#Lex's newsboys
rag-tag-ragamuffin · 11 months
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daily cravings
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superchuck1980 · 1 year
Episode 75 -- Geeking on Funeral For a Friend
Episode 75 — Geeking on Funeral For a Friend
After Superman’s death, it was time for superhero and average citizen alike to mourn for their hero. Meanwhile, as the crime-rate rises, others have ulterior motives, for both Metropolis, and Superman himself. As mentioned in the show, go to the Fortress of Baileytude for more in-depth coverage of the Death, Funeral, and Return storyline. Feedback for this show can be sent…
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buniyaad · 1 month
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now that we're slowly but surely moving away from the geoffian reign and attempting to throwback to pre-2003 konboy writing, i hope the next person who gets put in charge of him actually does do their homework. thing with kon is you don't NEED to read a hundred issues about him to understand what his plight, his purpose, and his Themes are. you get that all within the first twenty or so. the erasure of the newsboy legion who rightfully saved one of THEIR boys can never be forgiven, so my grand hope is that the next reboot FORCES a revival of all the post-crisis books up until flashpoint because we cannot spend the rest of our lives pretending kon is a clex baby and that it even matters that lex is a donor. kon is a clone, first and foremost, and the fact that he's rarely even ASSOCIATED with clones is evil shit bc this man is a lab experiment and his homies, and saviors, are also lab experiments. newsboy legion, you always be famous. inshallah, your time will come again. soon.
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superman86to99 · 7 months
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Superman: The Man of Steel #34 (June 1994)
"THE BATTLE FOR METROPOLIS," Part 2! Lex-Men vs. Dubbilex-Men! I know it's not true, but part of me feels like they introduced Lex Luthor's armored security force a few years ago and Project Cadmus' Dubbilex back in the '70s just so they could make that pun in this cover. I don't think anyone has ever referred to Cadmus' security force as "Dubbilex-Men" before this issue, but you have to admit that's a snappier name than "Cadmus' security force."
Anyway, last issue ended with all hell breaking loose in the middle of Metropolis, and in this one... it continues to break loose. Team Luthor fights Cadmus while the Special Crimes Unit tries to stop the Underworld clones and the Underworld clones try to kill everyone, with Superman quite literally stuck in the middle.
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The Underworlders, as we've recapped a million times by now, are furiously attacking the surface world because they blame Cadmus for the plague that's killing them. At one point, the Underworlders seem to run away from the fight -- but that's only because they've been leading the humans to a bomb they planted, causing a huge explosion in the middle of the city.
Lex Luthor Jr., who secretly supplied the bomb, is watching the action through hidden cameras and doesn't seem terribly concerned about the fact that his bomb killed a bunch of his employees, too. What's even more disturbing is that the Clone Plague is rapidly turning into the Cryptkeeper (to think he looked like red-haired Fabio a few weeks ago...).
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Meanwhile, Lois Lane gets a message from her mysterious source inside LexCorp offering her new evidence of Lex's crimes (which is good, because Lois lost the old evidence when her apartment blew up). Lois sneaks into LexCorp following her source's instructions, and finds a secret office where she retrieves two important items: a VHS tape showing Lex strangling his personal trainer, and a big map of Metropolis showing that Lex has a lot more bombs hidden all over the city. Uh-oh.
Back in the battle zone, some Cadmus troopers led by Guardian, a.k.a. Cadmus' very own Captain America, find themselves surrounded by an army of pissed-off Underworlders (who are apparently much better at strategy than the humans). Dubbilex, freshly arrived from Hawaii, flies in to the rescue with some Cadmus paratroopers, but some Lex-Men get in their way and try to kill them. Dubbilex and Guardian are the only clones who aren't dying, which the Underworlders see as confirmation that Cadmus intentionally caused the plague. (The fact that the Newsboy Legion kids are dying doesn't prove much, since they're pretty annoying and I could see Director Westfield deeming them acceptable losses.)
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Dubbilex is actually feeling pretty conflicted about having to fight other ugly clones like himself, until he sees that Clawster (the big, rocky, supposedly invulnerable Underworlder players of the Death and Return of Superman video game mistook for Doomsday's kid brother) is about to kill Guardian. Dubbilex launches a psychic blast that takes away Clawster's invulnerability, allowing the paratroopers to blast the hell out of him. It looks like Clawster is down for the count, but in his final moments he rages at Guardian and breaks his shield (another thing that was supposed to be unbreakable) as he makes some pretty good points about Cadmus' Director Westfield.
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Superman remembers this comic is about him and arrives just in time to see Clawster dying and Guardian being left badly injured. The other Underworlders scatter, and just as Superman is saying there must be some way to stop the senseless killing, Lex remotely detonates another bomb right in his face. TO BE CONTINUED!
That's it for Clawster, who had the misfortune of being introduced in Man of Steel #17 and ending up being seen as a lamer and (barely) more articulate version of Doomsday. I'll admit I was still kinda fond of this knucklehead, and I think he could have ended up being a more memorable villain if he'd had better timing. Sadly, there will be no Clawster/Prey miniseries where he comes back. His only other appearances after this were 2011's Retroactive issue, which is set before this one, and an unexplained cameo in a montage of Steel fighting various villains in 2010's Superman #697, though you only see his back. Maybe it WAS Doomsday's kid brother that time.
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(Unrelated: Is that Professor Hamilton's building in the background?)
Dubbilex arrives in Metropolis halfway through the issue along with his young ward, Superboy, who is in pretty poor shape, not just due to the Clone Plague but also the events of Superboy #5 (which we haven't covered yet). Superboy tries to go help Superman anyway, but he instantly collapses in the middle of the infirmary. THAT'S how brave Superboy is. Or maybe he didn't want to be stuck with the Newsboy Legion in the infirmary.
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Despite not currently working for the Daily Planet, Lois still calls Perry White to tell him about the first explosion and tip him off about where the Underworlders are headed next, so that Perry can send Jimmy Olsen and Ron Troupe there. THAT'S how professional Lois is. Or maybe she's just trying to get Jimmy killed, which I understand (sorry, Ron).
Speaking of Jimmy and Ron, as we saw last issue, Bibbo is helping them follow the action in his bike, until they find out some Underworlders are trashing the Ace O'Clubs. Big mistake: Bibbo produces a big shotgun from somewhere (does he have Bloodsport technology?) and goes in to deal with the looters. The scene ends there, because this is an all-ages comic.
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Professor Hamilton feels responsible for triggering this war because he's the one who told the Underworlders that the Clone Plague was probably caused by the time Westfield flooded Metropolis' tunnels. In the middle of all the fighting, Clawster drops by to tell Hambone that they'll spare him and reassure him that he didn't cause the war: the truth caused the war. The truth that he told them. Yeah, that'll make him feel better.
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There's a short scene with Myra the Orphanage Lady saving Keith the Unlucky Orphan from being eaten by Kathana, the same hypnotic lizard lady Keith once mistook for his mom (it was dark). Kathana actually tried to turn Keith into a stew in the aforementioned Man of Steel #17, and apparently she's been biding her time waiting for another opportunity since then. Keith is very lucky to have Myra in his life.... for now, anyway.
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In this issue we meet Lois' exceptionally dedicated mailman, Fred Bentson, who tracks her down in the middle of an active war zone to give her the mail she hasn't gotten since her apartment blew up (including that note from her LexCorp source). Then, Fred says something about how he'd rather "stay in Dakota" but he keeps waking up in Metropolis. This is a little teaser for a crossover that will happen within this storyline and right before another, bigger crossover, just in case you'd forgotten this is a '90s comic.
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Apparently, Lex is a huge fan of the film Metropolis -- so much so that he hides tapes with incriminating evidence under a statue of the lady robot from that movie.
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Last month in the Superman '86 to '99 Patreon, we covered an Elseworlds annual in which Superman snaps a villain's neck, skins him, and wears his fur like a suit. Fun stuff! Join our patrons Aaron, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Kit, Sam, Bol, and Gaetano Barreca at https://www.patreon.com/superman86to99
And now, join the great Don Sparrow for more commentary, after the jump!
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow):
We start with the cover, and it’s a pretty dramatic one.  Superman and the Guardian in a pieta-like pose.  Bogdanove skirts the comics code authority by making all that blood black, which to me is somehow more upsetting than if it were red.  Kudos for the letter design on the battling Lex-Men and Dubbilex-Men.
Inside we start with a pretty arresting image of a group of five underworlders grappling with Superman, followed by a double page spread of Superman hurling them off in different directions.
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The rumpled texture on the bulletproof vests of the Special Crimes Unit is particularly well rendered. The combination of colours and metallic helmet made me think for a moment that DC’s Peacemaker was fighting alongside Maggie Sawyer in that last panel on page 3.  As always, Dennis Janke’s inks are masterful at differentiating texture, and that’s never clearer than on Clawster’s bark-like skin.
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Later on we get our first look at Lex, and there’s a little dissonance between how he looked last issue, which took place only a few minutes before this one, and how he looks in this one.  [Max: I wonder exactly what type of drugs Dr. Kelley is giving him...] His deteriorated body and unblinking eyes are pretty intense. 
A page later we get a look at a character who will become important in a future story, Fred Bentson, mail carrier of two worlds.  In these pages he looks like Austin Pendelton by way of The Real Ghostbusters’ Egon Spengler.
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The issue’s frenetic pace continues, as Superboy arrives by marine helicopter (both the chopper and Cadmus’ tank are great vehicle design).  Superboy is kind of tossed into the middle of the story without so much as an asterisk informing us where we can learn what has left him so injured. [Max: Yeah, the lack of a plug for the Superboy series is very uncharacteristic. Not even in the lettercol!]
Fairly suddenly, Jimmy Olsen, like both Superman and Clark Kent, has long hair.  [Max: I distinctly remember Jimmy having long hair since the issue when Clark moves in with him because the panel of him saying "Let's crank some Van Halen to celebrate!" is burned into my brain, but it's less consistent than Superman's.] The same page also has a great drawing of Bibbo racking a shotgun, and the pose and the expression are both great cartooning.  There’s plenty of fight choreography throughout the book, but my favourite look is Lois Lane’s Rockette-like takedown of the LexCorp security guard. 
Later on, Myra from the orphanage does battle with maybe the most terrifying mutant of the book, Kathana, who looking like a combination of a baphomet statue and a Jim Henson creation, will haunt my dreams for all time.  The character of “Fancy Feet” is just such a Bogdanove looking creation (and I gotta love those kicks he wears!).  [Max: They DO look quite fancy!]
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The issue’s most dramatic moment is when Clawster splits Guardian’s up-until-now unbreakable shield.  I know Max and I don’t always see eye to eye on the Underworlders, so I imagine as a reader I’m supposed to be a lot more choked up about Clawster’s death than I am.  My feeling from this scene was more that Clawster was an unworthy shatterer of Guardian’s shield—having the shield be depicted as indestructible for so long, its destruction should have felt like a big moment.  While it’s well-drawn, it feels more like a throwaway.  Indeed, this whole issue feels like a “middle” that we’re dropped into.  The battle has begun at the start, and it doesn’t resolve, or change direction by the time the story ends.  If it feels like Superman doesn’t greatly impact the story, you’re completely right—he only appears in 6 out of the 22 pages in this comic bearing his name. [Max: I think the issue does have two important developments: 1) the Underworlders are now leaderless, and 2) what's left of Guardian's trust in Westfield has been shattered, much like the shield. Oh, and 3) Fancy Feet's feet are fancy.]
Were X-Men still the top seller by 1994?  If so having a cover battle with forces that both rhyme with X-Men might have been a calculated idea.
It’s pretty crazy to see Maggie Sawyer just blowing mutants away.  Also, I know that it’s so we can identify her as readers, but she really ought to be wearing a helmet!  Between Maggie and her squad, Bibbo, and even Hamilton, this is a pretty gun-heavy issue!
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As with the Hulking Superman story, I’m a little fuzzy on the details—is Professor Hamilton correct that the clone sickness is from exposure to the flood? [Max: I think so, though I kinda prefer Lex's made up explanation that he got sick from the toxins in Engine City. They could have said Lex was patient zero and the virus spread to the rest of Metropolis because he doesn't cover his mouth when he coughs.]
As Lois learns the locations of the bombs, they’re both nods to comics creators of the past.  “Boring and 57th” refers to 40’s and 50’s Superman artist, Wayne Boring; “Burnley and 43rd” refers to Jack Burnley, the second artist to regularly draw Superman, after Joe Shuster himself.
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hunterxhavok · 1 month
Just read the Superboy Annual 2, and here are some thoughts:
1 - Gotta say, as someone reading through the original version, I really appreciate the future retcon on the way about Superboy's origins. The Lex and Superman clone baby might be the most early 2000's fanfiction.net bullshit I've ever seen in my life, but at least it's coherent? Like, Lex fullfils the same thematic role as the original parent (evil egomaniac scientist who wants to control Superman) while also being a character that is relevant in comics. Because Who The Fuck is Paul Westfield. And more importantly. Who cares.
2 - Am I, at any point, going to be informed over what the Newsboys are?? They're the ones who cracked Superboy out of the test tube, and gave him his jacket. They also seem to be clones created by CADMUS, but for what fucking purpose. They don't seem to have powers or any jobs? Why are they called Newsboys. They keep Showing Up, being quirky and leaving. Is it meant to be a running gag? Because if so, it is kinda funny.
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based-bobcat · 10 months
My adventures with Superman
Dc's newest anime animated show by adult swim although it felt like a cartoon network show
What I liked;
Kid Clark's powers setting in when he tried to help a person who was going to crash her car. You get a scene where he tries to get his kite out of a tree and nothing happens, his powers only kick in when he tries to use them for someone else.
Jimmy Olsen's characterisation as a truther. While Jimmy suffering from the redhead curse once again is tiresome, I do think the show put a fun spin on his dorkiness. (Not sure if I like that he's the same age as Clark and Lois though). His friendship with Clark also feels genuine.
Newsboy legion! For something that's a bit of a relic, I think they utilized it well. They sort of act like actual kids too, which was refreshing.
I'm glad this show has the Daily Planet as backdrop. I feel like the place has been a bit pushed to the side as of late. (Although Williamson's current run highlights it again so what do I know)
The action was pretty neat? Kept my attention throughout.
Voice acting was good, although Lois sounds like Korra and I don't know how to feel about that
Not sure how I feel about Tomboy!Lois. Lois always was a tomboy, but she was one who was stylish. A girl can do both, you know?
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What I didn't like;
The driver Kid!Clark saved had a cellphone in a holder and had it on speaker. I don't know why, but I hated it. Maybe i'm a boomer, but it feels like too much of a recent thing and it kind of dates the show. BTAS and STAS are rather timeless since it isn't clear what era it takes place in. It's too recent for my tastes
Clark's "I have to be normal. Just act normal" issue is too out there. Clark Kent is, usually, the most normal person in the cast. Superpowers aside. If he had it during high school, I'd give it a pass. But he should be past it by now. Although it seems that he doesn't know his origin yet, kind of like in 'Superman Smashes the Klan', and if that's the case I'll eat my words. I still think it's a bit of a blorbofication. I get that enough from the Batfamily webcomic.
What I also didn't like was that whenever Clark uses/activates his powers, electricity or something sparks out. You ain't the Flash, son.
I'm baffled that they changed Leslie Willis (soon to be Livewire) into a merc. You'd think a show focusing on the Daily Planet would benefit from a villain that uses the same sort of medium to spread misinformation or just have a radio rival in general, but instead we get a boring only sane woman merc. One that could've easily be someone like John Corben. And peronally? I think they didn't use Corben since STAS did this sort of 'robot plot' with John Corben. And if you had to use a woman, make it Mercy Graves before she meets Lex or something. Clark 'n co. bust Mercy, Lex is impressed by her work ethic and hires her.
In the same vain, giving black people lightning powers should really be considered racist at the rate DC is making it happen.
Anyway I did like the show and am interested to see more episodes, but to me, it didn't feel like an adult swim show.
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kryptonianclone · 6 months
what was it, then? radioactive spider? giant pit of toxic goo? (jinx)
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Prompts For Superpowers || Accepting
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Man Kon really hated having to explain his origins to people. It was really convoluted when you really had to get in to it. Jinx was either genuinely confused or she was just being a little shit. It was kind of a toss up between what it was. Kon decided that he should just be nice and explain it to her again. "Okay so Superman died right? And then Lex hired Cadmus made me to be the new Superman, but they didn't know that instead of the human DNA they had on file Lex swapped it out with his own DNA. And they couldn't figure out how to give me kryptonian powers so they coded Tactile Telekinesis in to my DNA. You following so far?" Kon asked. When he got a nod from Jinx he continued. "So they grew me in a tube in a week and a half right? And I didn't respond to my trigger word so Cadmus was going to start over and destroy me and I was broken out by a group of clones called the newsboy legion. So like at the start I just had TTK but then I hit 17 and got kryptonian powers like superman. It was like a whole thing. Okay did you follow that okay or should I explain it again?"
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panels-of-interest · 3 years
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Superman vs. Bloodsport.
[from Superman (1987) #4]
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ectonurites · 2 years
When did Kon change his look?
Mmm okay so I know I had thrown together an image that went over the basics of Kon's looks a WHILE ago but I don't feel like digging to find that and it was very quick anyways, so lets do something a little more comprehensive.
1993 - Reign of the Supermen & Early Days:
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(Adventures of Superman #500)
So Kon starts out with his iconic jacket look- the suit underneath is what the Cadmus scientists had him in, and he gets the first jacket from the Newsboy Legion when they helped him escape. The initial jacket was a plain one, but during the course of Reign of the Supermen he gets the more familiar one (well he gets many of these he can go through LMAO) with the gold 'S' on the back. This is also what he wears for the first big chunk of his solo comic!
1994-2000 Temporary looks:
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(Cover of Superboy Vol. 4 #0, #51, #60, #74, Cover of #76)
Before his next like, more longterm major costume change, there's a few temporary looks that I think are worth mentioning. He has X-Ray glasses (since that's a power he lacks) before he loses them on a mission. When he gets stranded in the Wild Lands for a bit he has a whole Kamandi thing going on. For Hyper-Tension! he dons the jacket that an alternate reality version of himself had died in for travelling through Hypertime. During Sins of Youth he gets temporarily turned into an adult and thus has a slightly altered look. After Sins of Youth he temporarily lost his powers and wore a T-shirt look with a shield and Legion flight ring until he got them back.
2001ish - Superboy #83
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(Superboy Vol. 4 #83 + Cover of #89)
At the start of Kelly's run on his solo, Kon goes through a lowkey identity crisis and with the help of a civillian named Bianca he re-learns how to be cool... and a new outfit comes along with it! This design does have a jacket, but he gets drawn pretty often without it in various appearances.
2003 - Teen Titans era
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(Cover of Teen Titans Vol. 3 #2)
After Graduation Day when Geoff Johns attacked the Core Four moved onto the Teen Titans, Kon gets the T-shirt as his main look for the rest of the 2000s up to the reboot
2003-2019 Temporary looks:
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(Teen Titans Vol. 3 #16, Cover of #25, Young Justice (2019) #3)
Before his next longterm costume change, we see Kon in a more classic Superman-ish suit when he spent time in the future with the Legion of Super-Heroes. Then the unfortunate 'Lex takes over Kon and makes him shave his head' situation... occurs. In YJ 2019 Flashbacks we also see Kon mix some previous looks by wearing the T-shirt and a leather jacket together.
(I am purposefully skipping New 52 Kon here because he is a separate character.)
2019 - Post-Flashpoint/Young Justice
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(Young Justice (2019) #1)
When Kon gets brought back into existing he's in a revamped version of his original look! Leather jacket but now with spikes and MORE patches <3
So there was the whole fakeout thing with Suicide Squad 2021 where who we thought was Kon back in the T-Shirt look was actually Match who believed he was Kon... we later got the reveal and saw Kon was in fact still in his punk look:
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(Suicide Squad 2021 Annual)
We haven't really seen him since then, but we have some covers for upcoming stuff that makes his current costume uhhhh... uncertain.
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(Upcoming covers for Suicide Squad (2021) #13 and Justice League (2018) #75)
Kon might be in a T-Shirt during the War for Earth-3 crossover? Or it might not even be him on this cover because the solicits don't actually mention him by name- we have to wait and see! He's also on a cover for Death of the Justice League which comes out after that, in the jacket look, so uhhhh 🤷‍♂️. We really don't know what the deal is at this exact moment, he could very well just be alternating depending on his mood for all we know. Also covers lie sometimes so either one of these could just be wrong.
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docgold13 · 3 years
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365 DC Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
July 28th - Jimmy Olsen
Cub reporter and ace photographer James Bartholomew ‘Jimmy’ Olsen has crammed more action, hi-jinx and adventure into his young life than most superheroes could in several lifetimes. Beginning as a clerk at The Daily Planet, Jimmy’s knack with a camera earned him the position of Lois Lane’s official photographer and he accompanied the intrepid reporter on many of her daring escapades. This ultimately led to Jimmy’s meeting Superman. 
After Jimmy and the Man of Steel shared an adventure, Superman offered him a special signal watch. This watch could emit an extremely high frequency beacon that only Superman could hear and that Jimmy would use if ever he found himself in serious trouble. Jimmy would go on to use (and misuse) this watch on near countless occasions as he embarked on adventures that ranged from the perilous to the bizarre. 
Throughout these misadventures, Jimmy frequently found himself transformed into strange creatures (such as changing into a rampaging turtle-man or having his consciousness transferred into the body of a giant gorilla) or imbued with temporary super powers (including the ability to stretch his limbs as Elastic Lad or move at super sonic speeds as Speed Demon). 
Being known as ‘Superman’s Pal’ has been both a blessing and a curse for Jimmy. It’s earned him degree of celebrity in Metropolis, yet has also put him in regular peril. Although Jimmy has not always required Superman’s aide in getting out of binds… there have even been a couple of occasions where it has actually been Jimmy who has saved Superman. 
For a short while Jimmy used his powers as Elast-Lad to serve as a member of The Legion of Superheroes.   Later he was bestowed Kyrptonian powers and acted as Flamebird, the protector of the bottled Kryptonian city of Kandor.  Some time thereafter, Jimmy investigated the DNAliens that were created at Project Cadmus and became an honorary member of the new Newsboy Legion. Jimmy was one of the first human to encounter The New Gods of Apocalypse and New Genesis. He later found out that he is distantly related to Lex Luthor... there just aren’t a lot of dull moments for the kid.
Jimmy’s love interests have included Lois Lane’s younger sister Lucy, Barbara Bench, Chloe Sullivan, Isabel Glenn and the 5th dimensional imp, Maggie Mxyzptlk. Jimmy has appeared in dozens of movies, serials and television programs. Actor Tommy Bond portrayed the character in the two Superman film serials, Superman (1948) and Atom Man vs. Superman (1950); while Jack Larson took on the role for the Adventures of Superman television show; actor Marc McClure portrayed Jimmy in the Superman films of the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the 1984 film Supergirl; Michael Landes was Jimmy in the first season of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman with Justin Whalin in the subsequent three seasons; Sam Huntington played the role in the 2006 film Superman Returns; Aaron Ashmore in The CW’s Smallville; Michael Cassidy in the 2016 film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice; and Mehcad Brooks has portrayed Jimmy in the series Supergirl. 
Jimmy Olsen first appeared in the pages of Action Comics #8 (1938).
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rag-tag-ragamuffin · 2 years
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You have fleshed out Volcana and now it is time to do the same to Cadmus
What role should it play as an ongoing aspect of Superman’s mythology?
Either the DCAU's take where it's the government trying to build an anti-Justice League agency whose duty is to take out the League if need be, or a division of Lexcorp which is basically built to assist in Lex's supervillain ambitions are my preferences. Nothing is off-limits here morally, from building weapons that could endanger the planet, to illegal genetic experiments such as cloning Superman, this is the dark heart of Lexcorp. For that reason I like it as something that Conner is the most involved with of the Superfamily, he was created by this organization, and he feels a duty to stand watch and protect others from the worst of it's experiments. Both he and the Newsboy Legion keep an eye on it's activities and hinder it's ambitions.
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buniyaad · 1 month
just thinking about dubbilex and kon again got me in my feels. yes absolutely kon deserves a place in the superfam bc he’s proven over and over again he belongs with them, clonehood and lex dna be damned. but that doesn’t mean dubbilex didn’t love him or care for him. he did! he just did it in the way you’d expect from a clone and slave of the US govt! the horrors of kon’s early days wasn’t just a lack of upbringing, but also a poignant meditation on the lack of autonomy and self-determination for clones. dubby was a shit dad because he didn’t THINK he was a dad. he was a handler, and he was a clone, and he was LOYAL to the us govt, which is all cadmus and the us government needed. it didn’t matter that dubby didn’t really think of himself as anything important to kon outside of the guy who had enough clearance to get kon to the hospital, but KON thought that was his dad!!! kon loved dubby!!! he loved that pathetic gray bastard with all his heart, even tho dubby struggled to understand what it all meant, EVEN THO DUBBY LOVED HIM TOO!!!DUBBY LOVED KON!! THAT WAS HIS SON!!! IF JIM HARPER HAD HIS NEWSBOYS, DUBBY HAD KON!!
and when i think about kon’s eventual integration into the superfam, i think about how reminiscent it is to foster kids finding their forever home, bc even tho kon BELONGS with superfam…. he comes from clonehood. the closest metaphor i can think of is dubby being a part of kon’s biological parentage who absolutely do not have the means or emotional capacity to take care of a mentally ill, quick-to-anger teenager who partakes in high-risk behaviors. the superfam CAN take care of kon and his needs. ma and pa CAN be good foster parents. clark CAN be a good foster brother.
but dubby was also a piece of kon’s soul, and after his unjust murder in new krypton, i only hope to one day see them together again. yeah! that old gray man was a terrible dad! but he loved that cloneboy. he tried his best, even tho it wasn’t even half of what kon needed. justice for dubbilex, THE kirby character who finally got a baby, even tho that baby was a superman clone 😭😭😭
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superman86to99 · 1 year
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Superman: The Man of Steel #33 (May 1994)
An unfortunate series of events has turned Superman so grotesquely swole that he now looks like he’s, well, a character in a ‘90s superhero comic. Last issue, his rapidly growing powers simply made him slightly taller, but by now he's basically a head drowning in a mass of comically large muscles (I’m amazed his costume hasn’t burst yet; props to Ma Kent’s stitching abilities). Another unfortunate side effect of his ordeal is that he’s afraid to even breathe near Lois Lane because he thinks he might kill her.
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Superman asks his friends at Project Cadmus to come up with a way to turn him back to normal and they oblige, despite having their hands kinda full with the army of sewer mutants currently trying to invade them (more on that in the plotlines section below). Their idea is to put Superman near the Parasite, the superpower-stealing supervillain, so that he’ll absorb Superman’s excess energy. Wouldn’t that make the Parasite super-strong and stuff? No, you see, because they’ll put him near some “siphoning coils” that will drain the excess energy from him.
Within a few seconds of the experiment starting, the siphoning coils fail to siphon the excess energy (you had one job, siphoning coils) and the Parasite becomes super-strong and stuff. He immediately breaks free and starts killing Cadmus people as Superman tries to stay away from him so he doesn’t become even more powerful. Then Superman realizes “Hey, wait a minute, I’m even more ridiculously overpowered!” and does this:
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Superman pushed the Parasite into the ground so fast and with so much strength that the rock melted from the friction and crystalized, trapping him in a “glass prison,” just as Superman planned -- he may look like the Hulk now, but he’s no brute.
Since that plan to cure Superman failed, Cadmus decides to take a page from him and do what he does whenever he has a problem he doesn’t know how to solve: just chuck it into space. As in, they strap Super-Superman to a big-ass rocket and launch it to a space station orbiting the Earth’s dark side so that he won’t be able to absorb any more energy from the sun.
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For once, I sympathize with Cadmus’ Director Westfield when he asks if all that expense was really necessary (couldn’t Superman have flown himself there?). Anyway, TO BE CONTINUED!
As mentioned, the Clone Plague storyline escalates dramatically when the sick and dying Underworlders invade Cadmus en masse and actually manage to break in before they’re shot down by soldiers. We then see the dramatic death of Rambeau, the ram-headed Underworlder we met at the start of the “Doomsday!” storyline, who dies right in front of the (also sick) Newsboy Legion kids after warning them that they’re next. We’ll miss you, Rambeau... or maybe not so much since, according to the “Death of Superman” video game, he’s got like 40 identical cousins.
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Last issue, master hacker Lex Luthor Jr. hacked into Lois Lane’s computer to rewrite her exposé on him so that no one would believe her ever again, and now we see what he came up with: a front-page article accusing Luthor of being a “SPACE-ALIEN CLONE” who “WILL SLAY EARTH’S WOMEN.” He also bribed (and later murdered) the Daily Planet’s night editor so he’d let the article through. Everyone from Director Westfield to a random traffic cop makes fun of Lois for her story, but Don Sparrow points out: “In a world where every major American city is guarded by super-powered off-worlders, is Lois Lane’s ‘alien clone’ headline that laughable?” Yeah, perhaps the most incredible part here is that this wouldn’t really be front-page news if true.
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Luthor’s revenge on Lois doesn’t end there: throughout the issue we see that he went full Kingpin on her, ruining her credit cards, emptying her bank account, bribing that traffic officer so she’d fail a breathalyzer test, and making it look like she’s having a nervous breakdown. The credit thing is the worst part, because it embarrasses Lois as she’s paying for a meal with Mayor Berkowitz in a fancy restaurant. Don again: “I know that it’s to set up her online financial problems, but was Lois really picking up the cheque while dining with the Mayor? Or were they going Dutch?”
Speaking of Lois, this issue includes another variation of the cute scene where Superman wakes her up by lightly tapping on her window, only this one isn’t so cute because he’s so strong that his “light” taps break the window and Lois cuts her feet.
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Superman asks the Cadmus folks to meet him at the tree city of Habitat, which has been in ruins since Doomsday rampaged through it, because at least he can’t do any more damage there. I wonder if they ever explained how it went back to normal in future issues. Did the Hairies rebuild it? Did it just grow back? Zatanna?
The Parasite had been captured in S.T.A.R. Labs since way back in October 1991. In this issue we’re told that Westfield “acquired” him from S.T.A.R., and of course the first thing he does is pump him full of super-energy and let him kill an employee. He almost kills Big Words of the Newsadult Legion, too (it would have been pretty funny if he had and then suddenly started using big words).
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One thing that bugs me about this issue is how casually Lois reveals to Superman that, oh yeah, Lex Luthor Jr. is a clone of Lex Luthor Sr., meaning that his greatest enemy isn’t really dead and had been pretending to be a friend for years. That’s a big deal! Superman’s like “sorry, I’m too swole to care about this right now.” I’m also iffy about the part where she says she implicated Luthor in his trainer’s attempted murder; he DID murder her, but then aliens brought her back to life. Is “attempted” the correct legal term in that case?
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What I do like is how the creative teams have handled Lex’s slow transition from smooth Australian philanthropist to full-on supervillain as his body and mind deteriorate due to the Clone Plague. The issue ends with a frail Lex (in some sort of medical gown that looks like his Pre-Crisis mad scientist suit) meeting with Clawster of the Underworlders to give him bombs and weapons to use not just in Cadmus, but in all of Metropolis, because if he's dying from the Plague then he wants to take it with him. It’s fitting that just as he’s starting to look like the classic Lex, he suddenly has an excuse to behave like him too.
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This appropriately swole post was made possible (and partly previewed) by Superman ‘86 to ‘99′s Pals, Aaron, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Kit, Sam, and Bol. Join them here if you wish: https://www.patreon.com/superman86to99
And now, more from Don after the jump!
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow​):
We start with the cover, and it’s an interesting one.  A common complaint about Jon Bogdanove’s style is that the superheroic bodies have impossibly huge muscles, with tiny little pin heads. So it’s on some level a little “meta” that we see this hulking, veiny version of Superman from this artist with a rep for exaggerated physiques.  There was also something about the pose (and slatted office window) that reminded me of Jerry Ordway’s incredible cover to an early Adventures issue, though I think the similarities are unintentional.
Once we get into the issue, we are thrown into a shooting war between Cadmus and its own creations, and no one seems to draw the  misbegotten Underworlders with as much panache as Bogdanove.  There’s an interesting thatching sort of ink technique we see on Guardian in that first page, which had previously been used only on Steel, to indicate a metallic chrome finish.  But clearly, Janke enjoys this inking style, so we see it a little more often now.
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Page 2 and 3 we’re treated to a large splash page, featuring our gargantuan Superman outside Lois’ terrace door.  Though this particular spread has a lack of comparative context for Superman’s size, apart from his swollen musculature, the pose indicates discomfort and monstrosity.  Bogdanove also excels at a very cute Lois in a Margot Tenenbaum-style nightdress. The next few pages, Superman’s bizarre physicality is even more flaring, as his limbs really do appear as though they’re inflated.
As we return to Guardian battling it out with the Underworlders, the “Thing”-like texture of Clawster’s face is well-drawn.  Then later, while Superman is himself at Cadmus, he cuts a very Conan-like figure (and in case anyone was wondering, it appears it isn’t just his limbs that have swollen—yipes!). [Max: It’s true, his neck does look pretty swollen too.] A page later, the shine on Parasite’s transparent cage is a nice touch.  A little later, as the energy transfer begins, we get some nice Kirby-crackles. 
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I like Lois’ sophisticated driving look as she’s pulled over for yet more “The Net” style persecution by Luthor.  Speaking of, his twisted and sickly pose on the last page is a really good bit of gesture, as he’s looking even rougher than the last time we saw him.
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I must admit, even with how familiar I am with these stories, I find myself straining to remember just why Superman’s power level is surging like this.  I remember having a theory as a kid that the black and silver recovery suit from the Return of Superman storyline was to blame.  That it was designed to funnel as much solar energy as possible in order to restore its wearer to full strength, and it kept doing so despite Supergirl’s molecular reassembly of the suit?  Am I close?  Why is this happening? [Max: I kinda like the explanation from last issue blaming that big blast of Eradicator-filtered kryptonite at the end of ‘Reign,’ mainly because it’s such a cool moment and I like that it had consequences.]
Perry White is awfully chill about such an insane headline adorning his beloved newspaper.  I might have thought he’d be the one “apoplectic” rather than the publisher.  It does feel a little bit unlikely that the paper could get so widely printed and distributed with no one along the line raising an eyebrow at the intentionally goofy headline.
I feel like the state trooper’s assertion that Lois had been “driven to drink by people’s reactions to the article (she) wrote about Mr. Luthor” is a reach.  And a mouthful.
It’s helpful that we are reminded that Lois has an inside informant about Luthor, which will come to matter in the issues ahead. [Max: I think this might be the first mention of Lois’ current informant, which makes sense since she knows her previous one got thrown off a bridge by superpowered hitmen, so she has to be careful about this stuff.]
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krinsbez · 3 years
Super-Sizing the Superfamily: A DC Comics Storybuilding Project
So, on a forum I post on, we’ve been working on a storybuilding project. To wit, we plan to envision a selection of Superman and related comic books, if the Superman family was allowed to be even bigger than the Batman family, with multiple Superboys and Supergirls, as well as various other characters. To this end, we are be using multiple different versions of some characters, as well as occasionally decompositing existing characters.
At the bare minimum, I'd like to come up with a set of Superman Family titles (not everyone gets their own book, of course), and plot out a year of storylines, culminating in a Superman Family Crossover. Ideally we'd go beyond that as well, but given how ambitious that goal is, I'm not holding my breath.
The project has hit a bit of a wall ATM, so I figured now was as good a time as any to post what we’ve got so far on Tumblr. With his permission, I am tagging @davidmann95, the Internet’s Premier Supermanologist, to get his opinion, but anyone is free to comment or make suggestions.
We begin with... The "Core" Super-fam. Note that this is not an exhaustive list of characters appearing in this thing: -Clark (Superman) -Lois -Jon (Superboy Blue?) -Chris (Superboy Red?) -Kon (Kid Cadmus) (decomposite, based on original, Jacket version) -Conner (?) (decomposite, based on later, Geoff Johns/YJ version) -Kara Zor-El I AKA Zara (Supernova) (decomposite Modern Supergirl , based on TV Show version) -Kara Nim-El AKA Nara (Supergirl) (Variation on Silver Age Supergirl)* -Kara In-Ze AKA Iara (Blue Bombshell) (DCAU Supergirl)** -Kara Zor-El II AKA Tara (Miss Metropolis) (decomposite Modern Supergirl, based on "Cheerleader" version)*** -"Cir-El" (Tomorrow Girl) -Mae (Matrix) (I'm gonna say that for our purposes, she managed to come back after being separated from Linda) -Linda (Mighty Maid) (as per the post-Earth-Angel part of PAD's comic, with the Earth-Angel thing being backstory which we will leave vague) -Kristen (Superwoman) -Karen (Power Girl)**** -Mon-El (?) -"Uncle Carl" (decomposite Bizarro. Imperfect clone, somewhat "cured") -Bizarro #1 (decomposite, Imperfect duplicate, lives on Htrae, etc.) -Jimmy -Perry -Lucy -Kenan (New Super-Man) -John Henry (Steel) -Natasha (Steel? Starlight?) -Lana -Krypto -Streaky -Ma and Pa (I've seen good arguments for one or both of them being deceased by the modern-era...but I'm including them anyways) Possible members: -Lori Lemaris -Luma Lynai -Marvel Maid and Marvel Man -Vartox -Strange Visitor -Sally Selwyn -Lyla Ler-Rol -Thara Ak-Var -Alpha Centurion -More I'm not thinking of. 
*In the Silver Age, Jor-El had two brothers, his younger brother Zor, Kara's dad, and his twin Nim-El. We are making this Kara daughter of the former rather than the latter, born on Argo City, which survived the destruction of Krypton, named for her presumed dead cousin, sent to Earth when the systems keeping the city alive began to fail. **Keeping mostly the S:TAS backstory, with the caveats that the people of Argos were Kryptonian colonists, not a separate species, and that she's a relative of Zor-El's wife Alura In-Ze, with "Kara" and "In-Ze" being common family names. ***Something her ship encountered on her journey to Earth created a duplicate that took even longer to arrive, and was the subject of the previous Superfam crossover. ****The original "Super Girl", magically created by Jimmy wishing into existence a perfect mate for Superman.
Next, The Superfam books and casts thereof (not distinguishing between main, supporting, and recurring characters) (no villains as of yet. Mostly)
-Action Comics: Anthology title, each issue spotlighting different members of the Super-Fam.
No specific cast.
-Superman: Duh.
Somehow, I don't think we've specifically cast this one.
-Lois Lane: Again, duh. Serious journalism, with occasional Wacky Hijinks.
Gen. Lane
Lex's administrative staff (Mercy, Ms. Tesmacher, the Loisbot, etc.), whom she is “casually bitchy” with
-Jimmy Olsen: Third verse, same as the first.
The Planet staff
 Iara (who he's dating; superspeed makes long =-distance relationships easy)
The New Newsboys (Famous Bobbie included)
-Power Girl: Ditto.
-Cadmus: Again. We're basing this mostly on the bit of Kon's '90s book when he was hanging out on Cadmus, with the caveat that the Hairies moved the Wild Area (and thus the whole damn Project) to a pocket dimension with entrance termini in a number of different locations, including, but not limited to, Metropolis, Honolulu, the Un-Men reservation in Louisiana, and wherever the Justice League of China is headquartered.
Golden Guardian
The OG now-adult Newsboy Legion
The New Newsboys (Famous Bobbie included)
 Kenan and the JLC
 Mickey Cannon
 Sam Makoa?
Prince Tuftan and friends
-Adventure Comics: Stories about Conner, Iara, and Tara hanging around Smallville; inspired largely by Kon's late '00s title. Back-up feature is stories about Clark's Superboy years.
Lori Luthor
Lena Luthor I
Simon Valentine
Psionic Lad
 Loretta "Golden Genie" York (the character formerly known as the Yellow Peri)
-Sons of Superman: Starring Jon and Chris.
Jor-El AI
Ma & Pa
-Planet Comics: About the adventures of the Daily Planet crew in general. Workplace comedy, Clark keeps the glasses on, mostly.
Steve Lombard
Ron Troupe
Dirk Armstrong
Angela Chen
(I'd like to feature more of the various folks who've been shown working for the Planet over the years)
-Streets of Metropolis: Comparatively gritty stories about battling street-level crime, starring Gangbuster, Black Lighting and fam, and the MPD.
Gangbuster (let's face it, most of y'all wouldn't recognize his real name)
-National Comics (alt. title: Supernova and the DEO): Zara's adventures trying to make it on her own in National City, whilst helping Alex and the DEO.
Tara (commuting from Smallville)
Director Bones (standing in for the show’s version of J’onn, though the relationship is *probably* less familial)
Cameron Chase?
Simone D'Neige (standing in for the show’s version of Cat Grant)
Lena Luthor II (standing in for the show’s version of her aunt; we’re assuming that she stayed aged up after being de-Brainiaced)
-Steel and the Girls of Steel (need a better title): Starring John Henry, Natasha, Cir-El, and Traci 13.
Mia (i’m counting Cir-El and her alter ego as separate characters)
Traci 13
The Supermen of America (a team, including Super-Chief and “Iron” Munro, inspired by Superman’s example, that John Henry is training)
-Nightwing and Flamebird. Adventures in the Bottle City of Kandor, which is majority Kryptonian but has a sizable population of other species. Despite the title, the eponymous duo are not the protagonists, but rather an ordinary citizen who’s taken it upon themselves to unravel the mystery of their secret identity (the truth is that an assortment of people take turns at wearing those costumes)
-Superman Family. Anthology title, with each issues featuring a team-up between Clark and another member of the Superfam.
No specific cast
There are a few other odds and sods here and there, but that’s most of it, asides from the fact we’ve decided to costume the Supergirls thusly:
-Karen, of course, wears the Power Girl costume. -Cir-El has a distinct costume already. -Linda is rocking the DCSHG look.* -Iara has her S:TAS look.* -I wanna say Nara's wearing one of the Bronze Age-era outfits, but they might be too '70s to really work? -Mae is wearing a somewhat sexier version of the classic look (I'm imagining she's the second-most vavavoom-y of the Supergirls after Karen). -Zara I is wearing the second TV show suit with the pants. -Zara II (Tara?) is wearing the Jim Lee cheerleader outfit. Note: despite both being a miniskirt and bellyshirt, her outfit is notably skimpier than Iara's, with a shorter, lower slung skirt, and a tighter top with...what's the right way of saying there's less of it? This is her deliberately distinguishing herself from her older duplicate's more modest look. *May switch these, IDK.
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koncl · 4 years
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☾ — CONNER KENT (KON-EL)/SUPERBOY is here! HE has found themselves wandering about new gotham attempting to find their place in this challenging world. they were once a HERO who used to be associated with SUPERFAM, LEXCORP, & THE TITANS. hope they make it in this world.
my kon is based off of the reign of the supermen animated film and a mixture of comics!
the basics —
NAME: conner kent / kon-el
ALIAS(ES): superboy, experiment 13
AGE: 20 years old physically and mentally. * conner is a clone and has only been alive for four years as of right now since he was designed to be sixteen when he came out of his test tube.
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: unknown & unknown
MBTI: esfp-a
FACECLAIM: alex fitzalan
a deeper look —
FAMILY: clark kent (father), lex luthor (father), martha kent (grandmother), jonathan kent (grandfather, deceased), lionel luthor (grandfather, deceased), leticia luthor (grandmother), kara danvers (cousin), lena luthor (aunt), krypto (family dog), lois lane (mother figure)
AFFILIATION: superfam, lexcorp, titans
THREE FAVORITE THINGS: leather jackets, annoying his father by playing with the window buttons, flying around the city early in the morning to see the sunrise
THREE HATED THINGS: being told what to do from anyone who isn’t from the very short list of people the boy does listen to, being around needles, his clothes being destroyed while in a fight
EDUCATION: he had an education implanted into his brain when being created by cadmus!
MULTILINGUALISM: he’s fluent in english and kryptonian.
WEAPONS: he is the weapon!
KRYPTONIAN PHYSIOLOGY: Under a yellow sun he possesses the same powers as an average Kryptonian.
SOLAR ENERGY ABSORPTION: His biological make up includes a number of organs which lack analogues in humans and whose functions are unknown. It is believed that between one or more of these and his bio-cellular matrix, “yellow” solar energy is stored for later use.
HEAT VISION: He can fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it.
SUPER-HEARING:  Kon’s hearing is sensitive enough to hear any sound at any volume. He can block out ambient sounds to focus on one frequency.
ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM VISION: His vision processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum. He can see and identify radio and television signals.
TELESCOPIC VISION: The ability to see something at a great distance.
X-RAY VISION: The ability to see through any volume of matte except lead. He can focus this to peal back layers of an object, allowing hidden image or inner workings to be observed.
MICROSCOPIC VISION: The ability to see extremely small objects.
INFRARED VISION: He can see better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness.
FLIGHT: He can fly in any direction, or hover in any posture.
SUPER-BREATH: Hurricane force winds by exhaling air from his lungs.
TACTILE TELEKINESIS: A telekinetic force field that surrounds his body to act as a protective shield. The TK field also allows him to break free of a foe’s grip by pushing them back.
the questionnaire —
Conner doesn’t have a lot of experience with getting to know what other cities were like outside of the few he was introduced to over the course of his short life. He mainly stayed in Metropolis or Smallville so this is all very new to him. He has been to Gotham a few times, but not enough to memorize the layout as he did with where home was. He was living with Lex before the changes — while being part of the Titans and becoming close with Clark. The boy being here in New Gotham is a chance to have some more freedom since the father he was living with was rather strict. There is always going to be something he misses about the old world, especially the people who were left behind in it. He doesn’t mind being around other creatures, being half-kryptonian himself doesn’t make him completely human either. You could say that he’s used to it and embraces it!
Conner has a problem with being too trusting, but is also stubborn at the same time. He has a charismatic personality so he tries to be everyone’s friend, unable to tell the difference sometimes if someone isn’t one. He doesn’t want to believe the world can be that awful, but when one dad is a superhero and the other dad is a supervillain you see two sides to the world. Conner despite everything just wants to be good — and even Lex could see it. He was probably taking a nap on the couch when everything happened, waking up somewhere completely different with Krypto trying to wake him. They are late to the party, but better now than never, right?
KON-EL or EXPERIMENT 13 was created by Project Cadmus using a mixture of Kryptonian and Human DNA.  They used Clark Kent and Lex Luthor as the genetic templates. They’re his parents, and he does call them both dad! He looks like Clark, except his eyes are all Lex!
He was artificially aged to be sixteen years old. He was also implanted with a high school education. They basically gave him Clark’s abilities, and Lex’s smarts.
Kon was freed by the Newsboy Legion before they implanted safeguards to control him. One of the boys gave him a leather jacket before sending him out into the city.
Lex was quick to figure out about the clone escaping as he had played a part in illegally creating the boy. He wanted a clone to serve him at will, but soon after taking the newly made Kryptonian into his home finds out that it was quite hard to make him do anything he didn’t want to.
Kon watches a lot of 90’s sitcoms, which really irritated Lex because the catchphrases would rub off on the boy and he didn’t much care for hearing it all the time.
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