#Let's hope Good Chucky can be saved
movietimegirl · 2 years
Scout Chucky taking over Good Chucky like...
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toiletpudding · 2 years
Hello fellow monster fucker, how are you? I also have an ask, can you do Chucky with a s/o that isn't human? You can add the others to if you want. Have a great day ☺️
Hello hello fellow monster fucker, I'm doing good, and I hope you are aswell! 😊
This will be Sfw since I'm not sure if you were asking for Nsfw or not, but if that is what you wanted feel free to send in another ask.👍
Slashers × Monster!S/o Headcanons:
[Gn!Reader] × Slashers: Chucky & Ghostface.
Tw: Mild gore
Massive size difference between you two. It's not like he isn't used to being at knee height with literally every person he encounters, but you don't just tower over him, you loom. But that's Ok. He likes his partners tall.
It does piss him off though when you scoop him up with giant hands, and carry him around like a, well, a doll. He's the infamous Chucky goddammit, and you cradling him all the time kind of kills that image. You don't really get that though, and think the kicking and angry screaming is just him being playful.
The first time he saw you kill someone. Completely mesmerised. You just looked so beautiful in a dangerous feral kind of way covered in their blood and cleaning your gore covered claws. He'd have gotten on his knees and proposed right there if you knew what any of it meant.
Same with Chucky, a big size difference, but unlike him he's totally into being held by you. He loves getting manhandled, even if it's unintentional.
Also loves how protective you are of him. Yeah he's a literal serial killer, and not much could do him in save for a final girl, but he finds it quite endearing whenever you wrap yourself around him and refuse to let him out of your sight.
You bring him human bodies like a cat brings its owner a bird or mouse.
You're very proud of yourself, chest puffed out and a strut in your stride. And more than than a little disgruntled when he buries your gift in the back yard and leaves it there to turn sour.
You'll just have to go out and find something better for him next time!
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teeniedaeva · 6 months
Hello once again my friend!! Not sure if I actually need to send a fanfic request at this point, but in case it's still needed would you be able to write a fanfic about Chucky x Tiffany x my Chucky self insert Piper? You can either make up your own plot/scenario or use the one from here (where Chucky had to save Piper from drowning lol)? https://rainbowdelicsunshine.tumblr.com/post/732297771060756480/has-there-ever-been-a-time-where-you-or-your-fo
Thank you once again and hope you have a good day!!
Of course, sorry for bein late !
--------------------------------------------------- Title : Piper decided it was a good idea to rob a bank (without a plan) .
Piper came rushing inside, slamming the door behind her. Chucky and Tiffany were inside sitting on the couch. Chucky looked back at Piper, seeing her hurriedly searching for the car keys. ''Where's the car keys?!'' She exclaimed. ''They're on the table.. what happened?'' Chucky replied confused. ''I robbed a bank and I have to hide for a while!'' Piper shouted back, hurriedly grabbing the car keys. Chucky and Tiffany got up. ''Well why didn't you say it from the start? or even called? Me and Tiffany can help you y'know.'' Chucky said, chuckling a bit as he looked back at Tiffany, who was also smirking. ''No time-'' Piper said, Tiffany cutting her off. ''C'mon Tiff we'll help you, hide in the car we'll be there in just a minute.'' Tiffany said, maliciously.
Timeskip, you're in the car, Chucky is in the front seat, Piper's in the back and Tiffany's driving. Chucky was feeling bloodthirsty so he figured he'd let Tiffany drive while he helped Piper get rid of the police chasing them. The car was loaded with various weapons, from bombs and guns, also knifes just in case.
He threw some grenades to the cops' car, Tiffany speeding as she drove. Piper shot at the car and also threw some grenades. Chucky laughed at them. ''YOU'LL NEVER GET US BASTARDS!!'' He shouted at them. Piper laughed along with him, while Tiffany looked into the rear mirror briefly while smirking, she took a drag out of the cigarette she was smoking. And pressed on the gas harder to stay out of cops reach.
Piper and Chucky watched as the cops' cars would crash into each other as they shot and threw grenades at them. After just about an hour and a half, there were no more cops. ''Fuck yeah! Take that idiots!'' Piper exclaims, sitting back onto the backseat. Chucky also sat properly back onto the seat. ''See huh? Better off telling us immediately when you pull shit like this.'' Chucky says, teasingly. Piper rolls her eyes. ''Yeah yeah, i could've handled it on my own too.'' Piper said, unsure. Chucky just scoffed. ''Whatever y'say hun.'' Chucky replied, grinning.
--------------------------------------------------- here y'go !! it's not the best but i hope i got the personalities right! Have a nice day friend i hope you liked it! ^__^
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Would You Rather?
🏡🔪Horror House Edition🔪🏡
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Sorry that the numbers start all over again after 6! There's a text block limit working against me here 😅 Anyway, I hope these torture you and you have fun! XDD
You're given a popsicle! Catch? Its striped red and green and Freddy is near. Would you rather chomp down on it or make him even hornier then usual?
So you brought a boy home (Be that a friend, a date, whatever) and Jennifer has spotted him. She sets her sights on him. Would you rather let him die or find a replacement boy for her?
Aubrey II is ravenous, and whoever goes out to feed them may very well get a bite taken out of them. So, would you rather send Bubba out to feed the carnivorous plant or go yourself?
Patrick has a lady friend over for the night, and you know what that means~~ Outrageously loud sex that makes you feel really really uncomfortable, especially since you sleep in the room next to his. Would you rather tell the psychopath to shut up or sleep on the couch... where any number of creepy inhabitants can easily get to you?
You're stuck in the hallway and only have two options to get out! On the right you have to somehow slip between Jason and Michael who are glaring at eachother and raising their weapons, and on the left you have to walk past Chucky who's cackling about something and holding a big red button that can only be a terrible booby trap of some kind... Would you rather brave the big unstoppable stabby men or the creatively murderous Good Guy toy?
Its Christmas! So visitors are coming! Would you rather share your room for the duration of their stay with Beetlejuice or Drayton?
Chucky and Tiffany are fighting. Again. In the kitchen... again. But the thing is? You're super, super hungry. Would you rather go inside or starve?
Carrie's about to fling a table across the room with her powers. Would you rather get out of the way and save yourself or help to calm her down and possibly get hit with a dining room table?
Think of your favourite Slasher and your favourite Non-Slasher. Got them? Great. They're fighting, and you can only save one. Would you rather save your favourite Slasher or your favourite Non-Slasher? (See bottom of the page for more information)
Oh no, you did something super embarrassing and made a big ol mess- would you rather bite the bullet and tell Mama Voorhees it was you or admit it was you to Freddy and get his help hiding it?
You got roped into a game of Truth or Dare with Billy and Stu, somehow. Would you rather choose truth... or dare?...
Its time to get all dressed up for Christmas day ^^ You're gonna look amazing no matter what, I know, but would you rather have Jerry pick your outfit or Patrick?
Pennywise comes up to you and asks you whether they should transform into Chucky and hit on Pam in front of Tiffany or turn into Freddy and hit on Pam in front of Jason? You have to choose one, because the clown terrifies you. Would you rather option A or option B?
( Slashers: Billy Loomis, Bubba Sawyer, Chucky, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers and Stu Macher)
Non- Slashers: Aubrey II, Carrie White, Jennifer Check, Jerry Dandridge, Pamela Voorhees, Patrick Bateman, Pennywise, and Tiffany Valentine )
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
This fic is simply called “The Bedtime Story”. I hope you enjoy.
“What? Oh, a story. Yeah, I can do that, no problem. What story though… I could do Peter Pan… no, way too long, we’re both tired and it’s late. I’m not doing some sappy fairytale crap, that stuff pollutes your mind y’know. What story could I… oh, I know! Okay, I think we can start now, so…
Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Charles Lee Ray. From the moment he was born it was clear that he wasn’t like the other kids. For instance, he was a lot more interesting, intelligent and (in my personal opinion) good looking than the other little brats who went around picking their noses or whatever.
Until he was seven years old he lived with dull, boring parents who refused to let him have any fun. On his seventh birthday he tried to whack a piñata, but people got scared for some reason and poor Charles got told off despite the fact it was his birthday. His saving grace came one night when a serial killer (the Hackensack Slasher to be precise) broke into his house and killed his father. 
Charles’ mother decided that it would be a smart idea to hide in a closet and make unnecessary noise, smothering the boy in the process. But little Charles- god this is weird for me- Charles had snuck a pocket knife into the closet, and when the moment was just right, he stabbed his mother till she fell down dead. A few moments later, the Hackensack Slasher found him and showed him the proper way to clean a knife to cover your tracks, and that’s where it all began.
Charles grew up a bit, and when he was a teenager staying in a Boy’s Home he killed a janitor and chopped off his hand like Captain Hook in Peter Pan. That’s when he met Eddie Caputo, a spineless little rat who would turn on him in the future, that asshole got what was coming to him. But anyway, he ran from the Boy’s Home and lived on the streets for a few years, strangling people and stealing their stuff to pass the time and make money.
As an adult, he’d stalk nightclubs to find girls to kill- it’s always fun to interact with the victims and build a sense of false trust before you see the fear and betrayal in their eyes as you stab them in the stomach- and that’s where he met Tiffany. At first he’d wanted to kill her, but when he tried he realised that she was a lot like him, they had the same interests, that sorta stuff. So they killed the other girl he’d brought to the room together and began dating.
Charles (now Chucky, but that’s not really important) and Tiffany (now blonde, hard to believe she was ever a redhead) moved into an apartment together, and they were happy for a while. But Chucky- still so weird, why did I decide to do this?- wasn’t happy. He fell in love with a woman named Sarah Pierce who had a little girl who was about two or three years old, can’t remember.
He thought Sarah was his true love as stupid as it seems, he wanted to start a family with her and raise her kids as his own. But she betrayed him, called the cops and caused Charles to get gunned down in a toy store with Eddie Caputo nowhere to be seen despite the traitor being his get-away driver.
Chucky put his soul into a Good Guy doll because he practiced (and still practice to this day sort of) voodoo, and that meant he wouldn’t die. He ended up with some kid called Andy Barclay who was honestly one of the worst behaved little brats in the world, and after a few years of torment he met up with Tiffany again. Tiffany became a doll, they got married, all that fun stuff. The next time Chucky woke up he was in Hollywood and found out that he and Tiffany had a six year old son called Glen, and that’s pretty much it, the end. What did you think, good story?”
Glen shook his head fearfully. The little doll trembled in his bed, looking at his father with wide, scared eyes. He’d asked for a bedtime story because in the few instances he’d seen the outside world from his cage in England, he knew that bedtime stories were a good bonding activity between parents and children, and he wanted to be closer to his father. He wasn’t expecting that. Chucky’s face fell, and he sighed heavily, getting to his feet and turning to leave the room.
“How the hell are you my son? It just doesn’t make sense- ugh, this was a waste of time. Goodnight kid.”
Unsettled and disturbed by these revelations about his father, Glen fell asleep.
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Fate - Chucky (2021) Oneshot
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Word Count 1.8 K
Characters: Junior Wheeler, Jake Wheeler, Chucky/Charles Lee Ray. 
Warnings: References to greek tragedies. 
Summary: Chucky is stucked on a literature class of Junior and Jake. He hopes to get a good chance of reading them both together and evaluate the most fitting candidate for his plans, but some things he didn't sign for emerge through it.
Tags: @losersclubisms​​
The hyperfocusing on sports that Logan demanded of his son had some consequences on the academic balance. The exigences of competition would take a lot of time from Junior and it wasn’t weird to see a parade of personal teachers coming to help him prepare for some exams. His literature teacher was particularly nice with Jake as well, even when he wasn’t her student. Coming back after his tragically circunstancial move to his uncle’s house showed her a situation that made her worried for both kids. Caring for them was part of the work of any good teacher, she couldn’t and wouldn’t be a mere reciter of curricular content. 
“ Do you want to join us?” She asked directly to the boy at one time she saw him passing by when her class was about to start. “ You have to take the test as well, it’s good for both.” 
Junior wasn’t very fond of that plan, but he wouldn’t complain. If she would comment on that with her father he would get in trouble for making him look bad. Jake stayed, but sat away from him placing Chucky in the middle like a divisory line. 
It was a strange attitude that the teacher noticed, he sat the doll as if he would be a third student. 
“ As I was saying, we are going to follow the thread that connects the pre and post trojan war related tragedies together. It’s important for me that you understand things in context and it will make it way easier for you on the test. Greek tragedies are a chain of events that follow families through generations. Self fulfilled curses tied one with another in deliciously cruel ironies. “ 
“ I’m not going to get lost, I read the Percy Jackson books as a kid.” Junior interrupted. “ I know enough about the gods and some about a few mortals.” 
“ Riordan is to greek classics what Disney is to the Grimm Brothers: kid friendly versions that serve as a great startpoint to get little ones familiarized and invested. “ She kindly corrected, trying to show she was not being demeaning of his contribution. “ Those books wash out a lot of darker details that can be hard to swallow for our modern tastes. You will see it in our first play for today, ‘ Iphigenia in Aulis’. It tells the story of how the greeks managed to sail to Troy after a long wait in the port of Aulis because of bad weather. The huge army gathered was growing impatient because many days were passing and the winds wouldn’t blow, so their leaders consulted a seer and he had terrible news for their commander in chief, King Agamemnon of Mycenae.” 
“ …The goddess of hunting was angry at him because he killed a sacred deer.” Jake followed, recuperating scratches of the few things he got to hear in class during his short span of attention. “ She was stopping the winds to paralyze the ships and the seer said that she would only let them leave if the king would sacrifice his daughter.” 
“ … His favorite daughter, princess Iphigenia.”  She continued, then smiled in approbation before getting into the more proper explanation. “ She was the eldest of her house, around your age when the play takes place. The argument focuses on the trick that leads to her sacrifice.” 
Junior was deeply disturbed, surprisingly even more than his cousin. 
“ Wait… Did he kill his daughter?” 
“ In some versions he gives the deathly strike by his own hand, but Euripides says that the goddess had mercy on her at the last hour and took her away before she could be killed.” 
“ Is there any version where the king thinks ‘ Well, maybe I will not kill my daughter to save my ass’?” 
“ It’s his reputation, Junior.” She corrected, trying to help him challenge what she thought was just a modern bias. “ He was the King of Kings among greeks, he would have lost everything if he would have refused to give Iphigenia when all the other parents were giving their sons for the war. A war that he and his brother cared about the most, since they gathered all the greek forces through an old oath.” 
“ Well, I think Agamemnon should have killed himself before making his girl die for his pride. He could have offered Artemis his own life, sacrifice himself and leave his brother to lead the army, but I bet he didn’t do that because he liked the power. A good father would have died for her, not sacrificed her to his ambition.” 
“ Woow, woow, woow. Slow down, Achilles.” She stopped him with a subtle mock. “ I have to play devil’s advocate on Agamemnon because you have to get all the viewpoints if you want to understand what’s next. Queen Clytemnestra, the girl’s mother, never forgave her husband and that wound sealed the fate of the entire family. “ 
Junior was too invested in the story because he couldn’t help feeling identified with Iphigenia, seeing in both of her parents his own. The descriptions of the bond between the queen and her princess during the Aulis events reminded him of the special bond he had with his own mother. In Agamemnon he would see Logan killing a little bit of him every single day for the sake of his wishes. A child sentenced to death for the achievement of the father’s goals, the perfect son he was forced to be in sacrifice of his truest self to please him. 
When the narration and discussion advanced another argument started because, on the topic of Clytemnestra’s revenge and its consequences, Jake showed understandment of Electra and Orestes. As if the cousins could never possibly agree on anything, they exposed their points to one another in a pretty heated tone that showed too much investment for a simple literature lesson. 
“ The queen abandoned her other two children for the one she lost. They were her siblings, they had lost Iphigenia too, but she only cared for her pain over her one dead daughter.” Jake was attempting to correct one of Junior’s interventions. “ Her grief made her abusive, Electra and Orestes needed a mother but she could only be Iphigenia’s. For the love of her memory she made their lives miserable.” 
He was thinking of his father, projecting into the characters the situation he faced with him after his mother died. Lucas focused too much on his pain of husband, abandoning himself to grief and neglecting him in every possible way. Junior was indignant to hear that the younger siblings sided with the father, the killer of their sister, but he had no idea of what living alone for years with a parent consumed by grief was. 
“ Agamemnon manipulated his children from beyond his grave to kill their mother… How was it even possible? Clytemnestra did nothing wrong, she avenged their sister and released them from their prick of a father who would have killed any of them if their names would have been on the list. if I was Orestes, I would have killed him.” 
Chucky observed the situation very carefully, so fortunate for his planning that he was barely able to believe his luck. Murder was being discussed and both kids were opening crossed point views,  Junior being the surprise of the evening. 
He wasn’t expecting the self satisfaction to end in the way your explanation almost killed it. 
“ Agamemnon is for them the absent father. In absence he is idealized, Electra was barely a little girl the last time she saw him and Orestes practically a baby boy. Their dad left on a killing spree for ten years, a time in which they knew nothing about him.” 
It hitted too close to home to not get an involuntary reaction. If the kids were thinking of their parents, Chucky got reminded of his children and the void he left with his absence.To some extent, he wondered if they had fabricated any idealized images of him that he could appeal to in case of need. Surprisingly, the class was giving him a lot to think about. 
The doll moved his head and blinked his eyes to the teacher, who wondered if it was somehow broken. 
" Is that normal?" 
" I like to imagine that, when he does that, it means he is getting invested. " Jake lied carefully. " It gets activated too easily, most people find it creepy." 
She did find it disturbing, but wouldn't want to admit it. 
" We can leave the topic of the children for later. Commiting either parricide or matricide is the breaking of a fundamental law on greek lore, to the eyes of ancient greeks that makes you a monster. Things get more complicated for Orestes after that, but there are other aspects you have to understand first. Let's get into some character analysis of a very important player on Agamemnon's downfall.  He didn't come back alone from his victory in Troy, he had Cassandra."
" The girl who was taken for crazy because she told the truth. '' Junior added, commenting from his bits of overall knowledge. " Nobody believed her and she ended up the only survivor of her whole family. " 
" The cursed seer, exactly. " She confirmed. " During the fall of Troy she was raped by Ajax the lesser, but Agamemnon took definitive possesion of her. She arrives in Mycenae as a slave, her will and body belong to the man who slaughtered everyone she cared about. The ironic point here is that Agamemnon has no idea that, from the moment he crosses his gates with her, his fate is sealed. " 
" Life is short... hahaha" the recording voice of the doll called. 
Chucky couldn't help thinking of Nica, who he possessed ríght after finding her pervert doctor on the act. Whose entire family he killed, who he pushed to be seen as crazy. 
" Well, little buddy. In that you are ríght. Life was, indeed, short for Agamemnon after that. " She continued in a mock, marveling at how on point was the strange recorded catchphrase of the doll. " The interesting thing I find here is how, in his lack of self awareness, Agamemnon puts two women he wronged deeply in the way of each other to indirectly fulfill that dark fate. Cassandra knows that he is going to die and her warning triggers everything. For the first time ever she can weaponize her curse and she does it even though she knows it's going to bring her death too. Clytemnestra is her enemy, her eventual killer, but there is a silent complicity in wanting that man dead that goes beyond that. " 
" She has nothing left to live for, he took everything from her and when he ran out of things he took her. " Jake followed. " That's devastating, she is not a person anymore at that point, but a thing. "
" Nothing left to live, nothing left to lose." Junior concluded. " Agamemnon you dumb asshole, how could you think that was going to work? "
Chucky's mind was circumstantially tangled in paranoia, feeling as if her words were direct warnings to him. It couldn't be, she was just giving the damn class to the kids. 
Whatever that was, it saved her life. He could have pulled on her a deathly trick as soon as she would be alone exactly like when he killed the housekeeper, but he was too haunted by the moment to try anything. 
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moonstone27ls · 2 years
Chucky -Doll on Doll
Spoiler warning....
....one more warning....
last warning you don’t like spoilers/or my opinion probably don’t read8B....
Thats it....
Soooo thoughts I have several. First off glad Andy is alive and again hope him and Kyle survive this because I do love the young cast. But give credit to the originals! Like Laurie Strode Kyle and Andy have been through A LOT, especially ANDY. He’s literally being tortured. Sooo hope Devon and Lexy can save him.
Okay were to start... guess I’ll go into the kids section or story first. Devon’s story feels a bit forced. Not the part were he’s traumatized no thats fine. The part were he’s mad then he brings up their relationship status. A part of me is “Dude I get it, don’t trust Chucky but considering you have killer dolls and a clearly homophobic priest bullying you, the love drama can wait”.
But before someone jumps and goes, “Devon...”. No dude I totally see why he’s frustrated. Jake isn’t hearing Devon out, or trying to compromise. Devon’s been traumatized and asked to believe they’ve deprogramed one Chucky?... I mean even if he’s broken. I’m with Devon they only had ONE day. That takes longer I suspect to break a person. So I see the skepticism. 
And then we have the priest. Whether its cause its horror, teenager stupidity, Devon literally is taking the brunt of Jake’s actions now. Even if Jake doesn’t see it. Though I admit although its clear the priest is bully him... I don’t see why  he’s trying to what I assume convert just Devon. I mean he DID see Jake kiss him back why isn’t he trying to “deprogram” him... is it cause Devon’s black? Is this priest mildly racist too?
I dunno, and no I’m not referring to JUST the doll stuff the priest found. Ever since the kiss, the priest has been acting like its Devon who’s his “bad influence”... which I would almost believe IF he had seen any real signs of it. Like I dunno example “Jake breaking windows and Devon’s like “DO IT, DO IT”.... butttt I haven’t seen that. Jake just goes to him to talk just like Lexy. But whatever priest is an asshole. 
But anyway sorry people I got sidetracked. Point is that doll was a good example, for Jake and them being “so aware” that Chucky killer doll is a subject they have to be “hush-hush” about. Jake literally leaves Devon with a crucified  rambo Chucky. Does Jake go “Lets clean this before the father sees it “... no he leaves him to “clean up” his mess. (or Good Chucky’s... I dunno either way its a mess). And the priest immediately blames Devon. For all this “teamwork” stuff the kids get separated awful fast. I mean sorry Jake/Lexy was dumb of ya’ll to not one time go “Oh we should make sure Devon’s okay” even if its a “lover spat” in Jake’s head.
I think the problem is the kids are either being “kids”/or horror stupid. Cause instead of talking to each other... shit everyone’s scattered to the four winds with plans. Now I get why Nadine is... neutral with Good Chucky and not really “Oh lets make a plan guys”. She’s more of the flighty friend who walked into this. Nadine has not been directly affected by Chucky so... she’s not really suppose to be fearful and stuff. Though I won’t lie I think its SOOO cute how she calls him her “sweet baby boy”. Its cute!
But I will let the whole “kids stop being stupid and just talk” go IF Lexy/Devon are able to save Andy. Cause then yes splitting up worked on their favor. 
Lexy’s bit has been okay, I won’t lie her character isn’t my fav. But I am glad how they wrote her and Nadine’s scenes felt good or real? if that makes sense.
Andd.... kudos to whoever thought something was fishy about that psychiatrist.... because they were right. She’s been in on it the whole time... real question. Who is she? And what role is she playing? Is she some idiot who got conned.... or some nutcase like that nun. Alsoooo wonder if that Belle is gonna be used, still feels like foreshadowing...
I think thats it for the kids... mentioned Andy/Kyle. Sooo onto Tiffany/Jennifer Tilly.
Still think that math’s off with the twins but onto the other subject.... so Tiff has kept the real Jennifer Tilly alive...but if thats strange. No I mean not the part using her, no that made sense to me. It explains how she paid for everything... my question is in Seed... Tiff used that same doll to murder a nanny.... sooo where was Tilly then? Was she asleep or did Don Mancini just reboot that/or ignore it? (i’m not judging just curious)
Also... if she’s really been “alive”... then doesn’t that mean Tilly’s twins should also still be alive in the Glenn/Glenda doll? Or do they not count cause they were born through vodoo or it doesn’t work with babies? Sorry to ask those dumb questions but  Mancini put it out there for me to question, lol. 
Still think Tiffany’s either psychotics or losing it, besides killing poor Meg Tilly (a little disappointed wanted to see more of her but oh well), she’s still calling Nica her girlfriend.... and I’m soooo cringing everytime. I’m like “Tiff she hates you”. Why not just go back to Gina? And I know people will hate but with her unraveling if not Gina she’s still clearly Chucky’s better half. She’s very much an unapologetic murderess. And I’m okay with that, as a villian she’s awesome.
As a “victim” people say with her I just keep shaking my head cause her actions don’t scream victim. I mean come on “Pft” to the excuse that she wanted to be Jennifer Tilly to be better for her kids. Pleaseeee Tiff was an idiot who wanted to be a star, her twin were NOT on her mind. So the sweet/truth reveal was hard for me to take seriously.
Do find it funny that she’s still going “killing’s an addiction” to Glenn. Soo with that dumb excuse in mind guess she has still killed maybe even in front of the twins.
Though I can’t help but wonder what’s Mancini ‘s ultimate plan for all this reveal....will the twins really wanna go back to their body? Whats to become of the real Jennifer Tilly, I mean I guess yes Tiff could have taken her to keep her cash flow? I dunno. I don’t feel she’s keeping her to “switch back”.
Heck I dunno what Glenn has in mind personally. I don’t think they’ll really let Nica or the real Jennifer be prisoners of their mother. Especially after seeing their mother murder “Aunt Meg”, the relative that was very welcoming/and embracing to them. I dunno I saw how Glenn looked at their deceased “aunt”... thats not something you can shrug off for your own mother.
I mean its like I said Glenn is usually the good one. They did help Nica escape, just don’t see them willing let Jennifer become Tiffany’s victim. Still also wonders whats further road for our survivors,... the guide said Nica will go on with her plan.
But I’m like can Nica even do anything? No its not cause she’s been disabled. Its because one half of her mind is under Chucky’s control and the group’s got Glenda. Who I wanna say is a good alley.... is still Glenn’s ying to their yang.... I just dunno if Glenda is here to be “good” or be an “antihero” or is just planning to be an underling to Chucky.
I just know ... I don’t want Nica to be a victim to Chucky/or Tiffany anymore. 
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jareaulover · 4 months
hiii!!! i saw your one shot request thingy- and my partner once said "i will pay someone like 50$ to write a lil x kimi hurt/comfort fanfic. im not joking. i am DESPERATE right now!!!! 😭" sooo i will request exactly that on their behalf :3
So I wasn't sure if you wanted emotional or physical hurt, so I went with Emotional. If you want Physical, I can do that to lol. I hope this is good. It's my first experience actually writing for All Grown Up and Lil/Kimi rather than just imagining scenarios in my head. Hopefully its not too out of character. I watched a few episodes to prepare for this. Anyway, I'm rambling. Onto the story!
Description: Kimi has depression, Lil notices and decides to offer her support.
Warnings: Talk of depression. That's pretty much it.
Full story under the cut :) or read on AO3
Word Count: 1,125
Kimi sat down on the floor of her bedroom, leaning against her bed. She was alone in the house, since the rest of her family had gone out for dinner. She pulled her knees to her chest and laid her head on them. It’s not that her family didn’t want her to go with them, or even that she didn’t want to go with them but it just seemed that recently, she didn’t have enough energy to do much of anything.
It had started with the Java Lava. She’d been doing great working there. She was saving some money and had a good amout that she could spend, but one day everything just felt so off. She told her dad that she just needed a bit of a break from it all. That was almost 3 months ago now and she hasn’t stepped foot in the cafe since. It really sucked, since that’s where her friends spent most of their time.
Speaking of, she’d practically stopped doing anything with them that wasn’t at her own house. It was hard enough to go to school every day, let alone go out afterwards. She had been canceling plans with them for almost as long as she’d stopped working. No one seemed to notice, anyway, Tommy, Phil, and Chuckie were usually so caught up with their own things that they hardly noticed that she was missing. The only one that had caught on to all of this was Lil.
Kimi moved to lay on her back, staring at the ceiling. The sound of a doorbell brought her out of her thoughts, she glanced towards her bedroom door. She really should go answer the door but... It was all the way downstairs and she was sure it was probably just some salesman or something. She decided to ignore it, staring back at a glue stain on her ceiling. It was left over from when her friends attempted to redo her room.
Whoever was at the door, though, was persistent. The bell rang a few more times and just as she was about to get up and go answer it, she heard it open and the sound of footsteps were coming towards the stairs. She shot up off the ground and looked around the room, searching for something she could use to defend herself from the intruder. She grabbed a fake potted plant off of the nightstand and raised it up as her bedroom door opened.
“Kimi, I know you’re-” Lil cut herself off with a shriek as the potted plant hit the wall next to her head, “Jesus, Kimi, you could’ve killed me!” The dark haired girl’s face reddened and she looked away from her girlfriend who stood in the doorway.
“You scared me, I thought you were, like, a murderer or something!” Kimi defended, crossing her arms and plopping onto her bed. Lil moved to sit next to her and intertwined their fingers.
“Well, I’m not a murderer.” Lil smiled, “Chuckie texted me and said that you wouldn’t come out of your room and go to dinner and I happen to know that you’re always excited for your family’s weekly Friday night dinner.” Lil said, “So what’s up?” Kimi sighed and leaned her head onto Lil’s shoulder.
“I-I really don’t know… I just…” Kimi trailed off. She didn’t even really know what it was that was wrong with her. Maybe she was sick? But her body felt relatively fine aside from just feeling heavy.
“Chuckie said, and don’t take this the wrong way, but he said you’ve been... A bit snappier than usual.” Lil said, looking at her girlfriend, “And you haven’t been doing much of anything. You even stopped working at the Java Lava... You used to really enjoy that.” Kimi sighed and fell back to lay on her bed. She already knew all of this... Why did Lil even have to bring it up at all? She was about to voice that, but then Lil continued, “Kimi, I think you might... I mean I’m not a doctor or anything, but it sounds like... Like depression.” Lil said quietly, like she was scared Kimi might get mad. Kimi bolted up and turned to face the burnette. Okay. So maybe she was mad.
“I am not depressed! I-I can’t even believe that you would think that!” Kimi snapped, pacing back and forth in front of her girlfriend who wore a worried expression, “Stop looking at me like that! I- I’m not... I...” She felt tears begin to well up in her eyes and she wanted to scream.
“Its okay if you are, hun. You just need to talk to your mom and she can get you some help. I know that junior year has been hard on you, especially with all your honors classes and extracarriculars, its too much... Maybe you just need to talk to someone, or I think that a vitamin D deficiancy can cause issues to-”
“Just shut up, Lil!” Kimi practically shouted, “I cannot be depressed! I-I have the perfect life... I have friends and a good family and you... What does it say about me if I’m depressed when I have all of that!” tears were now falling down her face faster than she could wipe them away. Lil stood up now, Kimi was having difficulty getting a breath.
“Depression isn’t a choice, love, its, like, a chemical thing in your brain. It doesn’t mean you don’t love your friends and family.” Lil spoke, hoping to calm the other girl. She stood up and approached Kimi, moving her arms to rest over he head and instructed her to take deep breaths. Kimi followed along with Lil’s instructions and soon she was calmed down.
The two sat together on Kimi’s bedroom floor, Kimi was leaned into her girlfriend’s side. She still had some tears falling, but she could breath now. Lil’s arm was wrapped around Kimi’s shoulder, rubbing comforting circles on her arm.
“Lil... I-I think that I might be depressed.” She finally admitted. Lil pulled her even closer and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“It’ll be alright, Kimi, we’ll get you some help. I promise.” Lil said, she would help Kimi no matter what.
Later, when her family arrived home, Lil sat with Kimi, holding her hand, while she explained the situation to her family. Luckily, they were quick to offer their support Kira and Chas were already searching the internet for what to do when your teen is suffering from depression, and Chuckie and Lil promised to check in on her more. Kimi felt lighter than she had in months. And all thanks to Lil. She smiled at her girlfriend, who was still talking to Chuckie, but Lil smiled back anyway.
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voicestm · 5 months
"Hey, you Josh?" Meeting a new plug is always a nuisance. They're as paranoid as she is and her agitated demeanor rarely sets them at ease. Sam tries to keep her cool, but the stuff at the edges of her vision is always gaining ground. "Sam. Kirby's friend." Rather than give him a hand to shake, hers extends with her phone out, a picture of herself and the blonde on the screen, hugging and laughing and obvously acquaintances of some sort. "She was supposed to ride up with me, but I think she got a better offer. Of dick— not weed." Sam was supposed to wait but that way madness lay. At least driving out of the county had given her something to do, something to focus on other than the voices, the black shroud in her peripheral, the whispered questions and the looks at home. Anything was better than that. Even jumping through the hoops of a hook-up with no reason to trust— other than the fact they both look similarly aged. Similarly fucked if they get busted. It's not like anything about her is giving undercover. She shrugs. Hyperactive slim, she could just be another girl with a care for her figure except little else about her appearance suggests actual caring. Black hair is worn long and loose and sporting more than a couple of snags and tangles; the liner ringing black eyes smudged and fading into heavy dark circles, like full lips worked over by her own teeth, split in a couple of places, dry and a little chapped. Oddly enough, they seem to be matching on a few of those counts too and Sam begins to understand Kirby's suggestion that this guy might be good for more than just some weed. Pills too. Not the uppers her peers popped to get their essays in on time, cramming in mad overnighters for colleges she had no intention of even applying to— no, those just made things so much worse. Ritalin. Adderall. Things that turned the volume up on everything she was trying to shut out. Downers were harder to come by. She kept her hopes small and at bay, so as not to get disappointed. "So, you good for a half?"
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Kirby.. Kirby.. There's a face that goes with the name, one he's sure he knows but just couldn't place. Pretty.. Blonde.. But that's where the familiarity ends. It's LA. There's pretty blonde's by the dozen. Hell. He has three best friends who were pretty blondes. So really. That means nothing to him. This girl isn't familiar though and more than that.. She looks like trouble. It isn't exactly her Look but the way she carries herself. Like he's seen some shit, like she's been through even more and he's five seconds away from turning her away when she whips out her phone. "Kirby!" He finally places the face and nods. The girl who could all but be a twin to his best friend. He was thinking sister from a different miss. But he wasn't about to say that to either one of them. Both of blondes were spicy on the best of day.
But that does mean he steps back to give the girl a second once over. Yeah, no, she still looks like trouble. It's in her eyes he thinks. He's seen those eyes in the mirror. And what had he told Chucky comes back to him. Troubled knows troubled. That never did do him any good though did it? Another one to love and leave. Ah but there he went.. Getting lost in his own train of thought when the girl hadn't come seeking him to save her. She just wanted another fix and he was good with the supply. "Good for more than half." He motions her into the house as he steps aside. He's glad their pretty blonde friend had given her the keycode, so she could let herself right into his glamourous abode. Or his parents. But daddy was on a shoot and he and mama dearest wouldn't be back for weeks. So the house was more or less.. Filled. With a bunch f kids their own age. Scattered around. Music thumped out from hidden speakers and laughter bounced off the walls. "You can stay as long as you like. Only rule is leave the upstairs alone and don't fuck with my sisters. In any way. I'd kill for them." Was that too much? He doesn't care. It's the only rule he ever enforced. Hannah and Beth were off limits.
0 notes
celiastjamesoscar · 8 months
My review of ScareFest is, wasn't terrible. Better than HorrorHound in that it was much bigger feeling, but they were sort of super disorganized. If you like horror it was probably a solid con but compared to any comic con I've been to, it was much much much smaller. Sadly, no artwork, all the vendors were mostly t-shirt people or just stuff. But it means I saved money! I also met and got David Arquette's autograph, my whole reason for going. And met Melinda Clarke who was in a horror movie or multiple (I don't know) but she was an antagonist in my favorite show, Nikita, we talked about how good it was and how nobody watched it. I blame my cousin for not being able to watch horror, she let me watch Chucky, the one where he's got a bride, when I was like 5 and I've been traumatized ever since. Scream is technically just about a serial killer, and I can do that, I love that but when something treads into supernatural scary type horror or just a bunch of gore, then I backout (yep, real world type of stuff I can deal with but the super fake stuff, nope! I know it doesn't make sense).
Luckily, he called me condescending in the complaint not to my face. If he had I probably would have laughed or smiled or really wanted to do those two and would have held them back and it would have come off as if I was smirking. Oh, right after I argued with him, I found my store manager and told him I argued with a guy and he instantly knew who and he kind of rolled his eyes at the guy and sighed so, he understood.
My friend got her game Friday and texts me "Almost done with the main story" then proceeds to say she hasn't slept and I'm just sitting there at dinner thinking I haven't even been home yet, so I don't even have it downloaded and she's out here finishing it. When I finally got it downloaded, I was all ready to play but then it said it was updating and would be 3 hours. So, it's all ready for me to play tomorrow.
I’m sorry, I wish that you would have had more fun at it :( hey, at least you got to save money!! Meeting David Arquette and getting his signature would have made my entire year, and I’m so happy that you got to meet him!! Having a relative allow you to watch horror movies at a young age is a canon event. I’m the same way with supernatural, it freaks me out too much
It’s good that he didn’t call you condescending to your face, but it would be pretty funny to have seen your reaction if he did. Not your boss knowing who the guy is 😭
YOUR FRIEND WAS ALMOST DONE WITH THE MAIN STORY LINE?!? THATS INSANE!! I hope that game is really fun, you’ve have to let me know if it is worth it <3
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alaskasmonsters · 3 years
Cat Nap | Kozume Kenma
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on the train ride home from one of Nekoma’s practice games Kenma accidentally falls asleep on your shoulder and...you’re not panicking about it...hahaha no.
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pairing: kozume kenma x fem!reader
w.c: 1.658
warnings: none, just fluff
a.n: i thought the idea was v cute so i wrote it...didn’t turn out quite as cute as i would have liked but it’s...something. Hope you enjoy! :)
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The train ride back was quiet.
You had not expected it any different.
After a year of being the manager of the boy's volleyball club of Nekoma, you'd grown quite accustomed to the atmosphere after the team had a game, practice game or not, it was still the same.
You wouldn't really expect it when you were looking from the outside, the boys' seeming most energetic, even boisterous at times (especially Yamamoto), but after a game...they turned into the most peacefully quiet  group of absolute angels.
After they've been burned off their energy and the adrenaline from the match wore off not even a can of coffee would be able to keep them awake and up.
Speaking of that, most of the boys were already deeply asleep, partly leaning against each other or a window, as they snored quietly. You thought you saw Yaku drooling in his sleep and you smiled at how cute your boys could be.
They were almost endearing like this, especially Yamamoto, who when awake was hard to keep in line, but now he was cuddled up against his bag, looking adorable.
The only people still awake beside yourself, were the coaches and your best friends Kenma and Kuroo.
The former was sitting in the seat next to yours and still playing Zelda on his PSP, while Kuroo was slumped in the seat across from you, leaning heavily on his arm, his tired eyes scanning over the rest of his team mates.
You knew it wouldn't be long until Kuroo was asleep, too, but for some reason, maybe because he thought it was his responsibility as the captain, he would always fall asleep last, after he ensured everyone else was already relaxed.
Kuroo looked content, a little too much like his thoughts had drifted off to his 'old man mental state', which was how you referred to the state he'd be in whenever he was talking about the youth again.
His eyes finally landed on you, drifting off to Kenma automatically and suddenly a smirk made its way onto his face, his eyes gleaming with something you'd never seen before and it scared you a little because what the hell was he thinking now.
You were just about to scold him for staring so creepily and ask him what he was finding so funny when you felt a weight on your left shoulder...one that has not been there before.
You flinched in surprise, head turning to find bleached hair way closer than just a few seconds ago, close enough to tickle your nose if you were to turn your hair a little more. The thought made heat crawl up your face, until you were sure you were just as red as that damn volleyball uniform.
Kenma was so close you could smell his shampoo...apple scent...cute.
The realization that Kenma had fallen asleep (hitting you way too late, but to be fair you had not expected to be attacked like this out of nowhere), head resting on your shoulder and PSP limp in his grip, made your stomach churn with something you couldn’t quite describe.
You didn’t dare move, body frozen up and arms hanging by your side quite unnaturally as you carefully glanced at the blond hair out of the corner of your eye, soft breathing indicating that despite your rapid heartbeat and nervousness Kenma was still deep asleep.
Kuroo chuckled quietly, clearly amused by how shell-shocked you were about Kenma’s sudden proximity. You glared at him, but didn’t think it looked all too intimidating with your cheeks all flushed and your rigid posture.
Truth was...you perhaps harbored some certain feelings for Nekoma’s setter. You’d never acted on them in fear of ruining your friendship, tried to hide them away as best as you could. Kuroo was aware of them of course, he was a little too observant for your liking, but he had pinky promised to not even hint at it around Kenma.
It was already both blessing and curse to spend so much time with Kenma due to you being Nekoma’s manager (something Kuroo, that absolute heathen, had smooth talked you into), but now that Kenma was taking a nap on your shoulder...dammit you would never get over your little crush now, would you? Not when the little butterflies in your stomach were going absolute crazy over how sweet his hair smelled like and how calm and relaxed he was while leaning against you.
You were doomed.
But thinking about it, having Kenma, an introverted gamer boy as a maybe future boyfriend was too good of a dream to ever let go off anyway.
You let out a silent sigh in defeat and tried relaxing a little with the weight pressing against your side, sinking lower into the leather of the seat to make yourself and Kenma more comfortable. Out of the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of Kenma’s PSP’s screen, with his avatar standing in the middle of a field. Knowing Kenma he’d be upset if he woke up later and realized his game hadn’t been saved, so you quickly reached over, careful to not disturb the boy and pressed the combination of buttons that would save his current progress before shutting the PSP off.
You listened for a second, making sure Kenma’s breathing was still relaxed before letting yourself sink back into your seat. You tried to ignore Kuroo’s amused eyes on you...and the phone camera he was currently pointing at you.
When you sent him a disapproving glare he mouthed “For the wedding card.” to you and that is when you decided to give up faith completely that that heathen would ever stop teasing you about your crush on Kenma.
The rest of the train ride was surprisingly short, you spent it with your head leaned against the window (as you grew quite exhausted, too) thoughts about the blond swirling through your mind constantly, Kenma’s weight against you a constant reminder of your proximity.
When it was time to get off the coaches and Kuroo took it upon themselves to help wake up the boys one by one, leaving you to deal with Kenma...which made sense since he was sleeping ON you, but how could they expect you to have the strength to withstand the warmth of his body and the smell of his hair…You were weak.
Kuroo raised an eyebrow at you when he saw your hand helplessly hanging in between you and Kenma, silently judging you for a moment before he took the “waking up” upon himself.
“Hey, Kenma. Get up, we’re getting off at the next station!”
You glared at the captain for being so rude but quickly froze up again when you felt Kenma shift against your shoulder. A quiet grumble was heard before the boy slowly straightened up, blinking against the light before he started glancing around, looking a little disoriented.
His eyes fell on you almost immediately and he looked a little taken aback by your close proximity, lowering his head. You saw him slowly piece together what had happened and recognized a certain look of clarity when he seemed to realize he must have fallen asleep against you.
“Oh,” he mumbled quietly, his cheeks a light pink, “Sorry.”
You smiled at him, feeling very awkward, but tried your best to hide it.
“Oh…it’s fine. Uhm, i saved your game...just so you eh know.”
He looked confused for a moment, rubbing his eyes and looking down at the turned off console in his hands, before he seemed to catch up to what you were saying.
Kenma wasn’t usually very approachable after he’d taken a nap…
“Oh,” he mumbled again, and your smile widened a little at how adorable he was, “Thank you.”
You hummed softly in reply, turning to grab your stuff as the train slowly came to a halt and it was time to get off and head back towards school. The coaches signaled for everyone to gather together and you followed. Kenma joined you at the door, yawning as the team started exiting the train compartment slowly, shoulders slumped from tiredness.
Kuroo appeared next to the two of you with a wide grin, creepily energetic for not having slept at all during the time you were stuck in the train.
He gave you a wink, a wide grin spreading on his face as he turned towards Kenma, with a teasing glint in his eyes. You were already fearing the worst but were too late to stop him from opening his mouth and saying the words he’d already prepared.
“How did you sleep, Kenma? Were you comfortable, huh?”
You already opened your mouth to tell Kuroo to shut up already, but Kenma was faster.
“Yeah, I was. I slept well.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks again, staring at the side of Kenma’s face that was hidden by his hair, glad he wasn’t looking at you at the moment.
Kuroo hummed looking very satisfied with himself before shifting his attention toward the road ahead.
You tried to calm yourself down, hands fidgeting, as you glanced at Kenma from time to time, not expecting to have him staring back at you suddenly. You flinched a little in surprise but Kenma only smiled faintly at your reaction, looking just slightly awkward as he considered what to say...because he looked like he meant to say something.
“I meant it...i was very comfortable.”
Your brain scratched to a halt and a surprised squeal left your lips, one that had you clasping your mouth in embarrassment the very next second. Kenma didn’t look quite as put off by your reaction as you would have expected. He held your gaze for a moment longer, still smiling, before he turned toward the rest of the group again, leaving you with whirling thoughts and a racing heart in your chest behind.
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Taglist: @crystal-lilac​  @duf3h6237​  @hufflefluffslytherin   @chucky-26o1  @crapimahuman​
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broiderie · 2 years
Lost Princessa 20
Chapter 20 : Megan remembers to straighten her crown.
Thank you to @drabbles-mc, @iamthegraham, and @jemmakates. Y'all keep me sane in this. I promise I'm almost done.
Warnings: cursing, family tension?, bit of a filler chapter really... let me know if I missed anything.
Do not copy, translate, or duplicate my work anywhere else. I promise, right now you do NOT want to be me. Hell, sometimes I don't even want to be me right now.
They exited Templo to find everyone sitting at a makeshift family-style table made by pushing the bar tables together. Everyone was eating pancakes, eggs, and bacon and there wasn’t a beer in sight. Everyone had coffee or juice instead. There was the happy chatter of conversation all around them. Even Letty was there.
Taza looked for Megan and found her sitting close to the head of the table with Hank across from her. He’d almost bet that the empty seat to her left was for him and the empty to the left of that was for Bishop at the head of the table. He grinned and started towards her. “You’ve been busy, Chica.”
Megan grinned up at him. “Letty’s friend dropped her off while y’all were in Templo so I thought we’d just have a family breakfast.” She patted the chair next to her. “Saved you a seat.”
“I hope you saved ME some bacon before Gilly ate it all, Poquito!” Bishop said.
Megan winked at him. “Chuckie just fried you up some, Bish. Come on and sit down. Eat before it gets cold.”
They laughed and talked shit about each other throughout the whole meal. After all the food was eaten and EZ had cleared the dishes to go help Chuckie with the clean up duties, everyone started to filter out.
“Hey Creep!” Hank called as the bald Mayan started getting ready to leave. “Where’s the keys to the van? We gotta make a run to the hardware store for Megan’s room,”
Creeper pulled them out of the pocket of his kutte. “Here, man. Just cleaned it so you should be good to go, Lemme know if you need help with shit, a’ight? I ain’t got shit to do this afternoon.”
“Thanks man. We’ll let you know,” Taza said with a grin.
He turned to find Megan looking over the bar inventory she’s had EZ do that morning. Chuckie stood at her elbow pointing out his methods of tracking to her so she could help him out some too. “You ready, Chica?” he called.
Megan grinned and handed the papers to the odd little book keeper before calling back, “Sure. Be right there!” and grabbing her jacket from behind the bar.
At the hardware store, Hank witnessed Megan’s stubborn insistence that she didn’t need things that she couldn’t buy herself for the first time. It took Hank and Taza insisting that she needed some things before she finally gave in.
They chose a light cream color for her bedroom walls and a color that reminded her of the sea glass she had picked up at the ocean for the bathroom. Taza purchased little things like hooks for beside the door for her jacket and their kuttes without her opinions.
After they had what they needed there loaded in the van, Taza insisted on going to the home goods store.
“Chica, I was a bachelor. I only have like three towels and shit. We need things now that three of us are gonna live there,” Taza said matter of factly. “We need another set of sheets for your room, curtains for your damn windows, stuff for your bathroom… we need shit. Might as well get it all at once.”
Hank chuckled. “And a coffee maker that I know how to use, please?”
That made Megan giggle and broke the tension. “No coffee maker! The percolator isn’t hard to use, I promise.”
“Fine, but we do need some stuff, Princessa. You deserve your own space decorated your way.” Hank kissed her hair gently and nudged her. “Don’t think about the cost. Think about the comfort of everyone.”
Megan sighed. “Can we get a fuzzy blanket for the couch?”
“Anything you want, Chica. We can get as many fuzzy blankets as you want. For every room in the house even.” Taza grinned as she nodded as if she’d just been negotiating and not out right refusing to have things bought for her.
At the home goods store, Megan was much more cooperative. She would find small comfort items that would be nice in the house for everyone- not just for herself- like the bench for the mudroom so they could take off their boots when they came in the door.
Hank joined her in choosing things for her room and that relaxed her even further. Rugs for both sides of the bed to protect from the chill of the hardwood in the morning were bought as well as the sheets and Mayan green blackout curtains for her massive windows. A bookshelf stained the same color as her bedroom suite made its way one the list of purchased items along with bedside lamps for reading.
For her bathroom, they bought things in a soft grey - rugs, towels, and shower curtain were all bought. Things like a soap dish and toothbrush holder for the his and her sinks were needed as well as a shelf for the large shower to hold shampoo and things.
By the end of it, they had what Hank and Taza had termed ‘the bare necessities’ and checked out. Hank loaded it all into the van with a sigh of relief.
“Alright. One more stop before home guys,” Taza said. “We need groceries - we’re out of beer and coffee.”
“And Megan needs shampoo and shit that isn’t travel sized,” Hank reminded him.
Megan nodded reluctantly. “I do have some things that I need.”
“Good. Last stop then before the Ranch.” Taza put the van in gear and they headed to the biggest grocery store in town.
It was afternoon by the time they got back to the ranch with everything from town. Taza and Hank unloaded things while Megan put groceries away. She rearranged some things so the kitchen was easier for her to navigate while she was at it.
She poked her head out the front door to where they were putting together the bench they’d bought. “Are we eating here tonight? I can cook something if so.”
“Sure, Princessa. I’ve still got to run into town to get some stuff from my apartment and check on Mama like you asked, but I can be back by dinner.”
Taza modded. “Alright. Need any help, Chica?”
“Nope. Chili okay? I can pop it in the crockpot that I bought and it can cook while I go do other things. I wanna go to check on Mama too.” She grinned.
“Sure! Let me know if you can’t find something. We should be done with this soon. I can hang hooks and things while you guys are gone,” Taza said.
Megan grinned and went back to the kitchen to start the chili. She’d bought the crockpot to make taking things to the club house easier and for the long days at the yard and bar. She couldn’t wait to try it out.
An hour or so later, Taza and Hank came in. The bench was together and so was the blanket ladder for the living room to hold Megan’s fuzzy blankets.
The savory smell was drifting through the house and they could hear music from the kitchen. Together they peeked through the doorway to see how Megan was doing.
Megan had her favorite classic rock songs on the radio and found herself singing along and even practicing some of her dance moves with a small giggle as she stirred the last of the spices into the chili. She had all the stuff to make jalapeno cornbread too, but that would have to wait until closer to dinner time.
She twirled herself like Hank had done in his Mama’s yard on Thursday and burst into laughter when Taza caught her hand and joined her in her little kitchen dance party.
“Told you you’d pick up dancing fast, Chica. Look at you! Dancing along to the radio like it’s nothing.” He grinned and spun her again.
Hank leaned on the doorway to the kitchen with his phone out filming as Megan and Taza danced and acted silly. She’d come so far in just a few days. He couldn’t help but be super proud of her strength.
The song ended and Taza twirled her one more time with a chuckle, ending the dance with a kiss to her forehead.
“So, you’re feeding us chili for dinner, what should we have for lunch, Chica?” He smiled and reached for a bottle of water from the fridge. He’d normally reach for a beer, but after the conversation with Megan about alcohol, he was making an effort to cut back. There was even fruit juice in the fridge. He offered Hank a bottle and tossed him one at his nod.
“What would you like? I’ve got everything for chicken salad, I think. We could have sandwiches. Or I picked up the stuff for mac and cheese later this week - we could have that instead.” She grinned at them both. “You’ve been working pretty hard so I’m not sure if you want lighter or heavier.”
“Honestly, sandwiches sound amazing,” Hank said. “It may be fall, but it got warm out there in the sun.”
Megan looked at Taza for his confirmation. When she got it, she pulled out all the ingredients to make chicken salad sandwiches.
“What can I do, Chica? Let me help.” Taza went to wash his hands.
“Could you chop the pickles and the onions for me?”
“I’m going to grab a shower real quick and change. Mom will give me ‘the look’ if I show up without cleaning up some,” Hank chuckled. “I’ll be back in a few minutes to help too.”
“‘Kay.” Megan winked at him and put her father to work chopping the vegetables for her chicken salad.
Hank slipped away. He really was going to go shower and change, but he mostly wanted to give Taza and Megan some time together.
After lunch, Megan hugged Taza and got in the van with Hank. They decided to stop by Mama’s befor beheading to Hank’s apartment to load up some stuff to bring to the ranch. Hank laughingly turned the radio to the station they’d caught Megan dancing to earlier.
They pulled up to Mama’s driveway behind a car that hadn’t been there last time, causing Hank to sigh in exasperation.
“Who’s here?” Megan asked.
“My aunt. I’m sorry in advance. I”m not her favorite person and she will most likely make it known as soon as we walk in. It might even spill over onto you.” He ran his hands through his hair and down his face.
Megan frowned. “What’s her problem? The kutte? Or is she just the bitchy aunt?”
“Not really sure, but it’s too late to run. Mama’s spotted us.” He grinned ruefully and pointed at the porch.
Megan touched his arm until he looked at her. “Hey. My turn. I got you.” She smiled softly and stroked down his jaw before leaning in to kiss him softly. “I’m all in too.”
He took a deep breath and relaxed into her touch. “Thank you, Princessa.”
They got out of the van and Megan met him at the front to grasp his hand in hers before they started up the front path.
Mama met them at the door. “Hijo! I wasn’t expecting you today. You usually come by on Sunday.”
“Sorry Mama. Megan wanted to come by and check in with you early. We didn’t realize you’d have company.” He kissed her cheek and watched her relax as she realized that nothing was really wrong.
“Ahh!” She turned to cup Megan’s cheek. “Such a good girl. Hola cariňo. How are you?”
Megan grinned. “I’m good, Mama. How’re you?”
“Better now that I see you smiling.” She kissed Megan’s cheek with a smile. “Come in. We’ll have a cup of tea and you can tell me about yesterday and your shopping trip this morning.”
“We don’t want to intrude, Mama. I just needed to see you were okay,” Megan said with a small smile.
“You’re never intruding, cariňo. Besides, if Hank doesn’t come inside his tía Rosa won’t let him forget it. Come. Have a quick cup of tea before you finish whatever errands you have this evening.” She looked to Hank with a small smile.
“Of course, Mama. We brought you some of Megan’s chicken salad for sandwiches this week too.” Hank held up the tupperware container they’d brought. He dropped a reassuring kiss to Megan’s hair. “I need to pick up my nice clothes to take too. I’m going to be staying at Taza’s ranch for a bit to keep Megan company.
“Of course, mijo. You need your nice clothes for dates.” Mama winked at Megan and led the way inside and into the formal dining room. “Rosa! Look who stopped by. Hank, hijo, will you put the tupperware in the refrigerator for me? Megan, come meet Hank’s tía Rosa, My older sister.”
Hank escaped to the kitchen while Megan put on her best Southern Belle company smile. “Hello! Sorry to crash your visit. I wanted to check in on Mama a bit earlier than Hank normally does. I’m Megan Morales, Hank’s girlfriend.” She offered her hand for Aunt Rosa to shake.
Rosa’s lip curled in distaste and she flew into rapidfire Spanish while completely ignoring Megan’s offered hand.
Mama started to stiffen and Megan could tell that she was about to start an argument with her sister. Megan gently patted Mama’s shoulder and beat her to it. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I don’t actually speak Spanish yet.” She smiled toothily and offered Aunt Rosa a chance to save herself. “My father is going to teach me when he can, but we haven’t gotten to it just yet. I know it must seem terribly rude of me not to answer you in Spanish. I apologize.”
Rosa turned to Mama and growled something else as Hank returned to the room.
“Hola tía Rosa. Please, speak English. You’re being rude to Megan.” Hank wrapped an arm around Megan’s shoulder and kissed her hair quickly.
“And why should it matter if I’m being rude to someone I’ll never meet again? I’m surprised you introduced such an inappropriate girl to your mother!” Rosa said.
“Now wait just a moment, Rosa! Megan is a good girl to my Hank and to me! Leave her out of your nastiness,” Mama defended loudly.
Megan once again patted Mama’s shoulder. “I’m alright, Mama. I’m used to not being good enough to some people. She doesn’t scare me.” Megan turned back to face Rosa. “Now. I’m not sure what makes me inappropriate in your eyes and I really don’t care. However, you will not disrespect your sister and your nephew in front of me. They have been nothing but supportive of me and I love them both very much. You can hate me, you can insult me, you can even call me names to my face. I don’t particularly give a shit, but leave them out of it.” She smiled cheerfully at the old woman. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, Hank has to grab a few things and then we’ll be out of your hair.”
Hank grinned down at Megan. “Well said, Princessa. Why don’t you go on into my old room and I’ll be in in just a moment.” He indicated the hallway. “Second door on the left.”
“Of course.” She leaned over and kissed Mama’s cheek. “I’ll call later tomorrow to check in and come by for tea later this week, okay?”
“Si, cariňo. Of course.” Mama smiled up at Megan gratefully. “Thank you for the chicken salad.”
Megan squeezed her shoulder gently and slipped into Hank’s old room to wait for Hank, hoping she didn’t overstep dealing with the hateful aunt.
Hank watched her close the door with a grin. “Now. Tía Rosa, you WILL leave Megan alone and even be polite. I can put up with a lot from you because you are my tía. However, I will not sit meekly by while you insult my Princessa in front of me. As far as I’m concerned, she’s here to stay. You can either bite your tongue and be polite to her, or you can be silent. And, you leave Mama out of it. You don’t like that what I have to say goes - you don’t have to be here when we are.” Hank turned and smiled at Mama. “We’ll grab that stuff and get going. I’ll call you later tonight, okay?”
“Of course, hijo. Te quiero. Tell Megan yo también la amo.” She kissed his cheek softly.
“Te quiero, Mama. I’ll tell her.” He smiled and went to his room to pack some things up.
In his bedroom he found Megan examining his bookshelf. It was mostly Harley manuals and books from his time in the Army, but there were a few picture frames as well. She jumped when he closed the door softly.
“Sorry, Princessa. Didn’t mean to startle you, but I also don’t need an audience for this.” He smiled and crossed the room in a few strides before lifting her to sit on the desk behind her and kiss her deeply.
Megan melted into his kiss with a smile before pulling back a bit. “And here I was ready to apologize if I overstepped. I don’t think I will now.” She kissed him again and threw her arms around his neck to pull him closer.
Hank chuckled and stepped between her knees to let her press herself against his chest. He finally released her to breathe and pressed his forehead to hers. “That was amazing, Princessa. I’m so proud of how you handled that. You were absolutely perfect.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips again.
Megan smiled. “So you aren’t upset that I snapped at your aunt?”
“Not in the least. And neither is Mama. She’s probably just waiting for us to get out of the house before she gives tía Rosa the dressing down she has coming. Rosa may be Mama’s big sister, but Mama has never been afraid to tell her how it is.” He hugged her close and nuzzled her hair. “I like that you defended me. I like it even more that you defended Mama. Thank you, Princessa. And I’m sorry you had to deal with it in the first place.”
Megan fiddled with his rosary and snuggled into his firm chest. “I told you. I’m all in too.”
Hank chuckled and kissed her one last time before he turned her loose. “Let me grab my stuff and we can get out of here. It won’t take me long. I just usually keep my nice clothes here since I only wore them to Sunday Mass with Mama every once in a while.”
Megan smiled and hopped down to pick up a picture frame with a snapshot of Hank as a toddler standing on the stairs of the church with a younger Mama in a little three piece suit. “You were adorable in your little suit.”
Hank chuckled and glanced to see which picture she held as he put his nice clothes into the hanging suit bag in his closet. “I was about three or four there. It’s one of Mama's favorite pictures.”
“I can see why.” Megan smiled and put the frame down before running gentle fingers over a more recent photo. This one of Hank in full dress uniform with his mother smiling up at him. “She’s so proud of you.”
Hank grinned. “About ten minutes after that photo she was chasing me with a broom for startling her.”
Megan laughed out loud. “Then you deserved it.”
Hank smiled. “Probably.” He paused in his packing as he realized that these were all things Megan didn’t have. She didn’t have photos to remember her childhood. She didn’t have a proud parent at her high school graduation, let alone big moments after that. She didn’t even have possessions to remind her of her achievements in life. He put things down and went to stand behind her where she was looking at his life in pictures. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and cuddled her back against his chest while pointing out a picture in a small gold frame off to the side. “This one is my dad.”
Megan rested against him and ran soft fingers over the tattooed forearm wrapped around her collarbone. “Yeah? I can see it. You look like him a bit, but you’ve got more of Mama in your face.”
“Yeah. Mama says I act like him too. She called him ‘Bear’. I’ve definitely got his temper.” Hank rested his head on top of Megans.
“Did you know him at all?” she asked quietly.
“Not that I remember. He was killed in action when I was about ten months old.” He smiled softly at her where she couldn’t see. “He was in the Army too.”
“Mama must have loved him a lot. She never remarried?”
Hank grinned again. “She did love him, but that also had to do with me. I never liked men around my Mama and they never liked the thought of raising another man’s son.” He pressed a kiss to her hair. “So it’s always been Mama and me against the world. Until you.”
Megan turned in his arms to face him with a slight frown. “You know I’d never ask you…”
Hank smiled and tugged her braid. “Exactly. We’re here aren’t we? We’re here because you were concerned for my mother and wanted to check on her. That’s why you’re part of us now.”
Megan kissed him softly. “I’d like that. To be part of a family.”
Hank cupped her cheeks in his massive hands. “You already arm. But Mama will gladly add you to her family too.” He kissed her one more time and then released her. “C’mon. Help me pack what’s in the dresser and we can get outta here.”
They packed a duffle and grabbed the hanging suit bag before they headed out to load the van. Tía Rosa was getting into her car and completely ignored them except for a dirty look.
After she left, Mama came out to say goodbye. She hugged Megan tight. “I’m so sorry, cariňo. You won’t have to deal with her again. She won’t be welcome back in my home until she learns some manners.”
“Mama, you didn’t have to do that. She’s your sister. Your family.” Megan pulled back to look at her. “Don’t alienate family over me. It’s not worth it.”
Mama shook her head. “That is where you’re wrong, Princessa. Blood isn’t family. Family is family. YOU are family. She’s just blood.” She kissed Megan’s cheek and smiled. “Now - you make Hank bring you by for tea in a few days and we’ll talk through what you want to learn for your party.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good girl. Keep her safe, son.”
“Always, Mama. Call if you need me.”
A few minutes down the road, they stopped at a rundown apartment complex where Hank had an efficiency unit. Inside was sparse, but neat. It very well could have been a military style dorm.
“You weren’t kidding about not really living here, were you?” Megan asked with a chuckle.
“Nope. Anything of value was at Mama’s or is at the club house storage.” He pointed at the foot locker at the end of the queen bed. “That’s all I came for really. Everything else came with the apartment.”
There were no pictures, no TV or computer, not even dirty laundry. Hank hauled the trunk over his shoulder and walked it down to the van. Megan checked the standing wardrobe that functioned as a closet to find it empty. The same with the kitchen cabinets. Hank came back in to look the place over for anything he missed.
“Why have this place at all?” Megan asked puzzled.
“Basically just to get mail here. I needed an address on record that wasn’t linked to Mama. Anyone surface searched to find me…” he shrugged.
“Led them here and not to Mama’s.”
“Right. I’m not on any of her bills or accounts on record. Even the ones that I pay. They’d have to dig back to my birth records to trace her to me. Keeps her safer.” He smiled a bit. “Probably why Taza hasn’t asked about your last name.”
“Because it keeps one more barrier between me and the bad guys.” Megan nodded.
On the way out, Hank dropped the key in the rent box. He really was sure about this move. “C’mon, Princessa. Let’s go home.”
Back at the Ranch, they unloaded Hank’s stuff and arranged it in Megan’s bedroom. The foot locker went perfectly at the end of the king sized bed. They cleaned out the “extra” clothes from the dresser that wouldn’t work for them and put them in the hallway closet.
Hank discovered after putting his clothes away that what Megan owned fit into one drawer and sighed. “We’ve got to get you some more clothes, Princessa. You deserve nice things.” He closed her drawer with a grimace.
“I’ve got plenty of clothes…”
Hank sat on the bed and pulled her to straddle his lap. This was quickly becoming his favorite way to have serious conversations. “Princessa, you don’t have to be ready to move in an hour's time anymore. You can own things without having to worry you’ll have to leave something behind because someone is making you move.” He held her close and petted her hair. “You can put down roots.”
Megan thought carefully as she rested against him. “Is that what I’m doing? Avoiding having things because it’s not a necessity?” she asked out loud.
Hank nodded a bit. “I think so. Coco did the same thing for a long time after his last deployment. We finally figured out it was a habit from living out of his rucksack on missions. I think you’re doing the same thing because you never knew when your placement would change as a kid. You were in the system so deep they moved you all over the damn state.”
Megan contemplated it. “So, there’s a reason I’m like this? There’s an explanation?”
“I ain’t a shrink, Princessa, but there’s a reason for everything we do.” Hank rocked her gently. “I just think it’s so deeply ingrained in you that you don’t think about why you refuse things every other girl your age has. If you don’t want it, it doesn’t hurt when you don’t get it, right? Bet you don’t do birthdays or Christmas either, do you?”
“Nope. Not really. They’re just another day.”
“Do you trust Taza, Megan? Do you trust me?” Hank asked softly.
“Of course I do! You’re my safety in this world,” Megan said, sitting back to look at him in shock. “I trust you two with my life.”
Hank nodded and cradled her neck in one huge hand with his thumb stroking over her cheekbone. “Then trust us when we say you can own more that what fits in one backpack now. Let us give you things, please?”
Megan looked him in the eye before nodding. “I’ll try.”
“Good girl.” Hank smiled and rewarded her answer with a deep kiss.
Taza knocked gently on the doorframe. “EZ just dropped off the bikes and something for you Megan.” He held up a gift bag. “Now before you get nervous - this is from me and your padrinos so no mysterious gift giver.”
Megan sighed in relief. “Okay, good cause I was nervous there for a second.” She smiled and climbed off Hank’s lap togo over to her father.
“No nerves, Princessa. Just something you need.” Taza handed her the bag.
“Thank you.” She smiled and opened the bag to find a new cell phone and case for it.
“We put you on my cell phone plan, Chica. You can keep your burner for emergencies and club shit, but this way you have a decent personal phone like the rest of us.” Taza grinned.
Megan laughed. “Thank you.”
“Hank’s and my numbers are already in there. So are your padrinos. We left everything else for you to set up how you want it.” He smiled. “It’ll fit the case we bought for your belt too.”
Megan hugged him tight and sat down to pull everything out of the wrapping and start setting up her phone.
Taza smirked as Hank joined him at the door. “That was less of a fight then I was expecting.”
Hank chuckled. “Your timing is impeccable. We literally JUST finished a discussion about letting us give her things that are normal for other people. She’s been living out of a single backpack for her entire life so now we just need to remind her that she never has to leave here again if she doesn’t want to. She can have things.”
It was like a lightbulb went off for Taza. “Like Coco when he first joined.”
Hank nodded. “Like Coco.”
“Hank! I need that picture of us from the boardwalk for my background!” Megan bounced up to him.
Hank chuckled. “Sure, Princessa, but I need your new number first.”
Megan froze with a giggle. “Um… I don’t know it either!” SHe started searching through the settings to see if she could find it.
Taza laughed. “Just send him a text, Chica. His number is in your contacts.”
Megan opened her contacts and burst into giggles again. “I’m guessing Hank is ‘Teddy Bear’.” She shot off a quick text and Hank’s phone buzzed.
Hank laughed out loud and read the text. It said ‘I’m not changing your name in my phone’. He scrolled through the pictures of them at the boardwalk and sent a few of the selfies they’d taken ending with the kiss she had given him. That one was his home screen. One of the beach shots was his lock screen.
“Thank you!” Megan went back to the bed to finish setting up her phone.
“EZ also said that a box came for you at the club house from that tattoo supplier you like in L.A.” Taza mentioned quietly.
“Good. That’ll be the ink I ordered for Megan’s tattoo touch up.” Hank nodded satisfied. “We can do that tomorrow while EZ paints in here. What’d Bish say about the run?”
“We’re all good. We’re going to make it where you and I aren’t gone at the same time. Actually, it’ll be more like you’re on limited runs anyway since she can’t seem to sleep without you.” Taza patted his shoulder.
“Well limited runs won’t hurt as long as you don’t charge me out the ass for rent. I turned in the key to my apartment today so no bills there.” Hank grinned, tucking his hands in his jeans pockets.
“Hermano, I ain’t charging you rent at all. You’re here because Megan needs you…”
“Bullshit.” Hank said and Megan looked up with a concerned frown at his outburst. “Don’t worry, Princessa. Club shit. C’mon Taza. Let’s step out and discuss this.”
Taza snorted indelicately. “Yes. Let’s.” He led the way out to the kitchen.
Hank followed him. “Listen, brother, I won’t freeload. I’m paying somethin’.”
“You aren’t freeloading. You’re re-allocating resources. Give you more money to spend on Megan.” Taza shrugged. “I don’t exactly have a lot of bills, brother. The ranch is mine - free and clear. Water is outta a well on property. I pay for electric - what the solar panels don’t provide already - internet and TV, and cell phone service. That’s it.”
“That’s all well and good, but Megan’s party is coming up. You’re going to need some extra cash. Let me pay something so you can put more money towards Megan too,” Hank reasoned.
Taza sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “Fine. Throw some money in the cookie jar once a month. It’s cash for household expenses and shit like take-out. That’s all I got for you.”
Hank nodded. “Alright. AND I buy groceries every other week.”
“Fair enough.” They shook on it.
Megan peeped her head around the corner. “Is it safe to come make the cornbread for supper?” she asked. “If I do it now we can eat in about an hour.”
“Sure, Chica. It’s safe.” Taza smiled and gestured for her to come on in to the kitchen.
She shuffled in and cuddled up to her father’s side. “Are you guys arguing about me?”
Taza froze in shock. “NO, Chica. Never. We weren’t arguing at all. We were just discussing shit and got a little loud.” He realized Megan had probably had at least one set of foster parents who argued a lot in front of her at some point. She must hate to see the people she saw as “safety” arguing or getting heated.
Megan looked at Hank for confirmation.
“Princessa, we weren’t arguing. Sorry we got loud. We tend to forget our volume control when we discuss shit. Habit from talking over Angel’s dumb ass.” He grinned. “Taza and I don’t really argue. We communicate loudly sometimes, but we don’t argue. We’re too old for that shit.”
Megan looked between the two of them and cracked a small smile. “‘Kay. Jalapeno cornbread okay with the chili?”
“Sounds great, sweetheart. Need any help?” Taza squeezed her gently around the shoulders.
“Nope. Any chance we could eat around the fire pit outside?” she asked shyly. “It’s pretty out tonight.”
Taza’s face lit up. She’d finally asked for something she wanted. “Sounds like a plan. Hank and I will go get the fire going and get it set up, okay? Just call if you need us.” Taza kissed her forehead and slipped out the French doors to the back patio.
Hank held his arms out to offer her a cuddle. Megan gladly accepted it, snuggling into his chest and toying with his rosary beads. “Sorry we startled you, Princessa, but you handled it well. No panic.”
“I’m okay. Just don’t like y’all arguing.” She kissed his chest and rested there a moment with her eyes closed, breathing deeply.
“We’ll do better. We just aren’t used to everything quite yet.” Hank rested his lips against her hair and rocked her gently in his arms, letting her draw comfort from him for as long as she needed.
“I know. I’ll try not to be so sensitive,” she whispered.
“You’re just fine, Princessa. How about after dinner we talk about what you want done with your tattoo refresh? Your inks came in today and I can refresh it tomorrow at the yard while EZ is here painting.”
She smiled a little bigger. “Okay, but I thought EZ wasn’t painting until Monday?”
Hank shrugged. “He might as well get it done tomorrow. Maybe even make Angel help in place of one of his punishment yard shifts.”
Megan giggled. “He told me prospects get all the shit jobs. Now you’re sticking him with his brother all day?”
“He’s not wrong, but he’s only got about eight months left before the member vote. He’ll live.” Hank leaned down and kissed her softly. “Now, I’m going to go help your dad set up before he burns the place down lighting the fire pit in his excitement. Call me if you need anything.”
“Okay. Don’t let him burn his eyebrows off or anything.” Megan popped up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “I’ll call when it’s time to bring stuff out.”
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Neron ‘Creeper’ Vargas x F!Reader
@redpoodlern requested more Dad!Creeper and honestly I was more than happy to deliver on that haha. And thank you to @garbinge for always helping me pull together all of my ideas!
Warnings: language, mentions of alcohol, Creeper being a big ol’ softie with his kiddos
Word Count: 3k
A/N: This definitely takes place in the same universe as Like Father, Like Son because I’m a big fan of the family dynamic that I was sort of starting to build there. If no one has any objections that’s probably going to be my default HC for my future Dad!Creeper fics unless stated otherwise haha. I just love the idea of him with a pack of kids.
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The kids had one week off from school. One week. Seven days. Technically only five if you weren’t counting the weekend. You didn’t want to take the entire week off of work when you would be out on maternity leave in a couple more months, and as much as Creeper wanted you to be taking it easy, he said that if you really wanted save your time off for your leave, he would gladly keep the kids with him for the week.
“You and the guys can’t be doing,” you glanced around to make sure the kids weren’t in the room, “You and the guys can’t be doing serious club shit while they’re there, okay?” you knew that Creeper was always careful, but you also knew that some of the other men in the MC with him weren’t quite as cautious.
“Never, mama,” he leaned in and kissed your cheek, “Don’t worry. We’ll hold it down. It’s been a while since they got some time with their uncles, anyway.”
“Alright,” you nodded, taking a deep breath, “Go round up the gremlins, then,” you laughed, “They should each have their backpack with stuff in it.”
“Givin’ ‘em homework on their week off?” he chuckled.
You shook your head, “No, no. Just stuff to do if they get bored at the clubhouse. Coloring books, matchbox cars, whatever else they can fit in there.”
“Pfft,” he shook his head, “like we’ll ever let them get bored,” he let out a whistle, “Let’s go, homies! Time to roll out.”
Their footsteps thundered through the house as all three if them came booking it down the hall, each with their backpacks either on their shoulders or dangling from their hands. Both you and Creeper laughed at how excited they were to spend some time with their dad and their entire squad of uncles at the clubhouse.
“Which car you taking, baby?” you asked him.
“Just figured I’d take the van. It’s got all their stuff in it already.”
You smiled, nodding as you grabbed the keys off the counter and tossed them to him, “Alright, no doing donuts with it.”
He chuckled, “If they ask I won’t be able to tell them no,” he was about to say something else when his phone started going off in the pocket of his kutte. He reached and took it out, brows furrowing slightly as he answered, “Yea? Yea I’m about to head out. We’ll talk about it when I get there,” he shook his head slightly, “Alright yea,” with a huff he hung up the phone.
“All good?” you arched one eyebrow.
He nodded, “Yea. They act like I’m not gonna see them in twenty minutes. What the fuck is that important that it can’t wait?”
You shot him a glare, “Neron! Language, please.”
“Shit, sorry.”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
He smiled sheepishly, stepping in close to give you a kiss, “I’m sorry, I love you, and I’ll call you later, mama.”
“Mhm,” you laughed as you playfully shoved him towards the door, “Tell the kids they gotta keep your boys in line.”
“They don’t even need me to tell ‘em.”
Very few things rivaled the excitement that the guys felt when they saw the minivan rolling into the scrapyard. Seconds after Creeper threw the van in park, all of the kids came sprinting out. His son leapt out of the passenger seat as his little sisters came tumbling out the back. It was quite the scene watching them walk up with their father, looking like quite the entourage all together.
“Wifey let you take the real whip today, huh?” Angel said with a laugh as he pulled Creeper into a hug.
He chuckled, “Anything for the wolfpack,” Creeper watched as his kids made their rounds to say hi and hug each of the men that were outside the clubhouse waiting for them to arrive.
Angel looked over at the minivan, “Still can’t believe she let you put those fuckin’ stickers on there, bro,” he laughed.
“Yo,” he smacked Angel in the chest, “No swearin’ in front of the kids,” he paused, “What do you got against the stickers? I think they’re cool.”
“Guess I just never thought that your soccer mom van needed fake bullet holes.”
“That’s what keeps it from being a soccer mom van,” he tapped the side of his head with a knowing look, like he had cracked some sort of code.
“Right,” Angel laughed and shook his head before turning his attention to the kids, “Brandon! Get over here! Let’s see if you’re taller than me yet, dude.”
Creeper turned and saw that the twins were already trying to take Hank down to the ground—a goal that they’d had ever since they were little toddlers. Every time they saw him, they got closer and closer to being successful but they weren’t quite there yet. He had one hanging off of each arm as he tried to walk across the yard without falling over onto them. Creeper laughed as he watched the shenanigans unfold, and they’d only been there for about two minutes.
“Alex! Ava!” he shook his head slightly with a smile, “Give Uncle Hank a break, alright? The man has work to do.”
“They’ll be taking him to the ground soon enough, man,” EZ laughed as he let Hank struggle with the two little girls.
“Make sure you’re filming it,” Creeper responded with a laugh as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“How’s Y/N?” EZ asked.
“Pregnant,” he looked over at EZ and laughed, “Nah she’s good. Working this week, so we got some extra help around here.”
“She’s still working?”
He nodded, “Oh yea. She’ll work till the baby pops outta her,” he shook his head, “I don’t know how she fu—” he caught himself, “I got no clue how she does it, man.”
“Pregnancy one of those things you get better at the more you do it?”
He laughed, “Why don’t you ask her next time you see her?”
“Hard pass,” he shook his head, laughing.
Creeper was glad that he had an entire team of guys to help him try to tire them all out, because it wasn’t an easy task in the slightest. At one point he was fairly certain that he lost them in the depths of the scrapyard and when he did finally find them, they were running around and playing hide and seek where all the scrapped cars were kept. The only thing that kept him from having a heart attack at the sight of it was knowing that none of the cars had any glass left in them that the kids could cut themselves on. But the three of them had easily turned the scrapyard into their kingdom.
“C’mon, lunch time,” he called out to them and they all hesitated, not quite ready to give up the game. Creeper sighed, “Chucky made lunch for you guys.”
That was all it took. Their eyes lit up and the girls almost pushed their brother to the ground in an attempt to beat him back to the clubhouse. Creeper shook his head as he followed them, egging them all on.
“C’mon, B-Dawg, use those legs!” he called after his son with a laugh.
“Knees to chest, Brandon!” Angel joined in as he watched the three of them race up the steps of the clubhouse.
Soon enough, the three of them were all sat at one of the tables inside the clubhouse. Chucky beamed at them, “The Vargas Trio,” he brought their plates over, “I hear you’re keeping us company for the week.”
“Dad said we get to come every day,” Ava said as she shoveled a spoonful of food into her mouth.
“Eat first, then talk, lil mama,” Creeper chastised her with a small smile as he shook his head.
Creeper sat at the table with them, casually drinking his beer as he watched the three of them tuck into the lunch that Chucky had made for them. He knew that Chucky loved when the kids were around—he became the ultimate chef and babysitter once those kids set foot on the property. There wasn’t a single thing that he wouldn’t do for those kids and Creeper could tell just by the way that Chucky seemed so at peace as he watched them sitting around the table together.
“What d’you guys say?” he asked them as he nodded towards Chucky.
“Thank you, Uncle Chucky,” they all said in unison.
The warmest of smiles spread across Chucky’s face as he nodded, “The pleasure is all mine.”
By late in the afternoon, the kids were finally starting to run out of steam. The girls were sprawled out on the floor of the clubhouse, art supplies strewn everywhere as they worked through entire sketchbooks’ worth of paper with Chucky. Brandon had been lurking at a safe distance as he watched some of the guys work in the scrapyard. The idea of breaking things apart was intriguing for many reasons to an eight-year-old boy, but he always listened if one of the men said to back up or not touch something. Every now and then, though, Creeper would let him take a crack at something with the hammer and the excitement on his son’s face was contagious.
The two of them walked back into the clubhouse to get a couple water bottles for themselves and the rest of the guys outside. Creeper was behind the bar, handing them over to his son while also trying to get a good look at what Alex and Ava were up to with Chucky. He smiled at the way the three of them seemed to exist so peacefully together. He hoped that the twins would always get along as well as they seemed to so far.
There was the quiet snapping sound of a pencil point breaking, followed by Alex tossing it to the side and huffing, “Fuck that.”
The entire clubhouse fell silent. Creeper’s eyes went wide as his jaw dropped slightly and Chucky looked over to him, trying to figure out what he was supposed to say or do. Creeper set one last water bottle down on the surface of the bar before addressing the issue.
“Alex? You good, babygirl?”
“It’s like the bazillionth time my pencil has broken.”
He wanted to be amused but he knew that you’d kill him for not talking about the whole language issue, “Alright. I hear you. But…but you can’t be talkin’ like that. Where’d you even hear that, anyway?”
“You,” all three of his kids replied in unison.
He exhaled sharply through his nose as he pressed his lips together into a thin line, trying to figure out what the right way to go about this was, “Look,” he waved for his son to follow him as he walked over to his daughters, “You can’t be talkin’ like that, okay? Those are grownup words. Whatever you do,” he rested his hand on her shoulder gently, “Don’t say that in front of Mommy,” he looked amongst the three of them, “And if it slips, you tell her that Uncle Angel taught you that, alright?” they all nodded and he let out a tiny sigh of relief, “Good. Okay.”
That was the last thing he said about it as he nudged Brandon’s shoulder and they went back to collect up the water bottles and bring them outside. The girls went back to their drawings and Chucky decided that there was nothing left to do but follow suit.
“Uncle Chucky?” Alex asked without looking up from her paper.
“Yes, my dear?”
“Why don’t you talk like they do?” she continued to fill in the cartoon coloring page, “Daddy says they’re grownup words but I never hear you saying them.”
“Speaking like a grownup doesn’t interest me in the slightest,” he smiled at her before returning to his own paper.
It was a week filled with antics. The clubhouse was covered in coloring pages of every cartoon and Disney character you could possibly think of. All of the guys had gotten their nails painted by the twins at least once. Brandon got his own Romero Brothers work-shirt and now he never wanted to take it off. Every single member of the MC was tired in a way they never remembered being tired before. Nap time was something that everyone partook in, even the adults, because they all needed the rest.
You took a half day on Friday so you could spend some time with all of them at the clubhouse. You liked seeing the kids running around having a good time with the guys, and truthfully you missed the nights you’d stay late with Creeper there. Late-night partying hadn’t been something the two of you had done in a long time, but none of that compared to the sense of joy you felt as you heard your daughters very intensely explaining the entire plot of both Frozen movies to EZ, who sat and nodded along, a very serious look on his face.
You smiled, making your rounds to say hello to the guys before you made your way over to Creeper who was sitting at the bar. He smiled, standing up to place a kiss to your lips and then to your belly before offering you his seat. You took it without hesitation, always happy to be off your feet for a few minutes.
“How’s the week been?” you asked as you glanced around the clubhouse.
He nodded, “Good. The guys will be sleeping for a week straight once the kids go back to school,” he laughed.
You smiled, nodding, “I bet.”
“It’s been nice having them here. Keeps things from getting to serious.”
“Yea,” you chuckled, “I’d imagine that it’s a bit harder to have a serious argument when all of your tables are covered in drawings of Olaf and Moana, and everyone’s nails are painted hot pink.”
“I kinda like it,” he held his hand out for you to inspect, “But I think purple is more my color.”
You laugh, nodding, “Oh, for sure, baby.”
The two of you were chatting when all of a sudden you heard a series of thuds, followed by Ava softly, but very clearly, saying, “Fuck,” as she rubbed her skinned knee.
You looked over at your husband, staring daggers, “Neron, I swear to god if—”
“It wasn’t me, mama, I swear,” he held his hands up in surrender.
With a sigh you rose up from the stool and made your way over to your daughter. You looked at her knee—it was scraped but it wasn’t bleeding. She also wasn’t crying which was a good sign. You asked if she was alright and when she said yes, you asked your follow-up question, “Where’d you hear that word, sweetie? Because those aren’t words that you should be using.”
Creeper held his breath as he waited for her to respond. Ava looked at you, and with no hesitation she responded, “Uncle Angel.”
You whipped your head to look at the biker in question. His eyes were as wide as you’d ever seen them. He tried to sputter out a denial, some kind of defense, but he couldn’t string the words together. He couldn’t believe that he’d just been thrown under the bus like that, especially by the girl who not even an hour beforehand said that he was her favorite uncle.
Calmly, you rose to your feet and smoothed out your dress. Creeper recognized the look in your eye and he knew that Angel was in for it. He felt bad, but not bad enough to step in and tell you the truth of the matter. It was a little deal in the grand scheme of things, really.
“Baby,” Creeper called after you, “Baby I can handle—”
“It’s fine, Neron,” your tone was dangerously even, “I just wanna talk to Uncle Angel for a minute.”
He knew that that meant you did not want to talk, “Mama, really—”
“Bring the kids outside, please. We gotta start heading home anyway.”
At that point he knew that he wasn’t going to convince you. He scooped Alex in one arm and Ava in the other, “Alright, let’s go, babygirls,” he nudged Brandon gently towards the door, “C’mon, lil homie, let’s pack the car up.”
Once the clubhouse door shut behind them, you turned your full attention to Angel. You picked up a stray coloring book and rolled it the same way you would a newspaper, and smacked him with it, “Angel Reyes!”
“Ah,” he held his arms to block your swings, “Y/N, hear me out!”
“You will not,” you smacked him again, “be teaching my six-year-olds how to cuss,” you hit him with the book once more for good measure, “Got it? Pregnant or not I will beat your ass.”
He held his hands up in surrender, “Okay, okay. Sorry, querida. Didn’t realize that they picked things up so quick.”
You pointed the rolled up coloring book at him accusingly, “Better start realizing it.”
“Yes ma’am,” he nodded.
You looked at him for a few seconds before giving a nod of approval and dropping the book back onto the table, “Good. Alright then,” you stood on your tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek, “Glad we’re on the same page. I love you.”
“Love you too,” he shook his head slightly as he followed you out of the clubhouse.
He said goodbye to the three kids as they piled into the minivan before pulling Creeper to the side, “Why’d Ava snitch on me like that, bro?”
Creeper chuckled nervously, running his hand over his head, “About that. I…I might’ve told them to blame you if they slipped up in front of their mom.”
“What the fuck, Creep?”
“What? You tellin’ me you wouldn’t do the same shit?”
He paused for a moment before laughing, “Yea, probably. But still,” he gave him a light shove, “Messed up turning my own nieces and nephew against me like that.”
“Technically just turning their mom against you a little bit,” he chuckled.
“I feel like that’s worse.”
“It’s definitely worse,” Creeper clapped him on the shoulder, “Well. Better get ready. Next vacation is gonna be for the whole summer.”
Angel laughed as he hugged Creeper, “Can’t wait.”
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For the would you rather
1. I'm deepthroating that damn popsicle just to show dominance
2. Chances are it's my little brother I brought with me so I'm going to find Jennifer a different guy I kind of love my baby brother a lot.
3. Bubba doesn't deserve to get bit by a man eating plant I'll handle it
4. Screw it I grew up thevl only girl in the house five brothers I'm used to hearing lots of horrifying sounds at night I can sleep through the Apocalypse
5. I'll take my chances walking past Chucky rather than take my chances with the giant stabby men
6. I guess Beetlejuice won't be so bad for his roommate for a short time
7. I'm going in they can't be any worse than my sister and brother-in-law fighting
8. I'm going to help Carrie her power seem like they'd be really scared and it seems like she just needs somebody to be there for her
9. Well guess I'm saving Carrie from Chucky besides Chucky can just use his amulet to bring himself back
10. I'd probably go with truth less dangerous.. I hope
11. After what I did with that popsicle in front of Freddy (see answer 1) I'm going to go apologize to Mama Voorhees and promise to clean up my mess and pay for damages.
12. I think I'd let Jerry pick out my outfit might be interesting to see what he comes up with.
13 a honestly want to see pennywise get his ass kicked by Tiffany.
^^ My brother's an asshole but I love him too, and we cant just go around letting Jennifer eat brothers. Its not sustainable to having brothers.
Very kind of you! ^^ I love how everyone has agreed to keep Bubba safe! XD
Omg- your household sounds terrifying! XDD
👍👍👍 Fair!
Well, seeing as you've already said you have a household of brothers- i believe you can handle it! ^^
Are you SURE?? Knives get involved when Chucky and Tiffany fight-
Yeah, I agree ^^ Might get hurt- but she needs help ^^
Oooh, your favourites are Carrie and Chucky?? Nice choices!! And yeah, again- Slashers always come back 😅 Chucky especially is good at it!
Ha! Yeah, hopefully! Here's your truth, straight from Billy and Stu: Which Slasher would you prefer to spend 48 hours handcuffed to?
Probably a good idea XDDDD The lord knows what Freddy would ask you to do in return for his silence and help (The whisper inside my head: ... Probably a- ) - THE LORD. KNOWS.
I agree!! ^^
Hahaha XD Yes that would be interesting to see.
Thank you so much for playing, your answers were great!! ^^ I hope you had fun!
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pencil-amateur · 3 years
I wrote a fic speculating on what might have happened between nica and tiffany in the time between “Little Little Lies” and “Cape Queer”. please note that this is character exploration and not a shipping fic!
CONTENT WARNINGS: blood, murder (alluded to but not shown), manipulation, mild emetophobia (no actual throwing up)
It happened again that night.
Luckily, the circumstances weren’t as extreme as the first time Nica had regained control of her own body. The dry November air had made her nose start to bleed, and when Chucky caught sight of the blood on his- Nica’s- hand, he’d been pushed out again.
Nica had panicked for a moment over seeing the blood, but realized quickly that it was her own. Looking around while cupping her hand under her nose, she tried to get her bearings.
She was sitting in the motel bed, dressed in a t-shirt and pajama pants. A quick glance at the clock told her it was a quarter til eleven. From the sound of running water in the bathroom, she could tell Tiffany was at the sink. A better situation than earlier, but that wasn’t doing anything to help the awful feeling of dread built up in her chest.
Where is the body?
There was a red stain on the floor where it had been. Her eyes drifted from it, scanning the room, until they came to rest on the empty chair. It had been occupied a few hours ago, by the only other person that knew her secret.
They wouldn’t have let him go. He wouldn’t have let him go.
She suppressed the urge to gag, biting down on her tongue so hard that tears sprang to her eyes.
At that moment, Tiffany walked out of the bathroom in a long red robe.
“Whatcha doing?” she asked Nica, looking at her cupped hand.
Nica had to think fast.
Be Chucky.
She tried her best to imitate his voice. The voice she heard in her worst memories. Smug. Self-assured. Cocky.
“Got a nosebleed,” she said, in what she hoped was a casual and cool tone. “You mind gettin’ me a tissue or something?”
She hoped Tiffany didn’t tell her to get it herself. It was lucky that she hadn’t ended up on the floor again, but if “Chucky” was expected to get up, her luck would run out quickly.
Tiffany smiled instead, her green eyes glistening. “Sure, sweetface.”
Nica breathed a quiet sigh of relief.
• • •
An hour later, Nica was still in control. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. Sure, this way she knew Chucky wasn’t using her body to kill people and whatever else. But she had to pretend to be him to the person she was very sure knew him better than anyone else.
At least she wouldn’t have to fake a smile anymore after it was dark. She didn’t have to pretend to yawn, though- playing an intruder in her own body was exhausting.
“You ready for bed, Tiff?”
Tiffany raised an eyebrow. “Kinda early, isn’t it?”
Shit. Convince her. You can save this.
“It’s been a long day, I guess,” she said, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
Now for her saving throw. Tiffany made her blood run cold, but… Nica had picked things up about her. She could remember a little, glimpses into her personality.
Tiffany was a romantic, and Nica had to use that.
She patted the mattress beside her. “Come on. Don’t ya want to give me a goodnight kiss?”
Immediately, it was clear this was the right thing to say. Tiffany leaned over to her, slowly, teasingly. She was enjoying this.
“Well, if you insist,” she said, stroking Nica’s hair as she did so. Nica’s senses all screamed DANGER, but she pushed down the feelings in the pit of her stomach and leaned in a little, too.
It was a soft, gentle kiss, and one that didn’t last very long. That was fine with Nica. As undeniably beautiful as Tiffany was, everything she and Chucky had done to her soured any attraction she might have had to the older woman.
And yet…
As Nica watched Tiffany walk over to the lamp, she couldn’t help but feel just the tiniest bit sorry for her. Even after the hell she’d been partially responsible for putting Nica through, she couldn’t help but think… maybe Tiffany was a little lonely. Though it could very well just be projection.
Fuck it. If I’m trapped here with her, the least I can do is let myself pretend her life isn’t perfect.
• • •
Lights out.
Nica was exhausted, but couldn’t sleep. With nothing to distract her, upsetting thoughts spun around her head like dirty laundry in a washing machine. The worry was keeping her awake.
Tiffany stirred a little beside her.
“Chucky, you’re shivering. Are you cold?”
She hadn’t even noticed, but her body was shaking a little. Great. At least Tiffany had given her a convenient excuse.
“Yeah, a little.”
“These cheap heating units probably haven’t been changed in years.” She put an arm around her shoulder. “Here. I’ll keep you nice and warm.”
Nica tensed up involuntarily and hoped she didn’t notice.
“Sweet dreams.”
Nica closed her eyes. If she tried hard enough, maybe she could imagine this embrace was a comforting presence, someone who would hold her and tell her it was all going to be okay. Someone who would make sure she was safe and far, far away from here.
It wasn’t long before she felt herself drifting off to sleep.
Sweet dreams.
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barclaysangel · 2 years
“Smells Like Teen Spirit”, Prologue~
I did it! I just now published my AU where Junior puts his soul into a Good Guy doll, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”!
I am absolutely hyped for this and the first chapter is already being written! I really hope you guys will enjoy this as much as I do.
It’s on AO3 so if you want to read it there, you can! I’ll post the link down below and below the cut will be the prologue!
Please like and comment to let me know what you think! Comments help fuel me to continue writing and gives me motivation.
Thank you and enjoy!
Junior Wheeler was dying.
That much he knew. He could feel it. The blood leaking from his chest, the way his fingertips began to feel numb. Junior couldn’t move and wasn’t sure if he even wanted to.
All he knew was that he was dying.
Just like that.
He had to admit, a part of him felt relieved.
It would all be over. He’d get to see his mom again, hopefully. He won’t have anymore pressure. He’d just be dead Junior Wheeler, the shitty son and even shittier cousin.
Maybe Jake would put that on his tombstone.
It’s what he’d deserve after all.
But at the same time…Junior was scared.
He was scared of dying. He was just fourteen. Fourteen and went through so much. He fought and killed but he didn’t want to go out like this.
He wasn’t quite ready to die.
But maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Lexy was holding him, crying. He wished she wasn’t crying, it made him really sad.
Besides, Junior didn’t deserve her tears. She should save them for someone that truly matters and is important.
He was a bully, a killer. He didn’t deserve sympathy or remorse.
He deserved only the worst. And if that was death…then maybe that’s what he truly did deserve.
As Lexy cried over him, her words becoming drowned out in his ears, he felt himself start to drift off into darkness.
Junior wasn’t quite sure when he began waking up. But it wasn’t exactly waking up. Or how long it had been. He could feel his body still shutting down, having a hard time breathing, and hearing voices. But this wasn’t Lexy’s voice, there were multiple ones, ones he didn’t recognize.
Who was speaking?
Junior wanted to sleep again, to fade from existence but he forced himself to hold on. To try and listen before completely giving up.
The doctor was speaking to someone, about a patient that didn’t have much time left. Too much damage to his lung. All they could do was make him comfortable until he passes.
It took a full moment for Junior to realize that they were talking about him.
He really was going to die.
Killed by a serial killer ginger doll.
Well, at least Junior went down swinging. To protect Lexy.
It was worth it.
He heard someone respond, almost tearfully. Now, that voice was familiar. High-pitched and sickly sweet. His brain moved slowly until he processed where he knew that voice.
The wife of Chucky.
Or…ex-wife? After she decapitated him. He…wasn’t quite sure. He wasn’t sure about anything anymore. The light in him was dimming out, slowly but surely.
While everything was confusing, Junior couldn’t help but to wonder why Tiffany was there. They barely knew each other, just for a day at least.
So why was she here?
He tried to open his eyes but he just felt so tired. So exhausted. They just wanted the fucking grim reaper to get over here and take him already.
The doctor must’ve left because then Junior heard the sound of heels clacking against the linoleum floor, approaching him. He gathered all the strength he could muster to open his eyes, fluttering a few times before they finally did.
Through blurry eyesight, he could see Tiffany’s blonde hair and sparkling red dress that nearly had him closing his eyes again. But then Junior saw something else in her arms. Something that made his chest suddenly hurt again.
Junior’s labored breathing began to pick up, starting to hyperventilate the most he could through his failing lungs, eyes now wide.
Fuck, she was here to finish the job, wasn’t she? Have Chucky kill him right there by shoving his tiny plastic fingers into barely stitched up wound on his chest in the hospital room.
Jesus, why couldn’t they just left him die in peace?!
“Shhh, sweetface, just breathe…” Tiffany cooed and brushed aside Junior’s sweaty hair from his forehead, flinching flinched slightly from the motion before relaxing just a bit.
“It’s okay. It’s just me. And this guy,” the blonde woman lifted the doll slightly in her other arm, “is empty. No Chucky, nothing inside him, just a doll.”
Junior stared at the Good Guy doll, trying to see if that was true. If the doll would suddenly blink and come to alive, leap on top of him. But nothing happened.
It really was just a doll.
He didn’t speak for a moment, struggling to even find the right words. “I…I’m dying…aren’t I?“ Junior asked, his raspy voice barely above a whisper.
Tiffany’s eyes looked sad, as if she didn’t want this kid she barely knew to die, before she nodded. “You are. But you don’t have to be.”
Junior squinted slightly, actually confused as to what she meant. She put the doll on top of his bed and he desperately wanted to move away but he could barely even feel his body anymore.
“Chucky put his soul into Good Guy dolls. Many of them. He used voodoo for it…and so could you.” Tiffany said with a big smile, as if this was the most brilliant plan she had ever announced.
It was the worst idea Junior had ever heard.
He didn’t want to be a doll. He didn’t want that! He just wanted to die!
…but did he?
Death was terrifying. Junior could feel his body starting to give up on him, his lungs struggling to help him breathe. As ready as he was to die and have everything before, he was so scared.
He wasn’t a man like Chucky said.
Lexy was right. He’s just a boy. A kid.
Why should a kid have to make such a huge decision like this?
“Tiff…I…I can’t…’m sorry…” Junior uttered, his eyes starting to close, possibly forever until she cupped his cold cheek in her warm hand.
“Yes you can. Your body is dying, but you can still transfer your soul into this doll. This wouldn’t be a permanent thing. You can possess whatever human you want afterwards. I’ll teach you the spell, all you need is all of your strength and energy.” Tiffany explained all of this with that sweet smile and maternal brown eyes.
Junior had seen this woman kill. She was psychotic, probably more than Chucky. But he had to admit, he felt almost at home with her. Something about her warm and motherly nature drew him to her.
And while he didn’t deserve this second chance…maybe, just maybe if this worked…he could take it and see what happens.
Junior swallowed a few times, feeling her sharp acrylic nails brushing against his cheek before he finally made his decision. “How…how do I do this?”
Tiffany grinned with glee like a child on Christmas morning, leaning forward to whisper in his ear the spell. She did this multiple times until Junior managed to memorize it, every part of his body wanting to give up and die already.
But not yet. He wanted one last shot. If this didn’t work out, then he’d let himself die.
“We don’t have much time, sweetface. You need to do it now.” Tiffany urged him afterwards, pressing the doll into his cold hands.
God, Junior just wanted to sleep. He was so tired and he just wanted rest. But he knew that if he fell asleep now, he’d never wake up.
He had to do this. He had to try.
So Junior began chanting. His body wanting to give up but he focused all his energy on the doll, practically glaring at it. It was like his killer was staring right back at him.
He felt all of his emotions. All his pain, his anger, his sorrow, his rage, all of it mixed up and used it to find the strength to continue chanting. Junior could hear thunder rumbling through the sky, like there was a storm coming. Maybe it was. Maybe he was imagining it. But he kept going.
His eyes felt like closing, the pain in his chest growing to the point where he felt like he was being stabbed again. He was dying now, he knew this. But he had to finish.
Finally, with one last burst of energy, Junior spoke the final chant. “Ade due damballa…give me the power I beg of you!”
Lightning struck, the sound practically deafening his ears.
And everything went black.
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