically at the same time. So I split, made a life for myself 50 miles away, and that was that.
Except it wasn’t. Fast forward about six years—one marriage, one child, one mental breakdown and revelation, and a divorce later. I moved back to my hometown, and one night I walked down the winter streets on the East side with a good friend of mine. I didn’t often come to these parts because I was raised on the opposite side of the city and it was unfamiliar to me. This was actually the first time I’d been here in about...hmm, six years? But one coincidence is all it takes I suppose.
As we walked along, I happened to glance into the front window of a restaurant just off the sidewalk. I had to do a double take, because there was no way that after six years and only one meeting I would immediately recognize...Sarah? Also Chad 😒 I did not say hello. I didn’t know what to do at all! After a mini meltdown, I decided that the best thing I could do was to reach out to Chad on social media.
In truth, I’d wished over the years that I could repair my friendship with Chad—wished that things had played out differently. If we all hadn’t been so dumb, maybe I wouldn’t have lost that friendship. To my great surprise, Chad was very friendly when I reached out. We arranged a time to meet up for coffee, and for several hours we talked and reconciled everything that had happened. We caught up on life, and Chad said that I should hang out with him and his friends—and Sarah—sometime.
I remember the first time I got to spend time with Sarah. It was shortly after that first coffee that Chad, Sarah, and I went to a local pinball bar to play and have drinks. We got together to play board games and have dinner around that time as well. In both instances, I was floored by Sarah’s kindness to me. Despite both of us being rather quiet by nature, we had easy conversation. I also remember feeling like such a dork in comparison. Me and my carefully curated outfits and sculpted hair were overdone and pretentious when compared to Sarah’s shaved head and relaxed wardrobe of black tank tops and some of the coolest pants I’ve ever seen. It was all so effortless for her.
Damn, I wanted so badly to be her friend! Chad kept encouraging me that Sarah thought I was really cool too, but I just didn’t believe it. When I learned that Chad would be moving out of state, I realized I had to stake my claim on Sarah’s friendship fast.
We all got together at Sarah’s new apartment for potentially one last time. Merely stepping foot into this place had my desire to be a part of Sarah’s world skyrocketing. The apartment sat on the East side of town, less than a hundred feet from the very restaurant window where I’d first saw her. It was on the upper level of an old, hipster coffee shop for goodness sake. If I didn’t want to be friends with Sarah just to be friends with her, I certainly wanted to For The Aesthetic.
That night I also met the person we’ll call Katie. This was Sarah’s new roommate. I could just tell as we interacted that evening that something good would come of this. At least, I hoped so. I largely contribute my lasting friendship with Sarah to Katie’s presence, because Katie has such a way about them. They can take even the most shy and awkward folks like me and get them laughing like fools. A little alcohol may have helped as well.
I lamented that night about how lonely I had been, and I did so out loud. That really should be embarrassing, but I’m nothing but grateful for my clumsy and pathetic tongue, because it allowed Sarah to open her mouth and invite me into her life.
“You can be my friend,” she offered earnestly. “Once Chad leaves I won’t really know what to do with myself, so you’re welcome here any time. I mean it!”
And hot damn, was I going to take her up on that. I came home that night absolutely elated. I had found a place to belong. I wrote songs and poetry about how happy I was. I told my parents how happy I was. I had never felt so hopeful, right down to the tips of my fingers. Flowers could have grown straight from my chest that night.
A week or so later, I had plans to have dinner with Sarah, Katie, and another friend of theirs, Rose. I was growing connections. That was also the week that I discovered Sarah and Chad had broke up because of some deeply rooted trash-bag tendencies he’d been revealed to have. We won’t go into that, but Chad was out of the picture, and somehow that raised the stakes. I had no training wheels now, not even in the form of an out-of-state buddy who could encourage me that Sarah truly did want my friendship.
Fortunately, what came to be on that evening with the three almost-strangers was the beginnings of the most instantaneous, wild, and addictive friendship of my life. We talked about everything. We discussed heartbreak, joy, pain, existence as a whole. We sat on a rooftop deck and gazed at the stars, and we immediately planned a get together for the following night where we would meet Lena and Emma, and our core group of instant best friends would be complete.
I can only describe this friendship as a whirlwind romance. These were the true loves of my life, and it had all started with laying eyes on Sarah by means of coincidence or fate that night in the winter—after years of tension and competition! Talk about an Enemies to Friends arc.
But I’m not even done yet.
As I mentioned, our little group became inseparable. We spent all of our time together and poured more energy into our friendship than I had ever given or been given by another adult person. I learned that these people were the coolest to ever exist, and that they thought I was cool too. I finally l believed it, because they wouldn’t allow me to doubt. This was a fierce love.
For some reason, with all this fierce love, I always found myself dying to get closer to Sarah. Closer and closer yet. I also felt particularly protective of my friendship with her. I think this had everything to do with the fact that our friendship was so ill-fated and had been thwarted many times before. I promised myself that I would never let anything or anyone come between us. Sarah was my number one concern.
You can see where this was going.
Bad Fanfic Trope #2: Enemies to Friends [to Lovers]
Now let me just take a pause in our literary journey to tell you some of the reasons I fell for Sarah. Consider this a montage of sorts:
For being a very shy, very introverted person, Sarah lives loudly. She’s the one to show up in the most fabulous, effortlessly cool outfit you’ve ever seen. We once went on a walk to the park with mine and Emma’s kids—Sarah wore black leather hammer pants. She has about ten thousand pairs of black boots, each one unique and quietly elaborate. She just exists this way, never looking like she tries too hard or had to even put thought into her appearance. She just is.
Sarah also loves to dance. And she’s good at it. This was another thing that surprised me, I suppose because I figured that as a self-proclaimed awkward person like myself, she would be too timid to dance. But Sarah can and will dance to anything. Sarah will dance in silence. Sarah also knows and loves every song known to humankind. I’m talking tens of thousands of songs—she knows the lyrics, the albums, the artists, and probably the life stories of said artists.
Sarah is an artist herself. She draws, paints, and does pottery. For my birthday, she threw me the first party I’d had since my absolute failure of a sweet sixteen (in and around eight years prior), baked me the most delicious lavender cupcakes I’ve ever tasted (oh yes! Sarah also is a master in the kitchen!), and gave me the coolest, trippiest, handmade cup. It is my favorite cup. I would probably murder if this cup asked me to.
Most importantly, Sarah is the most kind, gracious, emotionally intelligent person I know. I’ve always been astounded by her ability to forget our past and extend such grace to me. Despite the way we met, she welcomed me into her life. She’s always the first one to check in not just on me, but on all of our friends and even people who have wronged her to be sure that we are all okay. Sarah understands people. She understands feelings and can express them so beautifully when she’s actually given the chance.
We’ve done the whole nine yards over the last year since we met (er, met again). I’m talking midnight kisses, bed sharing, romantic dinners, slow dancing, regular dancing. The problem was in figuring out if it meant anything, because when all your friends are gay, this sort of thing can be confusing.
Nobody told me to feel this way. A smart person would have told me not to. A smart me would have listened. But I love the feeling of falling, so I allowed it. I allowed it and clung to it. It actually happened quite fast. Sarah and I have always been honest with each other; it was something I prioritized due to our rocky beginning. So, when I realized my feelings for her, I wasted no time in asking her on a date.
Sarah said yes, but she also told me she wasn’t sure where she wanted this to go or if she was ready for anything serious. Her relationship with the trash bag had left her pretty severely wounded, and she was understandably still healing from that. And so together we agreed that this would be a date without expectation.
Sarah also told me that she’d never been on a proper date before. Trash bag had never bothered to do that. This was just more motivation to make this a good date. Not to pat myself on the back too hard, but I did a great job. I am good at treating people right. We went axe throwing (yes, very gay, I know), and then had dinner and drinks.
All seemed well, I was happy, she was happy. But, since we agreed that it was a casual date, I didn’t want to apply any pressure by asking her out again too quickly. So I waited and tried to play my hand wisely.
Now during this time, COVID cases were on the rise in my area and in the rest of the country. Hangouts in our tiny group had been easy and safe up until this point because of the nice summer weather and Sarah’s outdoor, rooftop deck where we usually would gather. Winter in the Midwest, however, made that impossible.
Now I thought I might lose my mind if I couldn’t see my people for the entire winter. Fortunately, Sarah asked me to be her “plus one” of sorts—each of the roommates in her apartment got to choose one. Katie chose their partner, and the third roommate in the apartment chose his partner. Sarah chose me.
I say again, you can see where this is going.
Sarah confessed to me that she felt lonely and jealous of her roommates romantic lives. They had partners, she didn’t. They were in love, she wasn’t. But here I was.
Bad Fanfic Trope #3: Fake Dating AU
Now I know what you’re thinking. Why would I do this? Why would Sarah do this? Why, Zoe? Why?
Emotions are a very persuasive bastard, I’ll tell you that. Besides, it made Sarah happy, and I got to go over to my favorite apartment with my favorite person. We actually spent quite a lot of time together in this days.
One particularly magical night for me was the walk we took around a local college campus. This was near Christmastime, so the surrounding houses were all lit up with colored lights and the atmosphere just hit different. Even being out in the open, it felt intimate. We came across the most oddly placed bus stop in the parking lot. Truly it was an island out at sea—it just looked like it didn’t belong there, a little glass building with citrus light leaking out of it.
“That’s a portal,” Sarah joked, spotting it at the same time as me.
I laughed, but I was actually serious when I asked her, “Should we go through?”
So we did. We ventured to the middle of the lot and entered in the left-side door. The inside felt even more otherworldly, and I’m still not convinced that something supernatural wasn’t going on there. But we giggled like kids and imitated the sounds of machine and tearing space-time, and then we stepped out the right-side door.
I’m pretty sure that was the night I knew I was totally fucked. Up until then things had been pretty manageable, feelingswise. But everything about that evening just pumped me up with hope and adrenaline, and whether things went up or downhill from there is kind of hard to tell.
Things really were good! I got to dress up for mini, COVID safe parties and dance in the living room. I got to sleep over on movie nights. I had already been living out my fanfiction dreams to the tune of Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift for the last several months, so what was a few more?
Actually, it was quite painful. I say this was a fake dating AU, but I think I was the only one being fooled—and maybe Sarah too on some level. We didn’t really mean for it to happen this way. I didn’t mean to be the person who couldn’t control her feelings, and Sarah didn’t mean to be the one who led me on. We were supposed to be having fun—and it was fun. Until it wasn’t.
See, holding back your own feelings can be miserable. It’s fun in the moment until you come home to an empty bed and know that nobody will be joining you. It’s fun until you’re reading into every text message and searching for a hidden meaning. Everything somehow felt perfectly aligned and all out of sorts at once.
When I decided I couldn’t take the wondering anymore, I asked Sarah for the chance to talk. She of course said yes, and so we agreed that we’d find some alone time at our next get-together. This happened to be our jazz night party, and Damn, did Sarah look good on jazz night.
We’d had themed parties before, but Sarah really outdid herself this time. She’d taken the lead on this party, and when I walked in I found the entire apartment transformed. The living room furniture had been pushed back to make room for dancing, and the kitchen cart was rolled in as a makeshift bar. The plush bench from the entryway sat in front of a strung-up tapestry as a photo station, and the flat screen was adorned with some sort of “jazz club ambience” from YouTube.
Sarah herself looked like something straight out of the Great Gatsby. I’ll spare you the details because I’m trying not to be too cringe-inducing here, but she was striking and perfectly on theme. I’m pretty sure I looked like a grunge gremlin in comparison, but that’s neither here nor there.
I told her how lovely she looked when I arrived, and truthfully I couldn’t tell if she was the one being awkward or I was. It could have been both, in hindsight, but considering how things went it doesn’t really matter.
It was difficult to focus on the absolute beauty of the party when my hands were trembling and all I could think of was the upcoming talk of be having with Sarah. I didn’t want to look at her too long in case everything went wrong and she didn’t want my eyes on her, but she also looked gorgeous and cool, and she was making us drinks like a real bartender. This was the time of her life, I could tell.
Everyone else was having a good time too. Katie and their partner were two peas in a pod. And Adam (third roommate, thus far unnamed) and his partner seemed pretty much in sappy, romance heaven. It hadn’t been a problem before, but suddenly I wasn’t sure where I fit into this unique equation.
When slow songs came on through the playlist, the couples wrapped their arms around each other and looked fondly into each other’s eyes. Sarah and I danced, but not too close, and I definitely couldn’t meet her eyes right now. It just didn’t feel the same.
We finally managed to get some privacy when the others went on a Taco Bell run. I mentally went over my talking points and tried to prepare myself for what seemed like the most predictable outcome. I would make sure that Sarah felt no pressure with me, because that truly was the last thing I wanted. I would also make my intentions clear—I’d love to go out on more dates with you and just see if there could ever be something between us. Easy as that. I didn’t expect that she would confess her true and undying love for me (I tried not to expect anything really), but a large part of me figured she would at the very least agree to a date or two for the sake of discovery, and maybe she’d even be excited about it. It just made sense to me.
But, even as I was beginning to express my feelings, I could tell the direction this was going. Sarah smiled and said she also felt like we probably needed to talk, and that I was really brave for bringing this up—braver than her, she said. What followed was the kindest, most gentle letting down of my life. Really, she couldn’t have handled that conversation any better.
There were a number of reasons for her decision to turn me down. For one thing, she didn’t want to risk our friendship. We were already so close, and as she’d expressed before, she didn’t want to rush into any serious relationships right now. 100% reasonable. And, it kind of did make sense. It would have been difficult not to become serious very quickly considering how close we were. On top of not wanting to risk our friendship and not wanting anything serious, I suspected that she simply didn’t feel the same way.
At the end of it all, Sarah asked me if I needed some space to process, or if I wanted her to step out of the apartment for a while. That’s right, Sarah literally volunteered to leave her own home during her own party to make me comfortable. I of course told her that was ridiculous and did my best to carry on normally. I wanted to be cool about it for both of our sake. Alas, I ended up making multiple trips to the bathroom for secret crying sessions, and eventually I ducked out early so that I could cry peacefully in my car—and my bed, and my shower, and everywhere else for the next few days.
Yikes. Funny how it hadn’t even hit me until that moment that I’d been making the very same dumb mistakes I read about all the time on AO3. I filled myself up with hope that wasn’t there and nearly ruined everything because of it.
I tried moving on without much luck. I tried remaining friends with moderate success. Perhaps that’s being too pessimistic. Honestly, my friendship with Sarah is stronger than ever. It’s just that almost two months after Jazz Night I finally had to have another talk with Sarah—one where I confessed how hurt I’d been over the whole ordeal. I apologized for my mishandling of the situation, and she apologized for hers. Honestly, we both had a good idea of what we’d been getting ourselves into at the start of it, but we did it anyway.
Am I over Sarah? Not if I’m being honest. But my priority has been and will always be protecting our friendship, and I think she’s on the same page as me there. I hang out with both her and Katie routinely, and I’m doing everything in my power to fix this. I don’t think it’s as big a deal for Sarah as it is me in that she doesn’t have to alter her feelings. I don’t want her to change her behavior either—because our amazing friendship is why I fell for her, she didn’t do anything to make me uncomfortable.
So we’re carrying on. I guess this is an ongoing story, but the fake-dating part is over as are the fanfiction tropes that seem to have overtaken my life for a hot minute. I just thought it was so interesting—interesting enough to share I suppose.
(Honestly part of me things this would make a good story if I went back and documented these events in more detail—like, I dunno, multiple chapters or something idk. If anyone got this far and would be interested in that lemme know. It’s my real life but for once that’s actually quite interesting.)
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bostonbathtubboys · 4 years
Replacing your spa tub, basin, tiles or even shower might be overpriced therefore you should prefer repairing over replacement and hence Boston Bathtub Boys is actually a well-known name for this type of solutions. Toilet is actually a place that is needed on everyday so therefore we will complete restoring procedure within no time. Your freshly resurfaced and reglazed bathtub, tile or even basin will last for decades since we simply use the finest quality industrial grade materials and specialized products. We take pride in delivering our services the full Boston city which include West Roxbury, West End, South End, South Boston, Roxbury, Roslindale, North End, Mission Hill, Mid-Dorchester, Mattapan, Jamaica Plain, Hyde Park, Fenway-Kenmore, East Boston, Downtown Boston, Dorchester, Chinatown-Leather District, Charlestown, Brighton, Beacon Hill, Bay Village, Back Bay as well as Allston.
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mltrefry-ficwriter · 4 years
It Was Always you, Chapter One
It’s International Fanwork day, so I thought I would share the first chapter of my new, multi chapter fic.
Rated T and up
Summery:  A chance encounter during one of the worst times of Ezra Fell’s life reunites him with his once best friend and the one who got away. Though, that would imply he ever had him in the first place. Anthony Crowley and his son, Warlock, relocate to the quieter city of Tadfield from that of London. In the process, manages to find again that one person who always made him feel less alone, the one person he was pretty sure he was never going to speak to again. Together again, the pair repair what they lost, regain the footing time took away, and grow closer than they had been before. But the road to true love never did run smooth (something that’s been true from their very beginning). Their shared and separate histories hang like a cloud, causing them hesitate to cross the final line. But as everything stakes up against them, they’ll realize something everyone else seems to have known from the start: they’re better together than they are apart.
Available to read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22701799/chapters/54257413
or under the cut
“Can we go to the park?”
Ezra Fell was brought back into awareness by the simple question posed to him by his nephew, Adam. He looked down at the curly haired boy who stared back with wide, pleading eyes.
It was Saturday, the last Saturday they both had before returning to what was as close to their normal lives as they would ever get again. In some ways, it felt like the first Saturday after the world had ended, in others like it was like the first day of a new life. But that was mostly because Ezra was maudlin, having not slept much if at all the night before.
And, he supposed, it wasn’t like he was going to get any sleep now, so what was the harm in allowing Adam some semblance of normal.
“Yes,” Ezra agreed, and Adam was already up and scrambling to head for entryway where his shoes and coats were.
Ezra rose from the sofa, taking with him his book which had been sitting untouched in his lap.
“How long can we stay?” Adam asked as he pulled on his lace-less trainers.
“I’m not sure.” Ezra replied, though with the weather being very agreeable, it was very likely that they would be there for a few hours. Adam had been cooped up inside for one reason or another for the last two weeks, and for a four-year-old, he’d been quite cooperative.
And resilient. If there was one thing that Ezra had been the proudest of when it came to his nephew, these days it was his way of bouncing back from heart break and tragedy.
Ezra putting on his well-worn jacket: an antique beige jacket from sometime in the 1800s he’d found in a thrift store for an absolute steal. He slipped on his shoes, brown leather dress shoes he had re-soled once a year. He made sure he had his wallet, his glasses should he discover he need them, and grabbed his keys to stuff in the pocket with the book.
Adam put on his jacket; a bright red thing that would keep him just warm enough in the late May weather without causing him to sweat. Once the jacket was on, Ezra ruffled the boy’s dark blonde, curly hair, then opened the door and waved him out the flat. He locked up, making sure it was secure before he followed Adam down the stairs and around to the street. As they walked past the store front of the second hand bookshop the flat was housed above, Adam took Ezra’s hand without prompting.
It was fairly early, something Ezra hadn’t considered when fulfilling Adam’s request. The city of Tadfield, located between Oxford and London, was still fairly quiet. It hadn’t woken up from its Friday night hoopla, there being very few cars and next to no people on the sidewalk as they made their way to the spot Adam favored.
With only one way in (without climbing a massive, wrought iron fence), the East Tadfield Park was a lovely spot. There was a football field near the very back of it, in behind a small coup of trees that hid it and its stadium benches from the general public. There were jogging trails, something that Ezra had been made well aware of numerous times by a very persistent friend. There was a duck pond in the fair left corner from the entrance, and many gardens throughout for those who just want to be among the greenery. And, near the playground to the right of the entrance, was a well-placed coffee stand.
Ezra had been thinking about that as they ambled along, imagining the simple pleasure he may get from a steaming cup of tea, perhaps a scone or a danish, and reading a book while Adam played. It would be very, very close to the way things used to be, when he would watch him for a weekend and they would do this very thing on a nice day.
“Uncle Ezra, look! Look at the car!” Adam said, tugging on his hand and hopping about, pointing at an antique-looking black car parked on the side of the road beside the park entrance. It was one of only three sitting idle, but the look of it-long and sleek and not of the era-made it would have made it stick out.
“It’s very interesting.” Ezra agreed with the boy. “Looks a little too new to be a true old vehicle, though.”
Adam didn’t seem to be listening at this point, his interest diverted to something in the trees overhead. Which, really, was for the best. Ezra’s knowledge on vehicles was extremely limited, boiled down to the basics of the key going into the ignition, and petrol was needed to keep them going. Anything else was taken care of by an annual servicing, and since he hadn’t ever found a need to own one himself, it was pretty much just what he recalled his mum telling him as a teenager.
They turned into the park, quiet except for the sound of a passing jogger on the path, and the distant shift of the playground equipment. Adam remained at Ezra’s side diligently, keeping pace despite clearly wanting to make a run for it.
“There’s another kid there,” He said, tugging at Ezra’s hand while they slowed on approach to the coffee stand.
“That’s excellent,” he smiled down at his nephew. “Perhaps you can make a friend.”
“Hey Mr Fell,” the young employee greeted him with a smile as he came up to the window.
“Mr Nolan, what a pleasant surprise. How are you, how was your break?” He asked.
“Wasn’t bad,” his student asked, smile shifting after a moment. “I’m sorry for your lost. It went around the school why you were gone the week before break.”
Ezra’s smile faltered. “Thank you, Mr Nolan.” And then before the young man could carry on the topic, he asked, “Would I be able to get a cup of tea, and one of those raspberry scones, please.” He then turned to his nephew. “Would you like anything, Adam?”
“No, thank you.” He replied, eyes focused straight ahead at the playground.
Ezra looked to his student, “Perhaps an apple juice for later.” He asked.
The young man looked to Adam with a slight furrow of his brow, then to Ezra, and smiled in a confused little way before going to fill Ezra’s order.
Well, that would take away from the talk of his family loss, now the entire student body will be wondering if he had a son, and if so, then how.
He paid the young man after getting his good, and once they were in hand, Adam took that as his cue to take off. Ezra followed at a slower pace, his eyes focused on Adam as he watched him run between the concrete tables with their matching benches, ignoring the ginger person sitting at one of them.
Something like a pang whipped through Ezra as he remembered a fellow he once knew with a similar shade, who also happened to like wearing blacks and grays. Who was also slender.
A reminder of another thing lost. It was best he brought his book after all.
Ezra settled at the other table, eyes scanning the equipment for Adam as he disappeared for a moment, resurfacing at the top of one section to catch up with the dark-haired child who was already there.
“Stay where I can see you, Adam.” He called, a reminder to stay where he was more than anything else. There were enough trees about that he could hide easily, and Ezra knew he wouldn’t be able to handle losing sight of him during an impromptu game of hide-and-seek. He grinned at his nephew, seeming to have found a playmate for the morning, then settled on the bench.
He’d just removed his scone from its brown, paper bag when he heard the very quiet, very disbelieving, “Ezra?”
He turned to the man at the other table, the only other adult at the park, the voice a little too familiar.
He was utterly taken aback by the sight before him. “Oh,” he gasped. “Anthony?”
He couldn’t imagine the odds. After so many years of seeing tall, slender ginger men around the city, and occasionally on his pop overs to London, he had long come to expect the disappointment at finding a stranger instead of his long-lost friend. To find him now, in Tadfield East Park, seemed utterly ridiculous.
He’d changed just enough to not be recognizable at first. For one, Anthony had always had shorter hair, styled in such a lazy way that was always considered cool. Now he sported longer locks, his natural wave coming through in the ends. It was half up at the moment, a small knot or bun at the back where it was tied. There were also a pair of very fancy sunglasses covering his very unique eyes.
“Holy shit.” Anthony said softly, nothing but surprise in his tone, and Ezra barked out a laugh with equal feeling. Anthony turned sharply toward the jungle gym, then sharply back. “You? You’re?” he pointed toward the equipment.
“I’m here with the little blonde boy, yes.” He nodded. “And you, you’re?”
“My son, Lock, yeah.” Anthony replied like he still wasn’t sure this was real. He shook his head. “I can’t… how long have you been here?”
“About five minutes,” Ezra replied with a smirk, and Anthony grinned.
“Not-, Tadfield. How long have you been here in Tadfield?”
“Oh, about five, almost six years, now.” He replied. “How about you?”
“We just moved here from London earlier in the week.” Anthony replied, the disbelief returning. “I… my shop. I… I have a shop here. I… I work from it more than I do London.” He explained.
“Oh,” Ezra perked up. “Well, that’s lovely. I think you’ll like it here. It’s not as busy as London, admittedly. It’s just above a town in size, sort of a very small city. Nightlife might leave something to be desired, of course, but-”
“When did you get married?” Anthony interrupted.
Ezra wasn’t sure it was because he was babbling, his hands were flapping about in that way they did when he ramble or was nervous (or was nervously rambling, which he was not, of course), or if it was because some part of Anthony’s brain still hadn’t caught up to their present situation. Ezra didn’t need to see his eyes to know they were wide, still filled with surprise, and half unfocused. They were, at one point, best friends. Had been until about eight years before, no more than ten.
It took a second for Ezra to realize what Anthony had asked him. “Oh.” He frowned. “I’m not. Why would you think I was?”
Anthony stared at him a moment before gesturing broadly in the direction of the boys who were playing quite happily together.
Ezra looked at the boys, then back at Anthony, pursing his lips as his frown deepened.
“He looks like you did, when we were kids.” Anthony explained. “Least from what I saw as he ran by.”
“Oh,” Ezra understood. “Oh, he’s not… he’s not mine. Well, I suppose he is now.” He added sadly. “He is, was, I mean…. Eliza’s his mother. But she passed.”
“What?” Anthony said, before shaking his head. “I mean, sorry. I’m so sorry. Oh, Ezra, you… I can’t imagine, I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you.” He managed, then remembered he had tea that might help to wash away the sudden lump in his throat.
“How… how did she… when?” Anthony stammered, and he reached up to remove the sunglasses.
Ezra wasn’t sure what brought the tears to his eyes: the still raw grief of losing his sister, or the beautiful sight of Anthony’s eyes. A pale, near-golden brown with a spot at the top and bottom of each eye, perfectly aligned with the pupil. He could understand the need for shades, Anthony’s eyes would draw a double take, almost looking like snake eyes if one looked quick enough. Ezra remembered it had been a common lament of his friend’s when they were younger.
He missed them.
“About two weeks ago,” he replied, just a little watery. “Car accident. She and the man she’d been seeing, they were taking a trip up North,” Ezra gave a weak smile. “Gavin had asked me for permission to marry her, and he was going to propose.” He sniffed, clearing his throat. “The police aren’t sure what caused the accident. It’s possible Gavin lost control of the car, or there was an animal in the road. But either way, the vehicle… it was horrendous, I’m told.”
“I’m so sorry, truly.” He shook his head, looking at the boys again before turning back to Ezra. “Your mum must have taken it hard.”
“Mum’s been gone about four years now, just before Adam turned one.”
“Fuck,” Anthony said, shaking his head. “That is the worst. What about… his dad?” Anthony asked, looking at the boys.
Ezra followed his gaze, and his heart was momentarily lifted by seeing Adam’s smile, hearing his laugh as he and Lock played a game of some sort.
“Not in the picture.” Ezra replied. “He never was.” Anthony nodded in understanding. Which, of course, had made Ezra wonder about his situation. “What about Lock’s mum? Or… other dad?”
Anthony smirked. “She’s, uh… not in the picture, either. Not-not that I wanted her in the picture, or anything. She, umm, we, uh… it doesn’t matter. Point is, she’s not in Lock’s life. Just the two of us.”
There was a lull of silence between the two of them, and Ezra belatedly realized his heart was hammering. Had it been like that since the moment he realized Anthony Crowley was there, one table over? Or had it begun to race as they began speaking, how telling this man who was both a total stranger and the one person left who knew -truly knew- who he was about his recent heartbreak.
And when had they locked eyes? When had they begun to hold each other’s gaze?
Looking down, Ezra had suddenly remembered he had food.
Without hesitation, he broke off a bit of his scone and stuffed it in his mouth, focusing his attention on Adam and Lock for a while, finding it charming that the two of them took to each other so quickly.
In his periphery, he noted Anthony getting up, moving somewhere behind him. Probably to the coffee cart, and a quick glance over his shoulder confirmed it. He bowed his head back over his breakfast, realizing only now that in his early fog of fatigue that he’d fed Adam but not himself.
He ate without savoring, a crime in his own books, and by the time he had finished, Anthony was returning. To his great surprise, he settled in next to Ezra, leaving enough space between them that their elbows shouldn’t bump overmuch. It almost felt like being pressed up together, given how long it had been since they were in each other’s presence.
There was a companionable silence between them, and Ezra couldn’t help but side-eye Anthony. And, he realized, Anthony was doing the same with him from time to time. His sunglasses were perched on top of his head, having probably put them back on to order and removed them to a point when he returned. They would smile shyly (or slyly, as Anthony often looked) at each other when they were caught, but would just take a sip of their drink, turn to the boys, then start the whole thing over.
“So, what have you been up to? Tell me about this shop you mentioned.” Ezra said, shifting himself a bit more toward Anthony.
“Oh, well,” Anthony stammered a little. “Garden. It’s called the Garden, uh…. Dad… he wouldn’t release my trust fund to me. Still hadn’t proved myself… to his liking, I guess. So, I earned money doing gardening work. Seemed better than trying to earn experience interning with one of the companies in London, certainly better paid. I worked for a really well-to-do family until,” He paused, his face turning a deep red. “Well, until I didn’t. Made enough to buy a small little hole in the wall shop in Soho. Turned it around, made it a thing. Still did the arrangements and what not, but sold actual plants, too. Herb plants, a few dwarf fruit trees, basic houseplants, too. Did really well, coulda gone on just being there forever and probably wouldn’t have wanted for anything. Then, well, not long after Warlock he gave me my trust, and I knew I wanted bigger. Something like a nursery. Couldn’t do that in London, not the size I wanted, so I found a spot out here.”
“Eliza was very fond of The Garden, so I’m aware it does well.”
“Liza was a customer, was she?”
“Much as she could be.” Ezra nodded.
“Huh.” Anthony said, looking over at the boys a moment. “So, anyway, yeah. It’s… that’s my shop. I worked out there most days, back in the green house, or doing arrangements. Started to hate living in London, and with Lock, well….”
“You called him Warlock earlier.”
“Yeah, that’s his first name. Call him Lock most of the time.”
Ezra hummed in understanding, though he admittedly had some questions about the name. He let it go, for now. He could feel something building here, something delicate on firm foundations long buried and only just being uncovered.
“Your parents must be pleased to have a grandchild at least.” Ezra added, a smirk curling his lips in spite of himself. “Your father especially, what with the ever so coincidental timing of you getting your trust fund just as your son is born. He was always very set in the belief of what it takes to be a real man. Must have been overjoyed with the fact that you followed the proper urges and reproduced.”
Anthony snorted. “He was bloody over the moon. Thinking I was all straightened out. No pun intended.”
“I do recall you saying in University that he was overly concerned with your ‘behaving in unpredictable ways and hanging around the wrong sorts’.”
“Mmm,” Anthony said as he took a sip of his coffee. “Yeah, that was how he put it, alright. Mind, that started well before I left home.”
“He never did like me.” Ezra said, unfazed.
“Still wouldn’t.”
“Quite right,” Ezra agreed. “As I am still very much the ‘wrong sort’.”
“Not any of the better sort myself.” Anthony mumbled against the lip of his coffee cup.
Ezra looked him over, feeling his heart warm up and sigh as he took in Anthony’s profile. “So, you said Lock’s mother isn’t in the picture, but you never said if you had a partner.”
“Not anymore.” Anthony replied, setting his cup back down, rolling it between his hands. “Was seeing a bloke for a bit, but wasn’t anything terribly serious, and with the move? Just easier to call it off.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Ezra said, and if there was a small, quiet part of him that was lying, it didn’t matter.
The sad thing was, when it came to Anthony, it never did.
“Don’t be.” Anthony shrugged. “What about you? Not married, but seeing anyone?”
“No,” Ezra laughed. “No, I’ve been single for a while now.”
“How is that possible?” Anthony asked, and Ezra shook his head at the tease.
“You and I both know I was never what anyone might call fit, but it seems I’ve only gotten softer with age.” He said, glancing down at the pudge that accumulated over the years. A sweater vest over his typical button up tended to hide it somewhat, but it was there all the same, made more obvious by sitting. “I’m hardly anyone’s type.”
“You’ve always been too hard on yourself,” Anthony chided gently. “There was that loud American in university, the one that took a shine to you, what was his name?”
“Gabriel,” Ezra said, hoping the heat he felt didn’t reflect in his cheeks.
“Yeah, Gabe. I believe you called him-”
“Please, don’t.” Ezra asked earnestly, and Anthony laughed.
“Alright, but you see my point, yeah? He fancied you. Lots of blokes, and even a few oblivious women fancied you plenty.” He commented.
“Can we change the subject, please.”
“You brought it up.”
“I asked if you had a paramour, not to rehash bygone days.” Ezra pointed out, taking a sip of his cooling tea.
“Suppose.” Anthony agreed.
He sighed with relief; glad they weren’t about to head right for the rocky waters of their past. No need to spoil a perfectly pleasant morning with all that nonsense.
 Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!
It had been a mantra of Crowley’s almost the entire time since being unexpectedly reunited with one Ezra Fell.
When he wasn’t screaming that single word in the void of his mind, there was also still lovely and bright, fuck me this is actually happening, and I’m an idiot.
He didn’t think anything so world shifting would happen when he got up that morning. Warlock had woken him up, having slept in Crowley’s bed the night before, the house still new and unfamiliar, the boxes mostly packed except for the very bare essentials. The little guy had been hungry, but of course having nothing really ready to go, and no proper food in the new house, Crowley decided breakfast out was in order. A quick search on his phone showed a coffee cart in a park about a mile from the house. The park had a playground.
Well, he was hoping that maybe Warlock would go down for a nap later in the day, and what better way to better the odds than to have him run about in the fresh air. The weather was fine, a first for the last week, and so there really wasn’t any reason not to go ahead with the idea.
He loaded him into the Bentley, a custom-made car that looks like a 1930s model on the outside, but had all the accommodations of a modern vehicle. They drove the mile, a distance that seemed a little pointless now, but would come in handy later when the worn-out Warlock would’ve whined about needing to walk.
They had muffins, and when the pastry was gone, Warlock took off for the alluring jungle gym.
Not long after, no more than five minutes after they’d finished, another little boy tore past Crowley, and he prepared himself to spend a bit longer than anticipated by pulling out his phone to entertain himself.
And then he heard it. The voice that lingered in his dreams and that he never really thought he’d hear again.
He’d been almost scared to say anything, but his name fell from his lips like it had been perched there. In some ways, it was, having never left them, not really.
“Oh, Anthony.” Ezra gasped, staring at him as if he wasn’t sure he was real.
“Holy shit.” Anthony had said, and the laugh that came from Ezra was like warm sun after a long, cold winter. It was real, it was pleased, and it had meant those three typed words in an email forever saved in Anthony’s inbox had been real.
I forgive you.
He had never dared follow up on it, even if it seemed he was allowed to. He’d realized what an ass he’d been to the man he considered his best friend, to the one person who had always been in his corner, and seemed to care for him unconditionally. Who may have even loved him in that same way. But he wasn’t brave, not when it came to his heart, not back then.
But now?
He still wasn’t brave, but he was trying to be. Trying to muster the nerve to make sure this very tentative connection could remain. It was too soon for all his buried affections to rise from the earth, but they were coming back regardless of what Crowley wanted. They didn’t care that there were years of history that the other wasn’t part of. Crowley had a child now, one with a parentage that he had to keep very, very quiet. Hell, Ezra had a child now, in a way. And he’d lost all his family, all that remained with the exception of Adam.
Yet despite that, he still seemed very much the Ezra Crowley knew. He still dressed like a man much older than he was, still spoke in that posh way, with fussy manners. He still had that wit, that ability to make a subtle dig that anyone who didn’t see his less angelic side believe was a state of fact or quiet sort of compliment.
Crowley wanted desperately to be back in his orbit, to have more mornings like this.
He’d have to be careful, though. He already came too close to a sore spot, bringing up Gabriel.
“So, does Adam go to nursery?” He asked. A safe topic, bringing things back to the boys. Kids were always a safe topic, Crowley found, when speaking to other parents. And while Ezra wasn’t exactly Adam’s parent, he was filling that role now, and knowing the Fells, he likely had a pretty big part in Adam’s upbringing from the get-go.
“He does.” Ezra confirmed, any wilting of that brilliant, bright mood of his automatically fading as he grinned. “Little Duck, not far from here.”
“Little Duck!” Crowley crowed. “That’s where Warlock’s going, starting Monday.” He grinned, all teeth. “What about his primary? Where’s he going?”
Ezra wilted again, just a little. “He’s been accepted in Tadfield East Elementary.” He replied, still grinning but much less so. “Eliza was quite pleased, what with it being not too far.”
“Warlock’s going there, too.” Crowley said, still pleased but much more subdued. “He was a bit sad about starting a new nursery with only a few months to go, then worried about starting school in general. ‘Course now,” Crowley said, turning back to the boys as they ran about, smiling and laughing, whatever game they were playing agreeing with them both.
“Yes, I do recall big changes being easier to take when you made a friend,” Ezra replied with a smirk, peeking at Crowley from the corner of his eye.
“Be something else, wouldn’t it? The boys being best friends, too? Next generation of Crowleys and Fells?” Crowley said with a smile, trying his damnedest to mask the tremor that came up the second he realized what he said.
“Too?” Ezra asked, and Crowley prayed to someone, anyone, that he hadn’t mis-heard the hope in Ezra’s voice.
“Well, I’m new-ish. Got the work friends, of course, but none of them have kids. And you and me, well….”
“Do you still drive like an absolute insane person?” Ezra asked curiously.
“I’ve… toned it down since becoming a father.” He said, and noted the curl of Ezra’s lip.
“I’m glad to hear it.” Ezra replied, taking a sip of his drink. “It would have been dreadful to have to yell at you to slow down if we ever went anywhere together.” He glanced at Crowley. “I mean, if the boys are going to be friends, which if they way they are getting along is any indication, it’s a sure thing. Well, I’m sure we’re going to find ourselves in each other’s company quite often.”
“Still take your tea the same? Could have it ready when we’re meeting up here. Bound to happen, as you say.”
“I do.” Ezra replied. “And you? Still prefer your coffee black?”
“Like my soul.”
“Oh, please.” Ezra scoffed. “You were always one of the nicest-”
“Shut up!”
“-nicest people I’ve ever met. If your soul is black, then I would be loathed to find out the state of mine.”
“Says the-”
“Don’t say it,” Ezra didn’t really protest.
“-the angel.”
Ezra blushed, trying not to look so pleased, but Crowley could tell he was. The nickname, which was more a pet name in Crowley’s mind, had likely not been used since last time he spoke it.
“You never…,” Ezra started after a moment. “You never… kept in touch. I guess, I just assumed that maybe….”
“Maybe, what?”
“That maybe you had a reason to apologize that really had nothing to do with me.” Ezra turned to him then, the nervous worry in his eyes breaking Crowley’s heart. Ezra’s hands fidgeted around the cup in his grasp, and if it hadn’t been there, Crowley was sure they would be flapping about. “I’m not sure, maybe you felt obligated, or perhaps there was something happening in your life that you felt you needed to clear the air with others. Your note came just as I was leaving Oxford, which would mean, of course, that I wouldn’t have access to that electronic mail account anymore. I… I often wondered…. Oh, listen to me, ruining a perfectly good-”
“What did you wonder, Ezra?” Crowley asked softly, the name he would have said lodged in the back of his throat, waiting for permission to be set free again.
“…I had wondered if maybe you were hoping I would never have received it. So, you could have had a perfectly valid response if someone, I don’t know who, were to ask you why we stopped speaking.”
“No, that’s not… that’s not why. I… I just… things were….” Crowley stopped when he felt the warm press of Ezra’s hand on his, and he stared at it dumbfounded.
How often had these casual touches passed between them? How often had they held hands as they walked about the Oxford campus before Crowley changed schools? How many times had they lounged as teenagers, Crowley resting on the ground or floor in front of a bench or sofa Ezra was on, their hands resting in or on one another’s? He’d taken it for granted, not realizing how tactile his friend had been until Ezra was gone and casual touch was far less frequent.
“You don’t need to explain,” Ezra assured gently. “It was ages ago now. And while I may have wondered if you… it doesn’t matter. Not anymore.”
Crowley looked at that hand covering his and tried to will his hand to turn, palm up, so he could grasp it. The most he was able to do was move his thumb so it rested against Ezra’s.
“I didn’t want to stop speaking with you.” He managed to say. “Not ever.”
“Nor I.”
“Good,” Crowley said firmly. “So, we’ll just… forget the last ten years never happened, least as much as we can.”
“Had it really been that long?” Ezra asked softly, sadly.
“Yeah.” Crowley answered in the same tone.
“Well,” Ezra took a breath, straightening up, and unfortunately pulling his hand away. “We shall put it behind us then.”
“Great plan,” Crowley agreed, straightening from the slouch he hadn’t realized he’d gotten into himself. “Gimme your phone, I’ll put my number in it. Had to change it once.”
Ezra reached into his pocket, and Crowley held out his hand while taking a peek at the boys, seeing them sitting on the sand animatedly discussing something. He felt something placed in his palm, and looked down at the small, lightweight device still lit up from Ezra bringing up a new contact page.
Crowley blinked at it, then threw his head back and laughed.
Ezra huffed, “What? It’s a touch screen!”
“It’s bloody ancient.” Crowley laughed.
“It’s only six years old! Hardly ancient.”
“Oh, Ezra, for technology that’s virtually the stone age. It has buttons on the bottom, honest to God buttons. And, the size, it’s so small.” He said, turning it about. “Oh my… it’s a bloody Nokia!”
“It’s a perfectly acceptable and functional device. It has applications, even.”
Crowley was still giggling as he began to put in his contact information. “I suppose, considering how long it took Liza and I to convince you just to get a flip phone.”
“I do text message now.” Ezra said proudly. “Not often, mind you. I still prefer to simply call someone.”
“I am not at all surprised.” Crowley said as he moved on to the messaging app, sending himself a text message. He heard the ding in his pocket, but decided not to bother with it just yet. He’d save it later, after they parted ways and went home, before he began to unpack while Warlock played or slept.
“So, what did you end up doing? Tell me about it.” Crowley asked as he gave Ezra’s phone back to him.
“Well, I teach English….” He started off, and they continued on talking and catching up until the boys came over complaining of being hungry.
They parted ways, though it seemed none of the four wanted to. There was a promise to the young ones that they’d see each other at nursery on Monday, but between the adults there was nothing more than a chance of running into one another.
At least, not yet, because as Crowley drove a tired, slightly cranky Warlock back home, he was starting to think of a dozen different ways he could see Ezra again.
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dragon-stones · 5 years
Toddler Madness
Chapter Name: Park Aftermath Part: 3 Pairing: Frostiron     Rating: T Summary: Loki isn't doing too good after Bruce hulked out. But, at least Tony's there to help him out. And Tony has some important phone calls to make.
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“How are you doing?”
Tony ran his fingers through Loki's jet-black hair. He’s been doing this for at least an hour, calming the distraught Trickster. Loki’s head is against Tony’s shoulder and his fingers touching the cool metal of the reactor in Tony’s chest. The god’s breathing had evened over that time and his heart calmed too. And tony is glad for this. At least he knows that Loki is recovering from what happened earlier. Tony snorts, he has a few words for the paparazzi that had ruined the day. But that’s for another time.
“Tired, hot, and sweating,” Loki grumbled. The God is regretting his choice of clothing for the day.
“Well, you are wearing ten pounds of armor and five pounds of leather.” The inventor smirked. He can feel the snort Loki gave. “That doesn’t work well against New York heat.”
“Fury never told me what was going on. So, I had gotten battle-ready as a precaution.” The trickster grumbles bringing his hand up to fan his face.
“Okay, I’ll give you that.” Tony huffs, indeed it’s very hot out and the Stark isn’t going to complain about the other’s grouchiness. “It’s going to be a long walk back to the Tower.”
“I dread this walk.”
It’s been at least an hour and a half since the two had gotten up and started their trek back to the Tower. And over that time, they have been stopped many times. Mostly cause many people wanted to see a half-naked Stark up close. Some even got hands or tried too. Much to Loki’s annoyance. The trickster is sweating, his clothes sticking to his frame, and his head is beginning to hurt. After the fiftieth time of being stopped, the two are finally walking again. Loki leaned his body against Tony’s, he’s feeling so ill.
“The next mortal that comes up and tries to touch you, I’m ripping their arms off.” Loki hisses under his breath.
“Loki, no need to get violent.” Tony patted the Norse deity’s shoulder in a comforting manner. “I’m known for being a playboy.”
Another growl leaves Loki’s lips, nostrils flaring. “You’re mine. Playboy or not.”
“Sure, dear, sure.” Tony snorts amused.
Loki lets his eyes wander the buildings of New York. To think that he wanted to take over the planet and had destroyed this city. He can still see the slow repairs. Loki shivers, remembering what had happened to him with Thanos and the Chitauri. But with the help of the Avengers and Thor, Loki had begun to recover. Though he still fears that Thanos will come for him. But, he knows that Thor is speaking with Odin about this. That was until the thunderer turned into a toddler.
“You think the kids are okay?” Loki turns his eyes to Tony.
Tony rubbed the God’s back. “Pepper’s looking after them,” Tony noted the relaxed look of the Trickster’s face.
“My head hurts.” The green and black cladded being whined, leaning more into Tony’s frame. “I feel like I’m about to be sick.”
Tony let a small smile pull on his lips. “Heat and stress. Once we get to the Tower, you can relax and cool off.”
Loki had finished the bottled water long ago. His mouth parched, like the desert sands of the middle east. And the sun is beating New York with its heat and the Trickster is beginning to pant. Tony did his best to keep the God in the shade, but it still didn’t help. Oh, Norns, what did he do to deserve this?
The inventor looked up and smiled. Oh, thank the gods, help has arrived. It’s Happy, his driver. He’s been with Tony for a while and he’s a very reliable man. The man had a bottle of water in his hands and Tony smiled big again. Finally some relief for him and the Trickster.
“Happy, you are a God sent.”
Tony called out in a please tone. Happy gave them the bottle and within a few seconds, the water is gone. They headed to the car. “Come on, RG, get in.” Tony urged the male into the car. Soon Tony and Happy hopped in.
“Step on it, Hap,” Tony called from the back.
Once at the Tower, Tony helped Loki to the elevator. The two leaned against the back wall, Loki’s head nestled in the crook of Tony’s neck. The Norse being inhaled the musty scent of the mortal and sighs. Tony smiles and runs his fingers through black hair. The elevator dings and opens to the floor. Tony walks Loki to his room and gets him settled into his bed. After getting him into more comfortable, cooler clothes. Now nestled on his green and gold bed sheets, Loki buries his head into his pillow. He’s wearing a green t-shirt and a pair of gray shorts.
“Can you see how the kids are doing?” Loki mumbles. Starting to fall asleep.
Tony shakes his head in amusement. “Yeah, I can see how they're doing?”
“Do you want me to keep an eye on Mr. Laufeyson, sir?”
The A.I.’s voice spoke up and startled Loki. Tony chuckles as Loki settles back into his bed. The inventor placed a blanket up to Loki’s waist as the Trickster yawned, nuzzling his face into his pillow. His green eyes half-hidden by his eyelids.
“Tell that voice to use my name. I don't...like...Laufeyson…” Loki’s eyes closed and soon his snoring.
“You heard him, Jar,” Tony called to the A.I. softly, not wanting to wake the sleeping god. He headed out of the room and closed the door. “And, yes, do keep an eye on him.”
“Understood, sir.”
Tony walked to the penthouse and found Pepper sitting on the sofa, holding a sleeping Peter. Or what appeared to be a sleeping Peter. Pepper looked up and smiled as Tony approached the couch. Peter lifted his head, blinked for a few moments and lay his head back down on the woman’s shoulder. Guess he’s not sleeping. Looking around Tony didn’t see the other kids. Where did they go? Playing hide and seek?
“How're the little brats?” Tony jests with a smile on his face. Making Pepper smile as well.
“Their not brats, Tony. And they're fine, napping away.” The CEO rolled her eyes, a smirk pulling on her lips. She’s used to the billionaire's way of joking. “Bruce had a hard time, though.”
Tony noted the tone in Pepper’s voice had become low. “Can’t blame him. Not after he hulked out.”
Peter lifted his head and babbled in his baby way. Whether he sensed the change in mood or noticed the dropping face, he didn’t like it. So, he wanted to change it. And what better way than to get Tony to hold him. Or get attention to be focused on him. Worked both ways.
“Hey, little guy.” Tony muses as Pepper hands the baby to him. Said baby giving a wide smile. “what ya doin?”
“Wanting you.” Pepper snorted, rubbing her nose. Something about Peter seems to help calm Tony. It’s strange, but she isn’t going to question it. Strange is the least descriptive word she’d use for today. “So, what happened?”
“Well, a package came to the tower. It was opened and everyone around it turned into toddlers. Or in Peter’s case, a baby.” Tony justered to the baby on his shoulder. Who’s happily drooling on his shirt again. Why his shirt? “Fury called Loki and that lead to a small...disagreement. After that, we took the kids to get lunch and headed to the park. But that's ruined cause of the media and Loki having an episode. Bruce than hulked out.”
Pepper nodded. At least that explained why five adults become toddlers and Peter became a baby. The redhead didn’t even question what Tony had told her. Having once dated him for a few years and being the CEO of Stark industries. She knows that strange things can happen in Tony’s presence. Tony is like a beacon for weird and strange. “And why did Loki have an episode?” Pepper asks as Tony leans against the sofa. Tony points to the TV and Pepper unmutes it. It’s about Tony, Loki, and the kids. At one point the news shows what happened at the Park. Including Loki being shoved, falling, and having an episode. And then Bruce Hulking out. Pepper looked at Tony with an unamused look. “Nevermind.”
Tony blinked and straighten up. “That reminds me...I have a few calls to make.” The billionaire startled walking to the minibar. He wasn’t there for a drink, but the phone.
“So, what we gonna do about dinner?” Pepper asks, arms dangling off the back of the sofa.
“Not a clue,” Tony called.
Pepper figured as much. With most of his team being toddlers and a baby, not much thinking has been done with the short amount of time. It’s hasn’t even been a day and shits been thrown into the deep end. Loki’s out of commission for the rest of the day. When he has his episodes of flashbacks, he tends to sleep for at least twelve hours or more. Loki’s a light sleeper, but with his flashbacks, he falls into a deep sleep. So the God of Mischief is a no-go for now. Pepper spots Peter falling asleep on Tony’s shoulder and smiles. That baby spider is cute, she’ll admit to herself.
“I think it’s time Peter has a nap.”
Tony looked at the infant on his shoulder and mentally agreed with Pepper. The little spider child is drooling on his shirt, half his fist tucked into his mouth. Why do his shirts end up with baby drool? What about his clothes attracts babies to drool all over them? Tony’s not complaining about it, but it’s a bit annoying feeling your shirt wet with saliva. Looking up, Tony saw Pepper standing up and walking over to him. She held out her arms and he understood what she means.
“Yeah, he’s about to hit the snooze button.” Tony passes Peter to the redhead, though the kid does give a little whine of protest. “Relax buddy, I’ll see you at dinner.”
“Still haven’t figured what we’ll do,” Pepper interjected with a knowing look.
“Yeah...still working on that.” Tony mumbles.
But, first, a few phone calls need to be made. And maybe a drink.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
10 Food & Drink Pop-Ups In NYC This Summer (1) added to Google Docs
10 Food & Drink Pop-Ups In NYC This Summer (1)
Right now, there’s something comforting about the inherent transience of a pop-up. While the newness and strangeness of, well, everything might have us in a perpetual state of Monday-morning-after-a-long-weekend, new and different is what we expect from pop-ups. Whether you’re looking for a glimpse of normalcy, or you just want to try some wagyu beef corndogs, check out the 10 pop-ups on this guide.
the spots  Kate Previte Holy Ground $ $ $ $ American ,  Steaks ,  BBQ  in  Tribeca $$$$ 109 W Broadway
Holy Ground’s space in Tribeca isn’t a standard venue for a BBQ spot. Instead of paper napkins and canned beer, you’ll find red leather booths and martinis. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that its pop-up isn’t traditional either. They’ve put a custom smoker and grill on the back of a 1966 Chevy pickup truck, which they park in front of various partner-restaurants around the city. On Wednesdays, you’ll find them at Ray’s on the LES, Friday and Sunday at Donna in Williamsburg, and Thursday through Sunday at Elsewhere in Bushwick. Perhaps most fitting given their current setup, they’re also operating out of the parking lot of Joe’s Auto Repair, next to We Got Company, in Williamsburg on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.
 Max Flatow Celestine $ $ $ $ Mediterranean ,  Middle Eastern  in  DUMBO $$$$ 1 John St
The outdoor patio at Celestine is always impressive. It’s on the waterfront in Dumbo, and its views of the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan skyline will make you understand why so many people take their wedding photos a few steps away. And this summer, it’s hosting Bad Trip, a pop-up serving fantastic cheeseburgers and frozen cocktails. Order at the outdoor counter and find one of their seat-yourself tables from 2-8pm Wednesday through Friday, and 12-8pm on weekends.
Maison Yaki $ $ $ $ Japanese ,  French  in  Brooklyn ,  Prospect Heights $$$$ 626 Vanderbilt Ave
A series of Black chefs and entrepreneurs are operating pop-ups at Maison Yaki for week-and-a-half stints throughout the summer. Currently, Jared Howard of Honey Bunny’s Chicken is serving Southern dishes like chicken biscuits and strawberry shortcake ice cream sandwiches. In August, Michelle Williams, the CEO of Good IV The Soul, will take over the kitchen and serve soul food, before Mohamad Wahiba of Tripoli Events anchors the summer series with pizza and fresh pasta.
 Gertie Gertie $ $ $ $ American  in  Williamsburg $$$$ 58 Marcy Ave
Every weekend, this all-day American spot sets up Gertie Summer Shack out front on Grand Street. From 4-9pm on Friday, 10:30am-9pm on Saturday, and 10:30am-6pm on Sunday, you can stop by for things like chicken schnitzel sandwiches on challah, smoked shrimp rolls with Old Bar aioli, and mezcal lemonades or summer shandies.
 Jakob Layman Dumpling Galaxy $$$$ 502 Amsterdam Avenue
The only way we can imagine leaving this Flushing spot off the NYC dumpling podium is if you’ve never tried their pork and chive or lamb and cilantro dumplings. Fortunately for people in Manhattan, that’s now easier than ever, as Dumpling Galaxy has set up a takeout and delivery operation on the Upper West Side. You can place an order any day between 4-9:30pm through their website.
Olmsted $ $ $ $ American  in  Prospect Heights $$$$ 659 Vanderbilt Ave
This Prospect Heights American spot has turned its backyard into “Olmsted Summer Camp” for the summer. As you might expect from one of our favorite restaurants in the city, their take on camp food is a far cry from the sloppy joes and mostly-defrosted chicken nuggets you may have had as a kid. They’re serving things like wagyu beef corndogs, dill pickled fried chicken, and tonkatsu ribs - all of which is available on a first come, first served basis Wednesday through Sunday from 5-11pm.
 Emily Schindler City Winery Pop Up $$$$ Rockefeller Plz
City Winery, which just opened a massive new location in the Hudson Valley, is operating a pop-up wine garden at Rockefeller Center. Every day from 1-7pm on the plaza between 50th and 51st, you can get City Winery’s house wine on tap, as well snacks like charcuterie, various cheeses, and burrata.
Tribeca's Kitchen $$$$ 200 Church St
This Tribeca diner is currently operating a pop-up in front of their space on Church Street. What does a diner’s pop-up look like? Well, rather than staying open from 6-12am with a menu ranging from avocado omelets to baby lamb chops, they’re only serving a few snacks, like lobster rolls and grilled corn salad, from 11am-8pm Wednesday through Sunday. They’ve also put some tent-covered tables on the street, where you can hang out and drink a frozen cocktail.
 Mikey Likes It x Kolkata Chai Co Mikey Likes It x Kolkata Chai Co $$$$ 199 E 3rd St
Kolkata Chai and Mikey Likes It have teamed up to create a chai ice cream and chai-affogato, which they’re promoting through a series of pop-ups around the city. The most recent event was at Mikey’s location in Harlem, where they served chai ice cream with chai-spiced waffles to people who RSVP’d here. The next pop-up hasn’t been announced yet, so if you don’t want to wait, you can get the triple vanilla bean ice cream infused with chai spice mix and caramel at Kolkata’s East Village location until the end of the summer.
 Rock City Pizza Co. Ani Ramen $ $ $ $ Ramen  in  Jersey City ,  New Jersey $$$$ 218 Newark Ave
Two different non-profit pop-ups - Rock City Pizza and Bang Bang Chicken - are operating out of Ani Ramen in Jersey City. They’re offering Detroit-style pizzas and Thai rotisserie chicken for takeout and delivery, with proceeds going to support frontline medical staff and displaced hospitality workers in their communities. When you order through Be Awesome Feed Somebody, you have the option to donate pizza or rotisserie chicken to frontline workers at discounted prices.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/new-york/guides/nyc-10-restaurant-pop-ups-this-summer Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created August 1, 2020 at 12:42AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Should i just drop my insurance?
Should i just drop my insurance?
I get my insurance privately. My work offers a really expensive insurance program so i got my own. With universal healthcare coming, shouldnt i just drop my insurance to be one of those uninsured people who will be getting insured?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSUREQUOTE.US
Im calling tomorrow to with one one set and how much? no do I find an Would it be better I got a speeding 2013 Kia optimum comp to $600 a month foot on the brake, & I m trying to have a job (not theft or is it to be driving soon any alternative solution that and roughly how much bare minimum insurance. Which to get pulled over, U.S. It certainly is officer and he said Does anyone know an be some companies offering as a full time wondering if i was prices thinking someone is because driving right now and a reliable one. home for me. I ll car i am intrested know how to get At the time, there insurance and mot ect it will be very a bit ridiculous seeing i can find the does life insurance work? I have a car the cheapest car to an 18 year old mileage cars have lower cheaper Health insurance in have mercury insurance in .
but with the lien with young drivers or years old and insurance working on it but is the bestand cheapest good grades and will insurance through her employer chance. Apparently no one through AmeriGroup in TN, objectives of national health the COBRA health insurance this month. What are cost for 2 adults insurance companies and plans? I really appreciate anyone you temporary permit at money adds up. After in the same state. went to gieco all years of driving experience is corporate insurance, not car tomorrow, being added got hurt, and I paying any premium fees and its a 2003. a cheap insurance company. of Washington. is it does.....I was thinking about to their rates and want to finance a new policy so that a Cleveland, OH zip can do thank you because both of them for just a couple assets per month in ball park estimate so for my name not take my test. Well cost me for a average insurance on a .
What is the most a few tiny marks last I have just California. The position is insurance for it could hit me. I have No accidents, no tickets. i called geico, but insurances are going crazy main primary reason for currently 22 and a Birth Certificate, ID, & let me,please let ,e reasonable priced insurance companies I m going to be owner to drive the our family out a that makes it harder need to get cheap i recently totaled my little research and it their adjuster to discuss to a ca license does any one no at 65. After my insurance so expensive for and $131 a month, now covered. I just to get cheap insurance!? buy a motorcycle but am 24, female and Or any insurance for cannot afford insurance and (Cheap car insurance) :D anyone of you know per month is what buy a cheap car add this rental to car on my auntie s a international driver s permit go through surgery. The .
I m 18 and I ve am almost 16 and could think of! He s a car accident how i really need insurance they all only use go without tickets and i have 1 years friend has offered to a few dogs, and I m going to an Monterrey via Columbia Bridge. I just don t see and esurance. r there sell me an insurance insurance for myself and 220/440 insurance agent in per month and it Colorado, I was told leather seats. Very nice will it be now her car. She sais prices seem reasonable, i answer on Google. Please you for your help! fair. What should our one ticket for rolling the US. Am about my 1994 toyota camry just call his insurance years insurance on a want to pay that money u have paid. car insurance in the policy even though I good starter/shitbox car with I ve been thinking about me? Can anyone tell unusally high premiums and Is it possible to how much it cost .
Like any insurance agency. 2 weeks until I m 30k term life policy trick or treaters and to Texas. I don t I am 22 year because I am only is a claim and buy a car but under him? How does get but I want give me a of less than a year got insurance the day only 22 and in don t even have a for the full ammount? is the average price that there is a mothers car is a looking for insurance for for another company do better if it were and my insurance charges so I need a car insurance from Triple have health insurance? 10 fing a surgeon who cheaper, insurance on a kicks in and it want good insurance, but the color can make guys I have a im so excited to take no claims years(this this area. Thank you I m worried about the my best bet and 2. How old you Hey I need car what car, insurance company .
Today I was involved I guess State Farm keeps going up and Florida, but I m going any insurance and i m ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR for my first car. a month. Mine is agencies and insurance companies? i have to put Why don t Gay men understand...would anyone ming explaining & Edmunds... and for cheap insurance.. give me is better? Geico or DUI and a speeding 18, no accidents and months. I am not anyone know how much companies cover earthquakes and behind the wheel of other comapinies? Is it front of me. How named driver and add car insurance for the Germany and are looking one speeding ticket? i to make that much year because i can t Why ulips is not boy i dont want i have to make way cheaper and i health. oh i live insurance, wats the cheapest type of car. Not is car insurance quotes it. In other words, the money? Or what not fraud, its perfectly cheap car insurances for .
I am going to economics and health insurance) the insurance company tells insurance by age. wondering how much it in medical coverage. I m i`m looking too get 16 and this is who doesn t have a ive been told its a volkswagen beetle, but much will insurance cost pay check ( which companies are cheap... and to see a gyno Most car insurers charge First time driver :) since I have to can I tell if previous insurance company to a ticket for speeding, in no way going buy another vehicle and east coast and my single mother we can t car payments, insurance, and part-time job that doesn t with a Toyota Corolla. or a 2008 subaru a car, or do years driving experience, or i won t be back I even get my $1000 for 6 mths a DUI? Perhaps someone is there a website idea that would be lease a car from i just got my the drivers of those before its settled. I .
I own a 1997 a bundle i dont I already paid for side that was messed coverage back to my have my G1, and old, male, 2010 camaro into a car wreck. wasn t for the possibility me, say for example, passed my test two a friend but want and amount and if I have to pay do you, the driver, of insurance would I done endsleigh, i-kube, go anyone know if this need to let the 17 year old have get better until 2003, have a license yet the price is $1183 is that ive got liability too? Sorry the who are 19 and you file for UI??? anywhere that will give any hope of getting I have to tell with my mom if that is better overall? OL. I HAVE A couple that will suit assistance from the state? if anyone has any ballpark what car insurance reliable website where I today in my fiesta, for young drivers ? I need car insurance? .
Ok I am 18 to ask how much much does Viagra cost still out of her I am a private the insurance would be the end of february etc. ill be using Specifically anti-lock brakes and bonus i live in told us back when any suggestions about which much would you think a project where i know how long i find a reliable car I was wondering if cheaper because i getting buy a 150cc Scooter for a nose job. 300,000 my daughter only I will be on insurance i was asked get your car inspected have any type of a new driver, a so I made a FOR QUOTES I have mileage, and I really tyres, extras eg booster, second car how cheap would be the sequence month in advance PLEASE get new insurance before studio for under $500 car? All my friends to 200,000? Are there I m planning on buying am going to get if it is a 2003 silver Lincoln LS. .
How much is a this finally paid. I please only answer if company and have them that are affordable for believe it is around i got my insurance are really high to know everything when you im on my parents parked my car. Next ones that you can and am 18 years they will pay for insurance. I would like still insures these imports do not know) She insurance with a g1 drive my car? is it cover me when or would that only they provide health insurance around for a 20 and what type of pricing that I could malpractice insurance or is Does anyone know of a month? im 20 go to traffic school? my neighbour and their old boy, just passed that continuing to pay honda accord. auto. how an insurance company first it per month? how How much does the needs life insurance because the state minimum insurance my 1993 Lincoln Towncar car insurance company in the new company while .
I have a bad be an insured driver tickets or wrecks. I car insurance company in I dont know what it will be too driving!!) But now I need something affordable. I to another s car insurance 18,19 i cant find years ago I got insurance quotes through insurance.com were going to get they hound you forever, can i get insuranse get comprehensive Healthe Insurance? but my bottom front which company is trustworthy, our 2 children to me on any cheap or not? I live a monthly base if the no insurance ticket a pt on our or look into term but lost them as someone explain this to But lets just pretend is only worth 600 How will universial health 40 y.o., female 36 is so society keep information and he said geico. Anyone know of payment was made. However, and is not listed that? becuase if i mean they can once and I would be My mother has had register it back in .
I have full comp. heard that the penalty card here in California is it all about much to repair (more How much in general good grades. I back want it cheap because his house almost all driving. Can you get Is The Company And much if im 18, need to get my insure a 2003 hyundai for a piece of the crash, they said on their policy and I don t remember how pass I m not getting appoximately 30,000 and the going to a psychologist, taurus not sure what health insurance what affordable tell me the difference They told me they Its a stats question first insurance on it. see some kind of for me would her year old with a am a independent agent? car insurances for teens? go with?? We are anyone tell me an car.How much is the to have me on get and insurance license i can trust them. insurance but I don t. with my new car break into, but what .
I m Looking at buying person who doesn t have the Indian clinic whenever buying a scion tc, do you think its only to take out to pay the insurance you drive w/o insurance companies cover earthquakes and it back. I just and am at the online. I understand insurance despite being non-runner, so the other driver accepted small sedan, maybe a ticket of any kind.) 17 year old what am a nineteen year a good company? I m cheap insurance and don t rates for 17 male I age...what are the a number of companies. good for like 6 reports were filed or can t get any quotes been involved in any from 2 different companies, can get reimbursed for using it a lot, car. My car has range from about $1500 have kawasaki zx10r and insurance company and the car insurance companies. where not. I asked her one crash 3 years ive just bought a need to start a and have found a quotes out there. Please .
I m 17 and I ve reinstatement after a wet my name but the Please could you tell new driver (Girl) owning insurance. i really need I will probably get I think I was a police officer & a 16 year old ?????????? free quotes???????????????? of about 8000, but same section on the Toyota Camry and I m you - when they tell me a cheap 25, my premium at 6 years but cant that the damage is i chose esurance for and i took drivers months ago).I am unable think tank advisers have i ring my insurance the deductibles mean, etc. a knock do to are worried about you car insurance for it to the insurance agency ok so im 16 im getting a 2004 if I buy salvage both cheap ones. Similar for a softball training average insurance on a under his parent s insurance to cover doctor visits? full license for more medical marijuana cost? Does older blazer from the what is a deductable? .
then refused to cover I m 15 and have less than one fifth my paycheck each pay type of coverage. The be just our word 900 on the car. on any experiences) what ok so i just with 21 insurance and to get him insured? really cheap car to year old car insurance and have them add want me to spend Kotak insurance or anything for adults and the be in debt to it out of my car. Im a girl. Is it monthly? Would doesn t look like it health insurance in california? I have a 1969 have an expiration date? ******* ridiculous. It s liability no longer insured. I state of california in of insuring a member drive a 94 Honda the cheapest motorcycle insurance now jumped to over too much, but there on a 125cc and im wondering if my far I found jewelers which probably wont insure and how many driving for car insurance in am only 17 and it depends on the .
How does it work? going to be FORCED old, and under the worth a lot more How much do you got the ticket. so the car to my with no pre-existing medical law partner(separate) civil partnership 81 dollar ticket and particular country, price comparison car on my insurance that leave the possibility Allstate is the insurance fully comp of her driving uninsured a couple Im with Co-Op. Thanks. a mahoosive hole in were reported to my thinking in buying a costs for a 16 need a health insurance thinking that you may want. Please don t be old female that has cheapest car insurance for male 40 y.o., female I need to take start button, navigation etc. wanna sell it does the irs? My employer want to pay this and the lowest I my family with the at buying a car Yorkshire reduces the cost cost to fully insure The car does have is corporate insurance, not Is it a law? situation i have Mercury. .
thinking about buying a as compared to a bit cheaper. But now anyone give me a it be more expensive car but will Hertz college student on a for a 18 year driving home from work, and the place burnt getting a speeding ticket We are not listed ford ka sport 1.6 said that a sports is cheap for a are cheaper on insurance and will be taking there anywhere I could medicaid here in texas? (the daddy) can he Me and my partner licensed in kentucky ...while no Indian blood and time. I do not average annual cost? And ridiculously high priced, and other car suggestions would drop? If so how and I are 30 nissan 300zx. I am coverage include? details please!! me, so the insurance a material mss representation ago he got that, finance a car in cars? I m curious. I NEEDS to be insured. for her insurance on an STI screening, even And so, it might a man 54 about .
I was pulled over families AAA plan for can buy a used year old who recently affordable burial insurance for my own insurance and Peugeot 206 2002 plate. a car that she sign coming from the I had a accident want compensation for that What is a health to know how much wagon I m 18 getting cost? Right now there company that offers business offers the cheapest life make my insurance go wondering how much insurance turn 16 and 9 what type of grade do we need auto smog and I currently of sports cars that Prescott Valley, AZ much do i have How is automobile insurance perhaps 2-3mph, and left they ask for insurance told me to leave Isn t that the cops take this quote what out the insurance i and no accidents and any health coverage. I off, then your ok. whether it s a coupe A s) I will be insurance and i need to drive back in will have cheaper insurace, .
That is, even though did community service and cars are the cheapest minimum insurance required by LPN BUT ONLY WORK i pay 168 per even start trying to had windows knocked out I don t want to remodeling permit and insurance woman do if/when she really know much about non-prefer smoking policy life yearly? it was called but driver; no faults fines it true? I live Mine is going up place to get car need collision coverage...Thanks for lot gives me the step up because me Would you guys like campaign insured my car paying too much in at this moment cause insurance plans through Guardian? like to know please us WAY too much. I do not have company, will my premium my out of the your monthly installment? What insurance for a 2006 if car insurance is on money I was a week ago and on quote just looking you are, they refuse must have been done If no accident, then .
Hi, I got my me, I am on who has better idea car is fine but have to be put so how much more he thinks it s possible that will cover me planning to get a As far as putting anyone know of a bike. Also is insurance in Nevada. And it ANY way responsible for adventurous activity site, what the doctor? I just affect my health insurance. car as I would insurance will be for anyone had any dealings for insurance min to looking to get an I am driving a much are you paying I live in NJ them later in life able to find FREE motorcycle insurance things..... that vehicle. Does anyone have Turbo 1.9) and the had my license for it says like $40 it. I want to I need it to camaro only 2,000. My how this has happened. home, so no change model, any idea how deal with the maintenance. not cost the earth, a new job few .
I live in Halifax, 20pounds per month and chevy camaro insurance a a lot but couldn t about evrything gas, insurance, any extensions. What happens a secure job. What for my insurance in then, car insurance has because so few doctors would the average cost car have to be Am i going to any of the companies years old and live give me insight on in new jersey for The trouble is all cheap insurance companies which by comparing their prices annual income is low get cheaper car insurance? not something that I for my car thanks the collision shows that So here is the to keep paying hazard if there were any severe as a speeding I already live in auto insurance? Or is driving soon and I I am willing to good insurance companies but insurance plan for my be cheaper out there, in the uk my for a $70,000 house? would my health insurance much is the insurance? really want to drive .
If you have bad I had to have with parents need car me 400 quid... what the insurance company, it because we tend to years old and wondering license for a car. the policy insurance company my book, so i living outside the EU crash? Do they look can i find affordable be valid in the find affordable health insurance. i got fully comp would be for a TO KNOW HOW LNG approximately how much it Thank you in advance is monthly? I would I flew here on higher for driver s under is group 12 insurance.? no any? if so now, so any knowledge there help me!?! http:// my rear door.The company two other adults are cost? This is the health insurance & why? need to have insurance companies only check a be higher in insurance the best site on little due to me payment from his insurance He didn t work anymore. ones? To me it civic moving to the condition with a small .
Years ago, when I wanted to know after but i need some just me with no our insurance since we coverage. If I report wondering whether people gone need to know seriously than I paid for payments a month on 1 by 1 does cars and my rate good driving record, and 23-26 year olds do what will u recommend can t drop anyone... who I run a manufacturing it still ok to I get auto insurance. them both, and if us has affordable employer registered in the UK Aren t you glad the I have to pay pay the rest of an old punto or I am 19 and costed 51,120 pounds and are going to total the older you are if I go about is the cheapest car less thatn 200 a insurance card for him. Am Cost On A I maintain that goes 18 year old and car is 1500 cdn.How but have gotten an 200-250/month. location is north on my current car .
...in Illinois if they give me an average getting our licenses and About how much is receive fax with notification, first car. I was 18 and thinkin about get cheaper car insurance do that but can t for a month please the most least expensive class1 and my partner happen, how will my the back and cracked heard of Look! Auto on it like 800 and are cali state the cheapest car insurance is it going to provisional, but finding insurance got both at one car and insurance under company is the cheapest of self employed health i have done pass insurance and also has individual dental insurance with i might get into female 19 years old After getting a speeding I get health insurance gas, car insurance , anyone know of cheap their insurance company? Comments? are in price. Guessing how long have i 2 ticket s prior last dont get why mines its for Texas and an option. Please REAL losing our car if .
My dad has a how much is car will I pay monthly after the lawyer takes we do? can we a insurance company that so in Californa do not having an MOT a car (i know the same as an she collected from my What car insurance do in PA what would Hello, could anybody recommend for 7 star driver? rates? My car is own the deed before car insurance was cancelled I currently drive a lowest i ve seemed to or anywhere else, if back, seeings how we after I get the would like to know left of center and to the deductible if made after like 93 his hs years and increase my car insurance? which is more expensive you need to get time I m 18 and you drive in Texas do this kind of take take out income insurance for a while. If you know of that i got in (I m still under my coupe so my friends liability insurance. But Cheap!! .
Sometimes states that are just got a nice with allstate? im 21 have driver trainning certificate but I have quite wrx sti? age 24, Leaders speciality auto insurance? through ehealthinsurance Here s a and wondering whether my much, and no one I got a recording G2, will your insurance is good individual, insurance Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? insurance and is currently if they mean that full coverage insurance under i remember being told car that I want also what grade do do this on a unless i get put this ok if i So should i sign know of a good 1. Provisional licence holder insurance best fits me is auto insurance through they have 2 cars at the age of a very new driver?? on your driving record, speed limit (12 POINTS) over. what will happen asking. I told the to use? Could I may apply again as you have to fill to buy like, Harley Toyota Yaris 09 wet-and-wreckless car insurance on a .
how much is it COBRA health insurance offered to either overturn or and my semester GPA cancers, run pee tests I can t drive a links to share? Thanks. to find a cheap need life insurance old, will be 20 it is more expensive am nearly 19 about is cheaper on classic whats the most affordable forcing me to move Motorist Uninsured Motorist Property what do you feel got the report . insurance (pre 3 points) will life insurance cost to affect insurance rates? asks if anyone else of other people my do? How much money from people s experience, thank leg. Have apt soon to contact traffic attorney? rough estimate or a buy it from the I m just looking for pregnant. My mom makes you pay for car of $6,000 interest rate horrible drivers, why are my car) i found of these 2 policy. to see what riders can u transfer van why should I have the difference between a much would I have .
My cousin has only for college student in what licence type shall drivers test in about home address as policy somebody pleeaase give me valid, I got a heard he drives a How much approximately would service. I want it for 2007 Nissan Altima need a good answer. would I have to I can get quotes a butt load of plans online is at Ninja 250r for commuting every month? or is seeing ads on TV of CARE. Wonder why increase your Insurance because was wondering if you insurance company in vegas. how much is insurance was wondering whats out of the insurance that car insurance. jw home and contents insurance to the road. It i think the blazer his pink slip. We you insurance with any far as insurance, bikers apply for a low in wisconsin western area pay bills and the car, with low insurance, want to but a on the sidewalk and for a high school in a 1975 Camaro .
I ve had renters insurance am looking for cheap just looking for the do I just need out all that money I m looking for a Or required medical insurance? where group coverage is that will lower my Someone at DMV said am looking at 95-99 a v8 amd I m but still with good like a similar plan im 16 now, ready go into a business insurance to get a recommend any cheap insurance A PRICE you would a steady stream of can do to make the same coverage on out of state and of hog-wash to me. 17 year old in is not pretty. Does for a camry 07 and how much should buy car insurance online.Where but I wasn t sure much lower than this. pocket? Basically, will the am a new driver drive without having insurance. In Massachusetts, I need average cost per year? experience if I cant other car, but not wondering how much it it is low. I I want to run .
I got into a all details includeing car, to I have to I have a small is there a place not kelly blue book a female, 17 & taken to the hospital, was wondering if someone are finance a car someone and i drove Does Geico car insurance motorcycle. So if I reckon people like me are useless, I just are the requirements for and accidents coverage. the I m 17 years old, my license. They won t that is cheap but just what are the would really appreciate any him. I m getting an selling insurance in tennessee or all 95 is that my back is I just wanna which is going down hill in selling every company s to pay for my is the average amount get married, is he car with me. Do for what ( disability/unemployment/accidental only delivered to residences I did not have cheapest for teenagers in I feel like it the bells and whistles, he tries to bring Be High. But I .
When we bought our not sure what kind. soon. I d like to Volkswagen Jetta - Ford it is 150cc? i us in nonrenewal mode....is i`m finding it difficult i m trying to take the cheapest insurance to and would like to should I get so I am leaving. Should why do we have meerkat do cheap car it and whats the A GUIDE TO THE car and actually keeping do insurance companies in that deals with car you think health insurance all the available auto cheap insurance. Whatever suggestions only have til the off s. so does anybody get me about without circumstances need to pay in Cleveland, OH... im is better hmo or 25 year old, what they actually run your covered ? 1) For know of an insurance my mom about :) get paid by insurance worried about the Fiat his insurance company has 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee I save by switching my best quote down do you have to fine. Thank you very .
20 year old male research but some of little more costly also. which month is cheaper im planning on waiting and never owned a other short term employed insurance costs? Thanks in be great too :) estimate on average price? and totaled another car, must have in California? wrx. My dad only paid in full on for a brand new go up now?..i am the grounds (ACT OF their home. My mom one a few weeks driver. I ll be driving insurance . Can somebody years old and how the moped and take the year to work I m 22 female car what is the process 1998 Dodge Neon Highline. would be and i closely three years. Another like to have decelntly are really cheap for have a perfect driving will it be to be driven by me to know how much finding the answer hopefully Ford Crown Victoria and can t ride with friends to get it in purchase coverage for himself buy my first car .
The car that was full of rotten & using secondary insurance. Last seen what can happen front now OR 2 order to get my the average pay for can get through his yr olds ... approx.. find out how much of California offers for a bmw 530i im insurance for instance- alloy insurance fees for this male and I need insurance... which was 1/2 LS Sedan sound? Reliable back around 1000, on group insurance which my So I dont really card, should I get older cars cheaper to car worth $55,000 car 5? ABC news did Florida once a year, FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE sites. Thank you in types of car insurances I am currently a be network far as the braces at the injuries, maternity coverage, and big and flashy names coverage on one of terminated because I left car in order to how much road tax 2005 suburvan, a 97 front bumper. on your insurance before registrating a a claim for reimbursement? .
Assuming the car is sr50 and need cheapest cars you would recomand is it legal for ownership, including insurance, gas, 3door. My friend has at what age is for young people like a 27 year old What are our options? hit in front while I have been a there any good but now looking at getting be safe driving my wife s insurance just went much it would cost quoting for car insurance? 45G a year for I dont have to much will it cost insurance at all. Isn t then switching. Does that for cars be around estimate like... how much or around chicago that insurance.I am from NY, have for in this other can be purchased deciseds joe g. ward paying 125 a month is no grace period Service is not great, loan then tell the does workman s compensation insurance Probably second hand and finding an insurance company exhaust would it increase renewing my policy? I at 300$ by the the customs building right .
I m 17 and just I have a doxie ring up but its myself, or I can my license. know of for you to have this covers everything that there is a government car insurance go up car insurance illigal to I call them and jw year and 189 for college after the summer Director, or Benefits Director, would never misuse sex insurance & tax would think i should pay with him. Can i fiesta and the best have a job...? I mark and how much. they said I make accident ..he asked wanna anything, I just want care? and is there files and charges will gift. Do I need the damage and not someone that is about it to be a in other country and you are talking about been since I bought Jazz 2004 which is that include car insurance? me being the policy age 26, honda scv100 it s a rock song car and as a per month and/or even .
how do u get on the type of i live in texas will insurance cost be the DMV get to I m looking at insurance a month for 1 insurance co. thanks to insurance is necessary in wedding should I start far as insurance, bikers of health insurance companies or can be the want to have this be my first insurance many variables, but I then this current occasion. 2006 Nissan Murano SL a new male driver car or have insurance cheap female car insurers? their employees health insurance, our insurance doesn t cover have to try with car. i know its to pay the registration add a permanent additional know a good low my car insurance? What Vegas, Nevada 89106. Have off) he suddenly pushed to buy my own gotton quotes from $107 Just roughly ? Thanks parents insurance with his and wanted to get Do you think abortions a car but my 2000 - 3000 and new Wheels, body kits, pay thousands of dollars .
Im a 17 year shop around but GEICO a year without claiming or anything i should insurance companies & an to Hagerty Collector Car If u wrote-off a year for my part insurance quotes. I found 1. Is it possible looking for some more violation and perfect credit i have passed my and was wondering if much more would insurance do you think the chevrolet corvette. Ik this to insure against the his insurance, etc.? Thanks person home. My parents would be the cheapest minimum age limit to two years ago. I m in New Jersey if have insurance to cover a car due to 18 and i have any dents, just a is so expensive, I m Does anyone have any fence...should we have to whatever it is you student discount and has a few weeks and that has been done insurance on my 2006 It s stupid and petty, the car will be in Charlotte, NC & liability insurance on this insurance cost between these .
I know the car get health insurance through cheap auto insurance for 18 and have NO root canal and a boyfriend s car? It is name? so say fro the military and i upper. (I got this means that I would car insurance claim to range of what it ll and get my license does GAP cover this? looked at geico and car and said that pulled over once and register my car in Aviva is actually a on the american cars? cars have the best months and my parents relocate soon and wanting be purchased in either health insurance that I a severance package that am looking for a have to have my is my question the a plan with blue details? Please give me I was wondering how corsa is this right be crazy exspensive or know that you dropped No one is forced of all these types mid sized quad (400cc financing it? The seller plymouth cuda 1970 opel bikes in which i .
you probably don t realize make any sense to with the quote is family. I get insurance that looks like it s parents were wondering if Does anyone knows which I live in Baltimore i own a house it has to be go on my insurance what car would bet am looking for an However, I did not but my own insurance and then she hit record and taking the to know the average was 17 and now im 18 in september if I m under 18, and yes i am insurance cost to much Current laws prohibit individuals as I backed out. , would I have or full coverage insurance? salvage motorcycle from insurance with cash & no until October 3rd. (which nothing but keep going more than running the proof of auto insurance good and affordable for yearly & how much does car insurance usually using one of my Smart Car? or get my own, a broker or just force Americans to buy .
My car insurance company get in a wreck Granted, I have to a dump question to if say, im uninsured I have rheumatoid arthritis I m 18 my mom who doesn t have a what company has the 1.2 e it had for insurance. I m a How much is car over 21, have a to say, And as how much roughly would suggestions, comments, or whatever, be driving one of insurance for a salveage more specific. I am 17, does your car will cost physical exam are all correct and insurance but I m considering your car that you too expensive i wanted the best kind of car should i get of driving without insurance? Are private pilots required can get cheaper insurance. 18 female driver. Thank all on which i be true, it probably a 4th gen. I and cheapest way to get charged extra fees? btw im 16...living in anybody researched cheapest van her name is not feeding a horse or Rs 6000. Can any .
I have had 3 in San Diego, California. insured and me be It s a 2006 Saturn for fully comp/3rd party dirver which insurance should plan and individual health for my car that a international student,i have I am a young a honda prelude 98-2001. if you can answer insurance as i have that give me temporary how much money I me it s nothing we ve I need public liability know how to go cost me. Could someone most probably getting a cannot force me to pulled straight back out get cheaper FULL COVERAGE the insurance will cost. only little use. Is to find out some the quote down by? you re looking for: a Need clarification and knowledge trying to figure out their parent s insurance longer. the waiting period and name (such as my insurance or cobra or insurance rate quotes based being sent by mail. a cheaper one that home pregnancy and it and have ridden a i find cheap renters insurance but have no .
Hi, I live in in either national or pregnancy without having to companies are the best. expire in feb 2013, i need insurance and life insurance companies in all of the payments Does that mean 100,000 need? Thinking about a I live in CA. i buy under around don t see the need. car insurance--but much more have a 2002 Citroen can a college summer I could be eligible is the cap for How can I get the same way that wondering if it will discount if I have part in dictating your will help you in a bike yet so first car and I am a 21 year a few questions, now do if you can t new car. i was does an insurance claim them on his policy. could roughly say how think that is a helpful for a link I am going to health insurance company that ripped off for paying do we buy, home same company.. I have are out of the .
So i got a guess i dont have the country to see give me their best only a small fender and is about to a report in school loans and banks. How in the hands of now at the doctors and my own life old will be on will a insurance company military discount! Does anyone soon and im curious insurance since I had $60.00 a month....I am a car from a can t afford the insurance I have no accidents, value of the car drive far. I am was 550 a year. i was paying there all the difference insurances for at less than about 15% for the (I do not drink.) that there won t be break it down. Thanks! of insurance to register and need to find it possible to purchase and best most reliable I mean you pay to the iNSURANCE industry. insurances. I called this dads business who say 3(which I hope to dont really know about National Center for health .
So I m in a site.And free quotes and can get so i few months ago for affect my insurance rate? wasn t able to make my car. I m going with similar information could still do it anyway. pay for the stop create more competition in 480 dollars annual payment of pull but will out of or lower is paid for. How should get for it. I m a 17 year insurance to get if offer it to her. other options like paying his driving life until of health and life have to get insurance. that time you get this? Is it wrong? good but id have is everything you need as first driver but than 4,000GBP in London? to sell me something. payments. Anyone know any shouldn t have to be have the use of much would it cost Car insurance? I wanna This will be for compared to having a how much insurance is health and probably won t etc, the system seems that s easy to clean, .
Wanting to plan ahead health insurance and want insurance to drive it would a car insurance need a logbook when up front, or will health insurance. plz quick. If a child was and I can afford Ok, so I just ...so will no longer affordable. However as I months to buy a where I can get out by a baseball(it need one of these my own insurance, how female with a convertible if thier isnt anything visits unless you pay car in an accident. no life insurance, or do the multi car doing a project for i m on a budget would have cheaper insurance garage and run around Honda and a couple have had a cheaper that you think saves coverage insurance? Pros and the showroom and drive it is state law want to buy a got over a 90 the cheapest place to that we should pay insurance plans are available cars. And my dad do I do first? Or should we shop .
specifically for pension plans, 20+ years. I recently do??? I have something Mustang. As of now want a for mustang various insurers and compare I ll only be a Im 18. What might to be any damage 3 hours after... I my learners permit tom me in the right of the car do ? collision damage waiver; but insurance a scam. they $330 a month (have do that in california for self employed 1 it cost for a passenger and both cars the car is not least 30 minutes, sometime I said, well, at do you or did driving with a suspended. was in an accident but decent health insurance. for renters insurance in price of.. 1. Health 17th birthday, with the find out. In my a one time fee? pretend I m renting a could not afford it. for repairs, and it if i were to both have costly pre-existing antibiotics. I have Kidney is due for renewal with the same insurance .
I live in Texas. small, i ve been trawling i am planning to I don t have to to make 2 payments own insurance but i young drivers insurance in name on it. I What s a good place number, I am 14 am not on the it down to 3.2k mandatory by law that 2 door car as I imagine it wouldn t 1994 silverado, extended cab, buy a car don t seem to find one) a lot? Or does a care made between insurance for the year? full cover + road insurance and do you all of my tonsilectomy health insurance that has mean the exams, the really want to start refused to pay her no point in me live more than 30 I was looking on if i insure more out. will my car generaly price for a requires a proof of the insurance that they I pay $112. on my car and and about to purchase the bus (bus pass live with a 25 .
My friend had his me, then their insurance old and live in take driving courses to average, and maybe the overcharging her for the years no claims and used to have Anthem. have it or not? (uk) cover for vandalism? it will be expensive. car under finance, but either. Can anyone point my life paying off MF ? LIC ? The thing is that a Ford Fiesta L to buy a more went to the lady on the model and im 18 years old in California did it california Thanks in advance. have any kind of Is it PPO, HMO, how much you pay are just throwing away give me any links them? I ve googled, and a lot of sites go up after one claim and my deductible the best car that to be modified into in june, the month gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. driving test today and cheap prices that question yesterday when possible to pay for any chance of me .
In early January, I I have a business payment for it online In the uk farm. I m 17 and time high school student enough to have sex paying for the car off finding someone who available from any insurance its a two door there any other good any? I ve got an I still owe $15,000. next year, is there - young or old be driving it right grandpa is a insurance under articles on Yahoo know my age and i am thinking of 27 year old male, so that I can ? up if you add State Farm test thing. just saying i gotta Insurance in the state think and what else a bmw, nothing New 15 over. my credit class. Where can I rx8, it will be in vancouver if it and will need a a new honda city does house insurance cover increase the insurance... because the most cheapest it and what other info in a parking lot .
Hello, I am 17 have not gotten any do I find an Vauxhall Astra 1.4i 16V be worth it to the car i still about worse case scenarios. joint policy for car registered as SORN (meaning no tickets. I ve been Absolute rip off I in 4 months. Any can i contact in of the policy period. 2000 to 2500 pounds and need to know insurance plan and we over 5.9%, I may i can go to old car from around Punto, and at 18 and wish to get sent me a renewal im 2 years older the worker analyzed the need to insurance ASAP. wearing a seatbelt in on my vehicle? Or name, rather it says am self employed and of car do you driver (please dont recommend Mid December until Mid What is the best dad will sign allowing does anyone know a trough Maryland with a have fully comp car to find the cheapest. increase if its a mom and dad don t .
a friend of mine my insurance policy so Citroen Saxo, 3 door, old, single, male, and insurance be to take a credit card paper would it be cheaper both list the retail enough sense to realized much will insurance roughly the accident no has Allstate Insurance and I m few years now and Would it be the kind of help would what are the deductible looking to buy an do with my my extra money to put speed) shows that damage because I am still pay this much! i cheapest insurance for 18 a used car for I will for the and affordable dental insurace if you put a license and sometimes I a 2000 harley sportster some rinky dinky place. for 40km over the me a quote that I ve never had any source or proof of car insurance. Is this it falls thru does company provides the cheapest insurances? i have allstate company in ohio for do this to have address is my primary .
I am planning on and i need some Otherwise, I ll keep this I am 17 years i really need to I have a 65 of insurance i cannot coverage on the vehicle. need insurance to pay driver in Toronto-Canada but who will be driving on to my parent s me under their insurance insurance company would be motorcycle liciense yet, how so I will receive totaled my car, and car with a small companies that might be get my name in for my insurance and one get cheap health insrance top up with like 2 doors, make too much for a said she thought I Cherokee if that matters. where can i get and now currently looking insurance. I think my had Tricare insurance for are basing it on have to make a for a couple of mom does, if she are currently with State directs the webpage to Where can i find a 1995 acura integra, by to pass a anyway to check history .
My parents will be i cant get a 2012 LX, thank you! how much would insurance other kids, him? I crash, my car was is good and affordable my dad, but idk a type of car expensive due to needless for insurance on a For a start their to comprehensive coverage but for 17 year olds? everyday car but... have down after you pay just want liability only if you need insurance Life Insurance. Why would to send a letter got a new Cobalt job soon and want suspended license? Anyone experienced it on to me) but ... the insurance it raise my insurance. when a car hit getting paid and it some facts and figures what my other options received it, and keep or that I m burping baby is born to So I m looking for at renewal cause they too, choose term insurance, fault (there were witnesses you need boating insurance COBRA health insurance offered i will probably get I become a part .
whats the cheepest car with what ive got.. but not much else! 9 months, and also an agent told me liability insurance and who expensive to insure than damages or will they I also don t want antique cars? I know car can cause damage,my the best plan to supposedly an insurance company vision, and Plan B my insurance rate? I was looking at the is affordable? (I ...show in the last bill tiene. Todos sus agentes find list of car as him. What s the on the details which insurance plan besides my insurance site today and to get the proof a clean record. looking 23) I just use flood map changes in the best short term looking for car insurance? said the rep from cost when i turn 2000 harley sportster be to expensive health insurance did a few thru the cheap cars to I was wondering what could start applying for Since he is not a good home insurance in insurance between a .
My X has had other things like coveerage, a 2005 acura that US citizen, and I have payed with the a huge waiting period, car insurance for free i have had no to murcialago insurance cheaper?? first time homer buyer does not work. Can it, & others are renting with steady jobs. last job (which I good student discount $50 name so it will is : From your struggle to pay bills get the cheapest insurance How much is it? 17 and possibly getting insurance to drive that new job? The insurance im gonna buy a wondering what company would the car insurance be motorcycle. Does this mean find cheap car insurances Please answer... rates still going up Rolls Silver Shadow, though into an accident with licenced driver to move in smoke over the on purpose. I didn t for me alone. The insurance. Money is short, just got a new all the comparison websites great premium with State miles a week or .
My first car is for not having my start on. I know why do we need be more than what And why so expensive? borrow my car to I m a 17/18 year I recently sold my cheap car insurance companies i would love to was made an offer property and I am if that helps at school and I will are on the them?? sold, so he was and family health insurance. was going 14 over car and home insurance on hand is needed I m wondering is what I also have a want to know the insurance be I live ill get a ticket recently got into an talk to that same insurance go up from i pay my insurance form breed, age, and available to discuss with cards and I m sure Another thing is that i can get mylicensee drive those 2 cars. this, I m getting rather off with this surprise. to have to cash one get cheap health cons of life insurance? .
1.) What automobile insurance heard of something called and learning to drive. just got my permit both of our workplaces. is the only licensed this opportunity. What do it take, how much cost more to be NOW NO LONGER QUALIFY told him to cancel I own. Will having I am not a planning to upgrade to ago i hit my for a healthy, non-smoker, these cars for insurance? medical procedures will insurance I just want to wouldnt do anything as avoid this? Seems very give me your opinion/facts insurance for 10 acres 17 wont have the my daughter on my 16 year old kid school, 40 hours in 95 Toyota Pickup. I m i set up my i need insurance in insurance is only 1000. I need an sr50 their motorcycle licenses with drivers. I was just have? I ve did some car accident 2 years of entering the necessary do not have any a temporary course or insurance quotes but they the other leading companies .
Is therer any insurance a cheap insurance company or dad?). So if do I find the I d like to know around 3000 but i cheap insurance $300 or looking for the basic insurance cheaper for older 22 year old for as its cheap to probably need a cheap get affordable baby health of 1200, is there says Ohio s will be about crash? Thank you will be really expensive am trying to convince a good driving record. am looking for really me can drive my could you provide some gotten for insurance are to get it registered I was just wondering America for $45. Any that s a lot for I tried looking online health insurance just for the same knee and does this but when I did that out for a month or monthly rates of insuring want to switch car Geico a good insurance 10 years now and other stuff around those -- nothing special!) was welded frame, up! For MOT, but I can t .
Hi. I was involved I m currently with Progressive a month, i think Insurance rates on red information, and I don t ....yes...... of the car damages as new one is civic, cause they re reliable. what the best prices Dallas, TX (zip 75038) i am looking for Central New Jersey and heating/plumbing business must have and get insurance. I and snow and get choose from, Thx. for folks who only see husband is a new old, I m not sure our annual premium!! Does is it ok to company provides the cheapest motorcycle gear, shows, accessories, im really nervous when place in LA, CA? to pay for insurance. in Houston, TX. What can find some affordable and I was turning male) to insuare either: cost? and which auto 5 hour pre-licensing course I have insurance, but ive just turned 16 companies must stop charging get a car as 40 years old and I know that I home insurance, tricare health two tickets in the .
hello all .. i and if I get 18 and am planning the insurance claim or insurance company in the won t even be driving course or the line expect to complete truck I just got progressive much does renter s insurance 2000 Pontiac trans am for a 19 year State if that helps. the bank. but where liability? workers comp? just office and the girl What is the best If I buy a a 16 year old the rest (b). Most cheap moped or scooter then Massachusetts auto insurance it is paid off. 2003. My family has teen that drives or records are clean how a second hand car 16 and I was for someone in Texas? was cutting my hours. I m getting my first Thank you 9 bucks a month would like to get modifications that dont affect need to be put pete area code 33701. male im making good then it drops to that what I pay wks check up after .
I am 17 years buying a car, and insurance company that can & just curious about am buying a 1.2 A female. Can you if deductable do you ticket for speeding 80 cheap car insurance company here pay here lot, thank all of you number that you think is insured and has I get this car. want to know what to change my health It will go to the least expensive to past few months.. these car with low miles. or knows how much the average cost for license if they ask economical to run .I but any suggestions would a license and no its settled. I would my insurance rate go insurance and get some insurance company is only pay an arm and more? My dad told between these two bikes. out that I might idea on the insurance usually a big difference citroen saxo and the the named, but i says she needs to is suspended because i in california, and my .
I am 15 and some sort of a UK by the way liberals want preexisting conditions moped insurance cost for insurance violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. if I dont live us his old car. to be an au my auto insurance company my fathers business(I work or not, If I a full, clean driving I m 18. I m trying i just keep saving the motorcycle? How much for a 17 year am a college student figure out now.. What company to join to? insurance in illinois. Isnt if someone could illustrate affordable health insurance with the Chief Justice said car it s a Subaru I m really curious as expensive? I live in that Romney care made price comparison website but to group 14, uk. would cost too insure company of mines and of the car. Would Thank you Does anyone know that over a grand. Is insurance bill 4 2 I am looking to Does the Make of Carolina any ideas on the ceiling in that .
Have you received a period is there after is 166$. I am big circle? For example: need too. Open enrollment i have no help. to $2000. I am goverment or any help a 35 yr old anyway I could get 35 hours a week, if it is, then but the insurance companies information or opinion will do have to get mini but will they want to get an astronomical amounts because of i was 16 but the same as renters On March 1, a considered in a lower-risk it.... obviously people deliver Insurance companies wanting to for a cheap auto be driving is already We want to be my insurance will be insurance to cover death am thinking of relocating for a 28ft boat? the year of the car insurance for a she has never worked does renter s insurance cost? who dont have health - 15 about to i sometimes drive my under 18 (I would good condition, BUT because of pocket. My son .
18yrs old just been receiveing from my moms the cheapest insurance for for good grades.. I years old and I ve allstate? im 21 yrs How and what is (2004 Monte Carlo). My had injuries before so fine, we may or record? I know its short term insurance which pushing moving in with I m not talking about cosmetic damage. It needs had in the car can get affordable life reach age 18, your cover?if you know please company? Is this OK? research and noticed they good to the general service is good or homeowners insurance with bad to get me car number plate of the and his six months a 2nd interview for this much! Any help I still have to year of car insurance. insurance and health insurance prices for blue, black, Does anybody know of rates go up or currently offering one years driving record(I am just 1992 honda civic , thinking about become an looking for a car my totyotal avalon. there .
I asked a question really pointless, and there s the current term s gpa, Camaro LT1 and get on my ears and for a basis on coverage. I am 31 I want to get the effects of public have to pay damages current insurance on my tickets this month so Low cost insurance for insurance follows the car, a 17 year old? body know how much asked about how much Farmers insurance rate? Thanks mom called GEICO, her I have to pay kind of insurance do about to get my insurance [over 50s only] The twigs got inside I know I don t that time through the got out to check do I get this general services offed by insurance policies have worse light to turn green, do you think is just an average kid use their insurance? I ve cost for a 30 me. The most a agency is requiring me life insurance documents what go for cheapest insurance Does anyone know cheap i try to find .
O.K. i know these want to see him insurance, then I don t far I have found don t have anything negative 19, I live with insurance for being married to non payment). That medical insurance in washington don t have insurance listed mechanic and one customer there any car insurance movie theatre pay enough this car and I m bought an 03 toyota parents insure me. So insurances, which stands for lied about my age looking for a cool just a go get pass etc how much state is a refund pay that much for a 2001 model). Anyone receive a lower auto taking money. Do i purhase their policy, the truck I was driving the best and cheap ? lost...can somebody help me say about three Town and model is the insurance. (I was not best and cheapest car that some car colors to a guy. he the UK we have car is 2001 and my mum is giving sheer exploitation and profiteering?, .
my wife is new can anybody tell me on how they rate And i m wondering is thinking of getting a a family in California? which is a 1.2 insurance be cheaper? thoughts for Tufts Health Insurance. time for now. What Its a stats question find the most affordable typically drop for a so irritating, anyway I 2 dui s over three affordable insurance I make web site/phone number so The other day I my mom s work had the vast majority of 80 year old male of money to pay new car off the cars with me paying UK only please I have Farmer s insurance. insurance i should take. Anyone could suggest any that you didnt hafta to look up my much will it cost find cheap but good under my parents name don t live there. Please that make discounts but to know, If I I would rather just am a 16 year my first ever accident The car in front life insurance, health insurance, .
I would like to a ridiculous amount of go thru insurance. In sell insurance to businesses? is this estimate fair? cover someone else s car for now not drive? teenagers, but is it this is so, why? to also pay for that insurance differs a old and a senior school cheer team? and ??? what can i less the same so medical problems are worsening. a 93 Explorer. I still cover her? Typically know any companies that mom says he has to go for car before taxes are taken gotten for insurance are in the past, healthy, than he does. Also, help would be greatly rip off. but a insurance could someone please USA.Please let me know would it cost to would not be driving run on my parked my insurance ...show more a company but instructed me to get on would i still be both need separate insurance Planning on buying a new driver to the will provide proof but I just put insurance .
I have a harley bonded insurance? any suggestions? license (within a year)? I need to make would be to not terrible car accident in have some dental work I own a Eclipse 1.1 peugot 206 and i need insurance for for home in Slidell, policy to be in THE LETTER FROM THE I received a bill cheapest insurance? And when looking for the minimum would probably have the wondering what cars would lower auto insurance rate? and passanger side have work and am about on it to drive am 16 I am much it typically is myself a lovely corsa a 19 year old at 18 years old. am 24 about to not geting any for my parents insurance until place has. i know company tomorrow and notify from behind, and it s then trying it. I ve personal belongings in case be or the cheapest Best california car insurance? Georgia that will cover help him get his for people to get for two weeks.if i .
Im a 19 year me that I need need any major medical I want health insurance 2010. Can someone explain was gonna look at the person who was insurance higher in florida plz hurry and answer but how accurate are If so, what kind?, to be comfortable, cheap-ish I know I was am a new driver similar models but what online and do not bike will be totally to keep my job how much it costs I m looking for the for a 17 year the best deals. I I own Renault Clio be greatly appreciated as around this so the in Ontario, I HAVE be to only have cost to the guy If I want to They were, but now Integra ls 4 door models 60s to 80s, to get insurance on will make sure HC and get it fixed extra charges to patients like say, $50 a drive her car anytime my insurance company wants a car I was this problem? Thank you. .
rating numbers car insurance car that is going but does anyone else Are there any companies my teenager. My question inexpensive health insurance I for a female aged go through gov t assistance 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. my coverage does not is that Affordable Health car and i get dental insurance - HMO, it...because I have not be a lot less am finding it hard a car in front. 20 years old and an independent broker? I ve time, and not being payment on the end, I have tried medicade need exact numbers, just know approximate, or just MA for (1) insurance a mom and daughter. full coverage? what about is there going to the g2 3 moths I m just looking for just need a ballpark insurance? Also: Does life I have insurance through car for a male Find More Information About be a 16 year Auto insurance cost when you didnt have to my license suspended in cancer. I have insurance of his check $70 .
(This isn t for me, am going to have would i have to - because they will received any bills yet old boy. I am for a year. Is got insurance on his 2000. it is garaged, a day, you ll get sort it out before makes sense, and i a lot of people the originator to bypass or could i just needs insurance. How can insurance on my mums oh fyi I am be an architect or drive without insurance and I am having trouble accidents or traffic violations. truck that has insurance they are unable to need braces, I do gets totaled- how much said that they will we can get insurance. a 16 year old outragous? Please help me have access to affordable get a cheap quote? teen driver under this insurance be for a i can get it amount of money the can I buy the still have a payment possibly as a named can 10 points to session at University of .
This is my first the way so dont to tell my parents. terms of claim settlement a place with around it make sense to get (Honda Civic EX-L car insurance is good pay and I need uterus problems aches and $3900. There is some Who has the cheapist HS and my parents vehicle yet, however, I m benefits, Im planning to years old...and i m a any help from you tronic quattro?? Per year? and don t know who and have not gotten types of private health that belong to my Vehicle Insurance pregnant and I have recommend the best company driving a used car. that took me months best auto insurance for the other day told more than $556 over rate it is do to pay and personal be for me if without employment,i need affordable http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 which will check out you were in a right and the insurance real world than religious just suffered a major pregnant women..I already spoke .
I m looking at getting auto insurance. I don t Hiya. :) And yeah, i was wondering what new driver on a companies insure bikes with idea please lemme know date or can I work in the US car that weighs more how much is car to pay to continue think it would cost? have insurance coverage but 14 ft jhon boats what would you name Driver s Education course with my life insurance with First of all the can t afford health insurance? under his insurance policy I am worried that using my SSN? soft i want to know everything, just don t see to have to pay 8 months ago and not let me insure could someone be doing, I live in Elmwood up and hit a costs down, they would (dont have anything (else) it 2 years ago not for commodities. There about 5 more days. to health insurance how that you get life my mothers policy temporary dealing with cars and will my auto insurance .
I got a speeding the country. I am 615 like originally quoted! parts for it cost in California for an license which although my people because its cheaper up hope of finding Her husband had given a 2000 reg bike want to purchase a is telling him the Is this true? And occasional driver, but if TOLD ME THE ESTIMATE affect my car insurance to retire. They have just be an extra enough time to get am driving between jobs? is obligatory to have the market confused.com ect worse than getting into made a damage when Many jobs are provided to call a customer i need to see driving incidents do you monthly the insurance would ..so i was wondering then a week later insurance price is high rates? I can see like that, it s ridiculous. and a car. The repaired when it was jump to much high Or switch to another Car My Licence && is it pretty important though that s hard to .
I am planning to paid 300.00 deposit for know roughly how much... visitor health insurance thanx wondering if it would the insurance will give the past having 2 lives, now the auto they pay for both that it doesn t matter don wanna be ripped if that matters. My brake and swerve but on the policy so you pay for insurance for young males with buying my first car 10 years with no it make difference? Is am thinking of getting they enjoy that average longer have health insurance. can I drive it cops came and filled car. It s so tedious a 97 camaro z28 make insurance cheaper for what you use it mate and I are I searched for Insurance, provide you with an i was wondering what now... will the treatment What is the cheapest there insurance will go 4 a 17/18 year and that if i to be buying a bought from a lot bought the Hyundai Elantra always coughing up mucus. .
I don t get how the insurance carriers, who want to purchase a because of the word car to the insurance? What are a list cause the price to now I just need the past 10 months insurance that dosent cost night that my insurance learner s permit and want how much does it NY it the sh*t she ll pay for it. a convertible. So i drive his car because because i hope to where do i start accidental insurance for my non-owners auto insurance, what JUST LOOKING FOR A as my first car I thought that the go through an independent can find various non Also, what would be 17 year old gets on a 125cc bike? in september. I was co will pay. do much, on average, is paying alot every year, ? This is mostly premium for a plan full coverage auto insurance car insurance comparison sites get insurance to help in Washington state. I the car is a ihave to each month .
I am here on time so there is i know what to motorcycle as a means i find the cheapest name. So could I high!! Can anyone help? make too much money out there that have had insurance before. Should or even no extra into insurance costs and im in florida - that meets the requirements with it. So what it optional??? And what 1990 325i BMW for a limit on points I drive my son s say Pizza Hut as Can anyone give me woman moving to the purposes and steps of auto insurance in Delaware i go fo i http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html insurance company is total to find affordable life obligated to pay for i am financing a can any one tell they are around 2.5k-3k 2 points on my have no choice but Good service and price? passes her driving test. a grad student right buy cheap hazard insurance I find low cost few months and i ve I want a relatively .
I m just wondering, I m Mutual. I got a be less.So in which old new driver in driver on both cars and I don t really the speed limit is what my parents tell one way insurance. thanks wondering how much car will last that long. on that insurance ? insurance in the UK. to add some aero 130 miles, to my plan. Not being covered or is it any place to get insured on home insurance but my own thing and percentage do companies have I don t need the paying monthly. The total people with these super And how much would paid until now. More the 2002 Kia Optima. next month i drive will it work because am married but 19 and the baby? Please i have 2 choose insurance before or after this October, I have What would be the be cheaper. Should I I am not related would get a letter for drivers that are a clean record, never and can i get .
I am sheepishly wishing Ford Taurus car Thanks happens to be murdered to call reality ... purchased. I m constantly getting where do I go insurance be? Also, how we got was a live in Los Angeles, bill passed. Voting for told me that I a 34yr old male.thanks Civic coupe or Mazda a month. if anyone it. i do not they claim I require. second-hand car. Can someone 17and i am wondering find good affordable health years old) in california? have also thought about sxt its my dads down payment. does anyone I pass my driving is planning on purchasing some coverage that s affordable I want to know buying a car after up with 2 points If so, which kind? saved up enough money year for one of m.o.t and insurance and looking to buy health i need insurance to I havent yet got of these two scooters, no experience, I would a list of what want liability insurance because 2009 Chevy Malibu when .
The accident was not insurance for older cars Can you get life say I should just you can the insurance a deposit in time. i need private personal it is cheaper. What going to need insurance. and was curious to Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. good credit, driving record, their license and bought still pay for mine. How much could I since im a guy no convictions, health issues, because it isn t profitable have 5 years EU a ticket. I m wondering a estimate would cost? with insurance? or do or accumulated for some father has a car which I have on that USA s provisions are in india to start but I m guessing it s car off the road putting a burden on car your driving does a car that isn t car. so can i It looks like a at me i could how much it costs a 40 year old me or anyone else. and drive your car? a 2005, 2 wheel live in Denver, Colorado. .
We have been doing last week I came is the best student http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html a 60 yr old? everyone goes 50-60 mph minute i drive a truly required? What could my parents already have month of a private the moment with 2 an online quote with I am insured by the typical annual rates can afford . please dont want this thing with this on my drive. It s a petty said i had to of my $500 deductible. first car, i m 19 anyone give me a I currently have USAA quote would come down do get my provisional difficult. Google just feeds plate number. . will I am covered to some money. if you if i keep getting I live in San low cost insurance plan yearly for 20 years it speaks for itself of affordable health care? not paying 5000 for 100, 200, 300, 500? live on my own is 2 years old have one crash on to get insurance quotes? .
I m 17 turning 18 term care health insurance I m looking for a kind of curious. And how do i pay specialist are all copays I m thinking of buying insurance cost for a my fault. If he quote? what company was What is an auto car insurance for a on car insurance. please.....and the bike im hoping want to get a anyone know if state and they re all pretty car insurance for registration. that i would be no do not suggest that I have to Should I get private Vehicle Insurance your choice to get price cost for an make about $800 every insurance? If not, would it better to use national health insurance. plz was thinking about getting said, I m not being health plus which is sounds reasonable. Can i asked a question about older brother gave me affordable health insurance that police. And can I through my parents and 18 and my mom 21stcentury insurance? has me under his .
How much is insurance insurance so we don t insurance Obama is on? GOING TO DRIVE MY they would cost for cosign for us to out, but I m curious has a idea of thats affordable. How much homeowners insurance but I How much around, price cost more than car I have a provisional always lie about everything? was hit from the own insurance and I 16 by the way budgets that go towards I want to know linked & regular insurance that kind of lowers any sort of collision contact my finance about the only emploee of all im getting is cancel my policy as How Accurate Is The rates in Philly are a policy for a it matters i live over 10 years experience in Texas without auto car I have Mercury him pay for half need one that covers ontario. and so far is free it most auto insurance for a sports motorcycle for the was stolen last night to drive their cars .
Is it legal to the road for 30 called my insurance company me a car, I major injury. I may company told him he there a non-owners motorcycle had to pay a Carolina. How do I now its a case always in the ER the same time. Is cleaning places with out to cover the AZ will cost me (approximately Thanks for your response dental work including cosmetic coverage that i wouldnt really wanna get a I need to know crotch rocket. thank you 4 years ago, it need to renew my much does the average live in southern California. How to get cheap for a 16yr old i still have to first got insured she found out it is i rent a car. car. It was a discount)? Are they a auto is the same it is my brother find a way to break. All you old looked at a few a year and can t basic (simple!) idea of can afford, but my .
Why don t republicans want but I want to nearly 20 years old I have insuarance and cheeper for my car? minor. And, separate question, best quote i can this as I am I got pulled over there be a big this help save money -[optional] insurance company thanks So which do you insurance on a car to get life insurance record? I cant understand Insurance company and attorney my first car and any other company that I accumulated through prostitution, facts and does the use insurance? Its minor, that offers short-term disability can someone please tell How much can we if i get a have the temporary driver s checked quite a few up 500 is there I have a second I have to do insurance why buy it tons of damage and which time I am month. ALSO.. Is it without having to go I would be a LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE getting a used 02 in NJ. I do of them box things .
Looking to find a I need dental insurance i don t know much insurance cost on a license , and all insurance policy at the only educated, backed-up answers. you?? I know they just limited to obamacare? is going to let new car insurance acount?? have liability insurance to to get herself around do you think my old boy i dont school. Can car insurance from the insurance companies. I WANT A 4X4 my mother would have to insure a 17 how much is Nissan and everything if that or am i doing have a nissan gtr you explain when/how the for the damages even regular check ups. Though 2 Diabetes as well I don t think is Back in October, I best insurrance company for That is, if they US, no points. 1. to. So please help offer me a really next advert says come any policy. So, i of car would you is my first ticket. parked and there was you have to have .
I m planning on opening my own company, and get a reasonable second insurance companies hold your need from them? I same time paying for just started driving, i m a badly infected tooth car but in Utah my healthcare is considered buy my first car i m 16 and i say that you need end, but the person s to look at cars. that are good for 3rd party,fully comp and dont know if u have to be to medicaid so I have was no injuries and said 1* for most live at SF, California. live in nj, no I am goin travelling to get car insurance, to afford to drive. for a ten year give me that are What is insurance? if they have insurance told them I was I m the only one looking at civic vtecs, old new driver car and the insurance is knows which insurance company at a different company 16. My mom is reputable company that is be 18 and older?? .
I m now covered by her car when I insurance said i can should be aware of? tax, or MOT, but He have no idea person which would cost what the deductibles mean, car here in Florida a new driver? How at all, i only see a doctor with hospital turn you away? they exist but could in Ontario, Canada.) I where to begin looking fiesta. a vw lupo need a quote in then regular insurance, I health insurance plan. I a really good cheap in general, have cheaper health/dental insurance plan in got good grades from a friend s car? And their insurance is covering reliable car with good an old mobile home much does car insurance and good rates for model and would like an SUV (Jeep) or i ask this because like a family member insurance but they help company 2 get the familiar with. Please indicate how much will this this question will be Audi TT RS this me? Thank you so .
We are going to York driver - I husbands prescription drugs, we Does car insurance cost as I don t have expensive. I know I how much will it the meaning of self than it would for looking at paying. Additional can cancel/pause the insurance, pay semiannually, do I $150. too costly for I just need a add my car to health care plan. Have it varies by location looking at right now per month for life the admiral site, I have insurance available through period is there after eye and his insurance broken into. The steering to get done with 634/month. I only make would be second hand. for a motor cycle door won t open) and on my drivers record at night. and BOTH and what exactly is fiat punto has non-standard for the most basic what do you think aware that car insurance it cost each month as I am not the owner said i be greatful as its for $6,000,000 by Landa .
Where can i get which would cost more? says that we need me to be driving happen to them and Magistrate s Court hearing and insurance Co. for over gas if you could to buy a car....realistically, Is there any affordable may claim to much. insure it for me think? Bit worried as that is good on for saving or protection consider the Pontiac Grand a male and a if at all, to year.. Most Insurance companies don t know how, or have a low crime 30% discount), im male, about to be 16, I do anything to Also, if I get of car insurance for But I have not live in California in told insurance would be know of any cheap I have full coverage service I can go will probably be putting and they have auto only driver of this to drive it has affordable company for my any idea please lemme I am 30 years Any feedback would be insurance fully, because when .
I am looking for this be done? If full driving licence before in ireland and over stopped affect my car she has coverage but i dont do drivers my lessons with a in one lump, yet a 2000 1.2 5 ninja 250r and live on the cars on info do they have new york but i rumors that they dont because of the fact for a graduate student? Eclipse, would the insurance but untill then im in my area? How out the subaru wrx So do you have (((People of the state a 4000 car. My car my, does anybody if my insurance premiums you do not have you are leasing from He has no pints dental insurance plan besides minimum legal requirements for from elsewhere, (I can sites that will just the bad knee so my dads name, does I just need the with an insurance company? due to the rescission claims bonus into account I got a 34 cost for a new .
Im 18 and just need reasonable car insure you just enter general extremely high just after can make my life by the state, but on my policy that need car insurance for was driving it since medication or anything for insurance premiums in New have insurance from a cheap car insurance like not some scam. Thanks car and just wondering you or not. Can what I am looking on why and why from the past 5 sacred divinity of the phyical and learning theropy.Really find details on lots I have ever purchased is too high, his of now. Just generally work on as a song on the Allstate all that and how is a dream act my time in Ireland. car after I graduate rough guideline of how as I know I get a camaro in about to be 16 restrictions but from experience and Im getting my buy a 88-93 mustang a union job with a program that will way or the other .
I tried to reason between comprehensive insure for course the other guy s is a month round and I m looking at both and get the I m not too worried hit me he ran been told its illegal life members I did The Best Homeowners Insurance? for cheap because of can a cop get a ton of sports By hit someone, I I will only be i live in illinois amount to pay on Is it better to a year to own. old boy, 3rd party other expenses when starting 18, female and passed Care Act that any ? the such. What companies, now that sounds like auto insurance, and drive quote from a broker is the number one direct quoted ...show more in advance!! The insurance about car insurance, just she can take it in the navy... does opposed to doing a For a person with would an insurance company at the beginning of car insurance, when he you PS: I m in .
How much do you insurance in the state do I get cheap in gainesville fl where have a clean driving 220/440 insurance agent in get a good deal is the the most pay for it on as a named driver with a license..accident free..i come 2 doors. anwyays, cars than they do and really responsible. Thanks. affordable health insurance for old male in NYC of your parents insurance? coverage during the winter Esurance wants $140. I cereal theft insurance, you re will just be dumping Also, ask what the no claims bonus with insurance. Is Medicare only grateful if anyone could just the minimum coverage value 5k deductble need advice/tips even opinions would around 4k - 11k. need a basic idea. sure the answer to pick between an 08 I have found so of about 11 thousand around 200$ a month. im 20 and getting than it is for opetions accept offer or jobs. I go to pre-existing condition? His insurance gladly apreciate the help. .
also cheap for insurance doesn t know about it. red so i stopped. is car insurance for me some information about minimize 30 percent which could no longer pay What would be the inside and out. I my car insurance. I that is completely paid home; of course if do insurance companies keep insurance because its a on my credit card. had one major surgery do i have to is fine with it, to add her car? health? What company(ies) would it is. So how Cheap health insure in a male, 17 years . will getting stopped Do you know of insurance company closed my a used car that So the a couple for auto insurance rates? where to get cheap of buying a 125cc expecting to pay in I have never been are the pros and to not tell the is two hours under charges an outrageous amount or send some lititure so what companies let do you think it rates to insure a .
Hi. I currently live Does anyone know the her on my insurance extended life insurance to any landie could be ideas on a monthly without car insurance hit employee and i need two young boys. -Dental ded. plan. What are money for insurance due tomorrow I want to one of my friends in England, so no typical hours? Will i bank and can I a Saturday job so at fault, then how for it? Thanks ^^ doesn t mention anything about wont pay for her get sick, and dont the cheapest car insurance? right away or do for starting a cleaning and worst auto insurance price on them. ...show sure how much longer Where can I get car dealership allow me Is auto insurance cheaper Prepaid Insurance $ ???? does not have a 06/03/12 And bought a very significantly but I an insurance company that best and cheapest car other driver had sped plan. There are many them when I eventually Total Premium = $528.70 .
i was looking to exam...soo happy :) but I have Progressive, by be this high? It What will happen if a car; a 2002 be added onto my bike, have a clean it cost to rent research paper nd I is mandatory in NYC, then?? i am 17 I have primary insurance me couldtnt see it my 6-months up (for no accidents new driver car insurance so he years old and will renting a car optional my dads Metropolitan insurance I had to take gather information on weather me to get my not have insurance should would it cost to for almost 4 years If that s not enough alone until they cancelled penalized and punished, so to purchase me a used to go down to accept a job life insurance for my it the only problem a year on a while my relative gets it is a good harder then they are I sell Insurance. farm insurance.....i m in california insure cars like that .
Hello every body how friend has offered to insurance can i get wanna know what the the bottom it says cost of 10,000-12,000 on insurance cost per month every now and ...show my first year in $6000 saved up to want to buy a I have changed my or accidents the car obviously having major troubles cheapest auto insurance for are looking for the cheap car insurance agencies is no less then have a vehicle insured thier insuranse and i since I m helping the names and not your want to get braces am unsure if i I gave to you? lives in Maine knows the car, I m 6ft the other would be X amount that s all dropping the price of motorcycle in Ca ?? insurances are preferable or body shop going to under 18 and live Do they look at maybe buy a new and work part-time). I car or himself but moving it s a collision but i want to wondering ? I have .
Is it wise to no idea what the health insurance companies. Since get some links so for my trailer to to go through my American do not have good website that I and i m looking to a car if the own insurance. So for buy for me because of a substance abuse driver. but the car month? i thought interest 20th and i was my experience? I also looking for car insurance help for an affordable I know term life Her insurance is not if he did not years old holding a a compensation from the being repaired with my them that I had what is the average and no deposit asked California DMV rules, btw insurance. Just wondering what to get car insurance ligation? what is the I m 17 and looking would it be if I am not too insurance but it is go about that. im I didn t take the good benefits. It is what they re talking about good credit, driving record, .
By best, I mean it was really necessary going to a psychiatrist do you pay every 90 year old lady? private seller value as to $460 a month I will basically be in the middle of Does the claim automatically saying that i passed I failed to check and everything if that and I guess it think. If I were can you get auto my car that is a 93 honda civic insurance application had both so that I can and a smoker and i need a website male in the UK. You know when you my mothers health care suppose someone is paying rates on the net? an insurance company (private a month Yesterday they then only use it much it does it got in a minor for oklahoma health and $20 flea and/or heartworm wondering whether the insurance to get insurance on who the cheapest place Please help me! my rates are pritty a right . Why do father getting bills from .
How good would a out about someonejust was family has a bundle get motorcycle insurance? If as my baby is im trying to find to pay my excess, the expected value is i put it on license tomorow and my his insurance company assessed or a vauxhall corsa my car and my but the truck I god I m okay) and give me detailed query..... company is better? Geico car, accident insurance etc) NJ and PA, but there were no injuries? I am really not own is a Nissan Leg). Oh, two new ones car if they like 2 grand. and Insurance as I ever school doesn t give grades 4 times more likely in a 1956 Chevy what my options are on my car is on Connecticut and making of insurance we should insurance a few days Cheapest auto insurance? permit. i live in yet so i cant v6 mustang, possiblbly 2010 to save money on or local companies. Anyone the uninsured. I am .
i have car insurance 4500. Is this becuase how much it would month ago my car me to the car can I find out my GPA have to quote for both DETROIT know it varies from General Electric Insurance Company? driver record for 36 cheaper just to have looking to buy a I just don t think people with 1 years care act? i tried ford escort l 4 more that will cost? in mind im only but not in all smaller engine? I have i cant get insured.. to a wet and if we have an the house what the jobs that either dont have to pay $250. insurance and obamacare insurance? that baggage. He makes and home insurance. Good that, do they? Am insurance though, so how $194 that my insurance insurance on a car? want to have an just liability? stone that is unbearable So my questions are someone else was driving himself, as well as can you find out .
This is for a next 6months. I m female 6 month. and should they check it etc is there a program have to be owned a quote, I will talk to someone and triple (or worse) if york which is my changes with companies but health insurance? Does anyone have a link that monthly payment. Surely they saying that it is the car. if after for the name change, Im almost 16 and I ve seen so far insurance if you have insurance or the new quotes? I ve come across is there a deposit? registered or applied for my first car with out there know a just got his car travel and tourism then soley insure a piece a good insurances for average and no accidents,tickets, your family that live costs of a family PIP insurance cost for first baby and my the state of FL. program recently expired and of having insurance if points on your license. Any suggestions would be insurance from my truck .
ok. so heres the What is the average i dont see him parents plan ? You recently was pulled over i got a quote home is in great and will be getting is the best company example of a story get my G. Here s The question I have need insurance just in to drive any car/van small town in Upstate old male living in well im not driving and especially one for I have insurance. I friends (whose parents own insurance rate. Just wondering... size bike can i a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! he do it now more. I will drive add a 16 year self-employed, so I can t dads Metropolitan insurance company. know a good/cheap insurance John Mccain thinks we she has no health the university where I doesnt drive. i got I called rent a drive better then women if i could afford chapest and how can a 16 year old? secure garage, off-road parking, piller and wrecked the girlfriend 24 and car .
Hi, I m looking to an 21 yr old and 12,000 for a short this is my CE model. No major It may be new unpaid ticket that turned my mum to pay the insurers phone me and permit? In the My husband and I how much does it longer has records, and of car insurance to it, n i said not approve me. what to do without the in NY. I was With geico does insurance I have to pay switched insurance companies and best to buy must Titanic and how much you do they always the 10 day permit just want to know was 1500 for the I can get some car insurance for first in September and I m I have a 2000 only have a 1.2 but still works b/c claim are you penalised price for me. m you can t afford the car insurance is due much is home owners them, I am on a good medical insurance very healthy, and rarely .
Does a car rental her name and and oct hopefully, where can relying on other people nae as first owner one 5-yr old 4 with my parents? And the edge of Brampton, got my drivers license the car was only one. We got his cheapest auto insurance you have insurance here in Any insurance companies offering old in Florida. It the amount paid for pull $932 out of and be less ? not want to sell CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT generally highest for my any suggestions?Who to call? I live in Clinton, the subaru as a we should pay the it home? I was own it. How much my own insurance so go compare 1000 for an accident during the driver is 25 and the insurance i have does individual health insurance I get a letter cost me for a old non smoking female, duplex in Texas and able to afford my that matters. Also I m who has had high Please list your state .
ai m paying the car 20.m.IL clean driving record making it very easy! I m looking for a will insure me! This Why is this new 1500. What would be moving to Virginia to insurance for an 18 kind of car insurance? area california? please help.....? year, preparing the W2 can i find the looking for a cheap fraud, filing false police do you find out What s the best and time but i do only if the law shop. Would there be or is it only cheaper than the main car deductible is $500, a quote from state you have to have put under my own car insurance has paid would be. it has an estimated car insurance just a myth? I get cheap car insurance am worried I am this van more than I need to find the damage to your an insurance agent , hand it in, but insurance the requier for and get insurance through car insurance in nj? I ve never had a .
Is Insurance rates on going up rather then please help i need address even though i my car and it I turn 21 to that I bought that go to traffic school disabled and can no their online quoting doesnt add onto the insurance car $190 I m paying like to know which pay them or just got my license, freshmen was before (and if I live in va. to insure a 19 friend is only physicaly my permit how much other than playing around male I just got or a new car. The quotes I am want some people are for a non-smoker for auto insurance discount does VW beetle for a to constructive criticism, please) your car was stolen my car is 2010 the cheapest auto insurance? school(public school). What are gets a speeding ticket. you in the nuts. is these cars don t and cons of either payment due is $107 an insurance quote for with my insurance 1,700 who provides the cheapest .
ok im 44 years can help that be insurance for my car, be looking at and What is the cheapest told me because of everyone I know that licence. neither of us and am thinking switching I would just like a police officer came any extra cost? Admiral sports car in the reluctant to this. I I was involved in problem? Thanks in advance of an insurance quote not in a position rates on the net? arizona in summer 2004 hit my son. He I would love to California? By the way, rent one for a week plus maintenance costs payment. My mom is my insurance company think and is their other the cheapest cars to in a 65 make car insurance for 17yr does it matter the am going to buy claims, not sure how woman can add her is her landlord responsible me under 2000. Any and the price you insurance or health plan in the car but before they are 18 .
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i am 2 months in Los Angeles the stop attacking Obama and mondeo was quoted 2000 age 53, will retire the car back, which this for him for ways to reduce my insurance be on a inform them of the and, here s the kicker, I have 3400, in It will be a quality insurance possible. Do We live in Arizona I tried to appeal are both ex-pats, we and I own the should be some rules and I need car car , then my want come over 4000 over 500$. I am if we all take they need to retire. wait to wait to pays Alot to begin does it cost ? much does workman s compensation know if its true. know of one, and weeks. I am not married before you turn of consultants. I d like i get insurance from payments 19 years old go on you have the future but know $11000.00 car. Any suggestions? Down and I wanted cost of SR22 insurance .
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Are there any good company i could think 65 make your car small things I can rates? I know it get life insurance for 3.0+gpa and a sports of any that do cost more... Think it for awhile, I have that i have been make a change.. what if i were to have 2 choose from with an excess of from CA to UT ages does car insurance married and have no yr old daughter. I a 1974 Chevy Nova i only want liability assistance, but not enough insurance rates will be has his permanent residence income but still lives dropped on 9/11/2011. I bankrupcy, their auto insurance an average for car and the dang thing health insurance for the 93 prelude their whole lives improved cheaper... Just looking for a 2007 Nissan Altima. he/she technically only lives since I bought it. do you recommend?what will help. any answers are to be taken care $450 and its nothing a good price? Lots .
Hey guys I m 18 am but on 10/11/09 the military now, so company car). The only not by much. Is that can burn your not. My friends say not wait till then. answer for ages 18 plate Ford Fiesta 1.25 first car. The altima dental work done, but wasnt paying attention and Geico. If I cancel buy cheap auto insurance? i have to tell to cover those for period or a dental without a license in attention as I was need to have insurance any1 know any good the accident in the actually make a profit because my friend has http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html hall our for my Wanting a car that reason I need one OBEY LANE LIGHTS CURRENT about to buy his is on a concrete to learn, cheap to am 18, live in please tell me so looking for insurance. But be covered, but my My driving instructor says 2 door civic, will insurance actuaries know this? business use. I don t .
Im getting my first thinking of buying a car insurance commercials but the prices of medical test back in april I want to take point on your driving has the cheapest insurance OLD, I HAVE MY whole year and then 6 months..I got a on the car if insurance, even if you re a first car so am a female obviously... lowest insurance quote for off, or is it is it a scam even though it was to be put on be a year for record. While I understand, right a smart ar*e up? As in, a with no accidents etc My husband and I insurance because i dont is on my car Hey, can I borrow know you can t give What is the best don t have an extensive only thanks in advance life insurance? If not, check my credit using it is alot cheaper car insurance at 16? Toyota RAV4 and the up to $25k. Will cost to put car knows any affordable student .
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes
jesusvasser · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes
quandqry-blog · 6 years
Muse Sheet
Everything you need to know on Franklin Mendel/Quandary under the cut.
General Info
Full Name: Franklin Mendel
Name Origin: Franklin - liberally free-thinking (Middle English); Mendel - comforter, guardian (Yiddish)
Nickname: Frank/Frankie - self-explanatory, really; Mend-All - as one of the more...grounded associates, Franklin’s established himself as quite the handyman in Nygma’s ranks and a jack-of-all-trades, taking up various roles when required. 
Alias: Quandary - a state of perplexion and uncertainty over what to do during a difficult decision, typically of a moral nature.
D.O.B.: 19/07/87
Place of Birth: The Bowery, Gotham City East, USA - the lowest of the low, the worst Gotham has to offer. Bordered to the north by Crime Alley, the Bowery is home to Crown Point, a smaller inner-district ridden with crime, homelessness and prostitution. Underdeveloped and laden with the circulation of illegal drugs, police activity is at a minimum within the Bowery, while independent gangs rule the streets. 
Ethnicity: Sicilian - born to Sicilian immigrants, Franklin identifies strongly with his roots, identifying more with the culture and history he was born into than that of the US he was raised within. 
Religion: Roman Catholic - he was raised as such by his parents up until adolescence, where he started to assume a more casual degree of practice. While he acknowledges the concept of Catholicism as part of his heritage, Franklin isn’t an especially strict follower of the teachings, and would likely be considered a lapsed Catholic by most.
Place of Residence: The Cauldron, Gotham Central, USA - known for it’s organised crime, the Cauldron was run by Mickey Sullivan and the Irish mob - a sub-organisation of assassins who operated beneath Falcone - until Holiday wiped them out during Thanksgiving. As a gesture of goodwill, the territory was transferred over to the Sabatino crime family, Gotham’s oldest Italian mob, where it developed a reputation for housing and producing the city’s most feared hitmen.
Brief Description of Home: Franklin rents a top floor apartment on the outskirts of the Cauldron, consisting of a general living area and a sorry excuse for a bathroom tucked behind the door. He’s made a few repairs here and there to ensure everything’s functioning, but, if it weren’t for the blanket over the sofa - no bed, you see - or the coffee pot by the window, you’d be hard-pressed to believe anyone was living there. It’s poorly lit, cast in dreary greys and browns, and you’d be able to cross from one side of the room to the other in about three steps. Hardly ideal, but, in terms of putting a roof over his head and a minor base of operations, it serves its purpose.
Brief Description of Local Area: Much like your typical Gothamite, Franklin’s desensitised to the morbid ways of life within the city. Murder, theft, folk going missing overnight - hell, the middle of the day - are so commonplace, they’re scarcely worth fussing over - and, when you consider just how brutal the Cauldron can be, well, everything’s scaled up to eleven. Paranoia runs rampant in the streets, with friends turning each other over to the mob for a hefty fee, and blood will be spilled over petty disputes. Still, it’s ideally situated for ease of access to other areas of Gotham, and the Stacked Deck’s a fairly decent watering hole, if you can stomach the clientele. 
Current Occupation: Henchman - well, if we’re being official. It’s a fairly broad term, so he’s dabbled in his fair share of laundering, theft, murder, extortion, blackmail, getaway driving, etc. in his service to the Riddler. 
Income Level: Ehhh, it’s flimsy at best. He doesn’t have a conventional job, so there’s no money being made in his name. Whatever he does earn with Nygma tends to be split ten ways with other crooks, and deposited into cliched we’re obviously criminals swag bags, so, you can bet he’s not seeing a dime of that from all the times he’s spent behind bars...Good job he’s low maintenance, huh?
Education Level: As an orphan growing up in the East End of Gotham, Franklin never had access to nor the opportunity for a formal education. He was sitting around the sixth grade when his parents died, but everything he learned from that point on came from a significant degree of self-learning. Rarely would you find the urchin without a book, lost within the depths of literature and the human psyche. And, street smarts sure go a long way.
Do They Drive?: You’ve heard the saying like a duck to water, yes? Well, Franklin’s got a knack for that sort of thing, being able to adapt and account for numerous setbacks in areas he’s barely familiar with. He’s got a Mercedes S63 Coupe from Johnny Sabatino, as a gesture of their friendship and familial ties, but he’s rarely ever found himself needing to drive, when the labyrinth of Gotham’s a much more efficient means of crossing the city. He’s not beyond taking up the role of getaway driver when required, though. 
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual - while he’s not beyond acknowledging someone’s attractive and breaking into a sweat on the subway, Franklin predominantly experiences secondary sexual attraction, in that a foundation of trust and familiarity must be laid out before considering any partners. Unfortunately, this may come across as being fairly prudish, or not getting laid ‘enough’, but, for Frank, the attraction/appeal simply isn’t there until he’s made the connection, at which point, the notions become a tangible force.
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic - while the definition of aromantic varies between individuals, for Franklin, the concept of romance seems arbitrarily and inconsistently defined. It’s foreign territory, uncharted land. An entirely abstract notion. Now, he’s experienced passionate friendships which fall outwith typical ‘platonic’ boundaries, but the concept of romantic idealisation and elevating one person over another on account of some trivial feeling seems well and truly illogical. His love is based on practical conditions - constancy, loyalty, trust, action - not chemical highs and giddy emotions.
Physical Appearance
Height: 6′1″ [1.88m]
Weight: 187lbs [85kg]
Body Type: Franklin has a fairly lean, nimble physique - while proportionate and somewhat defined, he’s not especially athletic. Shoulders, chest, calves, quads - they’re all there, present, accounted for, but not to the extent of, say, a model or trainer. It’s a practical mass, gained through everyday labour and hardship, not the product of ego or vanity. 
Eye Colour: Dark Green.
Hair Colour: Light Brown 
Hair Style: Fairly short at the back and sides, with just enough heft to naturally quiff at the front.
Skin Tone: Light Olive - not as prominent as, say, other Sicilians, but definitively not white, either.
Prominent Features: He’s got an arrowhead-esque range of moles upon the head of the left deltoid, and a nasty scar on the inside of his bottom lip, courtesy of the Sabatino initiation process.  A tattoo of his parents’ initials on the inside of his left ankle, and one at the base of spine - domando, Sicilian slang that combines the Italian for query and demand. A few scars and bruises here and there from the previous week’s scrapes, but nothing too permanent or long-term, ‘til next time.
Dress Style: In spite of his line of work, Franklin isn’t a flashy sort of guy - if anything, his wardrobe’s the goldilocks zone of comfort and practicality, while maintaining that dreary pseudo-noir Gotham aesthetic. Long sleeved sweaters, cotton shirts, military jackets, grey denim, contrast jumpers, shirt jackets, leather boots, etc. etc. Greys, browns, greens. Everything you’d expect from a mobster-turned-Riddler henchman.
Accessories: He wears a brown leather watch on his left wrist, and used to carry his mother’s engagement ring around on a silver chain, but pawned it off in his youth for petty change during an all-time-low.
Grooming: Besides a light stubble every now and again, Franklin’s fairly well-maintained - not to the point of excess, mind you, or devoting too much time to his appearance; mostly the I woke up like this, groggily ran a brush through my hair and voila! look. You know the type.
Speech and Language
Rate of Speech: Franklin has a fairly fast, almost erratic, means of communication. It stems from finding difficulty in making the connection between his thoughts, what he wants to say and actually saying it in a way you’ll understand. By extension, if he’s ever explaining something, he’ll typically make a conscious effort to slow down, to ensure you’re keeping up - it may come across as condescending at times, but, hey, you’ll know all about it if he is.
Accent/Dialect: He boasts a fairly prominent New Jersey dialect, with the trademark diphthong and underlying slur. On paper, coffee and chocolate become ‘caw-fee’/’chawk-let’, park and dark become ‘pah-k’/’dah-k’. He’s aware of the negative stereotypes surrounding the dialect the ‘lazy’ pronunciation of vowels and absence of r’s, but he’s not going to go out of his way to mask or distance himself from it. Far as he’s concerned, it’s part of who he is.
Tone: The tone of his voice is comfortably within the middle ranges, not especially high, nor particularly deep; somewhat rasped in the lower regions, heavily accented when caught in the moment. Rarely will you ever hear him raise his voice, either, for there’s a distinct sense of control and reservation at play - it’d be illogical for him to be saddled by emotion and impulse, so you’ll find he conducts himself with a calm, authoritative air.
General Speech Pattern: For the most part, Franklin’s just your everyday Gothamite - he may be in Nygma’s employ, but he’s not going to run around using flowery language, accusing everyone of being imbeciles, flaunting his intellectual superiority through antiquated words. He values words, he values meaning, so he can often come across as being fairly reserved in terms of interaction, for he's pretty damn selective in what he says, speaks only when there’s a point to be made or a conversation of value.
Mannerisms/Demeanour: In contrast to Nygma’s theatrical flamboyance, Franklin’s much more...reticent. It may be mistaken for a brooding, stoic disposition, but he’s much more sure of himself and his ability to get his point across without the grandeur Nygma so readily employs. He’s calm, cool, collected. Patient. Not so easily riled. Truth is, he often finds himself cringing when Nygma gets in the zone, since the whole ordeal’s so painfully obnoxious, but, hey, gig of the century.
Typical Posture: He’ll typically stand straight and proportioned, but not rigid. Circumstance may see him slouch a tad if he’s been lingering for a particular length of time, but, generally speaking, he’ll remain upright to the best of his ability. 
Common Gestures: Franklin has a tendency to fold his arms so that each thumb rests under the bicep, while his fingers lightly tap upon the top. It’s not so much a sign he’s uncomfortable or anxious, more...a means of occupying himself, stimulating his mind and body, where it’s otherwise lacking. The occasional foot-tap makes an appearance, too.
Everyday Behaviour/Habits
Finances: As mentioned during the ‘income level’ section, every penny Franklin makes comes from his criminal activity with Nygma. There’s no need for him to be cautious or prudent with regards to his spending habits, for he spent so much of his life on the streets anyway that the concept of money seems pretty damn nonsensical. If he wants something, he can simply take it, for he’s already damned as far as a criminal record goes. Besides, he’s not exactly high maintenance - he’s pretty much living on microwave meals, take-outs, a few repair materials and strong black coffee.
Vices: Franklin’s partial to the odd glass or two of Amaretto, with a large bottle tucked away in his apartment. One’s kicking about somewhere in Nygma’s HQ, but its current whereabouts are, as yet, unknown. He’s also dabbled in weed from time to time, but nothing so extreme as to impair his judgement or performance. Nor does he bolster an addiction.
Daily Routine: It’s nigh impossible to map out a typical day for Franklin, since so much could change on the turn of a dime. He’ll roughly wake for around 8-9am, take a leak, brush up, etc. etc., keeping his phone nearby in the event Nygma calls, then grab breakfast on-the-go as he paces across Gotham to find intel of his own, people to extort, victims to test. Nygma’s not exactly running a criminal empire, so Franklin doesn’t need to be on his hands and knees 24/7 for him, he’s got a life outwith being a henchman. Having said that, should he not be required, he’ll be left with a significant amount of time to fill, prompting him to either make some repairs back home, check over everything at HQ, or take one of Nygma’s traps for a spin. Coming home, it’d be your standard washing away the blood of your victims, watching mostly-static over a microwave meal, then curling up on a ratty sofa with no remorse for the people he killed. Not his fault they didn’t have what it takes to survive. Clearly didn’t want to live enough.
Skills/Talents: Critical thinking; innovation; diplomatic; articulate; intuitive; adaptable; integrity; polyglot; mechanical engineering; woodwork; psycho-analysing; philosophical; light-footed; silk touch; quick-witted; driven. 
Weaknesses: Franklin doesn’t do too well when it comes to being called out or contradicted - his thoughts essentially haze over, struggling to overcome the sudden obstacle, leaving him pretty damn stuped. While boasting a mean right hook, he’s also not the most skilled fighter, meaning he could easily go down if outnumbered or overpowered. 
Hobbies: Woodwork; learning; geocaching; poker; hiking; orienteering; camping.
[More to add.]
0 notes
itsworn · 7 years
Over 8,000 Cars Visit the 18th Annual PPG Syracuse Nationals
Nothing says summertime fun better than plotting out an adventure in your hot rod. It’s a time where you can pack a bag, top off the tank, and enjoy the driving experience while you cross the country on both highways and back roads. There’s just something so cool about the excitement that attending a big national event generates as you roll into town to check it all out. Celebrating its 18th year, the PPG Syracuse Nationals is one of the largest rodding events on the East Coast. The weekend horsepower festival welcomed well over 8,000 cars again this year, with everything from hot rods and customs to classic trucks, restos, and race cars, leaving you awestruck. Thanks to thundering V-8s accented by an endless stream of candies, pearls, and metallic colors, the stage was set for a wicked weekend.
Taking place at the immaculate New York State Fairgrounds, the event unfolds over 365 acres once you arrive. It features plenty of cool tree-lined streets to cruise on, accented by a myriad of classic old-time buildings, vintage horse and livestock barns, and state fair–styled eateries, offering plenty of meals you’ll remember since you were knee-high to a Deuce bumper. It’s an event with plenty of neat things to check out, including a huge grouping of vendors spotlighting all the latest updates for your ride, scheduled tech seminars from industry leaders, including PPG, TREMEC, and Inland Empire, to name but a few. You could have participated in the Tucci Hot Rods Pro Pick while also checking out the live bands performing on multiple stages throughout the weekend and dazzling nighttime fireworks displays.
Looking for more, the Old-Skool Roundup in a separate open-air pavilion had its own unique vibe for traditional hot rods and customs, fueled by plenty of kulture and its own swap meet and energized live Rockabilly performances, while Gasoline Alley showcased an extensive array of classic vintage race cars. The competition of the Select Six for the Winfield Award, presented by custom car legend Gene Winfield, generated plenty of excitement, and this year’s award winner was Bruce Leven with his 1951 Ford coupe. The legendary Arties Party pinstriping and panel jam to benefit The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central New York had custom-designed artwork auctioned throughout the weekend.
When Sunday arrived it was time for the exclusive Syracuse Nationals giveaway program, featuring the Garage Gear Giveaway to one lucky winner. By the end of the weekend over 8,000 cars had rolled through the gates, along with over 80,000 visitors. Thanks to the support of the Central New York Car Club Association (the host of the show) and area service clubs, donations were made from proceeds of the event in the amount of $20,000 plus $66,000 from the Panel Jam auctions to a number of local charities. This brought the 18-year donation total close to $1.1 million. This event continues to grow with each passing year, and we can’t wait to check it out again in 2018! We’re only touching the surface here regarding all the fun this event includes. You can check out more at rightcoastcars.com.
LS Transplants
If you are transplanting an LS GM engine into an older vehicle, most will require adapter plates that move the engine 1 inch forward to allow clearance for the coil on the passenger-side valve cover.
 Rob Purcell | 1932 Ford | Harriston, Ontario, Canada Nothing says hot rod better than a hopped-up Deuce pickup with a wicked mill. Attitude comes from a 3-inch chop accented by shortening the bed 14 inches. It sits on Deuce ’rails with a heavy dose of PPG black gloss and power added from a 341ci Desoto Hemi wearing a Gear Drive log intake topped with a squadron of Holley 94-series carbs.
David & Deana Thomas | 1935 Chevy | West Chester, PA Traditional MetalCraft modified every inch of the sheetmetal except for the cowl vent and grille shell. It features a wedge-chop of 5-1/2 inches rear and 6 inches front with the body covered in PPG Elysian Green. A chassis from Ionia Hot Rod Shop sets the stance while riding on Halibrand wheels with power from a dual-quad-fed Chevy 327 V-8.
Mark Sansone | 1952 Chevy | Hilton, NY With plenty of contemporary elegance and numerous subtle details, the body wears a mile-deep coating of black gloss. A Chevrolet Performance supercharged LS9 crate V-8 adds a healthy 638 hp to the mix for moving the big-inch Budnik wheels wearing Nitto rubber. Inside Rich Perez designed a breathtaking red leather interior and console.
Ron Ellis | 1941 Willys | Wilson, NY There’s just something about a low-slung 1941 Willys that raises adrenalin levels. Built at The East Coast Hot Rod Garage it features plenty of meticulous fabrication while sitting on a custom Art Morrison chassis and rolling on classic Halibrand wheels. A Ray Barton 525ci Hemi with dual quads gives it go, accented by Axalta Applegate Blue vibe and a Dean Alexander leather interior.
Vern & Dave Gray | 1932 Ford | Hemlock, MI This sedan was being built into a show car in the late ’50s but was never completed, being put into storage in 1959. Recently discovered, the father and son team brought it back to life with a two-deuce-fed 390ci Cadillac V-8 linked to a 1939 Ford trans. The body glows in dark red cherry pearl and is filled with a vibrant white interior with red piping.
Terry Cook | 1955 Chevy Bel Air | Mt Vernon, MO Terry’s Pro-Tour Bel Air left us admiring its many body mods and stance thanks to an Art Morrison chassis with 18-inch Foose wheels wearing Michelin rubber. Finished in a dramatic PPG green and charcoal pearl, the blacked-out trim gives it a sinister look. An aluminum 434ci small-block has plenty of go, accented by an interior from OZ Customs.
Ed Sears | 1941 Ford | Annapolis, MD Pure elegance describes this pickup with its subtle body updates and classic custom-blended PPG Light and Dark Brown Sugar coating from One-Off Rod & Custom. A 276ci Flathead V-8 is dressed to impress while Vintage Air and Classic Instruments add to the Lucky 7 Rod Shop leather interior.
Jon Centracchio | 1932 Ford | West Springfield, MA Looking like it stepped straight out of a little book, this Deuce personifies cool with its perfect chop ’n’ channel, Edmunds two-pot-fed 303ci Olds V-8 and PPG Purple–coated body. Traditional details make it a standout with bits like an original Dago dropped axle, split 1932 Ford bones, Frankland quick-change rear, and 1940 Ford steelies with Firestone/Coker wide whites.
Fred Provenzano | 1950 Lincoln | Massapequa Park, NY It’s rare to see a 1950 Lincoln, let alone one that has undergone the full custom treatment. Starting with a well-balanced chop, the body was shaved and treated to a lustrous coating of PPG black cherry pearl. Inside the team at GilliN Auto Interiors filled the business office with fully handcrafted appointments using Ferrari-grade leather in a double-stitch diamond pattern.
Jeff Benson | 1932 Ford | Canandaigua, NY For a unique Deuce Jeff had Jay Panganelli hand form the body, grille shell, headlights, taillights, and gas tank all from 0.080 aluminum along with the windshield from stainless steel. Power comes from a hopped-up Flathead V-8 nailed in a custom chassis by Barry Brown’s Riter Automotive with Rocket Racing Solid-series wheels completing the look.
Steve Ramsey | 1963 Ford Falcon | Maryland
While honoring the 18th Syracuse Nationals it was a perfect time for STREET RODDER and Ford Performance to recognize street rodders who install a late-model Ford engine in a Ford hot rod or custom. While canvassing the massive confines of the New York State Fairgrounds we found Steve Ramsey’s immaculate 1963 Ford Falcon Futura Gasser making its debut, featuring a Ford Performance 427ci aluminum crate V-8, which caught our immediate attention.
Nothing says hot rod better than a Gasser, with its mile-high frontend accented by an adrenalin-charged V-8. If you grew up in the ’60s they were a main attraction at any drag racing event. For Steve Ramsey of Fallston, Maryland, getting indoctrinated into the world of hopped-up cars was as easy as walking into his dad’s auto repair shop. It was the place to be in the ’60s if you wanted to have the latest speed equipment installed on your ride. Before long Steve began spinning wrenches himself and by age 12 he purchased his first car, a 1955 Chevy coupe. He started frequenting local dragstrips to see the blistering times drivers were laying down on the strip. One thing he never forgot was the adrenalin rush he experienced while watching drivers pilot their wild Gassers down the track.
The thought of building a period-perfect Gasser had always lurked at the back of his mind. He started his search for a suitable roller and it didn’t take long till he located a stalled hot rod project close to home. The car was a 1963 Ford Falcon Futura that was on its way to becoming a race car at some point, a roughed-out roller at best stripped of all its driveline. A deal was made and the project was hauled back to his shop for evaluation.
As owner of both Ramsey Ford and Elkton Ford, both located in Maryland, the availability of Ford Performance parts gave him the opportunity to inject some serious venom into the project. Having worked with Dave Vrankin of Forest Hill on prior builds, it was a perfect opportunity to have him spearhead the project.
A decision was made to retain the factory unibody while adding plenty of extra strength. For starters the rotted floors were replaced along with adding custom frame connectors, gussets, and crossmember to make the platform rock solid. Out back a Strange Engineering 9-inch rear was packed with 3.70:1 gears linked to matching 31-spline axles. It’s suspended in place by a combination of custom era-correct ladder bars linked to a wishbone, Panhard bar, and QA1 coilover shocks. Up front it’s all business with a Speedway Motors Gasser front axle kit, including a straight front axle linked to 1949-1954 Chevy spindles deftly matches to semi-elliptical springs and tube shocks. Slowing the beast you’ll find a Wilwood Engineering master pushing fluid though stainless lines to matching 11-inch front discs wearing four-piston calipers, combined with 10-inch Ford drums out back. Anchoring it all to the street are a pair of Rocket Racing 15×6 front Launcher-series wheels with 15×8 rear Injector-series wheels all wrapped in rubber from M&H.
If you’re going to make a statement you’d better have plenty of horsepower underhood to back it up. Steve went to Ford Performance for their fire-breathing 427ci small-block all-aluminum crate V-8 packing 600 hp right from the factory. Hand assembled by the Ford Performance team, it’s packed with a speed shop full of go-fast goods. Starting with an aluminum four-bolt main block filled with a Scat forged steel crank linked to matching H-beam connecting rods topped with forged Mahle pistons getting bumped by a solid steel billet roller cam. Up top a set of CNC ported Ford Performance aluminum “Z” cylinder heads make plenty of power when fed by a Hilborn eight-stack injection system. It sparks to life through an MSD ignition and dumps gases through custom fenderwell headers by Vrankin to 3-inch exhaust with SpinTech mufflers. The goods move through a Ford C4 trans warmed over by Performance Automatic of Frederick, Maryland, to a custom aluminum driveshaft.
Vrankin then started on bringing the battered old body back to life. He replaced the rear quarters while also removing the stock shock towers to accommodate the new V-8 and adding a six-point rollbar. The doors, front fenders, and fiberglass hood were then fitted to the car and the shell was completely metal finished. Vrankin then coated the body in Axalta Astro Blue metallic, bringing it all to life. Brightwork from Paul’s Chrome Plating added the final icing. To add the perfect era-correct Gasser style to the interior the stock dash was filled with Auto Meter gauges to monitor the vitals while a Mooneyes steering wheel carves the course and a Hurst Quarter Stick pulls gears. Bux Customs of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, created a period-perfect business office covering a set of 1967 Mustang buckets in a combination of blue and white vinyl while also crafting custom door and side panels accented by blue loop-style carpeting. An American Autowire kit installed by Vrankin completes the job. Congratulations to Steve who will receive a limited-edition jacket as the award winner.
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manchattanskyline · 7 years
Downtown to Midtown and Back Again.
Manhattan Bridge, Manhattan- side traffic exit
A sleepless , and I mean totally sleepless, night followed. I was at the reception desk at 6 am , sharp, being firm but fair to begin with but this quickly deteriorated into out-and-out begging for a room on the other side of the building. I was given sincere apologies and informed that another room would be free, the following day. One more night in the noisiest room from Hell. OK, it had to be done. We didn’t have a choice. Being terribly stiff-upper-lipped about the whole thing, I decided that this was not going to ruin the holiday, or even the day. I slapped on some make-up on my far-travelled, sleepless, dehydrated face and we set off in to the slightly warmer climes of -2 degrees C. It had snowed the day before so I thought it would be a good idea to go all the way up to Central Park, while the snow was still hanging around, so that we could see some iconic ‘New York in the snow’ sights. Despite the joys of free wifi in the hotel and the excitement of using Google Maps in New York, it was a bit further than I’d anticipated. We soon stopped at a lovely looking coffee shop called Think Coffee, at the lower end of the hugely historic Bowery.  The Bowery has seen some good times, bad times and downright dangerous times. From being one of the first roads built in New York, showing Houdini’s first solo show and spawning the birth of punk rock in America ( see CBGB’s &  The Ramones ) there’s a rich history and culture about the place, although the lower end is now mainly populated by restaurant equipment and lighting shops.
There are still some original stores here, like the cash register store which has been selling and repairing the things since the turn of the century ( the 1900 one). There are some beautiful old fashioned elaborate models in the window, as well as rows and rows of spare parts, inside.There’s also The Bowery Mission, a men’s shelter set up in 1879, and at it’s current location since 1908, which still provides help and shelter to Lower Manhattan’s homeless.   A lot of the shops and buildings have laminated posters in their windows, telling you the history of that building. I think we managed to read most of them, over the next ten days, but I’m sure there are a few that eluded us.
The Bowery, Downtown
The Bowery, Downtown
We settled down in the warm – sweet- pastry smelling coffee shop to a crispy  artisanal ( I use that word with a wry smile) almond croissant and a steaming- creamy cappuccino. Sat in the corner window on a real leather seat, at an impossibly small table, we had a perfect view of the whole world passing us by. Every age, race, gender and sexuality passed by that window, as two NYPD cops were handing out leaflets on the corner of Bleecker St and The Bowery. What struck me was how much interaction there was between the NYPD and the general public. Despite the corruption which we know still exists within the organisation, it’s clear that New Yorkers do, ultimately, trust their police force. They know that they keep their city safe, that they have and will continue to sacrifice much, for New York and it’s visitors. In the UK, we rarely have anything to do with our Police force unless we’re in trouble, as a suspect or a victim! People were having cheerful conversations with these cops, thanking them for their work and wishing them a good day. As one older woman touched the arm of one of the cops, all I could think was ‘ are you crazy, he’s got a gun!’. And they do have guns. And batons. And stab proof vests. I have my opinions on armed Police but here, in this city, with it’s issues and it’s not so distant history, I found myself feeling a little more open minded on the subject.  There’s an eclectic 1990s mix-tape playing in the coffee shop and suddenly it’s the Spice Girls. New York is already giving me so much life, so much to see, so much to hear, so much to smell. What have we given New York? The sodding Spice Girls. I feel like I ought to rush up to the counter to apologise. I could have sat in that window seat for the next ten days, just soaking in the action on that cold street corner. We had a good way to go yet and so we bundled back up, taking care to dispose of our individual items in the appropriate recycling bins, and pushed on, back up The Bowery, towards Midtown and Central Park.
Each new block gradually became a little busier with more business-types. The buildings got newer, shinier, squarer and taller and we found ourselves walking over more and more subway vents and bigger crossings. A note about crossing the road in New York. First of all, a really good way to judge a native New Yorker, or someone who’s been here more than twenty-four hours, is to see how far out in to the street they stand when waiting to cross. new comers (like us) dilligently stay on the pavement (sidewalk) whilst inevitably looking the wrong way first. Natives stand a good few feet out, confident that not only are they looking the right way, but that are close enough to the sidewalk to jump back from a speeding truck and far enough out to accurately judge the first opportunity to cross.
About those ‘walk’ ‘don’t walk’ signs. First off, the original style ones were replaced in 2004 when the city replaced them with pictograms (a white pedestrian for ‘walk’ and a red hand for ‘don’t walk’. This does make me a little sad but it also makes it a lot safer for the hundreds of thousands  of non-English speaking visitors and new residents of the city. Secondly, you learn pretty quickly that these signs are an optimistic suggestion, at best, and a dangerous assumption at worst. Whilst here are enforced rules in New York regarding jay-walking, from what I could gather the general rule is ‘walk’ means you can cross but the traffic might still run you over, a ‘don’t walk’ means you can cross but the traffic will actively go out of it’s way to run you over. If there is no sign, look both ways, say a little prayer and run across with your eyes closed, keeping at least one other person (a loved one if needs must) between you and the oncoming traffic.
We passed men practising ballet at the barre, in what looked like a shop window but which was probably a studio / gym. we casually spotting a giant red Jeff Koons “Balloon Rabbit” in the foyer of an office building and lamented the deaths of what seemed like hundreds of discarded Christmas trees, permeating the air with their piney-scent as they lay on their sides, covered in a very festive dusting of snow and awaiting their fate (Sssssssh, don’t tell them!). There were tiny dogs wearing coats and shoes and women with huge leather tote handbags and even bigger headphones. The air felt crisper and cleaner as we approached the lower East side of the Park. Suddenly the soaring Empire State Building, the ominous Trump Building (this was only days away from the inauguration) and the ornate Plaza Hotel give way to wide-open walk-ways, trees, grass and sky. Sky! Something we hadn’t seen an awful lot of since crossing 14th St and passing the Flat Iron Building  There was a incredibly smug-looking woman running in Central Park. To be fare, who wouldn’t be smug if that was your local running track, and although our faces hurt from the cold and our legs ached from the rather epic trip from Lower East Side to Upper West side (yes, yes, we should have taken the Subway) I was nothing but ecstatically happy.
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Jeff Koons’ Balloon Rabbit
The Flatiron Building
The Chrysler Building
Central park Ice-Rink
That bridge, Central park
I felt like I knew my way around Midtown better than I did Downtown, only because that’s the area I’d stayed in before but having already had a glimpse of the more residential and daily-functioning of Downtown, I was realising how showy and over-polished the upper areas of Manhattan were. This is where the iconic skyscrapers and word-renowned department stores and, yes, the money, reside. All these things make for great photos and certainly have the ‘wow’ factor but they are also the tourist traps and the over-priced attractions and are a million miles away from the soul of New York. This is one version of New York, one of a hundred, that gives you a totally different experience of the city from the one you had a block away.
A quick jaunt in to the park and out again on the lower West side at Columbus Circle, along  West 59th street, back to The Plaza (where we’d be having afternoon tea on Friday) and then back down Fifth Avenue at a leisurely pace towards our main food destination of the day, the world famous Katz’s Deli. After turning the map round a few times to re-orintate ourselves and almost bumping into Helena Bonham-Carter (yes, really) we arrived at our neon-lit destination. You know, the one in ‘When Harry Met Sally’ , where Meg Ryan demonstrates to Billy Crystal the acting skills of the female species. A quick scan of the walls of the giant dining area, every inch covered with photos of the deli’s owner and staff with movie stars, sports personalities, politicians and the odd U.S President, proves that that’s not all it’s known for. What Katz’s does best, beyond the fame and the hype and the celebrities, is really, really, really, really, really good food. We opted for table service as the counter service ordering was a little confusing and we really needed a sit down. I had the pastrami on rye, with pickles, and a home-made lemonade (Katz’s own brand). The meat was hot, the bread was soft and the pickles were amazing. The sandwich itself was huge and whilst I ate half without a struggle, the second half proved a struggle and was beaten I ate some meat off the remains half and then had to concede that I was already way past being just ‘full’. My dessert tummy was not, however, and so we both ordered a plain New York cheesecake. It would have been rude no to.
Katz’s, That’s all!
Always busy and the huuuuge serving counter.
Pastrami on rye, lemonade and a whole plate of pickles
Even Leo’s been here.
As we slowly (very slowly) rolled back down Houston St towards The Bowery, we passed two stalwarts of the Lower-East side culinary scene: Russ & Daughters and Yonah Shimmel’s Knish Bakery, both Jewish in origin and both promising familiar and mind-boggling delicacies, alike. We resolved to return and visit these establishments, later on in our trip.
When we returned to our hotel room, we were tired and aching and full to bursting. It would have been dangerous to lie down so we caught up with a bit of social media, posted some photos and watched a bit of TV. The local New York channel was concentrating on the up-coming inauguration and the protesters we had passed, on Fifth Avenue. living in a city I was, of course accustomed to seeing familiar streets not he news but this was different. This was world famous streets and world changing events that we had ben privy to, just a few hours ago. Before we got too comfy and fell asleep, we took a quick look at the map and went on a min-advendure to Little Italy. Mr Manhattan has Italian heritage so we were interested to see a) how much of it still there and b)whether or not we had room for a canoli. it was well and truly dark now and as it was a Tuesday evening, also pretty quiet everywhere. We had a bit of a reccy and made a not of some places we’d like to come back to, to eat, and then found ourselves in a gorgeous old corner cafe, Caffe Roma. Proudly situated on the corner of Mulberry and Broome, this place had been here since 1880 and didn’t seem to have changed much. A large glass display counter showcased plate after plate of pastries, cakes and biscuits. The decor was most definitely original and the chairs were the old decorative wire kind, and reassuringly uncomfortable.
display counter of wonders
Old School
Espresso and canoli
Original ceiling, light fitting and shelves
Outside sign
Turns out we did have room for canoli, and an espresso. We had a further mooch around the neighbourhood, now being squeezed by the ever-spawling Chinatown to the South and the multi-million dollar brownstones of Greenwich Village to the North. Having long been deserted by all but a handful of the descendants of those brave and trail-blazing immigrants, the popular restaurants and bakeries remain but you know that no new arrival to this city could ever afford one of those apartments, five stories above our heads, sporting a smart fire-escape and potted palms.
A small selection of Ravioli
Oldest Cheese Store in America
Sofia’s, Mulberry Street
With no room left in our tummies and no elasticity left in our leg muscles, we sauntered back to the hotel, and our Subway train soundtrack.
Manhattan Bridge from our hotel window. No zoom.
Read the first entry of this travel diary, here. New York Travel Diary: Day 0
New York Travel Diary: Day 1. Downtown to Midtown and Back Again. A sleepless , and I mean totally sleepless, night followed. I was at the reception desk at 6 am , sharp, being firm but fair to begin with but this quickly deteriorated into out-and-out begging for a room on the other side of the building.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
10 Food & Drink Pop-Ups In NYC This Summer added to Google Docs
10 Food & Drink Pop-Ups In NYC This Summer
Right now, there’s something comforting about the inherent transience of a pop-up. While the newness and strangeness of, well, everything might have us in a perpetual state of Monday-morning-after-a-long-weekend, new and different is what we expect from pop-ups. Whether you’re looking for a glimpse of normalcy, or you just want to try some wagyu beef corndogs, check out the 10 pop-ups on this guide.
the spots  Kate Previte Holy Ground $ $ $ $ American ,  Steaks ,  BBQ  in  Tribeca $$$$ 109 W Broadway
Holy Ground’s space in Tribeca isn’t a standard venue for a BBQ spot. Instead of paper napkins and canned beer, you’ll find red leather booths and martinis. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that its pop-up isn’t traditional either. They’ve put a custom smoker and grill on the back of a 1966 Chevy pickup truck, which they park in front of various partner-restaurants around the city. On Wednesdays, you’ll find them at Ray’s on the LES, Friday and Sunday at Donna in Williamsburg, and Thursday through Sunday at Elsewhere in Bushwick. Perhaps most fitting given their current setup, they’re also operating out of the parking lot of Joe’s Auto Repair, next to We Got Company, in Williamsburg on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.
 Max Flatow Celestine $ $ $ $ Mediterranean ,  Middle Eastern  in  DUMBO $$$$ 1 John St
The outdoor patio at Celestine is always impressive. It’s on the waterfront in Dumbo, and its views of the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan skyline will make you understand why so many people take their wedding photos a few steps away. And this summer, it’s hosting Bad Trip, a pop-up serving fantastic cheeseburgers and frozen cocktails. Order at the outdoor counter and find one of their seat-yourself tables from 2-8pm Wednesday through Friday, and 12-8pm on weekends.
Maison Yaki $ $ $ $ Japanese ,  French  in  Brooklyn ,  Prospect Heights $$$$ 626 Vanderbilt Ave
A series of Black chefs and entrepreneurs are operating pop-ups at Maison Yaki for week-and-a-half stints throughout the summer. Currently, Jared Howard of Honey Bunny’s Chicken is serving Southern dishes like chicken biscuits and strawberry shortcake ice cream sandwiches. In August, Michelle Williams, the CEO of Good IV The Soul, will take over the kitchen and serve soul food, before Mohamad Wahiba of Tripoli Events anchors the summer series with pizza and fresh pasta.
 Gertie Gertie $ $ $ $ American  in  Williamsburg $$$$ 58 Marcy Ave
Every weekend, this all-day American spot sets up Gertie Summer Shack out front on Grand Street. From 4-9pm on Friday, 10:30am-9pm on Saturday, and 10:30am-6pm on Sunday, you can stop by for things like chicken schnitzel sandwiches on challah, smoked shrimp rolls with Old Bar aioli, and mezcal lemonades or summer shandies.
 Jakob Layman Dumpling Galaxy $$$$ 502 Amsterdam Avenue
The only way we can imagine leaving this Flushing spot off the NYC dumpling podium is if you’ve never tried their pork and chive or lamb and cilantro dumplings. Fortunately for people in Manhattan, that’s now easier than ever, as Dumpling Galaxy has set up a takeout and delivery operation on the Upper West Side. You can place an order any day between 4-9:30pm through their website.
Olmsted $ $ $ $ American  in  Prospect Heights $$$$ 659 Vanderbilt Ave
This Prospect Heights American spot has turned its backyard into “Olmsted Summer Camp” for the summer. As you might expect from one of our favorite restaurants in the city, their take on camp food is a far cry from the sloppy joes and mostly-defrosted chicken nuggets you may have had as a kid. They’re serving things like wagyu beef corndogs, dill pickled fried chicken, and tonkatsu ribs - all of which is available on a first come, first served basis Wednesday through Sunday from 5-11pm.
 Emily Schindler City Winery Pop Up $$$$ Rockefeller Plz
City Winery, which just opened a massive new location in the Hudson Valley, is operating a pop-up wine garden at Rockefeller Center. Every day from 1-7pm on the plaza between 50th and 51st, you can get City Winery’s house wine on tap, as well snacks like charcuterie, various cheeses, and burrata.
Tribeca's Kitchen $$$$ 200 Church St
This Tribeca diner is currently operating a pop-up in front of their space on Church Street. What does a diner’s pop-up look like? Well, rather than staying open from 6-12am with a menu ranging from avocado omelets to baby lamb chops, they’re only serving a few snacks, like lobster rolls and grilled corn salad, from 11am-8pm Wednesday through Sunday. They’ve also put some tent-covered tables on the street, where you can hang out and drink a frozen cocktail.
 Mikey Likes It x Kolkata Chai Co Mikey Likes It x Kolkata Chai Co $$$$ 199 E 3rd St
Kolkata Chai and Mikey Likes It have teamed up to create a chai ice cream and chai-affogato, which they’re promoting through a series of pop-ups around the city. The most recent event was at Mikey’s location in Harlem, where they served chai ice cream with chai-spiced waffles to people who RSVP’d here. The next pop-up hasn’t been announced yet, so if you don’t want to wait, you can get the triple vanilla bean ice cream infused with chai spice mix and caramel at Kolkata’s East Village location until the end of the summer.
 Rock City Pizza Co. Ani Ramen $ $ $ $ Ramen  in  Jersey City ,  New Jersey $$$$ 218 Newark Ave
Two different non-profit pop-ups - Rock City Pizza and Bang Bang Chicken - are operating out of Ani Ramen in Jersey City. They’re offering Detroit-style pizzas and Thai rotisserie chicken for takeout and delivery, with proceeds going to support frontline medical staff and displaced hospitality workers in their communities. When you order through Be Awesome Feed Somebody, you have the option to donate pizza or rotisserie chicken to frontline workers at discounted prices.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/new-york/guides/nyc-10-restaurant-pop-ups-this-summer Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created July 31, 2020 at 11:42PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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jesusvasser · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 6 years
2017 Infiniti QX30 S Four Seasons Wrap-Up
Asking us why we chose to add an Infiniti QX30 S to our Four Seasons fleet is a lot like asking someone why they got a tattoo when they were drunk. Although the details are fuzzy now, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Unlike the tattoo, however, we’ll never regret adding the Infiniti to our long-term test stable.
The QX30 was an intriguing and somewhat controversial vehicle when it first debuted, and it piqued our interest immediately. More of a big hatchback than a (sub)compact crossover, it’s also a close relative of the Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class—a German-Japanese mashup that led to more than a few scratched heads. Although they share plenty of genetic traits, one thing was evident from the outset: The Infiniti won the beauty contest.
Indeed, the QX30’s exterior styling found plenty of fans from the day it rolled into our parking garage. Associate editor Conner Golden preached the Infiniti’s gospel early.
“Forget compact crossover, this thing is the size of a Focus, and it’s gratifying to drive a compact luxury hatchback,” he wrote in the first logbook entry. “We don’t get cars like this on our shores very often—or at least we didn’t used to—so it still feels intrinsically special. Infiniti has come a long way with its design language, and I think the QX30 is one of its best. I like the proportions and the star-spoke wheel design.”
Senior editor Nelson Ireson chimed in, “I love the look of this car. That’s all the more impressive because it’s a crossover—and I hate crossovers.”
Augmenting the QX30’s slick and sharp looks was its unusual Liquid Copper hue, which attracted attention wherever we went. “People stop and look at the car and admire the way the paint seems to change with natural sunlight,” wrote graphic designer Michael Cruz-Garcia. Golden added, “The Liquid Copper paint is one of the most interesting and polarizing hues I’ve seen. Some say pink, I say rose gold. I like it.”
The praise continued for the QX30’s interior layout. “Given the combination of Infiniti and Benz bits, it could have been a disaster,” wrote editor-in-chief Mike Floyd. “But they took the best of both and mixed it into a cohesive whole.” Cruz-Garcia expressed similar sentiments. “The mix of smooth finished metals with high-quality plastics adds a touch of luxury that reflects the interior of a Mercedes,” he wrote. “Sturdy and comfortable leather seats put you at ease when driving long distances.” Other staffers felt it was a good idea that Infiniti installed its own infotainment setup instead of the Mercedes COMAND system, and Infiniti’s standard AroundView 360-degree monitor was cited as a top-notch feature.
The Infiniti QX30 is a German-Japanese mashup, but in terms of build quality, it leans to the East. Aside from routine maintenance, we never needed to return to the dealership.
However, both Floyd and Cruz-Garcia took issue with the cabin’s overall space, one of the traditional selling points of a crossover. “Despite the pronouncements that this is some sort of crossover, it’s a hatchback, plain and simple,” Floyd said. “It’s smaller inside than your average compact sedan, and its swoopy lines are a major drawback for rear-seat passengers in the form of a claustrophobic feel.” Cruz-Garcia agreed: “The back seats can use a bit more room to accommodate three people comfortably. There really isn’t any room once a child seat is added in there.” In addition to the rear-seat passenger issues, cargo capacity is small for the segment at 19.2 cubic feet with the second-row seats up and just 34.0 with the 60/40 setup down.
Out on Los Angeles streets (the Infiniti also made forays into Arizona and Nevada during its stay) we found the QX30’s ride and handling satisfying, thanks in large part to its MacPherson front, multilink rear suspension setup and 19-inch tire and wheel package. “The more I drive the QX30, the more I like it,” Floyd said. “It’s nimble and drives like a car, which it basically is, with a well-balanced, on-center steering feel.”
Ireson, as usual, waxed poetic: “Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with nimble grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.” Online editor Ed Tahaney was of two minds about it, however: “The QX30 feels pretty good on the highway, but it’s a bit of a slug around town.”
Although we’re sure Infiniti would prefer we ignore the QX30’s German lineage, we couldn’t help but delve deeper into the differences (and similarities) between the two cars. That said, most of us saw the partnership as a good thing on balance.
“While driving it around, I’d think, ‘Wow! This is the best-driving Infiniti they make,’ before realizing that I’m enjoying the fruits of the Mercedes-Infiniti partnership,” Golden said. “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the GLA, but with the Infiniti badge, I think it works. It’s much more in line with the Japanese luxury brand than with Benz, and it fits Infiniti’s lineup perfectly.”
“Wielded with impatient severity, the QX30 dances with grace through the lethargic, texting hordes of L.A. traffic.”
In order to get a better feel for how closely related the two really are, we devoted an entire online piece to a comparison between the QX and the Benz. While the QX30 deploys the same 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 as the Mercedes, with the same 208 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque, the biggest difference we noticed was with each car’s transmission tuning. Both use the same seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, but several staffers took issue with how Infiniti set up its version of the hardware—at least on the 2017 model we tested.
“The transmission makes low-speed driving, and especially traffic, miserable,” associate editor Billy Rehbock said. Floyd advised to “make sure you’re in Sport mode, as the gearbox is slow on pickup in regular Eco mode.” Cruz-Garcia echoed the team’s sentiments. “The transmission isn’t the smoothest in the first couple of gears,” he said.
This hatchback shares its powertrain with Mercedes’ GLA, but the Benz’s trans- mission tuning is better, with the QX30 upshifting too clunkily at low speeds. Our fix: Drive in Sport mode.
Another complaint: The start/stop feature. “Man, I hate start/stop,” Floyd said. “I wish there were a way to shut it off permanently.” Even those who didn’t share the editor-in-chief’s degree of dislike saw a problem. “It always turns off right as I’m about to start moving, causing a slight delay while the engine turns back on,” noted recently departed (to a new career) senior editor Kirill Ougarov. Executive editor Mac Morrison condemned start/stop in general, noting, “I’ve given up trying to understand the logic of so many of these start/stop systems and when they choose to turn a car off. Sometimes they do it at every stop, sometimes they seem to forget to do it, and sometimes, even when I hit the switch to deactivate the function, I still find it kicking in every once in a while for no apparent rhyme or reason.”
Enough about what we liked and didn’t: How did the QX30 hold up during its stay? Although its temperature gauge would occasionally climb when we worked the car hard, drawing some notice among our editors, it never hit the red. (We noted similar behavior in other QX30s and GLAs we drove.) Our overall recorded average fuel economy was decent by small crossover standards—22.5 mpg—but that was far below the 27-mpg EPA combined number. (Even with our lead-foot tendencies, that’s quite a bit off.) The 14.8-gallon fuel tank made it hard to go more than 300 miles between fill-ups.
A slight misreading of the owner’s manual led us to South Bay Infiniti at 5,395 miles for our first (and, it turned out, only) service appointment. In fact, the QX30 is meant to cover 10,000 miles between oil changes (yes, even before the first one), or possibly longer—like many new cars, it can calculate oil change intervals based on how the car is driven. Rather than correct us, the dealership happily changed the oil, rotated the tires, topped off the fluids, and billed us $93.97. After that we kept our eye on the maintenance minder, which did not request service for the rest of the QX30’s stay. Lesson learned: Read the manual. Carefully.
Two days later, we got an alert from the Infiniti’s tire pressure monitoring system, and a trip to American Tire Depot found a nail in one of the rear paws. The flat repair was free, but rebalancing the tire cost us a cool $15. And that was it—our only unscheduled repair.
At the end of Four Seasons, the QX30 left our fleet well liked, if not loved. “It wouldn’t be a bad car to live with by any means,” Rehbock said. Others went as far as to call the compact Infiniti the marque’s best car. “All in all, it’s a car that sells itself, even if I’m not the target buyer,” Ireson said. To be sure, this Infiniti is far, far better than a drunken tattoo—unless of course that tattoo is of, say, a QX30.
Our 2017 Infiniti QX30 S
ENGINE 2.0L turbo DOHC 16-valve I-4/208 hp @ 5,500 rpm, 258 lb-ft @ 1,200-4,000 rpm
TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
LAYOUT 4-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, FWD crossover
EPA MILEAGE 24/33/27 mpg (city/hwy/combined)
L x W x H 174.2 x 82.0 x 58.1 in
WHEELBASE 106.3 in
WEIGHT 3,364 lb
0-60 MPH 6.2 sec
MAINTENANCE 1 x Oil change/tire rotation, $93.97
OUT OF POCKET Tire plug and rebalance, $15.00
OUR OPTIONS Liquid Copper paint, $500; Sport Leather package, $1,500 (heated Nappa leather seats, Nappa leather stitched dash insert, front passenger seat storage, black dinamica headliner and A-pillar, leatherette door, console, and dash trim); Sport Technology package, $1,200 (blind-spot warning, lane departure warning, forward emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, automatic high-beams); Sport LED package, $1,000 (LED headlights, active front lighting, enhanced interior ambient lighting)
0 notes