#Lift off Global Network
teasertrailerfilm · 3 months
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…and STILL MORE to come.
Check out our film screening at these upcoming festivals in Chicago, Philadelphia, and New York!
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dandelionflowerhead · 2 years
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Pretty amped about this.
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
Well. Big deep breaths. I spent a lot of time on a show that had been marketed as not-a-BL, that ended as a BL. As a mom with not that much time to spend on watching and writing on dramas that were marketed incorrectly, I am feeling some kinda way (fucking pissed off).
So many people had amazing takes yesterday, on both sides of the aisle, regarding how the show ended (pro-ending here, anti-ending here, here, here, here, here, and here, and my dear friends @neuroticbookworm and @lurkingshan did heavy lifting on reblogs yesterday, so stroll on over to their blogs for more).
I want to set up a constellation of points to touch upon before I get into the meat of this post.
1) I referred quite a bit to my review of Theory of Love throughout my watch of Only Friends. In that review, I meditate on how the majority of the general global public judges sex, and casual sex, and people who have sex and/or casual sex. Generally speaking -- even in countries that makes as progressive art on sex and sexuality as Thailand and the United States -- that's a rule of thumb that I can rely on. Sex is judged by the majority of the global public.
2) I hate to say it. I cannot believe this happened. But I was right about monogamy being an ultimate theme in Only Friends. Not just a theme, fam. A theme by which people judged others for having open, casual, and consensual sex. Queer sex. Queer sex that is so very often had outside of the constraints of a monogamous relationship.
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There was a reason why that holiday party was populated by couples, except for Boston, and Boston had to grovel to them in apology for their friendship. In Only Friends: monogamy wins, and casual queer sex loses.
3) Unfortunately, in part though an analysis of Cheum inside of last week that I accidentally started (ha), I see that points 1 and 2 come together to have created a fabric and framework of judgement that Only Friends ended on.
The last paragraph in this excellent post by @benkaaoi notes that the assumption by a large portion of the OF fandom that the creative choices that were made to end this series were designed to save the sanctity -- economic and otherwise -- of the shipped pairs of ForceBook and FirstKhao. This rings true to me.
Most of the BL shows that I've watched this year are older shows, through my Old GMMTV Challenge, in which I've been studying the changes over time that GMMTV and other Thai networks, have made towards their editorial choices, attitudes, and risks in producing BLs. I included Only Friends on this syllabus to note the show's impact as a kind of zeitgeist measure of how much heat and literary controversy GMMTV could take in airing increasingly progressive queer media -- even though Only Friends wasn't originally intended to be a BL.
To the theory that Only Friends needed to save the ships... and to another theory that the ships needed to be saved in the most moralistically judgmental way that I could have ever imagined (I was actually blown away by how heavy-handed this messaging was) -- I look to the ending of 2gether.
The majority general reaction to the ending of 2gether from within the existing BL fandom in 2020, was one of guffawed incredulousness. BrightWin/SarawatTine did not kiss in the first season of 2gether. It took Aof Noppharnach to come in to make Still 2gether to indicate that these two young men may have been at least vaguely sexual with each other throughout the course of their fictional relationship.
Yet, 2gether was a massive success. Many theorize it was because 2gether was the first big BL to air during the start of the COVID pandemic, and new BL fans had time to be at home and watch shows. But I posit in my 2gether/Still 2gether review that 2gether was also successful PRECISELY BECAUSE IT LACKED SEX (and by sex here, I mean plain old kissin').
As I stated earlier: sex is judged by the majority of the global public. With BrightWin NOT kissing, new fans who may have been implicitly and/or explicitly turned off by physical depictions of queer love could glom comfortably onto 2gether, and watch a BL without the "threat" of physical depictions of two men expressing their love to each other.
Subsequently, BrightWin gained massive social media followings, 2gether made GMMTV buckets of money, and GMMTV went -- well, hot diggity.
Many of us had impressions of Only Friends as...something else than it ended up being. Early on, Jojo Tichakorn, for instance, cited an early non-GMMTV, non-BL show, Gay OK Bangkok, that he and Aof Noppharnach worked on in 2016 and 2017, as being referential to Only Friends. Gay OK Bangkok centered on a group of queer friends, mostly cisgender men with Jennie Panhan in the mix, as they lived their lives and dated away in Bangkok.
I'll tell ya, GOKB didn't end the way Only Friends did, and I'll get into that more in a bit. I believe @benkaaoi, @lurkingshan, and others are absolutely right that the ultimate moralization on casual sex that this show depicted -- and how Only Friends punished Boston for his casual sex -- was an economic decision designed to reflect on the sanctity of monogamy that shipped couples like ForceBook and FirstKhao can sell back to their fans, fans that may have actually flocked to GMMTV shows from 2gether, and that demand a fantasy of devoted monogamy from both fictional characters and professional actors who are actually only just doing fan service to earn their livings. GMMTV has known for a long time how to make money, and money the network doth has made from Only Friends, and from shipping their ships around the world to service the growing fandom.
Casual sex in fiction, casual sex that breaks up the ships.... fucks that economic shit all up.
GMMTV has taught us our lesson, a lesson that we had already learned from the no-kissing rule of 2gether. Loose lips shall not sink ships at this network. And I think we lost a chance for a big and progressively artistic zeitgeist that GMMTV could have taken risks on, if it had the courage to risk depicting something truly novel.
I want to note quickly another framework that I dug into while I was watching this show. I sent a flare to @lurkingshan before I started watching the episode that I was going to, in part, watch this last episode from my personal Asian lens. I wanted to ask myself, as I was watching this disaster -- is there anything happening here that strikes my heart with fear and doom as an Asian?
Indeed, yes. I didn't expect it, but there was a dialogue on individualism vs. collectivism.
Boston. My dear, sweet Boston. Boston, named after a city so very distant from Bangkok.
Boston was punished by his group of friends because he didn't adhere to the rules of the group. His individualistic actions and preferences -- his preferences to "roll alone," as Nick stated, would not work in the frameworks of either monogamy with Nick and/or the group dynamics of the hostel crew.
The link I linked above is an amazing answer to an inquiry I posed to dear @absolutebl last year about how Asian social collectivist paradigms are depicted in BLs. In that question-and-answer dialogue, I asked ABL Sensei about the motif of queer revelations in BLs, and how seemingly straight characters respond in kind to being approached with a proposition to a queer dalliance and/or relationship. Generally speaking, the Asian collectivist mindset is to at least attempt to respond in kind to those kinds of propositions, as one's behavioral habits are designed to be responsive to others instinctually, as opposed to only servicing oneself. To only service oneself is not only seen as selfish, but also as disturbing to the general flow of public existence among one's societies. To respond in kind means that you will not cause potentially disturbing angst to another individual or group. (Collectivism explains why Asian countries performed much better with mask mandates during the pandemic than we in the States did.)
So -- Boston filming Ray, Boston sleeping with Top, created waves in the friend group. He was so severely punished for it.
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And the show iterates, and repeats, Nick's preference that Boston move forward alone in Boston's life, because of Boston's tendencies to make decisions that suit himself. As an Asian-American, I mutter to myself: god forbid.
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Nick will not commit to Boston -- and yet, will also condemn Boston for making his own decisions outside of the specter of a monogamy that does not exist between Nick and Boston, and that Boston will still get judged for, as referenced in the Sand/Nick conversation depicted above.
In other words: if Boston makes a decision for himself? That's punishable. Because it might hurt someone else's feelings -- a someone else that actually hasn't committed to Boston, and/or allowed Boston to commit himself to.
This group caught Boston in a moralistic and collectivist catch-22, the likes of which I just would have never expected from Jojo and team, even if the creative team faced the economic pressures of the GMMTV bigwigs. I'm sorry to state that I am beyond disappointed in this condemnation of individualism, sending Boston alone, judged, and friendless, off to New York City to live in, what, the immoral boundaries of Chelsea? Homey, get a fucking SWEET-ASS PAD, and FUCK THESE LOSERS, leave 'em BEHIND in your cloud of airplane gas emissions. See you at the La Quinta rooftop bar on 32nd Street, friendo.
Only Friends could have ended so much better. And I understand that in the Only Friends novel, published AFTER the script was finished, that it did end somewhat better for Boston (cc @jinitak, reporting from Thailand, thank you for this heads-up about the novel!).
So. Any-fucking-way. Do y'all know how Gay OK Bangkok ended?
Of many lovely endings for the various GOKB characters, an older main character, Aof, was dating a much younger character, Big. (CC to @neuroticbookworm for our quick convo on this last night.)
Aof was sex-averse. Big wanted lots of sex. Big slept with a lot of people. He loved Aof. Aof couldn't handle Big having sex with other people, and they broke up. It was a lovingly handled break-up, written just gorgeously by Aof Noppharnach.
After their break-up, I thought Big would disappear from the show. Instead. Instead! Nong Big, the little brother to the core group of queer friends that centered GOKB, was welcomed back with open arms. Arm, Pom, Sathang (played by an effervescent Jennie Panhan), and others toasted to Big, telling him he would always be family, no matter if him and his ex, Aof, had broken up. In the queer circles of friends that I'm a part of, exes are not as commonly excommunicated as they are in straight circles.
Only Friends could have been this. Something, a little something, like this.
Instead, Only Friends punished a friend for acting outside of the rules of their group.
Boston was punished because.... because Only Friends had to end up being a BL. For the sake of the moolah, for the sake of collectivism, for the sake of the shippers who'll buy tickets around the world to see ForceBook and FirstKhao perform fan service on stage.
I just didn't think that the show would be so brutal, on so many levels, in the end, to people who want to have casual sex. I don't think any of us expected this. But, it's over, it's done, and the piece has been said -- GMMTV said, no casual sex today, and here's how we actually feel about it.
I'll see you over on Gagaoolala for Playboyy. Deuces, OF.
(It was an absolute pleasure writing meta with the Ephemerality Squad -- onto the next one! @lurkingshan @neuroticbookworm @ranchthoughts @twig-tea @slayerkitty @thatgirl4815 @distant-screaming @clara-maybe-ontheroad)
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armageddonoctopus · 1 month
Here's my 2024 student graduate horror film, 'Are You Home?' :)
Lou played by Mio Lobban.
Sophie played by Lyra Howerd.
So far, Are You Home? has been selected for the 'Bite Night Presents...', and 'First-Time Filmmaker Sessions' (hosted by Lift-Off Global Network) film festivals!
Software used for this project includes TV Paint, and Adobe Creative Cloud (such as Photoshop, Audition, After Effects, and InDesign).
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Lift-Off Global Network will be hosting the premiere online screening of our short film during the festival on July 1-14. Please, watch and vote hehe
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Rocket Lab Launches Electron Rocket from the US for the First Time
Rocket Lab, a prolific launch company that routinely blasts its towering Electron rockets out of New Zealand, conducted its first liftoff from US soil on Tuesday.
The mission, nicknamed “Virginia is for Launch Lovers,” took off from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility on Virginia’s northern coast at 6 p.m. ET. The launch of the 60-foot (18.3-meter) rocket delivered three small satellites to orbit for the Earth-imaging company HawkEye 360, which uses a network of spacecraft to pinpoint radio frequencies on Earth in support of military and business projects.
Rocket Lab is among the most successful aerospace start-ups of the modern era. Unlike Elon Musk’s even more prolific rocket company, SpaceX, which builds larger rockets capable of hauling tens of thousands of pounds to orbit, Rocket Lab builds lightweight launch vehicles designed solely to lift small satellites — as compact as a loaf of bread or a refrigerator — to space.
Though the company has been headquartered in the United States since its inception, all of its prior launches have taken place at a pad near Ahuriri Point, located on the east coast of New Zealand’s North Island.
But Rocket Lab has sought for years to bring some of its launch operations stateside, in part so that it can provide services to the US government and military, which make up a lucrative slice of the global launch business customer base.
The NASA Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island in Virginia’s Accomack County is one of the oldest launch sites in the world. The first rocket flight took off from the site in 1945, before the creation of the space agency. More recently, the facility has been home to Northrop Grumman’s Antares rocket, which launches cargo resupply missions to the International Space Station.
By Jackie Wattles.
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kmindzfaridabad · 16 hours
Raise Your English Capacities with Expert PTE Preparing in Faridabad
In an evident globalized world, capacity in English has become fundamental for understudies and experts alike. For those hoping to review or work abroad, the Pearson Primer of English (PTE) is a key development toward showing English language limits. Assuming you're looking for the most effective way to plan for the PTE, look no farther than PTE coaching in faridabad With master direction, you can lift your English abilities and accomplish your ideal score.
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Why the PTE Test Matters
The PTE test evaluates your capacities in tuning in, perusing, composing, and talking in English. Numerous colleges and associations overall acknowledge PTE scores, going with it a well known decision among non-local English speakers. A solid score can fundamentally improve your intellectual and expert possibilities. Nonetheless, dominating the test requires something beyond fundamental English abilities; it requires centered arrangement and compelling methodologies.
The Advantages of PTE Training in Faridabad
Custom-made Opportunity for growth: One of the vital benefits of signing up for PTE coaching in faridabad is the customized way to deal with learning. Every understudy has interesting qualities and shortcomings, and master mentors can fit their techniques to address individual necessities. At KMindz Faridabad, we evaluate your ongoing capability and make a review plan that identifies regions for development.
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Experienced Educators: The nature of teachers assumes a fundamental part in your prosperity. Our group at KMindz Faridabad includes experienced experts who grasp the subtleties of the PTE test. They give critical snippets of data and reasonable tips that can massively affect your showcase.
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 These materials are intended to recreate genuine test conditions, permitting you to actually rehearse.
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Standard Evaluations and Criticism: To screen progress, we direct customary appraisals and give helpful input. This recognizes regions that need improvement and permits you to follow your advancement all through the course. With centered criticism, you can refine your abilities and move toward the genuine test.
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At KMindz Faridabad, we invest heavily in our demonstrated history of assisting understudies with accomplishing high scores in the PTE test. Our far reaching training programs are intended to outfit you with the abilities and techniques fundamental for progress. We center around working on your English capability as well as on improving your test-taking procedures, which can be critical for performing great under tension.
Our graduated class network says a lot about our viability. Numerous previous understudies have effectively accomplished their objective PTE scores and proceeded to study or work abroad. Their examples of overcoming adversity are a demonstration of the nature of PTE coaching in Faridabad presented at KMindz.
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Make an effort not to allow the PTE to test be a blockade to your dreams. Branch out toward progress today by pursuing our teaching program. Contact KMindz Faridabad for extra information about our courses and schedule conversation. Together, we can seek after opening your actual limit and making your objectives a reality
Reach UsIs it true that you are prepared to raise your English abilities and accomplish your PTE objectives? Contact KMindz Faridabad today! Our committed group is here to direct you constantly. With the right training and responsibility, you can overcome the PTE and open ways to new open doors
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accapitalmarket · 20 days
US private payroll underwhelms, Wall Street lower
US blue chips closed lower on Thursday following mixed employment data which added to worries over the health of the world’s biggest economy, a day ahead of the crucial August non-farm payrolls report.
US ADP private payrolls rose by 99,000 jobs in August, compared to a downwardly revised total of 111,000 in July, the weakest figure since January 2021. That was way below the consensus forecast of 144,000 and the original July reading of 122,000.
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Meanwhile, the latest US unemployment claims came in at 227,000 in the week ending August 31, a decrease of 5,000 from the previous week's revised level of 232,000 and lower than forecasts of 231,000. Other data showed US job cuts rose to 75,891 in August, according to a report by Challenger, a sharp increase from July's reading of 25,885.
But more positively, the Institute for Supply Management’s services purchasing managers index (PMI) edged higher to 51.5 in August, up from 51.4 in July, above market expectations for a fall to 51.1. And S&P Global’s services PMI was upwardly revised to 55.7 in August from a preliminary reading of 55.2, the sector's strongest growth since March 2022. Meanwhile, S&P Global’s composite PMI was also revised up to 54.6 from 54.1, signalling a 19th consecutive month of expansion in the US private sector.
The big batch of US data this week has been fuelling talk the Federal Reserve may need to make bigger-than-expected interest rate cuts to stave off a possible recession, with the first move expected at this month’s policy meeting. But much will depend on Friday’s payrolls report, with the consensus for jobs growth of 161,000 for August and a slight decline in the unemployment rate to 4.2%.
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SPX500 Daily
By the close in New York, the blue-chip Dow Jones Industrials Average had dropped 0.50% to 40,755, while the broader S&P 500 index fell 0.3% to 5,503. But the tech-laden Nasdaq Composite managed to end 0.3% higher at 17,128.
Among the tech risers, AI chip darling Nvidia rallied 0.9% higher following a recent big sell-off on recession impact worries. And Tesla gained 4.9% after the electric vehicles maker said it would launch its advanced driver assistance in Europe and China in Q1 2025.
But Hewlett Packard Enterprise fell 6% as its Q4 earnings beat forecasts but that was overshadowed by a dip in margins.
An M&A deal in telecoms also helped support the tech sector. Verizon has agreed to purchase Frontier Communications in a deal worth $20bn, as a move to grow its fiber network to better compete against rivals. Verizon shed 0.4%, while Frontier lost 9.5% on the news. But AT&T added 0.3% and Lumen Technologies gained 2.3%.
Away from tech, JetBlue Airways climbed 7.2% after lifting its Q3 guidance, forecasting revenue to be in a range of negative 2.5% to up 1% from the same period a year earlier, compared with a prior estimate for revenue to be down between 5.5% and 1.5%.
And US Steel added 2%, paring back some of the losses made following a major slump on Wednesday. The US steel maker has been under pressure following reports that President Joe Biden is set to block its proposed $14.9 billion takeover by Japan's Nippon Steel due to national security concerns.
On the commodity front, oil prices edged higher as worries about demand in the US and China, following recent data from both countries, and a likely rise in supplies out of Libya, offset a big withdrawal from US inventories and a delay to output increases by OPEC+ producers.
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US WTI crude gained 0.3% at $69.33, while UK Brent crude added 0.2% at $72.48 a barrel.
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711proxy · 22 days
HTTP proxy in content filtering and access control
HTTP proxy not only helps us to hide IP and speed up access, but also serves as an important tool for content filtering and access control. Here's how the HTTP proxy works in these scenarios and its importance in network management.
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How does the HTTP proxy enable content filtering?
Content filtering is one of the most common applications of HTTP proxies, especially in corporate and school networks. Administrators can configure HTTP proxies to filter specific types of content or block certain websites to ensure network security, improve work efficiency, or comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Specifically, HTTP proxies can be used to implement content filtering in the following ways:
1. URL-based filtering
The · HTTP proxy can determine whether to allow users to access based on the URL address they visit. For example, network administrators can restrict users from accessing specific websites such as social media, video streaming, or adult content by means of blacklists or whitelists.
2. Keyword Filtering
The · proxy server can scan web content for specific keywords or phrases. If the content of a web page contains prohibited keywords, the proxy server will prevent the page from loading. This method is particularly suitable for filtering sensitive information or content that is not suitable for certain occasions.
3. Content type filtering
The ·HTTP proxy can also filter based on content type (e.g. file format). For example, it is possible to prohibit the downloading of large files, prohibit video streaming, or restrict the uploading and downloading of certain types of files (e.g., .exe files) to minimize bandwidth usage or prevent the spread of malware.
The Role of HTTP Proxies in Access Control
Access control is another key application in network management. By controlling which users have access to network resources, HTTP proxies help administrators keep a better handle on network usage and ensure that it complies with company or organization policies.
1. IP address and user identity restrictions
The · HTTP proxy can set up IP address-based access restrictions so that only users in a specific IP address segment can access certain internal or external resources. In addition, some HTTP proxies support user authentication so that only authenticated users can access network resources, which can effectively prevent unauthorized access.
2. Time period control
· In an enterprise or school environment, administrators can use HTTP proxies to restrict access based on time slots. For example, recreational websites can be blocked during working hours, or some restrictions can be lifted during non-working hours and days off.
3. Bandwidth Restriction
The · HTTP proxy can also be used to control the allocation of network bandwidth to avoid a few users or devices taking up too much bandwidth affecting the overall network performance. For example, the use of certain high-bandwidth applications (e.g., video streaming, download services) can be restricted to ensure the smooth operation of business-critical applications.
HTTP proxy can not only help administrators control the use of network resources, but also provide users with a more secure Internet environment. Especially in the modern information society, HTTP proxy provides network administrators with stronger protection through powerful filtering and control capabilities.
If you are looking for an efficient HTTP proxy service, we recommend 711Proxy! It can provide a stable and fast network proxy experience, help you easily control network resources and improve work efficiency!
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boltflight · 25 days
The Final Descent of Go First: A Sobering Chapter in Indian Aviation
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In a poignant turn of events, Indian low-cost carrier Go First, formerly known as Go Air, finds itself on the precipice of oblivion. After a brief yet impactful existence in the aviation sector, the airline is set to be liquidated, marking a disheartening milestone in India's tumultuous airline history. This article delves into the intricacies surrounding Go First's demise, the contributing factors, and the broader implications for the aviation industry in India and beyond.
The Rise and Fall of Go First
A Brief History
Go First commenced operations in 2005, emerging as a prominent player in India’s burgeoning low-cost airline market. Initially lauded for its affordability and expanding network, the airline offered passengers a budget-friendly alternative for domestic travel. However, despite its promising inception, Go First's journey was riddled with turbulence.
Operational Setbacks
Ceasing Operations: In May 2023, Go First suspended operations, signaling the onset of its inevitable decline. This cessation was primarily due to mounting financial challenges that plagued the airline. For more on how airlines can struggle with technical issues, you can read about why aircraft engines catch fire during startup.
Creditors' Vote: In August 2024, the company’s creditors voted to liquidate the airline, highlighting the stark reality that no viable rescue bids could reverse its fortunes.
The Financial Quagmire
Go First's financial woes can be attributed to several factors:
Accumulated Debts: The airline racked up substantial debts over the years, which ultimately became unmanageable.
Inadequate Rescue Efforts: Despite receiving bids from two potential buyers, these efforts were insufficient to revive the struggling carrier. The complexity of such financial struggles is reminiscent of Boeing's vision for China's aviation future.
The Liquidation Decision
Reasons for Liquidation
The decision to liquidate Go First was driven by:
Impracticality of Further Investment: Creditors cited the impracticality of investing additional funds to sustain ongoing operational costs, leading to the decisive vote for liquidation.
Legal Complications: The bankruptcy process was further complicated by protracted legal disputes between creditors and leasing companies, obstructing any potential recovery for the airline.
The Fate of Assets
With the liquidation underway, Go First’s assets will be sold off to repay its creditors. This process serves as a grim reminder of the fragility of financial stability in the airline industry. Curious about the weight-lifting capacity of helicopters? Learn more here.
The Broader Context: India’s Airline Industry Struggles
Turbulent Times
Go First’s demise is not an isolated incident. The Indian aviation landscape has witnessed a series of setbacks, raising concerns about the sustainability of low-cost carriers in the region.
Jet Airways: Once the largest airline in India, Jet Airways collapsed in 2019, adding to the narrative of failure in the Indian aviation sector.
SpiceJet’s Legal Battles: SpiceJet currently finds itself embroiled in legal disputes over debts with creditors and lessors, further illustrating the instability within the industry.
Impact on Stakeholders
The ripple effects of Go First's liquidation will undoubtedly impact various stakeholders:
Employees: The airline's cessation of operations translates to job losses for many employees, further exacerbating the employment crisis in the aviation sector.
Passengers: The liquidation leaves many passengers stranded, with their travel plans disrupted and refunds uncertain.
For a deeper exploration into aviation topics, check out this aviation news source.
International Perspective: Global Aviation Challenges
The Aviation Landscape
While the demise of Go First is disheartening, it is part of a larger narrative affecting the global aviation industry. Airlines worldwide are grappling with similar challenges, including:
Financial Instability: Many carriers are still recovering from the financial repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, which severely impacted travel demand.
Environmental Concerns: With increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices, airlines are exploring innovative solutions to minimize their carbon footprint. Additionally, the history of iconic aircraft like the Messerschmitt Bf 109 highlights how aviation has evolved over time.
JetBlue's Sustainable Initiative
In a contrasting move, JetBlue has announced its plans to purchase sustainable aviation fuel for use at JFK Airport. This initiative reflects a growing trend among airlines to adopt environmentally-friendly practices, paving the way for a more sustainable future in aviation.
Lessons Learned: Navigating the Turbulence
Key Takeaways from Go First's Demise
The liquidation of Go First provides valuable insights into the dynamics of the aviation industry:
Importance of Financial Prudence: Airlines must prioritize sound financial management to navigate the unpredictable nature of the aviation market.
Strategic Planning: A robust strategic plan that adapts to market fluctuations is crucial for long-term sustainability.
Legal Readiness: Preparedness for legal disputes can mitigate risks associated with bankruptcy and creditor negotiations. For instance, understanding helicopter pricing could help in better financial planning.
The Path Forward
For the aviation industry to recover and thrive, stakeholders must collaborate to address systemic issues and embrace innovative practices that ensure resilience.
FAQs About Go First and the Indian Aviation Industry
What led to the liquidation of Go First?
The liquidation of Go First was primarily due to accumulated debts, the impracticality of further investment, and legal disputes that complicated the bankruptcy process.
How does Go First's demise impact passengers?
Passengers face potential disruptions to their travel plans, including the uncertainty of refunds for canceled flights.
What other airlines in India have faced similar challenges?
Jet Airways collapsed in 2019, and SpiceJet is currently embroiled in legal battles over debts, indicating a trend of instability within the Indian aviation sector.
Are there any positive developments in the aviation industry?
Yes, JetBlue's initiative to purchase sustainable aviation fuel signifies a positive move towards environmentally-friendly practices within the airline industry.
What lessons can be learned from Go First's failure?
The importance of financial prudence, strategic planning, and legal preparedness are crucial lessons derived from the demise of Go First.
Conclusion: A Reflective Epilogue
The liquidation of Go First serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by airlines in a volatile industry. As we bid farewell to yet another carrier, it’s essential to reflect on the lessons learned and the pressing need for innovation and resilience. The future of aviation—both in India and globally—depends on the industry’s ability to adapt to changing circumstances while fostering sustainable practices that resonate with a conscientious public. The tale of Go First may be one of loss, but it also underscores the potential for growth and transformation within a sector that continues to evolve.
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smartcompanynewsweb · 29 days
GoDaddy's 3 Best Tips for Small Business Marketing Success - Information Important Web - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/godaddys-3-best-tips-for-small-business-marketing-success/?feed_id=179831&_unique_id=66cdc35216d07 Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.Once known primarily as a website domain provider, GoDaddy has evolved into a software company that helps entrepreneurs enhance every aspect of their business, from brand-building and marketing to ecommerce. The company’s mission to uplift small businesses includes assisting entrepreneurs to streamline digital marketing efforts so they can focus on their passions.Related: How a Local Greek Restaurant Seized Opportunities and Won a New Food Network CompetitionAccording to Amy Jennette, integrated marketing and product marketing lead at GoDaddy, digital marketing is one of the main challenges business owners face. That’s why GoDaddy covers search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing and content creation in its digital marketing guide.“Marketing is something [entrepreneurs] know they have to do, but it’s very foreign in terms of where their craft is,” Jennette says. “We not only provide the tools that help them create their brand, market their brand and drive customer conversion, but we also want to make sure we’re helping to educate small businesses on the steps they need to take in order to be successful.”Related: He Left the Corporate World to Pursue His Passion for the Outdoors. 25 Years Later, His Business Is Thriving Thanks to These 4 Principles.Although business branding plays a large role in a successful marketing strategy, Jennette revealed that many business owners fall into the trap of thinking about logos and brand colors when they should start with elements closer to their company’s identity.“What is their voice? What is their style? What is their purpose for going into business? What values do they want to communicate?” she says. “It boils down to: What is the promise that they’re making as a small business to the customers they’re serving?”Jennette also underscored the importance of authenticity. “If it’s not authentic to you, it’ll be difficult to manage because you’ll constantly have to flip in[to] that headspace to get in that voice,” she says. “But it also can come off as disingenuous to your audience if you’re not consistently communicating with the same kind of tone, the same kind of look, the same kind of feel. You want to make sure you’re consistent so you can ultimately build that brand recognition over time.”Once you have your brand voice in place, it’s time to think about visuals, which GoDaddy also makes easier and more cost-effective than ever.“We have a tool for [logo creation]. Type in a few prompts about your business and who you want to be, and we will create a beautiful, multi-colored, multi-dimensional logo for you to use,” Jennette says.Related: He Combined Passion With Exceptional Service to Make His Tattoo Shop Welcoming to AllGoDaddy’s tools directly result from research into business owners’ challenges, budget concerns and educational needs. It has also developed a free artificial intelligence (AI) Prompt Library to help with content creation, review response and more to improve results on generative AI platforms such as ChatGPT.Using AI to aid your review response strategy can save time and effort, help guide the conversation and generate responses that align with your brand voice and customer service standards.“You can leverage feedback and customer reviews to do a lot of heavy lifting for you,” Jennette says. “And most importantly, you want to be consistent with how you’re doing that.”GoDaddy’s advice for small business marketing success includes:Define your brand clearly. Before diving into marketing strategies, define your brand’s voice, style and values. This foundation will guide all your marketing efforts and help maintain consistency across different channels.Know your audience. Identify and understand your target audience.
This knowledge will dictate where to focus your marketing efforts and which platforms will yield the best engagement. As Jennette advises, “Go and be active where your audience is.”Utilize available tools. Leverage tools to streamline and enhance your marketing efforts. From SEO to social media management, using the right technology can help you maintain an impactful online presence without breaking the budget or overwhelming your team.Listen to the episode below to hear directly from Amy Jennette and Emily Washcovick, and subscribe to Behind the Review for more from new business owners and reviewers every Thursday. Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Pandora and Soundcloud.Editorial contributions by Kristi Lindahl.GoDaddy is a Yelp partner that provides small businesses the ability to claim their Yelp Business Pages and manage Yelp Ads directly through the GoDaddy platform. Neither company received compensation for its appearance on Behind the Review.“Read about the evolving landscape of digital marketing and the latest tools and technology small business owners can leverage to enhance their market reach and customer engagement…”Source Link: https://www.entrepreneur.com/growing-a-business/godaddys-3-best-tips-for-marketing-success/478941 BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Türkiye threatens to block Telegram – media
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/turkiye-threatens-to-block-telegram-media/
Türkiye threatens to block Telegram – media
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The messaging app has been ignoring Ankara’s requests to shut down channels selling child porn and drugs, Takvim newspaper claims
Türkiye could be set to block Telegram over the messaging app’s alleged failure to cooperate with the country’s authorities, Takvim newspaper has claimed. The company has reportedly not responded to more than 1,000 notifications issued by Türkiye’s Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK). On Saturday, Ankara said it had restored access to another popular social media platform, Instagram, following a nine-day ban imposed earlier this month over cases of alleged censorship. Türkiye has also temporarily blocked several other platforms and websites in the past. In 2014, the country’s authorities banned Twitter and YouTube for two weeks and two months, respectively. Wikipedia was declared off limits in 2017 until the ban was lifted in 2020 pursuant to a ruling by Türkiye’s Constitutional Court. In an article on Sunday, Takvim claimed that the BTK had repeatedly reached out to Telegram, demanding that it shut down a number of channels on which drugs and pornographic content, including videos involving children, were being sold. Officials in Ankara have also reportedly taken issue with channels that supposedly facilitate illegal gambling and prostitution.
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Telegram close to a billion users – founder
The newspaper reported that the messaging app had so far refused to disclose the identities of the subscribers and administrators of such channels with the Turkish authorities. According to the Daily Sabah, there are around eight million Telegram users in Türkiye, making it one of the messaging app’s biggest markets. In early August, the BTK restricted access to Instagram after Fahrettin Altun, the country’s communications chief, criticized the Meta-owned network for supposedly preventing “people from posting condolences” following the killing of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in a suspected Israeli strike in Tehran late last month. Altun claimed at the time that “this is a very clear and obvious attempt at censorship,” vowing to take a stand against social media platforms that “serve the global system of exploitation and injustice.” On Saturday, however, Turkish authorities lifted the ban, with Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu saying in a post on X (formerly Twitter) that Instagram had “promised to work together to meet our demands regarding catalog crimes and on censorship imposed on users.”
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chemanalystdata · 4 months
Urea Prices Trend, Pricing, Database, Index, News, Chart, Forecast
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 Urea prices have been a subject of considerable fluctuation and interest in global agricultural markets. This nitrogen-rich compound, essential for plant growth, plays a pivotal role in the agricultural industry. The factors influencing urea prices are multifaceted, including raw material costs, production technology, geopolitical tensions, energy prices, and global demand and supply dynamics. The primary raw materials for urea production are natural gas and coal, whose prices significantly impact the cost of urea. When the prices of these raw materials rise, urea production costs increase, leading to higher market prices for the fertilizer.
Global demand for urea is largely driven by the agricultural sector, where it is used extensively to enhance crop yields. The demand for urea correlates strongly with the planting seasons in major agricultural regions. For instance, during planting seasons in the United States, India, and China, there is a notable increase in urea consumption, which often drives up prices. Conversely, during off-seasons, the demand wanes, potentially leading to lower prices. Additionally, the overall economic health of countries heavily invested in agriculture can influence urea prices. Economic downturns can lead to reduced spending on fertilizers, thus impacting demand and prices.
Geopolitical factors also play a critical role in shaping urea prices. Countries that are major producers of urea, such as China, India, and Russia, often influence the global market. Trade policies, export restrictions, and diplomatic relations can create supply disruptions or surpluses, thereby affecting prices. For example, if a major urea-exporting country imposes export restrictions, the global supply tightens, causing prices to rise. Conversely, lifting such restrictions can flood the market, driving prices down.
Get Real Time Prices of Urea: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/urea-1190
Energy prices are another significant determinant of urea prices. Urea production is energy-intensive, primarily relying on natural gas. Therefore, fluctuations in energy prices directly affect production costs. When natural gas prices soar, the cost of producing urea increases, leading to higher prices in the market. Conversely, when energy prices drop, production becomes cheaper, which can result in lower urea prices. The energy market is itself influenced by various factors, including geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, and changes in energy policies, all of which indirectly impact urea prices.
Technological advancements in urea production have also had an impact on prices. Innovations that increase efficiency and reduce production costs can lead to lower urea prices. For instance, advancements in catalytic technology and energy recovery systems have improved the efficiency of urea plants, reducing the overall cost of production. These technological improvements can offset increases in raw material costs and help stabilize or reduce urea prices over time.
Environmental regulations and sustainability concerns are increasingly influencing urea prices. As countries implement stricter environmental policies to curb greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable farming practices, the cost of compliance can increase production costs. For example, regulations requiring the reduction of ammonia emissions during urea production can necessitate the adoption of expensive technologies and processes, thereby increasing production costs and, subsequently, urea prices. Additionally, the shift towards more sustainable agricultural practices and alternative fertilizers can affect the demand for urea, influencing its price dynamics.
The international trade of urea is another critical factor affecting prices. Major urea markets, such as North America, Europe, and Asia, are interconnected through complex trade networks. Any disruptions in these networks, due to logistical challenges or trade policies, can impact supply and demand balances, thereby influencing prices. For instance, port closures or transportation bottlenecks can delay urea shipments, creating temporary shortages and driving up prices in affected regions.
Seasonal factors also play a role in urea price fluctuations. As mentioned earlier, planting seasons see a surge in demand for urea, leading to price increases. Weather conditions, such as droughts or excessive rainfall, can also impact agricultural activities and, consequently, the demand for urea. For example, a severe drought might reduce the need for fertilizers as crop planting decreases, leading to lower urea demand and prices. Conversely, favorable weather conditions can boost agricultural activities, increasing the demand for urea and driving up prices.
In summary, urea prices are influenced by a complex interplay of factors including raw material costs, global demand and supply dynamics, geopolitical events, energy prices, technological advancements, environmental regulations, international trade, and seasonal variations. Understanding these factors is crucial for stakeholders in the agricultural and chemical industries to navigate the volatile urea market effectively. By closely monitoring these elements, producers, traders, and consumers can make informed decisions to manage costs, optimize supply chains, and ensure sustainable agricultural practices. As the world continues to evolve, so too will the factors influencing urea prices, requiring continuous adaptation and strategic planning in the industry.
Get Real Time Prices of Urea: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/urea-1190
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gmtrealtors · 4 months
Part of 100+ acre of development by Signature Global
✅ 10 acres Sports complex by Signature Global ✅ Biggest mall of Gurugram with Super Luxury Brands by Signature Global
✅ Total Licenced land - 22.50 acres
✅Land area of project - 14.382 acres ✅Apartment construction are-1.48 ✅Park & Playground - 5.206 acres ✅Units per acre - 42 units( Low density Project) ✅Tower Height - G+40 ✅Total Tower - 7 ✅Swimming pool - 2 kids pool & 3 All wheather pool ✅3.5 BHK (3 to a core units) - T7 & T8 - 228 units ✅4.5 BHK (2 to a core units) - T2, to T6 - 380 units ✅Club House - 0.465 acre ✅ Lift- With personal lift lobby + 2 passenger lift + 1 service lift ✅ Sky Lounge ✅ Parking - 2 level basement ✅Tunnel luxuries parking
✅ 5 star lobby ✅ 5 star drop off
✅Ultra Luxury Residences with 7 Star Living Experience ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ✅ 5 Tier Security ✅Covered Drop off for each tower ✅Shuttle Elevators ✅High End Shopping Experience within the society featuring luxury brands only ✅Super Rich Brand School in society
✅Largest Jogging Track ✅40 floors with private lift lobby ✅ Modern amenities
Location Highlights: 📍connectivity to major employment hubs through NH- 8 cyber city, Golf course Road,Golf Course Ext. Road, and Southern Peripheral Road. 📍Well-established network of schools🏫, hospitals🏥, shopping malls🏬, retail markets🛍️,
💲💰💸Express your interest with an EOI of 11. Lakh
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9971144076 , 9971001797
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kevynweintraub · 4 months
Skyward Soaring: A Journey Through the Evolution of Air Travel
The history of air travel is a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. From the pioneering flights of the Wright Brothers to the era of supersonic jets, aviation's evolution has transformed the way we connect, explore, and experience the world. This journey through time highlights the remarkable advancements that have shaped the modern aviation industry and revolutionized how we navigate the skies.
The Pioneering Spirit: The Wright Brothers
At the turn of the 20th century, Orville and Wilbur Wright achieved a milestone that would change the course of history—the first powered flight. On December 17, 1903, their aircraft, the Wright Flyer, successfully lifted off the sandy dunes of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, marking the birth of modern aviation. Their innovative design and relentless determination paved the way for future generations of aviators and sparked a new era of exploration.
The Golden Age of Aviation
Following the breakthrough of the Wright Brothers, aviation rapidly progressed, leading to the Golden Age of Aviation in the 1920s and 1930s. Commercial air travel began to take flight during this period, with airlines offering passenger services across continents. Iconic aircraft such as the Ford Trimotor and the Douglas DC-3 became symbols of luxury and adventure, making air travel accessible to a growing number of people around the world. The introduction of air routes, airports, and navigation systems laid the groundwork for today's global aviation network.
The Jet Age: Breaking the Sound Barrier
The post-World War II era saw the dawn of the Jet Age, marked by the development of faster and more efficient aircraft powered by jet engines. In 1947, Chuck Yeager famously broke the sound barrier in the Bell X-1, demonstrating the feasibility of supersonic flight. This achievement paved the way for the development of supersonic passenger jets, such as the iconic Concorde, which offered unprecedented speed and luxury for transatlantic travelers. Although the Concorde was retired in 2003, its legacy continues to inspire advancements in supersonic travel, with new technologies promising to bring back the thrill of faster-than-sound flights shortly.
The Digital Revolution: Fly-By-Wire Technology
Advancements in technology have played a pivotal role in shaping the modern aviation landscape. The introduction of fly-by-wire systems, which replaced traditional mechanical controls with electronic interfaces, revolutionized aircraft design and performance. Fly-by-wire technology provides pilots with enhanced control and automation, resulting in safer and more efficient flights. Furthermore, integrating digital avionics systems has enabled real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and data-driven decision-making, ushering in a new era of intelligent and connected aircraft.
Sustainable Aviation: Towards Greener Skies
As concerns over climate change mount, the aviation industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its environmental footprint. In response, aircraft manufacturers and airlines are investing in sustainable technologies and alternative fuels to mitigate the impact of air travel on the planet. Electric and hybrid-electric propulsion systems, biofuels derived from renewable sources, and improved aerodynamics are some innovations driving the transition toward greener skies. While the journey towards sustainable aviation remains ongoing, these efforts signal a commitment to environmental stewardship and the future of flight.
The Future of Air Travel: Urban Air Mobility and Beyond
The future of air travel holds exciting possibilities, from urban air mobility solutions to space tourism ventures. Advances in autonomous flight technology, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, and aerial taxis promise to revolutionize urban transportation and redefine the concept of commuting. Meanwhile, commercial space travel ventures by SpaceX and Blue Origin are poised to make space tourism a reality for adventurous travelers. As we stand on the cusp of a new era in aviation, the sky is no longer the limit—it's just the beginning.
The evolution of air travel from the humble beginnings of the Wright Brothers to the era of supersonic jets represents a testament to human innovation and progress. Through centuries of exploration, experimentation, and technological advancement, we have unlocked the boundless potential of the skies and connected the world in ways once unimaginable. As we embark on the next chapter of aviation history, let us embrace the spirit of discovery and adventure that has propelled us forward, shaping the future of flight for generations to come.
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novumtimes · 4 months
The pros and cons of using a travel agent
Have you started thinking about your next trip? Often, this may come with deciding between the convenience offered by a travel agent, and simply planning the trip yourself. Placing your trip in the hands of a travel agent can lift a heavy weight off your shoulders. Equally, planning your own trip can afford you some flexibility and the chance to delight in the joys of curating your dream holiday according to your preferences. Picture: Sourced / Unsplash Before deciding what would work best for you, it is helpful to consider the pros and cons of using a travel agent. Here are some of them: PROS: Convenience Using a travel agent comes with an element of convenience. Having somebody else plan your trip can save you plenty of time and effort. After expressing your dream holiday to your travel agent, you can sit back and relax as the planning gets done for you. Access to perks and a smoother travel experience Travel agents often have access to a global network of connections. This can result in an enhanced trip. For example, you may have access to exclusive and off-the-beaten-path experiences which you otherwise would not know about if you were planning the trip yourself. When travelling to a place that is unfamiliar and new to you, having an agent can also make things a lot easier. They are able to provide well-informed recommendations, and this may result in a relatively better experience when compared to relying solely on online research. Support Travel agents are there to ensure that you are comfortable and have a smooth trip. Should something go wrong, you will have someone on your side. More than anything, your travel needs will be catered to. You can be certain that you have someone to ensure that all goes well and that you are happy.   CONS: Missing out on the fun of planning Although letting someone else plan your trip may be viewed as advantageous, some may beg to differ. If you are someone who delights in planning the intricate details of your trip, this is an experience you will miss out on if you decide to go with a travel agent. An added party and costs Making use of a travel agent also means adding a third party to the equation. You will have to work around their schedule and operating hours.  As such, some of your planning and bookings may have to wait in some instances. However, if you are booking things yourself, you are free to finalise certain itinerary items and bookings at any time. Additionally, while some agents offer really good bargains, having someone else plan your trip may not always result in cheaper deals. Sometimes, it makes more sense to plan your own trip. The risk of disappointment Unfortunately, knowledge and expertise may differ from one agent to the next. Thus, some agents may end up disappointing you by not meeting your expectations. This may end in regret and a feeling that you could’ve done a better job at planning your own trip. Ultimately, a number of factors should be considered before making your final decision. These include your destination, preferences and costs. It is also extremely important to do your research on travel agents, and to look out for scams. Choosing to make use of a travel agent should be an informed decision. This will ensure that you get value for money, as well as a travel experience to remember. Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter ALSO READ: Safety Tips for Solo Travellers Source link via The Novum Times
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