#Lemongrab 1
sourest-bones · 1 month
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I drew these as practice when i first started hyperfixing on the lgs so im just slapping all of them together as they are outdated to my current designs for one reason or another or theyre just wonky and not my best art. Posting anyways for the 2 other lg fans out there lol
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bastardopal · 9 months
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It's funny
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fhinni · 5 months
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... I've been wondering about the interaction between these two Lemongrabs...
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punkgears · 3 months
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fanon human designs for the lemongrabs!
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atla-recluse · 4 months
About That One Moment in "Another Five More Short Graybles":
Content warning: A few references to abuse and abuser-victim dynamics, plus some images/artwork that some may find very disturbing or triggering.
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I truly believe that this moment, and maybe more-so what likely happens after it, are the moment that solidified Lemongrab 1's complete shift into tyranny and unlimited cruelty. When I say that, I'm not just talking about the toy and his anger over it. It's not and was never (just) about the toy (seriously, this dude could and would have snapped over anything).
It's about OG LG's increasingly intense need for control over everyone and everything and his ever-growing layer of extreme rage over...stuff from the past...that is always there. Taking is a bit further, it's actually about how LG viewed himself and his impulsive/compulsive behavior at that point.
So, a lot of people seemed to have thought/still think that LG is lacking in self-awareness, but I think this couldn't be further from the truth. LG is hyper-aware of himself and his actions. He knows there's something "wrong" with him. He (and those around him) just don't know what. So everyone in and out of universe find it easier to just be vague about the problem or not touch it at all.
I'll tell you what I think is wrong with him though: He's can't figure out how best to showcase empathy with others, or even fully decide if he truly wants to at all, so he typically just chooses not to.
Wait, what? I'm actually arguing that LG1 is/was capable of empathy, you ask? YES I am. Because he was. The moments were small, but they were there and were very significant to those who care. OG LG had what I'd call "limited" empathy as well as "optional" empathy. He wasn't the best with others' emotions at initial meetings but he could understand concepts like that of insult, bonding (but couldn't do it himself at first) and not wanting to die or get hurt. (I might finish a post that explains some examples in the near future.) He also chose who it was he would bestow his empathy upon for random and not-as-random reasons. In this sense, he's not that different from many of us. I also feel as though he could have had his sense of empathy increased and smoothed out with proper nurturing. But as we all know, that didn't happen.
(Also, he seems to be naturally more persnickity and "intense/passionate" than others, including LG2 even. At least when it comes to his beliefs and convictions. People irl who are like that can imagine, because of how we sometimes come across to others, even if we're trying to change.)
Conclusion Expansion (1):
We see throughout his arc, that LG1 increasingly worsened over time. Not solely though. For a blip of a period, he seemed to be improving, happy even. That period was of course when he was still close with LG2. Then, the fight happened.
It was so violent, even without showing us the gore. I'm actually a little shocked that there are people who think that scene is mainly or even only hilarious. It's terrifying to me whenever I see it, to the point where I often prefer to avoid it. That scene, to me, was yet another example of how much of an abuser LG1 has become, since his physical or emotional abandonment and/or since his creation. Is that obvious yet? LG1 was not just "lol random11!! hahaha craziiii!". He was insanely abusive. He was arguably abused himself, but that doesn't change the fact that he was an abuser, too. He even showed all the classic signs of an abuser as far back as "You Made Me" but, really, it was truly first shown in "Too Young".
Slight (Noteworthy) Sidetrack:
His brother (Which I think was meant to be seen as being to LG1 whatever you wanted to see him as, homophobes!) along with Lemonhope, got the worst of it and perfectly illustrate two different types of lives and mentalities of many abuse victims. One becomes, in a way, very self-centered and wants to escape no matter what, but stops thinking about what the rest of his family may be going through, also. The other wants to help others going through the same and won't leave them behind until the they have escaped on some level, even if it kills him (assuming he had the option to leave). And tell we don't know plenty of irl examples where other families also went through an older sibling or partner taking advantage of and mistreating a younger sibling or partner. (Don't think too hard about the LG's being "brother-lovers", alright? It's all symbolic, anyway.) Now a big question I and likely others have is this: Is he really "just like that?" Frankly, I think he partially or fully either inherited it or learned it from his experiences. Or someone else... But I digress. So yeah, I don't believe LG was just/solely born that way. Something about him changed sometime after he was born, I feel. But again, I can't quite say what because it was left ambiguous.
Conclusion Expansion (2):
LG has always had issues with his view of self and it causes him much pain. He doesn't know how to express the problem, so he basically just spazzes out. He seemed to have improved once his brother/partner came along, but in fact, this was only an illusion. LG never properly healed from his trauma or bad habits, because no one—not himself and certainly not others—worked with him to treat and eventually heal that trauma and reverse those bad habits. (It doesn't mean they didn't want to, though.) It was only a matter of time before he lost it on his brother and people over something petty. Two beings can never be exactly the same anyway, "twin" or not.
When he attacked his best friend for the first time and in such a gruesome manner... Well...ask yourself how that scene probably continued for the two of them? We actually saw the least scary part. Here's what I now headcanon as being the "right after":
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(I'm not sure what the name of the artist who made this is. It's an amazing and very emotional piece, though.)
So with those awful images in mind, I think LG1 after devouring most of his own partner, may have paused for at least a moment, as LG2 managed to crawl away and look at him with such fear and hurt (perhaps looking like a reflection of himself) that LG1—if his self-awareness was on 100 that day—looked back at the mess he'd made of LG2's body and how their relationship would never be the same now, and decided "Haha wow...I AM a monsteerrrr!!!!". And from there, he decided to just lean into the persona completely. After all, what did he have to lose? What important figure in his life up to this point didn't see him that way, anyway? Now even the partner he once loved and who once loved him, did too. Might as well accept it and just solely act like what everyone already knows him to be. Which to LG means just act like his usual self, btw. Control freaks like him can only relax for so long...
It should also be noted that despite what we see LG1 do to LG2, that he doesn't completely devour him (why, we don't know) and that he gave him (likely created for him) a tool that would allow him to still move around and didn't give him a shock collar. So LG2 is still a cut above the others in LG1's mind, it seems, but that doesn't mean that things hadn't reached rock bottom for them. They just had further to go, is all. LG1 clearly no longer pedestalized LG2 anymore (and vice versa) and on some level likely blames LG2 for how he himself chose to react (pretty on-brand for both of them). Hence why, like some abusers, he seemed to now be withholding affection from LG2, wouldn't hear or accept LG2's own thoughts and opinions, (may have) starved him and why he pushed him down into and kept him in a subordinate position (something we once actually see him physically do to him at the dinner table).
And that, everybody, is why that scene in AFMSG is so significant; and imo, devastating.
Oh and here. Have another self-aware Lemongrab, far beyond post brother-attack:
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"Looking for something? Well, you found me; Fat Lemongrab. - Original Lemongrab
This wild lemon man knew he was the monster/villain of the story at this point. 🍋 🥲
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peachpaws0 · 2 years
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More of these color things since they r fun and easy to draw + the full page
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t4t-lumpygrab · 2 years
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IDs: a digital drawing of a two panel comic about Lemongrabs 1 and 2.  The room they are standing in has yellow peeling wallpaper, a single lightbulb, and a tiled floor. The first panel shows Lemongrab 2 wearing white pajamas, standing at a sink and yellow mirror on a blue floor towel. Lemongrab 1 is standing next to him with his back to them. He is shirtless and wearing just black pajama trousers, he is dripping wet and drying himself with a white towel. There is a faded scar on his chest. Lemongrab 1 is saying “You’re so lucky that you get to be a boy without having to do anything. I wish I could grow facial hair.” There is a smaller speech bubble that says “You’re so ungrateful.” in brackets.
The second panel is a closeup on Lemongrab 2 shaving and looking exasperated and uncomfortable. They’re saying “No you don’t. It looks awful and feels even worse.” ED. 
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thefunniestguy · 2 years
Golbetty or lemongrab 1 and 2 ? /nf
THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR SENDING THESE IN ,,,,, i've never drawn the lemongrabs i think , and i've never done more than a sketch for golbetty so i'm . aaaa /pos
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OH ALSO UH , fun fact , i drew the lemongrabs in the evelyn evelyn pose bc !! why not !!! i also took colors from the background / outfits of that cover :]!!
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mercurys-hatta · 2 years
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Oop, just realised I didnt post a SINGLE Lemongrab drawing on here smh
funny scream dude turns into a beast with metaphors 
NOTE: both castilian and latin american spanish voice actors could have screamed a tad louder and overall in a better tone but the voices are cool
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Lemongrab 1 and 2 from Adventure Time are queer!
dni link
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sourest-bones · 1 month
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Too young !! Too young to rule the kingdom !!
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bastardopal · 9 months
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yourfavwillpay · 1 year
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Earl of Lemongrab WILL pay!
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stickynotelemongrab · 8 months
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lemongrablothbrok · 10 months
So you know that bitchin' outfit Robert Plant wears in his fantasy sequence in The Song Remains the Same? With the big furry cape and the boots and the white pants and the white tunic with the belt over it?
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Yeah, that's the one.
So a while ago I was thinking about it and how, especially without the cape, the outfit vaguely reminds me of something. Like I've seen some nobility looking figure before, mounted on a horse or whatever and wearing a relatively simple, mostly white getup with boots and a belt. Who was it I was thinking of?
And then it hit me...
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Fuckin' Lemongrab 2. Robert's medieval fantasy attire (minus the cape) reminded me of Lemongrab 2. Because of course it fucking did.
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t4t-lumpygrab · 2 years
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 Realised I didn’t colour them in erm. lg2 is on the left.
ID: a comic about lemongrab 1 and 2 from Adventure time. They are both sitting on the floor, lg2 has an unfinished drawing next to him and lg1 is turned away from him, reading a book. Lg2 excited shakes his brother’s shoulder and says “Hey” lg1 looks over his shoulder with an annoyed “ngh?” The second panel is Lg2 touching his cheek nervously and saying “Can I tell you a secret?” Lg1 looks immediately interested and shuts his book hurriedly. The next two panels show Lg2 whispering into his brother’s ear while blushing. Lg1 listens and then looks shocked, dropping his book in surprise. The next panel shows lg2 putting his hands on his knees and smiling fondly with his eyes closed while lg1 shouts “The duke of nuts!” in shock, there is a headbust of the duke of nuts in his speech bubble. the duke of nuts is a humanoid creature with a walnut for a head who wears a beret. The next panel is lg1 asking “why?” with a somewhat judgemental face, and lg2 replying “he’s nice to me!”. The next panel shows lg1 scratching his head in surprise and saying “To think... the duke of nuts and my own brother.” Lg2 is smiling with his eyes closed, blushing slightly. The final panel shows Lemongrab 1 poking his sibling’s chin and asking “are you a lesbian?” while Lg2 shrugs. ED.
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