#Les Tzars
indochineofficiel · 8 months
📺 Clips restaurés : retrouvez le clip Les Tzars maintenant en version HD restaurée ! 
Les Tzars est extrait de l'album 7000 Danses (1987), et de la compilation Singles Collection (1981-2001).
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damiemontclair · 10 months
tarot ask: wheel of fortune ✨️
Wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle
Ok so. I wasn't sure how to do this so I just had spotify shuffle the 'favourite songs' list that has 1.5k songs and rediscovered music I had no memory of XD
1. So Good At Being In Trouble by Unknown Mortal Orchestra (apparently I liked it in feb 2020...don't remember it XD)
2. Les tzars - Version longue by Indochine (Indochine my beloved)
3. The River by The Darcys
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feretra · 1 year
i found a bunch of family headcanons about salome's cousin, miriam, last night. just... when did i have the time to dedicate this much time to her family tree?
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Maternal Family Notes
In Morocco, the family name was “Kablan” but was changed by Marcel upon arrival in France to “Kaplan.”
Marcel and Bernadette were protected in Morocco by the King during the Holocaust. However, in a post-war Morocco controlled by France and the growing antisemitism in Marrakesh, they emigrated to Paris. This was shortly before the King stifled the attempts of Jews to move abroad, while France was still in the control of the French.
Were always Orthodox but Sephardic.
Galya and Rachelita are twins, but fraternal.
Shprintza lives in Jerusalem with her husband. They are not Orthodox nor do they have children.
Paternal Family Notes
Family’s original name was ‘Grunglas,’ and was also changed somewhere my Miriam’s father.
Israel lived in what was the Soviet Union most of his life, until he was allowed to emigrate elsewhere.
I had originally intended the family to be from Minsk from pre-Holocaust to the end of World War II with emigration to France to avoid the Soviet antisemitism but I realized later that this would likely be entirely unfeasible. Instead, I’ve determined that they were from Minsk — at least for several generations — before the rise of the Second World War. This is feasible because of the Russian Empire, which under the Tzars had limited Jewish life exclusively to the Pale of Settlement in what is now parts of Belarius, Poland, Ukraine, etc. Historically speaking, it made sense for them to be in Minsk, given the dense Jewish population. This also means that they were secular — at least to a degree — likely having ties to Yiddish literary culture and other secular Jewish beliefs that came in the wake of the emancipation from the shtetl and then the Haskalah. Since prominent leaders were working to improve education in Jewish community centers and cities, etc. 
Israel and his father were glass workers, and it was a family tradition. Hence their surname, likely adopted late or forced onto them.
When the second World War happened, I imagine that Elisha was likely part of the Red Army for the Eastern Front. However, his family and Basya’s, both being from the Byelorussian SSR, were likely evacuated eastward into Russia proper. Most likely Leningrad. Then once the war had finished, they likely returned to Minsk. 
Israel and Mariya weren’t born until 1960 and 1965, respectively.
Israel wasn’t particularly religious, but once he was granted an exit visa in the early 1980’s, he came to France and was able to openly practice Judaism. He sort of returned to the shtetl image of the Haredi Orthodox shortly before he met and married Galya.
He still does glasswork but I imagine he owns a small Jewish bookstore in the Le Marais district in Paris.
Elisha and Basya are (were? this be old now) still alive — in Minsk — where they are taken care of by Mariya. 
Mariya, or so Miriam tells me, was not well liked by the Soviets. She was very politically and Jewish-ly active during a time when it was excessively frowned on. She was considered a refusenik in her younger years and was put into a woman’s prison apparently for a few years.
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tenrose · 1 year
Hey Amanda : ) Love your blog! Random question: I’ve been listening to a lot of French music lately and I was wondering if you have any favorite songs you want to share. Thanks x
Heyy sorry for the long delay :/
So tbh I pretty much don't listen french music lmao
But if you are into rock music, yuou should listen to Indochine, it's the most famous french rock band, they've been around since the 80s and they also always had engaged texts about queerness, war, etc.
Check : L'Aventurier (aka their most famous song we always butcher at karaoke cause it's too fast lmao), 3e Sexe, Canary Bay, Tes Yeux noirs, La vie est belle, J'ai demandé à la lune, Les Tzars, Trois nuits par semaine, College Boy, and basically everything.
There's also Superbus, another rock group, I don't really follow what they are releasing now. You can check : Lola, Butterfly, Travel the World, Addictions, Apprends moi, Mes défauts, Je reste encore, C'est pas comme ça...
Also gotta out myself to my french followers as I used to be a big Kyo fan during my emo phase lmao. They are not a emo band but they were there during the emo eras and most of their texts are sad af lmao.
If you want to feel included in the middle of french millennials just learn the whole lyrics of Dernière Danse, we all go batshit crazy when this song starts playing. Also check : Le Chemin (we also go insane for this one), Je cours, Chaque seconde, Pardonné, Je te vends mon âme, Dans ma chair, Sarah, Sad Days, Ce soir (honestly just listen the entire albums 300 Lésions & Le Chemin I love every song), Comme des frères, Le Graal.
Mylène Farmer, I'm not a die hard fan but still I would love to see her live cause she's famous to put on the greatest show. This woman is kind of a legend. She revolutionized music videos, and she has an aura... you either love her or you hate her tbh. She has a very special kind of voice and people don't like her cause she sings A LOT about death, but she also sings very explicitly about sex and non gender norms.
Check: Pourvu qu'elles soient douces (the music has a 20 minutes clip and it's the one that revolutionized the music videos), Sans Contrefaçon, Désenchantée, Ainsi sois je, Les Mots, C'est une belle journée, Dégénération, Oui mais... Non, California, L'âme-stram-gram, Innamoramento, a personal favourite of me: it's a Baudelaire's poem she put into music (I'm a big Baudelaire's poetry enthousiast).
If you're into rap, then absolutely check Diam's. Again she came from my teen years, she doesn't release music anymore, she chose another path. BUT she is very important to the rap scene in France. She is the first female superstar rapper here and everyone still respect her today (if they don't, don't trust them). She was walking in the middle of a male field with basically her talent and her spite and that's all. And most of the french women of hip hop wouldn't be here today if she didn't path the way. Again, I'm repeating myself but more of her texts are not very joyous lmao. She also talk a lot about France's society racism and sadly, currently listening to her in 2022 and well... it's still very true...
Check : La Boulette, Jeune demoiselle (definitely not a deep text but a veryfamous song of her), Parce que, Cause à effet, Dj (another french millennials karaoke moment lmao), T.S. (definitely her most heavy song it's about her suicide attempt), Marine (this one is about Marin Lepen a french far right politician that has been now multiple times in the second turn of presidential elections), Ma France à moi.
You can search "variété française" if you want to listen to all of our classics from the 80s (or before) to the 2010s. Basically I don't really listen to a lot french music but when I do it's probably classified as "cringe" and "old" by everyone else lmao. I kinda stopped following whatever music has been released after the 2010s.
Again, sorry for the late reply, also sorry about the typo, too lazy to read myself ^^
Hope it helps :)
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aurianneor · 4 months
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Pour une défense européenne
En cas d’attaque d’un pays européen par la Russie, les Etats-Unis n’aideront pas l’Europe ou pas assez soit parce qu’ils ne voudront pas assumer leur rôle d’allié dans l’OTAN soit parce qu’il faut 60% du Sénat américain pour aider. Le candidat Donald Trump se vante qu’il n’aidera pas les pays européens. Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, les Etats-Unis ne sont venus à l’aide de l’Europe que quand ils se sont fait attaquer par les Japonais. Ils ne sont jamais venu en aide aux pays européens au seul motif que ceux-ci étaient en difficulté.
Le danger est réel que la Russie attaque les pays-Baltes, la Pologne et la Finlande. Cela permettrait de contrôler l’accès de la mer de Saint-Pétersbourg entre Helsinki et Tallin qui est le port le plus important de la Russie. Cela permettrait la réunification de la Russie avec l’enclave de Kaliningrad. Un nationaliste comme Poutine veut réunir la Russie. Ce ne serait pas la première fois.
L’utilisation de la stratégie de la peau de léopard a été initiée par le Tzar Alexandre II, il y a 250 ans et elle a toujours marché. Il s’agit de déplacer les populations dans le pays voisin quand elle envahit une terre créant ainsi une minorité. Ces minorités sont mieux traitées que les gens du pays ce qui fait qu’elles sont mal vues par le reste de la population. Cela permet à l’armée Russe de dire que cette minorité est persécutée et qu’elle vient les défendre. 
Depuis 2014, les Pays-Baltes dé-russifient: les statues sont démontées, les chaînes de télé et les écoles russophones ne reçoivent plus de subventions. Les russophones qui vivaient en Finlande n’ont plus le droit d’y rester. Sur les douze derniers mois, Poutine s’inquiète d’une montée des persécutions envers ces minorités russes. Ce qui l’empêche de les envahir, c’est qu’ils sont membres de l’OTAN. Il leur manque une opportunité.
Russia’s Fifth Column – Time: https://time.com/3616934/russias-fifth-column/
Le contexte américain est en train de créer cette opportunité avec les difficultés du vote du budget pour l’aide à l’Ukraine et avec le fait que Trump pourrait devenir président des Etats-Unis. Pour les pays européens, une partie de leur prospérité est venue du fait qu’ils ont sous-investit dans leurs armées en pensant que les Américains viendraient les aider.
Donald Trump says he would encourage Russia to attack Nato allies who pay too little:- The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/11/donald-trump-says-he-would-encourage-russia-to-attack-nato-countries-who-dont-pay-bills
Le traité de l’OTAN stipule que les alliés doivent s’entraider, ce que les Américains ne veulent plus faire, et depuis 1949 les Alliés se sont engagés à dépenser au minimum 2% des revenus nationaux dans la défense. Les Européens ont rarement dépassé 0,5% ce qui fait qu’ils dépendent des Américains.
Il est urgent d’instaurer la communauté européenne de défense.
Jean Monet, le fondateur de l’Union Européenne, a toujours dit qu’il fallait la prospérité et la sécurité. C’est lui qui a organisé la création la communauté européenne de défense le 27 mai 1952. Mais il n’a pas été ratifié car tous les pays, dont la France, n’ont pas signé.
L’organisation de la défense européenne d’après-guerre (1948-1954): L’idée de la CED: https://www.cvce.eu/education/unit-content/-/unit/803b2430-7d1c-4e7b-9101-47415702fc8e/29a4e81c-c7b6-4622-915e-3b09649747b8
Il est grand temps d’investir et créer une vraie défense européenne capable d’assurer seule la sécurité de ses membres.
Guerre et Paix à l’ONU: https://www.aurianneor.org/guerre-et-paix-a-lonu-en-1961-lavion-du/
Quand la force est légitime: https://www.aurianneor.org/quand-la-force-est-legitime/
The army’s duty is to stop this fascist: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-armys-duty-is-to-stop-this-fascist/
Le compas moral: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-compas-moral/
Police, Armée: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-armee-manif-des-policiers-je-suis-gilet/
La preuve qu’on sait ne pas se battre. – Quand la force n’est pas légitime…: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-preuve-quon-sait-ne-pas-se-battre-quand-la/
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bremont · 9 months
(4) Le discours de Poutine tant redouté !! 🌍 - YouTube
The key of peace is on the EUROPEANS HANDS why do the leaders of Europe consider Russia not a European region, the reason started in the 1776/1789/1812 havoc: 1890 peace conference by the tzar explicit named Bankers & industrialist mentality the result was 1913 FED civilization World War 1/ 1917 & World War 2 all bankers industrialist wars made in Washington DC. However, banker’s industrialist…
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shalomelohim · 9 months
Avinu Malkeinu by Park Avenue Synagogue’s Cantors (Azi Schwartz, Shira Lissek, Rachel Brook)
Magnifique ♥
Avinu Malkeinu, sh’ma koleinu. Avinu Malkeinu, hatanu l’fanekha. Avinu Malkeinu, hamol aleinu V’al olaleinu v’tapeinu. Avinu Malkeinu, kaleh dever V’herev v’ra·av mei-aleinu. Avinu Malkeinu, kaleh khol tzar U-mastin mei-aleinu. Avinu Malkeinu, Kotveinu b’sefer hayim tovim. Avinu Malkeinu, Hadesh aleinu shanah tovah. Avinu Malkeinu, sh’ma koleinu.
Our Father, Our King, hear our voices. We have sinned in Your presence. Have compassion on us and our children. Rid us of disease, war, and hunger. Rid us of every oppressor and adversary. Our Father, Our King , inscribe us for good in the Book of Life. Our Father, Our King Make this a good new year for us. Our Father, Our King, hear our voices.
Notre Père, Notre Roi, entendez nos voix. Nous avons péché en Votre présence. Ayez de la compassion pour nous et nos enfants. Débarrassez-nous de la maladie, de la guerre et de la faim. Débarrassez-nous de tout oppresseur et adversaire. Notre Père, Notre Roi, inscrivez-nous pour le bien dans le Livre de Vie. Notre Père, Notre Roi Faites que ce soit une bonne nouvelle année pour nous. Notre Père, Notre Roi, entendez nos voix.
Avinu Malkeinu par Barbara Streisand
Superbe ♥
Avinu Malkeynu, Moscow Male Jewish Cappella - Ekaterinburg Conductor : Alexander Tsaliuk & Soloist : Georgiy Faradzhev
Puissance des choeurs ♥
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damisnofun · 1 year
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wn qué rabia esta wea. No entiendo y creo que nunca voy a entender porqué mierda agregan non-consensual, especialmente si no le agrega NADA al plot. El Tzar obliga a Leewon, están una semana en lo mismo, lo deja en cama por 10 días hecho pico, el tiempo pasa y "nada pasó", lo más importante fue que Caesar mintió con su muerte, no que lo obligó a tener sexo con él.
El non-consensual sin sentido arruina toda la historia y en muchas ocasiones pueden ser escenas fuertes. NO hay romantizar esto.
cr: Zig and Ttugae (Roses & Champagne on Bomtoon)
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yespat49 · 1 year
Histoire de la campagne de France, 1814 La chute de Napoléon, Jean-Joël Brégeon
On l’a oublié, mais il y a très exactement deux siècles, le 31 mars 1814, les troupes russes, autrichiennes et prussiennes pénétraient dans Paris. Escorté par sa garde cosaque, le tzar Alexandre, flanqué du roi de Prusse et du général Schwarzenberg, commandant en chef des  Coalisés, défila à cheval dans les rues de la capitale. Si l’accueil de la population fut réservé dans les quartiers…
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Et de trois pensais-je ce soir là ! . Il était temps ! . La grande difficulté pour moi consistait en un geste répétitif afin de transformer en word , mes écrits de dix années . J’avais pour cela délaissé un temps mon dernier roman .RECIT MORTEL !  Car ceci est une certitude il sera bien le dernier .  Fire-Pôle et Paula ont été déjà envoyés à mes Editions comme mes poésies aussi . Mais ces derniers romans n’étaient pas encore parus . C’est moi l’auteur qui décidait un ordre chronologique de ce que j’avais écrit . Bien que fort décriées sur le net je décidais de continuer avec mes EDITIONS SYDNEY LAURENT . Il y a toujours des mécontents , des aigris , des pointilleux de la contestation , des hantés par la gloire immédiate , pour salir une Maison d’Edition ou n’importe quoi ou qui d’autre sur le Net  . “ A ceux là qui hurlent pour un monde meilleur “ avais-je écrit un jour , alors que Charlie Hebdo venait de subir le terrorisme des fous de Dieu ! . Il y a aussi cette vieille plume que j’ai faite parler dans une Maison Blanche .. Mais restait pour moi un goût amer . Tzars de Russie que j’avais dédié à Vladimir Poutine , pour son travail en Syrie un jour , m’avait posé un réel problème .  Je n’aime pas me retourner en arrière et malgré le crime , sans doute mes lecteurs trouveront étrange que je n’ais modifié cette dédicace . Mon poème , Tzar de Russie  restera dédié à Vladimir Poutine . Bien que je ne cautionne rien de ce qu’il fait en Ukraine !  
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netlex · 4 years
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Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) - The Peterhof Palace, commissioned by Peter the Great as a direct response to the Palace of Versailles by Louis XIV of France. The Grand Cascade is modelled on one constructed for Louis XIV at his Château de Marly.
Grand Cascade at Peterhof Palace by Lawrence Manfy  1959
The Peterhof Palace by Lawrence Manfy  1959
The Peterhof Palase : Samson tearing a jaw of a lion representing Russia’s victory over Sweden in the Great Northern War ( by Lawrence Manfy  1959)
Fontaine de Marly : la cascade
La machine de Marly construite afin d’alimenter les parcs de Marly et de Versailles avec l’eau puisée dans la Seine
The Château de Marly painted by Pierre-Denis Martin in 1724.
Le Palais de Peterhof , St Petersbourg , Russie ( Ultra 4K) video
En 1717, Pierre Ier le Grand (1672 - 1725) effectue un voyage semi-officiel en Occident, y compris cette fois en France. Ses extravagances font les délices du duc de Saint-Simon qui les racontera dans ses Mémoires, à la différence des écrits de Voltaire qui met l’accent sur l’esprit et les moeurs des nations
Pierre le Grand à Paris en 1717, ou les échos saint-simoniens d'une visite importune : état succinct des rapports franco-russes dans le premier quart du XVIIIe siècle -  Edward Welf
“Ce qui a le plus intéressé le Tzar, c’est Marly” (french & russian) video
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indochineofficiel · 1 year
IndoStory : 1er juin 1987, sortie du titre Les Tzars ! 
> Les Tzars, version longue > Live Central Tour (Groupama Stadium de Lyon, 2022)
> Infos Single > Les Tzars est extrait de l’album 7000 Danses (1987), et de la compilation Singles Collection (1981-2001)
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count-lero · 3 years
Soooo in the next couple of days I would love to speak about how I got to the point where I am right now in the fandom! And first of all - about few historical characters who have been figuring in my drawings for almost a year and a half. :)
I guess that the most accurate way of describing my preferences would be
✨The squad of yearly 19th-century military men with huge sideburns✨
And here they are - from left to right (or should I say from top to bottom, ehem):
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First and foremost, I should say couple of words about the man who had been my main inspiration for almost three year in a row - prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration, famous infantry general of the Russian Empire. 🇷🇺
Well… I love him with all of my heart! As a Russian who suddenly got into history of Napoleonic wars (and, actually, history in general even though it was not my cup of tea for the major part of my life) thanks to Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” which I read for our literature class in high school and was completely enchanted by it I had plenty of choices with whom I could start my journey.
And I chose… Alexander I.
Yep, I find it rather logical and still appreciate the role that he had played in getting me into the Napoleonic wars shenanigans (even though now I know so much about all of his downsides and unpleasant features of his character) but in the end Bagration means much more to me. 🌹
He was a wonderful warrior with a heart of a lion, a bit too hotheaded but righteous and fair till the very end. I find it fascinating how gracefully he managed to combine his own skills concerning the art of war with the habits of Russian imperial court. Even though he didn’t manage to maintain good relationships with tzar Alexander (oops, here goes Alexander’s pride and arrogance when it came to the military affairs) because of his own sense of right and wrong and his stubbornness (which, in my opinion, was completely justified by the situation in the battlefield) and was acting rather obstinately in the begging of the War of 1812, he got the glory and honour he deserved from his fellow generals and even the enemies of the empire. His unfortunate death is a real tragedy as many sources show that he could have been saved even with the poor medical sources of the time… But oh well. What happened, happened. 😔
Long story short, I think that Bagration was quite wholesome person and I’m happy to see that nowadays he still gets much recognition! 🎉
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And the next one we haaaaaave… oh my, who could it be if not the one and only Joachim Murat, maréchal de France, Roi de Naples, in all of his shining glory! 🇫🇷✨
Won’t say much about him here (because it’s far too much for this poor post already 😅) only that this man fascinates me to the bottom of my heart! It’s always such a pleasure to learn something new about his adventures and the adventures of Napoleon’s maréchaux in general. Love them all very much!
Vive la France, vive la Révolution française et vive le Premier Empire surtout!~
…Okay, but also, like, Murat’s attitude to different things and events, his flamboyancy in clothing and his overall, er, sensibility helped me a lot with some deep struggles about my own identity and I will always be grateful to him for who he was. ❤️
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The last but not the least is long-forgotten (even though now I find more than enough information about his life, character and deeds) but utterly sweet Fürst Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg, field marshal and experienced diplomat in service of the Holly Roman and then Austrian Empire. 🇦🇹
I’m certainly going to make a specific post about how did I end up with him, that one bloody devil Metternich (definitely heard about that guy somewhere) and my overall sudden boiling passion for the austrian history which grows stronger every day so I’m DEFINITELY not going to get into details this time, I swear!
…I only want to express my frustration: I was not smart enough few years ago and now have to study German language frantically. Mein Gott, it was a love from the first sight but that’s pretty tough nonetheless. One year of express self studying has passed and I hope it’s only a beginning!
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P. S.
To sum it all up, I would like to state one last question.
On a scale from one to ten how ✨cringe✨ is it to aggressively simp for someone like Metternich? Because it must have been over half of a year by now and my concern is growing. 😂
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Tuesday 14 April 1840
8 10/..
12 ¼
ready for Domna in an hour yet did not sit down to breakfast till 10 – over at 10 ¾ - damp disagreeable dull morning – umbrellas up between 8 and 9 – R9° at 8 ½ a.m. our room becomes gradually rather better aired and warmer but still we are very cold – our fingers ½ dead and ourselves only made comfortable by the hot tea – sat down to read Dubois’s Caucasus iii. Description of Tiflis – then came Mr.------ de la part de Madame Galovin quite a young man about 12 and sat about an hour and he was just gone when Mr. de Braïko called and sat till 1 ¾ - - talked to both of Persia – Mr.---- seemed to think it easy enough if we could bear riding and heat – Madame G- has been at Erivan – there we should get interpreters and proper people to go with us – from here to Teheran (voyage calculé) = 1 month – the Shah not at Teheran – at Ispahan [Esfahan] and the Russian ambassador there – a Russian consul at Tabris – Good map of the Caucasus and of Persia to be had of the Etat major here – Madame G- a little indisposed – sore throat – does not go out at present – to have her carriage tomorrow at 12, and said we would go there the 1st thing to make her acquaintance – Mr. de B- very civil, and intelligent – asked us to dine on Thursday at 3 p.m. – his wife only speaks Russian and a little German but his daughter speaks French – he has been 4 years here – General Grabbe commands at Stavropol but it seems General Galovin commands the whole district and General Grabbe, too, is under him .:.  one should complain to General Galovin of our commandant at Ekaterinograd -  very little trade here now and everything very dear – now that it is no longer a free port the trade of Persia except a little with Tabris has left it, and goes to Trebizond the English manufactories better and cheaper than the Russian – nothing here but Russian things from the fair at Nijni [Nižnij Novgorod] and those not the best – some Persian Termalamas but not particularly good – turquoises etc. etc. all those go to Trebizond – 40° of heat here Tiflis in summer but the climate fine in Spring and Autumn – can go very well from here to Kutaïs [Kutaisi] – In the district of Guriel (not far from here near the Turkish frontier) an English family settled, occupied in Agriculture – can go very well from here to Baku and from there to Derbend [Derbent] – but between D- and Kisliar [Kizljar] (Daghestan) the nest of the Brigands – the Russians cannot go to cut wood without an Escort of 50 men and a piece of canon – Hoffman just opposite one hotel and his beau fils Hein or some such name that we passed last night the best carriage menders – no difficulty in mending here – but difficult to find a new Equipage to buy – a colony of Germans about 40 houses in the town, near the river – sometimes have rooms to let – another colony just out of the town 1/2v. from here in a direct line, on the other side the river, but only one bridge over
the river .:. almost a German mile to go round about to get to the place – the people poor – the county poor hereabouts – very poor in legumes, and these and meat very dear – tho’ the employés are paid rubles d’argent instead of assignats, they are little better off, everything so dear – veal seldom to be had except of the German colonists – the hot supplies baths here très mal propers – most of them modern – some old ones du temps du tzars – the physician here is at the hospital 4v. off at the village of Dalooghi? (vid. p. 162) – Dr. ............ he is particularly clever in maladies des yeux – the maladies of eyes (les yeux qui crêvent) now too prevalent among the soldiers in the Crimée is as I have suspected opthalmia [ophthalmia] – maladie said Mr. de B- attrapée en France and brought there by the soldiers from Egypt – very contagious – but nothing of the kind here – besides, they have now learnt the manner of treating it – apply leeches and raw meat immediately to allay la chaleur – and these means early applied are generally sufficient – the post a month en route from here to St. P-  very few travellers pass this way – the count de St. Preux?  was here for a few days 2 or 3 or one or two years ago – the road over the mountains bad and when the great Lavine (avalanche) falls (every 6 or 7 years) [?] blocks it up for months and there is no communication between this side and the other – I mentioned galleries as over the Simplon and Splugen – yes! but here great falls of stones with the snow – I said those would slip off as well as the snow – but the cost would be enormous, and Georgia already cost enormously and paid very little – As for the Persian trade it seems there is not much here – at Astracan [Astrakhan] they said it was here on account of the free port – here they say it is at Trebizond since the loss of the privilege of free port – In fact, there is not much trade with Persia, nor with China except for tea – Russia will by and by supply herself – in fact, she does not well enough, without much need of Persians or Chinese unless they would take more of her fabriques in return – I have just written so far now at 2 ½ - the emperor was here in October 1837 – the weather so bad, and the boue (mud) so terrible he could not sortir en voiture, but was always (went every where) à cheval – began to think of dinner – asked George if there was trout – no! what did he pay for the cutlets they had on arriving - ./80 per portion i.e. ./25 less than the Restaurateur asked me (he asked 40 S.K. = 1/05.) – these from the master of our house – not at home – sent for some fresh eggs – 10 for ./40 always assignats as usual when silver not named – at 3 ½ A- and I sat down to 3 eggs each and the remainders of our Brügen given Astracan [Astrakhan] red wine still good and the remainder of our bottle of red Donskoi still very good – we toasted 1st time the excellent  gingerbread the prince de Georgie gave us at Nijni [Nižnij Novgorod] and drank his health – we had kept it par sentiment to eat in his Georgia – in ¾ hour we had had our frugal mean and enjoyed it – the eggs = ./24 not quite 3d. English and the spirit of wine to boil the eggs and the wine was worth perhaps about 3d. more – what we ate of gingerbread a luxe inoui might be worth 6d. – we could not have dined better – A- lay down on the sofa – still cold – the stove fire gone out, and when at its almost does little towards
warming our room – she sleeps as I write now at 4 50/.. and I return to my book account of Tiflis – Dubois iii. p. 225 et seq. Mr. B- said this morning 3 battalions of Infantry here = 2000 men – but with artillery Cavalry and all sorts there are about 5000 troops here – the fortress midway the steep high rocky mountain west of the town is now a prison pour les forçats (Galby slaves – convicts) – reading – tea over at 8 ½ - eating our stewed plums, and sat over it longish – then at Dubois again – had Domna from 10 10/.. to 10 ½ - before and after till 11 40/.. reading – have read during the day from p. 225 to p. 343. vol. 3 Dubois – 1st description of Tiflis – lastly of Erivan – the palace of the Sirdar (viceroy) now the palace of the governor general must indeed be worth seeing – Damp disagreeable partly rainy day – all mud and dirt – impossible to stir out in comfort even when it was fair
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Had quite a fussy day, so while painting the textures for this wip set [ which is coming rather soon ] I’m calming myself with some... let’s say - old-fashioned music. And here are some of my favorites:
Il Trovatore - Mira, d'acerbe lagrime
La forza del destino - Le minacce i fieri accenti
Turandot - Non piangere, Liu
Tosca - E lucevan le stelle
Prince Igor - No sleep, no rest
The Tzar’s Bride - Could I somehow forget
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bm-european-art · 3 years
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Vive le Tzar!, Félix Bracquemond, 1893, Brooklyn Museum: European Art
Size: 13 x 8 7/8 in. (33 x 22.6 cm) Medium: Etching and drypoint on wove paper
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