#Levi4Mikasa writes
levi4mikasa · 10 months
On a rainy day.....
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Levi was feeling bored on that rainy Saturday morning when his mom Kuchel suggested, "Why don't you go over to Mikasa's house? I heard her mom say they were planning to splash in puddles and drink hot cocoa today."
Levi perked up at the idea. His mom Kuchel was good friends with Mikasa's mom and knew the two kids enjoyed playing together as well.
Kuchel walked Levi across the street to Mikasa's front door and gave him a gentle push to knock. Little Mikasa flung open the door, beaming, wearing her green rain coat and matching rain boots. In her small hand, she clutched her bright yellow umbrella.
"Come in, come in!" Mikasa cried in her sweet, joyful 6-year-old voice, taking Levi's hand and pulling him into the cozy house that smelled like fresh baked cookies.
Soon they were both ready to head out into the rain, Mikasa in her green rain ensemble and Levi sporting a blue top and jeans.
The two kids had a wonderful afternoon playing in the rain under the shelter of Mikasa's cheery umbrella. Laughter echoed down the street as they chased frogs by the creek, Mikasa's pigtails bouncing.
They stopped to watch a fat, green frog sitting perfectly still on a lily pad, its throat puffing in and out. Mikasa giggled and Levi grinned as they observed the frog's meditation, enchanted by the way its eyes blinked slowly.
When they returned, soaked and thrilled from their adventure, their moms had two steaming mugs of hot cocoa waiting for them along with big marshmallows. Levi smiled at little Mikasa as he sipped, thankful Mikasa was there to turn gloomy day into fun.
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a-slut-for-smut · 2 years
A Short but Sweet AckerSmut Preview...
heya RM lovelies so i very much wanted to get this out as a smutty xmas gift but that clearly didn't happen but better late than never no? Actually REALLY late, originally it was supposed to be for kinktober/smutober per @levi4mikasa's suggestion waaaaay back when (dont think i forgot 😘)
Its funny i always told myself id never write rivamika because theres no way in hell i could do justice to their characters but then i was like eff it- when it comes to pure smut, we ball!!!
So this is just a preview but the set up that i havent written yet is Levi and Mikasa had a heated argument at a military fundraising ball right before Marley Arc, he says something intentionally to really piss her off (naturally, its his kink) and shes ends up propositioning him; hellbent on revenge. Hilarity (and smut) ensues 😁
Her deceptively delicate hands were on his belt buckle, her right thumb sensually tracing the notched prong back and forth.
“Are you sure you want this, Captain?”  Mikasa asked lowly, peering up at him underneath her long, dark lashes.   
“Don’t call me that.”  His reply was a bit more gruff than he had intended, having gotten far too comfortable with barking orders at soldiers and civilians alike. He cleared his throat.
“Not here.  Not when we’re…like this.”  He finished, softening his tone.
Mikasa couldn’t help but scowl up at him.  “Then what the hell am I supposed to call you, sir? 
The irritation across her face instantly gave way to shock, her eyebrows scraping her hairline at his startling reaction.   For that cool, unyielding facade that was his handsome face fractured for a split second, revealing a flicker of something she would never thought possible for the stalwart captain: uncertainty, doubt.  Maybe even fear?  
She struggled to place it as she composed herself; quite a feat with the way his eyes now seem to be boring into her. As with his face, she caught a fleeting glimpse beyond that hard gaze; a flash of explosive heat that suddenly ignited, and while he had shut it away as quickly as it came, she could still feel the residue heat from it.  Although it was somewhat unsettling coming from someone as stoic as Levi, she’d be lying to herself to say it was wholly unwelcomed.
After an uneasy pause, he finally found his voice.
“Call me by my name…Mikasa.”
Her eyebrows betray her once again.   The casual yet profound intimacy of her name passing through his typically stiff but now softened lips, along with the way his eyes searched hers almost desperately did something to her; but she wasn’t quite sure what. 
Then she felt it, a flutter in her stomach, a warming yet pleasing sensation that slowly bloomed across her body. As she felt the soft heat crawl up towards her cheeks she tore her eyes away from his, focusing her attention back on the task at hand. 
“Fine.” She replied as bluntly as she could. “Are you sure you want this…Levi.”
Again, Levi hesitated before he spoke, or rather, whispered.  
“....Yes. I want this.”  Oh so very much.
It was Mikasa upon her knees, but the way he breathed out the simple, yet, loaded response had all the hallmarks of a prayer.  It was a sight to behold Levi so utterly vulnerable like this, but her Ackerman instincts wouldn’t allow her to ignore the opening; the much desired opportunity she had been hoping for.   
“...I’m glad to hear you say that,” she murmured as she began to unbuckle his belt and unfasten his trousers. 
Levi watched with such intense focus that the scene before him seemed to unfold in slow motion; memorizing every movement as she methodically undressed him, the grace and deftness of her fingers.   Deep down he wanted to relish this moment as much as possible, spurred on by the very rare occasion of not having to look up to take in the magnificence of her.  
As with his countenance, Mikasa peeled away the barrier before her, exposing his stark-white undergarments to full view.  Her elegant hands came to rest on his hips, pulling them slightly forward towards her as her grip upon them tightened.  Levi stilled himself with bated breath.  
This was it.  There was no going back.  And if he was being entirely honest, he was damn certain he didn’t want to.  In his reverie he was quite understandably distracted, his normally sharp instincts dulled.  
And with that, ladies and gentlemen, marked the downfall of Levi Ackerman. 
He nearly missed the small smirk tug at her parted lips but it was too late; Levi could only hopelessly watch as she suddenly reared her head back and smashed her forehead with the unmistakable strength of a woman worth a hundred soldiers against his woefully exposed groin. 
Levi saw stars, galaxies, f*cking aliens as he doubled over in sheer agony, a white scorching pain searing across his veins throughout his body; blinding him briefly. Once again his Ackerman instincts were stifled, unable to counter the continued onslaught as his vision returned to him only to see her slender yet deadly fist rocketing directly towards his face. 
There was no prospect of defensive maneuvering as she executed a devastating haymaker uppercut, her fist making contact square in the nose, lifting his entire body off his feet into the air and sending him sailing (and flailing) across his office.  
In a different circumstance he would have admired the elegance of her form- from the telegraphed windup as she shifted her weight and rotated her torso back, the fluidity of the follow through as her right arm glided across the air in a perfect arc, and the pinpoint accuracy of her fist as it locked on the bullseye that unfortunately happened to be his nose.  But alas, this was decidedly not that circumstance- the result of which had him crashing down heavily on his ass, one hand painfully clutching his abdomen with the other cradling his bleeding and possibly broken nose. 
His senses finally returned to him upon impact, the shock of it all finally giving way to fury.  
Levi was cut short when a pair of heavy boots landed dangerously close on either side of his head.  He looked up to find Mikasa leering down at him with a particularly devious smirk.  
“Oh, I'm going to break much more than your f*cking nose- Levi.”
She reached under her military skirt and tore off her panties in one fluid yank, tossing them aside before pouncing down to her knees to straddle his face. She fisted his hair roughly, yanking it flush to the ground as he gasped in both pain (and embarrassingly, delight), the other tearing his hand off nose and pinning it above his head.
“Now let's put that filthy mouth of yours to good use for once.”
Both Levi’s eyes and mouth widened, but before he could get out any retort Mikasa recklessly smashed her groin directly onto his face, joining his lips with her own (of a sort); grunting her satisfaction as she finally put him in his place- an inglorious place, yet a place, quite frankly, where he seemed right at home.
yah not me indulging myself to the max of my fav kinks (femdom, explicit consent and the loaded intimacy of using personal names) teehee
Anyway thats all i managed to get so far, honestly dont know when i'll finish (if ever, life getting the best of me at the moment) but the jist is ‘something something Mikasa beats the sh*it outta Levi, she rides his freaking face off and he basically thanks her and asks for seconds’ 😁
@warbarbie @magicalanchordestiny @chaosisbeauty23 @levi4mikasa much love and appreciation for the encouragement!! this is for you <3<3
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bryhaven · 2 years
I've been tagged in a good number of New Year messages, and I sincerely appreciate them. So I thought of also giving back and continuing the good cheer and positivity especially at the start of the year 💖
There were several times when I felt inadequate, felt like I wasn't contributing enough, or I wasn't connecting enough to the people in the fandom. But being tagged in sweet simple messages means a lot and shows that my efforts and presence in the respective fandoms I'm in are indeed seen and appreciated 🥰
Special shoutouts: (tagged people, you can skip to reading only your part of the message if you like ahah 😅😅)
@levi4mikasa - Your username is the core of our corner of the fandom ahaha. Thanks for your support of my work! (Is there a sort of nickname I can call you or refer to you as? Ahaha) Like the Alchemy of Shadows RM art I made, if you have any ideas or photo references that you want to be turned into RivaMika, you can send them to me and I'll try my best to create them whenever I do some art~
@nuri148 - Nuri! I appreciate that you are usually the one who gets the deeper meanings I incorporate into my stories. I'm also grateful that your story and muse have also given me some ideas and inspiration that I can use or incorporate into my own future works~
@warbarbie - Barbie! I feel like you're my biggest fan because as far as I noticed, you are the one who reblogs my posts the most. And I can't thank you enough for your support. I know you're busy and all, but hopefully we can get to interact more as well~
@chaosisbeauty23 - Chaos! I'm truly grateful that your works inspired me to make my own fics as well. I'm still struggling when it comes to writing, but hopefully like you, I will also be able to find my path to it in time. You are one of the RM writers I look up to, and I know you already said it, but I hope you won't mind if I pop into your inbox sometimes if I need some advice or so~
@your-lavender-dreams - Lavender! Your AU fic, A Valuable Asset, is my favorite and the highlight of my reading this year! Since it is the AU that I've been dying to read and have for our OTP RivaMika! I'm truly grateful that your fic exists and I can't wait for it to be updated! I can't even begin to explain the toughness of the situation you're facing right now there in your country, but your safety and well-being are always the priority. Stay strong and keep safe~
@kenza-nm - Kenza! I've said this already but I will say it again. Thank you so much for encouraging me to get into Tumblr. I know you aren't as active anymore in the SnK or RM fandom. But I am truly grateful that you remained when I finally joined in and continued to show me support. Good luck as always to your endeavors this year~
@cakesensei - Cake! (Hope you don't mind but the handle is actually cute) I see you as my bestie in the FSKG fandom, and I'm grateful to have you as one of the people who I can share my JJK and FSKG brain rot with! Your works are brilliant! And I also can't thank you enough for supporting me always~
@onigiri-dorkk - Last and most definitely not least, Onigiri-bestie! I am eternally grateful to you for being the first person both here and on Twitter who welcomed, encouraged, and supported me! Your works have inspired me more than you'll know, and whenever my anxiety kicks in, your comments and messages on them keep me going. It is also thanks to you that I've met and got to interact with these wonderful people in our corner of the fandom. Without your encouragement, there probably wouldn't be a Haven sticking around here now ahaha. Keep shining like you do~
Special mentions to @lady-purpleblue and @bebellabutterfly for always supporting and encouraging the RM fandom and its creativity!
Again thank you all so much! And also to the rest of the fandoms! I hope we can all continue to support each other 🥰💖
Happy New Year and may we all have a fruitful and prosperous 2023! Cheers! 🥂
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helena-thessaloniki · 2 years
Welp. Sharing my Top Ten Favorite Films is probably giving more identifying information about my irl self than if I posted my last name, birthday, and mailing address, but here you have it. 🥰 Nominated by my dear friend @a-slut-for-smut 🖤
After careful thought and consideration, these are indeed ranked in order. heh
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
“So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?” 
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Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas 
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One day, I will write the essay that nobody asked for about this one. A real study into fate, destiny, and the role of our own personal choices. Brilliant storytelling: I’m endlessly inspired by what happens in the beginning coming full circle for the surprise twist at the end. Especially with how it’s seamlessly interwoven with the anti-hero’s redemption arc and sacrifice. Of course, there’s also a compelling female villain (Eros, Goddess of Chaos) and a strong, feminine female lead-- y’know, grit and grace-- with real autonomy and agency (Marina). Even the “handsome prince” is not a stereotype, but a deconstruction of toxic masculinity. The bromance and charming ensemble cast. The gorgeous scenery. Oh, how I could go on and on.
Rogue One
“What chance do we have? The question is ‘what choice.’ Run, hide, plead for mercy, scatter your forces: you give way to an enemy this evil with this much power and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission. The time to fight is now!” 
Be still my heart. The chosen family vibes of six truly unique characters, all so vulnerable, determined and brave in their own ways, learning to trust and lean on each other, risking it all to save the galaxy... For me, this further revolutionized storytelling from the singular hero who saves the day to the everyday people who do. And, you can really see why this was one of the most expensive films to make of all time. It’s breathtakingly beautiful. Lastly, I know SW is inundating everything now, but I’m sorry not sorry, let’s keep being anti-Imperialist, anti-fascist, yeah? 
“Rebellions are built on hope.” 
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“We men are wretched things.”
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Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 
“A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day!” 
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Stand by Me
“Wish the hell I was your dad! You wouldn't be goin' around talkin' about takin' these stupid shop courses if I was. It's like God gave you something, man, all those stories you can make up. And He said, ‘This is what we got for ya, kid. Try not to lose it.’ Kids lose everything unless there's someone there to look out for them. And if your parents are too fucked up to do it, then maybe I should.”
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Brother Bear 
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Little Women (2019)
“I can't get over my disappointment at being a girl.”
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Dune (2021)
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I’m not sure if Dune will hold up as the years go on, but I went back to see it in theatres four times and I wish desperately to see it again for the first time. They don’t make many (big blockbuster) movies this grave and grandiose anymore. The music, visuals, and somber tone was unlike anything I’ve seen in a long, long time. 
“I guess God has a plan for all of us.”
“God's a kid with an ant farm, lady. He's not planning anything.”
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Honorable mentions to Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, The Italian Job, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Mad Max: Fury Road, Inception, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and my ultimate guilty pleasure, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. 
Nominating @warbarbie @stalactice @known-as-naya @levi4mikasa @infinitelystrangemachinex @queenofangts @quinnxra @onigiri-dorkk @ally147writes & whomever wants to reflect and share with this fun 🥰
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
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I posted 1,621 times in 2022
That's 1,187 more posts than 2021!
620 posts created (38%)
1,001 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 898 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#rivamika - 525 posts
#levimika - 278 posts
#levi x mikasa - 241 posts
#mikasa x levi - 230 posts
#levimikasa - 150 posts
#personal - 63 posts
#onigiriwrites - 54 posts
#onigiridraws - 43 posts
#levi ackerman - 26 posts
#rivamika fanfic - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#but simple comments and feedback and even simply letting a creator know that you enjoyed their content makes so much of a difference!!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Attack on Titan Wiki posted this screenshot of a scene from The Daily Life of the Immortal King 2. Definitely Mikasa and Levi AU!
Lots of attention on Mikasa but the other character definitely looks like Levi. The hair part, the white turtleneck that is reminiscent of a cravat, the dark olive greenish jacket… 🤍
They posted this on their Instagram too and I’m liking all of the “Mikasa and Levi” comments hehe
159 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Artist: @bloodymocha on Twitter
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Received permission from artist to post to Tumblr for her!
Raved to her about how much I love this piece and that our Tumblr community would love it too and she's happy to share! 🥰
I loved the playfulness between Levi and Mikasa during training — it’s something we don’t often get to see (because, you know, sparring sessions usually get steamy HEH).
I imagine they enjoy sparring with each other to the point where it can get playful like this. Then Erwin and Hange drop by to observe their session and are just caught in complete shock seeing Levi turn into a different person around Mikasa — smiling, playful, all of that. Levi’s face would go to a cold angry front again when he catches sight of them smugly smiling at him 😂
I also imagine Levi would be the only one Mikasa could playfully fight with and vice versa lol. Others would get hurt or be too on edge practicing against the strongest but with each other they can just enjoy combat for combat's sake hehe. I LOVE RIVAMIKA
Someone go write a fluffy sparring session one-shot because I don't have time to try my hand at it!
177 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
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Canon: Levi staring at Mikasa 🥰
178 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
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OK GUYS bear with me for a little longer. I photoshopped/edited this screenshot and turned the guy into Levi. Also replaced Mikasa's scarf with a blue one. YOU'RE WELCOME. Rivamika AU done.
Maybe I can do a series of turning anime characters into Rivamika LOL. Feel free to send me anime screenshots of what you want me to transform HEHEHE
193 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
236 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ash-aot · 2 years
Hey guys, I have a very very smutty Rivamika fanfiction idea… should I write it?
@levi4mikasa @a-slut-for-smut
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rivaille-13 · 4 years
After The... Year 2020
If you’re reading this, then I’m glad you survive the year of the naughty Rat! Kidding aside, I just want to post something like my sentiments, gratefulness, and any other kind of shits I forgot to mention. 
This pandemic had made me use tumblr again, fortunately, and it was a little lonely to begin with. But I’m thankful to my first virtual friends: @drblack87 and @jinchantallee for giving me a warm head start!
Of course, people I want to mention here are my co-fellow RivaMika shippers. (I created this blog because of my obvious obsession for Levi and I’m just a trash for RivaMika) So thank you: @levi4mikasa @kuruus @orenochoko @lenok993 @jvanie @levi-is-heicho @levimikasa @rivamika-trash for making my feed slurping up with an awesome quality content of RivaMika. 
Another one is that never in my life I could fucking write out of boredom. I seriously have no idea at first how you guys (kind of like it?) the fanfics I’ve written, but really... Your supports made me whole. Every comments, kudos, reblogs, hearts, and just even by trying to look a piece of it, my heartfelt THANK YOU. Number one is @dewipersikkk YES YOU! Thank you also: @dyzfunctional-heartbeat @reikasart and the others that I can’t find on the tags like: ash-aot, melancholykeys25, im-bored-as-hellO-o, ilovelance3010, and many more! (:
I would like to include here is my new sweet friend: @hayden-dsc Who is a very good author too. I love her work, and I personally recommend her. Please give it a try: I’m With You on AO3. Plus the fact that she’s cool, and we have a RivaMika server which you guys could join. I would also want to include here our cute and awesome talented writers which are a friend of mine too! @shinriaaa @fulminataspqr @fefipranon  go check their writings, it’s promising! (:
The RivaMika fan artists which I also found them very sweet and approachable and talented. I love every piece of their works, and of course, their personalities. Thank you: @ackersquad37 (I MISS YOU SO MUCH), @carmenlee, @daryemar, reikasart, and many more! You all are damn great. ((:
Plus my discord buddies! I love you to the bones @incepstla , @erenjaegerismyhusband @sugariserwinsandkitaslover @kalealol/jean’sbitchbag and all of you AHHHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS. (:
OKAY sorry for being so talkative. There are a very lot more to mention, but I can’t tag you guys (I don’t know why) but thank you for making this year a little bit brighter. All of you, I hoped for your utmost peace this 2021. That’s all, if you read it this far, then thank you, I guess. (:
Please forgive me if I use that After The War setting of update. I would be updating next year, hopefully! 
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aickerman-s · 4 years
Another request!
Thanks to everyone who’s sent in a prompt! I will try my hardest to write something for each of you - please be patient, and enjoy the others while you wait :)
This one’s for @levi4mikasa - their prompt was something funny with Levi and Mikasa in a sauna...
Steam & Spite
Swirling wisps of steam slowly rising from his skin… the moisture burning in the dry heat as the temperature rises. Any bead of sweat that arises on his forehead, his arms, his chest, is soon doomed to the same fate. The harsh hot air catches in his throat, and it takes all his legendary strength not to choke on it.
He won’t give in. Not before her.
Across from him, Mikasa sits in her towels, eyes shut and peaceful. She sits as though she were the only person in the world, as if the warmth were just enough to lull her to sleep. Not a care in the world. Insufferable.
Levi on the other hand has never felt so close to dying. The skin of his knuckles are pulled taught as he clenches his sweat-absorbing towel, focusing on the effort and trying to wring some semblance of moisture back out of it. His breathing was harsh, and he hated the feeling of the sharp heat rushing down his nose every time he took a breath.
He looked to Mikasa. Maybe she is sleeping. Levi forces the stiff muscles of his legs to pull him forward, and quietly as he can, and adds water to the hot stones. Steam hisses and shoots upwards, and while it stings his face – as hot as the air around him – at least it’s not dry. He takes another glance at Mikasa. No reaction. He adds another couple of cups of steam, feeling the air humidify around him.
Reluctantly, he returns to his bench, wincing as he sits, the back of his thighs burning. He sighs, and closes his eyes. He’s never been in a sauna before. It’s not much more than a warm shed, really. But Hanji had assured him it would ease the ache in his muscles, and aid in faster recovery from both workout and injury. He glanced at Mikasa once more, feeling the effort it took to peel open his eyes. He wasn’t sure why she was here. Probably from a workout - but no doubt if she was injured she would keep it secret. Maybe she was just here for relaxation, he thought. She certainly looks peaceful enough. And she certainly deserves it. How she can relax in this death trap, however, was beyond him.
…Is she relaxing? Levi sat up suddenly at the thought that maybe she’d passed out. Hanji had said that there was only so long you should stay in the heat. Levi leaned forward. She was breathing – not as harshly as him.
“…Mikasa?” Levi asked tentatively.
“Hm?” Mikasa hummed, not opening her eyes.
“Oh.” Levi’s shoulders relaxed, “It’s nothing. I thought you’d fallen asleep.”
“I’m fine, thank you.” Mikasa said softly.
Levi grunted in response. The grunt itself however, finally caught in his throat, and after a couple of restrained coughs, Levi was soon overcome by a full-blown fit.
“Captain?” He heard Mikasa call over his spluttering, though he was doubled over by this point and couldn’t see her.
“I’m fine-,” he managed to croak between coughs.
“Here, this will help,” Mikasa added a few cups of water to the hot stones, filling the room with fresh steam and moisture. The clouds of vapour obscured her from him, but he felt the difference soon after. As the fit became less convulsive, and the coughing slowly began to come under his control, Levi felt a sudden hard slap against the back of his head.
“Ow!” he hollered, quickly descending back into his coughing.
“I’m so sorry!” Mikasa cried from somewhere in the mist, “I was trying to pat your back… I couldn’t really see.”
Levi recovered his breath, and couldn’t help a chuckle. It didn’t sound much different from his cough at this point, “It’s okay. Thank you.”
Mikasa hesitated, probably unsure whether to accept thanks for smacking her superior across the head, “…No problem.”
They sat in continued silence as the steam evaporated, soon returning to the harsh, dry, inescapable heat. When the mist cleared, Levi saw Mikasa had closed her eyes again. How does she do that?
Levi could only take another minute of this torture before deciding that muscle pain was the lesser evil. He rose, and without a word, opened the door to escape into the cold countryside air. The difference in temperature was sharp, and he was shivering within seconds, but he preferred it all the same. He closed the door quickly behind him, trying not to let the cold in for Mikasa.
Levi hurried in his towel back to his clothes, left in a little shelter not far from the hut. He dressed quickly, but only donned his shirt and trousers before he heard a door slamming open behind him. He turned, and saw Mikasa doubled over in the open doorway of the sauna, face scarlet red, wiping sweat from her face and wheezing for dear life.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
💚 See Me Now 💚
XIX. Captured
(F/N) opened her eyes, and found herself looking at an unfamiliar room. It was dark and gloomy, and she wasn't even lying on a bed. Instead, she was sitting on a chair, her hands and feet tied tightly with rope. She tried to move them, but to no avail.
Ah, she really was captured. And it wasn't her plan. Yes, she infiltrated the old building two hours after she left the Scouting Legion Headquarters ( on foot, just in case one of the Squad Leaders noticed that one of the horses from the stable was missing ), managed to stealthily take down some of the guards at the entrance ( thanks to Mikasa, who trained her really well ), successfully freed the prisoners ( five unknown men, a fishmonger, a young lady, a fat middle - aged woman, @levi4mikasa , whose writings of the hooded men were burned for the sake of the Saturn's Month bonfire, and @clovemcpandas , whose sole purpose for being captured was to keep her mouth shut regarding the Ackerman executioners' infiltration of the Berg Publication House ), fought three or so more thugs, and finally got overwhelmed after a dozen more men showed up.
And now, this,...
Seriously, if it wasn't for the very dire situation she's in, (F/N) might've congratulated herself for making it this far. The old (F/N) couldn't have done something like this.
And what's the catch? Just before collapsing after a burly man punched her on her stomach, she saw a dark - clad man emerging from the shadows. He knelt before her writhing form and took something out from his pocket. It was a vial containing a clear form of liquid. (F/N) knew that it was the antidote.
"Did you come for this, sweetheart?" the man asked her. "If that's the case, then, please forgive me. I will never let anyone take this, not even a beautiful young lady like yourself."
With that, (F/N)'s vision finally blurred and she lost consciousness. After an unknown amount of time, she woke up like this.
(F/N) tugged at the ropes once more. It was actually not too tight, at all.
Focus, (F/N), you can do this,...
"Not escaping, are we?" a low male voice said from the right corner of the depressing room. It made the hairs on (F/N)'s nape stand. With wide eyes, she cautiously turned to her right and saw the same dark - clad man from earlier. And now that she's fully awake, she could see that the man had a lot of wrinkles on his face. His hair was of an unidentified color, and he was actually tall and quite muscular - looking.
But, what intrigued (F/N) the most was not his physique, but the color of his eyes. They were, for some unknown reason, yellow.
The man raised an eyebrow. "Why look so glum? You're the one who came to this place. By the way, are you aware that you took down almost two dozens of my men? How strong could you, Scouts, actually be - ?"
"Where is the antidote?!" (F/N) asked in a really loud and stern voice that actually surprised her.
The man took it calmly like he was just having a conversation with a fine gentleman.
"Whoa, calm down, sweetheart!" the man slightly laughed while holding out his hands as if in submission. "I have it. But, you see, no matter how much you begged me, I will not give it to you."
(F/N) desperately tugged at the ropes. "Give it to me! Or else - "
The man smiled at her. "Or else?"
Oh no,...
Lie, (F/N), lie,...
"Or else,... the Scouts would come and defeat all of you!"
"The Scouts, eh?"
"Yes! In fact, they're already coming here to beat your sorry ass!"
"Sweetheart!" The man swiftly made his way to (F/N)'s side and gently touched her left cheek. "Young, well - bred ladies shouldn't say those kinds of words." He brought his mouth closer to her ear and whispered, "Did Levi Ackerman's nasty way of speaking rub off on you?"
(F/N) shrieked hysterically, making the man move away from her.
"Sweetheart, why are you in such a rush? I went out of my way to bring you here, and this is how you behave in front of me? Look, I even saved you when one of my men tried to use you,..."
"Why are you doing this?" (F/N) was so angry that she wanted to be freed from her binds and beat the smug look off the man's face. "Why are you killing the Ackermans?"
"Heh, they're a hindrance." he said. "You see, there was a time when the royal bloodline trusted them. With their massive abilities, they suit the honorable profession of being royalty's sword and shield. But, that was a long time ago. Over time, the King had began to fear the power of the Ackermans, thinking that they could, one day, snatch away his throne with their brute strength. He wanted to have them erased off the face of the kingdom. The weak ones were easy enough to eliminate, but the awakened ones proved to be very difficult to handle. That's where we came in. You know the rest."
"But, the King disbanded your group a long time ago!"
"That was a foolish decision made by that aging man! Driving off the few Ackermans who were left away from the inner Wall as mercy was not enough. He needs us. We are the rightful ones to be at the King's side. My father, and my father's father, did all the best they could to keep this organization intact. They developed more than one ways to hunt down the remaining demons and cast them into the flames. We will not rest until the last drop of Ackerman blood hit the ground. Only then can we finally be welcomed back by the King with open arms. They are an abomination to the world. A disgrace to the King's glorious name!"
(F/N) cringed. "You're crazy! You're not doing this for the King, you're doing this for yourself!"
"Shut up,..."
"You wanted to eliminate them just because you think they're evil, when, in fact, you only wanted to get close to the King. And for what? To bask in his glory? Bullshit!"
"Shut up!"
"And why do you even want to be on the King's side? I bet you just wanted power! And to realize your dreams, you eliminate royalty's true loyal guards! The Ackermans are not the ones who want to snatch away the throne. You are!"
The man swiftly brought his large hand down on (F/N)'s face for a very painful slap, making the girl spout out blood.
The man calmed himself down and put his hands on top of her head.
"See what you made me do? Don't make me add another injury to your lovely head." the man said, gently touching her bloody bandage that covered the wound inflicted by her Captain hours ago. "Don't make me hurt you again, okay? You may have uncovered our true motives, but I still have use for you. It's not time for you to die, yet."
"You'll see. In the meantime, let's continue our conversation."
The man went away and when he came back a few moments later, he was carrying a chair. He placed it in front of (F/N) and settled himself in it. He crossed his legs and looked at her like someone who was appraising a jewel.
"If I may ask, why are you so hell - bent on retrieving the antidote? And with no particular plan, at all?" he asked her quite nicely.
(F/N) continued tugging at the ropes around her wrists. "None of your business!" she said through gritted teeth.
I have to be strong! I have to be strong!
The man just smiled at her. Maliciously.
"Hmm, let me guess. Are you related in some way to that Ackerman?"
(F/N) was getting really nervous. The man perfectly knew how to stab her in the weakest spot of her armor. "None of your business!"
"A lovechild? His mother? Nah, that would be downright preposterous."
(F/N) did her best at glaring at her captor, not letting him show any weakness.
"Wait a second here, don't tell me that you're his lover?"
(F/N) abruptly stopped tugging at the ropes and stared at the man with a pitiful expression. She cursed herself at what she just did and tried to defend herself.
"Hit a chord?"
"I'm not his lover!" she shrieked at him.
The man just smirked devilishly at the girl's reaction. "Oh, I see. Then, it's safe to say that it's one - sided."
This man is driving me insane!
"So what if it is?"
"Aww, come on, you came in here just to get his cure? And if he gets it, will he even like you back? Is it really worth it? Is he really worth all your pain?"
(F/N) gave up freeing herself. She looked down at the ground, contemplating everything he just said.
"To be honest, no. It is not worth it,..."
"Ha! You see? You shouldn't have come here! You're just an infatuated - "
"... if I think only of myself."
"What did you just say?"
The girl looked at him with a determined look on her face. "Every insulting words, every pain, every humiliation I receive from him,... I'm aware that even if he gets cured, he would still not like me. I know that. I did not go here just to make him like me, even for just a bit. All I'm asking you is to give me the antidote! Humanity needs his strength. Without him, we'll all be finished!"
"A man who hurts you is not worth all this sacrifice you give him! What will he do to you once he gets his strength back? He could possibly kill you! That's how evil the Ackermans really are!"
"I don't care! He can kill me if he wants to! I don't care what happens to me after all this. Humanity's safety is more important than my life!"
"Stop being such a heroine, sweetheart. Humanity is doomed from the start. Can't you see? No one could save us all from the Titans."
"That's not true,..."
"It is, I'm afraid so. Nothing we can do about it. You know, if I meet you someplace else, I could've given you all the advice you need to help you get over him. He doesn't deserve you. You're such a waste, sweetheart."
The man stood up, went closer to her, and grabbed her chin, looking at her with such lust - filled eyes. (F/N) tried wriggling herself free, but the man didn't let her.
"Such a beautiful girl. That Ackerman surely doesn't know how to appreciate a treasure such as yourself. Is he blind or something?"
"Let go of me!"
"Not a chance, sweetheart. If I were him, I would've,..."
But, he was interrupted with the sudden noise just outside the room. The door violently opened, and in came several men who just kicked someone towards the middle of the room.
The man smiled broadly at this. "And look who's here? Just in time for the main event!"
(F/N) gasped at the helpless figure on the floor.
"Captain Levi,..." (F/N) said to him, her tears starting to fall down her wounded face. "Why?"
~ @unhappysap , @shewolfofficial , @shortbty14 , @super-peace-fangirl , @fangurl-ontgeside , @yepps , and @emilyackerman78 . 💚
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levi4mikasa · 11 months
A letter from her...
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Levi jolted awake to the shrill whistle of the tea kettle. Bleary-eyed, he silenced it and prepared his morning cuppa, thoughts still clinging to fragments of the dream he'd been having.
Mikasa had visited him, her cheeks flushed and eyes shining as she declared her longing for him had become too overwhelming to bear. She spoke of leaving behind her quiet life in Paradis to join him in London, if only he'd have her.
Levi rubbed his eyes with a sigh. Just a dream - yet so vivid he could almost smell Mikasa's signature floral scent in the air.
A knock at the tea shop door startled him from his reverie. Levi opened it to find a postman holding a single envelope addressed in tidy, familiar handwriting - Mikasa's.
His heart stuttered as he accepted the mail with slightly trembling hands. Mikasa writing to him after all these years? It was too coincidental after the intense dream.
Levi brewed a fresh pot of soothing chamomile tea to calm his nerves before sitting down to read. As he inhaled the letter's delicate perfume, the fictional reunion scene flashed through his mind again.
Get ahold of yourself, Levi, he chided inwardly, ignoring his warming cheeks. This was surely just an innocuous friendly letter, nothing more.
Yet as Levi read Mikasa's poetic words describing her loneliness and longing for adventure, he couldn't help but detect a hint of something deeper. Subtle phrases hinted she might welcome a change in scenery…to London, perhaps?
Levi's pulse raced as he reread the letter, searching for hidden meanings. Was it possible Mikasa felt drawn to him, even after all this time apart? Could this be the opening he'd long waited for?
Setting down his tea, Levi collected pen and paper. He would respond sincerely, inviting Mikasa to visit London soon. Whether as a friend or something more remained unsaid, but Levi knew he must see her again.
This time, he resolved not to let her go until he understood the true contents of her heart. Levi pressed Mikasa's letter gently to his lips before beginning his reply.
Image drawn via picrew 😌
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levi4mikasa · 10 months
The first date.....
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Mikasa adjusted her kimono, pulse quickening in anticipation. After years apart, finally she'd see Levi again. She hoped to impress him after everything they'd been through.
Levi gripped his motorcycle handles tightly as Mikasa's home drew near. He wondered if he looked alright, wanting to charm her on their long-awaited date.
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Nerves and excitement filled them both. So much time had passed, but now their paths were crossing again.
Tonight marked a new beginning. Their hearts had been intertwined by fate long ago. Now finally they could reconnect and explore those feelings.
After the war had split them apart, this magical night would bring them back together. The wait was nearly over.
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levi4mikasa · 11 months
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The streets of Shiganshina were hushed as Levi approached Mikasa's cottage. Over three years had passed since the Rumbling, but the ghosts of their losses still haunted them.
Levi knocked on the weathered door. When Mikasa opened it, her haunted eyes met his.
"Tch, glad you don't look as gloomy as you used to when he was around," Levi remarked.
Wordlessly, Levi extended a bouquet of flowers.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save him," he rasped.
"You've nothing to apologize for," Mikasa whispered, lips trembling. She pulled him into a fierce embrace.
When she drew back, Mikasa gazed at the crushed flowers. "I'm sorry about these."
"They served their purpose," Levi said, mouth quirking.
Mikasa's answering smile reminded him of her defiant youth. "Getting sentimental in your old age?" she teased.
"Tch. Still stronger than you, Ackerman," Levi retorted.
Their banter felt comforting, familiar. As their eyes met, Levi felt the possibility of something more. Perhaps together, the last Ackermans could find healing and second chances.
Omg, I finally turn one of many ideas into a fic. I'm gonna be honest, I've used AI but the idea was my own. I made a lot of changes to make it resonate with their characters and my idea for this fic. It's super short but I wanted it to be just about this specific moment of our moon couple.
🫣Be kind and gentle when reviewing this. And before commenting anything negative or rude, know that even bestseller writers have used the ghost writing services.
Art drawn by me via picrew 😍
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bryhaven · 2 years
Can we start a Game? I will give u a few words or a Situation and u Write a Little Story, fanfic , conversation about it or give me your thoughts How the Situation will goes in?
Levi as a dad : How would he react if his son would bring a girl home and How would it be if his daughter would bring a boy? Give us also mikasas POV..
Sorry for the late reply, anon, and thanks for the tag, @levi4mikasa!
I also received the same ask in my inbox, so I'll be answering it from here 😌
I may have some other things that are slightly different from @chaosisbeauty23's and @nuri148's headcanons. But it still revolves around the fact that Levi and Mikasa are protective and watchful parents to their kids regarding partners.
Levi and Mikasa when their son brings home a girl
●Levi isn't particularly a friendly sight to behold. But since it's a girl they're meeting, he won't be acting like an ass because he is respectful of women. And a young woman around that age will likely trigger his protective side.
●Levi will be quiet and let Mikasa do most of the talking and interrogation. But he will still keep an observant eye and will only talk when necessary.
●Levi will indeed make sure that his son is treating the girl right, that his son keeps to curfews and protects the girl, and such. In fact, during the meet up, he will more often glance to his son to make sure he wouldn't misbehave or so.
●Mikasa is the one who will be very welcoming, given her motherly instincts and she will make sure the girl feels comfortable, during meet ups and things like that.
●Mikasa will remind the girl that that's just how Levi looks and that she shouldn't feel too intimidated.
●Mikasa indeed will find Levi's ways amusing since he struggles with manners and such himself and she will tease him about it, but find it endearing.
●Both parents will remind their son about consent, protection, responsibility, and things like that. But it is Levi who will often reiterate it. Because of his clean freak side, and yes, because he'll want his son to be better than he ever will be (because of his self-deprecating behaviors) and he wouldn't want any other woman to suffer fates similar to his own mom's (because again of his respect towards women).
Levi and Mikasa when their daughter brings home a boy
●When it comes to this, I can see Levi being overprotective. Yes, very overprotective.
●Levi will have his favorite knife or dagger sharpened beforehand, ready to attack. I mean this mostly in a comical way but I can see Levi being protective of his daughter to this level. He won't hesitate taking it out if the situation calls for it is what I'm implying.
●Mikasa and their daughter will warn Levi beforehand to not be an ass in front of the boy during the meetup. But he will still glare daggers (with matching crossed arms) at the boy the entire time and their daughter will just sigh in defeat about it.
●This time Levi is the one who is interrogating because only a proper and perfect boy deserves his little girl.
●Mikasa has to calm Levi down a number of times because of this. And she will always try to make the boy comfortable as well, and remind him that Levi is just that protective.
●Levi will set down rules for the boy to follow, for example, curfew. If they're even a minute late, they can expect to see Levi with a long wooden stick in hand, glaring while waiting at the front door.
●Levi will make sure indeed that he has taught his daughter all the attack and defense tactics in the world, but that doesn't diminish his overprotectiveness.
●Levi will indeed let Mikasa handle the talk to the girl this time, given that Mikasa knows about all the girl stuff involved. But he will remind his daughter that she can punch the boy whenever.
●Mikasa will remind Levi that he helped raise and taught their daughter a great deal and that he should trust her enough in this matter.
●But when the boy finally earns Levi's trust, it will be definitely worth it.
I've said before in my Ackerbaby headcanons that I can see Mikasa being the more lenient one, especially when the kids are younger but a bit more strict when they're older. But she wants their kids to experience living their own choices, and they will always be her kids whatever happens.
Levi is the more strict and protective, especially when the kids are younger but a bit more lenient when they're older. And even though he wants them to be responsible for their own choices, they will always be his kids and ultimately, he'd rather have them hate him for not letting them have their choice, if only to ensure their safety.
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
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GAAAHHH!!! So many milestones lately!!
Last week we hit 300 Tumblr followers and 100 Twitter followers! But more meaningfully…
Yesterday we hit 4,000 hits for Microcosmos!
And today we hit 200 kudos for Microcosmos!!
Now I know Ao3 stats will never reflect things accurately, but milestones for Microcosmos will forever mean soooo much to me because of how precious this story will always be to my heart! I started it as a one-shot with “maybe someday I’ll be able to make more chapters for this story idea,” and then Ch2 came, then Ch3 that same week, and so on. (Literally, I didn’t even have a title for it until @levi4mikasa told me to title it LOL) Creative writing was always something I’ve appreciated but never believed I could dabble in on my own, and I’m 15 chapters in, wrapping up this story and feeling so so so proud of the consistent effort these last 3.5 months writing and daydreaming this.
It started off as a one-shot meant for my own pleasure, put into existence what I have imagined for SO long in that sliver of time in AoT, and it ended up being a fleshed out story that others have enjoyed alongside me and I can’t be grateful enough.
I have shed tears for this story!! I’ve lol’d for this story!! I’ve taken time off work for this damn story!! LOL! And to see handfuls of other humans enjoying the story WITH me is just so rewarding. The intense joy, uncontrollable smiles, laughter I’ve experienced just reading your feedback, your excitement, anticipation, heartaches (sorry), etc has been LITERALLY the best freaking experience and it has given me a context for why fandom writers and creators do what they do without pay, etc. It has even made me push my limits and do things I never thought I’d be capable of writing *cough* SMUT
This story has also made me dive deeper into our Rivamika fandom community. Honestly I say this so often but our fandom is the freakin best even tho it’s so small. I will take interacting w the same 30 of y’all forever over getting along w the millions of Attack on Titan fandom folks lol. I’m glad we have this sweet small flow of creativity and support and excitement amongst each other.
Maybe I’m extra sappy because the story is ending but I just want to say thank you again to any and all who have enjoyed reading Microcosmos so far, especially those of y’all sticking through til the end! And even if you’ve only read Ch1 and didn’t dig it (lol!), I am STILL grateful you read some of my words. :) It has been a FREAKIN BLASTTTTT and I want to plan on writing more stories for Rivamika — for our fandom’s sake, but also for my sake!!! It is such a fantastic creative outlet for me and I’m thankful I got to discover it within our fandom.
Anyway, idk if this story will ever reach like crazy crazy top rivamika ff stats, but it’s not created for that and as long as people still enjoy it, even on rereads, that is all that matters 🥹 My secret hope is that it reaches non-Rivamika shippers and helps to convert them HEHEHEH
Ok I’ll stop here LOL I love y’all and want to hug you in person!! Sending virtual hugs to all of you!!!!
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
Thanks to the lovely @levi4mikasa I didn't realize I didn't name any of the lil fanfics I made!! Lol. It took me a second to think of something, but I ended up choosing "Microcosmos" for the latest one -- in this particular chapter/piece, the beautiful North Star is the glowing star that helps Levi realize how he views Mikasa. The North Star is also a common image of safety and guidance through darkness -- when people are lost, they often follow the North Star to bring them home. I thought the stars were a perfect imagery to encompass this forming story. As Mikasa and Levi return to Marley to try to bring Eren home, they are also being a guiding light to each other. And as they continue to follow, they find themselves in a place and a love they never expected.
Also... After finally coming up with a name, I posted it on AO3!!! MY FIRST PIECE!!!!! I'm excited to have opened up a new way to express my thoughts and visions :') I hope you guys enjoy it! I have no promises on timeframes for the next chapter but just know that I'm already putting my ideas together!
Pls leave me your thoughts and feedbacks on AO3!!!!
I will also tag my writings under "onigiriwrites" and drawings under "onigirdraws" hehe :')
Microcosmos (2904 words) by onigiridorkk Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, 進撃の巨人 | Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (Movies), Attack on Titan Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Levi Ackerman/Mikasa Ackerman, Levi Ackerman & Mikasa Ackerman Characters: Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Connie Springer Additional Tags: rivamika, levimika - Freeform, Levi x Mikasa, Mikasa x Levi - Freeform Summary: After Eren disappeared in Marley, the Scouts have no choice but to go back home to avoid blowing their cover. Mikasa and Levi both come to new realizations the first night on the boat ride home.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
💚 See Me Now 💚
XV. Dedication
Training was not the only thing that (F/N) did those past five days.
Two days after his drunken scene at the mess hall that evening ( which he still couldn't remember, unfortunately ), Levi noticed that there was something different about (F/N). It all happened right after the day she supposedly called in sick.
That morning, he woke up and found his breakfast ( a bowl of hot soup, three loaves of bread, and a cup of warm milk ) on the bedside - table. He scratched his head in confusion upon seeing it, not to mention the fresh towels which were placed at the foot of his bed. He got up, ate his meal without hesitation, and got dressed.
When he came out of the bedroom, he found Hange sitting on the sofa drinking her early morning coffee. Apparently, she was an hour early. She was reading some documents and writing stuff on her notebook at the same time. She looked awfully busy.
"Where is (L/N)?" he asked, his voice sounding so foreign, even to himself.
"Training." she said without looking up from her work. "Erwin gave her the approval. Expedition's in two weeks. I don't want her to become Titan bait. Maybe you do, whatever,..."
Levi clicked his tongue and went to his chair. "You don't have to remind me, shitty - eyes."
Hange said nothing. She just went on working.
The mad scientist was acting strange. What's up with her this day? "Were you the one who prepared my breakfast?"
"No. (F/N) did." Hange took a sip of her coffee.
Oh,... "How about the towels?"
"Not me."
Okay,... "Were you the one who cleaned the office?" Levi was looking at the room, his cold, steel, blue eyes darting from corner to corner. Now, he could honestly say that this room had never been so pristine.
"I'm just (F/N)'s replacement for five hours." Hange said, finishing her coffee in one full gulp. She placed the cup down on a coaster on the side table. "I'm not dedicated enough to go as far as preparing you breakfast in bed, getting you some clean towels, or cleaning this room." She finally looked at him through her wide - rimmed spectacles, her face emanating complete seriousness. "I'm not (F/N), Levi."
He narrowed his eyes at her. "I know that, idiot."
"Then, quit asking and just start your work."
"What about the antidote?"
Hange briefly stopped writing for a few seconds. After that, she ripped a page off her notebook and threw it on the trash can, also prepared by (F/N) before her training. "It's gonna be okay."
"What did you just say?"
Hange didn't say anything else. She remained like that for three more hours, and it honestly annoyed the hell out of him. Maybe she's on her period, or something like that,...
Approximately four hours later at the hour of eleven in the morning, someone knocked at the door.
"Come in." Hange said before Levi could even say it, himself.
The door opened, and in came (F/N) in full Scouting Legion uniform. There was also a white scarf around her neck. 
What the hell was that scarf for?!
She closed the door and saluted the two officers.
Hange stretched, stood up from the sofa, and gathered all her things. She patted (F/N)'s shoulder and waved back at Levi without saying another word. She closed the door, leaving only Levi and (F/N) inside.
Levi watched as (F/N) went closer to his desk and saluted.
"I will assist you with the documents now, sir." the girl said. She was not directly looking at him.
He noticed how the girl looked a lot paler than usual. Hange said that she was sick. Maybe she's not even well, yet.
But, why would he care? It's just (F/N) (L/N)!
(F/N) (L/N),...
"I want precision, (L/N)." he said, handing her half of the new stack that Erwin gave him. How in the world could Erwin not run out of documents to fill out?! "You know what to do."
"Yes, sir." she said, took the documents and her own writing materials on the table, and took the same spot on the floor to begin her work.
Levi raised an eyebrow. Hmm, (L/N) was finally learning her place in the world, huh?
They went on working for an hour. At the clock's strike of exactly twelve in the afternoon, (F/N) stood up and faced the Captain.
"Request permission to go out, sir." she was saluting.
Levi just waved her off unceremoniously without even saying a word. She closed the door and went out. Fifteen minutes later, she came back, bearing a tray with that day's lunch. She placed it on his table without saying a word, went back to the floor, and resumed working.
The Captain was mildly amused. Was this for him? 
Well, of course, it's for me,...
(F/N) did the same for dinner that evening, and before she was dismissed, she asked him again for a permission to leave the room. And when she came back, she was holding a cup of warm beverage. She placed it his table and asked him politely if she could be dismissed.
Levi couldn't see any reason for him not to, so he just shooed the girl off and sighed. She closed the door and finally left.
The man stretched his arms, deciding to take a bath. But, he wanted to see what (F/N) had brought him, first. He took the cup and looked at the swirling liquid inside.
Black tea.
He took a sip, careful not to get burned,...
It was,...
How in the fucking hell did she know?
The next day, the same routine occurred, with Hange in the morning and (F/N) for the rest of the day. She continuously cleaned the office, brought him fresh towels for his shower, brought him meals from breakfast to dinner, did the paper works flawlessly, and prepared him black tea in the evening before being dismissed. The routine went on for five days, and he was actually quite impressed that the old, whiny and weak (F/N) was completely gone. 
But, something felt really lacking on the girl, he just couldn't pinpoint what. He couldn't even find out a single thing about her,...
Not until that day when Petra's father finally decided to visit not him, but her.
~ @levi4mikasa , @yepps , @clovemcpandas , @shewolfofficial , @unhappysap , @shortbty14 , @super-peace-fangirl , @fangurl-ontgeside , and @emilyackerman78 . 💚
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