#Li Yong
shesnake · 1 year
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Dianne Doan & Joe Taslim in Warrior season 3 episode 8 (2023) dir. Dennie Gordon
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kojiandrew · 1 year
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Dianne Doan as Mai Ling & Joe Taslim as Li Yong Warrior | 3.08 "You Know When You're Losing a Fight"
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astoldbyaja · 22 days
Warrior (HBO Max) Li Yong x Black Female OC X Zing x Bolo
I've got a 38 chapter work in progress from the Max series warrior if anyone is interested in reading. I may post it on here. It's smutty and violent i'll tell you what! XD
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skeletonfumes · 1 year
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Warrior (2019-)
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mirobraz · 6 months
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Bruce Lee
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electricsoul-rpg · 1 year
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fc: Zhuang Han (庄翰)
ethnicity: Chinese
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ignitedminds27 · 1 year
Warrior season 3, Young Jun won my heart. That man showed immense strength when he had to kill the most precious person to him, his father, the legendary Father Jun.
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His loyalty and respect for Ah Sahm is unquestionable. The fact that he said Ah Sahm to not come along with them and "no one should have to kill their own family", it showed how he cared for the bitch who went on his back and snitched.
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Young Jun never blamed Ah Sahm for his father's death when it was his savior complex which cost Father Jun's life. After Mai Ling revealed his identity Young Jun never abandoned him and his trust in Ah Sahm never faltered even though his sixth sense was constantly telling him he might betray. Young Jun was the one who vouched for Ah Sahm when Father Jun and whole of Hop Wei was against him. Young Jun gave him his undying loyalty and took him under his wing when his own sister refused to take him, but what did Ah Sahm do the minute he got an opportunity to payback with loyalty, he fucking backstabbed him. That hurt Young Jun more than his father's death.
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incorrectwarriors · 7 months
Li Yong: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Mai Ling: Peonies, why? Li Yong: Mai Ling: Were you going to get me flowers? Li Yong: Mai Ling: Li Yong: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
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streammaxeurope · 1 year
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A wedding to remember.
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Warrior Thought
Warrior season 3 episode 8
Yeah I know it’s a bit late but I had to process my fucking Feels
I can’t believe Hoon Lee was like “It’s a break from the drama! More happy and romantic!”
HE IS AN EVIL MASTERMIND (because he wrote this episode)
The Chinese celebrating love and the ducks celebrating hate/racism.
“Maybe we’ll finally see the tongs come together” hopefully because Fuckley out there making racist ass Trump speeches to “cleanse” the country
The costumes and visuals in Warrior are fucking amazing! Mai Ling and Li Yong in their wedding attire! Ah Toy in PURPLE yesss! 
Li Yong getting hit with sticks to show his devotion to Mai Ling. Li Yong sparring  with Kạn Pak. Foreshadowing for later.
Ah Toy hates weddings, why? Because she’s an inherently pessimistic person? Because they’re a painful reminder of her husband? I just know for sure that she’d let Nellie wife her up in a heartbeat 
Hong: “This food is so good mom!”
Ah Toy: “Mmmhmm cool, I’m thinking about murder and my wife.”
Ah Toy looking at Ah Sahm and Yan Mi. Supporting him like he supported her and Nellie! I love their dynamic as platonic besties and confidantes.
Those fuckers just couldn’t leave Ah Toy alone! I was NOT expecting her to go cannibal and bite his nose off! That fan blade omggg SLAY QUEEN
Hoon, “romantic and happy” means nothing to me without Ah Toy/Nellie. If Bill’s wife can miraculously come back last season, Nellie can too damn it. Ah Toy was like “Its safer in Chinatown” but every episode has her getting attacked and stressing about her shoulder. Like babe he’s already won if could make you give up your wife and happiness to go back to Chinatown. OK really looks like Lai is gonna go after Dickland herself next episode. So maybe  Ah Toy will fight him in the finale. DON’T KILL LAI
I KNEW this would happen with Father Jun and YJ! At some point, YJ will have to put him out of his misery. Ughh my heart!
Ah Sahm is still cursed in the romance department, huh? Young Jun is out for Yan Mi and the cops are on her trail, too. I hope she won’t die and just leave the city.
Li Yong, the elders are actually being very reasonable here. They’re just asking for better communication and less crazy decisions! He’s such a malewife for Mai Ling. Like I get it, he knows her and her story like nobody else. But come on, dude. You’re gonna regret it. 
So not a Red Wedding…but a Red Honeymoon. Warrior is very good at creating fight scenes that matter. They have stakes, they drive the story and the characters forward. Li Yong killing his best friend to protect Mai Ling was so emotional! He even yelled at Mai Ling to get out! That’s how you know he finally broke. How much more is he willing to sacrifice for her and love? Chao was right, love has consequences. 
Mai Ling is a complicated bad bitch. She’s ruthless and power-hungry. But her feelings for Li Yong and Ah Sahm are real, deep down. At this rate, she’s gonna push away everyone who could be an ally. Can’t wait to see how this will affect her and Li Yong.
The second biggest fight was Bill vs Chief Atwood. I must say, Bill’s been growing on me this season. He was the only one who gave a shit when Atwood was terrorizing the Chinese. The other cops are just mad that he’s punishing their people, too. Still, 5 years in prison for stealing some food is ludicrous. Atwood is an evil menace for everyone, white or Chinese.  I’ve been waiting all season for Bill to beat the shit out of him! Too bad it’s gonna bite him in the ass later.
Wdym there’s only 2 more episodes?? Didn’t season 3 just premiered like yesterday???
This season feels a lot darker or is it just me? Fuckley is mayor and everything is falling apart. Nobody is even remotely ok
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mingus-archives · 1 year
Warrior s3 Finale Thought
I need Season 4 more than anything now because I gotta see the Bitch SiblingsTM vs their bitter exes
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kojiandrew · 1 year
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Andrew Koji as Ah Sahm & Joe Taslim as Li Yong Warrior | 3.01 “Exactly The Wrong Time To Get Proud”
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astoldbyaja · 15 days
The Blossom surrounded by Fire - Ch. 33 (Warrior AU- HBO MAX)
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I sat in my tub hair pinned up, staring into space as I contemplated on if I should go see Zing now or wait until tomorrow. No, I needed to get this over with. Whatever he wants, I wanted it out of the way before the tournament. I ran the water over my shoulders before looking up at the ceiling.
“God give me strength.” I replied.
As the moon was hitting the sky, I made my way onto the silent streets making sure to keep my head down, but my eyes scanning everywhere. Although I did not fear the dark, I feared only man. I was in one of my nicer cloaks I had gotten from Chao. It was darker than any cloak I had ever worn, and as I saw the lights of the Fung Hai casino, I merely stood there for a moment listening to the drunken men inside.
I could hear cheering and shouting from the many men inside. I opened the door and was hit hard by the smell of alcohol and sweat. I gently lifted my head looking around at the many tables that were filled with men throwing dice and roaring with glee or groaning from their loss. Women clung to their arms laughing and pouring lord knows what down their throats to keep the men wanting to gamble more. I looked around the room, stepping to the side and looking for anyone I could see belonging to the Fung Hai. But I didn’t need to look long as I could see many Fung Hai off in the corner smoking and drinking and laughing.
Amongst them was their tong leader, sitting down with a bare breasted woman on his knee. My still form was catching attention of the lethal gang. One of the men hit Zing’s shoulder and in response, he looked at him with annoyance before that man pointed his head in my direction. Zing looked over and finally our eyes meet. I pull my hood off my head, and I could see the initial shock on his face. He stands up immediately, the woman on his lap stumbling over from his quick movement.
He made a straight line toward me, and I tensed as his gaze fell upon me and transitioned to its usual sinister and feral look. He smirked.
“Well, well, if it isn’t sweet Amaka. I never took you for the gambling type.” he said with a purr. I gave a gentle nod.
“Hello Zing. Have I caught you at a bad time?” I asked. He grinned leaning his upper body to the side some.
“You could never catch me at a bad time.” he said. I nodded slowly recoiling a bit when some drunk men stumbled past us to leave the casino.
“I need to speak with you privately. It won’t take long. I know I didn’t have an appointment.” I said lowly, all the while Zing is just watching me as if completely entertained by my discomfort.
“Of course! Follow me.” he said and turned and moved toward the back of the casino through a door and down a small hallway. Surprisingly it wasn’t as sleezy as I expected like the casino area. Zing opened a door and smiled at me, holding his hand up for me to enter first. I quickly did so, and he casually followed closing the door behind me.
I took note of the large room with a bed and dresser and a few weapons on said dresser. The layout of this room matched the same layout of his bedroom at his headquarters. Of course, a tong leader may need to stay in different areas within his territory.
“So, what do I owe this unexpected visit?” he asked with a cross of his arms. I said a quick, and I mean very quick and silent prayer, before turning to him.
“Your tong fought with the Hop Wei earlier today. I was somewhat cornered between your men and a Hop Wei hatchet man… your men allowed me to leave unharmed and this pleased Long Zii, so after a brief discussion, I have agreed to help your men with a one-time service on behalf of my tong, helping your men with anything they need medical wise.” I replied. He was watching my mouth as I spoke, but I knew other thoughts were moving around in his head.
“Medical wise?” he asked.
“Yes.” I replied all too quickly of which he caught. He smirked.
“You came all the way down here under the full moon just to tell me that?” he asked. My jaw clenched some and I shook my head.
“I apologize for wasting your time then.” I replied making a move to leave, however his arm moved up to place his hand flat on the door to keep it shut.
“I didn’t say I was denying your generous form of gratitude.” he said. I didn’t move from my spot in front of him and he just looked me over. “You think I’d accept a onetime medical service when a different service would be way more appreciated for my men’s efforts of letting you live?”
I scoffed.
“They didn’t have a choice but to let me live.” I said lowly and he went whew.
“Well don’t you have a mouth on you now. It seems the Long Zii has sparked a new fire in you.” he said.
“It’s more than what I would ever have in other tongs.” I said lowly. Now I noticed the slight frown on his face before he smirked again.
“I think you just didn’t give my little tong a chance.” he said with a pout. I looked down some for a moment before looking up at him.
“I can either help you before the tournament or after.” I replied. He laughed now.
“You’re going to that?” he asked. I shrugged.
“I was told to go. If you would like I could help your men after their fights.” I said. He shook his head.
“Oh no you will not be granting a service to anyone but me.” he said. Now a brief look of suspicion played on his face before he smirked even wider. “Is that why you came tonight? You wanted to thank me now?”
“I came to merely pass on the message from Long Zii is all. Now whether you want my thanks now or later is entirely on you. If I was you, I would take it now because after your tong loses, the little deal you tried to push on Long Zii will be long forgotten.” I replied. He barked out another laugh backing me up some until I was in the middle of the room.
 “You think I’ll lose?” he asked more amusement laced in his tone. I kept my stance firm.
“I think what will be will be, I don’t think about the future and the events I cannot control. I can only think about now.” I replied looking him over some letting an invisible wave of confidence fall over me as I openly looked him over. It was time to put Ah Toy’s lesson to the test. I slowly leaned into him, and he was unmoved by my actions, but his eyes did wander down to my mouth as I let my lips move inches to his. Before he could move toward me, I leaned back and walked a few steps from him, my back to him.
 “You once said if Long Zii agreed to give me to you for one night, you’d continue to show me exactly what turns you on.” I said now moving my hands to the strings of the cloak. I began to untie them, gently moving to face him. As he caught the sight of my fingers in the strings, I watched the wave of darkness flood over his eyes. Once the cloak was loose, I let it fall off my shoulders immediately revealing my bare body, covered by a leather body harness. Zing’s eyes flexed immediately, a different- darker gaze appearing in his eyes now.
This was something my late master had me wear beneath my dresses back on the plantation. It aroused him to know a sacred temple that only he could control. I had it on when Chao found me. I kept it in case… I ever found myself back in bondage again.
And I could tell now it aroused Zing, his body was tight, a quick shudder flowed over him.
His eyes drank me in like a predator stalking its prey. He slowly approached me, and I looked up at him, showing no fear. Tonight, I was someone else entirely. I was someone who would not be afraid of the man before me. He raised his hand confidently and pressed his calloused fingers against my left breast sliding his hand down my stomach and stopping above my pubic area. He now bridged the space between us, looming over me and I just stared up at him with seductive eyes.
“Will you show me what turns you on?” I asked innocently, my eyes showing a glimpse of submission.
He crashed his lips into mine and it was possessive yet passionate, which was definitely a reflection of his dominate personality. I feel his arms wrapping around my back to bring me into his body almost in desperation. He’s never done that before. I felt a whirlwind of emotions arise in me as my hands came up to wrap around his neck to pull him into me. Something felt different about this kiss.
His reputation as the fierce leader of the Fung Hai Tong preceded him, and I had always seen him as a figure of unyielding power and brutality, especially since I have experienced it physically.
I pulled back briefly as I didn’t even notice the wind was knocked out of me. Now, with his lips just inches from mine again, trying to reclaim my mouth, there was a sudden, unexpected softness in his eyes. What was he planning?
When our lips met again, the kiss was intense and commanding, much like Zing himself, yet, beneath that ferocity, I sensed a flicker of tenderness, a vulnerability that he rarely showed- hell I didn’t even think was possible for a man like him. It was a moment of raw connection, a blend of passion and dominance that took me by surprise.
As we kissed, mouths opening and tongues invading the other's mouths, I couldn’t help but wonder what laid behind this unexpected display of affection. Was this an expression of genuine feeling or was it another calculated move in his twisted plan to keep me in his tong permanently. The warmth of his lips contrasted sharply with the cold, ruthless persona I was used to seeing.
When Zing finally pulled away, his face quickly hardened, the moment of vulnerability vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. I looked into his eyes, now unreadable once more, and felt a mix of confusion and intrigue. In that fleeting moment, I had seen a side of Zing that few ever did, leaving me with a deep sense of uncertainty about what it truly meant.
“Long Zii will regret tempting my resolve with you.” he said huskily. I couldn’t help but smirk, feeling a bit overconfident now as I placed my hand in his hair and gave a firm grip. I saw the look of excitement in his eyes as he growled lowly from his chest. I could tell he was taken aback by the motion, but when my free hand cupped his bulging erection, I couldn’t help but smirk wider giving him a gentle rub. His lip flexed into a deep snarl.
“Please… with me you have no resolve.” I said which only earned me another violent kiss.
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skeletonfumes · 1 year
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Warrior (2019-)
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ignitedminds27 · 1 year
Hong? Young Jun? Are you guys alright?
Li yong tryna start his own tong. I see you there big man😉
Ah Sahm you bitch. After snitching against your brothers for a damsel you had an audacity to ask Young Jun to not take over Mai Ling because she is your sister! Where were these morals when you conspired behind their back. You called Young Jun and Hop Wei your brothers and had no shame in backstabbing them for a fling?
Someone tell me Chow is alright and somebody saved him. Come on he can't die.
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incorrectwarriors · 1 year
Mai Ling: If I say I love you, will you say it back? Li Yong: Yes. Mai Ling: I love you. Li Yong: It back. *Later* Ah Sahm: Why is Mai Ling crying face-down on the floor?
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