#Lil bleater based fluff
omgitsnutmeg · 4 years
A goat walks into a Bar
This is my Witcher Secret Santa gift for the @thewitchersecretsanta event, my fic is for @martianapplecrumble I hope you enjoy and Happy New Year! <3
A Goat Walks Into A Bar
           Lambert fumbled with his keys as he unlocked the back door to his brewery. It was far too early to open, but someone had to check on the latest batch of applejack and to look over the ledgers to ensure that the bar was ready to open that night. Slipping into the warm building he curses the fact that his truck doesn’t ever seem to get warm enough and that his business partner Aiden refuses to work mornings. Lambert started his morning off in the usual way, going over the previous nights inventory logs and checking up on the distillery that was attached to the bar. As he wandered to the front of the bar, there was a strange noise at the front door a scraping sound followed by a bump and more scraping.
           Opening the front door Lambert peered out into the empty parking lot and startled as a small goat brushed by him and wandered into the bar. Now, Lambert knows that one of the buildings down the road has a small pen out back with a few goats and chickens but a goat wandering into his bar like it owned the place was a very new and unexpected occurrence. Closing the door against the cool winter air Lambert scrambled to see where the little goat had run off to. A minute later he found the goat behind the oak counter of his bar, nibbling contently on a piece of celery that had fallen off the counter the night before. Now that he had found the goat Lambert had no idea what to do, he didn’t want it wandering through his lovely bar causing chaos and potentially trying to eat the furniture, but the goat also needed to be out of the way before people arrived for lunch.
           Meanwhile Eskel was panicking. He runs a small but credible animal rehabilitation center and a new volunteer had left one of the goat pens unlocked the night before. Usually this wouldn’t be a problem, however the unlocked pen in question belonged to his little herd of pygmy goats which housed his favorite goat, Lil’bleater. The primary problem with that is Lil’bleater had made it her life goal to be a professional escape goat shortly after he adopted her. After assuring himself that she was the only goat who had decided to escape the warm, dry pen, Eskel finished feeding the little goats and locked the pen. Now he was faced with actually finding the sweet terrible little goat who was usually out trying to steal the chicken’s food. Finding the chicken coop empty of goats and no sign of the little goat anywhere else on the property he had to consider the fact that Lil’bleater may have wandered off further than he first thought. Eskel’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the rescue’s phone ringing inside the building. He skidded through the door and grabbed the phone just in time to pick it up and greet the caller, “Kaer Morhen animal rescue this is Eskel speaking, how can I help you?” The reply was quick to come
“Hi, this is your neighbor, Lambert at Tequila Mockingbird. I opened to front door this morning to find a little white and brown goat who wandered into my bar. Would you happen to know whose goat it is?”
Eskels heart soared in relief as the worry for his favorite goat evaporated. “Oh, thank the goddesses! That’s Lil’bleater, one of our newer rescue goats she escaped sometime last night, and I’ve been looking for her all morning! I’ll be over to pick her up in just a few minutes if that’s okay with you, I’m so glad she’s alright! She has a tendency to escape and she seems to have gotten bolder in where she wanders”.
“ Thank goodness she’s yours, I have to open the bar by 11:30 for lunch and I don’t think I could run a bar and babysit your goat at the same time, I also know nothing about goats so the sooner you can pick her up the better”.
“I’d definatly be hard to run a bar and manage goats, I’ll be over as soon as possible to pick up Lil’Bleater, just try to keep an eye on her till I get there”.
“Okidoik, but if she eats any of the furniture in here someone other than me has to pay for it”.
           With that the phone line clicked off and Eskel was hopping into his beat-up truck about four seconds later. He was usually nervous when meeting new people because they tend to judge him based on his scars and his strong build. He’s tall and bulky in the way that lots of heavy farm work makes people and that make some people nervous around him. Today however he didn’t have time to feel nervous around the absolute relief that his little escape goat would soon be home safe. The drive to the bar felt like it took forever even though it was barley five minutes down the road. As Eskel pulled into the parking lot he couldn’t help but wonder which of the bar’s owners Lambert was, he had seen both of them at one point or another as they set up the bar a few months previously but he had never actually had the time to introduced himself to them. Eskel steeled himself as he knocked on the door, anxiously waiting for Lambert to open the door.
           Meanwhile Lambert was attempting to take inventory of the bar and keep a determined little goat out of the fridge at the same time. The adorable little goat was trying to eat everything that it could see which makes counting beer cans and the other odds and ends in the bar much more difficult than it should be. Ten minutes later a blessed knock comes  from the front door and Lambert rushes to the door to greet his savior.
           The door to the quaint little brewery is thrown open, and Eskel is suddenly face to face with a very handsome and slightly flustered man. Lambert is a full head shorter than he is but seems to have a solid build. There was a long quiet pause as both men looked each other over before Lambert finally broke the silence.
           “You’re Eskel Right”?
           “Yeah, on the phone you said that you had found Lil’Bleater”?
           “I think she found me, she wandered right in the door this morning and I’m glad that you were available to come get her. Follow me”.
           With that Lambert had turned around and disappeared into the bar. Eskel hurried to keep up with him and found himself examining the dark but stylish bar. The bar itself was only half lit as it wasn’t open yet but seemed like a welcoming space. Lambert strutted behind the bar and Eskel peaked behind the bar to see his little rascal of a goat happily sitting there. Eskel also noticed how attractive the bar owner was. A head shorter than himself and showing off just muscled enough arms to prove that owning a bar had some heavy labor involved, Lambert was Eskel’s type through and through. He had to shake his head to clear those kinds of thoughts and he hurried to Lambert’s side to clip a harness and a leash onto Lil’Bleater.
           “Thanks so much for looking after Lil’Bleater for me! I’ll try to make sure she doesn’t escape again and I’m terribly sorry for bothering you this morning” Eskel spewed in a quick fountain of words.
           “It’s no problem”  Lambert muttered, “In fact since she’s out of here before lunch she didn’t even really interrupt my morning, she actually made it better. It’s much more interesting to meet you than it is to open the bar”. The two wandered back too the front door of the bar, Eskel watching Lil’Bleater closely to ensure that she doesn’t try to escape her harness. At the door, there is a second of awkward hesitation as they both look at each other. As Eskel reaches for the door handle, Lambert thrusts a business card out towards him.
           “If your interested you should call me… I’d like to get to know you better. Of course its no pressure if you aren’t interested, but please think about it” Eskel slowly takes the card and grins.
           “Yeah! I’ll definitely call you; we could get coffee sometime next week or something like that”.
           “That sounds great, you have a safe day and look after your little runaway! I look forwards to seeing you soon” Lambert beamed and watched as Eskel corralled his little goat into his truck and trundled off towards his home.
           The two met up for coffee the next week, then to watch lacrosse at Lamberts bar then for dinner and movie dates galore. Before they knew it the two were introducing each other to their families, explaining the ridiculous coincidence of a goat deciding to walk into a bar.
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himbo-half-orc · 4 years
Witcher Fanfic link list
I have written a few things now for the Witcher fandom, so I thought I’d put them all in one place so you can find them.
I have loads of fics posted to my AO3 account - please check it out ^_^
Other things I have written:
Bullet fics:
Kaer Morhen D&D - No shipping really, just a fun game of D&D
Winter at Kaer Morhen - Lambert x Aiden and Awkward!Geralt x Jaskier. 
Jaskier’s birthday - Jaskier gets surprise presents at Kaer Morhen. Written for @jaskierswolf for their birthday.
Aro!Geralt x Jaskier based on the Hexer TV series. (I really love those two).
Arrows -  Modern AU. Aro!Geralt gets a present for Valentine’s day
Demiromantic Geralt wants to invite Jaskier to KM for winter
Short fics:
Ace Eskel - what *really* happened with the succubus. written for Ace Week
Dating show AU - Geraskier idea, which @jaskierswolf turned into an awesome fic called Heartbreak Hotel
Red Wolf -  Lambert x Aiden gen. Someone gets confused over Eskel's nickname and thinks Lambert is the Red Wolf due to his hair colour. (loosely relates to a DD fic, but this does stand alone)
Lil’ Bleater - Eskel brings his goat back to KM
Misc lists:
Bullet fics - a link to my AO3 collection of short bullet fics
Fluff battle fics (also on AO3) - a list of the 3 fics I wrote for the fluff battle
Ace fics - a link to my AO3 collection of Asexual fics, mostly written for the Witcher Ace Week
Aro fics -  a link to my AO3 collection of Aromantic fics, mostly written for the Witcher Ace Week
Witcher Ace Week Collection - a link to the AO3 collection of Ace fics written by various authors
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inber · 4 years
Goat Dad Fluff Time (Eskel x Reader Drabble)
The whip of the wind sends rain in lashing streaks across your exposed skin. You're past the point of drenched; you're sodden, dripping, so soaked that the tips of your fingers wrinkle with it. You're running and stumbling but fuck, it all seems rather pointless. The village is so far.
The gale stole the picked herbs from your hands first, and then it robbed you of your cloak. Your indignant shout was swallowed by the storm's unrepentant howl as the garment danced far from your reach, wraith-like. There was nothing to do but run.
Breathless from cold and exhaustion, you squint ahead. Sheets unfold around you in a pour, and you can barely make out the shape of a dense, ancient oak. It's not waterproof, but it's something. Slipping once or twice as the road slops at your boots, the hemline of your dress dip-dyed with mud, you shamble for the temporary shelter.
It's not unoccupied. There are two adorable goats huddled together for warmth at the base of the great tree. Although your teeth are chattering, you can't help but smile.
"H-hello, little friends," you force out, stooping. They're tame and eager for affection, and you laugh when one rears up to rest her little trotters on your thigh so she might get the most affection.
"Lil' Bleater, down." A husky voice commands from above you, and you shriek in surprise, falling back onto the muddy grass. There's a man resting on the lower branches. When he swings from the tree and plants his feet, you stare up at him in awe, realising he's no mere man - he's the hero that saved your village from a rogue forktail. A Witcher.
"Forgive me, Sir Witcher--"
"I'm terribly sorry to have frightened--"
You both laugh nervously. He has the hood of his cloak up, and you can only see the glimmer of his unusual eyes. Hesitantly, he offers a hand -- almost as if he expects you to be offended by his politeness. But you grasp it readily.
He gasps. "My lady, you are so cold--" And again you are interrupted, just as he is trying to haul you to your feet. The goat -- Lil' Bleater -- clambers onto your lap and starts making herself comfortable. The other one is more skittish, but not so frightened that it is dissuaded from trying to search through your apron pockets for stray herbs.
"Goats, no!" The Witcher tries to order, sounding distressed, "Get off-- Lil' Bleater! Manners!"
You can't help but laugh, even as you tremble. "It is alright, Sir Witcher," You try to comfort him, "My dress was quite spoiled anyway. A little bit of goat will do no harm."
He reaches down and picks Lil' Bleater up, who yodels with the indignity of it, before he sets her aside and successfully pulls you to your feet. He's close to you -- close enough that you can feel his warmth and strength. Despite the chill of the storm, your cheeks grow hot.
"I was leaving town when this sweet doe joined us," He gestures to the second goat, "So I had to backtrack to try and find her owner. But then it began to rain..." He frowns. "You've no cloak."
"I fell victim to a gust of wind." You confess, "A pity, for I sewed that cloak myself. But these things happen, Sir Witcher. I will warm again in town." But your lips are taking on a hint of discoloration, and your fingertips are tingling numb. The storm still rages.
"My name... I am Eskel, my lady. I must insist you take my cloak for now." He undoes it, and pulls it from his body.
"Oh, Sir Eskel, I could not ask..." But already he's pulling it around you, and you drown in the fabric and residual warmth. You let out a little moan at the feeling, and clap your hand over your mouth after in shame. He's rubbing the side of his face as if it itches, and you note the scars that claw down it.
They do not detract from his beauty. Without the cloak, you can see the discipline of his body, and the glitter of his eyes. Your fingers itch to brush some of the hair away from his forehead so you can truly examine the fascinating cat-like pupil that splits his irises, but such a gesture might not be welcomed.
"You're definitely my hero." You confess, "First you save us from the forktail, and now you save me from hypothermia. I am most grateful." You smile at him, but it just seems to make him more awkward.
"It is nothing, my lady." He mumbles. Lil' Bleater butts into his knee unexpectedly, and he staggers. You bite your lip so you won't laugh. "Oooh, I'm selling you at the next market, I am." He grabs the goat's horns and wrestles with her for a moment. She yields and frolicks out of his reach.
"She has quite the spirit." You remark, "I doubt you want for entertainment."
He smiles, and you feel giddy at the sight of it. "Not often, no." He agrees.
"Are... are you not cold, Sir Eskel?" You wonder, guilt nipping at you, "You have done me a kindness, but I can't accept it at your expense."
"Witchers don't get cold very easily." He says, and you hum, disbelieving.
"But still..." You gather your nerve, even if you're looking at your muddy shoes, "It is a rather large cloak. I would happily share it."
He tenses up, and you immediately berate yourself for being so forward. Gods, he must think you a harlot. You're about to backtrack when he whispers, "Really?"
Your cheeks grow warmer still. "Very happily."
He thinks for a moment, and then reaches up into the branches for one of his packs. He withdraws a tightly coiled bundle of leather; something to be laid down to keep the damp from a bedroll. Then he unfurls it, and you take initiative and sit.
Tentatively, he sits on the edge of the leather, and pulls a corner of the cloak to cover his knee. You stare at him, bemused. He looks so lost that you can't help but want to guide him.
You undo the cloak -- he protests at first, as you wrap it around him -- but then he goes silent and still as you sit in the space between his legs, pulling the material around you. He's rigid, and you suspect that he might not be breathing.
"There," You whisper, "See? Plenty of room."
He makes the tiniest noise. Gradually, he begins to relax; to accept that together, you are warmer. Occasionally your back brushes his chest, and he goes all stiff again, until you sigh and just lean fully into him.
As if you're a fragile baby bird, he provides support. Emboldened by your gesture, he loops his arms around your middle chastely -- barely touching -- and you murmur your approval.
You'll never know how he scents the herbal fragrance of your hair and commits it to memory. How he'll remember the thrum of your pulse for years to come. How the sight of an old oak tree will make him smile.
As the two goats cuddle nearby and the storm swells, you find shelter in a Witcher, and he finds comfort in your tender heart.
A/N: For @ficsandcatsandficsandcats because I'm pushin' for 80%. And cause we love touch-starved, kind goat dad.
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
First of all, hello officially! We’ve interacted on a few posts, but this is the first visit to the inbox. I hope you’re well, love. Can I request some soft sunset meadow times with Eskel? Could be fluff, could be more, I’ll leave that to you 🌻
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A/N: thank you guys for sending these in!! I thought they fit well together!! I hope you enjoy💕💕
You moved through the field, eyes set on the willow that rested at the very top. Your fingers gripped your skirt and pulled it up a little so it wouldn’t snag so much on the tall grass. 
The evening was warm. A gentle breeze blew through as the sun started to set behind the mountains behind your home. The branches to the weeping willow swayed with the breeze, rustling quietly. 
A smile came to your lips at the sound of Lil Bleater. She was alerting Eskel that you were nearing. 
The quiet witcher sat at the base of the willow, one knee propped up and his arm resting comfortably on his knee. The other was straight in front of him. Lil Bleater did her best to sit in his lap
Eskel turned his head to watch you finish climbing the small hill. His eyes, as golden as the sun, stayed on you. His gaze was hard to read, but the furrow in his brow told you all you needed to know. 
Something was on his mind.
“What troubles you, my love?” You asked quietly, sitting down beside him. You sat on your knees, resting your hands in your lap. You wanted to face him, to be able to see him and admire his handsome features, but you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable with the attention. 
“What makes you think something troubles me?” He tilted his head to the side a little. 
“Well, you came out here to round the animals up for the night. That was about an hour ago.” You looked to the sunset. “And you only sit under this tree when something is on your mind, something that troubles you.”
He smiled just a little, but it didn’t reach his eyes. His gaze flickered down to Lil Bleater in his lap. 
“I don’t know what’s bothering me.” He admitted. “I’ve been trying to figure it out. I just…. I think it’s going to be one of those nights. The kind where I don’t sleep.”
“You never sleep.” You looked at him, bringing your hand up to the back of his head. Your fingers brushed through his hair. “Is there anything I can do?”
He shook his head a little, eyes closing. 
“Just…. If you wouldn’t mind sitting here, I’d really appreciate it.”
You smiled at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. Your hand left his head, fingers brushing down his arm until you found his hand. You laced your fingers together, giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“You know, this is my favorite time of day.” You pulled his hand into your lap. “The light from the sun…. It reminds me of your eyes.”
“Doll.” Eskel murmured, squeezing your hand without meaning to. It wasn’t painful, but it was firm. “You don’t…. You don’t have to try to cheer me up.”
“I’m not.” You shook your head. “I know when you need cheered up or when you need your spirits lifted. Now isn’t that time. Now is the time where I sit here with you and remind you of how much I love you and why it is that I love you.”
Wordlessly, Eskel pulled you into his lap. You straddled him, your knees resting on either sides of his thighs. 
“Your eyes are warm and gentle.” You held his gaze, admiring the black and brown flecks of color around his pupils. “They hold a thousand words you’d never say, truths you’d never share. But I know each and every one.” 
You leaned forward to kiss his forehead, brushing his dark hair back away from his face. 
You sat back on his lap. Your fingers trailed along the side of his face down to his neck. His eyes closed and he swallowed thickly, tilting his head back just a little as if to bare his throat to you. 
“I love the sound of your voice. It soothes me best on nights when all I can do is lie awake.” Your index finger brushed over his Adam’s apple. He let out a breath, shivering at the contact.
Once you got to the bottom of his neck where his collarbones met and formed a dip, you moved your hand back to his face. You started at his chin, enjoying the scratch of his stubble. You smiled a little, but then moved on to his lips. 
“Your lips, oh the things they’ve done to me.” You used your thumb to trace his bottom lip. Your eyes flickered up to gauge his reaction, only to find his eyes were still closed. “Whispered words no one else has ever told me. Confessed things to me no other man has. Kissed me so tenderly that I feared I’d melt into a puddle.”
When your fingertips passed over the scars on the right side of his lips, you felt him tense up beneath you. His eyes opened, golden yellow orbs peering at you. But you continued, your touch feathering along the angry ridges that cut deep into his face. 
“I know how you feel about this.” You whispered, almost afraid to even speak about them. “I know how you hate them, how you think so poorly of yourself because of them.”
You had to pause to take a deep breath, your eyes starting to fill with tears as you spoke. Now wasn’t the time to cry. That would only make Eskel feel worse. You swallowed the lump in your throat and smiled softly. 
“But believe me when I tell you that you are more than these scars, Eskel. You are more than what’s happened to you, more than your trauma and hardships. You are the sweetest, most sincere, and selfless man I have ever met. I cannot imagine life without you.”
Eskel’s teary eyes were unable to hold your gaze. Instead, he looked down at the laces to your blouse. 
You cupped his jaw, tilting his head up. You leaned in to gently kiss him, your hand trailing around to the back of his neck to pull him closer. His hands found your hips, gripping you firmly. 
Lil Bleater roughly head butted his arm, interrupting you both. You pulled away, tucking your nose into his neck while he looked at the goat. 
“She’s so rude.” You commented, giggling softly. 
“Thought I taught her better manners.” He kissed the side of your neck, arms wrapping around you tightly. “Love you, doll.”
“I love you too, Eskel.”
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration shadow-hunters-love @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an–actual–human–disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @she-wolfoftheinquisition @titaniafire @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful
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crowleyellestair · 4 years
Hide ‘n Seek- Jaskier Drabble
AN// Some canonical facts are taken from Blood of Elves, though it was pictured with the Netflix adaptations for Jaskier, Geralt and Ciri
 Major fluff
 Jaskier x reader, Platonic witcher friends
Jaskier didn’t have enhanced witcher senses. He couldn’t smell what someone had for diner the say prior or sense people’s emotions. He couldn’t tell a lie by a heartbeat nor could he see in the dark. He was a humble bard, and a simple man, who loves a woman named Y/n completely. He also cares for his witcher friend Geralt, who could be blamed for this situation.
The bard and his healer had traveled with the White Wolf to Kaer Morhen with the intent to help raise Ciri. Winter so far had been perfect, despite the intense change in scenery. The two would usually spend time in the still bustling streets of Oxenfurt, but now they were in a half closed off keep. Raising the young princess had been a walk in the park so far, each of the witchers taking her under their wings. The five witchers had decided they would teach her as much as they could about the witchering world, and the bard had decided to teach her court etiquette. Most of the medical info the Lion Cub had been learning was through Vesemir, so Y/n wasn’t a teacher. She had decided to be ‘the fun aunt’ as she often said.
Last time the bard had checked, Y/n had been with Ciri, though once he had caught up with the young girl, she gave him worrying news.
“We were playing hide and seek. In a way it helps training, so I can locate people based on tracking and ‘environmental knowledge’.” The old witcher next to her grumbled from his seat.
“Environmental awareness.” Vesemir continued to page through the newest book that he was going to use for visual aid. His eyes flew over the pages, but his tone was scolding enough were Ciri shrunk without the scrutiny of his gaze. “Though, our little cub was unsuccessful.” The bard’s hand flew to rub her back, trying to sooth her despite her ‘failure’. It had taken a moment for his words to set in. Cornflower blue eyes darted between the two.
“So that means…we don’t have any clue where Y/n is?” Ciri shook her head, and Vesemir gave him a sparing glance that conveyed the obvious answer.  His head snapped to the barely audible footsteps coming in from the balcony. “Oh, perfect. Geralt, can you tell me where Y/n is?” Geralt looked to Vesemir with a raised brow. Every witcher in the keep had an idea, if not the exact location, of the healer. Familiar golden eyes flew down to the child he had come to know as his daughter, and Jaskier’s stomach dropped. A growingly familiar, playful grin started to spread on Geralt’s pale visage.
“Yes.” The bard waited for a moment to find he had nothing to add. His hands flew in a questioning gesture through the air for a moment before his arms dropped to his sides.
“And where, pray tell, is she?” Geralt’s gaze met the brunette’s.
“I never said I would tell you where, I was simply saying I could.” Jaskier’s hands fisted and rested against his hips. His mouth gaped like a fish for a moment before snapping shut, and letting out a dramatic huff.
“My dearest friend, why won’t you help me? Do you think it is fun putting my weary heart through this turmoil?” A small giggle came from the floor where Ciri sat. The playful smile turned to genuine joy as the witcher looked back down. Jaskier sighed, trying his damndest to not admit that he found it cute as well. He turned on his heal, and started to search. If Ciri couldn’t find her, his best bet was to look for the other two witchers, as Coen was also in the room smiling silently. Or, at least Eskel. He would help. Sadly, since the balcony was open, by the time the bard had gotten to him, he was chuckling and shaking his head.
“Come on, Eskel. Betraying me, sure, but Y/n? How will she feel about this?” The scarred lip tipped up, eyes shining as he looks to the bard from Lil’ Bleater.
“Oh, I am well aware that she will find it funny.” Jaskier’s shoulders dropped as he huffed, dragging his feet in the snow to try and force the witcher into pity. Y/n had known all of the wolves before knowing Jaskier, so he was fully aware of the truth behind Eskel’s words. He had barely turned the corner when said witcher called to him. “I also trust her tracking skills, but yours are just as poor as the cubs. Consider it training, bard.”
Jaskier looked through all of the outlandish spots he could think of in the more common areas they were allowed in. Under tables in the kitchen, behind boxes and above scaffolding in the main hall. Behind and in suits of armor. Along the way, he found Lambert taking care of the laundry. He was pouring over a small jam stain on Ciri’s shirt when he cursed the bard out of the room. Jaskier understood, knowing the youngest witcher was embarrassed about his own infatuation and immense knowledge of clothes and fashion.
His nerves flared up, despite knowing Y/n was most likely fine. Jaskier had finally gathered the materials he had needed for them to spice up the night. There isn’t much you can do in terms of ‘kinky’ when you’re staying in a keep full of witchers, but he had come up with a fun idea. A nice bottle of Est Est, clean furs and an old smut book he had found. He had wanted them to wrap up under the furs and read it to her, seeing where the slow and soft touches would go whilst he read. Now, he was going to have to wait, his mind bouncing to the extreme until she shows herself.
He huffed, sitting at the edge of their bed, his hands scribbling over his cheeks. He sat there for a moment, his eyes going to the spaces in the room. He couldn’t wait for her, he needed to see her now, if only to simply lay his gaze upon her. For a moment, his eyes landed on the closet before moving on, though they quickly darted back. Jaskier had some important doublet hanging in the space, and the two had always made sure to keep the door closed. He got up to close it before hearing a small rumble. Dread made his stomach drop as he didn’t want to open the door. What if an animal made its way into the closet? Into their clothes?! Jaskier took a couple of quick, readying breaths before letting the door fly open.
There, wrapped in a make-shift doublet blanket, Y/n dozed on the closet floor. Her nose was buried in the collar of his baby blue overcoat, her knees pulled to her chest. Her head had slid to the corner, head tilting in a weird way that forced her airflow to come out as a grumbled snore. He couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his face as he knelt down next to her. His hand gently cupped the joint between her shoulder and neck, thumb gently rubbing circles into her soft skin.
“Dear heart, it’s time to wake up.” He chuckled when a harsh huff pushed through her nose and she tried to shift away from the light creeping past his shoulders, trying to touch her from the window. “Y/n,” Jaskier cooed. “Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours.” It took another moment, but her eyes eventually fluttered open. Despite her seemingly rude behavior in her sleepy state, a loving smile spread. She curled back up under the doublets that she had been using, eyes falling close once more. “Excuse me, but it’s time to get up.”
“No..Ciri’s gon’ find me.” The sleep slurred her words and it came out as a rumble trying to be softened.
“The cub hasn’t been looking for a while now, Darling.” At that, an eye pried itself open to look at the bard, a sly smile spreading.
“Oh, goody.” She slowly pulled herself free from the closet, grabbing his hand, and pulling him to the bed. Her hands pushed his shoulders, Jaskier bouncing a little. She still had a smirk before flopping down next to him, nuzzling into the fur below her cheek. He rolled his eyes, chuckling. He pulled at the edge of the fur, pulling her closer to the pillows before grabbing a different fur on the bed. He flopped half of himself over her back, an arm, leg and most of his chest covering her as he pulls the new fur over the both of them. It might not be what he planned, but they have the rest of their lives for it.
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