#Lindsay doesn't even have Twitter any more
thebroccolination · 3 months
Lindsay Ellis uploaded this video to YouTube framed around the myth that Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles. It's phenomenal, as her work often is. I'll probably watch the whole thing multiple times in the near future.
Toward the end of the video, Lindsay expands on the morbid paradox of fame. Many of us see it as this aspirational thing that famous people should be grateful to have, and yet we're also aware that the circumstances of being famous often lead to tragic ends for celebrities, either by violence or by their own self-destruction.
Over the past week, I made this thread to explain the events that led to Krist putting his foot down after months of trying to placate the segment of KristSingto fans who are vocally opposed to Krist sharing any part of his continued close friendship with Gawin, Krist's costar from his 2023 BL series "Be My Favorite."
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The day he started his break from social media, Krist addressed his fans about what he'd been dealing with very clearly and characteristically sincerely. He expressed his confusion, explained the impossible situation this unreasonable portion of his fanbase had put him in, and ultimately just gave the vibe of a very tired teacher. Coupled with the reality that Krist's fanbase is on average much older than he is, it's a little absurd that a twenty-eight-year-old had to tell a fair number of middle-aged, tax-paying adults that he's allowed to have friends.
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Krist concluded his TikTok Live only to be tagged in even more abuse and complaints on Twitter. I saw some of it and didn't bother saving receipts, but you can imagine it. You're hurting your comeback with Singto by posting Gawin's photos, Krist. This comeback isn't going well, Krist, and it's your fault. You're supposed to be loyal to Singto, Krist. You abandoned Singto at the outing, Krist. If you hate it here so much then just go back to Gawin, then. Don't you feel guilty for ruining Gawin's career, too? He must be good in bed for you to come to his defense like this.
Oh, wait, I did save that one.
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Presumably sensing that he had done everything he possibly could, Krist addressed fans one last time on his Instagram Broadcast channel.
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Let no one misinterpret this: Krist left social media mainly and specifically because some Peraya were viscerally outraged that Krist didn't cast Gawin aside and spend 100% of his time adhered to Singto. Even though Krist is the one who wanted the comeback, a significant number of Peraya seem to think he's not trying hard enough.
"Not trying hard enough" even though he was so obsessed with getting Peraya Party right that he made himself sick.
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This tweet was when he admitted himself for an IV to keep himself healthy, and then he ended up getting admitted anyway for almost a week. During which time he continued working on the concert from his iPad, messaging staff and Singto who continued with rehearsals.
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"Not trying hard enough" isn't something Krist knows how to do. He's a self-professed perfectionist who identified so strongly with the character of Anxiety in "Inside Out 2" that he posted about her on his Facebook seven different times. He has an Anxiety plush. He even tweeted about the anxiety attack scene when he visited Beijing for work.
Krist has spoken about his experiences with depression. He moved back home in 2022 to be with his parents at the suggestion of his psychiatrist, the fourth he'd seen.
It's widely known that Krist hates being alone. Singto recently said it's something that concerns him, that Krist has someone or other at his house most of the time because he doesn't want to be on his own. Just last year Krist said his favorite thing about his four cats is that they're with him always, whereas people eventually have to go their own homes.
Rather than close himself off, however, Krist has remained a phenomenally open and affectionate person. He treats his fans like friends. (The ones who aren't trying to control his life.) He took the time to address fans twice in text and in video.
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And yet, as soon as Krist stepped away from the helm of his own narrative, some fans were horrified by the idea that Krist might be mad at them. Others began to twist his words and intentions to suit a more palatable narrative. This wasn't about Gawin, no. He did it for Singto.
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And while, yes, Krist did also make it clear that he won't tolerate people trash-talking one of his favorite people, this was about Krist.
It wasn't only about Singto or Gawin. This was Krist facing down fans who have relentlessly demanded more than he could have or even should have ever reasonably done for them.
It's a special kind of horrifying to me that fans are misrepresenting Krist when Krist clearly said as recently as last October that what hurts him most is being misrepresented.
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I spoke with some Peraya in DMs about this whole mess.
A few said they have no issue with Gawin, they're only envious of the closeness he has with Krist. They're both musicians and singers, and they're both people-shaped emotions who went through hell together during all the "lol who asked for this pairing" and "ew I'm not watching the homophobe show" nonsense.
Others said Krist is behaving childishly and that he should just ignore everyone.
After all, all of this comes with the territory of being famous. It's normal. He shouldn't overreact. He's taken the wife role. He should be cute and soft and sweet at all times.
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When I posted my thread about this, some were underwhelmed by the informational tone and had hoped it would be more of a call-out. Thing is, I'd already criticized that portion of the Peraya fandom:
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It's frankly beyond my comprehension how Krist has made it this far as stable and as kind as he is. He was bashed by homophobes for starring in SOTUS in 2016, then stalked at his university by fans who disapproved of him having a girlfriend since he belonged to Singto, harassed about his sexuality until he snapped, vilified by international fans who showed up late to the party in 2020 and made everything a thousand times worse by not bothering to fact-check anything they were seeing, tormented off social media, put through four different psychiatrists, lost the partner he'd been through all of this with, found a new one, lost him, and gained his original partner back only for fans to demand more from him.
And the thing is, I don't want to say all of this on Twitter because it's becoming more and more of a noxious hellscape with every passing day, and the people who need to embrace this aren't going to read it. But I did want to say it somewhere.
Watching Lindsay's video, I felt such a bolt of fear. He's just been pushed so far, and fame isn't what destroys: it's people.
So I'm so proud of him for handling this with composure and strength. I'm proud of him for keeping the promise he made to Gawin in October last year at his solo concert, that nothing would change between them.
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One of my Gawin fan friends said it best: Krist was the first person to see Gawin's potential and then show the world. He featured Gawin in his own solo concert, he mentored him through promotion, he opened up to Gawin about his life and his thoughts. He would never cast Gawin aside, and the fact that people are still trying to hand-wave how important Gawin is to him is maddening.
He loves Singto. He also loves Gawin. One doesn't cheapen the other. He loves a lot of people. That's who Krist is.
The idea that Krist should be cute and demure and ignore constant harassment he can't avoid because he needs to use social media for work is so unimaginably cruel I can't fathom how it could even transform from an idea to a real belief. Whether you like it or not, he's standing up for himself now.
Being famous eases some things and barbs others. You'll get free stuff and fans who admire you, but you may also get a deterioration of your mental health and fans who feel entitled to your body, soul, and mind.
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You tell 'em, sweetie.
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weaselbeaselpants · 1 year
The 'Quinton v Nebula'clique' drama
I saw on Twitter that Quinton had filmed a response to one of his critics whom he had a more personable interaction with. After going through all the info laid out by non-biased, non Wikitubia sources that aren't gushing abt shit that doesn't matter, as well as I guess what we'll call the "opposing sides" here's what I can surmise:
A yt named FlowersGothic had some kind of parasocial interest in Quinton and really wanted to be his solo editor and more* irl
-> Quinton himself also has/had his own parasocial attachments to people, namely Lindsay Ellis and Sarah Zed, I think. I def remember how the two expressed publicly that they aren't into working with him after (I think???) he trauma dumped and was waaay to emotionally volatile when asking to be their friend, which naturally turned them away and creeped them out. Whether or not he was definitely creeping on either women is unclear but yeah I get why they were uncomfortable.
All parties involved here already know this, but it's not Lindsay and Sarah's responsibility for Quinton's validation or feelings of rejection. they don't have to be friends w him when they feel like he pushed their boundaries. I do feel like, frankly, a lot of these receipts are being presented as worse than they are by the 4chan/KiwiFarmers doing the digging...if Quinton's going to be called a creeper, it better be by the ppl he hurt and not randos who don't even like Sarah or Lindsay abt how they should feel...
-> Flowers took her job as editor waay too personally and also messaged Quinton drunk twice, on Halloween saying she wanted to be more than friends
-> Quinton said no. Like Ellis and Zed, he's not responsible for Flowers' feelings and validation, just her paycheck which he said did pay her fill on
-> Flowers did a 180 and said she now hated him, apparently blamed him for her emotional problems and state and started to compile a list of grievences she's had and spit that back at Quinton.
-> Flowers has been presenting these receipts as absolutes for awhile now
-> Quinton for the first time responds on his second channel to Flowers accusations; presenting his side and also saying Flowers' is using half-truths and sometimes straight up lying
-> Dan Olson and Lady Emily, friends of Lindsay and Sarah respectively have vague tweeted today very obviously abt Quinton. Don't know exactly what Olson said, but Emily def is implying that Quinton = bad
-> people are now wondering if Flowers is somewhat responsible the schism and that the 'Nebula Clique' is siding with her and other people's own biased thoughts against Quinton as fueled by their own less than positive circumstances with him.
It's sad. I haven't watched anything by Flowers. I think I would, actually, but these are some very heavy things she's accusing here and things she's being accused of. I don't actually know any of these people exactly, but none of them seem like liars -if anything I see Quinton as being a little bit waywaywaay too honest sometimes? Not understanding like Contrapoints, I guess, but you know- tmi?
As an outsider, this looks like a matter of a lot of hut feelings and neurodivergents' judging other neurodivergents' behavior based on their own bad experiences.
I hate calling the Nebula crowd a 'clique', tbh. As someone who is always on the outside of other friend groups and so know the feeling of jealousy and exclusivity, I think it's easy to just look as any gang of well-netted creators as a "clique" when they could very well just be protective of each other. Considering the bs Sarah and all the former TGWTG-folks had to deal with I get their apprehension of Quinton.
I also tho really get Quinton as someone dealing w similar issues as him, and I'd be heartbroken to find out he's lying or even just accusing someone else of lying.
Gosh I hope this blows over and gets resolved and doesn't reach the pos drama channels out there.
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mariacallous · 6 months
Over the past week, airplanes made by Boeing have been involved in numerous incidents, including midair emergencies, leaking hydraulic fluid, a wheel falling off a plane as it took off, pilots losing control of the plane mid-journey, and a plane plummeting suddenly and injuring 50 people. As a result, right-wing influencers and far-right extremists are once again spreading the conspiracy that Boeing’s problems are all due to the airplane manufacturer's supposed embrace of diversity.
But this time around, they are going even further: Some are even claiming that the accidents are happening intentionally, and that Boeing is failing on purpose as part of a global conspiracy to bring down Western civilization and promote communism and countries like China.
These claims began earlier this year after a part of a Boeing-built Alaska Airlines plane blew off during a flight. Far-right figures claimed that airlines were now more dangerous, not because of faults with the production process, but because they forced diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) policies which, conspiracists claimed without any proof, resulted in putting unqualified flight crews in the cockpit. The same far-right figures are now claiming that Boeing’s support of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies and DEI have led to plummeting standards in the manufacturing process.
“Boeing … could be deliberately committing suicide as an organization,” James Lindsay, an anti-LGBTQ extremist who spreads conspiracy theories about communism taking over the world, said on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast released on Thursday. “It’s cutting corners, it’s locked in by this ESG/DEI stuff.”
“Isn’t United run by a drag queen?” Rogan asked on the podcast.
Lindsay went on to explain that a new Chinese plane called the Comac C919, which is virtually identical to the Boeing 737, was posed to be introduced as a replacement for the US-made plane. “So maybe you kill Boeing and you allow American manufacturing of high-quality aircraft to fall, and then the Chinese competitor is now the thing on the market that doesn't have this bad rap sheet and this risk factor, maybe it's big dirty international business that's actually happening,” Lindsay said.
The conspiracist also claimed, without proof, that executives at Boeing were allowing these accidents to happen in order to increase their own bonuses, awarded for implementing ESG policies.
On his own podcast on Thursday night, Donald Trump Jr. claimed that Boeing’s apparent demise as a result of diversity was a symbol of a broader collapse of Western civilization.
“This is American decline,” Trump Jr. said. “This is happening across our country. This is because of ridiculous policies, stupidity, DEI, and everything. This is what's happening to America in a broad-spectrum way.”
Boeing said that it was gathering more information about the incidents that took place over the past week, and has also repeatedly said that it was working to cooperate with a Department of Justice criminal investigation into the Alaska Airlines blowout. Additionally, the company’s latest diversity report, covering 2020 to 2022, shows that the company has not yet met the DEI goals it set for itself in relation to hiring women and Black people.
But this hasn’t stopped the Boeing conspiracy from being spread and celebrated by the wider right-wing community online.
On X (formerly Twitter), far-right radio host Glenn Beck posted a video of the C919 plane, with the comment “When [Boeing] goes down due to DEI, look who is waiting with the wings. CHINA.”
“Boeing is essentially sabotaging its own operations, similar to the chaotic retreat from Afghanistan orchestrated by President Biden, which allowed China to fill the void left by America,” Michael O’Fallon, a founder of a corporate travel agency, wrote on X in a post shared by both Lindsay and Beck.
It’s not just public figures spreading these conspiracies, either—the baseless allegations have filtered into all corners of the internet, including far-right message boards, Telegram channels, and X. “Commercial Airlines and Boeing should have never been brainwashed by the WOKE radicals into DEI training & hiring where diversity was prioritized over merit with no regard for passenger safety,” a right-wing account on X wrote this week.
On Telegram, a similar narrative was shared, including claims that this entire series of accidents was an effort to stop Americans from flying.
“I am under the impression that this whole DEI program is a way to self-sabotage the entire airline industry, which will in turn scare the hell out of people from flying,” John Sabal, a QAnon influencer, wrote on his Telegram channel. Sabal baselessly linked the accidents to a global plot to undermine Western democracies. “Notably, UN Agenda 2030 places quite a few restrictions on flying for the general population,” he said, “As if the Globalists do not want you traveling. It’s far past time to start asking some serious questions.”
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
I liked some of Lindsay's videos as well (mainly the phantom of the opera ones cause I'm a fan of the material) but even in her other vids it was just too obvious that she was more interested in the self-importance of appearing Aware rather than actually caring when talking about complex racist stereotypes (especially when they were directly tied to her fellow white faves like SMeyer or D*enerys). She also made this insanely tone-deaf remark after JK Rowling made her transphobia even more clear like "hey now, the UK is more transphobic than the US" like??? Miss in what fucking alley are you poking your head in? Are you trans? Just bc you have friends who are does not mean you can make those types of remarks as if the US doesn't have annual higher rates of homicide against Trans people. That's just one of the myriad of weird gross shit I've seen her say on Twitter, she even wrote this incredibly dumb tweet once that I can only hope was a joke, that went something like "oh I wonder if there's some good reylo fanfiction about this black woman slave and this slave hunter" from some movie, she ofc deleted it but there's screenshots of it going around.
That last tweet was exaaaactly what I was thinking about when everyone was like "omg she made one problematic tweet" and acting like she died today. I mean, she also did an entire thread of reaction gifs featuring nothing but Black people... because Georgia flipped to blue during the election... Why is that, Lindsay?
And it's like--everyone makes mistakes, and if you're white you have most likely done some kind of dumbass thing in your lifetime. I've defended Smeyer because I was prioritizing the needs of (white) women without taking into account the inherent racism of her content. That's my bad, and I'm sorry for it, and I'll move forward thinking more critically.
Really, Lindsay could've just... sincerely apologized for that Raya tweet, and lots of people would've definitely given her a pass as if her other behavior hadn't happened. But instead she made a 2 hour long WOE IS ME treatise.
And then this sob story she wrote just had more nastiness? Like "I'm not wealthy" idk Lindsay, you're a web content creator valued at $1 mill who lives in an expensive area by choice, making a viable living as a creative, which happens to almost.... zero creatives. At one point she talked about people dogpiling on her and says "and yet their hearts bleed for Britney". Lol like??? Britney Spears is megawealthy, yes, but the money was made off of exploiting and legally forcing a severely mentally ill person (Britney) to work against her will...? And she didn't get to enjoy the money or make basic decisions about her life or even her healthcare?
Lindsay is just an asshole who was trained by and modeled off another asshole. The wave of sorrow re: her "departure" (which I'm sure isn't permanent) is also treating her like any content creator who bootstrapped her way from obscurity when lol... Despite her tirade again white men in her goodbye essay, she was handpicked to be the female counterpart to one of the most obnoxious white male media critics on YouTube. Lindsay didn't get a platform because she worked her way up; she won a contest and got access to a big (at the time, for the time) creator's followers. He said "go watch her" and so she did, and it has spiraled from there. Fuck off, Nostalgia Chick~.
The transphobia comment was so obviously geared to get her attention, capitalizing off of a legitimate problem suffered by people who aren't her. Like most content creators today, she benefited from controversy--that's why she got in on the Game of Thrones reactions and glommed onto Danielle. I honestly believe that a lot of this latest meltdown has to do with her book deal drying up (it was a 3-book deal, yet the third book, due out next year, doesn't have a Goodreads page from what I can tell) due to a lack of performance against what I assume was a very good advance. Which... honestly? I'm sure her bad press didn't help, but the book got subpar reviews and the summary doesn't sound like an easy sell in the current market. I mean, sucks, but that's kind of the game. She got access to a deal that most writers will not see in their lifetimes, probably in part because she had a big name. Annnnd she didn't handle her media presence well.
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geraltcirilla · 4 years
What did Jenny Nicholson do to John Boyega? Genuinely curious, it's the first time I'm hearing of this and would love to know so I can stop paying her any attention if she doesn't deserve it
Disclaimer before I get started: I’m a white woman and this topic is about racism perpetuated by white woman so please keep that in mind as you read. I’m gonna do my absolute best to echo what I’ve seen black people say about this situation and this type of covert racism but I am not black so they get final say on this topic.
This is not an easy thing to explain in it’s entirety because it happened about a year ago on Twitter and Jenny deleted a lot of Tweets after the fact because she’s a spineless coward. I’m going to do my best to remember and I’ll include any receipts I can find, which unfortunately will be limited to what people saved at the time. :(
This all started because John made a joke about Rey and Finn having sex on Twitter.
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It was a harmless silly joke. And it was not about Reylo. But Reylos took it upon themselves to be personally offended and absolutely LOST it at him, calling him a misogynist, saying his statement was sexist, and sending him a slew of harassment, hate, and racism.
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Now there’s a lot of hypocrisy going into this controversy because Reylos are notorious for sexualizing Rey often to disgusting degrees, like demanding the actual Star Wars movies be more explicit, saying light sabers are phallic symbols, accusing JJ Abrams of wanting Rey to stay his pure virginal Mary Sue, etc. (I’m not gonna bother providing receipts on this, just search the Reylo hashtags on Tumblr or Twitter, or check out the Twitter @ShitReylosSay). Let me make it clear that sexually explicit =/= sexist, and John’s statement was not sexist. Period. At the end of the day I think they were just looking for an excuse to attack John. Because he cannot breath without people attacking him.
Well John noticed right away it was Reylos going at him so he took the opportunity to drag Reylo.
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Was he being a petty? Of course he was, but he had EVERY RIGHT TO after the endless racism he has endured from the Star Wars fandom. People are always applauding white actors like Robert Pattinson and Jacob Elordi for shitting on shows, movies, or fandoms related to their work. But when John does it suddenly he’s “unprofessional”?
John eventually started replying to some of the Tweets being sent at him.
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They were all along this vein where a person was being outright hostile and vile, so yeah, he had every right to respond.
This all culminated in him picking out a bunch of hateful Tweets being thrown his way and posting this video to Instagram.
Well this triggered Reylos even more so they shifted tactics and took the whole white feminist approach that he was “attacking SHIPPING CULTURE which is majorly made up of WOMEN so he’s a MISOGYNIST”. They wrote these long essays and Twitter threads about how John was spreading harmful messages etc. But he wasn’t attacking shipping culture, he was attacking Reylo. Because it’s vile and abusive and he was no longer contractually obligated to endure it. And honestly? His tweet was mild at best. 
But please remember all this started because John made a joke that Rey and Finn ended up together. HE DID NOT START ON REYLO. THEY STARTED ON HIM. Everything that happened was reactionary on his part. We as a society refuse to let black people defend themselves and it’s fucked up and racist.
One of these pseudo-intellectuals spreading the whole “John is a misogynist and Reylo shippers are his VICTIMS uwu” narrative was none other than Jenny Nicholson.
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Just so you know the “inbreds” comment was photoshopped by a white fan, not that Jenny would tell her incredibly large audience this to prevent spreading further slander about John.
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A lot of people started replying to Jenny telling her why SHE as a WHITE WOMAN framing herself and other Reylos as the VICTIM of John, a BLACK MAN who did absolutely nothing to her or anyone besides not like Reylo and defend himself against online harassment and bullying, was racist.
And you know what she did? She blocked them all.
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And to this day she continues to block anyone who brings it up because she’s a spineless coward who can’t be bothered to own up to her racist slip-ups.
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Some of these people were being mean, but most were not. Some were nicer than she deserved. She still blocked them. She didn’t want to see any form of criticism (constructive or not) sent her way.
She even had the nerve to go at John AGAIN during the BLM protests after George Floyd was murdered because she has no fucking clue how to read a room. This was her bringing back her distasteful dislike of John DURING THE BLM MOVEMENT when John made that emotional speech in London’s Hyde Park. This was not the time or place but she can’t seem to help herself.
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As a white woman with respect, authority, and a large audience, who viewed as an “intellect” on online spaces so her opinion is taken more seriously thank others, the things she says matter and impact a large group of people. She used her whiteness and her woman-ness to frame herself and other white women as John’s victim when she was not, because she knew it would be easy and she would get away with it. And she did and she has. As one person in the screencaps above tweeted so gracefully, she “participated in the fandom dogpile of John” when he had done nothing wrong except exist and have opinions.
Jenny is your classic example of a performative ally and she accidently showed her true colors. I no longer trust any white female video essayist who ship Reylo and are friends with Jenny because you know they all silently agree with what she was stupid enough to say out loud. This means Lindsay Ellis as well.
I believe the reason she refuses to acknowledge this situation is because she would be forced to either apologize or confess she still stands by what she said. And based off her vague-tweeting the situation as recent as June of 2020 I feel safe saying she still believes she was in the right.
The receipts I offered are only a small part of a much larger jumbled mess. I didn’t include everything there was but even this small amount is pretty damning.
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webcomixwastaken · 3 years
I’ve followed Lindsay Ellis's videos on YouTube for 10+ years. Even back in the dark NC days I was always struck at how she deftly combined thoughtfulness with humour and cleverness. Even with the bits that didn't age well -- not because of who she was as a person but because 2010 was SUCH a different time, genuinely, I can recall "jokes" and "facts" that my friends and I would say that none of us would even consider now -- she definitely stood out amongst her colleagues as someone with great talent and perceptiveness.
So discovering that she's no longer going to update her channel makes me say: GOOD! FOR!! HER!!! She deserves to walk away from this black hole of awfulness! She doesn't need to be screamed at all the time anymore!! Good for her!! She is free!!
I watched the Raya Twitter meltdown happen in real time and it was the most ridiculous shit I've ever witnessed. So much bad faith reading, so much blood in the water for the sharks to chase after. Even my own Twitter moots (from writing and book twt because that’s where I hang out on that site) were furious about The Tweet, but as I went down my feed I realised that a ridiculous game of telephone was going on. They were upset about a very legitimate issue but it wasn’t... at ALL what she was talking about. I know it’s unhelpful to say “if you watch her videos...” to get people to understand that she was talking from a craft/structure perspective or that her tone is always very snarky and dry since that’s not what Twitter is interested in. Twitter is where nuance goes to die.
From the moment it was announced, I thought that Raya and the Last Dragon looked mediocre at best and yes, derivative. But that's not bad, necessarily? People are always comparing things, and that's even how a lot of marketing works! In pitching or querying agents, you're often asked, nay, expected to provide comparative titles to show that you understand your audience. So when she compared a well known western-helmed Asian-influenced fantasy TV show to a new big name western-helmed Asian-influenced fantasy film why... are we... so shocked and angry? Personally, I feel like any racism involved in The Tweet is symptomatic of the system, how the west perceives and judges eastern stories, not Lindsay’s character.
And honestly? Since I’m not diaspora I do not give much of a shit for representation the same way overseas kids do. Like Lindsay pointed out, we are not monolith so I don’t like being told that something is an ~Asian~ universal theme. We are the biggest continent in the world and even my tiny ass city of Hong Kong has an ENORMOUS gulf of opinions of what defines us?? So as an Asian in Asia, my opinion of “wow, Asian rep in western culture” is mostly indifference with a side helping of annoying. Because it’s often reductive and token and I don’t see myself in them at all. And in these big budget animated films... I’m usually not very excited with how we’re depicted either. Do you really have to draw our eyes like that? I remember looking in the mirror as a kid and thinking, “What the heck are white people on about? My eyes are big and round. Most of my friends don't have tiny eyes either.”
Also, DISNEY DON’T NEED MY MONEY! It’s such a laugh that they made this movie claiming to uplift SE Asian narratives and culture and it wasn't even available in many of those countries. However, I can't say anything else because I'm not SE Asian. But that’s it exactly, I don’t have a dog in this fight. So I didn’t say anything!!
Sometimes I really think that people need to realise that you don't need to put out every single opinion you have on the internet. In fact, I remember thinking “oh no, Lindsay, please, just stop tweeting” but it was a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. If she tried to apologise, she was a whinging backpedalling phony. If she stayed silent, she is rotten to the core and doubling down on racism! If she explained herself, which she tried to do, it would just be more fuel to the bonfire of dogpiling and threats and tearing apart every shred of nuance that could possibly still exist on Twitter. And she KEPT on getting dogpiled and threatened and even under today's goddamn post announcing that there will be no more videos, she's STILL being pelted with petty, stupid attacks by the faceless keyboard warriors. Oh my god, stop and SHUT UP, you won.
So good for her that she's left, and good for her that she refuses to apologise because she doesn’t have to. It would not have been sincere, and she really didn’t do anything wrong. I really hope she continues to host Musicalsplaining with Kaveh because I dearly love the podcast, and maybe she's still got a contract with PBS Storied, but if she doesn't do either of those, it's absolutely in her rights to do so. She doesn't owe us anything. Perhaps she'll be able to devote her time to writing more books, or perhaps she'll just disappear from the internet forever and again... deserved! Whatever she wants! Good for her!!
Godspeed Lindsay Ellis, you are a genuine human being deserving of peace and I earnestly hope you get some after putting so much of yourself on the chopping block for nothing else but our entertainment. I'll always support you.
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angelofberlin2000 · 5 years
Callie Ahlgrim         1 day ago
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Keanu Reeves recently became a trending topic on Twitter after  fans noticed a particularly endearing photo-taking habit.
"Lol Keanu ain't taking no chances," Twitter user  @KemziLinzi wrote, alongside four photos that show Reeves' hand  hovering above the waists and arms of multiple women, including  female fans and fellow celebrity Dolly Parton.
The tweet quickly went viral and currently has more than 300,000  likes.
Fans have celebrated the photos as evidence that Reeves is  respectful of women.
     sarita‏ @danktrex
sarita hat Kemoy Lindsay retweetet
i stan a respectful king love you so much keanu
🍑‏ @peachshim
🍑 hat Kemoy Lindsay retweetet
It’s not about not taking chances, it’s about being considerate and respectful, qualities that Keanu carries in spades.
     ✭ I am Chris ✭‏ @chalkXoutline
✭ I am Chris ✭ hat Kemoy Lindsay retweetet
He’s respectful. This should be how it’s done unless ya know the woman doesn’t mind being touched. Keanu should inspire us all
Even some of the tweet's replies have gone semi-viral, racking up  thousands of likes.
         Polly Karr‏ @karr_pe
                                                                                                                       Antwort an
Keanu has the amazing power to make you feel hugged without ever having touched you.
     Vero‏ @dankidushi
                                                                                                                       Antwort an
He’s being respectful and I’m here for it!!
... ... ...
     Elie Mystal‏ @ElieNYC
 10. Juni
For the record, ever since people I don't know started asking to take pictures with me, I've tried to be more mindful of this. It's NOT because I'm worried about catching a lawsuit or Ebola from a 60yo grandmother. It's just respect. Be more like Keanu!
     rey‏ @dayofdasein
                                                                                                                       Antwort an
I’ve seen a couple people comment “its sad it has to be like this”, what’s actually sad is the obsession we have with touching women at any given moment. He’s just being respectful of others bodies *what a concept*
Others have noted that the practice, sometimes called "manner  hands" or "hover hands," is a sign of respect inKorea. Reeves self-identifies as an Asian  American and person of color, thanks to his Chinese  heritage.
     KARD Thots // #JIWOOSBOOBMOLE‏ @dayona_devasia
                                                                                                                       Antwort an
It’s called “manner hands” And is used by many men around the world (mainly Asian countries).
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ganglylimbs · 3 years
AO3 Tag Game!
I was tagged by @miss-ingno!
1. How many works do you have on A03
I have published 134 works as of right now!
2. What is your total AO3 word count
I have written 783,134 words as of today.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they
1. 67 works in RT/AH RPF, my old fandom. While there won't be any new fics from me in this fandom, I am working on finishing up all the wips I have in there
2. 56 in My Hero Academia, my current fandom
3. 9 in RWBY. There may or may not be more, depending on how I feel
4. 3 in X-Ray & Vav, a cartoon made by RT. Definitely no more
5. 1 in Hetalia. Probably no more, but that could always change
6. 1 in Voltron. Another one I might write more for, I've always regretted that I didn't do more fanfics when I was really involved in the fandom
7. And last is 1 in Lazer Team, a movie produced by RT. Again, no more here.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos
1. Absolutely Did Not
2. Bullet Through My Heart
3. Claiming What's Theirs
4. Deliver Us In These Trying Times
5. I Can't Work Like That
I'm actually really surprised that they're all MHA fics. I kind of thought one of my RT fics would be up there. But I'm also really proud of all of these! They're some of my favorite fics I worked on! (And some I still have to do the sequels for, lol)
5. Do you respond to comments. Why or why not
I do! I really love talking to readers, especially when they give me so much to respond to! I just love talking in general, lol. Although, I've gotten bad recently about letting comments pile up before responding weeks later. It's something I want to get better at, I've just found my social battery really drained the past couple of months.
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending
I am so bad at angst :(
I have written quite a few fics where the audience should be left going ehhhhh, I feel bad for the mc. All of those, the mc has been nonconed into loving where they are at though.
Except for my I Huff and I Puff series. That one is clearly very bad for Jack and Ryan.
Um, I Can't Work Like That doesn't end sad but it does end kind of bittersweet. Maybe. It's a happy bittersweet. Things aren't fixed but you're left with the impression that things will be in the future.
Calls Me Home is along the same wavelength.
Coping! I forgot Coping. It's supposed to be the aftermath of vol. 3 with the kids trying to deal with what had happened and all the death.
Suits, Dresses, and Guns is a series that was supposed to have a happy ending. But I've decided to not continue it, so your left with the sad ending of Lindsay and Michael assuming the worst of Meg and Gavin.
7. Do you write crossovers
I don't actually. I really should because I think they would be fun.
8. Have you received hate on a fic before
Nothing that's like, I hate you and should die! (like some comments I've gotten on twitter). But I've gotten...some not great ones. One thing that really soured me to the RWBY fandom was, on one of the first fics I wrote for it, I got a comment trying to debate me on how I wrote one character...who wasn't even an actual character in the main series.
I did get an anonymous comment on I Can't Work Like That where the person accused me of not having watched MHA because how dare I write a fic being sympathetic to Bakugou on his relationship with Midoriya. That was funny.
9. Do you write smut
Ha! Basically all I write is smut! I mean, not really, but I love writing smut, the kinkier the better. There aren't a lot of kinks I say no to. I just think smut is really fun to write!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen
Not that I know of. There have been several in the same fandoms I frequent where I suspected they were inspired by me, but nothing out right plagiarized.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before
No. I've rped a couple of times but I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to fics I write. There were plans in place I think to co-write but life just happens. @miss-ingno definitely dropped a lot of fic ideas I wanted to do before the Scandal broke, practically writing it for me.
12. What's your all-time favorite ship
Just because I am stuck neck deep in mha right now, I'm going to have to go with kiribaku. My one true love
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for
It really depends on how you define it. I actually wrote a few yugioh fics that I never published, all the way back in high school. But my first fic I actually published was Naruto.
14. What's your favorite fic you've written
I think it would have to be a tie between Golden Waste and Absolutely Did Not. Both are fics that I think are my peak so far. I really wish I could write like that all the time.
I'm tagging @all of you! Anyone who wants to do it, please do!
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