#Lisa Christiansen Companies
popthiscollective · 2 years
Mid-life crisis series: Eat Pray Love vs Under the Tuscan Sun (Pt 2) (Encore Presentation)
  Encore presentation. This week we go way back in the vaults and discover that in 2017 our main preoccupation was arguing over whether Eat Pray Love or Under the Tuscan Sun was the better/worse mid-life crisis movie. Part 2 of a 2-part series (Part 1 re-aired on Sept. 7).
    Show notes:
  The Rabbit Hole, Seattle
Eat. Pray. Love. Market. (Fast Company)
Lisa: The Defenders
Andrea W.: NYT roundtable on "Women Are Making The Best Rock Music Today"
  Music credits:
Theme song "Pyro Flow" by Kevin Macleod From: incompetech.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
  Intro bed: "OLPC" by Marco Raaphorst Courtesy of Free Music Archive CC BY-SA 3.0 NL
  "Good Times" by Podington Bear Courtesy of Free Music Archive CC BY-NC 3.0
    Pop This! Links: Pop This! on Tumblr Pop This! on iTunes (please consider reviewing and rating us!) Pop This! on Stitcher (please consider reviewing and rating us!) Pop This! on Google Play Pop This! on TuneIn radio Pop This! on Twitter Pop This! on Instagram Logo design by Samantha Smith Intro voiced by Morgan Brayton
Pop This! is a podcast featuring three women talking about pop culture.
Lisa Christiansen is a broadcaster, journalist and longtime metal head. Andrea Warner is a music critic, author and former horoscopes columnist. Andrea Gin is a producer and an avid figure skating fan.
Press play and come hang out with your new best friends.
Pop This! podcast is produced by Andrea Gin.
  Check out our latest episode!
0 notes
angelsswirl · 3 years
The Hills in Seoul
Chapter II
Rating: M
Wrd Cnt: 1.5k
Notes: none
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You're pretty fucking dope...
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This had been going on for a good 5 minutes. Lisa knew because she was checking her rolex watch every five seconds as she layed starfished on the floor.
"Are you guys quite done?"
"Nope. HAHAHA!"
Lisa rolled her eyes. She she stood up then sat back in her seat...as normally as she could.
"If you guys would stop I could explain myself."
"How could you possibly explain yourself? You could barely remember your own name 20 minutes ago. 'I'm L-L'." Jisoo mocked, clutching her stomach as she laughed.
And somehow Lisa would be the bad guy if she just suddenly posted a picture of Jisoo and Hae-in kissing? It didn't make sense.
"I have 5 cats and a dog. God, why would you say that!?" Jennie hollered, head face down on the table.
"I couldn't help it. Did you guys see her? Like with your eyes?!"
Chaeyoung blew out a long whistle, "Oh I saw her alright. Just not with my eyes."
Lisa had half a mind to tackle her to the ground.
"Pretty sure I saw your eyes roll back into your head everytime she so much as leaned forward." Jisoo said, finally calming down. Only slightly.
"Her assistant was pretty cute too." Jennie mumbled.
"I knew her from somewhere. Well. I didn't know her. Like I didn't know her name until today, but I saw her before. Back when we went to Coachella. And I snuck out that day."
Rosé's eyes widened in recognition, "She's the girl you made eye contact with for like three seconds and decided you were going to marry?"
"You make me sound psycho."
"Aren't you?"
"Anyway, I accidentally bumped into her and almost knocked her down. I caught her though, and said something close to sorry. She shrugged then kept walking down the street. Her hair was different. She had an afro. And she looked much less....professional than she did today." Lisa's eyes glazed over at the memory.
"Do you think she remembered you?" Jennie asked.
"Nope." Lisa said popping the 'P'. She didn't really sound upset by the fact. She was wearing gigantic aviators that day and a backwards cap. Oh. Maybe she did dress sort of gay sometimes.
"Hmm. Well you sure made a good second impression." And just like that they were back to laughing again. She was never going to live this down.
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Gianna all but face planted onto the sofa. Cara promptly sat on her legs. But she was too tired to even complain. The jetlag was catching up to her like Usain Bolt.
"Well. They were all gorgeous. They even smelled expensive. Well, maybe that was just Jennie."
Gianna chuckled into the seat cushion, "They were, weren't they? Sounds like I've got my work cut out for me with this company. Maybe I should call Isaac and ask him to send over another publicist."
"No! Don't do that! He trusted you for a reason. You haven't realized it yet, but this is your big break. We weren't going to stay at Montgomery & Christiansen forever. If we do this right. We can set up our own firm like we always wanted. Lauren & Prince."
"Prince & Lauren sounds better."
"No it doesn't. But that doesn't matter now."
Gianna laughed tiredly again.
"Lisa seemed to take a particular liking to you..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, let's just say, that blouse was a good choice."
Gianna didn't really know what Cara was alluding to. Nor did she really care. Lisa was cute, sure, but she was also a client. So it didn't really matter.
"Anyway...Jennie is hiding something."
"Oh? Secret family? Mafia boss?"
Gianna yawned, "I don't think it's anything malicious or deviant. I think she just rather me focus on her members. She seems like the type to put others first instead of herself."
Gianna's yawn ended up being contagious, "Hm. Sounds like someone else I know."
"You talking about me?"
"Yes I am. Virgin."
Gianna suddenly rolled over, pushing Cara onto the floor, "Oh my bad didn't see you there."
"Ha. Ha."
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Gianna grumbled as she walked down the hall. Her eyes glued to her phone as she sent out a frantic email to Isaac.
The meeting with iKON had gone terribly. Isaac hadn't been able to sit in, not that she needed him to. Cara, for the first time in her life, seemed intimidated and had barely spoken.
The boys did not want to talk with her at all. Even when she kicked out their managers. Even when she opened up about herself.
If she thought this was going to be hard before, well she really hadn't seen anything yet.
Now, she was clacking down the hall in her heels, trying to update Isaac as she practically sprinted to her daily meeting with just Cara and her.
It would have done her well to be looking where she was going, but it could have been worse. She could have ended up on the ground instead of securely caught in Lisa's strong arms.
Oh. Wow. Where did that come from.
"Well, this seems familiar."
Gianna had no idea what that meant. Maybe Lisa was always running into women and whisking them off their feet. She was beyond attractive, she doubt it would be hard for her.
"Oh um sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."
Lisa only shrugged, shoving her hands into her shorts' pockets, "It's okay. I was looking where you were going and I still decided to let you run into me."
Gianna attempted to hold back a stutter. Why would Lisa want her to bump into her?
"Uhhh while I have you here, do you mind if I ask you something?"
"Nope. Go ahead."
Gianna was getting desperate for some piece of information. She was going to have to bring in the big guns. No, she wasn't exactly sure what that entailed yet.
"Do you have a good relationship with any of the iKON boys?" Gianna was hoping that Lisa didnt find the underlying question.
"I'm pretty close with Bobby."
"Great. Do you think you can get him to talk to me?" She was starting to grasp at straws. She'd hate to even bring Lisa into this at all, but desperate times, desperate measures.
"Hm. Maybe. He doesn't really talk about his members much when we talk, mainly just music, but I can try."
"Fuck. Thank you, Lisa. You have no idea how much you just saved my ass." Was the cursing unprofessional? Definitely. But Lisa was adorable, she couldn't help but think of her as a friend already.
"You're welcome. I'll text you if I hear anything."
"Thank you so much." Gianna wrapped Lisa in a quick hug, before scrurrying back down the hallway.
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"Why are you standing in the middle of a hallway like a statue?" Jennie asked as she came across Lisa.
"She hugged me. And she said 'fuck' and my name in the same sentence. I can't move."
"God you're so dramatic. If you don't just ask her out or something, someone else most definitely will if you don't jump on that soon."
"Is that a threat?"
Jennie choked before laughing hysterically, "Not interested, Kid." She patted Lisa on the shoulder placatingly, "Now let's get to rehearsal."
Lisa moved further down the hall sluggishly and with a pout.
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"Lisa? Are you okay? You seem distracted." The choreographer pointed out after ending rehearsal.
She frowned in anger. Not in the least bit sure where it was stemming from. More than likely, she was angry at herself for letting some girl distract her from her job.
She rarely let her feelings bleed over into her dancing. This time shouldn't have been any different.
And all for a pretty girl who at most thought of her as an overeager client.
"I'm fine."
He didn't seem to believe her in the slightest but he nodded and walked out of the room anyway.
Lisa wiped her hands down her face and groaned.
"Lisa?" Rosé inquired.
Lisa shooed her off, "You don't have to wait up for me."
Rosé hesitated before shaking her head, and leaving out of the room with the rest of the girls.
Lisa kicked at the ground. And stared into the mirror unblinking.
She then walked over to the sound system and pressed shuffle on her liked songs.
She closed her eyes and stuffed her hands in the pockets of her sweatpants. She was glad she had stripped herself of her cloth string jacket an hour ago. She had a feeling she was about to get quite overheated.
There wasn't any real point to her movements. She wasn't attempting to do much of anything other than maybe relieve stress, but even that didn't really feel like an achievable end goal.
At some point she's not even connected to the music, which is a little bit scary, if not invigorating. There was an odd freshness to not being bound by the beat of the music. Something freeing.
She chuckled to herself after doing a particularly dramatic spin.
"You look like you're having fun."
Lisa opened her eyes with a start. She looked through the mirror at the intruder, "How long have you been standing there?"
Gianna checked her imaginary watch, "Oh I don't know. Since you started."
Lisa didn't bother to respond. Instead she refocused on herself in the mirror. Gianna was the reason she was like this. Distracted. A blubbering fool.
Gianna never missed a beat when doing absolutely anything. It wasn't fair.
With that thought, an idea is dragged into Lisa's head. Maybe one of the best ones she's ever had.
She turned on her heels with a smirk.
Gianna raised an eyebrow.
"You want me to talk to Bobby for you..."
"And I will. On one condition."
Somehow, Gianna's perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised even higher.
"And what would that condition be?"
Lisa walked closer to Gianna, holding her hand out, "Dance with me."
For the first time, at least since she had been in Lisa's presence, Gianna looked caught off gaurd.
She choked out a laugh, "Lisa."
"Come on. Just one dance."
"No." Before Gianna could leave, Lisa grabbed her hand. She promptly ignored the tingle shooting up her arm.
"Gianna. Please. One dance and I'll leave you alone." Lisa gave her most charming smile, there was probably also some pleading seeping in there as well.
Gianna heaved out a sigh, "Fine. But...I'm not very good at it." She kicked off her heels. Wincing slightly at the feel of the cold hardwood against her bare heels.
Lisa unceremoniously yanked Gianna towards her, very satisfied when the movement forced Gianna to place her hands on Lisa's shoulders to steady herself.
"That's fine. I can dance enough for the both of us."
"You're so modest." Gianna teased.
Lisa pouted, "I didn't mean it like that."
"I know you didn't."
As soon as the next song plays, Lisa moves Gianna by the waist so she is facing the mirror. It's the first time Lisa realizes that Gianna is actually like half an inch shorter than her, considering she's always in sky-high pumps.
I don't know what else to say
But you're pretty fucking dope
Just so you know
I've been thinking 'bout ways
That I wanna hold you close
Just so you know
"Relax. And follow my movements in the mirror. If I move you, just go with it."
Gianna nodded.
Lisa just about immediately moved her so Gianna was no longer standing directly in front of her. It's not lost on either of them that Lisa could have easily just moved herself instead.
Lisa thinks Gianna lied right through her teeth. She knew how to dance. Very well in fact. If she was anymore full of herself than the average person was she'd say that Gianna just wanted an excuse for Lisa to have to teach her.
Do you got a girlfriend?
'Cause if you don't, then I'm coming after you
Don't wanna be selfish
But I can't help it
I'm wanting more of you
Lisa can tell that Gianna's moves are a little bit restricted because she only wears skirts that she has to paint on in the morning. She's a tad bit grateful because if that wasn't the case she'd definitely be getting shown up right now.
The idol turned Gianna to face her. That was a mistake. Because now Gianna was looking up at her. With their bodies close together. And their breath mingling.
Lisa isn't really sure how it happens. One minute she's calling Gianna a liar, then the next she has her pressed against the mirror with her hand above her head, her hand on Gianna's ass, and their lips pressed together.
Yeah, she has no idea how that happened. But she sure as hell isn't complaining. Especially not when Gianna whimpers into her mouth.
I don't know what else to say
But you're pretty fucking dope
Just so you know
I've been thinking 'bout ways
That I wanna hold you close
14 notes · View notes
drlisachristiansen · 7 years
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #LexusCycling #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie 🚲🚴🏼‍♀️🚲
Hincapie Gran Fondo 2017 #LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie 🚲🚴🏼‍♀️🚲
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cubcanoe1-blog · 4 years
What Is Cellulite & how To eliminate It.
What Is Cellulite & how To get Rid Of It.
The science Behind Cellulite.
therapy area: stomach.
Cellulite Buster 8: Oily Fish.
just How Hifu treats The Prostate.
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What Treatments Are offered For Skin Tag Removal?
The Lego ® business was begun in 1932 by woodworker Ole Kirk Christiansen in the village of Billund, Denmark, at first to make wooden step-ladders, stools, ironing boards and playthings. Ole Kirk's boy Godtfred, aged 12, worked in the business from the start, which we can visualize most likely aided dramatically with toy product development. Lego ® background makes no referral to any type of connection between Godtfred's name and the company name however it's sensible to assume that the organization should have crossed Ole Kirk's mind. The firm's earliest adage was 'Only the very best suffices'. In the early 1940s the business started making plastic injection-moulded playthings, enabling it to create the 'Automatic Binding Blocks' concept in 1949.
The science Behind Cellulite.
How much does it cost to become a virgin again?
For Around $2,500, You Can Become A Virgin Again! It's called “hymenoplasty” and what you're guessing is right: It's a surgical reattachment of that thin tissue sexual barrier you were born with, the one you had until you lost your virginity. The surgery costs around $2,500 and has very little risk.
The African United States slave languages 'Ewe' as well as 'Wolof' both contained the word 'all right' to indicate 'excellent'. Slavery in the United States efficiently began in 1620 and lasted till 1865, so this was absolutely a very early American beginning of the term.
It's a parasitical plant, connecting itself and drawing nutrition from the branches of a host tree, ending up being particularly obvious in the wintertime when the berries show up. https://kennedydominguez771.shutterfly.com/21 remains to pity the Western developed world given that cures and also therapies exist yet millions still perish from the desease in Africa for want helpful. Is this the origin as well as motivation of phony liar trousers ablaze? If you can add to the feasible beginnings as well as background of using this expression in its various variations, please contact me. lego - the foundation building toy as well as company name - Lego ® is a Danish firm. The name comes from the Danish words 'leg' and 'godt', meaning 'play well'. Surprisingly it was later on become aware that lego can also be interpreted to indicate 'I study' or 'I put together' in Latin.
Currently a large computer system would certainly have 32,000 words of memory. top dog - employer - initially an American expression from the 2nd Globe Battle, derived from the Japanese 'hancho' implying team leader. house pleasant house - sentimental expression of home - from American John Howard Payne's words for the 1823 opera, The Maid of Milan, the tune's word's are" Be it never ever so humble, there's no area like residence'. heck to pay - seriously bad repercussions - a maritime expression; 'pay' meant to waterproof a ship's appears with tar. Most likely originated from the expression 'the devil to pay and no pitch hot', in which words heck and pay indicate something apart from what we might think from this expression. See' evil one to pay ', which discusses the maritime technicalities of the expression in more information.
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knuckle-duster - weapon worn over clenched fist - the term 'dust' suggested 'beat', from the technique of cleaning carpetings; an early expression for beating somebody was to 'dirt your coat'. kick the bucket - die - in very early English a pail was a beam of light or pulley, by which butchered pigs or oxen were hung by their feet. After being butchered the feet of the strung-up carcass would certainly hit or 'kick' the pail. A comparable example was likewise utilized in the old expression 'kick the beam of light', which suggested to be of really light weight, the beam being the cross-member of weighing ranges; a light frying pan on one side would fly up as well as 'kick' the beam. The 'bite the dust' expression influenced a 2007 funny film called Container Listing, referring to a list of points to do before passing away.
The practise of guaranteeing a regular consumption of vitamin C in this way additionally triggered the term 'limey', used by immigrants initally to imply a British seafarer, and also later encompassed British males typically. Grog is particularly popular as a jargon term for beer in Australia. greyhound - competing dog - Prior to 1200 this word was most likely 'greahunt' as well as originates from European languages 'grea' or comparable, implying 'bitch', plus hound certainly. The earlier description revealed here was a load of nonsense (initially 'grayhound' these pet dogs utilized to hunt badgers, which were called 'grays' ), and also should have related to the 'dachshund' word origin.
Is FemTouch covered by insurance?
FemTouch is currently not covered by insurance, however it should be covered by your HSA plan.
therapy location: belly.
This territorial significance of pale derives from its earlier definition for a sharp wood risk used for fence, or the limit itself, from the French 'chum' and Latin 'palus', risk. over the top - excessive behavior or response, beyond the bounds of preference - the expression and acronym variation seem to have actually become a popular expression during the 1980s, probably first originating in London. Additional popularised by a 1980s late-night London ITV show called OTT, generated from the earlier anarchic children's Saturday morning program 'T iswas'.
Is Femilift FDA approved?
FemiLift is extremely safe and received FDA approval because it meets the criteria of effectively treating vaginal laxity, with no risk to the patient.
Most individuals imagine that the container is a jug, yet as a matter of fact pail refers to the old pulley-beam as well as pig-slaughtering. khaki - brown or green colour, or clothing product of such colour, specifically of military uniforms - words khaki is from the Urdu language, implying messy, stemmed from the older Persian word khak definition dust.
Is the Mona Lisa procedure safe?
The FDA says that so far, it has received 14 reports of adverse reactions to laser vaginal rejuvenation procedures, including burns, burning sensations, scarring and significant post-treatment pain. Since it cannot determine exactly how risky the MonaLisa Touch procedure is, it has not been approved.
nutmeg - in football, to defeat an opposing player by pressing the sphere between his legs - nutmegs was English jargon from 17-19thC for testicles. It's also vernacular for a deceptiveness or rip off, originating from early 19thC UNITED STATES, referring to the wooden nutmegs supposedly made for export in Connecticut. I believe both definitions contributed to the contemporary football use. label - a different acquainted name for somebody or something - from 'an eke name' which became composed 'a neke name'; 'eke' is an exceptionally old word meaning 'likewise'. It was additionally an old English word for an expanding section included in the base of a beehive. moon/moony/moonie - program bare butts, especially from a relocating vehicle - moon has been slang for the butts considering that the mid 18thC, likewise including the anus, the anus, and from late 19thC moon additionally indicated anal sexual intercourse.
What does ThermiVa help with?
ThermiVa can be used as a mild female incontinence treatment by tightening and firming the tissues under the bladder, reducing stress-related leaks and urge incontinence. Non-Invasive Sessions – ThermiVa is a completely non-surgical procedure that does not require anesthesia or any recovery period.
Cellulite Buster 8: Oily Fish.
The Lego firm, regardless of numerous barriers and also traumas in the process, has actually come to be a remarkable organisation. In 2000 the British Association of Plaything Retailers named Lego's block construction system the Toy of the Century. Lego ® is certainly a signed up hallmark belonging to the Lego ® corporation. kowtow - to show excellent deference to someone, or do their bidding - often mis-spelled 'Cow-Tow', the correct word is Kowtow, the origin is Chinese, where the word suggesting the same as in English.
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Today the 'hear listen to' expression could probably be utilized by any individual in a conference wanting to reveal support for an audio speaker or perspective shared, although it will be viewed by numerous nowadays as an odd or stuffy means of merely claiming 'I concur'. Let's encounter it, the House of Commons, residence of the expression, is not the best instance of modern-day positive debate and communications.
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in By the way this kind of halo is not the derivation of halogen - halogen is rather from Greek halos meaning salt. grog - beer or various other alcoholic drink - after Admiral Edward Vernon, that because he used a grogram cloak was called 'old grog' by his sailors;.
The string will certainly be totally taken in by the body within nine months, as well as the renewal effect will last for between one as well as a half to two years without any more stimulation.
Using a HIFU, or High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, tool called the Ultraformer III, we are able to provide an even more comfy option to the Ultherapy therapy while being as reliable.
With mindful support, the result might continue for longer.
For this treatment, there is no need to do anything in particular to prepare.
The treatment we offer lasts in between minutes and has no downtime, triggering only mild redness.
Nevertheless, we would certainly recommend you to use comfortable clothing, as well as additionally remove any type of makeup that you are using.
As soon as we get rid of the gel and also you will certainly observe an instantaneous lift, which will remain to slowly enhance over the following nine months.
Both programs featured as well as urged various outrageous tasks among audience as well as guests. The order for soldiers to move up as well as out of the trenches to strike the enemy lines has long been revealed as going 'over the top'. Words omnishambles was introduced to be 'word of the year' by the OED, which suggests a high level of popular charm, given that the popular OED statements regarding brand-new words are created for publicity and to be commonly powerful. Omnishambles is a portmanteau of omni as well as mess (mayhem, stemmed from earlier definition of a slaughterhouse/meat-market). The word was ultimately promoted in the UK media when goverment opposition leader Ed Miliband referred in the legislative Prime Minister's Inquiries, April 2012, to the government's budget plan being an omnishambles. Probably even pre-dating this was a derivation of the phonetic audio 'fine' meaning good, from a word in the indigenous American Choctow language.
It is totally logical that words be used in noun and verb type to define the trainee trick, from 1950s according to Cassell. The derivation is certainly based on images, and practically could additionally have actually been strengthened by the similarity of two O remains in words to a couple of round buttocks.
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In 1740 Admiral Vernon was the very first to offer rum watered down with water and also lime juice to seamen, instead of neat rum, and also his seafarers called the brand-new drink 'grog'. fat legs treatment was chiefly to enhance resistance to the disease, scurvy, which arised from vitamin C deficiency.
Persian, currently extra commonly called Farsi, is the major language of Iran and also Afghanistan, and also is additionally spoken in Iraq. Urdu is partly-derived from old Persian as well as is a central language in Pakistan as well as India.
Does insurance pay for ThermiVa?
Please note: ThermiVa is not covered by insurance and pricing is subject to change. For your convenience, we offer United Medical Credit and Care Credit to help patients secure the funding they need for their healthcare procedures.
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Tan ended up being toe when misinterpreted from the plural of ta, between the 12th as well as 15th centuries. Incidentally there are numerous selections of mistletoe around the world and several traditions and superstitious notions surrounding this weird types.
Can my boyfriend tell if I slept with someone else?
Your boyfriend could even recognize that you have been with another man. When you're having sex with someone, it's very easy to leave physical evidence behind, so to speak. Even if you clean up thoroughly, your boyfriend might catch subtle hints that you have been with someone else.
What Treatments Are readily Available For Skin Tag Removal?
Khaki, from Urdu, entered English initially via the British cavalry pressure serving in India from 1846, as well as was consequently adopted as the name for the colour of British army uniforms, as well as of the product itself. open up a keg of nails - have a drink, specifically with the objective of getting drunk - the expression 'open a keg of nails' has remained in use because the 1930s USA when it initially meant to get drunk on corn whiskey. https://beampea1.werite.net/post/2020/11/10/Femilift-Laser-For-vaginal-firm is based upon opening a keg of beverage whose components are enormous. Therefore the association between nails as well as the powerful impacts of strong and/or a great deal of alcohol is an all-natural one for people to use and connect to.
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serieouslymovieing · 6 years
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Friends (Serie de TV)
Título original Friends
Año 1994
Duración 20 min.
País Estados Unidos
Dirección David Crane (Creator),  Marta Kauffman (Creator),  Gary Halvorson,  Kevin Bright, Michael Lembeck,  James Burrows,  Gail Mancuso,  Peter Bonerz,  David Schwimmer, Ben Weiss,  Robby Benson,  Shelley Jensen,  Terry Hughes,  Dana De Vally Piazza, Sheldon Epps,  Pamela Fryman,  Alan Myerson,  Thomas Schlamme, Steve Zuckerman,  Roger Christiansen
Guion David Crane, Marta Kauffman, Ted Cohen, Andrew Reich, Scott Silveri, Shana Goldberg-Meehan, Greg Malins, Sherry Bilsing, Ellen Kreamer, Adam Chase, Brian Buckner, Sebastian Jones, Seth Kurland, Alexa Junge, Michael Curtis, Wil Calhoun, Mark J. Kunerth, Ira Ungerleider, Doty Abrams, Dana Klein, Jeff Astrof, Mike Sikowitz, Michael Borkow, Robert Carlock, Gigi McCreery, Perry M. Rein, Brian Boyle, Jeff Greenstein, Jeff Strauss, Jill Condon, Amy Toomin, Zachary Rosenblatt, Chris Brown, Alicia Sky Varinaitis, Peter Tibbals
Música Michael Skloff (Tema: The Rembrandts)
Fotografía Mikel Neiers, Nick McLean, Richard Hissong
Reparto Jennifer Aniston,  Courteney Cox,  Lisa Kudrow,  Matt LeBlanc,  Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer,  James Michael Tyler,  Elliott Gould,  Christina Pickles, Maggie Wheeler,  Paul Rudd,  Jane Sibbett,  Helen Baxendale,  Jessica Hecht, Tom Selleck,  June Gable,  Giovanni Ribisi,  Jon Favreau,  Hank Azaria, Elle MacPherson,  Anna Faris,  Michael Rapaport,  Bruce Willis
Productora Emitida por National Broadcasting Company (NBC); Warner Bros. Television
Género Serie de TV. Comedia | Sitcom. Amistad
Sinopsis Serie de TV (1994-2004). 10 temporadas. 236 episodios. "Friends" narra las aventuras y desventuras de seis jóvenes de Nueva York. Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), Monica (Courteney Cox), Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow), Ross (David Schwimmer), Chandler (Matthew Perry) y Joey (Matt LeBlanc) forman una unida pandilla de amigos que viven en Manhattan y que suelen reunirse en sus apartamentos o en su bar habitual, el Central Perk. A pesar de los numerosos cambios que se producen en sus vidas, su amistad es inquebrantable en la dura batalla por salir adelante en sus periplos profesionales y personales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Premios 2004: 8 nominaciones al Emmy, incluyendo Actor (LeBlanc) y Actriz (Aniston) 2003: Premio Emmy: Actriz invitada (Christina Applegate). 10 nominaciones 2002: 2 premios Emmy: Comedia, Actriz (Aniston). 9 nominaciones 2001: 5 nominaciones al Emmy incluyendo Actriz (Aniston) y Secundaria (Kudrow) 2000: Premio Emmy: Actor invitado (Bruce Willis). 7 nominaciones incluyendo Comedia 1999: 6 nominaciones al Emmy incluyendo Comedia y Secundaria (Kudrow) 1998: Premio Emmy: Secundaria (Kudrow) 1997: Nominada al Emmy: Secundaria (Kudrow) 1996: Premio Emmy: Logro en dirección. 2 nominaciones incluyendo Comedia 1995: 9 nominaciones al Emmy incluyendo Comedia, Secundario y Secundaria 2003: Globos de Oro: Nominada Mejor actor serie de TV - Comedia o musical (LeBlanc) 2002: Globos de Oro: Mejor Actriz (Aniston). Nominada Mejor comedia y actor (LeBlanc) 2001: 2 nominaciones al Globo de Oro: Serie Comedia y Actriz secundaria (Aniston) 1997: Globos de Oro: Nominada Mejor serie de TV - Comedia o musical 1996: Globos de Oro: Nominada Mejor serie de TV - Comedia o musical 1995: 2 nominaciones al Globo de Oro: Serie comedia y Secundaria (Kudrow) 1997: Premios BAFTA TV: Mejor serie internacional 2001: Sindicato de Productores (PGA): Nominada a Mejor serie de TV - Comedia 2000: Sindicato de Productores (PGA): Nominada a Mejor serie de TV - Comedia 1995: Sindicato de Directores (DGA): Nominada a Mejor director serie comedia 1999: Sindicato de Guionistas (WGA): Nom. Mejor guión en episodio Serie-Comedia 1995: Sindicato de Guionistas (WGA): Nom. Mejor guión en episodio Serie-Comedia 2003: Sindicato de Actores (SAG): Nom. Mejor reparto y Actriz (Kudrow) (Serie Comedia) 2002: Sindicato de Actores (SAG): 3 Nominaciones inc. Mejor reparto (Serie Comedia) 2001: Sindicato de Actores (SAG): Nom. Mejor reparto y Actriz (Aniston) (Serie Comedia) 2000: Sindicato de Actores (SAG): Nominada a Mejor reparto (Serie de TV - Comedia) 1999: Sindicato de Actores (SAG): Mejor actriz (Serie Comedia) (Kudrow). 2 nom. 1998: Sindicato de Actores (SAG): Nom. Mejor reparto y Actriz (Kudrow) (Serie Comedia) 1995: Sindicato de Actores (SAG): Mejor reparto (Serie Comedia). 2 nominaciones
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davidisen · 7 years
NYC Music I Like Mar 8-14
...trad jazz, Gypsy, swing, bluegrass, choro etc. w/ folk roots & virtuoso ensemble playing... Explanation/disclaimer.
[Caution! Please verify with musician, venue, etc. before going. Send updata here.]
Allied music listings with overlapping tastes: Jim's Roots and Blues Calendar.  Eileen's Lindy Blog - This Week in Swing.
This Week
Wednesday, March 8, 5:30 PM: David Ostwald's Louis Armstrong Eternity Band, Birdland (Most Wednesdays.) 6:30 PM: Margi Gianquinto (vocals) & the Aaron Johnson Quartet w/ Aaron (clarinet/sax), Sam Raderman (guitar), Kyle Colina (bass). Vaucluse, 100 East 63rd. 7 PM: Dan Levinson (reeds), Mark Shane (piano), Kevin Dorn (drums) play the music of Benny Goodman. Shanghai Jazz, Madison NJ. 7 PM: Jeanne Gies (vocals) w/ Bruce Edwards (guitar). Andanada.   8 PM: Bill Scorzari. At Finley's of Huntington, Huntington, NY. 11 PM: Avalon Jazz Band hosts Hot Jazz & Gypsy Jam. The Keep. (Most Wednesdays.)
Thursday, March 9, 7 PM: Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Julien Labro (accordion), Alex Wintz (guitar), Shawn Conley (bass) Labella Showroom, Brooklyn. 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 8 PM: The Blacktail Songbirds w/ Molly Ryan (vocals), Dan Levinson (reeds), Mike Davis (cornet), Terry Waldo (piano). Blacktail. (Most Thursdays.) 8 PM: Andy Statman Trio w/ guest Pete Rushefsky. Charles Street Synagogue. 9 PM: Sam Raderman Quartet w/ Sam (guitar), others. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill. 9 PM: Jason Prover and his Sneak Thievery Orchestra. Radegast. 8:30 PM: Gene Bertoncini (guitar) and Josh Marcum (bass). Ryan's Daughter, upstairs, 350 E. 85th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues. (Most Thursdays.) 9 PM: Gypsy jazz jam, Fada. (Most Thursdays.)
Friday, March 10, 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 8 PM: Tony Trischka (banjo) & Territory. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY. 8 PM: The Crimson Ragdolls w/Lisa Liu (guitar), Ellie Goodman (violin), Lauren Hendrix (bass), Zoe Christiansen (accordion/clarinet). The Diana Center at Barnard College. 10:30 PM: Fridays at Mona's, this week The Megg Ryan Jass Bandw/ Sweet Megg (vocals), Ryan Weisheit (reeds). Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
Saturday, March 11, 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), Trifon Dimitrov (bass), Dan Pratt (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Saturdays.) Noon: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers w/ Sweet Megg (vocals), Sam Raderman (guitar), Jim Robertson. Brunch at Row House, 2128 Frederick Douglass Blvd. 12:30 PM: Amos Rose jazz duo w/ vocals. Jules Bistro. (Most Saturdays.) 1 PM: Garden Party Quartet frequently with Emily Asher (trombone). (Most Saturdays.) Fraunces Tavern. 2 PM: Lisa Liu's Gypsy Jazz Experience w/Lisa Liu (guitar), Andrew Louis Willens (bass). Rosamunde Sausage Grill. 4 PM: Roy Williams & Friends. The Shanty. (Most Saturdays, personnel varies). 8 PM: Eddie Barbash & his Orchestra w/ Eddie (sax), Roy Williams (guitar), Duncan Wickle (fiddle), others(?). The Roxy. 8 PM: Celtic Appalachian Celebration w/ Mick Moloney, Athena Tergis, and The Green Fields of America, w/ Billy McComiskey (button accordion), Liz Hanley (fiddle and vocals), Jerry O'Sullivan (uilleann pipes and whistle), Brendan Dolan (piano), Niall O'Leary (dancer) and special guests Erynn Marshall (fiddle), Carl Jones (guitar, mandolin, banjo), Sheila Adams (singer), Megan Downes and City Stompers (dancers), Haley Richardson (fiddle), Jake James (fiddler and dancer). Symphony Space. Info/tix. 10 PM: Alash (Tuvan throat singers). Barbes. 10:30 PM: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers w/Sweet Megg (vocals), Ryan Weisheit (reeds), Jason Prover (trumpet), Rob Adkins (bass), Rich Levinson. St. Mazie's.
Sunday, March 12 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), Trifon Dimitrov (bass), Michael Hashim (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Sundays.) Noon: Megg Ryan Jass Band w/ Sweet Megg (vocals, guitar), Ryan Weisheit (reeds). House of Yes. (Most Sundays.) 1 PM: Chris Thile. Rockwood Two. (Sold out.) 1:30 PM: Koran Agan (guitar), others. Radegast.  (Most Sundays.) 6 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Tony Scherr (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). 55 Bar. 7 PM: Alex Simon's Gypsy Swing Ensemble. Radegast. 8 PM: The EarRegulars w/ Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), and this week Scott Robinson (miscellaneous wind instruments), Matt Munisteri (guitar), Patrick O’Leary (bass). The Ear. (Most Sundays.) 8 PM: Glenn Crytzer Trio w/ Hannah Gill. Blacktail. 9 PM: Stephane Wrembel & his band. Barbes. 10 PM: Baby Soda Jazz Band w/ Jared Engel (banjo), others. St. Mazie. (Most Sundays.) 10 PM: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers w/ Sweet Megg (vocals), Ryan Weisheit (reeds), others. The Wayland.
Monday, March 13, 6 PM: Phoebe Hunt (violin, vocals), Dominick Leslie (mandolin). Porchlight. 7 PM: “Ella is Present” w/ Terri Lyne Carrington (percussion), Casey Benjamin Charenée Wade (vocals). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 7 PM: The Brain Cloud, the full band w/ Tamar Korn (vocals), Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, mandolin), Andrew Hall (bass), Raphael McGregor (lap steel guitar), Kevin Dorn (drums) and Skip Krevins (guitar). Barbes. (Most Mondays.)  7 PM: Baby Soda Jazz Band. Hofbrau Bierhaus. 8 PM: Mike Davis (cornet) and friends celebrate Bix Beiderbecke. The Bickford, Morristown NJ. Info/Tix. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Mondays). 8 PM: Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers. The Belfry. (Most Mondays.) 9 PM: Svetlana & The Delancey 5 - Svetlana (vocals), Jon Weber (piano), Mike Hashim (reeds), Charlie Caranicas (trmpt), Rob Garcia (drums), George Delancey (bass). Back Room Speakeasy - 102 Norfolk Street. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Mona’s Bluegrass Jam, Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Terry Waldo & The Rum House Jass Band w/ Terry (piano), Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), Jim Fryer (trombone), Eddy Davis (tenor banjo) and frequently Dan Levinson (clarinet) & Molly Ryan (vocals). The Rum House. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Tony Scherr (bass) & Josh Dion (drums) plus Margo Valiante. Rockwood Two.
Tuesday, March 14, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the very best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Tuesdays).  8 PM: Tara O'Grady & the Black Velvet Band w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), Trifon Dimitrov (bass). Winnie’s Jazz Bar. (Most Tuesdays). 9 PM: Brother Roy w/ Roy Williams (piano, vocals). Rockwood Two. 9:30 PM: Mama Juke w/ Amos Rose, others. East Village Social, St Marks @ Ave A. (Most Tuesdays.) 10 PM: Michael Daves (guitar). Rockwood One. 10 PM: Svetlana & The Delancy Band. Brooklyn Speakeasy at Bedford Hall, 1177 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. (Most Tuesdays.)  10:15 PM: Michael Daves' Wax Lion. Rockwood Three. (Most Tuesdays.) 11 PM: Jordan Tice & Horse Country w/ Jordan (guitar), Dominick Leslie (mandolin), Zoe Guigueno (bass). Rockwood One. 11 PM: Trad Jazz Jam hosted by Mona’s Hot Four. The Hot Four house band is Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, etc.), Gordon Webster (piano), Nick Russo (guitar, banjo) & Jared Engel (bass). Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
March 15, 8 PM: Phil Lesh & Friends. Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY.  9:30 PM: Gordon Webster Band CD Release w/ Gordon (piano), Charles Turner (vocals), Danny Jonokuchi (cornet), Danny Lipsitz (reeds), Rob Edwards (trombone), Ricky Alexander (reeds), Danny Zieman (bass), Kevin Congelton (drums). Joes Pub. Info/tix.
March 16, 8 PM: Phil Lesh & Friends. Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY.  9 PM: Gordon's Grand Street Stompers. Radegast.
March 17, 8 PM: Phil Lesh & Friends. Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY.  5 PM: The Glenn Crytzer Quartette. Broadway Lounge in the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.   8 PM: Leann Rimes. Patchogue Theatre, Patchogue NY. Info/tix.
March 18, Noon: Glenn Crytzer Quintette. Brunch at Minton's. 8 PM: Rhonda Vincent. Ramapo College, Mahwah NJ. Info/tix. 7:30 PM: Margi Gianquinto and the world famous TBD band featuring TBA (wtf) and TBA (ftw). J House, Riverside CT. 10 PM: Brain Cloud Trio w/ Dennis Lichtman (mandolin, clarinet), Tamar Korn (vocals), Andrew Hall (bass). Fox & Crow, Jersey City.
March 19, 12:30 PM: Brunch with w/ Hilary Gardner (vocals) plus Greg Ruggerio (guitar) & Joel Forbes (bass). North Square. 4 PM: The Stride Piano Jam w/ Terry Waldo (piano) & Ehud Asherie (piano). Fat Cat. 4 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). The Greenwich Library, Greenwich CT.
March 20, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
March 21, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 22, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 7:45 PM: Chris Eldridge & Julian Lage plus Aoife O'Donovan. Fairfield Theatre Company, Fairfield CT. Info/tix. 9 PM: Emily Asher's Garden Party. Radegast.
March 23, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 9 PM (unconfirmed time): Jon-Erik Kellso Quartet. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
March 24, 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli  (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Larry Fuller (piano), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Kitano. 
March 25, Noon: Glenn Crytzer Quintette. Brunch at Minton's. 2 & 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Stephanie Nakasian (vocals) & Veronica Swift (vocals) with the Tardo Hammer Trio. Kitano. 9 PM: Noam Pikelny. The Bowery Ballroom. Info/tix.
March 26, Noon: Women of the Guitar w/ Sheryl Bailey, Jiji Kimm, Kaki King & Ann Klein. 92nd Street Y. Free but limited seating. Info 2 & 7 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. Time?: The Peewee Russell Memorial Stomp w/ Midiri Brothers Quintet, Peter and Will Anderson Quintet, Dan Levinson's Russell of Spring Band & Professor Cunningham and his Old School. Birchwood Manor, Whippany NJ. Info/tix. 4 PM: Roy Williams & The Human Hands. Skinny Dennis.
March 27, 7 PM: “J’adore Ella,” w/ Les Nubians (sisters Hélène and Célia Faussart). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 10 PM: 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums) plus Adam Levy. Rockwood Two.
March 28, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 29, 12:30 PM: Jayme Stone's Lomax Project. UBS Atrium, Weehawken, NJ.
March 30, 9 PM: Glenn Crytzer Trio w/ Hannah Gill. St. Mazie.
March 31, 5 PM: The Glenn Crytzer Quartette. Broadway Lounge in the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.   7:30 & 9:30 PM: John Pizzarelli. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY.
April 1, 8 PM: John Prine. NJPAC. Tix. 8 PM: Acadia Swing w/ Svetlana & The Delancy Five, Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers, others. Connollys on W. 45th. Tix.
April 3, 7:30 PM: Richard Dowling (piano) & Jeff Barnhart (piano) play the music of Scott Joplin. Bickford Theatre, Morristown NJ. Info/tix. 7:30 & 9:30 PM: Danilo Brito Quinteto. Dizzy’s. Info/tix. 10 PM: 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
April 10, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
April 11, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 17, 8:30 PM: Frank Vignola's Guitar Night w/ Frank (guitar), Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Gene Bertoncini (7-string guitar), Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Vinny Raniolo (guitar) and Nicki Parrott (bass). The Iridium.
April 20, 9 PM: Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo (guitars). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 21, Doors open 7 PM: Squirrel Nut Zippers. Brooklyn Steel w/ Ozomatli. Info/tix. 8 PM: Del (McCoury) & Dawg (David Grisman). Ridgefield Playhouse. Ridgefield CT. Info/tix.
April 24, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
April 28-30, Brooklyn Folk Festival. St Ann's Church. Full Line-up here.
May 9, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
May 13, 7:30 PM: Rhiannon Giddens (violin, banjo, vocals). Alice Tully Hall. Info/tix.
<<<SPECIAL>>> May 15-21. New York Hot Jazz Camp directed by Molly Ryan & Bria Skonberg . Info & registration info here.
May 18, 8 PM: David Crosby. Westbury Theatre. Info/Tix. Tix on sale February 3.
May 27, 7:30 PM: Battle of the Big Bands. Info/tix.
June 6, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
July 12, 9 PM: Pokey LaFarge. Bowery Ballroom. Info/tix.
October 13-15, Jeff & Joel's House Party, Branford CT. Info.
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popthiscollective · 4 years
Episode 236: The Wedding Planner with Leo Damian
"It's going to last forever." This week we invite Leo Damian on the podcast to give us his thoughts about Jennifer Lopez's representation of his profession in the film the Wedding Planner. We also acknowledge that Scrabble is a nice hobby, Steve sucks, and Fran is the only good person in this movie.    
Show notes:
Wish Events
(Leo's wedding planning company)  
Leo’s clients and their Swarovski resort wedding 
We Watched 23 Jennifer Lopez Movies and Ranked Them from Best to Worst
Does Matthew McConaughey Know He Was in the Greatest Movie Ever?
(The Cut)    
Recommendations: Andrea W.:  The Gospel of Breaking by Jillian Christmas (poetry)
Andrea G.: Allison Wonderland Clothing (fashion)
Leo: True Blood (HBO) Music credits:
"Good Times" by Podington Bear
From Free Music Archive
CC BY 3.0
  Theme song "Pyro Flow" by Kevin Macleod
From Incompetch
CC BY 3.0
Intro bed:"OLPC" by Marco Raaphorst Courtesy of Free Music Archive
Pop This! Links: Pop This! on Tumblr Pop This! on iTunes (please consider reviewing and rating us!) Pop This! on Stitcher (please consider reviewing and rating us!) Pop This! on Google Play Pop This! on TuneIn radio Pop This! on Twitter Pop This! on Instagram
Logo design by Samantha Smith
Pop This! is two women talking about pop culture.
Lisa Christiansen is a broadcaster, journalist and longtime metal head. Andrea Warner is a music critic, author and former horoscopes columnist.
Press play and come hang out with your two new best friends.
Pop This! podcast is produced by Andrea Gin and recorded at the Vancouver Public Library's wonderful Inspiration Lab.
 Check out our latest episode!
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Lisa Christiansen
Lisa Christiansen by Lisa Christiansen Via Flickr: Lisa Christiansen upholds a steadfast commitment to children. Having experienced poverty at a young age, Lisa brings a highly personal sense of involvement to her charitable work, instilling hope in the hearts and minds of children around the globe. The Lisa Christiansen Foundation was established to provide families with baskets of food and has served thousands of people over the years. Among her many endeavors, Dr. Christiansen donates over $100,000 in bicycles to children for christmas.
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drlisachristiansen · 7 years
5 Reasons Riding a Bike Is The Most Humiliating Exercise
5 Reasons Riding a Bike Is The Most Humiliating Exercise
One of my favorite articles to share with “newby’s” because it will make you laugh until you cry…
By Christina H.
A lot of people don’t find bike riding very impressive as a sport, because how hard can it be? Little kids learn how to ride bikes before they learn how to tie their shoes (which is a little dangerous if you think about it).
Well, I started riding to get in shape recently and learned…
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0 notes
drlisachristiansen · 7 years
5 Reasons Riding a Bike Is The Most Humiliating Exercise
5 Reasons Riding a Bike Is The Most Humiliating Exercise
One of my favorite articles to share with “newby’s” because it will make you laugh until you cry…
By Christina H.
A lot of people don’t find bike riding very impressive as a sport, because how hard can it be? Little kids learn how to ride bikes before they learn how to tie their shoes (which is a little dangerous if you think about it).
Well, I started riding to get in shape recently and learned…
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drlisachristiansen · 7 years
Good Friday Is Also Known As Holy Friday
Good Friday Is Also Known As Holy Friday
Good Friday is also known as Holy Friday: My name is Lisa Christiansen, I am second and I am honoring Christ Jesus by fasting from solid foods beginning today, April 14, 2017 through May 1, 2017. I will be going to the Easter Pageant at the Holy City of the Wichitas.  Many Christians around the world observe Good Friday on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s…
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drlisachristiansen · 7 years
Wow, I enjoyed all the prior speakers and the pastor with his beautiful, heartfelt prayer. They hit all the high lights. I must begin by thanking God for blessing me in abundance of portions of immeasurable proportions;
I thank God for joining us together today to unite as one in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I will elaborate a little on why we are here on such a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. First, I would like to begin by praying with and for you in my Native tongue of Cherokee….
Thank you for indulging me in prayer because I believe we must remember to always put God first.
I was originally asked to speak at two other March for Trump events, first in Springfield, Illinois, the cradle of Abraham Lincoln.
My opening was going to be something like, almost everyone, including Democrats, would include Lincoln as one of their three favorite Presidents. By no means, do I consider myself as a Historian, but Lincoln would certainly make my list, as well as Ronald Reagan.
With that said, I expect and anticipate that President Trump will become the greatest President in history as for me President Trump is already on my number one President of all time and his stunning wife is most certainly our classiest and most beautiful First Lady ever with Jackie Kennedy as my favorite before the beautiful Melania and I would like to share why I choose Mr. Trump as my favorite President, it is because in 2009 I was invited to NY to have lunch with Donald and everyone thought I was crazy for believing this was true let alone it could happen to me.
I went with 3 objectives:
1. Take a picture with Mr. Trump
2. Get his autograph
3. Get a testimonial for my website from the greatest business man of all time
I would have been happy with even one of these and he gave me so much more, he answered my questions and even made ample time for the more than 30 people in the room to fulfill their request and dare I say their dreams. I witnessed him give money to what appeared to be a homeless person with a joyous heart and buy coffee for a construction crew that wasn’t even working on one of his projects.
This is the integrity and character of a man who cares about our homeless, a man who’s very definition is to protect and serve by putting the needs of others above his own. This is the man I met and know.
I firmly believe he will lead us to put America First and make America Great Again.
The next event was to be the premier event held in Washington, D.C., where there was even hope that President Trump and his beautiful wife our First Lady might attend.
I was excited for this and in talking to a friend he said there will be a lot more pressure on you in DC with probably a lot more people and you will speaking on a different subject than you normally do.
My response was “Bring it On because diamonds are created under pressure and I love a good challenge”.
I then learned that Oklahoma City was to host an event and my excitement overwhelmed me because it flooded my soul with memories of Sunday morning after church sitting on the church steps with lemonade and the ever-popular fried chicken legs talking with my friends. I just knew I had to be switched to Oklahoma so I could share time with my family in each of you.
A little background on myself is I live in gratitude because I had to fight my way into this world not once, not twice but three times as my mother attempted to abort me three times.
I was knew that I disposable and only wanted when I was convenient and my message here is that you matter, each of you are valuable, and loved because God loves you and I love you.
In growing up in Indian territory and attending schools where I only spoke Cherokee until I was 10 years old I also learned that your success is in direct proportion to your contribution, I learned I am a giver.
In my early career I wasn’t familiar with many business leaders, but I had heard of Donald Trump.
My first introduction to President Trump was when I was involved with one of those multi-level marketing companies where everyone’s goal was to drive a pink Cadillac you know the one.
An early part of that process was to create a “vision board” with an “I” story, My ‘I’ story was to meet Donald Trump and ask him one quality question within 5 years, I met that schedule ahead of deadline by 2 years another example that God really does answer your most passionate prayers.
I have no idea why I was chosen for this most prestigious honor because I am just a little girl from Tahlequah, the backwoods of Punkin’ Holler in a tiny little place in the middle of nowhere on the way some somewhere in a home with dirt floors and a place where no one ever sees “you,” the you that is crying to come out, all the while knowing it’s the magic of risking everything for a dream that no one can see but you and realizing through God’s design this the only way to find your direction and today is proof that dreams really do come true and for this I thank you.
One reason perhaps is because I have supported Trump from the moment that I heard that he was running for president, before it was even official, I have supported him through the many threats that my family received through the Native American community because of my unwillingness to back down and my family stood by me in my decision.
My father who always supports my decisions with great enthusiasm had even told me that if I back down because of threats then I am certainly not the daughter that he raised because he raised me to stand up for what I believe in, he taught me to be strong, tenacious, and he taught me that a decision means to sever, to cut off, leaving no other option or alternative so when you make a decision it means you stand up even if it means you stand alone, And there were many times within my Native American community where I did feel that I was standing alone, actually that’s not true, for how could I be standing alone when I have God before me and my father beside me.
Outside of my Native American community I have had many friends that disagreed with my support, I have had many friends that we simply agreed to disagree and I appreciate each one of them for that because I believe we learn from each other.
I believe much of the resistance across the entire nation comes from and unfounded fear that as we rebuild our economy there will be many cutbacks on financial assistance.
And while I strongly believe in a hand up I do not believe in a handout and there is a huge difference. These handouts and many other govt. handouts are wrong and should be eliminated or reformed. People need to realize that our country is like an individual that is bankrupt or so close that they can feel it like a train wreck.
Our country does not have an unlimited black card, more like an ordinary credit card that is about to be rejected at the checkout counter over a piece of bubblegum.
We have a national debt of almost twenty trillion dollars, which is one of the main reasons why China has or is about to surpass us as the major power in the world and other countries have little or no respect for us, understandable so.
We must make many changes, none of which will be easy or popular, such as how to get our entitlement programs, like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid back on sound economic ground.
I did not vote for Obama nor did I vote for Hillary and did not agree with most of their agenda but I did support him during his term and would have supported her because of the position because I was raised that even if you do not like the person you must respect their position, I had hoped that he would began to solve some of our problems during his 8 year term, that did not happen.
The two huge issues I would put at the top of my personal list would be protecting our Country and turning our economy around.
To me, any President’s first priority should be to protect its citizens, both from within and outside our territory. My personal opinion is the prior administration from former President Obama, the Attorney Generals, Secretary of States, on down did a poor job of this.
I applaud President Trump for his beginning to rebuild our military and appointing cabinet members who will help protect us and keep us safe. Our local sheriff and police departments overwhelmingly voted for Trump and for this I am grateful. By the way, I’m pleased that the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruett is a fellow Oklahoman, I would expect major changes in that area.
I realize my other priority of turning around our economy covers a myriad of issues like the national debt, Obamacare, jobs and dollars going overseas, high corporate and individual tax rates, bank derivatives, etc. I think the commitments from some of our prominent corporations to add jobs, build facilities here rather than abroad and cut costs on some defense projects was a huge step in the right direction. The positive gains in our financial markets since the election is another indicator. One statistic I absolutely love was that in the first month of the prior administration our national debt increased 200 Billion dollars compared to the reductions of 12 billion dollars the first month of President Trump’s administration.
With that being said, all I ask is for all the naysayers, specifically and including the media, to give our great President Trump that same respect and support that we gave the previous administration.
Keep in mind, President Trump has only been in office less than 2 months and has made exponential progress already.
I firmly believe President Trump will lead us to put God first, the American people as his priority and make America Great Again.
My goal in this speech isn’t to solve the many Issues our nation faces as that is not my job, rather to focus on society’s responsibility as a whole to keep those individuals whose job it is to solve these problems results focused and focus driven. Both parties, republicans and democrats, have been guilty of complacency and merely kicking the can down the road.
Without even thinking about it, I can list 7or 8 major problems such as terrorism, immigration, health care, infrastructure, our international relationships, drug issues, education, our overload of regulations, etc. I am certain you can probably think of at least two or three others that you could add to that list.
Is it really too much to ask one person to totally solve all these major issues? Of course it is, however, its not too much to ask him including our Congressional delegates, and our state leaders to get started working on resolving them.
The best way to accomplish this is for each one of us, as individuals and collectively, to do our part by working together, coming together across the great divide, and be willing to compromise and learn from each other as we all share a common goal.
I’m proud to be from Oklahoma for many reasons, one being conservatives while still becoming more and more progressive. I know that you are already aware that our two United States Senators and all five Congressmen, including MarkWayne Mullen, who we are so honored to have with us today, and our Governor are all Republicans.
I knew that Trump would easily carry Oklahoma, but was pleased that he got 65.3% of the vote, carried all 77 counties, with Cimarron County in the Panhandle having the highest percentage% of 83%. There were only two states that had a higher percentage% of Trump votes than Oklahoma.
In closing I would remind each of us that we have played a part in electing President Trump, but it’s not just a matter of handing the ball over to Trump and our elected officials and standing back and watching. We need to stay committed, keep them in our prayers, and let them know we support them and their efforts.
Please keep in mind that everything we are praying for won’t get done in six months. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and there will be some compromises as there is strong opposition and we can create a favorable transition if we choose to love them through it and remember it is always better to follow a great example than to lead by ignorance, personally, I choose to follow the example of Christ Jesus and love them through gratitude and forgiveness.
With that being said, I am asking us to each love each other, accept each other, even agree to disagree because in the big picture we all want the same things, to be loved, to matter, and to live with passion.
Let us all continue to keep President Trump and his family in our thoughts and prayers.
God bless President Trump and his humble family, God bless America and God bless each and every one of you and your beautiful families. I love you.
    VIDEO and TRANSCRIPT of MARCH4TRUMP: Lisa Christiansen’s Speech at The Oklahoma State Capitol Wow, I enjoyed all the prior speakers and the pastor with his beautiful, heartfelt prayer. They hit all the high lights.
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drlisachristiansen · 7 years
Wow, I enjoyed all the prior speakers and the pastor with his beautiful, heartfelt prayer. They hit all the high lights. I must begin by thanking God for blessing me in abundance of portions of immeasurable proportions;
I thank God for joining us together today to unite as one in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I will elaborate a little on why we are here on such a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. First, I would like to begin by praying with and for you in my Native tongue of Cherokee….
Thank you for indulging me in prayer because I believe we must remember to always put God first.
I was originally asked to speak at two other March for Trump events, first in Springfield, Illinois, the cradle of Abraham Lincoln.
My opening was going to be something like, almost everyone, including Democrats, would include Lincoln as one of their three favorite Presidents. By no means, do I consider myself as a Historian, but Lincoln would certainly make my list, as well as Ronald Reagan.
With that said, I expect and anticipate that President Trump will become the greatest President in history as for me President Trump is already on my number one President of all time and his stunning wife is most certainly our classiest and most beautiful First Lady ever with Jackie Kennedy as my favorite before the beautiful Melania and I would like to share why I choose Mr. Trump as my favorite President, it is because in 2009 I was invited to NY to have lunch with Donald and everyone thought I was crazy for believing this was true let alone it could happen to me.
I went with 3 objectives:
1. Take a picture with Mr. Trump
2. Get his autograph
3. Get a testimonial for my website from the greatest business man of all time
I would have been happy with even one of these and he gave me so much more, he answered my questions and even made ample time for the more than 30 people in the room to fulfill their request and dare I say their dreams. I witnessed him give money to what appeared to be a homeless person with a joyous heart and buy coffee for a construction crew that wasn’t even working on one of his projects.
This is the integrity and character of a man who cares about our homeless, a man who’s very definition is to protect and serve by putting the needs of others above his own. This is the man I met and know.
I firmly believe he will lead us to put America First and make America Great Again.
The next event was to be the premier event held in Washington, D.C., where there was even hope that President Trump and his beautiful wife our First Lady might attend.
I was excited for this and in talking to a friend he said there will be a lot more pressure on you in DC with probably a lot more people and you will speaking on a different subject than you normally do.
My response was “Bring it On because diamonds are created under pressure and I love a good challenge”.
I then learned that Oklahoma City was to host an event and my excitement overwhelmed me because it flooded my soul with memories of Sunday morning after church sitting on the church steps with lemonade and the ever-popular fried chicken legs talking with my friends. I just knew I had to be switched to Oklahoma so I could share time with my family in each of you.
A little background on myself is I live in gratitude because I had to fight my way into this world not once, not twice but three times as my mother attempted to abort me three times.
I was knew that I disposable and only wanted when I was convenient and my message here is that you matter, each of you are valuable, and loved because God loves you and I love you.
In growing up in Indian territory and attending schools where I only spoke Cherokee until I was 10 years old I also learned that your success is in direct proportion to your contribution, I learned I am a giver.
In my early career I wasn’t familiar with many business leaders, but I had heard of Donald Trump.
My first introduction to President Trump was when I was involved with one of those multi-level marketing companies where everyone’s goal was to drive a pink Cadillac you know the one.
An early part of that process was to create a “vision board” with an “I” story, My ‘I’ story was to meet Donald Trump and ask him one quality question within 5 years, I met that schedule ahead of deadline by 2 years another example that God really does answer your most passionate prayers.
I have no idea why I was chosen for this most prestigious honor because I am just a little girl from Tahlequah, the backwoods of Punkin’ Holler in a tiny little place in the middle of nowhere on the way some somewhere in a home with dirt floors and a place where no one ever sees “you,” the you that is crying to come out, all the while knowing it’s the magic of risking everything for a dream that no one can see but you and realizing through God’s design this the only way to find your direction and today is proof that dreams really do come true and for this I thank you.
One reason perhaps is because I have supported Trump from the moment that I heard that he was running for president, before it was even official, I have supported him through the many threats that my family received through the Native American community because of my unwillingness to back down and my family stood by me in my decision.
My father who always supports my decisions with great enthusiasm had even told me that if I back down because of threats then I am certainly not the daughter that he raised because he raised me to stand up for what I believe in, he taught me to be strong, tenacious, and he taught me that a decision means to sever, to cut off, leaving no other option or alternative so when you make a decision it means you stand up even if it means you stand alone, And there were many times within my Native American community where I did feel that I was standing alone, actually that’s not true, for how could I be standing alone when I have God before me and my father beside me.
Outside of my Native American community I have had many friends that disagreed with my support, I have had many friends that we simply agreed to disagree and I appreciate each one of them for that because I believe we learn from each other.
I believe much of the resistance across the entire nation comes from and unfounded fear that as we rebuild our economy there will be many cutbacks on financial assistance.
And while I strongly believe in a hand up I do not believe in a handout and there is a huge difference. These handouts and many other govt. handouts are wrong and should be eliminated or reformed. People need to realize that our country is like an individual that is bankrupt or so close that they can feel it like a train wreck.
Our country does not have an unlimited black card, more like an ordinary credit card that is about to be rejected at the checkout counter over a piece of bubblegum.
We have a national debt of almost twenty trillion dollars, which is one of the main reasons why China has or is about to surpass us as the major power in the world and other countries have little or no respect for us, understandable so.
We must make many changes, none of which will be easy or popular, such as how to get our entitlement programs, like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid back on sound economic ground.
I did not vote for Obama nor did I vote for Hillary and did not agree with most of their agenda but I did support him during his term and would have supported her because of the position because I was raised that even if you do not like the person you must respect their position, I had hoped that he would began to solve some of our problems during his 8 year term, that did not happen.
The two huge issues I would put at the top of my personal list would be protecting our Country and turning our economy around.
To me, any President’s first priority should be to protect its citizens, both from within and outside our territory. My personal opinion is the prior administration from former President Obama, the Attorney Generals, Secretary of States, on down did a poor job of this.
I applaud President Trump for his beginning to rebuild our military and appointing cabinet members who will help protect us and keep us safe. Our local sheriff and police departments overwhelmingly voted for Trump and for this I am grateful. By the way, I’m pleased that the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruett is a fellow Oklahoman, I would expect major changes in that area.
I realize my other priority of turning around our economy covers a myriad of issues like the national debt, Obamacare, jobs and dollars going overseas, high corporate and individual tax rates, bank derivatives, etc. I think the commitments from some of our prominent corporations to add jobs, build facilities here rather than abroad and cut costs on some defense projects was a huge step in the right direction. The positive gains in our financial markets since the election is another indicator. One statistic I absolutely love was that in the first month of the prior administration our national debt increased 200 Billion dollars compared to the reductions of 12 billion dollars the first month of President Trump’s administration.
With that being said, all I ask is for all the naysayers, specifically and including the media, to give our great President Trump that same respect and support that we gave the previous administration.
Keep in mind, President Trump has only been in office less than 2 months and has made exponential progress already.
I firmly believe President Trump will lead us to put God first, the American people as his priority and make America Great Again.
My goal in this speech isn’t to solve the many Issues our nation faces as that is not my job, rather to focus on society’s responsibility as a whole to keep those individuals whose job it is to solve these problems results focused and focus driven. Both parties, republicans and democrats, have been guilty of complacency and merely kicking the can down the road.
Without even thinking about it, I can list 7or 8 major problems such as terrorism, immigration, health care, infrastructure, our international relationships, drug issues, education, our overload of regulations, etc. I am certain you can probably think of at least two or three others that you could add to that list.
Is it really too much to ask one person to totally solve all these major issues? Of course it is, however, its not too much to ask him including our Congressional delegates, and our state leaders to get started working on resolving them.
The best way to accomplish this is for each one of us, as individuals and collectively, to do our part by working together, coming together across the great divide, and be willing to compromise and learn from each other as we all share a common goal.
I’m proud to be from Oklahoma for many reasons, one being conservatives while still becoming more and more progressive. I know that you are already aware that our two United States Senators and all five Congressmen, including MarkWayne Mullen, who we are so honored to have with us today, and our Governor are all Republicans.
I knew that Trump would easily carry Oklahoma, but was pleased that he got 65.3% of the vote, carried all 77 counties, with Cimarron County in the Panhandle having the highest percentage% of 83%. There were only two states that had a higher percentage% of Trump votes than Oklahoma.
In closing I would remind each of us that we have played a part in electing President Trump, but it’s not just a matter of handing the ball over to Trump and our elected officials and standing back and watching. We need to stay committed, keep them in our prayers, and let them know we support them and their efforts.
Please keep in mind that everything we are praying for won’t get done in six months. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and there will be some compromises as there is strong opposition and we can create a favorable transition if we choose to love them through it and remember it is always better to follow a great example than to lead by ignorance, personally, I choose to follow the example of Christ Jesus and love them through gratitude and forgiveness.
With that being said, I am asking us to each love each other, accept each other, even agree to disagree because in the big picture we all want the same things, to be loved, to matter, and to live with passion.
Let us all continue to keep President Trump and his family in our thoughts and prayers.
God bless President Trump and his humble family, God bless America and God bless each and every one of you and your beautiful families. I love you.
VIDEO and TRANSCRIPT of MARCH4TRUMP: Lisa Christiansen’s Speech at The Oklahoma State Capitol Wow, I enjoyed all the prior speakers and the pastor with his beautiful, heartfelt prayer. They hit all the high lights.
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drlisachristiansen · 7 years
Lisa Christiansen at the 89th Academy Awards Oscars 2017
Lisa Christiansen at the 89th Academy Awards Oscars 2017
If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. We can always replace negative with positive.
Armani custom designed gown valued at $100,000,……
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drlisachristiansen · 7 years
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
#LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie
  #LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie 🚲🚴🏼‍♀️🚲
Hincapie Gran Fondo 2017 #LisaChristiansen #DrLisaChristiansen #HincapieFamily #HincapieCyclingSociety #GranfondoHincapie #YeahThatGreenville #RideHincapie 🚲🚴🏼‍♀️🚲
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drlisachristiansen · 6 years
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Thank you Chris for supporting the #MMIW and wearing your shirt to bring awareness! GET yours NOW here: https://www.bonfire.com/missing-and-murdered-indigenous-women-awarene/ @mmiwhoismissing @mmiw_collaborative @mmiwwashington @saveoursistersmmiwawareness @mmiw @cherokeenation @comanchenation (at Lisa Christiansen Companies)
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