#Legend of Kyrandia 3
mendelpalace · 2 years
MS-DOS/WIN Funk Grooves to Make Love to Your Old Workstation By
0:00 1. The Incredible Machine - Cruz 2:28 2. Zyclunt - Track 2 5:47 3. Interstate '76 - They Call Me Swinger 9:07 4. Legend of Kyrandia 3 - Back in Kyrandia 13:56 5. Rise of the Triad - Oww! 16:12 6. Genocide 2 - Trap of Relics 18:23 7. Trev to the Rescue - Front Yard 20:22 8. Jazz Jackrabbit - Menu Screen 24:09 9. Genocide 2 - Red Hot Atmosphere 26:31 10. Pike: Oreracija Gromoverzhec - Menu 27:54 11. One Must Fall: 2097 - Arena 3 30:43 12. Punky Duck - Menu
A collection of funky tunes from MS-DOS and early Windows games, compiled by Emmxyzzy. Video taken from Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golf.
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cherokeestarfish · 1 year
Welcome Post
Hey, y'all! I've made this pinned post as a way to help y'all navigate any backlogged content, as well as to help you see at a glance what's on the livestream schedule.
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Content Tags
Mondays — This will separate out any posts specifically relevant to Monday series, regardless of whether it's something I'm playing solo or together with SpecificPixel, including announcements, cancellations, completion blogs, etc.
Thursdays — Same as the Mondays tag, but for Thursday series.
Fridays — Also the same, but for special Friday series.
Saturdays — Same again, but for Saturday series.
Husbandplays — This tag is for any content or announcements that include SpecificPixel, mostly games we stream together on Mondays.
General Tags
Patreon update — This tag has all my posts about changes in tier rewards, procedures, etc. on Patreon.
Community — This is where you'll find anything regarding Twitch, YouTube, or other social media, plus general announcements and updates.
Fanart — This tag has any fanart our community is kind enough to create and share!
Poll — This tag includes all polls and voting results for Patreon shortlisting (where y'all narrow down the games that go on the public polls).
Special event — This is for unique or unusual content like marathons, charity streams, or anything that occurs outside the normal schedule.
Info — This tag has all my posts like this one, which include general updates and information.
Welcome post — Especially for this pinned post!
I'll edit to include new tags here as they come up.
Schedule at a Glance
Monday series alternate between my solo "streamer's choice" games and husbandplays with SpecificPixel, where we take turns choosing games for each other to play with multiplayer titles in between.
Week A: Divine Divinity (2002; PC)
Wasteland 2 (2014; PC)
Wasteland 3 (202; PC)
Week B: Blaze & Blade (1998; PSX) w/SpecificPixel
Soul Blazer (1992; SNES)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Remake (2023; Switch)
Thursday is variety night! We play a little of every genre, as chosen by patrons and then voted on by the broader audience.
The Legend of Kyrandia 1 (1992; DOS)
Obsidian (1997; PC)
Etherlords (2001; PC)
Mystery P.I.: The Lottery Ticket (2007; PC)
Pokémon Crystal (2001; GBC)
Fridays are special streams and not part of the typical schedule. Right now, these include game "tastings" (one-shot samples) and longplays awarded to charity donors:
Wild Arms 3 (2002; PS2)
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (2006; PC)
Deus Ex (2000; PC)
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (2001; PC)
Darkstone (1999; PC) w/SpecificPixel
Clive Barker's Undying (2001; PC)
Zombie Dinos from Planet Zeltoid (1992; CD-i)
Disney's Hades Challenge (1998; PC)
Saturday streams are party-based RPGs, usually open-world. After finishing a slate of titles chosen by patrons and voted on by other viewers, I pick a game for myself to chill through before we run the next poll.
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear (2016; PC)
Wasteland 1 (1988; DOS)
Eye of the Beholder 1 (1991; DOS)
Lands of Lore 1 (1993; DOS)
Might & Magic 8 (2000; PC)
Of course, if you've got questions or need any help finding stuff, just comment or message me and I'm happy to help!
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ilotheoe · 1 month
接著各路大神接力一陣反思,經過將近 48 小時的激戰以後,現在《黑神話:悟空》社群之戰進入資歷檢驗的白熱化階段:
- 平常沒玩遊戲的傢伙不要來湊熱鬧
- 一看就知道你不懂什麼叫遊戲,是不是只會娛樂城
- 收藏庫先有活俠傳、九日再來討論這件事好嗎?
- 只玩手遊的人不要隨便出意見,就是你們害死遊戲產業的
- 收藏庫須擁有沉沒意志、深夜拉麵、九日、活俠傳再來評論
- 只玩黃油的就下去,有玩芒果派對遊戲的勉強可以參與討論
- 沒有家用主機的人懂什麼叫 AAA 大作?
- 你有買過 PS3 PS4 PS5 Switch XBOX 嗎?有玩過戰神、底特律變人、碧血狂殺、死亡擱淺、博德之門 3、機戰傭兵嗎?
- Steam 收藏庫有超過 50 款遊戲嗎?你支持過國產嗎?聽過 Thymesia 嗎?聽過酉閃町嗎?玩過打鬼嗎?
- 玩原神跟星穹鐵道的下去
- 知道 ELF 跟 Alice Soft 嗎?
- 沒從軒轅劍二代、仙劍一代、阿貓阿狗開始不要說你是資深玩家
- 主機從來就是全買而已,連家用主機都捨不得買的人說多支持遊戲產業?
- 搞倒 SEGA 的莎木你聽過沒有?年輕人還是資歷太淺了
- 從 Apple II 跟 Atari 開始的都不敢自稱資深玩家了,這些小朋友到底吵什麼?
- Steam 收藏庫打開來看看,有 1,000 款嗎?Steam 等級有過 100 嗎?
- 沒玩過 Dune 2、The Legend of Kyrandia、Lands of Lore 的你真的懂遊戲嗎?
- 我們在手繪地圖的時候,你們還在媽媽 10 元咧
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mainswatch · 2 years
3 minutes to midnight game
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#3 minutes to midnight game how to#
#3 minutes to midnight game code#
#3 minutes to midnight game series#
#3 minutes to midnight game code#
Boxed items are listed as "code/code" where the first code represents the box, and the second code describes the contents.On the other hand, I am an idiot, and this isn’t how puzzles are supposed to be solved, and there’s nothing more excruciating than the developers of a puzzle game asking if you need help! 3 Minutes to Midnight is out some time in 2019, so luckily I have time to figure out how good my tolerance for feeling stupid is. On the one hand, I like that this feels almost more like real life puzzle solving, and that the game both gives you logical solutions to find, but also treats you like you’re not an idiot. Instead of “Boy, I’ll need a lever to open this valve!” you get something more “I can’t get a grip on this with my hands.” There were a couple of instances like this in the demo, where I was encouraged because I was on the right track, but not given an overt clue as to where to go next - because 3 Minutes to Midnight also eschews the character saying something out loud to help you, like “Hm, the citronella is sort of working… If only I had a way to do with it!”. I kept thinking that I was basically doing the right thing, and couldn’t figure out what was missing. Partially because I am an idiot, but also because I have this learned behaviour that I can’t do a thing in a game unless it’s the right thing to do, I got stuck in a loop. I picked some up and tried to use it on the mosquitoes, and Betty rubbed it over her arms and noted that the mosquitoes didn’t bite her that time - but she still couldn’t walk past. So then I had a big pool of citronella-y sludge. I’d found some lemongrass, and there was a mangle right by said insects, and I know what citronella is. In 3 Minutes to Midnight, y’have to get past a big cloud of mosquitoes. 3 Minutes to Midnight is one of a very few games that lets you try stuff that sort of works, but isn’t quite right. If it’s neither of those, you’ll get an “I don’t want to do that,” or some other verbal clue telling you that tieing a harpoon to a bottle or whatever won’t work. Most puzzle games won’t let you do a meaningful interaction unless it’s a) funny or b) part of a puzzle solution. 3 Minutes to Midnight does this too, but takes it a little further. Recent point and click games, from your Thimbleweed Parks to your Unavoweds, have figured out that puzzles actually following some kind of logical thread make for ultimately more satisfying solves for the player. In one of the Legend of Kyrandia games you have to USE Teddy Bear WITH T-Rex to escape a lava cave.
#3 minutes to midnight game how to#
See, while DotT and the like taught me how to solve puzzles in games, that lesson boiled down to “trial and error”, because often the solution to a puzzle would be so obscure that it wouldn’t even make sense if you squinted. The game has a cool Saturday morning cartoon vibe to it that I was really into.īut the crux of a puzzle game are the puzzles of course, and Scarecrow have taken a slightly different approach. I was also a fan of what developers Scarecrow Studio describe as “high-def cartoon art”. She had a strong Laverne from Day of the Tentacle vibe. The cast of characters was suitably wacky: a raccoon, a man in a diving suit hunting a lake monster, and a girl playing host to three different personalities. I got to play as her in a short segment of B plot, so as not to spoil any of the puzzles in the main story. That’s, like, two retros for the price of one.īetty Anderson, a plucky amnesiac teen, is one of two playable protagonists. In this case the game is set in the ‘40s, and the character I played is wearing a poodle skirt and a letterman jacket. Point and click puzzle adventures have had a bit of a resurgence over the last few years, and it seems like every one of them kind of markets itself like it’s the first one to bring back the genre (3 Minutes to Midnight’s Steam page says “Yeah, puzzles - remember those?”, as if there hasn’t been a single puzzle in a game since 1989).
#3 minutes to midnight game series#
Those old Lucasfilm/LucasArts ones like Day of the Tentacle and the Monkey Island series were some of the first games I ever played, and they taught me how puzzles in games are supposed to be solved. I played it at EGX last weekend, because I really like PnCs, as we purists definitely call them (do not check that). 3 Minutes to Midnight is not, as my brain keeps suggesting, a sequel to a classic Maiden track, but a point and click adventure game.
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retrocgads · 5 years
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UK 1995
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GOG.com - The Legend of Kyrandia 1-3, Gobliiins 1-3 and Ultimate Body Blows on sale!
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zerohour1974 · 4 years
Day 4 : Top 5 DOS Games
Well hello people, occasionally I like to play games and while I don't consider myself a regular gamer in any way.  I do tend to play much older games maybe because my hardware I have isn't exactly cutting edge or mainly because I see nothing of excitement in most modern games.
I don't know why but modern AAA gaming just for me for all it's very pretty graphics, seems very dull.  They seem to churn out the same tripe over and over again.
I think the most recent games I had fun with were Untitled Goose Game and Bloodstained and neither were through major AAA mainstream publishers.
Anyway I'm waffling back to the topic at hand.  Occasionally I like to load up DOSBox and play some games from back when Windows was still seen as not overpowering and games needed sometimes black magic voodoo of config.sys and autoexec.bat shuffling to get sufficient memory to play the games.
Which was always a bit hit and miss.  Anyway onto my list...
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5.  Wing Commander (1992, Origin)
It was one of the first PC games I bought and it was on 3.5"  floppies.The prowess is simple you are a pilot onboard the TCS Tiger's Claw and you and normally a computer partner are sent out to combat the ongoing threat of the Kilrathi.
Basically it's a space flight/dogfighting simulation.  The game has some good writing and actions do have consequences in the narrative.
I admit I was not great at the game but it was fun never the less.
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4.  Legend of Kyrandia : Book 1 (1992, Westwood Studios)
This was a point and click adventure.  It's the first in a trilogy of  the Kyrandia games.  Malcolm an evil jester who has been confined for years for murdering your parents has escaped and is systematic destroying Kyrandia.
You play Prince Brandon, grandson of Kallak and basically after Malcolm turns your grandfather to stone, the forest spirits ask you to stop Malcolm and restore the balance of the world.
Like most point and click games some of the puzzles can be a tad frustrating and unlike LucasArts games this one will kill your character, so save often. While the amount of deaths are not quite to Sierra levels of ridiculous.  You can do certain things that will kill you.  The most notorious for this is the second area cave maze where you need fireberries to advance and if they die or you walk into a dark room you will be instantly murdered.
Basically you need to restore the 4 gems of power to an amulet and then remove Malcolm and reclaim your kingdom.
Overall fun game if at times has you wandering around a lot.
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3.  Epic Pinball (1993, Epic MegaGames)
Epic Pinball is as the name suggests a set of various pinball tables to play.
The game came with 13 different themed pinball tables ranging from Crash and Burn to things such as Android and Deep Sea.
All the tables were top down scrolling pinball tables with all the usual ramps, targets and bumpers.  It was a pretty slick moving affair and is still considered as quite an exceptional pinball game.
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2.  Micro Machines (1994, Codemasters)
Now obviously many consider the best versions of Micro Machines to be either the NES version or the Genesis version but to be honest the PC version was to be honest the one I played the most.
If you have been living in a hole in the ground under a rock basically Micro Machines was a top down racing game where you drove around specific tracks such a dinner tables and more.
Micro Machines were an actual toy car set which was about an inch tall at best sold in many different versions sold by Galoob.
Obviously racing around the various environments such as desktops, gardens, and also the various vehicles from buggies, to helicopters and tanks and much more.  It was fun and fast.  If you managed to come first in 3 races in a row you got to drive the monster truck through a very twisty stage in a very limited time to try and get an extra life.
Principal was simple finish either first or second and you will survive and move to the next race.  Third or fourth lose a life ( you start with 3) and try again. There is also a challenge mode and a two player mode.  Basically this involves trying to get a screen ahead of your opponent.  You both start with four points and the idea is to get to eight on the scoreboard or complete 3 laps with the highest score.
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1.  Tyrian (1995, Epic MegaGames)
You play the role of Trent Hawkins a pilot sent out to investigate  the planet Tyrian.  Which in turn he gets embroiled in a war with Microsol.
Tyrian is a very colourful horizontal shooter with many levels, a full story and several hidden secret levels.The game is quick paced and fun and you can upgrade your ship between every level using the money you have collected through out the previous level.
Obviously certain upgrades can only be got by getting to the secret areas but that equally makes the game good for replay value.
The game has an amazing soundtrack and the levels are long enough to be interesting but never too long to be boring.
It's a game I absolutely adore and have played many times.  
Story mode is where the majority of the fun is however  there is an arcade mode (where power-ups  fall down the screen when certain enemies are shot as opposed to buying and upgrading like the main game)  also a 2 player mode where you control two halves of a ship.
Highly recommended... Obviously Tyrian 2000 came out and added a fifth chapter bit it was not as good as the previous ones...
In 2007 Jason Emery released the game as open source so OpenTyrian is available on many platforms.
Well what are your favourite DOS games ? Let me know.... 
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boxartcomparisons · 5 years
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Box art comparison (US/EU): The Legend of Kyrandia: Book 3: Malcolm's Revenge.
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the-marshmallow · 6 years
I'm sick with cold and bored out of my mind, so wanted to share some stories. There's this post going around about the first games ppl played as kids. Made me nostalgic :) So here's some facts about my gaming youth:
1. I didn't have a console because of my step-dad being religious fanatic and we didn't have a PC because we were poor af. But I had a friend whose dad wasn't exactly rich but he worked in law enforcement structure and had access to cool stuff. They had a PC and the first game me and my friend played was The Legend of Kyrandia. We never really finished it bc it was too hard for like 6-7 year-olds, but we loved it to bits (no pun intended) and roleplayed characters when not at her place. She was Zanthia, I was Brynn.
2. On her birthdays we played HOMM 1, then HOMM 2, then HOMM 3 with five more friends on one PC. For hours. No party or cake were needed, we were happy!
3. When Half-Life was released I spent a few days at her place playing it in turns with her cool dad. While one was playing, the other was watching, eating snaks and waiting for their turn. Not sure I talked to my friend at all during that :)
4. I played ungodly amounts of Counter-Strike when in middle school. Well, instead of school actually, skipping in a small gaming club in the basement of a block nearby. God, I was good at it! Always on top of frags tab. Once I decided to prove myself and went to another club which was just across the street of Police Academy and students were coming there to play. I was top player in my team, a guy nicknamed Fanta was the leader of the opposite team. After my time was up I went to look for him. He was a young man in his twenties. I was a 14yo tiny blond girl. He was shocked. It was my finest hour as a gamer! :))
5. Maybe a year later my granddad bought me a PC, but my access to it was limited bc of the religious freak of a step-dad. That's when I got into Tomb Raider series. I played when nobody was home and learned to turn off PC in like 15 seconds after out intercom did that tiny beep announcing someone was coming and before they came through the door. Lara Croft was my main role model when growing up.
That's it :) Feel free to share your gaming stories!
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thaithanhbinh · 4 years
Số phận 12 studio game lớn nhất sau khi bị mua lại giờ ra sao?
Tuy nhiên, nhìn lại những thương vụ mua bán studio trong lịch sử thì đã có rất nhiều trường hợp các studio này thay đổi một cách rõ rệt, theo chiều hướng tốt hơn cũng có mà xấu đi cũng có. Sau đây là danh sách 12 thương vụ mua lại các studio game lớn nhất và điều gì đã xảy ra sau đó.
EA mua lại Maxis (1997) | 125 triệu USD
Trước khi mua: The SimCity là một tựa game đã gặt hái những thành công về thương mại lẫn hình ảnh cho hãng game Maxis. Thế tuy nhiên, từ đó họ cũng không thể vượt qua được cái bóng của bản thân, kết quả là công ty ngập tràn trong nợ nần và buộc phải bán lại cho EA.
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Sau khi mua: Tựa game The Sims là một trong thành công vang dội nhất của đội ngũ Maxis lúc bấy giờ, họ tích cực đầu tư và phát triển cho những hậu bản và mở rộng cho tựa game. Spore thì cũng tốn một quãng thời gian dài để phát triển, nhưng đến khi ra mắt thì lại chưa được người chơi nhận xét cao. Will Wright cũng theo đó mà rời Maxis.
Darkspore sau đó được phát hành, vì một lý do nào đó… Còn công ty thì vẫn đang đổ dồn công sức vào công cuộc vắt sữa The Sims. Một phiên bản mới của SimCity xây dựng thương hiệu, nhưng lại vấp phải những trắc trở về lỗi server và doanh thu thì cũng không đạt yêu cầu. Kết quả là EA đã đóng cửa Maxis nhánh Emeryville và điều động nhân viên từ công ty này về làm việc ở mảng EA Mobile. Maxis đến nay vẫn đang tiếp tục phát triển The Sims 4 và những bản mở rộng.
EA mua lại Westwood Studios (1998) | 123 triệu USD
Trước khi mua: Westwood là hãng game đã làm nên những tựa game kinh điển như The Legend of Kyrandia, Dune 2, và cả series Command and Conquer. Không những thế, Blade Runner cũng là một thành công vang dội của Westwood. (Họ còn là nhà phát triển của tựa game siêu khó Lion King nữa, nói chung là cũng có số má đấy).
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Sau khi mua: Westwood tiếp tục mang đến những phiên bản tuyệt vời tiếp theo cho series Command and Conquer, nhưng lại thất bại thảm hại với Renegade và tựa game MMO Earth and Beyond. Vì thế EA sau đó cũng giải thể Westwood luôn.
Microsoft mua lại Ensemble Studios (2001) | Không tiết lộ mức giá
Trước khi mua: Ensemble là cha đẻ của series Đế Chế huyền thoại đã làm mưa làm gió ở những phòng net một thời. Những hậu bản cũng như mở rộng của tựa game cũng mang đến những thành công tiếp nối, giúp cho Ensemble có cơ hội được phát triển một phiên bản Star War RTS từ tựa game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, được phát hành cùng năm mà Microsoft mua lại Ensemble. Tuy không được yêu thích quá nhiều nhưng vẫn mang lại doanh thu khá tốt cho hãng game.
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Sau khi mua: Age of Mythology ra đời và tức tốc trở thành một tượng đài, bản mở rộng The Titans cũng nối gót gặt hái những thành công. AOE 3 thì vẫn cứ thế mà thống lĩnh thị trường. Ensemble sau đó cũng được giao nhiệm vụ phát triển một tựa game RTS độc quyền cho hệ máy Xbox sử dụng bối cảnh của Halo. Đó cũng là lúc Microsoft thông báo Ensemble sẽ giải thể sau khi hoàn tất tựa game này. Tựa game đó là Halo Wars, được giới phê bình nhận xét cao vào thời điểm phát hành và tất nhiên là doanh thu cũng rất tốt.
Activision mua lại Treyarch (2001) | 20 triệu USD
Trước khi mua: Treyarch đã phát triển một vài tựa game về bộ môn Hockey và bóng chày được phát hành bởi EA. Họ cũng là nhà phát triển của tựa game Die by the Sword, một tựa game mang lại một cách chơi khá mới mẻ khi người chơi được điều khiển vũ khí một cách độc lập bằng chuột. Tuy nhiên, nó lại không tìm được một lượng người chơi đủ lớn để mang lại thành công.
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Sau khi mua: Activision đã biến Treyarch trở thành một hãng game của những thương hiệu, bao gồm Spider-man (dựa trên bộ phim năm 2002), Minority Report: Everybody Runs, và Kelly Slater’s Pro Surfer. Sau đó, Treyarch bắt đầu dấn thân vào thương hiệu Call of Duty khi tham gia phát triển Big Red One và Call of Duty 3. Những tựa game khác cũng được phát triển song song như hậu bản của Spider-man, 007: Quantum of Solace. Với Call of Duty: World at War, Treyarch mới thật sự được biết đến rộng rãi, những bản zombie bí mật trong World at War là một điểm nhấn rất tinh tế và sáng tạo. Series Black Ops cũng rất thành công như anh em đã biết. Treyarch hiện đang đảm nhiệm vị trí phát triển tựa game Call of Duty phiên bản Black Ops – Cold War tiếp theo.
Microsoft mua lại Rare (2002) | 375 triệu USD
Trước khi mua: Rare bắt đầu là một hãng game chuyên làm game thương hiệu cho hệ máy NES. Với việc kết hợp với Nintendo, Rare đã tạo ra mắt Donkey Kong Country và mang lại nhiều thành công vang dội. Rare sau đó còn làm nhiều game khác đã đi vào huyền thoại của những anh em chơi Gameboy. Chuyện tình với Nintendo tiếp tục với những tựa game như Killer Instinct, Blast Corps, hay con game Goldeneye 007 huyền thoại. Cùng với những thành công vang dội tiếp theo như Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie,.. nhưng vì lý do nào đó mà Nintendo vẫn không chịu mua lại hãng game này.
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Sau khi mua: Sau khi bị mua lại bởi Microsoft thì Rare có lẽ đã đánh mất bản thân mình, lần lượt cho ra mắt những tựa game như Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Perfect Dark: Zero and Kameo: Elements of Power, dù cho có doanh số tốt nhưng không thật sự ấn tượng. Rare bắt đầu chuyển qua phát triển những tính năng lạ cho hệ máy Xbox, như Xbox Avatars, Project Spark hay Kinect Sports. Sea of Thieves là tựa game lớn đầu tiên mà Rare phát triển sau một khoảng thời gian dài, đó là lúc họ tìm lại được chính mình. Hiện nay thì Rare vẫn đang tiếp tục update cho Sea of Thieves cũng như tăng diện tích một tựa game hành động phiêu lưu mới là Everwild.
Warners Bros. mua lại Monolith Productions (2004) | Không tiết lộ mức giá
Trước khi mua: Trước đây thì Monolith đã thử qua rất nhiều những thể loại game khác nhau, và cuối cùng họ đã tìm đến thành công ở thể loại FPS với tựa game Blood. Hàng loạt những dự án khác nhau được ra mắt như Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, một tựa game lấy cảm hứng từ bối cảnh máy móc, nhìn cứ như một bản hoài cổ của tựa game TitanFall vậy. Kể từ đó thì nói tới FPS thì phải nói tới Monolith, với những tựa game sau đó cũng liên tục mang về những thành công. Sau đó thì họ bắt đầu bắt tay với Warners Bros. để phát triển The Matrix Online.
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Sau khi mua: The Matrix Online nhận được nhiều ý kiến trái chiều đến từ phía phê bình, Warner Bros. sau đó bán thương hiệu F.E.A.R vốn rất thành công cho Monolith. Tuy nhiên thì khi tựa game được phát hành, nó không thật sự thành công như mong đợi. Monolith sau đó cũng sửa sai với F.E.A.R 2 với doanh thu ấn tượng. Nhưng lại tiếp tục sa sút với tựa game miễn phí Gotham City Imposter. Nhưng một lần nữa với kinh nghiệm và một chút thay đổi trong suy nghĩ, họ đã cho ra hai siêu phẩm là Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor và Shadow of War.
Microsoft mua lại Lionhead Studios (2006) | Không tiết lộ mức giá
Trước khi mua: Black & White là tựa game đầu tay của Lionhead, và nó đã nhận được nhiều lời khen ngợi cũng như thành công về mặt doanh số. Sau đó thì Fable trở thành con át chủ bài của studio này. Từ những năm sau đó thì họ có làm thêm Black & White 2 và The Movies nhưng không được thành công cho lắm, khiến Lionhead phải đối diện với vấn đề về tài chính.
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Sau khi mua: Fable 2 ra mắt, bán khá chạy và được game thủ đón nhận. Fable 3 được pht1 triển trong vòng 18 tháng và doanh số không được như kì vọng, giới phê bình thì chê nội dung không được phong phú. Lionhead có thực hiện một vài dự án Kinect, bao gồm Milo & Kate (đã bị hủy) mà sau này được “hóa kiếp” thành Fable: The Journey. Trưởng studio là Peter Molyneux, cùng với một vài nhân viên kỳ cựu của Lionhead, đã từ chức. Fable Legends bắt đầu được phát triển, và đây cũng là tựa game trực tuyến đầu tiên của Lionhead. Tuy nhiên, dự án sau đó bị hủy và Lionhead đã đóng cửa vĩnh viễn.
EA mua lại Bioware (2007) | 775 triệu USD
Trước khi mua: Bioware đã tạo dựng được danh tiếng của riêng mình – 1 trong những nhà phát triển game nhập vai xịn sò nhất với nhiều tựa game thuộc hàng kinh điển như Baldur’s Gate, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect.
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Sau khi mua: Nhà sáng lập Bioware rời khỏi studio. Series Dragon Age vẫn giữ lại những nhân vật trứ danh, nhưng lại thiếu chiều sâu và sự sáng tạo như những phần trước. Bộ 3 phần Mass Effect đầu tiên có một kết thúc đầy tranh cãi. Bioware khai tử một vài câu chuyện trong Star Wars: The Old Republic. Mass Effect Andromeda thì là một bước thụt lùi so với 3 phần đ���u. Anthem thất bại thảm hại vì cơ chế loot đồ không có chiều sâu, còn môi trường và cốt truyện của game thì lại chưa được như mong đợi. Tuy nhiên, vẫn có một tin vui là Bioware xác nhận sẽ có Dragon Age 4.
EA mua lại PopCap Games (2011) | 750 triệu USD
Trước khi mua: PopCap là hãng đã làm ra khá nhiều game vui nhộn, đơn giản, thú vị cho những người tiêu dùng. CÓ thể kể đến các tên nổi bật như Bejeweled, Peggle, Peggle Nights, và Plants vs. Zombies. Những game này đều không có cơ chế bán vật phẩm (microtransactions).
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Sau khi mua: Plants vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time chỉ ra mắt trên nền tảng mobile, và tuy là game miễn phí nhưng anh em sẽ phải cày cuốc rất nhiều để nâng cấp và mua thêm đồ. Peggle 2 thì không ra mắt trên PC, Peggle Blast thì là game di dộng với cơ chế bán vật phẩm “hút máu” game thủ, và cũng như Plants vs. Zombies 2 thì game này không hề được game thủ đón nhận nồng nhiệt cho lắm. Plants vs. Zombies thì được chuyển thành series Garden Warfare cho PC với gameplay bắn súng góc nhìn thứ 3 – tuy phức tạp hơn phiên bản đầu tiên của PopCap nhưng nhìn chung thì vẫn vui, vẫn mang tính giải trí cao.
Microsoft mua lại Mojang (2014) | 2,5 tỷ USD
Trước khi mua: Minecraft đã là tựa game quy mô nhất nhì luôn rồi. Tuy nhiên vì studio Mojang không đủ nguồn lực nên khó có thể đem game này lên các nền tảng khác và cũng khó mở rộng Minecraft với nội dung mới. Dù vậy, Minecraft luôn là một tựa game cực kì nổi tiếng.
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Sau khi mua: Ban đầu thì nhiều người e ngại rằng Microsoft sẽ chỉ phát hành Minecraft trên PC và Xbox, nhưng game vẫn được hỗ trợ trên các nền tảng mobile, PS4, và Nintendo Switch. Thậm chí, phiên bản Java vẫn tiếp tục được hỗ trợ, và đây là một tin vui cho các modder. Microsoft đã kết hợp các studio của mình với Mojang để làm được các bản spinoff, ví dụ như Minecraft Dungeons, Minecraft Earth, và Minecraft phiên bản Hololens.
Sega mua lại Relic Entertainment (2013) | 23 triệu USD
Trước khi mua: Dưới quyền kiểm soát của doanh nghiệp mẹ THQ, Relic thường xuyên tung ra một số game chiến thuật thời gian thực (RTS) với gameplay tuyệt vời, bao gồm: series Homeworld, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War và các bản mở rộng, Dawn of War 2, và Company of Heroes. THQ bị phá sản và phải bán Relic cho Sega. Homeworld thì được đem bán riêng cho Gearbox trong một cuộc đấu giá.
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Sau khi mua: Khi Company of Heroes 2 ra mắt thì không được nhiều người ủng hộ cho lắm, giới phê bình thì chê AI kém thông minh và chế độ chơi chiến dịch thì có tiết tấu chưa phù hợp. Dawn of War 3 là một tựa game RTS chơi ổn nhưng cốt truyện thì chả có gì đáng nhớ. Hiện Relic đang phát triển Age of Empires 4.
EA mua lại Respawn Entertainment (2017) | 315 triệu USD
Trước khi mua: Cả 2 phần Titanfall đều được phát hành bởi EA và được khen ngợi rất nhiều, tuy nhiên doanh số lại không được như mong đợi.
Sau khi mua: Được xây dựng dựa trên vũ trụ và cơ chế bắn súng của Titanfall, Apex Legends đã nhanh chóng thu hút được lượng lớn người chơi, ngay cả những lúc PUBG, Fortnite đang tung hoành ngang dọc trên thị trường. Apex Legends thường xuyên nhận được các bản cập nhật và các mùa giải mới, và lượng người chơi cũng đang ổn định. Đã có một studio mới được thành lập tại Vancouver để giúp cho việc phát triển và hỗ trợ game này.
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Tiếp đó là Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, và game đã thành công về mặt doanh số lẫn gameplay. Ngay sau đó thì Respawn đã bắt tay làm phần tiếp theo. Ngoài ra thì Respawn còn bắt tay vào dự án Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond dành cho kính thực tế ảo Oculus và SteamVR.
Nguồn PC Gamer biên dịch Gearvn
TOP game di dộng miễn phí thịnh hành trên App Store Việt Nam cuối tháng 9/2020
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Bài viết Số phận 12 studio game lớn nhất sau khi bị mua lại giờ ra sao? đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Đồ Chơi Công Nghệ.
source https://dochoicongnghe.com.vn/so-phan-12-studio-game-lon-nhat-sau-khi-bi-mua-lai-gio-ra-sao-22220.html
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linuxgamenews · 4 years
FoxTail due to release new Chapter next week
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FoxTail point and click adventure game will receive Chapter 3 on May 7th for Linux, Mac and Windows PC. Thanks to the evolving effects of developer Gingertips Game Studio. Due to make it's debut on both Steam and GOG. FoxTail is a retro point and click adventure. Which follow the quest of Leah the fox to save her grandmother. Two of the game’s eight chapters are available now on Steam and GOG. Chapter 3 is due to release on May 7th as a free update. So if you already own the game. You'll be one of the first to experience the new part of the story. If you know FoxTail, this is a classic point and click quest. One that also takes inspiration from the adventure games of the mid-‘90s. It brings back those sweet childhood memories. Such as the summer break has just started. Watching the sunrise, while breathing the cool morning air. And the world around is full of secrets.
FoxTail gameplay trailer (Early Access)
What features make the game special:
Back to the 90s! Foxtail is a retro point and click adventure. Which also includes a classic The Legend of Kyrandia and Monkey Island feel to it.
An exciting and heartwarming story of Leah the Fox. Since Leah’s ordinary trip to the countryside turns into a coming of age journey to find a cure for her grandmother.
Charming looks. Foxtail is full of carefully created pixel graphics. Besides that, there are lots of cute details and smooth animations. Just look at that sunset!
Complex puzzles with a variety of solutions. The game’s puzzles truly challenge your imagination! So you don’t have to follow the one “right” way. As a result, almost every puzzle offers different solutions.
The long and winding road. Foxtail offers 8 chapters of classic adventure.
FoxTail is in Early Access now for Linux, Mac and Windows PC. Priced at $9.99 USD. The full game will consist of 8 chapters. Available now on Steam and GOG.
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koney-scanlines · 8 years
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LEGenD of KYRAndia - Hand of FAte Pt#3
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retrocgads · 6 years
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USA 1994
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yannosh51-blog-blog · 4 years
Live / Let's Play Amiga - The Legend Of Kyrandia Part 3 (jeu d'aventure - FR)
Live / Let’s Play Amiga – The Legend Of Kyrandia Part 3 (jeu d’aventure – FR)
#Amiga #16bit #Aventure
Voici la suite de cette formidable aventure, contenue à l’origine sur neuf disquettes ….
The Legend of Kyrandia, (more…)
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Mit einem Stück Käse von Zanthia wirst du zurück verwandelt. Lege den Samen unter den Steinhaufen. Alle sind ausgesprochen freundlich zu ihm und sind froh, dass er da ist. Hier musst du etwas aufpassen. Das Mimenkostüm erscheint dazu ideal.
Name: kyrandia 3 Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 40.5 MBytes
Auf diese Weise sollte es dir gelingen an 6 Edelsteine zu kommen. Brandon, der Enkel von Kallak, findet diesen in seinem Baumhaus in Stein verwandelt vor. Auf der Müllhalde angekommen gilt es möglichst schnell so viele Gegenstände wie möglich mitzunehmen, bevor Buddy ykrandia verscheucht. Du kannst damit jetzt jeden in eine Maus verwandeln. Legend of Kyrandia 1, The.
Spieledatenbank – The Dream Machine. Gehe wieder zur Müllhalde und hole dir einen weiteren krummen Nagel und verbinde ihn mit der Nuss am Faden zu einer primitiven Angel.
Zieh die Stiefel wieder aus und springe ins linke Fass.
Spieledatenbank – Lamplight City. Malcolms ständiger Begleiter ist die böse Seite seines Gewissens, Gunther. Gehe zur Stadtmanege, lege alle unnötigen Sachen kyranida und kyrandiq den Portaltrank, um zur Katzeninsel zu kommen. Um die Textausgabe lesen zu können, müsst ihr in den Spieloptionen die Sprachlautstärke runter- und den Sprachtext hochstellen.
The Legend of Kyrandia
Gehe nun zum Dock und angle 3 Aale. Duke wird ihn daraufhin einbuddeln. Den Aal kannst du dir wie gewohnt angeln, Sesamsamen gibt es in der Molkerei. Kyrandis berichtet dir, dass kyranndia eine königliche Seance abhalten kannst, indem du 7 Leute, die sich wünschen, dass der Verstorbene zurückkehrt, ein Bild von diesem und etwas Altes zusammenführst.
Stecke danach einen Aal in die Kapuze und warte, bis der Mime im Stadtbad verschwindet.
The Legend of Kyrandia 3 – Spieledatenbank – Adventure Corner
Der Geist des Königs erscheint und vertreibt die neue Königin. Die Unterwelt Wir lassen die Königin gewinnen und erzählen ihr wie gut sie doch ist. Eine Besonderheit gegenüber kommerziell erfolgreichen Konkurrenzprodukten war die stark vereinfachte Steuerung der 33 Zieh dir die Flossen an und benutze das Bungeeseil an der Öse.
Folge am besten die Karte, um dich zu orientieren. Du findest sie in der Stadthalle, die nur noch über den Keller erreichbar ist.
Wir gehen zum Kliff kyrandiq werden Gefangen genommen. Doch aufgrund von Problemen mit dem Papierkram vermutlich weil er noch gar nicht gestorben istmuss ktrandia zurück in die Welt der Lebenden.
Mär Need for Speed – Payback: Die anderen Sachen kannst du hier erst einmal ablegen, um Platz im Inventar zu schaffen. Gehe durch die Iyrandia im Keller in die Stadthalle und benutze das Sandwich mit der Stimme der Vernunft, die daraufhin zum Leben erwacht und verspricht deine Gerichtsverhandlung zu leiten.
Selbst einfachste Redewendungen wie You are welcome Bitte, gern geschehen wurden völlig falsch übersetzt Du bist willkommen. Zeitgenössische Rezensionen in Fachmagazinen waren in der Regel von sehr positiven Wertungen dominiert, in denen insbesondere Grafik und Musik gelobt wurden. Anmelden Name Passwort [ Registrieren Passwort vergessen?
Sammle die Juwelen ein und gehe zurück zu Fluffy. Schnell leveln und XP farmen Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2. Das Mimenkostüm erscheint dazu ideal. Nun, da Malcolm endlich all diese Strapazen hinter sich hat, kann er sich endlich hinlegen und ein Nickerchen machen.
Zieh dir unter dem Ende die Ente an und pumpe die Blume mit der Luftpumpe auf. kyrancia
Am Ende der Welt
Schwebe mit dem Schirm zweimal am Felsen entlang nach furchtbar weit unten. Komplettlösung Legend of Kyrandia 3 Weiter mit: Frage danach den Hundkutscher nach einer Mitfahrgelegenheit auf kyrandua Wagen klicken. Wir gehen kyrandoa Stadtmanege und nehmen den Nagel aus der Tribüne.
The post KYRANDIA 3 DOWNLOADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/kyrandia-3-86/
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shionch · 6 years
Mention some of your favourite videogames please
Oh boy, you have asked The Question! I’m a major video games nerd, and there are so many I love… if I had to choose a single one, I’d implode from the pressure.
This post is going to be LONG (sorry), so I’ll put the most important part first: currently, I am in the process of making a game of my own. It takes ages because other than a couple of people who helped me out with music and sound, I’m pretty much on my own. But we’ll get there eventually, just you wait. The working title is City Under Siege, and it’s a visual novel mixed with strategy and dating sim elements. Basically, you play as a General who arrives to save the besieged city, you meet local resindents, you investigate who started the war and why, etc, and naturally you can fall in love with almost any of the characters you meet, including the enemy general. I’m so excited to write that game!
(ask me at cityundersiege-vn for progress updates if you’re interested, we have a playable demo and everything)
Now, on to the actual games I play… putting that under the cut, because the post is super long, and I don’t want to clutter anyone’s dashboard too much.
My absolute favorite series has to be the Sims, The Sims 2 and The Sims 4 in particular. TS2 allows virtually unlimited control when you create your character’s face, something the latter games lack; the animations quality is also top-notch, the smallest things like getting in/out of the car, taking the frying pan out of the kitchen drawer, all kinds of things are animated. The Sims 3 is a step back in that regard, although it offers some spectacular building tools, probably the best in the series, but I don’t really like building stuff. So. Currently, TS2 cannot be run properly on my computer, so I’m playing TS4 which is actually good, it had body diversity and trans gender options (that last part solidified my love for it).
There is one sims family I’ve been playing for 9 years, almost a decade. Five generations with an accompanying story. I love them so much, they’re like my own family at this point.
I love BioWare games for their intricate stories and quality writing.
Jade Empire is the best in that regard, the story is rich and complex, all the choices are truly difficult because they all have moral reasoning behind every option. The music, the colorful graphics, everything in that game is so enjoyable! I would sell my soul for a good sequel tbh.
Dragon Age 2 is one of my all-time favorite games, again, for its writing. Sure, it’s a little unpolished in parts, but ultimately, I find the story very nuanced and multi-faceted. It shows how true evil can hide behind benevolence, and the finale is tragic and brilliant in that tragedy.
Mass Effect trilogy is pretty good, although I usually prefer fantasy to Sci-Fi. It raises some interesting questions, especially ME3, regarding sentience and how far “the good guys” are willing to go for survival, what makes us people, etc. When I watched that recent “Annihilation” movie, I kept thinking I saw those themes explored in Mass Effect, lol.
I love visual novels, too! One VN that I cannot recommend enough is Solstice by MoaCube. IT IS SO GOOD. Brilliant writing that keeps you on the edge of your seat, the intrigue, the moral complexity, and of course the stunning art… one of my favorite games ever, definitely! I especially love the Kala subplot there: a knowledge so powerful, even asking too many questions about it can drive you mad…
Coming Out On Top is a really fun game, as well as Dream Daddy. Both are gay VNs, and both have interesting characters and hilarious cutting-edge humor. The light tone, the lovely art, they’re the fluffy rom-coms you never knew you needed until you played them.
Most Choice of… games are fun if you like text games (which I do). They’re more like interactive novels, really. My favorites are Zombie Exodus; Affairs of the Court: Choice of Romance; Pendragon Rising.
Oh, I also love old adventure games like Sierra’s and Lucas Arts’ ones, and recently Telltale. The Day of the Tentacle and the Monkey Island series were a big part of my childhood, they helped me learn English, and overall they’re just very fun, witty, beautiful games. The remastered versions are even available for mobile phones, I think.
Technobabylon and Shardlight are great adventure games. Powerful emotional stories. A must-play if you like adventure games and/or cyberpunk.
The Legend of Kyrandia series is one of my favorites, too. The second game in the series, Hand of Fate, is probably the best one due to its humor and the peculiar game mechanic where you get to make magic potions.
I’ve recently played Expeditions: Viking, and while it might be not my favorite game yet, the start is rather promising. It has its problems, which I’m not sure I should focus on. It’s time-consuming due to its tactical focus, a single fight takes 10 minutes at the very least. I haven’t managed to finish it yet, but the beginning of the game looks promising.
When it comes to strategies, I love Age of Mythology and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic. Don’t let the titles confuse you, they’re completely different games. AoM is a real-time strategy, while AoW:SM is turn-based. In AoM, you meet a wonderful Queen Amanra (incidentally voiced by the same voice actress who plays Meredith in Dragon Age 2) and travel through Ancient Greece, Egypt, Norse lands, and in the latest DLC even China. Very fun. In AoW:SM, you play as a wizard in a war against shadow demons; not much in terms of story, but the soundtrack is one of the best I have ever heard in my life!! I even bought it separately, which I never do. That music is so good, it’s a balm that cures a wounded soul.
I could go on and on, because I have barely scratched the surface of the games I love, these are the bare essentials… but this post is too long as it is.
Sorry for the late and disproportionally huge answer ^.^’
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