#Leta x Gaunt
What if...what if Leta died in Gaunt’s arms?
A reunion hug, a sniper in a distant nest, a shot through the heart meant to Kill the Commisar-Colonel but hits Trooper Middenlocke.
She falls, blood seeping through her armour, staining the front of Gaunt’s coat, just above his heart, A hole piercied through her, smoldering flesh from the lasgun, Only a small gasp and she leaves this realm of existence. 
Gaunt sinking to the mud, his tears getting lost in the downpour, as if the heavens are mourning his love as much as he, Gasps from the Ghosts, mummers.
The wolf lies dead, her eyes seeing through the eyes of her lover.
Another Ghost to haunt him.
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arthenaa · 2 years
Roots - S.S & O.G
PLOT SUMMARY: After an eventful fifth year, Ominis and Sebastian seems to be the people who know the hero of Hogwarts the best. Approached by an interested third year, the two best friends seem to realize they don’t know anything at all about Y/N beyond school.
DISCLAIMER: Hogwarts Legacy Spoilers, Canon divergent, can be read as platonic or romantic, Scamander brothers and Leta Lestrange is in this, mentions of Fantastic Beast plot, (i rewatched fantastic beasts ok and i love the scamander brothers so bad and I love these boys sm so I’m putting them in one fic), setting is set on FB era but with the the same teachers in HL, mentions of bad home environment on MC’s past, MC is a half blood, MC vents her feelings, im mostly spewing shit out of my ass in this one, she/her pronouns and feminine terms are used.
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Out of the trio, Y/N has always received the most attention. Due to her great efforts and contribution to the defeat of Ranrok and saving the wizarding world, eyes are constantly on her and whispers of her achievements flutter around the halls of the castle. This had never bothered Ominis and Sebastian of course. They had always seen you as the flustered and clumsy fifth year walking up to the podium to be sorted. You had always been the center of their attention. They had been with you through most of your ups and downs during your first year as a 5th year in Hogwarts. Stuck with you through various situations and had defended you from those who had tried to harm you and so they had the honorary badge of being called your “best friends.” They took pride in being the people closest to you and it would sometimes be borderline possessive according to Imelda Reyes but Sebastian simply rolls his eyes and tells her to bugger off. That was what they thought, until recently.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know anything about her at all?” Yrma’s face forms a look of disappointment. Ominis cringes at her tone before Sebastian makes a noise of disagreement.
Yrma Greenland glances between the two as they stand in silence. The third year had been an avid fan of the Hero of Hogwarts after witnessing her magical prowess against raiders and poachers during an eventful night of trying to rescue a niffler. It almost made her cry as Y/N approaches her with an angelic smile. She had been trying to get to know more about Y/N Y/L/N and given that she was part of the Hogwarts School Journalism Club, it would be beneficial to her job as a journalist (definitely as journalist ….. and not for herself …) to know about her subject’s background.
“W-we do know stuff about her! Besides, why should we tell you? Isn’t this invasion of privacy?” Sebastian retorts as he leans against the pillar. Yrma rolls her eyes at the idiocy.
“I’m a journalist, I have to get information one way or another. What’s this stuff you know then?” She presses on.
“She likes monochromatic colors.” Ominis starts. “Quite skilled in Defence against the Dark Arts.”
“Loathes the pumpkin juice at the Great Hall. Has a specific chair in the common room that nobody dares to touch for some reason.” Sebastian adds. Ominis nods in agreement. 
“When she’s nervous, she wrings her hands to keep her grounded. Loves to twirl her wand like a pen for some odd reason. A beast magnet. She can sleep anywhere as well. Did you know she once slept standing very still—“ 
“I do not want to hear about your obsession with Y/N Y/L/N.” Yrma halts Ominis’s ramblings about the witch with a furious look. “I’m talking about her background. Where’d she come from? Is she a half-blood, pure or muggleborn. THAT’s what I’m looking for.” 
The two Slytherins look at the Ravenclaw with a baffled look. Yrma can only stare at them with an amused look.
“Seriously? Two years and you two don’t know anything?”
“I mean she hasn’t talked about it!” Sebastian tries to defend himself. He turns to Ominis who looks like Salazar Slytherin had asked him to commit crimes worthy of Azkaban. “Ominis? Did she tell you anything at all?”
“…I always assumed that she was muggleborn.”
“So I take that you know nothing at all?” Yrma sighs. A chill runs down both of their backs at the revelation. “Some best friends you two must be.”
Yrma grumbles in disappointment on not being able to get information about the Hero of Hogwarts before leaving the pair. Ominis and Sebastian only wallow in their misery in silence.
“I can’t believe this Ominis.” Sebastian’s voice is weak. Ominis nods in agreement. It was never brought up throughout your stay in Hogwarts. Everyone was also quite open with their backgrounds so it was never an option to be brought up in a conversation. Your achievements have overshadowed your personal background as a young witch. No one had even questioned your blood status or where you had come from. Sure it was discussed when you had first entered as a late student but that too had been overshadowed by the dragon attack you and Professor Fig had endured. Somehow, you had become something they knew so well and knew nothing about at the same time.
“At this point, I’m just curious about it.” Ominis breaks the silence. Sebastian glances at his friend before nodding. Why would you not bring it up though? You had experienced Sebastian’s family situation, listened to Ominis’s complaints about his crazy family. It should’ve been an opportunity to bring up but you had always listened rather than talked. Surely, you would’ve talked about it if you felt comfortable enough with them right?
 “Why do you two looked like someone pissed in your butterbeer and manipulated you into thinking that it’s not piss?” Imelda Reyes looks down at the two Slytherin boys lounging in the common room with frowns in their faces.
 “Gross. You needn’t be so crass on your comparisons.” Ominis groans. Imelda rolls her eyes as she sets her broom down beside the couch before sitting in front of the fireplace. 
“I hear people from the ministry are coming to visit.” Imelda starts as she looks back at the two. “Some sort of assessment, I suppose.”
“From the ministry?” This catches Sebastian’s attention. “Why?”
“Not sure.” Imelda shrugs. “I think it’s because of Professor Hecat and her assistant. What’s his name?”
“Dumbledore.” Ominis flatly replies from his seat on the couch. 
Imelda furrows her eyebrows as she stares back and forth between the two. “Seriously? What is the problem with you both?” 
Ominis sighs before properly sitting up. Sebastian on the other hand continues to flail in his seat. The young Gaunt feels his wand as he contemplates his thoughts before asking Imelda a question.
“Do you know anything about Y/N?”
Imelda tilts her head in confusion. “She’s a Slytherin and gifted with the broom—Wait, why are you asking me that question? Shouldn’t you two know the answer?”
“Not that, Imelda.” Sebastian chimes in as he sits up, elbows on his knees, leaning forward. “I meant about her as a person.”
Imelda falls silent for a few moments before she lets out a huff of amusement. “Merlin.”
“Right?!” Sebastian whines before slumping back on the couch. “I don’t understand how we both barely know anything about her despite knowing her for 2 years. I mean, I knew Ominis wet his bed when he was 9 within the first 3 months of my first year!”
“Sebastian!” Ominis flushes in embarrassment. Imelda chuckles at the information.
“Well, I mean. The gal’s a powerhouse. I doubt people would be focused about her roots rather than her achievements.” Imelda replies. “I thought you two would know more about her considering you two hover like a hawk.”
“I do not do that.” Ominis retorts. Imelda nudges his knee before laughing.
“Yeah, didn’t know you were quite humorous, Ominis.” Imelda teases. Ominis turns his head towards her, sending a glare to her direction.
“I’m just kind of concerned why she hasn’t told us anything…” Sebastian quietly responds as he watches the fire flicker in front of him.
“Well, guess you’ll just have to find out then.” Imelda grins as she notices a familiar figure walking over to them. The two sulking wizards were too busy with sulking, not noticing the subject of the conversation standing in front of them. Y/N looks at Imelda for context and the Quidditch player only shrugs before standing up and grabbing her broom. She pats Y/N’s shoulder as she passes by her before whispering a “good luck” as she’ll definitely need it. Y/N only looks at Imelda’s disappearing figure in confusion before turning to her dearest friends.
“Ominis? Sebastian?” Her voice shocks both boys as they flail around to sit properly.
“Merlin’s beard. You scared us.” Sebastian massages his pounding chest as you only chuckle in amusement. Sebastian’s not sure if it’s because you scared them with your arrival or it’s because seeing you that his heart seems to pound out of his chest. You sat in between them, squeezing Ominis’s arm to acknowledge his presence.
“Where were you? We didn’t see you at DADA.” Ominis says as he feels for your hand, grasping it in his palm before interlocking your fingers together. You can only lean your head back, eyes closing due to exhaustion.
“I was with Professor Black. Got called up for something important.” You sigh as you squeeze Ominis’s palm. A hand begins to pet your hair causing you to open your eyes and look at the culprit. The Sallow boy only smiles as he presses a soft kiss against your temple. 
“The headmaster himself, huh? That’s the hero of Hogwarts for you. Always in for something important.” Sebastian teases. Y/N rolls her eyes, shoving him lightly.
“Stairs are a crime. If only I could just travel the castle on a broom.” You complain.
“Imelda’s been there, done that. Detention for a month, I recall.” Ominis leans his head on your shoulder, basking in your lovable scent.
“You battle trolls for breakfast and all it takes is a bit of stairs to rough you up?” Sebastian laughs as he continues to play with your hair.
“Oh, shut it, Sallow.” Soft laughter, escape your lips before a comfortable silence engulfs the three of you. It would’ve been comfortable had there not been a nudging thought banging against the heads of both boys. Sebastian feels a soft nudge against his shoulder, causing him to look over at the Slytherin descendant. An encouraging look is plastered on his face, and Sebastian internally groans at it. 
“Hey, Y/N. We have something to ask you abou—“
“Is Y/N Y/L/N here? You’re needed by Professor Weasley!” A student had shouted out in the common room. The young witch groans before sitting up. The opportunity of asking leaves before Sebastian can even grasp it.
“I’ll see you both later in the Undercroft, okay?” Y/N smiles before placing a kiss on both of their foreheads. She then dashes off to Professor Weasley, leaving the two in silence.
“You should’ve asked faster.”
“How should I know?!” 
 “She should be here by now.” Sebastian taps his foot against the marbled floor. Ominis can only lean against the pillar. The two had been out of their minds ever since the incident with Yrma Greenland. At this point, they just want to spend time with you. Having finally decided that you would eventually tell them on your own terms as they had done with theirs.
Humming distracts Ominis as he hears the tune from the DADA classroom. Leaving Sebastian grumbling on his own, he lets his wand guide him to the sound. The humming grows louder as he softly pushes the door open. He senses a person inside, unfamiliar to that of Professor Hecat and the new assistant. A gasp signals Ominis that the person has acknowledged his presence.
“The classrooms are restricted at this hour. You’d have to go to the Faculty area to talk to Professor Hecat.” He calmly talks as he senses his the person’s figure in front of him.
“I-I don’t mean to intrude. I was just looking around.”
“As I said, these rooms are restricted at this h—“
“It’s alright, she’s with me.” A new person enters the room. A man, Ominis thinks. 
“Apologies for being rude, but who are you?” Ominis sighs. The man chuckles as he feels him walk towards the other person, a woman. About to introduce himself, another presence enters the room.
“Ominis! You left again without saying anything.” Sebastian grumbles annoyed. Ominis looks away from the direction of his voice, not responding to his sudden disappearance. The Sallow boy then glances to the other two people in the room. A man and a woman stood in the classroom, casually staring at the interaction between the two of them. They were dressed formally and seemed far different from how their teachers normally dressed. This must be the ministry visit Imelda was talking about, Sebastian thinks.
“I take that you’re from the ministry?” Ominis reads Sebastians' thoughts. The Sallow turns to him in amusement. “I notice that your presence is unfamiliar.”
“You’re correct.” The man answers. “We’re here for an important matter. We were once students like you and my fiancé wanted to roam the halls in nostalgia.”
The woman smiles at him. “I was also Slytherin, like you two.”
The man steps forward, moving closer to the two boys. “I assume Ominis here is a Gaunt? I’ve had the pleasure of meeting your father from time to time. It’s nice to see his son growing well here in Hogwarts.”
At the mention of his father, Ominis cringes to which Sebastian nudges his side. The man laughs at the look. “Understandable.”
Before the conversation could escalate further, two new voices were heard nearing towards the classroom.
“I’ve told you multiple times. We could’ve done this visit on a free day! Not during a day of classes, Newt!”
“You tell me as if I planned this whole thing.”
“Even if you didn’t, you probably instigated it. Everyone knows Theseus has a brother complex.”
“You know we can hear you right?” The man in the room yells before silence engulfs the halls. The door to the classroom opens and Sebastian looks back in shock to see Y/N with another man.
“Sebastian? Ominis? What are you two doing here?” You rush over to them. Ominis relaxes at your voice. You look back at the two other figures in the room. “This is an awkward sight.”
“Awkward? Really? We’re your family.”
“Soon to be. My sister still hasn’t married you.” You snorted. The two turn their heads fast as a Thestral towards you.
“Sister?!” The Slytherin boys exclaimed. The woman smiles at the interaction. You smile sheepishly before looking at the three other people in the room.
“I suppose introductions are in order.” You start as you stand in between the two. You point your hand towards the taller of the two. “The man you first met is Theseus Scamander, Head Auror of the British Ministry of Magic.”
Theseus waves his hand before saying a quick hello. Your hand then points to the shy male standing near them. “This is Newt Scamander. Magizoologist. The Scamander Wrote our material for Beasts class.”
Ominis gasps in recognition before bowing in respect. The magizoologist reaches over to pat his shoulder.
“This is Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt, my best friends.” 
“And my sister, Leta Lestrange. Theseus’s fiancée. Works in the ministry as well.” Your eyes lock with Leta, who smiles proudly. You return an awkward smile.
"You're a Lestrange?" Sebastian whispers in shock.
"Well, half. We have different mothers. Mine's a muggle. Hence my different last name— but yes, essentially, I am a Lestrange." You reply quietly. Ominis and Sebastian acknowledge the new information in silence. You then turn towards the three and motion your hands to your friends.
“I-It’s nice to meet you all.” Sebastian smiles. The three smile at them.
“I suppose Y/N’s taken care of well then.” Leta moves closer to the two. Grasping both of their hands. “I’m grateful that my sister is in good hands.”
“Leta…” You flush at your sister’s words. Leta only pinches your cheeks.
“I suppose the two of you can join us tomorrow!” Leta turns to the Scamander brothers who nod in agreement. “We’ll be roaming around in Hogsmeade with Y/N. We’re hoping the two of you could join us. I want to learn more about you.”
Before the two could agree, Y/N intercepted the conversation. “I can talk to them about it. Don’t worry. Don’t you three have more important matters to discuss with Dumbledore and Hecat?”
She glances at Newt for help who moves quickly to grab his brother out of the room. The older protests but lets his brother drag him out. Leta laughs softly at the sight before walking over to Y/N and pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’ll see you around.”
You nod in agreement before watching her leave the room. Once their footsteps fade away, you turn towards the two who stare at you for explanation.
“I know I haven’t talked much about my family—“
“You haven’t talked about it at all actually.” Ominis retorts. He sighs before moving close to you. “I didn’t mean to come off rude but I suppose we were kind of in the dumps earlier after realizing we knew nothing about who you were. It never even crossed our minds and I feel like we’re kind of bad friends because of that.”
“No! what are you talking about? You two are the greatest friends I’ve ever had.” You cup one side of their cheeks with your palms. “The fact that you two stuck beside me and treated me equally despite not knowing a thing is one of the many reasons why I hold you two dearly in my heart. It never really crossed my mind before about family because I had only just recently found out about Leta.”
Your hands slowly drop from their cheeks to hold their hands. You take a deep breath before looking up at them. You suppose after all that they’ve gone through and the fact that they fully confided themselves in you, the least you could do is tell them the truth.
“What do you mean?” Sebastian rubs his thumb against your knuckles. They comfort you in small gestures. Ominis in interlocking his fingers with you and Sebastian with his concerned gaze. They listen but don’t pry. It makes tears well in your eyes with how understanding they are.
“Before the start of my first year as a 5th year, before I met Fig. I originally lived in an orphanage. In the care of a muggle. I lived most of my life there, not caring where I had come from or who I was. People there said and did bad things.” You bit your lip as you recall the memories. Living there had been so bad. No one cared about you or the other children. The adults there only did their job and never took care of you. “Leta had been trying to find me for years with the help of Theseus and Newt. Luckily enough, an Auror who had been stationed near the orphanage had seen traces of magic. When Leta found me, I had been close to becoming an obscurial.”
Ominis and Sebastian huddle closer to you as you look down to the floor. “They had immediately taught me how to hone and express my magic despite being a late bloomer. Then they contacted Hogwarts and with the guidance of Professor Fig, I was agreed to be accepted as a 5th year.”
You look up at them with teary eyes. “I didn’t tell anyone because I wanted to start anew. I still had time processing everything and what happened during my 5th year didn’t really help either but I had you two.”
You hugged them tightly. “You two became a foundation that helped me become who I am today. So, I think that you two are the best people I could ever ask for.”
Sebastian laughs softly before hugging you back. Ominis leans his head towards yours before rubbing your back softly. “Thank you for trusting us enough to tell us this.”
You press a soft kiss to their cheeks as you pull back enough to look at them but still stay in their embrace. The two of you hug in comfortable silence before pulling back.
“Now that that’s out of the way. Why don’t we head to the Undercroft to hangout?” You smile mischievously. A bottle of fire whiskey appears on your hands. “I got this bad boy from Theseus.”
“I suppose having connections to the Head Auror has its perks huh?” Sebastian teases. Ominis shakes his head as he follows the two out of the room.
“Might as well go all out.”     
A/N: I hadn’t posted in a while so forgive any mistakes. I had just started playing HL (pirated it ofc) and had rewatched Fantastic Beasts so why not mush them all together HAHAHA. lmk your thoughts!
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Hi! I’m currently looking for new roleplay partners for Harry Potter and related sub-fandoms! I’m only looking for partners 18+ as I am an adult in my mid 20s. Please no time wasters!
I’m pretty active (try to reply multiple times a day!) but I do work full time in a bar/nightclub while training for my vocation so my hours in work do vary and tend to be later in the day. I’m looking for at least one reply a day and good communication (I love it when rp partners become my friends!!)
I only write literate - novella (no one liners!) and only in third person. Saying this, I need someone who is understanding as I am dyslexic and sometimes my spelling and grammar is off as a result!
I’m looking for the following:
People comfortable in playing male canon characters against female original characters from golden trio era, marauders era, next gen and Hogwarts Legacy (I’m happy to discuss doubling!) I’m mostly looking for Regulus Black, Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Theodore Nott, Tom Riddle and Teddy Lupin HOWEVER I am also interested in hearing who you would pair with my characters.
I’m also interested in exploring some original character x original character pairings for all dynamics m x f, m x m, f x f so please message me with your original character if that is something you’re interested in!
Finally, I’m interested in some canon x canon pairings.
Jegulily/Regulily - I’d play Lily
Wolfstar - I’m happy to play either
Dramione - I’d play Hermione
Romione - I’d play Hermione
Theta (FB) - I’d play Leta
Please like this post or reach out and say hi if you’re interested!
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I love them so much, they really are just so soft around each other <3
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Thank you so, so much @darth-caillic​ for this moodboard! The centre pin of the hands? AHG you captured their vibes so perfectly my GOD
Thank you, so, so, so, so much <3
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How Leta looks to Gaunt btw
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Hazy Dawn (Ibram Gaunt x OFC)
The cot wasn’t big enough for two people, maybe that was intentional, meant to discourage the hard working men and women who served under the emperor’s banner to not give into carnal sin.
In the case of Ibram Gaunt and Leta Middenlocke, it didn’t work.
Leta’s eyes flickered open, she had finally managed to get comfortable, lying on top of Gaunt, her head on his chest, his arms around her, his hands resting on her lower back.
Her body hurt, she was bruised and not just from the previous night's activities, a scuffle between some orcs broke out and she got the crap beaten out of her, but hey, the green bugger was dead and any fight she walked away from was a win. 
Gaunt’s fingers twitched on her skin, along with the muscles in his face, his eyes moved behind his closed eyelids. 
A mumbled cry left his lips, a nightmare, it wasn’t uncommon but it still broke Leta’s heart.
“Ibby..” She whispered his name, kissing his chest “Ibby..love..” 
His eyes opened, wide and alert, they darted around before he reality sank in.
“Leta…Sorry..” He cleared his throat “Did I wake you?”
“No need to apologize, I was already awake..” She ran her hands over his chest, feeling the softness of his skin “Hmm I slept well..”
He chuckled, she felt his thumbs rub circles into her skin “No wonder..”
She smiled and nuzzled his chest 
“I do think I love you.” He almost whispered
Her heart pounded in her chest, did she hear him right? He..loved her?
“No..I know I do..” He locked eyes with her “I love you Leta.”
“I love you too..” She smiled and kissed him, she always loved kissing him “Ibram..” 
She did love him, she’d thought it a thousand times, but to say it aloud, to hear him say it, made her heart flutter.
“We are in agreement then.” He smiled against her lips “Otherwise I would have felt very, very stupid.”
“You doubted that I did?”
“I was eighty percent sure..” 
“Anything I could do to raise that percentage?”
He smirked “As much as I would love that…” he rested his forehead against hers “We’ve got to get up, don’t want Corbec or Milo barging in..”
“Good point..” She smiled, “Not again.”
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Gaunt X Leta - hugging them tight without saying any words when they're having a hard time
Gaunt scanned the open space before him, he saw people gathered around camp stoves and playing cards, sharing jokes and sacra.
As he met the Ghosts’ gazes, he nodded, they nodded back, Another mission done, another win for them, but it didn’t come without a cost and that's why he was looking for Leta.
She’d spent hours in the med tent, trying her best to help Dorden and the ordalies; last time he had seen her, she was comforting the dying.
He found her in the tent she shared with Bragg and Larkin, sitting on the floor facing the door, her cloak around her shoulders, she was crying.
He entered, lifting the flap with enough noise to alert her to his presence, she looked up, tears streaming down her cheeks.
He sat on the floor next to her, and put an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her into his chest, she cried into his ribs.
He stroked her head, he didn’t know what to say, so he remained silent.
Leta nuzzled into his coat, her sobs lessening, maybe he didn’t need to say anything, maybe just holding her was enough.
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Not yet.
The aftermath of battle was always eerily silent, Leta’s ears still rang from the near constant shelling and lasfire of the passed week.
Now there was peace, Men talked in exhausted but happy voices, others just collapsed to their knees, the need to survive had been the only thing keeping them awake, others just hugged their friends, laughing until it turned into sobs. 
“Help!” Milo’s broken voice broke the silence like a knife through butter “Please!”
Bragg rose to his feet, as fast as lightning to help the boy, Leta rose her weary head, she could see that Milo had someone propped up on his shoulders, practically dragging the injured man along.
Her heart sank, It was Gaunt.
“Medic!” Bragg took the weight from Milo, resting Gaunt against his huge frame as if he was nothing “Its the Commissar!”
There were no medics close, Leta knew that, because she had bandaged some of the Ghosts lesser wounds herself.
“No time..” She rose to her feet, she gestured to the bench she had been sitting on, a plank across two cinder blocks. “Put him down.”
“Middenlocke..” Bragg started
“Dorden’s taught me enough.”
“Its nasty.”
“I can handle it.” 
Bragg nodded and placed Gaunt down, he was pale, too pale, the injury was a large gash across his stomach, almost parallel to the other scar he had, the wound was about four inches long and two inches deep.
“What happened?” Leta poured the water from her canteen on hands, in a vague attempt to wash the mud from her palms 
“Blast knocked him over, into razor wire.” Milo replied, he looked as pale as Gaunt. 
“Razor wire..” Leta repeated “Right..”
She reached into one of the pouches on her belt and pulled out the small medical tin, she opened it and pulled out the alcohol wipes.
“Gaunt..” She touched his face, he was covered in mud, his eyes barely open “Ibram..”
He smiled “I know, this is going to hurt like fuck.”
She laughed, “Yes…sorry.”
“Just get it over with.”
“Yes sir.”
She gingerly wiped the wipe across the wound, Gaunt inhaled sharply, but other than that remained silent, with the area clean, Leta grabbed the needle and stitches, she thread the needle in a way that she saw Milo and Bragg gawp at.
“You’re good at that.” Milo muttered
“Seamstress hands.”
Gaunt chuckled, “Dorden will want to recruit you.”
“He’s already tried, But if I’m in the med tent, who’ll save Bragg’s huge arse?” 
Gaunt smiled, and then instantly frowned as the needle pierced his skin, the muscles of his abdomen twitched, he was strong, carved from marble, he wasn’t supposed to be able to bleed and hurt like a mortal.
If Leta thought of him as able to die, the worry would drive her to madness, she pushed it to the back of her mind and focused on stopping the bleeding.
“Sorry.” She sighed “I’ll be as quick as I can, Promise.”
He nodded.
It was fairly simple to stitch the wound shut, if she ignored the way Gaunt’s hands twitched with each pass of the needle.
“There..” She tied off the thread and stepped back, ignoring the fact her hands were now wet with Gaunt’s blood. “Not the best..but it’ll be okay until a proper doctor can look at you.” 
Bragg passed Gaunt his canteen, no doubt it contained sacra, and judging by the way Gaunt sipped from it, Leta was right.
But after a few moments, the color returned to his face and he sat up.
“Thank you, Brin.” He nodded to Milo 
Milo nodded back “Of course, sir.”
“Leta..” He sat up, slowly, but surely. “Good job with these stitches..”
Leta held out a hand “Come on, I’ll escort you to the med tent.” 
He took it, she frowned as the blood transferred from her palm to his 
“I’m more than okay do tha-”
“If I let you go, you won’t see Dorden unless carried there.” She gripped his hand tighter. “So please sir, I insist.”  
“Then I see no point in arguing..”
They walked to the end of the trench, in silence, hand in hand, it was when they reached the end did he put his arms around her, gently, so as to not pop the fresh stitches. 
“Never do that again.” She muttered into his shoulder, fresh tears streaking through the mud on her face “Understand? You don’t get to die, not yet.” 
He laughed, “I’ll try my best not to die unless granted your permission.” 
She wiped her face on his coat, still soft, even caked in blood and mud.
“If you do, I’ll be really pissed off with you.”
“I won’t.” He laughed and kissed her forehead “I promise.”
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How Milo finds out about Gaunt x Leta x Rawne is that he goes to wake up Gaunt and see’s Leta in his cot, okay not to out of the oridanary, but then Rawne just appears out of no where in his underwear and Milo just goes 
and leaves, nope not today, not right now, Throne fuck it, he’s not dealing with this.
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Leta and Gaunt - a kiss to make the other stop being stubborn
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Both of your prompts sort of flowed into one? I hope thats okay <3
Anyway, without further ado!
Working too hard.
Leta sighed, the air was humid, she hated it, insects buzzed around her, she had long since given up on trying to swat them away, it was supposed to get cooler after dark, but even cooler was still warm.
“Sorry to disturb you Leta..” Milo paused while using her first name “Middenlocke..” He corrected himself “But he has been up since at least last night..” 
“Has he eaten?”
Milo nodded, it felt odd, discussing the Commissar-General as if he was a child who needed looking after, he’d never dare to say it to anyone else, but Middenlocke was different. 
“Stubborn bastard..” She muttered and smiled when she realized Milo heard “Not a word of that to anyone Brinnie.”
She stared at the door of the command shed, looking as if she was about to run naked across no man's land with flares attached to her, Milo quickly shook away any thoughts of a naked Middenlocke from his head, covered in flares or otherwise. 
“You can go, I’ll handle him.”
Milo nodded, and almost saluted, but thought better of it, he turned and walked away.
Leta opened the door to the command shed and stepped inside, the cool air startled her, and already her sweat stained shirt began to dry.
“Brin..the reports from Castar..” 
The Commissar-General was sat behind his desk, surrounded by dataslats and empty tin cups, his hair was ruffled from where he no doubt ran his fingers through it, there were dark circles under his eyes and he was unshaven, he was in his undershirt, it had a few caf stains on it, his braces lay hanging from his waist. 
When Milo, of course, didn't answer, he looked up, his eyebrows raised.
Leta smiled and closed the door “Brin sent for me, he told me you haven’t slept in almost a day.” 
“I’ve got work to do.”
She walked over to the desk 
“You are no use to anyone half asleep.” 
“I need to look at these reports and attack patterns..if this trend continues-”
She marched to the other side of the desk and bent down to kiss him, he tasted so strongly of caf she wondered just how much he had drunk.
It seemed to snap him out of his tunnel vision. 
“They’ll still be out there, being deranged bastards in a few hours time once you’ve slept.”
“Gaunt..” She sighed “Brin came and woke me up because he’s worried about you and you’re too much of a bone head to listen to anyone else besides me.” 
She put her hands on her hips “Now, do you think that it's acceptable behavior for the man in charge of the Tanith?”
“Are you…” He chuckled “Are you guilt tripping me?” 
“Depends, is it working?”
He stood up, she heard his joints click.
“You’re adorable when you try to boss me around.”
“It worked.” She took his hand “You’re going to bed.”
“And you're staying.”
Leta smiled “I have to be up at the crack of dawn, some asshole has me down for morning patrol.”
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I have spotted ask games 👀
3, 4 and 5 from the Part 6 asks for Leta and her lovers, please!
3. Who wears the other's clothes? What does the other think about that?
Leta steals everyone's clothes, if she's cold? Thats Gaunt's great-coat she's wrapped up in, She's sleeping? She's using Rawne's camo cloak as a blanket, she needs pyjamas? Oops one of Gaunts or Rawne's undershirts it is.
4. Who is constantly teasing the other? How does that person react?
It goes in circles, in the beginning its definitely Leta poking fun at her boys because no way in Hell are Rawne and Gaunt going to be playful with each other, but as things go on and everyone becomes more comfortable its a free for all.
5. Who's more physically affectionate?
I wanna say Rawne, his love language is definitely touch and he's always touching Leta in one way or another, partly because he is a big softie (He'll keep that secret until his dying day) and partly because he likes to show off that Leta's his (Well he has shares in her at least)
6. Who's the better cook?
Who can cook the best out of two rich boys and a feral street-child?
Probs Rawne, because he's the only one who's ever really learnt, I imagine his Mother taught him, He is constantly in stress about how Leta and Gaunt hardly eat, Just eat the fething food for the love of the Throne.
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A heated argument coming from The Sharpe’s tent and all you hear is Alex yell
“You wanna fuck me so bad you look stupid!”
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I said their first kiss would be tender <3
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Them <3
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❤️Gaunts in looooove❤️
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