#Lily  Castle
justellie-b · 4 months
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Ugh, I still suck at drawing facial features so I think I'm just gonna leave it like this.
My little fictional family
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So, someone posted this photo comparison earlier:
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And I got curious and checked on imdb to see if Rainey Spurlock is still acting. She is... and you guys... you guys... she still looks like season 1 Beckett!
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Talk about excellent casting! Oh my word...
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thefifthsister · 6 months
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Castlemas '23 #7: Scenic
Post Series
"Mommy, they tryna kiss me!" Reece giggles.
"I see that baby," Kate smiles at his excitement. "You wanna say hello?"
"Hewwo," Reece mutters, holding out the carrot he had for them. "Are yous gonna be bwinging Santa to my house?"
"If you're good," Castle reminds him, helping Jake and Lily with their carrots.
"I been so good," Jake assures him.
"Me too," Lily tells the reindeer. "More than my brothers." She whispers, but still loud enough that her parents catch the quip, share a smirk.
"Do you like jus' carrots? Do you want my brocoli?" Reece offers.
Kate laughs. "Sorry peanut, you're not getting out of eating your veggies."
Her little boy huffs but takes another carrot, holding it out for eager chomps, Kate making sure his fingers stay away from their teeth.
"Daddy, you got to tell them how to get to our house," Jake reminds his father.
"Don't worry buddy," Castle assures him. "Santa has a GPS like we have in our car."
"But you still get lost," Lily points out, much to amusement of her mother.
"Santa will actually use his," Kate promises. "Daddy likes adventure."
"Scenic, Kate, scenic route," Castle corrects.
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bunysliper · 11 months
Do you think Lily Castle is a more of a Mama’s girl or a Daddy’s girl??
Hi Anon!
So I feel like I usually write her as some combination of both over the course of her life and that feels good to me. I feel like when Lily's young, Kate worries on occasion that Lily won't want her as much because she's out of the house more often and Castle's the SaHD so much of the time, but I think Lily just adores her and asks about her all the time and wants all the Mommy Stories she can pull out of Castle and just will not leave her alone when she comes home. It's honest-to-god hero worship for a while, so much so that Castle even feels a twinge of jealousy, because he is home with Lily so much. But on the other side of the coin, Lily absolutely will cozy up to Castle and be his junior writing assistant, and want to play with him for hours and hours and hours, monopolizing him if he lets her (and he does, because she's freaking adorable, are you kidding?).
They're still close when she gets older and more independent, but both Castle and Beckett miss their little Sprout-sized shadow. And when she's older and she's angry at Kate (because they're butting heads and they're too much alike and Kate retreats because she's concerned she's going to say something too sharp, too biting and it will have lasting consequences), Lily knows she can curl up with Castle and just have dad time, where he'll be comforting and tell her she's not altogether wrong, but that she really needs to talk to her mom, because Kate loves her like crazy, even if she's pissed and is pissing Lily off, too.
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Fic prompt: Caskett in the hospital room with the baby after she’s just born 🥹
Kate was grateful for so many things.
That sweet, earthy new-born smell that she couldn't quite put into words. Some unique mix of milk and freshly baked bread.
The tiny, deep mahogany irises that kept disappearing behind fluttering eyelids as sleep takes hold.
The little groans that rumble in Lily's throat as she wriggles and stretches.
Each small, uneven huff of breath that skirted along her chest as her daughter curled up against her skin.
Kate peeled her eyes away from her daughter and looked up at Rick, who was watching them both adoringly. 
A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. 
This was perfect. 
This was love. 
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bamboo72498 · 1 year
Packed Lunch
@domaystic Day 4: Packed Lunch Fandom: Castle Word Count: 523 Rating: G [][]
It’s mocking her, Kate has decided. That little pink lunchbox with the Disney princesses all over it is mocking her as it sits on the kitchen island. It’s yet another symbol of how their daughter’s life would be changing in just twelve hours. 
And Kate was not ready.
A brand new uniform hung off the back of Lily’s bedroom door, ready for her to wear it the next day; their little November baby was going to Transitional Kindergarten, and Kate was not ready.
Not ready to give up the control of knowing Lily was at home with her dad or at pre-school for just a few hours. Not ready to let go of their girl who, though she still carried remnants of baby fat, was growing up far too quickly and yearned for the challenge and adventure of Big School.
So, she decided to take her anxiety and sadness out on that lunchbox. Silently wished they could return it to the store and that the first day of school would never come. 
But alas; it was. 
And her daughter was excited, no: expected, to have a packed lunch to take with her. 
“Alright: Lily’s finally asleep,” Castle announces as he descends the stars and joins her in the kitchen. “And it only took three stories.”
He can see how emotional his wife was. The furrow of her brow, the way she digs her hand into her hair. He’d managed to turn his fear into excitement but realized Kate was not quite there yet.
“You okay?” He asks, stepping close to her, knocking their knees together. 
“I’m nervous,” Kate admits
“Of messing up her lunch? I mean, Kate, those Instagram moms make it look so easy, but I’m sure Lily will eat whatever you make her.”
“No! Not about the lunch. About it all. Sending her to all day school with a lunchbox. What if she gets scared, cause you know how she is in new places? What if she’s too afrait to ask for help?”
“Her teacher will be there at lunch to help out. And it’s the first day; every kid there will be scared! She’s going to be fine.”
Kate knows he’s right; of course he is. But that doesn’t mean her heart isn’t pounding and her stomach isn’t in knots. And they will probably stay that way until 3:30 the next afternoon when they pick Lily up. 
“You want me to do it?” Castle offers, trying to be helpful.
“No, I’ll do it. I told Lil I would.”
Kate rounds the counter for the fridge and pulled out things she knows Lily will eat even on a scary, stressful day. Berries and cucumber sticks and a turkey wrap with just cheese and mustard, Mommy. Crackers go into the last little compartment and Kate makes sure to cut a large piece of brownie for her dessert. 
A juice box and a handwritten note slide alongside the container and Kate can finally zip the lunchbox closed and put it into the fridge to keep cold overnight. 
Those smiling princess faces are no longer mocking her and for that, Kate is grateful.
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wendykw · 1 year
Green Eggs and Ham for Breakfast
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“Good morning Miss Lily. Are you ready for another fun day with Mommy and Daddy?”
“Uppy, Daddy, pease.”
Rick lifts his 22-month-old daughter from her crib and quickly changes her diaper. He’ll wait until after breakfast to dress her for the day. “What would you like for breakfast this morning?”
“Gween eggs an’ ham, pease.”
“Are you Sam-I-Am today? I think I can make those. Let’s see if Mommy is dressed, because green eggs and ham will take a little longer.”
Lily jabbers about Sam-I-Am and eggs while Rick carries her downstairs. Kate is dressed and preparing their coffee. “Lily wants green eggs and ham for breakfast,” Rick announces with a raised eyebrow.
“Is Daddy going to make that for you, baby? I’ve never had green eggs and ham. Maybe he can make it for all of us.”  Kate walks over to where Rick is securing Lily in her highchair. “Your coffee is ready, Babe. I’ll feed the munchkin some fruit, while you create some fiction-inspired food.”
Rick gives Kate a quick kiss, “We have eggs. We have ham. Annnd, we have green food coloring. No reason I can’t make green eggs and ham. I knew Lily loved the book, but I didn’t expect her to make that her breakfast order. Thanks for making coffee.”
“Would you grab the cantaloupe from the fridge, Babe? I’ll cut it up for Lily and for us. Orange and green go together, don’t you think?”
Rick laughs while he is gathering ingredients for breakfast. He deposits the eggs and ham next to the stove, and grabs the Cheerios and a knife on his way to give Kate the melon. Kate gives Lily a few Ohs to keep her happy, while she cuts a piece of cantaloupe into small pieces.
Rick listens to his wife talking to their daughter, and Lily trying to find the words to answer. He scrambles their eggs in a bowl and adds green food coloring by drops until he’s happy with the shade of green he sees. Kate places plates on the counter near the stove. “Those eggs are certainly green. Actually you’ve created a lovely shade there, Stud.”  
Kate gets a quick kiss for the compliment, and Rick pours the eggs into the pan. Within a few minutes the eggs are done, and he heats the ham slightly. He tastes and seasons the eggs.  Kate has checked on Lily and made toast. “Honey, prepare to be amazed by breakfast. The eggs taste like eggs, despite their greenness.”
When Rick places Lily’s plate on her tray, she smiles and says, “Fanks, Daddy.”  Lily ignores her fork and puts a handful of eggs in her mouth. “Yum, Daddy. Fanks.”
Kate samples her food and smiles at her husband, “Fanks for sure, Daddy. It’s very tasty.”
“I guess Dr. Seuss wasn’t wrong, because 'I do so like green eggs and ham.'"
A/N: My son asked for green eggs and ham when he was that age, and my husband whipped them up for us.
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amorhine2611 · 1 month
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metamorphiacreations · 2 months
its not gonna do well on tiktok, this i know. and its not gonna do well here (my edits never do) but at long as someone sees it, and reblogs for others to see. thatll make me happy enough
edit: thanks for coming together to prove me a liar akfhs
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fluffshi-wxffle · 24 days
Cookie Run: Kingdom/Witch's Castle AU [Divine Children]
While playing/trying to get First Cream Cookie in the Gacha, I thought of an AU since CRK is confirmed to be connected to Witch's Castle.
We all know the 13 Witches/Witch Cookies now right? So in my AU the Witches were turned into Cookies earlier in the timeline than what happened in canon. They bake the Beasts and "raise" them to watch over Earthbread. Though they don't do the best at it, mostly neglecting the Beasts and leaving them to figure out their powers. Believing they were old enough to do so. But when the Beasts corrupted, First Cream Cookie reluctantly sealed them away and split the Soul Jams like in canon.
When the Ancients were baked, the Witch Cookies and moreso First Cream didn't want a repeat with the Beasts so they baked the ancients from infants and raised them properly. Before they began to prepare them to wield the SoulJams
Yes this means the Beasts are the older siblings to the Ancients :3
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lionfloss · 2 years
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Castle Ashby Gardens by fuji.tim
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thefifthsister · 8 months
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CHB'23 #9: Heirloom
Post Series
"Daddy, Daddy! It's just like Mommy's!" He hears across the store. He directs the twins around a display, watching where they stick their hands while he tries to look at what Lily is so excited about.
"What have you got Sweetpea?"
She beams up at him, eager to show him the treasure she's found. He'd promised Kate he wouldn't buy the whole store. Just one thing. He took that to mean one thing each. And they were having fun checking out everything in the store but Lily hadn't been this excited so far.
"Daddy, can we get it? Please?"
"Let me see," he says, looking at it carefully.
"Why Mommy?"
"It's like Mommy's elephants," Lily explains. "The family."
Castle grins, understanding what Lily means.
"Look Daddy, six of them," Lily points out. "One for all of us and Mommy and Lexy and can we get it?"
"Of course," Castle agrees immediately. "This is gonna be a family heirloom one day."
"What's that?" Lily questions.
Castle chuckles. "I'll explain it to you on the way home. But seeing as that's for the whole family, go pick something for you while I look with your brothers."
Lily dances a little happy wiggle and he watches her turn to look, find the boys eyeing up the clown masks. Oh, they could have some fun with those.
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bunysliper · 1 year
Words: 7,665
Genre: Romance/Family
Rated: T
Character: [Kate B., Rick C.]
 A journey to "Seven Years Later." Post-Crossfire. Caskett.
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do-it-for-the-fandom · 11 months
Fluffuly #3
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He smoothed his thumb across the flat surface of the pebble in his hand. 
"Five," he said confidently. "And you owe me a kiss."
She laughed. "No way! Eight and I owe you a kiss," she countered.
"Okay, deal."
He stepped up to the edge of the lake, leant back and then pitched the stone toward the water.
They both watched as it skimmed the surface; bouncing once, twice, three times before sinking.
"Hmm, tough luck," she teased as she skipped toward him. She held out another pebble. "Six."
"And a kiss?"
She rolled her eyes before confirming. "And a kiss."
He flicked the stone and her jaw dropped in disbelief as she watched it bounce again and again - five, six, seven times - before sinking.
He turned back to face her, grin beaming brighter than ever before. 
She clicked her tongue as she shook her head. "You cheat," she accused.
"You pretended to be bad at this! You tricked me!"
He shrugged. "You didn't set any rules, I figured it was anything goes."
She shook her head disapprovingly, but her smile only brightened. 
"You're shameless," she said, taking a step closer to him. 
He took a step closer, too, almost closing the distance between them. His hands reached out for her, rested on her waist.
"Can't blame a guy for going after what he wants, right?"
He pulled her closer and she placed her hands on his chest, running her fingertip along the v-notch stitching of his sweater.
"I guess not."
She smiled and brought her hand up to cup his face, pulling him in for a slow, tender and loving kiss. She took her time, savoured the moment as his hands explored.
They pulled away from each other and turned in the direction of the three familiar voices. Lily, Jake and Reece stood atop the crest of the small hill behind the lake, giggling at their parent's 'icky' display of affection.
"Sorry," Alexis called out as she led her siblings down the slight slope. "The boys were ready to come find you. And Lily wants to show you the dance routine we've been working on."
"That's okay," Kate said with a smile. "We were just about to head back, anyway."
"Daddy, me and 'Lexis baked cookies!" Jake said excitedly as Castle lifted the boy onto his shoulders. 
Reece tugged on Kate's hand. "And we made robots out of cereal boxes!"
"Wow, they've sure kept you busy!" Castle mused; part amused, part apologetic.
Alexis nodded.
"Yeah, if you guys are going to keep sneaking off to make out, I'm going to have to start charging," she joked... kind of. 
I know nothing about stone skipping. I tried once as a kid... my stone sunk immediately and I was too ashamed to ever try again (they make it look so easy in the movies). So I feel like seven skips is pretty impressive. If it's not, please just humour me. 😂😂Thanks.
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bamboo72498 · 1 year
Spark Shorts Part 2
He’s known her coffee order pretty much since day one. Grande skim latte, two pumps sugar-free vanilla. She likes it sweet and strong. Maybe stemming from all those late nights and early mornings at the precinct? Maybe it's a holdover from her days as a budding Beat Nick. 
Either way, the first time Castle brings her a coffee at a crime scene, and the look on her face of shock with a dash of embarrassment instantly told him he had to do it every day.
Had to see that smile, that face, every day. 
He brings her a coffee during the sniper case, not for the caffeine, but because she needs it. The routine, the constant that is that paper cup; the comfort it brings. He doesn’t know how much it helps, but it’s better than nothing. 
The morning after they first sleep together, she brings him coffee. Seeing her feel so comfortable in his home makes him fall even deeper in love with her. 
On the morning of their wedding, he personally delivers her a coffee. Keeps his eyes covered the whole time too (at her instance to observe the tradition). Rick knows she’s probably smiling and rolling her eyes at him even if he can’t see it. He can feel it in his soul. 
Years later, as they rest in the hospital after their daughter is born, he comes back into the room with coffee for both of them and finds Kate asleep in bed with Lily on her chest. He sets the cups aside and goes to reach for the baby.
“Leave the coffee and the baby and back away slowly,” Kate growls at him, though there is humor in her voice, without opening her eyes. 
Rick laughs at that. “Yes ma’am,” he says. Sitting down with his own cup, he watches as Kate successfully drinks from her without waking the baby. 
It’s the same coffee it always is. 
Sweet and strong. 
Just like the woman drinking it.
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