wortzentriert · 1 month
Das Bekenntnis
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pressmost · 1 year
Ardagger - Frühstücksnews - Dienstag, 11.4.2023
Sehr geehrte Gemeindebürgerin! Sehr geehrter Gemeindebürger! Es war ein langes Osterwochenende und umso länger ist die Berichtsliste heute. Gleich zu Beginn darf ich DANKE sagen an die Kirchenmusikerinnen und Kirchenmusiker, die viel geprobt und in allen 4 Pfarrverbandskirchen für feierlich umrahmte Gottesdienste gesorgt haben. Hier ein Videoausschnitt aus der Osternachtsandacht in…
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Dimanche de Gaudette (3ème dimanche de l’Avent). La couleur liturgique est le rose ! C’est la seule fois de l’année il me semble. Depuis mon réveil j’ai cet hymne que j’adore dans la tête…. Veni, Veni Emmanuel Veni, veni, Emmanuel captivum solve Israel, qui gemit in exsilio, privatus Dei Filio. Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel, nascetur pro te Israel! La version de Frère Alessandro, franciscain d’Assise est sublimissime 🤩🤩🤩 bon moi je continue de chantonner 😂 #gaudette #veniveniemmanuel #rose #liturgie #chretien https://www.instagram.com/p/CmCB4v9jIEI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seraphim-eternal · 8 months
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Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but just say the word and my soul shall be healed
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upennmanuscripts · 27 days
Ms. Oversize 33 is featured in the video loop for THE MOVEMENT OF BOOKS, an exhibit about all the ways that books move. Ms. Oversize 33 is notable because of its... wait for it... large size! It's a section (5 gatherings) from the middle of a choir psalter, in order for liturgical use. Originally the manuscript would have been held upright in front of a group of singers, so they could all read it at the same time. You can watch the whole loop on YouTube!
Ms. Oversize 33 🔗:
The Movement of Books Video Loop 🔗:
The Movement of Books exhibit information 🔗:
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queerprayers · 6 months
everyone talks about the first christmas after someone dies—and for good reason, especially because it's so big culturally. but can we talk about the first holy week/easter? because this is so much more present and conplicated.
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saint-ambrosef · 5 months
pouring one out for my protestant homies who have to endure church shopping. that shit sounds exhausting bro.
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opencommunion · 6 months
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Catholic Washing of the Feet ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Palestine, 28 March 2024.
"As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Easter, Palestinians in the land that birthed the religion are facing severe restrictions on entering Jerusalem’s Old City to mark the occasion. While at least 200 leaders from the occupied West Bank have been given permits to enter the area, their congregations are not being allowed access to participate in the services." (x)
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wortzentriert · 2 months
1993. The Liturgy and Discipleship – Dr. John Bombaro, 7/17/24 Issues, Etc. Duration: 57:58 Published: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 20:03:17 +0000 Episode: https://issuesetc.org/2024/07/17/1983-the-liturgy-and-discipleship-dr-john-bombaro-7-17-24/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=1983-the-liturgy-and-discipleship-dr-john-bombaro-7-17-24 Media: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/podcast.issuesetc.org/41880717243.mp3 Podcast: https://www.podcastrepublic.net/podcast/284220611 <p>Dr. John Bombaro of LCMS Eurasia Region</p> <p>The post <a href="https://issuesetc.org/2024/07/17/1993-the-liturgy-and-discipleship-dr-john-bombaro-7-17-24/">1993. The Liturgy and Discipleship – Dr... Subscribe to this podcast: https://issuesetc.org/feed/podcast/ ---- Sent from Podcast Republic 24.7.2 https://apps.apple.com/app/podcast-republic-podcast-app/id6443981281
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eelhound · 9 months
- my favorite piece of liturgy that my order of Zen Buddhism uses during memorial services.
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utilitycaster · 2 months
I put this in the tags of a post but I think one aspect of cultural Christianity that is the hardest to shake is that people raised Christian (and particularly Protestant), especially people who have since left, will interpret depictions of religion that are actually drawing on practices/imagery common across multiple world religions as specifically a reference to Christianity.
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pressmost · 2 years
Ardagger - Frühstücksnews - Mittwoch, 21.12.2022
Ardagger – Frühstücksnews – Mittwoch, 21.12.2022
Sehr geehrte Gemeindebürgerin! Sehr geehrter Gemeindebürger! Zum bevorstehenden Weihnachtsfest darf ich Dir heute bereits eine Vorschau auf die kirchlichen Angebote im Pfarrverband und in unseren Pfarren geben: Am Freitag, 2312.2022: um 8:00 Uhr: Weihnachtsgottesdienst in der Mittelschule um 11:15 Uhr: Weihnachtsgottesdienst in der Volksschule Am Hl. Abend – Samstag, 24.12.2022: um 15.00 Uhr:…
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todaysjewishholiday · 18 days
Elul Practices
Unlike with the high holy days, the shalosh regalim, or even the period of the Omer, there are no specific ritual mitzvot for the month of Elul. Instead, the entire month is oriented around the most fundamental biblical mitzvah: teshuvah, ie return. Return to our best selves, return to HaShem and the covenant, return to the care for each other that can heal the world.
But Judaism doesn’t leave us without resources to promote mindfulness of this work during Elul.
I. Shofar
Many Jewish communities begin weekday shacharit prayers with a shofar blast. This serves as a spiritual wake-up call, a reminder of the upcoming encounter of the Yamim Noraim. In the Torah the sound of a shofar blast proceeded from the cloud atop Mount Sinai at the making of the covenant between the newly liberated multitude and HaShem. Even before Rosh HaShana became the Jewish new year during the exile in Babylon, the first of Tishri was known as Yom T’ruah (Day of the Shofar Blast) or Zikhron T’ruah (the Memorial Shofar Blast). Because the watchman’s sounding of the shofar would also be used to call the community together in times of calamity or attack, the sounding of the shofar served to shake our forebears out of their routines and focus them in preparation for the Day of Atonement ten days later. The sounding of the shofar on each weekday in Elul brings this wake up call even earlier and invites us to set our lives in order.
II. Tehillim
Psalm 27 is also added to the morning and evening prayers during Elul. This change also reminds us of the spiritual focus of the month, with the poet’s appeal, “Hear, HaShem, when I cry aloud; show mercy to me and answer me. My heart tells me to seek your face. HaShem, I seek you.”
III. Selichot
Selichot (from the Hebrew word selichah meaning forgiveness) are special piyyutim written throughout the generations of Jewish history to aid in the spiritual work of teshuvah. In Sephardi communities, the custom is to hold a Selichot service every day beginning on the second of Elul, while in Ashkenazi communities Selichot services generally begin roughly a week before Rosh HaShana, with only four services. Whatever your minhag or personal practice, the selichot prayers can help direct the soul towards the repair that Elul invites us to seek.
IV. Other Practices
In the past half century, the Reform, Reconstructionist and Renewal movements have seen a flowering of new practices to guide teshuvah during Elul. Search the web and you’ll find Elul workbooks and meditations galore. Many Jewish communities across the spectrum also see Elul as a time for interpersonal reconciliation as well as soul-work and emphasize reaching out who we have harmed or offended in the past year to attempt to mend what we can. The work of tzedekah— our obligation to provide assistance to those in poverty from what resources we have— is also a crucial aspect of teshuvah that is explored in many Elul traditions.
Teshuvah is deeply personal, and it’s good to remember that no specific practice is obligatory. These are not mitzvot, they are tools we can draw on as we seek to fulfill the ultimate mitzvah of return to ourselves, our righteous vows, and our G-d.
While this work is deeply personal, I encourage you to counteract the overly individualist and isolating spirit of our times and remember that the heart of teshuvah is in relationship, and in recognizing the webs of reciprocity and community and obligation we’re woven into. Recognizing our collective connectedness is at the heart of the healing that we’re offered through the path of teshuvah, and we cannot repair ourselves in isolation. May your labors this month prove fruitful, whatever type of teshuvah you may choose to seek.
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k-wame · 11 months
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KYLE SOLLER as DI Alfred Hillinghead BODIES (NETFLIX) ‧ 2023 ‧ S1·EP3
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seraphim-eternal · 8 months
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Blessed are those who are called to the supper of the lamb
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upennmanuscripts · 8 months
Ms. Codex 1233 is a pretty amazing manuscript. Originally written in the early-to-mid 15th century, it was used continuously through the end of the 18th century. Written in Cologne and probably used by the canons in the Cologne Cathedral, this notated breviary (a liturgical book containing the canonical hours - daily prayers - with musical notation) includes notes and additions made up to 1794. It also includes splatters of candle wax and one page that got a little too close to a candle!
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