#Lies chambers
dearestarmie · 1 year
Armie simply living his life, doing exercises at the beach with friends, nice nice very good vibes all over 💞
meanwhile Elizabeth:
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malina-6886 · 2 years
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Tyler's ig story September 23, 2022
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theseshipsshallsail · 2 years
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Who would have thought the bullshit fairytales of a bunch of talentless, narcissistic nobodies would all come tumbling down?
Oh wait… WE DID.
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slasherscream · 4 months
No bc ur post about hitting Jordan with the "this you? 🤨" is so real. Like maybe you two are frenemies like you hang out but are academic rivals so as soon as they get a little too bold, you pull up their jitterbean promo lol It def shuts them up but they're secretly into it when ur mean to them
(Sorry for rambling I just really like ur stuff)
They'd never know a minute's peace. Even when they think you're being nice there's teeth to it.
"You look really good today, Li."
Jordan, not trusting you to not be a cunt, "....thanks?"
You, copying their exact cadence and tone during the 'Godolkin Campus Tour with Jordan Li' video, "So much swag!"
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nutcasewithaknife · 3 months
it's so maddening how fond Li Lianhua is with Di Feisheng. It's the most consistent emotion he shows towards Di Feisheng and nearly every instance of it is when no one's looking. We talk a lot about how clingy Di Feisheng is sure but Li Lianhua, who allows himself like one (1) honest display of emotion towards other people every year, keeps looking at him like that and I'm supposed to be sane about it?!
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f6bron · 6 months
havent updated for like a month because i was too busy with uni ._. anyways, here’s some chamber and iso x soft!reader brainrot crumbs
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chamber is the epitome of sweetheart, spoiling you rotten with his love and money. bouquet of flowers, cute lingeries, fancy dinners, you name it. just say the word, and chamber will make sure it will get delivered right to your doorstep.
you once scolded him for spending too much money on you, but chamber pretended he did not to listen.
“vincent, you don’t have to buy everything i set my eyes on…”
“my money is your money too, chérie.” he insisted, while kissing that cute little pout of yours away.
oh, and you get to decorate his headhunter and tour de force with stickers ! the sanrio stickers a harsh contrast of his smug and posh personality, but he didn’t pay any mind. it’s an adorable reminder for him of his beloved y/n whenever he’s deployed for a mission / away from home :3 (he even bragged about the stickers plastered on his sniper rifle and deagle to everyone at valorant, saying “my partner is such a talented designer! incroyable!”)
he would never ever let you lift a finger when it comes to housework, the maids will get the job done. all you have to do is hang out in your mini library he specially built for you, or sit on his lap whilst he’s working on with his gun prototypes in his home office.
i swear to god this man LOVES taking care of you. he knows how sensitive you are and even the smallest thing could make you emotional. iso will never ever raise his voice to you, he always makes sure he speaks with a soft tone when he’s with you or around you.
he often calls you by your affectionate nicknames ! like angel, baby, bunny, sunshine (his most favourite ones) :3 he loves the way your face instantly heats up when you hear those pet names from him, forming butterflies in your tummy.
there was a momentary slip where he called you by your first name, and all hell broke loose. iso regretted it so much. the aftermath? he had to give you lots and lots of cuddles, kisses and pamper you with your favourite food to seek forgiveness from you for days.
“i’m sorry, sweetheart… you’re my one and only baby angel. do you trust me, hm?”
“that’s my baby.”
iso truly loves playing with your hair <3 the way his rough fingers glide along through your soft hair strands, the way you purr under his touch like a little kitten… iso’s lil’ kitten :3 he would help you dress up every morning, ensuring his baby all dolled up and be pretty for him. he wouldn’t want to see you get so grumpy because your hair decided to not cooperate with you :( (or else that will costs him a million of hugs and kisses to give)
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kingsandbastardz · 6 months
fic prompt: hair combing in the wedding chamber
01 li lianhua
the existence of a torture chamber beside the wedding bedroom and its contents shouldn’t be a surprise at this point. and yet… it’s the redundancy you find offensive. she has a multi-chamber dungeon. she has a water chamber in her own quarters. why must it extend here as well? you despise the sight of unmarked bottles sitting ominously on a small table beside a decorative chair. they’re placed in front of an x-shaped rack fitted with iron ankle and wrist cuffs. there are hooks freshly installed in the ceiling.
you hear rattling and di feisheng is beside you, his expression neither upset nor surprised. just blankly contemplative. he kicks lightly at a thick gauge iron chain on the floor comb in hand and his hair thrown over one shoulder. he looks around the room, eyes unfocused -- you’re not sure he’s actually seeing anything -- the snapping sounds as he rips the comb through a knot in his hair grates against your nerves.
you don’t want to be here anymore than you want him here – so you hold your hand out in front of his face and say, “give me that. i can’t stand watching you – do you want to go bald?”
it is a moment too long before he finally looks at you and the comb is deposited silently in your hand. you lead him to the table in the bedroom. on the way, you spot his hair ornament on a shelf and grab it.
at least while sitting, he’s tall enough that combing his hair is an intimacy that is easy on the arms. you’ve done this for a handful of others. your shiniang, your past lovers. your once-brother. now it is di feisheng’s still-damp hair you run your fingers and a comb through. silkier than zhan yunfei’s, more voluminous than qiao wanmian’s. its weight sits in your hand and tangles your fingers with the same tenacity of a spider’s web.
the knots cling, every bit as stubborn as their owner. was he born like this? or was this a learned trait? has he ever regretted a decision?
this man has followed you across the world – with or without his memories, every bit as dogged and loyal as fang duobing. ever single-minded in purpose. the affection he makes you feel has always been uncontrollable. you want to resent him as much as you feel fondness, but in the end, the fondness always wins out.
you tie his hair back and lock the familiar silver ornament in place, sliding the pin through the knot. (you bought this for him. with your own money, even, and not xiaobao’s.)
he twists around to look up at you – eyes open and clear in a way no one with his personal history should be able to. you’ve never once felt this unburdened. years ago, you and lao di were both in the middle of puberty, youths, barely old enough or tall enough to count as adults.  he looked up at you back then, in the same way, as you looked down from the trees. he never had to say or do anything to capture your attention. he just gazed straight into you, soft, open, and entirely receptive to anything you wanted to throw at him.
what else could you do?
you hit him with your very best.
xiaobao understands you like no one else. but this one – this one never cared about any of the things the world wanted from you. he didn’t see the future. he didn’t see potential. he didn’t see the power you wielded for the benefit of everyone. he saw only the you that stood in front of him. nothing more, nothing less.
and now? you know what he wants because you want it too. even now, there are moments you can hear the clang of sword, smell the burn of sparked sword oil, feel the heady rush of bloodlust. you crave the razor-sharp clarity that overtakes you as you take flight and know the man following you will be able to keep pace no matter where you go and what you do. you can let go. you don’t have to hold back anymore.
he sees you the way no one else does and you want him to see you that way again. you want to see him on the other side of your crossed blades and to find your steps again in the sky unburdened by lies or death. you want the life you could have had together.
there was a time, you could have dreamed of fighting together. eating together. watching as his hair turned white to match yours.
but you can’t. you only have memories left of that old you and the bitter flavor of passed time.
if only you had met again 10 years ago. or even 5 years ago, once your rage had burnt its way out of your heart and bones.
you can’t afford to want what di feisheng wants. (but you do. you want it. it burns worse than poison.)
tonight, under the influence of good wine and the warmth of shared smiles, you will pretend you have the luxury of health and time.
tonight, you will pretend you are living the life you should have – a life free of shan gudao's shadow and without regrets.
02 di feisheng
you are tortured your whole life and for a moment, you actually die; but you are alive now and stronger than ever. you drink wine with a loved one and he smiles in shared understanding (finally, after all these years. you’ve waited for him.)
the suffering was worth it if that is what brings you both to this moment.
under the moon’s blessing, you smile back and for the first time in your life, you hope for the future.
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
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The media is being pressured to #believewomen or risk being automatically canceled for misogyny even though the women exploiting this fact have no problem with their own pernicious misandry.
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tiny-breadcrumbs · 8 months
"A-Fei, you are being exceptionally gentle today"
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sp8ce-queen · 8 months
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Demon priest Chamber and monster hunter Iso that I drew for Halloween 💛💜
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lazybakerart · 11 months
i need kelvin and keefe’s first kiss to be the most awkward thing to ever happen on screen or The Notebook. i will not accept anything in between.
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Melodies & Desires • Dance, Dance, Dance • I'm Good, I'm Gone • Let It Fall • My Love • Little Bit • Hanging High • This Trumpet In My Head • Complaint Department • Breaking It Up • Time Flies • Window Blues
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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malina-6886 · 2 years
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lilianhuas · 10 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook crew Li Lianhua (Cheng Yi), Ji Li Qiao (Wang HeRun), & Di FeiSheng (Xiao Shunyao).
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cryoverkiltmilk · 4 months
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Flash (2023) #08 Leirix Var
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mycenaae · 7 months
i don't actually know how involved james somerton actually was in the 2010s halifax queer community — i was pretty deeply involved and i don't have any memory of meeting him at any events, but that doesn't mean anything since it was 10-15 years ago lmao — but a lot of his claims read very much like 2010-2014 tumblr discourse points. making up "facts" about queer history that are hard to fact-check because it's hard to prove a negative, arguing about intentions when it's impossible to prove a person's intention unless they state it, the rampant misogyny disguised as disgust at "straight white women fangirls", etc. etc. etc.
so either he legitimately just never got out of the 2010s tumblr mindset, or he decided to rehash all of that bullshit in order to profit off of his audience, many of whom are too young or too not-online (lucky them) to have witnessed the discourse wars of this hellsite in particular, or who are being influenced by the discourse renaissance on twitter and tiktok. he sounds like an authority on queer history and politics the same way, hm, who can i use as an example, beachdeath perhaps, sounded like an authority on the subjects at the time. which is just the verbal equivalent of using italics and bolding text and being strident and aggressive with anyone questioning sources or claims.
and given that he's a plagiarist and bad-faith actor, i highly suspect that it's rehashing the bullshit for profit, using and twisting other people's words, instead of legitimately being stuck in 2012 ideologically. but as someone who was also in the online queer communities of the early 2010s, and who was a queer student activist in the same city as him around that same time, i find his continued use of the harmful rhetoric that sprung up for his own profit and his acting like he's the arbiter of queer experience and media studies extremely troubling given my own experiences with both communities.
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