mistfallengw2 · 3 months
In honor of Pride Month, here's a rapidfire ramble about my OCs' orientations and how those and their actual preferences play off with their personalities and shape key moments of their story. Bonus context for my hc on queerness in Tyria.
Aurelia Dragonwings - Pansexual homoromantic Girls are pretty. I mean, boys are neat too, but she only ever had eyes for Ardea and later on Ellara, and that clear preference never had her experiment with the other side. The one and only experience she had with a guy was with her best friend Obsius, specifically when Ardea wanted to have a cub and she took one round "just to try it", only to end up having a cub as well (Adamas is an oopsie baby, yes). In general, labels are very confusing to her and the topic of romance held a lot of grief for years, so she would avoid answering any question on the matter, but if someone were to ask her friends, they'd just say she "doesn't know she's lesbian for someone".
Adamas Crystalsoul - Pansexual He's a pretty boy with great pedigree and had waves of people interested in him, but in the fahrar he was too focused on becoming Legionnaire to entertain childhood crushes, and then his heart got snatched away by Maeveryl before he even considered romance an option, still recovering from the loss of his would-be warband. Countless hearts got crushed by the fact that the Pact Commander's son was open about dating a sylvari and being loyal to them, yet Deryn somehow managed to woo the guy (only because Maeveryl sometimes quite literally pushed him towards her). Overall he has a feminine and androgynous preference, though like his mother he never had a proper chance to explore romance with guys.
Tocchix - Demisexual panromantic (trans guy) He spent most of his teenage years feeling sort of inadequate for romance because he never felt "the full pull" towards anyone (not helped by the comparison to a serial crush-haver like Fynn, his best friend in Lion's Arch), so he preferred to focus on training hard and join the Order of Whispers, figuring that it'd be a problem for his older self. Terrible at picking up on flirting attempts and needing to have it very slowly and clearly spelled out for him, he missed a ton of chances with many, and that was not helped by the fact that when he falls for someone, he becomes the definition of devotion, not seeing anyone else even to his detriment. He only ever fell for Iotta, Poffi and, many years later, Huki.
Maeveryl - Panromantic asexual (non-binary) While they are pan, they do have a strong preference for masculinity, or better, a general aversion towards feminine behavior and appearance. They had their first experience with romance with their saplinghood best friend, Morwen, and they quickly figured out femininity wasn't really for them, both for their own body and in a partner. After that, they only had another experience that ended bitterly, and then Adamas became their heart. Years later, when Deryn joins their relationship with Adamas, they don't share romantic feelings for each other, though they quickly become quite platonically affectionate with each other.
Ellara Echodancer - Homosexual Just lesbian. Girls gals girls. Only women of all kinds. She's totally not a hot mess, because she's got rizz and isn't afraid to use it, even just to have a little innocent flirty fun that totally isn't a distraction.
Hel Ravenlost - Homosexual G g girls... pr... etty... Don't worry, after losing Sieran without having been able to tell her how she felt for years, she does get better at not completely hiding her feelings. Luck isn't on her side, but third time's the charm, I swear!
Bunnie - Pansexual demiromantic (non-binary) She likes to sleep around, so anyone willing and compatible (both personality-wise and physically) is fair game for her to have a little no-strings-attached fun. As for the romantic side, I elaborated on it a bit here, but in short she does want romantic relationships and isn't afraid of showing the kind of interest in others that could lead to that, but she always had issues with developing feelings of the romantic kind and having them last, so she tends to coyly hide behind a bit of an emotionally-nonchalant facade until she feels safe to love someone.
Ethanryel - Asexual aromantic (agender) Just never felt anything of either kind of attraction, and that's very much fine for them. Bunnie once explained queerplatonic relationships to them, but that ended up being a sore point for them. The closest thing to that could have been their bond with Grace, a Zephyrite gal who had taught them a lot about healing and voiced for them to join the Zephyrite on their last travel. She had a pretty evident crush on them yet she was the first that didn't make them uncomfortable, but before they got to talk about anything of that matter, she was mortally wounded in the crash in Dry Top, and they never forgave themselves for not having been able to save her. Years later, when Aurene branded their arm to save them, Ethanryel took the title of Grace of Aurene in memory of their friend.
Deryn - Pansexual Gender doesn't matter to her, if one is a nice and hot charr, they're a nice and hot charr. Probably if Mae were a charr she'd have made a move on them as well, but after the initial fascinated curiosity towards the very concept of sylvari, only strong platonic feelings towards them are left.
Markus Blake - Bisexual Due to his parents being in a queerplatonic relationship and being told since really young that he'd have assured the freedom to choose they nearly didn't get (Nora and Lionel were childhood best friends who married each otherso that they could have the kid they both did want and be done with further family expectations, with her being lesbian and him aroace), he never really thought much of romance, thinking he'd just know when he found "the one". When he met Kai, he thought he'd found that one and hoped she'd eventually return his feelings for years, failing at being clear with her about it while ignoring what he felt towards Fynn, the best friend he had found at the same time. It took him a while, but, by what felt just short of divine intervention, he eventually figured out that the "one" was actually "two".
Nari - Bisexual homoromantic Gals is where it's at. She does find feminine people hot in general and had a few experimental flirts across the gender spectrum, but proper relationships are something she knows she wants only with gals. She believes that such kind of strong confidence in her own ideas was what caught Hel's attention in spite of not being norn, not realizing that Hel prefers non-norn until much later.
Iotta - Pansexual demiromantic Her opinion of romance is that it sucks, like all that comes with it. Sure, people can be hot in ways that make sense from a biological standpoint, but for her whole life she couldn't imagine willingly being in a relationship, because everyone else is grossly incompetent and, at best, more annoying than what she could deal with on a daily basis. Being in a relationship with a dork like Tocchix only confirmed that she hates it, because that kind of implicit vulnerability and distracting fondness for someone else goes against everything she knows to be safe, and she utterly despises the fact she wants more of it and that she played herself into it by getting that brilliant idea of manipulating him in the first place. And then being "left behind" shattered any positive perception of romance nearly irreparably, and it drives her mad that she can't get that yearning blade out of her heart so it can rot in peace. So yeah, romance sucks, and it sucks that she fell for it that one time.
Poffi - Demisexual biromantic Growing up in a small krewe that was part of the same polyamorous pod for years and that treated her like their own progeny, she was exposed to plenty of relationship examples, so she thought she had a pretty clear idea of what she was like by the time she left home to join the Order. Sadly she never got the chance to test her theories due to her general insecurities, and she also missed the pretty important part where maybe some girls can be just as romanceable as guys. (hey, at least AU!Poffi gets to go through quite the poly rollercoaster)
Daunte Burstspell - Homosexual He's a simple charr: he liked his guys hot like his fire, and life was not a little fun without the risk of burns. Verge was his flame since childhood, and they openly shared their warmth with many others. Daunte continued doing so after losing him, and even though it was never the same, he did genuinely care for the young norn he so gleefully annoyed to no end.
Hagan Wesson - Pansexual Forced to run away from Hoelbrak and break up with his childhood sweetheart, Gretna (Hel's sister), he eventually tried to get over it in some way, and ended up having some... positively revealing experiences. Swinging for years between times where he wanted to enjoy himself without attachment and others where he tried to ignore everything else to focus on his duty in the Vigil, after Daunte's death he's been more open about enjoying other people's company, and eventually ended up being reunited with Gretna after he had already settled with Flom.
Flom - Pansexual Good thing he likes everything and is quick to like others, because he genuinely believed "beggars can't be choosers" for the longest time. Even better thing, he now has people he likes and who chose him first (and a demon in his head who regularly calls him out on bs he should unlearn).
Zehmik - Homosexual (masculine non-binary) Guys are just neat, sorry gals. Lost count of how many flings he entertained during his years in the Mist War, always keeping feelings at arms' length due to the risky nature of their situation and a heartbreak he never recovered from. The occasional experiment only confirmed his very serious case of gay gay homosexual gay.
Edraas Noiza - Asexual aromantic (?) Due to being a highly experimental hybrid, its body is a biological mess that may have yet to fully mature and its perception of emotions is different from that of all other sentient species, so the concept of romance or anything of that nature is downright alien to it.
Lenorey - Asexual ?romantic She doesn't really get what the big deal about romance is, not beyond just preferring someone's company over others', while sex is just an activity that can be fun. In general she cared more about getting high off of toxins, so it's all of little interest to her. Now, finding a weird little asura that is literally toxic, gives you more toxins as part of the experiments she asked to perform on you, and you get just a little bit high when you kiss her? Maybe that's what love feels like.
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mistfallengw2 · 9 hours
2 8 13 and 18 for lenorey👀
Hey, a sylvari ask game! 🌱
[under cut because it got long]
2. How much do they remember from the Dream?
She woke up from the nicest dream one could have, and then forgot all of it the moment her body left the pod. All BUT the fact she was consuming something that caused that bliss. Stolen from the sensation she left in the Dream, she was ravenous for it before she even opened her eyes, licking the pod's fluid on her lips and hands, then tasting the dirt and grass and everything in her reach before the menders could intervene to stop her.
8. Do they fit well into sylvari society or are they more at home with other races?
Sylvari society is... limited, in her opinion. Having her own people continuously stop her from fulfilling her search for that sensation felt offensive, and Lenorey left as soon as she made sure what she was looking for was not there. No other race is perfect, granted, but since they often write her "weirdness" off as a sylvari thing it's less annoying to her, and at least she gets to try out new things when she's around them. Heck, she found herself a cozy place in the Aetherblades despite not particularly caring about their mission or whatever. She just followed a charr after buying tonics from him, and he decided to take care of her and give her more funny drinks, and then she met that nice asura that gave her even more things to try!
13. How do they feel about death?
Mainly intrigued. It's not something she wants to experience asap (though with all the toxic stuff she eats one would understandably think otherwise) nor something she necessarily wants to cause (sorry little critters, some of you will have to be tasted), but due to being a necromancer she feels drawn to it in a way she can't explain, and her biology allows her to tap into certain powers more easily than most.
18. [Free space for 3 pieces of trivia about your sylvari!]
- During the Aetherblades' time in the Mists, Lenorey usually took care of the "killing your own copies" part of the fractals for Veeq and Bob. Tonics and her natural ability to tune things out helped deal with the off-putting nature of it, and sparing her girlfriend and sort-of-dad the pain was worth the relative trouble.
- The sensation she's looking for is the Blight harbingers inflict on themselves with elixirs, though it works differently on her due to her particular biology. She discovered it by stealing discarded prototypes made by Ankka and was ecstatic over finally feeling something close to what she remembered. Veeq agreed to begrudgingly cooperate with Ankka in order to try it for herself and then perfect a version for Lenorey. All to make your plant partner fulfill her weird metaphysical destiny and regain a lil' color in her leaves. That said, she's not immune to the Void corruption, and she found out the hard way that corrupted Dragonjade actively harms her, as that's far beyond what her "antitoxins" can deal with. Beyond following her lil' family, Lenorey's main reason to join the fight against the Dragonvoid was to preserve what's essentially her Wyld Hunt.
- Despite being around them, like, 90% of the time, even Bob has no idea about when Lenorey and Veeq became a thing. At one point during the escape in the Mists, he simply found them hidden behind supplies below deck, cuddling in an unequivocal way while asleep, and he hasn't asked questions he doesn't want answered. To be fair, they don't know exactly either. While they were still at the Aetherblade base, Veeq studied the sylvari's particular biology to perfect her antiserum, but Len wasn't the easiest consensual test subject to deal with, as she liked to be playfully disruptive and touch things she wasn't supposed to... including asuran lips. One thing led to the other for, uh, totally scientific reasons, but their relationship solidified when Veeq was taking the whole "we're on the run in another dimension and I was tricked into aiding war crimes opposed to my life's research" thing more badly than she could show and Lenorey was just... there for her, in her weird loopy way.
(I didn't want to repeat some already posted trivia, but I noticed I had more >:3)
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mistfallengw2 · 5 months
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Finally made Lenorey in game, and she's already ready for mischief (stealing your stuff and eating it).
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mistfallengw2 · 4 months
Guess it's time to expand on this with another "first in-game death turned into backstory"
It is now canon that Lenorey had a close encounter of the unpleasant kind with Draithor the Drill (I forgot he was that strong and I'm still leveling her, welp).
Short story under read more with screens to go along with it [tw: gross "food", implied human meat (and all Draithor-related stuff), written at 1-2am]
The young sylvari wasn't even a yearling when she had stumbled upon the necromancer's lair, following the rumors she had heard during her brief stay at the nearby Black Haven fort. Well, more like overheard, from afar, disturbed by some drunken norn's bellowing, but she did hear the words meat, magic and necromancer, which were all things she had interest in. And so she went, dodging and sneaking past this unknown necromancer's minions after being so rudely attacked when she called for the owner of that lovely cave. Irked by such an unwelcoming welcome, she helped herself to what she felt more pulled towards out of the vials on the tables and the racks of smoked meat -or at least what she could reach and carry, given the average size of the furniture-, then left the place with her consolation loot, settling for a little personal picnic on the nearby hills.
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Lenorey had already eaten quite the sort of questionable things in her short life, she was aware of as much in her incessant search and had learned a few important lessons, but while the smaller vials were tasteless or things she had sampled before, that piece of chewy meat was disgusting even to her. It reminded her of the time she took a nibble out of a risen she had found on the side of the road, but not even that left such a foul feeling in her whole body, and not one lasting for so many hours. That was utterly gross. That was new. She had to know.
After her insides and head stopped churning with that weakness, she went back to the cave, and this time something was definitely happening inside. Again, she extended a call and her thanks for the meal as she entered, ready to practice her appeasing skills in order to get to know more about that foul meat and why it made her feel queasy, maybe even apologize and pay him back for the purloined goods. The minions waited in their place, menacing, and a towering figure emerged from the corner, stopping for a moment to grunt before approaching her. Not what she expected, but it sure explained the too-high tables around the lair. This necromancer was a centaur. Lenorey was ecstatic! She had never met one, and she had so many things she wanted to know about the culinary and alchemical traditions of his people, but she barely got past her third question before a thick haze choked the words out of her mouth.
While the sylvari did fall in the thigh-high water of the swamp, she didn't fully lose herself under the toxin, only feeling dizzy and tingly all over as her body relaxed in a sleep-like state. The sudden splash in the water only jolted her a bit out of it, though not enough for her to really keep her eyelids open. Bummer. The centaur grabbed her arm and pulled her up, inspecting her limp body as if she was a discarded doll. Grunting again like the rude thing he was, he uttered something about plant people being useless to his research, then carried her deeper into the cave and tossed her body against something metallic. A cage, not unlike those she had been into before. Again, extremely rude, on top of being unwelcoming and a bad cook.
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It didn't take her long to come back to her senses. It wasn't a strong spell to begin with, it had just taken her by surprise and the earlier meal had likely weakened her resistance in some way unknown to her. Another bummer, but she was more concerned with the weird sounds she had heard as she waited out the effects, and she had enough self-preservation instincts to know she didn't want to wait around for him to come back or find out what originated them.
Her frame had been turning more limber lately -or "shriveled" as some of her siblings had more or less worriedly said to her-, but she liked it, because it meant she could squeeze her bark through most narrow spaces with just a little effort, and cage bars were not an exception. To be fair, the door wasn't even closed, but she still opted to slip under the lower bar for the sake of it.
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That rude hooved guy was clearly not going to give her any information she wanted, so Lenorey sneaked past the guarding minions, only stopping to disable a pair of them, but curiosity pulled her gaze in his direction. He had his back to her, close to the table she had taken food from, busy chopping something on it. Whatever he had done before that, it was all very bloody and very dripping-from-a-pointy-tool, and it reeked of unsavory necromancy so much that she felt her thorns bristle. Without hesitation, she removed herself from the cave with careful haste, then let her mind fade a bit deeper as she continued on her road. She was not going to find what she was looking for back there, and she already had enough unpalatable things to digest for one day.
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mistfallengw2 · 3 days
4. How was their awakening? Did something particular happen? What's their first memory? for Lenorey
Hey, a sylvari ask game! 🌱
4. How was their awakening? Did something particular happen? What's their first memory?
Lenorey's awakening was pretty standard, if not for the fact that she wanted to put EVERYTHING in her mouth before she even spoke a word. In fact, her first memory was the feeling of a bunch of hands very rudely trying to keep her from finding what she had tasted and felt in the Dream. Afterwards, the menders had to spend a non-trivial amount of time explaining to her what was food and what wasn't, usually after stopping her from licking something or freaking out when she ate something bad. Much to their dismay, Lenorey only stopped trying to eat things when she had tasted everything the area had to offer, and then went to explore to find more.
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mistfallengw2 · 5 months
for the gw2 profession ask thing:
3: Have they dabbled in any other professions than the one they ended up with?
4: On the scale of absolute novice to complete expert, how good are they at their chosen profession?
GW2 Profession Ask Questions or something IDK
Since no character was listed, I'm gonna go rapid fire on all the list! :D
Aurelia Dragonwings 3. She used to be a warrior, quite strong physically but with no access to magic. Those skills are still relevant. 4. She's pretty good at being a revenant and she's a strong one too, though with some "disabilities" caused by her encounter with [redacted]. Other than the initial memory loss, her main issue is that she can't create traversable rifts to the Mists (surface-level rifts are fine, like the ones used in combat).
Adamas Crystalsoul 3. His mother Ardea taught him some elemental magic, but he clearly had more talent for tinkering so he never really developed it further. He still knows a few elementalist tricks and is more comfortable than most (maybe a little reckless) with working on high-temperature equipment, ended up being useful with his holoforge. 4. Expert engineer in many fields. He's extremely quick to learn new things, if he's interested enough, and he's particularly good with alchemy, gadgetry, firearms and small constructs.
Tocchix 3. His first mentor was Alyt, who is a thief/elementalist, and she did try to teach him some elemental magic, mostly to no avail as he was more interested in hand-to-hand combat and shadow magic. 4. Extremely skilled daredevil, though he's only able to use shadow magic to enhance his physical abilities. Sneaky, fast and hits like a truck, though a bit too reckless at times.
Maeveryl 3. No. 4. Used to be a talented warrior, though mostly uninterested in combat. Since becoming a berserker in an uncommon way, they had to really hone in on their skills due to safety reasons, so one could say they're expert.
Hel Ravenlost 3. No. 4. Definitely an expert necromancer. She was talented from a young age, too much in her mother's opinion, and left her duty to chase more knowledge, becoming an Archon in the Priory. Particularly good at controlling necrominions, she could have very easily become a lich if she hadn't been stopped in her wild chase for a way to bring back a friend, but for now her most impressive feat is single-handedly taking over and "taming" a risen chicken while Zhaitan was still alive.
Ellara Echodancer 3. No, other than what she tried in mandatory basic training in the fahrar. 4. Quite a good mesmer overall, though she knows she's far from the expert label. Mostly self-taught in chronomancy and use of psychic blades.
Bunnie 3. Elemental magic would have been really cool to learn (Alyt left an impression on her), but alas she has no magical abilities to write home about. 4. Expert engineer, specifically in golemancy. Some may counter her claim of being "the best golemancer in the world (after Snaff)", but she did become Snaff Savant AND her results are hard to dismiss.
Ethanryel 3. No. 4. They're a pretty okay elementalist, with a talent for weaving elements.
Deryn 3. Sort of. She's an Olmakhan and was officially a Dawnwalker. 4. Self-taught dragonhunter/firebrand through trial and error, she's far from an expert but makes do in her own efficient way.
Markus Blake 3. Not really, other than some general training with the Seraph. 4. Decent ranger. Has a good aim, is good at tracking and easily gets along with animals, but his magical talents are underdeveloped.
Iotta 3. She is a necromancer/thief. 4. Extremely competent in both professions, always had a talent for hand-to-hand combat and necromancy. She hated not being able to take full advantage of her death shroud, so she overcompensated with perfecting everything else.
Poffi 3. She has some engineering background due to her family's job (they used to be part of the same golem maintenance krewe), but she never wanted to go in that field, instead aiming to become a lab technician before discovering her talent as a sniper. 4. She was a sniper (deadeye) with near-perfect aim, though she was too insecure to be more effective than shooting from a distance. She died too young to be defined as an expert and needed to become more well-rounded, but she was in line to earn the title of Slayer in the Order of Whispers.
Daunte Burstspell 3. Nah, other than basic fahrar training. 4. He was a pretty powerful elementalist, having plenty of strong Flame shamans in his bloodline. Not exactly an expert and he lagged behind in the other elements, but he did focus on becoming better with water magic.
Hagan Wesson 3. Not really. 4. More of an expert hunter than an expert thief. Possibly due to Zar'gol, but he started developing specter powers after S4, though he's far from an expert.
Flom 3. No, he felt like he genuinely sucked whenever he tried anything and gave up. 4. NOPE. His "revenant" powers are limited to the equivalent of Mallyx's, and when Flom is forced to use them that's actually Zar'gol taking control.
Zehmik 3. Has some knowledge of thief tricks from his time in pirate crews. 4. Maybe not an expert, but definitely competent. After nearly two decades spent in the Mists War, he became a Legendary Defender and refined his spellbreaker powers to suitable levels of reliance and strength.
Nari 3. Not exactly a profession, but she went through Kestrel training. 4. She's a pretty good bladesworn and made her own sword, but is a better scout than a fighter, and the lack of experience puts her at a disadvantage.
Edraas Noiza 3. No. [Mechanically Edraas is a willbender, but it fights in an unique manner] 4. Nope. It fights as its draconic-hybrid nature allows, and it gets tired real fast.
Lenorey 3. Technically has some thief skills. 4. Look, weird stuff goes in, strong necromantic energy comes out. Don't ask her to be more specific than that.
Haidee 3. Does some generic spy training count? 4. Not sure if she can be called an expert, but she did earn the title "the Mirage" thanks to her skills with illusions. When she learned of the existence of the mirage profession, she dragged her girlfriend to Elona to go perfect her skills.
Okami Whitewings 3. Not really, other than basic fahrar training. 4. They'll say they're only good with animals, but hey, they survived this long doing a variety of dangerous things.
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mistfallengw2 · 10 months
Small thread of beta characters. Some are tests/teases for future characters, all are hehe names
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mistfallengw2 · 13 days
Just an asura ask game
1. Do they fit well into asuran society or are they more at home with other races? How do they feel about fellow asura? Is it because of their personality or something else? Is there any deal maker or breaker?
2. Where were they born? Did they like the place? Did they grow up there or did they move away at some point? Do they wish things went differently?
3. What's their family like? Are they still around? Do they like them and get along? Are there any expectations coming from them?
4. How is their social life? Are they generally well liked or despised? Are they involved in any drama? Do they make more enemies or friends? Do they have any meaningful friendship or bond?
5. What's their approach to romance? Do/did they have any partner? Are they more interested in relationships with a predetermined end date or are they looking for a stable long-term relationship? Is the option of having/adopting progeny on the table?
6. Do/did they have any non-sapient companions, like a pet or a golem? If not, would they want one?
7. Do they prefer to work alone or with others? Do others like working with them? Are they competitive or do they prefer that others take the spotlight? How would they fare in the opposite situation?
8. Do/did they have a krewe? If yes, describe them, their roles and tasks. If not, why?
9. What are their hobbies and pastimes? Do they have any natural talent or particularly strong interest that's not tied to their job? If nothing in particular, what do they do with their free time?
10. Is there anything they're terrible at and shouldn't be trusted with? Just how bad are they at it? Why? Has it resulted in any serious damage?
11. What was their education like? Did they go to Splorg's Metamystics Labs or somewhere else for their early education? Did anyone mentor them or take them for an apprenticeship/internship? Did they get admitted into one of the Colleges? If not, what path did they take and why?
12. If given the chance, would they take the position of professor in one of the Colleges? Or would they prefer to become someone's mentor? What would they teach? Would they be a good teacher?
13. What's their field of research of choice? Are they're pursuing it or is something else taking priority? If they don't have one or more, why not?
14. Do they consider themselves intelligent by asuran standards? Can they call themselves a genius? Is it an opinion shared by others or do they just have a big ego?
15. What's their job? Are they good at it? Are they happy with it or do they wish for a different one? Did they change careers at any point?
16. What's their greatest achievement? Was it an invention, a discovery or something else? Did they get any recognition for it? Was it part of their goals or is there something else they're aiming for?
17. Have they ever earned a title or honorific? Do they like it? Are they aiming for a specific/different one?
18. Can they use magic? If yes, do they use it for anything practical in their job? If not, does it bother them?
19. What do they usually wear? Is there any particular quirk to their outfit of choice? Does it show their status or is it merely practical?
20. Has any experiment (or experience) blown up in their face? Did they learn anything from it? Would they try again?
21. Have they ever been experimented on or personally taken part in an experiment? Was it willingly or not? What do they think about it?
22. Have they ever done something awful/unethical, be it in their personal or professional life? Do they regret it or at least recognize it as such? Does it still affect them in any way?
23. Given the history between their races, what do they think of skritt? Are they still a threat or is there a chance of cooperation?
24. Do they have any particular opinion on the Peacemakers and the Arcane Council (and Eye)? Do they have any direct experience with them?
25. Are they (or anyone they know) part of the Inquest? How do they feel about the infamous megakrewe?
26. How much does the Eternal Alchemy matter to them? Is it something they want to understand or do they not care at all?
27. Have they been impacted by that whole Pact thing? What do they think of the First Pact Commander, Aurene and the whole Elder Dragon mess?
28. How do they feel about Cantha and their technology? Is it interesting or an affront to asuran genius?
29. Do they have any interest in returning to the Depths of Tyria? Do they think asura should go back to their lost cities in the Depths to rediscover lost knowledge, or should they be fine with life on the surface?
30. Free space for 3 pieces of trivia about your asura!
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mistfallengw2 · 6 months
Oh the struggle™ of not knowing which discounted mount skin to get, because both skins I want are specifically for characters I still have to make and I haven't decided who comes first yet 😔
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