#Levi Ackerman oneshot
Levi gently laid you down on the bed, being careful of your rounded stomach as he smothers your face and neck in kisses carefully making sure you’re legs are in the right position resting perfectly against his shoulders.
“So what do we say love? Mouth, fingers or dick first?” He asks softly with a soft but slyish smile looking down at you, with red staining all the way over to your ears as you panted just a bit.
“Whichever.” You answer knowing that whatever he decides to do with you will feel as long as he’s the one doing it.
“Whatever you say love.” He says kissing the corner of your lip as he slowly but confidently slips one finger inside, going slowly treating you as if you were the most valuable thing on earth, because to him at least you were.
As a couple minutes past slowly working his one finger to a rhythm he then slowly inserts a second, being gentle of course but the rhythm his fingers have taken to picks up a little.
“Ahh…” You whisper as a moan in his ear as you try to twirl the strands of his hair around your fingers but your so lost in pleasure that it’s hard to focus on anything else.
“That’s right love, relax.” He whispered back to you as his fingers pick up the pace and your back arches with them, both you and him knew you were close to cumming. You didn’t even have to tell him.
Before he can even slip a third finger in, you release around his two slender fingers stuffed inside you.
“That’s my girl.” Is all he says in response with a kiss to your cheek.
@lucysarah-c @levi-ackerman-ds @leviismybby @humanitys-strongest-bamf @jayteacups @shayewrites + any other mutuals or tags I missed!
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Summary: After three weeks apart, Hange plans a get together with the gang.
Pairing: LevixFem!reader
CW: This one shot heavily revolves around the use of alcohol. mentions of smoking and related language. 18+ MDNI.
wc: 3.5k
a/n: First, I'd like to thank @i-lev-you. She has been here to hold my hand through all the sweat and tears of writing my first Levi fic, I truly cannot express how much I appreciate the help and advice I was given. If you do like this, please send some love her way. This cute lil fic is loosely based off of this song, and the scenes were living in my head rent free for weeks prior to writing it, enjoy~
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“Took you long enough.” Erwin teases as you hop into the passenger seat, He texted you fifteen minutes ago letting you know he was out front waiting for you. 
“Don't be dramatic, it was only ten minutes.” you huff, pulling the seat belt over your chest and clicking it into place. Erwin gave you a once over, his gaze halting before turning back and shifting the car into drive. 
“You did your hair for this?” he comments, raising an eyebrow. Doing your hair was a generous observation on his part, you just spent extra time on it for tonight. 
“Yeah, and what's that look for? We haven't been able to get together like this in so long, so I wanted to look a little nice.” It's been three weeks since the five of you could all hang out together. Miche got a new job and Hange had a change in shifts, making it nearly impossible to do something collectively. It just so happens that everyone has the day off tomorrow, so Hange suggested getting together to drink and catch up.
 “It's just us, you never cared like that before. Besides, if this is like any other time your hair’s gonna look like shit by the end of the night anyways. Like that time Miche set your hair on fire lighting that cig for you.” He laughs. You cringe and brush your fingers through your hair in the same area that was singed short, only just recently were you able to make it look like it blends in with the rest of your hair. “Or, that time Hange-” Erwin starts but you quickly interrupt. 
“Okay! I get it, I'm accident prone.” you mumble, giving him a playful glare. “Both of those are better than the time me and Levi had to drag you out to the car which, by the way, wasn't fun.” you smirk, watching his dumbfounded expression illuminate under each street light you pass under
 “Like that compares at all, it was one time, and my birthday” Erwin retorts and gives you a gentle nudge. You shrug in response, looking out the window to see you're already turning down the street that leads to the house that Levi, Hange, and Miche share. “We’re late again, you know how much shit we’re going to get?” 
“Finally!” Hange raves when you walk in with Erwin. You make your way in and take your bottle of contribution to the cooler that was already set up in the living room, stuffing it in and shutting the lid. Almost instantly after, you were met with a fierce hug from Hange. “Late, as always. What was the hold up? Anything interesting?” They beamed, their eyes gesturing hopefully towards Ewrin. You parted from Hange’s hug, shaking your head at their silent accusation. This wasn’t new for the two of you. For as long as you could remember, you both have been teased about your friendship. Everyone constantly begged for you two to finally get together. Erwin is your best friend, and has been for years. The thought has never crossed your mind. The only person who understands that is Levi, he's the only one who never pokes and prods for something more. 
“Thought I heard the lovebirds were finally here.” Miche announced as he emerged from his bedroom. He makes his way into the living room and grabs two beers out of the cooler and tosses one to Erwin as he walks past him. “Catch up” Miche enthusiastically demands, cracking the tab on his can and raising it up to Erwin in a faux cheers. 
“You guys really started without us?” Erwin groans followed by the sharp hiss and snap of his own can. 
“What, were we supposed to wait for the two of you to stop sucking face in the car?” Miche laughs and gestures to you and Erwin both. Erwin rolls his eyes but just as he was about to respond the whole room collectively flinched at the sudden piercing interruption of music that gradually dimmed down to an appropriate volume. All eyes fall on Levi who’s standing in front of the speaker with his phone in his hand. 
“Cleaning playlist, forgot to turn it down earlier.” He explains candidly and takes a swig from the cup in his opposite hand, seemingly unapologetic for the disturbance. 
“Jesus, Levi. When did you get out here?” Miche groans, rubbing his ear melodramatically. Levi ignores him, instead he turns to face the group. “Didn't realize this party was about celebrating Erwin sucking face. I would have stayed in my room had I known.”
 “No one’s staying in their room!” Hange chimes as they make their way to Levi “it’s been three weeks, we should do something fun!” they place their hands on Levi’s shoulders and grin “like a drinking game.” they suggest, approval spreads across the room. 
“Pass.” Levi scoffed, rolling his eyes like he was above the activity. “Looks like you're outvoted.” Hange sings, squeezing Levi’s shoulders and quickly moving to drag the coffee table away from the couch for everyone to sit around. Miche was already on his way in with the bottle and a shot glass.
“Fine. I’ll play but I'm not sharing that shot glass with any of you, I’ll get my own.” he sighs, heading straight for the kitchen. Hange cheers and grabs chasers out of the cooler, lining them around the circular table as everyone settles into their chosen spots. Levi returned shortly after with his own shot glass, you notice a clean rag hanging out of his pocket as he sits in the space left open for him. Miche chooses the game for the group, the rules are simple and easy to follow. It doesn't take long, just a few rounds in and everyone around the table seems to have a pink flush across their cheeks, slurring their words, and laughs at anything anyone says.
“Damn!” Hange rasps out with a cough, slamming the shot glass back down onto the table. At this point in the game Hange was doing horribly, the last 3 rounds of the game they were the one to take the losing shot. They pick up the bottle and shakily attempt to fill the glass up for the next victim. Liquid splashes around the glass as they miss a couple times. 
“Okay,” Erwin says and takes the bottle from them “I’ll fill them from now on.” He adds. “it’d be nice if someone else could start taking the shots!” Hange complained, folding their arms over their chest. 
“That’s entirely on you, Hange.” Erwin pointed out as he finished pouring for them. His hand was stable despite being just as drunk as anyone else at the table, he was always the one who handled the liquor best. 
“Stop losing and you won’t have to take any more.” You laugh and watch Levi lean forward, pick up the glass, and quickly wipe underneath with the rag he’d brought to the circle. Even tipsy he was concerned about keeping things at least a little clean. 
 The next round, Hange takes the losing shot again. “of course!” They spout, taking the bottle from Erwin’s side, forgetting that he was in charge of filling the glass after each shot. Before he could register that Hange had taken the bottle, they were attempting to fill the glass again. With shaky hands Hange tips the bottle too far, causing the rim of the bottle to clash with the shot glass, tipping it over. The jolt alone was enough to cause them to drop the bottle as well. You watch as it rolls off the table, its contents spilling out. 
“Come on, Hange.” Levi groans as he lunges forward. He fails to catch the bottle, forced to watch it spill out and seep into the rug. “Games over.” He announces, immediately going back in with the rag. Levi sets the bottle back upright on the table and Miche gathers up the remnants of their game, wiping the liquor off the cards as he organizes everything back into the box. 
You thread your fingers between Hange’s after they stand up. “Kitchen, Hange.” You sang, guiding them out of the living room. Despite their protests, you decided you both need a water break. You let go of Hange’s hand, and they lean against the counter to the right of the fridge. You grab two glasses from the overhead cabinets and pull the ice tray out of the freezer. “Sooo,” Hange coos as you as you cracked the tray, haphazardly dropping ice into both cups. 
“Yesss,” you mimic back in the same tone, opening the fridge. 
Hange pushes off the counter and leans over the open door “Erwin looks cute tonight, huh?” They try, grinning. 
“Not this again,” you laugh at them and set the first filled cup on the counter behind you. 
“Give me a break!” Hange groans, dropping their head onto their forearms. “You always avoid talking about it, when will you guys give up the act?” You look towards them and your attention is immediately drawn to Levi, who is discarding an arms worth of cans onto the counter. He kneels down in front of the sink and starts digging through the cabinets underneath. 
“It’s not like that, and it never has been.” 
“bullshit, there’s got to be a reason you haven’t just gone for it yet. We can all see how it is between you two” they pried for more. 
“And you’re all wrong” you say as you set the second cup down next to the first. 
“Then what is it? You still have that thing for Levi?” They joke. Your eyes immediately flicker back to Levi, he’s frozen, still knelt down at the sink. You swear you can feel all the color drain from your face. Hange has already started mumbling about a new topic you couldn’t focus on. 
“Hey, four eyes.” Levi stands up from his position, peeling out the trash bag he was digging for. “Keep me out of your fantasies and come help me with your mess” he says, his tone was flat, as usual. He turns away without looking at either of you and walks out of the kitchen. 
“Shit, he heard that?” Hange asks, looking back at you. It's obvious by their face how embarrassed you must look because Hange immediately starts assuring you that it’s fine. 
You walk back out to the living room with Hange, still fighting off the embarrassment from the kitchen. You watch as Hange picks up the various chasers that were still left over from the game. When you turn your attention to Levi your face burns, you wonder if that made everything weird now. “You good? You look like you could use one of these.” Erwin interrupts your thoughts, handing you a new can. You accept and pop the tab.
“You have no idea.” You confirm, taking a drink.  
“What a mess.” He comments and shakes his head, watching as Hange and Levi clean. Just as you open your mouth to reply, Miche caught your attention as he made his way across the living room, careful to walk around the chaos that Hange and Levi were cleaning. When he catches your gaze he raises a hand up, flashing a lighter and gestures towards the back door with a nod "smoke break?" 
"Count me in!" Hange yells, quickly standing and discarding the handful of cups on a nearby side table and making their way out, followed by Erwin. You tip your can back, finish the beer, and make your way to the back door. you lazily slide your shoes on not even bothering to pull the backs up over your heels, you glance behind you to see Levi gathering up the empty cups and beer cans and throwing a couple unopened cans into the cooler placed in the living room. You think for a moment about staying inside and doing damage control with him, maybe you could convince him that Hange was just being dramatic, or using it as a means to prove that they’re right about Erwin. "Come on! What're you doing?" Hange interrupts, pulling you away from the door and sliding it shut, dragging you over to the group. 
"Hange, you really couldn't have said that a worse time." You groan and squeeze your eyes shut, willing another wave of embarrassment away. At this point, you didn’t care about bringing it up in front of Erwin and Miche. You figure Hange would tell them on their own anyway. 
"Said what?" Miche mumbled around the cigarette hanging off his lips, passing the lighter to Erwin. 
"Well.." Hange drawled, a shit eating grin on their face "I may have spilled the beans on her little crush on Levi.. right in front of him." Now both Erwin and Miche were looking right at you, a few moments of silence pass before Erwin raises a brow and glances between you and Hange
"Crush?" His tone was so flat it didn't even sound like a question.
"Levi?" Miche interjected quickly, waiting for you to say you were joking. When the silence began to linger Miche let out a quick snort "like, Levi?" He asked again, his hand gesturing towards the house. "No shit, way to pull the rug from under our feet." He shakes his head in disbelief and nudges Hange with his elbow "you knew and still said your piece about Erwin this whole time? Evil." he laughed 
"Hey, I was told in confidence that she thought Levi was hot one time!" Hange spills out. It was true, months ago you hung out with Hange alone. The two of you decided to have a night in with movies and wine since no one else could join. After a couple glasses you let it slip that you had a small crush on Levi, making sure to paint it as fleeting so the two of you didn't get the same treatment as you and Erwin. "Hey," Hange places a hand on your shoulder "are you alright?"
“I’m just worried about it, I never would have told him that. You saw him in the kitchen, everything is probably going to be so awkward now.” 
"Oh stop, it's Levi!" Hange encourages and pulls you in close by your other shoulder "he doesn't care, he probably won't even mention it" they try to reason with you, but it falls on deaf ears. you were so full of doubt. How could things be normal after this? Were you just supposed to continue on while pretending it didn't happen? That's exactly what you plan to do because there was no chance you could bring it up to his face.  
"I'll be back" you mumble at Hange as you spin on your heels and make your way inside through the back door and decide the bathroom would be a more private place to pull yourself together. 
You admire the photos that hang unsystematically in the hallway, tracing waves on the wall with your finger as you glide through, the music slowly starts to fade the closer you get to your destination and completely muffles as you close the bathroom door. 
"uh, hi?" 
You snap your attention towards the voice, meeting a sharp but forgiving gaze. "Levi, I didn't realize you-." you start, feeling the heat in your cheeks as you stammer for the words to apologize. Levi's stare is unmoving for a moment. He looks down, swiping the cloth off the hook to dry his hands. His eyes dart back to your face. "Your shoelaces are untied." 
You take a moment to register what he just said, double checking that you heard him correctly and glancing down to see the strings loosely hanging off each side of your shoes. "That's how I like them..." When his expression doesn’t change you curse yourself for sounding so dumb. 
"And you're walking through my house with shoes on." he states and you can feel your face burning even more. Duh, Why wouldn't you have remembered to take them off as you came in. Just as you part your lips to muster up what would probably sound like another pathetic attempt at an apology, you notice the small smirk pulling at Levi's lips "Save it. Hange's party, Hange’s mess to clean" He assured you.
You hum in response and started to turn back towards the door to leave "Was that true?" He asked, you can hear a subtle eagerness in the question "What Hange said, I mean" he corrects his tone this time. You’re completely still while a wave of embarrassment washes back over your whole body trying to think of something to say, but you're stuck speechless. Muffled music and Hange’s voice chanting at Erwin to chug from outside quickly fill in the silence. You take a deep breath, realizing that now is your chance to give context. 
“Yeah, but that was so long ago,” you stammer your words and finally turn to face him, he’s closer now. 
“Yeah? How long?” He’s smirking now, arms crossed over his chest, like this is amusing to him. 
“Months.” Was all you could say in response. 
“So what happened? You let eyebrows take my spot?” He teases. 
“You’re starting to sound an awful lot like Hange, It was never like that anyway,” you scoff, not realizing his implication of having a spot. In your attempt to explain yourself you hadn't noticed Levi closing the space between you. 
“You done?” He interrupts, glancing down at your lips then back up. Your eyes meet his and you nod, not trusting yourself to speak. Levi leans in, his fingers brush against your jaw as he reaches out resting his hand at the nape of your neck. He pulls you in gently and pauses briefly before your lips meet. You hear his breath shake before he closes the small space between the two of you. Warmth spreads across your whole body and the intoxication rushes back in. You drape your arms over his shoulders and relax into it, tilting your head to follow his lead. Levi rests his other hand on your hip, pulling you flush against his body and snaking his fingers through the hair behind your head. He guides you back up into the door, his hand acting as a cushion for your head as he moves his lips against yours. Your breath hitches at the gentle impact against the door, you pull your arms back in to cup his face just as he parts from you. He rests his forehead against yours, his breaths coming out in soft pants. Your eyes meet again and just as he parts his lips to say something you hear the back door slide open and shut. Levi quickly pulls back from you, a quiet ‘shit’ falling from his lips. You realize how long you have been missing from the group. Grabbing the door handle you turn back to Levi, he responds with a gestured nod toward the door. A silent agreement that you leave first. You twist the handle and exit the bathroom quickly, closing the door behind you. As you step away from the door Erwin turns down the hall and stops at the sight of you. 
"There you are.” he starts, sounding relieved. “We got worried when you didn't come back and," he stops speaking when you hear the bathroom door click shut behind you. You watch as Erwin's eyes flicker back and forth. You press your eyes shut as Levi slips quietly past you. When the back door slides shut signaling that Levi is outside, you open your eyes. Something is different about Erwin’s posture; he seems stiff and his expression indecipherable. "Oh, looks like that worked out for you then?" He questions, referencing Hange’s slip of the tongue earlier and offering a wistful smile.
"Yeah, I guess it did." You agree, biting back a grin. 
The night died down fast. Miche made sure Hange had more water and got into their bed without issue then retreated to his own room. Erwin has the couch, and you have the recliner, your usual arrangement for nights spent over. The music was silenced, the only light now coming from a single lamp on the side table keeping the room just lit enough for Levi. He paces between the living room and kitchen, picking up the last of the mess left behind from the night. Erwin hasn’t said much since coming back inside. You assume he's not feeling well and decide to leave him alone for the night, you could fill him in tomorrow. You spend your wind down time curled up on the chair, your eyes flicking between your phone and Levi as he moves around the room. "You always had a staring problem, now I know why." he teases.
 "Shut up" you roll your eyes at him, setting your phone down as he walks back towards you. 
"Let's go." He says as he yanks the blanket you were using off of you, tucking it under his arm. 
"Where?" You ask.
"My room, dumbass."
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Taglist: @ackerbootytobbi @amywritesthings
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the-traveling-poet · 2 months
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Her Kind Heart
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How, after all he had seen her endure, could she still smile? How could her heart be so full after being so broken? It was something Levi had admired, and soon came to love. How could he not, when she taught him many a value?
Pairing: Levi x F!Reader
Warnings: none, just platonic-to-lovers, Levi POV
Taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe @pelicanpizza @humanitys-strongest-brat @raginginferno267 @ackermanswifee If you’d like to be added to the taglist for new Levi contact, just DM me :)
A/N: I got this request over on Wattpad, but I wanted to post this here as well. Also ps, I meant to post this earlier in the day (for me, in EST time) but I got into a fight with a drunk man aka my father so it got postponed :)
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Time and time again, he’d witnessed battle outside the walls harden and change many a cadet and captain alike.
They would become closed off, emotionally absent or angry. Some became paranoid and even lashed out against command from angers and griefs understood by themselves only.
Yet others succumbed to their traumas and became a shell of who they once were; a mere shadow of a soldier fighting for a cause they no longer believed in.
Why then, if this held true more often than not, hadn’t she fallen to these outcomes? How was her fate different than anyone else before her?
He’d seen her around HQ often enough to notice her usual cheer undiminished by the obstacles they all faced inside and outside the walls as Scouts. Ever she remained as radiant as the day he’d met her, against the odds he had silently betted upon.
Ms. Y/N L/N. She was as puzzling as she was alluring.
He’d supposed her rise in ranks might dull her gentle approach to her comrades and that kind twinkle ever present in her eye, but these things hadn’t changed. Not once. He’d never once seen even a flinch in her presentation.
How could someone witness such carnage and hopelessness, and yet remain so positive? So in control over their own heart and mind? Yet she managed, with a grace that surprised even the most weathered of veterans.
He’d managed to ask her once, masking indifference to her response despite his inner turmoil. And her answer had been as assertive as ever she always was;
“Someone needs to bring forth the morale in the barracks around HQ, so I stepped up. Many have and many will, so why not me also? Is that an issue?”
“I never said it was an issue, but how can you have the energy for it? Many have filled those shoes and fallen into the same pit they tried to help others out of,”
Levi had recounted, leaned against the stone wall at his back.
At first, he figured by her silence that Y/N wouldn’t have an answer; something he had been banking on. But to his surprise, she eventually met his eye from across the narrow hall with a kind and somehow knowing smile adorning her face.
“Why give up based on another’s downfall? They did what they could with what they had, and that’s what I plan to do. They deserve happiness just as much as myself. As we all do. Even you, Captain. Especially you.”
He’d looked at her differently ever since.
Sure, he could have snapped back with some crude imitation of humor, or pressed his rank above her at the time to show he’d know better than her how far morale got one in this line of work.
But something in him just couldn’t fathom arguing her point; she was right, after all.
And she’d spoke with such a calm certainty, that even he believed her the moment she spoke.
He began to see just how wise in the way of emotions she could be, if one paid close enough attention. And after that first official interaction, he certainly had.
As time passed, in which he mulled her response over daily, he supposed he’d never thought of things her way.
Morale was important to maintain within one’s own squad, to follow command efficiently and without doubt in your leader to complete the mission; or at least attribute to it.
He’d learned this through his training with Erwin following his ‘capture’. So of course, he was sure of this knowledge. Hadn't he been?
But to instill that hope in those around you who couldn’t find it within their own mind and heart to have a hope beyond their mundane lives? Especially those outside the line of command and even outside the military itself that had no connection to her personally? To show them that same hope and leadership, without the military rank to back it up…What would she gain?
What of the merchants he’d witnessed her pass and bid good luck onto? What of the common people she would pass on horseback on her way back into the safety of the walls after an expedition and offer her condolences before she even recognized her own exhaustion? How had they earned her personal reassurance?
He admired this about her, admittedly. It wasn’t often he found himself admiring others, he later came to realize. Not because he felt himself superior to anyone; far from it. Rather, he supposed he’d never allowed room in his heart for such grievances and responsibility outside his personal loyalties. Of course, his loyalties were to saving and freeing mankind; but had he ever considered the finer details of emotion ranging into areas he hadn’t yet reached himself? Or at least, allowed himself to reach?
That was where his friendship with Y/N had first blossomed; over idle chitchat debating one’s idea of freedom, should it come to humanity one day. Soon enough they debated their differing opinions on affairs both inside and outside the military; some of which he came to realize he agreed with her on over his own views. Her care for those around her, regardless of the profit it would gain her, which often times was none, continued to surprise him.
A sullen cadet at wit’s end, a Captain stressed to their limits, a child in the town with a quivering lip…She would tend to them as if they were her own. This in itself took him the longest to understand. And even when he had finally asked, and she had explained, it took him a little longer to fully grasp.
“That cadet wasn’t assigned to you. It’s their Captain’s job to see to their well-being,” Levi had hummed, encountering her after such an event. Y/N had merely shrugged, a warm smile still perched on her lips.
“I didn’t see their Captain around; yet they still looked so distraught.” She’d shrugged.
“You aren’t their mother.” Levi had huffed, though there was no venom to his quip. Y/N seemed to pick up on this, and offered no scowl.
“Why couldn’t I be, at least temporarily? We all need unity in times of uncertainty. That’s what makes us human.”
And how that phrase had stuck with him for years to come. Perhaps it wasn’t so wrong to reach out for guidance and company when needed…
It wasn’t until a handful of years into knowing her as his trusted friend and companion did he realize what allure she held. Not just in spirit, but in beauty; though he supposed deep down he’d always seen her attraction.
Wether it was from the looks he observantly noted with distain from the townsfolk or fellow military men and women in the MP that made him feel bitter, or from the time spent comfortably in her company being guided and comforted by her words alone; he’d realized a little late that he’d fallen for her wise and caring charisma.
Another handful of years would pass with him being stuck in his own denial and self diagnosed delusion, until he’d have the courage to face these ever growing emotions within his heart when they became too much for him to keep silently to himself. And perhaps even a little longer still until he’d actually act upon them.
But for the meantime, he was content with keeping her closer than anyone else around him, devoting his all to her saftey and her well-being in hopes to repay her own emotional support and understanding to him all these years.
Until he deemed the time was right to confess his heart, her ever present serene and calming aura was something he knew he couldn’t ever give up.
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mossgh0st · 5 months
As If It’s Heaven’s Gate (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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Summary | Levi is caught in a dark place following the battle of heaven and earth. Believing he’s undeserving of life’s sweetness, he deprives himself until you show up on his doorstep. Inspired by and based on Too Sweet by Hozier.
Content | Angst, Fluff. Sort of slow burn? No use of y/n. Levi is a grump, reader is shorter than him. Brief mentions of off-screen sex. Italics are song lyrics that each section is inspired by.
Pairings | Levi/Reader. Mentions of Jean/Pieck.
Notes | As soon as I heard Too Sweet, I knew I needed to write about Levi. Header is from ‘kii on Pinterest. Hope you enjoy!
It can’t be said I’m an early bird, it’s 10 o’clock before I say a word. Baby, I can never tell, how do you sleep so well?
After the war, Levi becomes a creature of the night. His meticulous bedtime routine and eves of deep, restful slumber have become wrought with nightmares, teeming with the faces of everyone he’s ever loved having succumbed to their bitter ends. He’s forgone the tea, a relic of a previous era; he now prefers an amber liquid that stings on the way down. A balm that numbs, heavy bottomed glass filled only a quarter of the way. When he ventures beyond the confines of his home, he asks for the tippy top of the top shelf - Levi always takes his whiskey neat.
You know you don’t gotta pretend. Baby, now and then, don’t you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake, smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
Some days, he’s lucky if he retires before the sunrise peeks over the hills and pulls itself up to the high point of the sky. Letters go unanswered, bookshelves less sparse as he fills the majority of his time with thick, leather-bound tomes. The newspaper has becomes the perfect kindling, headlines boasting peace negotiations melt and turn runny with the heat of the blaze. When Levi wakes each hazy afternoon, it’s with the lingering scent of bonfire strung about the atmosphere. His once grey eyes have turned deep, a color so sharpened it resembles the water on a lake just before the claps of thunder rumble and bring down swells of rain.
But while in this world, I think I’ll take my whiskey neat. My coffee black and my bed at three.
He knows he won’t live forever. He’s not at all interested. At this point, he’s pleading for the same sweet release from the world he afforded Erwin. Levi has spent so much time dwelling in the night, the darkness is threatening to become him. Then, you show up, one damp afternoon. Modest sundress, two small bags, a green ribbon tying back your hair. The glow you emanate is too much for him. He wants to be angry, filled with a rage so intense it convinces you to leave running in the midst of the spring storm, ribbon flying behind you. The pit in his stomach solidifies when he can’t bring himself to be irate, softened by the cold flush of your cheeks and the sheepishness of your smile as you stand, delicate in his doorway.
You’re too sweet for me, you’re too sweet for me.
At first, your presence does nothing to alter his routine. You rise with the sun, the first blinks of morning are spent brewing a sweet coffee in his kitchen, silent save the chattering of the birds. The dregs of his previous evening’s fire catching in the wind and mingling with the scent of bitter coffee grounds. Levi rises long after the sun has hit it’s peak, emerging in loose slacks and a half undone shirt, the sleeves rolled. You cross paths only briefly, while he pours his glass of amber whiskey and you prepare your cup of evening tea. A silent understanding has occurred - you can stay, if you don’t intervene. So you read in the overgrown garden, take your coffee with milk and two sugars, visit the bookstore, the seamstress down the block from the town’s main square, and worry about him only when you are tipping over the ledge into sleep.
But who wants to live forever, babe? You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate.
The first change is subtle: tea leaves are disappearing faster than you’re brewing them; you know he’s dipping into the store after you retire each evening. Then, when the usual night terrors creep up again, plaguing your mind and leaving your lungs in a vice grip, the second change occurs. Levi waking and comforting you after a string of particularly violent dreams, a different sort of understanding passes when he murmurs, “I still see them, too.” You find him in your bed then, most mornings. Your routines still separate, bodies occupying different halves of the day for weeks. Coffee, bookstore, seamstress, reading, garden. It continues on, life in your solitary bubbles, except the brief overlapping in the early morning when your breaths mingle in the same space between your sleeping forms.
I wish that I could go along, babe, don't get me wrong.
The paradigm shifts once more when he begins to rouse the same time as you. A brief wave of shame washes over you as you realize he’s already awake, you cannot observe his closed eyes and smoothed forehead, the lines of his face set in peace, the soft parting of his lips, or the slow rise of his chest beneath the thin blankets. That morning, you show him how to make the coffee, and he grumbles after burning the first pot, squinting in the bright light. He notices you smiling out of the corner of his eye and something rattles around in his chest. You add three sugars to your cup. He accompanies you to both the bookstore and the seamstress, his silent presence a new comfort. Levi wants to ask why you chose him, chose his home, when there are happier and more accommodating friends, current or former members of the 104th. There’s no doubt in his mind that you’d be better off with someone like Mikasa, in her quiet cottage by the sea. Even Jean and Pieck, or hell, Reiner and his family.
You're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain.
Within a few months, Levi’s world has changed. It’s brighter, fuzzy around the edges. There’s a few sundresses in the closet of his room, a growing stack of books on his dresser. A knit shawl is draped over the chair in the living room; and the guest bed hasn’t been used in several weeks. He lets her brew the coffee in the morning, his palate now well suited for the taste, and takes chrysanthemum tea in the evenings. The garden has a bench now, front row to the beds of geranium, lavender, and snapdragon. When you smile at him through the kitchen window, an understanding dawns on him, an awakening blooms inside of him. He’s seen this look before, many times; over a shared water jug during an expedition, sleepy and exhausted over a fire surrounded by their comrades, during meetings with military leadership, after the battle of heaven and earth, and on the day you were assigned to his squad. You would never go to Mikasa’s, or to Jean and Pieck, even Reiner, or anyone else. He would never let you.
Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape.
The first touch of morning is chill, a breeze dancing its way through the open window, sheet gathered at his waist as Levi rouses from sleep. He hears your hums from the kitchen and swings his feet over the bed. He’s drawn to you like bees are to flowers, cloying aroma and sunlight and all things good. Forgoing the tie of his robe, he begins purposeful strides down the hall. Then, you’re there, back turned and hair down. The hem of your pale nightgown sways as you wait for the pour of coffee, glowing in the sunrise, hands over your upper arms to stave off the late summer air. You’re lost in a daydream. Levi comes to stand behind you, listening to the melody you hum quietly. The deprecating, nagging voice he contends with daily in his mind is quieted - it’s just you now; always you.
If you could sit in a barrel, maybe I’d wait.
It’s quiet when he slides an arm around your waist, body warm and flushed. It’s quiet when you turn in his hold, meeting his grey gaze with lingering surprise and pink cheeks. It’s quiet as he pulls you in closer still, hands coming up to rest on his chest. Quiet, as Levi brushes his forehead against yours, eyes closed, fingers flexing in their hold of you. Completely silent, as he tilts your chin up, up, up, and brushes his lips with yours. The taste of you nothing like he had ever dreamed, and oh, had he dreamed. When you push up onto your toes to deepen the pressure, sigh into his mouth, his black bitter heart nearly bursts through his chest.
Until that day…
And when he takes you shortly after, coffee long forgotten, limbs so tangled it’s near impossible to discern where you end and Levi begins, lips parted and dewy with sweat and each other; he can only think of the sweetness this life has afforded him in you, how the bitterness of his past has made way for this belonging.. well. There’s truly no such thing as too sweet, is there?
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moonologyy · 10 months
The expression of love given to you. 
warnings; none . just fluff .
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If there’s one thing Gabi will admit, she isn’t as observant as Falco.
She’ll admit that wholeheartedly, along with her obliviousness, when it comes to the expression of love. Yet, it happened to her when Falco desired to get married to her and have a prolonged, happy life, confessing his feelings in the midst of a war despite the anguish and sorrow that surrounded them. It was honestly embarrassing to hear Falco explain the concept of it, but she sees it. The idea of love revolves around her. The affection between her family, the love Annie has, pining over Armin as they haven’t made their relationship official, and the love that friends share with each other.
When Gabi visits Levi's teashop a few streets away, she discovers another individual seating near the shop's window. You were unknown in her eyes and quite pretty, particularly with the rays of sunlight emphasizing and radiating among all of your features. Gabi was prepared to hurry into the teashop seconds before she caught sight of Levi's gaze of tenderness, love, and molten gold pouring affection into his eyes towards you. Her steps faltered, coming close to the store, but far enough for Levi to not notice her figure standing around the streets.
You grasped his whole attention on yourself, like you both were the only ones in the entire world, focusing only each other. Nothing else. 
Her jaw drops, pausing in her stead as people ignore her figure, walking past her to their destination. 
In the same way, she felt like the universe paused for her, focusing on the two figures that were conversing with each other. Even from watching afar, Gabi notes the hint of redness on Levi’s cheeks on his scarred face. Gabi felt like she was opening one of those romance novels that women were geeking about in their little tea party. It was abnormal for Gabi to see the proclaimed ‘Humanity’s Strongest’ from Paradis, radiating coldness, and a wall of titanium that couldn’t be broken down, but she doesn’t see that at all. 
Something about watching them both was heart-warming to see. That the man who obviously seems to have lost everything in life has someone that walked into his life, brightening his life. Gabi observes the way you throw your head back in laughter, for something Levi had said, giving you a hint of a small smile from the corner of his lips. 
Gabi came to the conclusion that this established relationship between you and Mr. Levi must’ve been ongoing for a long while.
Then a hand settled on her shoulder, startling her with a yelp, turning to face the familiar blonde. “Gabi! What’re you doing standing around?” Falco laughs from startling her before apologizing. “Uh, it’s just… Do you perhaps want to grab something to eat before we see Mr. Levi?” Gabi speaks without thinking of the context it may come behind, wanting to leave you and Levi alone for a bit, having the blonde and herself overcome with redness. “I-uh,” he stuttered. “Sure?” Falco agrees unsurely with a crack in his voice, having Gabi nervously grasp onto his arm to the opposite direction of the teashop, having no idea where to go to eat.
Gabi didn't bother glancing back, but if she did, she'd notice two pairs of eyes trailing them. You were grinning at them, entertained at how clumsily they were acting with one another, vanishing from your perspective as the gentleman standing behind you sighed in contentment, knowing Gabi must have been watching them and making the choice to leave them alone.
“Hey, you don’t mind if I stick around do you?” You asked, “your little helpers seem to have gone on a little date.” You joked to yourself, waiting for Levi’s response as he felt a flush of heat rush the back of his neck, seeing the pretty smile you give him. 
“Just don’t make a mess in my shop.” 
“You know I don’t leave a mess!”
“At your house, you do.”
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isuckatwritingsobenice · 10 months
Actor Levi doing the wired interview with the fiancé reader? How would that go? Would he be as affectionate on screen?Headcannons pleasê
A/N: I’m living for the Actor AU now that thw show is over 😪 🫶
Warnings: none!
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
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The two of you were asked to a wired interview together, after recently announcing your engagement
with the end of Attack on Titan, it now gave you both more time to spend with each other and to take a break from work
it was an early friday morning when the two of you got to the studio where you were supposed to record the interview
“Hello, this is Y/N L/N,” You said, looking over to Levi who just smiled at you.
“and this is Levi Ackerman, and this is the Wired autocomplete interview.”
They decide to start off with Levi, his board being the funniest out of the two of you. He’s handed the board and peels off the tape when the camera begins to record.
“Has Levi Ackerman ever jumped out of a plane?” He reads.
“That’s an odd one.” You say chuckling. Levi just smiles awkwardly and shakes his head.
“I don’t recall ever jumping out of a plane…” He said, looking to the side of the screen. “If you were looking for spoilers don’t come to me.” He whispered to the camera. You laugh and lightly hit his shoulder.
“When did Levi Ackerman start acting?” He reads. He sits back in his chair for a moment before looking at you.
“When did you start acting?” You ask. He shrugs.
“Honestly, I think Attack on Titan is like the biggest acting role I’ve ever gotten.” He said, before you nodded.
“But did you work as an actor before that?” You ask, and he thinks for a moment.
“I was on law and order once, and it was like a jury scene as an extra.” He said with a laugh. Your eyes widened.
“Law and order?” You asked and he nodded.
“ Yeah, my agent was like just take it and I did. I think modeling was what helped the most though.” He said.
“Well you do have a great face.” You reply. He rolls his eyes before he moves to take off the next piece of tape.
“Where does Levi Ackerman live?” He reads. There’s a long pause before he looks at you and then back at the camera.
“Y/n where do we live?” He asks
“Last time I checked we lived in Washington.” You respond sarcastically. He nods, tapping his chin in fake thought
“Right right, that big white house. Mortgage was expensive.” He says raising his brows. The two of you laugh, and he just takes the next piece of tape off.
“Is Levi Ackerman married?” He reads. “Uh no not yet, soon though.” He says, flashing his ring finger. You do the same and the two of you give each other a cheeky look.
“Okay I guess it’s my turn.” You say as they hand you a board. You peel the first tape off. “Is Y/N single?” You read off.
“Yes she is. A date is $6,000, a kiss is an extra $2,000. Overnights are for VIP users.” Levi says. You roll your eyes before you give him a look.
“What if someone says they’re a VIP user?” You ask, he scoffs.
“They can’t be a VIP user, I’m the only VIP user.” Levi says sarcastically.
“Well that solves it.” You say. The next piece of tape comes off. “Can Y/n dance?” You read off.
“No.” You reply. Levi rolls his eyes.
“Yes she can. She chooses not too. But she’s not bad at it.” Levi says with a shrug. You roll your eyes with a chuckle before peeling off the next piece of tape.
“ Is Y/n going to cochella? I actually don’t know yet.” You say ‘as a matter of factly’
“Who’s preforming this year?” Levi asked
“I’m not actually sure. I don’t even know if the line up came out yet.” You say before pulling off the last piece of tape.
“Are Y/n and Levi Ackerman dating?” You read out. You both laugh. “No we’re just good friends.” You say, and he nods.
“Yeah, we just have matching rings but we’re just friends.” Levi said, “We also live together as friends.”
“Yeah, I’m actually dating Zeke.” You say. At that Levi gives you the side eye and shakes his head.
“We’re joking guys she’s not dating Zeke.” Levi said sitting up, staring at the camera. “We were joking.”
You laugh, leaning over your seat to press a kiss to his cheek. He just huffs leaning back with a roll of his eyes when you pull away.
The scene cuts again, this time the two of you without boards and just casually sitting in your chairs. Levi is still in a mood from your comment but it’s all in good spirits.
“Now that, that’s all cleared,” You say with a sigh, looking over to Levi who’s still in his feelings. “I’m glad we could clear the air on some things.” You say, and he nods.
“Thanks for watching, it better be worth it.” Levi said with fake anger. You laugh, the cameraman giving you both the signal that the camera had stopped rolling. Levi sighed stretching a bit into his chair.
“You know I love you right?” You ask, hoping to ease his ‘pain’
“Of course you do, who wouldn’t?” He replies with a smirk.
“Guess you aren’t so in your feelings after all.”
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rivangel · 6 months
hello! how r u doing?
can u write something angsty with either no comfort or comfort at the end (whatever u want). basically, reader has been having a pretty shitty week and has been working nonstop, and is the type to not about what's bothering them until they can't contain it anymore or they're calm enough to talk about it because they know they can get snappy and say some very sharp words that can be very hurtful. levi of course knows that, because he is our observant pookie, and leaves the reader alone, just acts normal. one night, let's say levi maybe says something snarky or whatever, that the reader has been some pretty bad attitude which is unlike them, and usually reader wouldn't take his words seriously and know that he's perhaps trying to help them open up. this time, it doesn't go the wau it's supposed to, and reader just fully snaps at levi and say some very harsh, petty and hurtful words to him. the rest is up to u!
and thank u btw, i love ur content❤️
yes, yes i can. ty for such a detailed rq :) this became angstier than intended😭but it's ok bc it was 10x more painful to write being mean to levi.
reader/us also has a distinct personality kind of built off the way you described, so i hope it's what you expect😅
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➥ pairing: Levi x gn!reader
➥ c/w: college!au, Levi pov, Levi not realizing he has trauma for 1400 words, apologizing, selective mutism...?, heavy hurt and some comfort
➥ wc: 1.4k
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If ever he ranked cleaning activities in his mind (which he has), organizing isn’t very high, but it doesn’t occur to him not to help you out with the little things when your week has been poisoned with the dual evils, shitty and exhausting.
Ever since you got back from class, you’ve sat there at your desk. He’s kept you in the corner of his eye, and that same scowl from an hour ago is still there, illuminated by the light of your laptop. You’ve paid it more attention than to anything else—which is not at all, even to your basic needs. 
It’s best to give you space when that look is on your face, and has and will continue to, but not when it comes to eating and-or sleeping. Other than that, he’s content in the background. Whatever he does to help out, you always notice, and tell him thank you with a weak smile, but not today—today when you look particularly like you’re at your wit’s end.
When he finished organizing the apartment (including the fridge), he bypassed your desk and sat on his computer playing solitaire for a solid half-hour. Inevitably, he gets bored, and he’s giving you as much time as he’s willing to before he drags you out to eat something.
Unsatisfied without the job completely done, he rolls up his sleeves and starts at the end of your desk by emptying your pencil sharpener, making a face at how full it is.
To his satisfaction, your focus hardly wanes. Which is good, but he knows how you like everything anyway. With an undistinguishable but distinct fondness, he notes your quirks; even the way you hold your pen melds with your existence in his mind. 
Or no, maybe that’s wrong. You’re a part of him; not a visitor, or even a resident, of his heart and mind.
“Levi, I need those pencils; leave them there.”
You’re referring to the plastic tin of a few colored pencils in his hand, which sat near the middle beside your computer. He looks at you, but you’re definitely serious about it, so he sets it back down.
“If you say so.”
You say nothing and go back to your work. Skipping the tin (which he wants to wash because of all the gross graphite smears and shavings at the bottom), he takes the pencil case beside that, and pops it open. An eraser found its way into a sea of colored pencils somehow somehow, as well as crayons—probably Hange. Not too long ago you had them over working on a class project. He starts picking out these imposters.
“Levi,” you huff, your expression severe as you look daggers at him. “Just leave it alone.”
“Tch, you’re kidding. You’d rather I waste my time sorting the bookshelf in reverse alphabetical order instead? That’s stupid, so why?”
He always gets ‘Are you okay?’ wrong, but this time you turn towards him with your fist tightly curled over your notebook. He doesn’t look startled, but he barely catches the beginning of your revile.
“Stop messing around!—I just told you to stop fucking with it, so quit being a fucking idiot and get out of my space!! This is so stupid, do you not see I’m busy!? ‘Cuz you clearly can’t listen!”
Ironically the angrier you sound, the less emotion shows on his face. Only at the end—you already look guilty—amidst silence like a bomb’s fallout, he wears the scowl of a frightened animal.
He waits until your lips start moving to turn around and leave. 
At the door, he stops again with his hand clutching the knob, and glares at you over his shoulder. When your lips go to form his name, he slams it harder than necessary.
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This is so stupid.
That was far from the first time someone has yelled at him in his life, and besides, is getting yelled at not an experience absolutely everyone’s had?
Even so, he can’t seem to make himself do fuck-all besides quietly sit, sit in your dark kitchen at the dining table, his legs folded to his chest. He feels like a gargoyle—odd, ancient, and unthinking. 
Maybe he just never expected you would ever lose your temper, which is naive of him.
He doesn’t know what to do, until, your voice speaking softly makes him bolt up straight. 
“I’m sorry, can I turn this on…?” you ask softly.
For now, your profile is merely a black shadow in the doorway, with your back illuminated by the one in the tiny hall. The switch you’re gesturing to would light up above the oven, rather than the whole room.
He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. But it’s not a no. 
Despite the nature of turning on a light, it feels so slow.
He must’ve sat a while, because he even cringes, blinking feverishly. Before his vision even adjusts, the guilt etched into your expression is almost painful for him to look at, like a cavernous gorge shoveled into the earth miles wide and deep. You’re holding something to your chest.
“I’m so sorry for snapping like that. You didn’t do anything wrong at all. I’m so sorry, Levi. I’m never, ever too busy—fuck, I was frustrated and I never should take it out on you, not in any way, ever. I’m the one who’s an idiot.”
As you speak, you come until you’re by the table, standing like a magnet constantly being repelled from it. 
Then you set what you were holding down in front of him—one, an expensive piece of paper (the kind that bends, not tears) with a drawing of some sort he doesn’t want to look at right now, and a rice cake wrapped in clingy wrap. 
His favorite. 
“I’m so so sorry,” you continue apologizing profusely. At this point your eyes are wet, but they keep darting away, with your nails surely leaving half-moon-shaped indents in your knuckles. You pray very quietly, “I’ll do anything ‘cuz you’re everything.”
Wide-eyed, he can’t seem to respond except for a raw sound in his throat after you say that. An instinct seems primal, as much as pumping blood is, that if he says anything, the likelihood that you’ll leave him will increase an unknown amount. 
Normally he’s so calm under pressure, and he didn’t say anything before either—you’ll get the wrong idea. The best thing he can think of is to robotically slide the offerings closer.
You’re still trying not to cry when you go. 
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He stays there, just as he was, for another little while. He’s not really feeling anything, but at the same time, he’s running out of breath from the effort to calm down. 
The way you clearly felt is probably what you get, but he doesn’t want that for you anyway. Even if you did mean any of it.
But you didn’t.
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It’s midnight or so—too early for Levi to usually be asleep but very late for him to be coming to bed—when he taps the bedroom door open with a few fingers and slinks inside. To prevent from waking you up, he did most of his business in the bathroom in the dark. 
It now helps him make out the shape of you under the covers on your side of the bed. He comes like a wraith, so much that he’s near-silent crawling into bed beside you, and using the edge of the covers to slip under.
Your back is in front of him. He wants to make sure you know it’s okay… but he doesn’t know how. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead right between your shoulder blades and the thin material of your tank top, the only place you’re touching. You’re warm, you smell good. 
By the slight hitch in your breathing then, you know he’s here. 
After a while, he brings his hand up to your waist, or rather a bit before it. It’s not long before you gently rest your fingers on top of his. He lets them slot in-between.
His eyes are heavy. He doesn’t bother opening them as he reaches around, bringing you his way, with your head nestled in his chest. That’s the only time you make a move, since he made it clear it’s okay for you to.
He holds you tightly and breathes you in. You both relax.
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Levi masterlist | main masterlist
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levis-coffeecup · 9 days
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chapter 29| Turning Page
The underground is filthy and dark. Dim lights, dull alleys, and desperate hearts. A place Levi knows as well as the back of his hand, and a place he would do anything to get out of.
Chapters of life roll by and with the turn of a page, things drastically change. In front of him is the opportunity to live on the surface. And the flimsy bridge that he has to cross. From an uncivil criminal to a disciplined soldier.
But life on the surface seems tougher amidst all the mockery, civilities, and the gaping hole left in his heart, after the demise of his dear friends Isabel and Farlan.
canon- compliant, canon-typical violence, spoilers for No Regrets OVA, descriptions of PTSD, grief, depression, heavy angst and themes, strong language, self-hate, physical assault.
Author’s Note
OMG hiii guysss!
Can't believe that this is the last chapter!! There's so much gratitude in my heart right now. This has been a long long (irregular🤡) ride, and I'm grateful to everyone who's sticked around!
I've tried my best to write an amazing chapter since its the last, which is why this got so delayed. (And I might also have been overworked to the core at work lol ) But there's going to be a long ass note at the the end of the chapter about everything!
Song for the final chapter is by Turning Page by Sleeping at Last!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Masterlist | Playlist | Other Works
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It’s an hour past 12, and Levi sits on his balcony looking at the midnight sky.
The thick veil of pollution prevents the stars from being visible. Instead there's street lights and high beams from cars, twinkling on the ground.
He misses the stars from Paradis. It was the first thing he fell in love with once he came to the surface. And he wonders, whether Mae is looking at the stars and thinking of him as well?
The world outside the walls is beautiful.
There are soaring cathedrals that almost reach the sky, and beautiful temples with the most intricate architecture. There’s snow capped mountains and beautiful cherry blossoms. And everyday, from his tiny balcony, he gets to see the sun sink below the sharp silhouette of the towers.
He’s getting to experience the world his comrades died for.
But as beautiful the outside world is, it isn’t home
The development of technology seems unfamiliar. And the people around him haven’t lived their entire lives caged in fear. These people don’t know the cost of freedom.
It has been so long since he’s been back home.
It’s been so long since the Rumbling too.
The earth was left razen. Mountains crumbled to dust and forests burnt to ashes. Countries had simply been wiped off the face of the earth. Years of civilization and developmentsnuffed out in an instant, with no one to record their names.
But against the odds, humanity managed to survive. Traumatized and beaten, but still alive.
Miraculously Levi made it too.
Jean and Connie found him half dead, on the foot of Fort Salta. He was lapsing in and out of consciousness. Devoid of the strength to even stand up.
Tents were made into makeshift hospitals, food was meager. And his first few months were spent on a wooden cot,bed ridden with the stinging pain of his knee and his yearning for Mae.
He yearned to see her when he was trapped with Zeke for a month, he yearned to see her when he woke up with searing pain and bandages all over his face. And now the war was over, but he couldn’t get back to her.
The Rumbling destroyed everything humanity had ever strived for. Rail tracks, roads, ports, farms… everything was abolished as an aftermath.
It was impossible to get to the other side of the world.
Gradually Levi recovered, it took him almost a year. But his strength never returned. The tiniest task would turn him breathless, and the sight in his right eye was gone for good.
The doctors diagnosed him a plethora of health problems. And he was never allowed to look weak, but now he was in a wheelchair, needing help to pick things up from the floor. Life dealt him one blow after another.
Armin, Jean and Connie became busy, making peace with the remaining nations. Mikasa never returned. And Levi found himself, all alone. With a chaotic mind, and too much time on his hands.
Soon the Allied Nations rescued all the survivors from the Titan Waste Lands. Marley was no more, so most refugees ended up taking asylum in Hizuru.
And by the courtesy of Kiyomi Azumabito, Levi was gifted an apartment in the center of the city hall, and citizenship. A tiny apartment in between a lush square, in the city center.
It was tiny, but homely enough. And he would love sitting on the balcony and watching the outside world.
Life got more comfortable and Levi got to see the sights his comrades died for.
But there were still days where he barely had enough strength to pick his remaining fingers. Those days were the worst. And he felt like the walls of his apartment would swallow him up.
The purpose of his life was over. Hange was gone. Erwin was gone. Life came crashing down.
And sometimes, under the flicker of a candlelight, at his tiny desk, he would close his eyes, and imagine that he’s back in Mae’s old house. Learning the alphabet, listening to the soft scratches of her pen as she corrected his writings. It seemed like lifetimes had passed since then.
Mae was always with him, through all his hurdles he faced on the surface. And now he had to face an awfully big one, without her.
So he decided he’ll start to learn writing again. With two fingers of his right hand gone, he had to re-learn how to hold a pen again. He told Onyaknapon to get him books, so he could trace over letters, trying to perfect every curve. Just the way Mae had taught him.
It gave him a sense of purpose, and it also made him feel close to her in some way.
It took three years for the Yeagerists to finally agree to a cordial discussion with the Alliance. Historia sent letters to everyone. And this morning the Alliance left, back to their hometown.
Armin did extend an invitation to him too. But Levi didn’t want to be associated with the world anymore. He didn’t have the strength for it nor the will. His job was done.
“Captain,” A voice pulls him out of his thoughts. Behind him is a sliding door that leads to his room. And on the bed sits Onyakapon.
He points at the three thick journals that take up most of his space in his briefcase.“Are you sure you want to take these back?”
And Levi contemplates. Paper doesn’t spoil, and he should rather carry some spare clothes to keep himself clean.
“Leave the journals there.” His voice comes out gruff, and then it turns wispy. Everything he’s ever felt in these years without her and his limbs, is penned in these flimsy sheets of paper.
“It’s letters I have written to her.” There is no need to clarify. There’s no need to carry his journals all the way back either. But he does it either way. The war has changed him. And Levi realises he doesn’t have to torture himself anymore.
“I’m surprised you never got her to meet us.” Onyakapon smirks. He could have never guessed the captain had a lover.
And a faint smile appears on Levi’s lips as the curve of her smile plays on his mind. He wonders if she found the pearl ring and his letter. He never found the courage to directly hand it to her.
It’s been three years. Three long painful years. Perhaps, she’s forgotten all about him.
“Tch, as if I’ll let you filths near her.” He brushes his feelings off. Masking his thoughts with harsher words. Some things truly never change.
A flight passes over his head, he’ll probably sit in the next one.
“I hope everything is safe out there, hope there’s no hostility.” Onyakapon mumbles as he closes the briefcase.
And Levi gets off from his wheelchair, limping towards his bedpost. “No harm from a guy in a wheelchair.” He tries to joke, but there’s a prick in his heart.
He can’t pick things from the shelf. Some Days he also needed help to get to the toilet. And even though he’s returning back to Mae, there’s nothing he can do for her now.
And while happiness was never a part of his destiny. He hopes she’s happy. At least one of them must be.
“Well if things are bad, you can always come back here captain.” Onyakapon’s voice cuts through the constant torture of his thoughts.
The words bring him enough solace to take him through the night. A rare smile tugs on his lips. “Thanks Onyakapon.”
It’s going to be a long trip.
It’s 10 am, and it’s sweltering hot in Mitras. Sweat clings to Levi’s skin, and he wipes it off with the back of his hand.
His briefcase sits on his lap. And he pushes his wheelchair through the dirt road,
Vast meadows stretch in front of him. The air is fresh, and a plethora of apple trees border the sides of the road. Its shade is very welcome in the sun.
Farmhouses are scattered at a distance, crops grow in structured rows. And Levi taps his heel, as he moves past them mindlessly. His thoughts are only set on one.
Historia told him Mae’s house was at the end of the apple plantation. Luckily the terrain is flat, and he’s able to maneuver his wheelchair with ease.
Nonetheless, it’s been a tiring ride.
The royal guards did offer to escort him to Mae’s house, but he declined the offer. The moment approaching was too personal to share with a bunch of strangers.
Soon, what he’s searching for comes to vision, and eagerly he moves forward.
100 meters away from him, down the mud path, is a humble home. Its stone walls are smooth, worn out by time. And the roof is thatched with wood and straws.
There’s a small garden at the front, with saplings that are beginning to sprout. And a few meters away from it all is a park. The sight of which bubbles a bittersweet feeling in Levi's chest.
“This is it.” He exhales, cherishing the cold air on his lips. It’s a breath that he’s been holding in for too long. A yearning that has been living in his heart for years now.
His mind jogs back to a small trip they took 5 years back, on Mae’s birthday. She had booked a small cabin nestled in the middle of farmland.
He still remembers the smile on her face, and the way her eyes crinkled in the sunlight.
Her hair flowed in the wind, and he thoughtlessly followed it. Too enamored by the happiness she radiated.
The birds sang, and the lillies seemed to beam.
Stories were told by the fireplace, and they would stargaze from the flower field. Cuddling under the sheets of the stiff bed, and eating lunch under a tree's shade.
She laughed, then he smiled. And for a fleeting moment, Levi had escaped from all his responsibilities.
He realized he could spend his entire life this way, under the shadow of the sun, and the warmth of their love. He couldn’t care less about saving the world, or his tea shop even…
He just wanted to be here with her.
But time stopped for no one. And Levi’s prayers had a habit of going unheard.
And now, 5 years later, life has brought him here again. In a secluded countryside so full of beauty and peace, and so unlike him.
This is the kind of life Mae had always wanted to live. Away from the bustle of the city, where she could spend countless hours looking at the stars.
The door to her house softly clicks. And Levi leans forward, with his breath caught in his throat.
He has felt her caress in the warmth of the sunlight. He’s heard the faint echo of her laughter in the rustling of the leaves. Every breath, every movement, was just in the hopes that he’d get to see her again.
Seasons passed by like shadows, and now finally he’s finally here, moments away from her. The journey has been staggeringly hard.
Time passes at a lumbering pace, and Levi feels like he can almost hear the creaking of the door, as it gets swinged open.
Out steps a man with a basket in his hand. He’s well built and tall, and donned in a casual attire.
And Levi’s heart drops to the floor as a sickening feeling of jealousy takes over. All of a sudden the blood is thunderous in his ears.
He feels like he can’t breathe And his heart burns at the thought that her gentle smile turns to a man who isn’t him.
A moment later, a toddler comes out, chasing behind the man.
And Levi clutches the sides of his wheelchair so tight, that his knuckles turn white.
He feels like he’ll vomit.
Like salt to his wounds, the man picks up the child. And she smiles so bright, he can see her sweet giggle, even though it's barely audible in the distance.
The man kisses the toddler’s cheeks, and takes her to the park. And Levi watches the scene with a sting in his eye.
He was her lover once but now he's a mere bystander. A powerless man who can do nothing but just watch. The realization is like a punch to his gut, and a bittersweet memory comes to Levi’s mind.
On their last night in the cabin, he told Mae he didn’t have the time to get her a birthday present. And then she shed a silent tear, telling him how she felt like she’s carrying the entire relationship.
It wasn’t too far from the truth. He had too much on his mind as a soldier. And life was not easy when the weight of humanity rested on your shoulder. Some days he didn’t even have the time to think of her.
And Levi knew he was being selfish by keeping her chained to him, but his heart didn’t know a way of living without her.
He asked what he could do to make it up to her, and she asked him to run away to a peaceful place.
All she had ever wanted was to stay next to him.
The decision was clear in his head then, but now he wonders if he should have just eloped with her… It's not like all the wars he’s fought have turned this world into an ideal place.
The impermanence of life… It’s something that he still can’t comprehend.
What is born shall die, what has started shall end. People come and go out at their own pace. The good moments turn stale, and eventually everyone ends up alone, with only memories to comfort them. Time is truly a fickle piece of shit.
The man places the toddler on the swing, before he heads the other way. And Levi gets consumed by his thoughts.
He had people who he once held close too. Erwin, Hange, Isabel, Farlan. But they left.
He wasn’t prepared for their deaths, but somehow he made his peace with it.
But he's not ready to let Mae go yet.
Not when her name is etched in the depths of his heart. Not when her thoughts have troubled him day and night. His heart yearns for her so deep, it doesn’t know another way of living.
It was supposed to be his kid, she was supposed to be his wife. He wanted to start his tea shop too. Life just had some other plans after all.
There were days when he didn’t have the strength to get out of his makeshift bed, there were days where his injuries hurt so much, he thought he’d prefer death over the pain of living like this. But he pushed and pushed.
Because at the end of this tunnel, he saw her.
The sweet end of his tiresome journey, The reward for his unyielding perseverance. His home after years of loneliness.
But it’s been three years now. And she’s not his anymore.
A part of him wants to throttle this man, for laying his hands on her. And a part of him wants to hate on her too. But it isn’t her fault as well.
His heart has been placed in the palm of her hand for far too long. And if she decides to break it, then he’ll just have to disseminate.
He guesses he’ll just have to live with the weight of being all alone.
The silence consumes,
And Levi taps his heel in frustration.
Time passes by painfully slowly. And one minute turns into fifteen.
The man and toddler are long gone now, but Levi still continues to bleed on the edge of his seat. He continues to sweat in the heat. Too nervous to move forward, yet too regretful to turn away.
Old habits die hard, he guesses.
The strength to move forward wanes from his body and every breath he takes only shatters his composure into pieces. He never thought he’d have to taste defeat, after winning over the entire world.
There’s some shuffling in the woods, and he swivels around aghast. His reflexes are not as sharp as he used to be. And he’s too exhausted to put on the act of a stone cold person.
He tries honing on the sound of movement but what use would that even be?
Back in the day he had the strength to beat any person to a pulp. But now with his crippled leg, he’s more of a burden, than a lover.
His hands trace back to his scars, a habit he has recently developed. And insecurity floods his mind.
He feels stupid pondering over something as trivial as his appearance. He wouldn’t even pay it a thought when he was in the Survey Corps. But he’s on the way to meet the love of his life and there’s these scars on his face that make him look fucking hideous.
The pit he's falling into is not unfamiliar. It’s something that bothers him everytime he looks into the mirror.
And in the haze of his insecurities. A sweet voice finds him.
He gasps, slowly turning towards the voice.
A little girl peeks at him from behind a tree trunk. He can’t see much of her, as she’s a few feet away, partly covered between the dense layers of trees. But he recognises her as the same child, who stepped out of Mae’s house a few moments ago.
The silence stretches, and she continues looking at him. With her eyes all wide and beaming. And Levi sighs, not knowing how to react.
He decides he doesn’t have it in him to see Mae or her happy family. He’ll just come back another day, when his heart hurts a little less.
And so he turns his wheelchair around, almost taking a U turn. But the same innocent voice stops him again.
“Dadd-a,” the girl squeals, and her tiny shoes squeak as she waddles towards him.
And Levi feels stumped, when she wraps her tiny body around his leg.
He’s always been quick to react to situations, but now he’s frozen.
He wonders why this little girl is hugging his leg, and how she’s not scared of how scary he looks with the huge scars on his face.
And as much bitterness his heart holds at the cruel turn of fate, her purity washes it away. Slowly, gently, deliberately. His features soften, and he decides the least he can do is drop her back home to safety.
He huffs, bending down to pick her up. And as he lifts her up by her armpits, his eyes are met with the same shade of silver.
Her skin is pale, papery white in complexion and her hair is the same shade of midnight black as his. Everything from the shape of her face to the shade of her lips comes from him. And there’s also a little cravat tucked inside her red polka dot dress.
“Daddaaa,” she chimes as if she recognizes him.
And a shuddered breath escapes his lips. Her smile… It comes from Mae.
She is his. Theirs. A part of him and a part of Mae.
And Levi has faced strong emotions before. He’s had his stomach churn with anxiety, and he’s had his heart overrun with grief and loss. He’s always anticipated all the things that could happen in his future, trudged every moment with caution. But no amount of preparedness could prepare him for the moment in front of him.
His hands tremble, as he puts her down on the floor. He’s a father now… he’s been a father for the past 3 years. It's too much to process. And his heart beats so fast in his chest, he’s afraid it will break out of his ribs.
“Lilly, Lilly,” A familiar voice cuts through the moment and his heart skips a beat.
“How many times have I told you not to-” Mae steps out of the trees, panting and worried. But the sight in front of her makes the words on her tongue scurry away.
Levi is a few meters away from her, in a wheelchair with 2 long scars running down his face, just the way the Queen had foreseen in the paths.
Everyday, she has stared at this road for countless hours, waiting for him to show up. It feels like she’s waited a lifetime to see him again.
The years of separation pass by her eyes.
Countless nights were spent crying into his shirt and every breath felt like a burden.
Everyone was ecstatic about the liberation of their island. And Mae was condemned to be alone, with her dwindling will to live.
Then she met Samuel and Claus, the soldiers who showed empathy to her, in a world that had become too hostile for anyone who supported the alliance.
They took her to the Queen, and the Queen recognised her instantly, as the doctor who helped when Trost was breached.
And as a Survey Corps Soldier who was once a part of the Levi’s squad, the Queen made it her mission to protect and provide for the ones who were close to the Alliance.
That’s when Mae moved into the peaceful countryside, with Jean and Connie’s mom.
Living with people who dealt with the same grief surely gave some solace, but life was still painful. And in the midst of her pain, like a beam of light into stark darkness, her baby came into this world.
And Mae never thought she’d get to see Levi’s eyes again, but they were right in front of her. Resting so peacefully against her chest.
That night she cried tears of gratitude. Life crashed into her as peacefully as it could.
“Mama mama, dadd-a has come back,” Her daughter squeals, with her tiny finger pointing towards Levi. Her grasp on her leg is still tight, and her eyes sparkle with joy.
And Mae tries to smile, but it gets dissolved in the trail of her tears.
This moment has haunted her every second, wrecked her entire being. And as she steps closer to the dream of Levi she’s had, every night since she was pregnant, the details of him come to life.
Her eyes follow the strong curve of his jaw, chiseled as if it has been carved by an artist. The ridge of his nose is sharp as always and his thin eyebrows are slightly disheveled.
She caresses him with her gaze, before her touch can even come close.
Two different Levi’s look back at her now. On the left, his face is marred, with two long scars running down his face. He is hurt and hidden away. And she can never see him through his cloudy iris.
But in his other eye, there are flecks of hope. The black of his pupil has expanded, and his iris shines blue in the sunrays. He wears his heart on his sleeve, Mae swears she has never seen him this vulnerable before.
And she might have lived without him for 3 years, but he has lived inside her every second, in her every thought. Her hand extends towards him out of deprivation.
Life hasn’t been the kindest to her.
But when the pads of her fingers reach the hollow of his cheek, her heart steadies itself. Whenever her eyes met his orbs , her ears met his voice, and her body met his touch. His familiarity always envelopes her. As if the hearth of a warm house, always welcoming and open.
Her hands reach to his lips, the shape of which she can trace on paper, even with her eyes shut close.
And Levi closes his eyes in alleviation.
There’s a search for words. Words for the longing, words for the separation.
And Mae shudders, as the pads of her fingers skim over his skin. They trace over his scars, the old and the new. From the top of his forehead, down to the edge of his chin. From the curve of his necks down the length of his arms.
Three years have passed by, but his features are still as strong.
Her caress reaches the end of his arm, and her fingers find the indents of his knuckles. Gingerly she takes his palm into hers,
And Levi is quick to wrap the 3 fingers that remain on his hand, around her.
Her touch feels both foreign and achingly familiar. He has craved this so much.
Mae’s eyes widen at the gesture, heavy with tears. And she kisses the spot where his 2 fingers once used to be. Levi is as real as ever, she can feel every divot of his skin against her lips.
The realization breaks her, and she drops to the floor. With her head on his lap, and her arms sprawled all over his thighs.
There’s disbelief, there’s elation. The feeling can never be put into words. Her shoulders wilt, heavy with the pain of separation, and she cries into his lap.
“I missed you… You weren’t there.” Her voice is muffled against his skin. “I thought I’d never see you again.” Her sobs pierce through the quiet of the farmland.
And he stares wide eyed, biting back his tears as well.
The pain she has carried with her all these years, is right in front of him. Laced into the heavy sobs that rake through her frame.
And Levi knows he should pick her up and kiss the shit of her, but he’s frozen. For his gaze is stuck on the familiar pearl ring that rests on her ring finger.
Words fail him, and his heart spasms in his chest. “D-did y-you ? He can only stutter, as his touch lingers over the pearl. ”A-after all this time?”
The question hangs in the air, but the answer is right in front of him. In the grief that occupies her heart, in the love that still brims in her eyes. And in the tiny girl who looks exactly like him.
It feels like all the sacrifices he’s made in life have finally come to fruition. His directionless quest has finally found its destination. His exhausted soul has found its shelter.
There’s such mercy in this moment, all he can do is shudder and let out an exhale. Maybe in exhaustion, maybe in fulfillment.
And Mae looks up at him, her eyes tinged red with tears. “I was only going to wait one more year, good that you came back in time.”
He puts his hand on her head, and her body trembles beneath his touch. All the grief she has held onto for so long, slows paroles in the form of her tears.
The scene is as heartbreaking, as it is rewarding.
“Ma-ma,” Lilly babbles, her voice as bright as sunlight cutting through storm clouds. And Levi looks at her as she tries to fit herself in the space between Mae’s hunched frame and his legs.
She settles into Mae’s lap, and Mae is forced to look into her eyes full of wonder.
“Mama…” she coos, and her tiny hands wipe the fat tears that roll down Mae’s face.” Dad-da’s back, don-t be sad.”
And Mae smiles at that, certainly she takes a lot from her father.
“You’re right, my love…let’s take Dada home shall we?” Her voice turns gentler, and she gets up with Lily in her arms.
“Levi?” Mae questions, gesturing towards his lap.
And Levi hesitates, a little too afraid that he’s too scary for the delicate human being.
“You’ll be a great father, don’t worry.”
The second time he looks at her, he knows he’s doomed. Her cheeks are round and full, as if there’s food stuffed inside them. And her eyes are just like his, but there’s a brightness in them that he never had.
She settles on his lap. And as he wraps his arms around her waist, she places her tiny palms on his scarred forearms. And Levi realizes there is nothing he wouldn’t do for this tiny person that he’s just met a few moments ago.
His heart feels full of love.
Mae starts pushing his wheelchair forward. And he closes his eyes, as he feels the wind against his face. It’s a moment that makes him feel grateful to be alive.
In a span of a few minutes, they’re already outside the veranda to her house. And Levi can smell the Lavender she has planted in the front garden.
“It’s not a big house but it’s enough. I stay here with Jean and Connie’s mom… Luckily for us though, they’ve gone to Trost for a bit.” Mae speaks, as she picks Lily from Levi’s lap, and places her inside the house.
“It’s a very sweet place though. All the farmers staying around often visit. It’s like a big family. Borris was here too, half an hour back. You might have seen him…he wanted to take some cookies for his son.”
“Ahh,’ Levi drawls, as if he didn’t spend fifteen minutes hating on that man. “I don’t think I saw him.”
She takes his briefcase in one hand, and hooks her other arm around his waist. Slowly helping him up the short flight of stairs. And he wants to do nothing, but melt in her embrace
“I can walk for a few minutes.” Her murmurs, almost embarrassed.
“You’re not walking anywhere until I check your leg myself.” She reprimands, but the softness in her eyes contradicts her strict tone.
As it turns out, Mae’s house is very much a home.
The interior is simple and modest. There’s a couch, two wooden chairs and a table in the front room. The wooden floor creaks as he steps in. And the walls are filled with the crayon marks.
“I’ll get your wheelchair inside.” Mae mumbles as she seats Levi on the couch.
And when Mae comes back in again, Lilly has already managed to climb on the couch. She’s standing on Levi’s lap with her hands on his cheeks. The faintest of smiles plays on Levi’s lips, and he holds her by the waist, making sure she doesn’t lose balance.
The sight makes Mae’s heart swell. Her entire world is now in front of her. Her heart feels so full and so heavy at the same time. And her eyes turn misty again.
“Oi oi, don’t start with all the crying again?” Levi mutters as he notices her standing by the door.
And Mae sniffs, overwhelmed. “I’ll make you some tea?”
“Yaa- Da-dda love teaaa.” Lilly squeals, before Levi can even respond to Mae.
And Mae smiles. Her family is finally complete... a few years back she would have never believed she’d get the privilege of experiencing this.
And just as she’s about to turn towards the kitchen, Levi stops her.
“Mae…” His voice drawls, and he pats the spot next to him. “Tea can wait.”
The world outside fades into a quiet hum as the bustle of the morning stretches into the lull of the afternoon.
The sun has draped itself over the earth, like a soft blanket. And Levi rests on the bed. He’s just finished his lunch, and he allows himself to sink into the mattress.
Time seems to have been caught in the gentle sway of the trees, and Levi takes his sweet time looking at the things around him.
Lily's soft toys are stacked on top of the cupboard. And there's a wooden cabinet, filled with all of Mae's favorite books.
The curtains are made of colorful crocheted patchwork. And somehow Mae has managed to bring most of her things from her house in Trost here.
But it's not just that. Levi's stuff is here too.
There’s a cupboard next to Mae with his clothes folded and organized just the way he likes it. His favorite novels and teacups are kept in a separate cabinet. And right in front of the bed, there's a wall with paintings of the three of them together.
It feels like nothing has changed, like he was never away.
And everytime he closes his eyes, his heart begins to race. But for the first time, the adrenaline that flows through him isn’t nerve-racking. It feels exciting
The curtains above his head billow softly with the wind. A mild breeze enters the bedroom and Levi tilts his face to bask in its warmth.
His whole world now lies in his arms. Snoring peacefully, with her hand wrapped around his finger. She's so tiny, that all of her body fits on his torso.
And he lets out a sigh as he feels the subtle rise of her tiny chest against his own.
“Are you not able to sleep, because all of a sudden there’s a child on your chest, and you don’t know where she came from?” Mae steps into the room, quietly shutting the door behind her.
“I can clearly tell where she comes from.” Levi comments as he looks at his dear daughter. “Is this why you were crying so much the day I was leaving for Marley?”
“Mhmm… “ Mae nods, as she rests her back against the door. And Levi closes his eyes, listening to her voice.
“You had to save the world Levi, you had to give it your all. And you would have died hating yourself if you knew you had a child coming into the world, that you weren’t going to be there for… As much as I was dying to tell you about my pregnancy, I thought it was best to keep it from you…” It’s an uncomfortable topic that defines the rest of their future, Mae’s eyes fall to the ground.
If only she would look up, she would see Levi with the faintest of smiles, thinking of how he can actually see her instead of imagining her.
“I know a child was never something you wanted… So I understand how complicated this situation can be for you.” Mae goes on and Levi lays still with his eyes shut in contentment, hoping for time to slow down.
“What?” She gasps, finally looking up at him. “Say something? I’ll never know how you’re feeling if you don’t tell me about it.”
Finally his eyes flutter open, and he looks at her through the curtain of his lashes. A faint smile plays on his lips, and his cheeks turn pink as he stretches out his other hand towards her. “Come here.”
In an instant, her features soften, turning into one of relief. And she smiles as makes her way to him.
She rests her head on his shoulder.And he drinks in every detail. As if he’s a parched man, dying of thirst. His heart pounds in his chest, and then his gaze falls towards her lips.
It doesn’t take too long for their lips to fuse together. It’s a simple kiss, but it’s been years.
They part in bliss.
And Levi brings her hands to his lips, pressing a doting kiss on her skin. She’s his to keep, his to salvage.He can’t put his gratitude into words.
“Thank you.” His voice is heavy. “ I-I…” He wants to tell her how happy he is to be next to her. He wants to tell her how exhausting it was without her. And that he can’t believe she’s all his. He wants to tell her about all the letters he’s written to her. But his heart is lodged so deep in his throat that he can’t squeak out the words he desperately wants to say.
“Rest my love.” She keeps her thumb on his lip, tracing his bottom lip. “We have time.”
His eyes flutter shut at her words, and her hand reaches to the top of his head. She starts combing out the hair that falls on his forehead.
His old scars have faded, almost blending into his skin. And the hard muscles on his chest have been replaced with soft dimpled skin. The lines in the corner of her eyes run deep.
He’s softer now. Marked by age, but just as beautiful.
Her finger traces down his cheek, following the scar that runs across his face. The feeling of his skin dipping under her fingers almost feels overwhelming.
“Levi,” she calls, caressing the side of his face. And he responds by leaning into her touch.
“I can’t believe you’re real,” She murmurs.
The silence is blissful.
And Levi feels his heart flutter, just like it did when she held his hand for the first time.
“Mae…” his voice trails off and he gulps. “How did Lily recognise me?... It feels like she knows so much about me?”
And Mae tilts her head up. “She’s heard stories about you ever since she was in my womb, of course she knows a lot about you… We even got someone to draw a portrait of you last year, because she wanted to see you for her birthday.”
“She thinks you’re some kind of hero Levi.” Mae yawns, “A few months back, she was trying to eat food by herself, and she ended up making a mess… which was fine because she was just learning, but she started crying frantically, and I asked her what happened? She said Dada wouldn’t like her, because she made a mess and Dada hates messes.”
Mae’s eyes trail to the way her daughter sleeps, with her cheek squished against Levi’s chest, and her eyes are shut close in peace. “She thinks you’re some kind of hero.”
And Levi remains silent. Afraid the words will ruin the tender moment.
It might seem like he’s dozed off, but the pink crawling on his cheek tells otherwise.
And Mae looks at him with the softest of smiles. For the first time in a long while, her heart feels complete.
“Actually she is right… you are a hero.” She mumbles as she closes her eyes in peace.
And a single tear slips past his eye.
He’s finally home.
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Thoughts? Thoughts? Thoughts?
I know its a very simple, cliche, happily ever after ending, but I really REALLY wanted Levi to have a family of his own, and experience a normal, happy life, which is why I made Mae pregnant lol.
To anyone who has made this far. I would love to know your thoughts on the entire story. Things you liked, didn't like. Your feedback is crucial.
I'm going to start editing this fic from now on, and whatever you say will be considered. So I would love to know your thoughts on what could get better and be improved.
Something else, I'm very excited about is designing and illustrating a book cover (since I am a graphic designer lol) and get a few hardcopies printed for myself!! I'm assuming I'll be done with it by DEC 25th, so right now I do plan to post an Epilogue/ bonus chapter and share the book cover designs on Dec 25th. (I don;t know if anyone is interested in this, but I'm just doing it for myself hehe)
I would like to thank the many people who have been a constant support while writing this. I don't think I can tag everyone since they are on different platforms, so I'll just mention their names here. @Alexandra218943 , Cupidcup, @musumusuhasi and Abha , I wouldn't have completed this without you, so thank you <3
And to all the people who have commented, and interacted with the story at any point. I want to let you know that I've had a shit month at work, my self esteem has been at an all time low , and the only thing that's made me feel capable of something are your comments, and I keep going back to them! So thank you for that, I am immensely grateful!
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shiftingparadise · 10 months
hiiii! i missed it here in tumblr, i was gone for months because of uni things, and i missed your blog and your fics sm! :(( and since aot: bad boy was revealed, can i please request a levi fic? where reader was one of levi’s friends from the underground? but they’re not the closest? like they’ve always been a little awkward with each other? almost like they only hang out because they have mutual friends? but then isabelle and farlan died, so they’re forced to be around each other but now without the other two supporting the conversation so it’s all painfully, hilariously awkward ! ofc, this is a no pressure request as always <3 have a great day!!
So, I'm not very good at funny story or jokes but I tried to stick as close to your request as possible and I really liked writing it, so thank you for this beautiful request and for your patience 🤍✨
Warnings: none
Word count: 1466
“Right, I’m going to the bathroom. Be right back”, Farlan let out a tired grunt before he stood up. “Okay”, you mumbled as you crossed your arms, your head resting against the wall behind you. 
Why? Why was it always so painfully awkward when you were left alone with him? You two known each other for years by now and yet … 
Your train of thought got interrupted by Levi slurping his tea. “Nice tea?”, you awkwardly asked, almost immediately regretting it. “Tsk”, Levi’s eyes glided to yours. There was an annoyed expression on his face, like usual. You cleared your throat in response. Anything was better than this silence. “Sick?”, his voice teared through the dense atmosphere. “Huh?”, your brows pulled together. “Your voice… You sound sick”. “Wow, thanks”, you narrowed your eyes. 
You didn’t know back then. That he meant to show you he cared. 
“Levi! Y/N!”, Isabelle’s cheerful voice greeted your ears. “Isabelle”, you happily smiled back as relieve flooded over you. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, more dreadful than being alone with Levi. Not because you didn’t like him, but you two just never got as close. “Isabelle, finally!”, Farlan brushed through his hair, “We’ve been waiting for you”. “Yeah, I’m starving”, you pouted. “Everyone’s always starving in this hell”, Levi coldly added. “Oh, come now Levi”, Farlan smiled, “It’s not that bad as long as we have each other”. Levi didn’t respond, instead a small and obviously uncontrollable smile appeared on his face. “Here’s the bread”, Isabelle threw a bag on the table. “H-huh?’, you frowned as everything washed away before your eyes. As if you were looking at a wet painting. 
‘Wake up”. “Y/N, wake up”. 
That voice… 
“Wake up”. 
“H-huh?”, you slowly opened your eyes. “It’s almost 10 AM, we got to get going”, Levi coldly replied. “W-where-“. “We’re leaving today for another mission”, Levi frowned. “Right, sorry”, you immediately sat up straight. “I’ll be down in five”, you softly responded before getting out of bed. “What were you dreaming about anyway?”, his crescent shaped eyes coldly staring into your tired ones. “Nothing”, you lied. “Nothing, huh?”, his hand resting on the door. “Then why’s there a tear on your cheek?”. 
A tear? 
“There isn’t”, you quickly wiped it away. 
Right. It wasn’t a dream. It was a memory. It was the last time you were all together in the Underground. The four of you. Before Farlan and Isabelle… 
“Wait”, you shook your head. “What the hell are you doing in my room, Levi?”, you raised your voice. “Someone, I mean I saw-“, Levi struggled to put out a sentence. “What?”. “Erwin asked”, Levi pinched the spots between his eyebrows. “Erwin asked where you were, so I came to check up on you. Thought you were dead at first-“. “Dead?”, you widened your eyes. “Yeah, found you with your mouth open, you looked pale and-“. 
Ah, yes. You could see it in his eyes. The moment he realized he was almost insulting you. 
“N-no, not that you look bad, just sick-“, he widened his eyes. “Wait, not necessarily sick-“. 
Levi wasn’t normally like this, but you were the only one that was left. The only one he could rely on.
“Right”, you turned your head. “See you in five, Levi”. And just like that, he left without saying another word. 
Levi looked at you from the corner of his eyes. You were both sitting outside, sipping from your tea. It was awkward, like usual. The two of you never seemed to get too comfortable around each other. You grabbed your cup and brought it to your lips, sipping. You cleared your throat, trying to make the silence a little less awkward. “Weather’s been nice lately, hasn’t it?”, he awkwardly looked at the sky as there was once again a painful expression on his face. “Yeah”, you stared into the distance, “No rain, right?”. “Right”. 
God, you really hated this. 
“Levi, Y/N”, Erwin’s stern voice came from behind you two. 
You noticed that Levi relaxed his shoulders, as if he was happy to see someone else. 
“Hm”, you coldly looked at him, “What do you want?”. 
You still weren’t too happy about being forced into the corps. After all, you blamed him for their deaths. You noticed Levi had started to warm up to him. You noticed their late-night talks, the way Levi’s eyes lightened up a bit when he talked to the Commander, Hange… Something you couldn’t understand. 
“I was wondering if I could join you two”, a kind smile on the blonde’s face. “Hange’s studying again, and the cadets are already in their rooms, so-“. “Whatever”, you rolled your eyes, “It’s not like we have an actual choice”. 
Complete silence. 
“Did you try my tea yet?”, Levi was the first to speak. “Yes”, Erwin smiled again, “It was delicious”. 
So, he could talk to the person who was responsible for the deaths of your closest comrades, but he barely managed to form a sentence when he was alone with you. 
“Right”, you chuckled. “I’m going to bed”. “Y/N”, Erwin called out your name, “I’d like you to stay. We can get to know each other a little more like this”. “I don’t want to-“. “Sit down”, Levi looked at you with an unusual expression, “Please”.
You couldn’t and didn’t want to understand why Levi got along with the commander. 
“No”, you coldly looked into his eyes. “Night, Levi”. 
“She blames me, right?”, Erwin looked at you as you walked towards the building. “Yes”, Levi took another sip of his tea. “Do you?”. “Yes”. “I see”, Erwin stared at his hands, who were resting on his knees. “And no”, the dark-haired sighed. “It wasn’t your fault, but if you didn’t drag our asses out of the underground…”. “The military police would’ve caught up eventually and thrown you all into jail”. “I know”, Levi stared at his commander. “Give her time, she’ll understand”. 
You were sitting in the cafeteria, staring into nothing. You didn’t know how you felt or what you felt. You just felt empty. 
You sighed when you heard someone open the door. You weren’t in the mood for company. “Tsk”, Levi clicked his tongue as you ignored him. 
“Good”, you thought, “It’s just Levi. It’s not as if he’ll start to make some conversation”. 
“Huh?”, you tilted your head as he sat in front of you on the table. “Here”, he frowned as he placed an apple in front of you. His voice sounded unsure. “An apple?”, you looked at him with a confused look. “Haven’t eat-“, his voice died away, so he cleared his throat before trying again. “You haven’t eaten all day”, he awkwardly looked at the ceiling. “You noticed?”, your voice quiet. “Of course”, his eyes found yours. He seemed a little insulted by your response. “An apple?”, you studied the fruit in front of you. “You like those”, he sounded unsure, as if he was asking you. “I do”, you gently grabbed it. “I bet Farlan would’ve scolded you for not eating all day”, he smiled. It was the first time he ever spoke of them after their deaths. “Farlan?”, you widened your eyes. “And Isabelle would probably try to make that shitty bread as tasty as possible for you”, his smile widened. “She was always so concerned, right? Farlan too, of course”, his eyes suddenly locked into yours, his smile fading. 
You didn’t know why. You didn’t know why you were crying when you thought all your tears were dried up by now. All the hurt, all the pain… You thought it was enough, that all your tears were used up. 
“You’re not the only one who misses them”, he looked at how your tears fell onto the wooden table. “But as long as we’re alive, they won’t die. They live on, inside our memories. We can tell others about them, about the stories in the underground. The good ones, the bad ones… We keep them alive inside here”, he pointed towards his heart. “I miss them so much”, you cried out. “I miss the way Farlan brushed through his hair, or how Isabelle called you ‘bro’. I miss the way they smell and, and-“, you wiped your tears away as you tried to catch your breath. “I know”, his voice sounded so warm as his arms wrapped around you. 
You never realized how warm he was. You’ve never been this close to him. 
“I’m happy you’re still here”, he tightened his grip, making it feel as if he needed this as bad as you. “D-don’t leave me”, you sobbed into his chest, “I-I don’t want to lose you too”. “I won’t”, he sighed. “I promised them that I’ll keep you safe, and I’m not going to break that promise”. 
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Levi loved knowing he could bring you pleasure.
It was something he basked in.
His whole life had been about pain, but when you laid under him, chest heaving as you whispered into his hair you’re soft moans of pleasure, the pleasure that he was bringing you, that pain felt worth it.
He loved that after a hard day, he could fuck you endlessly and that you would derive pleasure from it instead of pain.
He loved that the bruises he left on you were from his lips and not his fists.
He loved your sweet voice whispering in his ear how satisfied and pleasured you were with what he was doing.
He loved everything he did with you. Because it was built around your pleasure instead of others pain. 
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nissanmaxima · 1 year
Finally someone who writes African American readers! I’ve been looking all over! Anyways, can you write a story about Levi and his African American s/o having kids and they’re all just dancing to popular urban songs? Its basically just a little bonding time.
foot note: pay no mind to the fact that this literally just never got published i’m so sorry 😭
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A smile graced your face as you soaked in the scenario that’s unfolding, it felt surreal. Levi Ackerman, humanity's strongest soldier, and his loving (Y/N) found themselves blessed with a lively bunch of children. As they watched their little ones grow, they realized the profound joy that music brought their family.
The sun was shining, the faint buzzing sound of insects as well as the wind brushing against the grass surrounded the Ackerman family as they decided to have a special bonding session in the backyard. They put on their favorite R&B songs and danced to the rhythm with pure delight. The Kids, Madie, Genesis, Tremaine and Miracle giggled and twirled around, trying to imitate their parents' moves while Levi and his partner showcased their natural dancing skills. Older songs playing the likes of Whitney Houston, Earth Wind & Fire, Ja Rule, and Madie’s personal favorite: Michael Jackson
“Madie, what’s your stage name?”
“Madie Jackson!”
the exclamation made both parents laugh and hugged their daughter as tight as they possibly could,
“You’d be the best Madie Jackson ever!”
Levi, known for his stoic demeanor, let loose and embraced the happiness that radiated from his family. His partner, whose contagious laughter filled the air, led the way with energetic dance routines. They encouraged each child to express themselves through dance, fostering an environment of creativity and freedom.
The eldest child, a curly-haired girl named Genesis showed off her agility and grace with fluid dance moves, reminiscent of a seasoned performer. Next in line was Tremaine, a mischievous young boy who wasn't afraid to break out into spontaneous breakdance moves that left the family in awe and finally the twins, Madie and Miracle, added a touch of synchronized elegance to their performance, never missing a beat.
As the music continued to play, the baby of the Ackerman family, Levi Jr., joined in with his adorable little steps and contagious laughter. Every family member swayed and grooved, revealing the true power of love and unity.
Neighbors passing by couldn't help but stop and watch as this remarkable family exuded happiness and harmony. Some even joined in, clapping their hands and bopping to the beat, turning the backyard into a joyful dance party.
The day unfolded like a magical symphony from the morning starting with grits and eggs, to the midday being cleaning time to the Ackerman family dancing freely to the rhythm of their hearts. Each movement became a reflection of their love for one another, letting no outside or otherworldly interference stop their flow.
In that moment, Levi Ackerman, the hardened soldier, and his special (Y/N), were more than just parents. They were the architects of happiness and togetherness, creating cherished memories that would last a lifetime.
And so, under the warm sunshine and with the melody of slow, rugged and beautifully crafted R&B songs carrying them on, the Ackerman family continued to dance, bonding through rhythm and expression, celebrating the love that bound them forever and always.
foot note: heyyyyy i’m sorry :D i do this thing where i get a bunch of inspiration and then it goes no where sorryyyyy but i’m over the legal age so now i’m gonna start writing the spicy stuff so hopefully i’ll pump those out for kinktober :>
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m-jelly · 2 years
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Christmas Dad
Pairing: Dad!Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, romance, fluff, cute, dad Levi, mum reader, married couple, parents, Levi being a cute dad, CEO Levi.
Concept: Levi's gets a bit too excited when you go shopping with your baby. He buys a few Christmas outfits for your little girl. When you get home, Levi plays dress up with his baby girl and can't stop taking pickings and gushing over how pretty his sweet girl is.
Tag list: @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @nyxiieluna @nbinairyn @strawberrybunny123 @li-anne @notgoodforlife @galactict3a @demonsimp6
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You pushed the pram through the shop as Levi kept looking down into the pram and gazing at your baby girl. You smiled at your little girl tightly wrapped up in winter things with a big smile on her face. She patted her face with her mitten covered hand and giggled when Levi pulled a little face at her.
You rubbed your husband's back as you felt so much love for him. Levi had truly become a hot dad in your eyes. He was softer, and sweeter and become very touchy at home with you, such as feeling you up and kissing you as often as possible. To Levi, you'd gained a new attraction of being a mother.
Levi watched his daughter launch her favourite toy, but due to his fast reflexes, he caught it in time. "She's got an arm on her."
You hummed a laugh. "She got that from you."
He blushed and gave his daughter her toy back. "My strong little girl."
You smiled at her and then noticed the dreaded section of the shop, the baby clothes. Levi always went crazy for cute clothes and with his birthday coming up being the Christmas season. You looked back at your daughter as she started getting fussy. You knew Levi got upset and had anxiety when his daughter got upset.
You stopped and picked your little girl up and out of the pram. "It's okay, my little Lilly, momma's got you. You smiled at Levi when you saw him worrying. "She's probably hungry or wants to get out of the pram." You pointed. "Look, baby clothes."
Levi's gaze snapped from his fussing daughter to the cute Christmas baby clothes. "Oh! I'll get something."
You hummed a laugh as your husband ran off. You sat down on a shoe bench and fed your daughter a bottle. "Good girl, Lilly." You rocked her as she drank from her bottle. "I bet your daddy is getting you all sorts of silly things, huh?" You giggled as you thought about Levi. "He's a silly daddy. He loves you so much."
Levi ran over with his arms full of outfits. "There's so many!"
You smiled softly. "Two max."
You sighed. "Three."
He hummed in thought. "Five."
You stared at him for a while before giving up. "Fine, fine. Five it is." You laughed as Levi ran off before coming back with five. "Decided?"
"I have."
You stood up and carried Lilly as Levi pushed the pram. "She'll look very cute in them, I know it."
Levi looked over at you. "Is she okay?"
You nodded. "She was just very hungry."
He smiled at his daughter. "She's so adorable."
You hummed a laugh. "She is."
Levi paid for everything before you both headed home. Levi was a safe driver, but since having a baby he drove extra safe. He made sure he had the safest car possible and had the money to do so.
You moved the pram inside and let Levi hold his daughter and melt over her. You made a drink for you and Levi as Levi helped Lilly out of her winter things. You watched the two of them and adored every single moment of Levi bonding with his baby girl.
Levi ran over with you with Lilly in his arms. "We're going to give you a fashion show. I want you to see her outfits."
You took a seat and smiled. "Sure! Let's see. Are you dressing up as well?"
You hummed a laugh. "Exciting."
Levi grabbed Lilly's clothes and ran into his bedroom. He changed Lilly first before laying her on the bed and grabbing his clothes. "We're going to be two little penguins for your mummy." He walked over to his daughter and smiled. "Look at you." He held her feet and chuckled. "My little penguin." He picked her up. "The onesie fits you." He stood in front of the bedroom mirror, the two on them in penguin onesies. "We look like the perfect pair, right?"
Lilly gazed at her daddy with a doe-eyed look. "Eh!"
He smiled down at her. "Right?" He carried her into the living room. "Honey?"
You looked up and gasped in delight. "Look at you two! My two lovely penguins!" You clapped your hands. "I love it! Can I take pictures?"
"Yeah, but no sending to others. Tch, especially Hange."
You took a few pictures and giggled. "What about your mum?"
You smiled and sent the pictures. "Do you have more?"
Levi nodded. "I do! We'll be right back." He ran back to his room and changed into a Santa outfit before dressing Lilly up as a reindeer. "You are adorable. You're little feet and cute belly." He kissed her puffy cheek. "And your plump cheeks."
Lilly wiggled and giggled. "Mmmm."
Levi smiled and fixed her onesie. "There we go, my perfect little princess." He picked her up. "Let's go surprise your mummy." He moved into the living room and smiled. "Hello, Mrs Ackerman."
You squealed. "Oh my! Hello, Santa."
He purred. "Have you been naughty or nice?"
"Well, a bit of both. My word, is that your reindeer?" You giggled at your daughter in a fluffy reindeer onesie. "So cute."
Levi hummed a laugh. "She's my best."
You smirked at Levi. "Might have to sit on your lap later, dear Santa."
Levi blushed. "Y-Yes." He cleared his throat. "I have three more outfits for her."
"I can't wait."
Levi carried his daughter back into his room and changed her. "Your mummy always knows how to get me all flustered." He sighed and changed into a nice outfit and put Lilly in a cute Christmas tree dress. "I think this one is the best. You look so beautiful." He smiled and picked her up and returned to you. "What do you think?"
You welled up at your husband in a nice relaxed suit with Lilly in her cute dress. "Oh, you two are so beautiful. I love it!"
Levi sat next to you and sat Lilly on your lap. "We'll save the other one for bedtime cause it's perfect for that."
You pulled her dress down a little and smiled at her. "Such a sweetie. I guess I should get a green dress on, huh?"
Levi put his arm around you. "I would love that."
You cuddled up to Levi. "The fashion show was perfect. I loved it."
He blushed a little. "Really?"
You nodded and kissed his neck. "Yes."
He turned his head and kissed you only to feel a light tap on his cheek. He pulled back and stared at his daughter. "You just hit me?"
Lilly smiled. "Eh!"
"Am I not allowed to kiss your mummy?" He tickled her chubby cheek. "Well, I'm going to kiss your mummy as much as possible." Levi kissed you and hummed in delight. "I love kissing your mummy."
You hummed a laugh. "I love kissing you too." You looked down at Lilly to see she was falling asleep. "Naptime."
Levi picked his daughter up and sat back on the sofa before laying his daughter on his chest. "This gets her to sleep easily."
You smiled as Lilly clung to Levi's shirt and passed out. You rubbed her little back and softly smiled. "Such a sweetheart."
Levi smiled. "Me or her?"
You laughed. "Both." You kissed Levi and smiled against his lips. "You're a wonderful father and husband."
He blushed at your words. "Thank you. I can't compare to you though. You're incredible."
You kissed him. "You're my everything."
"You're mine too."
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writertitan · 2 years
If Nothing Else
pairing: levi x fem!cadet!reader
word count: 2.5k
themes: bullying, angst, hurt/comfort, captain levi being captain levi
a/n: i hope everyone has had a happy new year!! here is a lil one-shot based off this request, hope you like! 
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By the time you finished your last mile for the day, the sun’s last rays of light had died away and you were faced with an open sky of stars. Well, sort of open. The wall certainly did a good job of obscuring a lot of the view. 
Your legs felt like jelly as you trudged back to your sleeping quarters, trying your best to ignore the way you were completely drenched in sweat. You were also getting tunnel vision and each shaky breath felt like fire. You were dehydrated, hungry, angry, and in danger of fainting before you could reach your bunk. 
“There she is,” a voice called out, followed by mean-spirited laughter. As much as you didn’t want to and as much as your muscles screamed at you not to, you turned your head to look anyway. 
A fellow cadet, Ed, stood a dozen feet away, snickering with his pals whose names always evaded you. They were outside of their cabin, sharing a cup of ale between the three of them. 
“Thought you’d never make it back,” Ed continued. “I really thought Captain Levi’s punishment for you would kill you.” 
You didn’t bother replying. A weak surge of anger flooded your veins as you entered your assigned cabin, willing your legs to get you just a few more feet. Your knees buckled right as you got to your bed, and you’d never felt more grateful for a bottom bunk. 
“Wow, she’s back,” you heard a girl’s voice whisper. 
“And she reeks,” another whispered back. 
Ghostly sounding giggles echoed in your ringing ears as you forced your way into bed, exhaustion overtaking you. 
You knew why everyone picked on you, it wasn’t a secret. You were the weakest of the bunch and passed every course of training by the skin of your teeth. Today was just a drill day but you hadn’t even gotten through it without pissing off Captain Levi with your apparently inadequate behavior. He’d given you orders to run 10 miles after you were finished with drills, and you were always last to finish drills. It caused you to miss dinner. You hadn’t even been given extra water to keep hydrated. 
But now you were so tired that you couldn’t even stay mad about it. Your brain gave you the mercy of blessing you with instant, dreamless sleep, but the pit of dread that came with knowing the pain of tomorrow sat heavy in your gut. 
“Dammit!” you swore, biting back the pain that shot through you. 
It was a quick fall, but a brutal one. You were training with your ODM gear today, but you still hadn’t gotten the hang of it. You’d just misaimed and it had caused you to spiral from the trees and hit the ground hard. You’d made the mistake of trying to catch your fall, and you were rewarded with skinned palms and aching joints. 
You heard a whizzing sound and grit your teeth, bracing yourself for the taunts that would surely follow. Instead, you heard purposeful, steady footprints approach you, and you were met with something and someone far worse than your cadet bullies. 
“Cadet,” Captain Levi said, and he barely had to say another word for you to stand at attention. 
“Captain Levi,” you greeted him with the firmest voice you could muster, looking straight ahead. 
The captain sighed and put himself in your view, and you tried to keep a straight face. He was glaring hard, harder than usual, and you were absolutely terrified of what was coming next. It had only been a few days since your 10-mile punishment but you were still sore. It was embarrassing. 10 miles wouldn’t have really been much for most of the other cadets, but it had been a lot for you, and both you and Captain Levi knew it. That punishment would have been 30 miles for anyone else, surely. 
“You’ve disappointed me more than usual this past week,” Captain Levi told you, his gaze still hard and cold. Still, you tried your best to keep perfectly still despite wanting to squirm away from him. “Could you, for once, try and keep up with everyone else? This is getting ridiculous.” 
“Sorry, captain,” you responded, swallowing back the lump in your throat. “I’ll push myself harder.” 
“No excuses. If you’re the last one back again, you’ll be on stable duty again and you’ll be running laps until you cry.” 
He was off and up in the trees with the rest before you could really even blink, but now that he was gone, you relaxed and slumped your shoulders, embarrassed at the tears stinging your eyes. 
You couldn’t fail. There was no room for failure. If you failed, you would be kicked out and made to waste your life away in the fields. And then you’d not only be failing yourself, you’d be failing your sister, too. 
It had always been her idea to be in the Scout Regiment. No matter how many times you’d tried to convince her otherwise, she never listened. And, to be fair, whenever she would make the counterargument of what she was supposed to do, you couldn’t come up with a good answer. Not for her and not for you. 
Now you were here in her place. 
She would have made a good soldier. A much better one than you. 
Thoughts of her were painful but actually helped motivate you, and for once you weren’t the last one back at headquarters. 
You were second to last. 
At least it meant you didn’t face punishment from Captain Levi. 
Another day of drills was finally coming to a close. You were exhausted but you felt you’d done a little better than you had in the past, and you were allowing yourself a quick moment of pride. 
You were tired but in a relatively good mood, walking by yourself to the mess hall for dinner. Apparently the soup wasn’t all that bad today, which was good news and added to your good mood. 
Friends stuck together as they lined up to receive their rations and you kept to yourself, quietly reflecting on the day and what you’d accomplished. You’d stopped trying to make friends a long time ago after realizing how futile it was. 
After being handed over your tray, you were still too absorbed in your thoughts to be aware of your surroundings, and so you didn’t see Ed approach. 
“What’s with that dumb look on your face, princess?” 
Your eyes snapped to Ed, who was right next to you, one of his friends right behind him. 
“Just leave me alone,” you mumbled, your good mood dissolving into nothing. 
Ed’s eyes flashed, clearly not expecting you to stand up to him, and stepped forward. 
It all happened so fast and you reacted too late. 
Ed’s hand reached under your tray and smacked it hard into you, making it so you were wearing your dinner. Hot soup and vegetables clung to your uniform as the tray and cutlery and dishes clattered to the ground. 
At first, it was silent, but then you heard the quiet snickers and the elated whispers, and you felt that familiar feeling of immense pain and loneliness burn in your chest as your mind whirled. 
Ed was laughing but he sounded far away. You surprisingly caught Captain Levi’s eye, though he hardly ever came into the mess hall these days. 
All you could really think about was your dinner. You knew that everyone only got one tray and that was it. If you didn’t get it in time or you dropped it or gave it away, that was that; you’d be stuck with no food until breakfast the next day.
You’d worked up an appetite and now you’d have to go to bed hungry. And that broke your heart more than anything else. You could take a few pushes and shoves from people, but this was too much for you to handle. You wanted to hurt Ed, badly, but you were frozen in place, eyes helplessly wandering around the mess hall. As if anyone would help. 
It was the first real time you hoped the ground would open up beneath you and swallow you whole. 
Maybe this was it. This was the last straw. 
Maybe you weren’t cut out for the Corps. Maybe your sister was disappointed in you, even in death. Maybe your entire life was just a fluke and you had no purpose, and trying to create one was a mistake. 
“Captain Levi, sir.” 
Ed’s voice had lost all humor. It made you snap back into reality, as painful as that was, and you realized then that the captain was right in front of you and Ed. 
“Cadet,” Captain Levi said, and you recognized that disdain in his voice. But he wasn’t looking at you or talking to you. His attention was purely on Ed. 
Ed swallowed thickly and you watched as he fidgeted nervously under the scrutiny of Captain Levi’s gaze. You’d never seen him like this. 
“Care to explain why you’ve made a mess and assaulted this girl?” he asked Ed, gray eyes briefly flickering your way. You didn’t move. You merely looked at Ed, then back at Captain Levi, trying your best to not give in to your urge to cry. 
“She slowed us down today, sir,” one of Ed’s friends chimed in, his gaze hard as it landed on you. “She slows us down every day.” 
That seemed to push Ed into a braver spot. 
“It’s true. She needs to be toughened up,” Ed agreed, but he barely finished his sentence before Captain Levi put his hands on him. 
In a split second, Ed and his friend had both been flipped onto their heads, groaning on the floor in the middle of the mess hall for all to see. 
“Grow the fuck up,” Captain Levi said, not even out of breath. “And don’t pick on your fellow classmates. They’ll be the ones to save your life one day, even though you’re an undeserving little shit.” 
The captain turned his attention to you then, clearly about to say something, but you just couldn’t handle it. Knowing Captain Levi, he was most definitely going to find a way to make you guilty as well, and you didn’t think you could take it tonight. 
You ran out of the mess hall, not caring if it was disrespectful towards the captain and definitely not caring if he lashed out at you for it tomorrow. 
Nothing mattered. Your spirit was broken. 
The tears you’d been fighting finally made their way to the surface and you let out a sob as you made it to a little crowd of trees, slumping against it as you cried. 
You were so exhausted. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Though life had not been kind to you even before joining the military, it seemed so much easier back then. Before your sister had died, before you had received this never-ending stream of bullies, before you worked yourself to the bone for nothing. It all meant…nothing. 
As your sniffles died down, you pondered what you should do next. Was it even worth it, staying in as a cadet? Maybe it was time to reconsider…
You jumped at the sound of Captain Levi’s voice, but made no effort to stand up and be at attention like you knew you should have. 
You just stayed seated, turning your head until you caught sight of him. He was just a few feet away, his face blank. 
“Do you want a ‘thank you’ or something?” you asked, flinching when you realized how rude you sounded. Even the captain seemed surprised; an eyebrow cocked up briefly, before melting back into his original blank expression. 
“No. I should be thanking you - I’ve been wanting to kick their asses for months,” he said. 
He invited himself to get closer, until he was sitting against the trunk of the tree directly across from you. Neither of you spoke for a minute, and you were surprised at what Levi had said. It was, bizarrely, one of the nicer things he’d said to you. 
“You need to stand up for yourself more,” Captain Levi said, and you groaned, again not caring how rude you were being. Here it was, the lecture you’d been wanting to avoid. 
The captain snorted, seemingly amused at how disrespectful you were being, and that was enough to make you freeze again. 
“I’m not saying it to hurt your delicate little feelings. I’m saying it because I know you can defend yourself. You may be a pain in the ass to train but you’re capable enough and I’ve seen how far you’ve come. I don’t think you see it, though.” 
“I’m a failure,” you whispered, refusing to look him in the eye. “I’m barely making it as a cadet. I’m going to be a horrible addition to the Scouts and everyone thinks so. That’s why nobody likes me. I slow everyone down.” 
“But you’re still here,” he reminded you. “Because you’re capable. Stop giving a shit about what everyone else thinks of you. They’ve all got some growing up to do anyway.” 
Finally, you looked up at him. Despite his face still being perfectly composed, there was also less edge to Levi’s gaze. Maybe this was his way of being kind. 
“It’s easier said than done,” you reminded him, a new wave of tears threatening to come. 
“It is,” he agreed, “but it’s not impossible. Do this for you. If there’s nobody else, nothing else, you still have you. Honor yourself. What makes you think you’re not worth it?” 
At that, Captain Levi stood up, leaving you to try and mull over his words. 
“I’ll see you at the training course in about an hour,” he said suddenly, which confused you. 
You were technically done for the day. There was just a matter of finishing up some assigned chores. 
“You and I will be doing some one-on-one lessons together from now on. If you’d rather be on stable duty and reject my offer, tell me now.” 
Most people would give a limb to train privately with Captain Levi. And before today, you would have probably been one of those people. But was his advice really all that great? Was fighting for yourself really worth it? 
You jumped a little when he suddenly threw a small bundle of cloth into your lap. You picked it up and peeked inside, surprised to see food in there. It was just some bread and steamed vegetables, but it was more than nothing. 
Warmth flooded your body at the kind gesture. This time, it was Captain Levi that wouldn’t return your gaze. 
“I’ll see you in an hour,” you confirmed. 
He walked away without another word and you bit into the bread, savoring the taste. 
It was going to take a lot to become the strong soldier you were hoping to be. There was a long road ahead and you were very much aware of it. But the more you thought of Levi’s words, the more they clung to you. 
You could do this, if only for yourself. 
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Can you do headcanons for Levi (AOT) with an S/O who is alike Venti (Genshin)?
A/N: Hii!! Thank you so much for your request!! I wasn’t sure if you wanted this to be canon verse for genshin or AOT so i kept it general, and did a reader with Venti’s personality so I hope that works!! If not I’ll make another part with more specific details!
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
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Levi Ackerman first noticed you when you entered the room with that easygoing smile on your face, completely unfazed by the heavy atmosphere that seemed to settle over everyone else. It wasn’t just that you were different; it was the way you effortlessly brightened the room with your presence, as if the weight of the world didn’t rest on your shoulders like it did on everyone else’s.
At first, Levi wasn’t sure what to make of you. Your carefree demeanor, the way you laughed at the smallest things, the way you seemed to dance through life even in the middle of chaos—it was something foreign to him. He’d been around many people, but no one like you. You were an enigma, a puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out.
You, on the other hand, were drawn to Levi from the moment you met him. His quiet intensity intrigued you, and you found yourself wanting to peel back the layers of his stoic exterior to see what lay beneath. There was something about the way he carried himself, the way he always seemed to be in control, that made you want to tease him just to see if you could get a reaction.
One evening, you found yourself in the common room with him, just the two of you. The others had retired for the night, leaving behind a peaceful silence that you quickly decided needed breaking. You leaned back in your chair, a playful grin on your lips as you glanced over at him. “You know, Levi,” you began, twirling a strand of your hair around your finger, “you really should smile more. You’re far too handsome to always look so serious.”
Levi’s eyes flicked up to meet yours, narrowing slightly as he studied you. He wasn’t used to this kind of directness, especially not in such a casual setting. “And you,” he replied, his voice low and measured, “should learn to take things more seriously. This isn’t a game.”
You tilted your head, undeterred by his stern tone. In fact, it only made you want to push him further. “Maybe not,” you conceded with a shrug, “but that doesn’t mean we can’t find some joy in it. Life’s too short to be serious all the time, don’t you think?”
Levi didn’t respond immediately, his gaze lingering on you as if trying to determine whether you were being sincere or simply mocking him. You were unlike anyone he’d ever known—so carefree, so lighthearted, it was almost infuriating. And yet, there was something about your presence that drew him in, something that made him feel…different.
As the days passed, Levi began to notice you more and more. You had a way of sneaking up on him when he least expected it, like a playful breeze that slipped through the cracks. Whether it was teasing him about his love for cleanliness or catching him off guard with a compliment that left him flustered, you seemed to delight in making him react.
But what you didn’t realize was how much Levi had come to appreciate your presence. It wasn’t just that you were different from the others—it was that you made him feel different. In a world where he was constantly surrounded by death and despair, you were a breath of fresh air, a reminder that there was still something worth fighting for, something worth protecting.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day, you found Levi in the courtyard, staring out at the horizon with a distant look in his eyes. Without a word, you approached him, sitting down beside him and resting your chin in your hand as you looked up at the sky.
“Long day?” you asked softly, your voice laced with concern.
Levi glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, surprised by the softness in your tone. It was rare for you to be so serious, and it caught him off guard. “Something like that,” he replied, his voice quieter than usual.
You were silent for a moment, simply sitting with him, allowing him to feel your presence. It was a side of you that Levi wasn’t used to seeing—the way you could shift from playful to gentle in an instant, as if you instinctively knew what he needed.
“I know I’m not exactly the serious type,” you began, your voice soft and thoughtful, “but I want you to know that I’m here for you, Levi. Whatever you need, whenever you need it.”
Levi turned to look at you, really look at you, and for the first time, he allowed himself to let down his guard just a little. “You don’t have to do that,” he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. “You don’t have to carry my burdens too.”
You smiled, a small, tender smile that made his heart skip a beat. “I want to,” you replied simply. “That’s what it means to care about someone, right?”
Levi’s breath caught in his throat at your words. It was so simple, so straightforward, and yet it hit him harder than he expected. You cared about him. He had known it, on some level, but hearing you say it out loud made it real, made it something he couldn’t ignore.
Without thinking, he reached out, his hand brushing against yours. It was a small gesture, almost imperceptible, but it was enough to make you both pause. You looked down at his hand, then up at him, your eyes wide with surprise.
Levi quickly pulled his hand back, his cheeks tinged with the faintest hint of pink. “Sorry,” he muttered, his voice rougher than usual.
But you only smiled, a warm, genuine smile that made his heart ache in a way he didn’t fully understand. “It’s okay, Levi,” you said softly, your voice full of understanding. “You don’t have to apologize.”
For a moment, the two of you just sat there, the silence between you filled with unspoken words and emotions that neither of you were quite ready to face. But in that moment, Levi knew that you were someone he couldn’t afford to lose. You were light in his darkness, a reminder that there was still something worth fighting for, something worth living for.
And maybe, just maybe, he could learn to let himself be happy with you by his side.
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rivangel · 5 months
sequel to this post
➥ c/w: gn!reader, some angst, oral (m!receiving), praise, subby Levi canonverse, established relationship, handjob, finger sucking?, turned into smut somehow
➥ wc: 1.8k
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The boy appeared to you and Levi later to apologize profusely like that was the reason he'd been born. You didn't have the heart to turn him away, and filed inside the small recovery room behind him, with its half-exposed brick walls. The curtains were shut, but enough light penetrated. Levi looked too tired to stop him, and it took an arduous amount of time to get through, but his answer was short, to the effect of, If you're not court-marshaled, don't do it again. A slightly upper angle and I would've bled out. Then where would we be?
You're still thinking about that as you stock the closet with some of his clothes. Mandatory bedrest for at least a week, and after that, take it slow. Levi practically shriveled up when someone said 'wheelchair', and he preferred if hospital germs didn't get into his quarters.
You'll have his squad up there every day doing routine cleaning, "trouble" which Levi didn't need to exert his mind over. He's busy being stubborn.
You turn around when you hear porcelain clink. He's leaned over the dresser next to the bed, trying to take the tea.
"Levi," you scold.
"We don't need Hange to tell me my arms are in fine working condition," he grumbles, leaning back as you come over.
He's right, though. No one would even notice any arm wound because the bandages and plaster wrapping around his lower leg are bordering-on gaudy. It's propped up on a fat pillow, also white, the same as his soft-looking boxers and collared shirt (of which many buttons hang loose). In the glowing late afternoon, he looks ethereal, not quite of-this-world. A dove which is angry and stubborn and trapped.
"Still," you say quietly.
"I'm fine... I don't need anything."
Mikasa and Sasha had picked flowers, which you set in a watered glass jar atop the dresser. White again.
You watch him sip, and go over when he's done, laid propped up against pillows. A wooden bench at the side; you sat for hours while he slept through the day (the whole incident happened this morning). You sit on it now.
"I know... But why not want?" you repeat, quietly looking down at your hands.
"Who are we to want anything?"
You sharply look. "Why are you talking like this?"
He just watches you, shrewdly, but with a weakness not indicative of him. It might be exhaustion talking...
"We could always die. Titans could get in—"
"I'd kill them."
"Not like this..."
You said the wrong thing—the wrongest thing. His lips press into a thin line, barely-concealed contempt and clean daggers for eyes. The way he looks, like he believes if he tensed up enough, then he'd turn invisible and leave this argument in the dust.
You gesture slightly. "Because I would protect you. Even if I wasn't one of your comrades, or a soldier."
His lip twists in a unique disgust, which is the most you can see, his head turned towards the wall. Over his stomach, his hand tightens into a fist. "If you weren't, you'd die. Then I'd be dead anyway."
You swallow. You want to yell, and cry.
"I don't want that, either way. You didn't deserve to... see me like that. That seems to be why I'm talking like this."
The anger has left him. Delicately, you stand and seat yourself on the edge of the bed by his waist. "I've seen you be lots of things. 'Weak' is okay too. And I'm okay with seeing you like that as many time as I must, which is once so far."
He scoffs softly through his nose.
You lean forward more, and walk your fingers through his hair. Blacker than night, soft. There's a little piece you tuck behind his ear. His eyes flutter, letting out a deep breath. You can almost see the goosebumps.
"I know we'll die, and I know we belong to something much bigger, but can't I love you anyway?"
His breathing hitches a little, and his eyes open. It's a wonder what he's thinking, if he's even thinking about it, his adam's apple bobbing.
"Do whatever you want. I'm fine, if it's possible I can be with you."
It's your heart's turn to flutter, and just as soon, lean over awkwardly, your head resting on his chest and your arms around him (at least as much as they can be). You hear his heartbeat. The slowing, smooth rhythm of his choppy breathing carrying your upper half. His arm slips around your waist, content to rest his lips in your hair. As the time passes, he's more and more comfortable to hold you to tame the fear his anger betrayed. By that time, your arm's fallen asleep; you rub his side.
As tempting as it is to go down to the mess crowded for dinner, and contend with questions, you stay, just appreciating existing next to him.
"Your back," he mutters. You've been bent over a while.
"Mm." He's officially being ignored.
His hand slips over yours on his side, stopping you. His face doesn't give anything away, maybe purposefully so, and so you smile.
Leaning up, a fond kiss to his cheek. "You're cute when you make that face. Is your leg feeling okay?"
He clicks his tongue mildly with his head turned out, just showing you his cheek and one blue-grey eye. "'m fine," he says quietly.
Curious eyes search. Maybe he's downplaying something, but not lying. With nothing you'd rather do, you kiss down his jaw now, to the tender, pale column of his neck. His chest lifts suddenly against yours.
His question sounds like an afterthought. "What're you doing?"
"'m loving you," you lift your lips to say. (A little embarrassing to say out loud.)
"Yeah." His lips are still in your hair, but are stirring.
You remember he has your hand when he starts bringing them down. All across your upper half, you feel him breathing, and it's a little deeper.
You switch sides, putting you at an awkward angle to kiss him. He starts to move over towards the wall, but you stop him with a firm hum fast enough, and sit up. No walking, Moblit had told him firmly. What you kind of wish he'd said now is no moving his legs. For now you ignore it pushing snugly against the front of his boxers, but there's a wisp of a giggle in your chest.
You shift the pillow carefully, and he follows, until there's enough room for you there beside him. The mattress is only half-decent, but it's warm from his body.
He looks annoyed that you're smirking, if only he could come off the slightest bit intimidating blushing so hard like this. Pink warmth creeps down his neck and disappears beneath his open, rumpled collar.
"Tch." He just captures the nape of your neck and pulls your lips against his—a little slowly that comes with tiredness, but that much more passionately.
While you play with his lips, giving him away to you, your palm roams between his thighs. You pause there. Right as he shivers with his lip trapped between your teeth, you pull away and leer over him. "Don't move, baby. Move and I'll stop."
His eyes narrow in a bratty display.
"I mean it." You smile. "Even a touch" You stroke through his clothes slow and firm, immediately bringing a dreaming-like quality to his eyes. He almost can't look at you, especially as he huffs and it throbs under you.
"Baby?" You lick your thumb.
"I won't move." He huffs again, harsher this time. "Ugh, I won't fucking move, but you can't just—"
Your free hand, your thumb, falls against his jaw and stops his soft lips from flapping, so now a whole new quality of lust emerges in his expression. You're freeing his cock from his shorts as he instantly takes you in, so soft and sweet and giving. The heat that immediately consumes your thumb is melting, almost too intense to handle.
"Good boy, letting me."
His eyes flutter as you find where wetness has drooled from the tip of his stiff cock, spreading it around in your palm. It's easy to hold him, how he was made for you, and even easier to touch him to attract his hips, and the beginning of whispered whines he always always tries to suppress.
He hasn't forgotten, though. At the moment you send him a warning look, he relaxes, and his eyes are closed. You didn't notice him take hold of your wrist, holding just to hold, and gripping the front of his shirt with the other hand, since you're not close enough.
"Good boy," you murmur again. A moan vibrates round your thumb, his cock straining in your fist. "That's my good boy..."
It seems all the squirming he doesn't do has to go towards suckling and nipping your thumb instead. You watch his brows furrowed in deep focus as you build up your firm strokes. It's getting just as wet. He can't last.
You smile to yourself as your pumps rise to his tip, firm but quick flicks of your wrist. His back bows against the bed, the moan in his throat breaking apart into a whine. That aside, he stays perfectly still, so you let it slide.
"Does it feel that good when I touch you? Going to come, sweetheart?"
"Mm," his voice comes firm and tightly-wound. His eyes open into slight slits, see you watching shamelessly, and shut again. "Mm!"
Just as he throbs and tenses up. You bend over gripping down low, abruptly tearing your hand away from his mouth to sink his cock inside yours; pinning his hips, rubbing his heavy balls in your grasp.
"F-Fuck, fuckfuck!" He takes sudden, almost too-tight hold of your hair, gasping, and tearing the sheet, and shuddering. He moans all through it, broken whispers of your name, almost hummed at the top of his throat at the quietest, and always eagerly throbbing in the hot suction of your mouth. You take everything in deep swallows.
When finally, his hips are threatening to squirm to shy away and his cock softening, you pull off. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand as he melts into the sheets. He has half of his bright red face hiding under his arm, catching his breath.
"Fuck, I don't know how you expected me to stay still. Come here." He lowers his arm.
"For the mess." You smile sweetly.
"Come here."
"You're not doing anything." But you do, and let him give you a kiss. He looks extremely unhappy about that, but for once, it looks like he'll listen when you say.
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Levi masterlist | main masterlist
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levis-coffeecup · 2 months
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chapter 28| The Aftermath
The underground is filthy and dark. Dim lights, dull alleys, and desperate hearts. A place Levi knows as well as the back of his hand, and a place he would do anything to get out of.
Chapters of life roll by and with the turn of a page, things drastically change. In front of him is the opportunity to live on the surface. And the flimsy bridge that he has to cross. From an uncivil criminal to a disciplined soldier.
But life on the surface seems tougher amidst all the mockery, civilities, and the gaping hole left in his heart, after the demise of his dear friends Isabel and Farlan.
canon- compliant, canon-typical violence, spoilers for No Regrets OVA, descriptions of PTSD, grief, depression, heavy angst and themes, strong language, self-hate, physical assault.
Author’s Note
Hiii guyssss,
This is the last chapter of the storyyy! And I can't wait for you guys to read it! (it's so hard to believe that I've finally completed this)
To everyone who's continued to put up with my erratic updates, I am so so grateful to have you here!! I hope this story was as enjoyable for you to read, as much as I enjoyed writing it!
This chapter takes place after the Rumbling, (aftermath refers to the aftermath of the Rumbling)
I hope you like this chapter as well! And this ending gives you all the feels lol!
Song for this chapter is The Joys And Sorrows Of Life by Johannes Bornlöf
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Masterlist | Playlist | Other Works
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JUN 854
The city of Jinae looks different without the walls.
The sun is scorching, and the streets are a blur of the heat waves rising from the cobblestone. And somewhere in the distance, someone argues about the morality of the Rumbling.
Mae is tired, maybe it's the afternoon heat, or maybe it's just the baby in her tummy that has made her womb so big. She drags her feet through the alleys of the market, wiping the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand.
The produce looks fresh, excellent for the apple pie she's planning to make.
Raz trails behind her too, with a pained look on her face. She rests her hands on her knees, taking a moment to catch her breath. "Mae...You need to be at home resting... Instead of wandering in this horrible heat for a pie you want to make."
Mae halts for a minute, throwing a wistful look ahead at what's left of her lover. "But I want to make something for Levi... Don't you see how miserable he looks? He's not even spoken a word to me since he's come back from his mission."
And Raz presses her lips into a thin line, silencing her frustration.
"You know, the smell of my pies always made him happy. He would always take an extra slice when I wasn't looking." A warm smile crawls on Mae's face, and she remembers all the good times spent over pies and tea.
Her gaze falls down at the growing swell of her stomach. It's huge now, so huge that she can't see her toes when she looks down. And a cheeky grin spreads on her face.
She can't wait to make pies for both him and their child.
"Mae please," Raz sighs, tears well up in her eyes, and she increases her pace and catches up to her. "It's painful to watch you like this."
"Don't worry about me Raz," She beams with pride. "I'll be patient with him, I've always been patient with him."
What stands in front of her, is a ghost of what Levi used to be. His face is gaunt and pallid, and his sunken eyes are filled with emptiness. And yet she smiles back at him, patient and faithful.
The love in her eyes never fades, no matter what condition Levi might be in.
A couple meters away from her is an old lady sitting with baskets of apples. "Don't these apples look wonderful!" She exclaims, hoping to pull a reaction out of Levi.
The old lady smiles. "They are very juicy and crunchy, the best batch we've got in months."
"Ahh!" Mae exclaims. "It would make an amazing pie filling then, am I right?" She looks at him again, but no matter what she does, the lifelessness in his gaze never changes. And his mouth still remains pressed in a grim line, devoid of any hint of a smile.
Her patience runs thins, and her pregnancy hormones catch the best of her,
"You know it's rude not to reply back, DON'T YOU?" She yells, agitated. She's dripping in sweat, carrying her 6 month pregnant belly, and he can't even acknowledge her presence.
The people around her turn, caught off guard by her sudden outburst.
And Raz pinches the bridge of her nose. "MAE STOP IT!."... She scolds, as she grabs her wrist, and drags her towards the end of the market.
The walk is short and soon the scenery changes. The liveliness of the market drifts into the haunting silence of a cemetery.
And Raz pulls Mae through the hundreds of headstones planted over the grass, until she finds the one of the Lance Corporal. She knows the route like the back of her hand now.
The Lavender flowers they kept on his grave 2 days ago have wilted.
And Mae shudders as she steps closer to it. All her illusions shatter and she's held hostage to the cruelty of the world once again.
"N-No Raz," her voice crumbles, and she takes a step back, nodding her head in denial. " H-he was s-supposed to come back after the w-war."
The silence is haunting. And Mae recalls seeing this scene a million times before, in the dreams that would terrorize her sleep.
"I-its a bad dream... it's just a bad dream." she croaks, almost tripping on another gravestone behind her.
And she waits for Levi's arms to pull her out of this never ending nightmare. She waits to feel his tight embrace.
But there's only silence.
"He wouldn't have left me alone." The disbelief in her voice is palpable.
This is the reality of war. Some are lost, some are sacrificed, and some survive.
But rarely, do they remain whole enough to thrive.
"Enough of this foolishness Mae," Raz snaps.
It's the same routine everyday. With Mae pretending that Levi is next to her and alive, and Raz dragging her to his grave until she breaks down over and over again.
Her fingers latch onto Mae's wrist and she pulls her away. "It's been 2 weeks, and y- you need to take better care of your child.... come home with me right now."
But Mae stands paralyzed,overrun by the possibility of what could have been.
Her mind drowns in dissonance, and her heart outrightly rejects the thought of him leaving.
They were supposed to have two kids. They were supposed to open his tea shop as well. There were dreams she had nurtured with so much patience.
So how did they wilt before they got the chance to bloom?
And how did the plans she held so close to her heart become unattainable?
She feels numb. And she hides her voice in a broken whisper. " H-he can't leave me Raz... I-I gave him everything I could... A-all my love... All my e-energy a-and time."
Far away on the ground, lies a crumbled newspaper.
'Humanity's Strongest shattered to pieces due to a thunder spear explosion' it says. And just below the heading is an illustration of him, bleeding on the grass with scars on his face, and 2 fingers amputated.
The earth trembles. The lavenders grieve beneath their violet blooms. And the roses quiver by the tombs, lamenting the departed who rest beneath the hush of the graveyard.
"Fine then," Raz resigns, as she starts walking away ."If you're gonna keep being such a wreck then go be it. Come back to me when some sense has been knocked into your skull."
And Mae turns to the stone that is left of her lover. The moment draws, there's silence, loss and an unfinished promise.
Its gray falls dull compared to his eyes.
And then she breaks. Falling to her knees on the grass.
Grief leaks from her so violently, it frays her voice.
She sobs like a child who's lost in the dark. And his name falls from her lips like a dying wish. She whispers it over and over, as if saying it enough could bring him back.
Her ears crave to hear his voice. But there's nothing.
Languidly her arms drape around his stone. But the stone is cold. And Levi Ackerman is gone
A shining star in the colossal sky. So beautiful, so unattainable.
And just like she'd told him that day, he ran too fast. He left her behind.
When she opens her eyes again, there's rage in them. She wants to scream. She wants to hurt all over her body like it does deep inside her heart.
"You didn't come back to me, Levi," Her bitterness burns her into the edge of destruction and she punches his stone, until it makes her knuckles bleed. "How dare you break my heart like this?"
The wind turns cold, and darkness envelopes.
The grass is lush, and below that is Levi.
With no more loyalties, promises and responsibilities.
For years she loved the remnants of him. What was left of him after the Survey Corps took his best.
There were tales he didn't pay attention to. There were letters he didn't respond to. And she waited for years, hoping that one day he would come back with his duties behind him.
But the war consumed him before she ever could.
She didn't even get to see his body, before he got buried underground.
"I was saving all along to buy you your tea shop," Her voice shatters... "I almost had the entire amount." She traces over the carving of his name on his stone.
The walls are gone, and the world is at peace, but there's chaos in her life. And peace shall never touch her, not when the pain of losing her lover drags her into hell.
"What sins am I being punished for?" She weeps. Damned, absolved, condemned by her love. "Why am I always the one being left behind?"
The petals of the Lavenders she kept, fly off with the wind. The cold claws at her skin.
The road back is long and home is nowhere to be found.
And Mae lays down on his grave, with the harrowing void in her heart. Hoping the god of death blesses her with a visit soon, just like he did to her lover.
The Survey Corps headquarters stand long forgotten.
The bricks, once a vibrant red, have faded to a muted rust, some crumbling and others overtaken by ivy and moss. The windows are translucent now, their glass fogged with grime, and dust.
The sun is long gone, and the headquarters look ghastly. But Mae doesn't want to go back to Raz, not when the sight of her and her husband living happily burns holes through her heart.
It takes her all of her strength to open the heavy door. The handles are rusted, and a cloud of dust welcomes her as she manages to push it open.
The interior of the headquarters is doused in darkness.
The fire from the torches is long blown off. The air is thick with the scent of decay and there's dust everywhere.
These hallways that were once vibrant with laughter and activity, are now soulless. Everyone's gone and an eerie silence has taken their place.
Levi would have hated seeing things this way.
Soon she reaches the gate of his quarters, and her heart shudders as she pushes it open.
The darkness is overwhelming, but she walks into it nonetheless. Just like the cemetery, grief awaits her here too,
All the time she's spent in these quarters makes them familiar. And even through the darkness she manages to walk to Levi's desk and pull a candle out from the first drawer.
The room comes alive with the flickering light of the candle. AndMae's eyes rove around, vision blurred with tears.
The ghost of his love haunts the bedroom, ever present in the bed that they made love in, and the couch where countless minutes were spent in silence.
It's a bitter reminder of how much she has lost.
And she wants to trash this place around.
His promise to save the world, ended up destroying hers.
And now she doesn't know how to live anymore.
Her grief comes crashing down on her, all over again. And Mae sulks, close to regretting her decision to be with him years back.
His room is exactly as she remembers, with a single bed under the window, and a small wooden cupboard on the opposite end.
And as she walks closer to it, her attention is caught by the fabric of his shirt that is pinched between the doors of his cupboard. He must have left in a rush.
She walks towards it, to shut it close. But as she opens the doors, a pile of his clothes falls to the floor.
He must have really left in a hurry, unless someone came in and snooped into his room.
It's a bit of a struggle to bend down, with her pregnant belly. But Levi hates messes and so she sits amidst the clutter of his clothes. Folding them in the same meticulous way he did it.
And that's when she notices the big cardboard box far at the back, kept at the bottom shelf.
It's probably all his belongings or a dump of his paperwork, but she pulls it out nevertheless, hoping to find anything that could give her closure.
The box is heavy and she puts it down on the floor.
The first thing she sees are all the letters she's ever written to him. Stacked in a tidy pile, in one corner.
Her breath catches in her throat. And the more she sifts through the box, the more she realizes that everything inside is just about her.
There's an empty box of a premium tea she got him for her birthday, and there's containers of all the spices she would get to make his food at the Survey Corps less bland.
There are books that she would read to him, and even a tag of a pair of socks she got him for the winters.
Her hands start to tremble.
Levi has preserved everything she's ever given him. Even the dried petals of the flowers she would gift him on his birthdays are neatly kept in an envelope.
Time slows down- and every moment is like a stab through her heart. Their entire journey as lovers passes through her eyes in a painful flash.
And she remembers being beyond the moon when she heard about the successful mission in Marley. Levi was alive, and he'd come back valiant.
She couldn't wait to see him again.
But then he wrote her a letter saying that Sasha was dead and to keep her distance, since Zeke was around.
She never thought that was the last time she would hear from him.
Everything that she once held close has been snatched, ripped apart from her heart. His presence has assimilated back into the soil that he came from
And she can only suffer, until she forgets the texture of his voice, and the butterflies she gets from his calloused touch.
It feels like the weight of the world has come crashing down on her shoulders. The feeling is agonizing. And she buries her head into the teddy bear she gifted him on the day he was shifting.
At the bottom of the box is an unassuming white envelope. It's paper isn't yellow like that of all her letters. And she gulps as she sees her name written on top of if, in his neat handwriting.
It feels heavier than usual, and her hand trembles as she breaks the seal open.
Inside is a single sheet of paper, folded neatly. And as she tilts the envelope to take the letter out, something metallic tumbles out, clinking softly against the floor.
Her eyes widen, and she slaps her hand over her mouth.
It's a wedding ring.... the same expensive, pearl ring that she saw in the market at Mitras.
Guttural sobs leak out of her mouth, and she wonders if the clenching inside her heart will ever stop. Because right now, her grief feels larger than the life she has ahead of her.
And with the last of her strength she opens his letter and reads it.
To my dearest Mae,
I remember the last time I was with you. The morning before I left
There was a heaviness in the air, wasn't it? You were busy making breakfast for me. And I could see the sadness that you were trying so hard to hide. For some reason I was scared to wipe your tears away, because a part of me knew I was the reason behind it.
It pains me to see you sad. It pains me to be away from you as well.
Today as I'm writing this, the world around me is on the brink of collapse. The future is so uncertain, and we don't know if Eren is on our side anymore.
I can't seem to read through anyone's intentions. Zeke is still an emotionless bastard, pretending to have compassion. And Eren... for once all the sacrifices I made seem useless. My squad died for this... Erwin died for this. A war seems inevitable, yes... and that is the only thing I'm sure of.
But this letter is not about me, it's about you.
War....Its destructive, its quick decisions taken against the fear clawing your mind. Its finding a way to win with a blade pressed to your neck. It's something you can never process until it finally ends.  All my life I've known war. All my life I've won things through violence. I've taken quick decisions, not having too much time to ponder. But I hope you know that after a million of quick decisions and unforeseen hurdles , you're the only one that's felt right.
Sometimes I wonder how I got to have you by my side for so long. I can't believe we've come so far together. But I believe my luck has run out and my reprieve is over. I'm a sinned man after all.
Lucky would be the man, who gets to come home to you.
All my life I've known to survive. But you taught me to take a break and live. Thank you for staying by my side, when I gave you a million reasons not to.
You asked me if I believed in the afterlife. And I said yes, because somewhere the concept of all the people I have lost being together, and me having the chance to meet them, gave me comfort. But what is gone is gone. It can never come back. And fantasies like the afterlife hardly bring much solace to me, now that I stand at the edge of this war.
But I still hope that one day I get to meet you again. If not in the afterlife, then in another lifetime perhaps.
If you're reading this letter, then I'm probably dead. There's now way I'd let anyone touch this letter if my body was alive.
So go and be with someone, who'll have the courage to wipe your tears away. Go be with someone who'll be able to give you the love that you gave me. Be with someone who'll write you letters everyday.
The promise we made that night is still etched in my head. And you know how I am with my promises. You best believe that I've kept my part and now it's time for yours.
This letter is long, I can't believe I've written all this much. I hope it makes up for all the things I've kept bottled all along.
This journey has been painful, but if given a choice, I would do it all over again.
I hope that we have left this world a better, a safer place.
So go, live your life. I know you have a habit of sulking, and you're probably crying as you're reading through this. So stay with Raz and be kind to yourself.
Go walk on the grass, when the sunlight is warm.
I'll be watching over you.
-Yours always,
The sunlight slithers past the gaps in the curtains, forcing the darkness of the bedroom to fade away.
The light is overbearing and unwelcome. And Mae struggles to blink her eyes open.
It's been a week since she's caged herself in his room. And she's still here, lying in a pile of his clothes that are slowly losing his scent.
She believes she's cried so much that she's out of tears.
It feels like the pain she feels, has found its abode in her heart and permanently
settled there.
She's lost the privilege of being able to trace over his scars. Or taste his lips as she captured them in a kiss. She'll never be able to hear his voice again. And no amount of memory can make her feel the warmth of his skin.
He's gone from this world, and she has lost him forever.
The storm that ripped her life apart, has finally settled down, and Mae is getting used to living in the destruction it has caused.
She believes that the entire world's grief has been spilt through her eyes.
And the state of Levi's room tells. It's as chaotic as her mental state.
There are pages scattered all over the floor. His cupboard is open, and its contents are littered all around. The bed is a mess as well, filled with the clothes Levi once used to wear. And his blanket is wadded at the foot of the bed.
It's quiet as usual, devoid of the sound of his movements. Outside the window, a twig from a tree drops to the ground.
And Mae watches its fall, still devoid of the strength to step out.
Knocks on the door startle her and she stirs, forcing herself to get up. It's probably Raz.
She came looking for Mae, the next day, awfully guilty and embarrassed for leaving her all alone at the cemetery.
Raz was nice enough to get her food twice everyday. Without her, Mae's corpse would have been rotting on the bed.
But what awaits her on the other side of the door is not Raz. Instead, in front of her stand two burly men, armed with guns in their hands.
They size her up and the mess of the room behind her.
She must be someone close to the Captain. Her state can tell.
All of a sudden, one of the two is stepping closer. With his fists balled at his sides, and an evident scowl on his face. "Who were you to that Traitor of a Captain?" he spits.
And Mae narrows her eyes at him.
They called him a hero before and then they called him a traitor.
The courageous captain. He was rude and selfless, deadly and kind. Proud, humble, strong-willed and reckless. And he was also so much more.
He was the lives he carried on his tired shoulders. He was the strength to keep moving forward even in the moments that broke him
But at the end of the day, when he took off his ODM gear, and stood in front of her without the weight of the world on his shoulders. In his scarred skin, and his broken bones. With the tidiness of a maniac and the patience of a ticking bomb.
It didn't take a genius to realize that Levi was so much more than the glory of his battles.
All of a sudden Mae can taste the salt of her tears on her lips. "He wasn't a traitor...He fought for humanity, all of humanity," she chokes.
He was his bravery, but he was also his restless mannerisms. He was the piece of his mom's gown that he wore as his cravat. And he was the pink on his cheeks when she called him beautiful. There were parts of him that were only hers to love, and to accept.
He was her pride and joy. Her hope in this godless world. And if the Yeagerists weren't around, maybe Levi could have gotten some medical assistance and survived.
"If you are one of the Yeagerists, you're not welcome here." She hisses, absolutely appalled. And then her voice turns into something sadder. "It's not like he can harm you anymore."
And just as she's closing the door, the other soldier steps in, putting his body in the closing gap.
It doesn't take him much strength to push the door open. Afterall he is a member of the military and she's weak from all her grief.
Mae's eyes widen with fear. She would have never thought they would stoop low enough to hurt a pregnant woman.
But he has a softer look on his face, which somehow contradicts his rough appearance. "Ease off, miss. We're not Yeagerists." And then he throws a glare at the soldier before he huffs. "Also Samuel... cool down please."
"We're not Yeagerists, but it wasn't fair for Commander Hange to kill her comrades, and to side with the outside world." Samuel scoffs, brimming with resentment.
Turmoil is thick in the Eldian Empire now. There's always been two sides of a coin, and hostility has spread its claws, holding it's people in the vice grip.
"Sorry, his brother was killed at the Paradis Harbour... in the fight to take the flying boat."
And Mae stays quiet, replaying his words in her mind. She has no consolation in her heart for his loss. The flying boat took off... but Hange never came back, nor did Armin, Mikasa or Jean... For all she knows, they were also crushed, just like the outside world.
Ships were sent two days after the Rumbling to see what was left of the world. But it's been a month and there hasn't been an update yet.
Guess that tells plenty about the extent of destruction caused by Eren. She can't believe she used to once feed snacks to that nervous little child.
"We're the Royal Queen's guards." The calmer soldier speaks out again. "My name is Claus. And we're here to empty out the headquarters... The Survey Corps no longer exists, and so it's the Queens Order-"
"The Captain's belongings will go nowhere." Mae cuts him off. " I'm taking everything with me."
And Samuel laughs sardonically, eyeing her pregnant womb. "And who exactly are you to the captain... a road gig? I'm pretty sure the Captain never married anyone."
And Mae knows she's supposed to defend herself. But she can't. The thought of putting together a few words makes her feel like she's going to plummet.
The world has given her so many trials. It has tested her at every age. She's tired now, so tired that she just wants to rest.
Get up and face the world. The message comes to her like a ray of light, in pitch blackness.
Get up and face the world. That's what Levi has always done.
It's as if she can hear his voice thrum somewhere in the back of her mind.
And that's what she will do. For the part of him that's growing inside of her.
She raises her right hand to make their allegations stop. And the pearl ring in her finger shines bright in the sunlight.
"I'm the widow he left behind."
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Author's note:
I see you've made it to the end:)
I know some of you must be surprised with Levi being dead, but Floch was the only one who thought Levi might still be alive, and Floch died, so I think the news that would have gone out to the newspapers would be of Levi dying.
Also let me know if Mae being pregnant came out of nowhere.
I had left small clues of Mae being pregnant in the last chapter (her crying so much because Levi was leaving and wanting him to stay, and her placing his hands on the swell of her belly). Don't know if it was obvious though, please let me know if I should mention it more directly in her thoughts in the previous chapter.
Please let me know what you thought of this chapter. Any comments really make my day, and I would love to know what you thought of the fic!
Many thanks!
Also since I'm a graphic designer and I really want to get into illustration, I will make a book cover for this book and get one copy printed for me (let me know if you would be interested to see that, just incase)
(PS: this is not the last chapter lol. I was just messing with you all lol. Last chapter will be out in 2-3 weeks as I'm still not done with it)
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