fluffyfantasticducky · 11 months
How to Cure Pains and Heartaches
☆ Pairing: Loki x Reader
☆ Synopsis: After such a bitter end, Loki has no choice but to fade away. To his surprise he awakens in bed where he will be taken care of. Why? What do they want of him? Who's that lovely mortal?
☆ Word Count: 6,266
☆ Notes: Loki being a swooning darling, he's recovering from injuries in a fix it AU where he survives the attack on the Statesman and he gets to live on earth.
☆ Warnings: Mention of Loki's trauma and torture courtesy of the Mad Titan, fuck you Thanos. Mention of gaining weight (but it isn't given a negative conotation).
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No one could deny Loki had gone through a lot of stuff, simply his Asgardian nature and the amount of exposure he had had with war from a young age would (rightfully) horrify most Midgardians, plus the pressure of being royalty and the responsibility it demanded with him.
In retrospect, Loki always knew his amount of responsibility were no way near as high as Thor’s, which allowed Loki to get some relief by following his nature as God of Mischief. But still: meetings, war council, royal balls, and in general trying to keep an image of perfection to most of Asgard other than Thor’s group and his parents who truly knew of Loki’s more playful nature, it was quite draining.
And that was before the true horrors.
That one trip to Jotunheim had been the source of over a decade of disgrace. Knowing all that battle would cause, he never would’ve let those three other Jotuns into the vaults of Valaskjalf.
After that, it was tragedy after tragedy. And the worst of them happened in the Sanctuary II.
At first, he thought some bounty hunters had recognized him, given they seem to know who he was, and the only reason they spared his life was because it would be about a matter of time until they’d bargain his life with Odin.
But after several months where he was starved, and his only contact was to be tortured, where the Black Order tore his body apart bit by bit, breaking bones, tearing skin only to throw him back into an isolation cell, where all that kept him together was his pride and the thought that Heimdall could see him and start a rescue mission, thing he learned years later couldn’t be done.
And when he didn’t cave in, they shattered his mind as well, using the Mind Stone on his scepter, giving him no choice but to submit. Everything bad in his life prior to that point seemed to be blissful field trip.
And for many years later he thought he would spend the rest of his life suffering to atone to the horrors he unleashed onto Jotunheim and New York. And by the time the Sanctuary II intercepted the Asgardian escape ship on its way to Earth, and he felt himself fading from reality… nothing had proved him otherwise.
At least he had protected his brother…
Who would’ve thought that the next time he opened his eyes he would be laying in a hospital bed, flowers by his ankles and a cervical collar? He had a thousand questions. Where was he? Who brought him there? Why had he been saved? Why couldn’t they let him just die?
Just when he thought it was another round of the same type of torture the Black Order inflicted on him, the door opened… Only about a few hours after waking up, and just in time when his stomach started growling.
The first time he saw you, you felt like a vision. Beautiful and most of it all, kind.
“Loki how are you feeling?” you smiled at him, as you stepped inside the room with a tray of warm food. The smell made his mouth water. “Were you waiting for long? Sorry, I didn’t hear you wake up.”
Loki was quietly staring at you. Not only because his throat was dry, but because he had no idea who you were or what were your intentions.
But you didn’t seem bothered by his silence. You just let out a little chuckle.
“You seem more active today” you smiled, “Usually you can only stay awake for a few seconds. Are you hungry?”
Loki wanted to be proud and say nothing, but his body’s needs were stronger, and a rather loud growl of his stomach gave it away how hungry he was, making his cheeks flare up in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, I would be hungry too if I hadn’t eaten anything in 5 years” you spoke compassionately, but with a hint of humor.
5 years?!?
“How long have I been here?” he finally spoke, his voice was hoarse beyond recognition, and it hurt to speak.
“Oh, you poor thing, you must be thirsty” you said as you reached his food tray and grabbed a cup of water with a straw and placed it just before his lips. “About your question, a few weeks, a Stark satellite detected a faint life signal and Thor went to find you.”
You spoke in such a humane manner that Loki couldn’t help but lower his guard a bit, and he opened his mouth as you helped him drink.
The water was cold and fresh, it felt so relieving that he couldn’t hold back a sigh when he finished drinking, that only happened when the cup was empty.
You let out a soft giggle at the sight of him. It was then that he recognized you, sort of.
He vaguely remembered your laugh, it was faint, but if he pushed himself to think about it, it was there. He never saw your face, but the sound was familiar, so he concluded it must have been previous visits while he was still unconscious.
It was a pretty sound… innocent, pure.
“You mentioned my brother…” Loki asked. “Is he…?”
As he made his question, you set a table before him and the tray on top of it. It was a huge bowl of soup, and one of mashed potatoes. His stomach growled once again.
“Thor has been visiting you every day practically without exception” you told him. “He talks to you, keeps you updated about his life. Last week he came with Doctor Foster, it seems they started seeing each other again. But we’ve notified him you’re finally awake.”
You sat beside him on the edge of the bed and grabbed the spoon on the tray and started feeding him the soup. It was so warm, and the flavor was rich, that his eyes started watering. What cruel trick was all this kindness? When would this all go South?
His forming tears didn’t go unnoticed, and you cupped his face, your soft fingers caressing his cheeks to clean his tears.
“You don’t have a fever, does it hurt anywhere?” you asked.
“No… I feel per—” he choked on his words, “I feel perfectly fine… all things considered.”
“I’ll monitor your reflex later, but first focus on eating” you said gently. “You need to regain your strength.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, he was so hungry that if he had had more strength, he would just hold the bowl and chug it all down. By the time he was onto the mashed potatoes he was a lot stronger, the second meal was just as tasty, seasoned just right to make him want to keep eating until his stomach popped.
He even let out a soft little breathy burp, which made you giggle again.
“Don’t eat so fast!” you scolded him with a happy tone.
He found it in himself to laugh softly along with you.
“5 years without food, I remind you” he joked back. “I’ll eat as fast as I can.”
“You were blipped 5 years... you didn’t age a day.”
You spent the next few minutes filling him in what had happened. Thanos won, and half of the universal population vanished, for them it was only a few minutes at most… while the rest of the universe aged 5 years. Five years, where everyone thought he was dead, where he was dead.
Now, Loki wanted to cry. The amount of relief that washed over him made him rest back.
“Finally… I’m free…” he sighed. “It’s over… he’s gone…”
He tried covering his eyes when he noticed the sting coming from his left arm, he noticed a cast neatly wrapped around it.
“Your neck injury was the most concerning, but your arm and ankle were badly wounded as well” you explained, and he noticed another cast covering his foot from arch to his ankle. “Although your foot is mostly healed by now.”
He put some attention to his bandaged foot and wiggled his toes, which thank the gods responded perfectly.
“It’s a bit itchy” Loki pointed out.
“I’m pretty sure that’s normal” you chuckled and grabbed a pencil from your pocket, and sneaked it in his cast, and scratched his sole. “Here.”
But the touch, while it somewhat alleviated the itch, it had an unexpected tickly feeling that caused Loki to yelp and jerked his foot back.
“Hehe-hey!” he giggled.
“I’m sorry” you apologized with a soft chuckle.
“You’re lucky I’m too weakened to put a dagger to your throat” Loki spoke, but he noticed he couldn’t get rid of the amusement in his voice.
“Perhaps I should take the chance to really make you laugh then.” You smiled, twirling the pencil on your fingers. “Given you can’t do anything to stop me.”
“Don’t even think about it!” Loki blurted out, “If you even dare to… to…”
He felt his cheeks flush. It had been so long since he had been tickled, it felt silly, plus he was quite vulnerable right now.
“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to upset you” you assured him, “…yet.”
You let out another soft laugh at the indignation in his face.
“Do you not know the consequences of crossing me?” Loki asked, “Are you that ignorant of the capabilities of the God of Mischief? I have terrorized this realm, Midgard bows before my power! I could finish you with a single hand.”
“What would you get out of it?” you asked bluntly. “You live here now; you would only lose.”
He looked at you and opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it again. Not only was he too weak right now to even keep that threat, but truly besides that little tickle you had been nothing to but kind to him, and even that had been with the intention to help him.
“Do you truly not fear me?” Loki asked after another moment of silence.
“Should I?” you asked with a happy smile.
Perhaps he found that little grin of yours to be too charming, it could be the fact that you had his food and water at your mercy, or it could be the fact that you were a purely friendly presence, which he hadn’t had in… he couldn’t remember for how long. But he truly didn’t want you to be scared of him.
“I suppose not” he finally said.
Loki let out a laugh.
“You’re a funny little one” Loki smiled.
Just then a loud noise came in as if something huge was stomping their way through the hall. Which proved to be not far off because soon a large blond figure tumbled onto the door frame.
“Brother…” both Asgardians said in unison.
The older brother’s eyes filled with tears as he rushed to the bed, and with the last self-control he possessed, Thor didn’t tackle the raven haired into a bear hug. Just… collapsed on his knees by the side of his bed.
“You’re awake…” the God of Thunder burst into messy sobs. “…Alive.”
In other times, Loki would’ve found Thor’s reaction ridiculous, mockable, or annoying… but after all they had been through and seeing the streak of his own hair tangled in one of Thor’s braids… he let out a soft sob as he gently reached to place his hand on Thor’s head.
“Ahem!” you cleared your throat to make yourself present. “As long as you’re careful with his neck, you two can hug.”
You smiled and left the room to give them space. Both brothers let out a laugh and Thor cradled his little brother in his arms, supporting his head as if he was a baby as his other hand was squeezing Loki.
“I told you the sun would shine on us again” Loki spoke softly.
“You idiotic, insincere, irresponsible, impulsive, inconsiderate fool!” Thor scolded him, sounding more relieved than anything.
“Oh, good, you ran out of insults that started with an I” Loki laughed.
“I beg you, brother. Never give me a scare like that again” Thor begged.
“In my defense, I didn’t fake it this time” he whispered.
There was an awkward silence as none of the princes knew what to say to each other, there was so much to say, but… where to start?
“I… heard you started seeing Doctor Foster again.”
That made Thor smile as started telling Loki what he had done with his life, how Asgard was doing, which was what finally broke Loki, hearing Asgard managed to live on was that finally burst into tears as he hugged his brother again.
The two brothers talked for hours, and for the first time in years, if not ever, Loki felt the conversation with his brother be purely lighthearted. He was so lost in the chat that it took him hours to notice…
“You’ve gained weight” Loki pointed out.
“Quiet, you imp…” Thor snorted. “It’s been tough these last 5 years.”
“I… did not mean to be judgmental” Loki assured him. “It just… I’ve been out for so long…”
“Well, don’t get used to this, I’m already exercising again, and I’m renouncing to beer… aside from social events” Thor said happily.
“Oh? I didn’t know you drank” Loki tilted his head. “But… good for you.”
Thor’s face darkened, making Loki immediately regret his comment.
“It was… Very rough five years…” Thor said again. “I suppose time wasn’t kind on me.”
Loki felt a pang of guilt settle on his chest, after Ragnarök he truly had no intention to pull another stunt like that. For once, he had every intention to stick by Thor’s side.
But at the time the Sanctuary II intercepted their ship, all Loki could think was protecting Thor. Because he knew that if anything happened to his brother, no one else would’ve had a fighting chance against the Mad Titan. But he had been reckless.
“I— I’m sorry brother…” Loki apologized, and Thor smiled at him. “How’s Asgard?”
“It’s been difficult as you may imagine… but, you know… us Asgardians are stubborn, we’ve managed.” Thor smile. “Little Asgard is thriving!”
“Oh, I’m painfully aware, you’re all a nightmare” Loki joked, making Thor laugh again.
Despite his sarcasm, something in the way Thor said us Asgardians made Loki smile, by now Thor knew very well his true nature, and yet he still treated him as one of his own, like his brother, maybe not bound by blood, but by something stronger.
The conversation kept going until Loki’s stomach growled in hunger, but by then the sun had set a while ago. And it didn’t take long after when you had stepped in the room with a tray of food and Thor excused himself for the night.
The meals were simple and soft for a good while, porridge, broths and soups, sauce-less pastas, yogurts, Jello, but having a pretty mortal such as yourself literally feeding him and tending to his every whim made his recovery quite pleasant. Especially when he started eating solid foods again and the meals were a lot tastier.
“You’re healing quite fast,” you told him as you checked monitored his ribs for any soreness. “I’ve heard injuries usually take maybe 3 or 4 times longer to heal. …In the best of circumstances, but Stephen said your bones are practically all healed now.”
“If someone can pull out a miracle like that, a god should be the right place to go” he joked as he kept holding his shirt up so you could.
“That’s fair, also having the best doctors and technology at our disposal helps, doesn’t it?” you quipped.
“Do not underestimate my divinity, mortal” he said dramatically.
“Oh, yes, forgive me, your godly-ness…” you bowed just as dramatically.
“You’ve been gaining weight” you said as you prodded your stomach.
He let out a yelp.
“Rude” he said cheekily.
“No, I mean, you were practically nothing but skin and bones when we found you” you assured him, “I mean you seem healthier now. You must be in your healthy weight again by now.”
“Do not flatter me” Loki smirked.
“Flatter you?” you gasped out a laugh. “Nonsense, it’s been my care the reason you no longer look like a malnourished cat!”
He did not expect you to start prodding and squeezing his belly, instantly causing him to burst out laughing. Curse his gut for being this vulnerable to your playful fingers.
“Nohohohoho! Don’t!” he whined between cackles. “Stohohohop!”
“Oh my god!” you laughed and gave him a small breather “I didn’t even have to do anything… But if you insist…”
“W-What…? Insist…?”
“I won’t stop…”
“W-What? N-No! PLEHEHEHEASE! NO! STOP!” Loki begged despite his pride, but the way you kept squeezing his belly, giving his skin soft pinches made him wheeze out shaky laughter was too much. “NOT MY— NOHOHOHOHOHO!”
You started focusing on the patch of skin around his belly button, which surprisingly enough was even more ticklish than his navel itself. He started digging his heels onto the mattress as he arched and squirmed on the bed.
“Okay, okay!” you squeaked out as you grabbed his ankle, forgetting your playful attack, to settle him back on bed. “Easy there… you’ll hurt your foot again.”
He was more focused on catching breath, but he still felt you helping him stretch and move his ankle to check if he hadn’t hurt himself in the middle of his squirming.
“You’re… huff… huff… the worst nurse…” he groaned.
“Ask for another nurse who can deal with you” you chuckled as you gently tickled his sole making him let out a giggle.
You weren’t exactly part of the medical team, but after everything that had happened, the Avengers were understaffed, and every task that Tony’s technology couldn’t fill in were done by the Avengers themselves, his brother and Maximoff twins helped with cleaning, Bruce and Clint cooked, Tony handled the finances (in more than just been the Compound’s sponsor), and so and so.
You were a lab assistant, although, not in the medical field. Yet, given your friendly nature and bond with the God of Thunder, Thor himself had entrusted you to look after his most precious thing, his little brother. But under normal circumstances, you’d be working with chemicals or mechanics by the side of your mentors and the Spiderling.
Although now, you had been tasked solely to look after Loki, given no one else was capacitated to deal with him and you seemed to understand each other, and Loki even had friendly interactions with you. Or well, friendly for Loki.
“Get up!” you whined pulling him by his healthy arm.
“I don’t want to” Loki protested.
“Why not?” you huffed defeatedly as you let go of him.
“I don’t exactly feel excited to be sat on a cold table to be prodded and squeezed and all to get stabbed.”
“Injections aren’t the same as getting stabbed, you big baby” you laughed, as you poked his sides, causing Loki to jump and swat your hand away.
“It’s a sharp metal piercing my skin, isn’t it?” he defended himself as he crossed his arm across his chest. “Call me a baby if you please, but it doesn’t excite me being pierced by your tiny blades.”
“L-Loki… are you afraid of needles?” you asked with an amused smile, he could tell by your tone that you were holding back laughter.
“I am not!” he scoffed.
“Oh! You are!” you smiled immensely.
“Is this funny to you?”
“N-No… Don’t worry, it’s cute. I used to fear needles too, you know, when I was five.” You grinned.
Loki’s ears perked up.
“That was a lie” he smiled cockily.
“That’s a lie” he repeated himself. “You either still fear them or just recently stopped doing so.”
“Wha— that’s…” your cheeks turning pink were the last tell.
“God of Lies, don’t bother denying it. I can tell when some lies to me” he grinned triumphantly. “Don’t worry, it’s cute.”
You huffed as you smacked the back of his hand.
“And here I was going to tell you my trick to control my nerves” you huffed.
��Which is…?” Loki asked, partly to tease you, but deep down actually wanting to know.
You shuffled through your bag and pull-out headphones and handed them to him. Loki forced himself to ignore the way your hand brushed against his when you handed them to him.
“Just close your eyes and listen to some music” you smiled, “it helps with a lot of things. But if you need to you can hold my hand and squeeze it if you get scared.”
He smiled at you. “Thank you.”
“Tell you what, if you’re brave, I’ll make sure you have your favorite ice cream for dessert today. How does that sound?” you offered.
“I’m not a child you can’t bribe like that” Loki rolled his eyes, “… Two bowls.”
You nodded and helped him get up and walk to get his check up and vaccine. Given how long he had been in bed, he was still doing some rehab and needed help to walk longer distances.
And he did take your word and held your hand all the time, although he did notice it was you who squeezed his hand when the needle came out. He had even forgotten to put on the headphones by the time the needle was out. And you did keep your word of spoiling him with his favorite ice cream.
“The second bowl is gonna melt, so you might as well eat it with me…” he mumbled between bites.
In a few months Loki was practically fully recovered and soon he was starting his rehab trainings. And of course, he had already picked a sparring partner.
“Do not go easy on me” Loki stated the first time.
“Oh, you like it rough then?” you grinned as you two circled around each other on the sparring mat. “Duly noted.”
He was not one new to flirtatious exchanges. He had been alive for over a millennium, and he had had plenty lovers before. But for some reason your banter made him flustered and tied his tongue into a knot.
“If I wanted it rough, I’d pick literally anyone else, agent” Loki excused himself. “You couldn’t take me if you tried.”
“Couldn’t I?” you grinned, noticing his cheeks flare up.
Damn you, you tenacious and annoyingly perceptive little thing.
“In a fight, you pest” Loki huffed.
“Ah, bummer” you smiled cheekily.
And while it was true that your human strength wasn’t a match for his regular god-like standards, you actually provided an interesting challenge. Besides, he was still recovering so using his full strength wasn’t an option anyway. You were fast, and you jumped around him like a rabbit and landed the softest blows as he spun around you trying to follow or even read your patterns.
“What’s wrong, is the mighty God of Mischief unable to catch up?” you smiled as you poked his ribs lightly before sneaking away.
You didn’t expect Loki to yelp.
Your face was puzzled for just a second, but as soon as it had happened, you had put two and two together and grinned in an almost cartoonish way.
“I think this training just became more fun” you smile as you poked him again.
“Do not even think about it!” he huffed, as a nervous smile twitched its way into his lips.
“What happened to not go easy on you? I’m just obeying.” you grinned and started chasing him after.
The way you wiggled your fingers with a mischievous in his direction awoke something primally playful. And as a bright smile appeared on his face, he started running away from you.
“You will never catch me!” he called as he ran.
You laughed and ran after him.
He would never admit it out loud, but the way he felt in that moment was rejuvenating, he hadn’t done something so silly and non-transcendent purely for the sake that it was fun. But you were ditching training to chase him around under the threat of tickling him if you caught him. All for the sake of playing with him like a kid despite both of you being young adults. And even more surprising is that Loki found himself eager to play along, even if the idea of getting tickled made him nervous.
Which… eventually did happen, curse his weakened stamina and aching ankle. That day he also learned to fear when you threatened him with tickles, you were devastating when you wanted to be.
“Nohohoho!” he laughed as your fingers dug onto his stomach. “This is ehehehe cruel!”
By the time you had caught up with him you had already reached the living room and he had tumbled onto the couch.
“Oh my gosh, you’re so ticklish!” you giggle, your finger swirling around his navel.
“Ehehehehe! Get away from there!” he laughed.  “Oh Norns! Stop it!”
“C’mon, Loki, you’re a big guy, you can take it!” you giggled and kneaded his belly sides with your fingers with terrifying skill.
But you were kind enough to give him a break.
“Gods abohohohohove, I’m begging you, dove!” he whined. “Don’t torturehehehehe me like this!”
But it somehow served to strengthen your bond. Loki already had a good concept of you, you were a kind and generous person. You were one of the few people he could’ve called a friend. But seeing you weren’t completely disciplined and were willing to break schedule to have mindless fun was relieving. He feared that living in a S.H.I.E.L.D. building would mean they expected him to become a soldier.
So, he started looking for you out of the designated times you had together. He had come to really like to come and annoy you when you were working, playing with your pencils, hiding your stuff, and of course tickling you to distract you when he was craving your attention… which happened pretty often.
“Lohohohoki!” you whined. “I’m wohohorking!”
“I’m not saying you should stop” he grinned as he skittered his fingers along your ribs and sides, just gently scratching over your thin shirt. “Take this as a test of your focus.”
“Nohohohoho, Loki!” you wheezed. “Ihihihit’s so bahahahad! Stohohohop ihihit!”
“Mm~ I’m not sure” he purred in your ear, knowing damn well how much it made you curl up in a ball. “I kinda like hearing the noises you make, they’re… what’s the word? Cute~”
You screeched as you hid your face with your hands, muffling your laughter. Norns, you were so precious. He may have been teasing you when he said you were cute, but he meant it.
You were a lovely company, helping him heal by doing his routines and rehabilitation regimes, while he reviewed the files regarding New Asgard. You massaged his healing ankle while Loki read the documents that were handed to him.
“This is absolutely atrocious!” Loki scoffed smacking the files. “What is this, Infinity Conez? Who approved this? Look at this! Thanos getting the Infinity Stones is a universal tragedy, but to my people more than anyone!”
“Well, that’s why Thor created the New Asgard Council” you reminded him. “He gets help ruling Asgard, and Asgard gets a group of capable people leading them. You have voice and vote.”
“They will hear about this” Loki said firmly. “I will not allow my people to see that when they go to the market! That’s just disrespectful and heartless!”
“I agree with that” you nodded. “I’d be hurt to see something that traumatic turned into an attraction, there must be a better way to make an ice cream store. What about B-Ice Frost?”
“B-Ice Frost?” Loki asked.
“Yeah! A rainbow bridge themed ice cream store that actually gives a nod to your culture” you suggested. “The logo could an ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles.”
“Hmm, I’ll notify that suggestion,” Loki nodded as he wrote it down. “Thank you.”
Months into knowing each other and spending a ridiculous amount of time together, and Loki started noticing how being around you boosted his mood, he couldn’t stop thinking about certain details about you, like the way you played with your hands when you were nervous, or how you scrunched up your nose slightly when you smiled at him, how your eyes sparkled when you were assigned a new project you had been excited for, the butterflies in his belly when you placed your hands on him even to greet him or help him stretch before training. And…
Oh Gods… he was falling in love with you.
For a while he didn’t know what to do with himself. He tried carrying himself normally. But it was overwhelming the way he felt about you, it took one look in your direction, and he felt his heart racing. Trying to avoid you didn’t work either, because his entire being craved being around you, so that didn’t last too long. So, at some point, he stopped fighting it. He knew there was no way a being as good as you would even look in his direction, he was a monster, who had done unforgivable things to your planet.
Surely, your kindness had a limit. Surely, once he was fully healed, you’d forget about him. In fact, Loki feared the day he’d be considered fully recovered and you’d abandon him.
“C’mon, lazybones. We’re late for training” you grinned as you pulled him from the couch.
“I do not feel like training today” Loki yawned as he stretched out his arms to you as an invitation to hug him. “Why don’t we watch a movie? You can choose.”
The way your resolve faltered was beyond endearing. Even if you two weren’t anything, it was common knowledge you were what they called a cuddle bug.
“Loki… it’s important you do your rehab exercises” you said softly.
“I am not in the mood for training” Loki repeated.
“Oh, is that how it is?” you said in a playful yet menacing tone. “I’ll have to persuade you then.”
“What? N-No! D-dohohon’t!” Loki burst out laughing when he felt your fingers over his belly. “Nohohoho! Not thehehehehere!”
“Get up!” you teased him as your fingers pinched the sides of his stomach.
“I don’t wahahahant to!” Loki laughed as he kicked the cushions with his heels. “I’m comfortable hehehehere!”
“It’s important you do your exercises, it’s part of your rehab!” you insisted. “C’mon, doctor’s orders.”
“I dohohohon’t follow a mortal’s— ahaha orders!” he wheezed when you found that damned spot below his navel.
“Then I’m not stopping, you’ll spend the evening as a giggly wiggly worm.”
He had to give you something, you knew exactly how to make him squirm. His hips were bucking trying to stop you and his hands were pushing your wrist, but he wasn’t used to dealing with a normal human’s strength, so he didn’t want to risk hurting you.
“Pleahahahase! Cut it— OW!”
Immediately you jolted and stop everything you were doing, cupping your hands over your mouth and looking at him horrified.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” you asked.
“Yes, I’m quite alright. My back aches… that is all.” He assured you as he sat back up.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more careful, you’re still recovering.”
“Oh no, the back pain has been with me for quite a few years already” he said, wanting to ease your conscious.
“Well, yes. The Black Order aren’t exactly kind when they force you into their lines.” Loki said simply. “The pain comes back every so often.”
“I’m sorry…” you look at him. “Can I help?”
“Unfortunately, there’s nothing you could d—”  
You surprised him by sitting behind him and started rubbing his shoulders, softly at first, feeling him.
“No wonder you are sore, you’re stiff like a board” you said feeling around his spine, soon starting to add more pressure.
He let out a few groans, it hurt a bit at first as you undid the knots of stress of his shoulders. He sighed as he soon felt himself slipping away.
“C’mere” you spoke with utmost softness, as you helped Loki rest on his stomach just to keep massaging his back. “Hehe, you take up most of the couch, I kinda forget how tall you are sometimes.”
“Sorry…” he yawned no even filtering his thoughts.
“It’s okay” you said amusedly, “it’s not a bad thing.”
Your hands rubbed his back with gentle and caring touch. You were so kind and meticulous. Your skill might be up for debate, you were good, but someone much pickier could argue there were professional masseuse that were much better. Perhaps that was true, but no one else had touched him so lovingly, so selflessly. You took your time, and he even noticed every so often you stopped to stretch your fingers that grew tired, but you didn’t complain, you didn’t stop.
He didn’t know when or for how long, but when he woke up you were still massaging your back.
“You snore when you sleep” you spoke in the softest voice, he didn’t want to get his hopes up, but you seemed endeared. “Had a nice nap?”
“Probably the best nap I’ve had since I was maybe 150 years old.” He said, letting out a chuckle at your confusion. “I was still a toddler by then.”
“I’m glad… you really seemed like you needed it” you said softly. “Do you feel better?”
He let out a yawn and stretch, rolling over on his back to look at you.
“Much better, thank you” he smiled politely.
“No problem…” you said with a shyness that was unfamiliar for him, he even got to see the pleasure to see a lovely blush adorning your cheeks. “Um… w-well… I’ll go to… you know…”
“Ah, of course…” he muttered as he saw you run off.
He was a little bit disappointed, but he tried not to think too much about your attitude for the sake of his sanity. Of course, he failed. It was the only thing he could think about
It made him build up the courage to go out for town and buy a bouquet. He thought about red roses, but he saw a bouquet of violets and purple sweet peas and white roses, he just knew that was the one.
He even used his phone for a change to ask you to meet him in the compounds garden, he hated using his cellphone. He had asked Banner to let him use his therapy flower greenhouse. He calculated the hour for the prettiest sky colors to ensure a romantic setting for his love declarations.
Minutes earlier his heart was thumping so loud it was drumming in his ears. He felt his mouth dry, and he was sweaty.
“Loki?” he finally heard your voice as you walked in.
“Over here!” he called as he set his bouquet, behind him, barely hiding it behind himself. “H-Hi… Thanks for coming.”
“No problem” you smiled. “I didn’t know you wanted to try Bruce’s gardening therapy. That’s really good.”
“N-No… I— Uh… I just wanted to… have some privacy.”
“Oh?” you asked as you sat behind him.
“I just… wanted to uh, give you this… as a thank you” Loki said, handing you the bouquet. “You’ve been exceedingly kind to me for months, helping me heal, keeping me in check, and that massage the other day… it really helped me feel better.”
“It’s been my pleasure. You’ve been a lovely patient” you said sweetly as you smelled the flowers.
“T-That’s not the only reason why I wanted to… see you here…” Loki barely spoke out, his mouth felt dry, and he felt lightheaded. “You’ve been a delightful company and a wonderful friend… I can’t say that about a lot of people, and probably even less can say the same thing about myself…”
“That’s not true.” You cut him off. “You’re funny, well-mannered, smart, educated, charmingly stubborn, and a stimulating company. There’s not a boring moment with you around.”
Loki’s cheeks flushed at your sweet words, you weren’t even trying to, but his heart fluttered.
“T-That’s why I mean, you are… a— uh… this is ah— not easy to say… but you… um… I appreciate you.”
“I like you too, you’re a lovely friend” you said sweetly.
“N-No… I am not trying to be friendly” Loki said in a quick gasp of courage. “I-I would like to f-formally court you.”
“Court me…?”
“I think here on Midgard it’s addressed as dating…” Loki said, bracing himself for rejection.
“I’d love to.”
“What…?” Loki asked.
“I’d love to go out with you” you said, gently kissing his cheek.
Loki grinned happily.
“Tomorrow at 8?” Loki offered, “I— we could go to a nice restaurant, I’ll take you there. I could ask for a chauffeur to take us… we— we could…”
You surprised him with a little poke on the ribs, that cut him off with the urge to giggle.
“8 is perfect, I’ll drive us to wherever you like” you smiled, “Just pick a restaurant. But, how about tonight I take you for a nice dinner inside and a movie on the lounge room?”
“I’d like that, very much” Loki smiled softly as he pressed his forehead against yours.
He saw you intertwine your fingers with his own, causing him to smile. You lovely thing. It was a lovely sensation. As you pulled him up to his feet, so he’d follow you inside. Which he did with a bright smile.
What a lovely life he had found on Earth.
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highdefhoetry · 2 months
i'll show you funny.
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cw: tickling, fluff, gender neutral reader
summary: you tickle zoro. that's it that's the post lmao. watched a compilation of zoro laughing pre timeskip and sort of lost my mind kjldfjsl. pls enjoy my degeneracy
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“Soooo… you really don’t have any weak spots?”
You poke the swordsman’s side as you lay next to him in bed, morning light falling over you both like a warm blanket. Zoro grunts, but otherwise remains still. He’s still shirtless from the night before, and his tanned skin glows slightly under the sun.
“No. I don’t.”
His stomach quivers slightly when you brush your fingers across his tight abs, but still, his expression doesn’t crack apart from his furrowed brows. He does flinch a little when you poke him in the muscles, though, and you hear his voice straining as he stifles a noise that sounds suspiciously like a suppressed giggle.
“Not even one?”
“I said no. Now stop poking me, damn it.”
You ignore his warning and try something different. Your fingertips trace a path up his side, then back down again with slow, gentle strokes. He visibly shivers and grabs your hand.
His voice is low and menacing, but you refuse to let him intimidate you. You’re determined to see him crack, craving the softness he keeps so well hidden. You wondered what his unrestrained laugh sounded like, if it was loud and booming or quiet and reserved. You wanted to see a genuine smile, a crack in his armored demeanor. And most of all, you wanted to know if your strong and steadfast Roronoa Zoro was secretly very ticklish. 
Although one hand is trapped in his firm grip, your other is free to roam. You rest it on his stomach and quickly spider your fingers all over, catching him off guard. He gasps, this time a little louder, and his voice is much more strained than before. Like he’s really struggling to hold back.
You evade his hand when he tries to grab it again, burrowing into his underarm as a struggle ensues. His arms shoot down to his sides, only serving to trap your hand in place. 
This time, you actually hear it. A tiny little giggle. When you stop and look at his face, there’s an expression of slight panic in his wide eyed gaze.
“Oh, my god...”
“Hey, don't-!”
His hold on you weakens as you attack his underarm again, and when you pull your other hand free of his grasp it joins in on the other side. Zoro rolls around, grins with furrowed brows, desperately tries to force back his laughter. You have to give him credit. He’s got an iron resolve. 
But within a few seconds, the fight is over. His smile stretches wide, his eyes squeeze shut, and he throws his head back as his laughter rings through the room. 
It’s nothing like you expected.
It’s loud. And goofy. Full of joy, like a child’s. His smile is bright and cheerful, a stark contrast to his typical frown. And to you, it was music. You couldn’t get enough. You start laughing, too, thoroughly enjoying yourself as you tickle him to pieces.
He squirms around frantically as he cackles his head off, thrashing his limbs in a futile attempt to escape. You can tell he’s holding back his strength as best as he can, making sure not to hurt you despite how much you’re tormenting him, but after a few seconds he decides he's had enough. He grabs both of your wrists, pins you down underneath him with a tight hold. The tables have turned, and now he’s the one staring down at you with mischief in his eyes.
“Wait, hold on!!” you plead preemptively through giggles.
“You think this is funny, huh?” he pinches your sides, sending you into hysterics. "I'll show you funny."
As he gets his revenge, you still can’t help thinking that it was all worth it. 
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tkpuke · 7 months
Sweet Tranquility
Pairing -Lee!Lucifer x Gender Neutral Reader
Word count - 1,293
In which Lucifer seems to be falling back into the unhealthy obsession of creating rubber ducks, which takes a toll on his sleep schedule and your relationship. You’re the only one who knows him best, so you pull out a trick that gets him to calm down and feel loved all at the same time.
This is a tickle fic. Do not read if that’s not your thing.
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The clock was nearing 2 AM, rain being heard pitter-pattering on the window. It was another restless night for you, tossing and turning in your sleep to find that perfect comfy position that’ll knock you out. In the middle of your tossing and turning, you mindlessly search for Lucifer, something to hold and cuddle into since you begin to shiver a bit.
A few seconds go by, and you open your eyes to see he was yet again, not in bed. You sigh, but more in annoyance, knowing this is the third night in a row where he hasn’t been in bed, leaving you all alone. In the morning you’ve tried asking him what he’s been doing awake so late, and he eases your worries by saying he had only gone to use the bathroom. You never went out to go see for yourself, wanting to believe him. However, this night you had a gut feeling you should go search for him. Because unless he has a weird bathroom schedule he didn’t tell you about, you’re starting to call bullshit on him going off to use it every night around 2 AM, and he doesn’t even come back until an hour or two go by.
You treaded quietly down the hall, seeing if you could hear where exactly he was at. Your ears picked up on slight noise coming from the living room, and when you got a little closer you saw light shining from there. As you peeked your head in, that’s when you saw Lucifer sitting down near the coffee table, focusing on painting a rubber duck. Beside him seemed to be twenty more jumbled together, all in different colorful outfits and top hats.
“Lucy?” You called out, causing him to jump slightly from not expecting you to be awake. He immediately starts stuttering, searching for an explanation. “Oh! Y/N- I uhh- haha was just uhm..” His eyes dart around the room, fixing onto the huge grandfather clock that touches up the living room just perfectly, cluttering all the ducks under the rug as if you haven’t spotted them already.
“..I was on my way to the bathroom, per usual! As I noticed this beautiful babe of a clock we have here.” He rubs his chin in thought, looking over his shoulder at you. “Did you know we always had this?” Lucifer nervously laughs, the stutter making its appearance again when you gave him eyes of worry. “In the- er uh- house we’ve been practically living in for many years…”
All you did in response was take his hand into yours, the other finding its way to caress his cheek and then he broke.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Y/N. I promised it wouldn’t get this bad again, and I… well- I’m just so-“ you bring him into a hug to shush him, rubbing his back comfortingly. “Hey, we don’t have to talk about this right now. Let’s just go back to bed, okay?”
Lucifer nodded as you two walked back, hands interlocked. Getting into bed at the same time, moving around into a comfy position and settling with facing each other as your heads slightly bump together. Silence fills the room, almost passing out right then and there until you hear some shuffling.
You try to ignore it, assuming Lucifer wasn’t comfortable enough and was moving a little bit. Although the shuffling continued, making you sit up and look down at him. “Is everything alright?”
“I can’t sleep.” He says with a huff, staring up at the ceiling defeatedly.
This wasn’t your first rodeo where Lucifer couldn’t have sleep fall upon him. He always struggled becoming tired at the appropriate time, so it led you to come up with some ideas to help him.
“Do you want me to make you a hot drink?” You first suggested, something that always helps you knockout yourself. Lucifer shook his head, letting out a sigh. “No, that won’t do.”
“A massage, maybe?”
“Those never work.”
“How about watching a little bit of Tv?”
“We’ll accidentally stay up all night if we do that.”
You sit back on the bed headrest, forgetting how difficult he could be. It was like taking care of a child rather than your significant other.
That was until a lightbulb suddenly shined in your mind, a smile slowly forming, one he couldn’t see from how dark the room is, the city lights barely shining through the curtains to make some sort of visibility.
“Actually, I think I know what might do the trick.” The sound of your voice sounded more mischievous than comforting, which caused Lucifer to look over but let out a yelp of surprise from you straddling his waist in a quick second.
“What are you doing— H-HEHEY!” His question got cut off with a strangled giggle, your hands finding their way up to his underarms, going straight for the kill so soon.
As funny as it sounds, tickling was one of what seems like the only methods that helped tired out Lucifer. You can’t remember how exactly you stumbled upon this discovery, but what you do know is how he never complains because he secretly enjoys the thrill of it all. You tried getting him to admit it at one point, but you didn’t get far.
“Nohoho, wait! Wait!” Lucifer snapped his arms down but at the same time trying to grab at your wrists, but he didn’t pull them away. You both knew he had the strength to do so, but you’ll never comment on why he never does. The reason was clear as day.
No matter how many ‘please!’s or ‘stop!’s he throws at you, it all meant the opposite. “Y’know, times like these it makes it hard to believe you’re the ruler of Hell.” You teased, digging in his underarms a little deeper to pull out that snort he does. You weren’t left disappointed, him snorting as his hair becomes more unraveled with each shake of his head.
“I’ll shohow you once I’m FREHEHEE!” A squeal escapes him the minute you latch onto his thighs, the spot you go to when he gets snippy. Fingers find their way to his inner thighs, squeezing in a fast pace. “Lets see if you have enough energy once we’re finished, yeah?” You scoffed, almost nearly getting bucked off but you still had a firm grip on his thighs.
Thighs would be rank one for one of his most ticklish spots, his underarms being a close second. It takes only a few seconds for his laughter to become hoarse and silent, which has already happened, causing you to go slow and skitter your nails around his neck. You smiled at the sight of his cheeks becoming a more vibrant shade of red than it usually is, being a giggly mess and trying to trap your fingers under his chin.
“Ohohokay, I’ll sleheheep! I’m tired! I swehear!” He desperately pleas. His breathless state was convincing enough, but if there’s one thing you learned from all the times Lucifer tickled you, it was to be a little shit.
“Hmm, are you sure?” You left pokes all around his stomach, watching each poke earning you quiet giggles. He moves his hands away from your wrists up to your hands, and you let him. “Yehes, now leave me alohone.” You planted a kiss on his cheek, finally moving off of him. “Never.”
You tucked yourself back in bed, looking over to realize he is still giggling. “You do know I stopped, right?”
“Shut the hell up.”
You let out a breathy laugh. “It worked though. You can barely keep your eyes open now.”
Lucifer moved to lay on his side, a hand caressing your cheek. “It did, thank you.”
“I love you.”
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666anxiety666 · 13 days
Tickly fishy
LEE: Sebastian LER: Y/N
Warnings: none :)
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Today was surprisingly calm. You had spent most of your time inside Sebastians shop. You've been down here with Sebastian for a good few months now, and honestly, you wouldn't change a thing.
You had helped Sebastian all day with data and snatching more things for his shop. After what felt like forever doing non-stop work, Sebastian lay down with a loud thud.
Sebastian didn't say anything, only dragging you down with him and curling his massive body around you.
Was all Sebastian groaned out. He was clearly drained and tired. You smiled softly at him, patting your lap, inviting him to rest on it. Sebastian raised an eyebrow.
"What? No way! What do you take me fo-!"
But you relented. You cupped his face, dragging it down onto your lap comfortably. Sebastian went to protest but instantly found comfort in your lap.
"Jeez, you're warm..."
Sebastian mumbled into your leg as he nuzzled into it, wrapping two of his arms around your waist. You chuckled softly, reaching up to pet his long, silky hair. Sebastian hummed with contentment.
"That actually feels nice..."
Sebastian mumbled as his eyes drooped a little. You smiled, continuing the action. Gently running your fingers through Sebastians hair and playing with it.
Sebastian closed his eyes, nuzzling into your leg more. You smiled, glad to see him relax for once. This was a completely different Sebastian you knew from months ago, that's for sure. Not that you were complaining.
As you continued petting him, you moved your hands down to his ears, gently scratching behind them. As you did so however, Sebastian jumped a little. At first, you pulled your hands away, worried you made him uncomfortable. But instead, you saw his flushed face.
"D-Dont do that..."
Sebastian stammered, clearly trying to hide how it really felt. You smiled, nodding your head. But in your mind, there was no way you were let this go.
As Sebastian got comfortable again, your hands strayed from his hair to his ears once more. You gently started to scratch behind them. You could see Sebastian's face scrunch up as he tried to hold back his laughter.
"I-I said stop that, you idiot..!"
Sebastian stuttered. But the longer you kept up the scratches, the more his resolve broke. Soon, your eyes lit up when you heard his giggles.
"H-Hey! Noho- come ohohon!"
Sebastian squeaked out. His hands latching onto your wrists, but he didn't pull your hands away. His tail started to wag slightly and your eyes lit up more at the sight.
You kept up the scratches, even using your thumbs to rub the fronts of his fish like ears, only for him to yelp and giggle more.
"C-Cohome on, buhuhuddy! T-This ihihisnt funny!"
But you digress. You giggled with him, cooing at how cute his giggles were. You couldn't tell if his face was red because of your teasing or the tickles themselves.
One hand strayed down to his neck, gently scratching at the gills there. Sebastian yelped in surprise. He buried his face in your lap to muffle the barrage of laughter.
"Hey! No! Nohoho! Not theheHEHERE!"
Sebastians laughter rose, now filling the shop. He didn't even move away either, which you thought was endearing. You kept up the gently scratches at his gills, but the fingers that were scratching behind his ears soon trailed down to Sebastian's armpits.
Sebastian squealed. He actually squealed.
You giggled at his reaction, only keeping it up for a few more seconds before pulling away. Sebastian huffed, catching his breath.
"T-That... was horrible..."
Sebastian grumbled, but he was still yet to move his head from your lap. You giggled once more, petting his hair like before. Sebastian eventually calmed down. Nuzzling and even purring in your lap.
"You know, Y/N..."
Sebastian started. You raised an eyebrow, wondering what his next words would be. Sebastian grinned.
"I'm always one for revenge..~"
Before you could even get a word in, Sebastian had already started squeezing your hip. Causing you to squeal. The shop filling with laughter once more...
A little short one for yall, but I hope you like it! (Also, send me requests if you want, I'm running out of ideas here 😭🙏)
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lovelynim · 8 months
I didn't expect Rafayel to be the first of LnD that I'd write for, but anyway
have this little drabble since this brat refuses to leave my head
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“Get up already,” you groaned impatiently, patting the dust off your clothes while getting back to your feet. Deep down, you hoped that when you looked at him, he would be at least on his knees, doing the same.
But no. Rafayel continued to lay down on the sand, dramatically holding a hand up to his forehead to block the sun. “I told you, I can’t.”
“Of course you can,” you rolled your eyes, walking over to where he was. “Just g-”
“You’ll have to carry me, I can’t walk.”
You stopped mid sentence, slowly processing those words. That man couldn’t be for real, not in a time like this. Of every moment he could’ve chosen to act up, he decided to do it now? No, not this time.
“I see, so you can’t move?” You feigned pity, kneeling next to his body as you watched he put up his best efforts into that shameless performance. If only he used half of this energy to actually do something useful…
“No,” Rafayel pouted, sighing as if he was at the verge of death. “So, carry me, miss bodyguard,” he said, reaching out and intertwining his fingers behind your neck, waiting for you to pick him up.
“Rafayel,” you mused softly, leaning a little forward so you could probably look him in the eyes. “Do you think I’m that dumb?!” Before he could react, you dug your fingers under his arms, turning all your annoyance into a merciless and unstoppable ticklish assault.
“N-NOHOH! AhAHAHA, wahAHahit!” He cackled, squirming like the fish out of the water he was. Rafayel was quick to bring his arms down and press them against his sides, but this attempt alone wasn’t near enough to make you stop.
Managing to wiggle your fingers over his upper ribs, you continued your scolding, kind of enjoying seeing him like that. “You are such a pain sometimes… What's wrong? Didn’t you want me to carry you? Stay still and let me pick you up, Rafayel ~”
“GehEHehet off mehEHEh!! AhahAHah, nohoh mohohoreee!!” He whined through his laughter and you decided to let him go when he tried to squirm away, rolling to his side and laying face down against the warm sand.
“Oh, it seems you can move, guess I won’t need to carry you, then,” you chuckled, getting back up as you looked around.
“You’re so mean to me…” Rafayel pretended to cry, clicking his lips when he noticed he wasn’t getting your attention anymore. “Hey, wait for me!”
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widowsistersandfriends · 10 months
Lasso of Tickle Truth
Summary: You are Wonder Woman's most evenly matched enemy, but she has a combination of ways to win.
Note: This was just an idea swirling in my head, and I apologize if some of the details about her aren't portrayed that well! Thank you for your patience!
Word Count: 1133
You stumbled into a run-down shed, desperate for any hiding place. You were finally out of view from an ongoing chase with your arch nemesis: Wonder Woman. You two were in constant battles, trying to defeat the other once and for all. Your current heist was to steal a sacred document that was too important to lose. You were successful in this task, but were too late in escaping before being seen. This is how you were in the position you were in now.
You breathed heavily, fleeing by car and then foot. It was dark in the shed, a place that probably hadn’t been visited in decades. A wood chip fell off the ceiling, startling you. You silently cursed, knowing that you needed all the help you needed. Having things fall apart only meant more noise to be made and a higher chance of you being found. 
You heard footsteps outside, getting closer by the minute. You held your breath, hoping it was any random bystander. Anyone but her. 
“Sorry I’m late,” you heard, just outside of the shed. You scooted in as far as you could, trying to disappear in the darkness.
“Not gonna speak?” Wonder Woman asked.
Your eyes widened when you saw a golden glow appear outside of the shed. If she used her lasso of truth on you, you knew you were done for. She would find out where you hid the document. All of that planning to escape would be wasted.
There was a moment of silence, and you were unsure of what you should do next. You were too scared of what her next move would be.
After a moment, the flimsy door to the shed flew open, revealing the superhero and her lasso in front of you. You backed up against the wall, knowing that you were stuck. You felt around in the darkness for a secret back door. Your hand felt the shape of a knob and quickly turned it to open the door. You pushed it open and sprinted out, not getting very far before her lasso was roped around your torso.
You fell to the ground, struggling to get out, as she quickly caught up, pinning you to the ground. 
“Well well well, what do we have here?” Wonder Woman asked, raising an eyebrow. With the lasso of truth around you. Luckily for you, your power was a strong ability to fight against this.
“N-noth-ing,” you struggled to say.
“I know you stole the sacred document. You’re not going to fool me,” she said, smirking down at you.
You turned your head away, refusing to fall for her trap.
“I can fight your silly lasso you know,” you spat back at her while glowering.
Her eyes narrowed slightly, and it felt as if you were two siblings fighting rather than two arch enemies. 
“Maybe I’ll need something a little more powerful then hmm?” Wonder Woman suggested. With the lasso still around your torso and arms, she began to tickle your sides.
“NOHOHO NOHOT THAHAHAT,” you shouted, knowing that this is one thing you could never defend against. Especially when you were stuck in her lasso.
“What’s this? The big bad schemer is ticklish? Who would’ve thought this was how you were gonna lose…” she commented with a grin.
“AHAHAHAHA IHIHI WOHOHONT LOHOHOSE,” you squealed, as her fingers moved up to scratch away in and around your ribs. 
“You may be able to fight the lasso pretty well, but combining it with tickling will make you spill for sure,” she said, now taking her finger and wiggling it in your belly button.
You shrieked, bucking so hard that you were able to flip onto your side, desperately trying to protect your sensitive giggle button.
“Awww does that tickle? Is that what this button does? It makes you laugh?” She asked, repeatedly poking into it, causing you to scream for her to stop.
“Tell me.” She demanded.
You were weakened by the tickles, and the lasso of truth was getting more and more difficult to fight against.
“N-never!” You barely said, as she flipped you back to your original position, face up.
“We’ll see about that. You know the thing is, I have intel on all of my enemies. I happen to know a little someone has very ticklish feet,” she said with a wicked grin and sat on your shins.
“NO! DONT YOU DAHAHAHARE,” you laughed while screaming and thrashing around. You desperately tried to take the lasso off, but Wonder Woman was quick, turning around and squeezing your hips, making you collapse again with a squeal.
With that, she continued to rake her nails over your sensitive soles, holding your toes back and tickling underneath.
“OHOHOKAY IHIHI GIHIHIVE,” you shouted, as she slowed her evil fingers.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace,” she said with a wink. You squirmed uncomfortably, before blurting out the location when she gave your knee a squeeze.
“IHIHIN THE HEHEADQUARTERS,” you squealed out.
“Thanks for the confirmation,” she said with a smirk.
“What do you mean?!?” You asked.
“Oh I figured, but at the same time it’s always fun to pick you apart,” she replied, as you flopped backwards with an eye roll.
“It is so funny though that you’re so weak to tickles,” she commented, gently flipping you over and tickling your back and neck while you were still in her lasso.
“It’s fun messing with someone who’s supposed to be equally matched with me,” she said, now letting you out of her lasso. You quickly tried to yank it, wanting to expose her secrets. However, it backfired as she gave it a much stronger yank, as she captured you and tickled up and down your sides. You entered yet again another fit of laughter, smacking her to tap out. You cursed yourself for this evil weakness. But being human, you knew she had to be ticklish as well.
“Oh big bad Wonder Woman~are you ticklish?” You asked, before tackling her and pinning her arms above her head.
“I’m not even touching you yet,” you teased, as she was already giggling like crazy. With that, you used your free hand to tickle her armpits, letting her experience the torture you just went through. You blew a big raspberry on her stomach while tickling her sides, which got a great reaction.
You finally let her up, knowing how bad it was.
“Maybe we have more in common than we thought. Shall we team up?” Wonder Woman asked jokingly.
“Yeah we should just go and use tickling as our new power,” you joked in reply.
“Oh I know you’d love to stay the villain though,” she teased, as you avoided eye contact and blushed.
“Knew it.”
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cooldudesthings · 5 months
Mechanical findings
Notes: this is my first fic I suck at writing so bear with me on this i was bored outta my mind idk what to put on the title so i did the first thing that came to mind
Warnings:tk fic if you don’t like it don’t read it
Lee: Boothill
Ler:mechanic reader
Boothill found himself locked into your work table, a giggly mess. He needed to have a few wires looked at near his sensors. When you looked at the wires, taking notice of the dust and dirt close to some of the sensors, you took a can of compressed air, put the straw on it, and stuck it near a sensor. Gently pressing down on the trigger to have the air not be too much for the sensor, little did you and Boothill know that he'd be able to feel ticklish. But now that you know, you decided to mess with him a bit.
"C'mon Boot, you can't be this sensitive," you coo as you continue blowing the air around the sensors.
"Y/N! Snrk-quihihit ihihit I swehehar," Boothill laughed between words, his face painting itself a pretty crimson. To think a mechanical cowboy could be so ticklish added to his embarrassment. He was plotting his revenge against you as his pleas for mercy fell on your deaf ears.
"Awww, does it tickle more here or here?" you tease as you switch between sensors, loving every second of his laughter as you drive him up the wall.
"Gahahad stohohohop ihihihit mehehercy!!!!" Boothill cried out, becoming desperate for it to end.
You chuckled as you continued to mess with his sensors a bit more before stopping and closing him up. You hit the button for the table to release him and bolt out of the room, giggling as you knew he was going to get his revenge one way or another.
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burningablaze · 4 months
Amajiki x Reader - A Little Request
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A/N: I don’t even care if it’s a little bad, I’m just glad I got a fic done after MONTHS of not writing. Holy crap 😮‍💨
Summary: You get a surprise visit from Amajiki in your dorm room but he asks you for a little… thing
Lee: Amajiki
Ler: Reader
Words: 857
It was a cloudy and chilly afternoon on UA Campus. Everyone was in their dorms, doing their own thing. You were in your dorm room, cleaning and organizing your room to the best possible. As you were in your room, you heard a knock on your door. You decided to approach the door cautiously, wondering who could be visiting you during such an ordinary afternoon. Upon opening the door, you were surprised to see one of your friends, Amajiki. Amajiki stood at the doorway with a small but hesitant smile on his face.
You smiled. “Hey, Tama, what’s up?” you asked and decided to let him in your dorm. Amajiki entered, looking a bit nervous as he took a seat on your bed. You could sense that he had something on his mind. You sat down on your bed next to him. “Is everything okay?”
“I… I wanted to talk to you about something,” he said softly, avoiding eye contact and blushing. “Yeah, sure, anything,” you said gently.
Amajiki hesitated for a moment before speaking up. “I was wondering if you could… do that thing?” he asked, lowering his head to hide his blushing face. You tilted your head to the side slightly.
“What thing, Amajiki?” you asked. “That… thing…” he said as he blushed more. It took a moment for you to figure out what he was ACTUALLY been asking for and you smirked slightly. “Oh, THAT thing.”
Hearing you say that made Amajiki blush more and he hid his face behind his hands. You chuckled and patted your lap. “Lay your head right here,” you said.
Amajiki whined softly as he positioned himself and rested his head on your lap. “So how do you want me to tickle you?” you asked as you ran your fingers through his hair.
He blushed more and slowly moved his shirt up to expose his belly without saying a word. You smiled and took one of his hands into your own, intertwining each other’s fingers. “Belly it is, do you want me to be gentle as usual?” you asked as you placed your hand on his belly and rubbed your thumb against his skin. He nodded with a flustered smile.
As gently as you can go, you glided your fingertips all across his belly. You can see his belly twitching and wiggling from your light touches.
Amajiki let out soft giggles and squirmed a bit but not trying to get away. You smiled as you traced tiny circles on the middle of his belly. “Aww, look at you go, Tama, smiling and giggling like that. This spot gets all the cutest squeals, doesn’t it?” you teased.
He blushed a deep shade of red and he giggled louder. “Ahahahahahahaha, Y/N, it tickles!” “Really? Wow, this must really suck for you then,” you smirked slightly and wiggled your fingers faster.
Amajiki covered his face with his hands as he wiggled side to side as you continued your playful assault on his sensitive belly. “Ahahaha, s-stop, please! I can't take it!” he cried out, his voice pitched higher with each passing second.
You grinned mischievously, relishing the sight of him completely unraveled by your tickling. "What's the matter, Tama? Can't handle a little tickle torture?" you teased, switching to using both hands to thoroughly explore his ticklish spots.
"Ehehehehehehe, Y/N, y-you're so mean!" he managed to squeak out between fits of laughter as he attempted to shield himself from your nimble fingers.
Delighted by his adorable reactions, you continued your playful onslaught, determined to coax out even more endearing giggles and squeals from the flustered young man. The sound of his infectious laughter filled the air, and you couldn't help but smile at how carefree and joyful he seemed at this moment.
After a little while longer, you finally stopped, leaving Amajiki a grinning, snickering mess. “Aww, did I wear you out, Tama?” you teased affectionately, gently brushing a few stray strands of hair from his flushed face. He looked up at you with a shy but content expression, his breathing still a little ragged from the tickling.
“That was a little mean with the teasing, Y/N,” he said. “Haha, I guess I did go a little overboard, didn't I?” you said with a smile. Amajiki’s cheeks flushed deeply as he nodded shyly, still trying to catch his breath.
“But… I did like it,” he admitted, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Seeing him so flustered and adorable only made you want to tease him more, but you decided to take pity on him for now.
Reaching out, you gently ruffled his purple hair, eliciting a soft hum of contentment from him. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you said warmly. “Though maybe next time I’ll go a little easier on you, hmm?”
Amajiki nodded in agreement, his eyes sparkling with a newfound sense of comfort and trust. The two of you sat there for a moment, simply basking in each other’s company and the lingering joy of your playful encounter. It was in moments like these that you truly cherished the bond you shared.
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queenendless · 6 months
Giddy Giant
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Working on new content for here on other stuff like P3R and maybe YGO in the future but its mostly JJK still for now. Anywho — !
Lee!Satoru Gojo x Ler!GN!Reader.
Short fic piece on established relationship, tickle madness/fluff, foot tickles/worship. The moment I saw the official artwork, my inner ler demanded content.
Sorry for my personal kinks/fetishes and it's fine if it turns you off from reading this but honestly I wrote this in like 2 days ... yeah inspiration comes and goes and works in odd ways so sorry about that.
Downing a bunch of coffee with mini marshmallows would satiate the sweets addicted Satoru Gojo for the time being.
But after finishing a week’s worth of work exorcizing curses, it would make even the one at the apex of sorcery get exhausted.
So cups of that cozy warm beverage only knocked him right out.
To see him out of his usual work attire and into more casual clothing was nice. Having no blindfold on meant his bangs hung freely in his face.
Laying down on the couch meant his long slim legs took up most of it, with his big dawgs pressed against the couch arm.
You peaked over the couch, smitten at the breathtaking sight of your partner fast asleep, feasting on how irresistible he looked.
Now that he's back in your shared home, that meant he trusted you enough to let his Infinity down and recharge.
But after being apart for so long, you wanted to hear his genuine melody right away.
The carefree laughs he gives off to everyone else was always for show or mockery due to his bad personality.
And yet, around you, his persona as the strongest could be dropped. To you, he's just Satoru Gojo, your partner, free to unwind.
For you, plopping on the arm rest those grippers pressed up against, your favorite unwinding method went underway.
His face scrunched up a bit, underlined by quiet grumbles as you stroked a finger up and down one sole before his other foot came in to brush your ghost touches away.
You grinned slyly, repeating the same brush stroke to the other sole, watching in silent glee as those strewn lips started stretching.
Tenderly rubbing his bridges in circles, your hands went all spider-like as they scratched at them next.
His legs shifted as his head craned back against the other armrest, humming some deep chuckles behind those now curling lips.
Slowly wiggling your digits into his arches had him kicking, nearly hitting you, but you sprung off the arm rest, when you froze.
“If you wanted to get a session going, you could have just waited until after I fully rested up. But attacking me in my sleep with my guard down like that … sneaky little ler you~”
Despite getting caught, Gojo's slanted eyes danced with mirth, peeking from underneath his arm resting against his forehead. He then propped those feet up on the armrest, waving them temptingly, waiting for your next move.
Gently kneading that velvety foot with ease made you relish in how soft they felt despite the man moving around so much and kicking the shit out of foes and the like. Your thumbs wiggled deeply into his silky skin, licking and smooching, for his taste is one that could never be topped.
He craned his head back as his adorable giggles left his open mouth smile, plopping his spare foot atop your noggin. “Does using you as my new footstool earn me anything?”
“Careful what you wish for.”
Releasing your current target, you pulled his other foot off your cranium before squeezing it in both your hands, gentle nibbling on his squirmy taunting toes had him giggling louder, kicking his spasming free leg out in response.
“Maybe I should have asked for this kind of treatment the moment I got back.” He chortled through his words, squirming as he sat up now, pulling his free foot out of your reach to flex it. “Though I'd rather you sit your cute little fanny down if we're gonna keep going.”
Smooching the ball of his foot, you freed it as you curled up on the empty cushion spot, snatching up the other foot, cradling it still before lathering those toes in the same sultry treatment as you gave the previous five, working your tongue in between them, earning a guffawing Gojo squirming in his spot.
“If it means I can keep doing this, fine by me.” Your breathy words made him shiver from the tingling touch to his slick skin.
“Can't believe being the lee in this can feel this good. Receiving this kind of worship from you is interesting. Though it'd devastate my very soul if I reflexively hit you by accident~!” He dramatically cried out before breaking out into full blown howling as you sat on his calves to slide all your fingers in between all his toes, attacking the pads and stems in your vibrating frenzy.
“That's a risk I'm willing to take – AAH~!”
You suddenly yelp as Satoru slid his hands underneath your top from behind, kneading and pinching your flesh, jolting in his grasp while letting out many shrieks yourself.
“Bad move to turn your back on your prey ... Y/n.”
Your futile attempt to pull away from him drove him to pull himself in until he literally splayed up against your back, leaning down to chuckle sinisterly right in your blushing ear.
“This is where you're weak, right~?” His teasing only heightened the ticklish sensation as his hands slid down to cup your jiggly belly and vibrate those sculpted fingers of his crazily, bringing out a stream of high-pitched howling and frantic limbs flailing outta you.
“I'm down for switching our roles right about now. You're not the only one who's missed the sound of our laughter.” He littered your face with butterfly kisses in tune with his fingers digging into your hips, making you laugh harder. “Especially yours.”
“No fair! I was just getting started!” You whined through your cackling when his lips began buzzing into your neck, earning spouts of screams and squirming from you.
“You've been a fabulous tickle monster thus far, Y/n. But now, let your dear Toru return the favor~” His devious laughter mingled with your guffawing as his lone digit jiggled into your belly button.
His unrestrained laughter filled up the room with yours, caging your legs between his own. Shedding tears from the ticklish overload, you were smothered by his unbridled warmth, tickles and all.
After a while spent becoming puddy in his dexterous hands, he stopped, letting you sag against his chest, shivering from his ghost touches, tired giggles leaving your parted lips.
Nuzzling his nose against your tear-stained hot cheek, he licked the salty goodness off your skin. Satoru beamed with affection for you, pecking your lips lovingly with a giggle of his own. “Good to be back in your arms again, my beloved ler.”
He fell back against the couch so he could lay there with you entangled in his arms, your legs intertwined, as you nuzzled your tired face against your makeshift pillow that is his chest, finally settling down with a smile of your own.
“Welcome home.”
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gigglz · 1 month
Take a break.
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Platonic! N$FW do not interact.
lee!Reader ler!Geto, a tiny bit of lee!Geto ler!reader.
Geto Jujutsu High teacher AU.
Reader is Geto’s younger sister (Teen!reader).
3.4k words.
Reading time ≈ 14 min.
Geto is sitting in his chair in a classroom, legs crossed and sleeves rolled up, his hair in a messy bun as he taps his pen on the desk, trying to get some work done and over with.
You open the classroom door with your usual dead-pan face. A soft sigh escapes your brother’s lips as he sees you, he looks you up and down, taking in your disheveled appearance.
"You truly need to be more careful on your missions." He states sternly but there's a hint of genuine care in his eyes.
"Do you need anything?" He adds with a lazy grin.
“No, im fine.” You say, replying to his question as you walk into the classroom to get some papers you had left behind earlier.
He silently watched you go over to your desk. His eyes roaming over you, checking if you were really fine until you came back with the papers in hand.
He pushed his chair back a little, leaning back so he could properly look at you. He was looking at you like a hawk, analyzing you for any little bruise, any little cut.
"Sure you are. You certainly don't look fine." He teased a little, a smirk growing on his face, even though he didn’t see any visible marks.
“Yes, Su, im fine.” You say with an annoyed tone, rolling your eyes lightly. You called your older brother Su, which he hated a little but that’s exactly why you use that nickname.
Another smirk appeared on his face when he heard your annoyed tone.
“You don't sound like it either." He stated, standing up from his seat and moving towards you.
"Let me see." He added, now standing in front of you.
He was still much taller than you even though you're not a small person yourself. He grabs your chin with one hand, gently turning your head from side to side as he closely checked your face and neck for any injury.
You don’t protest, there is no point in doing so. You just sigh and stand there. Aside from your usual scar there were no visible wounds.
His eyes followed every movement, taking in your every expression. Satisfied that there was no serious injury on your face and neck, he let go and continued to look over the rest of your body.
He quickly took a hold on one of your hands and unrolled the sleeve to your shoulder, checking your arms for any injuries. He even turned your hand around a few times, checking your palm as well.
You sigh heavily. “Su, I. Am. Fine.” You say as he keeps checking. He can be a little too overprotective sometimes.
"If you'd be fine then you wouldn’t mind me checking." He mumbled and let go of your hand.
"Lift up your shirt." He stated as he crossed his arms.
“Really?” You ask in an annoyed tone.
"Yes, really. I need to check your torso. Don't be difficult now." He replied and put his hands on his hips. There was no room to argue with Geto. He was dead serious about your injuries and knew you tend to be too stubborn for your own good sometimes.
You groan and mumble something under your breath before lifting up your oversize t-shirt, exposing your torso up to your ribs.
He’s such a drama queen, you thought to yourself.
He gave you a light smack against the head for mumbling something and took another look over your body.
He saw the few bruises and cuts on your sides and stomach, inspecting them closely. He gently pressed his fingers against some of the worse looking ones, a concentrated look on his face.
You flinch a little, though it didn’t hurt.
He noticed your flinch and hummed, his gaze now directed at you, studying your facial expression. He carefully poked your stomach again, this time on purpose, seeing another flinch.
"Stop flinching." He said, rolling his eyes. His fingers gently traced over a couple of your injuries, making sure you weren’t seriously hurt from the mission. You do tend to hide your injuries.
You groan. “Ugh, Geto im fine! It tickles.” You say as you push his hand away and let go of your shirt, letting it fall back down.
He lets out a sigh and crosses his arms again. A small smile on his face as he shakes his head in disbelief.
"Sure, sure." He replies, not wanting to argue over this anymore. He's at least satisfied that there are no major injuries he has to worry about.
"You should really be more careful though. You can't just get yourself in a position where you're hurt so easily. You should have more experience in battle by now." He says, referring to the little cuts and blueish purple bumps on your ribs and sides.
“I dont get hurt easily, this was just a special case. And even so its just a few bumps, im not a child.” You say, annoyed at your brother for worrying all the time like you’re some little kid.
He raises an eyebrow, now annoyed at your response. He takes a step forward, almost towering over you now.
"I know you're not a child. In fact, you're almost an adult now. But you're still my little sister. I'll worry as much as I want."
He placed a hand on the top of your head, gently ruffling your hair. He never failed to take a moment to tease and or annoy you.
You just sigh lightly, “Okay okay.” as you push his hand away.
"I better not see you with any serious injuries that you try to hide any time soon, got it?" He says with a still teasing but serious voice.
You just nod with a displeased look on your face.
"I'm serious, you know. You can't always rush into battle without thinking. You're an excellent sorcerer, but you need to be more careful." He says, now lecturing you.
“Whats the point? As long as i get the job done who cares if ive got a few bruises?” You retort, pointing your finger at the old scar on your face. “Plus they look cool.”
He lets out a sigh of disappointment and lightly smacks you upside the head again. He still didn't like it when you were being so reckless. After all, you were an important part of his life and he cared about you deeply.
"You don't need "cool" scars. Stop being so careless and stubborn. One day you'll seriously get injured badly and it could have been avoided." He says as he points his finger at you, like scolding a misbehaving child.
You groan lightly. “Okay okay, jeez.” You say annoyed, with a hint of sarcasm.
His eye twitched slightly at your tone, clearly irritated by your attitude, yet he chose to give you the benefit of the doubt this time and simply rolled his eyes in response.
"Watch your tone, kid." He said and ruffled your hair again, just to get on your nerves some more.
Even though he is teasing, you notice hes acting a little strange. “Whats the matter? Youre more serious than usual.” You say with a complimentary poke to his side.
He flinched a bit when you poked him, more from surprise than anything else. He quickly regained his composure and gave you a small glare. He wasn't really upset, more annoyed at your behavior.
"I'm always serious. You're the one who doesn't take things seriously." He stated and poked your side in return.
You flinched a tiny bit at the retaliatory poke, a small smile spreading on your lips involuntarily. “I do take things seriously, but you’re just too serious.”
He tilts his head slightly and raises an eyebrow, noticing the small smile on your face. He knew you couldn't resist a small playful fight.
You look at him for a second, something is definitely wrong. “You ok?”
He paused for a moment, realizing your genuine concern. "I'm fine." He assured you, though there was a hint of something more in his tone.
You take a seat on one of the classroom tables that was right behind you. Looking at him for a second, the little smile on your face disappearing as fast as it showed up. “You haven’t been sleeping.”
His expression darkened a little at your remark. Of course you would notice that, you always had a habit of reading him a bit too well at times, even as a kid.
"What makes you so sure about that?" He asked, the smirk on his face also fading, replaced by a somewhat troubled expression. He was avoiding your gaze and tried to stay casual.
“Intuition… also maybe the circles under your eyes.” You say as you point at him.
He lets out a small sigh and rubs a hand over his face, knowing that you caught on to him so quickly. It was sometimes irritating when you knew him so damn well, it was almost impossible to lie.
"Right..." He muttered under his breath, clearly frustrated at your observation skills.
He leans against the desk, facing you. He tries to keep his usual neutral expression, but the tiredness was still evident.
“You’ve been going on too many missions, haven’t you?” You lean forward a little.
“You. Shouldn’t. Push. Yourself. So. Damn. Much.” With each word you deliver a poke to his side and stomach, to get the message across.
You are trying to lighten the mood a little, even though it’s normally you thats all pouty.
He flinched at each poke, almost wincing as he tried not to laugh.
It was unexpected to see you so serious about something like this, even if you try to cover it up by being playful and annoying.
He couldn’t help a smile appearing on his face.
"Easy, easy. I know, I know." He said and gently grabbed your wrists to stop you from poking him any longer.
You cease your playful attack. Smiling lightly at him. “You really need to learn when to take a break.”
He huffed slightly, still holding onto your wrist.
"I could say the same about you. Rushing into battle like you're invincible." He says in a slightly lecturing tone, but there was a hint of care there as well.
“Touché.” You say with a slight smile, cocking your head to the side ever so slightly.
“Y’know it’s normally me lecturing you, not the other way around.” He says with an amused smile.
“I guess its a nice change of pace.” You shrug.
He chuckles, nodding in agreement.
He looks down at you for a moment, his eyes studying your expression. A sly smirk formed on his face as he had an amusing idea pop into his head.
"But you know what else would be a nice change of pace?" He says, a mischievous spark glistening in his eyes.
“What?” You ask, genuinely oblivious.
He smirked and tugged on your wrist lightly, making your body lean forward towards him a little.
He leaned down menacingly. Still holding your wrists in a gentle yet firm grip. He looked at you with a sly smile, his eyes scanning your face.
Your expression was one of confusion, when suddenly it dawned on you. Uh oh.
Without any time to waste he loosens his grip on your wrist and quickly reaches out, his hands moving to your sides and digging into your skin lightly.
I guess thats what you get for poking him.
“Wait! Su, im sorry-“ You yelp as your voice is laced with nervousness.
He smirked at your panicked voice, a hint of satisfaction in his expression. He knew you weren’t immune to tickling, and it was quite amusing to see you lose your usual composure.
"Sorry? Sorry won’t cut it now." He teased as his fingers danced around your sides.
“Hold on, Suhuhu-“ You giggle as you hit his chest lightly.
Geto loved to tickle you, sometimes just to mess with you, sometimes to make you smile or laugh, sometimes to get revenge and sometimes to stop you from sulking.
This is one of those times he’s doing it for revenge.
He chuckled as you hit his chest, enjoying the sound of your giggles, which he thought were adorable.
He loved these moments when he could make you laugh or smile, especially since you were often so serious and he had to pry a little to get a reaction out of you.
"You brought this upon yourself," He teases with a smirk on his face, his fingers digging into the sensitive spots on your sides.
“Naha! Shihihit.” You shook your head as uncontrollable giggles poured out of you.
Honestly, you don’t mind this. You love roughhousing with your older brother.
Especially if this will help him to get his mind off of whatever he is dealing with.
Geto loved these moments as well, these lighthearted moments where you acted childish and let your guard down.
It reminds him that despite everything, you were still just a teenager and not always a tough, serious sorcerer.
He continued the tickling for a few more moments, relishing in your giggles and the sight of you losing your composure.
Finally, he stopped and chuckled, watching you with a fond expression.
"Had enough yet?" He asks, his hands still resting on your sides.
“Fuhuck you.” You retort, giggles still apparent in your voice.
He chuckles again at your response, amused by your continued giggling.
"Language, young lady." He chided you almost absentmindedly, though there was no real heat behind his words.
He then tightened his grip on your sides again. "You still haven’t apologized for all the poking, you know."
Your body tensed up when his fingers dug into your sides, even if he wasn’t actively moving them.
“Apologize? For what? I was just trying to make you feel better.” You say with a huff.
He rolls his eyes at your response, clearly not buying it. He raised an eyebrow and gave you a look that said, "Really?"
"You were just trying to make me feel better, huh? By annoying me and poking my sides like I do to you?" He asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice.
He then started moving his fingers very slowly on your sides, not really doing much but just enough to tingle.
You flinched, a small smile spreading on your lips again.
“I don’t need to explain my thought process to you.” You say, a few faint giggles escaping here and there as you speak.
He noticed the smile and small giggles. He chuckled at your response, rolling his eyes again.
"Oh, really? Don’t feel like sharing with your dear older brother, huh?"
He continued to slowly move his fingers over your sides, slowly starting to climb up your sides towards your ribs.
He knows exactly what he is doing. Slowly inching closer to the spot where your sides meet your ribs.
Your voice grew a little more panicked.
“I-I mean, i dont know, i- Getoooo.” You whined his name, he knows you cant think straight right now.
He smirks at your panic, enjoying every second of it.
He knew that you struggled to think straight when he starts tickling you, and he loved it.
He continued to slowly move his fingers further up your sides, getting closer and closer to that specific spot, knowing that this is what was making you panic.
"You don’t know? Or do you just not want to tell me?" He teases.
You glared at him, knowing he was doing this on purpose. “Geto, please. Don’t you dare.”
He chuckled at your glare, clearly amused by your attempts to intimidate him.
He knew you were flustered and struggling to think straight, and he was milking it for all it was worth.
"What’s that? Don’t I dare to what?" He asks, feigning innocence, although his fingers were still steadily moving up your sides.
“Tickle me.” You answer his question.
As soon as that sentence escaped your lips, you knew you fucked up.
"Hm. You want me to tickle you? Well, I guess I have to then." He swiftly darted his fingers to that dreaded spot and started tickling you mercilessly.
That spot always breaks you, he knows it and he loves it.
“Wait thATS NOT WHAT I MEANT S- NAHAHA!!” You fell right into his trap, that bastard.
You let out full on belly laughter, shaking your head and squirming as you started hitting his chest again. Not like you have much strength left right now.
You just gave him exactly what he wanted, relishing in the sound of your full belly laughter.
You hitting his chest didn’t do much.
"Oh, but it is, you just said it, didn’t you~?" He teased, smiling as he continued the tickle-attack on that specific spot.
“YOHOU KNOHOHOW DAMN WELL THATS NOHOT WHAT I MEHEHEANT!!! SHIHIHIT!!” You squeeze your eyes shut, laughing your head off.
He laughs as well, finding your frustration and panic amusing.
He loved these moments where he could make you lose your composure and act more like a teenager your age.
"Oh, but you should have been more specific then~" He teases, grinning as he continues his attack.
You grab onto his wrists, not having any strength to push them away.
“PL-PLEHEHEASE!! IM SORRY! IM SORRYHYHYYY!!” You throw your head back, failing to stop the laughter from escaping.
"Oh, so you’re sorry now, are you?" He says, amusement in his voice.
With a hearty laugh he finally relented and stopped the tickling, leaving you panting and trying to catch your breath.
You groan as you take big gulps of air.
You breathe heavily. “Y-Youre a bastard you know that?” You say, as a few stray giggles still escape your lips.
He chuckles at your comment, a smug smirk on his face as he watches you trying to catch your breath.
"Guilty as charged." He responds, chuckling again before his expression softens a little.
You sigh dramatically. That tired you out.
“Now im tired, thanks a lot.” You say sarcastically, a small smile still lingering on your lips.
"Aww, is that right? Feeling tired now, are you?" He says in a slightly mocking tone, yet his voice is soft.
The smile on his face grows slightly as he continues. "Well, maybe you shouldn’t have poked me in the first place."
“Maybe i shouldn’t have.” You groan lightly.
You meet his gaze, seeing the smile on his face. “Did that help?”
"Hm? Help with what?" He asks, confused.
“Take your mind off of stuff.” You say tiredly.
He smiles faintly at your response, appreciating your concern for him.
He knew that he had a lot on his mind these days, more than usual, and that you could sense that something was bothering him.
He doesn’t answer right away. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts.
"Yeah. It helped. A little." He says softly, bringing his hand up to lightly brush the now messy hair out of your face.
“Well im glad my pain and suffering helped you only a little.” You said sarcastically but with a tired tone, you could fall asleep right here and now.
He chuckles, shaking his head lightly.
You sigh as you stand up, grab the papers you had originally came here for from another desk you had placed them on.
He watches as you get up and grab the papers from the other desk, noticing the tiredness in your movements.
“I think im gonna go sleep for a day or two now.” You say in a groggy voice.
"A day or two, huh? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you sleep that long before." He says in a lighthearted tone.
“Well you’re about to.” You give him a small smile, as you turn to leave.
Before you exit the classroom you turn your head back to look at him.
“But really… learn how to take a break, dumbass.” You shake your head lightly as you step out and close the door behind you.
He chuckles softly as you call him a dumbass and tell him to take a break.
He knows he’s been pushing himself too hard, but he also knows that you worry about him just like he worries about you.
He stands there in the empty classroom, watching as you close the door behind you. He lets out a soft exhale and smiles fondly to himself.
"Yeah. Yeah, alright." He mutters softly.
Hope you enjoyed!<3 Haven’t wrote a fic in quite some time so it may not be the best but i had fun writing it!!
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fluffyfantasticducky · 11 months
Focus on the Good
☆ Pairing: Loki x Reader
☆ Synopsis: Loki is overwhelmed dealing with being accused as a traitor, although this time he's innocent. But this time, he is not the man he used to be, and he has you by his side.
☆ Word Count: 5,110
☆ Notes: The relatively awaited part two of Smile for me. Sorry I took so long to post this, I had a creative block and had trouble deciding what to focus on. The traitor plot twist is anticlimatic but I chose to focus more on Loki and his feelings.
☆ Warnings: Loki dealing with self hatred, insinuations and caresses that aren't spicy per se but are a bit more intimate and flirty but it's all sfw.
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Frustrating. How else could he call it?
His first mission as a leader was a complete disaster. You had gotten hurt due to his own incompetence. And add some insult to this pathetic situation, now he was being investigated for treason to S.H.I.E.L.D. despite that he was completely innocent.
It must have been some sick twisted joke of fate. He spent years playing with Asgard like a fiddle, getting away with so much, to the point that where he committed treason everyone realized only when it was too late. And now that he had a reason to make things right, be transparent and honest, now he was investigated as if he was some traitor.
The most offensive thing of those implications was that it suggested that Loki was either using you or lying to you. When in reality he would die for you, he’d walk through fire if you asked him. Or that you were complicit of his ‘crimes.’ You, you who were the kindest, sweetest, most righteous person he had ever met.
Every day or two days at most they come to either interrogate you, him, or inspect your shared room which always left them a mess to clean up.
At least the people he cared about knew he was innocent. Thor was constantly arguing with Fury, going over and over about how this was nonsensical and even offering Loki to flee to New Asgard for a few days until things calmed down. Valkyrie had offered him an extra room if he needed. Bruce, while he wasn’t as passionate about defending Loki, agreed that it made very little sense that Loki would betray them now with all he had accomplished. Even the great Tony Stark agreed between sarcastic jokes that he would’ve believed if he hadn’t seen how down bad, he was for you.
You… what would he do without you? You not only got into mad arguments and made abundantly clear your distaste for this decision, but you were his biggest source of support and peace after all the draining routine he was being put through during the suspension from missions. You were a risk taker by disobeying direct orders from Fury by asking Thor, Bruce, Nat, Clint to trade with you during missions as to make a strike until they decided to reintegrate Loki to his normal duties. And for the first week of interrogations, whenever it was your turn… Norns, he felt a bit bad for the director. You were quite loud and fierce when you wanted to be.
But most importantly, all the support he got from you after all the interrogations and room inspections that hurt him more than he’d ever admit.
“I’m sorry…” he sighed, resting his head on your lap.
In between the inspections to your shared bedroom one of the agents had broken a little figurine you collected.
“It’s just a toy, I’ll get another one…” you assured him.
Loki could sense a lie. But he also remembered how excited you had been when you got it, saying it was rare and it had taken you a huge effort to get it.
“You darling prince…” you spoke softly, running your fingers through his hair. “It’s okay. We know you’re innocent, soon all of S.H.I.E.L.D. will see it too. Everything else doesn’t matter.”
“What did I do so right to deserve such a pretty angel such as you?” he chuckled. “You are unfairly good to me.”
“You keep saying that baby.” You spoke gently, tucking a few strands of hair behind his ear. “You sound like a broken record.”
“I might be one” he shrugged, closing his eyes.
“Yeah?” you giggled. “Then I’ll just have to fix you.”
“I thought you said the I can fix him was a toxic mentality in romance” he said cheekily.
“Oh, now you remember my movie rants” you laughed. “But the I can fix him trope is toxic when—”
“…It is used by the abuser who manipulates them into staying as a rehabilitation center. A partner should be part of your support group but never the responsible to fix you, but a motivation and helping hand while you fix yourself.” He opened his eyes to look up at you as he finished repeating your old rant word by word. “I always remember the things you say.”
“Is that so? When is our anniversary?”
“June 9” Loki smiled and noticed you opening your mouth to retort. “And our 1,000 days together is on March 5th year. And yes, I knew you were going to ask that.”
“Smart pants” you smiled.
“You love me like that.”
“I do” you smiled and kissed his lips softly. “Guess you don’t need fixing after all.”
“Glad we agree, I am the most perfect man” he grinned, relishing the way you cringed and smiled at the silly joke.
“I don’t know about that.” You smiled, “But you are perfect for me.”
You pecked his lips and made him smile.
“I don’t deserve you…” he smiled.
“Oh, that’s it!” you laughed and soon your hands where all over his sides.
And sooner than that Loki was laughing his head off.
“Hehe- hey!” he protested between laughs.
You had an annoying charm. Tickling him silly as a pseudo-punishment. It was your shared secret how much Loki enjoyed being tickled. You stopped soon enough, smiling at him, caressing your thumb across his cheek.
“It’ll pass before you notice…” you whisper. “They will see exactly what you truly are. Just like I do.”
Loki chuckled softly.
“I hope not, you are a handful already” he smirked at the offended look on your face due to his comment.
“Oh, you want to talk about a handful…” you growled as you flipped to straddle him. “Let’s see how much of a handful I can be…”
Loki gulped, unable to fight a smile.
“Ahah…” he huffed, “darling, d-don’t… d-dohohohon’t!”
But your hands were already attacking his sides, your fingers skillfully scribbling along his skin, prodding his ribs, drilling along each crevice in the most maddening way.
“Is that enough handful for you, huh?” you asked in a faux anger. “Eh? Is it?”
“Thihihihihihis is cruel!” Loki protested. “And thahahahat doesn’t mahahake sehehense!”
“Mmm, it might have just been excuse to get my hands on this hot bod of yours” you smiled.
Being tickled was already a vulnerable moment for Loki. To the point where only you could tickle him without any resistance. Anyone else would need to overpower him physically or just restrain him. You, on the other side, he would barely fight back. He’d simply squirm in his place, rolling over to the side or on his stomach. Which it gave you more of a sensation that he just wanted you to focus on other spots. Not that he'd ever admit… you had tried.
“Ehehehe! You ahahahaha— wait no!” he protested as your fingers reached his stomach, giving it little pinches and pokes. “Lohohohove, stop!”
“Alright, alright.” You smiled and kissed his forehead as you stopped the tickling. “Is your mood better?”
“Ihi— if I say yes will you stop torturing my stomach?” he smiled at you, holding onto your hips. “You know I can’t take it there.”
The way you leaned against his chest to kiss his lips never failed to drive him wild. And this wasn’t the exception.
“I am aware” you hummed against his lips. “That’s why it’s my favorite spot to tickle.”
“I am, unfortunately, also aware of that” he chuckled.
“If you really minded it, you’d actually do something to stop me instead of just laughing your heart out.”
“I love it when a beautiful mortal has their hands all over me, is that something to be ashamed about?” he grinned cheekily at you.
You rolled your eyes and smiled. “It wouldn’t be if you were still single. But you are stuck with me now and forgive me if I’m not good at sharing my boyfriend. Unless you’d share me with others.”
“That is out of the question. You are mine, and mine alone.” He said solemnly as he held you in his arms. You lifted your eyebrows, expectantly as he felt his cheeks warm up under your gaze. “As… I am yours; I suppose.”
“Was that so hard to say?” you smiled.
“Terribly so” Loki smiled. But then, his face adopted a serious, melancholic expression. “I’m sorry… I should not be dragging you into this disaster. You deserve better, and I fear you will realize that. It would be best for you, but… I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Lucky for you, that’s not something you have to worry about” you assured him, pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. “I’m not going anywhere. I am perfectly happy with you.”
One thing that Loki loved about your relationship was that despite knowing you said stuff to made him feel better, it never came off as dishonest, as if those two concepts weren’t mutually exclusive. You said the kindest, most loving things, and he could tell you honestly felt every single one.
It made his heart soar. That honest and kind heart of yours was exactly what he had been craving for. You were what he had been looking for.
It made him want to open his heart to you. You were kind and listened to him without judging or thinking the worst of him.
“What am I going to do?” he sighed. “If I can’t go on missions, soon I will not be allowed to go outside, and then I will be going back to being a high-class prisoner.”
“Actually… you can’t leave the building given you’re under investigation” you said apologetically. “Sorry.”
“Lovely…” he groaned, throwing his head back, rubbing his face with his palms. “I am back to being a prisoner. Might as well get inside a cell.”
“Yes, we could tie you up, and torture you until you confess” you purred, trailing kisses along his jawline, as your hands made their way to play with his hair.
“You’re making it sound appealing” he hummed, relishing the feeling of your lips against his skin. “Mmm~ Keep touching me like that and I’ll do anything you ask.”
“Mm, what a good boy” you giggled, kissing his lips.
He laughed along with you, but mostly because your hands had found his ears and were tickling behind them.
“W-Whahahat are you doing? T-That tickles!” he laughed.
“I told you I would torture an answer out of you” you giggled, tickling the back of his ears. “Now confess, you war criminal!”
“Nohohoho, stohop it!” he squirmed underneath you. “How is thahahat spot so bahahad?”
“Right?” you chuckled, pressing loving kisses along his face. “I found out the other day while we were kissing.”
He grabbed your wrists. “Oh really?” he smirked, and trapped your wrists in one of his hands as he began tickling your ear shell and behind it. It took absolutely nothing to have you giggling like a kid.
“Ehehehe! L-Loki!” you giggled. “Hehehe! I-It tickles!”
“It does, does it not?” he chuckled.
He traced along the outline of your ear. He relished the way you laughed against him, you never tried to get away nor asked him to stop. You loved that closeness as much as Loki did.
“Mmm, that laugh of yours is so lovely~” he hummed as he stopped, tucking a few streaks of hair behind your ear. “It’s my favorite sound in the whole world, you make me so happy.”
“Cheesy” you chuckled, kissing his lips.
“I mean that, darling” he smiled. “Without you I would have gone mad by now. Or worse, I would be a prisoner.”
“You can’t believe that…” you spoke softly.
“What else am I supposed to believe?” he sighed, “what I did to New York is unforgivable. I should be locked up for life, I was going to be… It’s what I deserve. It took me too long to understand it.”
It broke your heart to hear him talk like that. It was a shame that he still punished himself so badly. You appreciated that he recognized his error, but the fact that it haunted him was painful to watch. He was already working on getting better.
“Loki… Your beef with Earth had its particular and complicated circumstances, it wasn’t 100% your fault.” You assured him. “But even if that was, there are other ways to atone for your mistakes… Punishing yourself but you were helping Earth, compensation is another way of redemption. Being an Avenger is a way to redeem yourself.”
“How do you do it?” he chuckled, “How do you manage to look at all the awful things I have done and still somehow see the best in me?”
“Because I’ve also seen how much you regret it, and I’ve seen you trying to prove to everyone, prove to yourself that you are doing better.” you spoke lovingly. “That means a lot, to me, to Thor, to everyone.”
“But why?” he asked. “What I did is…”
“Fucked up, yes. Tony and Bruce created a genocidal robot, Clint was an international criminal prisoner and retook as an assassin, Steve and Natasha were literal war criminals, your brother before you nearly started a war—”
“That I provoked him into.”
“Would you do it again?” you asked.
“For the sake of entertainment—” Loki pondered.
“Loki!” you giggled.
“I’m jesting, love!” he laughed. “Earth is no good in wars like Asgard, we fight to settle disagreements, make alliances, or get respect. But never to destroy.”
“We’re not so bad…” you smiled.
“Not all of you, no.” Loki agreed. “You for once are a wonderful mor— human. Smart, beautiful, funny, kind… It’s the people on the higher power that worry me.”
“It’s as they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely” you shrugged. “That’s what we fight for. For those without power, and against those who abuse it.”
“You say that as I remain locked in here, simply training and withering away” Loki sighed.
“Well… we can find something interesting to keep you occupied—”
“Reindeer games, out now!” Tony banged on the door.
“Not now Stark!” Loki called annoyed.
“You’ll want to see this.” Tony spoke through the other side of the door.
You stood up and Loki followed right after. Everyone was headed to the meeting room so that’s where you went to.
Bruce and Thor had one of the younger cadets, Philip. He was struggling against the two. His blonde hair was a mess and he looked like he had lost a fight.
“We found our traitor, brother.” Thor said firmly, even a bit prideful. “The little rat sabotaged our missions.”
“A double agent?” Steve asked.
“Self-sabotage” Bruce clarified. “He informed the base you were going. Who and when. And exactly how to take down a god. We found a report of the mission sent to an unknown address.”
“I found it.” Natasha stated.
“You?” Clint raised an eyebrow.
“We” she corrected herself.
“With my technology, that is.” Tony added. ��In case anyone was wondering.”
“No one was wondering that, Tony” Steve smiled lightly, amused by the genius’ ego.
“But why? You were the only non-Avenger agent Loki chose personally” Thor asked. “My brother trusted you. And it was a wonderful opportunity for you.”
Fury looked… well, furious.
“Philip Crowe, you’re immediately and effectively removed from all S.H.I.E.L.D. work and installations, permanently for treason, espionage, and sabotage to an elite strike agent.” Fury said firmly.
“Elite?! He’s a monster!” the young man protested, struggling to break free from the arm lock. “It’s a time bomb! It’s in his nature! You’ve seen what he’s capable of! It’s a matter of time before we have New York part two! You’ve read myths, what guarantees that there won’t be a Ragnarök on Earth?! He—”
SMACK! He had been cut off by a slap in the face by you. If the stinging in his cheek was not enough to silence him, your cold glare silenced him.
“Take him away.” You said. “I want him rotting in a cell for a really long time…”
“Oh, he will be locked in the dark for a very long time” Fury agreed, “for espionage, and sabotage… And being an asshole as a whole.”
Thor was about to take him away. He was struggling to break free.
“Don’t.” Loki spoke up. “I’ll use a spell to delete his memories, about S.H.I.E.L.D. about the Avengers. Everything will be gone from his mind. He can live a normal life not remembering being an agent.”
Loki walked and looked down at him. Placed his hand on his forehead as the blond struggled. Loki let his Seidr flow and Philip’s body went limp.
“When he wakes up, he’ll be normal, he can have a normal life, he won’t be a risk for S.H.I.E.L.D.” he sighed and left the room.
Flowers bloomed under him as he sat by the lake. Just enjoying the familiar view. But not even that brought him any joy.
“Loki, there you are, honey.”
“Hello mother” Loki smiled. “I was just… thinking.”
“I thought you would be happy to get your naming” Frigga said. “You were excited this morning to receive your title.”
“God of Mischief, mother?” he asked. “Does that mean I’m supposed to cause trouble?”
“Is that so bad?”
“Will father get upset at me?” Loki asked. “Besides, you like annoying your brother.”
“Pranking Thor is different. Why could I be the God of rain, wind, or something, then Thor and I could be gods together.”
“You can’t revolve your personality around Thor. Your godly title is meant to reflect your personality, not your brother’s” Frigga smiled at him gently. “Your father gave you a title that would fit you.”
“Does father think I’m a bad son?” he asked.
“I think your father thinks you’re creative, smart, with good abilities to get away with what you want” Frigga assured him. “All qualities you do have. And you are quite cheeky.”
Loki chuckled weakly. Frigga smiled and picked up a purple flower and wiggled it against Loki’s face. Causing the young god to scrunch up his nose and swat the pretty flower away.
“You know, son. I think it’s time for you to start learning magic” Frigga said.
“But you said I had to wait until I was 500 years old” Loki asked.
“I think you’re ready” Frigga said, “You’re 250 years old already, and you just got your title. You are a big boy now.”
With a few elegant movements the violet on Frigga’s hands turned into a purple frog that jumped out of hands and into the pond. Loki giggled as his mother’s arms trapped him into a hug as she tickled his sides.
“Pretty memory” you looked at him as you sat next to him. “Your mom is pretty.”
“Most beautiful woman in all of Asgard” Loki agreed. “Do you know what Orvokki means?”
“Uhh, it’s a violet, right?” you said looking at the flowers around the lake.
“It can also be interpreted as little orphan. How ironic that it was my favorite flower as a child…” Loki grumbled.
He flicked his wrist and the illusion of his memory vanished. He was no longer in Asgard, he was sitting on the rooftop of the compound’s main building. He wasn’t with his mother. And his eyes were red from crying.
“That was really nice thing you did back there” you congratulated him as you rubbed circles across his back.
“Not bad for a monster, huh?” Loki huffed out, in a failed attempt to fake out a laugh. “Did you see the way he looked at me? The fear in his eyes…?”
“Don’t listen to him…” you said resting your head against his shoulder. “He never gave you a chance to prove how good you really are. That’s his problem, not yours.”
“I can’t blame him… I would not trust me either… I am a monster, I was a monster to my people, to my home…” he sighed.
“What? No, Loki…”
“My birth father abandoned me to die, I was raced by a kingdom that thought my kind were monsters…” Loki sighed, “and I caused so much pain and death to a Realm that could’ve seen me as something quite literally divine.”
You looked at him and squeezed his hand.
“I thought… I hoped I had a second chance, I wanted to believe people were already accepting me. I thought that if I could have at least one agent to trust me… How foolish of me…”
“Stop that…” you scolded him, giving his hand a gentle and loving squeeze. “You’re not a monster. No one sees you as a monster.”
Loki laughed bitterly. While you weren’t lying in the literal sense, you were being too kind, blinded by your affection for the young Asgardian to acknowledge the recent events.
“I mean it!” you said. “You’re so focused on one person thinking you’re a monster, that you fail to see what everyone else did because they believed in you. They all helped in their own way to prove you were innocent. Either tracking conversation, providing resources… Gosh, even director Fury trusted you were innocent.”
“I…” Loki recapped the events from earlier. You weren’t wrong.
“Besides, you know how picky I am when it comes to dating” you smiled, “I wouldn’t date just anyone. Is that not enough for you?”
Loki was silent for a moment, for once he didn’t even have a smart reply for that.
He had seen you turn down a couple of agents or staff members before the two of you started dating. Philip among the lines of the rejected. In fact, he remembered that during that time where the other Avengers noticed his feelings for you, some of them tried to discourage him from courting you, because “you didn’t date.” In fact, they had brought it up, on his face to prove it so. You were, in fact, very picky when it came to dating. Which just made him value your relationship even more. It gave him a huge confidence boost, and the security of not being replaced or overshadowed he so desperately had been needing.
And once again, you were that source of comfort and security. You were his sweet little balm.
“I… um…” he stuttered.
You chuckled and kissed his cheek.
“Tongue tied?” you teased him, making him groan in frustration as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Just… don’t give him power over you, if he didn’t bother knowing you, he shouldn’t deserve such a space in your mind.”
“Thanks, love” he smiled softly. “For… looking after me. And… helping me see that others look after me.”
“Heh… I’m glad I helped” you spoke lovingly as you rubbed your nose against his neck.
He chuckled rested his cheek against the top of your head.
“Should we head inside?” you asked, rubbing your own arms, as you stood up “it’s a bit chilly out here.”
“You can go inside, love” Loki offered. “I need some time alone.”
You looked at him worried, but a gust of cold wind made you shiver, making the idea of going inside more and more appealing. But he saw the hesitation in your eyes, the way you didn’t want to leave him alone made him smile.
“I promise I’ll meet you inside later” he assured you. But you didn’t look too convinced “Make some tea for us, and I’ll meet you in our room before you’re done putting on your pajamas.”
You gave him a look he couldn’t quite decipher but you nodded and made your way inside.
He relished the fresh air. But as he mentally prepared to be burdened with his failure, he surprised himself smiling. His mind wasn’t clouded with the young spy that betrayed him.
All he could think was that all the original Avengers, those he had cursed himself for unintentionally helping assemble to defeat him… now had stood up for him. And it didn’t stop there.
His mind was filled with happy memories.
All the times he had gotten a pat in the back from Tony and being called his new favorite for teasing Steve’s righteous stiffness and the way Bucky and Sam snickered at it. As well as his training contests with the super soldiers to test their serum with Loki and Thor’s godly nature. How he beamed with pride at the blond’s praise after a mission. The way Natasha and her little sister acknowledge his ability to infiltrate and swoon targets and even required him specifically. How Clint and his little new protegee had gotten really happy when Loki gifted them his old Asgardian bows for them, despite the teasing when they saw right through his “I don’t even use them” excuse and treated for dinner after. Bruce acknowledging his observation capabilities during some of his experiments. Thor… who despite all the awful things they had gone through never abandoned him, and still saw Loki as his baby brother, and despite they refused to admit it, both still adored each other.
And you. You had stolen his heart from minute one. He had been hopeless before the first kiss or even a declaration. Your eyes brought him to his knees, and he had sworn to be at your mercy for the rest of his existence when he saw you smile. And with that power you had over him done nothing but nourish him. Your payback when he pestered you was always fun and harmless. You made him laugh. You listened to everything he said and always encouraged him to keep talking until he was hoarse. You gave him the attention he had been craving for so many years. You treated him as the most important being of the universe.
Honestly, he didn’t realize when his thoughts had set him in motion. But by the time he was aware of his actions, he was already turning the doorknob of your shared bedroom.
“Liar” you scoffed, throwing a teddy bear to his face as soon as he set foot inside the room. “You said you’d be here before I was done putting on my jammies, but it’s been 5 minutes since I got in bed, and you weren’t here.”
Loki couldn’t help but smile. For a secret agent, you were terrible at hiding your feelings… at least from him.
“I apologize for not keeping my word, love” he apologized as he took off his shirt and searched through his drawer for the pajama he wanted to wear. “I lost track of time.”
“Did you drink?” you asked him.
“I did not. I trusted my favorite thing to make me tea” he responded with an innocent look as he put on his pajama shirt.
“It’s on your night table” you responded with the slightest pout, knowing you it was because he saw right through you.
He walked to the warm mug and took a sip. Of course, you had prepared his favorite tea… and with extra honey, just the way he liked. Everyone always complained there would never be enough for everyone if you kept spoiling Loki with his favorite all the time. You always got more, but it just meant starting the cycle again.
“Thank you, dear” he smiled as he kneeled on the bed to reach and cup your face to kiss your cheek.
Oh, how he wanted to tackle you and cover you in kisses at the way you fought and lost against the smile that appeared on your lovely face along with a light shade of pink.
“So adorable…” he chuckled.
As he was taking off his pants, he saw the way your blush turned even darked. He rushed to put on the pajama pants and dove in the bed, wrapping his arms around you in a loving embrace with his chest against your back.
“You’re in a lovely mood” you smiled as you reached to caress his cheek. “What gives?”
“I just thought about a lovely little mortal” he hummed pressing soft kisses on your nape, “that makes my darkest days bright and cozy.”
“Do you have a fever or something?” you touched his forehead.
“No, I mean it!” he laughed. “I stayed back to think… and all I could think about was your love, your kindness, and this hot body of yours…”
As he spoke that last bit, he reached to caress your sides, making you giggle.
“Loki…!” you giggle swatting his hand away. “You’re asking for trouble.”
“You know I am” he whispered, resting his face against your shoulder. Taking in your scent, closing his eyes as he relaxed. “Norns, what would I do without you?”
“Probably snuggle your pillow tonight” you smiled. “But you’d be fine.”
“I would not…” Loki choked up, as he felt tears forming in his eyes. “I would be lost; I would be absolutely nothing without you. A monster…”
“No, no, baby…” you spoke softly, turning around to face him. “You’ve worked really hard to be better… That’s all you, you are utterly and undoubtedly wonderful…”
The way you always made him feel better was almost scary. Your word was law. If you said he was so good, then… perhaps he wasn’t as bad as he thought.
“I love you…” he whispered. “Thank you…”
“What for?”
“For being my second chance… For believing I was more than the man that caused so much pain to your people…”
“Second chances are earned, Loki” you said. “You’ve earned it.”
He laughed softly when you rose up to sit on his waist, straddling him with your legs as you gave him a pseudo-menacing look.
“Now speak poorly of my sweet cuddly honeybun and you will be sorry…” you said in the worse threatening tone he had ever heard.
He cringed and laughed softly at the overly cheesy pet name.
“Oh gods…” he muttered with a shaky smile as his lips twitched upwards, amused by the situation. “You goofball.”
You let out an offended gasp and started tickling his sides, immediately making him giggle like a child.
“W-Wait! Dahahaharling! I’m sohohohohohrry!” he whined between laughs.
“Nope! Sorry ain’t gonna cut it this time, you insult me, you insult my prince… you deserve being chastised” you said playfully as you tickled his belly, which always made him hysterical.
“NAHAHAHA! STOP! STOP! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” he cackled, soon wheezing. He was so ridiculously ticklish that had had no chance fighting back or think about anything else but the tingles that made him howl with laughter.
But he wouldn’t change this kind of silly fun with his darling for the world. And if he was honest with himself, this was a great thing to focus on.
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kanene-yaaay · 7 months
He started it!
Kanene's notes: I think my brain is no longer able to grasp what a 'quick, small fic' is kjhgfdfghjjhgvjhgf somebody this was supposed to be just a small drabble but the cuteness broke me. Somebody save me from the Dogday brain rot please somebody save me...
But anyway! Can't say when I will be able to post again, college just started and so my days are going to be very full :') Still! Hope you all like this!
Warnings: Plenty of raspberries, nibbles and teasy nicknames. Around 3,500 words. Ticklish!Dogday and Ler!Reader. Other than that, nothing, this is pure tooth-rooting fluff. Rip da boi. Also! Once again, I'm obsessed w Felix's writing style where the dialogues and narration are mingled together so all the hugs and thank you's to her :D
Dogday had started it.
Of course it was him. Just like a ray of sunshine, your own personal star, shining and chasing the dark shadows away, he did and now there was no other way this could’ve played out. 
“A-angel, please!” His voice glitched, getting lower at the end of his plea, however immediately growing higher again as giggles began filling the space, crackling and buzzing in both despair and delight. “Think about what you’re about to do!”
You hummed and smiled at his squeal, fond and sweet and absolutely devilishly as you remembered how this entire game began.
Every single corner of this factory was dangerous. Even so, there were hostile places where any kind of sound, whisper or even a poorly suppressed gasp could attract the worst kind of attention and immediately break in pieces the fragile peace that warily followed you and Dogday in your path. At the time, you both had been walking through one of these areas for far too long, bathed by complete silence, careful to keep your steps silent and with an alerted kind of tension clinging to your form with each passing second. 
That was when, for some reason, Dogday decided that enough was enough. It was his moment to shine.
Where even did the idea come from? Has he been bored?  
“You just seemed so stressed!” His tail was wagging so much you could feel the wind it created hitting your legs. An involuntary coo left your mouth at the playful, a tad proud glint in his eyes, which only made his smile bigger and loopier. He tried to tug his hands away to hide his face. Needless to say, it was an unsuccessful attempt. “No, no, no! Don’t!”
Anyway, it had been confusing at first. When the giant sentient toy turned in your direction, making fingerguns with his paws and pretending to be firing at something, you immediately spun around in a quick and swift movement, grabpack and firing hand ready to attack pointing in the same direction as him, eyes searching for the danger he was gesturing. 
… Stopping to think, he did almost laugh at you that moment, didn’t he? You bet that if you both didn’t have to conceal any and every sound his crackles would’ve rang free and joyfully across the whole factory. 
You took an exaggerated deep breath and blew slowly in a faux disappointment, feeling his muscles under you tense and shake with barely concealed titters, a tiny protesting half whine and half plea flying around, his torso squirming.
(Away or closer to the sensations? Both of you knew the answer very well.)
Tsk. You hummed again, only to hear that adorable squeal once more. It took everything to not let him go and dig, to listen those high pitched squeals over and over again and see how many of them you could collect, letting them dance in harmony with his glitching laughter and rumbling chuckles until happiness and joy were the only thing filling his mind and actions, until his smile were wide enough to light up the dark pathway ahead and each tiny, almost imperceptive wiggle, scribble or twitch of your fingers was followed by the lovely, lovely melody of his tickly delight, prompting more and more expectant titters and pleas without you even having to lay a single finger on him.
But the game couldn’t be over so soon. And it was quite fun to see how much giggles you could get even though you weren’t actually doing anything.
So you pushed down the adoring smile that tried (again) to take over your features and let it morph into a sad expression, slowly shaking your head in a fake disappointment.
Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Such a good friend and he almost laughed at you like that… After everything you both have been through, after all the fights and the talks, the hugs and the vents… You see how that is.
“P-please! Angel, just, please!”
No. Nuh-uh. You went back to your previous position, shoving your face in that soft fur. Don’t start with the sugarily sweet nicknames. You were brooding. Moping. Sad. Devastated. Betrayed. In absolute and total pain. There was no angel available right now, please return later.
His only answer was a series of even more glitched squeaks and titters growing stronger and giddier at any second with your silliness, especially when his body involuntarily jumped, already in alert for any attack and still not doing anything to scramble away. 
That could be your fault, but in your humble opinion, it wasn’t very clear. Okay, maybe he couldn’t just bring himself to stop and stand still when you kept using every opportunity to nuzzle and mumble on his belly non stop, easily following his torso and quivering stomach around as he wiggled and squirmed in the same place, trying with all his might to not lose himself already with all the ticklish shocks that bolted across his entire midriff with such a simple action. Words (and teases) continue to fall like waves from your lips.
Maybe he just had been bitten by an awful ticklybug! Who would know?
“There is no tick-” Dogday gasped and snickered when you blew air against his fur again, freezing for a second in preparation for a raspberry that didn’t come. Realizing that, he let his head fall on the floor and trashed even more. He tugged his arms again, playfully growling when you kept your hold firm on them and wiggling even more as he turned to stare back at you, a funny kind of energy and antecipation racing each other in his nerves. “There is no ticklebug! It’s you!!”
Oh well. 
A pity.
Anyway. Back to the story. That had been how everything began. He later explained his idea for the game, when you were able to exchange words again. From that moment, in total random occasions, one of you would make a gesture in the other’s direction and they would have to quickly react to it. In the most silly and unexpected way, preferentially, as long as you didn’t make any sound while at that.
See, Dogday? No sound.
He yapped in protest, letting out a single surprised, an offended yelp at the accusation. “We don’t need to be quiet here. You’re just teasing me!” Dogday’s hands fell to his sides, no longer trying to pry you away, shoulders shaking with every giggle and eyes watching your every action with joy and expectation. 
You keep going.
The playful exchange became a habit between you two at this point, even filling the moments you didn’t exactly need to be quiet. It was a nice way to interact when there were no more words, memories or promises to be exchanged. That is why Dogday didn’t even bat an eye at you when you called his attention by innocently offering both of your hands in his direction, tail lightly wagging as he immediately placed his own paws on yours, a fun, tiny grin appearing on his previously serious and protective expression when you intertwined your fingers.
Which quickly morphed to a wide stare when you locked your grip and jumped on him, bringing both of you to the ground.
So, yeah, Dogday was the one who started it. And now he was trying to shoot his shot again, pulling out the saddest, sweetest puppy eyes in your direction. 
“Angeel, please. Mercy!”
(That was a bit adorable, you couldn’t lie. It kind of melted your heart. Just a tiny, little bit.)
(Ok. A lot.)
But that was the thing, Dogday, you were being merciful already. Because if your hands were free, you would give him the entire special attack. You would just claw and knead on that cute, truly adorable tummy, taking some precious time to give your attention to his sides and all the scribbles and scratches to his ribs, being sure to go and tickle aaaall of his favorite, ticklish spots over and over and over again, for as long as he wanted. 
Wouldn’t that be nice? And, of course, during this your hands would be very, very busy, so he would have to keep his arms nice and snug out of the way. But he could do this for you, right? Even if he was laughing and squirming and crackling his heart out, not even pretending to not love every single moment of this game, or that he wanted it to be over any moment soon. 
“Eek! Wait, wait!” 
You grinned. See? That was what not being merciful would be. But, stopping to think, those are not bad ideas at all. He really couldn’t stop getting any more adorable, could he?
“Sweetheart!” He squeaked and shook his head, partially in a way to disperse all the restless energy taking over his body and partially in a hopeless attempt to make his big ears cover his flaming face.
(It was quite endearing, actually, how he didn’t exactly blush. His smile would get wobblier and the light in his eyes fuzzy and lightly trembling all while he couldn’t decided if he tried to hide his face or kept staring at you with a gaze so full of complete trust, an excited desperation conquering all his features… Honestly it was just as crystal clear as if his face got completely taken over by a strong shade of red, truly.)
Your entire demeanor softened. That nickname was a new one.
(You wouldn’t mind listening to it being giggled out like this again in the future.)
You decided to return the favor.
Yes, gigglebug?
For a piece of time, Dogday froze with wide eyes and a slight ‘bzzz’ sound escaped from his voicebox. Then his squirming grew anew, no longer being able to look at your soft gaze and trying to press his dazzling, gigantic smile on his shoulders, now with his entire body bouncing with barely suppressed snickers.
His tail hit the floor with an endless and quick pace of ‘thump thumpthumpthump’. The confusion in your expression immediately gave place to a wicked smirk.
He jolted with a yelp.
Silly giggly gigglebug?
Dogday snorts and tries to pry his hands away from yours with a bit more energy than before. Still, his efforts were still half heartedly at best. In turn you just hold them a bit tighter, thumbs lightly rubbing the back of his paws as your tipped your head to the side, - not unlike he himself watched you from time to time - chasing his gaze and maybe or maybe not giving his belly a tiny - so quick and small that it was over in less a blink - nibble until he turned back to watch you with wide fuzzy eyes.
Nope. No hiding that beautiful smile, huh?
His ears perked a little bit and his wide eyes captured yours for a moment, then jumped to your kind hands, your amused, playful glare, his defenseless belly, his captured paws, your suspecting eyes and, eventually, your eyes again.
Then, without breaking contant, he shut his mouth, firmly pressing his lips in a tight line as he lowered his head to his shoulder, successfully hiding, indeed, that beautiful smile.
You see how that is.
Dogdayy ~
He let out a muffled giggle, only pressing his face even more on his shoulder, turning away from you.
Well, since he was insisting so much…
You discreetly adjusted your position, took a deep breath and immediately attacked his lower belly.
His entire torso spasmed, almost throwing you out of him with the sudden move, a loud peal of laughter instantly filling the air as the horrible, awfully ticklish vibrations fuelled his trashing, the raspberry spreading across every single of his nerves, leaving each and every one of them tingling and buzzing.
Another deep breath. Another long, long raspberry and a crackling squeal was ripped from his voicebox, more and more following suit as you chased every sensitive path of fur non stop, not losing a single opportunity to shake your head to increase the sensations, giggling a bit at how that never failed to glitch his words and bring more squeaks to the lovely melody of his laughter.
You spared a couple of tiny raspberries for his sides, literally feeling how they made him arch his back. That only gave you even more access to plenty of sensitive, ticklish spots that you were more than happy to latch on and tickle as if the future safety of the entire world depended on sending him to a total madness and increasing your collection of “cute-sounds-that-Dogday-does”.
You experimentally began nibbling that spot that connected his back and side, right below his belt, if you were not mistaken this would…
Snorts took over the giant toy and in a blink his back immediately clued back on the floor, torso trying and failing in curling into a defensive ball. The new round of raspberries vibrated across his side and teased his entire ribcage, tickling each bone and nerve. 
Dogday tried to muffle his reactions on his shoulder, but with each nibble, each raspberry, tease and nuzzle he felt his mind getting more and more overpowered by the realization that it tickled. It tickled so, so, so much and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Not when his face seemed to be set aflame and his entire body kept getting closer and closer from giving up completely from his squirms and wiggles to let himself succumb to the joyful, insane, funny and fun sensation. Not when his angel kept looking at him with so much amusement and fondness that only succeeded to make him feel even more ticklish and the fact that his giggles weren’t the only ones filling the room made him feel extra silly and made his heart melt with delight. When he was able to just laugh and squeal his heart out, carefree and loud and happy.
How could anyone blame him, then, when he saw with the corner of his eyes you lift your head and so he decided to push his luck more, continuing to hide his big, gigantic, loopy smile.
So, your dear gigglebug was trying to keep all those sweet reactions away from you, even after you worked so hard for every single one of them? Now, that really wasn’t fair, was it?
You gave him a break, no longer tickling him. Still, having your voice so close made his torso instinctively try to wiggle away, which in itself seemed to only re-alight all the reminiscent tingling on his skin, making the tickly sensation it go back to buzz and dance on his nerves, increasing the phantom tickles, each passing second and taunting word making them feel worse than before. All of this only kept Dogday stuck into an infinite sea of unstoppable, hysterical titters and snickers.
Do you think this is fair at all, gigglebug? 
He shook his head and stopped, then nodded and then shook it again, giving you a glimpse of shiny eyes for a second before it disappeared once more on his fur.
Well, you think this isn’t fair at all. But that is fine. You both can stay here all day long if needed, as long it takes until you get to see that beautiful blushy face and dazzling smile. Yep. That sounds like a good, no, perfect idea! He would love this, right? To keep giggling and laughing and squealing here while being tickled silly forever and ever? 
Oh! You wonder who said that! It sounded like your dear friend Dogday, but it couldn’t be him, right? No, not really. He was too busy hiding away from his best friend, as it seems.
Aw, that was a pity, truly. He was such a kind, awesome presence in your life. With a personality able to brighten everyone’s life and a trustful companion that was incredibly kind and strong. Always ready to help without a second thought or a blink of an eye, to give a hand, a comforting hug or a remark that would bring you straight to reality. 
Besides, he was kind of cute, too. Like a sweet, excited puppy. He had this loud, booming laughter that, when you got him laughing for long enough, started to descend into a series of crackles that never failed to make him snort and bounce around in joy until his voice box began to glitch in the most endearing and funny way. 
“No more teasing! No more!” Dogday’s titters grew to hysterical high pitched giggles and he scrunched up his neck, trying to best to curl up and disappear as more and more heat spread across his face. His tail would make a hole into the factory’s ground at this rate.
See? It was the most adorably adorable thing, honestly. 
You adjusted yourself again and his bubbly giggles developed to chuckles, paws tugging from your grip once again. He knew very well what that tune of yours meant.
You kind of missed listening to his laughter…
And so, with a swift move you freed your hands, fastly shoving them on Dogday’s armpits before he could even react. 
Without wasting a single second, you digged.
A shriek took over every other sound in the place. And then other as you pushed your face right in the middle of his tummy, nibbling and pressing raspberries on it without mercy all while your fingers scratched, scribbled and drummed on his pits with no abandon, nimble fingers dancing on the spot for a few minutes before jumping to other one, to prevent him to get used to the sensation.
Dogday just fell limply on the floor, his shoulders, torso and belly shook with the force of his laughter, and his arms kept jumping from hiding his face to cluing on his sides in a futile attempt to stop the wiggling from worming their way, once more, to his ribs or neck. Each snort, squeal, yelp, snicker, crackle and every other sound swirled freely in the air, especially when a raspberry found a new sensitive spot that even he didn’t know about - since when his collarbone was so ticklish? - and focused all their attention there until all his cute and fun reactions slowed to a string of bubbly, hysterical giggles and his friend went on the look for another sweet tickle spot.
His neck, ribs, armpits, stomach, even his own ears had not been safe from the playful attack. A few pieces of time passed until it slowed to an incredible, horrible kind of soft tickling that led to a series of tittering sniggers to spill from his lips and to a beginning of tears to gather in the corner of his eyes.
At this point, his paws came and gently rested on your hands, engulfing them completely, glimmering eyes finding yours as the light scribbling instinctively squirm lazily from one side to other.
You stopped, entire form melting, the playful smirk plastered on your features losing the sharpness of its corners as a proud fondness took over. You freed one hand to caress the fur of his head, chuckling with drops of amusement and care when he closed his eyes and all his muscles relaxed completely at that, his tail now going back and forth in a tired but content wag. He nuzzled your hand. 
There is it. My beautiful smile.
He groaned, pulling his ears until they covered his face. “Angel… You’re ruthless.”
Hey, it’s not teasing if it’s true!
Another groan. He muttered something under his breath but didn’t shy away from your touch.
The silence fell like a soft blanket on you, bringing to that dark, horrible place a feeling of safety and care that used to be just a pointless, futile dream, before.
(This was nice. Safe.)
Suddenly, two paws flew like a blur of movement in your direction and you felt your entire world tumble and turn upside down. 
You blinked and as your eyes focused, only to find a giant sentient toy who resembled a dog and slowly became your trustful companionship on the last days (hours?) in this factory. Someone you knew that would be right by your side and fight for your safety almost as much as you fought for his.
Although, by the way his mischievous gaze found yours and big arms embraced you in a firm, but still gentle, hug, you must admit you weren’t feeling that safe anymore.
“No. You’re in friend hug jail. Paying for your friend crimes. You can’t get out.”
You snorted. Glad that you had the sense to start that playful game in the safe area you and Dogday had been clearing and taking care for some time since the ‘You Got To Be a Human and Rest’ episode.
Getting comfortable, you let out a relaxed sigh, snuggling closer, letting your hand softly run on his back in a soft, nice rhythm, not taking too long to feel him melting under the caring touch. 
Well, you may be in jail, but your consciousness was clear.
Dogday had started it.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 5 months
𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙖’𝙨 𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙆𝙕:
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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚 — 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣:
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 514
𝙖/𝙣: i really hope this is good…
𝙩/𝙬: rough tickles
𝒍𝒆𝒆: chan
𝙡𝙚𝙧: reader
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpagess @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry @channieissocute125 @soap143 @seungsluvv @skznccmlee @moony-9
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛s🖤
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honestly wreck him until he dies 
a lot of the time chan believes he’s the tough leader
drive those thoughts away with tickle time! 
wreck his sides they’re wayyy too sensitive to leave alone 
rough tickles for this leader! 
“Channie~” Your voice wafted through the air, a sultry sweet lilt accompanying it. 
Chan gulped and burrowed deeper into the blankets, clasping his hands over his eyes. 
Despite being the leader, and in his case, one of the stronger members of the group, the second you manage to get your hands on him, he’s weak to your touch like putty. 
You enter the room he’s in; there’s no way he was getting out of this one. 
It had started with him just trying to play a prank on you. It was April Fool’s Day after all, and he played pranks on all the members every year. 
Now that his little prank had managed to fail, you were now practically hunting him down in the house, ready to give him the wrecking of a lifetime. 
“Found ya.” He felt your weight on his back and hands were suddenly squeezing his sides through the blanket. 
Chan squealed and threw his arms back to try and catch your hands, letting out small giggles. 
Thankfully, the blanket shielded his body from your hands, allowing him to try and fight back. 
“Don’t try to fight it.” You demanded, managing to throw the blanket off of him and squeezing at his sides harshly. 
Chan screamed as your fingers massaged deep into the muscle of his sensitive sides, cackles shooting from his lips and his head flying back into the pillow. 
“NOHOHOHO!! PLEHEHEHEASE IHIM SOHOHOHORRY!!” He laughed, his cute dimples showing and making you smile. 
“I know, and I’m not stopping.” You retort, struggling to pin his arms down and resorting to digging into his thighs instead. 
Channie shrieked and laughed cutely, twisting around involuntarily and trying to shove you off. 
“DOHOHOHON’T!!” He yelped when you massaged playfully at his underarms, and the leader clamped his arms to the side and squeezed his eyes shut. 
“What a strong leader! Turns out he can’t even handle the tickles.” You tease lowly, and he screamed flusteredly. “IHI CAHAN HANANDLE IHIT!!” 
You gasp. “What a little liar.” You leaned down and pressed your lips to his side, blowing out as loud and hard as you can. 
“Do you still think you can handle it?~” More raspberries follow. 
Clearly, you needed to go rougher. Your fingers pressed cruelly into his ribs, squeezing the area wildly and watching him howl and thrash hard enough to shake the whole bed.
Tears of mirth slipped down his face, and his laughter went silent for a few seconds before coming back louder and wilder.
“I CAHAHAHAHAHAHANT HAHANDLE IHIHIHIT!!” He finally urged, and you let go of him, rolling off of him after slapping his butt twice. 
He panted and began to run after you, making you shriek as he managed to catch you around the waist. 
Maybe a tickle fight on Sunday wouldn’t be a bad thing. 
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released in honor of one year knowing @jeonginsdiary, the first tk creator ive ever talked to 🥺💗
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fluffyfluffyscarecrow · 6 months
Tickling Angel Dust headcanons (platonic fluff)
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Angel has some traumatic memories related to tickling so you'd be wise not to try and surprise him. He's absolutely willing to let you tickle him, just ask first, respect his boundaries, and don't go too hard.
He is surprisingly sensitive, a small touch from you can make him erupt into laughter. Fortunately his laugh is super cute!!
He's the most sensitive on his chest, stomach, armpits, back, and hips, but he would have to trust you quite a bit to let you touch his hips.
Gentle tickles from you are a great way to help him relax after a long day, and it usually ends with him cuddling you tight with your face buried in his fluffy chest.
Slightly unrelated but I think he would absolutely love having his hair stroked, it's that type of soft affection he lives for. Plus his hair is super soft and fluffy so it feels amazing to touch.
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auroras-blog37 · 3 months
Hi! Noticed your requests were open! :]
May I request either Peter Parker or Loki tickle headcannons! Whichever you’d prefer to do, I’d love to hear your thoughts on em! 💕
Of course! Thank you so much for requesting :)
Peter Parker Headcanons:
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The type of person to curl into a ball and just giggle
Secretly likes being tickled but would never admit it for the sake of his sanity
I feel like he would try to provoke you to tickle him
Very flustered to teasing
A mixture of a Giggler and Cackler
Peter is a 50/50 when it comes to tickling, he likes being tickled but also likes to tickle people
His ‘Peter Tingle’ going off when your fingers go near him
Ticklish Spots would probably be his waist, ribs, and neck
Peter loves your laugh so he definitely tickles you whenever he feels like
Would get flustered at teasing you but does it anyway because it effects you more
He likes to use wake up tickles or tickle hugs
Gets butterflies at the sound of your laughter
You dare make fun of Star Wars or his Lego or any of his dorky interests he will tickle you
Uses both soft and rough tickles
If you make any funny noises like squeals, squeaks, snorts or anything he will definitely laugh at you
If you get pouty or annoyed after he tickles you he’ll give you a mock of sympathy and hug you
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n1ghtdreamer · 1 month
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Venti tickle fic (ler! Reader x lee! Venti)
WARNING! English is not my native language, sorry for possible mistakes.
– Venti, get up, how long can you sleep! – you said in bewilderment, bending over the bard’s bed. But he didn't hear you and continued to snore peacefully as if nothing had happened. It was almost noon, but you still couldn’t hit the road because of the dark-haired sleepyhead. You needed to do something. Suddenly an idea popped into your head and a smile broke out on your face. *This* might work. You lightly lifted the edge of the blanket and saw the boy’s bare feet. “Well, hold on!” – you thought, giggling a little. You began to run your finger along his foot and saw how it shuddered and quickly crawled deeper into the blanket.
– No-no, you won't escape it! – you said playfully as you grabbed Venti’s ankle, – Come on, wake up! Saying this, you began to quickly run your fingers over his defenseless sole. The bard suddenly opened his eyes and bursted into laughter:
– Phahahaha! Ahahaha! What's going on? Ahahahaha!
– You've finally woken up! – you answered slyly.
– Phehehehe! What are you doing? Stohohohop ihihihit!
– Not so fast! You've been so studious in ignoring my attempts to wake you up that now you are in for a little punishment! Saying this, you increased the pace of tickling, concentrating on the arch of the foot. The boy squealed and began to flounder in bed, laughing loudly and begging for mercy:
– Ahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Wahahatihihit! It tickles! – Let this be a lesson for you! – you answered sarcastically and tickled under his toes. This caused the bard to twitch and squirm even more, his arms and free leg were flailing erratically. Several small pillows fell from the bed onto the floor.
– Hahahahahaha! Ahahahahaha! I can't take it! You noticed Venti's face turning red and his breathing becoming rapid and ragged. It seemed he was really on his limit. – Okay, that’s enough for you now, – you said, smiling, and finally stopped the tickling.
– That's unfair! – the bard answered, catching his breath a little. – Maybe... But now I know how to make you wake up on time! – you said teasingly. Venti blushed and turned away embarrassed.
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