#Liliy is my OC
cybertronianrebelcorps · 11 months
So when I created the Cybertronian Rebel Corps, it was only going to be for my TFP fic. But then I started writing a movieverse fic, I went 'frag this', and put the 'boys' in that fic too so Liliy wouldn't be lonely.
However, I did change some of their names because the fic starts well before modern English is a thing so some of them needed more Cybertronian-esque names. (But they still conveniently correspond with all the letters of the English alphabet because that is just the way I am.)
TFP-verse CRC: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hirry, Indy, Julian, Kilo, Lima, Mike, Nova, Oscar, Pepper, Quebec, Romeo, Seaser, Tango, Ucon, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, and Zulu
Movieverse CRC: Alfa, Bolthex, Char, Delta, Echo, Fritz, Gearslip, Hardhit, Indent, Joules, Kilo, Lima, Micron, Nova, Onsight, Pitch, Queback, Roamin', Starwake, Tangent, Ucon, Victor, Warpkey, X-ray, Yank, Zero-IN
And since vehicons aren't really a thing in the movieverse, I did make some of the mecha Autobots before Scythe (Liliy) recruited them. Because, outside of TFP, Echo feels more like an Autobot to me, and then I just added some others besides him.
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Are these just casual movie nights anymore?
Author Notes- so my friend on tiktok had done these 3 videos with her biases in each group and then what their booktok trope would be. And I told her I'd so write her these fanfics BASICALLY A YEAR AGO! AND NOW IM FINALLY PULLING THROUGH! I loved writing this tho. It made me giggle and kick my feet as I thought of the scenarios. Anyways Highway 1009 was what I was listening to on repeat... while writing this.
Pairings: Liliy & SKZ Hyunjin
Trope - Friends to Lovers
Story Tags & Disclaimers: Fluffy, Cute, Hasn't been edited or anything, it might be a little bad since I don't think I'm that good of a writer, English is my dominant language but not my first so I'm just BYElingual, Basically Idol x OC when really idol x bestie, idk what else to say... I hope yall enjoy
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For as long as they could remember, Liliy and Hyunjin always had movie nights once to twice a week since they were kids. It was always easy for them to do so when they lived right next door to each other.
Hyunjin always had a stash of Liliy’s favorite snacks in a locked box tucked away in the back of the pantry in his home, while Liliy would always have a duplicate of Hyunjin’s favorite hoodie and blanket stashed away in the small square ottoman that was always tucked in the corner of her family’s living room since no one in her family liked to use it due to its limited amount of storage space and they didn’t want to just get rid of it either. It cost good money for that little baby ottoman.
As the pair grew older, starting in middle school and continuing on, Liliy and Hyunjin started to celebrate a ‘friends’ Valentine’s Day together every year. They both weren’t really interested in casual dating like their peers.
This made many people suspicious of the true nature of their relationship but the pair always denied the dating allegations they received from both their mutual friends and classmates.
That brings us to today. Where our story takes place with a more grown Liliy and Hyunjin, now in university, living in the campus dorms.
On the opposite sides of campus from each other.
H: hey you still have time for our traditional singles valentine’s day?
L: of course, i wouldn’t miss it even if finals were around the corner
H: alright cool, give me a call when you get close to my dorm building and i’ll come out and walk you inside.
L: 👍🏼👌👍🏼
Hyunjin looked around the living room with a smile feeling accomplished and proud of the surprise that he planned with his roommates for Liliy. The boys helped him set up everything in the living room down to the sign.
They’ve been celebrating Valentine’s Day together every year since they were kids under the guise of being just friends but they just never wanted to admit the tension that would build up every year to themselves.
I know it’s pretty cliche right?
The pair had a secret crush on each other for YEARS and just kept denying it to themselves and everyone else around them, even their families.
Well- Hyunjin planned to change that forever. He wanted to make this night as memorable as possible for Liliy. He wanted this to be a joyful, one day nostalgic core memory for her. Something she can always fondly look back on as they’re growing old and gray together.
The boys were all out of the dorm suite and staying the night with their girlfriends tonight to give the pair privacy they need for something like this.
L: Jinnie Boy i am in viewing distance of your dorm building.
Hyunjin smiled at the text and took one last look around the living room before making his way to go and escort Princessa Liliy to hopefully a good night to remember forever.
Liliy eyed Hyunjin suspiciously as she was processing what he was requesting of her the moment they got to his floor. “Now, why do you want me to close my eyes before we go inside?”
“Don’t worry about it, when have I ever been unworthy of your trust?” he chuckled.
With that logic that she couldn’t deny, Liliy huffed in defeat and covered her eyes with both hands as she turned towards the front door. Hyunjin smiled and led the smaller girl inside the dorm suite making sure that she would not bump into anything.
Just as they made it to the living room Hyunjin leaned in close to Liliy tense, her heart racing a million miles per second. “Alright, you can open your eyes” he whispered as his lips ghosted over the shell of her ear.
With a small gulp, Liliy slowly lowered her hands and looked around the living room in shock. Hyunjin had set up a cozy romantic movie night picnic for the two of them. It was like something out of a romance book she had read and told him about.
“You put all of this together for me?”
Hyunjin’s heart swooned as he realized that she was getting a little emotional as she looked around the room slowly this time to take in each and every detail of the decorations, the cushions, and the picnic itself.
Before he knew it, his arms were securely wrapped around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder as he smiled, happy with her reaction.
“I hope it’s not too much, but I just- I wanted to be the one to end the friendship and take a leap in bringing our relationship to a different level”
Liliy leaned back into his embrace wiping away stray tears and giggled softly as she shook her head in disbelief. “You know it always baffled me on how you stayed single for all these years when you have treated me so well.”
“Well, I didn’t want anyone else and needed to make sure it was the right time before making this decision.” he responded as he kissed the top of her head.
“This is my official confession to you Liliy.” She pulled away from his embrace, turning to face him with a warm smile. She wanted to be as attentive as possible with the feeling that he has more to say.
“I have been falling for you more and more every day since we were in middle school. Now that we are where we are in life, I didn’t want to waste time by pretending like we aren’t anything more than just friends. I’ve finally admitted it to myself and now to you. I like you, I can feel that you like me too. So, will you officially be my girlfriend?”
She giggled as he got shy and looked down to his feet towards the end of his speech. Not sure if he was going to be rejected or not, Hyunjin kept his head tilted down.
“Yes Hyunjin, of course I will be your girlfriend”
His head shot up fast as he looked into her eyes to see if she was just joking around with him or if she was serious. With a cute little nose crinkle, she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. “It took you long enough to ask me, Jinnie Boy,” she teased.
Heat rose to Hyunjin’s cheeks as he wrapped his arms around Liliy in return and nuzzled her hair with a sigh of relief.
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So here we have one humanoid creature being my concept of trying to illustrate how bizarrely confusing modern humans are to wild animals.
A non carbon based planet sized organisms outer surface, who of course is Primus from the Transformers series realized with my extensive hypothetical xenobiological knowledge/research.
A giant eldritch bug dragon Lusus I made years ago as a part of a surprisingly long character development process on one Urivis Strawd of the teal persuasion. A homestuck troll OC if it wasn't obvious.
Aaaaaand a little 12 yr old mixed goblin tiefling DND character of mine by the name of Lilii. She's got a lotta backstory in comparison to most of my others, friends, racism, a talking centipede from her parents garden nobody else can hear or see, family, a mostly detailed home in the forest. And an unusually good grasp on telekinetic magics for her age.
-- Oh and a /modified/ bag of holding that doubles as much more.
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liliythescythe · 3 years
Taking Chances
(A Liliy-insert fic, Bay movies expanded universe)
-Chapter 1-
Approx. 1,000 B.C.-
Finally! He had found it. He was certain. Megatron looked down at the little blue planet before him. It was here. He could feel the AllSpark calling to him. He was close, so close. Closer than he had been in eons. Finally.
The little bot he carried with him was silent as usual, not sharing in his moment of triumph. Instead, they eyed the planet as they approached it. The signal was coming from the other side and it seemed that Megatron intended to fly over the top to get to it.
Normally, they would have been in stasis as he trekked across the universe but after their brief stop at the Nemesis, they stayed awake, secretly sharing in his excitement at how close they were getting to the goal. But their reasons were not the same as his. Finding the AllSpark meant there was a chance that they could escape from him. It was a small chance but one they were willing to take. Even if it got them killed.
The planet had a fairly dense atmosphere. Megatron had to divert pretty much all of his remaining energon reserves to his shields to protect them from the heat caused by the drag. Even hidden beneath his plating, the little bot could feel the nearly overwhelming rise in temperature.
A thought slipped from the secondary processor to the main one. It's time. Are you ready? 
Indeed. It was now or never. Megatron’s energy levels were extremely low. If they acted now, he would not be able to do anything to stop them.
The main processor sent a command back without hesitation. Do it! 
Megatron did not understand why he suddenly transformed while he was still so high in the atmosphere until he saw the little bot break away from him. He snarled and attempted to reach for them, but his body would not listen. His energon levels had dropped far too low and he had pushed himself beyond his limits. They had taken advantage of that. Now he was plummeting towards the planet's surface with no way to slow down or even shift his position. 
{You will regret this, Scythe!} he roared across the commlink.
They looked back at him. Both of the appendages hanging off the left shoulder lifted, weapons activating, and they fired. The shots struck him in his shoulder, not doing much damage but it did set him spinning as he fell. He continued to rage at them over the comms, but they shut him out.
Colliding with the ice nearly broke him. The impact knocked him offline. His twisted frame lay at the bottom of an icy crater that was quickly filling up with more freezing liquid and thanks to the sub-zero temperatures, he would stay there for a very long time.
They did not bother to watch him fall. Instead, they turned their face to the south, in the direction that Megatron had been headed, the direction of the AllSpark. They did not have any alternate mode, so they spread out their body as much as possible, even flaring their armor, to catch the air. Even if they had one, it would have not been for flight. Firing their weapons had helped a little to move them so they fired again with both of them. 
They managed to clear the icy north pole and came down not far from the shore of the closest actual landmass. Before they hit, they blasted the surface in an attempt to break the surface tension and soften the impact. As they sank to the bottom, they analyzed the liquid around them. Mostly dihydrogen monoxide with some minerals mixed in and quite an abundance of organic material. Fascinating but not what they were after.
Once they hit solid ground, they got up and started walking, again to the south, the organic aquatic beings swiftly fleeing out of their path. Finally, they trudged out of the water and onto dry land. They stopped for just a moment to shake off some of the wetness.
Do you have it? Are you ready? inquired the main processor.
The signal indicating the AllSpark’s location came up on the HUD. Ready when you are.
The main processor pinged a confirmation as the frame bent into a runner’s crouch. Then they were off like a shot, running faster than any of the organic beings on the planet could follow. And they kept running without pause until they reached the AllSpark's location. 
They found that the artifact was buried at the bottom of a river, only the top corner could be seen in the mucky depths. They jumped in. The appendages hanging off the left shoulder latched onto the AllSpark as they collapsed against it, falling offline from exhaustion, while the river rushed by.
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up-ta-no-good · 5 years
Mostly Predaking’s POV
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n0tamused · 2 years
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(View for better quality) After a long hiatus, I am finally happy and excited to show my most recent artwork! Zhongli has become my comfort character since I started playing Genshin, and the sketch of this has been sitting in my drafts for way too long. It was overdue time to polish it all up 🧡
Hope you all like it as well. :) I am hoping to jump back into more art and writing stories soon enough.
Don't repost my art without credit!
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greyliliy · 4 years
Yeah, so that sequel I started last night? I finished the first chapter at like 2:00 a.m. this morning and Daiki’s “I’m Getting Katsuki Back” story is officially a go. Lol.
There’s like a page worth of author’s notes on the story, so I might as well repeat some of them here (aka just the overall notes, not the chapter notes):
I finished Izuku vs the Garden Boy in 2018, and I kid you not, Daiki has been screaming at me for a sequel ever since I hit “Submit” on that last epilogue chapter. I created Daiki to be a disposable character (someone I didn’t have to feel bad that they “lose” to Deku), but as the story developed and he turned into his own fully-fleshed out character with feelings and agency that ending was much harder to write than it should have been.
After Garden Boy finished, I wanted to write Daiki an “Apology” fic as a sequel to give him a win, too. I considered Daiki x Shouto, but that boy was in love with Katsuki. Truly and deeply (enough to let Katsuki go when he saw Katsuki liked Deku).
I held back because most of the ideas Daiki (or rather, the Muse) gave me were short and sexy one-shots without much plot. He also couldn’t make up his mind about whether or not he wanted to date Shouto instead, get Katsuki back (aka, switch the roles from Izuku vs Garden Boy), share with Deku, seduce Katsuki into cheating, or if they just ended up in a threesome. Heck, I couldn’t even decide whose POV I wanted this story to be from. Ideas lingered and nothing happened aside from little daydreams in my head about heated moments and drama.
However, as I was glancing through Garden Boy again today (it’s still one of my favorite stories), Daiki finally said “I still want my sequel. May I have it please?” And since I’m writing this, I guess 2020 is the year Daiki gets what he wants and this author indulges in some Main Character X OC fic once more.
The year of “I’m writing whatever the heck I want” 2020 continues.
(Though the theme mostly seems to be “resurrecting old stories” lol.)
And here’s a link to my Dreamwidth post. Because I’m trying to post there more often. XD
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kaykay1229 · 7 years
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New Oc! An Elf Princess
Name: Liliy Elf
Age: 18
Sexuality: Heterosexual
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trickedmask-archive · 5 years
*Liliy rambles*
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So I have two blogs that are pretty much done expect for just an extra check or two, Reiji Sakamki from DL and Cloud Strife from FF7. Just thinking if I can handle/when to bring them in cause of how tired I’ve been and what not but I’ve been craving to rp them. Reiji is a real mature blog because of the content of the games and such so I wonder how he might work but yeah. And I have an OC I’m finally considering on bringing out. Lots of thoughts.. but for now Akira  working well for me of course cause I love my boii hehe, just thinking out loud. *rolls*
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somxusarchiveee · 7 years
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    Beat me black and blue. Every wound will shape me.
Every SCAR will build MY THRONE
      | indie Noctis from FFXV | written by Liliy | AU/OC/Crossover friendly |
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So I am making it official with this next chapter. There are four other femmes in the CRC besides Liliy.
Charlie, Hirry, Julian, and Seaser. (Previously Charlie, Harry, Jimbo, and Steven.)
And yes there is a reason why Liliy just calls them all her ‘boys’. THEY”RE GIANT ROBOTS WHO DON”T CARE ABOUT GENDER! (except maybe Ucon)
If this had been brought to my attention earlier, I would have totally made Lima a femme. But I am not about to go back and change it now.
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john-bun · 7 years
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My Deviantart post- http://lifeloveanddarkness.deviantart.com/art/Marco-s-Death-671874923
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up-ta-no-good · 5 years
Another Rescue Bots side chapter
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up-ta-no-good · 5 years
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up-ta-no-good · 5 years
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Liliy the Laserblade by Varghjartat
Look at this AMAZING PIECE that my friend did of my OC, Liliy, from my fic, Cybertronian Rebel Corps.
So beautiful. I love it!
Thanks a bunch, my dear!
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up-ta-no-good · 5 years
Hey look. They fixed the link posts.
FF.net & AO3
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