#Leecher is my other OC
up-ta-no-good · 8 years
*sigh* I am struggling to write using the they/them pronoun. I am so used to assigning gender. But Leecher, while all physical attributes say mech/male, is actually genderless/agender. It throws me off but I will stick with it. They are an important character after all.
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the-musical-cc · 3 years
What's wrong with the Twilight Princess manga? (Genuinely curious because I often hear it's good)
No, I mean, it's good! What I've read isn't really terrible (And take in account that because they aren't selling it here just yet, I've only read what I've been able to find online.) This is most likely about me putting something in the tags about how most fans ignore it, referring specifically to Link's backstory, but like...Bruh I'm biased, don't pay mind to my rambles XD
*rambles anyway.
I mean, it IS good. I like it enough that I want to buy the whole thing once it's completed, available in my country (In english because the spanish names are a fucking joke) and have enough money that I don't regret buying like 12 tomes that are like 120 pesos each. It brought some ideas that are gold, such as Luda and Shad coming with Link in the adventure for a short time, Midna helping Link beat the Gorons in sumo (Though it does sacrifice one of the most hilarious parts of lore of the game.) and the questionability of Hyrule's attitude towards anything that isn't 'Pure' or 'Bright'. I just disagree with a lot of the choices made in it.
Link's backstory. I had thought it to be a matter of personal taste at first, where I saw him as someone who maybe came from outside but grew in Ordon and was just getting stupidly offended over differing opinions, but as it turns out I just didn't remember why I'd had that idea for years now. Ilia mentions having been kids together with Link, and hilarious as the thought that she's referring to one year prior to events in the game is, it most likely means he's been there for years. Honestly? My impression is they wanted Link to not have too deep a tie to Ordon for whatever reason, and I Hate That. I'm certain I'm not the only one to say 'That's bullshit' and just go with something else there, which is why I say most of us ignore it anyway.
They highkey stole an arc from Hyrule Warrior Legends. Though tbf they also put a very blatant 'Empire Strikes back' moment in there and as much as it annoyed me... it was pretty cool. Still, this is the one game where Shadow Link had no business to be and they put it in there for an entire fucking arc.
Twilight Princess' cast is fucking HUGE why on Hylia's green earth are you putting OCs in there??? It's not even like they're filling a role no one else could have had! They've done it before in their previous Zelda works, and other manga adaptations have as well, but I like most of them because they had something to bring to the table (Even if it was romantic drama, in Ganthy's case.) here it's little to nothing they can contribute with that couldn't have been done by putting an already existing character there. It may be my theatre brain speaking but it bothers me when you have a huge cast and do NOTHING with it and instead bring out another character out of NOWHERE to get things done. Just use what's already there, damn you!
Zelda and Midna's backstory. Hear me out... I love it... but it doesn't work. I've spoken before about how much it annoyed me when the narrative had Zelda and Link respectively blame themselves for the invasion (Even though the guy invading is RIGHT THERE???!?!) for having 'Touched' the dark and made it so it could invade their world, and that's part of it. The other is: Having Zelda sacrifice for Midna not because it was the right thing to do, not because it's the one thing she can do for her people, for the Twili, for Link and Midna herself, and instead making it 'You're my childhood inter-dimensional pen pal, I just realized, welp, time to die.' kind of cheapens the impact it had on Midna in the game and what it says about Zelda as a character (We barely get anything on her in the game, but what we do get is powerful.) It's beautiful, but it misses the point completely.
Also Midna just randomly showing up in Link's dreams in her true form is stupid. YEAH, I SAID IT! I get it they're probably thinking 'Well, what's the point in building up anticipation? You know this is what she looks like already.' but one of the reasons the ship is so heart-wrenchingly good is Link knew her inside and out despite her warped shape. In the end, it didn't matter what she looked like so long as it was her. Link fell in love with her gremlin ass transformation AND THAT IS PERFECT OK??? Imagine like if on 'Beauty and the Beast' Belle just randomly kept meeting the prince in dreams, like they're waving a carrot in front of her to get things done with so she can smooch that freaky Habsburg mug. It's fucking awkward! (And it sort of cheapens their actual chemistry, it feels a lot like 'Oh, he has to see she's hot or it wouldn't be believable that he fell in love.' Get outta here with that.)
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OK, fine, I'll elaborate. Shad has a dialogue in-game about following up on his dad's life work, it is also implied that he's passed away. What does the manga do? Ignore all that and make it so Shad's dad is a 'Serious' investigator who disapproves of his son's interests. 'Shut up dad! It's not a phase dad! You go clean your room, dad!'. Why? No reason. It's not even interesting!
Shad is the friendliest fucking guy ever, rambling to Link about his hyperfixation on first meeting. Calls him 'Old sport' and stuff like that, seemingly befriends him immediately. What'd the manga decide to do with him? They're RIVALSSSS, and snarky to one another because Shad may or may not have a little crush on Ilia. UGH.
Look, you can't be a real Resistance if the members can't even look after themselves, so making Shad kind of a loser (Because he's a nerd. Hahah. Get it? Nerds are losers.) really took the piss out of the Resistance, tbh. Might have been the point, though, seeing how they needed to make space for their OCs in the final battle at Hyrule Castle... and, look, I've said this before but if you need to make a character look horribly bad for no other purpose than making another look more competent, you're not half as good a writer as you think you are. Link didn't need Shad to look pathetic to look more heoric, that's just sad.
Also take one look at that guy and tell me he doesn't drink his respecting women juice every damn morning and sometimes for dinner... well, in the manga, he's apparently kind of a leecher.
Srsly how is he friends with Ashei if he's kind of a leecher, she'd break his fingers.
There's probably more but I really don't want to come off like I'm trying to discourage people from reading it because I'm not! Like I said, it's a good manga! It has some pretty neat battle sequences, it makes Hyrule feel MASSIVE, it has some pretty horrifying moments that make the stakes feel more real, it takes things that are a certain way in the game for the sake of the mechanics and tries to make them more organic (In the specific case of Ilia's memory, it succeeds.) and Akira Himekawa never fails to make Zelda and every female character look gorgeous. It's just not great in terms of being an adaptation, but that's not necessarily a terrible thing, it just depends on taste. Still, specifically where Link's backstory concerns... I think most fans just ignore it because, really, it doesn't make sense.
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cosmiclion · 5 years
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I FINALLY finished this! Everyone, here’s my first Kuro OC’s (the one I shamelessly ship with Grell because I fucking can) formal introduction. I would’ve loved to draw the one on the left bare chested but I was worried the female presenting nipples police would come after me ☹️ Anyway, ramble under the cut!
•Belmon aka Bel or B (plus some aliases when passing as human during undercover missions). •Over 200 years old in the current time. •195cm (about 6'4 feet) tall in their human/humanoid form. •Nonbinary lesbian* •Goat demon-succubus/incubus (collectively known as life leechers). •Unlimited shapeshifting (most usual forms are the ones pictured above), demon magic, acute senses, mild manipulation of other creatures’ emotions, ability to induce sleep on other creatures and ability to absorb other creatures’ vital energy. •Sweet, friendly, protective, nurturing, extroverted, very intelligent and strong willed. •A huge dork. •Kinky bastard. •Looks like a cinnamon roll and is pretty much a cinnamon roll, but will rip you to shreds if you lay a finger on Grelle or any of the people they love. •Demons have a whole different concept of gender than humans and it’d be impossible to explain, but B was surrounded by humans since day one and thus was heavily influenced by them. They don’t identify as any binary gender and are okay with any pronouns but understand gender identities and expression very well. They can shapeshift and enjoy playing around with different physical appearances, they tend to lean more towards a feminine aesthetic but will try masculine looks too sometimes. As the decades go by and more terminology appears, they find that nonbinary lesbian is the label they’re most comfortable with. Still, they don’t care how people view them. Man, woman, boy, girl, gentleman, lady, doesn’t matter. •My main inspiration for the creation and development of this character was the deity Baphomet and traditional demonic goats in general. The breed that partially inspired their animal form is the Angora goat.
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babyawacs · 4 years
#it #is #nothing #but #it #is #not #nothing #the #bloody #dick #porn #theme #plus #implant #fix @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa @lawyers @lawyerco m @harvard_law @book @books @book_fair smashwords.com/books/ view/552210 lawyers each and every theme each decept each decoy each trick each and every theme is public deedtyped w ho else makes transparency ooooh a red clunker with defective brakes and stuck on things itis nothing for 20years but i t is not nothing oooh outofcan sounds pitch spoiled and glow colors and thick lines drawn like videogame xiii was th e engine we will never abandon you oath soldiers it is nothing for20years but it is not nothing a fraction here a fract ion there andits public each and every trick flipflap flipflap flipflap exchanging chicks on left and right shoulder t heme climax suuuuuperman blllllah itis nothing for 20years but itis not nothing who else makes transparency ///// lawyersthe germans have enough dildosthey dont need my implan ts for their molest bsbut foremostfixed by howitwas before+what wife needsisnotusablefo rminors ********** anymolesttrickwherescumswoulddespppppperatelyrun out of dildos and need accesswouldbere-damagere-messa monstrosityt h em m m m m m damaged inthe firstplaceme ssing with the fix *********** anything that fits wife i s surenot for minors molest thats justnotthe case andjust not what its fixed tothisyoumustso rtunsleazyserobullshit ******* sexual assault is not se xualityletalone frivolous gainsletalone frivolous lifestyles with frivolous gains and benefitsand damnsure whenthey ra nout of dildosmy installs is a repair of their german monstrosities by how it was before+what mywife needs and this. is really noones business ******* without drawing cockroach sleaze germannesses on itithink this must be demystifiedisuspectmany germanparents porn their own children or setem up for sexual exploitationor might not have a choice or chance and hadto havetoand thisgermannnesssyou hard squeeze off fffffffffme itisonemoregermangermannnesssfacetteof theirswamptheirrealtimetheirnighttimetheirhowthey areinthe realdeal beneath ************* fix only as predefiend then all o f f f f f f myhealth offffffffmy walls letalone intimaciesitis clealrya r b i t r a r y access beforeduringand after d aytime charging ************* miraclemild for two dayswhy w asntit always safe //// cautionwithsupportit was a re d clunker with defective brakes themetheother theme was months ago among hostiles that efforted murdertricksclearly ag aincautionwithsupport ///// bysome theme months ago maybe pedo blllah is about bloody!?!?!?dicks?!?! bllllllllllll lach sickos youcan addit to smashwords.com/books/view/552210 not one porno inallmylife about anything bloody bllllach sickos /// the nighttime theme was driving around withmy red clunker defective but what they didnot understand it was the opppppposite of acl unker itwas extremely solid and safe itwas likea  chicktan k its defect was late a cooler leakage alot later a bit of the transmissioncasing off so i t ran on dry gear  with noisy but really only here after alooot of driving to studyplace anything pretty robust s olid like 8hours autobahn to study place new brakes new tires and allofthat the defect that fucktup alot of fuel was riding over an elevated block or sth hooked the muffler squeezed it under the tank stomped out the swimmer base oft he tank into the backflow of the fuel injection inthe tank no garage found it noone k new waht thefuck itis it screwed my budget from seven liter s consumptions to fourteen they replacedthe car villageco rnerwise too often but they didntknow which mistake they faked mybrother was also impres sed by sth realtime about it but ididntknow whatitwas likely a y++ thing the nighttime theme   tested clunker withou t brakes uncertainty and stuck with it orsth hmmmmm as of the red color ithought of another theme where some jew would be evil with a bloody dick in a kid and youre like blllllllllllah disgusting but it meant the opposite they ar e n o t about bloody dick porning littleboys ihadno idea it wouldbe that bloody is not sex blllach for sickos maybe that theme was maybe months years ago the clunker red car w ithourt brakes was recent and ocasioanlly often by nonhostile or very nonhostile * ******* check if they test theme abour uncertainty or brain mess  about making fears no brakes inclunker maybeitis tom ake fears ******** therewasmore //// the germans t ried to overfreight sexualityby their shit for  t w e n t y years nothing changed nothing is new but them mingle on intimacy as if i havenorights asi f itis their matters letalone arbitrarily rape with intel dr ugs before during a f t e r daytime charging intelcoma r apes arbitrarily w i l l y n i l l y a r bi t r a r i l y ************* sexual assault degradation openroad gr ocerystore class cinemas arbitrarily sexual assault as if ihave no rights letalone reinterpret anything daytime intimate ifit fits totheir cri mes ************ this what happens toem whitenoise rig htiear 2242 jammeron? should i write another daytime shitco ps filing therecent response january february this year from "sexual assault with minors " "catapulted right that moment filing it" "intel strategy fringe quell kill" the murder tricks after they bagatellised it yousaw february april june july intensifed varied methods icant believe its m iraclemild safe twodays /// maybe i watch abit porn la ter they dulltemplate chicktemplate or urgent molest arbitrary access onthose or spoilthe internet either of those prevent cockroaches offfffffmyinti macy letlaone my body or health or genitals or implants like brainscissor /// tinit us from trickdeceit maybe homo theme maybe pedo theme mayb e docht or so conflcit theme as usually the germans may use brainscissor readout interpre t mild hornyness watching abit starwars strafe xray murder trick beta or radar trick allday maybe cockroach german cockroachgerman germans germannesssssssssssss their crimes again as frivolous preference or sth cockroaches inallofth is noone belongs near noone on the walls letalone intimacy cockroachgermans arbitrar y access arbitrary crimes arbitrary intel murder tricks and arbtirary smear trick as fix for their crimes as if t h e i r crimes get confirmation w hen they reinterpret sth or trick decept sth like prelude say homersimpsoy trick as pr elude tostuff donuts priority xraymurderbeam radar then serobullshit if its prelude tri cks to crime ahead cautionwith support //// xray murd erer radar beam killtrick back? itwas miraclemild for tw odays /// the land of milk and honey and: *simpsons tipto e fast slide music* whatis inthe jarmixes recent fived ays monday to friday //// checj how locked guts belly su rgery mess infected gallbladder implants are partofthetri ck //// track buttonpuhsers gasers /// medical bots he mmorides midlate30s ajoke it wouldbe otherwise interdepe ndency to locked guts (!!)centerback+lymphatic subdued guts prime effects staged organfail kidneys heart backlegheart secondary effects immune sy stem guts bacteria tertiary: which other things in guts oc cur on hemmorides /// howdid gutslocks infect gallbladder and harm immune system to i fnected hemmorides and gallbladder the prime effects were likely kidney damages and heart emboly trombosis effects wh entheydid it measure how subdued centerbacklow steissbein assboneis roomcotnroller aims neck +heart what ontype //// bomboutz squeeze leecher 14 42 usethechance prevention is key cuationwithsuipport // / they stamp you a retard regularly because you diehard refuse to fuckaround-howtheyknow ure daytime vs hookeroftheland wish hope ure immune andthen what forem  //// thebe st is you meld each smear on oneperson allyears+wonder why they obsess with 1smear is it enough if the criminals pre tend something? isit enough, whenthey give eachother alibi s to repeat crimes? nowadays whoknwos. maybe. but twenty years ago? tenyears ago?! heart europe? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG htt ps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4 93212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me /ChristianKiss /// checkhow 1222 harms teeth why thereis a chav mouth dirt mess fromsleeptime clean teeth healthy teeth are a matter of spit and clean tongue 70percentof bacteria areontongue and that is regualrly cleaned which most do not at the sametieme a clean toothbrush howits kepts and changed twice amonth additionally a good toothpaste iused to cleanem everyday with an electric brush in study times but changed back to less flouride something is justnot right with the stuff atthesametime the drink is mostly pl ain tea and lower sugar but alotof water and plain tea ad ditioanally itis filtered water thismeans it isnt just plain tea mostly itis silver ions cleansed mostly all in all it shouldbe pretty ok for how itis the 1222 chav damages teeth how sleeptime chav mess it how /// check also finedust or gasings 308 on itis miraclemild allday cautionwithsupport /// did anyone serio usly believe the case is somehooker theygot 20yearsof isola tion and deedtype accuracy but not a single bar?!?notone? not a party? really? somehow this makes total sense tothe m forthem youre one step away from a prostitution career or sth so that luckily excuses their rapes with intel drugs so.. //// support didyou involve international copgirls in saving minors that wemust always so evenifthe germans getaway with one incident or t wo incidents or three incidents theywont getaway with this confirm we always rescuem iors ////// save theminors they use inthese tricks /// ggermans intel terrorise usually occasioanlly by motives lik e to make nervuous breakdown or make suicidal or make muerbe rattle the target fool inte l grade many times luck only that itis accurately listed mi nute wise what they tried that moment again just that th ey try todothese things with intel tricks to imply mental diseases daytime fool layers and if youre unterrorised and not nuts by the shit they eff orted spock grade they efforted list it then they mustve germancured the mental diseases they hoped to fake or make seem so this is one shade one facette of how these fools tick ifitsnot try thepedo tr ick or the underdeveloped fool trick or the criminal trick or the satanist trick or the chav prostitute trick or the transvestite teenie weenie trick or the fraud bum hobo or a h  heck youname it thisis howitworks the civililian mus t write the tricks the pro s cant getout gimme a break waht youcan do is was intel onthe case what did they do and did even the most basic preconditions fit tothe shit they tried to fake under which german efforts and re interpretation s m a y b e  b a r e l y but not really letalone late stage s of their abysmalities this is how it works /// bbbb bbbbbbbo$bout suffocaiton murderers they hsot layer 2 cockr oacg german cockroaches itis system caused systembotch fix howit damamged the shrotterrrrremmmememory ijsut wrote alenghty mailaboutit and foro gt suffocating ******* make it understood and f e e e e e e e e e e lable to cockroach ger man cocrkoach germancockroasches none of my matters is oftheir concern fraudsystem botched with criminal german govt thenbecamecrimianlgovt agenda withits accomplcie hsoting proxy cockroach german cockroachgerman cocckroaches **** **** these have a wiggle room likely to add harm system caused somehow asifthey deserve sth if they p r e t en d t he case immunsied this is systemic someonemust grant em wiggle room usually thefraudsy stem let allscums arbitrarily harm then kills all then let s more itis system caused layer1 causing authrotieis and timecontrol accomplice layer2 cockroaches proxies musthave wiggle room toadd harm somehow the authrotiies gotojailw ithem whenwe msut hunt the scums for em ****** make em fe el it none of my matters is of their concern fraudsystem b otched became criminal govt agenda and nowproxies are hoste d to add harm ******* who implied a gain if tehy p r e t en d the case immune after system hosted shuffled scums andcovered them and quelled self help ///// whatis the book income itis highlighted red acted the critical important things the summaries and the a parts at the boot backside about realm thegermans distort or smear it likely but what are the ratings and the inc ome itis wellearned /// headimpacts three 1931 is ////// check xray gasings //// three headimapcts milder after verypowerful before lsited: pppppppppppppppppack!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! very powerful headimapct aside trianfirmpakring drowsying and schwinelig then assmolest what iisit hbow daamanangerous is pppp pppppppppowerful ehadimapcts isay v e r y ////// isnt it remarkable taht despite this not being home andor life centerpoint but terrorised pois onchamber edgeof exist no more trickms cosntantly the tax guys did not effort that ican access myfortune not even wheni explitiely daytime charged the case involing them 1k347/18 orso fiancialcourt stutt gart what they did do likely however was to taxit without!!!!me accessing it because a ccessing it is off this hellhole hmmmm ineed informatio n //// jail assmesser 1719 andor deto cockroachdurg slik eheroine orso check how gutslocks infect gallbladder andor subdue digestivesystem 7 am orso was a bellymess checkifthis locks guts ad tehy al i bi it ********* we aeh must gratis einlauf him 1950s and remess and re remess an d rere reremess and its for freeee wheeeey ********** cockroaches offmy health andimplants harasswalks anfixen cockroach germasn 1719 1722 squeeze ifi ts hostile the quellfortune access for harasswalks is ger man intent prevention prevention prevention ///// jailas soelster liekafteroadcrossings mos qd394 renault red pear l is isita magflight? did they try to fraud magflight onc e over goshn? //// dicktoymess roadcrossing is odd wal kahead mess rellvntant make safety serobullshit withanything itis miracle mild compared to usually wheoveris new //// leechery? 1603?  nonh ostile? /// gaser hostile or nonhostiel usually its bad here very even the petcat cant stand thisplace theydont l et eventhe damncat eat unterrorised usually always //// support. isthere arealtime competition about contro lling thecase: critical is: who?set?that? trick? up? inthef irstplace. was a chicken out dodge sthresult or deliberate. with heyyylookwhatifound  iu seitfirst.  itis simple . very. muststayfree butnot withoutsupport. and foremsot there is! a support system. wife and kids. whoquelled info and contact. that is the key. find biodata trick or gasing 1415 ontyp e I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophis tication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Bab yAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#it #is #nothing #but #it #is #not #nothing #the #bloody #dick #porn #theme #plus #implant #fix @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa @lawyers @lawyerco m @harvard_law @book @books @book_fair smashwords.com/books/ view/552210 lawyers each and every theme each decept each decoy each trick each and every theme is public deedtyped w ho else makes transparency ooooh a red clunker with defective brakes and stuck on things itis nothing for 20years but i t is not nothing oooh outofcan sounds pitch spoiled and glow colors and thick lines drawn like videogame xiii was th e engine we will never abandon you oath soldiers it is nothing for20years but it is not nothing a fraction here a fract ion there andits public each and every trick flipflap flipflap flipflap exchanging chicks on left and right shoulder t heme climax suuuuuperman blllllah itis nothing for 20years but itis not nothing who else makes transparency ///// lawyersthe germans have enough dildosthey dont need my implan ts for their molest bsbut foremostfixed by howitwas before+what wife needsisnotusablefo rminors ********** anymolesttrickwherescumswoulddespppppperatelyrun out of dildos and need accesswouldbere-damagere-messa monstrosityt h em m m m m m damaged inthe firstplaceme ssing with the fix *********** anything that fits wife i s surenot for minors molest thats justnotthe case andjust not what its fixed tothisyoumustso rtunsleazyserobullshit ******* sexual assault is not se xualityletalone frivolous gainsletalone frivolous lifestyles with frivolous gains and benefitsand damnsure whenthey ra nout of dildosmy installs is a repair of their german monstrosities by how it was before+what mywife needs and this. is really noones business ******* without drawing cockroach sleaze germannesses on itithink this must be demystifiedisuspectmany germanparents porn their own children or setem up for sexual exploitationor might not have a choice or chance and hadto havetoand thisgermannnesssyou hard squeeze off fffffffffme itisonemoregermangermannnesssfacetteof theirswamptheirrealtimetheirnighttimetheirhowthey areinthe realdeal beneath ************* fix only as predefiend then all o f f f f f f myhealth offffffffmy walls letalone intimaciesitis clealrya r b i t r a r y access beforeduringand after d aytime charging ************* miraclemild for two dayswhy w asntit always safe //// cautionwithsupportit was a re d clunker with defective brakes themetheother theme was months ago among hostiles that efforted murdertricksclearly ag aincautionwithsupport ///// bysome theme months ago maybe pedo blllah is about bloody!?!?!?dicks?!?! bllllllllllll lach sickos youcan addit to smashwords.com/books/view/552210 not one porno inallmylife about anything bloody bllllach sickos /// the nighttime theme was driving around withmy red clunker defective but what they didnot understand it was the opppppposite of acl unker itwas extremely solid and safe itwas likea  chicktan k its defect was late a cooler leakage alot later a bit of the transmissioncasing off so i t ran on dry gear  with noisy but really only here after alooot of driving to studyplace anything pretty robust s olid like 8hours autobahn to study place new brakes new tires and allofthat the defect that fucktup alot of fuel was riding over an elevated block or sth hooked the muffler squeezed it under the tank stomped out the swimmer base oft he tank into the backflow of the fuel injection inthe tank no garage found it noone k new waht thefuck itis it screwed my budget from seven liter s consumptions to fourteen they replacedthe car villageco rnerwise too often but they didntknow which mistake they faked mybrother was also impres sed by sth realtime about it but ididntknow whatitwas likely a y++ thing the nighttime theme   tested clunker withou t brakes uncertainty and stuck with it orsth hmmmmm as of the red color ithought of another theme where some jew would be evil with a bloody dick in a kid and youre like blllllllllllah disgusting but it meant the opposite they ar e n o t about bloody dick porning littleboys ihadno idea it wouldbe that bloody is not sex blllach for sickos maybe that theme was maybe months years ago the clunker red car w ithourt brakes was recent and ocasioanlly often by nonhostile or very nonhostile * ******* check if they test theme abour uncertainty or brain mess  about making fears no brakes inclunker maybeitis tom ake fears ******** therewasmore //// the germans t ried to overfreight sexualityby their shit for  t w e n t y years nothing changed nothing is new but them mingle on intimacy as if i havenorights asi f itis their matters letalone arbitrarily rape with intel dr ugs before during a f t e r daytime charging intelcoma r apes arbitrarily w i l l y n i l l y a r bi t r a r i l y ************* sexual assault degradation openroad gr ocerystore class cinemas arbitrarily sexual assault as if ihave no rights letalone reinterpret anything daytime intimate ifit fits totheir cri mes ************ this what happens toem whitenoise rig htiear 2242 jammeron? should i write another daytime shitco ps filing therecent response january february this year from “sexual assault with minors ” “catapulted right that moment filing it” “intel strategy fringe quell kill” the murder tricks after they bagatellised it yousaw february april june july intensifed varied methods icant believe its m iraclemild safe twodays /// maybe i watch abit porn la ter they dulltemplate chicktemplate or urgent molest arbitrary access onthose or spoilthe internet either of those prevent cockroaches offfffffmyinti macy letlaone my body or health or genitals or implants like brainscissor /// tinit us from trickdeceit maybe homo theme maybe pedo theme mayb e docht or so conflcit theme as usually the germans may use brainscissor readout interpre t mild hornyness watching abit starwars strafe xray murder trick beta or radar trick allday maybe cockroach german cockroachgerman germans germannesssssssssssss their crimes again as frivolous preference or sth cockroaches inallofth is noone belongs near noone on the walls letalone intimacy cockroachgermans arbitrar y access arbitrary crimes arbitrary intel murder tricks and arbtirary smear trick as fix for their crimes as if t h e i r crimes get confirmation w hen they reinterpret sth or trick decept sth like prelude say homersimpsoy trick as pr elude tostuff donuts priority xraymurderbeam radar then serobullshit if its prelude tri cks to crime ahead cautionwith support //// xray murd erer radar beam killtrick back? itwas miraclemild for tw odays /// the land of milk and honey and: *simpsons tipto e fast slide music* whatis inthe jarmixes recent fived ays monday to friday //// checj how locked guts belly su rgery mess infected gallbladder implants are partofthetri ck //// track buttonpuhsers gasers /// medical bots he mmorides midlate30s ajoke it wouldbe otherwise interdepe ndency to locked guts (!!)centerback+lymphatic subdued guts prime effects staged organfail kidneys heart backlegheart secondary effects immune sy stem guts bacteria tertiary: which other things in guts oc cur on hemmorides /// howdid gutslocks infect gallbladder and harm immune system to i fnected hemmorides and gallbladder the prime effects were likely kidney damages and heart emboly trombosis effects wh entheydid it measure how subdued centerbacklow steissbein assboneis roomcotnroller aims neck +heart what ontype //// bomboutz squeeze leecher 14 42 usethechance prevention is key cuationwithsuipport // / they stamp you a retard regularly because you diehard refuse to fuckaround-howtheyknow ure daytime vs hookeroftheland wish hope ure immune andthen what forem  //// thebe st is you meld each smear on oneperson allyears+wonder why they obsess with 1smear is it enough if the criminals pre tend something? isit enough, whenthey give eachother alibi s to repeat crimes? nowadays whoknwos. maybe. but twenty years ago? tenyears ago?! heart europe? I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG htt ps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4 93212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me /ChristianKiss /// checkhow 1222 harms teeth why thereis a chav mouth dirt mess fromsleeptime clean teeth healthy teeth are a matter of spit and clean tongue 70percentof bacteria areontongue and that is regualrly cleaned which most do not at the sametieme a clean toothbrush howits kepts and changed twice amonth additionally a good toothpaste iused to cleanem everyday with an electric brush in study times but changed back to less flouride something is justnot right with the stuff atthesametime the drink is mostly pl ain tea and lower sugar but alotof water and plain tea ad ditioanally itis filtered water thismeans it isnt just plain tea mostly itis silver ions cleansed mostly all in all it shouldbe pretty ok for how itis the 1222 chav damages teeth how sleeptime chav mess it how /// check also finedust or gasings 308 on itis miraclemild allday cautionwithsupport /// did anyone serio usly believe the case is somehooker theygot 20yearsof isola tion and deedtype accuracy but not a single bar?!?notone? not a party? really? somehow this makes total sense tothe m forthem youre one step away from a prostitution career or sth so that luckily excuses their rapes with intel drugs so.. //// support didyou involve international copgirls in saving minors that wemust always so evenifthe germans getaway with one incident or t wo incidents or three incidents theywont getaway with this confirm we always rescuem iors ////// save theminors they use inthese tricks /// ggermans intel terrorise usually occasioanlly by motives lik e to make nervuous breakdown or make suicidal or make muerbe rattle the target fool inte l grade many times luck only that itis accurately listed mi nute wise what they tried that moment again just that th ey try todothese things with intel tricks to imply mental diseases daytime fool layers and if youre unterrorised and not nuts by the shit they eff orted spock grade they efforted list it then they mustve germancured the mental diseases they hoped to fake or make seem so this is one shade one facette of how these fools tick ifitsnot try thepedo tr ick or the underdeveloped fool trick or the criminal trick or the satanist trick or the chav prostitute trick or the transvestite teenie weenie trick or the fraud bum hobo or a h  heck youname it thisis howitworks the civililian mus t write the tricks the pro s cant getout gimme a break waht youcan do is was intel onthe case what did they do and did even the most basic preconditions fit tothe shit they tried to fake under which german efforts and re interpretation s m a y b e  b a r e l y but not really letalone late stage s of their abysmalities this is how it works /// bbbb bbbbbbbo$bout suffocaiton murderers they hsot layer 2 cockr oacg german cockroaches itis system caused systembotch fix howit damamged the shrotterrrrremmmememory ijsut wrote alenghty mailaboutit and foro gt suffocating ******* make it understood and f e e e e e e e e e e lable to cockroach ger man cocrkoach germancockroasches none of my matters is oftheir concern fraudsystem botched with criminal german govt thenbecamecrimianlgovt agenda withits accomplcie hsoting proxy cockroach german cockroachgerman cocckroaches **** **** these have a wiggle room likely to add harm system caused somehow asifthey deserve sth if they p r e t en d t he case immunsied this is systemic someonemust grant em wiggle room usually thefraudsy stem let allscums arbitrarily harm then kills all then let s more itis system caused layer1 causing authrotieis and timecontrol accomplice layer2 cockroaches proxies musthave wiggle room toadd harm somehow the authrotiies gotojailw ithem whenwe msut hunt the scums for em ****** make em fe el it none of my matters is of their concern fraudsystem b otched became criminal govt agenda and nowproxies are hoste d to add harm ******* who implied a gain if tehy p r e t en d the case immune after system hosted shuffled scums andcovered them and quelled self help ///// whatis the book income itis highlighted red acted the critical important things the summaries and the a parts at the boot backside about realm thegermans distort or smear it likely but what are the ratings and the inc ome itis wellearned /// headimpacts three 1931 is ////// check xray gasings //// three headimapcts milder after verypowerful before lsited: pppppppppppppppppack!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! very powerful headimapct aside trianfirmpakring drowsying and schwinelig then assmolest what iisit hbow daamanangerous is pppp pppppppppowerful ehadimapcts isay v e r y ////// isnt it remarkable taht despite this not being home andor life centerpoint but terrorised pois onchamber edgeof exist no more trickms cosntantly the tax guys did not effort that ican access myfortune not even wheni explitiely daytime charged the case involing them 1k347/18 orso fiancialcourt stutt gart what they did do likely however was to taxit without!!!!me accessing it because a ccessing it is off this hellhole hmmmm ineed informatio n //// jail assmesser 1719 andor deto cockroachdurg slik eheroine orso check how gutslocks infect gallbladder andor subdue digestivesystem 7 am orso was a bellymess checkifthis locks guts ad tehy al i bi it ********* we aeh must gratis einlauf him 1950s and remess and re remess an d rere reremess and its for freeee wheeeey ********** cockroaches offmy health andimplants harasswalks anfixen cockroach germasn 1719 1722 squeeze ifi ts hostile the quellfortune access for harasswalks is ger man intent prevention prevention prevention ///// jailas soelster liekafteroadcrossings mos qd394 renault red pear l is isita magflight? did they try to fraud magflight onc e over goshn? //// dicktoymess roadcrossing is odd wal kahead mess rellvntant make safety serobullshit withanything itis miracle mild compared to usually wheoveris new //// leechery? 1603?  nonh ostile? /// gaser hostile or nonhostiel usually its bad here very even the petcat cant stand thisplace theydont l et eventhe damncat eat unterrorised usually always //// support. isthere arealtime competition about contro lling thecase: critical is: who?set?that? trick? up? inthef irstplace. was a chicken out dodge sthresult or deliberate. with heyyylookwhatifound  iu seitfirst.  itis simple . very. muststayfree butnot withoutsupport. and foremsot there is! a support system. wife and kids. whoquelled info and contact. that is the key. find biodata trick or gasing 1415 ontyp e I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophis tication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Bab yAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#it #is #nothing #but #it #is #not #nothing #the #bloody #dick #porn #theme #plus #implant #fix @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa @lawyers @lawyercom @harvard_law @book @books @book_fair smashwords.com/books/view/552210
lawyers each and every theme
each decept each decoy each trick each and every theme
is public
who else makes transparency
ooooh a red clunker…
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up-ta-no-good · 8 years
Suddenly decides to change a character’s pronouns in the middle of the story and has to go back and fix the earlier chapters.
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up-ta-no-good · 8 years
TFP Challenge: Day 5
Let’s face it, we’d all like to experience the TF universe for realsies. Mostly. Anyways, ever have an OC or self-insert? Share them here!
Oh ho ho. Do I have any OCs for Prime? Any other verse and I’d have one, sometimes two. But not for Prime. Prime has a whole flock of them. 28 to be exact. And if you have been reading my fic on DA, you have already met some of them. They are all Cybertronian.
Sorry. Long post.
First of all we have Liliy, my main OC. Her alt-mode is human. And she is the leader of a merry band of ex-Cons who call themselves the Cybertronian Rebel Crops or CRC. Liliy is a Neutral. In bot mode her colors are red and greys. (Her designs)
Leecher is her second-in-command and usually does more of the leading than Liliy because she often takes off on road trips by herself. Leecher is a matte black 80′s Chevy El Camino. Leecher is also Neutral and helped Liliy escape Cybertron during the beginning of the war.
The first of the ex-Cons and third-in-command is Alfa. He is also in charge of all ground and space bridge operations. He is dark gray, almost black, with hints of forest green. He’s thin and tall, taller than Optimus and second tallest of the group. His alt-mode is the B-2 Spirit. He is usually stoic. Alfa’s assistant is Victor, a cheerful grounder who loves watching cartoons. His colors are metallic sky blue and white. And his alt is a Ford Flex.
Bravo is the head engineer. He is big and bulky. And he can build almost anything given enough time. His colors are olive green and tan. His alt-mode is a HEMTT (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck). He may seem gruff but he is very caring. Bravo’s assistants are Whiskey and X-ray. X-ray is a blue utility truck who has yet to show me his personality. And Whiskey... he is a little strange. He is brown and gold and his alt-modes tend to be top-secret prototype flying machines. No one is really sure how he manages to scan them because he never tells. His current one is a quinjet with stealth tech.
Charlie is the energon manager. He is in charge of all the energon, from collecting to processing to storage, and is a stickler for rationing. He is light grey and his alt is a Douglas A-3 Skywarrior modified as a tanker. Helping Charlie with the energon refining is Jimbo. His alt is a charcoal ‘93 Ford F-350, crew cab, long bed with a 6 in lift kit. (based off my dad’s old truck) And Quebec whose alt is an ice blue small plane. (idk what kind)
Delta is in charge of the lab. His colors are yellow, blue and white and he is a hook-type tow truck. As lab techs, he and his assistant, Steven, a teal and silver Aermacchi MB-339, are also qualified as medics should the need for more help arise.
Echo is basically the Soundwave of the CRC. Except he will actually talk to you and he shows his face. As the Communications Officer, he does most of the keeping tabs on who is where and all that. His alt is the F-117 Nighthawk. He is black with flecks of pale gold. And he turned out to be surprisingly shorter than I originally imagined after I picked his alt. The communication’s assistant is Lima. A lime green modern VW Beetle, Lima is small and cranky. 
Foxtrot is Knock Out with better bedside manners and he doesn’t fret over his finish. Well, not really Knock Out but the others compare him to the flashy medic often. He’s red and white. His alt is a Jeep Wrangler. He is talkative and loves to have fun. Though, technically the assistant, Oscar often takes better care of the med bay than Foxtrot. He is responsible and has to put up Fox’s antics. He is red and yellow. And his alt is an Eurocopter EC145. He is one of the two helicopters in the group.
The Miners are Mike and Nova. They consider themselves actual brothers and will introduce themselves as such.  “My name is Nova and this is my brother, Mike.” And vice versa. Mike is cherry red and Nova is maroon. Even though they are quite capable of holding their own in a fight, the others are very protective of them and they are often left behind on dangerous missions to run the ground bridge (Mike) and communications (Nova). 
The giant of the group is Kilo. He mainly does the heavy lifting. He’s blue gray with hints of grey. And his alt is a C-17. In bot mode, he’s about twice as tall as Optimus.
Pepper and Tango are the computer techs. Pepper is an neon yellow dump truck type snow plow. He hates the desert. Tango is orange with silver decals and his alt is an Audi R8. Neither of them like to go out much.
The CRC surveillance team has three flyers and three grounders. The twins, Golf and Indy, are Gulfstream G500s. Golf is cream and royal purple. Indy is cream and royal blue. The other flyer is the other helicopter, Yankee. (unknown model) His colors are peach and pistachio. Harry is yellow and his alt is a Hummer H2. The unofficial leader of the team is Romeo. He is a lot like Foxtrot and is also compared to Knock Out by his peers. He is a dark red Pagani Zonda F. And finally there is Zulu. A black Chevy Tahoe, he’s a essentially the Cybertronian equivalent of a black suit government agent.
And last but not least is Ucon. He is the only one to retain his Eradicon form and Decepticon insignia allowing him to be a spy on the Nemesis. He is very good at his job because Soundwave hasn’t found him out yet. His paint is color changing: matte black when he is off-duty and Decepticon purple when he is on-duty.
All the ex-Cons are former Vehicons/Eradicons/Miners. As a reminder of their past, they all still wear the vehicon masks when they go out. Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo and Foxtrot were the first six that Liliy and Leech recruited.
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up-ta-no-good · 8 years
Oops, it’s almost 4 am but at least now I have a more solid description for one of my OCs. It’s not till a later chapter but the more I write now, the less I have to write later. 
Also I am feeling kinda stuck on the next chapter coming up, Chapter 6. It’s too short for what I want but I’m not very sure where and what to expand on or add, you know.
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up-ta-no-good · 8 years
Chapter 4 is finally up. 
I am still not done with Leecher’s designs but I can tell you, he looks somewhat similar to a Vehicon in his robot mode.
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up-ta-no-good · 8 years
When you know basically what kind of car you want your OC to be, but you can’t decide on the version/generation/year...
For example: Leecher is a Chevy El Camino. But he isn’t just an El Camino, he’s a 1980′s El Camino, which is the fifth generation.
At least all my grounders have a basic alt-mode picked out. I have three flyers who don’t have one yet...
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up-ta-no-good · 8 years
I am in a pickle. (I hate pickles. More for those of you that like them.) Anyway, my problem is I really want to post the next chapter of my fic but before I do, I would like to have a design for Leecher’s robot mode to share with you. I mean, he’s only out of vehicle mode for like a minute tops but still... I just am having trouble with the design. (This is terrible because I also have like 20 other bots to design too.)
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