#Literature Versus Traffic
susansontag · 1 year
With each progressive retelling, the hundreds became thousands, the thousands tended towards infinity, and the lice multiplied, becoming settlements and then townships and then cities and then nations. In my mother’s version of the story, these lice caused traffic disturbances on my hair, they took evening walks on my slender neck, they had civil war over territory, they recruited an enormous number of overenthusiastic child soldiers and then they engaged in out-and-out war with my mother. They mounted organized resistance, set up base camps in the soft area of the scalp above the ears and in the nape of the neck where it was always harder to reach, but they were being decimated slowly and surely by my mother’s indefatigable efforts. Every war strategy was deployed, Sun Tzu was invoked: appear weak when you are strong and appear strong when you are weak; when your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him with more chlorinated washes than he can handle; attack him when he is unprepared; force your enemy to reveal himself; be as rapid as the wind when you are wielding the paenseeppu (the merciless narrow-toothed lice comb that removed as many hairs as it removed lice and lice eggs and baby lice); make use of the sun and the strongest shampoo; above all, do not spend time bothering about lice rights and genocide tribunals when you are defending a liberated zone.
This is how my story of Young Woman as a Runaway Daughter became, in effect, the great battle of My Mother versus the Head Lice. And because my mother won this battle, the story was told endlessly, and it soon entered the canon of literature on domestic violence. The Americans had trigger warnings and graphic-content cautions attached to the course material, but otherwise it picked up a lot of traction elsewhere. It was taught in gender studies programmes, and women of colour discussed it in their reading groups (it was still a little too dirty and disorienting for white feminists, and it was perhaps considered a touch too environmentally unfriendly for the ecofeminists, and the postmodernists disregarded it because my mother’s telling ignored the crucial concept of my husband’s agency to beat me), and even those who forgot the original context of the story or the bad-marriage setting always remembered it as a fable about one mother’s unending, unconditional, over-conditioned love.
— Meena Kandasamy, When I Hit You
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eastplays · 1 year
@solsearchingnights I know I said I owe you a comment bomb but instead you know what.
Sarge of ours, being of indeterminate gender.
I'm gonna dust off my English Literature A Level and write a damned 600-1k thesis - starting with the Prologue.
(needless to say - spoilers!)
The exploration of abandonment and a characters internal narrative versus the reality they truly face begins within the opening of the prose.
The set up occurs directly after double life - this primes the reader to expect certain themes as the nicknamed 'Traffic Life' series often are compared to death games, such as the trend in the early 2010s when the slew of battle arena content emerged onto the scene. Such content usually explores relationships within the death game, muse on the extent a character would go to survive said death game and explores the society in which a death game such as this thrives.
The post-game is equally as explored touching on themes of mental health, in setting the prologue to occur directly after Double Life the author uses shorthand to introduce one of the overarching themes of the story - recovery post trauma.
The author then develops a contrast between Jimmy, the point of view character, and the other members of double life. The warmth of the interactions of each pair is mirrored by the separation between Tango and Jimmy. Emphasis is drawn between the open body language and casual touches between the other members of double life and the lack thereof that our point of view character is able to experience.
This sense of separation and exclusion is further iterated by the lack of response we see with Jimmy _ "Jimmy offered a small wave and a smile that they definitely didn’t see".
Given the set up and the fact that such focus has been drawn upon Jimmy within the prologue of the story so far, we, as the reader would expect that this story would be concerning addressing the trauma and the subsequent mental health journey that he had been through.
However there is a sign that this might not be the case embedded within the prologue. Within the first paragraph we see that Jimmy 'lingered at spawn' which could be an indicator of his being willing to accept help from a wider community later on in the story.
The true foreshadowing occurs with the last pair that leave double life.
When we are first introduced to Scott is when the author starts using descriptors evoking very specific language. "His eyes were glazed over, unfocused. Despite the respawn, he looked pallid and ready to drop dead."
We sense the separation between Jimmy and the rest of the group, but here we once again have divisive language, however this time it's from the place of an observer empathising with the subject. He recognizes a similarity between himself and Scott and wishes to assist.
This way despite the chapter wrapping up back with the mental status of Jimmy, priming readers to expect more of his particular recovery journey, a sense is still given that a second point of view might be added to the story to provide a different perspective. The focus momentarily shifting away from Jimmy to Scott also helps the reader to consider that recovery is not linear.
The prologue of Ink in the Vase from the above introduces to the reader the themes of mental health, trauma recovery and our point of view characters with theme priming. It also foreshadows the roles our main characters would later play within the story through specific language descriptions.
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newcarpetcleaning · 5 months
Top Tips for Effective Carpeting Cleaning
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Keeping your rugs tidy and fresh is an important part of keeping a healthy and balanced home setting. Normal carpet cleansing not just enhances the appearance of your room but additionally assists to eliminate allergens, dirt, and dirt that can gather gradually. Nonetheless, with so many different strategies and items available, it can be overwhelming to recognize where to begin. In this post, we will offer you some tips for reliable carpet cleansing that will leave your carpets looking and scenting excellent.
Primarily, regular vacuuming is key to maintaining the sanitation of your carpets. Vacuuming need to be done a minimum of as soon as a week, or more often in high-traffic areas. Make sure to make use of slow-moving and stable strokes to allow the vacuum cleaner to pick up as much dust as feasible. To eliminate ingrained dust and family pet hair, take into consideration using a hoover with a turning brush or a model especially designed for pet dog owners. Click here for more information about carpet cleaning.
Along with regular vacuuming, it is necessary to resolve any kind of discolorations or spills on your carpets right away. Performing quick can protect against stains from establishing and becoming more difficult to get rid of. Beginning by blotting the discolor with a clean, white cloth or paper towel to take in as much of the liquid as possible. Prevent massaging or scrubbing, as this can spread the stain and damage the carpeting fibers. When most of the discolor has actually been soaked up, utilize a rug cleanser that appropriates for the type of tarnish you are handling. Adhere to the maker's instructions thoroughly and evaluate the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous location of the rug first to guarantee it does not trigger any staining.
Deep cleaning your carpets on a regular basis is additionally essential to keep them in top condition. While vacuuming can get rid of surface area dirt, it might not reach deep into the rug fibers where irritants and bacteria can accumulate. Think about renting a carpet cleaner or hiring a top carpet cleaning grand haven to perform a deep clean. Vapor cleaning is just one of the most effective methods for eliminating deep-set dust and discolorations. The warm water and cleansing option are injected right into the carpet, and afterwards removed along with the loosened dust and particles. Steam cleansing not only cleanses your carpets extensively however additionally kills germs and irritants, leaving your rugs fresh and disinfected.
Lastly, do not neglect to take preventive measures to secure your rugs from dust and spots. Use doormats at the entrances of your home to record dirt and dampness before it reaches the carpetings. Execute a "no footwear" plan inside your home to minimize the quantity of dirt tracked onto your carpetings. Furthermore, consider using a stain-resistant therapy to your carpetings to develop an obstacle versus spills and spots.
By following these top tips for effective rug cleansing, you can keep clean and fresh carpets that will enhance the visual appeal of your area and produce a healthy and balanced environment for you and your family members. To get more enlightened about this topic, click here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/literature-and-arts/fashion-design-and-crafts/arts-and-crafts/carpet.
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ebookporn · 1 year
Dubravka Ugrešic’s Postcard
Chad W. Post, Dubravka Ugrešic's longtime editor, publisher, and friend, remembers her life and work.
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by Chad W. Post
Cigarettes. Fiction. A woman with maximally arched eyebrows. And a silent confidence. She smokes. She looks on the self-proclaimed “Golden Fiction” with a bit of distrust. It might entertain, but it doesn’t satisfy. Her robe billows in ways elegant, seductive, dismissive. She’s a fucking badass.
One of my fondest memories of Dubravka Ugrešic (who passed away on Friday, March 17, at the age of seventy-four) is a postcard she sent me.
At the time, I had just met her—virtually—and was working on Thank You for Not Reading, my introduction to her world. A world in which literature matters, but authors from small countries or languages are overlooked (especially if they’re female), whereas their editors earn the big bucks and fly business class while putting their authors in coach. Her world in which the New York Times bestseller list is nothing more than contemporary Socialist Realism, providing a set of dictates that determine what will be popular and what won’t. (See: Paulo Coelho versus any and everyone capable of writing real literature.) A world in which it’s easier to become a literary success if you’re a soccer player first. Or an Ivana Trump. (The Kardashian nature of cultural success hasn’t changed a bit in the ensuing decades.) As she pithily points out, it’s way harder to become a famous author and then transition into being a sports star. But vice versa? It’s much easier to envision a cardboard cutout of Lionel Messi in a bookstore pimping the biography he “wrote,” than one of Dubravka, championing Karaoke Culture, one of the most insightful works of cultural criticism to be published this century.
In Dubravka’s creative nonfiction, you can see her mind at work, dissecting the world as is, pointing out absurdities and foibles with a blistering sharpness and sarcasm that was unmatched. There’s a reason she was consistently rumored to be on the Nobel Prize shortlist: no one wrote like her, no one thought like her, no one was willing to say what she was willing to say. (Which, to be fair, are reasons both why she more than deserved the prize, but also why safer options were selected. The “Witch of Zagreb,” as one prominent Croatian newspaper referred to her, dismantled the bullshit that the literary industrial complex traffics in on the regular. Not good for Nobel business, I suppose.)
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Shield Your Carpets as well as Carpets With Carpet Guard
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Carpet Shield is a clear, self-adhering protective film that is highly sturdy, puncture as well as tear-resistant. It reduces damage insurance claims and also clean-up time. It additionally provides excellent slip resistance. It is offered in a selection of dimensions as well as shades. Whether it's an apartment or an organization, Carpeting Shield can aid protect against damage. The film applies and also gets rid of quickly. It grasps the carpeting securely to avoid it from moving, thus promoting safety. The film remains in location for around 60 days. It is readily available in clear color as well as is a hassle-free option. Nonetheless, a good carpet protection film isn't an irreversible service. A lot of carpet defense movies are made of sturdy polyethylene.
This makes them perfect for use on homes that need to protect carpets and carpets from stains and foot traffic. However, it is very important to examine the supplier's guidelines prior to getting as well as installing a rug security film. A few of them require using additional tools as well as items. An additional type of carpet protection film is called Zip-Up. It is made of high-strength polyethylene and also is simple to apply. Its glue side gets on the outside. This makes it ideal for renovation projects, brand-new building and construction and also renovating tasks. It comes in rolls of numerous sizes. It must be adhered to the rug appropriately to guarantee its durability and effectiveness. Check out here for more helpful resources being utilized.
Rug security film is not only beneficial for houses, but for commercial homes also. It helps avoid damages brought on by hefty foot website traffic and also particles throughout improvement as well as building and construction projects. It additionally avoids damage brought on by paint spills and overruns. It is perfect for high-traffic locations such as stairs. The movie additionally secures rugs versus slits. There are lots of types of rug security movie available. One kind, Carpeting Guard, is self-adhering as well as features a non-slip surface. It is likewise resilient sufficient to withstand paint, building and construction dust, as well as wetness. Click here for more enlightening information about carpet guards.
It can also secure tilework as well as metal surfaces. This makes it suitable for skyscraper industrial applications and reduces damages claims. Another option is ArmorDillo temporary carpet defense film. This is the greatest temporary flooring covering currently on the market. It is made from a slim, long lasting plastic as well as has a linear reduced building. It will not tear while using, as well as can last up to 60 days. It is very easy to eliminate and rearrange as well as will not leave any type of deposit. When applying rug security movie, make certain to apply it with the appropriate stress. You can utilize an applicator or merely use it yourself with body stress.
Simply roll out about six inches of film, relax it gradually and delicately press down up until the film sticks to the carpet. Repeat this procedure up until the movie covers the entire area. If you're thinking about a rug defense movie for your following task, make certain to think about the cost financial savings it supplies. Including this layer of protection to your rugs is a cost-effective and also efficient means to safeguard your financial investment. Besides, you'll save money as well as remove troubles from cleansing. To familiarize yourself with this topic,read this article: https://www.encyclopedia.com/literature-and-arts/fashion-design-and-crafts/arts-and-crafts/carpet.
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creatrs · 3 years
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“Literature Versus Traffic”
Over 10,000 books thrown out by public libraries were recently given new life in a beautiful new lighting installation by Inhabitat favorites Luzinterruptus. Called “Literature Versus Traffic”, the installation spilled out into the streets of Melbourne during the Light in Winter festival, fusing discarded books with glowing LED lights. The river of glowing books invited passersby to leaf through the volumes that had been forsaken for the dump and take them home.
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for day five of my follower celebration: farmer’s market
It’s been a busy day at the market. 
As the only flower stand, Cas is usually busy with customers, but today has been like nothing else. People are demanding sunflowers and zinnias and lilies and gardenias by the bouquet-full. Normally, Cas doesn’t wish for help--he’s been running the stand by himself for two years now--but today is the exception. 
When there’s a pause in traffic, Cas wipes his forehead with the corner of his apron and wonders why he decided to use his English degree like this instead of as a teacher or something, and then he sees a familiar face that reminds him of one of the main reasons he chose this job. 
Dean Winchester is probably the whole catalyst for the existence of Milton’s Flowers. They met in their freshman year British Literature class, and Dean has actually used his degree to teach. But when Cas revealed his misgivings about going right into the field during a drunken night senior year, a mere month before graduation, Dean encouraged him to follow his dreams.
(Cas is fairly certain that his best friend didn’t know then, under the influence of tequila, that Cas’s dream was to open a flower stand.)
“Heya, Cas,” Dean says, nudging Cas’s price sign, carefully drawn up by Cas’s sister Anna as a birthday present last year, with his foot. “Busy today?”
Cas nods. “Almost cleaned out.” The wooden boxes behind him only have some of the less popular blooms left. 
“Got enough to make me something?” Dean is already getting out his wallet.
“Maybe. What do you need?”
Dean considers. “Flowers to represent love.”
Cas has to turn away to look at what he has left, partially to parse through his practically encyclopedic flower knowledge and partially so that he doesn’t have to look at Dean. 
You’ve never told Dean how you feel, he reminds himself, and he’s his own person. He’s allowed to find someone.
Cas turns back around. “Well, I’m out of sunflowers and blue violets, but I have some gillyflowers left.” He points at the pink-and-white blooms with their jagged edges. “They’re not very popular.”
“That sounds great.”
“Want me to mix some daisies in?”
“Whatever you want, Cas. You’re the expert.”
Dean watches Cas while he assembles the bouquet and puts it in one of the old cleaned-out spaghetti jars he always brings to give people their bouquets in so that they have water. Cas tries not to pay attention to Dean’s gaze, but his fingers keep slipping on the stems.
He hopes whoever Dean loves likes this bouquet. 
They trade a wrinkly ten-dollar bill and the bouquet, along with a promise to go see that new superhero movie (Cas thinks it’s a Batman movie, but he’s not sure) together, and then Cas decides that things have slowed down enough for him to pack up. He’s just about out of flowers, anyways. 
Lugging his shelves and signs to his van isn’t an easy job, and by the time Cas gets back to his tent to get his table, he’s worn out. 
Then he spots the bouquet he just made sitting on the table. 
“Dammit,” Cas mutters. Now he’s going to have to find Dean, who’s probably having a long conversation about the merits of Tombstone versus Young Guns with one of the other farmers, and remind him not to just leave his shit everywhere. 
Especially shit Cas doesn’t want to think about.
He’s about to march off through the market with the bouquet in hand when he sees the note tucked underneath the jar written in Dean’s crooked handwriting.
Can that movie actually be a date? --Dean (I would give you my number but you already have it) 
Before doubt and nerves set in, Cas pulls his phone out of his pocket and snaps a picture of the note. He sends it to Dean with the caption only if we go see a rom-com instead. 
Dean’s reply is instant: absolutely. 
(Cas seldom keeps his own bouquets in his apartment, but the gillyflowers and daisies stay on his kitchen table until long after the first date. And the second.)
(Dean gets him new flowers before the third.)
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masquedefoot · 4 years
Community Use Of Face Masks And COVID-19
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State policies mandating public or community use of face masks or covers in mitigating the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are hotly contested. This study provides evidence from a natural experiment on the effects of state government mandates for face mask use in public issued by fifteen states plus Washington, D.C., between April 8 and May 15, 2020. The research design is an event study examining changes in the daily county-level COVID-19 growth rates between March 31 and May 22, 2020. Mandating face mask use in public is associated with a decline in the daily COVID-19 growth rate by 0.9, 1.1, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.0 percentage points in 1–5, 6–10, 11–15, 16–20, and 21 or more days after state face mask orders were signed, respectively. Estimates suggest that as a result of the implementation of these mandates, more than 200,000 COVID-19 cases were averted by May 22, 2020. The findings suggest that requiring face mask use in public could help in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. One of the most contentious issues being debated worldwide in the response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is the value of wearing masks or face coverings in public settings.1 A key factor fueling the debate is the limited direct evidence thus far on how much widespread community use would affect COVID-19 spread. However, there is now substantial evidence of asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19.2,3 For example, a recent study of antibodies in a sample of customers in grocery stores in New York State reported an infection rate of 14.0 percent by March 29 (projected to represent more than 2.1 million cases), which substantially exceeds the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases.4 Moreover, all public health authorities call on symptomatic people to wear masks to reduce transmission risk. Even organizations that at the time of our study had not yet recommended widespread community use of face masks for COVID-19 mitigation (that is, everyone without symptoms should use a face mask outside of their home), such as the World Health Organization, strongly recommend that symptomatic individuals wear them.5 Because mask wearing by infected people can reduce transmission risk, and because of the high proportion of asymptomatic infected individuals and transmissions, there appears to be a strong case for the effectiveness of widespread use of face masks in reducing the spread of COVID-19. However, there is no direct evidence thus far on the magnitude of such effects, especially at a population level. his explanation masque de foot 
 Researchers have been reviewing evidence from previous randomized controlled trials for other respiratory illnesses, examining mask use and types among people at higher risk of contracting infections (such as health care workers or people in infected households). Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of such studies have provided suggestive, although generally weak, evidence.6 The estimates from the meta-analyses based on randomized controlled trials suggest declines in transmission risk for influenza or influenza-like illnesses to mask wearers, although estimates are mostly statistically insignificant possibly because of small sample sizes or design limitations, especially those related to assessing compliance.7–9 There is also a relationship between increased adherence to mask use, specifically, and effectiveness of reducing transmission to mask wearers: In one randomized study of influenza transmission in infected households in Australia, transmission risk for mask wearers was lower with greater adherence.10 Further, the evidence is mixed from randomized studies on types of masks and risk for influenza-like illness transmission to mask wearers; for example, a recent systematic review and meta-analysis comparing N-95 respirators versus surgical masks found a statistically insignificant decline in influenza risk with N-95 respirators.11 Positions on widespread face mask use have differed worldwide but are changing over time. In the US, public health authorities did not recommend widespread face mask use in public at the start of the pandemic. The initially limited evidence on asymptomatic transmission and concern about mask shortages for the health care workforce and people caring for patients contributed to that initial decision. On April 3, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new guidance advising everyone to wear cloth face covers in public areas where close contact with others is unavoidable, citing new evidence on virus transmission from asymptomatic or presymptomatic people.12 Guidelines differ between countries, and some, including Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, and South Korea, have mandated the use of face masks in public.13–16 This study adds complementary evidence to the literature on the impacts of widespread community use of face masks on COVID-19 spread from a natural experiment based on whether or not US states had mandated the use of face masks in public for COVID-19 mitigation as of May 2020. Fifteen states plus Washington, D.C., issued mandates for face mask use in public between April 8 and May 15. We identified the effects of state mandates for the use of face masks in public on the daily COVID-19 growth rate, using an event study that examined the effects over different periods. We considered the impact of mandates for mask use targeted only to employees in some work settings, as opposed to communitywide mandates. This evidence is critical, as states and countries worldwide begin to shift to “reopening” their economies and as foot traffic increases. Mandating the public use of masks has become a socially and politically contentious issue, with multiple protests and even acts of violence directed against masked employees and those asking customers to wear face masks.17 Face cover recommendations and mandates are part of the current set of measures, following earlier social distancing measures such as school and nonessential business closures, bans on large gatherings, and shelter-in-place orders being considered by states and local governments, especially as regions of the country reopen. For example, during Virginia’s phase one reopening, begun May 22, 2020, everyone in the state was required to wear a face mask in public where people congregate.18 Even though more states have issued such orders since the study was completed, it is critical to provide direct evidence on this question not only for public health authorities and governments but also for educating the public.
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theheartofpenelope · 5 years
Simple Things : Chapter Seven
Chapter seven- excerpt : Tom would have been lying if he’d said he didn’t contemplate on Sadie as being a potential love interest. His heart was open, his mind curious for new possibilities. He enjoyed the fact she carelessly linked her arm through his before heading outside. She did not seem to take notice of paparazzi or photographers. Or did she?
Tag list: @winterisakiller, @devikafernando, @scorpionchild81, @messy-insomniac-bookgirl, @smutsausage, @hiddlesbitch1 @noplacelikehome77 @wolfsmom1 @meh1217 @dina-bln @lilaeye39 @tinchentitri @fairlightswiftly @nonsensicalobsessions @wolfsmom1 @stmeiou @ink-and-starlight @givemecocoaa @profkmoriarty13 @nikkalia @massivelemon @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @argo-shila @emoietmoi @redfoxwritesstuff
Author’s Notes/Warnings: tags will follow later on Anyway thank you in advance for feedback - would love to know what you think…
Also on AO3 through this link Masterlist available through here Bonus: click here for the pinterest moodboard (always updated)
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Chapter Seven Malmö - Ystad versus London
1. Malmö to Ystad (Sweden)
Charlotte absent-mindedly rubbed the creases out of her black dress pants, her eyes looking outside without really seeing any of the scenery that flashed by the windows of the black and yellow taxi.
The seminar had been another exquisite yet exhausting experience. And her biorhythm was now slowly but surely - and very clearly so - catching up with her; demanding more rest and meals at set hours. The steady cadence of the car thudding over the aqueduct lulled Charlotte into a sleep she could no longer fight off, despite her best efforts. She slouched back in the taxi and closed her eyes ‘for a bit’ as the driver skilfully guided her out of from the city of Malmö and towards Ystad in Sweden. It had been Tom’s suggestion. “You’ll love it there, you’ll see,” he’d vouched, “away from the busy city, closer to nature.”
If her brother would see her now he’d tease her relentlessly; fatigue had won her over and easily conquered Charlotte’s quite stubborn and ever-present inner control freak. Or was it her trust in Tom that subconsciously offered her enough confidence to let go, if only for a little while...
He’d presented her with his kind hearted advice very casually and politely, open for her to take it or not. But diplomatically he might have gently urged her into following the proposition. In all sincerity an escape from the busy commercial and industrial centre of Malmö and a return to nature and to silence was very tempting for Charlotte in her current fragile state of mind. All she had to do was say ‘yes’, he concluded, and all the rest could be very easily arranged.
“A small town with little traffic, that offered a vast seaview. Beautiful and pure beaches that stretched out as far as the eye could see, ….” Charlotte had sighed and chuckled as she admitted that it all sounded so very lovely and perfect. Tom had smiled to himself and sealed the deal by simply replying that his publicist would make all necessary reservations a.s.a.p. and subsequently email her all the essential information. He texted her later on that he’d even arranged for a taxi to pick her up after the seminar.
No way back now, Charlotte.  
After an hour or so the taxi pulled up on a deserted road. Charlotte rubbed her tired eyes, dusk was setting in but it might as well have been midnight to her. Sitting up straight in her seat, Charlotte looked out of the car window with clear hesitation. Not a town in sight.
“Excuse me,” she mumbled, “are you  sure  this is the correct address?” “Yes lady,” the cab driver nodded as he collected the fare, “your address there!”
Stepping out of the car, the effect of the scenery suddenly caught up with her. And in full force. Charlotte was clueless where the sea was, but felt the iodine hit her lungs immediately. The air was cold, a lot cooler than in Malmö. She’d heard a thing or two about the polar air, but never expected to experience it in the summertime. The heatwave wasn’t hitting Sweden as hard as Germany obviously.
Uncertain on where she was exactly heading, Charlotte took a deep breath before walking up the pebble stone path that stretched out in front of her, hobbling her suitcase along before trotting up the steps to the airbnb home she’d apparently rented. Well Tom’s publicist had rented it in her name.
The lights inside the cottage were on, much to her delight. That would mean the house would be warm, that she would have local company and possibly,  hopefully even some food available. A bonus in every way. For lack of a doorbell, she knocked on the wooden door with curious courage. 
2. London
The company went over their cues, the lighting, and the sound check. They paraded around the premises one last time before the moment of truth. The pace of his heart doubled its rhythm when Tom laid eyes on all the spectators some 2 hours later. Whoever said that stage fright lessened with experience was an absolute liar, he mused. Because he fell victim to it. Every single time. Again and again. This nervous flutter in his chest that kept him on his toes and would launch him into giving everything he’s got - and even more than that - for the sake of giving the audience their money’s worth.
But after performing that first line his rapidly beating heart would, without fault, slow down to a more serene pace and Tom could sink and drown into his character. It felt like returning ‘home’, to your old and usual ways from where one could just pick up and carry on...
It was difficult to explain, but the stage really did feel like home on occasions. Where the always unique energy of the audience welcomed you, spurred you on, sometimes even lifting you through the happy scenes as well as the emotional ones. . And on nights like these, where he would be on stage for a dramatic reading without any costumed acting he revelled in said experience even more. You would think it would come of as easy, but really it wasn’t. Performing a dramatic reading without acting off props or each other; it was a challenge. But a welcome one.
Tom could see one of his female colleagues swallow and close her eyes in trepidation. Oh, he’d been there before all right. Tom rewarded the young, blonde woman with an encouraging smile and softly reassured her she would be fine right before they were introduced and called up on stage, ready to be thrown before the lions so to speak.0
Her name was Sarah but went by ‘Sadie’. The director had dubbed her a rising star;  “watch out for this one” . She’d just shrugged, smiled and waved it off.
Over rehearsals the two of them had quickly fallen into a comfortable routine. Sadie was very likable, very ambitious and very attractive.  Let’s be honest here and call it what it is. With her long straight flaxen hair and her intense blue eyes, she could have walked straight out of a movie set. Surely it wouldn’t be long until she would be discovered on a larger scale.
She was a good actress, hard working. Though still somewhat green behind her ears, she dìd know - and very well - how the theatre world worked, yet severely underestimated the power of press and social media.Tom thought she was wonderfully naïve. She had boundless energy and went for things headfirst. She reminded him a lot about his younger self. And he was keen to help her on her way whenever she turned towards him for advice.
Their relation was casual and familiar. Their conversation always interesting. They just connected very well. They were on the same page, somewhat. Both understanding the demands of in-depth preparation for a role, of boundless reading, endless rehearsing and early nights in, the need to take care of your body to keep up with the long run of plays without falling ill... There were no words needed on the subject. So nice. And something could be there, Tom had pondered recently. However she was an untamed young horse, eager to experience and to travel, not nearly ready to settle down.
“You did good,” he mouthed to Sadie after her first reading that night, discreetly showing her a thumbs up. Delight twinkled in her eyes.  
In fact the entire performance went well; the audience was mesmerised and enthusiastic. Tom enjoyed performing at the Emmanuel Centre, where he’d just pleaded the case of Dickens vs Tolstoy. It was an intelligent debate, where the authors spoke for themselves through excerpts actors read. It was a trip down literature history. A road in which he gladly delved. It triggered deep thoughts and founded philosophical debate. It was a project he could sink his teeth into, an opportunity he could not refuse…
3. Ystad - London
After the last curtain call Tom headed back to his dressing room. Well, walking on air would have been a more accurate expression seeing he was simply floating on the roaring applause of the audience that still echoed slightly into the hallways backstage.
A good night, definitely a good night .
He cupped his hands under the stream of cold water, before splashing the cool droplets onto his face. Although adrenaline did its part, Tom could feel exhaustion lingering in the background. Yes, he was tired but so very satisfied. And to be honest, quite happy as well that tonight would be a night where he could let go of all worldly stress. It was time for fun and relaxation, for drinks and laughter. A night for offering thanks and bidding goodbyes. But perhaps one goodbye would not be in the works, maybe not yet…
The ringtone on his smartphone broke his trail of thoughts and abruptly brought him back to the present. Towel in hands, he detected it was in fact an incoming facetime-request. And one he certainly did not want to miss.
As soon as he’d accepted the incoming call, Tom was delighted to see a familiar coastal scenery pass before his eyes again. Charlotte’s happy-go-lucky face suddenly came into frame. She looked better than he’d remembered, although quite tired. A sting to his heart.  
“Oh, I hope I am not interrupting anything, but would you just look at that?!” Charlotte exclaimed as she twirled around a deserted and heavenly looking beach some 800 miles away from him. “I’m sorry. But I just hàd to show you. There are no suitable words for this…”
Tom was grinning without realizing it and chuckled when nothing more than words of praise continued to fall from her lips. She seemed so happy, nowhere near the broken little girl he’d calmed to sleep a few nights before.
“Best. Tourguide. Ever!” she concluded, “let me know when you quit your day job.”
“I am thrilled that you’re happy,” Tom confessed truthfully.
“I am beyond happy I think,” she chuckled before gushing, “Tom, it’s just - só beautiful here.”
Tom wearily sank down into a nearby chair. She had never said his name out loud before. She sounded so relaxed.
“If you think this is nice, you should see it in the winter...”
Charlotte fell silent, no more than a sigh tumbled from her mouth and then a small chuckle as she joked “I half expect Jussi to come running up,” referencing Henning Mankell’s Wallander and Tom lips curved themselves into an understanding smile before he noted the scenery blurred suddenly.
“Charlotte?” he frowned with a laugh, “Charlotte? Are you alright?”
“Hang on, I’m trying to switch this to a regular call.”
“It’s all right though,” he protested, “am I not allowed to see you then?”
“No, you are, it’s just…,” more rummaging about before she resurfaced with a silly, “hey” and a lopsided smile.
“Hi,” a broad amused smile on his part.
“It seems a bit silly that I called you now,” Charlotte cast her eyes downward as she shook her head, “this face-to-face and all,”
“I disagree, I’m glad you did,” he confessed, “I’d been thinking about visiting Ystad again. Now that I’ve seen I feel remorseful I’m not there right now.”
“You look tired,” he remarked, “didn’t sleep well last night?”
“Well aren’t you charming,” Charlotte retorted lightening-fast before playfully turning the camera back to the seaside with a chuckle.
She confessed she’d slept like a rose after his call and humorously added she hoped she’d at least didn’t snore. Tom chortled at that and a assured her she hadn’t. Her 2 following days in Hamburg offered her a reasonable amount of sleep. Her moral was better and the pressure of the media had diminished, but she softly confessed to feeling so drained now; as if she could sleep days on end.
“Nowhere better to do just that, than in Ystad,” Tom reassured her, “enjoy it to the fullest.”
“Thank you though, for that night,” Charlotte looked towards her feet once more and scrunched her nose. “For your concern, your patience.”
A slight sigh, she seemed so fragile and lonely again all of a sudden, “I erm - I tend to keep my vulnerable self firmly under wraps, you know…”
“That’s quite all right Charlotte,” he soothed, “I know how gruelling the press can get.”
“It meant a lot to me,” her stomach twisted into a tight little knot, “just wanted to say that. ”
For a second he wished he was right there with her, on that beach, where the sun was quickly making way for the moon and stars. Just to be away from it all. Just for a little while.
Tom contemplated his crazy thoughts, before declaring the obvious “I can hear the surf...”
Looking back up to the screen, Charlotte’s eyes measured his jaded form, his tousled hair, his slouch. She suggested that perhaps she just ought to stay quiet and let him enjoy that for a while. Tom let out a humm of approval.  
“Are yòu alright?” Charlotte frowned concerned.  
“Yeah, just…. tired,” he laughed at his own expense.
“Ah, the mystery blonde keeping you up, is she?” she jested to which he could only smirk, “now, now, I’m only slowly coming back to earth after a whirlwind of 5 to 6 years.”
“Are you sure about that? Weren’t you performing somewhere tonight?” came the critical but good hearted response.
“You remembered that?”
“Hiatus usually means doing nothing professionally for a period of time,” she continued, “safe to say you’re not good at it.”
“It had my name all over it,” he shrugged, “I couldn’t refuse.”
Charlotte slanted her head to the side, a small smile creeping across her lips, “something tells me there’s a lot going on behind that solid surface you’re presenting the world with.”
“Oh shush,” he chuckled.
Charlotte only suited action to her words, and on his smartphone he saw a beautiful crescent moon rising over a semi-restless sea. The sun was setting quickly. He imagined stars coming out soon. He imagined himself walking on the pebbled beach, with a sea-crazed Bobby running to and from him, momentarily side-tracking towards the water for a silly splash. He shouldn’t postpone these trips anymore he figured.
“I’m envious of you right now,” he breathed, allowing his gloomy side to break through his façade.  
Charlotte kept silent, taking some time to reflect and try her best in remembering the exact words of an old poem her granddad had once taught her.  
Timeless sea breezes,   that for aeons have   blown ancient rocks,   you are purest space   coming from afar…
Tom smiled as he heard her recite Rainer Maria Rilke. Yes, a trip to Ystad was long overdue.
A knock on Tom’s dressing room door snapped the both of them out of their respective daydreams. He apologised and explained his latest project had indeed just wrapped up that night and that the entire company was heading out for drinks in a bit.
Quick on her feet, Charlotte added that in that case she really shouldn’t keep him longer. She wished him a great night out and added the hope that he would start to enjoy his downtime from now on. She even made him promise, to which Tom could only laugh when he’d set eyes on her funny stern expression. “Sure, Miss Charlotte.”
“Good,” she winked.
Tom sat staring at the screen of his smartphone as it turned black.
Another knock in his door. Sadie poked her head inside, she was beaming from ear to ear, “c’mon Tomcat, are you ready?”
“Yes! Right!” he slapped his hands on his thighs, “I’ll be right out darling.”
4. London continued
Sadie was charming, endearing and absolutely gorgeous. Tom gladly rose to his feet to present her with his arm and escorting her back to the group. They all clinked glasses together that night before happily chatting on about the piece, the past, the present and the future. Before long he was caught up in an entertaining conversation with the lovely Sadie.
They talked about their future careers that night and while she revelled about stardom and could not wait for her big break to come, he felt deep down in his heart he quite enjoyed his downtime and treasured his privacy so much more than before.
Over the past fortnight tabloids had surfaced with photographs of the both of them strolling around the city. Take-away coffee cups in hand, her face beaming with pure joy while he apparently explained something. Tabloids ate it up: ‘Tom Hiddleston in love with mystery blonde!’. While the next day a different picture – from the same walk – would surface where he had a more solemn expression. Consequently headlines dubbed ‘Trouble in paradise’ as tabloids made up stories about absolutely fictional hiccups with family and management.
Tom would have been lying if he’d said he didn’t contemplate on Sadie as being a potential love interest. His heart was open, his mind curious for new possibilities.
He enjoyed the fact she carelessly linked her arm through his before heading outside. She did not seem to take notice of paparazzi or photographers.
Or did she?
The simple fact that she would be associated with him  did create publicity towards her name. Publicity that was welcome for an aspiring actress, which he was very understanding towards. But the fact she kept on connecting with him…. was that for PR benefits or her own romantic benefit? Tom hated how this had turned into a question that haunted his mind, but reality had thought him a hard lesson or two in that department.
Sadie smiled and giggled and twirled faux curls around her index finger while she talked about modern dance and contemporary music. She awed over the fact that Tom had been all over ‘the world’ and seemed anxious to do so as well.
On paper she was perfect, on his arm however… something was missing. He could not put his finger on it, but he felt it nevertheless. With Emma's critical comments in mind, Tom considered whether or not he might have been overreacting. He was well aware he did need to open up or loosen up if he wanted to give anything or anyone a fair chance. However that was easier said than done. True, his mindset was open, he was sociable, interacting, but also to a certain degree. Just up until a specific point and then no more.
When the shared cab pulled up in front of her flat, he saw no reason not to take her up on her offer for another drink in the privacy of her home. She lived in a small yet cosy flat that overlooked Finsbury Park. A side table displayed a stack of magazines consisting of Hello!, OK!, People and Cosmopolitan as well as a range of programs for the local Theatres this season.
Tom took a seat on the small IKEA sofa while she poured them a couple of drinks. The apartment was clearly decorated on a limited budget, but very nicely so. When she suggested Tom to put on some music, he gladly accepted the challenge, he was more than eager to busy himself. However it did prove to be a bit of a challenge as Tom had no desire (nor patience) to Bluetooth connect to whatever internet playlist and Sadie’s CD-collection was quite limited. This was clearly a girl of the iTunes-era; he joked to himself. He rummaged around in search of a decent CD, when his eyes fell on the tabloid thrown on the floor next to the sofa. His eyes came across a certain familiar name in print ‘Charlotte Daniël, who is she and why you want to dress like her.’
Tom smiled to himself as he scanned the narrative that applauded her stylish summer outfits. He couldn’t blame the journalist at hand, she looked wonderful in the snapshots they’d published. At which point Sadie returned with 2 chilled glasses of gin-tonic, a dazzling smile and the promise of a lovely evening.
Don’t fight this Tom. Sadie’s lovely
Nevertheless, an hour later he already found himself on the threshold, saying goodbye.
Sadie smiled kindly and thanked him for a lovely evening and a wonderful collaboration. He good heartedly enveloped the delicate blonde into an amicable hug. And as they hugged, they lingered. The both of them. Lasting perhaps a bit longer than one should. Tom did wonder how her lips might feel on his. It would only take a little tilt of his head to find out, but he found he couldn’t or wouldn’t. It didn’t feel right. He apologised to Sadie for ending the night prematurely, blamed the fatigue and was on his way.
She’s lovely, but not for me…
And so he walked home in the sultry night, deep in thoughts.
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surprisinglives · 7 years
Literature Versus Traffic In Toronto
Literature Versus Traffic In Toronto
Literature vs. Traffic was invited to Toronto to carry out their, And the Transformation Reveals program by Nuit Blanche Toronto 2016  and commissioned by Camille Hong Xin. The group had previously visited a few other international cities from around the world. Some illegally, others with permits. Toronto was selected as a good choice because of its traffic problems. Their message from five years…
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hannacowan2 · 2 years
The Endless Possibilities Of Muscle Building Workouts
Baldurs Gate ii Enhanced Edition V2 5 Plaza torrent will are looking for a playhouse which can be sturdy. One where the kids can all congregate in the backyard and play for days without getting cause harm to. Before you choose one, be sure to check out the Little Tikes Endless Adventures Tikes Town Playhouse! Baldurs Gate ii Enhanced Edition V2 5 Plaza Codex read articles, blog posts, watch videos and get information on the topics your target publication rack interested for. The frustrated network marketer that merely can't look as if have financial well-being.They can't seem create leads, drive traffic or even build their business adequately. You consume every piece of content on these topics and need to just do it in and sit attached to it. You apply what you read view. It is certainly true that tankless water heaters, technically speaking, are more efficient than most tank type water heaters, even if your manufacturers' claims might be a little confident. Their higher efficiency comes from not to be able to use any energy keeping a tank full of stored water hot. That might seem additional medications . it a no-brainer your tankless help save you money on energy living expenses. In spite of this, some trying to grow actually reported higher gas bills after installing a tankless. Set the autoresponder messages with free give away reports reely trainings. Remember you have to have project yourself as an innovator and an individual adding value to the community. This collection, which now includes a white mophead called 'Blushing Bride', started with at least one plant - endless Summer The Earliest. This plant has shown over recent years to get an exceptional addition to any garden. Can be used as Baldurs Gate ii Enhanced Edition V2 5 Plaza torrent in a perennial bed, or supply be great addition the shady spot under a tree. This variety of hydrangea could be pink or blue depending upon what form of soil an individual them planted in. In order to get them to bloom blue the soil must be aluminum-based by using a pH just a few.0. For a pink color, the soil must be non-aluminum, neutral, or alkaline. It's relatively easy to perform the math. Just figure one or two.5 gallons per minute for each shower head and 1 gallon each per special spray. Look at the literature for your brand heater you will be looking at and find out the output in gallons every minute (GPM) at the temperature rise you have to. A 60 degree rise enshrouds most situations, find out of the winter cold water climatic conditions. Make sure you will have plenty of flow volume to meet your needs from one unit. Not really you will need two. These figures are pretty close for tubs and showers less than 10 years old, if your's are older can easily good idea to measure how much water they are putting finally out. Just use a bucket or a watch along with a second manually. This is a fairly much hands off means of finding targeted hot endless MLM customers. Once your campaign is in action you can spend much of time on a consistent or weekly basis monitoring the actual cost versus profits will be generating.
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Pet Finds Her Paired” On The Street And Also Creates Mommy Take Him Home.
The United States remains to hang back other nations when it concerns gains in life span, and often presented sources for our unsatisfactory efficiency -- being overweight, cigarette smoking, website traffic fatalities, and also murder -- are actually certainly not to blame, depending on to a Commonwealth Fund-supported research posted today as a Wellness Issues Web First. Nations featured in this particular initial request of the Medical Traveling Index were actually stemmed from magazines and also other papers where the country promoted on its own as a health care traveling destination (with a cabinet amount ministry or a credible organization) or which were recognized in the literature by various other authors.
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Finland placed well across all red flags - income, social help, healthy and balanced expectation of life, unselfishness, rely on as well as freedom - in the United Nations report, which rated 156 countries on happiness degrees using data from Gallup Planet Survey Polls coming from 2015 to 2017. The Excellent Lakes of The United States contains linking freshwater lakes bordering Canada and also the United States. The battle of Iraq is actually very most defaming and outrageous due to the fact that every time because of horror initiative assault, uncounted folks are being actually eliminated irrespective of high or low. While China eventually made their "Great Leap Forward" in to industry, as a result of this system, around forty five thousand folks deprived to fatality.1 Naturally, such an oversight could possibly not be ignored, so communist innovators took the reins of China off of Mao as well as put him in a political break. The 'Chinese as well as international Cross Country Ski Poles Field, 2011-2021 Market Research Record' is actually a detailed and also methodical study of the here and now condition of the international Cross Country Ski Poles market along with the past fads and efficiency of the market with exclusive attention given to the Mandarin market. The time frame of analysis was 2011-2017 and, for the function of the study, enquiry information were collected for a listing of 6 nations: China, UNITED STATES, Germany, Asia, France and also South Korea. 3 folks have perished of swine influenza in Armenia given that the beginning of the year, the nation's wellness ministry said Monday, after a break out in adjoining Iran left much more than one hundred lifeless. Congo's federal government on Tuesday proclaimed a brand new episode of Ebola in the nation's rural northwest, after two scenarios of the deadly virus were actually verified in Bikoro. As the lyrics in Montgomery Aristocracy's tune state, 'against all chances, versus the surface, affection locates a technique, some individuals transform'. On 29 August 2016 he got the National Conventional C And W Association 2016 Life-time Accomplishment Award at the 41st Yearly Old Time C And W Celebration in LeMars, Iowa. Initially, it must be actually pointed out that the THE Planet Educational Institution Rankings are actually not a really good step of educational institution premium. The Brazilian Ministry of Sporting activity at first estimated the Olympics would certainly bring more than $30 billion in foreign financial investment as well as financial effect in to the country, however financial experts have actually contested the thought that the video games supply significant economic benefits to bunch metropolitan areas and nations. Our company believe that between 2011 and also 2016-2018 will be referred to as the roaring adolescents time period for the monetary markets (specifically the UNITED STATE markets), and also hence for the globe's primary economic situations, and that many people will ignore the reality that booms regularly finish in seizures, especially when the foundation of the healing is improved unsustainable economical plans. For whatever explanation, many countries worldwide are actually unable of creating internationally realized celebrity musicians. In 1913 complying with dialogues, International Female's Time was actually transferred to 8 March and today has stayed the international date for International Women's Day ever since. Hospital need to have to know that deterrence is actually a center task, not an optional additional to be carried out if information enable," he points out. It's much coming from the very first time Amazon's storage facility employees presented a demonstration: distribution center staff members in Germany as well as Italy also walked out on Dark Friday last year over pay concerns and also workplace health hazards.
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noragoldengaze · 2 years
Daily Affirmation: What I craft is of value.
Today’s Lesson: Some masks need not be made of wood.
Tomorrow I will be better by: making preparations.
The last few days have been uneventful. The bar has seen some traffic, some residential and a few from the city. Word is spreading about a little place to drink and peace and I enjoy the faces that type of advertisement brings. My fingers are sore from using them in ways I haven’t in years, but I’ve found some peace in the re-education. Toughening up my finger pads can never go wrong. It helps me think as well.
It’s always a discussion of intention versus perception when it comes to hurt feelings and heated words. I believe Kedha to have the good intention of gathering information in the meeting last night, but when some topics are fresh wounds and long traveled roads, it all became a muddy mess. I am not proud of the fact I excused myself from the meeting, but the real discussion that needs to happen needs to be with those four and hashed out over drink and food. I wonder how long pride will stand in the way of progress? It is clear they all possess a great deal of it and asking one to bend to the other is a futile effort. But making friends with everyone is my responsibility, not theirs.
The repeated concept that no one can keep a secret or reserve information hasn’t sunk in. Even with Isone’s heart blood still fresh on her hands, everyone assumes that it will not happen again and continue to let secrets sleep through their hands like water through a cheesecloth. And until it does, lips will remain pressed together on many things. I was able to uncover the majority of mysteries within this company in a handful of days. People love to talk and they want to be seen as knowledgeable and important. But is it worth the risk of putting their peers in danger? I don’t have a solution other than to keep my mouth shut as I was ordered to. What good would it do for me to offer advice to deaf ears, anyway? From my observation, many seem to feel they know what the best course of action is when they only see a fraction of the picture. If they knew what I knew, what choices would they make?
But given what I do know is why I reached out to them: Renvor and Tive.
Renvor is already here and comfortable. He’ll be a river of calm among the torrent of sharp words and a steadfast warrior in the field. I wonder if he will lean towards the Swords and Shadows and offer Wolf a silent reassurance as she continues progressing forward. He’s never been one for wordsmithing and exploring literature, but we will see. The one time I tried to speak of the arts with him, he stared at me until I changed the subject.
Tive never received my letter and it was an act of serendipity that we ran into each other in Ul’dah. The fact I was studying to be a physician horrified him, but it took a bottle of wine and some conversation for him to consider extending his services to the company. He’ll be hiding his face this time around to keep the amount of trouble he experiences to a minimum. Do all doctors worry about a horde of aggressive suitors?
Seeing them both undid some tension in my chest. As if they represent the minuscule hope I hold of having a longer shelf-life than most spies. I won’t foster it too much. Better to stick with my current assumption than to cling to a transparent dream.
My goal going forward is to reestablish connections with the street neighborhood. It’s been months since I spoke with the Queen and anything could have happened. Something for the Kisses and I to do. Maybe I can drag a few medics to go with me and assist. There is still work that needs to be done there, but I cannot only have that thread to tug. The Gold Saucer may need to be reviewed again.
I hope he is doing well. He’s locked himself away and kept his distance from the majority of us.
Next Steps
Send the Kisses to Ul’dah
Assemble team for Operation Frills.
Help Tive find a residence.
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
Psychology and Law, Ch 4: Psychology of Police, pt. 6
Police-Community Relations
Police officers are justified in feeling that they live in a "fishbowl." Their performance is constantly being reviewed by the courts and evaluated by the public. Several amendments to the U.S. Constitution impose limits on law enforcement officers; such limits are part of the first Ten Amendments, known as the Bill of Rights.
The Fourth Amendment protects citizens against unreasonable search and seizure of persons or property.
The Fifth Amendment provides guarantees for persons accused of a crime. For example, no person "shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."
Limits on police activities are frequently re-evaluated on the basis of current court interpretations of these amendments. These amendments also have implications for police procedures. Protection against "cruel and unusual punishment" is provided under the Eighth Amendment, and the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees all citizens "due process." These amendments also govern and constrain several police activities.
Historically, the interrogation practices used by the police to elicit confessions from suspects have been a major focus of concern. A review of the risk factors for inducing inaccurate confessions has been provided using a summary of the available literature (Kassin, Drizin, Grisso, Gudjonsson, Leo & Redlich, 2009). Such risk factors include:
physical custody and isolation
the presentation of false evidence
offense minimization and "unspoken promises"
developmental immaturity
cognitive and intellectual disabilities
some personality disorders
To the extent that such situational and dispositional factors are often present in police interrogations, there is a greater likelihood of false confessions, and the conviction of innocent defendants.
A second police technique that has caused widespread concern is racial profiling, the practice of making traffic or pedestrian stops involving a larger percentage of minority individuals. The public outcry over its potential for abuse has led several states to abandon it. Termed "driving while black," or "stop-and-frisk," this policy creates major concerns regarding equal protection under the law for citizen of all races and ethnic groups.
In New York City, extensive data have been gathered under stop-and-frisk policies. Police are required to submit a form with basic information about who was stopped and what was found. Between 2002 and 2015, there were a total of 5,150,122 tops of citizens, about half of whom were between ages 14-24 and about 90% of whom were Black or Hispanic. The percentage of these stops in which there was no arrest or further action was close to 90% across all years (New York ACLU, 2016).
The debate between public safety (over 500,000 of these stops resulted in the discovery of contraband and possibly arrest) versus individual rights (nearly 90% of these stops did not yield anything problematic, yet young people and minorities were clearly disproportionately subjected to stop-and-frisk) is clear in this example. But even for those who are convinced that the benefit to public safety outweighs the cost of millions of stops that yielded nothing illegal, it is easy to see how members of targeted communities would perceive this policy as discriminatory, and trust the police less as a result.
Another major concern of some community groups is excessive force or brutality by the police (Holmes & Smith, 2008). This is seen currently in the Black Lives Matter movement, which was influenced in its development by the fact that Black men are disproportionately subjected to force in police encounters, force which is often lethal.
How can we explain incidents in which officers have used excessive force? We begin with police officers who typically are strongly committed to maintaining the conventional order and to protecting society. We repeatedly put them into potentially dangerous situations; we arm them heavily; we urge them to be "tough on crime," and we train and authorize them to use appropriate force. The result of putting that type of person in these types of situations is not surprising: In some encounters, the police will use excessive force against citizens who are suspected of wrongdoing. In addition, police rationalizations for extreme force can be motivated by stereotypes, mistaken information, and the mutual mistrust that can develop between individuals from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
In recent decades, a number of attempts have been made to improve police relations with people in the community, especially in neighborhoods with large numbers of ethnic minorities. Over the years, the LAPD has changed from what was once referred to as an "occupation force of hardliners" into an organization that actively courts and wins support from its Black and Latine populations.
community-based policing: an approach in which police officers develop a proactive, problem-solving approach with active collaboration from local citizens who support the police in the effort to fight crime, promote safety, and enhance the overall quality of neighborhoods. This type of policing was designed to enhance the working relationship between the police and the public (Zhao, Lovrich & Thurman, 1999).
In most versions of community policing, there are more foot patrols by officers who stay in the same neighborhoods. As a result, community-based policing seeks to humanize police and citizens in one another's eyes and to broaden the roles that police play in a community. For example, Chicago's version of community policing contained six basic features (Lurigio & Skogan, 1994):
A neighborhood orientation, in which officers forge friendships with individual residents in a community, identify the "hot spots" for crime, and develop partnerships with community organizations for fighting crime.
Increased geographic responsibility, which means that officers regularly walk a given neighborhood "beat" and become highly visible, well-known experts about problems in that area.
A structured response to calls for police service, in which emergency calls are handled by a special response team, thereby permitting beat officers to stay available for routine calls and maintain a high-profile presence.
A proactive, problem-oriented approach, whereby more effort is devoted to crime prevention (e.g. closing down "trap houses," breaking up groups of "loitering" young people) than to responding to discrete disturbances or criminal activities.
Brokering more community resources for crime prevention, as police enlist the help of other city agencies to identify and respond to local community problems.
Analysis of crime problems, which enables officers to focus their attention on the highest risk areas by using computer technology to keep accurate track of crime patterns.
An evaluation of the first 10 years of this program indicated that both Black and white citizens reported a decrease in crime and fear of crime, although Latine citizens did not. All groups described increased policy favorability ratings, and Black citizens in particular perceived a decrease in social disorder and physical decay in their neighborhoods. However, after the early 2000s, Chicago invested fewer resources in community policing, took a harder line on crime following an increase in homicides (that followed six consecutive years of decreases), moved officers from community-based policing to street patrol, and held fewer meetings. The once-vibrant program now appears to be a shadow of what it once was (Rhee, 2016).
There are important lessons in the rise and fall of community-based policing in Chicago:
First, when properly funded and staffed, this program appeared to have a favorable impact on relations between police and the community and may have decreased both criminal activity and the fear of crime.
Second, there will be challenges to maintaining such a program. When there is an increase in crime, a change in political leadership, or a crisis, there is a temptation to shift resources from a program like this into harder-line crime control. This is often a short-term solution to a long-term problem; maintaining favorable relations between police and citizens will be important over a period of decades, even if it appears to be a lower priority in a crime-driven crisis.
Third, if communities succumb to the temptation to shift funding and other resources away from community policing, there will be a commensurate decrease in the program's vitality and effectiveness.
The experience with community-oriented policing in Chicago is a microcosm of the broader approach within the US: development and rapid growth in the 1990s, continued support up until around 2008, and diminishing resources after that. {note: possible correlation with Obama's election?}
Should this be considered a failed experiment, or does community policing have the potential to improve many of our current problems involving relationships between citizens and police? What is the evidence for its effectiveness? The results have been mixed.
There are several important considerations in whether community-based policing is effective, according to one review (Portland State University, 2011). It must be supported by funding and staffing - and a plan that includes accountability, decentralization, collaboration, and problem-solving (Connell, Miggans & McGloin, 2008). It should also include training of officers and administrators in community policing practices, incentives to officers for implementation, and encouragement to management to incorporate the philosophy of community policing (Chappell, 2008).
Technology should be used as effectively as possible. Community crime mapping can help police to identify and address problems (Hickman & Reaves, 2001). Data sharing partnerships can be facilitated by the gathering of such crime mapping and other data amenable to combination in a single database. Written agreements can help such data haring collaborations to work more smoothly (Boba, Weisburd & Meeker, 2009). The use of communications technology such as social media, websites, e-mail, and texting can ease the strain of communication through more traditional approaches such as 911 operators and police dispatchers.
Stakeholders must be considered in effective partnerships between police and the community. Participants should include businesses, schools, churches, city agencies, and individual community members, particularly consumers of justice-involved services (Payne & Button, 2009). Those forming and operating these partnerships should also ensure that there is appropriate representation from under-represented minority communities and that the program is publicized through various media and in different languages (Skogan, Steiner, DuBois, Gudell & Fagan, 2002).
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greatreviewreview · 3 years
Building efficiency begins with lighting design and controls in step with the space
At the surface level, lighting is the application of light to spaces and simply serves as a prerequisite for visualization. However, because our impression of a space happens via sight, commercial lighting not only becomes a necessity for vision but a medium for perception. This means the type of lighting fixtures selected, in what location they are installed, and at what light levels they are set can drastically impact people’s perception of a building and the work being done within it.
At this point in LED technology development, there is no shortage of literature on the many benefits of LED highbay light. Objectives of LED lighting increasing comfort in spaces, boosting morale, and reducing energy waste have been well documented and the evidence in favor of LED solutions over outdated fixture types is overwhelming. With the maturity of the LED market and reduction in product costs that aid in generating competitive return on investment (ROI), there is no argument against the investment. However, a successful LED lighting project lies at the intersection of design, product selection, and the fundamental client necessity for light in a space. The lighting designer/specifier or installer needs to clearly align the objectives and the value of each criterion considered for the space in collaboration with the facilities manager or building owner.
Designing solutions to fit the space
At the core of every lighting project is the solutions design. True to the title, LED panel light design is the process of delivering the necessary lighting to an area, but to better expatiate on the importance of the job, it is important to differentiate between the commodity of “light” versus the asset of “lighting.” Lighting is an investment that can be very advantageous to an organization and should be carefully considered. Every project starts with a conversation about necessity.
In order for the lighting to best support the client’s goals, project managers and designers need to know the organization, who will be using the space and their lighting needs, characteristics of the building, importance of energy efficiency and budget, restrictions based on geographical location, and much more. Based on what the owner wants to communicate through lighting, decisions on quantity of light, color quality, brightness, and direction can be determined.
The importance of an open dialogue between a building owner and the project manager cannot be stressed enough. Lighting designs cater to the building and work being done which in turn leads every project to a custom solution in terms of size, style, and programmatic requirements. In addition to discussion, it is beneficial for a facility to take advantage of audits in which experts can determine the heavier traffic areas of the building and select the fixture types that would be most advantageous. With proper identification of LED opportunities for retrofits and thoughtful coordination of the building systems, solutions can be designed with consideration to specific needs.
For example, spaces without access to natural sunlight, such as warehouses and mechanical shops, may place importance on implementing LEDs with color temperatures that mimic daylight and allow for circadian stimulus. Advantages like this — which can only be gained through the creation of custom LED design — are leveraged to create an environment that is more sustainable, flexible, and enhances the experience of inhabitants while still meeting safety and visibility requirements.
Product specification
Design works in concurrence with product selection, or specification. While considering the more human-centric aspects of lighting needs, it is also critical to assess the quality of the product, longevity, and controllability. Is there a chance the space may change over time? If so, how will the lighting demonstrate flexibility and ability to augment? To reiterate, deploying LED solutions is an investment, so it is important that the lighting fixtures both fit the logistical needs of the building and abide despite future changes. Incorporating these considerations into a lighting design will not hinder finding the perfect fit, either. Due to the advancement in LED technology, clients are able to select from a wide variety of LED products, but must make sure to prioritize the appropriate light levels for their building.
Ample lighting in an office space, for example, keeps employees alert and the higher visibility allows them to yield accurate results. If the space is underlit, it may have adverse effects on productivity, health, motivation, and even employee retention. Light levels that are too high prove to be just as bad and consume unnecessary energy. Successful lighting design and product selection takes efficiency into account to best make a building sustainable while maintaining an attractive ROI. This can be done by investing in LED light fixtures with higher lumens per watt that provide sufficient light while consuming less energy. For the slightly higher initial cost of efficient LED lighting, organizations can save significantly in the long run through decreased maintenance costs, lower utility bills, and utility incentive programs intended to help offset the initial installation cost of such solutions.
As established, lighting plays a critical role in how a space is perceived. However, lighting decisions can influence performance, mood, morale, safety, security, decisions, and actions as well. Lighting design and product selection allows for optimal lighting depending on the goal of the building and people within.
For example, fixtures with low color temperatures, which are considered warm and relaxing, may be specified for homes and restaurants where the goal is to feel at ease and there is generally no reason to be on high alert. The same fixtures would not be suitable for a commercial and industrial (C&I) environment since the effect from the lights would be counterproductive. Instead, the fixtures in C&I settings are often designed with high color temperatures that can increase awareness and energize. These spaces rely heavily on visibility in order to perform high-precision manufacturing tasks. LED flood light in spaces in which people are expected to concentrate for long periods of time, such as classrooms and offices, are typically designed to have a neutral color temperature so as not to be over- or under-stimulating.
When it comes to specifics like a warehouse facility or a laboratory, they differ quite a bit. There are many aspects of the two workspaces that contribute to the lighting choices. For example, the core differentiating features of a warehouse facility is overall building design, ceiling height, and loading capability. Warehouses are also the largest industrial real estate category, which sets it apart in terms of number of fixtures and light levels. To maximize space utilization, most warehouses employ rows of tall shelving, which results in narrow aisles that are challenging to light, with a "cavernous" effect. In designing a lighting solution, the top priority is visibility as it correlates to employee morale, productivity, and reduction in error, which in turn decreases cost.
While working with precision and delicate materials in a laboratory, visibility is paramount but for different tasks and in a completely different environment. Lighting for a laboratory would be designed to be extremely bright for the essential work as well as to contribute to the perception of cleanliness and making the space look sterile.
Even if two light sources have the same correlated color temperature, the color rendering index (CRI), which is used to describe how faithfully the light source renders the color of objects, may still differ. CRI is especially important when designing lighting for places such as grocery stores and other retail locations where the product appearance greatly influences the business. The same strong light in a retail store that favorably accentuates the merchandise and influences customers to purchase more may be fatiguing in an office space.
Controls are key to lighting success
Controls are paramount when discussing LED canopy light design and product selection. Lighting controls are integrated, programmable systems that allow fixtures to deliver the correct levels of light at the correct time to best maximize efficiency. They can practically be broken down into levels that allow options for managing lighting systems.
The first level can be described as relying on manual adjustment in which users can manage individual programmed occupancy sensors or non-programmable ceiling sensors. On this basic tier of controls, there is no ability to control lighting levels beyond a simple wall dimmer switch. Tier two allows for wireless integration directly from the fixture to a device. This level of controls can include sensors that have the capability to identify occupancy and vacancy of rooms and change levels based on select settings. In other words, unoccupied rooms will reduce light levels by a certain amount to conserve energy.
The second level of controls also allow for high-end trimming or output adjustment of lights. Since LED fixtures typically produce higher lumen output than the fixtures they replace, the fixture output can be raised to match the standard needs for the space. Along with this, the trim can account for the LED’s degradation over time and provide the originally desired light level. The low-end trim defines the lowest light level and ensures that the lights do not turn off when dimmed to the lowest capability. This is important for datacenter facilities, for example, as they contain rows of equipment that can obscure a person from motion sensor control. If the system goes into an unoccupied mode, the trim prevents all the lights from turning off and creating a safety hazard. The design may include that the trim be 10%, which would provide visibility even if the sensors are obscured and the lights are not at the optimal levels. Additionally, datacenters often control lighting by grouping fixtures and programming different sets based on various needs by using individual auxiliary sensors. This allows for control concurrency and can be regrouped depending on the layout of the space.
The highest level of controls includes all the benefits mentioned previously in the second level, with the added benefit of being integrated directly into the building management system. In other words, a building manager could potentially have its HVAC system respond in direct relation to the occupancy sensor used for the LED lighting system, which would provide much more granular control of the building’s total mechanical system. Depending on what is needed in the space, controls can be used as a powerful means to customize lighting further than initial product selection and installations.
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kathleenseiber · 3 years
New rule for teen drivers at night cut crashes and deaths
New research finds that a ban on new drivers carrying multiple passengers at night more than halved crashes, casualties, and deaths.
­In most countries, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers, with risky driving accounting for a large fraction of those deaths.
Many governments have implemented driving restrictions to reduce risks among teens, with varying degrees of success.
The new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper examines the effects of a ban on carrying multiple passengers between 11 PM and 4:59 AM for first-year drivers under the age of 21.
Tim Moore, an associate professor of economics at the Krannert School of Management and a Purdue University Research Center in Economics faculty affiliate, and coauthor Todd Morris of the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy estimate that the restriction reduced reported hospitalizations and fatalities by 58%, with 41 fewer hospitalizations, 98 fewer minor injuries, and 164 fewer crashes with property damage per 100,000 first-year drivers.
The ban, implemented in July 2007 in the Australian state of New South Wales, is shown to be as effective as harsher restrictions that tend to discourage teens from getting licenses and starting to drive.
“Delaying when teens can start driving also delays driving experience and the benefits of driving independently,” Moore says.
His study finds no evidence that the New South Wales restriction delays the development of driving skills, probably because it targets a very specific type of driving.
The ban also seems to have had persistent effects on driving behavior, unlike some other restrictions.
“We find significant reductions in nighttime multipassenger crashes in the second and third years of driving,” Moore says. “We see no differences beyond the third year, but by that time teens have become much safer drivers—their crash rates are one-fifth those of first-year drivers.”
Timing is important: The safety effects are more persistent among teens always subject to the restriction versus those who started driving before the restriction went into effect.
This paper adds to the literature on teen driving, which shows that while some restrictions reduce accidents, few lead to persistent behavioral changes. For example, speed-monitoring campaigns do not reduce accidents once they end, and ongoing cellphone texting bans decrease crashes for a month or two before returning to their original levels.
The findings by Moore and Morris suggest targeted policies that place limited restrictions on teens’ driving behavior, especially when implemented at the right time, can both improve safety and allow teens to develop driving skills.
Source: Purdue University
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