#Lenny and Esther
theresawritesstuff · 1 year
Maisel: An 18 year old Esther announces at Yom Kippur that she’s changing her last name to Weissman-Bruce. Chaos ensues.
So, little personal author fun fact... While my situation was different from Esther's growing up, I very likely would have taken my step father's family name had I not gotten married right out of high school. So stepfather/daughter stuff like this is definitely has a place in my heart.
Love the prompt! Enjoy the chaos ❤️
Yom Kippur 1976
"I changed my name."
The table fell silent for quite possibly the first time in family history. Certainly the first she could remember.
"What?" her mother asked finally, swallowing down her bite of food.
"I changed my last name. I'm not Esther Maisel anymore," she repeated.
More stunned silence followed.
"When?" Mama wondered.
"Just before fall registration. I had been thinking about doing it for a while and it seemed like as good a time as any. Save the hassle of changing it later with school records, signing up for classes, eventual diplomas…"
Papa Abe nodded sagely to himself at her logic. "I do not miss the clerical errors of academia. The number of spelling mistakes I caught at Columbia…"
Pop finally got over his shock enough to speak. Unfortunately.
"What do you mean you changed your name? You're a Maisel."
"Not legally anymore," Esther countered into her wine glass. "At least not according to a lot of paperwork I had to file."
"Don't get smart with me, young lady. This is serious," Pop warned.
"Too late," Chiam muttered under his breath, prompting his mother to choke back a barely stifled laugh.
"What'd she say?" Grandpa Moishe adjusted his hearing aid.
"Esther changed her name," Ethan replied casually, returning to his chicken.
He was the only one who wasn't surprised. 
Because he was the only one who already knew.
Grandpa Moishe nodded, satisfied with the answer. "Oh. Good for you, pumpkin."
"I always thought the matching sibling initials was a weird trend," Grandma Shirley chimed.
"So what are we calling you now? Deborah?" Grandpa asked.
Esther groaned. "God no, there's so many Debbies on campus already."
"Are you one of those transexuals, honey? Because we'll still love you no matter what," Grandma Shirley promised.
Ethan nearly spit his drink across the table, earning a pat on the back from Kitty beside him.
"Just as long as you don't go parading around in an ill fitting suit," Grandpa amended.
"Nope. Still Esther Grandma. Not that kind of name change," she replied.
"How do you two know what a transexual is?" Ethan wondered, fighting back a laugh.
Grandma Shirley's eyes lit up at the chance to tell the tale. "We saw that movie! The one with all the singing and the thrusting. It was very sparkly. I think there were aliens at one point?"
"I don't know. I fell asleep around when Meatloaf showed up," Grandpa admitted, unimpressed.
"We thought we were going to see that new boxing movie."
"It was not about boxing."
"The songs were catchy though!"
"Very catchy."
Susie barely concealed her amusement as she looked pointedly across the table at Mama.
"That's so going in your act," she muttered knowingly.
Mama gave her friend a look. It was true, but not the time.
"You can't just change your last name," Pop insisted indignantly.
Her stepfather scoffed. "Why not? I did."
"Stay out of this, Lenny," Pop barked.
"We're in my house," Lenny reminded him.
"And she's my kid," Pop spat back.
Lenny tossed down his napkin and started to stand, the limits of his patience finally reached.
"Oh shit," Uncle Noah breathed, preparing for a scuffle to break out and looking a bit too excited about it.
Mama put a hand on Lenny's arm in an attempt to keep the peace. "Joel–"
"I changed it to Weissman-Bruce," Esther blurted over the mounting chaos, bringing the table to another uncharacteristic standstill.
"What?" Pop looked like he might have an aneurism.
Esther turned at the awe in her stepfather's voice.
Lenny swallowed, his eyes getting misty as Mama squeezed his hand, looking between the two equally touched.
Oh shit. Of all the people she expected to cry during the course of this conversation, her money had not been on Lenny. 
Herself, maybe. 
Grandma Shirley had been the front runner. But Lenny…
"Cool. Welcome to Team Hyphen," her little sister Lilah quipped, looking up from her book.
Esther couldn't help the breathless laugh that escaped her. "Thanks Birdie," she whispered.
"We'll teach you the secret handshake later," Ari offered, earning himself a light smack on the back of the head from Mei.
He gave Esther a wink across the table all the same, the lovable little mensch.
She smiled and gave him a nod in agreement.
It would have been so easy to resent her half sibling, to blame him for the way her relationship with their father had disintegrated over the years, for taking him away from her and Ethan. 
But she was smarter than that. She'd learned pretty quickly that the kids aren't the ones responsible for their parents' choices. 
And frankly she'd take her little brother over Pop just about any day of the week these days.
"You traded my name for his?" Pop growled, gesturing derisively to Lenny.
Mei turned to glare at him. "Joel–"
But Lenny wasn't the only one done with putting up with Joel Maisel for the evening.
"For fucks sake Pop, not everything is about you!" she cried.
"Language, young lady," Grandma Shirley gasped.
She barely registered the rebuke, venting, "It's not like I'm the only one left to carry on the family name for the next generation or some bullshit. You've got two sons. That's their job!"
Ethan looked up mid-bite. "It is?"
"That and dispatching really big bugs," Kitty confirmed in mock sympathy.
"Esther!" Grandma Rose reprimanded.
She rolled her eyes. "Grandma please. I was raised by two of the most foul mouthed entertainers in the country and had Susie as one of my primary babysitters. That is not the worst thing that has been said by a member of this family by a longshot."
"Why am I getting dragged into this?" Susie wondered through a bite of kugel.
Ari looked up. "Wait, what's our job?"
"Procreation and extermination, apparently," Ethan chuckled.
"College first," Mei reminded him in a veiled warning.
"What brought this about?" Mama wondered gently.
Esther exhaled a sigh. "I just…I'm going to be a scientist someday. And Mama, as much as I respect the work you've done to build your career, I can't walk into every classroom, interview, and workplace and hear 'oh hey just like the foxy comedienne who tells all those dick jokes! Say, you kind of look like her too'. I just can't. It's already hard enough getting anyone to take me seriously. I have always been a Weissman anyway. Papa Abe has said so since before I could read. It will make things easier and it just…felt right. So I did it. I didn't know how to tell you before."
"It's okay sweetie," her mother reassured her, taking her hand.
"So why tack Bruce on the end? People know his name too, you know. Why not just leave it at Weissman?" Pop demanded.
Her mother glared at him.
"You wanna know why?" Esther laughed mirthlessly. "Because he's earned it. I've earned it. Lenny has been more of a father to me in the past 14 years than you ever have been."
"What are you talking about? I've been there for you!"
"You've been in Chicago on and off for almost my entire childhood!"
She shook her head, so fed up she wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh or cry.
"And you know what? I get it. You felt like you had to follow Mei when she got her residency because of true love or whatever and yeah Mei is amazing. I get you not wanting to give up on that. And then Ari came along and that made things complicated. I get that part now.  But as a little kid all I knew then was that Daddy left. Again."
To his credit, Pop did look genuinely pained by her reply. "I split my time as best I could..."
"For a while, yeah," she admitted. "But it only took a few years before it felt like you stopped trying. Even when you were here it never felt like you cared. You'd check in with Ethan but sometimes I wondered if you even remembered I was there. And don't say you didn't know how to talk to me because you never even tried. Meanwhile, Lenny…" 
She blinked back tears thinking about all this so openly. "God, even when he was going through hell fighting for his career, dodging obscenity convictions by the skin of his teeth, staying sober when it would have been so much easier to fall off the wagon, he always was there for us when we needed him. He always cared. Always. And he never once stopped trying to do right by our family. He's the one who actually taught me how to ride a bike instead of just saying 'here watch your brother do it'. He's the one who helped me with my debate homework when the thought of public speaking made me want to hurl and let me talk his ear off about music and dumb science fiction novels and what Karen said in home economics and didn't laugh when I had to wear headgear for six months. I had braces by the way. But you wouldn't know that because you ran off to Chicago and left us."
"I visited. I called. I'm here now. I–"
"So that just makes it all okay? I'm supposed to feel grateful? Honored to share your name because you decided to waltz back to New York now that Ethan's back stateside?"
She shook her head, getting up from the table.
"I'm still your father."
"No. No you're not."
"I need some air."
"Joel." Mei put a hand on his arm. "Let her go."
It was Susie who eventually broke the silence, reaching for another piece of challah.
"You guys always did know how to throw one hell of a break fast."
The fall air was a welcome reprieve from inside as she collected herself on the fire escape. 
"Room out here for one more?"
She smiled slightly as Lenny came to sit beside her on the cool metal.
They let the sounds of the city fill the silence between them, Esther eventually letting herself slump against his shoulder.
"I didn't mean to tell everyone like that. It just…" 
"It's okay, sweetie," he murmured, wrapping an arm around her.
She nodded, sniffling as she wiped at her face with the back of her hand. "I don't care what he thinks. As far as I'm concerned he lost his fathering privileges a long time ago."
"You're an adult now. You get to decide what your relationship with him looks like."
She nodded again. Somehow it didn't make her feel better.
"What you said back there…"
"I know you haven't always been perfect but at least you've always tried. You did the work. You never stopped trying to be there for us. And you've owned up to your mistakes. I don't think he's ever done that."
She swallowed, looking up at him shyly.
"Is…is it too late to ask if I can call you Dad?"
Lenny smiled softly, hugging her tighter. "You can call me whatever you want. But Dad would be pretty fucking great."
"I've wanted to for a long time," she admitted. "I did once. Not to you, just to myself for a little while. Trying it out in my head back when you and Mama first got married. I slipped up and called you dad when I was talking to him over about… I don't know, some plans we had for the weekend or whatever. He took it about like he did back there on a smaller scale. I still wanted to call you Dad but I was little and wasn't brave enough to stand up to him. I was afraid I'd slip up and set him off. I guess I grew out of that."
"You and your mother sure know how to throw down a tirade when someone pushes you hard enough, I'll give you that," he chuckled. "But I'm proud of you for standing your ground. I mean it."
"He just makes me so mad sometimes. The way he just pretends everything is fine and normal no matter how long it's been."
"Oh I get it." Lenny shook his head. "We've had a tenuous truce over the years for the sake of you kids but…"
He let out a sigh through his nose.
"For what it's worth, I've always considered you and your brother my kids, no matter what you called me. Just as much as Kitty and Lilah."
"I know."
"You gonna be okay?"
Esther nodded. "Yeah."
He leaned over to kiss her hair before getting to his feet. "Love you."
He paused at the window before climbing in.
"I'm not saying you have to forgive him or let him in your life in any capacity you don't want to…But try not to stay too mad at him forever. It's not good for your health."
She heaved a tired sigh, knowing he was right.
"Maybe just a little longer?"
Lenny chuckled. "Okay. You've earned it."
"Hey...Will you let me know when he's gone so I can have some honey cake?"
Lenny nodded. "I'll send someone out with a big slice in a few minutes. That way you don't have to fight Susie for the last bit."
She smiled genuinely at that.
"Thanks Dad."
Lenny nodded, looking a little watery again at hearing her say it. 
"No problem kiddo."
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“getting sleepy, aren't we?”
"No," Esther tells him petulantly, even though her head is resting on his shoulder. She's five, and too smart for her own good, but still just a little girl.
Midge is working, and Lenny is working on his book, watching the kids while Midge and her parents are all out for the evening. He thought he might hate this. Not being out there, working. Living.
But it feels good to just...take care of everybody. Be the dependable one.
"I think you might be," Lenny says gently, rocking her and rubbing her back.
"It doesn't matter if I sleep," Esther tells him. "What if the world blows up while I'm sleeping?"
"I promise," he says gently. "If I notice the world starting to blow up after you fall asleep, I will wake you."
"Pinky swear?" Esther asks, lifting her head and her hand.
He hooks his pinky with hers. "Pinky swear."
She huffs and slumps against him. "I...might be tired."
"Yes, I know," Lenny nods. He settles her down in her bed and helps her get under the covers. "How about this? You go to sleep now, and if the world remains intact overnight, you and I will hit the bakery for breakfast, and be the heroes of everyone's morning."
Esther considers that for a moment before nodding. "Deal."
"Good," he grins, leaning in to kiss her forehead. "Goodnight, darling. Sweet dreams. I'll be in the office if you need me."
"Night, Lenny," the little girl mutters, her eyes drooping.
Lenny grins and gets to his feet, flipping the light off as he leaves.
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pedroam-bang · 7 months
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The Young Pope (2016)
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Midge Maisel is a complicated character to me. I don't think I'll forgive her for what she did to Shy Baldwin, and I think her self centeredness is infuriating but I guess I want her to be happy so yayy Season 6 haha. It was no surprise to me that Esther and Ethan didn't enjoy her as a mother
Susie deserved everything and more for how hardworking and loyal she was. Literally no one hustled more than she did! I'm so happy she got her happily ever after
I guess Joel and Midge end up happy? I'm just glad that Mei had an abortion instead of tying herself to his loser ass. Honestly Joel and Midge deserve each other so it's for the best. Gordon Ford was hilarious and clearly Midge wasn't interested in being with him that way, Lenny Bruce has a tragic ending, and Benjamin straight up just deserved better so why not!
As for the side characters - Abe Weissman will forever be my favorite. He is probably the funniest person in the entire show. His interactions with Ethan and Esther this season cracked me all the way up. Plus his growth in recognising how unfair he had been to Midge growing up, brought me to tears! Rose was good to but have less to say about her.
Zelda's husband was my favorite this season's imply for telling Zelda to free herself from the Weisman chains!
Overall it was a great season but I'm still side eyeing all of Midge and Susan's big falling out. You can listen to more of our thoughts on YouTube! Lets us know what you think in the comments
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febookworm · 1 year
I have this theory regarding The Marvelous Mrs Maisel that I want to share:
In the flashforward we know that both Esther and Ethan have a difficult relationship with Midge and that she and Susie are no longer friends.
And... What if, because of Lenny's death, Midge became a bitter person, focused only on working ("Don't plan. Work hard, keep working), forgetting everything around her?
What if she never mourned for Lenny properly, because technically they never openely said they were friends/more than friends/more than a one time thing and because of all this unresolved situation she was bad and bitter with everyone?
Just my two cents on this
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theycallme-thejackal · 11 months
One MidgeLenny x TSwift Fic Per Day
189. Say Don't Go
(A very sad prequel to Make You Feel My Love. Thanks @wonderlandleighleigh for proofing and approving.)
She stands in the front hall with her suitcases.
It’s time to go. She’s spent too much time here away from her kids, away from her work. She’s done nothing but cook and clean and comfort him while he goes through withdrawal. Any more time away, and everyone will start to forget she ever existed.
But if he asked her not to go, she would stay forever.
But this man who she has loved for so very long, who just last night whispered the sweetest things she’s ever heard, cannot be what she needs. She’s so scared that if she stays, she will end up watching him fall back into the habits that killed him for three minutes just a month ago.
Ever since that night together in his very blue room, she’s known they were a shot in the dark. The odds of things working out between them were so very slim. Especially once she discovered his little black bag. The arrests, she can deal with. She has plenty of her own. But the drugs are too terrifying, a dark cloud that will hang over any relationship they attempt to pursue.
So she stands there, bags packed, and gazes sadly up at him. “Ethan and Esther go back to school on Tuesday, and they need me,” she murmurs. “And if I stay any longer, Susie’s going to come out here and drag me back by my hair.”
He nods in understanding, but she can see the sadness he’s trying to conceal, and all she wants him to say is Don’t go.
Say, “Don’t go.” Say, “Don’t go.” Say, “Don’t go.”
But he won’t. Because for all of Lenny’s faults, he has always put her above himself, has always wanted what’s best for her. So he’s silent, and she wants to scream because of it.
She moves to him, cupping his face in her hands and kissing him softly. “Last night was…perfect,” she whispers, just barely able to keep her tears at bay.
He nods, his hands just ghosting her hips as they stand there, neither one truly ready to let go. She sighs sadly and then indulges in one more kiss, this one deeper. His grip on her hips tightens just the slightest bit, and she strokes her fingers through his curls, not ready for it to end.
But it does. She returns to the ground from tiptoes and grazes her thumbs over his cheekbones before slipping out of his grasp and picking up her suitcase. She opens the door and stands halfway out of it before looking back at him, holding out hope for him to ask her to stay.
But he won’t.
He doesn’t.
“Bye, Lenny,” she breathes before closing the door behind her.
She manages to keep it together as she heads down the path to her waiting taxi, and once they make the turn off of his street, she finally lets the tears fall.
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writteninfire · 4 months
Fandom: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Pairing: Midge x Lenny / Midge Maisel x Lenny Bruce
Think comedy is a hard gig? Try being a parent.
Chapter 3:
Lenny smiled, in spite of everything. He was holding onto Midge's fears for her daughter, at the same time not wanting Esther to feel like she needed to be some kind of social butterfly just to get by in the world. Many things told him that was how Midge was taught to think, by virtue of being the female child in the Weissman family.
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Thoughts on Mrs. Maisel 5x01
- Esther reminds me a lot of her mother.
- Esther talking about Abe in the past tense 😭
- LOVED that Rose called Susie
- Susie getting out of bed was hilarious
- Abe and Susie -> the duo we all need
- these family dinners are so much fun 😂
- Midge, Abe and Joel at the table for kids 😂
- Rose claiming not to understand Midge because she’s too far away but hearing Abe clearly 😂😂
- Moishe and Shirley are getting what??
- the Susie and Mike scene at Gordon Ford 😂
- the Mei storyline was to be expected. glad we got to see her again though.
- i‘m also annoyed every single time we see joel on screen
- LENNY ❤️❤️
- not Till There Was You playing over the speakers at jfk 😭
- Kitty mention 🥺 so happy he gets to spend some time with his daughter
- “I’m not gonna blow it.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that.” 😭
-> i thought the episode was pretty good, my expectations were lower. there were some really fun scenes. can’t wait to watch the next two episodes.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
Just rewatched Trevor's Body because I'm waiting on Big Brother Live Eviction to start and I'm coming away with some thoughts:
It's really obvious that Hmoney was still a thing - Trevor looking at her when he says that thing about his Jaw & Hetty's the only one in every scene regarding getting his parents back together. Plus the whole 'who is Tara Reid' scene, where it's clear Hetty just wanted his attention. And His response saying that 'if he was ever in a long-term committed relationship that she was his celebrity out'.
Jay gives objections, but I appreciate that he gives in easily.
Sam is way on board almost instantly and I totally love it.
Also love how she starts thing with the uplifting possibilities but as Hetty points out, it doesn't finish with the happy possibility.
It's exciting to see the ghosts so happy about getting Trevor's parents back together - although Sass was oddly missing in the process.
It's clear that Isaac is the type that wants a high level relationship (as in doesn't need the physical) he wants the emotional relationship. Honestly, Isaac reads very ace here, he is clearly happy walking and talking and that's it.
THE GHOSTS ARE SUCH HYPOCRITES. They give Trevor such a hard time about wanting to watch livings do it, and then watch his parents??? LMAO. Hypocrites. Although I do love that Alberta watched just to make sure it happened for him. And Sam was actually interested - 'they look cozy'.
It's heartbreaking hearing Esther&Lenny's speech but interrupting with Tara Reid's whole thing was just ... ick to me. This isn't a party, this isn't place and I didn't find it funny or fair.
OTOH, SAM LEGIT BASICALLY SAID 'TREVOR IS HERE' - TALK TO HIM' and I ... love that. Like this is a moment which has happened before and after with the ghosts' families, but she's never been so direct with it. I mean - literally, she mineaswell have said 'I can see him - he here's and he's the reason for this whole thing'. And Esther and Lenny just rolled with it - they basically just start talking to Trevor as if he's there and it's so... touching.
Finally, I adore the 'I'll be the stand in mama bear' - I love Alberta&Trevor and this moment was as great as 'I'll watch a talkie with Trev' and Trevor supporting her in AF and I really, really would love more of it.
Side note - LOVE the scenes 'We're going to hell' & 'Our eight idiot kids'.
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theresawritesstuff · 2 years
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photo prompt
"You know these things are terrible for you, right?" Esther chided lightly, plucking the cigarette from his hand as he turned her around the dance floor.
Lenny chuckled. "Your brother didn't seem to mind."
"He just got married. He's preoccupied." She glanced over at Ethan as he spun his bride around on his arm. "Besides, if Mama hadn't talked him out of it we'd be having this reception in that dingie club downtown."
He smirked.
Midge had certainly had opinions on the wedding plans.
"I can think of worse venues. Why the sudden interest in my health? Thinking of ditching the law degree for a scalpel?"
"I just want to make sure you're still around and kicking when it comes time to walk me down the aisle."
Lenny blinked at his stepdaughter. "I... Es, you know I'd love to. But what about your dad?"
"You are my dad," she insisted. "Have been more than Pop ever has since I was two."
It was true, but for the sake of peace Lenny tried not to disparage Joel too much in front of the kids. Out loud...
"Besides, you're still taller than I am so I can wear heals if I want," she added flippantly.
Lenny smiled softly, kissing her forehead.
"Just tell me when to show and what to wear and I'm there, kiddo."
He smirked, retrieving the his cigarette from her as the song finished. "I take it that date Grandma Rose set up for you last month went well."
"Not that well," Esther laughed. "...His name is Tom. I'm not rushing off to pick a dress or anything. But I like him."
Lenny smiled, hugging her around the shoulders.."That's what counts."
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Maisel/Weissman’s over engineering how to pull one of the kids loose tooth out and say Lenny or someone being the only one the kid trusts
Hello, Sunshine, January 1964
The tug on his hand gets his attention, and Lenny looks down at his step-daughter curiously.
Esther looks nervous. Her little six-year-old face troubled.
He kneels down in front of her. "What is it, Darling?"
She takes a deep breath. "Lenny, Papa and Uncle Noah and Pop are talking about tying my tooth to a doorknob and then shutting the door and I'm scared."
Lenny frets along with her. "That is cause for concern, isn't it?"
Esther nods aggressively. "And Mama is working tonight on the show, and Softa is out, and Bubbe and Zeyde aren't here."
"Okay," he sooths, rubbing her arms comfortingly, kissing her forehead. "It's all going to be alright. How's the tooth feeling?"
"It's wiggly and it hurts," she pouts softly.
"Okay," he nods. "So here's what you do. I want you to wiggle it really, really hard with your tongue a few times, and then give it a good push, and do not swallow it when it falls out, okay?"
Esther nods firmly, does as she's told, and a few moments later, she spits out the tooth (and a little blood).
"There it is!" Lenny crows, grabbing a tissue from his desk and snagging the tooth from her. "The tooth fairy's gonna see this and be very impressed."
Esther beams at him. "It doesn't hurt anymore! It just feels funny!"
"That's normal," Lenny chuckles. "Let's get you some juice, and we'll show the brain trust in the living room so they can stop plotting your tooth's demise."
Esther smiles wider and hugs him. "Thank you. I was scared of the door slamming and hurting."
He kisses the top of her head and then scoops her up. "To the kitchen!"
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Making You Proud
For Ghosts Bingo @cbsghostsdaily
Prompt Trevor and Episode
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All Trevor ever wanted was to make his parents proud, when the conversation at the end of Trevor's Body goes a little differently, he finds the answer to getting sucked off and peace at last.
Trevor’s furious at Tara Reid after she interrupted his memorial and ruined the closeness that he worked so hard for to get his parents back together. 
“You haven't changed one bit.  Same old Lenny with the work calls and the wandering eye,” Esther says before taking off for the kitchen. 
Lenny chases after her and Trevor looks pleadingly to Sam. “Sam, you got to do something.  Get in there.”
Sam sighs before they follow his parents into the kitchen. 
“Maybe there's an innocent explanation for the whole business card thing,” Sam offers, feebly.  “Maybe Tara Reid is interested in wholesale lighting.”
Sam elbows Jay, who adds, “Yes, I... 'Cause I think she's a producer on those Sharknado movies, and they may have lighting needs.”
“Sharknado?” Esther questions clearly confused.  “What are you two talking about?”
Sam sighs.  “I saw you guys last night.  There was still a spark there.”
The look on his mom’s face says it all.  She doesn’t get what’s going on here because she doesn’t know he’s here.  “Why do you even care?  Who are you?”
Sam glances at him and he gives her a pleading look.  “Please, Sam…”
“Look, I know you said you felt Trevor's presence in that room,” Sam states and he wonders what she’s doing here.  She’s never suggested that one of the ghosts are actually around.  Was she going to reveal his presence?  “And what if you were right?  What if Trevor is here with us today?”  
Trevor can’t help the look he gives Sam, who gives him a little glance before adding, “My parents also got divorced, and I know I blame myself.  Maybe Trevor blames his death for your divorce, you know – if he was here, maybe he would want to make up for that by getting you back together.”
He’s in utter shock that Sam is basically telling his parents he’s here and explaining everything that he’s been feeling the entire weekend. 
Esther looks confused.  “Well, why would he do that?”
“Because you got divorced right after I died,” Trevor states, even though she can’t hear him. 
Sam repeats, “Maybe because of the timing.  You divorced right after he disappeared on you – well, died.”
Esther shakes her head.  “No, no.  Trevor's death had nothing to do with us splitting up.”  She glances at Lenny, which makes Trevor feel a bit nervous.  What had his father done?  “The-the truth is, our problems were there long before that.  I caught Lenny cheating when the boys were still in junior high.”
It’s crushing to hear that his father cheated on his mother long before Trevor died.  “I didn't know that.”
“And we decided to stay together until they were out of the house.  But Jeremy never left the house.  He-he was still living there when he was 30,” Esther explains.  “So, we eventually figured, it was time – Jeremy was never going to leave and with Trevor gone, we just didn’t want to keep the lie up.”
“So, it wasn't T-Money's fault?  They were just waiting for J-Dog to grow up?” Trevor questions, feeling both better and worse at the same time.  His mother had put up with staying married to someone that cheated on her just for him and Jeremy.  She deserved better than that.
“It's very hard to take this story seriously with you using those monikers,” Hetty comments, but Trevor hears Alberta shush her.
“So, it wasn't Trevor's fault?” Sam questions.
Esther gives her a small smile.  “Divorce isn't about the kids.  It's about the parents.  We couldn’t make it work, and that was never on our boys.”  She pauses and looks around.  “Trevor, if you're really here, we want you to know that.  You were the best thing to come out of our marriage.  We’re – we were so proud of you, and we loved you... still do…”
“The point is, Trevor, we miss you every day, and we're so glad you were our son,” Lenny adds.  “We just hope that you know that, and that you’re at peace because now we can be … knowing what happened to you.”
Trevor feels so much love from his parents, and he feels so much better.  All he ever wanted was to make his parents proud.  It didn’t matter that he was stupid with the pills, it didn’t matter that he never got married or had a family, it didn’t matter that he didn’t take life seriously… all that mattered was that his parents knew the truth, they still loved him, they were proud of him, and they wanted him to be peace… he didn’t need to worry anymore. 
It's that moment that suddenly, he feels a warmth and a light. 
“Oh my god,” Sam says from besides him.  She’s looking from his parents, who were hugging, to him. 
Alberta and Hetty are both yelling from all of the ghosts to come to the kitchen because Trevor’s getting sucked off.  He doesn’t even know what to say or how to react, they all wanted it but had no idea how to achieve this … but it’s time. 
He can go now. 
“Sam, please tell my parents that I love them and that I am sorry that they had to wait so long to find out what happened to me, but that I’m glad that they were here this weekend.”
“Of course,” Sam says before turning to tell his parents what’s happening as he turns to his fellow ghosts – all of whom are staring at him disbelievingly, but he smiles. 
“I’m going to miss you guys, but thanks for making my afterlife better,” Trevor states.
They all rush to say different things about how they’re going to miss him, how grateful they are to have had him, etc.  
Alberta says something about missing watching movies with him.
Isaac says something about missing learning about new things from him.
Thor says something about Trevor’s wisdom.
Pete says something about missing his friendship.
Flower says that she’ll miss chasing butterflies with him.
Sass says he’ll miss messing with each other and him trying to make things fun. 
Then, there’s Hetty, who thanks him for helping her figure things out and that she’ll miss him. 
Everyone’s all a mess until Flower rushes forward to hug him and everyone piles on.  Luckily, it doesn’t seem to affect what’s happening because once they let him go, he says, “Goodbye,” and is taken up away to the place where everything peaceful and perfect all the time. 
At peace, at last.
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katesbridgerton · 1 year
midgelenny: till there was you.
"I can't-"
She touches his arm gently, and he doesn't hesitate to lean on her, resting his head on her chest, allowing himself to be held.
"You should be home with your kids, you should be working. What you really shouldn't be doing is being here trying to save someone who has no salvation."
Midge bites her lower lip. She's not trying to save him. He decided to save himself, if anything, she's trying to- to- oh fuck. She knew she loved Lenny, what she didn't know was that she was in love with Lenny.
"You promised you would only laugh at the end. This is not the end," she whispers, gently caressing his sweaty hair.
"You paid attention," he smiles weakly.
"To you? Always."
He looks up, their eyes meet for the first time that day.
"I'm going to laugh."
It's an affirmation. More than that, it's a promise.
"I know," she smiles, before kissing his forehead. "I'm not going anywhere."
Six months later Midge is watching from a safe distance Ethan, Esther and Kitty having what it seems like the best conversation of their lives with Rose, Abe, Shirley and Moishe. She's so absorbed in that moment that she doesn't notice when Joel stops next to her, not until he opens his mouth.
"So, you were really in love with Lenny Bruce, huh?"
She looks at him.
"Have I ever told you how wonderful you are?" she pauses for a second and smiles. "For leaving me that night? For cheating on me? I found myself after that. And consequently the greatest love of my life... comedy, of course."
He laughs and they keep having one of their deep meaningful conversations.
Later that day, when the house is empty, the three kids – who are far from being kids now – are already in bed, Midge stops in front of the guest room. The door is closed.
You were really in love with Lenny Bruce.
She still is, but he hasn't made a move on her since he recovered. Has he thanked her a thousand times per day? Yes. That's not what she wants though and she keeps waiting, because she knows he doesn't want her to think that he is only with her because she was there in a difficult moment.
However, Midge was never really a woman who liked waiting so she opens the door, a soft and surprised "hi" comes out of his mouth; she always knocks.
"The meeting was really good today," he says.
Midge doesn't answer, she closes the door behind her and walks towards him. He looks up, if he moves his arms he could hold her waist and bring her closer but he won't do it and she knows.
"I love you. I'm in love with you, Lenny. I think since the day we met. And I know you feel the same. I also know you feel grateful but you loved me before that and so did I. I don't like waiting, but if it's too soon for a relationship, I'll respect that. I just thought you should know that nothing made much sense till there was you."
She turns around and takes one step, when she feels his hand on her arm, he is standing when he makes her face him again. This time she is the one who has too look up.
The moment she does, he kisses her.
Outside the room, Ethan, Esther and Kitty are smiling at each other, then they decide to go to the kitchen and have ice cream to celebrate.
"Remember to act surprise when they tell us!" Esther whispers to them on the way.
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lovepollution · 1 year
Thoughts on TMMM 5x01 and the start of 5x02
OK, so I have only watched 5x01 and beginning of 5x02 (the flash forward and the bit until the opening credits) and I have...thoughts.
Being that when I write fic, I timeline everything to try and keep it accurate, it pissed me off no end that they suddenly decided to move Lenny’s Carnegie show to November (it was actually midnight 4th February, which I remember because it’s my birthday lol). I get that it was so that the Thanksgiving dinner could then take place, but surely they could have created another reason for a family gathering?
I liked Mei a lot, and I get that Stephanie was probably busy with other things, but I wanted to see her character develop more. Joel remains the worst, Mei being the thing that made him bearable now being gone just makes that worse.
Now, the flashforwards: I have enjoyed flashforwards in fic, but for me, they do work in the show. The beauty of TMMM is its period setting and the flashforward of Esther just completely took me out of it. Plus, Esther, really? She is such a non-character, but now we’re meant to care what happens to her?
I hate, hate, HATE the flashforward interview bit at the start of 5x02. ASP honestly seems to hate Midge because she makes her into what seems like a pretty selfish and not nice person. One of the things I love about Midge and Lenny is how they bring this softness out in each other, and that’s a side of Midge that makes me like her most, so to disregard that makes me angry.
I also can’t believe they have Midge and Susie fall out years down the line. Even Rachel and Alex have said the show it always about their friendship, so to have them end for an unknown reason (maybe more info will be supplied) really hurts.
Also, I do not need to know exactly what becomes of Midge once the series ends. I would be perfectly fine to imagine it myself.
As for the Lenny and Midge scene in 5x01: It was...fine and pretty much what I expect. I always love to see Rachel and Luke together, but of course I would have loved a little more, even a hug. I loved Lenny’s reference of Kitty and Midge saying “Lucky girl” that he was going to go and stay with her. ❤️ Lenny’s “Sorry I didn’t call” was sweet, but then for Midge to do “We don’t do that” was like, well sure, they didn’t, but they slept together, so surely that made things different?
Erm, that it for now, I think. I just needed to vent lol.
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Pairing: Lenny Bruce & Midge Maisel Rated T Warnings: Season 5 Spoilers
She starts awake with a gasp.
Clutching her chest, she tries to calm her racing heartbeat, but it’s harder than hell when everything felt...
God, it felt so real.
“I...I had the strangest dream - nightmare, really,” she answers, looking over at him.
Lenny rolls onto his side, his hand sliding comfortingly over her waist. “Want to tell me about it?”
She tells him everything. About Esther’s therapy. Ethan going to Israel and not telling her about his fiancé. About her failed marriages and falling out with Susie. About his rapid descent and...his death.
“It all felt…so real. Down to the fabulous outfits I was wearing. The eighties are going to be great for my wardrobe.”
He chuckles and gazes at her for a long moment. “Well none of that is going to happen - aside from the fabulous wardrobe,” he promises, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “You’re a great mother. I’ve been clean for two years, so no meltdown at Carnegie Hall is going to be necessary. And Susie is your best friend. She’s going to be your best friend until we’re all dead.”
“And four to six months after?”
“And four to six months after,” he confirms with a nod.
Midge blinks back tears and then holds his face in her hands, kissing him deeply.
When they part, he wipes a little of her face cream off of his cheek and smiles at her. “Now I need to get some sleep. I don’t know if you heard, but tomorrow I’m marrying the most incredible woman on the planet, and if I don’t get my beauty sleep, she might realize just how far out of my league she actually is.”
“Careful with that one. I hear she’s got three more divorces in her future.”
He sighs and props himself up on his elbow. “Sweetheart, if you think I’d ever let you divorce me, you’re out of your fucking mind.”
“That’s what I thought about Joel, too,” she reminds him.
“I’m not Joel,” he murmurs, dipping his head and looking at her a little more intently. “I know how lucky I am.”
“I’m the lucky one,” she whispers. “Really, Lenny, I…” She reaches up and caresses his jaw with her fingertips. “Do you know how much I love you?”
He smiles that wonderful smile she loves so much, and nods. “Almost as much as I love you.”
He kisses her deeply, and that horrible nightmare fades from her mind.
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weltato · 2 years
I'm watching the most recent US Ghosts episode (2x14 Trevor's Body) and I need to write down all of the points that make me go either "oh!" or "oh?" or "holy shit" etc. Warning for excessive use of caps lock bc I got excited and tbh this is mostly just my thoughts as I'm watching. Fangirl mode: engaged.
First thing's first: Trevor's body has indeed been found! Of course he gets fished up XD
And the ant club, the ant club is back! They have Pete as a new member, oh my gosh I didn't know I needed to see Pete & Thor friendship so much
Alberta said Yiddish words and I'm so proud of her, look how happy she looks and Sass is so resigned we love him
(side note: I'm not Jewish so I've no idea what she said but I'm guessing it's something akin to "parents" or the like, someone pls teach me)
He's about to get smacked I swear
He even tried to stop them getting together in the first place, man is so bitter, Nigel just talk to him and explain pls
Oh no his parents are divorced oh Trevor no I'm so sorry, look at him he looks so broken HETTY THIS MAN NEEDS A HUG ASAP
"Peter, as our resident cuckold-" 😂 Thanks Hetty
FLOWERRRRR Flower bestie, the one time we wanted you lucid
oh no sad Trev again, aw he looks so upset bless him
oh my gosh, Jay is just sat there reading 🤣 iconic does he do this every time they're all plotting together?
aw noooo, Trev it wasn't you, it wasn't your death that did it (probably hopefully maybe) they might have had problems before who knows?? just have Sam ask them
my goodness Jay is so invested, look at him being a good husband and friend, he just accepted the parent trap idea
and of course Thor takes "trap" literally XD
Lenny and Esther, amazing names (I actually really like the name Esther this makes me so happy)
Oh no... This is the look of a man who knows he done goofed
Tumblr media
Nigel....what did you do?? Answer me honestly, what happened??
Isaac has enough self-confidence issues as it is DO NOT COMPOUND THINGS!!
a respite doesn't cut it buddy, Isaac is hurt now, you have hurt him, how dare you, you're gonna have Hetty and Thor coming for you mate
damn it Jenkins!!
oh my gosh it's Nancy! the cholera ghosts are getting a shoe in the door, good for them!
"Isaac is now second most famous cuckold in the house" you didn't have to kill him again Thor
oh Alberta, no. as much as I know you're wanting to help Isaac that is not going to help
please don't suggest he goes for Jenkins this will stir up more problems
omgosh Thor you beauty
but a Puritan? really? at another household? oof, that's gonna be heavy
THANK. YOU. SASSAPIS! clever boy
and Isaac asks about the Puritan anyway 🤣 of course he does
and now we're back to Trevor- IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT I PROMISE T^T
"we're going to hell" don't tell Hetty, she can make you go down on 'em
and of course Albert and Flower watched XD that tracks with them so well
Sass being the good guy until Hetty appeared....yeah, sure pal, sure
and Hetty found it "educational" uh huh, yeah, sure thing Hetty, you keep telling yourself that
Trev looks rightfully disgusted
shouting through windows, lovely ngl I find this so awkward
yes Isaac I'm just as uncomfortable as you are buddy
Trevor 1968-2000 he's 40! he doesn't look it honestly
aww, that's actually a sweet little memorial
yay! Isaac is forgiving Nigel! yay!!
Jenkins is in fact a son of a bitch, well said Isaac It's all your fault, Jafar Jenkins
ohmygosh moving in? moving in? yes?
yes you are baby stepping Nigel but Isaac needs this let him have it
told you Trev, told you, not your fault - DAMN IT LENNY WHILE THEY WERE IN SCHOOL?? DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME SIR?
someone give Trevor a hug or so help me I will scream
thank you Alberta TvT lowkey wanted Hetty but you work too, that's so sweet
yeah, you guys ARE #couplegoals you totally are, you're so sweet, the only people that I can say are also goals are Alison and Mike
(who wants another crossover episode?)
oh so is Thor 35 then? good to know
yep, the ghosts are children confirmed
and of course we end with Trevor trying to kill Tara Reid
Ok so that was a trip and a half, I'm excited for next episode now.
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