drhoz · 2 months
#2402 - Leucocoprinus sp.
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On timber on the floor of the abandoned McCluggage foot tunnel.
An agaric mushroom genus of about 80 species, with widespread distribution, but most are rarely seen. Its best-known member is the distinctive yellow Plantpot Dapperling Leucocoprinus birnbaumii, which is found in plant pots and greenhouses worldwide.
McCluggage Tunnel, Inland Taranaki, New Zealand
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bansheehaunt · 2 years
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Plantpot Dapperlings (Leucocoprinus birnbaumii)
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mycoblogg · 11 months
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I took this picture at my parents house in early May. I was wondering if you know what kind of fungi these are? I haven’t seen this in my area before but I have been noticing more and new things popping up in my local nature lately. Thank you for your wonderful blog. It is a great thing to look forward to on my feed :)
hii !!
very crazy coincidence, this fungus is actually the same as the last fungus i was asked to identify :-D (link)
you can learn more about it here (link), but, in short, this is called a plantpot dapperling (l. birnbaumii). they grow most often is flowerpots like in your picture :-)
please be careful, as they are poisonous & can really upset your stomach if eaten !!
thank you for the kind words ; have a lovely day<3
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selfmaderibcageman · 2 months
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same mushroom in the morning vs afternoon
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After a massive storm probably blew a buncha spores up into one of our abandoned planters, so many mushrooms came up!! They were yellow at first and turned whiter as they opened up. I was able to get a picture of them at night which is why the quality sucks (That and this picture was taken on my old but beloved phone)
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Aww that's so cool, though! These look like the infamous Leucocoprinus birnbaumii (flowerpot parasols / plantpot dapperlings). Thank you for sharing!
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glistenandgrow · 2 years
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a cutie!!
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kounomai · 1 year
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lichpassing · 7 months
scraps about "gods" from another setting of mine
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(the guy above is the only member of their species, which is under the genus leucocoprinus)
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memoriesofthepark · 11 months
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Onion-stalk lepiota 》 Leucocoprinus cepistipes
So many lil baby fruits! One of the most common mushrooms I see in my local parks, loving all the rain dampened mulch piles. And much marvelous mycelium. 🤍
Southeast Texas, 27 Oct. 2023
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tom-at-the-farm · 1 month
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The White Album - false parasol, Leucocoprinus cepistipes, Marasmius sp, puffball - conventional wisdom says Lycoperdon perlatum doesn't grow on wood and it's probably Apioperdon pyriforme, but it looks like the former to me. Also I've witnessed some bizarre behavior re: using damp decaying wood as host around here, like species of Russula growing out of a dead log. Desperate times call for desperate measures, etc
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queenofsquids · 3 months
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found in my tradescantia that I had moved outside for the summer
iphone has a feature to look up plants in your photos and it thinks this is a leucocoprinus birnbaumii "flowerpot parasol" and that seems plausible
perfect glowy lil thing
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mycosprite · 2 years
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Skullcap Dapperling Leucocoprinus brebissonii
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mycoblogg · 1 year
could you do a yellow mushroom? 💛
FOTD #026 : plantpot dapperling! (leucocoprinus birnbaumii)
the plantpot dapperling (AKA flowerpot parasol) is a gilled mushroom in the family agaricaceae. it earned its name for frequently occuring in greenhouses & flowerpots. it is common in the tropics & subtropics !!
the big question : can i bite it?? OMG NO !! it is poisonous & causes stomach upset.
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l. birnbaumii description :
"cap: 2–7.5 cm wide in maturity, starting bulbous to cylindrical before expanding to hemispherical or conical & flattening or sometimes appearing umbonate with age. the surface is lemon yellow to sulphur yellow, smooth or slightly powdery & covered in ragged, fibrous scales which are easily removed. the scales are darker yellow or brownish with age & more densely concentrated towards the centre disc where they often form a patch whilst at the edges they are sparser. the cap edges are striated & grooved (sulcate-striate) with a paler colour present in the grooves whilst the edges curl inwards when young before curving out with age or straightening. the cap flesh is firm when young but becomes softer & more fragile with age, it is a dull whitish colour. gills: free & often quite remote from the stem, sulphur yellow, with spacing that can vary from crowded to subdistant at up to 4mm wide. with age the gills may bulge in the middle (ventricose) & the edges can be fringed. stem: 2.5–9 cm long & 2-6mm thick at the top tapering to a bulbous or club shaped base which is 4-15mm thick. the interior is hollow but pithy with a shiny white colour whilst the exterior surface is lemon yellow to sulphur yellow & may discolour brownish with age. it is covered in fine powdery or woolly scales (pruinose to floccose-squamulose) across the full length starting from just above the base. the thin, membranous stem ring is located anywhere between the top and bottom of the stem (superior to inferior) & is movable. the top surface of it is yellow whilst the underside is whitish however the ring is evanescent & may disappear. spore print: white."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source]
"BOOM !! one of the yellowest mushrooms i know of. ^^ thanks for the request, anon."
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THE URBAN FOREST: A surprise visit from a yellow mushroom in my 10th floor balcony.
In the heart of a bustling urban environment, my tenth-floor balcony serves as a serene sanctuary, an oasis filled with the vibrant colors of various potted plants, offering a small slice of tranquility amid the concrete jungle. Recently, an unexpected discovery added a new element of intrigue to this high-rise haven: a thriving cluster of Leucocoprinus birnbaumii, more commonly known as the…
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Hello! Do you happen to know what this one is? So many grew that they started uprooting the little plants
It looks like Bolbitius titubans (Yellow fieldcap) or even Coprinus micaceus (mica cap). I'm not really sure. (The most common mushroom to grow in pots is Leucocoprinus birnbaumii, but this one's not that.)
The fact that mushrooms are growing in your pots, is not a bad thing normally. It just means the soil is good. Mushrooms like it warm and damp, so it might be too wet, depending on the plants and their needs, of course.
If you're gonna pick the mushrooms out, it won't change the situation, though, because what you see, it's only the fruiting body, and there's the mycelium in the soil and mushrooms will keep on growing.
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ststriogyofficialblog · 8 months
Oh hello void! I am here once again to yell about my children, except its more specific this time.
Warnings for this post: mentions of past self harm (fictional) and mental illness (also fictional)
We're doing a deep dive on Aisha, who for some reason is the character I find most interesting to write.
So backstory eh? yeah, she didn't have... the ideal childhood. Raised by her single mom, she never felt like enough, always in her mother's shadow. Her mother, the well known scientist. The respected head of the research department at one of the best medical facilities in the world. The girl who came from nothing, and ended up with everything.
She wasn't like that. Neither was her sister. They were inseparable. From an early age, her mother treated them more like test subjects than daughters.
This uh... fucked Aisha up. A lot. She started viewing not only herself, but other people as lab rats. things to be curious about. To poke and prod until something in them finally snaps.
She found bodies fascinating. Such complex things. One could only wonder what were the limits.
She started... testing on herself. Seeing how much blood she could lose before passing out. How high she would have to fall to break her legs. Eventually one of her teachers found out what was happening, and of course being concerned, contacted child services. She was mandated to take therapy. She got better, at least in terms of taking care of herself.
Time skip, to high school, where her sister decided to persue a career in education, going to college for it and all set. She wasn't so sure about what she wanted to be. So when asked if she wanted to be an intern at her mother's work, she felt compelled to accept.
She's 18, and an intern at one of the medical research centers that held the first samples of the infection when an 'accidental' contamination of her food ended up turning her. She mainly found out something was wrong when she realized there were some gaps in her memory.
At this point the news of the new 'magic ptsd curing pill' actually holding an infection had broken.
2 weeks. It took two weeks for society to completely fall apart. large buildings were repurposed to be holding centers. People were arrested for even interacting with the infected. Buildings brought down. Innocent civilians killed.
She managed to hide her infection during this time, but one day after waking up and seeing herself in the mirror, she saw her hair had become a light blue silk-like colour and consistency. Her eyes were a sunny yellow, and there were small growths on her neck. She ran away.
(that's where our story starts)
For appearence, she's fairly short, with dark brown skin. Blue hair, yellow eyes.
She's a flora variant. She's based on the Leucocoprinus fragilissimus, also known as the fragile dapperling.
Images of the fragile dapperling below
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Her playlist
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