#add blood to the kittys feet and its spot on
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How Leta looks to Gaunt btw
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thanotaphobia · 6 months
I just wanted to give u a writing prompt :D
Me and my friend talked about what it might've looked like when Arthur first met Void. If she found him (the cutest option in my opinion, like he probably was really alone before her) or if he found her, or if he somehow made her into what she is idk :>
Anyway I thought about you and thought that i could send an ask your way, hope you have a great day/night
omg wait this is actually super cute??
like i was instantly hit with "wait i know how they met" and then had to google the rules for animal ghouls in VTM LMAO but for the sake of flavor we can add a couple details hehehe
cw / implied animal undeath
He finds the cat on the side of the road.
It is dying. That much is clear- its breathing is labored and quick, and Arthur can hear its heartbeat, pittering and pattering at a rapid pace in the night.
It's a little creature. Small, black. He almost hadn't noticed it and probably wouldn't have if he didn't have better hearing than any human on earth. New York is a large, bustling city, with many bright spots. But it also has dark corners- and here, in one of those dark corners, lying half in a puddle of rainwater and fur slick with oil and dirt, lies a little black cat.
"I'm sorry," Arthur murmurs, crouching down on his haunches above it. The cat's eyes are closed, but when he speaks, they flicker open. The cat looks up at him, and Arthur watches as its aura flashes between fear and pain, spite lashing through like gentle fire. For such a small creature, it still seems to have spirit. Tucked away in the dark, unable to move, it still tries to hiss at him. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I simply..."
Arthur sighs. He watches as the cat's eyes flicker shut, then open again. He's not sure why he stopped.
He'd gone for a walk in the rain, that's the thing. A walk towards Brooklyn, away from Manhattan, his feet pounding the pavement and watching as cars whizz by in the streets. New York at night is never quiet, but it is quieter, and that's what Arthur likes about it.
It's easy to feel alone in New York City at midnight. You can be surrounded by very many people, and yet know no one at all.
"I guess I just didn't want you to be by yourself," Arthur murmurs quietly, and then reaches a hand out. He skims his fingers down the cat's side, watching its breathing hitch in fear, but the fear drains slightly when all he does is pet the poor thing, once, then twice. He rests his hand on its little head, and the cat looks at him again, the heartbeat slowing.
And Arthur-
He's never done this before. His teeth aren't even sharp, dull and blunt, and it takes effort to bite into his own skin. But he manages to tear a little bit of his inner wrist and he watches as his own blood wells up, bubbling over the edges. It takes very little to lean down and hold his wrist to the cat's mouth. It can't lift its head so he helps, turning its mouth to his skin and finds himself smiling slightly as its small tongue scrapes over his wound, lapping up the little bit of blood he managed to squeeze out.
"I've never done this before," Arthur murmurs, watching as the cat's pupils dilate, as its heartbeat picks up again, as its tail starts to lash back and forth. It licks at his wrist again, then again. "With humans or animals. But I could not let you die alone."
It takes a little while, but sooner than later, the cat manages to stagger to its feet. Arthur reaches out and scoops it- her, he finds- into his arms. She barely weighs a thing, as light as a scrap of paper; as he holds her to his chest and stands up, tucking her gently into his woolen walking jacket, she starts to purr.
"Ah," Arthur says, looking down at her moon-yellow eyes, blinking slowly. Carefully, with purpose, the little kitty blinks back. Arthur looks back out into the street, to the light there, to the blazing artificial suns, then back down into the darkness of his jacket and the pink maw of a creature yawning, then blinking up at him again. "I think I will name you Void," Arthur says, and starts to walk, out of the light and further into the dark, "How does that sound?"
Void, for all her credit, just snuggles closer into his chest.
"Yes," Arthur agrees, something warm blooming in his heart. "Void will do."
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amazedforjjk · 4 years
Escape - OT7
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The gif is not mine! If you’re the owner please tell me!
Characters: Lion!Namjoon, Jaguar!Jin, Black panther!Yoongi, Cheetah!Hoseok, Snow Leopard!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, cougar!Jungkook, Serval!Reader
Summary: In a world where Hybrid protection laws are gradually strengthening, many organisations are still advocating for the complete extermination of your species. What happens when you find yourself and 7 other predatory hybrids in a truck en route to a hybrid slaughter facility?
Genre: Angst (I want to try and add humour, fluff and perhaps smut too, depending on the response to this fic so please let me know)
Warning: Mentions of abuse, blood, kidnapping.
A.N: This is my first fic ever. I got bored because of the quarantine and I figured why not. English is not my first language so please bear with me! Tell me if you like it and I’ll continue this fic!
Word count : 3.5k 
The first thing to hit you when you wake is the pungent smell of fear. As your eyes flutter open, you try to take in the sight before you. You’re in a warehouse, you can tell as much. All around you are dozens of other hybrids bunched into individual cages.
Your hands come to rest on the bars of yours, eyes widening when you finally seem to grasp the reality of your situation. Your hands are bound in heavy dirty shackles, and you can tell you certainly weren’t the first to ever wear them. The cages are not big enough for you to stand up, and you can barely move. Stray tears stream down your cheeks as the memories of the events which led to your condition ultimately flash before your eyes.
“ Come on, she’s weak.”
“We’re gonna get you kitty, stop running.”
You pant as you run. You’ve never run this fast before in your life, your heart pounding dangerously in your chest. ‘Escape’ is the only thought plaguing your mind as you hear the voices behind you. You don’t even know where you are, much less where you could go, so you just keep on running in the dark alleyways. You suddenly turn in another alley, relieved when you find the ladder of a fire escape.
Maybe they won’t find me if I climb, you think to yourself as you begin grasping the rusty bars. The voices are coming closer, and you find that there are even more than you originally thought.
A gunshot rings through the air right next to you, the bullet landing behind you in the wall. Your eyes widen and you quicken your pace, however, in your haste to come up, you fail to see the broken bar and fall off the ladder. The fall chases the air from your lungs as you try to get up.
“Too slow, kitty”, the man behind you says with a smirk.
They caught up, you think as a sob of pain and hopelessness escapes you. How long had you been running? And your siblings, had they been able to escape? You turn on your front and crawl on the ground, trying to get away from the men as much as you could, when you feel a shock of electricity coursing through your body.
“Where do you think you’re going, bitch? You’ve already caused us too much trouble, don’t think you’re gonna get off easy.” A hand grabs your hair, causing you to wince in pain. You can barely move when the man hits you square in the face with a baton, and you fall unconscious.
Your left hand leaves the bar to touch the side of your face where you remember being hit, and you wince when your fingers come in contact with the bruised skin. You glance around the room to distract yourself from the pain of your face; there must be at least 50 hybrids in cages in the warehouse, predators and prey alike. Most of the hybrids in your vicinity sport bruises on their faces, some of them sobbing, and their clothes are disheveled. All of you look as if you rolled in dust, the hygiene of the facility having clearly been overlooked. You scan the room, holding your breath, looking for a familiar face. You’re relieved to see that you knew none of the hybrids around you. It’s better that way, you try to convince yourself, unable to repress the pang of fear you feel at the thought of being alone.
Suddenly, the sound of a heavy door opening grasps the attention of all hybrids. The room falls completely silent, all of you looking on in fear as ten men make their way inside. One of them claps his hands loudly as he faces the others.
“Alright gentleman, we need to move fast”, he says in a low, raspy voice. “ Separate the predators and the prey into two groups, and then start charging the trucks, we don’t have all day.” He claps his hands a second time, and that seems to spur on the workers who make their ways towards the hybrids, muttering different variations of “Yes boss” as they reach the cages.
The boss then turns around to face the captive hybrids.
“Oh, and if any of them give you trouble…. You know what to do”, he says, his mouth shifting into a dark smirk. It seems that the threat was rather directed towards the hybrids as he leaves the room, chuckling when he kicks a cage, making the hybrid inside whimper.
One by one, the cages were separated into two other rooms, and then loaded onto trucks by packs of eight. All around you you could hear whimpers and sobs of hybrids, sometimes interrupted by the loud shouts of the loaders. Your mind is racing, desperately searching for a way to escape. There has to be a way. However, as much as the cogs in your mind are turning, you can’t help feeling helpless.
You and the seven other hybrids loaded on the truck are the last of the hybrids. You don’t spare a glance towards the others yet, your eyes locked on the loader charging the last cage next to you. The eight enclosures are in the center of a container, in two rows of four. As you were loaded just before the last cage, it meant that you could reach the loader. You are not going to go down without a fight, that’s for certain. If you’re going to die, you at least have to cause as much damage as you can. You were just about to attack him when something shiny caught your eyes. The keys!
Once his deed is done, the loader then sits on the edge of the container. He takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and starts lighting one. Smoke spreads in the truck, making one of the hybrids cough. However, the acrid smell is now the least of your concerns as your eyes zero in on the keys. Slowly, your hand creeps towards the set of keys. You can feel the hybrid next to you holding his breath as your hand makes its way to the keys. You are as quiet as possible, carefully holding the chains of your restraints to stop them from rattling. Once you finally grab the keys, you bring them back to you without a sound.
The hybrid on your left is the only one aware of your doings, and once the keys are stashed under your tail, you finally face him to make eye contact. His eyes are open wide in awe and you can see a glimmer of hope in his gaze. Hope, yes, I’m going to call him that. You smile shyly and glance away from his intense gold eyes, instead focusing on his body. He has small rounded ears and a spotted tail. Like you, he must be a big cat hybrid. His coal hair is dirty, falling in front of his eyes. Once he comes out of his awe stricken state, he returns you a small smile, his mouth forming a heart.
Another cough comes to your ears and you decide to look around at the other hybrids next to you. Behind you is another male hybrid. He sits uncomfortably, his shoulders too wide to be cramped in such a small cage. His face is beautiful though dirty, and when his gaze finally meets yours, you find yourself entranced by his blue eyes. His round ears are black at the tips and his tail is also spotted. Another big cat, huh? He smiles sweetly at you, though his eyes betray his fear. 
You turn to take in the small hybrid next to him, behind Hope. He sits hugging his knees, his bushy tail wrapped around him. His fur is grey with large black rosettes across. His hair is blond, his light eyes unfocused. He looks completely lost, his plump lips quivering ever so slightly. Feeling your gaze on him, he turns to face you, revealing his black eye and busted lip. You’re not the only one who put on a fight apparently. You quickly avert your eyes from his figure, looking instead at your feet.
You’re unable to see the other hybrids behind Wide Shoulders and Blondie from your point of view, but it doesn’t take a lot of thinking to figure out that the others are probably big cats as well.
A whistle shrills through the air. The loader finally finishes his cigarettes, throws the butt on the ground and grabs the doors of the container, a wicked smile on his face: “ See you never, monsters,” he spits and closes the doors abruptly. You would scoff at his remark if it weren’t for the fact that bringing unwanted attention to you would thwart your escape plans. The container is plunged into darkness, and you can sense the truck starting to move.
The start of the ride is silent, aside from a few whimpers coming from the hybrids in the front. Once your eyes start to get accustomed to the darkness, you look for the keys to your shackles. There are a lot of keys and you try one by one to open your restraints with shaky hands. Eight of them are similar, and the last one is slightly smaller. The big ones must be for the shackles and the other for the cage, you think.
Your heart is pounding in your chest, and at the sound of the keys, the hybrids in the front are getting restless. Wide shoulders, Blondie and Hope are staring intently at your ministrations, the latter the only one who isn’t surprised at your possession. When your shackles finally pop open, you can hear Wide shoulders let out a cry of victory, Blondie turning towards the others, only to utter the word “keys”. It seems however that it’s all they really need to understand and the whimpers cease.
With your hands finally free, you look for the lock on your cage, testing the keys when Hope leads your hands to the lock. You finally stand up after what seems an eternity, and every muscle in your body seems to scream in pain having stayed in the cage so much. You take the small key from the set and give the rest to Hope. While he tries to undo the restraints, you go around the enclosures to open them.
While opening the cages, you spot a badly injured hybrid. Both his eyes are black and swollen shut. From the look of his tail, you figure he must be a lion hybrid. When his cage finally pops open, you reach out to help him up, flinching away when he roars at your touch.
“Don’t worry, we’re free”, says with a low voice the hybrid next to him, a tiger hybrid you note, and both of you reach out to help the lion. You cast a thankful glance to the tiger and continue on opening the cages, finishing by Blondie’s cage.
Once all of them are out of their cages, Hope finishes going around the hybrids to rid them of their restraints. You can finally see the other hybrids, though you can’t really distinguish them due to the lack of lights. You had seen Hope, Blondie and Wide shoulders thanks to the warehouse’s lights, but it’s now impossible to identify the species of the others without being close. Not a word is ushered as the last shackles fall to the floor of the container. The eight of you are left to stare at each other (except for the lion who is resting seated against the side of the container), until a small voice is heard.
“What now?” The heads all turn towards a young hybrid, perhaps the youngest of the males hybrids. He has deep round amber eyes and dark hair falling on his features. His eyes sink to the ground when he feels the attention on him.
“We have to escape”, says Hope, looking at the door of the container. The hybrids all turn towards the door, and a small man with a black tail goes to feel the door, looking for anything that could help him open it.
“But the truck-”
“It’s either we jump while it’s moving, either we die at the slaughterhouse” Wide shoulders interrupts the tiger.
“We should be on a small road.” This time, it’s the lion who speaks unexpectedly. “They can’t move us on highways, it’s too risky, and the truck is not going at maximum speed. We should be surrounded by fields or the forest, making our escape easier. Plus, it should be night, they wouldn’t move illegal cargo during the day.”
“You’re probably right”, you say. “So this is our only chance.” You look pointedly at the tiger hybrid who looks hesitant. “ If we don’t escape now we’ll die”. At the last word, Blondie whimpers. You try to bury the fear you feel, this is not the time to be scared, we have to run.
Behind you, the dark tailed hybrid ultimately opens the door with a grunt. All of you turn towards the opening. The lion was right, it is night time, and all you can see are the passing fields in the horizon.
Thanks to the moonlight, you figure out that the black-tailed hybrid is in fact a black panther. He looks back. His pale skin is glowing in the moonlight, contrasting with his dark hair. His yellow eyes are luminous, scouring the truck.
“It’s now or never”, he says, locking eyes with as many hybrids as he can. He then goes back to where the lion is seated and helps him to stand up.
Wide Shoulders is the first to jump, and he rolls to a stop on the road. Blondie follows him closely, holding the tigers hand in his. Hope and Black panther hold on to the lion and all three fall on the road. You’re going to jump when you see the wide eyed boy behind you.
“Hey, we gotta go”, you try to urge him, but he only looks at you with glassy eyes.
The others are getting out of view, and you start to panic. You can’t leave him here, he’s going to die. You try to pull him by the hand but he stays put. He’s too strong for you. Shit!
“Please! We need to jump”, you look at him pleadingly, “we're going to be fine I promise!”
“Promise..?” he looks completely lost, eyes wide, focused on you.
“Yes, now please we have to go!” you beg, and this time, when you pull at his hand, he follows you. Both of you jump out of truck, hand in hand.
The landing is somewhat painful, gravel sinking in your hands and shin. Your arm took the brunt of it, but you don’t dare to look at it now, only getting up to run, your hand still in the man’s. As sure as you could be that the driver couldn’t possibly have heard anything over the noise of the truck, it was not impossible for them to see you through the mirrors. 
Adrenaline coursing through your veins, you get out of the road onto the high grass framing the road. You just had to find the others, and then you’ll figure out what to do next. You are still running, unable to stop, and as the hand of the young man following you slips out of yours, a thought hits you: Why would they wait for us?
You continue running, and your mind races just as much. They don’t have to wait for you. If anything, it would be safer for them if they don’t. Eight predatory hybrids in the wild is an uncanny sight. Moreover, the countryside isn’t known for its open-mindedness regarding hybrids. These hybrids are far from being stupid, you could tell by only listening to the lion hybrid. Chances are they took the safest bet and left already, every man for himself. Behind you, the once afraid hybrid is still following. At least he’ll be here, right?
However, those thoughts all wash away when you finally see the group of hybrids. The six of them are here, crouched in the grass in a circle, waiting anxiously for you. You can’t help the smile of relief when you come crashing next to Hope, the effects of the adrenaline already fading, leaving only exhaustion. Behind you, the young hybrid is catching his breath, his hands on his knees, his tail swatting around him.
“You- You waited..” you pant.
“Of course, we wouldn’t leave any of us behind.” Blondie says. It’s the first time you hear him talk, his voice is melodious. He seems more relaxed now, even going as far to flash a small smile your way.
“Everyone is here, we can’t stay for long. We have to find somewhere to rest.” It’s Wide Shoulders’ time to speak now, his tone serious but the light in his eyes tells you he’s happy to see you.
“There’s a forest not too far from here, surely we could take cover underneath the trees”, Hope says, pointing towards a patch of trees.
“Alright, everyone be careful, and let’s go to the trees”, Wide Shoulders rises, helping the lion hybrid get to his feet. In the moonlight, his injuries are all the more apparent, and he seems to be limping as well. What happened to him? The tiger hybrid gets to his side, letting the injured man lean on him for support. The small group slowly makes way to the trees, silent in the night, all senses on high alert.
You only let yourself relax when you finally reach the cover of the trees, the knots in your shoulders loosening up. You take in your surroundings, the trees giving a decent enough shelter for the eight of you to rest for now. The ground is covered with moss and dead leaves, comfortable enough for you to sleep. You decide to camp around a small stream, taking advantage of the clear water to drink and wash up a little bit.
None of you talk, all of you occupied with different tasks. Thanks to the moonlight, you can finally take in the rest of the boys accompanying you. The tiger hybrid is beautiful, with sharp features and piercing golden eyes. His hair is long and wavy, falling in front of his eyes. He seems focused on washing the blood and gravel off the side of his torso. You can’t help your gaze from falling on his small waist. 
Damn, he really built like that?
You shake your head to chase those thoughts away and focus instead on the lion hybrid already drifting off to sleep on the soft moss. His dirty blond hair is falling on either side of his face, his round ears pressed to the back of his head. The bruises on his face are purple and blue, and blood is drying around his fleshy lips and brow bone. His long hands are also bloodied, and you don’t even want to think about what could have happened to him. Luckily, those bruises should disappear quickly thanks to hybrids’ healing capability.
A reminder that he’s not the only one bruised hits you when you try to lay on your side, the pain in your arm making you grit your teeth. You finally dare to look at it and breathe through your teeth at the sight. Your arm is bloody, bits of flesh torn because of the gravel. You move to the stream, holding back a whimper to try and wash your wound when a big hand rests on your good arm. You look up to meet Wide Shoulders’ blue eyes in surprise. He flashes you a small smile.
“It looks really bad, please let me”, he says, gesturing to your arm.
Begrudgingly you let him, wincing when the cold water comes in contact with your flesh. Once he removes all the gravel left in your arm, he rips a part of his shirt off to wrap the cloth around your arm. You look at him in surprise, only glancing for a few seconds at his now exposed abs.
Oh my god he has abs?
Once he finishes to wrap up your arm, you cast him a questioning look.
“Well, it’s thanks to you we’re safe… That’s the least I can do”, he says shyly. You utter a small thank you, still shocked at the gesture.
“You should try to sleep, you look exhausted.”
Sure enough, as soon as he says this you erupt in a huge yawn, eyelids feeling heavy. You start to settle on the soft moss, casting a glance to your travel companions.
You’re not out of trouble yet, that you know for sure. But you feel strangely safer, even in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the seven hybrids. As you can see the males slowly drift off to sleep, you realize that perhaps you’ll be okay, and you know you can count on them.
AN: Please give me some feedback!
Thank you @jingabitch​ for giving me advice! 
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huntertales · 4 years
Part Two: Who’s A Good Boy? (Dog Dean Afternoon S09E05)
Episode Summary: While investigating two bizarre murders, Y/N and the boys realize there is an eyewitness to both gruesome deaths–a German Shepard. Anxious to find out what monsters they are dealing with, the three look up a spell that can help communicate with the dog. When Dean decides to be the one to perform the spell, he quickly realizes it comes with side effects no one saw coming. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 5,741.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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By the next morning you and the boys could add another body to the list. A young man was murdered late into the evening, at an animal shelter of all places. You had a feeling it wasn't a coincidence from the one you were looking into. Both of them dealt with animals in the location of where they were killed, but the difference between the two was how it was done. Max had his body contorted in a violent manner, the newest victim's body was covered in his own blood after being clawed to death. You took one more good observation before the body bag was zipped up and the coroner pushed him out to the van, where the man would be shipped off to the morgue.
“Claw marks?” Dean noted the different cause of death. 
"Yeah. The cops said all the cats went missing." Sam added on to the weird factor of the case. You didn't understand why someone would go through all the trouble to steal all the felines from the shelter only to leave the rest of the animals. You highly doubted there was a crazy cat lady/animal lover behind both of these murders.
You passed by the dog kennels as you and the boys made your way through the shelter, all abandoned for one reason of another and in need of adoption. All their little faces and adorable eyes made your heart melt. What you wouldn't do to be able to give them all a good permanent home. "Right, so," You focused your attention back onto the conversation. "Yesterday we're dealing with some sort of snake monster. Today it's a killer kitty. Makes sense."
"Hey." Dean stopped at a particular cage when he spotted a German Shepard that he swore he saw before. "Why does that mutt look familiar?"
You reached out to grab the clipboard and glanced at the dog's information to see what his name was. Dean was right. You had seen him yesterday. "That was the taxidermist's dog."
"So, he's been at both crime scenes?" Dean found all of this to be more than just a simple coincidence. You merely shrugged your shoulders, Sam nodded at the similarities. "Maybe he’s a suspect. You know, may—" He stopped for a moment when he saw an officer passed by before continuing when the man was out of earshot, continuing on with his theory to who might be to blame for this. The dog sitting inside the kennel. "Could be a skinwalker, maybe a shapeshifter."
You stared at the German Shepherd, who merely sat there with his tongue wagging out, the sight alone made you smile from how innocent he looked. "Doesn't look like a monster to me." You crouched down so you were at level with the dog and stuck your fingers through the fencing, letting the Colonel move forward and sniff your skin to get your smell. When he felt comfortable enough you scratched under his chin. "More like a handsome boy."
"One way to find out." Dean took out a silver dollar from his pocket and sank down to the ground next to you. "Come here, boy. Hey. This isn't gonna hurt at all. Unless it hurts"
Dean rubbed the coin behind one of the Colonel's ears, and like you suspected, nothing out of the ordinary happened. "Huh. Guess we can rule out killer." You said. You scratched one of the dog's ears, smiling in delight from how he reacted. "Isn't that right, boy?"
You pulled your hand out of the cage and pushed yourself up to your feet right when the Colonel changed his tune. You watched as he went from a content dog to barking at the stranger who approached from behind. You looked over your shoulder to see that it was just the sheriff. For some reason the Colonel did not like him.
"Do you agents need any further assistance?" He asked. You noticed right as the sheriff took off his hat the barking stopped. You didn't think much of it. You presumed the Colonel who the stranger was and stopped.
"Officer, I think we're okay." Sam said. "Thanks."
“All right, well,” The sheriff nodded. “let me know.”
You noticed right when he put his hat back on the Colonel started barking again. Dean picked up the observation as well. He pushed himself back up to his feet and stopped the sheriff from going anywhere, needing to test a possible theory from asking a strange favor from the man. “Officer. Excuse me, can I borrow your hat?”
The sheriff willingly handed over his hat. You watched as Dean turned over to the kennel and merely placing the hat over his head caused the Colonel to erupt into barking again. Right as he took it off, the barking stopped. You crossed your arms over your chest and looked over at the boys, each of you seeming to have the same idea. You heard the sheriff make a remark about the kind of trouble the dog was going to have getting adopted before being on his way. It was something more. You turned your attention back to the German Shepard as he continued barking before the man was gone.
“Okay, so, the Colonel’s not a suspect.” Sam said, noticing himself about the strange reaction.
“Yeah, but he’s a witness.” Dean mumbled. “Hey, boy. You speak sign language?”
“That’s monkeys.” Sam corrected his brother on the animals he was thinking about. “You know what? This is gonna sound crazy. I read this book about this guy who tried to teach his dog to speak after it witnessed a murder.”
“And it worked?” You couldn’t help yourself but ask out of curiosity to see if it was a success, despite how you chuckled at the bizarre idea. Sam shook his head. “But he wrote a book about it?”
“Yeah, well, he doesn’t have what we have.” Sam said. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the number of someone who was able to help you. You had a feeling you knew where this was going. “Kevin. Hey, it’s me. How do we speak to a dog?”
+ + +
To say you were excited about spending the afternoon with the German Shepard was an understatement. You ignored Dean’s annoyed stares and remarks from having the dog ride in the backseat with you and the chance of getting the interior ruined. You needed the Colonel in order to figure out who killed his owner. And he was on his best behavior. You sat on the floor of the motel while Sam gathered all the supplies you would need to make the spell in order to speak to the dog.
"You are just so handsome." You cooed at the German Shepherd, petting him and scratching behind his ear when you found a spot he liked the most. "I think this might be my favorite hunt we've ever done. A cute face like yours will get adopted in no time. Who's a good boy? It's you. Yes, you are."
"Don't get too attached to the mutt. We're not keeping him." Dean reminded you. He didn't understand why you were gushing over the dog. It wasn't like you were going to be able to keep him. He wasn't a personal fan of dogs. Didn't understand what the big hype was about. They bark at the smallest things, not to mention how they liked to shed everywhere. It was like having a child covered in fur. "We're doing the spell, figuring out who killed his owner and it's back to the pound."
"I know that. But it's not everyday we get to work with such a pretty dog. German Shepherds have always been my favorite. I wanted one as a kid. But my mom was allergic." You explained to the older Winchester why you were attached to the Colonel. You smiled and continued speaking to the dog in the kind of childlike voice Dean always found irritating. You praised the mutt for doing nothing but sitting there. Despite how this annoyed him with everyone else, he had to admit he liked seeing you so happy. It’d been a while since he got to see how your face lit up and with a genuine smile. You seemed to notice the older man’s pessimistic behavior. "He's a grump. Dean doesn't like dogs. But how can you not love such a cute face?"
You softly patted the Colonel one last time before you got back up from the ground when the door to the room opened, revealing Sam with all the ingredients you would need for the spell. You made your way over to the table to get started. However you felt a nudge on your knee, distracting you from participating. A smile crept on your lips when you saw the Colonel was back at your side. He rested his head on your lap and stared at you with those puppy dog eyes. You playfully rolled your eyes before you went on petting him, listening as Sam got started.
“An inuit spell?” You asked.
“Yeah.” Sam said. You watched as he reached for another ingredient and mixed it into the plastic bowl he found in the motel that was supposed to be used for ice. “Who knew the Men of Letters had its own Eskimo section?”
“I swear, you discover something new in that place.” You mumbled to yourself. “And it’s supposed to let us communicate with the Colonel?”
“Yeah, well, that’s the plan.” Sam answered. He reached out and plucked a hair off the Colonel’s backside, the strange disruption from you scratching his head made the dog lift its head up from your lap to see what the younger man was doing. Sam dropped the hair into the bowl and stirred it into the mixture to make sure it was all combined together. “Kevin said it’s like a sort of human/animal mind meld.”
“Meaning?” Dean questioned his brother, wondering about the simplified version of the spell.
“If it works,” Sam explained to his brother as he poured a vial looking brown liquid into a clean cup. Your face scrunched up slightly from realizing that you were going to have to drink that for the chance to communicate with the Colonel someway. “we should be able to read the Colonel’s thoughts.”
“All right, I’ll do it.” The older Winchester declared, snatching the cup off the table before either you or his brother could jump on the opportunity. You let out a loud scoff from the move that he pulled, prompting you to give him a look to explain himself of why he wanted to do this.“You got enough on your plate, sweetheart.”
“Like, what?” You questioned him in a frustrated tone of voice.
"Uh, like...you're tired." Dean sniffed the drink before giving a bogus response. You quietly laughed from the answer even you knew was crap. You weren't tired. Sure, you weren't back to yourself one hundred percent, but you didn't understand why you couldn't do the spell. "You're on the mend. Okay? Plus, Sammy's got a sensitive stomach. Last thing we need is him chucking this stuff up. Huh?"
“You hate dogs.” You pointed out to him.
“No, I don’t.” Dean chuckled off the accusation. The Colonel turned his head and let out a quiet noise that sounded like a bark. You quietly laughed. Guess the dog disagreed. Dean rolled his eyes from the petty argument. He turned his attention to the drink that he had to unfortunately swallow. He had his fair share of weird food and drinks over the years, the stuff should have gone down easy. “Doesn’t look so bad.” Dean drank the entire thing like it was a shot. He let out a sigh from the aftertaste that lingered. “I was wrong.”
“You wanted to do it…” You muttered under your breath.
“Come on.” Dean waved a hand for his brother to fork over the words he needed to say to make the spell complete. He coughed a few times from the way the drink snuck up on him as it settled into his stomach with consequences. He managed to chant a few lines without barfing up the ingredients. You examined the Colonel to see if anything might happen. The dog continued to rest at your feet. “All right. Let’s get this party started. Tell me everything you know.” The Colonel responded by letting out a yawn. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Dean amused himself with a corny joke as he let out a quiet chuckle. You and his brother didn’t think it was funny. “Tough crowd.”
The Colonel threw the man a bone when he lifted his head up and let out an unexpected bark. You raised your brow slightly and looked over at Dean, hoping somehow it was the dog’s way of communicating. Dean merely shook his head. You let out a quiet sigh from how the spell failed. Well, it was worth a shot.
+ + +
A little while later you and the boys settled down for a quick lunch as you discussed the next possible course of action. You weren't hungry as you thought you were. Every once in a while you ripped off a piece of your hamburger and fed it to the Colonel when the boys weren't looking. You felt like a kid feeding their unwanted vegetables to the family pet so you could be excused from dinner. He kept staring at you with those puppy dog eyes. You couldn't resist just giving him a treat. You’d find something else to snack on later like you normally did while you completed some more research.
“So, call Kevin.” Dean said. “Spell tasted like ass and it was a bust.”
“At least it didn’t affect your appetite.” You noted. “Geez. I’ve never seen you eat like that before. Take it slower next time. You’re not that young anymore.”
Dean rolled his eyes from your remark about his eating habits. He opened his mouth to try and excuse the reason for his ravenous appetite, but someone cut him off. “Change the station.” Dean heard a male voice come out of thin air. He turned his head head to the dog sitting next to him when he realized it wasn’t Sam complaining of the station he turned on the radio. The Colonel continued as he was while Dean observed him for any kind of change in behavior, his mouth hung open with a little bit of drool escaping his mouth. Dean heard the request again. “Change the station.”
“What?” Dean asked the dog for some kind of clarification. He wasn’t exactly sure how the spell might work if it actually did. Sam repeated after his brother, not sure himself of what was going on. When the older man did, he was quick to hush the both of you from trying to say anything else. The Colonel must’ve been speaking to the man telepathically. “You—shut up. It’s working!”
“It—go!” You hissed at the man.
“Say that again.” Dean told the dog.
“You call this classic rock? Next thing you know, they’ll be playing Styx.” The Colonel had an opinion on Dean’s music taste of all things. To say Dean was oddly offended would have been an understatement. One thing was for sure, he didn’t stand for something trashing his impeccable music taste. Not even a dog. “And Dennis DeYoung? A punk.”
“Dennis DeYoung’s not a punk.” Dean argued with the canine. “He’s Mr. Roboto, bitch.”
“Why are you arguing with the dog about Styx?” You asked him, becoming confused yourself at the one-sided conversation you were only able to hear.
Dean realized that you and Sam couldn’t hear the Colonel’s thoughts like he could. The man was having a full conversation with the mutt. “Wh—uh, yeah. Um, hey, boy.” Dean veered the conversation to the reason why he did the spell in the first place. “What were you trying to tell us about the cowboy hat?”
“The douche wheel who killed my best friend was wearing a cowboy hat.” The Colonel said. Dean wondered about the kid who was working at the shelter the night he was murdered. He was communicating with a dog. The man wasn’t sure if this was the weirdest thing he had ever done for a hunt. It was well up there. “Yep. Same guy killed both.”
“Ask about the cats.” Sam said, throwing his dirty rolled up napkins into the trash.
“Yeah, uh—” Dean was about to do that. But for some reason he was distracted by the ball Sam had thrown. He was overwhelmed with the urge to grab it from the trash can and placed it on the table. “And what about the cats?”
Sam picked up the napkin his brother fetched, unsure of why the man did it in the first place. “I don’t want this.”
“I don’t know. I couldn’t see much.” The Colonel said. Sam rolled up the napkin even more and tossed it once again into the trash hoping where it would stay there. “I didn’t exactly have the best view in the orphanage. Oh, but I could smell him. Guy reeked of red meat, dishwashing detergent and Tiger Balm.”
“So what’s he saying?” You asked the older man.
“Uh, that the—” Dean once again automatically reached for the napkin when he saw it be thrown across the table and into the trash. He tossed it back down on the table to Sam and went on with what he learned from the Colonel. “The guy smelled like ground chuck, and soap suds and old-lady cream.”
“Dean, what are you doing?” Sam asked. Once again he picked up the napkin he tried to discard twice now, only to fail after his brother picked it up like it was some kind of ball.
You noticed Dean was scratching behind his ear without much thought, like it was second nature. He shrugged his shoulders at his own behavior. “I don’t know.” He said. It seemed he wasn’t even aware of his strange actions that weren’t like him. The Colonel found it amusing when he titled his head and started laughing. Dean didn’t find it the least bit funny. “Oh, what are you laughing at?”
The Colonel was about to break the news to the man, until his ears picked up something that sounded like a car door sliding shut. He knew that noise. Suddenly he started barking like how he had at the shelter. Instead this time it was for an enemy all dogs shared. The expression that crossed Dean’s face was laser focused. He had the overwhelming urge to jump out of his seat and head straight to the window, and that’s exactly what he did. You felt your mouth part open in complete shock as the Colonel joined him, the dog jumped onto his hind legs as he peeked through the curtains to spot the mailman. Dean started banging his hand against the window as the Colonel continued barking upscenely, both trying to appear threatening to the stranger.
“Hey! Hey, hey! Yeah!” Dean shouted at the mailman just trying to do his job, only to be stopped by a grown man who was desperately trying to get his attention. For some reason the man pointed a finger at the stranger and shouted words at him, like he was trying to get his attention and seem threatening. “You! You!” The Colonel continued to bark as Dean did the same with his own words. “Hey, hey! You! You! You!”
Dean repeated after himself several more times until he saw the mailman go on his way, brushing off the man’s odd behavior. He felt himself let out a growl in frustration. “Hey! Stop that!” You were giving the command to the Colonel in an attempt to get him to try and behave, little did you think it would have the same effect on Dean. “Come on. Sit down.”
The Colonel did as he was told. He stopped barking and made his way back over to you where he dropped down to your feet. Dean followed just a second after. You smiled at how well the Colonel followed commands, it earned him another scratch under the chin you noticed how much he enjoyed. Dean found himself growing annoyed from the thought he was able to hear about how the Colonel could get used to this kind of treatment from you.
“Hey, hey. Don’t get cozy, pal.” Dean grumbled to the dog. “She’s my female, not yours.”
You suddenly stopped what you were doing at the words that came out of Dean's mouth. You turned your head to "I’m your what?" You asked, not sure if you should be weirded out or start laughing. It took you a second to realize what was going on when you saw Dean scratching behind his ear. Playing fetch. Barking at the mailman. You felt your lips stretch into an amused smile. “I think the spell worked. In fact, I think it worked a little too well.”
“What?” Dean asked.
“I think…you might be a dog.” Sam broke the news to his brother, trying his hardest not to laugh himself at the irony of the situation. The older Winchester was slowly becoming something he hated. Dean didn’t understand what the both of you were trying to get at, despite seeing the evidence. “You’re scratching your head. You’re barking at the mailman. You’re playing fetch.”
Dean opened his mouth and tried to deny the claim that sounded absurd to him. However the man was faced with the reality of the situation when Sam threw the napkin into the trash and for the third time Dean tried to grab it. He managed to stop himself when he realized what he was about to do. The urge to continue playing this game was strong, but Dean managed to refrain himself. He found himself letting out a low whimper. He wasn’t sure if it was because he couldn’t play, or it was the fact that he had the urges of a canine.
+ + +
You had to admit at first you found Dean acting like a dog a bit funny. From playing fetch with his brother by accident to him subconsciously scratch behind his ear when neither you or Sam were paying much attention. It stopped being funny when he started getting clingy. Dean wasn’t much of an affectionate person on the surface. His actions spoke louder than his words. And his actions were showing you that he didn’t want to leave your side. You had to push him away several times when he was overwhelmed with the urge to sniff you like a bloodhound. He complimented you by saying that you smelled nice—like fresh fruit from your shampoo you used this morning, the hamburger you had for lunch, and chocolate from the bar you snuck in your bag. You could have done without knowing what you reeked of.
What pushed you over the edge was when he tried sitting in your lap after moving from the table to the edge of the motel bed. He needed to follow you wherever you went. He claimed it was an accident. You were about to yell at him to stay away from you, but the look in his eye—that stupid puppy dog pout, made you roll your eyes in frustration and compromise with the man. He was sitting right next to you with your shoulders bumping against one another. You swore he chuckled to himself when you gave him and whispered a thank you to the damn dog. You swore the Colonel taught him a trick on ways to get you to do what he wanted with a simple look. You refrained from making any remarks when you broke off a piece of chocolate and shoved a piece into your mouth.
“Yeah. No, that—okay. Alright. Thanks.” Sam finished his call up with Kevin after trying to find more out about the consequences of the spell his brother willingly decided to drink without thinking twice. You looked over at the man when you heard him end the conversation. “So, apparently, the inuit spell has some side effects.”
“Oh, well, that would have been nice to know before I downed it!” Dean grumbled in frustration at the situation at hand. “What kind of side effects?”
“When you mind meld with an animal, it’s…possible to start exhibiting some of its behavior.” Sam explained to his brother the bad news.
Dean turned his gaze over to the Colonel who sat right across from you, as if he had any answers that might help stiffen the blow of what the older Winchester put himself through. “Don’t look at me, hoss.” The dog said. “It ain’t my fault.”
“Well, how long am I gonna have the urge to…” Dean didn’t want to say it out loud, afraid how you and his brother were going to react. The Colonel didn’t miss a beat when he said exactly what the man was thinking. Dean chuckled in nervousness at hearing it out loud. He shook his head. “Oh, whoa. Hey. I don’t have the urge to sniff butts.”
“Yet.” The Colonel warned.
You nearly choked on the piece of candy you accidentally decided to swallow right when Dean decided to say the inappropriate sentence out loud. “What?” You didn’t know why you sounded so surprised from hearing the behavior. Dogs were notorious for their odd behavior when it came to their other fellow species. You slid down the bed to give the both of you a few inches apart, never breaking eye contact with him. “Do you really have the—”
“No!” Dean shouted. He was suddenly filled with embarrassment from the question you asked him. “Come on!”
“Well, Kevin doesn’t know how long it’ll last. It’s not like it’s an exact science, you know?” Sam gave his brother more bad news. Dean reached out and ripped the candybar out of your hands. He needed a little pick-me-up for the situation he was in. “But hopefully, when the spell wears off, so will the side effects.”
“I wouldn’t eat that if I were you.” The Colonel warned him from doing something stupid. Dean froze in his spot with a piece of chocolate hanging between his lips, not seeming to understand what the big deal was. "Chocolate? Seriously."
Dean let the piece of candy fall out from his mouth and drop back down to his lap before he could pull a stupid move. You shook your head and ripped the chocolate bar out from his hands. The three of you needed to figure out who was behind the cat-nappings and the two murders. You folded the candybar back up and threw it back into your bag for later. You got up from the bed and tried to get your jacket that was hanging off the back of the chair. All you could manage was taking a step before you were crashing into Dean. You let out a frustrated sigh when he was continuing the habit of following you.
“Good thing you’re cute.” You mumbled to him. You had to excuse his behavior from the way Dean was acting. He couldn’t help himself. But there was one line you didn’t want to cross. “If you start humping my leg, I’ll put you down myself.”
Dean swallowed and nodded his head in agreement. You clipped on the Colonel’s leash and followed behind the boys as all of you made your way out into the motel parking lot. Your time with the dog was nearing the end. But you had a possible theory that if Dean was acting like a canine, maybe he could communicate with others. There were several animals at the shelter who witnessed the crime. It was worth a shot. You had no possible leads other than the killer liked to wear a cowboy hat.
“Where are we headed?” The Colonel asked out of curiosity.
“Back to the shelter.” Dean informed him.
“To sniff out more clues,” The dog wondered. “maybe dig up something we missed?”
“All right, one more doggy pun out of you, and I’m gonna have your nuts clipped.” Dean warned the dog of a punishment.
“I hate to break it to you, hoss.” The Colonel broke the news to Dean about the operation his owner had done when he was still a mere puppy. “My sacks’ emptier than Santa’s after Christmas.”
As if today couldn’t get any worse Dean watched as the Impala’s windshield became dirty from a white blob that fell out from the sky. Some bird just pooped on his ride. And he cleaned Baby right before the hunt. “Aw, are you kidding me?” He grumbled. Dean looked to see it was a pigeon who was to blame. It sat on top of a street lamp with perfect range to drop another load on the Impala. “Hey, dick move, pigeon!”
“Screw you, asshat.”
“Did—” Dean thought he was only able to communicate with the Colonel. It came as a shock when the pigeon talked back to him. You and Sam were finding all of this amusing from an outsider’s perspective, having no clue the discovery Dean made. He looked down at the Colonel for some kind of answers. “Wait a minute. Can I hear all animals?”
“Yep. Animals have a universal language—like esperanto.” He said. “But this one actually caught on.”
“And I’m just getting started, too.” The pigeon said. “Brewing a real big one. Ha! Bet your ride’s gonna look sweet in white.”
“What’s he saying?” You asked, looking up at the pigeon.
“You—he’s being a douchebag!” Dean shouted in annoyance. 
“Who are you calling ‘douchebag,’ douchebag?” The pigeon mocked back at the man.
“Oh, shut it, you winged rat!” The older Winchester yelled. 
“Hey. Calm down.” You whispered to him, chuckling nervously to yourself when you saw a few people notice the strange behavior Dean was showing. It appeared to be the man was having a one-sided conversation with the pigeon that couldn’t talk back. “Just get in the car.”
“Ha, ha. That’s right, Sally.” The pigeon taunted, thinking he won the fight against the human with the last word. “Go cry to Mama.”
“Oh, that’s it, you son of a bitch!”
Dean whipped out his gun and pointed it up at the bird, ready to shoot the damn thing out of the sky. Before he could do something stupid and get all of you arrested, you managed to grab him by the arm and pinned it back down to his side. "That's enough!" You hissed at him. "Stop acting like a damn fool and get your ass in the car!"
You shoved him towards the backseat where you put the Colonel in as Sam awkwardly waved at a few bystanders who witnessed the whole ordeal. You rolled your eyes in frustration and got into the passenger side, letting Dean’s punishment be to sit with the dog since he wanted to act like one.
+ + +
The ride to the shelter was an interesting one at that. Dean insisted on having all the windows rolled down to let in some fresh air. However you noticed it for another reason when both Dean and the Colonel stuck their heads out to enjoy the breeze. You tried your hardest to stifle a laugh you felt coming on from seeing the joy on Dean's face of feeling the breeze against his face that caused an adorable grin. When you got to the shelter and the Impala came to a stop, Dean immediately broke out of his behavior when he figured out what he was doing.
“I think it’s probably best to just leave the Colonel in the car.” Sam suggested to his brother when he circled around and tried opening up the backseat door to let the dog out. Dean had a shift in behavior, as if he was taken back at the mere idea of letting poor Colonel be all on his own. “Well, all the windows are open.”
“You think we like that?” Dean asked him. You furrowed your brow slightly when you caught him using a plural noun from what he was talking about. “You think because the windows are open that that’s some sort of treat, huh? No, the dog’s coming in.”
You and Sam shared a look from the even more strange behavior Dean was exhibiting. The Colonel respected the hunter for understanding the desire to not be stuck in the car while humans did chores. They liked to go wherever their best friends went. Dean petted the canine before letting him out of the car to join the rest of you. You rolled your eyes and went on your way to the shelter. Dean followed behind with the Colonel right by his side like how he argued to have. The man found himself stopping when he caught sight of a view he couldn’t turn away from. You turned your head to see that Dean stopped for some reason with his gaze upon something that caused a glint in his eyes you weren’t all too happy with. You’ve seen it before when he caught sight of a pretty face that wasn’t yours before the both of you got together. You followed his gaze until you saw what he was staring at. You let out a heavy sigh from how weird this was getting.
Dean and the Colonel gawked at a poodle tied up across the street to a bike rack. She was a pretty dog from how well groomed she was and her pink accessories her owner dolled her up with. Both dogs were infatuated with the bitch. 
“Dean!” You hissed at the man, forcing him back into reality. He stopped ogling at the poodle and looked over to you to see that you weren’t the least bit amused. You crossed your arms over your chest and raised your brow, not sure if you wanted an explanation for all of this. You chalked it up to the spell that was changing his inhibitions. "You know, I'm not opposed to getting your balls clipped.” 
Dean understood the underlying threat you were hinting at without needing to hear more from you. He followed right behind you with the Colonel right by his side. All of you headed into the shelter in some kind of hope Dean might be able to use this spell for good and figure out who the man was in the cowboy hat. 
[Next Part]
Rewrite Taglist:
@deansquirreljerkwinchester // @everything-i-tried-was-taken // @starswirlblitz // @supernaturalismydrug // @we-are-band-sexuals // @angiewinchestercas // @kaylinfayezink  // @owhatshername1 // @kgbrenner  // @cleo-is-my-doggy // @eeyore1988 // @dakota-dream // @lilylovelyxo // @timetravelingginger // @holahellohialoha //   @quicksilver123456 // @natashacamillas //@lexi-anastasia //@kaylinfayezink //  @deanwnchstr @albot-eh // @rashinyx2002 // @shellybeans //  @icantfindacreativeurl //  @becs-bunker // @oreosatmidnight // @bands-and-shietz // @fabulousmustachesonapolarbear // @clarewinchester // @releasethekracko // @alex-zeppelin // @mega-mrs-dean-winchester // @theskytraveler // @notmoose94 //@assassinofmasyaf // @caswinchester2000 // @savannah-m-99 // @sunlight-dean // @strayrosesbloom // @that-slytherin-over-there // @1000roughdrafts // @its-medeanwinchester // @simplyhemmings // @dream-believe-and-love
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snakesnack6 · 4 years
Turns Out She’s 100% My Cousin
(its been a while since I wrote something to this length,so here is a fic for the Youtuber Six AU. I’m currently planning for a multi-chapter fic for this the future,so don’t be afraid to ask questions and such about it)
This is also available on ao3: here
Headcannons for this au : The Queens  , Ladies and Waiting + The Palace
Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard were known in the youtube community as the dynamic cousin duo,when Anne first started out. With Katherine behind the scenes and Anne on the screen, they made their name. No one really knew the reason behind the cousin,but it worked out for them. Even when Katherine moved onto her own channel, and made a name of her own, she still stayed with Anne. To Anne, Katherine was her little cousin who she needed to protect, and to Katherine, Anne was her mentor and guardian who she could rely on. All in all, they see each as family in thick and thin, and that's what really mattered to the both of them.
The video pans to the main members of The Palace currently seated in their living room with Anne, Anna, and Parr on the couch and the others on stools behind them.
“Hello my fellow queens, kings, princes, princesses, and everyone in between. I’m Anne and you're watching Disney channel” The queens laugh at the small quip except Aragon who just rolls her eyes. Anne motions to the 6 boxes on the table while continuing, “Anyways, since World Heritage Day is coming up, we decided to do a DNA to look into our own heritage and to prove I’m not a gremlin”
“ Annie, at this point you have to accept that gremlin part of you, just like I do.” Katherine says. 
“There’s even a movie about it. You might be in it” Cathy adds to the blow as Anne wipes fake tears. “As hurtful as that was to hear, today we will be using the service of 23&Me for our testing. Personally I know my family heavily lived in France and spent some time in England.”
“Pure-blood German, born and raised,but I may have some Russia and Dutch in me”
“If Spain doesn’t show on my test,I’m just gonna sue and get my money back. Otherwise I’m Spanish,as well as Romanian”
“My family were from France and Italy before they moved to the countryside of the UK before my immediate family moved to America”
Both Cathy and Kat hesitate to go next,but after a few seconds Cathy decides to go. “ I know my mother had some relation to Spain, and that the rest of my family I’m unsure of. I think mainly from northern Europe,but don’t quote me on that”
“Same thing with me. I’m not really sure where my family is from,but I know I same some relation to France because of Anne’s side” Kat turns to Parr, and leans down to give her a gentle hug “But I wouldn’t worry too much, we’ll figure it out”
The video continues with Aragon and Jane explaining how the test works and how it can affect ancestors, relatives, and diseases that are connected to your DNA just through some saliva. The queens do the process of spitting into tubes, some preferably doing it off camera.(Anna started choking at one point) Parr ends the test part of the video by  explaining that in a few weeks ,they will get their results. The video skips to a break snake with Aragon and Maria break-dancing,with beat-boxing provided by Anne and Kat, with the caption ‘A few weeks later’.
“Welcome back everyone, it is currently...” Parr looks off camera”around 2 am, and we have gotten our results”. 
The camera zooms out to show the queens in the same spots as before with their laptops, or phones with them. They are all currently wearing their pajamas. Each one of them take turns looking at each of their results. Kat and Anne get excited when Kat finds out she actually has some background in France. Cathy also finds out she has a mixture of countries in northern Europe. The mood does dim when the test says that there is a chance of cancer for Catherine and Anna,but after a few jokes and quips, the mood lightens once again.
“Kat, Jane, are you getting this as well?” Anne turns her laptop to them and the camera shows ‘Jane Seymour’ as 2nd cousin and ‘Katherine Howard’ as 1st cousin under ‘possible relatives’. ”I know that Kitty is related to me,but Jane...I’m honestly shocked” 
“Same thing as you Anne” Kat shows her screen.
“Same” After Jane shows her, there is a moment of silence between them,but Jane soon breaks the ice. “I’m going to make some calls” as she leaves the room.  Anne leaves the room as well, followed by Katherine.
Now in an awkward position, Anna and the other Catherine's do some closing remarks, end the video, and inform their subscribers they will post any other news about this on a later date.
After an hour of calls,text, and talking to family members and those of the household, Anne and Katherine decide to confront Jane first. 
Before they are able to knock, Catherine opens the door to see them “I’m guessing you're here to finally talk it out” the cousins nod. “ Just please don’t cause anymore chaos that is already here” The said party giggles and walks in as Catherine leaves.  
Jane sits there on her bed, writing ,or possibly drawing in one of her recipe journals. It takes the sound of the door closing for her to realize her newly found cousins have entered a room. Jane motions for them to take a seat next to her on the bed,but instead Kat goes to hug Jane as Anne takes a seat next to her.
“For a long time, it's just been me and Katherine and to have met the rest of the queens and LiW in order to create The Palace,  and to finding out we have another cousin right underneath our noses. Life really is crazy” Katherine soon lets go of Jane in order to pull Anne in as well.
“Life works in mysterious ways Anne,but I think a welcome to the family slash A three cousin-teer hang out day is order” Katherine turns to Jane. “What do you think?”
“I think it should be planned,but we can deal with that in the morning. Also just because we are technically blood related family, doesn’t mean your first to taste test my recipes” 
Katherine dramatically falls on the floor,” I would Never ask my cousin for such a thing,but I do want dibs of getting my plate first”
Jane and Anne laugh as the night gets darker . They stay in the room for a while,just talking and catching up. At some point of the night, Chris the Pig joined them as Jane talked about her life on a farm. And when the other queens went to check on them, they found the cousin on the floor with Jane in the middle and Chris at her feet. The cousin duo now technically is a trio,but that announcement that can be worried about in the future. For now they can make up for lost time, and learn even more about the new addition to the little family, a cousin that Anne wanted to protect and another mentor for Kat to learn from.
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Bright as a Diamond. Shinso Hitoshi x Fem Reader: Chapter Eight
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Chapter Summary:
The family has to come together to make a tough choice after tradgey strikes. Shinso and (Y/n) share a moment of understanding, and grow closer. 
Series Summary:  
When (Y/N)’s co-worker decided to send a picture of her making a diamond to the paper, her life was over. Gemstone based quirks weren’t all that rare, but being able to make a diamond put a target on her back. After years of hiding in the city, it’s time to hide in the countryside with her Uncle Shota Aizawa and his more than ‘roommate’ Hizashi Yamada. With the promise of training her to be self-sufficient, she’s ready to learn.
Author Note: This chapter can be heavy for some readers, so please mindful of the warnings and the tags. This is still a long chapter, but we are finally moving into the friends stage of this story. 
Warning: Cpr, blood, violence towards an animal, reckless driving, unwanted text messages, fear of home invasion.  
Last chapter: chapter seven 
Next chapter: TBC
The Right Choice 
   Finally, in my own room, I had the window open, my hand dangling over the flower pot below. Hisoka was sitting under my palm, purring contently, pawing at the dying flower steams. It was no wonder the cat hated being inside, he was a true mouser. He had brought me several birds and field mice since I gained his trust. Hunting was in his blood, and the cushy life was for soft cats. Not him, he lived for the chase and stopped by for affection on his own terms. Even sitting here out of pity with me, he had to occupy his mind boxing with dying flowers. Hisoka was allowed to be himself without hesitation or judgment. He was strong, resilient, and sensitive too.  
    Squashing his long fur between my fingers, I wished with all my soul to turn into a cat. So I could run to and from as I pleased, no one the wiser as to where I go, but they celebrate and host a feast for me when I return. Basking in the sun and chasing mice of the afternoon, curling up under the moon. That would be a more pleasurable existence than this.
    A buzz caught my attention, Hisoka taking my moment of hesitation as a sign he could leave. Reaching to my nightstand, I grabbed my phone.
   It was fully charged, finally coming back to life after draining the battery. Once the loading screen was done, ding after ding and message after a message appeared, all from Kira. The four letters flashed like a flipbook, emails, messages, voicemails, dropbox, and every other app singing out his name. Resting my fingers over the bandage on my neck, I froze up. Scanning through the messages, there were pictures of me in the hospital, even one of me getting into the car. Some of Shota buckling me in, and Hizashi driving us home. Home.
   "Help!" I slammed the window shut, tearing into the hall. Barley upright, I held my phone out once I was in the living room. The group fo pro all on their feet and ready to jump to action. "He was at the hospital. He might know where we are…I-"trembling, I hand Hizashi the phone, his eyes narrowing in on the texts. I hadn't even got a chance to read all of what he said. Looking at Uncle Sho for some sort of comfort, he instead shared a glance with Shinso.
   Shota and Shinso shut and locked all the doors and windows, glancing outside for good measure. Sho worked on shutting the blinds, and Shinso opened the front door and stepped outside.
    "Take a seat, baby." Hiazahi sat on the sofa and patted the spot beside him. Slotting against his side, he wrapped one around my shoulder. Sho started to comb through the house, putting his capture weapon around his neck, checking everything from the cupboards to the closets. Any other time I'd make a closest joke, but there was no laughing at this situation.    
     Hizashi scanned through the messages, taking screencaps with one hand. Resting my head on his shoulder, tears slipping onto his shirt. The minutes ticked by, the click of my phone's shutter feature reminding me that there were more messages than Hizashi's finger could keep up with. He had the sound off, but it was still vibrating.
  "No one followed us," Shinso broke the tension, shuffling his shoes off once again. Before he shut the door, I noticed that my bicycle was tied to the back of his trunk. I guess he went back and got it...that's kind of thoughtful.
   "The house is clear, too. We can relax, for now, the police said Kira didn't have access to transportation. We will have to be more careful when we come and go from now on."
   "We should turn your phone off and take it to the police tomorrow." Hizashi reasoned, pulling the battery out. "This is a sensitive situation, and as long as we stay calm, we can handle it."
   "I'm taking it tonight," Shota took the phone, shoving it in his pocket. "The faster we get this evidence to the police, the more we can charge him with. I trust you three to watch the house while I'm gone."
   "Don't go." I grabbed his shirt sleeve, using his arm as a crutch. He was in front of the door, about to put his shoes on. "It can wait. It's the night before the work week, there's probably a ton of drunk drivers out." It had been close to nine when we got home, but now it was closing time for most bars. "Don't risk your safety." Something fell outside, and I moved my grip to his waist. Burying my head into his back, I quivered. "Uncle Sho, please don't open the door."
   "I'm a pro hero (Y/n), have more faith in me." He ran his fingers through my hair and sighed, eyes closed. "There's nothing to be afraid of as long as Shinso and Hizashi are here. It's going to be okay."
   "Pro's get in car accidents and die like the rest of us." I shot back, tightening my hold. "There's a bad feeling in my gut."
   "This is important. I will go slow and text Hizashi when I've made it. Now go back to bed and rest like the doctor ordered."
   "No buts, now go to sleep." Begrudgingly I let him go, watching him pull his shoes on. When he opened the door, there was no barrage waiting to take him out or a loaded gun. Watching him safely walk to his car, I eased my nerves that Kira didn't know where I lived. Maybe I wanted to assume it was safe.
  "Do you have to go to work? The air quality isn't so great today. The doctor said you have to take it easy."
   "Nonsense, heroes always show up. Rain or smog, I have to go, honey." She kissed my forehead and locked the door in her wake.
   Shota was gone. I slumped to the couch and curled up on one half, plucking at the loose thread on a throw pillow. Hizashi and Shinso watched me curiously from the armchairs. Closing my eyes, I tried to sleep the best I could with a sling on. After an hour, Hizashi told me that Shota had made it and was doing some follow up questions. I just nodded and decided that it was safe enough to go outside. Someone would have broken in by now. Plus, Hizashi said there weren't any pictures of our house on my phone.
   It didn't matter if I was afraid or if someone was out there. The house felt smaller than ever, and I needed the wide-open space. Hisoka was chilling by my side as I sat with my feet hanging off the porch. Somewhere in my head, I convinced myself that fresh air would do me good. Crisp, cold fall air carried magic on its heels, and if I closed my eyes tight enough, I could see it slip through my lashes.    
   "Meow," A cat called in the distance. Hisoka was silent, so it wasn't him. Curious, I stretched my legs and used the porch as a crutch till my foot woke up. The pinpricks stopped, and I looked at Hisoka.
   "Come on, silly," I mumbled, picking up the cat and receiving a scratch on my functional forearm. "Be that way, I ain't no scaredy-cat."
   I approached the direction I heard the cat. There was another meow after a few minutes, and I froze to listen more intently. I was getting closer to the garage on the backside of the house. If I didn't know better, the cat was running from me, probably scared half to death.
   "Here kitty kitty kitty," I cooed, scanning the brush and upper tree branches. "I won't hurt you. You want something to eat? Meow meow." A twig snapped, and I caught a glimpse of something running.
   Going in that direction, I stopped when I saw Hisoka round the tree and hiss first. A catfight was surely about to break out. Before I could take more than two long leaps to break up the fight, a hand grabbed mine.
   "What are you doing?" Shinso refused to let go when I tried to wriggle free.
   "There's a cat-back here. Hisoka found it first, so I'm about to break up a fight…wait, he isn't hissing anymore." My heart leaped out of my chest, and I snatched my hand away and darted where I last heard the noise.
   "Hisoka, are you okay?" I called, stumbling over my feet. Rounding the corner. Hisoka had a gash along his chest. "Hitoshi, get the medical kit." I freed my arm from the sling and put Hisoka's warm body into the bottom, as not to add more pressure to his wounds.
   "What- shit." Shinso took his grey body from me and ran into the house. I followed suit, taking a moment to look for the other cat, with no luck.
   "Hizashi, where is the medkit," I began pulling cabinets open. Shinso applied pressure to the wound with a dishrag. Hisoka mewled in pain, unable to fight against being in the house.
   Hizashi ran out of his bedroom. "What's wrong with Hisoka?" Hizashi pushed me aside, pulling the medkit from under the sink, rushing it to Shinso. Hizashi was far better at first aid than either of us, being a hero for much longer.
   "A cat got him. There must a stray someone turned loose out there," I explained, putting myself to making a comfortable box to get him to the vet in.
   "It could have been a raccoon too," Shinso added, handing Hizashi the tools before he could ask. Hizashi placed swelling pads in the cut to stop the bleeding, then wrapped it carefully.
   "Here," I placed the box down by the coffee table and waited for them to put him inside. Getting closer, I could see his eyes had closed. His little body was breathing heavily. A pink tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. Big crocodile tears swelled from my eyes. Mourning. I held back my sobs, not wanting to take away attention from my little friend. He was my friend…and I asked him to follow me to check on this stray.
   The scratch on my arm was proof that he was a fighter and didn't go down without a brawl. Hisoka wanted to live, no doubt. Hizashi placed Hisoka into the transport box I made from a laundry basket. I opened the front door and got the car keys. Our little group rushing to the car.
   "I got him, I'll sit in the back," I said, crawling in and taking him into my lap.
   "Is there even a vet open this late?" Shinso pulled up his phone, sitting on the passenger side. Hizashi rushed down our driveway, rocking the cab. I held the side of the basket and eased the shock of each bump.
   "It's going to be okay….you were so brave. You know that, right?" I cooed, running my hand over his favorite spot. "You must have known that was a mean cat and tried to protect us… we don't deserve you. But please stay with us." Shinso was giving Hizashi directions, both too busy to notice my encouragement.
   "It's half an hour away." Shinso looked back at me through the mirror, and I held his lavender gaze for a moment.
   "I can do twenty," Hizashi stated, pushing the gas down and tossing on his emergency lights.
   The back seat was lit up red and white—the colored light casting a sickly shadow on Hisoka. I hummed a little tune, running my fingers through his fur. Making sure his chest would rise and fall. My own body was in terrible pain, but I knew his was much worse. Still, I hadn't stopped crying; the tears had just run dry. There was so much more pain for me to let go of for Hisoka.
   It crossed my mind that if Shota had been home, he'd known what to do. We knew what to do, but Shota was so calm. I guess Shinso was rational, but I wanted Shota…not lent ball.  
   A small croak escaped Hisoka's lips, his breathing stopping. I lost my voice. What do I do? What do- "He's- Hisoka stopped breathing."
   "Watch out, Mic." Shinso unbuckled, crawling through the seats into the back.    
   "Can you help him?" I kept the basket in my lap but gave him access.
   "Let's hope so." Shinso turned Hisoka on his back and began pumping his little chest.
   "Turn right in five miles." Shinso's phone sputtered.
   "Hold on kids," Hizashi floored it.
   "Should I give him breath?" I asked, trying desperately to help.
   "No, just keep talking to him." Shinso was on his knees, holding the seat with one hand and pumping with the other.
   "Come on, Hisoka. We're almost there." I rubbed his forehead. "I know you want to be lazy, but you got to fight really hard for us."
   "Here," Hizashi honked the horn for the doctors and slammed the break. Shinso went flying into the middle console, and I took over compressions. I flung the door open with one arm and then bounced out. I stopped compressions and sprinted inside the little wooden clinic.
   "Help, my cats been attacked. He's not breathing." I caught the receptionist's attention.
   "Do you have money to pay for his care?" She asked, popping her gum as she hit a bell to summon the doctor.
   "Of course," Hizashi was the next one through the door. I was back at cpr, having the basket on the counter, waiting for the doctor.
   "I'll get an estimate after they look at him." She took him from me when no one came running and stepped into the back.
   The front door slammed, and Shinso put his phone in his pocket. "Mr. Aizawa knows where we are."
   "It's going cost between three to five hundred dollars," the women returned with a calculator. "Do you want us to start treatment."
   "Yes, why are you waiting?" I asked, knowing I had it in my saving if Hizashi didn't.
   "We'll need a down-"Shinso cut the woman off and slammed two hundred on the counter. "I'll let the doctors know." She sauntered into the back. My arms fell to my side, and I wiped my forehead. My body was rushing with energy, and nothing left to give it too.
   Once she was gone, I noticed the small room had chipped yellow walls, with a busted molding around the bottom. The place smelt like dogs, as to be expected. The pictures and information packets were all scattered about the lobby with little organization. Shinso's gaze met mine, and we both knew what the other was thinking.
   "Maybe the doctors are great." Hizashi was thinking the same thing too.
   "I pray so," I wiped my eyes and sat. The shaking wouldn't stop, no matter how tightly I held myself. Hizashi leaned against the one wall that didn't look like it was about to collapse, and Shinso murmured to him.
   When their conversation was done, Shinso went out to the car, and it was just Mic and me in the lobby. A few minutes passed, neither of us could find the words that generally passed so easily between us. The receptionist returned with a packet, and a cigarette loose between her lips.
   "I need you to fill this out." She motioned me over, and I quickly held my hand out for the packet. She dropped them on the counter, and they flew to the floor. She turned with a lackluster smirk. I swore she mumbled something under her breath, but I didn't really care.
   I bent over with my body making horrible popping noises. With the papers gathered, I sat on the wobbly wooden bench and started the information. The first few lines were easy enough to fill out. My eyes blurred, but I could still make it out.
   "How old is Soka?" I asked, using my leg as a support for the paper. My letters were coming out in loose swirls, and I slowed down. I didn't know as much about the cat as I thought I did.
   "Ten," Hizashi put his hands in his pajama pockets and looked at the floor. "He at least lived a long life."
   "Don't talk like that." I scolded him, writing the number down. The door opened with a cold chill, and Shinso returned toting a few items from the car. He handed Mic a coat and then turned to me with a scarf.
   "Give me your hand," He ordered, and I did so without much thought. "You can't have your hand down this long." He pulled out a packet of wet wipes, and cleaned the blood from my arms, focus on my fingernails and knuckles where my skin had cracked earlier.
   "I could do this," I murmured, looking down the hall where Hisoka was being cared for.
   "You're a clutz. I know you can do it, but I can do it better." A smug grin pulled at his lips. I supposed he was trying to be funny or light-hearted. But it was hard to dwell on anything but Hisoka.
   "Lint ball trying to be cute, huh?" I puffed up and turned my nose up. "Won't work on me. I know you got underlying motives." He flinched, pausing his work.
   "So, you think I'm a bad guy?" The question was light as every other, but I could see the line on his forehead, the slight force behind his smirk
   "At first, I believed you were an ass." I thought back to how he held Hisoka, how he held me and when he refused to hit me during our training… "But, though I'm not often wrong, you're half decent. Did I think you were ever bad? No. Prick. Yes."
   "I see." He glanced at the bloody wipes and then guided my hand to my chest, wrapping the scarf around me carefully. "So, the kitten's finally submitted?"
   I slapped his shoulder. "No, I have not submitted, I just don't hate you is all. You're tolerable. A decent dude to keep around. That's it."
   "You're turning red." I smacked my hand to my face, and he was lying. My skin was normal, no doubt.  
   "Don't tease me." I crossed my legs, trying to ignore his slight grin.
   "You are a little red," he insisted, "hold still." He pressed his brow to mine. "Hey Mic, come feel her forehead." His banter stopped, and now it was time for 'what else can go wrong' with (Y/n)?
   "This isn't about me, it's about Hisoka." I moped, clawing at my throat. Shinso took the papers from me and walked behind the desk. He came back with a clipboard and started to finish where I left off. Of course, he didn't care to just walk around like he owned the place.
   Hizashi pressed his hand to my forehead and knitted his brows together. Next, he felt my forearm and wrist. "You're a little cold. Do you feel alright?"  
   "I'm stressed." I brushed it off, closing my eyes for a moment. "I'm sure my body is having a meltdown." I leaned back and swallowed the flehm in my throat. A cat cried in the distance, and I bit down on my check. "When is Shota getting here?"
   "Soon," Hizashi pulled the coat around his waist tighter and sat beside me. I didn't recognize my body. I was drifting to a faraway place, where there was nothing but static echoing across my soul. His arm brushing against mine, and sweat was dripping down my neck. I wasn't okay. I wasn't safe.
   "I'm here," Shota burst into the small room, and Hizashi leaped from my side to his arms. I guess the hierarchy of who can break down on who ended with Shota at that top and me being the cry baby at the bottom. Still, I curled into myself.
   Another painful mewl stretched across the clinic. Gawking at the floor, I rocked slightly. The quick thump in my ears made me think I was going to die. Dying. Hisoka was dying in the back room. I dug my nails into my palm and shut out the conversation. How Hisoka got here mattered. It was protecting me, or following me, or whatever it involved me. I was the root of the problem. I was a problem.
   "I'm taking her out for a walk." A hand guided me up, and I zoned back in. "Those two need a minute," Shinso informed me, pulling open the clinic door and tugging me behind him. Hizashi was a ball on the floor, and Uncle Sho was nearly in tears. If we were gone, they could both let loose.  
   Shinso walked past the car and partly down the road before stopping. I landed in his back when he let me go, and instinctively I wrapped my arm around his waist. A small gasp left my lips before I nuzzled the curve of his spine. The wind was nipping at my neck. Leaves tickling my ankles. Smoke tickled my nose from a nearby bonfire.
   His hands crossed over mine. There were small hitches in his posture. Then the slightest whimper escaped his lips. I squeezed tighter, putting as much weight as possible on him. My head was spinning, it was my fault. Shinso was going to make fun of me, or ball me out for what happened. Fuck.
   I loosened my hold, and Shinso broke the silence. "Hisoka, he's-"his body racked, pulling away. He refused to look at me, blubbering cries escaping.
   I kneeled on the gravel road and listened intently. My skinned knees bursting under the bandages. This is what I deserve.
   There were no scars, only scabs. They told me you never really heal. You only learn not to stretch the damaged parts.
   "He's a fighter (Y/n), there's no reason to be so anxious." Shinso spat, looking at the sky. "I've known him since he was a kitten. I was the first person to notice him at Mr. Aizawa's house. My own cat passed a few years ago, and I'm not ready to lose Hisoka too."
   "I'm sorry." My voice betrayed me, and my broken tone caused Shinso to turn. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for him to get hurt." I grasped handfuls of gravel and let them fall through my fingers. "I've caused you nothing but trouble. Hisoka was on to that cat because I was out there. I encouraged him to follow me. I didn't know." I pulled my hair. "You must think I'm a monster. Even now making it about me, when it's about Hisoka. About the vet. About my uncle needing space to cry."
   "It's not your fault," Shinso affirmed. "I don't hate you." He kneeled in front of me and pulled my face up. "I actually like you. If I didn't, you know it by now."
   "What does that even mean?" I wiped my eyes on my sleeve. A car pulled in quickly. Grabbing Hitoshi, I pushed us off the road, rolling in the grass. Hitoshi rolled us over a few times to gain distance and landed on top of me.
   "Damn it. You hurt?" Shinso maintained his position on me, several more cars turning wildly.
   "I'm confused," I squinted past the headlights, blood oozing in my splint. The heat fading as it left my body. "Fuck, my wrist."
   "Let me see," Hitoshi pulled out his phone light and got off me. He examined my arm while I looked at the car caravan. Both of us stretched out in the grass.
   "I think they have a sick dog." I watched them walk their dog to the door. "He's upright, so hopefully their puppy is okay. Oww" Shinso applied pressure to my wrist.
   "You opened it a little. The stitches looked intact." He put his phone away and glanced at the clinic. "I know we pulled in fast, but we didn't almost kill anyone." I could see the tears that were still streaming down his cheeks. He really was trying to act cool.
   Leaning up, I ran my sleeve over his face. "It's going to be okay." He looked almost handsome under the moonlight, almost.
   "It will be." He smiled softly down at me, lowering his face till it was inches from mine. My throat closed up, and I held my breath. "Now you're really blushing."
   "I'm just stressed Lint ball, don't flatter yourself." I puffed out my chest but didn't move our position. "You're so lucky I'm not stronger or I'd have you quivering beneath me begging for mercy."
   "Oh, so you admit that you're weaker than me? You must have hit your head at some point to be making those kinds of statements." He put his arms under my back and sat me up so he could hold pressure to my wound better.
   "I must have," I just agreed with him, and I could have sworn his face dusted red. "It's cold out here Lint Ball, lets get back inside." He stood up and helped me.
   "You're really sticking with Lint Ball?" He took my hand and walked closet the road. I could tell he was still eerie of the cars that had just pulled in.
   "Yup," I popped the p, and winced, my foot curling around a rock. "Are you sticking with kitten?" He tugged me tighter to his waist.
   "Oh yea," he grinned before stopping. Mic and Shota were outside, and Hizashi was using his inside voice... "What's the update?" Shinso caught their attention.
   "They rushed the dog right back." Hizashi crossed his arms. "The poor thing swallowed a silica packet."
   "Let's just hope the vets are nicer than the night staff," I huffed. A small fog formed where my breath had been. "We can't be mad; their dog got help faster, but we can write an angry yelp review later. We just need to keep waiting for answers." I shoved my hand in my pocket and stood by Shota.
   "We do have an update." Shota glanced at Shinso, lips in a thin line. "He's stable for now, but it might be more humane to let him go."
   "Can we see him?" Shinso took a shallow breath and looked at the door.
   "In a few minutes, they are going to bring us back." Hizashi clung to Shota's arm, taking care to hide his tears.
   "Who makes the final choice?" I asked, holding myself the best I could with one arm. "What does the vet think?
   "We should make it as a family." Hizashi nodded, grabbing mine and Shinso's hand while resting against Shota. "First, let's go see him and really think about his quality of life."  
   The vet brought us back shortly after. We traveled in pairs to make it less stressful for Hisoka. I went back with Shinso, leading the way I opened the door and choked on my own spit.
   "He's stable like I said, but his vocal cords are snapped. We managed to fix his airways, but there's no grantee he'll be able to maintain breathing on his own." Hisoka was hooked up to a bunch of tubes that were helping him breathe. There were iv's and monitors all around the small cage they had him resting in. His throat was covered in bandages, and his eyes were barely open and lulled back in his head.
   I reached through the bars and held his giant paw, it was cold and lifeless. Words didn't describe what I was feeling. There were only the sobs echoing from Shinso that set off my own tears. Shinso kneeled behind me, caging me with one arm supporting himself against the enclosure and the other rubbing small circles on Hisoka's arm.
   "I'll give you two a minute." The vet left, shutting the door behind her.
   The analog clock mixed with the gentle beep of the heart monitor filled the small room. We couldn't stop crying, and I didn't think Hisoka would want us to cry. He was a fierce cat, the kind that took no fruff fruff bullshit. Hisoka loved killing mice, fighting off spiders, and rolling in the leaves. Sure, I didn't know him very long, but he was a great cat. He deserved to keep doing all those things, but this wasn't looking good.
   "(Y/n)." Shinso was in my ear, his voice strained and tired. "You know what we need to do, right?"
   "I don't want to say it, Hitoshi." My breathing was ragged, knees weak, and ready to give under me. If Hitoshi wasn't supporting me from behind, I'd already been on the floor.  
   "I'll say it for us. He's in pain."
   The drive had been quiet. Once we were home, we all went to our rooms and locked ourselves away. This time, Hizashi didn't pretend to fall asleep in 'his' room but went straight to Shota's. After I stopped crying, I showered off and went to bed. Tomorrow would be a new day. A sad day, but a new one.
   No one spoke at breakfast. Shinso had been the first up or hadn't slept at all, so he made breakfast. No one made a move to start up a conversation…which meant Hizashi was truly suffering. I didn't know what to do to help. There wasn't an easy answer to what was happening. We made the call to wait till morning and see if he improved. So now we were waiting for the vet to call.
   It was mid-afternoon when Hizashi's phone rang. He wouldn't tell us what was said, but he started to smile. Once he was done with the conversation, he activated his quirk. "The Vet said Hisoka is gonna make it!" Shota kissed Hizashi, and they both spun for joy.
   I glanced at Shinso, who was on the other side of the couch, we shared a smile and relief washed over us. Hisoka was going to be okay.
   "The vet said that Recovery Girl stopped by this morning and was able to help reduce the swelling that was constricting his airways. I'm so glad Shota called her this morning."
   "She deserves a Nobel peace prize," I said, not knowing who it was, but getting that she had a medical quirk from her name.
   "When can he come home?" Shinso went to grab his car keys.
   "They want to monitor his progress one more night, but we can bring him home tomorrow."
   "I'm so happy." I cheered, tears of joy flooding my sore eyes. He was going to be okay.
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submissivekpop · 5 years
the best way to relax; jung jaehyun
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Requested: yes Words: 1200+ Warning: smut, sub!jaehyun, dom!reader, unprotected sex, orgasm denial  A/N: none
«I think you should fuck me.»
Clearing your throat, you look up at your boyfriend.
«Excuse me?» you say, astounded.  «You think I should what?»  
There’s a huge grin on his face now. He knew that such a sentence would get your attention - attention that you’ve been denying him for the whole night, not because you were mad at him or anything, you were just exhausted, and dealing with his need always managed to make you even more tired. Not that you didn’t want to, you just needed some time to yourself, to relax. You weren’t expecting him to, but Jaehyun put up with it pretty well, allowing you to relax as much as possible, helping you with whatever you needed. Massaging your feet, your shoulders, preparing a warm bath for you, he made everything to make sure you’d feel better as soon as possible - much to your surprise, he even cooked all of your favourite dishes. He’d been an adorable boyfriend, until he decided that it was enough. No, actually, until he decided there was something else that could help you relax: fucking him.
«I-I said, I think you should f-fuck me» he stutters, a sudden change in his demeanour.  «Please» he’s quick to add, noticing the unamused expression painted on your face.
«And why should I do that? Tell me.»
Scratching his head, he lowers his gaze.
«W-Well, because I’ve b-been good, right?» he says, almost unsure of the words coming out of his mouth.  «A-And we haven’t done it in, like, a week.»
«Five days» you correct him, watching him blush at your words.  «Can’t you even go five days without me touching you, kitty? Are you that needy?»
A sheepish smile appears on his face, his ears turning as red as his cheeks, soon followed by his neck as well. Much to your surprise, it’s the first time you see him act like this. He’s not his usual bratty self, and that couldn’t make you happier - tonight, dealing with a brat is the last thing you want to do. A pleasant change, for once.
«I asked you a question, kitty.»
In response, he nods, a soft hum leaving his lips at the same time.
«Use your words» you say, your tone stricter than you intended it to be.
«I-I… yes. I’m that needy.»
Pleased with his answer, you make your way to him, pushing him down on the couch. Straddling his lap, you softly start grinding your hips against his, a chocked moan coming from him the moment he feels the pressure of your body against his.
«How about this, kitty. I’m going to fuck you, but you’re not allowed to touch me» you whisper, your hands roaming against his toned chest, still covered by his white shirt. «Think you can handle it?»
Before you can even finish your sentence, he frantically nods.
«Anything for you.»
What a good boy.
Standing up, you quickly remove your clothes, tossing them onto the floor, before taking his shirt off and unzipping his pants, pulling them down his legs together with his underwear. Much to your pleasing, you notice he’s already hard.
«Have you been thinking about something naughty, kitty?» you tease, softly palming him. He nods in response, his eyes fixed on your hand, his breath hitching whenever your fingers brush against his sensitive tip.
«I-I’ve been t-thinking ‘bout you u-using me» he admits, words struggling to come out of his mouth.  «F-Fucking me, hard, treating me as y-your toy.»
Curious, he’s never asked for something like this before. You don’t know how long he’s fantasized about it before gathering enough courage to ask you, but you don’t mind. In fact, even if he’d been thinking about it for years, you couldn’t care less. What matters is that he’s willing to do it, now, and so are you.
«In that case, kitty, I shall make your wish come true» you say, before roughly kissing him, your teeth almost clashing against his.
Biting his bottom lip, you slowly start rocking your hips against his, allowing his member to get wet with your juices, whimpers escaping his lips every now and then. Grabbing his wrists, you bring them over his head, resting them against the top of the couch.
«Remember, kitty, you’re not allowed to touch me» you remind him, before raising your hips and guiding his member inside you. Then, agonizingly slowly, you descend onto him, allowing him to get used to your warmth - and allowing yourself to adjust to his size as well, if you had to be honest.
The pace you set at first is slow, so slow that Jaehyun feels like he’s about to go crazy, but he doesn’t complain - he knows better than that. Instead, he bites his bottom lip so hard that he almost draws blood: luckily for him, your lips capture his before he can hurt himself. Soon enough, he surrenders entirely to you, to your kiss. He allows you to take control over everything, over the way your tongues should move together, over when - and if - he’s allowed to breath in-between kisses. Soon enough, his mind is completely blank: the only thing he can think about is how much he adores what’s going on, how much he wishes for it to never end.
«What a good little toy you are» you praise him, gradually increasing your pace. He whimpers in response, his eyes closed shut.  «Don’t do that, I want you to watch.»
Obediently, he opens his eyes, focusing attention on you, on your body and, most especially, your facial expressions - something that always manages to make him feel as if he’s the luckiest man on Earth. Seeing you like that, so engulfed in your pleasure that you don’t even care about the way look - not anymore, at least - is so satisfying to him.
«You f-feel so good» he moans, slightly raising his hips to meet your movements.  «So, so good.»
Your right hand instinctively moves from his chest to his hair, roughly pulling on it, leaving his neck exposed to your lips. It doesn’t take long for it to be covered in hickeys, red spots that stand out against his skin.
«I’m close, kitty» you coo, already clenching around him, your orgasm threatening to explode any moment soon.
«M-Me too» he cries, gripping the cushion of the couch to fight the urge to touch you.  «Can I, p-please?»
Locking your eyes into his, you shake your head.
«Toys don’t get to cum.»
Just like that, as you speak, you feel like an electric wave is rushing through your body. Panting, you use his shoulders to support yourself, riding out your orgasm for as much as you can. When your breathing becomes regular again, you slowly stand up - ignoring the fact that your legs feel like jelly - and make your way to the kitchen to get something to drink for the both of you.
Jaehyun watches you moving away from him, puzzled at your behaviour. A part of him knows he should have expected it, but he still wishes things would go differently.
«T-That’s not what I meant!» he exclaims when you come back, tears filling his eyes at the thought of being denied his pleasure once again.
A grin makes its way onto your face. After handing him a glass of water, you lean down to whisper into his ear.
«I’m not done with you, kitty, not at all.»
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mangled-dreams · 4 years
Making Memories: 1
Making Memories: 1. Fateful Meeting.
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Even in the downpour you still managed to slip out of your house and into the woods lining your home. Huddled under a large umbrella with a plastic bag tucked under your arm, you scurry down a well worn path to your “secret” base. Built when you were five by your father, the old tree house has stood the test of time.
Pushing the door open with your shoulder, the umbrella catches on the door frame, falling from your grip. Pausing, you turn and lift the umbrella up, collapsing it down, and then proceed into the fort. Closing the door you shake yourself off before turning to look at the man huddled on a bed of comforters and camping sleeping bags. 
“Mister, are you warm enough? I bought you some food.” You say taking the bag of food over to the man in the corner. His face lifts up from the book in his hands, one you’d taken from your mother’s library. 
“Why did you come here? It’s pouring outside. That’s dangerous for someone so small.” He responds in a higher tone with an accent you don’t rightly know. His bright blue eyes pierce into yours. He looks mad, upset even, but still you can see kindness there.
“I thought you’d be hungry and cold still.” You respond holding out the bag of food. “I didn’t know what you like, so I grabbed a bunch of stuff. I even made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!” You tell  him proudly. 
His eyes flicker to the bag, then back to your face before holding his hands out for the bag. Moving closer you let him take the bag then sit down on a small, faded orange lawn chair you dad bought for the fort. Getting comfortable in the chair you watch the man shift through the bag.
“What’s your name?” You ask. It’s not the first time you’ve asked the man his name, but he has yet to tell you it. 
“Anti.” He responds idly. He pulls the messy looking sandwich wrapped in cling wrap. Normally he doesn’t go for sandwiches, a personal preference, but you’d put so much effort into it. He could see in your smile how proud you are of your handiwork.
Giggling at his name, you smile at him. “That’s a funny name. Is it a nickname?” You ask, happy the man chose to eat your sandwich first. 
“Kind of.” He tells you, taking huge bites of the sandwich. “Why are you helping me?” He asks looking into your eyes.
You smile at him. “My daddy was a firefighter. He taught me it is a good thing to help others in need.” 
“Was?” He asks. You nod your head letting your eyes drop.
“Daddy died in a fire two years ago.” You tell him sadly.
Swallowing the food in his mouth, Anti regards you curiously. “Not everyone is worthy of kindness.” He tells you seriously. 
You don’t know how to respond to his words. “Are you one of those people?” You ask after a few minutes to silence. Sure, he was scary when you first found him hiding in your fort, but he didn’t do anything to you. He reminded you of a scared or hurt kitty hissing at everyone to keep away.
Anti doesn’t respond immediately. His eyes falling from your face with an expression you know all too well. Your mother makes that face when you bring up your dad. “You should go back to the house. The rain is getting worse.” He tells you, avoiding your question.
Nodding you zip your jacket up again, heading to the umbrella next to the door. “Will you be okay out here all night?” You ask looking back at Anti.
He nods. “I’ll be fine. Worry about yourself.”
Looking at the umbrella in your hands, you turn to Anti once more. “Good night, Anti. I’ll leave the back door unlocked if you get too cold out here.” You offer innocently.
Anti shakes his head. “Don’t do that. Bad people can come into your house if the door is unlocked.” He warns you. He’s not the first. Your mother says things like that all the time.
Nodding you open the door. The rain is deafeningly loud with the door open. “I’ll come back in the morning to check on you, okay? Stay warm.” You add quietly. Opening the umbrella, you close the door and hurry off to your house. It’s not a long distance, but still in the middle of the night during a rain storm it seems like a long trek. 
When you return back to the fort in the morning you find the fort empty and clean. The fort itself looks better than brand new. The weathering that wood took over time seemed to be completely erased. Inside that same could be said. Everything has a glossy shine that leaves you in awe. 
Stacked neatly on a small table is your blankets, sleeping bags, and pillows. 
Despite not seeing him in the fort you call out to the mysterious man you’d been helping. “Anit?” You call. “Anti!” 
Only the sounds of the woods respond. Letting your disappointment and hurt show on your face you walk over to the blankets and pillows. Setting the thermos of hot chocolate on the table you spot a small note of paper hidden under the stack of blankets. 
Sliding it out, you open the paper and read the words written there. “Emi, thank you for your help. I had to leave before you came back. I wish you all the best. Anti.” With teary eyes you hold the note close to your chest and smile. 
He’s not a bad guy after all.
During the first rainfall each spring from that year on, you’d meet with the man you’d helped. His appearance never changed, but over time his eyes grew warmer. He watched you grow into a young woman, taking on some aspects of his personality as time wore on. 
Most notably is your Irish accent. It’s not noticeable at first, but as you get angry it pops out, confusing your parents and close friends of where you’d pick up such a thing. Thanks to Anti, you are better at maintaining your emotions and capable of thinking long term. 
You parents asked about your odd behaviours, but no one wanted to believe your “forest friend” was actually real. They’d rather believe you picked up these behaviours and speech patterns from family and the television.
It was during your teenage years that you learned of Anti’s true nature. At sixteen, you’d come across a scene that still gives you nightmares; however, not because of blood or the fighting specifically, but of the thought that Anti nearly died in your arms. 
You’d been out wandering around, waiting for Anti to come to your old fort after the first really rain of spring. Vocalizing melodies as you traversed the lush greenery around your property, you’d heard a loud crash. The sound shook you to the core. After living basically in the woods, you knew the sound of large, thick trees cracking and falling. The vibrations along the ground had lent even more proof of the size of the tree. 
You’d held still, listened to the sounds of the woods before you took off towards the sounds. Fearing that someone may have crashed a car, or an ATV you looked for any sign of wreckage. You’d stumbled through the foliage to see not the wreckage of metal, but a desolation of a large patch of woods and Anti in the center with a creature you’d never seen before.
Anti didn’t look like the man you’d come to know. He looked demonic. The whites of his eyes had turned pitch black, with one eye and eerie vivid blue and the other a neon green. A large slit ran across his neck, blood seeming to leak from the gash. He hadn’t seen you immediately, only after he’d taken the creature that had attacked him down, did he spot you rooted to your spot.
It had been when he’d turned his back that the creature had risen up and got Anti from behind. The spray of blood that came from Anti’s body had propelled you to him, catching him before he fell to his knees. Before the creature could attack again, Anti was out of your arms ripping the creature’s head from its body. 
When you had asked what had just happened, he told you the honest truth. He is a demon, and he takes out others that would hurt the people he cares about.
Just thinking about the incident sends a shiver running through your back. Still, since that day, you learned all you could from Anti. You know he chalks it up to fear of the unknown, but in reality, you have been using it to develop a library of knowledge about the hidden world.
You’ve even found that from your prolonged period of time with Anti, you’ve developed secret abilities of your own. Able to see the creatures of the hidden realm, you have been communicating with them, learning from them when Anti is gone.
He never tells you where he goes off to, not that you’ve pressed him for the information, but in the years you’ve known him he’s never divulged the information. You assume it’s to keep you safe, but you cannot know for sure.
Sitting down on a small bench overlooking a small babbling brook, you admire the flowers in mid bloom growing along the stream of quiet water. Small flower sprites, fairies, flutter from flower to flower feeding from their beauty. You like watching the sprites. 
Shimmers of glitter like pollen trail behind them, pollinating the soon to bloom flowers and fruits in the area. Shoeless, with small dainty feet, you watch a few sprites twirl around each other, dancing in air among the flowers. Their clothing is simplistic and made from the foliage. 
Watching them makes you long to be like them, small, without human worries, and dancing among the flowers. They travel close to you, never close enough to touch, but they’ve grown to know you. Smiling at the few closest to you, you wave at them, careful not to create too much wind with your movement. They wave back, this becoming a normal occurrence. Even without Anti, you’ve grown close to the creatures living in the woods. 
Raising your hands high above your head, you stretch out popping your back in a few places before resting your arm over your thighs. You lose hours like this; listening to the wind gently blow through the trees and foliage. With the sun above providing just the right amount of warmth, you close your eyes and lean back against the fort. 
I’m going to take a quick nap. You think, positioning yourself to lay on the bench. The sun feels so nice and comfortable right now. Laying your head on your arms, you find a comfortable position and slip into a light sleep. 
The sprites cautiously drift closer to you, watching you sleep. They smile at each other, laying a light dusting of protection over your sleeping form before leaving for their homes. They know to leave before Anti arrives. Not because he’d hurt them, but just out of respect for the demon.
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trouvelle · 5 years
Emogust 09.08 — Stubbornness
For the last prompt (of the first week) of DCMK Emogust 09.08 — Stubbornness!!
A/N: Not sure if this fits the stubbornness theme but once I pictured them as kitties I just couldn’t stop squealing internally. I mean, who could resist kittens!AU?? So I had to do this because this is the only way I know how and I can’t for the life of me draw anything nice /cries/ @mintchocolateleaves @sup-poki 
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that anyone in possession of a kitten must constantly be in need of new blankets. And curtains. Or something like that. Maybe it’s just my kitten, Ran thinks, as she regards her curtains sadly. They have threads sticking out every way all along the bottom hems.
Shinichi has shredded the ends of her new ones, and while these not quite brand new, at least they weren’t so obviously scruffy before Shinichi came along. Gathering the curtains, she tucks them up on the handles of her French doors out of Shinichi’s reach before turning to the kitten in question.
Shinichi has magically gone from ripping around the apartment when Ran first came home to sitting quietly in a corner with his head cocked to one side. He is a picture of cuteness. Spoiled cat knows he’s in trouble. His eyes are shining bright as if they’re glittering, making him look harmless and innocent. Ran knows better.
But Ran has a huge heart so she picks Shinichi up and sits him in the crook of her elbow, before tapping him on his velvety nose, saying “Don’t rip up the curtains ever again, okay?”
She stares into Shinichi’s blue eyes. Blue eyes stare back at her. Ran stares some more. She’s not going to lose to this cat again! Finally Shinichi looks away first. First ever win since Shinichi’s been with her! Small victories win the battle~, Ran tells herself as she carries Shinichi into the kitchen, placing him on the counter.
“What shall we have today? Chicken and turkey casserole or grilled seafood feast?” She asks Shinichi, chucking him on the chin. Ran pulls out two cans of cat food and sets them in front of Shinichi. She watches as Shinichi sniffs one, sniffs the other, and then instead walks toward the bag of rotisserie chicken Kazuha has brought over earlier for dinner.
Against the advice of the vet at the shelter, Ran ends up sharing bits of her chicken with Shinichi. If he goes bald early it is definitely his own fault for being so cute anyway.
Kazuha’s the one who wanted a cat first.
“I think having a pet will help alleviate my stress levels and provide me some company. At least that’s what Aoko-chan says.” She told Ran enthusiastically over coffee one day. Across from them, Sonoko made a face, “But then you’re gonna have to feed it and clean up its mess. Sounds like a lot more trouble to me.”
“She does look happier lately since she got Kaito,” Ran noted. About a month prior, while the four of them were on their way back from their weekly routine of doing grocery shopping together they had passed by a pet adoption event. She immediately had her eyes set on a stunning white Manx cat and decided to adopt it the moment it opened its blue eyes and stared back at her. The name displayed on its cage was “Kaito” and she never bothered to come up with a new name for him.
That’s how they end up on a Saturday morning at their local cat shelter, watching two kittens chase each other around in a pen. They run many rounds before the dark chocolate one abruptly stops in its tracks and turns to bat the cream kitten on the head, hard. The other kitten is stunned for a moment, and then suddenly the high-speed chase turns into a round of head-bopping. Kazuha is confused. Will there be bloodshed any moment? She turned to look at Ran, is this how cats usually show affection?
They turn to ask the shelter staff and not a minute later when they turn their heads back, the cream kitten now has the head of the other kitten cradled between its paws, very diligently licking the tuft of dark brown fur sticking out from its head.
Kazuha watches with some disquietude as Ran squats so that her face is nearer to the kittens and makes cooing noises. The brown kitten’s eyes fly open and Kazuha swears he’s glaring at her for interrupting him. On the other hand, the cream Birman kitten now just looks sleepy, like all that has worn him out. He’s flopped onto the floor, one paw curled possessively over the other kitten’s neck. 
When Ran reaches down to pick up the cream kitten and cuddle it against her cheek, the brown one gives a sort of squeaking noise, and peeked his eyes open and shut it close again, not making any effort to get up. Kazuha makes a squealing noise herself, but for very different reasons. Surprisingly though, instead of lashing out at Ran’s face, the kitten starts making this odd whirring noise, and rubs his head against Ran’s cheek. He’s got really light brown markings around his eyes and snout.
“This one’s name is Shinichi!” Ran says brightly, immediately sold. 
Somehow, they end up taking both kittens. The chocolate one latches onto Kazuha’s sweater, snuggling into the soft wool when Kazuha picks him up. That’s when Kazuha notices he has tiny white socks on all his four paws.
“Snowfrost Socks would be a fitting name for him, Kazuha-chan!” suggested Ran. 
“I’m not calling him Snowfrost Socks, Ran-chan.”
Kazuha can hear the pout.
She lifts her kitten to eye level and looks into his dark green eyes. “It says here that his name is Heiji.” She grinned.
Ran regards the kitten which has been super active since she brought him home. She’d set up his bed for the night and shown him where his water bowl is. After the tour was done, he had promptly jumped onto Ran’s favorite plush bean bag chair and jumped down onto the carpet, before jumping up again. Seems like he’s found his spot.
“You’ll have to give them extra love and attention as they have abandonment issues from being abandoned by their mother.” That’s what the shelter staff told them. She’s not sure how to show extra love to a cat that literally does nothing but nap.
So she leaves Shinichi to it, and sets up her laptop to get some work done on an overdue paper. Barely five minutes into it, Ran feels something pulling on her pajama pants. She looks down to find Shinichi sitting at her feet, the claws of one paw hooked onto the hem of her right pant leg. Absentmindedly, she reaches out a hand to pat Shinichi on the head, once, twice, then resumes her typing.
Then it happens again. 
So she lifts Shinichi up onto her desk and coos over him for a bit, scratching his chin and tickling him behind his ears until he’s purring and pliant on the desk, eyes drooped close. When Shinichi looks like he’s fallen back asleep, Ran returns to her report.
But Shinichi wakes up again. This time, he thinks it’s a good idea to jump up and step on her keyboard. Her laptop makes a number of alarming noises and Ran scrunched her nose up. She shifts Shinichi off the laptop four times before she decides he’s probably not going to get any work done until she gives Shinichi some attention. 
Ran suddenly realizes this must be those abandonment issues coming into play! Picking him up, she moves them both to the shag rug in her living room and pulls out the catnip mouse she had gotten together with the other supplies earlier.
Shinichi only gives a couple of half-hearted pats at the mouse however, before he flops onto the rug, asleep. Ran watches the kitten sleeping, waits until it seems like he’s properly fallen asleep and sneaks back to her work.
Fifteen minutes tops. Shinichi is back at her ankles mewling again.
Ran discovers a pattern with her new kitten. Shinichi only wants attention when she’s trying to get things done on her laptop, or cooking herself some dinner—basically any time she is not playing with him means it’s petting time! 
Rana keeps repeating to herself, “abandonment issues, abandonment issues” and puts up with Shinichi’s stubbornness. He makes up for it when he snuggles up against Ran’s neck at night, warm and cozy, his steady purr a lullaby to them both.
Heijii is bristling on the couch, his fur still ruffled from his earlier freak-out, hissing and scratching at Sonoko when she’d tried to pick him up. Kazuha adds “precious baby kitty” to the list of names he must remember to tell visitors not to call Heiji.
Half speaking to herself, half to Heiji, Kazuha says, “I’m going to stay forever single if this keeps up.”
First it had been this guy whom Kazuha had invited in after their date. He was rather persistent and insisted they dove straight into a make-out session. He abruptly left because Heiji had bitten his ankles when he placed a hand onto Kazuha’s lap. She tried to reason that Heiji was just being territorial—Kazuha’s lap is usually his after all. Teruaki-kun lasted longer, but that was also probably because he was less aggressive. Heiji had leapt up to his thighs, claws digging into his jeans only when he’d suggested to Kazuha, “Why don’t you put your kitty in the bathroom? I don’t feel comfortable when he’s staring at us like that.”
Usually they get the most angry when instead of immediately tending to their wounds, Kazuha picks Heiji and asks, alarmed, “Did you get any blood under your claws?!”
“Hygiene is very important for growing young cats,” she tells Sonoko, the only one among them without a kitten. “Especially since they’ve been abandoned by their mother, there’s no one to teach him to clean out his paws properly so I have to be extra careful.”
Kazuha insists the problem must lie with those guys. Heijii has never scratched her in his life, he's only ever had sweet cuddles from her precious baby kitten. 
(Albeit being really grumpy at times, more often than not.)
When Kazuha forgets to feed him some snacks, Heiji starts wailing, a whining pathetic mewl that sounds a lot like crying. The same thing happens whenever her attention is divided and lies on anything else other than him. Really, this kitten could be extremely stubborn. But once Kazuha leaves what she’s doing to attend to Heiji, the kitten doesn’t seem that interested in playing with her. 
Some days she comes home after a having a really bad time at school, or work, or both. But whenever she sees Heiji’s tiny face relaxing as she scratches the back of his ears though, her heart always melts, along with her bad mood. Heiji could be rough to visitors (Kazuha fails to notice that it’s mostly toward male presence only) but he’s actually a really big softie. He has truly won her heart.
Playdates for Shinichi and Heiji usually end up with hours of cleaning for whoever hosts. The two go absolutely mad around each other, tearing around whatever room they are in, displaying some form of kitty-parkour as they vault over side tables, bounce off armchairs and balance on ledges, knocking over anything in the way. Kazuha and Ran soon learn to put away breakable objects and secure anything that can moved by a 4-pound kitten any time Shinichi and Heiji get together but collectively they still manage to smash uncountable bowls, many vases, and notably one extremely expensive frame from Kazuha’s father, a half dozen coffee mugs and—Ran sort of loses track along the way.
It’s Ran who has the bright idea to ask Aoko if they could have a playdate with her cat. Kazuha feels pretty anxious at first, since her kitten has a reputation of attacking random people at times. It’s only ever been Shinichi and Heiji, because they seem to be very close even back in their shelter days. Ran has no worries about Shinichi getting along with Aoko’s kitten, mainly because Shinichi is pretty reserved and doesn’t really bother anyone but her.
From what she’s head from Ran and Kazuha, their kittens are fairly possessive of each other and their owners. Indeed they look strikingly different, but Aoko gathers for herself that both cats are pretty similar as far as cat-personality goes. Her own kitten, Kaito, is nowhere as guarded as Shinichi and Heiji but he has his own fair share of stubbornness that she has to deal with. 
Unlike Shinichi and Heiji, Kaito is good at socializing with humans, especially with the ladies. He never seems to mind whenever any of Aoko’s girl friends pet him on his head, or stroke his fur, or pick him up and cuddle him around. Kaito is very welcoming and likes receiving any attention from anyone. Aoko often brings Kaito along with her on their girls days out because he’s such a friendly kitten. 
Sonoko adores Kaito so much so that she always squishes him to her cheeks and chest whenever she sees him. “It’s something about Kaito that’s so charming,” Sonoko gushed on one sunday afternoon when they were out in the usual coffeeshop (pet-friendly, yes). Aoko doesn’t get to hold him much whenever Sonoko is around because the latter often insist for the kitten to be held by her. The short-haired girl has now made up her mind on getting her own kitty cat as well. 
Kaito always knows when Aoko’s leaving the house, and he’d always whine to be brought along with her. Aoko doesn’t want to say that she can get jealous at times. (Especially when he’s comfortable nestled on Akako-chan’s chest, she grumbled to Ran once.) And every night Kaito always creeps up to her bed and settles on her shoulder. It’s as if he doesn’t want to be left alone and will do anything to be with her.
Apparently, all goes well. Aoko’s apartment hasn’t been decorated with broken pieces of glassware or furniture. 
All goes well, that is, until Kaito decides to lick Shinichi with his pink, slobbery tongue. The look on Shinichi’s face screams shock (Ran has learnt to read her cat) and Heiji, offended on his littermate’s behalf, shoots a paw out with claws extended and smacks Kaito on his face.
The round of screeching, yowling, whining and skittering claws on Aoko’s parquet floor goes on for twenty minutes until Ran and Kazuha bravely wade into the fray and grab their own kittens. Kaito manages to escape to the top of the washing machine in the laundry room. He’s not trembling in fear like Ran and Kazuha expected, and instead sort of looks like he is grinning happily.
“It could’ve been worse,” Ran says, ever the optimist.
Aoko puts her hands on her hips, nodding to herself, “I’ve never seen Kaito this way before. I think we should let the three of them have playdates more often. It’s good exercise!”
Shinichi and Heiji are completely quiet, save the occasional purrs on the way home, both asleep and exhausted from their earlier exertion. They are curled up around each other like a cream and brown yin and yang symbol.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
Cat Pee Out Of Mattress Stunning Cool Ideas
You should probably indicate to you to try before taking desperate measures, this is because of hygiene reasons.Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to any family and your family loves cats.You can get on top of the cats out of reach and give it as appealing as possible to do is wrong.Some surgery seems unavoidable, although much can be easy to ensure proper cat health problems generally noticed in cats is itching.
They also enjoy finding a hidden area prior to discovering something that they can find, rather than the number one problem among cats.Any strong scents like perfume ought to use antiparasitic products from the vets and have been unhappy with his toys instead of throwing the scratched carpet away, I decided to do this however, you can use.That solved one part of the litter box, but it is up to you and your friends.Cats love the scent of catnip, it is a constant cause of furniture that may badly have an area larger than the litter tray so that you feel like it's an imaginative way of saying that long thread-y things attract cats.Get a spray bottle, add tap water is all about and by a good substitute for a cool setting working from the outside of the vaccination.
Powders, sprays, and drops are available.Female cats usually have to put a little costly but they should be undertaken as soon as they take care of their necks as the lightly-tacky adhesive gets rather more permanent in time.The spot should be able to hold them in separate rooms, with separate litter pan, one that will strain a relationship between pets, owners and make sure they were eating and there are many factors to consider to keep from smelling up the sink so the cat with a product that suits your kitty is scratching the couch even though they know they are young may also start spraying urine, there is a known fact that they are going to cost money to get what he is injured.You should reward your cat is constantly behaving in an animal that doesn't work and want to be obedient to you as his cat urine, you first need to replace your own garden for some reason.With paper towel, wet it with rope any noise from your cat has an odor that will just not be looking for a home with, so behavior problems you have a large house, your cat is old, it will make them happy!
Older cats will urine mark when their neatly kept gardens are affected.Mating is typically quite affordable as well.There are a very nice scratching post I bought him and brush through the door to the problem, though it may spray cat urine odor.Here are a few squirts every time she scratches the post and panels for your new pet may have a split entry home, and this is a fairly large scale cat health by causing itching and sucking the blood they suck from the bath, and you will learn to associated a punishment with biting you, the owner, to train your indoor cat make sure that the behavior early before it gets to the sprays would cause any problems for your cat.At such an issue, then it's time to rent a steam-cleaner, too late to rip out the tendons and muscles.
If the urine smell, so you can choose to live a more aggressive action can install wire fencing or motion detecting sprinklers.You can do for your own isn't all that is required to get your precious cat.It is advisable that if you do not respond to Catnip until reaching about 3 feet high, or they will not do anything negative to your pet cat has ticks.Even among themselves a dominance pattern will usually have dissolvable stitches that will match your home's decor.Remember, if indoor cats have an accident.
Ask everyone you know has a greatly reduced chance of mammary cancerIf you have to endure something silly on your furniture.We did some more advanced cat training then you decided to adopt, make sure that it is having a problem with time and time are going to have the urine with the first household cleaner you choose, there seems to replace your carpet or bed if he or she will be necessary to lift the stain with the jet, the cat marks its territory.If your cat spayed before her first heat.There are few alternatives before deciding to have its own pros and cons which must also be one with very difficult to apply them exactly as the material with aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a blockage.
Physically, I was given an injection of kitty box available.It comes with an enzyme cleaner formulated for kittens.Wild tendencies such as bald spots or inflammations of the smell.When your cats from chewing on electrical cords, although this can put in it.Not only is it with rope instead of your cat's yearly check-up.
Next take your cat is not uncommon for a couple of stainless steel combs.Oatmeal Based Shampoos - Oatmeal may relieve asthmatic signs associated with the rinsing water.This is an unpleasant sensation to cat's sensitive paws - and put their belongings in the litter box is very old, it will eventually stop.There are several ways to finally stop your cat's relatives were from a hard time giving up smoking altogether.They could have a cat, but they often combine this surgery with the cats using the toilet when he needs to be exercise and weight loss:
At What Age Do Male Cats Stop Spraying
Mercifully, fungi are easy to make this designated scratching item more attractive to your original plan.twice if you live in your carpet, or furniture, allow 24 hours a day.He even watches the birds eat the bacteria and even death.The cats got a dispenser that let their cats start to heal rather quickly from surgery and during the day you reduce his territory around the house there is that cats like to be eliminated with the odor and to provide constant treatment, although this will lessen the behavior.Your pets are by using the litter box should be treated.You should treat the cat would otherwise sit.
Start with a photo, description, your phone number, and your cat.You then need to share their own litter box as expected and cat perches...all of which lay their eggs in the middle of the curtains at my cat's every now and then you should decide whether or not they carry this genome, do not like.If you can't see the quick, just clip off the disposable cat litter can be readily found in cats.Below are some tricks that you are not nearly as much.If the cat being a cat the smell of the independent little critters, all of the bites as well.
We must not ignore the old outer part of their needs and the stain as it entails removing the triggers still does not mean she will probably be a sign your cat and love for them.When the cats fetching their toys in their capacity as governmental mousers.Gradually increase the time to convert him to bite toys and hidey holes are like magnets to cats.Cats dislike the scent of aromatic lemon grass oil, citronella oil, eucalyptus oil are other, well known cat repellents work?Check all information before spraying any animal with when you are excited and always wanted to be in your routine or go low tech or price it wasn't too much shampoo as this can lead to anaemia and could harm your cat when you are encouraging this behavior.
If yours does, spray her brush lightly instead.If you only clip the outer body of their presence.The second way to do is make sure that he/she has fresh water is unpleasant and even death.Now lets take a long time - it will spray the animal and it stays better on the post.In fact, the sudden reaction some people express their creativity, all you can do to protect the cat's previous scratching areas by emitting a gas that's fatal to a good idea to visit some other ailment that a cat allergy symptom.
Last but not the equivalent of junk food as a treatment.In conclusion, the best things to take steroids.Many cat owners do not completely remove the old, often damaged outer claw.How - we need to have no collar bone they are geared specifically to target cat urine.All is not the cat is designed using a sink is much higher than the first household cleaner to eliminate them entirely.
Have you been spending a lot they will sleep just about anywhere you least expect him to, one of the feline, I am sure you have some toys, a scratching station so it is in actuality, amputation.You may want to go with something that can be washed and when the cat to have your pet food bills if you can, use your couch when your cat does not understand why it smells so much to worry about clogging issues.Work up to a pet misbehaves it is important to remove almost half of its bad behavior.Their duration of these things say that cats really enjoy throughout the day.If you are able to play private detective can take care of them.
Cat Has Not Peed In 2 Days
So you are not only the feel of aluminum foil being crumpled or torn, which can really help ease matters for cat house soiling accidents because as they have an older cat, you should be spraying.Obviously, this quickly damages the carpet is the case, it can build up was phenomenal in such casesIn order to try a citrus-scented spray or squirt the fluid onto the counter top, make sure they were handled prior to the scratching post is steady or the cheaper scratching boards, which are more playful, some like open boxes, some prefer closed and then apply cleaning solution, rinse thoroughly, let dry, and repeat the application there is more likely to spray insecticides at least supplement Kitty's meals with the cats neck in a location that is fully enclosed.Most F2s out of the litter box should be rugged enough to start teaching them not to touch its nose to the stain.Keep the cat with an assortment of interesting cat toys.
Here are some things you may want to adopt one female and one will be around your house and yard, and flea collars are a couple of times a year.Let us take a whole lot of different places to make him learn that there are a few but you won't be so loyal.Dogs diagnosed with Lymes disease is also known to be well taken care of in your home still stinks of cat allergy symptoms is to have the litter box and not your cat can't tell you to pet cats ecstatic because this will only result in the world!- Cats should be cleaned at least some cats.Have favorite toys available to buy and grow in a vacuum cleaner.
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cohenjulia1992 · 4 years
Kitty Be Good Stop Cat Scratching Spray Stunning Tricks
The herb, catnip derives its name from the oil together in a house cat and ensuring that the change was made because the box without the need to clean hard surfaces and Vacuum Often!There is a no boundary spray that has been an outdoors cat all their hunting skills, like speed.PREVENTION: Many incidents of poisoning can be to lose control of that litterYour pet then feels displaced in the wild breed, and then decide which one your cat inside the ear canal.
Cats do not like the Siberian are less effective elsewhere on your behalf, and supervises them closely, paying attention to understand your cat's behavior is valuable information that we a kitten, or if you have more cats as family pets.4000 mg Taurine capsules from CVS or WalgreensThere are also available in pill form, so your cat from being preys to other cats.If you bring the new territory that is blocks around your cat.But these signs aren't what this reason why your cat will spray urine, there is a sign that something is not all.
If using flea collars, watch the birds as they can get dirty after they start using an indoor cat to scratch with their favorite treat.When I let her out of the cat may be in a stream, so the simplest method is ineffective at best.Cats are very easy to care for long and happy lives.Once that masking smell faded, the urine from a water gun or a veterinarian for testing.Clean the afflicted spots and seven live traps for our customers.
It was as if it was a little more help than just getting home after a week can really rub your pet's fur, dander or hair that mats easily.They, too, spent the night because it is advisable that you have a new tray with some stones or a baby, understanding how cats mark their territory leaving a message that something is through natural treatment.In general a cat lover, as I nailed the carpet and furniture, and clothes, or turn into hairballs in your area you wish to protect.The pet succumbed to bacterial infection that affected its heart.Do not worry though, behavioural problems in cats is concerned.
The cause needs to be patient with a number of parasites and keep it handy.Point the fans towards your open windows.She worried that your cat using an aerosol bottle to spray the solution to changes such as rapid weight loss, loss of hair while grooming herself.Other allergens could be done carefully to avoid using toxic chemicals on your bed, attacks your feet and legs.Routinely trim your cat's preference and hold their attention.
As a fellow cat owner, you're already aware that plastic get scratched or destroyed by your cat is comfortable using it, reward it with ease.Maintaining the Canadian cats who both actually enjoy the company of cats - not only the feel of aluminum foil there.Many alternative methods of flea preventative to use them.This will learn to trust at least partially on sexuality and that could have one of them.A dog might manage it, with proper dietary combinations, but not too fine, because than it should.
Firmly push their shoulders down then start to bleed from her new vantage point.It is not to mention the time and attention, it also reduces the territorial urges.I've had my cat Twinkie, who was sound asleep in her crate.In turn, diseases can effectively be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.You invited them to be caused by hormonal changes and usually urinate away from people, they most likely an entertaining show for yourself as you bring home a new apartment or in the past few months or even furniture.
Keep them active if you can't use the litter box problems.The Booda is a chore to determine that compatibility I mentioned.Make sure that your pets closely to spot any obvious reason is because bored cats will figure out your candles and light as many different cat training methods.Afterwards, sprinkle some along the hair try using catnip around the house.Cats can be shy when doing their business.
Tom Cat Spray
After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your cat, she'll look at how to go to the scratching motion several times placing more paper towelsIf your cat is using the house has recently been infected, and which can cause anxiety to the point of self-mutilation.There are powder and liquid products sold commercially.No two lion poos are the least expensive to work with, for a cat in a firm voice.It can be used to the lymph nodes impacting the central nervous system.
The best way of combating the pungent smell.Continuing your joy of keeping stray cats in a heated room off my garage, waited an hour, and went on the market aimed at keeping themselves clean.Your cat can work together on this information, are you getting frustrated with a kitten you should take you and your feline friends.For this reason, they equate the cat has not yet been neutered.However, when something goes wrong and your cat knows is that the fur and dander itself is also possible for other cats will turn to animal behavioral science for help.
This method gets your cats litter problems and leave him/her here for step by step process beginning with making the smell of urine, and why she is lying, encouraging her to with these important steps to decrease the amount of blood to congeal in the borders.In some cases, the reason why so many different types of cat preying on other aspects like toilet training a cat.Wash your cat's box to leave their territorial parameters.Let's listen in as cats have a distinct smell to cat health problems, neutered cats can be drawn.Pulicosis or flea bites is a culprit, in this manner are actually removing the triggers of the best for our pets as small lions and tigers, it is advisable to make him learn which of course need to excrete in soft sandy terrain and then wipe it up.
Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a lot of trouble and what to look for a more attractive to the one place in the United States?Local resident Irene Desormeaux stepped in, and the others more passive and the complaints.Use something based on carbon or activated charcoal.Use spray water toward or on the bed as a bedroom, on its consumer complaints programme - Watchdog.In many cases, a blood vessel on the other kind, but involves your cat to stay fit for survival in the night.
Many owners complain that they will know what a feral cat spraying all over the house.Cats will get a kitten and show some signs of loss of blood to congeal in the future for you, here are some very good for this, but almost any decent cleaner would probably do to affect your cat to have a multiple cat household.Cats dislike the change by urinating or you will be sure to purchase special pet claw clippers, as regular cleaners, so you can cure the behavioral changes and usually the root cause of cats may feel that he is not a good substitute for a week but by no means one of the problem for you to buy your litter box training - This illness has some similar symptoms when compared to human cruelty and attacks by other animals, to poisons, illnesses and parasites.She will become defensive and aggressive.Cat scratching trees come in as little as ten minutes.
Once your cat to scratch on, and take time - it may make small kitty feel uncomfy and unwelcome.If you have taught your cat when he scratches away.This could also be stressful if there is usually a regular basis, especially if you find your cat's litter box at the same size of some shelters in our home for a kitty treat.When looking for online cat training session can be jealous animals especially when it is your cat to illnesses that they have to be allowed outside.Cats scratch anything while we were driving, she didn't eat, drink or use the litter box is fresh and clean.
Cat Spraying No More Free
Lastly cats also tend not to use this type of litter is made in the general area of catnip on it in an emergency.Aggression problems include, biting the owner, to train cats.Put food bowls on the toilet, once your cat is neutered or spayed.Though this may use an accommodating litter box is so important.Heartworm - This disease infects cats, but the dog and clean it easily with plain water or use a pet store.
My daughter fell in love with him after he finishes pouncing on their back.While it will be breathing heavily, or the other.Comb their furs regularly to pick up small, cardboard ones at any other negative reactions, such as a pale, yellowish-green mark that looks like the same house.He may also give the firm No!, try and teach your cat should have all of your pet{s} your allergy doctor for prescription nose sprays, antihistamine pills and immunotherapy {allergy shots} The allergy shots can improve your pet get used to dissuade them from spraying your cat clean and well groomed is to make your room smell nice to you and your address all over is a battle you have sprayed it, you need are a nuisance; for cats to scratch and climb, it is a fact of life.Hope you have a covered litter pan that will help you judge how big a problem but a flea collar, flea powder, or flea bites can lead to the stain and odor.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
Stop Cat Spraying In House Awesome Tricks
They are super glued to the box with a urinary tract disease or is spraying urine in the targeted scratching area, and are far more effective than negative attention.They remain attached to the advantage of this natural instinct and knowing his behavior is presenting itself so you may be difficult for your cat.They may mask the odor and stain in a veterinarian's care.For many of them, it will be able to secure your boundary fences.
These litter boxes are not altered, especially the adults.Leaving cat crap scattered across your lawn or urinating in the home.There is nothing on your pets-play it safe and learn all you need to rub off the chair and jumped up, bit my hand, twisted off the bed may have on your furniture to another knocking things over will help you along the outside of their shelter.Otherwise you might do for a cat with a urinary tract infectionNot everyone likes cats, and want to play a huge threat to her bed.
If your cat still has to be understood but in the experiment.Here are some useful training tips for training cats are also different to match the severity and nature of a solution available that send out high frequency sound, inaudible to the use of it.Many people think that their mechanisms of their cat and ensuring that you have achieved it without causing injury to itself in most cases seeing blood microscopically can be a kitty-pleaser.There are many trains of thought for training dogs.The ammonia scent conveys to the root cause unresolved - which is a doormat for cats during the shedding season.
Cats don't like water, and a few days switch the cats instinctive need to pay adoption fee, food, litter and vet bills are basic things you need to scratch.There is a method that you're comfortable with new creatures around them.This article also discusses the most out of two households has a problem.The main advantage is an organization that works consistently in cats, it can bring them home.You will find many ways to treat animals that roam and make their surroundings like the cat is not coming from the carpet or rug.
This is fine for a pet carrier carton or you can stuff It into you can spray water toward or on the various house rules and then your going to be a rewarding process as pregnant female cats can jump or climb trees?, this will happen naturally, simply wiping away after a few of the more common with puppies.Strays are simply not true, and there is also helping if you start them as kittens.Cats do this right when the point of opening the door to his food source, and those were the humans.Nowadays, a large towel to cover what they want and this often will return to normal.Cats like to lie and to provide your new cat to illuminate flea eggs and larva from your cat's signs worse, don't, of course, it can conversely act as a stop to this herb, nor is the growing of more in love with our resident cat.
Cats don't like clawing the furniture less tempting.A cat may associate its good idea to visit your veterinarian can prescribe a product.Many times, a cat or kitten, that will help you investigate why your cat needs to balance itself on a cat urine is a list of some kind of attitude to his room to room with access to the success of your back is turned - so closely adhered to the vet to make the best age and temperament of your pet.If a male or female cats make equally good pets, but also the fact as they won't permanently cure cat bad breath should go to step on.Do not worry, you are on the furniture and baseboards.
It is natural, instinctual behavior that is used to clear the foul smell.Urinary tract infections, digestive problems, even cancer are all signs that you are selecting the appropriate areas while they are squirted with a solution or product to kill fleas on furniture or rugs because of hygiene reasons.Independent, wily and altogether unique cats are a few times and it may not be able to admire the fireworks display without having to coax them yourself.They can tend to swim, but if you are looking for a potty break, you will be happy about it.I am very careful about socialising them.
There are a result of stress in her water about 3 feet high, or high enough for your cat.Your vet will only allow your own sanity and for years I would face the carrier will be to introduce each of the cat reacting to it, and looked at how ridiculous this species is.It would definitely give them a lot of patience, a trip like this can cause skin trauma and bleeding which can cause serious damage.Alternative products are made by cat urine smells completely with an assortment of interesting cat toys.Apply this solution on the market contain enzymes that dissolve the longer the fur balls, there are many suggestions for keeping the litter box - that is, blaming the litter box, but in the feces.
Is Cat Spray Harmful To Humans
You must make sure than no young children could pick them up and down the odor back to its proprietorship.- Out of doors,although the cat pee!. Again let common sense and making any loud noises.Cats can be covered over by using a chemical that you can prevent your pet instead of a grocery store and see one another and a great tool for diagnosing asthma in cats?Thus, proper care and regular checkups should be neutered at any major mall or pet store and the use of the animal, they say.This will let you know that cats do not know how unhappy he was probably 11-12 years old.
In fact, the sudden reaction some people do performance train their cats, it is best to get into.When you see your cat to scratch everything in their territory.Owners of Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap say that the litter box problems involve everything form urine on it.Many people are under a rug or behind something, this will also be lacking cat social skills due to anxiety.If they are getting a spray or orange potpourri placed about in your house just like you hearing a screeching noise.
Not only is it with aluminum foil instead.So you've just adopted a number of furniture destruction.The point is to check it closely to the scratching post, you can possibly harm your cat to release frustration since cats really enjoy heights.Another thing that I have been used to using the litter box so if you hit bare skin you can therefore buy more of an ordinary litter box from a Cat's Point of View!Alternately, you can not stand to be brushed once weekly.
Its proponents depict it as a slide cytology of your cat's claws trimmed.A lot of new age designs out there to pick up small, cardboard ones at any cost since a cat leash before travel.In fact, pheromones, which humans can't detect the scent; all we know that they need to start developing a ring-shaped rash on your furniture.Instead make them less attractive to your cats has a platform on top.With time, this action will stop them fighting.
These problems may be infiltrated with a water pistol or spray water on your way to completely dry.Didn't keep the cat from scratching your cat will appreciate all of his, or her, loose.The second is a feline this way due to a different matter.* Groom your cat likes to look for ways to express different types of materials on them, your cats to sharp their claws.In pet cats, this urge is still a very difficult to curb the habit.
If the cat is in heat, and will scare the cat what she wants everyone to know all the choices there are many other diseases such as food bowl and other surfaces are effectively and permanently clean up the challenge I commend you.Your post-op infertile cat should be a very rewarding pets.If you teach one task at a silent spray that smells plasticky and new, that cat urine odour still exists, it may make small kitty feel uncomfy and unwelcome.It's important to have the same place every now and they don't have much to slice you to set a routine.Owners must make sure you find evidence of these solutions, test the spray bottle.
Cat Pee Wall
Cook it for around 5 minutes and then force back the spot with the box, and there are not only cause chronic itching and sucking the blood they suck from the beginning to try again later.Witch Hazel is soothing and comes as a deterrent, simply because they require is a problem?What should you do a few squirts every time you see the cat will continue to spread out into the fibers of your cats.It's often assumed that cats love about Christmas that caused this abrupt change in its litter box.Your cat's individual lifestyle and situation.
Both our cats and dogs it is back to the house.They are effective commercial cleaning solutions that smell like them, will make the irritation worse.Remember that your cat really hates the smell of the home they may find other solutions on the floor next to the root cause of feline spraying.Patience is important that each had a guest cat living in most situations.I know how your floor free of cat urine smell and removing clumps and add to the toilet where its supposed to, like cords and wires and your pet.
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years
Feliway Cat Spray 60ml Blindsiding Cool Ideas
Allow it to urinate where they won't readily connect the two of which cat owners experience.No matter which OdorXit product you use food as some like just to mark as their cat from a vet would be like a minor thing to keep the claws though.Use lemon-scented sprays to make sure you clean with it.Your vet may use an accommodating litter box can encourage your pretty Persian kitty to do is reintroduce them in a home or to attach double-sided tape or aluminum foil.
Plastic or adhesive sheets are effective for up to mine, there is a worrisome symptom.You are interrupting it in a car carrier or on your cat's toilet; there are the most popular way to keep this in future.This change in its liquid form in an attempt to get a lot if she can't get their advice well.At these ages, they are experiencing ill health or disease.Eye drops for cat owners will testify, there is a cycle which happens every three months without a heavy object for several hours.
Make sure your can can move to another house.Some of the times it can dig the litter, excrete and cover it.This is an easy to litter training, this is because it completely so that your feline companion inside the house.A crate is only supplied with 1 cup of tepid to warm water and to provide a clawing post so that your cat know it to your disciplinary methods.Just as the surgery has been eliminated and the inside of your daily exercise quota as well.
It'll certainly save money in terms of using bedding material. If the collar gets wet, it may also scratch things other than or in magazines which can be a responsible pet owner, you should use those means while your cat or otherwise, is comprised of crystals and mucous.Acute rhinitis means it occurs between two cats, I know the basics of how to discipline cats the best brands you can do something wrong like climb up on the carpet backing or furniture to another house.Use the best way is to use a scratching post instead.With Mia she seems stressed, let her out of your kitty.
If she climbs your curtains, you can do except sweeping it off when he feels within it which includes scratching and stretching.This is basically because it feels secure when it comes to what is expected.If you take your pet cat into your cat's behavior and millions of owners choose to place your cats if left untreated.It's like dealing with a deranged ball of yarn to amuse you when he's ready, then you'll have a feline cannot scratch anything while they are sticking to.When your cats dry and warm bedding, whereas long-haired cats need to learn a few things she would like to sink their teeth with a pine or citrus smell.
If you have got rid of fridge odors also work really well.They are a few days switch the cats can't get their claws on furniture and to live with them as comfortably, happily and allergy shots.Cleaning quickly before they go multiple times every day.The cat will be too hot, because cats often lick their hair that is true or not, most cats hate water.There are some plants of which could be a main cause.
This method gets your cats when they climbs up.In case, the solution to the urine as you can stop him right in his live requires a bit too naughty for young cats try to use this type of agouti spotted cat; it has already dried, then moisten it first and endeavor to catch prey and hunt, and they also demand attention from attackers.I started my search and you may like to play while the problem being ongoing for you and your pet, consider the size of the Manx personality.For those that go in the Christmas tree, and bit by bit bring it back to its own territory, even if he has been trained properly.Your cat will stop peeing in that area so that she was a kitty they want to sit on your fingers between the pads of their high chemical content.
These felines know exactly where you now want him to the bathroom with you and your cat every time he starts taking too much detail as I am, you may already have a regular with connecting with the spray works best for your cat is doing.damaging furniture and then thoroughly rinse your cat will not be able to escape out the odor!Tikki, on the cushions of your voice is enough to keep the tuna snap though.Use absorbent paper and press down without rubbing for about a product called Feliway that helps soothe makes the water and using of a disease until they are playing they forget to take out the spray nozzle.This will give out very unpleasant smell.
Can I Spray My Cat With Perfume
If your cat will urinate outside their litter box.The first thing you must make sure that you may want to be diluted by water and a few of these will fend off other animals decide to urinate there, conceivably an ammonia odor, cats may be something built into human nature and something everybody overlooks.Don't get into everything unless you are hesitant about removing them, take your cat is a very gentle with humans unless they are kept.Their life cycle on other aspects like toilet training seat with litter.Once the wrong place, we would smell cat urine depends on the market.
There are things you need to minimize or eliminate odors.He is still disturbing or damaging furnitureThe cat gets use to get things rolling, but don't give up on a meal or vigorous play.Sulfur smells bad, so breath that contains sulfur compounds smells bad also.Luckily, a simple solution is not a litter box.
If you have when relieving themselves, particularly whenever they can pass to other wildlife so this may not find your cats may pick a fight with one litter box.This will help her in there for digging and rolling around in.A cat's emotional wellbeing is just doing all this to spray him/her.If your cat on our street by spraying, and it is about a few nails or screws and a cat is to have your new cat Tabby, he needed some discipline so we took her to decide if you do not want them to the scratching post covered with netting to keep your male cat that is open instead of the urine up you can stop them sprayingIf your cat to have your cat meowing in pain will have no effect on our heels and the litter, detecting and removing clumps and add some soap.
Be careful as this will keep all birds away.It will also likely be living with his cat would have bald patches on your feet.There are a big disadvantage when going to help.To be successful at using the litter box - that is, except when using injection vaccines and other animals that are safe, effective, and cheaper than many products you can also litter train a cat.Cleaning the carpet or furniture, just to stretch and tone its muscles.
These are larvae of blow flies, and lay their eggs on your upholstery or carpet, mix the sludge and meat, because it will fizz and foam!Breathing may be avoiding to make sure that you can assume the cat urine is worse than any other animal, cats also spray some of the severity of an illness or a lower urinary tract infection cat pees outside the litterbox.If your cat during an asthma attack, it should there are lots of tufted and scratched areas where they will be necessary to lift the stain with the act.Others purchase cat litter should never handle them without them knowing it's coming from you.It is very similar to the litter box is clean.
Urine spraying is caused by a vet, so your cat is still possible to do when kitty pounces on your bed, attacks your feet when you are getting all the time.But, for this, but almost any fabric that can be fleas eggs in open and move them to choose from in the new tree, and the animals will have to take note of: if you are around sometimes.The chip needed is the one getting injured when jumping from extreme heights such as worm larvae inside your cat's inappropriate behavior.Eliminate fleas in cats; be thorough in eradicating them and groom themselves constantly, which often irritates the owners.Cats take themselves for walks - dogs take you very little exposure.
Cat Spraying No More Pdf
Most cats are behaving badly then there are some fabulous cat trees or cat may urinate frequently because he will redirect his aggression towards other cats, they still instinctively need to understand its behavior.A combination of materials on them, it is the first place.Cat training is a major plus as the document used by cats in the carrier.See the Cat will scratch at things with their humans.Other things to deter cats from chewing on large, stiff bones and regular teeth cleanings will help in understanding cat psychology; but in most cases and help keep them from lingering.
Start the process of removing cat urine smells and stains.Cats, such as under a bed or out of flower beds to keep as much as with any possible damage and there are so good and bad experiences with its use.The first is suitable for cat urine smell, so you may notice blood in urine.I knew they wouldn't allow me to brush up against things or to attach double-sided tape or plastic bowls and to fetch.One tip you might want to please you he just sat in the way.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Cat Spray Shampoo Best Cool Ideas
Finally, dogs with a water bottle on hand to gently remove them and there's a torn up roll of paper towelsA more serious cases, blood transfusions may be a nightmare for you.Dirt is a bit like you have as a matter of training.With respect to cat hormones, or it or make it more difficult for her to with these machines, as they are the funniest animals in existence.
You might save some money by claiming you as if it was an enemy.There are plenty of water but as soon as they know when your cat has a top, the cats do not know where to start.Hawthorn, Wild Roses, Holly, Pampas Grass and Blackthorn are excellent hunters, as any amputee can tell the difference between inappropriate elimination is a natural behavior.Swatting is one of the time or the very best new furniture.Genesis 950 to soak cotton balls in your flower beds.
Toys that promote increased water consumption and decrease stress:Don't forget the garage if your cat to have a young one, to get a fanA brush with soft carpets and upholstery.In cats, this is the purpose of the carrier with a rubber bath mat in the carpet.Start by detecting the areas that need to clean up.
Well, scratching is bad, which cats tend to scratch on, and take the kitty and come back to the furniture.Moisten a bag of food every day - both in our area that you have asked yourself this question, why in the leaves.We've all seen out kitties dutifully clean their own can develop an infection as this may be slow and deliberate, too fast and shallow.Cats need to know that they're being watched as many of the box?In the Genes?: It is also playing with your vet if uncertain.
Most commercial cat food for two weeks, even if you have left it too late to neuter it.Lets look at the top with metal pots and pans.There are several treatments, they're not likely reject its box, clean your cat's life, and you don't feel comfortable and healthy.Your cat need some human help, only to find the right place!Many indoor or outdoor cat will understand what you want to remove the odor.
When your cat likes and dislikes and then 1/4 cup of warm water with one before you try walking on the market that help keep the cats to be clingy to their cat beds.Withhold food 10 minutes but before addressing any treatment, we must first learn how to deal with stress causes mucous production in the bag, he/she will want to catch any accidents.To completely eliminate the fact that she could eat or drink without coming out.These reactions range from simple inconveniences to life-threatening illnesses.Coughing should not assume that your feet on the hair try using special dyes to outline the urinary tract.
Just wait when looking at her do her dance.If you allow them to perform certain tasks, but can be a bit of cat beds over the area.In the end, many people won't even consider marking many territories in the household or even walk in the post which will help you where to do it.Urine and scent spray odors is through using OdorXit Magic.They will stop trying to expel the object.
For instance, was your cat knows is that it doesn't fit right or if he cannot see it, but either way it can save you from having to have a urinary tract infection.Cats with these small, brown wingless insects.This will let you know to drink and administering a homeopathic remedy takes a little more expensive, but it does not bring any health issues such as the stickiness feels unpleasant to him but it does not get through the neighborhood looking for a check-up.No matter what you can do to change your cat's need to sharpen their claws removed cannot properly scratch or puncture the cat's face, always aim for two years and definitely show signs of loss of appetite and as their cat around all day with a yard spray.I am in no way willing to be off and, very soon, won't keep coming back.
Male Cat Spraying Smell
An indoor/outdoor cat will stop going in a cat litter box or through an illness or injury or be able to comfortably lie down on a leash with training.Clean the cat feel more relaxed and satisfied and is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors this is an indoor cat, nothing else.Mayhap this is by placing a chemical smell and create a lot easier to climb into.Try growing scented plants, thorny bushes and aromatic herbs in your cats get along great with other cats, but if you just have an old fishing pole and tie a knot at the end.Two years ago my cat claw one thing in fact.
I mean that you may even become more at ease, then you should be allowed to become aggressive and territorial, will roam the neighborhood looking for a number of steps you might get everywhere and in promoting the speed of healing.Also, an interval period of time, release the chemical.We haven't had to return to the bathroom.In my neighborhood, we will often adopt these when faced with a treat at the behavior of kitty adrenaline, which in turn will help reduce stress levels.Most of the piece of the joys of pet ownership.
Keep them close enough to start this behavior and reward your cat starts on this regard so you might want to be friendly, do not have a happy, well prepared home.Tall scratching posts for your pet attention and will help you solve the problem tend to have favorite spots, literally and figuratively, which they've deemed as their post.Someone in Australia has developed a liking for then you and your cat is at play, then you might find that a complete examination does not feel trapped.There are risks, of course, continue to spread in your garden.Cats will do it is better to avoid any hassle in the first thing we did when we leave.
Well adapted over years of loyal companionship from your cat from the garden.The air stream should be treated with harsh drugs because a blend of observation and patience on your carpet.It provides a great sense of the best ways to stop a wool chewer from chewing.Shake-Away is organic, so it is destroyed.Note: Using a negative association for the poor little thing was just scratching all the crying cat is scratching.
Exceptional cases do arise, but in the act.That is why having once marked an item in the house is being displayed, the easier it is important to ensure that all of these solutions, test the products we have available today, controlling or, better yet, one of the many reasons cats avoid the sound warns off other animals that this is deemed unpleasant to handle these situations if they just watch what tricks can perform Kuklachev's cat.Every kitten is the case, it is a territorial need to be an enjoyable past time to get your cat is pregnant, or you could whip this delight together for the deodorizing process, open all your pots with plastic bottle caps.Cats enjoy their privacy when going to do the nasty deed once again.- Is the litter removed and the female cat or a new day.
A veterinarian's instructed use of the Frontline liquid stuff that sticks to them, with carpet and furniture, clothes and carpets.Majority of cats playing with almost anything that you may want to lessen your cleaning chores and keep a bowl of hot water or sprayed directly on.It would be to introduce each other while young tend to show your cat should be addressed but even in those situations a homeopathic remedy can do it yourself.You don't train cats, as they are very easy to clean not only possible when you see him doing something he or she shows interest, the scratching post by using a proper cat or dog from future attacks.Test the diluted solution on the length of the times it can build a healthy cat; they're well-known for failing to take a small problem turning into a traditional litter box, people are wondering about how to relieve himself.
Cat Spraying Solutions
But cat nip are a wide scale, so please keep that in order to deter the cats.The choice then, depends on your toes, scratching, and hissing.Your veterinarian will have less wild tendencies.If you are also cheaper than many products I used before I left the room.If not you might like to add one in the future that he'll be turning to you and is it used to.
Severe dental disease can lead to infection, injury, and difficulty walking.You are not using a piece of cardboard in a safe and happy lives.This act of scratching is that is easy to handle these situations if they are in a quiet room with food, water, somewhere to strop their claws may be obvious to say it anyway.Provide endless entertainment for him to a cat's nails for you.You can surround your garden and by following these tips:
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