#Like Michele is terrible don't get me wrong but he was never made for that high life anyways
breitzbachbea · 8 months
Antonio is lucky honestly in that AU Michele got the life he wanted, because I am becoming more and more convinced that if there had been no alternatives, ten years down the line our Count would have gotten stabbed.
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repairgirl · 1 year
michelle || leo valdez x fem!reader songfic
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a/n: #2 in songfic series! song: michelle- sir chloe
t/w: alcohol, cursing, substance abuse, mention of vomitting, super smutty and super nsfw
word count: 1.2k
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You swayed back and forth to the boom boom boom beat of the music, sipping the raw, bitter alcohol. Travis's party was just what you needed: shots, random boys you didn't care about to grind on and distract yourself with, getting blackout drunk, and basically anything to make you get your mind off of him.
Just thinking about his name made you want to vomit. You were reminded of walking in on him with that other, terrible, Nemesis girl, the half-assed breakup, never getting closure, and endless nights of sobbing and feeling sorry for yourself. Two weeks later, and his words were fresh in your mind like a fresh cut he had just re-opened yesterday. You drank more, feeling dizzy, praying the alcohol would numb your brain.
Fuck him, anyway. You'd show him you could do better. 
"Woah, calm down," a random boy said, approaching you. The darkness and flashing lights of the cabin made it hard to see his face, so you could barely make out his gleaming brown eyes and sepia skin. "You might wanna be careful with that much alcohol."
"You don't know what's best for me," you snapped, your words slurring. The bass pumped in your ears, making your head feel like it was going to explode. 
To your surprise, the boy laughed rather than acting offended. "Okay, I guess you're right. I shouldn't be talking, anyway. I just finished shotgunning this beer,” he answered, showing you his tattered-up Natty Lite can.
Lightheaded and unphased, you allowed yourself to plop on the tattered sofa, the boy crashing next to you. His breath smelled of beer and straight tequila, and you only imagined that yours did too.
"Why?" you asked, inching close to him. His hand rested on his thigh, barely grazing yours under your ripped denim shorts. 
"Why what?"
"Why do you drink? I mean, we all drink for a reason. We're either mad at someone else, or ourselves."
He paused, tapping his leg. 
When you got drunk, you got angry and philosophical. Mad at the world, hyperaware of everything wrong with everyone, the reason why many people couldn't handle you drunk. The reason you usually drank alone. 
The boy leaned back, resting his head against the seat. "I'm lonely. I'm fucking tired of being the seventh wheel, and always feeling like everyone's life is better than mine."
"Hey, I'm lonely too."
"You?" he asked. "Once everyone heard you were single again, they all wanted to get with you. Thought you would even be taken by now."
You scowled. You hated your reputation at camp: the pretty girl who everyone thought they could take advantage of just because she was from Aphrodite. You were tired of being treated like a sex object, especially by your ex, and you wanted to prove them all wrong. "That's exactly the point. All anyone ever wants me for is my body. But apparently even that wasn't good enough for... him."
The boy paused, almost looking sorrowful, and like he regretted saying anything. What was that look he was giving you? Pity? 
"He cheated? I'm sorry... That's rough."
"Yeah, but it's whatever. That's why I drink, anyway," you said, gulping down more of a Coors bottle someone handed you. He looked concerned. 
"You and me, we're opposites. I have to rely on my personality to get me anywhere. All my friends have amazing good looks to rely on.  I have to work for that shit, to even be slightly noticed."
The strobe light shined on him, and you could see his features more clearly this time. Unsure of whether it was you or the alcohol speaking, you noticed his chocolate brown hair, beautiful curls you wanted to pull. 
Most guys repulsed you, especially after the breakup. You wanted them to get their hands off of you, because no one felt right the way your ex did. But every move this boy made, every hungry look he gave you, all of that just made you want him more. He made you feel different. 
"Then we would fit together perfectly," you said, inching towards him. 
He moved his hand to your thigh, rubbing your leg with his thumb. The lights dimmed as the party entered its peak, and the sexual tension between you two increased. 
The boy inched oh-so-slightly to the left so that his hot breath was on your ear, close enough to bite it. "Maybe we would."
Agonizingly slowly, he put one hand on your waist and used another to cup your face. You stared into his eyes, mesmerized by his gaze, your ears and head buzzing from the alcohol. Finally, you both shared a drunken kiss. You didn't even think about what you were doing.
He gripped your waist, and you climbed on his lap. He bit your lip, then sloppily put his tongue in your mouth, not bothering to ask for permission to enter. You kissed back, your tongues swirling together, making out like you were running out of time, running away from the world, running away from your ex, running to each other. 
Once you slowly started grinding on him, he pulled away and whispered in your ear. "Let's take this to a room." 
Once you got to an empty room, the boy twirled you around and pressed me against the wall. He tightened his arms around your waist, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, having to stand on your tiptoes. You pressed your body as close to his as possible, sticking your knee in between his legs for extra friction. 
"Jump," he growled.
You did as you was told and jumped up so you were face to face, straddling him. He connected his lips with yours and squeezed your ass as he held you, making you moan into the kiss. 
You urgently ran your fingers through his hair, feeling his curly locks. You grinded into him, and he moaned into your mouth.
He set you down and pushed you onto the bed, never letting your lips disconnect. 
One you were on the bed, him towering over you and shoving his tongue in your mouth, he finally put his hands under your shirt, feeling and squeezing your tits. He grinded his member against you, and you shivered in delight, running your fingers over his well defined muscles. 
He started trailing kisses down to your neck, trying to find your sweet spot. Once he did, you let out a loud moan which you had been holding in, which of course only encouraged him to suck harder. Once he was done covering your neck in red spots, he pulled back, giving you that lopsided grin, then he finally hungrily kissed you again. 
Whatever you felt- buzzed because of the alcohol, eager to get a rebound to prove your ex wrong, or solely just sexual attraction, you knew it felt right.
He was taking off your shirt after already discarding his on the floor when you stopped him.
"Wait," you panted. "I don't even know your name."
"Leo. Leo Valdez," he responded, and as he did, you watched his lips, wishing they were back on yours. "You?"
"Y/N L/N."
Leo trailed kisses down your chest, seductivley looking up at you with hungry eyes.
"Y/N L/N, you are a monster from hell."
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leo valdez taglist: @slytherindaughterofposeidon0​ @persephil​ @mmmelanie-blog1​ @blue-violin​ @goldengoddess​ @dee-zbignuts​ @animes-trash​ @nottherealslimshady​ @cellias​ @lovemss​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Copycat: The First Young Avenger —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
Words: 1,374
Warnings: None.
Series’ Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘I Like Me Better’ -by Lauv
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xii: C.C.'s New Team
MJ had been right, life was vastly different when one had good friends.
Nothing had changed between Michelle and her, the only difference was that now they would spend all of their free hours together, and Peter, being in most of her classes, would usually walk with her to class. They also liked doing group projects together, C.C. had the money to buy all the needed materials, and he had all the bright ideas to make it work.
The only person that wasn't happy with this turn of events, was Ned Leeds.
He firmly believed C.C. was a convict, even if he had no proof, he didn't want to be associated with a criminal and was reluctant to spend time with her. She didn't take it personally, after all, he was right to be scared, she wasn't an angel.
"Hey, did you hear about our school trip to Pym Technologies?" Peter stood next to her locker.
"Yeah, are you excited?" She replied, grabbing one more book and closing the thin door with her shoulder.
"I heard they'll let us see the latest experiments!" He said happily.
"You're coming, right? They'll give us extra points if we write a report about it."
"Er... I don't know, labs rub me the wrong way," She replied tensely.
"What?" He laughed. "What do you mean? Do you hate science that much?"
"Is not that I hate science," She rolled her eyes. "I don't know, the idea of those men testing their stuff in innocent creatures... I don't like it."
"C'mon, even MJ's coming!"
"Oh, MJ's coming, then certainly it's my duty to go," She teased.
"I thought that if you knew she was coming then you'd feel less anxious about it... I know Ned and you don't get along."
"More like he's waiting for an excuse to lock me up himself," She bit back a smile.
Peter groaned, pushing his glasses back up with one hand.
"I'm sorry, I really tried to change his mind."
"Don't worry, Pete, he's not that terrible. It's not like he's trying to kill our friendship, so it's fine, it's not like..."
C.C. and Peter's eyes caught her former group of friends turning the corner, Sally showed no marks of their fight, but MJ had told her that she still had a very clear patch on the side of her head, where she'd accidentally ripped a handful of hair.
They stopped and stared at the girls quietly, in turn, the girls sensed their staring and threw dirty looks her way, Sally quickened her pace and the rest followed.
"Yeah... Ned's not so bad," C.C. sighed.
Peter didn't move, the girl gazed back at him and noticed he was still staring at Liz.
"Oh no, not her, Peter," C.C. made a face. "Are you kidding me?"
He blinked. "Wha-what about her?"
"You like her," She whined. "I'm not very good with feelings, but I've never seen you stare at a person this way— blackboards and equations, yes, but never a girl."
She groaned, pushing him away playfully.
"I can't believe it, one of my closest friends, crushing on one of my bullies!"
"They're not your bullies, C.C.," He grinned.
"They were mean to me, that makes them my bullies."
"It's hard to feel bad for you when everyone saw the way you beat the hell out of her."
"Shut up," She chortled, pinching his arm.
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"On your left!"
Pietro swore out loud, falling on his face.
C.C. pressed her pad, a loud horn blasted through the speakers.
"Loser," She sang. "Next up: Wanda!"
"I wanna try again!"
"This was your ninth try," C.C. yawned. "I think it's time you admit you need to practice your aim a bit more— being fast doesn't equal being precise."
"She's got a point," Steve said, he was sitting next to her, and they were sharing a bowl of popcorn.
Her pad started to vibrate, she sprung to her feet. "Everyone SHUT UP!"
Pietro and Wanda froze on their spot, Steve tensed on his seat.
"What is it?"
"One of my friends is calling me," She replied, pressing the green button and urging them to stay quiet. "Hello?"
"Hi, Miss Congeniality," MJ greeted. "Midterms are in a few days, you're ready?"
"Not really," Pietro started to walk towards her as soon as he heard the girl's voice, C.C.'s eyes narrowed. "Why, you wanna join my study group?"
"Nah, I'm fine," She answered. "But I wanted to ask if you'd like to go to the movies with me? There's this—"
"Yes, hello, we would love to!"
"Pietro!" C.C. gasped. "Give me the pad back!"
"Hello, who am I talking to?" He tapped the screen.
"Er... who are you?"
"I'm Pi—"
"He's my cousin— from my mother's side!" C.C. took the pad away, kicking Pietro aside. "My parents brought him to visit and he's a pain in the ass—"
"Control him, can you?" C.C. hissed at Wanda and the Cap.
She walked out of the training area, closing the door behind her.
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't worry... your cousin has a funny accent."
"Yeah, he's from... Canada," C.C. cringed, she tried to change the subject. "You were saying something about a movie?"
"Oh, right," Michelle continued. "They're projecting these really old, black and white movies near my place, and I remembered you told me you haven't seen Gone with the wind, and if that you're not going to the school trip—"
"I'm going," She said.
"Really? What made you change your mind?"
"What? I annoyed you for a whole week and he just had to talk to you for like five minutes! I hate him..."
"Well, the difference lies in the fact that you use violence and he says please."
"You're so full of shit."
"What?" She chortled.
"You can't say no to Peter cause you have a soft spot for him!"
"Whaaat? No, I dooon't," She said guiltily.
"No like, I get it, he's got this air of younger brother and you're an only child— of course you adopted him on the spot—"
"Ugh, leave me alone, honestly," C.C. rolled her eyes, grinning. "You should focus on the bright side, we can pair up to write the report."
"Are you sure you don't want to pair up with Parker?" She teased.
"Nah, he already said Ned's his partner, and the last thing I wanna do is steal him away from him, I have the feeling Ned wouldn't hesitate to push me under the bus if I do."
"That checks out," MJ chuckled. "Well then, let me know if you can go to the movies."
"Sure, see you this Monday."
When C.C. walked in, Steve, Wanda, and Pietro looked at her.
"And well?"
"What?" She asked.
"Are you going to the movies?" Wanda bit her lip.
"Were you guys eavesdropping?" C.C. gaped.
"I was," Pietro shrugged. "Who's Peter?"
C.C. grabbed a fistful of popcorn and ate them. "Weren't you training? Keep going, you suck."
"I heard something about a report and a bus," Steve mentioned casually, glancing at her with mirth. "First school trip?"
"Seriously, you too?" She frowned. "You guys won't drop it until I talk?"
"We're just curious!"
"A friend invited me to the movies, but I don't know if I'll go cause it's on Sunday and Sundays I'm always here. She mentioned the school trip and I told her I'd decided to go, my friend Peter said the teacher's going to give us extra points if we hand a report, and I honestly need all the extra points I can get, cause I suck in every kind of science."
"Bit ironic, considering you're a very successful genetical experiment," Wanda pointed out.
"Yeah well, that was all. Happy?" She asked them.
"I am," Steve said with a satisfied smile. "Sounds like you're making progress, and you're having fun too."
"Thank you, Dad," She teased.
"Hey, don't disrespect your Captain," He pointed an accusing finger at her. "You'll have to run a mile for that."
"What! I thought I was here to help you train the twins!"
"You'll help by putting a good example— c'mon, if you take any longer it'll be two miles."
C.C. groaned dramatically, taking the bowl of popcorn with her.
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Next Chapter —>
@ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​ @23victoria​​​​​​@siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​ @itsyagirl01​
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ringobean · 5 years
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PART 7 is Here.
++++++ smut inside, adult content++++++++
After we had finished preparing, the time came to leave. to get to London, to finally meet the scientist who will perhaps bring our 4 lads home. Luna and Michelle came with us because they were really attached to them, Eline stayed home, because she had to see her boyfriend, she said goodbye to the boys, then we started to go to the station from Lime Street, to catch a train going to London. The boys were impressed by the station change. The train arrived and we got on board, there was a lot of free seats, so we could regroup. Ringo looks anxious, his gaze lost when he looks at the landscape parade through the window, he was terribly sexy when he sulked, I asked him softly if it was ok.
"yes, yes it goes ... mmm actually not too much ..."
"What's wrong?" "Are you not happy to be able to come home?"
"Yes, yes, but ... I want you to come with me, if it ever works."
"I don't know yet Ringo, I love you more than anything, and I will dream to come with you, but as I told you yesterday, it's not that simple."
"why (y / n)?"
"Because I have my parents, even if I live far away from them, and we are not very close, I can't disappear like that from their lives.
"I understand, but I really want to be with you."
"Also I don't know, it's embarrass me to shake up your life so much, in 2019 you already have a beautiful woman, talented children. I don't want to take all that away."
"But I don't want another women than you, if we have landed at your house and you are the only one to remember us, it may be the fate that have reunite us"
My god, he was so cute with his beautiful blue eyes and that pouting look, I wanted to hug him and cover him with kisses, he really had the power to look as innocent as a little boy and be terribly manly and sexy at the same time.
"Maybe... but what will i do, when you'll be on tour for long time all over the world, without knowing anyone,"
"You'll come with me, you'll always be with me .."
"Oh no, please, i don't want to be a 2nd Yoko Ono, always stuck to the ass of her husband..."
"Yoko..who??" He says laughing.
"Ahah, you'll know her yet"
"Is it my wife?"
"No, no, not yours, thanks god, otherwise i wouldn't have hesitated so much to come with you"
"Please, (y/n) come with me.
"We'll see, really im a little bit lost for the moment"
Maybe this will help you to decide, he said, kissing me and slipping his hand inside my jeans, then in my panties.
"stop, you're crazy not here everyone will see us"
"Are you sure you want me to stop," he whispered in my ear as he stroked my clit and tucked a finger inside me, then 2.
I grabbed his arm, kissing him and arching my back to let him go further.
with his free hand, he took his jacket to cover me, and continue to fingering me harder and harder by arching his fingers to touch my spot, while kissing me.
"You must come with me, you can't deprive me of this little cunt so tight"
"Oh, Richie, im close."
"I can feel it, love."
he continued harder, I cum on his fingers in silence lost in his kiss.
"Good girl, I know you'll make the right decision," he said, gently pulling his hand away. He got up to wash his hands, Luna, who had noticed our little game, came and sat next to me, laughing,
it's ok, you're all red "
I rolled my eyes, smiling at her
"yes, yes, it's okay, I'm a little bit lost in fact, I don't know what to do, Ringo would like me to come back with him if the scientist gets them back home, but I don't know..."
"If i was you, I will not hesitate, believe me I knew a bunch of guys, but like this one, you will not find two, darling."
"I know, but I don't have the right to disturb his life, and my family"
"you only call once a month your parents, even when you were in (your city) you didn't see them that much, and if he remembers everything, on his way back home, his life will be already disturbed, and you in what state are you going to be when he'll disappears from your life."
"devastated, I think..."
"So, what's wrong with you, go with him, or you will regret it all your life, if he's as famous as you tell me in our era, I don't even imagine the number of girls who would sell their soul to the devil to be in your place."
"ohh ... a lot ... i know ..."
I saw Ringo come back, he sat down with the boys to do a card game, and Michelle joined us
What are you talking about?
I explained the situation.
"I understand you, you're right to think about all this, then if he's super famous, as you say, he'll spend his life on tour, surrounded by thousands of girls, while you wait for him, like a desperate ..."
"Yes, it's true..."
"and what will you do if he finds another girl there, and he drops you, you'll get stuck and alone in the 60's?"
"yes I know, it's for all that reason that I hesitate too."
"Aw, Michelle, you always break the mood, you're so pessimistic, who tells you he'll cheat on her."
"you dreaming, silly girl, until today, the life of the rock stars is "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll .." you, who know everything about his life, you know if he has already cheated his wife ? "
"The first yes, the second I don't think so..."
"Oh, and in addition he had several women, if you leave with him, you can be sure of finding yourself with a lot of trouble,for the moment, he's still cute and innocent, but wait, let him taste the celebrity, and it'll be over for you..."
"How boring you are, Michelle, "said Luna, seeing me close to tears.
"and speaking of celebrity, can we talk about your night with Paul ... oh oh yes Paul, please, it's good "
"hush, shut up, it was just for fun, it's been a long time since I saw my boyfriend, I was a little lacking, but from there to flee with him and give up my life, never..."
We finally reach London, which was even more impressive for the boys, especially the subway, it was totally different from what they knew, in the 60's. We finally arrived at the scientist's, his secretary made us wait in a room, while waiting for him to arrive, we were all a little stressed, Ringo squeezed my hand, and I took him in my arms until the scientist finally received us...
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
Hi, I'm a bit shy to ask but would you mind if I'd ask you some spideychelle hc with trans Peter? Sorry I'm new in this I don't know if you take this kind of request but I love this headcanon and since I'm queer and I've lot of trans and nonbinary friends it make me so happy to see people embracing this headcanon like superheros (even if not canonically) can be trans and supercool and it's good because trans people are PEOPLE not aliens and Spider-Man can be a trans boy and still be supercool
OMG DO NOT BE SHY, PLS. I have written an MJ as non binary head canon before which you can find here and there is a slight nod to Peter being trans in that. SO I have no problem filling these kinds of prompts. people deserve to have representation in media, to see themselves in their heroes and if you want to head canon Peter Parker as trans then omg you totally should. 
I will say that as a cisgendered straight woman I do want to express that this head canon is not my story or my experience to tell authentically. and I recognize that my privilege may inadvertently effect this head canon (I could never know what it is like to be trans or queer), so I’m sorry to all of the trans and queer people that read this if I misspeak. that was NEVER my intention. 
if you’re looking for LOTS OF AMAZING TRANS PETER CONTENT I suggest @transpeter 
Peter knows he hates the name Petra. his Aunt May jokes that he’s hated it since he was about four years old (there was an incident with a Barbie doll that Aunt May loves to retell). and he would absolutely agree. Petra is a fucking terrible name. 
he used to really blame his parents for naming him PETRA of all things but he’s seven when they die and at the time he couldn’t really remember why he hated the name so much. all of his emotions were muted beyond the pain of losing his parents. and he was their little Petra so how could he hate the name then?? the name they gave him??
but when he’s nine he starts to hate Petra, again. the name (and himself a little bit because he doesn’t quite fit in). the little girls in his class don’t want to play with him. apparently, he’s strange and weird and spends too much time with computers to be normal. but computers don’t tease him or make him feel shitty about himself so he’d rather take the computers over the girls in his class. 
and he would rather take the girls in his class over the boys. the boys are horrible. in his head, he assumed that maybe he and the boys would have more in common than him and the girls but that was because he always considered himself one of the guys. the boys in his class do NOT consider him that. 
so school is pretty miserable. 
that’s when Aunt May and Uncle Ben start looking into alternatives. because Peter doesn’t deserve to spend every day of his school life feeling tortured for not fitting in. at the time he didn’t know why he wasn’t QUOTE UNQUOTE NORMAL. he was just a kid, trying to play with other kids. but kids are cruel. kids are so, so cruel. 
its during the hunt for a new school that Peter sees Laverne Cox for the first time. Aunt May is watching some show on Netflix and he remembers thinking that Laverne Cox is beautiful. transfixed, he guided himself down on the seat next to his aunt and asked the question that changed his life, “who is she?” Aunt May paused the show and answered, “Laverne Cox. she’s beautiful, right?” Peter nodded dumbly and Aunt May kept talking, “she’s trans, Petra. do you know what that means?” he shook his head. “it means she was born in the wrong body. she was born as boy but is actually a girl.” Peter blinked, “how can she do that?” “there’s nothing to do, sweetling,” May said gently, “she just is a woman. that’s how she feels on the inside and so that’s who she is.” 
Peter had gnawed on his lip, and innocently told his aunt, “I think that happened to me. I think, I’m in the wrong body.” Aunt May had nodded, he would always remember her face, and sat up a little taller, “okay, then. what do you want me to call you, then, buddy?” AND HIS LITTLE MIND HAD EXPLODED BECAUSE THAT WAS IT?! it was THAT simple? he could just be himself?? 
but of course it was that easy. Aunt May always made things easy. 
he remembered throwing his arms around his aunt and whispering, “Peter. my name is Peter.” 
three days later Aunt May had Peter in with a pediatric doctor that specialized in trans children and they were discussing their options. Uncle Ben couldn’t come, he was at work (Peter found out after Ben had died that his uncle took every extra shift available to make extra money for Peter’s transition, Ben and May had set up their own fund). 
the doctor had asked Peter what felt like a hundred questions and then began to explain to May the way things they could as a family progress from there. 
five days before his eleventh birthday he started hormone blockers. two weeks after he starts his blockers, Peter tests into the Midtown school track (a middle school and high school for super geniuses) and that is when Peter feels the most relieved. because he won’t be forced to go back to that terrible school where everyone still called him Petra. he could just be Peter. start fresh. 
and so when he starts Midtown middle school at 12, everybody does call him Peter. that’s how he introduces himself and so that is who is he. he’s a little smaller than the other boys in his class but he IS one of the boys. and if kids know (and he prays they don’t), they never say. he’s just Peter Parker. 
the one constant between his old public school and midtown, though, is Doctor Nedal. Doctor Nedal is his therapist, a woman who specializes in queer children related issues. and they meet once a week to talk, check-in and work together. he’s not sure why he still goes to her when he hits thirteen (he’s been living as PETER for almost four years now) but when he asks Aunt May, she reminds him that having Nedal on their side will make it easier for Peter to start his hormones when he’s ready. 
he hits fourteen and he’s ready. they talk to Nedal about starting testosterone and he’s warned about everything that may happen. the increased irritability, the options (pills, injections, gels), the potential aggressiveness, the fact that it may stint his growth slightly. but Peter knows what he wants. 
so he starts T. and while his body isn’t everything he wants, the hormone blockers helped keep some things under slightly more control. besides, his aunt May always assures him whenever he’s having an off-day, he can always get surgery when he’s older. it’s going to be okay. 
and then everything is not OKAY because Flash Thompson starts Midtown when he starts his freshman year. he’s barely started testosterone when Flash comes barreling into his life. 
he takes one look at Peter, sneers meanly at him, and calls him Pretty Parker. and its devastating. some other kids snicker. kids he’s known since he was 12. kids he trusted. and Peter starts to panic that Midtown is going to be JUST like public school. and he can’t do that again. he was so miserable.
but before he can have a full-on breakdown another new student, Michelle Jones, call Flash an idiot. he sputters like he’s afraid of her (and he does find out a few years later that MJ and Flash grew up together because they both had wealthy parents in the suburbs) and tries to shoot back, “I’m not an idiot.” she crosses her arms, “uh, yeah you are.” and that comeback is the ninth grade equivalent of cursing someone out. Flash is humiliated and flees. 
peter mumbles a thank you and MJ rolls her eyes and storms off. (over the next few years he’ll grow very accustomed to MJ storming away from him). 
but the day drastically improves when he meets Ned Leeds. and they’re instantly tight. Peter even considers disclosing the fact that he’s trans to Ned. he’s not sure how much kids gossip or if Ned even knows, but he still wants to tell him. he wants to have that moment. 
he tells Ned when they’re sitting on his living room floor watching Empire Strikes Back, the best Star Wars movie. and Ned grins and knocks his shoulder against Peter, “cool. thanks for telling me, man.” and that’s it. Ned doesn’t push or ask a hundred questions. he’s still just Peter to Ned. and they’re nerdy and best bros and everything is awesome. 
and it gets even MORE awesome around Christmas time when he goes on a field trip to Oscorb with his chemistry class to look at some of their tech advancements. personally, Peter is more interested in Stark tech than Oscorb tech but beggars can’t be choosers. especially since Tony Stark is a FREAKIN’ superhero now. he doesn’t have time to invite genius kids to look at his work. 
its on this field trip that Peter gets bit. and his whole life goes CRAZY TOWN. he gets sick for a few days after, like insanely sick and Aunt May worries that maybe something went wrong with his testosterone injection, but when he comes out of his sick haze he has FUCKING super powers. insane, something out of a comic book superpowers. 
Tony later tells him that the testosterone he was taking mixed with the spider bite made his whole body freak out. see here: eight pack and arms for daaaaays. if he hadn’t been trans, if he hadn’t been taking T, he never would have become Spider-man. it was the mix of both ingredients that made him extraordinary. 
and, like any other reckless teenage boy, Peter uses this new found powers to fight crime. he has a television. he’s obsessed with Tony Stark. he sees the Avengers. and he starts to dream that maybe he could be one. 
he has his powers for thirty-three days, nine hours and fifty-four minutes when Ben dies. he’s on his way back from the therapy with Peter in the front seat when someone tries to hijack his car. Peter is so frozen the whole time, shocked by the exchange, that he misses when the gun comes out. but he doesn’t miss the sound of the gun shot as it hits Ben. the killer freaks out that he actually killed a guy and runs off. but Peter does nothing. he cries for help, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP, and he holds his uncle as he passes. before he goes, Ben calls him Peter one last time. then, he’s gone. 
May is devastated. Peter is horrified. and their whole life is falling apart around them until Tony Stark shows up in his living room with the promise of greatness. he tells him that he likes to save the little guy because “when you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” 
then he’s BASICALLY an Avenger and then he’s into Liz and then he’s screwing everything up and then homecoming happens and FINALLY his life starts to finally even out. 
he lays off of patrol, somewhat, and being a superhero starts to feel like only a part of his life. not entirely who he is. 
he hangs out with Ned and he trains upstate and life is great. Flash upgrades Pretty Parker to Penis Parker (which is crazy hurtful) but he’s not so upset about that anymore because Flash is irrelevant to his life. and he’s awesome. 
and then, MJ happens. she’s his sort-of friend, then the captain of his team and then one day he realizes he’s been looking at her too long and it hits him that he likes her. he likes all the good and the bad parts of her. he likes her dry sense of humor, her passion for human rights and the way she smiles at him when she thinks no one is noticing. fyi, he always notices. 
but he’s not sure how to do this. not really. he’s never really dated. sure, he took Liz to homecoming but that was a dance. dating someone for real is a lot more complicated than just ditching someone as soon as they arrive at a dance. 
and he’s also terrified that MJ won’t be interested in a trans guy. which is dumb because lols of course trans guys are amazing. but he can’t beat away that evil voice in the back of his head. that voice is really mean. 
so he procrastinates. he keeps putting off asking MJ out even though the more and more time he spends with her at school and at practice and on the occasional outing with him and Ned convinces him that he really does properly like her. 
and THEN, she finds out he’s spider-man. more like she tells him that she’s always known. they’re walking through downtown and he’s munching on a churro when she asks, “are you ever gonna tell me you’re spider-man or…?” and he chokes on his food. MJ stands there expectantly while he works his shit out before he finally can speak, “um, excuse me?” “spider-man. you’re him. wanna tell me I’m wrong?” he shakes his head, “no, just, um, how did you know?” “i’m observant. duh.” and his face heats up read because damn, she is observant. how observant, tho? like, does she know other things about him, too? again, he’s never 1000% certain what the gossip mill says about him. 
they walk in silence for three more blocks before he blurts out, “i’m trans!” and that is so not how he wanted to tell her. he wanted to gently prod at her about her feelings toward queer people, feel out if she would be open to dating a trans person and THEN tell her. but his dumb mouth says it before he can execute his master plan. that he’s been procrastinating on. really, um, he was gonna tell her. eventually. 
or now. now apparently is the answer. 
her lips turn up just slightly, “is that the last confession you wanna tell me today, Parker? or do you have one more?” he flushes and turns back to his churro, “dunno what you mean.” “yea, you do.” and he does. he can tell from the way she’s looking at him that she knows about his big, FAT crush on her. 
he eat another bite of his churro, sends a prayer up to whoever is listening and takes the leap, “I like you.” 
when MJ leans down and kisses his cheek Peter’s her ACTUALLY stops. not really, but that’s how it feels. it feels like he can’t breathe and his life is over and he wants to call Aunt May. he has so many questions about all of the feelings a simple kiss on the cheek could bring about. 
“I like you, too,” MJ says, stealing what is left of his churro. Peter grins real big, “you do?” “I do,” she rolls her eyes. “even though I’m…” “you’re Peter,” MJ cuts him off. and yea, he is. he’s Peter FUCKING Parker. 
and the fact that Peter FUCKING Parker is dating Michelle Jones seems to interest nobody at Midtown is even better. because it feels normal. because it is normal. because Peter is trans but that is not all he is. he’s a superhero and a best friend and a nephew and a boyfriend. 
he likes being someone’s boyfriend a lot. 
he likes going to pride with MJ and having her on headset with Ned during his patrols and making out with her. making out with her is great. and she’s super aware of his dysphoria which helps. she never pushes him to do anything he doesn’t want to do and, frankly, there is a lot of other things they can do. AHEM. they’re teenagers. they make it work while being respectful of Peter’s boundaries. 
but his favorite thing about dating MJ is the way she always seems to catch his eye across the room. no matter where they are or what they’re doing, MJ finds him. and its nice to feel like someone is looking out for him. because that’s all he ever does as Spider-man, look out for the little guy. 
now, though, he has an MJ. and sharing Spider-man with someone he loves is way better than doing it alone. 
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