#Infinity Plus Inter
nityarawal · 7 months
Morning "Cat" Physics
Wigoner Waggoner
Are They Related
Reading Up On
De Broglie - Brohn
So Simplisic
Doje Everywhere
Now Quantum
Overtaking My Lair
What To Understand
Since Physicists
Want You To Know
It's About
The "Born Rule,"
Agents Protocall
Super Agents
Smachtenberger Calls
Hustling "Qubits"
Elon Seemingly Let's Them
With Atty Coercion
But Does A
Have A Choice
Does A 
Have A Choice
Is The Cat 
Dead Or Alive
In The Box
Taunted On Bribes
Or Hostage
"I know (by the
that they know
(by the same
that "X is equivalent
to "I know that
Make Me A
Inspiring Books Like
"Time Like Infinity,"
Stephan Baxter
"Refugee Thought Experiment,"
But Is It Just A
"Quantum Suicide
Forbidden Subjects
Lead Poisoning
Don't Break My 
In Ten Thousand
Of Carbons
At Rewind AI
Like A Cat
In A Box
With Cancer
Just A Meme 
At Rewind
A Prototype
Space X
Trolling Me
Once J-ma 
Now 5 Tracey 
It's An
"Effective Collapse,"
"Empty Branches,"
They Call It
Barren Trees
Of Tree 
Of Life
Of Her Children
Fruit Of Life
In Germ
Don't Break My
Ten Thousand
Beloved Gigolos
"Trust No One,"
Says Elon
But Then We Might
Never Know Love
Eloning To
So Embrace The
Listen To What
He Once Said
Plus Your Intuition
Before Identity
Mash Ups
With Rewind
So You Can
See Past
The Smoke
Past The Clouds
Past The
"Shrodinger's Cat 
For We Lost Romeo
The King Of
Savannah Harems
"Declarence Is 
Generally Considered
To Prevent
Simultaneous Observation
Of Multiple States In
"F1 with W1 and
F2 with W2,"
(Nanny Daniel Hauptman And
Alex Martinez's Iowa
Magistrate Step Dad Judge)
Is First Sutra A "Friendly,"
Of "Pat-Anjali's"
First Sutra
In Gautama's
"The Friends'
Of Wigoner's
Is A "Friend,"
The First Sutra
First Step Of
Inter Galactic
Don't You Know
Fly With Me
Don't "Spin"
Don't Lie
They'll Try To Break
Your Heart
No One,"
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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0 notes
earthplanet · 1 year
Some Preliminary Prayers, Part 3: transfinitude.
I believe that the story of Jesus is compelling because of the reality of infinitely large finite sets. This finitude teaches us that Jesus is who both who we already are and who we can become. For example: None of us know when we will die, but we will die. We are therefore finite in our own power in general. But, a finite being's godhood looks different than an infinite being's godhood. There are different kinds of infinities for our purposes here. Jesus' all-power looked like him being amazingly kind, self sacrificing and miracle making. The Holy Spirit's or "God's" infinitude looked like omnipotence which Jesus never properly had. If he did, it was in another sense; the finite sense which kept him on the cross. I am not well-versed in anything besides Christianity, but the best other example that I can use to illustrate this, would be the story of Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna although aided by Krishna, must choose to live out his dharma in spite of the contradiction it holds with his cousins who belong to a different clan. He illustrates his finitude by transcending his own moral conflict through Krsna's aid and fighting to the bitter end of his inter-familial war. Arjuna is infinite in one dimension: overcoming his finitude presented in the terrible inescapability of the conflict. He does not escape the presumably inescapable war's circumstances. He is one kind of infinite and not the other.
This is the meaning of mathematics' transfinite sets. I am far from an authority on the topic but I will present my story of it. Most people are familiar with one kind of infinity: "Aleph-null". We can talk about aleph-null like a sequence beginning from 1 and then 2 and then 3... and so on, never reaching anything because that sequence will always have another '1' to add onto it. This kind of infinity is like God's or Krsna's infinitude: limitless. But there actually is a larger infinity: we can cut a single unit: say the interval between 0 and 1 into an infinite amount of discrete units. Imagine Achilles, the fastest runner in all of Greece is racing a turtle. But the turtle gets to have a mile headstart. Achilles has to get to half a mile before catching up with the turtle but by that time the turtle has moved an inch. And then Achilles has to move 1/2 a mile plus a fourth, but now the turtle has to move 1/2 an inch. The distance between Achilles and the turtle gets smaller and smaller, divided further and further. But no division will make the distance zero, (there isnt a non-zero distance which when divided will equal zero). If we call 1/2 mile A, 1/4 mile B, and so on ad infinitum, the set of all these added together is...~1 first of all, but second of all it is a set called aleph-alpha. Aleph-alpha is what's called a transfinite number. Anything cordoned off, so that we can write x/y=1; i.e. anything we can describe as a a set of fractions comprising a single whole, is transfinite. 
If Krsna's omnipotence is to transcend from 1 to 2, or even 1 to googleplex; one example of ours is from 0 to .000000000001. We have more "pitstops" to go from 0 to 1 than Krsna's set of pitstops on the way to transcendence. We have more "opportunities" for freedom if you will. Our limitations are so numerous that any freedom at all is of greater significance than Krsna's or God's.
No wonder a beautiful world is unimpressive when there is evil; an omnipotent God creating any kind of world is unimpressive. No wonder the human brain is flawed; God could've used a banana for that. Limitlessness is not even an element of power. Instead, it is limits which enshrine power. Getting out of bed when you are depressed is heroic, not creating the world.
Although these daily acts are heroic, I'm looking for a religion that will not only tell me these struggles are good and real, but that will help me reach my infinitude. Maybe there is no such religion out there. But I'll try to aim for this kind of religion within reason.
First: what is your infinitude? I don't think there's a religion that can actually satisfyingly tell anyone this. But, I will investigate my own to demonstrate what I can. Second: as I've said, infinitude is actually a kind of finitude--so the question is what do my finitudes amount to. The answer to this is what constitutes my infinitude. And third: how is that infinitude my infinitude. I want to say this is the part which no longer becomes religion and becomes religious practice. I also think this isn't dogmatism because it will still inform a relgious practice even if it does not tell you every follower of that religion must do the same practices everyday.
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scififr · 1 year
Infinity gate, par M.R. Carey (Orbit, mars 2023)
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Hadiz Tambuwel est une physicienne géniale et chanceuse qui découvre par hasard le moyen de « sauter » / « step » d’un univers à un autre. Désireuse de donner une chance à sa Terre, proche de l’apocalypse écologique et guerrière, elle se met à étudier l’infinité des autres Terres avec l’aide d’une quasi-IA. Mais faisant cela elle attire l’attention du Pandominion, un empire inter-univers occupant des milliers de Terres, et très chatouilleux en ce qui concerne l’existence de « steps » qui ne seraient pas sous son contrôle.
Absolument remarquable en tous points ! Si les idées de base sont à la mode (multiverse, IA), le récit qu’en produit Mike Carey est absolument original. L’écriture est d’une simplicité lumineuse. Les personnages nous sont rendus pleins et réels par petites touches, et cela quel que soit leur nature physique. Malgré sa complexité et sa diversité de lieux, de temps et d’actions, le récit est mené de main de maitre. Un sérieux candidat à tous les prix littéraires de 2024.
Et, pour mon plus grand plaisir, le volume deux de « The Pandominion » est prévu pour l’année prochaine.
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if-mirrormine · 3 years
i feel like one of your favorite shows is Infinity Train, and im curious about your thoughts on the show (and if it impacted Mirror Mine in any way, but no worries if not lmao)
if you havent watched it, you should! it's a show where each season is about a new protagonist, wuth the throughline being this inter-dimensional train that you can only get on when youre at a big crossroads moment of Last Chance To Turn Back And Do The Right Thing and you dont turn back/do the right thing. S1 is pretty light with some moments of dark "It's for kids! (audience: wtf THIS is for KIDS???)" horror. S2 gets darker. S3 is HELLA dark. and S4 is similar in tone to S1 (and then it got cancelled and i cry every time i remember). every season fucks with the rules of the train where you understand the ground-work of how this all works and then, eveey season, they subvert the rules in a new way. mainly the thing that makes me think of you/Mirror Mine is the fact that, once you get on the train, time passes normally. if you are on the train for six months, you are missing irl for six months. if you have been on the train since you were 12 and and are now 18 years old, youve been missing for 6 years irl. if you never get off the train and you die there, your body was never found irl and you are still missing to this day. and so on, and so forth. i dont want to spoil any other rules than that, because that's the most subtle one (since most of our time is on the train, not seeing the fall-out of you getting off of it), so i dont spoil anything else for anybody who hasn't seen it. plus theres some good old fashion Gravity Falls/Secret of Nimh/Return To Oz level horror dispersed throughout this animated sci-fi cartoon, which sounds like your speed if the Face Melting thing is anythjng to go on lmao
i've never actually heard of this show but if i don't watch it immediately, i'm gonna die
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Chosens|The Line of Infinity
As part of a deeper dive into the lore & creation of the Immortal Realm world, I will be diving into the many Chosens that were selected by Ying & Yang throughout the years, as the Chosens have shape the world more then anything. Note that, I will not be doing ALL of the chosens which existed, as some of them aren’t notable or worth talking about. I will be talking about them in no particular order, so bear with me, as I may be jumping from era to era. These characters will also be available for rps, but only via request.
In this installment, we will peak into the lives of the mystifying Lord Masters of the Mystic Arts, with their secretive lives & traditions, however, we will only go into deep drives on three people of this honored line, the two Lord Masters who acted as Chosens, Diamond & Nickel Infinity, & the current Lord Master, Quartz Infinity.
Note: Later in a different post, there will be a deep drive into the Original Lord Master who began this long line of masterminds & magical experts.
Face-Claim(s): Lyse Hext, Final Fantasy XIV(Stormblood version) | Taki, Soul Calibur | Zhuge Liang, Dynasty Warriors 9
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Originating from one man, by the name of Isorin Infinity, the Line of Infinity is a name passed on, from one generation to the next to those who are demeaned worthy & powerful enough to carry the title of Lord Master of the Mystic arts. There is a zero bias standard for this title, meaning when a female comes to possise this title, it does not change to ‘Lady Master of the Mystic’ but remains the same as ‘Lord Master’, & is not passed down through any blood connection to the current standing Master, only to those who are powerful enough, meaning there is no limit to who can stand to become a possible Lord Master. Race, gender, origins, beliefs, even criminal records are completely irrelevant to the standards of becoming a Lord Master, only power, wit, discipline & having the presence of an open mind matter in this field. Because of this, there have been many, many cultural changes in the home shine, named ‘Mystic Shine’ of the Lord Masters, believed to be found in the northern mountains of the kingdom, Lyttona.
With the coming of each new Lord Master, traditions states that they much surrender their birth name & take on a new one, of which their new last name will always be ‘Infinity’, likely to represent the forever on going line, & their new first name must be a known mineral of the earth, to represent the home world they were born upon.
Living at the Mystic Shine means living similar to that of a hermit or even a monk, to live off the land around them. Chores, studying, & much time meditating. There is also much time spent exploring the multiverse, as the goal of the Lord Masters is to explore & understand the multiverse around them. To discover all it’s secrets, both good & bad, to gain the knowledge that other beings are otherwise unable to handle. Lord Master are also known to live incredibly long lives, even by age immortal standards.
A Lord Master is also forbidden from dating or getting married, if they are single when they first approached for training, & must renounce all worldly possessions, for must their focus must be to that of their study of the multiverse & that alone. It is believed to, that the hermit lifestyle, combined with not seeking out partnership & having no valued possessions will grant the Lord Masters the quickest access to Heaven upon their death.
The Mystic Arts
The Mystic Arts itself is often compared to wizardry & witchcraft, in truth the mystic arts compacts both of these magics, plus a few others, including(but not limited to) elemental manipulation, eldritch magic manipulation, some reality warping, inter-dimensional travel & dimension manipulation. Each Lord Master has their own preferred & favored form of the magic, but all of them are required to be able to preform a majority of mystic powers, if not all. More powers are always being added to the list of mystic spells, as Lord Masters are always creating new sort of magics & abilities. 
To perform these arts, the user should have a certain degree of physical strength to be able to continuously cast these powerful spells, without such begins to take a tole upon the user’s body. As such, it is a requirement for Lord Masters to have their body in a certain physical condition at all times, usually done through undertaking some sort of fighting training & practice, though it appears the style of fighting does not matter.
Nickel Infinity
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Of the three Lord Masters, Nickel was the first chosen to become a Lord Master. Born under Lady Ying’s gaze, it is known she originally hailed from Vlaqinn, but there are no records of what her birth name was, or what her childhood was like. First records of her appear in 1000 B.E, when she was sighted as a shinobi-in-training, undergoing Karate, Taekwondo, & Ninjutsu combat training, while also studying magical arts closely with remarkable skills in both. She appeared to know at the beginning of her life what she wanted too do, noting many times in her personal journals that ‘she knew ever since she was a baby, that she wanted to be the next Lord Master. Like the gods themselves were guiding her to this fate.’ Such eventually lead to her taking her master’s place as the Lord Master of the Mystic Arts.
She is noted mostly for her strange ability to light her body up with symbols when casting spells, as well as her favor towards espionage based magics. Invisibility, shadow movement, mist creations & other of these sorts she used to suit her shinobi based fighting style. Supposedly, she was also the creator of the Oblivion Blade, which was originally a Kodachi, before the blade was found by Queen Figg(a chosen who lived after Nickel’s time) & was transformed into a longsword. It is unknown what the purple energy in the sword is, but it was sighted by Nickel in her person journals to ‘slay all that is unwanted, & that which should not be’. By this, it is believed that Nickel may have used this weapon to kill many times before, but what is unknown & unclear.
Nickel was know as a woman of a serious nature, her duty must come first, it must always come first. She did not like to make small talk, & was noted as something of a mute. Her position was no game to her, & rightly so. She also had something of an ego, her position as Lord Master was serious, & as such, everything she says & does must be taken serious as well, as she liked to think, but this is often lead to the gaining of much pride.
Nickel was believed to have died around 2019 B.E, a shorter life then what most Lord Masters live. The Lord Master, Mica Infinity, was known to have come after Nickel’s death.
Diamond Infinity
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Born under Yang’s sigil, Diamond appears first in 2050 B.E, a few years before the coming of the Death Plague that would ravage the world. Because of this even less is know about her then normal Lord Masters. Though she is sighted as a survivor of the Death Plague, who went on to live until 5971 B.E. Few who knew her called her a joyous spirit, who enjoyed the outdoors, & loved to do painting & needle pointing in her free time, if she was not mediating. She was always calm, but she always had something of a light in her voice, that showed her enjoyment of life.
It is unknown where she originally was born, the best theories suggest she hailed from Jailiam or Vlaqinn, as she was noted to be able to write in the languages from those countries(Latin, Koran & Japanese).
Her favorite use of magics appeared to be those like levitation, teleportation, transformation & the use of power seals & signs for varying effects & uses. Diamond was also believed to have an incredibly powerful form of foresight, more powerful then the foresight normally used by other Lord Masters. She also appears to have greatly studied a form of martial art, but which one & how many has been left unclear.
She was also noted to be a great beauty of the ancient world, often called ‘One of the Seven Greatest Beauties in the world’. The saying ‘Shine bright like a Diamond’ was originally ‘To shine bright like Diamond’ & was to compare a person(usually a woman) to Diamond Infinity, meaning they were beautiful, wise & powerful as Diamond was.
After her death, the next Lord Master know to take her place was the man called Natrolite Infinity.
Quartz Infinity
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As of 9818 B.E to now(2020 A.E.), Quartz Infinity was served as the Lord Master of the Mystic Arts. He is not a chosen by any means, but has much knowledge about chosens, including the ones of the current day Princesses Ann Yang Li & Suzanne Ying Li. 
Quartz is described as a humble man, who enjoys late nights under the moon, & spending his time away doing calligraphy & stargazing with his favorite cup of tea in hand. His preferred form of physical training is Jiu-Jitsu, specifically Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to use only as a defense measure, while his preferred forms of spells appear to be all wind-based spells. Showing he is easily a man who wants to avoid all conflict, & will not strike until all opinions have been exhausted.
It was by his advice that the old war that once ravaged the world came to an end, after assisting the King of the Intelligence Kingdom, John Li, in organizing a Declaration of Peace & having the Kingdoms of the world come together to sign it. This massive feat has earned Quartz much respect & adoration from across the Immortal Realm.
Today, he still lives at the Mystic Shine, though it may be that he is looking now for someone to take his place as Lord Master, to be blessed with a worthy protege.
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sotellmethestory · 5 years
Infinity Train Thoughts [That No One Asked For]
Alright, so I’ve seen some discussion about Infinity Train but wasn’t really planning to dive into it myself. I mean I watched the series and enjoyed it immensely, but it wrapped up enough for me. I couldn’t even think of any unanswered questions I had, yet so many people said they had them. But after listening to others, I realized I had some stuff to say (the consequences of being a graduated English major with no papers left to write - I’m always looking to analyze media). So here goes nothing *SPOILERS (and a very long post) AHEAD*
Before I put the read more cut I want to list the points I’ll be addressing: [1] Train only appears for those who are dying? I don’t think so; [2] The Design of the Conductor and the Stewardess; [3] How Time Works in the Train; and [4] my unanswered questions: Turtles, Jelly, and Cockroach creatures oh my!  - not to mention I address parallels to Over the Garden Wall (OTGW) 
[1] I guess I’ll start with a theory I’d seen floating around about the train only appearing for those who are in danger of dying. I will admit that my first thought when watching Tulip “run away” was that she was not dressed warm enough. Leggings with UGG-like boots (not snow boots which are better), ear muff headband (hat is better), gloves (mittens are better), and a sweatshirt don’t cut it in the winter. Snow is falling and it’s evening/dark when she encounters the train. True we don’t know if she was actually intending to walk 300 miles to game design camp, but even if she turned back to go home she still could have gotten frostbite at the best or died of hypothermia at the worst (all it takes is lying down to rest and falling asleep in the snow - sound like Over the Garden Wall anyone? - I’ll come back to more of these parallels later). Basically, her death was a possibility, just like it was possible Amelia was trying to commit suicide out on those train tracks. However, I don’t think this is the only thing that summons the train. I believe it’s just simply being lost in your own life and/or the world. Want to run away from all your problems? Well poof here’s a train heading anywhere - hop on board. It’s escapism plain and simple.
[2] Next up = the design of the conductor and the stewardess. Okay so again this is just someone else’s question/thoughts that I’m jumping in on. When we watch “the conductor’s” memories we don’t realize whose they are until we see a man messing around with a voice changer, who we assume is the conductor because the voice matches. However, we soon learn Amelia is the conductor - she’s designed her suit to be reminiscent of Alrick. That’s her whole M.O.: do anything to bring Alrick back. She’s losing herself in his memory which we can literally see as she’s hidden behind a suit similar to his own design. Then we have the stewardess: a cold, hard, and unchanging face with flaming eyes and multiple robotic limbs. It’s driven - it will stop at nothing to procure the necessary elements needed to build Amelia’s train car - and it’s lethal. There is no humanity present in it. It exists to serve a purpose - nothing more. And that’s Amelia. She’s lost all feelings but anger/sorrow/denial/rage (the flaming eyes) and only has one reason to continue to exist: Bring Alrick back. She’s more lethal robotic machine than human at this point and the stewardess is a visual representation of this.
[3] How Time Works in The Train: Okay so we know Tulip has been on that train for a long time, but how did that time relate to the real world? Well if you believe that the train can warp time and space like I do, next to no time passed in the real world. Tulip entered and exited the train via a vortex. When we see the exterior of the train it seems like it exists in another dimension or on another plane of existence parallel to our own. There’s no guarantee that time works the same there. Plus, I believe the train returns you were you need to go. Tulip is returned home, not to the place where she boarded the train. So who’s to say that she isn’t returned to the time she needs to be (before she ran away) as well? Basically it’s get your personal growth done on an inter-dimensional train and return home with all your progress and no passage of time. Pretty awesome if you ask me. 
[4] Finally, I did think of some questions of my own (sort of haha). I’m with Amelia - (1) why turtles?! Is it a nod to Over the Garden Wall (apparently the same art director from OTGW worked on Infinity Train as well)? To be fair though I thought the turtles were a huge part of OTGW but could never figure out their significance there either. Or are they supposed to symbolize something? On that end, all I can come up with are turtles move slowly. And Amelia’s progress is certainly slow - if there’s any progress at all. I just don’t know. Next (2) what’s with the jelly?! Turtles and jelly show up in both of Amelia’s failed cars. She’s concerned about the turtles, but never mentions the jelly. Does it have something to do with her memories of Alrick? Does it have deeper symbolism? Or is it just something that’s senselessly absurd? Your guess is as good as mine. (3) Cockroach creatures?? Atticus is turned into one by Amelia, so does that mean she made all those creatures? (I’m going to go with yes.) The other ones we saw existed on the same plane as the train, but outside of it. So are they residents of that dimension or exiles from the train? They chased Tulip back onto the train - so does that mean they wanted to board again or were they still on some level following the train’s mission of ���helping” its passengers. And why a cockroach kind of design? Cockroaches are filthy and disgusting, so I felt more repulse than fear at watching those scenes.
Well if you’ve read this far - thank you! I love dissecting this kind of stuff so if you have any thoughts to add or any questions you’d like my thoughts on, feel free to send them my way!
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mleighsquickspot · 6 years
Answer's Given
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Hey Inter World, I hope you had a good week last week in-spite of the weather ❄️☃️. Any way here are my thoughts on last week's questions, you let me know what you think...
First I asked about, Marvel movies coming up mainly Captain Marvel and Avengers End Game. I don't know about you but I think I'm more hyped to see End Game than Captain Marvel. I mean after being a fan for ten years and getting Infinity Wars Awesomeness after the Thanos build up and loving it, I'm really looking forward to see how this part of the story wraps up. More so than the introduction of a new character. Also, I really want to know what direction Marvel will take after End Game, I mean who will be the next big bad, and will we have to wait another ten awesome years for their plan to take affect within the MCU?
Next I asked about, YouTube's year end review video. It's now the most disliked video in their history, I mean wow. I watch a lot of streamers as I'm sure many of you do and in my opinion I did like the fact that they highlighted the viewers and creators that maybe didn't get as much love as they should have on the site. But like many I felt they didn't highlight the big stuff that was really popular on their site last year. So while it was nice and responsible of them to be politically correct they did make a bad video in my opinion. Especially since in the first few weeks of this year a lot of creators and memers have made way better versions of that year end review.
Lastly I asked about, the scary haunted Christmas houses and Nativities that popped up last month. It just my opinion but I'm not big on this idea. I mean mixing Christmas and Halloween bothers me a bit. May be it's my values or how I look at things but a zombie baby Jesus is disturbing. Plus both of these holidays on their own get huge attention every year so why mix them? So if you're into that more power to you, but I'll keep these days separate if you don't mind.
Let me know what you think and pass the thought along.
Get exclusive content on my Patreon, Much Love to you all https://www.patreon.com/mleighsquickspot
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dvbliew · 2 years
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6. I have never believed that anyone is replaceable. No one is. If anyone were replaceable, they would not exist in the first place. The advent of the internet, the world being tinified into 1s and 0s, and planes eating up distances in concorde-like fashion; has made us be too liberal with the, 'There are 7,000,000,000+ souls in the world' line of thought. There's always someone better out there. Hence we will not have difficult conversations. We will be proud and seek out the next soul. We refuse to work on our existing interactions and focus on the possible ones. Oh the pride! Imagine 1000 years ago. Our ancestors were respectful of limitation. They must have truly worked on their inter-personal skills because they really had no options. Horses and camels and dhows, sailships, could not allow you to eye your 'soulmate' even 5000 km away. You had to really humble yourself and work with the hardheaded soul that had been arranged for you. Which is why we exist and are strong. We were forged from dire circumstances. Our ancestors lived in such tight geographical spaces. They only saw the sun from one perspective. They only ate that which was around them naturally. They had to take care of their resources as there was no Elon to fly them to Mars once they had irrevocably, irreversibly broken the earth. Back to what we were talking about, sometimes, the infinity of options paralyses us as humans. It proudens us. And only in times of severe pain, and adversity do we get clarity and become united in one front. We need to hold everyone we have an honour of meeting in high esteem. All whilst commanding respect, and acknowledging that there are indeed options. Having options is no reason to treat people we once, or still, care for unjustly. Yes, there are 7 billion plus people, which is why you should be honoured that you have a specific picking of the 1 or 10 or 100 that you truly are in alignment with. You are not for the 7 billion. You are for those whose fates are intertwined with yours. (at Sarit Center, Nairobi, Kenya) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChosAinIdAOqtcsyqrtRTkbxDmsY5mp6BHqC5Q0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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smokeybrandreviews · 6 years
As I live And Breathe
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With advent of Infinity Wars, Marvel has a bunch of tie-ins for the event. One of which is The Search For Wolverine. It has something to do with an Infinity Stone, Wolverine flashbacks, and Mr. Sinister. I don’t know because the Marvel creative team is creatively bankrupt, so most of their sh*t comes across as fanfic but I am occasionally surprised. Secret Wars III was dope and recent Thor runs have been spectacular but, overall, meh. This current event has reversed a lot of stuff which has been the status quo for a while; Wolverine and Jean Grey are back from the dead, MJ and Pete are together again (Thank god!), and a few other things have changed. In one of the more recent titles, however, there was a particular retcon that has everyone up at arms. In the most recent Hunt For Wolverine, it was revealed that Logan is Laura Kinney’s biological father. She’s no longer a clone but a legitimate offspring of Wolverine. This has not gone over well, at all, within the fandom similarly to when Spider-Man got his One More Day bullsh*t. Everyone hates this change but, the thing is, it’s not a change. Laura was never a clone. She’s always been he biological daughter of Wolverine and Sarah Kinney.
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When Weapon Plus tried to clone Wolverine, they found that the genetic material they had on file was severely degraded. They needed to fill in those gaps with acceptable genes a la Jurassic Park. The lead scientist on the project, Sarah Kinney, used her genome to complete the sequencing, effectively creating a test tube baby with her and Wolverine’s genes. It was never stipulated where Logan’s loaner material came from, either. Could have been from semen, could have been from blood, could have been some weird ass, scientific, DNA concentration, none of which matters because the second Sarah added her personal ingredients to the pot, the recipe changed from clone to child. To take it a step further, Sarah even carried the embryo to term in her own womb and gave her the name Laura upon her birth. Clones aren’t birthed. They don’t have birthdays. Laura does because she’s not a clone. Never was. There’s nothing artificial about Laura except for her insemination. Sarah Kinney basically used Logan as a sperm donor, in so many terms, to get pregnant, kind of, with Laura. Nothing about that screams clone.
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Madelyne Pryor is a clone of Jean Grey. She’s a genetic duplicate that even fooled Scott Summers, Jean’s husband and childhood friend. Ben Reilly, among others (f*ck, so many others, man) is a clone of Peter Parker. The Jackal did such a good job on him, that even Peter, himself, was convinced Ben was the real deal and not a clone. Hell, a revitalized Kane is just as viable as Ben, so much so, he had to move to Houston because two Peters in New York was ridiculous! Even 1610 Peter had a clone saga. There was a six armed one, a super-genius, super-villain one that SHIELD hired, I guess, and even that version of Scorpion was a Pete clone. The goddamn 1610 Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman, is even a gender swapped clone of Peter! She survived the cataclysm that destroyed all realities, and made it through to the mainstream 616 universe, along with Miles and a handful of other inter-reality refugees. I mean, f*ck, the goddamn Stepford Cuckoos, man! If we’re really getting into it, Laura has her own set of actual clones! The entire first arc of her All-New Wolverine series was about how Alchemax created duplicates of her! These were legitimate, test tube clones, farmed in tanks, and artificially aged to adulthood. One of them has become a regular staple of the Marvel universe and it’s so much richer for it. Gabby Kinney is a goddamn gift and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise!
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Marvel is lousy with clones but Laura ain’t one of them. She has more in common with Nate Grey than Evan Sabanur. To be so focused on how she was created, rather than her growth as a person , kind of cheapens Laura’s entire being. Seriously, that was the conflict which held her back, the hurdle she had to overcome. Though her origins were a bit muddled in the beginning (I have just SO many issues with NYX) the fact that, now, as an adult, Laura has become one of the strongest, smartest, most capable, and endearing, heroes on the Marvel roster should make the fact of her artificial origins mute. Hell, Logan literally adopting her makes that mute. Daken recognizing her as his proper sister makes that mute. Laura Kinney was never a clone. She was always the daughter of James Howlett and Sarah Kinney. This new retcon didn’t change anything, it just reminded us that X-23 is so much more than just a copy of the Wolverine. It just reinforced how special of a character she she always has been.
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italianaradio · 5 years
Resilienza e passione: intervista a Scacco, l’artista selezionato dal Beat Festival tramite iLiveMusic
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Resilienza e passione: intervista a Scacco, l’artista selezionato dal Beat Festival tramite iLiveMusic
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Resilienza e passione: intervista a Scacco, l’artista selezionato dal Beat Festival tramite iLiveMusic
Di artisti ne abbiamo incontrati molti e sono tanti quelli che vi abbiamo presentato con le interviste. Raramente però abbiamo incontrato un così giovane cantautore con le idee così tanto chiare e con tanta maturità artistica. Sembra passata una vita dall’uscita del primo singolo di Giovanni Scacco, o più semplicemente Scacco, “Con i gomiti” (2017). Due anni  fatti di porte sbattute in faccia e delusioni che hanno portato  il cantautore al compimento del primo album “L’inizio del viaggio“. Un viaggio appunto appena incominciato che si porta dietro un bagaglio di cambiamenti e voglia di rivalsa dopo i tanti no! L’album vanta poi la collaborazione di due nomi interessanti come quello di Leo Pari e Matteo Costanzo (Ultimo, Briga, Wrongonyou).
Il ventiduenne cantautore toscano, dopo l’uscita dell’album è stato protagonista di un tour di successo che lo ha portato in giro per l’Italia affermandosi come una delle giovani proposte più interessanti nella scena indie-pop italiana. Tra le tante soddisfazioni Scacco infine, è stato selezionato attraverso l’App GRATUITA  di iLiveMusic dal Beat Festival per esibirsi sul prestigioso palco di Empoli.
Cosa è cambiato da Gianni Scacco a solo Scacco? Da “Con i gomiti” a “L’inizio del viaggio“?
Ciao ragazzi, è un piacere fare due chiacchiere insieme! Beh, “Con i gomiti” è stato l’esperimento di un ragazzino che, stufo di sottostare agli ordini di quelli ai piani alti, ha deciso di fare di testa propria buttando in rete un video. Fortunatamente è diventato virale e mi ha aperto le strade verso qualcosa di più grande ma mentirei se vi dicessi che me lo sarei aspettato. Non ci credevo neanche io! È stato un bel fulmine a ciel sereno che mi ha colto totalmente impreparato. “L’inizio del viaggio” è la partenza del mio progetto. Sudata, inseguita, conquistata. È un disco a cui mi sono aggrappato con le unghie. Ho perso amici, soldi, il vecchio team di lavoro e tanto equilibrio interiore, ho ricostruito una squadra dalle macerie ma in compenso ho raccontato il vero Scacco, certamente più maturo e consapevole rispetto al ragazzino di qualche anno fa.
Raccontaci il percorso che ha portato alla nascita del tuo album d’esordio “L’inizio del viaggio“. Un album che sa di rivalsa, un dire “Ci sono nonostante le avversità“, basti pensare ai singoli “Come Vasco a Sanremo“, “Sono vivo” o “Impellenza“.
Quanto tempo avete? Scherzi a parte, è stato proprio un viaggio, nel vero senso della parola. Inizialmente alla produzione avrebbero dovuto prendere parte nomi diversi. Anche loro conosciuti nell’ambito Pop. Purtroppo però in questi ambienti si litiga tanto, si costruisce per anni e si distrugge tutto in qualche giorno. Mi sono reso conto che l’album stava imboccando una strada che non mi rappresentava e ho deciso di mollare la presa, con tutte le conseguenze di questa scelta. Ho preferito non scendere a compromessi sulla mia musica, per me non è un gioco. Avevo sette anni quando ho capito che avrei voluto fare questo nella vita, oggi ne ho ventidue e lo faccio perché fra tutti i cambiamenti che ho attraversato, certamente non ho perso la caparbietà che metto in tutte le cose che affronto. Questo non è un gioco, sono anni di sacrifici a cui è doveroso dare il giusto valore. Mi hai citato tre brani a cui sono molto legato. Se ascolti in successione “Sono vivo”, “Impellenza” e “Vasco a Sanremo” puoi capire molto bene lo stato d’animo che ha caratterizzato la nascita di questo disco. Non serve che aggiunga altro. I miei testi sono autobiografici e ti assicuro che non è una scelta facile mettersi a nudo al 100%.
L’album è stato prodotto da Matteo Costanzo (Ultimo, Briga, Wrongonyou) e Leo Pari, due nomi importanti per la musica italiana emergente. Come è nata questa collaborazione e cosa ti ha lasciato lavorare con loro? É stata più la pressione del loro contributo o la voglia di fare sempre meglio? Avremo modo di vedere altre vostre collaborazioni?
Matteo (Costanzo n.d.r) è un fratello! Nutro grande stima nei suoi confronti. Lui non si è mai reso conto totalmente di quanto bene mi ha fatto. L’ho conosciuto in un momento in cui il mio morale era sotto i piedi. Non riuscivo ad intravedere l’uscita del tunnel. Io che ho l’indole di controllare morbosamente tutto ciò che mi riguarda, mi trovavo schiacciato da decisioni altrui che mi stavano togliendo il potere decisionale. Lui ha saputo camminarmi a fianco rispettando la mia musica e dimostrandomi con i fatti che non era come tutti gli altri. Ci siamo divertiti un sacco a trovare il vestito giusto ad ogni mio brano. Anche Leo Pari, come Matteo, ha contribuito alla produzione musicale. Avevo un provino interessante piano-voce che non aveva trovato spazio nel disco perché troppo distante dal mood degli altri brani. L’ho fatto sentire a Giorgio (Bucha, n.d.r) e gli è piaciuto molto, ho commissionato l’arrangiamento a Leo che si è mostrato felice di partecipare al progetto e così si è inserita in corsa “Nell’era dell’immagine”. Siamo già a lavoro su nuovi brani e fortunatamente gli obbiettivi stanno crescendo sempre di più. Sicuramente subentreranno sulle prossime produzioni anche nomi nuovi ma continuerò a lavorare soprattutto con la vecchia squadra.
Dopo una collaborazione del genere, se potessi scegliere un artista nazionale e non con il quale collaborare chi sceglieresti?
Ce ne sono tanti. La scena Indie-Pop italiana sembra vastissima ma in realtà ci conosciamo quasi tutti. Amo molto le personalità forti, quelli che non seguono la massa ma portano avanti il proprio progetto incontaminato dalle influenze del momento. Se proprio devo dirti un nome ti dico Gemello. Penso che in una produzione di Matteo Costanzo potrebbe dare un plus molto interessante. Comunque vi anticipo che ci saranno altri feat in futuro. Non posso ancora dire di più però.
Questo 2019 è stato un anno davvero incredibile per te, dall’uscita del nuovo album fino al tour in tutta Italia. Cosa ti porti dietro da questo florido periodo?
Tanto, tantissimo amore. Nottate intere a leggere messaggi bellissimi di persone che si rispecchiano nei miei testi, gli occhi lucidi dei ragazzi su “Titoli di coda”, l’energia di “Palazzetti”  ad ogni live e ovviamente la soddisfazione di non aver mai abbassato la testa, di aver costruito tutto questo col mio sudore.
Tra le ultime tappe del tuo tour c’è stato il live al Beat Festival di Empoli. Hai suonato al festival dopo essere stato selezionato, tra le più di 900 candidature arrivate, sull’App di iLiveMusic: te lo aspettavi? Raccontateci qualcosa di questa esperienza.
Il Beat Festival è una vetrina eccezionale. Non me lo aspettavo ma ho sempre sperato di suonare un giorno in un festival di quella portata. Esserci arrivato con il primo disco è ancora di più motivo di orgoglio per me. È stato un bel concerto con un’ottima partecipazione del pubblico. Ci siamo divertiti e abbiamo pianto tutti insieme sulle note del mio album. Porterò un bellissimo ricordo con me.
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Una App gratuita come quella di iLiveMusic, che mette in contatto musicisti ed organizzatori di eventi, come pensi possa essere utile nel mercato musicale italiano?
È un’ottima iniziativa, un’App così mancava nel panorama attuale e devo dire che se ne avvertiva il bisogno. Penso che questo sia il primo passo verso la strada lunga e tortuosa della meritocrazia, soprattutto nell’ambito del Booking. Conferire all’artista stesso la possibilità di candidarsi per suonare sui palchi che più lo appagano è una vera e propria rivoluzione. Ho molta fiducia in questa App e non posso che darvi tutto il mio sostegno.
Cosa farà Scacco nei prossimi mesi? Hai delle nuove date, nuove idee di performance, collaborazioni Etc Etc…?
Stiamo lavorando senza sosta. Da quando è uscito il disco, fortunatamente, è partita una carovana senza sosta. L’album è fuori da neanche due mesi, siamo nel pieno del periodo promozionale: interviste, radio, date e molto altro. La buona risposta del pubblico nei confronti del disco ci sta già facendo pensare al dopo: stiamo progettando un sacco di novità interessanti: collaborazioni, nuove uscite discografiche… sarà un anno molto intenso. Quando potrò parlarne vi prometto che sarete tra i primi a saperlo. I live si stanno man mano moltiplicando e stiamo finalizzando le ultime trattative per un concerto che vi assicuro sarà indimenticabile! Non vedo l’ora di parlarvene. Per il resto, quando non siamo in giro siamo chiusi in studio. C’è da raccontare ancora tanto e da ricompensare questo enorme affetto che da due mesi ci sta facendo vivere un sogno. Aspettatevi cose molto belle. È solo “L’inizio del viaggio”!
Link Scacco
L’articolo Resilienza e passione: intervista a Scacco, l’artista selezionato dal Beat Festival tramite iLiveMusic sembra essere il primo su iLiveMusic – App Ufficiale della Musica Live.
L’articolo Resilienza e passione: intervista a Scacco, l’artista selezionato dal Beat Festival tramite iLiveMusic sembra essere il primo su iLiveMusic – App Ufficiale della Musica Live.
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Andrea Pompeo
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/amp/heat-vision/chris-hemsworth-star-russo-bros-movie-dhaka-1138653 2. This webpage is not available The webpage athttps://www.hollywoodreporter.com/amp/heat-vision/chris-hemsworth-star-russo-bros-movie-dhaka-1138653 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. 3. https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/entertainment/busy-agbo-sets-india-kidnap-144429112.html 4. Busy AGBO Sets India Kidnap Drama ‘Dhaka’ At Netflix: Chris Hemsworth Stars & Sam Hargrave Helms Joe Russo Script Mike Fleming Jr DeadlineAugust 30, 2018, 2:44 PM GMT EXCLUSIVE: For a couple of guys whose summer entry Avengers: Infinity War became only the fourth ever to top $2 billion in worldwide ticket sales, and — at least until their sequel next summer — wiped out a good portion of the signature characters of the Marvel universe, Joe and Anthony Russohave been extreme multi-taskers, moving in overdrive to get their AGBO studio up and running. They’ve just firmed with Netflixplans for an India and Thailand shoot forDhaka, a kidnap extraction drama that will star Chris Hemsworth — whose Thor character is central to the two Avengers films — and marks the feature directorial debut ofSam Hargrave. He has graduated from being Chris Evans’ stunt double in Captain America: The Winter Soldier to fight and stunt coordinator in Captain America: Civil War, to holding those jobs plus some second unit directing in Avengers: Infinity War. Dhaka is a script written by Joe Russo and he’s producing with his brother, AGBO’s Mike Larocca, Thematic Entertainment’s Hemsworth and Ben Grayson. Dhaka is an action film in which Hemsworth has to liberate a kidnapped Indian boy who is being hidden in Dhaka. Physically brave but an emotional coward, the man has to come to terms with his identity and sense of self. This comes right after AGBO — up against several major studios — won a bidding battle for the buzzy Nico Walker novel Cherry with a $1 million outright buy landing a first novel based on the author’s story of returning from his Iraq stint as Army medic with raging PTSD that sent him into a raging opioid addiction that manifested itself in a short career as a bank robber, for which he is still serving time. The Russos intend to make it the first film they direct post-Avengers, and they’ve hired Jessica Goldberg to write it, based on the job she did adapting the Mohsin Hamid novel Exit West for The Imitation Game’s Morten Tyldum to direct. As Assassination Nation takes its place at the upcoming Toronto Film Festival before Neon releases it September 21– AGBO teamed with Neon on the $10M-plus worldwide deal after the film’s splashy Sundance premiere — AGBO is exploding in both movie and television projects. Their very first major deal was to buy the next film by the directing team known as The Daniels — Dan Kwan & Daniel Scheinert — after seeing their offbeat directing debutSwiss Army Man. That project, an inter-dimension action film, now has a title,Everything Everywhere All At Once, with talks underway with Awkwafina and Michelle Yeoh, both coming off the hit Crazy Rich Asians, for a spring start. They also this summer bought the John Brancato pitch Neanderthal for Terry Notary to direct, and teamed with Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman and STX on the thriller17 Bridges that got a strong rewrite of the Adam Mervis script by Matthew Carnahan and starts production in three weeks. This to go with an arsenal of projects that includes Andy & Barbara Muscietti — the team behind the monster Stephen King hit It and its evil clown-encrusted sequel — to turn the Simon Stålenhag scifi novel The Electric Slate into a potential tent pole feature. They’ve got a major deal with Amazon Studios on what at TCA was called agroundbreaking international event series, on which Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol’s Josh Appelbaum & Andre Nemec are negotiating to become show runners, sources said. They are producing through their Midnight Radio banner. No details are being provided about the concept beyond what Amazon offered at TCA, that the origin mother ship series will function as a fire-starter to ignite the creation of multiple original local-language and local production series. All of the local series are meant to enhance the entire entertainment experience and will be available for the viewer to deep dive into an imagined layered world. Mind you, the Russos created all this forward motion while directing back to back two of the biggest budget films this side of the Avatar sequels, with additional production shooting is getting underway on their final Avengers effort to open May 3, 2019 — and while they are building expansive production headquarters in the downtown artists district of Los Angeles. And Joe Russo is opening his first ever restaurant, Simone, an eatery spearheaded by James Beard-winning chef Jessica Largey and specializing in fresh Northern California cuisine in a space that is the ground floor of Bullitt, the commercial production company they partner in with Justin Lin. How is all this productivity possible? “I don’t know if it is high functioning ADD or what, but having spent the last 10 years as television producers and then making four Marvel movies in six and one-half years, I think we’ve really honed our efficiency skills and yeah, we’ve been able to work at a high volume.” They benefit from having ample private money that frees them from having to get permission from a studio sponsor, and the Russos have a brain trust that gets a lot done in a short time. Alongside COO Todd Makurath and production president Mike Larocca, the Russos last March set their Captain America and Avengers scribes Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely to become co-presidents of Story for AGBO. While they are all busy fine tuning that final Avengers installment, the duo is creatively shepherding these projects with the Russos, and they will write their own tent pole vehicles for AGBO. The Russos initially toyed with the notion of setting up shop at Fox, but decided instead to pact piecemeal on projects with distributors, to give themselves room to place projects where they fit best. The Russos were particularly sparked by prevailing in the Cherry auction, one that had rival bids from Sony Pictures, as well as Warner Bros, which bid for James Franco to direct. They tragic story of the book touched them and took them full circle to their own Cleveland roots. Where they stayed off the streets by watching arthouse films before they maxed out credit cards on their debutPieces, an avant garde film that premiered at Slamdance but never got released because they cut the film to popular songs they had no rights to use, tunes that were hopelessly too expensive to secure. The only person of note who saw it was Steven Soderbergh, who recognized a kindred spirit and became their godfather. His maverick spirit in many ways informs what the Russos are doing now. Cherry was a bold play and a way for them to reconnect with Cleveland and tell a meaningful story about the ravages of the opioid epidemic that is ravaging Cleveland and other working class cities across the country. “It is a really special book for both Joe and I, a piece of material that felt epic but personal, and it hit a sweet spot for us,” Anthony Russo told Deadline. “In part, it’s setting. We grew up in the exact area where the story begins and saw many elements that hit home. It’s rare that we are so moved that way by a piece of material. It’s funny, some people reference our Marvel work and some reference our television comedies. But the thing Joe and I have have about film making is that we can go in any direction at any time, and we love the eclectic output.” It was Joe Russo who got on the phone with the author — once Walker earned a new allotment of phone minutes that go to each inmate, something that slowed the pace of the fevered auction. This after they plugged in with the book’s brokers, UTA and Matthew Johnson, the owner of Fat Possum Records and Tyrant Books, who read about Walker and encouraged the inmate to write a book based on his story. Making movie deals with felons are always complicated, even though Walker reportedly will not be subjected to Son of Sam statute limitations because he was a non-violent felon in pulling off his robberies. Walker will use some of the money to fund the restitution that came as part of his sentence so he will likely have a clean slate when he walks out of prison in 2020. “It’s an important part of the narrative, the idea of moving forward with redemption and finding ways to make restitution,” Joe Russo said. “He understood what happened to him, but where does the blame lie here? It certainly lies with the individual who walked in the bank and robbed it, but it also lies with the drug makers, with the heroin dealers and the government and its broken system that isn’t doing a very good job of curtailing this epidemic because at the heart of that is greed. As much as he created victims, he also has been victimized by the system. “It was hard to engage in a story that has such tragedy at the heart of it, as the guy who is in prison and who spent years of his life as an addict robbing banks,” Joe Russo said. “There is a message behind this movie that is so powerful and so important to us, and there is a love story in there at the heart of it. I cried a few times while I was reading that book and for a number of reasons, it’s a very personal issue to us.” Russo acknowledged that some of the people he grew up close to have been caught in the opioid epidemic, though he would not be specific. “Soderbergh told us very early on when we got into the business and when we learned a lot of important lessons from him, he said, ‘You have to have a very zen attitude about the things you want to do, the ones you’re meant to do, which you will do, and the ones you’re not meant to do, which you won’t do. It sounds like a simplistic way to frame it, but it’s proven very true for us.” Cherry, he said, fell strongly into the first category. AGBO’s Larocca will be producer on that with Johnson serving as exec producer. Before they direct Cherry, the Russos will first have to conclude their Avengers saga, the first installment of which ended with a high number of superhero regulars simply vanishing as Josh Brolin’s Thanos character oversaw a genocide that shocked the Marvel faithful. Basically, a majority of the MCU that has provided Hollywood’s steadiest stream of billion dollar blockbusters, is hanging in the balance. “We’ve worked on the edit all summer and we’re excited to finally get these missing pieces in the film and then we expect to be in post through the fall and winter,” Anthony Russo said. “We hope to be done by March. It was so gratifying that in a movie with this scope and scale and that wide of an audience, that we were able to end with a gut punch and yet the audience stayed with us and found value and kept coming back. It’s a rare thing to find in commercial filmmaking and we know it had a lot to do with the the capital that’s been built up around these characters for the last ten years of Marvel filmmaking. The audience is so invested in these characters that they’re willing to stick with them even through the hard stuff. It has been out great pleasure as storytellers to take them through that hard stuff and have it be a cathartic and even entertaining experience at times.” Asked what the most surprising reaction they received, Joe Russo quickly answered. “It was probably when a 10-year old boy at a Q&A was crying as he asked us why we killed Spider-Man.” What was the best reaction to the daring storytelling? “The best reaction was probably that 10-year old kid crying and asking us why we killedSpider-Man. From the time we came to Marvel, our goal was to surprise the audience and not give them the same thing but rather to challenge them,” Joe Russo said. “That was our view on Captain America: Winter Soldier, and Civil War was also very controversial internally with the powers that be in turning Iron Man into the antagonist and severing the relationship between Cap and Tony Stark. Every Marvel film we’ve created had this controversy, like are we pushing this rabid audience too far? Are we making movies that could perhaps be too emotionally complex for the genre? That the audience has shown up wanting more is a testament to the hard work everybody has put in over those last ten years of films.” Hemsworth is repped by CAA, Fourward and Morrissey Management; Hargrave is WME; Awkwafina is UTA and Artists First, and Yeoh is Artists International Group. 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Hats off to you beautiful @elsapatakyconfidential. marian_cadarso¡Pues que bien!, no sabía que hacer... a mí también me están dando ganas de ir de compras... voy a llamar a las amigas... ¿donde va Vicente??? donde va la gente. Jajajaja... margaritamartinez2233Que hermosas mamás están presiosas❤️🌹 sawaleps😁 boglarkaszenderak😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 beautiful miacocomadrid@elsapatakyconfidential Ole esas mamis!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ mercedes.rodriguezgonzalez.587Guapassss😍 maruchi79Que guapas anasantosyasQ bien qué tengas amigas allí con las que compartir... bilalaguna👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 xristos_silverPLEASE FPLL mariaremediosdiazEsperarme q voy para allá,😁😁. Q os divertais mucho teresa.perezrubioQue guapas que estáis marialuisachamorrocardenasQue linda Elsa 😊 szalonababaYour husband is a lucky man! flor_cabrera123❤❤❤❤ ellierentoulLoooove yr look!!! ellierentoulPs: I’m at the Melbourne Westin now :-) U? harry_reid@emmcarrington she's here... 😬 marieugeprieto👏👏👏👏👏 louferna😎👓😎 acabral_010Luv😍✨ 20 HOURS AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTORYPROFILESHASHTAGSLANGUAGE 8. http://www.justjared.com/2018/08/30/elsa-pataky-jordan-barrett-celebrate-fendi-melbourne-flagship-store-opening/ 9. Elsa Pataky & Jordan Barrett Celebrate Fendi Melbourne Flagship Store Opening! | Elsa Pataky, Jordan Barrett Elsa Pataky & Jordan Barrett Celebrate Fendi Melbourne Flagship Store Opening! Thu, 30 August 2018 at 12:48 pm Elsa Pataky happily strikes a pose on the red carpet while attending the FENDI Melbourne Flagship Store Opening on Thursday (August 30) in Melbourne, Australia. The 42-year-old actress was joined at the event by model Jordan Barrett as the celebrated the brand's first flagship boutique in Australia. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics ofElsa Pataky "Watch out Melbourne, mamas are in town! 💃👍/ cuidado Melbourne, que vienen las mamás! #fendimelbourne,"Elsa captioned with her Instagram post at the event. Over the weekend, Elsa was spotted sitting in the backseat of a car alongside her husband Chris Hemsworth while leaving the Annabel's Club in London. 10. Bizarre Australian Behaviour Perfectly Showcased At The SupermarketBridesBlush 11. http://www.bridesblush.com/events/australian-supermarkets-tb/?utm_campaign=Aussie%20Supermarket%20TEHILA%20-%20Mobile%20USA&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=mobileposse-metroweb&utm_term=Bizarre+Australian+Behaviour+Perfectly+Showcased+At+The+Supermarket&utm_content=https%3A%2F%2Fprod-pubplus-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com%2F3363b0e7-6800-45da-a540-b24f4093bda4.png 12. Things You'll Only See In Australian Supermarkets Things You’ll Only See In Australian Supermarkets Australia already has a reputation for being one of the weirdest countries on the planet. From an abundance of deadly wildlife to slang that no one understands, it comes as no surprise that there are some hilarious things that can only happen in Australian supermarkets. There’s probably nothing more Australian than going grocery shopping with a kangaroo bundled like a baby in your arms, except perhaps eating Vegemite while you’re at it. Known to Australians as Kangaroo Dundee, this man has devoted his life to saving baby kangaroos (joeys if you’re in the know) who have been orphaned. His project became so far reaching that he was featured in a TV special that caused hundreds of single Australian women to propose to him. Read this before you reach for those sleep aids. They could harm your brain. 13. 2:08 Justin Timberlake Sings to Wife Jessica Biel for 5th Anniversary MSN · 10 months ago 14. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/watch/justin-timberlake-sings-to-wife-jessica-biel-for-5th-anniversary/vp-AAtMrJ0 15. PEOPLE ALSO ASK Is Jessica Biel pregnant? Who is Justin Timberlake's wife? Justin Timberlake's wife is Jessica Biel See all results for this question Are Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel getting a divorce? Justin Timberlake Jessica Biel divorce news – Rumors are swirling that Justin Timberlakeand wife Jessica Biel are on the brink ofgetting divorced. The couple has been reported to be fighting over a huge amount of money after Mrs. Timberlake was seen with a man. Justin Timberlake Jessica Biel Divorce: Sin… www.chattsportsnet.com/entertainment/ce… See all results for this question How old is Jessica Biel? RELATED SEARCHES justin timberlake jess 16. https://www.bing.com/search?q=justin+timberlake+wife+wedding+photos&FORM=QSRE3&PC=SMSM 17. https://people.com/celebrity/justin-timberlake-jessica-biel-split/ 18. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel Split Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are no longer a couple. The two decided to end their relationship recently and “there are no hard feelings,” a source tells PEOPLE exclusively. “It was completely mutual and they both decided it was time to move on.” The source adds that Biel is keeping her house in L.A. and she and Timberlake, who started dating in 2007, will remain friends. PHOTOS: Mila Kunis ‘Had Nothing to Do’ with Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel’s Split Reps for the couple released a statement Thursday, confirming the split: “Addressing the media speculation regarding Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake’s relationship, we are confirming that they mutually have decided to part ways. The two remain friends and continue to hold the highest level of love and respect for each other.” Timberlake, 30, and Biel, 29, were spotted together looking cozy as recently as the Vanity Fair post-Oscars party on Feb. 27. Weeks earlier, Timberlake was “pretty inseparable” from Mila Kunis at the PEOPLE/Entertainment Industry Foundation SAG Gala in Los Angeles, according to an observer. But a source at the time told PEOPLE the Friends with Benefits costars were, well, just “friends” – and that Timberlake and Biel were “happy in their relationship.” RELATED: Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel ‘Wanted Different Things’ 19. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5027515 20. Jessica Biel Rocks A Bikini While On Vacation With Justin Timberlake Looks like all those split rumors were just, um, rumors after all. Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake reunited for a romantic getaway in Barbados last week, where the couple celebrated Biel’s 32nd birthday. Timberlake took his wife to the Caribbean for some well-deserved R&R a little over a week after her March 3 birthday. According to Us Weekly, the pair stayed at a private villa near the top-of-the-line Sandy Lane resort and chartered the luxury catamaran, Seaduced, for $1, 125 per-day. Biel rocked a printed blue bikini by Belusso as she and her longtime love took in the scenic views aboard the boat before enjoying some wake boarding. Biel, 32, and Timberlake, 33, have been surrounded by breakup rumors latelyafter they weren’t spotted together for months. Timberlake has been busy with his “20/20 Experience World Tour” while Biel has been laying low in LA.She recently attended the Oscars solo, looking gorgeous in a Chanel Haute Couture gown. Well, there’s obviously no trouble in paradise here ...
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aztecstargazer-blog · 8 years
we are inter-dimensional beings in the most literal of senses. How many thoughts can you think? Chase this concept back to the inception of any idea and you will find the answer was always a choice. 2 becomes 1. Leading to the formation of a new dimension. Words blinded us. The light deafens us.
The Aztecs actually discovered evolution of “god” in their calendar. Which why they were seen as time walkers in their religion.
God is ourself chasing the perfect form. God is a never ending search engine manifesting itself as perpetual motion of question and answer run against true and false to propagate an answer. The question drives us. A straight-line plus a Circle is a helix, Two helices become a double helix. Creating a new person. 
The tower of babel was creation manifest on its own reflection.
The pyramids were a scar in time.
God was once blind, and said let their be light. Leading to the idea of physical manifestation.
mathematically speaking. Relativity. how does a dimension relate to any other. Remember that anything with an opposite must be a dimension.
Now think of a YIN-YANG!!!!! you see it as flat but perfect in 2 dimensions. That “THOUGHT” you just thought is both true and false. Now propagate the thought in the future and bend it into anything else. choice=change. But we are making choices at ever instant?
Now realize you are physical form growing though time and the past is real. Now choose the future. SHIT choice.
Think! Feel! SLEEP! and do it all again. Once this concept is grasped you will manifest very powerful emotional response, just see how it relates to this instant and BREATH DEEP AND LONG. 
Emotions are a dimension in-and-of-themselves. 
This new thought process, once manifest out of your own will,
Peer back at history and you will discover the meaning of why we evolved a memory to begin with. So we could travel through time. Why did we evolve eyes? To see the dimension of light vs dark. Think of yourself as your own higher dimensional self manifest in the ether (opposite of physical)
LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE (misery loves company) This holds true that perfection attracts perfection in infinity.
Try thinking of yourself as a planet in human form  falling through time. 
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drlisachristiansen · 7 years
5 Reasons Riding a Bike Is The Most Humiliating Exercise
5 Reasons Riding a Bike Is The Most Humiliating Exercise
One of my favorite articles to share with “newby’s” because it will make you laugh until you cry…
By Christina H.
A lot of people don’t find bike riding very impressive as a sport, because how hard can it be? Little kids learn how to ride bikes before they learn how to tie their shoes (which is a little dangerous if you think about it).
Well, I started riding to get in shape recently and learned…
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mleighsquickspot · 6 years
Answers Given
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Good Morning Inter World, I hope your last week was better than mine, my main highlight was going to see Infinity War it was awesome. But lets also see what I thought of what I asked you guys and gals about last week.
First I asked about really wanting the Rosanne show back. I mean its OK but it does lack its original charm. I think sadly its the introduction of the kids kids that is hurting the show. Think about it, most shows and movies when they introduce the next generation it kind of makes the dynamics of what was set up before a little annoying. I mean I know they are showing the passage of time but it still happens. Plus the main characters/actors are much older now and seem like they can’t really keep up or bring the old magic like they did before. This is not only with this show but with the X Files to, its just not the same. So its is still cool for what it is in my opinion but I don’t think it really needed to come back, I’d rather watch the re-runs.
Next I asked about the new album by the Weeknd, is it any different from his previous music or the same. I’ve been hearing very good things about it. I still need to listen to it myself though. I love the Weeknd’s music and I’m glad this album is being received so well. I do really love the song for Black Panther.
Lastly I asked about survival shows and which one or one’s you may want to be on. I like survivor man a lot that’s pretty much the only one I watch (on re-runs now). I have seen the shows like man vs wild, naked and afraid etc... to me they are so scripted for TV its ridiculous. But I will say they most likely give off a true depiction of what it would be like to be in these fighting for your life situations. I don’t think I would want to be on any of these shows but I’ll watch other brave people try them out.
Let me know what you think and pass the thought along using #answersgiven.
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wdonnait · 4 years
Ipertricosi: cos'è e quali sono le cure
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://www.wdonna.it/ipertricosi-cose-e-quali-sono-le-cure/108064?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=108064
Ipertricosi: cos'è e quali sono le cure
Con il termine ipertricosi si fa riferimento ad un aumento dei peli in alcune zone ben precise del corpo.
Si tratta di un fenomeno che può essere sia innato che subentrato nel corso del tempo.
L’ipertricosi inoltre, non va confusa con l’irsutismo. Quest’ultimo interessa principalmente il volto, il basso addome e la schiena e nasce in seguito a degli squilibri ormonali.
L’ipertricosi invece, può essere dovuta a molteplici fattori.
Ipertricosi cause
Andando nello specifico, possiamo dire che le cause di ipertricosi variano a seconda dei casi.
Se dovesse essere presente sin dalla nascita, allora si tratta di un qualcosa principalmente legato alla genetica e all’ereditarietà.
Invece, nell’eventualità in cui subentra con la crescita, bisogna tener conto di alcune ipotesi, come ad esempio l’assunzione di determinati farmaci, una condizione fisica particolare (sia anoressia che obesità), malattie metaboliche, la sindrome di ovaio policistico e varie patologie tra cui:
Un infezione da HIV
Alcune lesioni cerebrali
Dermopatia infiltrativa
Traumi della cute
Malattia di Graves-Basedow
Ma anche:
Sindrome da deficit polighiandolare
Sindrome di Winchester
Sindrome di Ambras
Insufficienza funzionale di ghiandole endocrine
E tanto altro ancora…
Tuttavia, nella maggior parte dei casi l’ipertricosi non deve destare grandi preoccupazioni. Questo perché quasi sempre si tratta di una patologia benigna e che genera soltanto un difetto estetico.
Ipertricosi diagnosi
Per poter analizzare l’ipertricosi nel dettaglio, si terrà conto dei seguenti fattori:
La distribuzione dei peli
La quantità di peli
In questo modo, si potrà anche distinguere l’ipertricosi dall’irsutismo, il quale nasce a seguito di fattori ormonali e colpisce principalmente:
Il pube
Gli arti superiori
Il labbro superiore
Il mento
Le cosce
L’area dorsale
Il solco inter-mammario
L’area lombo-sacrale
Successivamente, il medico esperto nel settore cercherà di capire se l’ipertricosi possa essere strettamente legata all’età, a cause ormonali (ad esempio età del primo ciclo, andamento, irregolarità, assunzione di farmaci ecc).
Inoltre, si valutano possibili lesioni, infiammazioni, traumi, sindrome (da deficit polighiandolare, di Winchester, di Ambras), acne e altri problemi legati alla pelle.
Ipertricosi rimedi
A questo punto ci si chiede: quali sono i possibili rimedi per l’ipertricosi?
L’ipertricosi si cura attraverso due semplici metodologie: la rimozione dei peli o un eventuale trattamento a base di farmaci.
Per quanto riguarda l’eliminazione vera e propria, si potrà procedere con:
L’epilazione laser, per un risultato definitivo
La depilazione (tramite crema depilatoria, ceretta o rasoio) per un effetto momentaneo
Invece, facendo riferimento alla questione farmaci, bisogna stare molto attenti e non procedere assolutamente in maniera autonoma.
Vi ricordiamo che quasi sempre l’ipertricosi non desta preoccupazioni. Proprio per tale motivo, si “cura” in maniera naturale, senza ricorrere a sostanze di vario tipo.
Nella rara eventualità in cui il trattamento farmacologico dovesse essere indispensabile, si consiglia vivamente di consultare il proprio medico di fiducia, il quale saprà indicarvi cosa assumere a seconda del caso specifico.
Ipertricosi trattamento laser
Per chi volesse effettuare l’epilazione laser per ipertricosi, può recarsi in un centro estetico specializzato, dotato di una serie di strutture sanitarie avanzate.
In questo modo, si avrà la possibilità di procedere con la rimozione dei peli, seguendo una delle seguenti tecnologie:
Laser Nd:Yag SyncroFT
Laser Diodi Light-Shere
Il laser Nd:Yag/Alessandrite Duetto
Laser Diodi Vectus
In alternativa, si può optare per la luce pulsata ad alta intensità (IPL), come ad esempio: IPL M22, IPL BBL, IPL ICON, IPL Star Lux 500, IPL Syncro FT o IPL Photosilc Plus.
Allo stesso tempo però, pur trattandosi di procedure del tutto sicure, è bene scegliere con criterio il centro estetico di riferimento.
Questo perché l’ipertricosi non va affatto sottovalutata e proprio per tale motivo, risulta molto importante scegliere con cura a chi affidarsi. Così facendo, non andrete incontro a nessun tipo di complicanze.
Infatti, c’è chi a seguito di un trattamento estetico per ipertricosi si sia trovato dinanzi a bruciori ed infiammazioni nell’area depilata.
Tra l’altro, bisogna tener conto che ogni zona del corpo è differente e richiede un specifico “intervento”.
Pertanto, diffidate da tutti coloro che si fingono competenti in materia (o comunque di persone raccomandate solo per sentito dire) ed effettuate delle ricerche approfondite.
Ad esempio, anche sul web cercando la dicitura rimedi per ipertricosi, potrete imbattervi in diversi forum dove ci si scambia consigli anche riguardo la figura professionale più idonea (in termini di recensioni).
Infine, per quanto riguarda i costi è impossibile definirli con esattezza, poiché bisogna tener conto del trattamento specifico e del numero di sedute.
Ipertricosi alimentazione
Sempre prendendo in considerazione la questione rimedi per ipertricosi, è fondamentale citare l’alimentazione.
Infatti, mangiare in maniera sana, può certamente influire sia sulla riduzione che sulla prevenzione di anomali insorgenze di peli.
Pertanto, bisogna cercare di eliminare (o quanto meno assumere con parsimonia) tutti quegli alimenti che possono far del male al nostro organismo o contribuire alla nascita di patologie.
Di conseguenza, si consiglia vivamente di ridurre il consumo di:
Alcol bevande gassate o zuccherate tipo aranciata, coca cola, ginger ecc
Dolci e cibi ricchi di zuccheri, ad esempio cioccolata, pasticcini, torte e via dicendo
Sale, specialmente in termini di condimenti
Alimenti ricchi di grassi, come insaccati, carne rossa, snack calorici ecc
Dunque, è preferibile consumare molta frutta (specialmente quella di stagione), verdura e cibi ricchi di vitamine e sali minerali. Così facendo, potremo generare al nostro corpo una serie di benefici e migliorare lo stato di salute.
Tuttavia, non è assodato che la corretta alimentazione incida sull’ipertricosi ma offre un grande contributo.
Infine, è importante cercare di prendersi cura della propria pelle e seguire uno stile di vita sano, evitando il fumo e la sedentarietà.
Per concludere
Insomma, l’ipertricosi nasce a seguito di vari fattori (ereditari e non) e si distingue dall’irsutismo per questioni ormonali.
Quasi sempre è un problema che incide soltanto sull’estetica.
L’eccessiva presenza di peli si può rimuovere permanentemente (tramite la tecnologia laser) o momentaneamente (con la depilazione classica).
In rari casi invece, si dovrà ricorrere ad una cura farmacologica che sarà prescritta solo ed esclusivamente dal medico.
Tuttavia, per evitare che la situazione degeneri o se si volesse prevenirla, è necessario seguire una serie di regole comportamentali, legate ad alimentazione e stile di vita.
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Written by Wild Bill on The Prepper Journal.
As we normal folks prepare for emergencies, disasters and the like, I was curious as to how one might approach this should “money be no object.” I myself have never had that problem, when cost was an afterthought, not a concern. But there are those that are born to or succeed to a point where this is their reality and in such Daniel Williams brought the following to my attention.
I for one found it fascinating, not just for the content and presentation but for the reality that if the EOTWAWKI, SHTF happens some of the “Golden Horde” is going to be its own little fiefdom, replete with private armies and weapons you only see in the movies. Another consideration to take into account as we all try to survive.
If it demonstrates anything it clearly shows that being rich and successful does not mean you are not just as flawed as us little people.
Since The New Yorker unveiled the doomsday survivalist strategies of the super-rich in 2017, the planet’s most monied men and women have proceeded to amp things up.
And you can’t fault the scope of their ambition as they look to inter-planetary escape, de facto states and even immortality to evade the collapse of our planet and the revolt of its stinking, heathen masses.
As such, the content team at Loanable have created an infographic which shows the freshest, weirdest and most popular ways the master’s of the universe will side-step doom should a catastrophe topple the natural order.
Mars Biospheres
Do you believe this better for mankind than to become extinct?
It is possible this dilemma will come to pass. Because what if Musk musters only a few thousand survivalists to colonize the red planet? It will be their duty to spread life on Mars.
Musk’s recent pledge to bring Pizza Hut to his biospheres also extends to some of The Hut’s industry rivals, so his Spaceship X survivalists will see out their days with a heady mix of fast food inside a giant greenhouse with an anti-gravity chamber on hand. Should the world end, some will perhaps consider that an upgrade on our current form of civilization.
Laser Eye Surgery
To prepare for post-nuclear melt down and martial law being unable to contain the baying mobs, then first things first. You absolutely, positively, need to pre-emptively correct the plus 1.2 vision in your left eye, right?
Because this is what Steve Huffman would have us believe.
And if you can’t get round to laser eye surgery before the world goes to hell, then you must face down the existential threats by stockpiling contact lens solution instead.
And who am I to deride Huffman and his survivalist priorities? This man who is the brilliant, billionaire, founder of the “front page of the internet” as against a glib content creator, sitting in pajamas in a tiny basement flat, with pieces of peppermint immovably lodged in between his teeth?
Private Armies
The private standing army is the essential end-of-the world accessory for the financial overlord. And what really matters is how big your force of mercenary soldiers is compared to the next man’s.
In this spirit, a number of American survivalist billionaires recently met in secret in Switzerland – with the size of their squadrons top of the agenda. After all, what’s the point in accruing billions of dollars if you don’t have a system in place to protect it from the antsy hoi polloi when the world is in peril?
But if food and water and law and order are in short supply, and hyper-inflation kicks in as it typically does during extreme crisis, then subordinating one’s troops becomes a real issue.
And whereas in the past, the very rich could trade Givenchy, Chapaud and furs for loyalty, today’s fiscally elite survivalists are largely austere, righteous and lacking in ostentatious possessions (other than, ironically, their anti-armageddon accouterments) This means they’ll be faced with the futile task of trading stock in solar powered hectares in Arizona for the fading loyalty of their soldiers.
Food Mountains
Instead of posing the tired question of what would be your last meal before you die, we can instead ask what’s the best meal to have when the planet dies?
And on this front, survivalist food kits are a multi-billion dollar business. They are also a great leveler: rich and poor alike will typically be reliant on the same, boring types of emergency food: cereals, tinned fruit and vegetable and freeze-dried produce.
Many of the survivalist food kits, though, do offer charming, unexpected flourishes such as the hand wipes provided by leading emergency food kit manufacturer, Gear Hungry. After all, it’s bad enough having the world end before your very eyes without also having to deal with pesky, sticky fingers from your mini-pack raisin and sultana mix.
Survival Condo Projects
Luxury living inside a former nuclear bunker is a special pitch for special times. This form of subterranean existence is perfect for the super rich survivalist who isn’t grandiose or romantic enough to set their sites on living in space.
The full luxury, doomsday units in Wichita Falls, Texas can be yours from around $3 million USD and they will allow 75 people to outlive the real world for up to 5 years.
There is also a special, organic hydroponic and aquaculture facility which is THE place to get your hands on luxury survivalist produce. This means that when the general public run out of food and start eating each other’s radio- active flesh, you can dine on carefully cultivated matsutake mushrooms, saffron and albino sturgeon procured from the Sterlet fish being farmed in the sea water tanks.
The Wichita Falls condo units also offer a further, rich blend of banal and apocalyptic features. So you can enjoy “Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical air filtration” alongside the “Washer and dryer in each unit”. And as well as the “Command & Control Center” you will find “Full kitchens with High-end stainless appliances” lest you endure a nuclear fall out with the added indignity of not having a sashimi-grade cutting knife.
The Doomsday Clock
The time of the clock (which gauges how close the world is to catastrophe) is governed by The Board of Atomic Scientists whose numbers include a dozen Nobel prize winners and experts in various fields.
As well as the present day, the only other occasion the Doomsday Clock was as far gone as 11:58 pm was in 1953 – after the Soviet Union and the U.S had developed and tested “H-Bombs”.
So it doesn’t look good for us then.
It might, perhaps, be said, though, that The Board of Atomic Scientists a doom- laden lot. The earliest time they have ever recorded was 11:43 pm in 1991, after a pact between Russia and the U.S to reduce nuclear arms.
Which means we’ve never been more than a figurative 17 minutes from the end of the world. And this begs the question of what insane level of utopia we’d have to attain to make it, say, 08:27 am?
New Zealand
Many New Zealand media outlets reacted with anger to vast parts of their beautiful country being sold to over a dozen Silicon Valley billionaires. Presumably, it was more irritating still, though, when James Cameron started buying up land there.
All of the above contributed to a change in the law in 2018, restricting non-citizens’ right to buy property in New Zealand. This can be side-stepped, however, by acquiring permanent residency if $7.5m USD is invested in the country year-on year after an initial outlay.
This forms part of a bigger picture of “passport collecting” amongst dozens of the world’s richest survivalists. Because as well as allowing them to find political and economic safe havens, multi-citizenship is the ultimate keeping-it-classy-the hell with-you status symbol; the non-gauche equivalent of the mega-yacht.
Inside the mind of Ray Kurzweil
Eternal life achieved through a downloaded conscience is of long-running intrigue to survivalists, science fiction writers and raging narcissists alike. So let us ponder, then, what it means to exist without bodily movement or sensation for infinity…
…Those billions of years you’d have alone with your biggest regrets. The trillions of years spent with no means of generating new memories. Or perhaps you’d lose your mind and your memories altogether; for there can be no absolute guarantee against that.
So maybe, then, you’d be terrified, trapped and confused ad infinitum. In which case you’d think someone would flip the switch and put out of your misery. Unless you get overlooked in the data base, lost in the system. Forever conscious.
Enjoy it, Ray.
There you have it, perhaps “out there on some points” eye-opening on others. Knowledge is power, and your power is to process it and keep the parts that add value to your life.
Be Safe out there and be sure to check out The Prepper Journal Store and follow The Prepper Journal on Facebook!
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